HomeMy WebLinkAbout19540614_ADJOURNED6/14/54 . . .. .. Asst. to Mgr., R.E. Olson, reported on the mateer of replacement of sidewalk on Brookside Avenue between Sf.48th and 'F.J.5Oth Streets, stating that last year's contractor is ready to go-to work on_.this at any time, IEndhorst gave his opinion that, unless actu&L scope of work in these two blocks vms published in the Notice of Public Hearing last year, it would be necessary to set up a new public hearing. decision as to date for Public Hearing, plans, specifications, etc, Final Plat of rrRe-Arrangm&nt of Sots 1,2,3 and 4, Block 5, Hornandale 2nd Addno," by COG,. Carlson, was presented for approval, Planning Commission having approved ~ at meeting of June 2nd. by Child and carried. 3Ir. Ifitchell presented Final Plat of "Boran's Edina Ridge", this having been conditionallyzpproved by the Planning,Commission on June 2. Child moved for approval of Final Plat. It was noted that there 1121s considerable business yet-to come before the Council, and that the hour was already late, June 21, 1954, at 7:30 P,N, adjourned at 12:OO $I., June 14. Village Attorney . IQtter left to Xessrs. Ifitchell and Olson for Bank moved for approval of Final Plat. Notion seconded Notion seconded by Danens and- carried. Child moved for adjournment to Eonday, Hotion se I.TIW= OF THB ADJOURNED PORTION OF THE JW L$TH-lIF!XTDJG .OF--THE @l$'J,d VTL"LAGE COUBjCI&. €@D. PIORDAY,. JF .a, 1954, AT -- - .- . - ,7:30 .F.>I. I Nembers answering Rollcall1 were .Bredesen, Child, Danins, Bank and Erickson, I-iinutes of June 2nd and l4th i4eetings were approved as submitted, by motion Child, seconded by Danens and carried, .Ib, Roy Hollander &d &%.. G.C. Peterson, architect, appiared to request issuance of building pernit to Evangelica Lutheran Church for a church building on *tRe;bPlat of Blocks 19 and 20, Nendelssohn Addition, now been approved. No formal action was taken, but-..Council infomed petitioners that permit cannot be given until frme building, now situated on this property, is removed. &ich preliminary plat has Mr. Kenneth Sundquist asked once again for Council action concerning the dedication by the School Board for a road abuttbg his property. motion that, &I view of I&. Sundquist's offer to contribute approximately $1,000 tonard screening shrubbery and his approval of plan to extend road twelve feet on the south, Village Attorney be directed to begin condemnation proceedings providing further negotiations are impossible, was seconded by Bank and carried. The following Plumbers! Liceises were issued, for the year ending April 1, 19&, * by motion Bank, seconded. by Child and carried: Bredesen's Fred H. 3iuraLt, 3549 Nicollet Ave. aoyle eC OlBrien Plumbing, Inc., 4553-34th Ave. So. Asst. Engr. Zikan reported on cornpla.int received concerning the lowering of the grade on W. 56th Sbreet, Nest of Nomandale--stating that grade had been lowered for the benefit of the orpers, in order that less fill trill be necessary after installation of curb and gutter, -by the Village for repair of yards be &nied and thzt petitioners be advised of, reason for denial, was seconded by Danens and carried. Council reviewed request for Street Light at corner of Blake Road and Idylwood, with Child moking for installation of same. Child's motion, that petition for remuneration I Eotion seconded by Ban? and carried. Wooddale PTA's compliment to the Council with regard to. acquisitzon of Library ins read.. Child's motion, that letter be placed on file and acknowledgment made, was seconded by Bank and carriedr Petition for %Slow-Childreni~ Sign on Kent Avenue was referred to Public Safety Committee for - investigation, by motion Bank, seconded by Danens and carried. Rinutss of Park Board.Heetings of Hay 6 and 20, and June 4, were submitted and ordered placed on file. The foUowjng applications for Sign Permits were approved by motion Bank, secondea by Child and carried, having been approved by Asst. to IGgr., R.E. Olson: * 6/&& $' &b 0;%m LoCATiOit - SIZE ADrnTISrn The Scow Company 4924 fiance Ave,So, (On Bldg,) 3IH1 The, S$oi.r. Company . Hove Coapany, kc, 3940 V.50th St. 5!x5' Hovels Customer Pkg. Xdba Development . Corp, Hy,$l69 & Olinger Rd, NE Cor. 41x6' The Spring Coo .. The matter of application for sign at '65% France he,, reading WcNellis Riding Stable,1t was then brought before the Council, Mk, Olson &ating that he had refused-to approve it because of the nuisance the horses are creating--that they are runnbg loose and are damaging neighboring properties. Bank's motion, that the 3fiiClJelli.s sign be delayed until ,fencing is had in accordance with Village . ordinances, was seconded by Child and carried. Ilk, Olson recommended that present fees for sign licenses be doubled, in order that signs could pay for adninistrative cpsts of enforcing sign ordinance. motion, that question of fees for signs be referred to Ordinances Committee, with regard to bringing such fees up to those of other surrounding comrmmities, was seconded by Danens and- carried, Petitions received Xr05iki-Hamy C, Hansen and Philip Bailey, for comections to ~Ta%emnain @nprovement No. 71 and assessment therefor, were reviewed, Xanager @tchell explained that approval. of petitions vrill increask the assessment district and thus reduce cost to all concerned, Hearing be held July l2. C'nildts motion, that petitions be accepted grad that Public Hearing thereon be held Nonday, July 12, was seconded by Danens and carried, Lager Ifitchell reported that Brown Derby Cafe has now complieil*M.th aU. ordinance regulations except for the cutting of .their booths-that venetian blind has been removed, new lighting installed, etc, No action taken, t I Bank's. # He reeorumended that Public Hr, Zikanls report concerning the proposed assessment to lk. Frey, in lieu of paymgnt for Storm Sewer Easement, was laid over to July 12, by motion Child, seconded by Danens and carried, Nanager 3litchell reported that the "mushroom cellar11 property has changed hands in the last two weeks; that the new owner has reported-that he vdll put up warning signs on front and rear of property and will knock down two wing vralls. Report accepted, No action taken, Discussion was had as to I&, E,C. Stow's offer to sell a '&-foot tract on South side of T.?,49& Street for 32,500. seconded. *by Bredesen and carried. 0. c Bank1.s motion, that the offer be declined, was Detaj-led written report by the Park Board, dated June l.4, 1954, entitled !'Re: Hornan Dale Parkr1 was discussed. at length. Child .moved that immediate steps ,be taken to acquire-Tracts #2, 3 and 4, at the prices listed and the terms offered as set forth by this report, E.Io.tion seconded by Bredesen and carried, Kayor Brickson left the meeting at this time, and Nayor Pro Ten Child presided m%il Nayor Erickson's return, as recorded below. Er, DOE. ThoAe, 3332 TL55th St., pleaded for immediate installation of a storm sewer in Beard Avenue from W,55kh St, to Dead End, to prevent' further trashouts of the type experienced in the week-end storm. He stated that the washout is a decided hazard, and requestedthat it be barricaded by &eel posts and steel cable, and that varning lanterns be set up at once. Bredesen movedthat Snow Fence or other protec-bive device be installed immediately around washout at 55th and Beard, and that Public Hearing on Storm Sewer be scheduled for IJonday, July 12, 1954, E,€otion seconded by Bank and. carried. l&, Thorne also requested that the stainray to the bridge over the creek be repaired, Xo action taken, . Ik, i70ehler1s request for an Ordinance to enforce sprinkling regulations vas referred to Ordinances Committee for investigation and report, by motion Danens, seconded by Bank and carried, Asst. to $Imager, ROE, Olson, reported on bids taken June a, for office I'urniture; sta%ing khat low bid for desks was that of Office Eqpiprnenk Company of St,Paul, for llSteel-Agelr Desks, He recommended that bid-be awarded to low bidder, B&ts motion, that cogtract for desks be awarded in accordance with 1&, Olson's recommendation, was seconded by Bredesen and carried, IIr, Olson then recommended awarding contract for stee2 tables to the same supplier 5.p order that tables might mtch desks. Bank so moved; motion seconded by Bredesen and carried, $102.50, on 601' Steno Desks being $126.00, and on 60!' tables being $68.50 each, Bid on 60" executive desks being - - I Nr, Olson recommended award of contract on custom+nade Council table to Libby and Libbey a% $50$.00. Bank so moved, 3Iotion secondedby Danens and carried. 6/21/54. - 209 Discussion vas had as to purchase of screens for New Village Hall, with &. Olson. reporting that the low bid he has received, per unit, is $11.25. Bank's motion, that contracb be awarded to low unit-cost bidder, and that number and placement' of screens be left to discretion of Messrs. tiitchell and Olson. Hotion-seconded by Danens and carried. Suggestion was =de by Public Works Committee Chairman for installation of white guard rail posts on Cascade Lane and Laura Avenue; that he and Street Commissioner Bonas will decide type and placement.. Nr. &itchell reported that Miss Docken has answered his request for a clean-up of the alley between her greenhouse.property and that of the cemetery-, but that she is much opposed to having this right-of-way opened for travel. He suggested that the Public Works Committee investigate this situation again on its next, trip around the Village., Public -f3orks Corhittee .recommended the sodding of the triangle and Kent Place and Tilamrick Place. Notion was made by Denens, seconded by Bredesen, and carried, that triangles be sodd-ed and that blacktop edge be placed around them to eliminate 0 washing. Public Works Committee's recommendation that contract for the Grading of Oxford Avenue between IJ. 51st and W. 52nd Street be delaied; that this street be used as a depository for any concrete or fil? t-o be dumped, in order that cost of fill might be saved, was approved by motion Danens, seconded by Bank and csrried. Public Works Committee's recommendation, that the County be advised that the Council does not wish to entkr .an agreement for the furnishing of oil to the County on V.7Oth Street, because it could establish a precedent for other road jobs where $he County and Village are involved, vias approved by motion Bredesen, seconded by Danens and carried. Public IJorks Committee asked that/matter of I@. Oscar Grant's petition for pem3.t to sell black dirt be deferred until a later meeting inasmuch as lek. Grant will be out of the Village for several weeks . decision on Public Safety Committee's recommendation for denial of petition for 4-way stop signs at 54th and France butthat school stop signs be placed on the lVorthwest and South- .) east corners in lieu of the 4-way stop signs, was approved, by motion Bank, seconded by Danens and carried. Chairman Bank read Public Safety Committee's June'2nd recommendations with regard to the request of %.Peter's Lutheran Church for .changes in school signs and other signs: A. - That the school stop signs be moved to the Northwest azld Southeast corners of 54th and France (see action taken above), the Church to furnish their own portable signs to be placed in fbnt of the Church during services. B. - That Police Captain NcGary pick out locations for two or three Watch Out fbr Children-Playground signs, one at the Southeast corner and the other two to be placed. at his discretion at or near Drew. Bank's motion that Cormnittee recommendation be. approved was seconded by Danens and carried. .c Commi'c;tee's recommendation against allowance of Cornunity Lutheran'Church's request for three directional signs was accepted by motion Bank, seconded by Dmens and carpi ed. Public Safety Committee recommended that two "T?atch Out for Childrent)(signs b.e installed, one near Hansen Road and one at Highway No. lOQ--with location to be selected by Police Captain IvIcGary. Motion accepting Committee' s recommendation was made by Bank, seconded by Danens and carried. Child's motion, sckieduling Public Hearindon petition for Ornamental Street Lights in Arden Avenue between W. 50th and If. 52nd Street, in accordance with Public Utilities recommendation of Ilay 2S3. was seconded by Bredesen and carried, Chairman Child/recommended that Council lay immediate plans for construction of a 5O0,OOO-gallon water tank in the Southdale area, and secure two or three sites for additional wells. No action taken. I@. Arthur A. Sehlin,6209 Crest Lane, objected to Council's June 14th action, issuing building permits for two Gmy-Alan prefabricated homes in .Valley View Heights. Explanation given for action, but no action taken. Insurance bids taken June l.4 were reviewed, low bidder being IJlutual General Agency. Bredesen's motion, that Council request that low bidder furnish financial statements of the companies with which they expect to urrite this insurance, was seconded by Danens and carried. I c* /. ' - ii ' July 26,1954, of Public Utilities Committee I 6/21/54 Uayor ErickFon returned at this tke and presided for the balance of the evening. Nessrs: Bredesei and B&"were appointed to'look into the matter of the Stow easenent for tJm49$ Street, and report back to the Councils It was reported that only one bid for the landscaping of the Hew ViUage Hal1 yard had been received--that of Halla Hursery in the total amount of $1,085.00. Bank's motion that the bid for landscaphg be awarded to Halla Nursery, and that the plan be checked with the Citizens Committee fqr changes before the work' is begun, was seconded by Bredesen and carried, The matter of the VjJlagets furnishing black dirt for the Leg2on HalJ yard was tabled pending investigation as to whether the Village r.zj13, have any black dirt left after Village Hall- plating, Uevietr $Imager Et &ell presented preliminary plat of Qice and StricMer's/Addition." this haoing received approval of the Pl-&&.ng Commission June 2. accepting .%akeView Ad?ition" as a preliminwy plat, vas seconded by Child and carried. -.. m Prelhinary Plat of Y3ubdivision of the Westerly 130 J?t.$jOO Ftm of kts 6, 7 &d 8, %Iendelssolxl Addition, Commission's June 2nd approvss, limin~ry pzat, was seconded by Danens and carried. It was noted that the Planning Commission was divided in its opinion of lk. Ben Parks' application for- permit to constmct double dwellings on Lots 2,3,4,5 and 6, Block.1, Golf Terrace Heights First Addition, Child's motion, that Public Hearing on petition be scheduled for Uonday, -July 26, vas seconded by Bank and carried. B&'s noti&, by TIilhoit, tqs presented, having received- Planning Child's motion that Counca approve 3s a pre- 5km 1-Etchell presented a map, showing proposed restrictive boundaries for gravel pit operations, these boundaries having been approved by the Planning Commission on June 2. be referred foVj.llage kttorney 2or proper ordinance, Rotion seconded by Danens and carried. Bank's motion, 'that propased restrictive area for. gravel pit operations IGnager Wtchell asked authorization to attend Armg- Camp between July 25 and August 8, -Authorization granted, by motion Bank, seconded by Bredesen and carried. Date for Open House for New Tiillage Hall. was established as Thuqday, JULY 22, 7:30 Pm1.1, to 9~30 P.N., by motion Child, seconded by Danens and carried. Ihager 3ittchek reviewed for %he Council the matter of the Stop and Go signals at IJillson Rorid and Highww lbm 100-State Highway Department having constructed tr;.o--signals. as per their plans; t at right angle in connection with signals is as are guard rail posts; that State Highway Department is paying half the cost of installation; that rJ'nen he (UP. Hitchell) .became mare that there. %[ere cornplaints on this installatiOD, he asked tilo Council Committees to meet with him at this location in order that they might be better informed to answer said conpfaints; that, at the site, joint connnittees recommended that black dirt be placed behind guard rail posts, to obliterate the old road, and that bank he cbt to improve sight distances; that it was Nka IEtcheU's hpression that xkk& this work was to have been done immediately and that .therefore, he instructed ?&a Harry Jonas to have it done immediately, confirming his verbal instructions br letter; that when it became apparant that nothing was being done by RCm Jonas' crew, I.%.. 1Etchel.l asked 3km Jobs why, and was told that Public Works Chahan . Danens had countermanded 1-k. 14ikchell1s orders. lka Danens explained that he had done so because he believes dirt vrill.tmsh out onto $he highway and create a hazard. Nayor Erickson advocated that oxd road be scarified before application of d5rt or sodm advising him that he is to follow I*km Nitchell's orders ex.plicitly. Xotion seconded by Bank and carried. Discussion vas had on possible advertisement for new street sweeper, but no action PELS taken. Public Safety Committee reported on letker from Police Captab EIcGmy, re-classi- $sing Officer Hilding DahL to llDetectivelf and setting forth the duties of the Dispatchers. as per the Highvray Departmentts/% Lf! %x?& ly as State Hight-w Department specified; - Child's mcrtion, that letter be addressed to Mkm Harry Jonas, ~ Letter orderea placed on file. Iknager ETi.tchell requested authority to hire a truck driver for the new dump truck being advertised for, be given to hire new truck driver, was seconded by Bredesen and carried. Bank's motion, that position be posted and authority 6/21/54 Il'ianager Mitchell asked to be given authority to re-classify Chainman John Olson. from "Temporarytt to rtPermanent*f classification, and to reimburse hin~ at $297.00 per month for such time as he works as an &spector. John Olson be given a classification of Permanent Chainman and that, if it is possible under the Ordinance, th&- he act as temporary inspector, at $297.00 Child's motion, that -per month, was seconded by Danens and carried: Asst, to Nanager, Olson, reported that something should now be done with the new Library building; that he believes the first things to be done are the remoml of existing thdows and installation of transom type, wiring, etc. Bank's motion, that Village Nmager be authorized to take separate bids for the different phases of this remodeling project as soon as specifications therefor are ready, was seconded by Child and carried. Xr, Mitchell reported on an invitation received from $fir. Justad of St.Louis Park, to an Ifopen house" for the Park's new garbage incinerator, Thursdqr, June 24, RssL Engr. Zikan reported $hat E&. Pfeiffer will grant a Sanitary Sewer easement across his property, from Halifax &an$ to Trunk Nain, providing he can cut the grade of hHalifax Lane two feet in one location, and use the dirt to fill his low lot; khat he Kl.1 also do the grading at his own expense; that the two proper%y owners i.rhose property abuts' the proposed cut have given their permission; that the Engineering Departsent approves because this cut td11 reduce the street grade, by Bredesen and carried. c - Child's motion, that VI. Pfeiffer's proposition be accepted, was seconded Public Utilities Chairman Child reported on a meeting held at his home with the Bedford Avenue residents concerning proposed tiatemain construction. Public Iforks Committee Chairman Danens advocated that the Village megotiat$ with I&-. Ralph Hays for continued purchase of gravel from the Hays hill, at about 18# - per yard; stating he is afraid that Hays KLl deal wTth others arrd the Village VLL~L be out; that this is the 6est grad6 of gravel'that can be obtained in th5s imiediate area, Bank! s motion, that I$essrs. Etchell and Danens +be authorized to see Nr. Hays as to. reserve gr4vel for Village, and to reporb .back to Council at next meeting, was secondedcby Bred6sen and carried. Discussion vas had as $0 calls by salesman, at the Village Garage, and at the Office. only. - Discussion was had, once aga+, as to Ih, Floyd'L'Higgins' request for aba-bemen-b of Sanitary Sevrer-ImprovTent No. 50 Assessmen-&*levied against that portion of his property now in the name of *the Tillage of Xdina, having been dedicated Uovember.23, 1953, for street pirposes (17.62nd Street) following Resolution and moved its adoptioh: I*, This, kouncilh hereby' detem-gs: that the ASsessment levied against the South 162 feet of the Nest 180 feet of the SEl/L+ of the SIL/4 of Section 19,- To~mship 28 North, Nnge 24 Hest, is incorrect inashuch as said assessmenbivas levied against 162 feet at $7.51. per front foot, whereas it should have been levied against 132 fee% at &.!SI- per front foot, TJOI'I, THSRGFOm, BE ITr RJSOLh bf the Village Council of the Village of Edina, Hennepin County, Ninnesota, that correction be made -in the- Special Assessment for Sanitary Setpr Improvement No. 50 in that an principal mount of $225.30, representing an over-assessment for 30 front feet at $7.51 per front foot, be abated, on that propeey described as the HodE 132 feet of the South 162 feet of the West 180 feet of the SE1/4 of the'Slfi/4 of Section .r 19, Township 28 North, - IIotion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Bank; and on Rollcall there It ivas consensus of opinion that "salesmen be interviewed by appointment - Child offered the + F RESOLUTION COBRZCTIIIJG ASSESS?*mi FOR SANITARY SEI;@& ~a~~om~~m MO.. 50 - Range 24 Vest. -- - were five ayes and no nays, as follow: Bank, aye; and Erickson, aye; and the R ATTEST : Nayor Village Clerk &. Wjndhorst s opinion, to- the effect that' Council need not advertise for dog catcher--this .coming under the classification of Vrof essional Servicesll--tTas reported. continued indefinitely, was seconded bi- Danens an& carried. $layor Erickson appointed ClqAc Bank, Trustee Bredesen, and llmager B.tchell to act as members of the Employees.' Addsorg Board until Januql, 195% Childts motion, that present contract yith Merrihill Kennels-be