HomeMy WebLinkAbout19540708_REGULAR232 \ 7/8/54 1.m- OF' THE I*mEiG OF THE EDIiJA I- E?Xd?J OF TtSKlXZT, THUBSDAY, JULY 8, 195.4, AT 7:>O P.M.,-hT T&3-VaGB HfiLL He&t5ng was convened at 7:30 P.Tk, &th members Child, Danens, Bar,, anc XrickLson present. Clerk submitted Affidavits of Publication in Edina-Eorningside Courier June 24 and July 1, and of posting on Official Bulletin Boards June 22, 1954,. the <'bsessment NoLice,lr vhich affidavits were approved as to form and ordered Qlaced on fiJee ~ .Those wishing to be heard vith regard to their valuations were as follows: Arcid Orrmll, 5709 Chor-ren Ave. - Re: No. iS.6 Ft. of Lot 14, and So. 57.4 Re ?%,men Melson,5900 Tingdale he. - No legal description given. Bayor Erickson announcedtfirzt Assessorts Books of Valuation are not yet ready for examination by the Board of Review. Chad then noved ;that the July 8th Board of Review ZIeeting be adjourned to Wednesday, July 20, 1954, at 7:30 P.fL of. Lof; 15, hokline 1st Addn. . Uotion se .-. .* ..- Embers answering Ro3lcall were Bredesen, Child, Danens, Bank and Erickson. IEnutes of the Regular Xeeting of June 28th vere approved as submitted, by motion Child, seconded by Bredesen and carried. Pursuant to 't;-dvertisenents for Bids, Julg 1 *and 8, 1954, Affidavits of Publication for which wera presented by Clerk, approved as to form and ordered placed on file, the CouncSL accepted sealed bids t I and Construction mzlletin published in Edina-lbrningside Courier On: *f .I 1. Dictating-Trm-scribing Ihchine 1- 2. Office Chairs. 3. Deep TTell Turbine Pump. Bank's motion, that bids be referred to the Assis-tant Village Zngineer for public ope- in the Engineer's Office,- and for report, this evening if possible. seconded by Danens and carried. IJotion 3hager 'frIitclaell presented tabulation of bids taken June 28, on a Dump Truck, being as folloTrs: n 1. bt ernational Harvester Co . Base Bid 3, 253.13 kss Trade In-Dia.T. 3150 00 t Net - 42,@8.13 Net - $3,567.36 2. j3,jk.m Siotor Coz~pany (Dia. T.) Bslse Bid $3, 567.36 3. Enar I-rotor Company (Ford FNO Base Bid $&,127.00 . Less Trade k-Dia0T. * 250.00 4-b Voodhead Conpany Base Bid $3,001.85 I.ianager Etchell reported that Public ITorks Supt. Jonas recommends insttillation of the Heil Hoist, which low bidder tiill furnish for an additional $93.00; and asked for the following Wras: FA Heater and Defroster-$KL.Ol&; Directional Lights- $XJ-.31; Air Fom Seii~t-$29.83; Auxiliary E'uel Tank;,20 Gal.-$22.80; Mension Type Gear View IError-$4.75; Tire Chains-$29.24; 12 Volt Electrical System, 50 Amp &n.- $29.42; I&d Flaps-tj2;215.00; DeFrosto 1.1irrors-$36.00. to low bidder, with exbras listed above. Danens and carried. . I-hager 1-Etchell then reported on bids for improvement projects taken June 28, Net - tj3,@Tl"i'OO Bet - $3,001.85 He recommended award of bid Bank so moved. IJotion seconded by 2s folloI.rs: BUIC€EOP SmVICE CO. ENlL A. SEJSLL CO.,TPJC* St.Iouis Park, I.Knn. S%.buis Pwk, ~&m. XiPZO~.IEE' 8-42-31acLcopping Voodcrest Drive in Slady Fines Addno $900.00 {jS64.00 $7,153 50 $3,017. 50