HomeMy WebLinkAbout19540628_REGULAR212 6/21/54 Bank's motion, granting have of Absence, without pay, to Joseph Natole to July 1, 1954, vas seconded by Dapens and carried. Child's motion, authorizing the sale of $90,000 U,S. Treasury Bills due September 9, . 1954, .vas seconded by Bank and carried. . I There being no furLher business to come before the Council, meeting was adjourned at 12:OO IJ., bs motion Bredesen, seconded by Danens an$ carried. LkAdI Village Clerk 5- 'OF THE REGTJUR I*IEEXING OF THE EDDJA VXKi$GE CQWCn3, I$m-?OIiDAY, JIJB 28, .19%, AT, 7:30 p.1,~. 1, AT THE ,EP~A,~LAGZ HAI;L; .. .. - - ....- ."1 &Iembers answering Rokcak vkre. Bredesen, Child, Danens, Bank and Brickson, EEnutes of Adjourned Portion of June l& Neeting, held June 21, 1954, were approved as submitted, by motion Child seconded Bank and carried. Clerk Bank submitted Affidavits of Publication in Ediha-Horningside Courier and Construction Ehrlletin June 17 and ?I$, 1954, for lJAdvertisemeht for Bids-Grade & Gravel; Blacktopping; Sanitary Sever; I-Tatermain, ,which Affidavits were approved as to foim and ordered placed on file... Pursuant to said advertisement, sealled bids were accepted and referred to the Asst. Engineer for public opening in the Zngineerts Office, by motion Danens seconded by Bank and carried: "1 I, 2, 3. 4-0 GRADING AN3 GMmLING: A, .Xerxes .Avs., betwpn T1.58th and 11.60th Sts. B. That Z-fj Alley betvreeq I'T.59th and ~~60th Sts, and between Zenith and k , Word he., between 11. 5lst and 'tJ. 52nd Sts. Do Philbrook Lane between Fooddale and 11.5rSth St. E, 2~60th St., between Vooddale and OaELavn Aves. York Ayes. BLRCkTOPPI€?G: A,. .lIooaand-Rd, between kooddale Ave. and Briokxiev Ave. B, Troodcrest Drive in Shady Pines-Addn. S&(lfJrnY mm: A. Construction of 1929 33n.F.t;. of 9'' Sanitary Sewer extension and appurte- riances therefor, 3n Halifax Aite,, from'France &re. to approx. 150 FL-3. of W.6Oth St., and in France he, from Halifax Ave, to lJ.62nd St., and in IL62nd qt, from Frame Ave. to Park Place; and 327 Gn.Ft. of 15" Sanitary Sever and appurtenances therefor, $n T'T.62nd St,'from Park Place to Brookvietr Ave, fs. Const-ction of 760 h,Ft, of-611 C.I.P. and appurtenances therefor in Halifax Ave, from France-he. to approx..130 F"t. S. of V.60th St.; 3070 h. Ft., of 81! C.I,P, and appurtenances therefor in France he. from X.60th Sf;. to W.62nd %.;.in FT.62nd St. from France Ave. to approx. 50 Ft. E. of Vauey View Road, -(See, later in Xeeting for action on San.Sewer and Water) rrmmr: L Asst. to Ilanager, Richard E. Olson, reported on furniture bids as follows: 1. - For 17 Swivel Chairs - L0r.r Bidder, LeeBo Co,, $36.00 Ea.; Second-Ipr, H, 1-f. Johnson CO., :340.00 Ea,; Third-Low, Office Squipment CO.~ $42.00. recqmmended purchase from Office Equipenti Co, 611 bids and re-advertisement for bids for Better type chairs. Hotion seconded by Danens and carrieda Office Eqyipment Co., $10.75 Ea.--Zow Bidder bidding. on moden trees and second-low, on metal. He recommended award on trees to Office Equipment Go, Bads so moved, Hotion seconded by Danens and carried, 3, - For 2 Four-section Isietal Bookcases - LOw.Bidder, Dooley Supply Coo, $21.90 Ea., did not bid "on specifications; Second-Low, Jacobsenl s, $23.62 Ea, Child moved for amrd of bid to Jacobsen's.. Seconded-by Bank, and carried. &* - For 3 Four-drawer letter files - .&ow Bidder, Dooley Supply Co., $45.50, did not bid on specifications; Second-low, Vatson Nfg, Coo, G?55,70 Ea.; Third- low, Schaub Office Supply Co., $57.72 Ea. 1.k. Olson recomended award of ' bid to Schaub Office Supply CO., on basis of superior gudli'cy (files on demonstration in conference room), Bank so moved, Hotion seconded by Danens and carried. 5, - For 3 Four-drawer legal files - Low Bidder, Dooley Supply Co., $56.40 Ea., Second-low, Watson- I4fg. Co., $63.15 Ea. ;Foukbfi-Lovr, Schaub Office Supply Go., $6730 Ea.; Third-low, Crane Office Supply, :.$%.'75. I&. Olson recommended award to Schaub Office Supply Co, on basis of quality. Bank so moved. IIotion seconded by banens and carried. He Bank moved for rejection of 2. ,- For 5 0ffice.Coat Trees - Low Bidder, Niller-Davis, 810.00 Ea.; Second-Low, 2113 6/28/54 6. - For ,3 %wee-drawer letter files - Low bidder, Dooley Supply Coo, $38.21 Ea., did not bid on specifications: Second-low, Watson Ivlfg. Coo, $50.40 Ea.; Third-low, Crane Office Supply Go., $52.50 Ea.; Fourth-low, Schaub Office Supply Co., .$53.86 Ea. ke. Olson once Zgain redommended &ward of bid to . Schaub Office Supply Coo on basis of quality. Child so inoved. Seconded by Danens and carried. bidder, Crane Office Supply Co, and carried. . 8. - For 1 Steno Chair. 7. - For 3 Four-foot office valets - B. Olson recommended award of bid to hvr Hobion seconded by Danens Bank so moved. E-. Olson stated that none of the bidders had been 9. - 10. - 11. - 12. - representing the llCramerlr chair, which is the type now in the office; that he had had samples of the other chairs in the office and they were inferior to the Cranor; that upon request by himself, Crane Office Supply Go. had bid %43.75 on the Cramer chair; that he would recommend Council's accepking this bid in order to standardize the furniture. by Danens and carried. For a l4.4"~48~~ Wooden Conference Table. I&. Olson recommended award of bid to Ldw Bidder, Crane Office Supply CO., at $320.00. seconded by Danevls and carried. For 1 Settee .upholstered in plastie - Low bidder, Do->lor Chair CO., $60.00; Second-low, Crane Go. , $81.50; Third-low, P.E. Johnson Co., :j85.00. . E&. Olson recommended award:oof bid to P.Bf. Johnson (30, on quality basis. Bwk so moved. For 1 Typewriter, 15lFy for Court - Low Bidder, R.C. Al.len-Co., $169.00; Second-low, Underwood Corp. , $182.50, several Underwoods which are giving very goo6 service. bid be awarded to Underwood Corp., was seconded by Bredesen and carried. For 2 Three-foot metal tables. bidder, P.M. Johnson qo., at $32..00 Ea. Danens agd carried. .' Bank so moved. .Motion seconded Bank so moved. Notion Notion seconded by Danens and carried. It was explained that office now has Bank's motion, tha% M2. Olson recommended award of bid to Lorr Child so moved. Notion seconded by -c -c _- &nager ?&&chell reported that %lander Company is low on all items, on %he Equipment Rental Bid taken at the meeting- of June l-4; that equipment is bid on an hourly basis, and is available in Bfinneapolis. -Bredesenls mo%ion that bid be awarded to low bidder, was seconded by Danens and carried. Tabulatzon of bids taken June 14, .for Police Car, were reviewed; the bid of Suburban Chevrolet Go., at $1,4.l8.17 for 2-door--ChevroletY being low. Captain NcGary recwmends purchasing a .+door Chemolet, at an extra of $40.00, Child's motion, that bid be awarded to Suburban Chevrolet CO., at $1,&58.1?, for a &door Chevrolet, was seconded by Danens and carried. lk. Olson reported that Pursuant to triidvertisement for Bids-Dump Truck, ff published in 3dina-Horningside Courier and Construction Bulle€in June 17 and 24,. Affidavits of Publication for which vrere presented by Clerk, approved as to form and ordered placed on file, sealed bids were accepted and were referred to the Asst, Village Engineer for public opening and tabulation iZi the Engineer's Office, by motion Danens, seconded by Bank and carried. Pursuant to ftNotice of Hearing on Petition for Permit to Construct Double Dwelling," mailed to neighboring properby owners June 23, ?fayor Erickson called public hearing, on the petition of Mr. Earl Xelson f0r.permi.t to construct a double dwelling on Lot 5, tlRaetherfs Additiont~-6004 izerxes Avenue. There were no objections filed ai; the Hearing, and no mitten objections had been filed prior thereto; but, inasmuch as the Final Plat of .%ether's &&ition* has not-yet; been approvedj and inasmuch as it is the wish of the Plannihg Commission to study applications for.double bungalows, Child movedthat the application be referred to the Planning Commission for their recommendation, and that Public Hearing be continued-to July 12. Notion seconded by Danens and carried. - Continuation was had of June 14th Public Hearing on petition of Ye. Gaasadelen for permit to re-plat Lots 1 and 2, Block I, Golf Terrace Heights into tiso lots of approximately 90-foot frontage and facing Lake Harvey. Council Committee reported that they had made investigatiIon in the field; that they believe E. Gaasadelen's plan id31 be advantageous to the area. Child's motion that request be appsoved was seconded by Bredesen and carried. . E - Clerk Bank presented Affidavit of Publication, 2Xina-Hornirigside Courier June 17 and, 24, 1954, for Wotice of Hearings-ImprovementsYa3 which affidavit was approved as to form and ordered placed on file, Hewings were conducted, and action taken as recorded below: 1, €BADIIK+ & GRAVELDIG: Pursuant to said Notice, the following Public i. .Congord Ave., W.62nd to W.64th St.; W.64th St., Coiicord Ave. to St,Johns Ave. - 1knager.G.tchell stated that $omplete information has not yet been gathered by the hzgineering Department. Bank so moved. Tower St., St.Joh.hs Ave. to VooddsiLe Ave. - kager l.TitcheI.3. gave as his , Estimate of Cost *a total of &12,857.00, or $10.66 per Assessable Foot; explaining that $4,180.00 of,this cost fs for a later& storm sewer. "motion that matter be referred to Public Works Committee for further He recommended that Public Hearing - be continued to July 12, and.tha% Council plan to take bids July 26, Motion seconded by Child snd carried. 2. Child's 284 2, 6/28/54 study, and that Public Hearing be continued to Imbnday, July 12, I~S sedonded by Bredesen and carried, c&JsTRumroit OF lsT&mm mu& CURB 1I.m Gum IN: 1, _Oaktam Ave., V.61st to W.62nd Sti -.I&. I I.Etchell's Estixqte of ,Cost vas @,334,50, for. $2.79 per Assessable Foot. TheGe yere no objections filed at the Hearfig,, although it vas reported that IEss Steqson had called and registered her objections before the sleeting, Bank offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: ~OLUTIOI\J 0mERntG a*mom"m S'laEET 32.TpROll2WBXP NO. E25 . BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Village of Edina, PZinnesot~, that this Council heretofore- caused notice of hearing to be duly published on the proposed improveaent consisting of the Construction of Concrete Curb and Gutter in 0aBar.m Avenue between 11. 61st and W,"62nd Streets, and at the hearing held at the time and place specified in said noti-ce the Council. has duly considered the views of all persons interested, and being fully advised *of the pertinend facts does hereby determine to proceed mtth the construction of said improvement; that said improvement *is hereby designated and shall be referred to in all subsequent broceedings as Street Improvement No, B-25; and the ar& to be specially assessed therefor shall include a31 lots an& tzacts of land %butting that portion of the street hroposed to be improved, Xotion fo; adoitidn of she Resolption vere five ayes and no nays, as fqllow: on Rollcgl.1 there aye;, Danens, ayeg. --. ; qd the I ' 1'Eg.or 2, Drew live,, W,bOth St, to S.Jo61st S6, - IG. lti.tchell*s Estimate of Cost was $2,34.9.00, for 82.74. per ibsessable Front Foot. The& were no objections filed. Child offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: ~OLUTIOD OFDERIXG Ts.ipRwE;I.iENT Sm B*i?ROV&EE UOo. B-26 Bi IT RESOLJlED by the Council of -the -Village of -Edina, $hmesota, that this Council heretofore-caused notice of hearing to be duly published on the proposed improvement consisting of Construction of Concrete Curb and Gutter in Drew Avenue between If.6Oth and PL61st Streets, and at the hearing held at the time and place specified in .said notice the Council has duly considered the view of all person; interested; and being fully,adyised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed 16th the construction of said hprovenent; that said improvement is hereby designated and shall be referred to in all subsequent proceedings as Street Improvement IVo, B-26; and the area to be specially assessed therefor shdl include all lots and tracts 03 land ahutting thzt portion of the street proposed to be improved, Iiotion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Bank,,and on Rollcall there were five ayes and no nays, as follows: Breds Village Clerk 30 S.7ooddd.e he,, T1,Tdth St, to 11,60th St. - Nre IEtchellls Estinate of Cost vas $6,797.50 for $2.€2+ for &sessable Front Foot, Lks. Breedlove told the Council that a,najority of owners are in favor of the project providing they can be suye that actual cost ILU. not be Ittwo or three times" the Estimate, they would be rejected. There were no objections filed 5t the Hearing, and no r.rrit#ien objection had been filed prior thereto, the follovhg Resolution and moved its adoption: R$3OLWIOIJ ORDERING IUPBOVZtiENT She vas informed that, should bids run much over estbate Bank offered S'laEET, ZPROVE2-BNT NO, B-27 1 BE E BZSOLXED by the Council of the VLl&ge of E+=, I2innesota, that this Council heretofore- caused notice of hearing to be duly published on the proposed improveiaent consisting of the Construction of Concrete Curb arb Gutter in Tooddale Avenue between B,fjSth and TL6Oth Streets, and at the healjng held at the time- .and placedspecified in sa2d notice the Council has duly considered %he views of dL1 persons interested, and being fully advised or" tQe pertinent facts does hereby detelmine to proceed with the construction of said improvement; that said improvemen% is hereby desig- nated and shall be referred to in all subsequent proceedings as Street Iinprovement Ib, B-27; and the area to be speqially aGsessed therefor shall include all lots and - tracts or" land abutting that portion of the itreet p$oposed to"be 311proved. -. V' atze Clerk 6/28/54 1 "35 a! . 4. Richmond Dr., Stub Road to Code (I\T.Side); Code Ave,, Richmond Dr. to Windsor (i.J,Side),E Windsor Ave., Code to 1 Lot 18. (N.Side) - Estimate of Cost my $$1,012~70, 'for *$2.84 per Assessable-Foot. There were no objections filed at the Heariftg, and none had been filed prior thereto. Child offered the follovxing Besolution and moved its adoption: T&.-. IIitqhell1s L i RESOLU~ION ORDERING Z~PROVZZEIJT SmT rBrnOrn-ET NO., B-$3 - BE IT €ESOLED by the CouncZl of the V&Uage" of 'Edina, lifhmesota, that this council hereizfore caused notice of hearing to be duly published on the proposed improvement consisting of Construction of Concrete Curb and Gutter in Richmond Dr., Stub Road to Code Ave. (Noside); Code jive., Richmond Dr. to Windsor (1J.Side); Windsor .Ave., Code to 1 Lot W (It. Side), and-at the hearing.held at-the time and pla.ce specified in 'said notice the Council has duly considered the v&wrs 'of all persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertaent facts does hereby determine to proceed with the construction of said improvemerft; that said improvement is hereby designated and shall be referred to in all subsequent proceedings as Street Improvement 110, 27; "and the area to b& specially assessed therefor shall include aU lots and tracts of land abutting that portion of the streets proposed 30 be improved. t Notion for adoption of Resolution was seconded by Bredesen, and on Rollcall there were four ayes and no nays, as Erickson, aye--Clerk Banlf having been did not vote--aqd the. Resolution wi' *I &yor During the discussion concerning the Curb and Gutter on llooddde Avenue, Hr. Schwartzkopf complainbd that Wooddale had been a 3lacM;opped street before con- stru'ktion of sanitary sewer, T;ater and storm sewer; that street had never been restored to its former condition. He asked that this be done. Ke. Nitchell explained that Office has checked through a11 old assessments and can find none for the Blacktopping of Wooddale Avenue south of Tower St. I@. KorthoT, living at 5909 Wooddale, stated .that he has li%ed there for fifteen years and that there has never been an assessment against his property during that time; but that the Village had oiled heavily several times during his peribd of residence, Council infomed audience that the Village would not Blackbop without assessment inasmuch as this construction had not been done before, but that it was the consensus of Councilts opinion that something could be worked out to restore the street to its former .state. 3. CONSTRUCTION OF SANlflldRY SE3E.R &I) R?XRTEX&EES i3t Halifax he,, from France Ave. to approx. 150 Ft. S. Of.VR6Oth. St,; ig France Ave,, from Halifax Ave. to W.62nd St.; in W.62nd St., from France he. to Park 71,; and inW.62nd St., froa Park Pl, to Brookview Ave, - Manager 3itchell~s Zstimate of .Cost't~as $27,904.76, for $5.63 per Assess-able Foot for LatemI. Construction, plus $1.27 per Assessable Foot for cost of -a aft Station, and $2.36 per Assessable Foot for Trunk Charge--Total, $9.26 per Assessable Foot. There were no - objections filed at the Hearing, and no written objections had been filed prior thereto. Because Xapr Zrickson had been excused during I&. P+Etchellts explanation on this project, &yor Pro-Tem Child announced that no action would .be taken until there were four members present. (See later in Knutes for Resolution approving) . Affidavit of Publication of "Notice of Hearings on Assessments for Inprovements,ll published in Edina-Morningside Courier May 27 and June 3, 1954, was presented, - approved as to form and ordgred placed on file, Pursuant to said Notice, the following Public Hearings were held, and action taken as recorded below: 1. WATEBXCN IMPR0TE"T NO. 56 - in Ridgeview Drive, Ilarren Avenue, Naomi Dr., Danens Drive. go, Neadow Ridge, Duggan Plaza, .W.&th St . between Ridgeview Dr. and .Naomi Dr.; Normandale Rd. from-NE Cor, of Brookview Heights First Addn. to W.70th St.; and in Circle Drive. as again& 15,056.60 Assessable Feet, for $5.78 per Assessable Foot. There were no objections filed at the Hearing, and no written objections had. been filed prior thereto. (See Resolution Approving) . SLNI!P&Y SENEB D-IPEOVBGWT 1\10, 55 - in Concord he. between W.5&h and 1?.59th Sts.; and Wooddale to Concord Ave. and Concord Grove Addn. Cost, $~,7.98.48, as against 2,804.36 Assessable Feet, for $5.27 per Assessable Foot. There were no objections filed at the Hearing, and no written objections had been filed prior thereto. (See Resolution Approving) . OEG eL GRUELLING ~4P~O~~~W NO.--G&3 - in lf.58th St. from Woqddale he. to Concord Ave,- -Tot& Assessable Cost, $8,629.72, as against 2,223.42 Assess- able Feet, for $3.88 per Assessable Foot. There were no objections filed at the Hearing, and no written objections had been filed prior thereto. (See Resolution Approving) GWII:JG & GRAVELLING IIPEOWm NO. C-U - in John St. between E'XaLoney Ave. and Turn-aFound. ,Total. &sessable Cost, $3,327.60, as against $40 Assessable Feet, for $3.96 per Assessable Foot. Hearing, aiid no written objections had been filed prior thereto. (See Resolution Approving) . Total Assessable Cost, $87,285.05, 2. Total Assessable I 3, . 4. There were no objections filed a% the 6/28/5& BiACIZOPPDIG E-EtOEJWI! EO. A-26 gt A-48 - in Er.ring Ave. betireen 17.57th and W.6Oth -Sts. Total Assessable Cost, $5,@19.42, as against 3,720.94 Assess- zble Feet, for 61.56 for Assessable Foot. at the Hearing,. and no mitten objections had been filed prior thereto. (See Besolution Approving) BL4CiiTOPPING I3XiOSEX34T NO, h-52 - in Chowen he. from M.58th St. to W,5Sth Sk. . Total Assessable Cost, $1,630.15 as against 1,260 rtssessable Feet, for $1.51 per Assessable Foot. There were no objections filed at the Hewing, and no mitten objections had been filed prior thereto. bproving). BLkCi~OPPDJG DWROm-E?P HO, A-52 - in Woodland hie from Woodland *Circle to Dead. %do Assessable Cost, $2.76 per Assessable Foot. 1-k.. Helm, 5712 Voodland -be protested his assessment for 103 front feet because of the matter of the vide boulevard at the end of the turn-around. Bredesen's motion that hblic. Hearing be coEtinued to July 12, vas seconded by Danens .and carried. BUCKTOPPING X~PRO~~~~ .NO. A-55 - in Zenith he. from W.58th to T.f.60th St. Total. Assessable. Cost, $6,223.24, as agest 2,353.12 Assessable Feet, for $2.64 per &sessable Foot. There were no objections filed at the Hearing, and no xeitten objections had been filed prior thereto. (See Resolution Approving) . BUCICCOPPESG IIEEOQGiE3T NO. A-56 - in ifoodland Circle, in ~~56th Street to TT.1roodlajl.d Circle from France live,, and in V.56th St. from Park Place to 17.5 Ft, East, Total Assessable Cos%, $&,4&0.21, as against 4,862.73 Assessable Feet, for 22.55 per Sssessable Foot. filed at the Hearing,. md no mitten objections had been filed prior thereto. (See Resolution ~pp~oving) . There were no objections filed (See Besolution There were no objections 2-1 6 5. d. 7. 8. 9. Affidavit of Publication for Wotice of Hearing on Assessment for Sider.lciUc Repair No. S-l,ql TBS. then presented, -having been published- in Edina-I.1orningside Courier Hay 27 and June 3, 1954; and was approved as to form and ordered placed on file. Pursuant to .said Motice, Public Hearing was held on assessment for the cost of repairkg sidemlk abuttlhg certain specified lots hnd tracts or" land as set forth in the Hotice. Total Assessable Cost 'vras given as $3,392.40, for $.4S per dssess- able Scpare Foot. for Sidev2d.k Repair, plus 5.10 per, Lineal Foot for Root Renoval, There-were na objections filed+.at the Hearing, and no written objections had been filed prior thereto. Ekedesen offered the D.P?am-Bm Np, 55; STrn I&PRom.E~ns IJOS, C43, C-44, A-26 & 4@; A-52, A-55, ifi4D .A-56 &ID SIDmJm FBPiUR NO0 S-1 E3 33 RZSOL~ by the Vigage Council of*-the Village of Edina, ITinnesota, as follovrs: .a It, is hereby'foqd, detehbad and declareti that the proposed assess- . nents fS IJOS, C-43* .E.@, A-26 g: 48, A-52,. A-55, and &-56,*AW SIDE2JXLK BPAB UOP S-1, and each orthem, have been properly calculated in accordance wi&h the provisions of XLnnesota Statutes Section 4l2.4kl.; that notice has been duly published isrequired by law, that this Council would meet to hear and pass upon all objections, if any, to amend said proposed assessments as might be necessary, and to adopt the sane by resolution; that said proposed assesments have at all times since their filing been open for public inspection, and opportunity has been given to all intereste'd persons to present their objections; and that each of the lots, pieces and parcels of land enumerated in the respective assessments was and is specially benefited by the construction of the improvements for r.r'nich such assessment is levied'in the amount set opposite the description of each such lot, piece and parcel of land, respectively. pieces and parckls of land described in said respective assessments, and said proposed assessmelzts are hereby adopted and confirmed as the proper special, assesspents for said improvements, respectively. The assessment against each lot, tract' or parcel, together' with the interest accruing on the full" amount thereol" from time to time unpaid, a% the rate of five percent per annum from the date of this resolution, shall be a lien concurrent with general tzves upon the property described therein and a11 thereof. The total. amount of eac6 such assessment for Sanitary Sewer and ?Tatemah kprovements shall be 'payable in equal annual *instal.hents exbending over a period of ten yea$s, the first of said installmen%s, together with. interest on the entire assessment fromthe date hereof to August 15, 1955, to be payable wit& the general taxes' for the year l9%, and one of the remaining instaJ-lments, with one yearts interest on that and all sutjsequent installments, to be payable r.rith geoeral $axes for the years"1955 through 1963, collectible &XI the respective ensuing years. 1. IKPXWiXWl! NO. 56; SAKtTARY Sam B@&O~&i~ ItO. 55; ,%tREXt 2. The amounts so set out are hereby levied agzinst the respective lots, 21. 7 6/28/54 The total amount 02 each such assessment for Street Improvements Nos. (3-43 and C-kh shall be payable in eqdal annual installments extending over a period of khreyears, the first of said installments, together with interest on the entire assessment from the date hereof to August 15, 1955, to be payable Prith the genera taxes for the year 1954, and one of the remaining installments, Tdth one year's interest on that and all subsequent instalhents, to be payable vdth generjl taxes for the years 1955 and 1956, collectible in the respective gnsuing years. The total amount of each such assessment for Street Improvements A-26 & 48, A-52, A-54 and A-56 and Sidewalk Repair^ No. S-1 shgl be payable in equal annual installments e&ending over a period of five years, the first of said installments; together with interest on the entire assessment fromthe date hereof to August 15, 1955, to be pa3Table with the general taxes for the year 1954, and one of the remaining installments, w5th one year's interest on that and all subsequent installments, to be payable with general taxes for the years 1955, 1956, 1957 and 1958, collectible in the respective ensuing years. Prior to certification of the assessment to the County Auditor, the ovmer of any lot, piece or parcel of land assess-ed hereby may pay the whole of such assessment or any installment thereof without interest to the Village Treasurer and thereafter such payment may be made with accrued interest, to the County Treasurer; prodded that if any assessments or iristallments thereof be prepaid to the Village Treasurer,thqyshaU be cancelled on the books of the Tillage Treasurer and he shall promptly notify the Village Clerk and Coun-by Auditor, and the assessment or installment so prepaid shall be cancelled on the books of the County Auditor. The Clerk shall, as soon as may be, prepare and transmit to the County Auditor a certified duplicate of said assessments, with eachthen unpaid installment and interest set forth separately, to be extended upon tKe proper tax lists of the County, ahd the County Auditor shall thereafter cause said assessments to be collected in.the manner provided by law. Said duplicati shall be designated as the tlAssessment Roll for Watemain Improvement No. 56, Sanitary Sewer Improvement Eo. -55, Street hprovements Nos. C-43,C-.!&,A-26 & 48, A-52, A-55 and A-56 and Sidewalk Repair.No. S-1, and all mounts collected in respect of the assessments therein contained shall be similarly designated by the County Treasurer and remitted to the Village Treasurer and by him credited to the Si.n?xing Fund Account of the 1953 hprovement Fund. Notion for ado$ion of the Resolution was seconded by-Danens, and on*RollcSll there 3. 4. were three ayes and no nays, as follows: ion was adopted. c Nayor A Hr. Subey cane before the Council to request a building permit for construction of a dwelling on an unplatted tract' of land- of less than three acres. was informed that this is in violation of Village policy. E&. Calvin Hatter applied for permit to construct a double dwelling on the Adams property on.W.49th Street. Planning Commission-for their recommendation, and that if their approval is given that Public Hearing be held on the matter on July 12, was seconded by Danens and carried. 4 pib k v ie LJ * Bks. Adeline Ijndboe requysted information on disposition of Sanitary Sewer petition for 6100 Block on Oaklawn €!-venue. stmcted until Trunk Sewer is in operation; that it will be a yem before constmytion trill take place. &. John McbTaughton's application for license to sell ice cream was reviewed. Dmens moved that Ilk. PIcUaughton be granted a "Hawker's License" at fee of $25.00 per year. Llotion seconded by Bredesen and carried. - Tki L.tf. Sauelson, Jr. 5204 Richwood Drive, headed a delegation of four, who presented %.?in City Testing Labmatories' report to the effect that the graveling of Richtrood Drive does not meet Village specifications. project be re-done, to meet specifications, as soon as possible. I&. Nitchell. suggested that delegation meet with Council and contractor Pfeiffer during the ne^ vreek in order that this mtter can be settled; village Attorney's office presented copy of default judgment against Harry J* Ikech & Sons, kc., in favor of Red ?Ling Sewer Pipe Corpora;tiOn, amO~t $,ogether irith request for payment bx'he Village to Red TIhg Sewer Pipe of the ~in~l Pqment du-e to Harry J. ICrech & Sons on S'anitq SgVIer kPrOv?ment No. Bredesenls motion, that Final Payment due Harry 5. Sons, ~C.Y be made to Red ijbg SeyIer Pipe Corpor+ion in accordance .tri$h default judgment, was seconded by Danens and carried. Clerk Bank returned to the IvIeeting at this ~~e* ID?. Sumey Bredesen's motion, that application be referred to the 7 She wits informed that laterals cannot be con- The7 asked that the It was so decided. ~ -.I 218 6/2Wrr, Clerk Bank presented Ufidavit of Publication June 17'and 2&, in Edina-Eorningside Courier, of IINotice of Hearing-IJatermain &provement,I1 which was approved as to form and ordered placed on f52.E. conducted on construction of I1atermaj-n in 8.51st St, between f.KLliatn and Oxford Avenues, Ox?ord live. between ?l.!jl.st and 'i'T..5P?d Sts, Oxford Erne. between i.f.5lst St. and XnCerlachen Blvd., and in -Bedford Ay?, between l@lst St, and Interlachen Blvd, Estimated cost was given at <$l.3,126.59, for $6.20 per Assessable Fhont Foot, plus $1.00 per foot for 'itrunk, lhm petitions were filed in- connection with this proposed improveaent; one on 0,uford Avenue, signed by ovmers of 854 front feet, out ofthe possible 2174 assessable feet, objecthg to the hprovement; and another, on Bedford kvenue, showing four signers for, and six against the improvement. Xr. Bogen, owner of some property on this street, was not 03 this petition but had signed a previous petition for the improvement. with I.%.. ItXLiarn Duggan being the chief advocate for the impravenen+ on Bedford Avenue, a$ opposed by 1-b. Osberg. XI?. Leo Olson, owner of three lots on &ford Avenue in the 300 Block, asked that improvement be expedited, here; and a delegation of some eight or ten residents in the 5000 Block on Oxford objected to 5mprovement in %heir block. explained in detail the Councills policy on constructipg improvements; and Bank moved that project be abandoned at this time because few residents in the area, are wiilling to connect w2th the T.ra.t;er system in the near future. by Danens and carried. Pursuant to said Eo%ice public hearing was I Considerable discussion was had, Chaiman Child of the Public Utilities Committee I-Iotion seconded Ba-& thm moved for abandonment of the proposed waternab construct5,on in 't.jilliatn Avenue between TL 51st St. and Tnterlachen Blvd, , public hearing 'thereon ha-g been held- June lJ+. Bredesen then offered the fo-lotr;ing Resolution and moved for its adoption: Zlotion seconded by Bredesen and carried. ~OWPT~ON 0R.DEKDTG D*E€LOVZI*Z34T i* heretofore-caused notice of hearing to be duly published on the proposed improve- ment consisting of Constmction of Sanitary Sewer and Appuqtenances in Halifax he., from France he. to approx. 150 3%. S. of 8,60th-St.; in France he., from Halifax Ave. to W.62nd St.; in ?J,62nd St.,-frorn France Ave. to Park Pl.; and in T.T.6Znd St,, from Park P1. to Brppkvietr- Ave., and at the. hearing held- at the time akd place specified in said notice-the Council has duly considered the ?iem of all persons interested, and being fully. advise'd of the pertinent facts does hereby deternine to proceed with the construction of said improvement; that said inprovement is hereby designated and shall be referred to in all subsequent proceedings as Sanitar3 Sewer linproveaent No, 71; and the area to be specially assessed therefor shall include all lots in Two Oaks facing Halifax Ave., all lots and tracts of land facing France live. between Halifax kve. and tj.62nd St., and all lots and tracts of land abutting V,62nd St. bebreen France and Brookvietr ~ Aves .. ifotion for adoption of the Besolution was secon were four ayes and no nays, as follows: Bredes *; and the Resolution vns*adopted. and on IzollcaX1 there ns, aye; Bank, aye; c Zb. Iteuter applied for permit to build lthrni.shfeger 'pre-Fabslr on IJarden Avenue. Bank*.s motion, that application be referred to Plannigg Commission. -and architects for their approval, ins seconded by Bredesen and carriedo applicant-s that this construction complies with FHA construction code, which the Villagq has adopted by reference. Evangelical Lutheran Church's repdsentatives appeared once again with regard to building permit Zor church on Blocks 19 and 20, I4endelssohn Addition. They were informed that hermit camot be issued until old dwelling is tom dovm or fha2 - plat is approved. Petitions were filed for OiLing - . I&, Hitcbell recornended that public hearings be set for July 26. Xotion seconded by Bank and carried. Statemqeners1 Report on their audit of IGnneapolis Force Account for cost of IJinneapolis portion 02 Richfield-Edina kterceptor ~ras filed-and referred to Public Utilities Godttee for examination, by.motion Bredesen, seconded by Bank, ad- carried. Plumber s License for T?a.G. Ihrphy, Hopkins, was approved, b3 motion Bredesen, seconded by Danens and .curiedo It was contention of - V,60th St., pran-ce to Bead Ave. U060t;h St . , Fairfax to St. Johns he. Danens so moved. * 6/28/5k 219 Xe. Zikan reported that the County Surveyor's Office will, upon request by the Village Council, check plats for dimensions; that this service will be free, and that it u?i.l1 aid the Village engineering depahment materially, Discussion ivas had, the thought being that perhaps the filing of plats would be delayed under this plan, with the vote recorded below-being qualified by members Child and Bank, to the effect .that request be m9de only on condi<&ons that service will'be without cost, will ngt delay filing of ,plats, ad that request may be wi.thdrarm &'any-time. Bredesen offered-the following Resolution and moved its adoption, RESOLUTION REQUESi'ING TIi3i: HZiiPTT\T COUNTY SUXVXYING SaVICES 33T CO~CTION WITH PUTS c SURvE41QRtS OFFEZ TO REIllZR EI\TG~BERING ARD BE IT WOLAED by the Village Council of.the Village of.Ed&a, I&nnepin County, Rinnesota,,that the Village Xngineer be authorized to submit to the Hemepin" County Surveyor's Office platsssubmi-tted by developers and others, whenever such plats are presentedto the Council for approval, for the purpose of having said County Surveyor's Office check such plats as to distances, angles and other dimensions, provided that such service be rendered to the Village by said Office without charge and further provided that the approval of this resolution shall be reconsidered if the above arrangement resul-ts in delays in recording of plats. Hotion for adoption of Resolution was seconded by Danefis, and on Rollcall there were four ayes and no mys, as follow: Bredesen ens, aye; Bank, aye; and Child, aJ'e; and the Resolution was-adopted. EL-, Zikan reporked that J.E, Boran has requested that easement for %d.k*~ over Lot 8, Block 2, Boran's Edina &mor be reduced, in order that loan can be made on this property.. of lot to the South of this property, to see if an easement of five feet can be obtained from this owner; that then it yould be possible to reduce the original easement fromten feet to five, Bank so moved, I@. Zikan r,ecommended that 142, Bora be asked to contact ovmer Notion seconded by Bredesen and carried. ". d Judge Donald Burris' request for an increase of $10.00 a month in the salary of Court Clerk JDhnston, retroactive to beginning of his term as Clerk, vas dis~cussed, Bankrs motion, that Clerk Johnston be given $10.00 .per month increase beginning July .1, 195.4, IELS ,seconded .by Bredesen and carrsed. Park Board's written request of June 24, asking the follow~g, was discussed: (1) The stock -piling of dirt and other materials by the Street Department on the west side of lfooddale Park be discontihued -il bediat ely . (2) That existing stock &les 0-f fiil maderials thaf would be " suitable for that purpose be placgd at our disposal for use in Woqdda3.e Park. (3) That material stock piled for itreet m&ntenarice et ceteera be moved to some other location. _n e During discussion,Nanager Mitchell pointed out that the Village has no other place suitable for the stockpiling of materials; tha6 it is difficult to secure such a site because neighboring properby owners object, and because a dry place is needed. Bank moved that the matter of finding a storage place for fill; etc, be referred to the Public Works Committee and Bk, TvEtchell. Notion seconded by Bredesen and carried. Bank then moved that letter be written to the Park Board, stating that the Council finds their request a reasonable one &id will york %award the end of accomplfshing it, Park Board's notification thst meetings dl be held the first and third. Thursdays of each month hereafter ~.ias.approved and ordered placed on file. park Board's request for uge of %ool shed" on-the 'tlJallace property km read." Ik. Bredesen reported that this tool shed belongs to &, Russell Lmd ad that he has already stated that Park Board may have it. Board be so informed wps seconded by Danens and carried, Copy of Park Board's letter of June 22,*to Mr. Roy H. Peterson, authorizing negotiatlons for purchase of prope~ies for Norman Dale Park, vas reviewed by Council. Child's motion, tha$ the Council extend its sincere thanks to E. Peterson for his fine work in this matter, was c secondkd by Bredesen 'and unanimously Hotion seconded,by Bredesen and carried. Bredesen's mokion'khat Park - , ', carried. n 220 6/2+/54 Nana~er I.Ii.tchel1 presented tabulation of bids taken this evening for Sanitary S ewer ad Vat emain Improvements , as f ollovrs : i S&IrnrnY sEf.JER t.JAmbIAn4 Peter Lametti Const. Co. Terry Excavating Coo . a, U9* 50 29,622.00 54; 071.50 Volff Const, Co. 32,086.20 29,036,00 61,042.20 Kr. 3Etchell recomended that bid be awarded to low bidder, Peter Lametti Const. Co. at total bid price of $53,287.52. Bank so moved, Ifotion seconded-by Bredesen and carried. X-hager IEtcheU presented plans, specifications and Estimates of Cost for the foUotdg projects, recornending that Public Hearings be held Nonday, July 12: and Danens offerea the folloving Resolution and moved its adoption: wetti & Son 31,262.20 313494.90 62,757010 . ~OUPPIOX PROVDDIG FOR PUBUC HE3RDtGS . P;rOPOSED. TLPziom*mPs 3E - report as to the feasibilitjr of the proposed 'smprovdments described in the Form of Ito%ice of Hearing set forth belbr, and as to the estjmated cost of such inproveaents, said reporb is hereby approved and directed to be placed on file in the office of the Village Clerk, Edina Village Hzll, to consider in public hearings the view of all. persons interested in said proposed hprovements. place and purpose of said meeting to be published in the-official newspaper once - a week, for two successive weeks, the Second of vhich publications is to be not less than three days from date of said meeting, which notice shall be in sub- stantially the following form: 3$O?!IGB IS HEREBY GiVEilI that the Edina' l@llage. Council. rrill meet at the Village Hall on.l.!onday, July 12, 1954, at 7:30 P.I.I., to consider the follotring proposed imGrovenents, to be constructed under the authority granted by IEnnesota Laws of 1953, Chapter 398. 1, 2, RZSOLAED by the Council. of. the .Pil&age of Wina: . 1. .The-Village Engineer, having submitted to the Council a preliminary 2. This Council shdl meet on I-Ionday, July 12, 1954, at 7:30 P.L, in the 3. The Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to cause notice of the time, IJOTICE OF HEARXdGS-Il4PROVE-E~S The approkinate cost of'-such 5mprovements is esthted by the Village Engineer as set forth below: ESTINATEI COST T Constzuction of Sanitary Sewer ahd ilppurtenances in Construction of Sanitary Sewer and bppurtenances in Tj.6lst St. between Chowen and France i';ves.; in France .&e., 'f.f.61st St. to Halifaxrive. Constqction of Sanitary Sever and Appurtenances in St.Johns kve. between IT.60th and W.6.4th Sts.; in 11.62nd St . .betueen Concord and St . Johns +res . ; in 17.63rd St. betveen Ashcroft and Concord rives.; and in Ashcroft; 4. Construction of Tillage 1latermain and Appurtenances . in IT.6ls-t St. between Chowen and Dres Lves., and in Construction of Village llatermai-n Exbersion and Appurtenances in Concord,. Ashcroft; and St . Johns Lives. between 1~63rd and V.63rd St. Zxbended, and tj.6kth St . $L8,07.4.68 Chowen &me. betwen V.6lst atfa W. 62nd Sts, ;j&, ioj. 62 65,891.40 3. &e. between St.Johns he. and TL64th 2%. * 1j&,715*46 Choyen Ave. between If. 61st and If. 62nd Sts $36,7UdSo0"7 5. The area proposed 't;o be assessed for the cost of said proposed improvements-is as fOXi.O~:.s : For iifo, ,Z (above) Lots 9 to 14, Inc., Block 3, Edina Bel-fir 5th Addn. For Bo, Z (above) Lots 13 to 23, 'Inc,,~eBl. 2; Lots 1 to 5, hc., Bl, 3; and Lots l,3 and 4, B1. 4, Edina Bel-Air 5th Addn. For No. 3 (above) kfi lots id tracts of land facing St.Johns Ave, between 'I.T.6Oth and i1.64-bh Sts.; facing Ashcroft live. from St.Johns live, to 8.64th St,; facing CoEcp-rb ike, from T3,62nd to ~1~64th St.; facing.S.lo63rd St. between Concord and Ashcroft Lives . _. For Bo. 4- (above) J-0': Lot '9 1 zn %$?$%I. 3; Lots 13 to 23, ad 4, B1. 4, all in Edina Bel-Atr- 5th Mdn. and Lots L3 For No. (above) All lots and tracts of land facing Concord, Ashcroft and %.Johns he. between lT.63rd St. and IJ.63rd St. Er;tended and V.64th St.; and all lots and . tracts of land facing I-?. 64th- .St , between St . Johns and Concord hes, Uotion €or adoption of iesolution was seconded by Bredesen, and on Rollcall there were four ayes and no nays, as follows: Bredesen,. aye; Danens, aye; Bznk, aye; and e; and the Resolukion vas adopted. I.hyor Pro Tem 228 6/28/54 PTr. IJoehler stated that well is ready for pump installation, and asked that Council take bids on pump on July 12. and carried. Xr. I'iitchell ask6d for Council decision on lunchroom and employees' ,washroo&. He was given authority to go ahead with plans but told that no expenditure muld be made for this construction until 1955. Y Bank so moved. IJotion seconded by Danens ~ I&. IEtchell reported that progress is being made on demolition of mushroom cellar; that -then?is a guard around part or" the prQperty and that "ne iring walls ar? beFng demolished. \ The f ollovling recommendations of the Public TTorks Committee, made June 25th, were approved, by motion Bank, seconded by Bredesen ad carried; That formal contract be dram by Village Attorney, for .signature by IQ. Ralph Hays and the Village, granting Village exclusive right to &ravel in the Hays pit at rate of 14$. per cubic yard for large amounts; l5$ per cubic jrard for small mounts; 16th Village to have right to bring in screening or crushiag ecpipnent. 2., That mechanic Paul Blake be authorized to purchase a 10-ton service 1. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. jack for tool shop,. being a model 70 IMLker, at price of ii199.50. That IEss Docken be given further orders by the Police Department to clean up right-of-way between Docken and JpAsh Cemetery properbies. ,That 142. Jonas-be authorized to put-in blacktop gutters in those areas where frequent washouts occur. (recornmendation occasioned by * Jtr. Buckhole' jrequest for fill in washed out gutters on Grimes Lane). Accomplishment, as soon as possible after important maintenance- work is performed by Street Department, of the widening of $den Avenue from present concrete curb opposite the Country Clubhouse south- ,westerly to the Legion HalL No further action at this time on eaAh fill, sodding and seeding, - and cutting of bank, at new signals, Xillson Road and Normandale. .That public hewing be set on Council.~~~ own motion, for installation* of catch basins and stoh sewer to correct bad drainage at end of .) Code Avenue. That Clerk Bank be appointed to work out details with Country Club as to possible cut-off on Eden Avenue 50 50th St. Bank' s motion, approving the following public Utilities Committee recommendations, made .June 25: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. That public hearing be held for Oakview Addition at same time hearing is held for Ettner-Wing property on Parnell and Valley View ad. and Byan be. wat emains . That public hearing be held on Street Li&ts,-hden between TJ.5Oth and IJ.52nd Sts,, July 26. That I&. %.C. Stow be advised that Sanitary Sewer for Brookvi'ew Heights 1st and 2nd. Addns. and TTatermains for "Lake Edina" Addition will no% receive consideration i.q 19 54 but will..be given consideration for handling in 1955 (See ?_ater action regarding IJatermain). That two large catch basins, with curb helpers, be installed at Oxford Avenue to remedy bad drahagetsituation at Interlachen; that if this does not remedy situation, Council tti3.1- call hearing on its oym motion for installation of story sewer system. That extras not to exceed $600 be allowed for instanation of Sanitary Sever from Halifax Lane to, existing sewer just East of Shehaha Creek be allowed. -I " * Eotion for approval of recommendations seconded by Danens and carried. - Mr. Stow protested Council action with regard to postponing consideration on watermain for Lake Edina Addition. Fublic Hewing- be set at the discretion of the Village Engineer or?, lJa%emnab for &&e Edina Addition. After some discussion, Bank moved that Motion seconded by Bredesen and carried. __ 1-k. Plitchell asked Councills opinion as to railing for steps at front of Village Hall. ge% prices and report at next meeting. Notion seconded by Bredesen and carried. 3Ir. 3Etchell presented list of bad-checks cashed at the Ecpor Store during 1952 and 1953, which have proven impossible to collect. -Bredesen's motion, that bad checks, mount. $260.01, be charged off, was seconded by Bank and carried. IJ~. Nitchell repoded a Ivk. NcLeodts request for Oiling, at his eaense, W.5ls% Street between 0,xford Avenue and the alley lying between 0xr"ord and Bedford; *cost to be not more than 3O$ per foot md 05ling to be done by July 1. moved that request be granted. Notion seconded by Bredesezl and carried, .second carrying stipula%ion that Mr. NcLeod agree to pay cost at time of oilbg, whether before or after Julyl. . Bank's motion, that letter of commendation be written to the Police Officers .*. and Volunteer Firemen who worked in an attempt to sage the LiTe of the man 'recently electrocuted, was seconded by Bredesen and carried. After some discussion, Bank moved that Tillage Manager be directed to r Danens ,. '.* 222 6/28/54 I%, Eitchell reported that Ilr. Ossanna wishes tormeet with represenhtives of the Village concerning several of Twin City Rapid Transit Co~fipanyfs pro@lems 2n this area. Ttk. Nitchell appokted as Council.1 s representative at meeting, I&. Danens brought Council 1 s attention to the Publjc Works Department 1 s low compliment of =en, three men being off ill, to Mre the necessaq men to fill out the street crew. and carried. Bank moved that authoritx be granted Blotion seconded by Bredesen 3k, Danens suggested, once again, that bids be taken for threeyard street sweeper. No action tdcera. Plans for the suggested change in the Edh Avenue cuP-off were presented, reviewed, and ordered placed on file, Insurance bids taken June Qth were reviewed once again, together with the financial statements provided bx EutUaJ, General Agency, LOT bidders, on the underwriters v5th &om they ewe& to do business. insurance be awarded to low bidder, Hutual .General Agency, at premiums listed, was seconded by23mk and carried: Bredesents motion, that bid for the foUowing @€I1 TJ. 50th S%. Toolhouse & Gmage 5150 Eookside Caretaker1 s House 330 Brookside Liquor Store Librarx - 4120 IT. 50th St. -3922 TIo50i;h Sto .- Contents-V.Hal1 content s-+ooaouse Fire,Ext.Gov. 8 Uc,OOO Fire,&&.Cov. $ 5,000 Fire,Exh .Cov. & Vandal, 8 20,000 Fire,-slxt.Cov. 8 25,000 Fire 8 5,000 - 5-Yr. he-Pay 5-yr . Ppe-pay 5-Yr. &e-Pay FYr. Pre-Pay Liquor Stock in Edina Stock Report. Eun. Liquor Store Form-Fire, ilk&. COV. $~OO,OOO 100s l-yr. Pre-Pay $207~00 Plate Glass-Liquor Replacement 5-Tr. Pre-i)ay $ 76.85) L -Store The foUo~&g-sign li.cense applications were approved, by motion Bank, seconded by Daens and carried: Physicians & Surgeons ToTm S: Countrg Hdwe. Pittsburgh Paints c YQ Dr, COT, "noch-~ell TOIM & C0untr.g Hdwe. Tom & Countqj Hdtre. 3940 If.4.9$ St, - l&' x 7' 39Up16 Ti. 50th St. (FronL) 391&-16 'T;T,50th St. (Bear) - Bmk noved for approval uf Plunber's License for Earl Peterson, 1300 Kelly Drive, (;olden Valley. %nager Hitchell reported that he had taken the liberty of having published a notice or" hearing on assessments, scheduling such hearing on July 26, kasmch as hearing requires 30 daysf published notice, and %ssessmen%s had not yet been made up at Council's last regular meeting, and assessment mUs on the projects, asking that the Council. ratifJ. notice published, Bank offeredthe following Besolution and moved its adoption: €G3OzzTrfIoiT PROVIDING FOR PUBLIC IW&WGS BE rr" RBOLIED by the Council of -the ,Village .of Ed&a, as fo~otls: specisly 'assessed, f or BL4CIX'OPPIIJG E.PZi.OlQZ.Xm A-L;7, WING f;?D WiVZKCKG an@--for lj?iT@fIiill IKEWELXE NO. 66, agaast the. qespeckivedots, pieces and parcels of 1and.within %he-district affected by each of said improveinents, and said proposed assessmsnts h;?vjllg been filed with the Clerk, the same are hereby approved, and said Clerk shall keep the same on file in his office and open to public inspection pending hearing thereon as herein provided. form of notice.hereinafter conkained to pass upon said proposed assessments, and the Clerk is'herebx directed to cause notice of the time, place and purpose of said meeting to be published in the official newspaper at least 30 days prior to said neeting, which notice shall be in substantially the follor.hp; form: Xotion seconded by .W.edesen and carried. - He presented tabulations of assessments, . . 03 ;ilswsafls FOR z-Pl3om*mns .. I. The Clerk and ZngSneer having calculated the proper'anount to be DP~OP@Z$XTS C-27, ad C-. &El GWUB-.I&E'ROVElX~.S l3-12, 3-22, ad B-23, . ,,- This Council shall meet at the time and place specified in the 2: 7 i 223 i . FOR l3!@ROW*@IIpTS IVG'L'XCE IS I33333Y GhT, that-,the-.Council. of the Tillage Bf Edina wWmeet at the Village Hall on 1-Ionday, .JXy 26, 1954, at 7:30 I?.&, to h'ear and pass upon all objections, if any, to the proposed agsessments for the.following imprbvements, which assessments are now on file in the of?ice of the Village Clerk and open"to public inspection: 1. Blacktopping A-47 - ' The b1zclrt;opping of Oak1avm Avenue from Uest 58th to West 62nd Street. 2. The Grading and Gravblling of IJest 58th street from FraPlce Avenue to Brookview Avenue . -. Curb and Gutter B-19 2 Curb and Gutter on I&st 58th Street from Xooddale Avenue to Kellogg Avenue. Curb and Gutter B-21- .L Curb and Gutter on Xerxes Avenue from West 55th to 'Vest 56th Street. Curb and Gutter B-22 *, Curb and Gutter on Prooddale Avenue from West 60th Sk;ree'k to'T?est 61st Street. Curb and Gutter B-23 2 Curb and Gutter on tfest 60th-Street fromiellogg avenue to WioddalE Avenue. Construction of Vilfage 1Tatermai.n and appurtenahces in Concord Terrace from Concord Avenue to St'.Joh~s &venue and in St.Johns Avenue Yrom Concord Terrace to W.5Gth St. Assessment for Blacl&opping-and Curb and Gutter will be payable in five equal, annual consecutive instalhents exbending over a period of five years, the first of said installments to be gayable with taxes for the year 1954 collectible in 1955, with interest on the enti%e assessment at the rate of 5% pep annun from the date of the resolution levying thfe assessment to August 15, 1955. installment tiJill be added" interest at the same rate for one year on aJ-L unpaid installments . Assessment for I?Tate&ain improvenent ~ciU be payable in ten equal "consecutive, m~~al. installments extending over a period of ten years,+ th& first of said install- ments to be payable with taxes for the year 1954 collectible in 1955, with interest on the entire assessment *at the rate of 5% per annm from the date of the resolution levying the assessment to* August 15, 1955. added interest at the sa'e-rate for one year,on a11 unpaid installments. annual installments e,Uten'ding over a period of three years, the first of said instal- ments to be payable for t%e year 195.4 collectible in 1955, with interesb on the entire assessment -to Audst 15, 1955. interest at the same rate" for one year on all unpaid installments. whole of assessment withdut interest to the Village Treasw-rm, on. or before October 10, 195.4, and may thereafter make payment with accrued interest, to the County Treasurer. pieces and parcels of la6d fronting and abutting on the portions of *he streets in which said improvements &e mad-e. BY OlDIB OF' TI2 VILLAGE COUNCIL. Grading and Gravelling C-27 - f 1 -* 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Uatemnarin IJoe 66 - * "7 $ To epch subs*ep?ent L To each subsequent installment will be Assessment for Gradikg and Gravelling will be payable in three equal, consicutive, To each subsequent iGstalment will be added d The otmer of any prc$erty assessed for any of the above improvemenbs may pay the The area to be assedsed for the above named improvement;s includes all lots, r * ~ .I-_ .- EVALD Ce B.&TK '1 Village Clerk " *c filoU.on for adoption of t6e Resolution was seconded by Bredesen, and on Rollcall there were four ayes and no na;ljs, as follows: Bredesen, aye; Danens, aye; Bag-&, aye; and qhild, aye; and the Resofution was adopted. A- *. Bredesen moved for payme6t of Village Pqcroll, amount $1T,927.94, and Liquor Store Payroll, amount $554.55, 'for period Jupe 16 to 30, 1954, as recorded in4detail in Payroll Ledger, and for $a.Jm.nt of the following claims. and carried. Eotion seconded by Danens n * TO: a cm:s NO. 7 58$5 . Suburban He&. Coo Relief t 10919 liUler Hardihre 10982 Enneapo1is"Postmaster I 10982 c If, 3 3.75 3bneapolis" T Postmast er GIZtBAC83 FUNR E 33 .33 ,. I . . . . . .*. . Y.6 -.-33.33 224 A t?r. ?-? Corzpany PiresLone Stores ~ 192,OO 6&69 771.95 157044 hoe77 232030 178 64 60,oo 100022 45a*oo ll9eJ-7 17;OO 1.1'7 25 8 .?5 6/28/54 I supply co, S-O97t?. Const, Bullet2.n 10979 E&?a NornLngside Courier -- 10980 I? .We Bell Telephone : 10947 TJanner Co, 10916 10920 10922 30923 109l4.4. 10974 3-0979 10930 10932. 10982 10989 10973 Berg & Farnham Co, Tor-rn & Country Hardxare Ceatral Suyply Co, - Lyon Chemicals Badges 1-feter Nfg* Cbmt; Bulletin - mina Wmmingside C6urier N3T,BB7-1 Telephone - T.Elle* Davis Ninneapolis Pos tmas tzr C.M,St,Paul & P*R,R, - I. American Iiinen Supply Company 12,20 Afiheuser-Ehsch, Inca 259*42 I 365rnaf1 Es%ributing Company 210 64. C&nad& Dry Beverages 1.58d@ Carpenter Paper Company . 13.67 CXausbn 6c Sons, Inc, 1,168 &2 Coc a4 ola Bottling Company 72a& Famous Brands Inca 153 *bo O,M,Droney Bev, Corpny 48~82 Famous BraPlds Inca 67386 Muether DiS tributing Company ,16b.16 Gluek Brewing Company 255J6 f-lassolt BottA@ Compaqy 6,68 liEd-lnJest Wtxd Company 546958 Pabs t Bceivx?.% Xompany zlit e02 f%nneapoE.s Erewing Company 968 +SO Rex Distributing Company 173*43. Royal Beverage Distributing Co, 72*8L Schlitz Bre1ri.e Company 93e46 StSte or" EEnn,,Office of Liquor Coiitrof Corns 10eOO Seven-Up Bottling Company. 84d96 Tqnehant Calculators, Inca 24*C)o Norenern State Power ConparSy 43.33 Val B jornson Pres . P,E;R,A, 67 21 179e60 IWI, Hospital Service &s'ne 8425 Griggs, Coopbr &Company - 39 85O+i2 Ed, Fhillips &Sons Co, 498eL.1 Director of kt. R, 50,OO Nort;hs.J.estern Bell Telephone Goa 15675 Lpn Johnson C8ipany 45Se.00 - filidland Hational Bank (withheld taxes) U,S,T-reaswy Dept, Office of Dist, Famous Brands kcS 728,16 : 225 C Bank introdaced the r"ollo.r.ring resolution and moved its adoption:. RESOLUTION CZEL4TIPJG 195'4 FIRST SERIES IFE%O~Ei\TT EOW FUND, PROYIDTI~G FCR AND AFPROPRIATING smcru ASSZSBEXTS FOR TIB SUPPORT &I MIIINmIImCE THEBZOF, ,W DLRJ3CTIIJG C ISSUAXCE OF DQROmalE BOPfDS BE IT RESOLPEB by the Council of the Tillage of Edina, f4hnesota as follo&: and does hereby,find, determine ana declare tha$ the Tillage of Edina has duly d-eterdned, after public hearing as required by law3 the necessity of %he construction or" each of the bffprovements described below a& the area proposed to be assessed therefor, ard has ordered, received and approved plans and specifications and entered into contracts thwdor after dne ad- vertiscmnt for bids; that the total benefits resulting from each of said hprovements to the lots and tracts of land subject $0 assessment therefor and to the Village at large ~Lllbe not less ,than the total cost of such . 1, This Council has FnvestLgated the facts necessary to ascertain . t 226 6/28/% 'kat the t&al cost of each of said improvenen-ks", includZ&' incarred qd to be incurred fro;? its bception to its c6qle- fees and eqenses in connection therewith, is estkm'ced to be the amount ,sa% co2pas.i'ce Ithe rrwnber ad the designation of such improvenkdt in the fo~XLo:.itg tabulation-: Street Ijfforovments .' St&et mrovwznts (Curb alid Gutter) B-1.9 0 1,94305'7 8-22 * and the aggregate cost if szid iqrownents is eslimated to be as fofmrs: I* .. Blacktopping I Curb and Gut-beT Grading ard GrSveWg Sideml-E; 3epaiys Sanitary Semr? Stom Se;.Ters Ta'cer IWxs L TOM $1813 8434.75 that in accordance ~5th:the &sting ordidces of the Village, special assessments 13vied to ppj "che+cost of the grad- and gravelins improve- ments abow described aze parable in three (3) annual insta&ents; gnd those in respect of the,blacktopping, curb and qtter and sidemlk repairs are payable in five (51, amal instalImcn"c; and those in respec% of the remThder of said biproyemnts me payable in ten (IO) annual installnents, ezch install?lent of all- assessments including ikt"er&st ob the then unpaid balance of such assessmFt at the rate of fiv? per cen6 (S$} per annwn, corn- puted as pro-dded in KipnesOta Statutes 1953, Section 429.061, sub< 7 vision 2; %hzt the Vill-lage noy OT& easments and righ'cs of :.ray over all sgreets and other proFert5es reqwed for the cop-bruction bf such improvmsntsf that it is necessary ar$ exgedrient for %he Villaze to bokrov at %his &A the slam of $l75,OCO, fo~ the purpose of paying e$&es incurred and -bo be jncurred ip cocmection ~5th said improvements, by -&e iskuance of gensral obligation 5rqrovemen-b bol=dS 'in accordance kth the pro?6sions of 1.Iinneso"Ca. Statutes 1953, Ssction 429,091, subdivision 4; and that W acts, confitions and things required bj the Constitution and la~m of the State of IEnnesoLZ to be done, to extst,* to happen and to be performed preljminary -bo the is- suance and sale 03 said bods have been done, do exist, have happened arid have been perfomzd in due form, time and nzanner as so required. 2. A special debt redemption $iid shall be ad is hereby creatsd, to be de&gnxkd as ?ne It1954 Eirst Sari&jImprow.snt~Bond Fund," and to be held and acM,nistsred.by 'che Village'beasures in accordance with -LIE , prov5sions of ~.'inneso'ca Sta-butss 1953, Scc.-bion 429.091,. subdivision 4, rfhich fund shall be a&xbi.stsred and accoun-bed for in the mmer Berein speFified until all of %he iqrovemnt bonds herein authorized and %interest hereon shall. haTm been fully pzid; provided that said fund may be consolidated xd"L;h s36lla,r faids ~zTn%&~d Cor the payment of bpovemnt bonds of the Village of E-, t~ the extent and the ~mw nov or hcseafter permiS;i;ed by la% A separate Zl~nff is also hereby created and shall be maintained for each of %he LnproverBnts financed bj this issue, Tsfiich finds shall be designated by I I 6/28/54 . 379 .P d the number of the krprovemmts to which L&ey respectively pertain, ceeds of sale of the improvement bonds herein authorized shall be credited to sajd impcoveiient funds, respectively, in amounts proportionate to the esti- matad cost of each improvement as set forth in paragraph lhereof, and from each of said funds shall be paid all costs and e,upenses of making the hprcpe- men% for r-rhLch the same is created, as such esenses are incurred and auoved, and the moncys in said fun& shall be used for no other purpose; provrided that (1) there shall be transferred from the fund of each of said improvements ”M, the 1954 First Series Jmprovement Bond Fund an amount equal to Q-rkrast com- puted 3.t f5m per cent (sf:) per annum on tihe cost of the iipromment for uhich such improvement fund is naintained, from the date of issue of the bgndspherein authorized to the date upon which the assessment roll for Tmch knpro$ement &dl bc finally confimed, such mount being hereby foim-d 2nd detemined to be a reasonable and proper eleneiit of the cost of each of saiq impovements, and. said cost 49aTring been capitalized in the princLpa1 amount of this issue; and- (2) if upon completion of each of such improvemerks there shall raqain any unexpended balance in the fund of such improvement, such balance may be transferred to the fund of any other impovement herein designated for &.Lch the noncys herein provided may prom ii?sufficient, and upon complc$5.on df all 02 said ihyovements any unexpended balances in the funds of- such improwmaits shall be %ransferred to said l9$, First Sei-ies Improvement Bond l?u.nfl, shall be credited to sa-id 19SL. First Series Improvement Bond Fund an collec- tLons of the special assassments herein agreed to be-leTried and all accried interest and premium received upon delivery of said bondsr The moneys in said fund shall be held and used only for the payment of the prhcipd of and intorest on said bmds as such payments becom due, or to prepay and- redeem the sa%e Then and as such bonds become prepayable, as hsreinaftar set forth; protided that in the event that it shall be determined- by the Council to ’be necessary $0 borrow ada-tional moneys for the payment of %he cost of said improvenents, and i? such cost shall prove to exceed the mount hereinabosre estimated, and if %he Village shd1 under”&ke aad agree to levy special assessments and/or general taxes in excess of the amounts of assessments herein specified, the Village sl~all have the right and po~~e~ to issue additional improvement bonds paJrab2.e from said 195b First Series %rovemen% Bond Fund on a paritywith the bonds of the issue herein author- ized, but the amount of dl bonds issued in respect of said improvcments shall not exceed the total cost thereof or the total amount of the assessments ami taes levied therefors Be 9ro- c There . 3* It is hereby determined that the entire cost of said ikprovements shall be paid by the levy of special assessments upon all assessable lots and tracts of land 3_ying ?&thin the assessable meas heretofore specified in the respective resolutions ordering said j.mprovemen%s, based upon the special benefits received by each such lot xid- tract, “he Village hereby covenan”cs and agrees i&at it ~ri.12. do and perfurm, as soon as mya be, alll ac%s and things necessary for the final and valid le~y of said specizl assessments, and all coUect,iom, of said. assessments are hereby irrevocably approprizted Lo said 1954. First Sex&es Improvement Bond ”und, ment be at any time held inmlid. wi-iih respect to any lot or tract of laad, due to my errar, defect or irregdarity in any action OP yoceedinz %&en or to be taken by ‘&e Village or by this Council or by any oq. the Vi.lla;;e*s officers or employees, either in the making of such assessme& or iii the perfornance of wy confition preced.en% thereto, the Village hereby coTenants and agrees that it trill forthxith do all such fnrther acts and take all such In the event that any such assess- further proceedkgs as shall be reqyired by 1a.r.r -bo lizake such assessinents a ~ra2iC ard bindirG lien upon said property, Said assessmeqts shall be payable in equal, corsecu-bive, annual instal&nerits, the first of which shall be certi- fied to the -Cow:Ly Auditor for collection with general taxes for the year 29511, 9f possible, or if not, for the year 1955, 3rd theremaining instalheiits for collectLon Tsith the general Jmzes 9or ea@ subsequent consecu%ive year until the rate of 52; per amm {on the entim assessment Tron Vne date of -i;ize resolu- installment is payable, ‘ To .each subsequent iris-La3-h.ent shall 5e added 5nteres-i; the assessment is paid, To -&ne first installment shall be add-ed interest a% . ,I %ion levyip; the assesment until December 31 of the yea^ in ~jiltch .$he’ ?first at 5:; per amm for one year on all mpztid ins-k1lmen-b a . 5. .‘ .* 3’ 4. The full fai.i;h and credit of -%he Village shall be and’5s .hareby irrevocably pledged for the promp’c and full payment of the principal..o.:and. interest on said bondso It Is estihated that the collections of s~&d specidl assessments, together 16th the capitaE.eecl interest appropniated to said 19% First Series Improvement Bond Fm6, rill produce sum not less than 5:s in ex- cess of the mounts needed to pay said principal and. interest Tken &@, in accordance TTith the provisicms of f*Ei?nesota Sta-hLes, Section .b7S,61, any the f?e moneys in said fund should be i-nsuTfici,ent to pay ell such p9.n- cspal 2nd interes% due the Council shall provide Sufficient l?;one;rs for swh papent from an7 other Tmds in the treasury of the Village, arid such funds may be reimbursed fron the proceeds of said special assessments when collected, and the Village shall have the power aEd authority to levy ad,-cralorm taxes If at 228 upon all Gi? the taxcible yo?erQ,r within its corporzte 1Mts to %he exbent required to restore any defic5.ency in said fund for the papent 02 satd bonds and interest;, vhich 1e??y ray be Fade without 1Wktion as to ca'ce or amaunt, e - sa For the purpose of pay-..% the cost of said Lirovmants and in anticipation of the collection of said special assessments, the Villaje sha77 forlhwLth issue YGS negotiable coupon general ob3jgation Improwx~nt Bods of 1954, First Seyies, payable primwily from said 1954 First Series ImproTJeneZlt Fond Fund, Said bonds shall be dated as of June l3 19!& shall be 175 in nur??er ana mbered frorii 1 to 175, incXusive, each in the denon2- na-bion UX $3ClC0, sh-dl bear inbrest at the rzte.of 2,1!.0f: per annum, payable Xarch 1, 195s and swiamudly thereafter on Seytember 1 and %rch 1 of each year, azd sba71 nature serially, lomst numbers first, on Eirch 1 in the yews and amounts ZS:€OUO:.TS: $20,000 in each of the j-ears 1956 Through 1960 and $15,000 in each of the yeas 2.961 %hrou@ 1965. Each of said bonds shall be subject to reden.tion er? yepapent a% the option of Lhe Village on Me 1st day of I&rch or the 1st day of September h1nediateel3~ precediw its stated ~a~ty.dda-k, ab a price of par plus interest to accrue to the date speci- fied for redexption. Said bonds shall be redeemzd ho:yever 0x3~ in order of Beir serLz1 Ilum'crs, lovest numbers first, and only out of mone3~ on hand in said 1954. First Series figommen% Bond Fund in excess of the sum of -the in- terest t5 become due on I%l oulstmding bonds of said issue on the then na:& succeeding khrest papent date. and dirscteci to mil noticewof the call..of my of said bor,ds for reder;p-l;-ion to the holder, -53 lnmm, and to the bank at which principal and interest arc then paJrable, mil to mk"tain E register shotring the names and addresses of the bondholders alld the serid. munbers of their bonds, so far as such infoma- tion is made ax~ailablc to him, The principal of and interest on sa5d bonds shall be payable at Tne !!~tx5.can National Bank of Saint Paul, 5n St, Paul, IZmesota, and %ha T*Til?_a,nc hereby qrees to pay %he reasoncble and custonay &ages of said pqing agent for the receilat and disburs@nsnt &ereofs The Village Clerk is hereby authorized C C I.ZK5.T fiJi I4E2J BS WEE PiESEITTS that the Tiage of m-a, a duly organized: and existing municipal corporation ,of the County 02 Hemepin, St2te of I-ikmesota, acknovledges itself to be indebted 2nd for value re- ceived promises to pay to bearer the swn of @E 'THGUSUfD DOZXRS on .the 1st dq of 'r.larch, l9-> or on ii date prior thereto on ifiich this bond shall have been duly called for redqtion purmant to the right of pre- Fa-ymnt reserved beloi~> and to pay interest thereon from the date hereof' until said princiaal sm be paid, or until %his bond has been dulr czlled Tor redeqtion, 2% the rate of %pro and forty-hmdredths per cent (2&$) per amxum, pqable I-Iarcli 1, 1955 and semriama1l.y thereafter on ZEepte&er I and ;?arch I. of ezch ;re=, i-nterest to mturity- be- represen-i;ed by and payabk in accordance vi,-& ail upon presenta-tion and surrender' of the in- terest COU~OPS appurtenant hereto * Both pr$-ncipal ard interest are payab,le at %!he hrican Ratlonal Bank of Saint Paul, in St, Paul, Eianesota, in any co5.n or currency of the United States of America xhich on tle respective . tiIttes of nqment is legal te~der for public and private debts* pro@% and ~fu3.I pap-ient of. such principd and cinterest as the sam respec- tiveQ-becorne due %he fuU faLth, cred5-t and*taxin;7 potrws of .the Villace - . - For the are hereby irrevocabl;r Fle3.SBd. ., !his boEd is one.i:oflian_issue'.in the aggrezate Frhcipal amount 03 $l'&WO, aU of like datzczkd'&enor*epept;as ;.to serial number and ma-burity, all issued for the purpose *os+ deQayhg. eq)o*ds incurred and ;bo be incurred in constructing nccessary street 5mprownents; sanitary severs and water ens in sztd-village, and 5s issued pursuant b and in$ulI conforr&.ty ~nth the Constitution and lam of -'&e State of ICinnesota thereunto enablins, aad pur- want to resolukions duly adoptqd by the ViUage Council, pq,rable~rimaril;. from special assessments -%o be levied 2or the payment of the cost of said irzyJrovenents, but the Village Council is reqtaired to pa7 the same out of any fund in the Village in the event that -f;fie assessnsk coUaxLed are at any t5re insufficient to meet the paynent of matura principal md interesto . This bond is 228 t. Each of the bonds of said issue is subject to redeqtion and pre- paymat at the option of the TTiZlage, at par and. accrued interest, on "&c 1st day of Narch or the lst day of September immed$ately precedinz its stated ma'r;urity date. Such redemption may be mde only ~ order of serial -mbers of the bonds, lowest muibers first, and upon nokice mailed, at least thirty dzys prior to the date specified for redemption, to the holder, rif lmor.m,o% each bond so called for redem?tion, and to the ba& ai, id-iich principal and interest %e %hen payable, Bondholders desiring to receive such nctice may register their manes and addresses and the serial munbers of their bonds xith the Village Clerk, IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED, RECITED, COVEI\v?I\TTE. AB13 +!GREE$ %hat all acts, conditions and-things requ-ired ly the Consti&tion and lam of -the State of Minnesota to Be done, -t;o er;ist, to happen and to be performed preWaary to and in the issuance of this bond in order to make it a valid and binding gGneral obEga%ion of said Village according to its 'mrms have been done, do exist, have happened and have been performed as so required; -kat the estimated collections of said special a$sese- mcnts t.sill be in the years and amounts required to produce sums not less than five per cent (5%) in excess of the mounts required for papmt sdnen due of the principa and interest on all bonds of this issue; that ddi- tional ad valorem taxes, if xleeded for the payment of such principal ad interest may be levjed upon all taxable property in the Village without limitation as to pate or amount; and. that "&e issuance of Vhis bond did- not cause the indebtedness of said Villlage to exceed any constitu'cional or sta'cutmry limitation, \ IN r;%TTNFSS TIJHEBEOF the Village of Edina, Hemepin coun"cy, PEmeso%a., by its Village Council, has caused this bnd to be ex~cu-kd in iks .behalf by the signature of its Nayor, countersigned by its Tillage Clerk, and sealed with its official seal, and the inkrest coupons appur- %enant hereto to be executed and authenticated by the facsimile signa-bures of said officgrs, and has caused this bond to be dated as of June 1, 19she (Signed) Reuben F, Erickson TJrzyor Countersigned: (seal) NO, (Fox% -of Coupon) $12.00 ($18,00) On the 1st day of Ekch (Septeriber), 3-9-$ the Village of Edina, Hemepin Coqntg, Nim-esota, will pay to bearer at The American Natioml Bank of Sa5nt Paul, in St, Paul, Minnesota, the sum of TkBLVE RHD lKj/~OO (EIGH'IEBJ &.ID N0/100) f133Lzw25 lar&iL money of the United States of &erica for Tinterest then &e an its Jhprovement Bond of 1954, First Series, dated June 1, 1954, No, R (Facsimile signatme) -. (Facsimile s ignatur e 1 Maym VLllage Clerk (The last ~WO coupons attached to each bond shall include the phrase: be1oi.r is called f c)r earxer redemptLonll*) "Unless the bond described .- 7* Said bonds sha3.l be prepared under the direction of the Village Clerk and sh+ be executed on behalf of the Village 6y the signature 02 the Pkayq~, countersigned by, the Village Clerk,' and the corporate seal shall be affixed thereto, and -&+ in-iierest coupons shall be executed and authenticated by the printed, engrav4d or lihographed facsirde signatures of said T4ayor and Vi2lage Olerk6 FJhela szrid bonds hgve been so executed and authsnticsted, -&ey shall b-e deljyered;by the Treasmer to the purchaser thereof $2cp,pay- 1n.cc-k 'of %he! purchase e heretofore agreed upon3 and said pw.chake2 6hdl not be obJ-igei.2 to se the aBplication of ithe purchase prLce,- 8, The Village .Clerk. is hereby authorized an6 directed to transmit a certified copy of this resolution to the County Auditor of Henne&.n County for certification that the bonds her-ein au'chorized have been duly registered, I - (",' I '. . . * I * ..I* 9* The officers of -the Village and -tihe County iluditor of Hemepin Count7 are hereby authorized and directed to prepare and furnish to the pur- 230 chaser of-ssfd bonds ard Lo the attorneys approving the legaility of the issuance thereof certified copies of a72 proceeus relatfng Lo said bonds anrl. -to the financial aIfairs of ths Tillage, and such other affidaxits, certificates and inL"omatZon as nay be required to shov the facts relabin: to the lega3jtg and marketabili+j of said tsolzds as the same appear 2com the books and records under the& custody and con-Lrol or as otherrrise ho~n to them, and du such cer-buied copies, certSicaLos 2nd ar"fidarits, bcludiinz any heretofore furnished, shall be deemed representations of %he Village as Lo the facts reciked therein, !be motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution mas duly seconded by Bredesen, ar,d on rollcall, *ere follom: wbereqon said resoluklon TXIS decl.wed duly passed Bredesen, aye; Daners, aye; Bank, aye; P, 3Ianager IEtchell reported Yaat the %sthated Cost of a oatemsin connection to serve Lot Il, Block 1, l3rool:side Heights 16ll be ,j36O0OO, aqq 3p&& offered the following liesolution and moved its adoption: BZSOUTIOiJ iPPZOVDJG PWJ3 -AND SPBCIFICATIONS FOR PitOPBEQ lTh!i%Di R*.I?i3O~-EKTS,. .&ID -PFLOVDEJG PQIZ *- , PUBLIC .HErnJ3TGS TmoN* . BE IT Iz"r;soLTIED by the Council of the Village of Edina: report as to the Veasibility of the proposed Ifatemain Improvements described in the fomns of Hotice of Hewing set forth below, and as to the estima,ted cost of such improvements, said report is hereby approved and directed to be placed on Tile b- the office of the VillaGe Clerke Zdina VilZage I-KLI, to consider in public hearings the views of .all- persons interested in said proposed hprovements. 3. - -The Clerk -is hereby authorized and directed to cause notices of the time, place and purpose of each of said meetings to be published in the official newspaper once a weel.; for two successive weeks, the second of which publications is to be not less than three days from date of said meeting, which notices shall be in substan'tially the follovhg form: * . 1, The Village Engineer, having submitted to the Council a preliminary 2. This Council shall meet on Honday, July 12, 1954, at 7:30 P.I.T., in the I , I (4 llWiCZ3 OF €IZARRtC-1l&!i-~~ EZROVEZ4T 1 NXICE IS i-lERZBY GIVEll that the-Edina. Village Council T.riu meet at the Village Hall.on I.rionday, .July 12, 1954, at 7:30 P.H., to consider the follothg proposed improvement,, to be constructed under the authority granted by IEnnesota Latrs of 1953, Chdpter 398. The approximate cost of such improvement is. estimated by the Village &.@mer as set forth below: EST. COST t Construction of Villdge iZatema5q and Appurtenances to serve kt 11, Block 1,. Brookside Heights ;$360,00 The area proposed to be assessed fop the cost of said proposed improvement consists of the abve naned lot, c c ZVl1I;D C, BdK, Village Clerk Village of Zina c E (b) PIOTICB OF €€%RIi'$GlT~~*W~ 31;PO-VZSIJT IKYiTCZ I3 HGE23Y GIV" that the 3dina Tillage.Council will meet at the Village Hall.on Ifonday, .July 12, 1954, at ?:30 P.lL, to coFsider the followhg proposed improvement, to .be constructed under the authority *'&ranted b-;. I-Iinnesota Laws 09 1953, Chapter 39B. by the Tillage Engineer as set forth below: The approximate cost of such hprovement is estirirated BT. COST Construction of Village Ilatermain lmprovement and hpurtenances to serve "3;qts 4,5 and 6, Block 3, Helody Iholls 2nd iddition, and that property described as Yne EeU7 Ft. of Ia/4 of r.n/z.of Lot 3, Sec, 33, TVQ. 117 Ne, 3, 2117 Cj3,601.00 The area proposed to be assessed foj? the cost of said proposed improveaent consists of the above named lots and tracts of land, EVitl;D C. 3&X, Village Clerk Village of 3:dina . 4.- The plans and specifications for the proposed llatemab improvements set forth above, heretofore prepared by the V'lage Engineer and now on file in the office of the V-illage Clerk are hereby approved. &tion for adoption of Resolution was se irere four ayes and no nap, as follows: Bre and CHd, aye; and the Resolhtion wa$-aadopt + " I i 1 r, I 6/28/54 231 The matter of the proposed Stom Sewer hprovement in Beard Avenue betvreen 11.55th Street and the Creek was discussed at some length; it being brought out during the discussion that the construction is eqedient, for protection of the Village sanitary t& sever laid in the Creek bed. &Imager iWxhell presented preliminary plans and an esthate of cost, asking that Council expedite the improvement. Bank moved that it is the feeling of this Council that properties benefited by construction of this proposed Stom Sewer be assessed an amount per square foot equal to that to be assessed against the properties benefited by construction of Storm Sewer in Zenith kvenue between 8.55th Street and the Creek; and tkt, because it is expedient for the Village to protect both the street, and the sanitary trunk sewer lying in the Creek bed, the Village General Fund bear the balance of construction cost. Notion seconded by Bredesen and carried. Bank then offered the following Resolution and . moved its adoption: -_ RESOLUTION PRO'6TJDII\TG FOE PUBLIC HlGXKiitG PROPOSZD STORE SEiEFi DE€l,OVZSE . BE 33' RESbLVZilp by the Village Council of Eana: The Village ibgineer, having submitted to the. Council a preliminary report as to the feasibility of the proposed Storm Sewer Improvement described in the Form of Notice of Hewing set forth below, and as to the estimated cost of such imprave- ment, said report is hereby approved and directed to be placed on file in the office of the Village Clerk. Village Hall, to consider in public hearings .the- views of all persons interested in said proposed improvements. The Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to cause notice of the the, place and purpose of said meeting to be published in the official newspaper once a week for tvJo successive weeks, the second of which publications is to be not less than three days from date of said meeting, which notice shall be in substantially the following form: 1. 2. This Council shall meet on Nonday, July 12, 1954, at 7:30 P.M., in the Edina 3. - JWIICE OF IiEXR~-GSTO~T SZUER DLE~~JXQ NOTICE IS HEREBY GNFJ\T that the Edina Village Council will meet at the Village Hall on Nondzy, July 12, 1954, at 7:30 P.I:i., to consider the following proposed inprovement, to be constructed under the authority granted by I4briesota Laws of 1953, Chapter 398. Engineer as set forth below: The approximate cost of such improvement is estimated by the Village ZST. COST %5,290.76 Construction of Village Storm Sewer and Appurtenances in Board Avenue between W.55th St. and Creek The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of said proposed improvement includes all tracts of land with the following boundaries: Qeginning at a pt. 80 Ft. N. of the intersection of W.56th St. and Beard kve.; tho 3. to E. line of Lot 10, B1. 4, Imte Investment Company's Hidden V;iLley; th. N. to IiE Cor. Lot 10; "c. E. to SE Cor, Lot 7, B1. 4; th. 11. along E. line to IG Cor. said Lot '7; th. If. across 7J.55th St. omcenter. line of Lot 7, B1. 3, White Investment Company's Hidden Valley, to pt. 40 Ft. N. of S. line thereof; th., IJ. to E. line of Lot 9, said B1. 3; th. 3T. to pt. 60 Ft. from S. lot line; th. W. to If. line bt- 10, said B1. 3; th. Illy across Beard he. to center of Lot 1, B1. 2, Xdaa Hills; th.1 lay 50 Ft.; .th, Sly to S. line Lot 2, said B1. 2; th. E. to Beard Ave. md S. $0 pt. of beginning. - Notion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded-by Danens, and on Xollcall. there were four ayes and no- nays, as follows: aye; and Child, aye; and the Resolution was ado ATTGST: I EVh C. BANK, Village Clerk ... .. ; Danens,& a3re; Bank, Village Cflerk &tAq There being no further business to come for adjournment. 12:15 A.L, Tuesday, June 29. Notion seconded by Bredesen and