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Prefiminary Plans for the proposed Eden Avenue-lL50th Street intersection change
and hproveaent were submitted by Nanager HLtchqU., Bank moved that Council. go on record as favoring change and improvement for reasons of public safety, provided
that Edina Holding Company is agreeable to assuming the cost of the improvem&t
as outlined; and that letter of intent be written to Edina Holding Company,
Eotion was seconded by Bredesen and carried.
The hour being late, and there being considerable business yet to come before the
Council, Bredesen mved for adjournment to July 28, immediately after Board of
Review Neeting, 1.Potiort. seconded by Child and carried. Zieethg adjourned at
12:20 A.lf,, Tuesday, July 27.
JULY. 8, 1954. BIEM;IWG..OF ,T@-_BOm_ OF. BJ$KlEW,
HEI9 "ESDAY, . JULY 28;. 1954, 4 7 ~30. Pot*&.
. - -. I- BT .T@_EDIbfAVILUGE HAIL-.
I '
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lfmbers of the Village Council who wese present io kt as the Board of Reyiew were
Vi.llage"Assessor Creighton prekented the'BooCs of-Valuation to the Board for
inspection. 3ir. Creighton explained that.the complaints of the preyious meeting
had been taken cqe of ,'
e child, Danens, gd * Erickson. "-As&stant &gi.nee$Zikan acted as Clerk. __ 1.
ISrs, James L, Brown of 504.4 Kent Avenue objected to the amount of tax she paid.
She claimed-she had been unable to reach the Assessor by phone and had not
received answers to her letters,
one of which had been adjusted by I$r, Haeg at Henneph County, Hrs. Broim
nahtains that her home has only three. rooms and her tax of about $4.00 is too
high. Hr, Creighton agreed to meet her at his office at 9:OO A,N, I on Thursday,
July 29,. 19.54, to go over her house plan and then look the property over wi%h her, kr. Creighton explained that it 1s possible that a mistake could have been made.
P-ks,-Paul Thacker, 5053 17hdsor Avenue, objected to the cost of special assess-
ments.-and objected to the fact that there was no back yard on her lot and that a
triangular stdp of her land was of no value to her; stating she wished to deed it to the Village. Hr, Child mentioned that the Village would have no use for
this land, Hayor Erickson called a6tention to the fa"& that the home and land
were purchased with hodedge of the size and shape of lot, -Xrs, Thacker then
stated that the Andersons across the street had a reduction in the,amount of
their assessment.and she wanted a reduction. Since t-lrs. Tha&er was not object-
ing $0 the taxes but to special assessments, she was referred to Gretchen Alden,
Depkty Clerk for an investigation of the conditions she was referring to. -
I&, Child moved that the Books of Valuation be approved, Hotion seconded by
Danens and carried,
Nr, Child then mved for adjournment of Neetin dina Board of Review, iotion
seconded by I-&, Danens and carried,
Sh"e produced tax statements for previous years,