HomeMy WebLinkAbout19540614_REGULAR612 & 6/14/54 There being no further business to come before the Neeting, Bank moved for adjourn- ment. Notion seconded by Bredesen and caxyied. '498 / Village Clerk KCNUTlfES OF THE REGULAR I*EXJ!ING OF THE EDTNA AT. 7~30 P.&, .AT TNE EDINA VILLAGE HAU - vmm COuNcn, HELD BfONilAY, JUNE a, 19m, -_ -- IXembers answering Rollcall were Child, Danens, Bank and Ericlrson. Child moved for approval of the Enutes of Keetings of Hay 19 and 24. Xotion seconded by Danens and carried. Clerk Bank submitted Affidavits of Publication for llAdvertisement for Bids-lhmrance,l' published in Edina-Xorningside Courier Ma~r 13 and 30; for '1Advertisement for Bids- - _- Office fi'urniture,*' published in Courier and Construction &uetj.n Hay 27 and Jun3 3; for llMertisement for Bid~-Landscaping,1~ published in Courier June 3 and 10; for llAdvertisement for Bids,Equipment Bulletin Xay 27 and June 3; and for %dvertisement for Bids-Police Car,'! published in Courier and Construction BUlletin,&y 27 and June 3, 1954, All. Affidavits were approved as to form and ordered placed on file; and the following sealed bids were accepted and, by $+on Bank, seconded by Child and carried, were referred to the Asst., Village Engineer for public opefring in the Village Eng~eert s Office: .I published in Courier and Construction , BIDS FOR INSW4CE: -L. O.D,,H?uschild, 'crr~* 3. TuthiU Insurance Agency 3. SOB. Hmond 4. Xutual General Agency 4. Holdahl-Colstad, Inc. 5. 1;T'irt TTilson et Company 5. Libbey and Libby Coo 6, zfavid Agency 7. Butts Agency 7. Schaub Office Supply Co. 8. Stow Company 8. Do-Hore Posture Chair Service BDS-FOR LANDSCAPIRG: (Uey V.Hall Yd, } 1.. KaLlaNwserg . BIDS FOR 0FFICE.FuRNlfPuRE: 1. .Jacobson TMure Exchwge, hc, '2. lfarsh & &Lmnan. I 2. Farnham Stationery & School Supply 6. Globe Office Furniture Company 9. NiUer-Davis Company cc 10. Lee Bo Office Supply Coo, kc. 11. Crane's Coho & College Stationery --- 12. FrankXr. George 13. U6dern Equipm&t Coo l.4. IIinnesota Supply Coo 2. Fred 11. Hedberg & Sons 3. Pfeiffer Const. Coo Ct 16. Office Equipment Coo _. 4. .FJnsigned Bid 17. Bertelson Brothers BIDS FOR POLICZ CAR: 2. Hartzell Rotor Co. 4. Anderson Chevrolet Company . 5. Qoirntor.111 Chemlet Company 7. L.dale Automotive Coo 6, Suburban Chevrolet Coo 8. Ed. Green Chevrolet Coo 15. P.T~i.Johnson school 6; Office Eqiip. 18. Dooley Supply Coo 19, Watson Eilfg.* Coo 1. ** Ualkerson Sales, kc, ------I--- 3. Grossman Chevrolet Company, Inc.-t '* Asst.. &gineers repo&ed-that because or" number and comp1e;dty of bids received it would be impossible to tabulate them for action at this meeting, and Bank moved for refenal of all bids to Vil,lage Engineer for tabulation and report at next regular -' - mee'cing. Xotion seconded by: Danens and c&ried. Affidavits were presented shoving publication in the Edina-Norningside Courier and in the Comercial Vest of notice of sale of $175,000 genera3. obligation Improvaent Bonds or" 1951$, First Series, sealed bids for which were directed by the Council to be opened and considered at this meeting, Said affidavits were examined, found satisfacto-ry and directed to be placeti on file in the office of the Clerk, and .upon motion duly made, seconded and carried the terms and provisions of said bond issue, as set-forth in said published notice of sale, were approved, ratified and confirmed. reported that three sealed b5ds had been received pursuant to said notice*prior to the timesof this meeting, vfdch were thereupon opened and publicly read and considered, and %he highest and best bid of each bidder was found to be as follows: The Clerk then Name and Address of Bidder 3.ianager of Bidding Accoun& Interest Rate or Rates Premium or 2070% @-43.75 Fest Natl.Bank,' Xpls. ) First NatLBank, St .Paul 1 TW Natl.Bank, 1.1~1~. 1 J.>I.Dain & Conipany 1 First Edina State Bank, %ma) 20 5O$. $491.25 Uson 'I.Tilliams Conpany ) Piper, Jaffray & Hopwood ) f American Natl. Bank,St .Paul) . Manheirner-Egan, Inc. ,St .Paul) 2.40,d $321.00 s 1 Clerk Bank then offeredthe following Resolution -and moved its adoption: RESOLUTXON APT;JARDING SAz;E OF - JMPRO~~~T BONDS, BE IT RIGSOLVED by the Cowcil of. the Village of Edina, Minnesota as 1. It-is hereby found and determined that notice has been duly f OllOYIS : .. -. Published of the sale of $115,000 general obligatioa Improvement Bonds of 1954, First; Series, to be dated,as of June 1, 1954, and all.bids received pursuant to such published notice have been duly exmined and considered, and the Mghest and best bid received forthe purchase of said bonds is hereby found and detemrined to be that of AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK, of ST. PAUL, WESmA, and associates named therein,.to.-purchase.said bonds at a price-of par and accrued interest plus a premium of $327.00, the bonds to bear interest at the rate of 2.40% per'mm, and the ayor and Village Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to make and enter into a contract on the part of the Village for the sale of said bonds to said bidder upon said terms. The bid security furnished by the purchaser of said bonds shall be retained by the Village Treasurer pending preparation and delivery of the bonds and receipt for the purchase price, and the cheeks of other bidders shall be forthwith returned to them. The Village Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to cause said bonds to be printed in accordance with a form to be prepared by the Village Attorney and approved by resolution of the Council at its nexk regular meeting, Xotion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Child, and on Rollcall 2. 3. E e; Danens, aye; Bank, Nanages Mitchell. reported at length on his investigation of the three contractors bidding on the Curb and Gutter Projects %18,20 and 2.4 as of May 24. He explained that he has received from MY. C;B. Carlson, low bidder, and also from L,J.McNulty, second low bidder, lists of the projects they have recent17 completed; - that C.A. Ccrdpon is the smaller of the two contractors, and can complete some 300 ft. per day, as against NcNult>'s promise of 700 ft. per day; that, while he is averse to stopping corzlpe%itive bidding he recommends award of bids to'either XcNulty or Victpr Carlson because of the time elemenvinvolired ahd the superior experience of these two corkractors, inasmuch as they are difficult projects insofar as the "short radiusr1 is concerned. I&. C.A. Carlson spoke in his om behalf, citing his long record of continuous business, and stating he his confident he can perform the &rk to the Village's full satisfaction providing he 'has the cooperation of the Pillage inspectors for the first two or three 3ays of work. &. Bank stated he believes that, with close inspection, contractor can be made to follovt speci- fications; and Child moved that bids for %18, B-20, and B-24 be awarded to low bidder, C.A. Carlson," at bid prices of $&,19540, $7,342.85, and $3,0&..00 respectively, +nd that Village Engineers give these projects their special attention. Notion seconded by Bank and carried. Clerk Bank submitted Affidavits of Publication in Edina-NbPningside Courier May 27 and June 3, 1954, and of Posting, tlNotice of Public Hewhgs on Peti$ions to Rezone," and, pursuant to- said Notice, the following. Public Hear*gs were held and action taken as recorded below: Development to "Automobile Parking District" . I!. Adams 1 attorney represented h~, setting forth the proposed use :of tbis property behind the Shell Station and presenting plan showing that drainage will be toward Halifq Avenue. There were . no Objections at +he Hearing, and no written objections had been presented prior thereto. Store District". building permit for a gasoline service station on County Road #l8, inasmuch as the County eqecbs to widen the road witliin the next two years. There were no objections at the Hewing, an$ no written objections had been presented prior 1. Petition of Victor H. and.Floren6e N. Adam for Rezoning from Open 2. Petition of k. Gross for the rezoning from Open Development to lfCommity &LTr, Gross reviewed for the Council his troubles in securing ' thereto, Child then offered the following Ordinance, moving that Council waive second reading and adopt Ordinance as'read: ORD?I'JANCE NO. 261-11 OF EDEjA .BY .EST&LISHING ADDITION& A~TONOBIXG PkRKmG. DISTRICT . AN ORDINANCE AT@NDI$G.THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE 7,XIUGE 5 I AND ADDITIONAL, C03gmDY STOF03 DISTRICT . , , . $0 0 THE lEiL4a CWIJCIL OF THE Kim OF EDINA, I4l3"E3WAy ORDgS: the reviked ordinances of the Village= of BEna, .as amended, is hereby further mended by adding at the end of paraeaph 1 of said Section 2, additional sub- paragraph, as follom: "The Southerly forty-eight (48) feet of the East Ninety-Six (96) feet of Lot One (1) , Block One (1) , ste evens First Addition, except the easterly five [5) feet thereof, conveyed to the Village of Edina for highmy purposes, Hennepin County, IEnne~ota.~~ Section 1. Section 2, Automobile Parking.District, of Ordinance- No. 261 of * section 2. Section 5, Codty Store District, of said Ordinance No, 261, as amended, is hereby further amended by adding at the end of aparagraph 1 of said Section 5 additional sub-paragraph, as follows: (bb) I1All. that part of Lot 2, Auditor's Subdivision No, 196 described as follows: Beginning at a point in a line parallel with and 134 feet East of the Vest line of said kt 2; said point being'intersected by a line running from a point on the West line of ;aid Lot 2 distant 221.6 feet 1torth of the Southwest corner thereof to a point on the South- easterly line of said Lot distant 225 feet Northeasterly of said Sou-khivest corner, thence Nohh along said parallel line a distance of 1% feet; thence Southeasterly to a point on the Southeasterly line of said ht distant 375 feet Northeasterly from the Southvest corner thereof; thence Southwesterly 1% feet; thence Northwesterly to the point of begjnriing ,If .. - Section 3. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its bassage and publication according to law. IJotion for adoption of the Ordinance as read there bere four ayes and no nays, as follows: Bank, and on Eollcall aye; Bm, aye; , aye; and the R"eo1ution was Clerk Bank presented Affidavit of Publication for "Notice of Hearing-Watermain Ipzprovmept, ff appearing in Edina-Nomingside Courier June 3 and 10, 1.954, which Affidavit was. approved as to form and ordered-place8 on file, Pursuant to said &&6e a Public Hewing vas conducted on proposed Construction of 12" Traternain in T?illi'bg Avenue between IT, 51st Street and lhterlachen Blvd, Uanager .HitcheU.'s Estimate of-Cost was 1;37,66.t3.00, for a 8.78 Trunk Charge to iill properties within the'-assessable trunk district, plus a 96.16. per Assessable Foot Lateral Charge for the 908.k assessable feet on ITilliam Avenue. At this time, &. Child reninded the Council that there is no petition for vratemain in WtJiam Avenue; that thjs Hearing has been initiated on Councilts otrn motzon; prihcipdly to give the people in the area a cost figure. Xotion seconded by Child and carried. I&. 7;Elliam J, Duggan, 50th and Bedford, spoke in support of petition for ?fatemain in Bedford Avenue between 11.51st and T1,~Oth Street, asking that the project be qeditkd. '1&, Dugg&, and sever21 oghers in the audience, cited various mrs being circulated around the neighborhood, stating that they wish to have the facts about water service. Qxford Avenue between TI.52nd and Interlachen; and Child moved for Public Hearing June 28, 1954, on the Oxford and Bedford Avenue petitions, Hotion. seconded by Bank and carried, neighbors, at some time before the Hearing, in order that they mi&t get their personal differences of opinion resolved. kontinuztion of &y 24 Hearing 06 pro6osed Grading and Gravelling of Griffit St. between Belmor? Lane and Spruce Road, at petitionerrs expense, was had, IEtchell. explained that he and Rjblic lrorks Committee had met on the ground with the property o7mers concerned in this project; that they v&sh Nr. Lampe, petitioner,' to provide a, ten-foot strip along roadway to the East; to make a "T-Turn at Spruce Place in order that maintenance equipment may turn there; to provide suitable wainage, vhich +valves the installation of drain tile and two culverts; and to guarantee not to fill his Lot 5 (at corner of Griffit and Belmore Lane) until such time as a sto& sewer-is installed; also to guarantee that there be no tree cutting on the Vest 20 feet of the roadvmy, provisions, and 'Village Attorney IJindhorst advocated an easement for Lot 5r permitting the dumping of storm water thereon. grated providing terms of field agreement,are met, was seconded by.Danens and carried. -or Erickson then called Continuation of ky 24.th Hearing on proposed Sanitary Ser.rer in "1.62nd Street fron Parnell hve. to. Shemrood. Ave. and in Ryan Lve. from W.62nd St. to 330 Ft, M. thereof. Ik, PEtchell once again reviewed the costs of this project; and Xr, Ettner once again spoke in favor of the sewer dovm Vdley I He moved that Public Hearing be continued indefinitely, -- - __ __ - _. One gentleman' spoke in favor of the petition for trater in .. Child then suggested an informal meeting of the Bedford Avenue t 1.k. Ifr, Lampe agreed to all these Child's motion, that Ifr, LFunpe1 s- request to 6/34/54 201. View Road rather than the way planned, in this manner to serve one subdivision in need of it; that deeds had not been received for the balance of one of the streets under consideration at the time of planning. I&. Bank's motion, directing the Village Engineer to prepare plans and specifications for the most practical and feasible method of Wing this improve- ment,*yas seconded by Child and carried. Public Hearing was next had on the Petition of N.O. Gaasedelen for permj.ssion to re-pzat Lots 1 and 2, Block 1, Golf Terrace Heights, into two lots of approxi- mately 90 feet each, facing Golf Terrace and Eake Harvey. Nessrs. J.B. Boulay and R. Whitten, 5504 E.Lakeview Dr., and 4812,Lake.yieus Dr., spoke in opposition -to this plan, stating that the lots around the-lake are-all considerably bigger than the lots proposed; that they and their neighbors protest the size of the lots rather than the construction of two dwellings. petitioner and owner that two houses can still be constructed on the two lots, that if said houses face south they t.siU back up to the one dwelling facing vacated Cherry Lane, and that the homes on the lake r.rill have the view of the side of one home. frontages on the lake. of this mztter on the grounds .and make report. at ne^. regular meeting, and that Hearing be continued to June 28, was seconded by Danens and carried. Clerk Bank then presented Affidavit of Publication for "Notice of Hearing on Petition to Vacate LUley,1* published in*.Edina-Eforningside Courier June 3 and 10, 1954, and ppsted on-Official Bulletin Boawds 'on June 3. Pursuant to said notice, lvrayor Erickson called Public Hearing, and Manager 1vIitcheI.l recommended alley' s vacation. had been filed prior to it. vacation. It was explained that the Sewer plded They were reminded by Opposition was adamant in its stand against .two small Child's motion, that Public Works Conrmirttee make study There were no objections at the.Hearing, and no mitten objections Child offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: There were several who asked that Council e,qed-ite RESOLUTION VACATTING AI;T;EY I BLOCK 10, fiJEST T~~0f;lCS HEIcdiTS ADDITION - F*,.a .majorit1 of the owners of .the -1and.abutting on tie alley hereinaf$er described in the V'lage of Edina, Hennepin County, Ninnesota, have petitioned for the vacation of said alley; and. I-, one (1) week's published notice and posted notice of hearing to be had on said petition on June ut, 1954, at 7:30 P.N., has been given and made, and a hearing has been had thereon by the Village Council; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT BOLm by the 'Village Council of the-Village of Edina, Heqnepin- .County,. Hinnesota, that .. That certain alley running in a northerly &d southerly direction and lying between the easterly line of Lots Fourteen (a) to Twenty-Six: (26) , inc., Block Ten -(LO) , Mesk Minneapolis Heights Addition and the. westerly line . of Lots One (1) to Thirteen (13), inc., Block Ten (lo), i*iest Y@nneapolis Heights Addition, is hereby vacated; - provided that said Village excepts from this vacation proceeding and reserves unto itself and its assigns an easement for all public utility purposes, including, without limitingthe genera nature of said reservation, an easement for electric, gas, sewer, water, and telephone equipment on, over and under the center ten feet of width of the alley hereby vacated. , . Motion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Danens, and on RollcaZl there were four ayes and no.,nays, as Xayox Nr. Paul Foss of the Sunnyslope Association presented petition containing signatures of some U3 residents in the Smgyslope-Country Club area, requesting the demo&ition of the old village hall and the beautification of the site. Nr. Foss stated that use of the old building ~%i.l.l entail considerable maintenance cost; that-this old building mars the beauty of the new Hall,. Letter from Citizens Committee for New Village-Hall, calling Council's attention to fact that original plans called for demolitien of- old hall was also filed. Bank's motion, that contract for demol$tion of old village hall be awarded to low bidder, was seconded by Child and carried. ' Attorney Austin Norton represented Gary Ban Construction Company in their revest for permit to construct prefabricated dwellings on Lots 4 and 5, Block 3, Valley View Heights. Building Supt. Woehler explained that he had refused permits because 2x3 skuddings are being used. h.i!k. Norton called attention to FHA's approval of these homes, and asked that permits be granted on an er=pbrimenta&.basis. Bank's motion, that permits be granted for two dwellings, subject to approval of plans and specifications by architects Krafft and Raugland, and providing that Company returns to Council for further permits on same bssis, was seconded by Child and carried. e k 282 6/14/54 Nr, Richard Horstmann presented r.rritten assent by some eighteen neighboring properby owners to his building a rambler within thirteen feet from the Virginia Avenue side of Lot 10, Block 2, Virginia he. Addition, Regular setback voqd be 30 feet from this lot line. 1-k. Horstmann-explained that neighbors have consented to a decrease in setback in return for better dwelling. fbikon seconded br Danens and carried, Child moved that request be granted. G Petition for permit to re-plat Blocks 6 and 7, Nomandale Addition, into $0-foot lots yas- filed; this being the result of the Council~s refusal of Er. Franz KLodtls pre7ary re-plaG, filed Hay 24, signature after the public hearing this last week-on the proposed cross-tom highyqy. E-. hderson asked that petition be expedited, and Child moved for referral back to the Planning Commission. I3otion seconded by Danens and carried. The request of Zdina kptist Church, for a letter from this Council to the Rinneapolis City Council requesting connection from E.Linneapolis watermain for new Baptist personage at 3525 W.54th Street, was reported, request to City of $bneapolis in accordance with Church's petition, vas seconded by Danens and carried. Pkyor Erickson wqs called away from meeting at this time, and Xayor Pro Tem Child presided until his return as recorded below. The Prelininary Plat of %+Plat of Blocks 19 and 20, Ifendelssohn Addition,!* was pres-Gnted, together with-rewest for permit to construct a church thereon. ..Bankls motion for approval of preliminary plat urns seconded by Danens and carried, but . Church was irrfomed that permit cannot be had until such.time as Final Plat is approved, It vas stated that E&. ICLodt had T.rilthdraTm his I Bank's motion, that Council make Er, Zarl Neison requested permit for construction of a double dwelling on Lot 5, '*PaetherY s Addition!! Eonday, June 28, 1954, at 7:30 P.N., was seconded- by Danens and carried. $fayor Erickson returned at this'time and presided for balance of the evening, Id&, &ether asked for approval. of his Final PZat of Qaetherts Addition,'! but &. IEtchell explained that this. final plat has pot yet been before-the Planning Commission; and Child moved for its referral to the Planning Commission for their recommendation. Notion seconded by Bank and carried, A Ee, Baanuelson appeared before the Council to request per&.% to build dwelling on a tract of unplatted property less than 3 acres in area; stating that this dad -been under one omership before the Council adopted its policy of platting; that the area is more than minimum lot requirement reqired in platting; that he will join other developrs in the neighborhood in platting, just as soon as possible. The tract under consideration is 0.39 A in area, between Parnell and Normandale, and facing 1~~60th Street. and carried. Elankt s motion, scheduling Public Hearing on petition for Bank's motion, that permit be granted, was seconded by Child Petition 2or Clean-up at 5524 Normandale Road was brought to the attention of the pwner and tenant, who denied the lkll night and ueek-end garage repair work on carstt set forth in the petition, stating that there had been some vmrk on one car. As - to the rubbish, tenant eqlained that at least part of it belongs to those very neighbors pet2tioning against it. Council asked that a clean-up ofthe premises be had at the very earliest opportunity. Nanager 1.litchell presented Plans and Specifications, and reported on costs and feasi- bility of work for several improvement projects, recommending that Public Hearings thereon be scheduled for Uonday, June 28, Child offered the follov+g Resolution and moved its adoption: -. RESOLUTI6N PROVIDING FOR PUBLIC HEXRmGS - PROPOSED IHPROIIEImS -, D BE IT BESOLVED by the Council o$..the .Village of Edjqa: as to the.feasibmtp-of the proposed Grading and Graveling, Curb and ktter, and Sanitary Sewer hproveaents described in the Form of Notice of Hearings set forth below, and as to the estimated cost of such 5mprovements, said report is hereby approved and directed to be placed on file in the office of the Village Clerk, This Council shall meet on Monday, June 28, 1954, at 7:30 P.&, in the Edina- Village Hall, to consider in public hearings the views of .all. persons interested in said proposed improvements, The Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to cause notice of the time, place and. purpose of said meeting to be published in the official newspaper once a PTeek, for ttm successive weeks, the second of which publications is to be not less than qhree days from date of said meeting, which notice shall be in substantiay the following fom: - . . k.. -The .Village Zhgineer, having .submitted to the Council a preliminary report 2, 3. 6/14/54 203 NOTICE OF Hi3ARINW-TtrlPROVET.IENTS NOTICE IS HEFBBY GTO-EI.that the Edina Village Council will meet at the Village HaU on >Ionday, June 28, 1954, at 7:30 Po&, to consider the follov&g proposed Snprovements to be constructed under the authority granted by 3Enneaost f;at.rs of 1953, Chapter 3% The approximate cost of each of such improvements is-esti- mated by the Village Engineer as set forth below: 3.. GRADING & GRAVELING: ZSTl3ATED COST fb Concord Ave., FJ.62nd to W.64th St.; lf.64th St., $18,157.50 2. Tower Street, St.Johns Aver to Wooddale he. 812,857 &0 1. Oaklavm Ave., 7*7,6lst to tf.62nd S%. . . . @ 3,334050 3. 1Jooddal.e Ave.,lJ058th St. to W.60th St. 6,797 50 4. Concord Ave. to St.Johns Ave. 2. CONSTRUCTION OF STAiDW VmGE CuRa AND GUTTER IN: , 2. Drew he,, W.6Oth St. to w.6lst St. 2,349000 " Richmond Dr., Stub Road to Code (Noside); kndsor kve., Code to 1 Lot j?. (N. Side) CONSl?RUCTIOI\S OF SRVITmY SEMEB ANp APPURTENANCES lN: Halifax Ave., from France he. to .approx. 150 Ft. So of IT.6Oth St.; in France Live., from HalifaxAve. to IcJ.62nd Stb; in W.62nd St., from France kve. to Park Pl.; and in '1f.62nd St., from Park Pl. to Brookview Code Ave., Richmond- Dr. to Windsor (l?.Side) ; 1,012.70 - 3. Ave. $27,904076 The*aren_proposed to be assessed for the iost of each of the Grading eC Graveling, and Curb and Gutter projects includes all lots and tracts of land abutting the street proposed toebe improved. The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of SanitarySewer includes all lots in "Two Oaks" facing Halifax he., all lots and tracts of land facing France Ave. between Halifax Ave. and W.62nd St., and ill lots and tracts of land abutting IT.62nd St. between France qnd Brookview Avenues. ' . EVD C. BANK, Tillage Clerk Village of Edina Xo.tion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Bank, and on Rollcall there Bknager ietchell then recommended tha,t Council take bids on several projects on June 28, presenting plans and specifications therefor. Resolution and moved its adopti-on: Bank offered the following ~OLWION PPEOVING PLANS AND SECIF'ICATIONS FOR PROPOS'ED ~U?F~OVEIJI$NTS _AND .DEZYSTTING An- YEBTISm*ENT FOR BIDS I. .- BEl 22 RESOLSTED by the Village Coymil of. the Village of Edina: 1. The plans and specifications for the proposed Irnprovements set forth in the following Advertisement for Bids fomn, heretofore prepared by the Village Engineer and now on file in the office of the Village Clerk are hereby approved. The Clerk shall cause to be published twice in the Edina-Blorniagside Courier and the Construction Bulletin the following notice for bids for said 2. improvements : *F ADlBRTISw FOR BIDS GRADE & GRAtrEL: . BLACKTOPPING: NOTICE IS €EREBY GIVEN that %he Edina Village.~'Council yill meet at the Edirk Village Hall, 4801 N.5Oth Street, Monday, June 28, 1954, ,at 1:3O P.N., and will at said time and place open and consider qealed.bids for the foUov&ng: 1, GIZllDD\JG APD GI3Amm-G: C S&I+&Y smm. _I~~ATEEDU~IN A. . Xerxes .jive., between iJ. 58th and If. 60th St so Bo That B-IJ Alley between lJ.S%h and 1~60th Sts. and between Zenith and . York Aves. -- C. Oxford- Ave., between k. Slst and IJ. 52nd Sts. D. Philbrook Lane between IJooddaJ-e and W.58th S'c. E. f.l.60th St., between l{ooddde and OaK@%m Aves. 2. BLACE2i'OPPING: A. PJoodland ad, between jfooddale he. and Brookview Ave. B. Woodcrest Drive in Shady- Pines-kddn. A. Construction of 1929 Lin. Ft. of 9" Sanitary Sewer extension and appuAe- nances therefor, in Halifax &e., from,France Ave. to approx. 150 Ft. So of lf.6Oth St., and in France ,4Ve.f2om HalifSx AS& .>to W.&&d Si5: -and.'~n]W.b&d.'~ St,fron France he. to Zark-Place; and 327 LinlF€.0f'-.15~' Saiitary Sewer and 4 IfATIZRNAm.: _. . /appurtenances in W.62nd St, from Park PLto Brookview Ave. A. Construction of 760 Lin.Ft. of 611 C.I.P. and appurtenances therefor in klifax Ave. from France Ave. to approx. 130 Ft. S. of IJ.60th St.; 3070 Lin.Ft. of 8'' C.I.P. and appurtenances therefor in France Ave. from TJ.60th St. to I?. 62nd St.: in ti.62nd St. from France Ave. to amxox. 50 Ft, E. of V.TTiea.r Rd, 3. SAN3PfrnY mtm: 204 Irorkmust be done as described and specified in plans and specifications for said improvements on file in the office of the Village Clerk. Bids must be submitted on basis of cash payment for work. No bids will be considered unleSs sealed and filed with undersigned before tine of said meeting and acconpanied by cashckposit, bid bond, or certified check payable to the Village Clerk in amomt of ten percent BY ORD?3R OF THE VIm4a COUNCIL. of mount of bid, ,- . **- I EVAIJl C. BANK, Clerk ~ Villa@ Clerk of Edina- 3. Each ani ali of the te*m of the foregoing advertisement for bids are hereby adopted as the terms and conditions of award of the contract for said - iqrovement. - * - ** Notion for Resolution vas seconded by CMld, and no nays, as follps: Child, aye;.Danens, call there were four ayes aye; and Erickson, aye; and the Resolution was adopted. *. . * A delegation of tthree, spokesman being Xr. Curtis J. Hall, 5613 ’Wooddale Avenue, supported their AprU 30th petition for four-wqy stop signs at corner of W.56th Street and Wooddale Avenue. Chairman Bank of the Public Safety Committee presented recornendation that stop signs be installed to stop %raffic on tJ.56th St., making Ifooddale a through-street, and that llSlov+Childrenlt signs be installed on Wooddale to,slor.r traffic on that street. Delegation explained that this r.rifl not sat their purpose; that Frooddale Avenue has.become a speed-tray; that there is not a stop sign on it between TT.5Oth Street and Valley View Road; that W.56th St, is the anly ” through way betyeen France and Nomandale between T.f.5Oth St, and Valley View Road. They pleaded that something be done at once to avert po-bential accident. After considerable discussion, ,Child moved that Public Safety Committee instruct Police Department to give special attention to TTooddale Avenue traffic and to report back. Notion seconded by Danens and carried.. ._ . Nr. Stow was reminded that, some years ago, he evinced a willingness to give the @-foot easement to the Village, providing assessments for sideT.ralk, curb and gutter, and retaining vd1 were not charged to him. no longer necessary, and that for that reason he has reconsidered his offer. action taken, Discussion vas had as to problems regarding Ilk. Stowts llBroolcvier.r Heights 2nd kddn.ll Nanager 1.Ii.tchell recommended that Council schedule Public Hearing on Storm Sewer - for this property as soon as possible; butthat approval of plat not be delzyed on this account, 1.b. Stow guaranteed to put in the storm sewer on the vest side of the property. Z-hager 1E.tchell then recommended approval of Final Plat subject to submission of proper instrument for transfer to Village of Lot 3, and bond for graveling, and of final cross sections and profiles. &3 that TELS recommended vas done, and Bank moved for approval of Final Plat of Brookview Heights 2nd Addition, $lotion seconded by- Child and carried, . Child moved for payment of Village Payroll, amount $jll,l&OO, and Liquor Store Payroll, mount $1,284.61, for period Nay 1 to 15, as recorded in detail in Payroll Ledger, and for payment of the following Claims: I He stated that the retaking wall is No c ma Claim No, TO: . ANom4T - L11582 Famous Brands. Inc, 8 272.30 -. 014 Peoria hkpany, ~nc. Northwestern Bell Tel. Coo Griggs, Cooper eC Company 1-Eller-Davis Company - n Van Paper Supply Company Ed. Phillips & Sons Co, Automatic Alarm Corp. Griggs, Cooper & Company - Farmers &: 1.iechanics Bank Ed, Phillips &: Sons Go. Griggs, Cooper at Company Distillers Distributing Co. - Ebb Brothers Company ItcKesson & Bobbins Old Peoria Company; bc. Ed. PhKlLips &=Sons Go. . 490.06 15.75 1, 946.93 -3.95 * 46.64 2,859.26 28.50 664.38 15.00 9,374.47 5 9 272.36 I 6/14/54 TO: Verlin' s lilarehouse Hoot en .Cleaners - CUBi NO. 1086h 10886 10887 10888 10889 10890 10891 10892 10893 10894 10895 10898 10897 10898 10899 10900 . 10901 10902 10903 10904 10905 10906 low? 10909 10910 10911 1090s 10965 10567 10~68 10869 10870 lot271 10872 10873 106'4 10875 10876 10877 10@8 10879 10880 10881 10882 10912 10866 log83 10884 10885 lOB87 10858 10859 10862 10863 10854 10855 Hardware Ilutuals 996.48, Bfutua General Agency. 28.71 T.B. Allen - 1.00 Virginia Burnett & B.E. Brpgelson 100.00 Mpls. Star & Tribune . 34.65 HP~s. School Supply CO. Schaub Office Supply Co. 15.30 Loris No Schaller, University Agency 5.00 F.H. Geiger Sales Go. 15000 Neenah Foundry 55.00 Uentrmrtih Forman Co. 38.78 Ernest til, Johnson 12.00 E. C. Somenberg 108.00 KO 21. Johnson 36.00 James McNellis 96.00 r L. V. I-filler 780 50 Carroll A. Johnstone * 48.00 Al. V. Huber 36.00 Mn, Do Carlson 48.00 10.00 12.00 Herman S. Dirks Joe Rush . Chris IIitzel 7.00 So J. Tennis 36.00 John Olson 6.93 Geo. Thompson 20.65 240 00 2,316.06 Lametti& Sons 10,283.74 Earl Sevnll i,520.16 It 1f 317.00 ?! !! 253.15 I? I1 658.20 !! !! 108.00 t! f! 126.00 ! !! 5-45 97 Terry Br~s., Inc. - 353.25 I1 716.62 t' r_' !! a9085 Victor Carlson & Sons 1,605.00 It I1 h 11 1y534.m !! ft !! 1,615023 'f c !! 3 3 336 0 90 Peter Lametti Const. Go. 16,265.34 $fpls. Postmaster 35.00 - NOR. H&seznann Coo -90,oO Bob's Brookside Service 13.18 Vincent Auto Body GO. 45.00 Hardware-lJ1utuals - 219.51 - Delaney Bros. hetti 6.t Sons - It 11 Tv&n City Testing & &gr. 4.00. Ifallace eC Tiernan Go. 3% 50 $is. A. W. Larson Arthur R, Petersen NOW. Natl. Bank of i.ip1s. 846.00 FiTst IJatl.. Bank of Xpls. 761.08 First Natl. Bank of Iilpls. . 3,729030 9,937028 11 81 It II 11 E CLAIM NO. To: - 10860 Minnesota Tom 10863- Howayd Me,rrbm 10886 Hooten Cleaners lo912 Minneapolis Postmaster $ 19.99 80.00 18.20 PARK FUND 15.00 $ 133.19 E e- -- -_I_ -- T__s____ , IJotion seconded by Bank -&nd carried. 206 6/14/54 Office brought Council1s attention to C.O.Field Comyany's claim for $15,773.45, leaving $40,713.68; that Brovihe Plumbing Company, sub-contractor is in financial difficulties and that many cl*&hs are being filed against this sub-contractor; that plumbing work, as bid by C.0.-Field, totals some &l,000. Child's motion, that 2 C.O.Field Conpany be paid aglo%t of present claim less $1,000. I.lotion.seconded by Danens and carried. > to 4604 Drexth'Ave. 1.k. Karl H. Covell's claim foe damages/aJ.legedly resulting from stoppage of the Village Sanitary Sewer, amount being &,500, was referred to Public Utilities Supt. and Village Attorney, for investigation and reporb, by motion. Child, seconded by Bd and carried. I- I.Tunicipd. 'Judge Burris' reqyest for an expense allowance of $70.00 for %self and Judge Iverson, for attendance "at the 2i;Unicipal Judges' meetings at Duluth June 23 through 26, was considered.Child's motion, that the two Judges be granted $100 between them for e,xpenses at 6hese meetings, vas seconded by Bank and camied. Xanager IXitchell recommended &ad of contract for Brookview Heights 2nd Addition Watermain (IIaterm5.n Improvem&t No. 72) to low bidder, TJilliam V. Terry Excavating Company, at $4S,5€!0.80. Uanager 12itchell presented FhkL Plat of Les Anderson' s Wighvrood Addit<on,lt recomending its approval. in accordance with Planning Commissfofi recommendations of June 2nd. Child so moved. Notion seconded by Bank and carried. Bank moved for Gpproval of Final Plat. ZZotion seconded by Danens and carried, - -- Village Attorney Thdhorst reported on negotiations for dedication by School Board of fifteen-foo% r.qadmy at South boundary of school property, stating %hat the Board is willing to go along, providing the road is established a bit farther to the South; giving developer I.&fOOt, rather than l30-foot depth lots. 12r. T'Iindhorst vas asked to suggest that the School Bo&d reconsider, in order that develoEer may have lots of a depth to conform vith Yiqage Ordinance. The follodng Petitions for hprov&ents, all received before June 1, Trere filed, with Bank m0-g that petitions be accepted and public hearings scheduled at discretion of Tillage Zhgineer, and motion being seconded by Child and carried: 1. IJatemin for the Armstrong Property (filed by developer Roy H. Peterson 3. Sanitary Sewer for IJerritt -Circle. and Doncaster TTa . 4. Sanitary Sewer-Tr.6oth St., ,Panell to Nomandale.. 7 Petitioner requests th&t these 5. 139temah-U.60th St., ParneLl to Normandale 6. $anitary Sewer-Van Buren Aye., Belmore Lane to 1.183_9ney. 7. Sanitary Sewer-Jackson he,, Belnore he to PKLoney. 8. Sanitary Sewer-Valley Vievr,Rd., Parnell to Ryan, and South on Ryan. 9. Sanitary Sewer and I.later-&&e Edba 1st Addn, (filed by developer E.K. Stow). 10. Curb and Gutter-hey he., -1T.6Qth St. to 5925 Drew. ll. Blacktopping-Drew Ave., V.6Oth St. to 5925 Drew. 12. Blackt;oppSng-Virg:'ulj_a Lane, Virginia ikve. to Concord. 13. Curb and Gutter-Zwing Ave., 11.6Oth Sk. to W.6lst St. . a. Curb and CWA,er-T.J057th St., Xerxes to York. 15. Oiling-Division St., Spur Qd. to Rutledge. 16. Oiling-Xerxes &e., W.5tjtheto t.T. 57tb St. 17. Oiling-John St., Ihloney to W.n-A.rouqd. 18. Oiling (twice) Drew he., 3f.60th St. to 5925 Drew. 19. Oiling-VanJ3uren-Belmore we to N.Village Wts.. 20. Grade & Gravel-Van Fkcen-Helmore Lane to IGCLoney. Bank thhen moved that the folloiing Petitions for hprovements, rekeived-after June I, be tabled until next year, and that petitioners be so advised; exckpt that Oiling petitions continuemto be proceased whenever possible. carried: 1. Sanitaq Sewer-Rutledge he., 5';r,46th St. to Brookside. 2. Blacktopping-Xoore Ave. , hura _Ave. to North Ave. 3. Blacktoppip.g-'6T. 57th. St . , ZFnith Ave. to York he. 4. Oiling-Tingdale, Benton to Code. 6. Sanitary Seurer-ht 19, Blogk 2,.Peacedal.e Acres (on Brookview Ave.) 7. IJaternain-Lot 19, Block 2, "Peacedale Gcresq 8. Oiling-GroE St., 5100 to 5300. 2. Sanitary Sewer for the Arriqtrong Property if 11 It II J! &, lj?5;$< - ?@ ~ - /! I* -*- ) bg considered with Harion Gardens. I I 4 Notion seconded by Child ad *I, 5. O-g-lr.58th St., T'TooddaI.9 to-Kellogg (to be added to cost of Blacktops$) *.a .D Utilities Supt. tloehler reportgd on a violation of the Building Code, at 5215 Benton-- that owner has moved his family into a basement dwelling, without any type of building permi% therefor. moved ti& VUage Attorney be.ins$ructed to conta$ otmer, advising him or this violation and giving him a short time to comply with ordinance or to move out of building and demo-lish it. I&?. TToehler gqlained that this man is ill and in trouble. E&& Notion seconded by Child and carried. 6/14/54 . . .. .. Asst. to Mgr., R.E. Olson, reported on the mateer of replacement of sidewalk on Brookside Avenue between Sf.48th and 'F.J.5Oth Streets, stating that last year's contractor is ready to go-to work on_.this at any time, IEndhorst gave his opinion that, unless actu&L scope of work in these two blocks vms published in the Notice of Public Hearing last year, it would be necessary to set up a new public hearing. decision as to date for Public Hearing, plans, specifications, etc, Final Plat of rrRe-Arrangm&nt of Sots 1,2,3 and 4, Block 5, Hornandale 2nd Addno," by COG,. Carlson, was presented for approval, Planning Commission having approved ~ at meeting of June 2nd. by Child and carried. 3Ir. Ifitchell presented Final Plat of "Boran's Edina Ridge", this having been conditionallyzpproved by the Planning,Commission on June 2. Child moved for approval of Final Plat. It was noted that there 1121s considerable business yet-to come before the Council, and that the hour was already late, June 21, 1954, at 7:30 P,N, adjourned at 12:OO $I., June 14. Village Attorney . IQtter left to Xessrs. Ifitchell and Olson for Bank moved for approval of Final Plat. Notion seconded Notion seconded by Danens and- carried. Child moved for adjournment to Eonday, Hotion se I.TIW= OF THB ADJOURNED PORTION OF THE JW L$TH-lIF!XTDJG .OF--THE @l$'J,d VTL"LAGE COUBjCI&. €@D. PIORDAY,. JF .a, 1954, AT -- - .- . - ,7:30 .F.>I. I Nembers answering Rollcall1 were .Bredesen, Child, Danins, Bank and Erickson, I-iinutes of June 2nd and l4th i4eetings were approved as submitted, by motion Child, seconded by Danens and carried, .Ib, Roy Hollander &d &%.. G.C. Peterson, architect, appiared to request issuance of building pernit to Evangelica Lutheran Church for a church building on *tRe;bPlat of Blocks 19 and 20, Nendelssohn Addition, now been approved. No formal action was taken, but-..Council infomed petitioners that permit cannot be given until frme building, now situated on this property, is removed. &ich preliminary plat has Mr. Kenneth Sundquist asked once again for Council action concerning the dedication by the School Board for a road abuttbg his property. motion that, &I view of I&. Sundquist's offer to contribute approximately $1,000 tonard screening shrubbery and his approval of plan to extend road twelve feet on the south, Village Attorney be directed to begin condemnation proceedings providing further negotiations are impossible, was seconded by Bank and carried. The following Plumbers! Liceises were issued, for the year ending April 1, 19&, * by motion Bank, seconded. by Child and carried: Bredesen's Fred H. 3iuraLt, 3549 Nicollet Ave. aoyle eC OlBrien Plumbing, Inc., 4553-34th Ave. So. Asst. Engr. Zikan reported on cornpla.int received concerning the lowering of the grade on W. 56th Sbreet, Nest of Nomandale--stating that grade had been lowered for the benefit of the orpers, in order that less fill trill be necessary after installation of curb and gutter, -by the Village for repair of yards be &nied and thzt petitioners be advised of, reason for denial, was seconded by Danens and carried. Council reviewed request for Street Light at corner of Blake Road and Idylwood, with Child moking for installation of same. Child's motion, that petition for remuneration I Eotion seconded by Ban? and carried. Wooddale PTA's compliment to the Council with regard to. acquisitzon of Library ins read.. Child's motion, that letter be placed on file and acknowledgment made, was seconded by Bank and carriedr Petition for %Slow-Childreni~ Sign on Kent Avenue was referred to Public Safety Committee for - investigation, by motion Bank, seconded by Danens and carried. Rinutss of Park Board.Heetings of Hay 6 and 20, and June 4, were submitted and ordered placed on file. The foUowjng applications for Sign Permits were approved by motion Bank, secondea by Child and carried, having been approved by Asst. to IGgr., R.E. Olson: *