HomeMy WebLinkAbout19540712_REGULAR232 \ 7/8/54
195.4, AT 7:>O P.M.,-hT T&3-VaGB HfiLL
He&t5ng was convened at 7:30 P.Tk, &th members Child, Danens, Bar,, anc
XrickLson present.
Clerk submitted Affidavits of Publication in Edina-Eorningside Courier June 24
and July 1, and of posting on Official Bulletin Boards June 22, 1954,. the
<'bsessment NoLice,lr vhich affidavits were approved as to form and ordered
Qlaced on fiJee ~
.Those wishing to be heard vith regard to their valuations were as follows:
Arcid Orrmll, 5709 Chor-ren Ave. - Re: No. iS.6 Ft. of Lot 14, and So. 57.4 Re
?%,men Melson,5900 Tingdale he. - No legal description given.
Bayor Erickson announcedtfirzt Assessorts Books of Valuation are not yet ready
for examination by the Board of Review.
Chad then noved ;that the July 8th Board of Review ZIeeting be adjourned to
Wednesday, July 20, 1954, at 7:30 P.fL
of. Lof; 15, hokline 1st Addn.
Uotion se
.-. .* ..-
Embers answering Ro3lcall were Bredesen, Child, Danens, Bank and Erickson.
IEnutes of the Regular Xeeting of June 28th vere approved as submitted, by motion
Child, seconded by Bredesen and carried.
Pursuant to 't;-dvertisenents for Bids,
Julg 1 *and 8, 1954, Affidavits of Publication for which wera presented by Clerk,
approved as to form and ordered placed on file, the CouncSL accepted sealed bids
t I and Construction mzlletin
published in Edina-lbrningside Courier
On: *f .I
1. Dictating-Trm-scribing Ihchine 1-
2. Office Chairs. 3. Deep TTell Turbine Pump.
Bank's motion, that bids be referred to the Assis-tant Village Zngineer for public
ope- in the Engineer's Office,- and for report, this evening if possible.
seconded by Danens and carried.
3hager 'frIitclaell presented tabulation of bids taken June 28, on a Dump Truck, being
as folloTrs: n
1. bt ernational Harvester Co . Base Bid 3, 253.13
kss Trade In-Dia.T. 3150 00
Net - 42,@8.13
Net - $3,567.36 2. j3,jk.m Siotor Coz~pany (Dia. T.) Bslse Bid $3, 567.36
3. Enar I-rotor Company (Ford FNO Base Bid $&,127.00 .
Less Trade k-Dia0T. * 250.00
4-b Voodhead Conpany Base Bid $3,001.85
I.ianager Etchell reported that Public ITorks Supt. Jonas recommends insttillation of
the Heil Hoist, which low bidder tiill furnish for an additional $93.00; and asked
for the following Wras: FA Heater and Defroster-$KL.Ol&; Directional Lights-
$XJ-.31; Air Fom Seii~t-$29.83; Auxiliary E'uel Tank;,20 Gal.-$22.80; Mension Type
Gear View IError-$4.75; Tire Chains-$29.24; 12 Volt Electrical System, 50 Amp &n.-
$29.42; I&d Flaps-tj2;215.00; DeFrosto 1.1irrors-$36.00.
to low bidder, with exbras listed above.
Danens and carried. .
I-hager 1-Etchell then reported on bids for improvement projects taken June 28,
Net - tj3,@Tl"i'OO
Bet - $3,001.85
He recommended award of bid
Bank so moved. IJotion seconded by
St.Iouis Park, I.Knn. S%.buis Pwk, ~&m.
XiPZO~.IEE' 8-42-31acLcopping Voodcrest Drive in Slady Fines Addno $900.00 {jS64.00
$7,153 50
$3,017. 50
7/12/54 233 BanlcIs motion, that bids be awarded to low bidder, was seconded by- Child and.
Hanager Tiitchell then presented tabulation of bids taken June -2$th, on several
Grading and Gravelling projects, as follows:
Oxford Aye.,pf.-5lst to V.-52nd - No bids taken, in line with Cc1.hction of 6/21
STiRZZT DFil~E%T RO. c-46-
Grading, Gravelling and -Oiling- .
E-If Uley between Zenith &
York & between 59th & 60th Sts.3 644.70
Philbroolc Lane , $6,660 . 00
I?. 60th St . , Oakcam to
ST- II~~O~~i NO, C-55-
c s 557.45 $$ 556.70
$6,395.00 $5,460,00
1fooddal.e ,
Total Bid $2,887.50 - &2,598.50 $2,338.10- $14, L92 . 20 :,i14,005*95 $12, L,24. 80 *
P.faYlager IEtchell recommended award of bids to low bidder on total, J.S. Danens
et Son, kc., at bid of $12,424.80,
and carried.
Nayor Ericlcson announced Continuation of June 28th Public Hearing on Petition of
Rr. Earl Nelson for permit; -bo construct a double dwelling on Lot 5, Pðer's
Addition.'! Nmager Etchell reported that the Planning Commission had made no
recommendation ab their July 7th Neeting, preferTing to inspect premises first,
inasmuch as there are no double bungalows in this particular area.
thak Hearing be- continued to Neeting of August 9. Motion seconded by Bredesen
and carried.
Bank so moved. Notion seconded.by Bredesen
Bank moved ..
Final Plat of Qaethert s Addition1I was then presented for, Council approval, having
been approved by the PLaylning Commission subject to an Zngineering check and some
minor changes in dimeyzsions, etc.- Bank's motion, that Final Plat,be approved
subject to approval by Village Engineer, was seconded. by Child and carried.
Ne& to come before the Council was Public Hearing on Petition of C,K. Katter for
permit to construct a double dwelling on Lot 2, V.H. Adam Addition (3949 X.49th
Street). - Ifanager I-fitchell reported that Planning Commission' had approved $he
construction of this dwell-ing, md approval- of Preliminary and Final Plat of V.H.
Adas &ddition, subject to dedication of a five-foot easement by IJ&.. Adams. and
a five-foot easement by Ik. hssell Lund, to make a ten-foot easement for Storm
Sewer (this being an exchange for the ten-foot easement across that property now
to be known as kt 2, V.H. Adams klddition). Tk. Adam asked that his ten-foot ~
easement, dedicated .some years agomhen it was .presumed that Storm Sewer wuld
be constructed immediately, be rescinded. Ne. Katter demurred atp being required
to build close to easement, for reason that futuce construction might damage
dwelling. 3k. IIit chell recommended that easement coatain clause making Village
liable for any damage to dwelling caused by storm sewer construction,
moJcion, that the Village release five Teet of the ten-foot Stom Sewer Easement
dedicated by Xr. V.H. Adams providing a five-foot easement is dedicated dong the
?Jest side of Lot 2, V.H, Adams Addition and a five-foot easement adjoining the
aforementioned easement is secured fromi@. Bussell Lund; thzt new easement to be
granted on Lot 2, V.H, -&dams Additidn contain clause holding 'Ifillage Liable for
damages due to storm sewer construction; that permit be granted for construction
of double bungalow on Lot 2, V.H. Adams Addition, and that Building Inspector be authorized to issue building ped% at such the as two new Stom Sewer easements
are secured, was seconded by Bredesen and carried.
Bank then moved that plat of V.H. Adams Lddition be accepted as Preliminary and
Final Plat, subject to Planning. Corrrmission? s stipulations, was seconded by Danens
and carried.
ikyor Zrickson then announced Public Hearings on Assessments for Improvements,
pursumt to "Notice of Hearings on Assessments for Improvemeats, published in Edina-
Xorningside Courier June 10 and 17,*1954.
cation for said notice, which was approved as to fom, and ordered placed on file;
and Hearings were held ad action talcen as recorded below:
1. S.&JnP'Y S33B IiXEQOVXl4EW NO. 56 - in Beard Avenue from W.60th Street to
3J.61st Street. Total Assessable Cost, $4,505.00, as against 775 Assessable
Front Feet, Tor $4.84 per Assessable Foot Zor Laterals and 31.90 per Assess- Able Foot for Connection to District Sewer No.-35. There were no objections
at the Heaxing, and no mitten objections had been filed prior thereto. (See
Resolution Approving)
Clerk Bank presented Affidavit of Publi-
7/12/54 234
2. saimmy mm ~~~~~ Iqo. 57 - in Nomadde co& ad I;ots E ad F in Registered Lad Survey ika 228.
13528.03 $Ssess&le Feet, for $5.00 per Assessable Foot, $3.91 being for
hterd, ad $LO9 for Connection to District Ser.rer Ita. 37.
objections from the floor, ad no written objections had been received prior
to the Hearing,
Fukmna be-
Feet, Xor 55.74 per Assessable Foot.
and no written objections had been received prior to -thet Hearing. (See Resolution Approving) .
to V.62nd St. Total Assessable Cost, $4,709.29, as against 967 Assessable Feet, for $2.22 per Assessable Foot for laterals plus $2.65 per Assessable
Foot for Connection to Sanitary Sewer 140, B-1.. There were no objections from the floor, and no written objections had been received prior to the
Hezring.. (See Resolution Approving) .
5. 1TkW.m E4PXOl?GB~ NO. 58 - In Concord he., from existing line leading 50 TTeJl Site, to Valley View Rd.; in 1J.bOth St, between Concord and PasneU,
kves.; in Psrnell he. between t.r,60th._st. and Valley View Rd.; in Virgjnia
Rve. beheen 1~60th St.. and. Valley View Rd.
$22,579.07, as agahxt 3,5%,9 Assessable Feet, for $6.35 per Assessable 8
Foot. There %rere no objections from the floor, and no mitten objections
had been received prior to the Hearing. 6. TT.W.XDsJ I3PEtOVEEWT TJO. 59 - in Beard Avenue from 1~60th St, to 520 Ft,
85.16 per Assessable Foot, being $4.44 for Laterals; $.72 for Connection
to Watermain Improvement No. 39. ,There were no objections from the floor, .
aad no written objections had been received prior to the Hearing. (See
Resolution Approving) . 7. i'~k~~~IN Iz~O~Bl~T? $10. 60 - in Normandale Court and Lots E and F in
Begistered Land Survey IJo. 228. 'Totd Assessable Cost, $$,594.53, as against
1,528.03 Assessable Feet, for $5.62 per Assessable Foot.
objections from the fl-oor, and. no mitten objections had been received
prior to the Hearing.
8, TJ-mLmS ILPiLO~iEBT UO. 61 - in 1J.49fih St. between "Testbrook Lane avld
wrana he. Total. Assessable Cost, $2,704.03 as against 556.5 Assessable
Feet, for 4j4.85 per Assessable Foot.
and no t.rritten objections had been received prior to the Hearing.
Resolution Approving) .
TJl!-IADJ I1EQOVE3ET IJO. 62, - in Valley View Ed, between Concord Ave. and
Parnell Ave.; in Virginia Ave. between Valley View Rd. and V.62nd St.; in
@.2,4l.O.l4-, as against 2,529.62 Assessable Feet, for $4.90 per Assessable
Foot, There were no objections from the floor, and no mitten objections
had been received prior to the Hearing.
TlAmimJ E+PROW-mlT 1t0, 63 T in Vdley View Rd. from Ashcroft Ave. to
St.Jokrls be.; in Ashcroft he. from Valley View Rd. toAW,62nd St.; in
St.Johns Ave, from Valley Viev Rd. to B.62nd St.
$10,33'j','j'l, as agest 2,008,99~~Assessable Feet, for :)5& @:r Assessable
had been received prior to the Heaing.
{ Total Assessable Cost, $7,647.15 as ag~nst
There Tjere no
(See Resolution Approving). 3. SfiJEmy SEm z-moma)T I$o. 58 - 1Jo4.S).th St, from T.Testbrook Lme to
Total Assessable Cost, $3,199.31 as against 556 Assessable
There vere no objections fson the floor,
4. - in Ashcroft Avenue from Vauey Viekr bad
Total Assessable Cost,
(See Resolution Approving) .
Total Estimated Cost, $3,674.90, as against 775 Assessable Feet, for
There were no
(See Resolution Approving).
There were no objections from the floor,
- * Virginia Lane between Virginia Ave, and Concord Ave, Total kssessable Cost,
(See Resolution Approving).
Total ksessable Cost,
There were no objections zrom the Audience, and no written objections
3redesen then oTf ered the following Resolution and moved' its adoption: moLmIobr XDOFTING AHD CO~FIIZ.ID~G dsszssmms
mmm.am m~~ornrnms I~OS 58,59,60,61,62,63
S&jTTilRY SEXEFt EfF!!3O~Bl'TS UOS, 56,57,58,59;
BE JT FE,SOL7J'ED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina, J-esota, as follotrs:
ments for SlQTTTARY SE,EX RJPROE3IBTTS NOS. 56,57,58,and 59 ad S'li'lTERZm'J E4EiOTT"l?r
I-BJTS IiOS. 58, 59, 60, 61, 62 and 63, and each of them, have been properly cal-
culated in accordance with the provisions of IEnneso'ca Statutes Section 412,hfi;
that notice has been duly published as required by law, that this Council trould
meet to hear and pass upon all objections, if any, to amend said proposed assess-
neni;s as might be necessary, iznd to adopt the same by resolution; that said pro-
posed assesments have at all tines since their filing been open for pvblic
inspecti-on, and oppo&unLty has been given to d1 interested persons to present
their objections; and that each of the lots, pieces and parcels of land enumerated
in the respective assesments vas and is specially benefited by the construction of
the hprovments for r.ri?ich such assessment is levied in the amount set opposite the
description of each such lot, piece and parcel of land, respectively. The mounts so set out are hereb;jr levied ag&st the mspective lots,
pieces and parcels pf land described in said respective assessments, and said Pro-
posed assessments are hereby adopted and confirned as the proper specid asses@ents for im;provenents, respectively. The assessment Wains$ each lot, tract' Or
parcel, together 5.rith the interest accruing on the fa ~O~t thereof from time to tae Wpa-id, at the rate of five percent per itnnum from the date Or^ this
resolution, sh&l be a lien concurrent with generd- kxes Upon the propeAy
described -therein and all thereof.
1. It is hereby found, determined and declared that the proposed assess-
1 The total amount of each such assessment shali be payake in equd annua-
installments exbending over a period of ten years, the. first of said installments, together with interest on the entire assessment from the date hereof to -4uE;Ust 15, 1955, to be payable with the general taxes for the year 1954, and one of the
remaining installments, with one year's interest on that and dl subjequent
installments, to be payable'with general taxes for the years 1955 throu-gh 1963,
collectible in the respecti6e ensuing years.
om-ier of any lot, piece or parcel of land assessed hereby may pay the whole of
such assessment or any instaLhent thereof without interest to the fillage
Treasurer and thereafter such payment may be made with accrued interest, to the
County Treasurer; provided that if any assessments or installments thereof be
prepaid to the Tillage Treasurer, they shall be cancelled on the books of the
Tillage Treasurer and he shall promptly notify the Village Clerk and County
Auditor, and the assessment or installment so prepaid shall be cancelled on the
books of the County Auditor.
County Auditor a certified duplicate of said assessments, with each %hen unpaid
instdlment and interest set forth separately, to be extended upon the proper tax
lists of the Comty, and the County Auditor shall thereafter cause said assessments
to be collected in the manner provided by law.
as the 1tAssessment Roll for Sanitary Sewer Improvenents Nos. 56, 57, 58 and 59,
and,tTatermain Irnproxements Nos. 58, 59, 60, 61, 62 and 63, and all amounts collected
in respect of the assessments therein contained shall be similarly designated"bythe
County Treasurer and remitted to the Village Treasurer and by kim credited to the
Sinking: Fmd Account of the 1953 Improvement Fund.
3. Prior to certification of the assess&nt to the County AudTtor, the
4. The Clerk shaJ-1, as soon as may be, prepare and transmit to the
Said duplicate shall be designated
Notion for adoption of Resolution was seconded by Danens, and on Rollcall there
were five ayes and no nays, as follows: Bredesen, aye;,CQXLd, aye; Danens, we;
Continuation was of June 2&h Hearing on Assessment for Cost of Street Improvement
No. A-53, BlaclcLoppLng of Woodland Lane from Woodland Circle to Dead End. its Fublic Vorks Committee had not yet visited the gro%d, frbnager Etchell suggested
continuing .Hearing to August 9.
carried. *1
Child so moved. lotion II. secondgd by Bredesen and
-3 .
IIayor- Erickson then announced Public Hearings on Improvements, pursuant to l*Notice
of Hearings-hprovemenbs, 11 published in- Edina-TJlorningside Courier July 1 and 8,
1954. placed on file.
Clerk read Affidavit of Publication, which was approved as to fomn and ordered
Public Hearings were held and action taken as recorded below:
Bredesen so
Sanitmy Sewer in Chowen Ave. between FT.61st and W.62nd St& - Eanager' IEtchell
recommended thhzt this public hearing b-e continued to July 26.
Sanitary Sewer in x.6i~t St, between Chowen anrd France Aves., and in France he.
be-hreen V.6lst St. and Halifax he. - Xanager TEtchell recommended that public
hearing be continued to July26. Seconded by Child and carried.
Sanitary Sewer in St . Johns Ave., W.6Oth to V.64th Sts. ; in %f. 62nd $t . ," Concord
Ave.- to S'C.Johns he.; in W.63rd St., Ashcroft &e. to Concord he,; in Ashcorft
Axe., St. Johns Ave. to lr.64th St. 31anager >!itchell read as his Estimate of
Cost, @J.,389.92, -for $4L5 per Assessable Foot <or Lateras, *plus $2.36 per
Assessable -Foot Eor -Trunk, for a tot& qf $6.51. *per B&essable Foot.
no objections-at the Hearing, and no written objections had been filed prior to it.
Watermain in W. 61st St. between Chowen and Drew Aves., and in Chowen Ave.
between '1d.61~t and W.62nd Sts.
$6,788.07, or $3.79 per Assessable Foot for Laterals, plus $1.50 for connection
JGo Trunk Ifatemain.
inasmuch as main shouldcm between Ewing and Chowen Avenues.
that Public Hearing be continued until.such*time as a'petition for watermain
-be-bween-DreTv and Ethg is received, r.ms seconded by Bredesen &d carried.
IJatermain in Cacord, Ashcroft and St. Johns Aves . between M. 63rd and W.64.th - Sts. Ihnager Etchell read as his Estimate of Costll $18,07&.88, for $6.02-per
iissessabl-e Foot.
objections had been received prior thereto.
Grading and Gravelling of Concord he. between w.62nd and W.64th Sts., and
1?.64%h St-., Concord to StJohns $he. (being continuation of June 28 Ilearing.)
lknager IkEtchell's Estimate of Cost was $13,157.10, for $3.70 per Assessable
Foot. There were no objections at the Hearing, and bone had been filed prior
Grading and Gravelling of Tower St. between St.Johns and Wooddale Aves; (being continuation of June 28 Hearing),
\;12,$57.&0 for $10.66 per Assessable Foot, *of which about 1/3 is for lateral
Stom Sevrer. Child's motion, that Hearing be continued to -%ugust 9, and that
Public Iforks Cormittee inspect project on ground and make recomead-ation, was
seconded bv Danens and carried.
Uotion seconded .by Bd and ca-pried.
Bank so moved.
There were
Pfanager E.Ti.tchell>gave as his estimate of cost;
Child'g motion,
He explained, however, tha$ there is some "discrepancy,
There were no objections from the floo5, and no written
14anager PITtchell's EsWnate of Cost was
8. Storrc Sewer in Beard: AT&. between If. 55th Street and the Creek.
I-fitchelll s Estimate 02 Cost was 65,7~.76, against 3r&,E;OO Assessable
Square Feet, for 8904.GO to be assessed, at the rate of Q.026 per Assess-
able Square Foot (as per action of Council June 28), leavhg a balance or"
some $4,$00 to be paid by the General Fund. Considerable discussion was
had on the matter of burdening the General Fund for this e,upenditu.re,
inasmuch as construction is necessary .to drain overflow OS Storm Ser.rer
Ho. 21 drainage disk-ict. ChildJs motion, that Council postpone any
action on this storm sewer until.July 26, was seconded by Bredesen and
to eqedite repair of dangerous condition now existkg; and Child then
offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption:
X-Ianager 236
9.Tulager I-Etchell then asked if bids cannot be taken a% once
,PBOPOSED sT0m.I smm D*rnOrn*rnE
BE IT EFSOLVED by the Coun~il of the Village of Xdina:
The Village Engineer, having submitted to the Council a preliminary report
as to the feasibiltty of the proposed Storm Sewer Improvement descr5bed irl the Fom
of Notice of Hearing set forth below, and as to the estimated cost of such improve-
ment, said repor% is hereby approved and directed to be placed on EiLe in the office
of the Tillage Clerk.
Zdina TfilZage €kill, to consider in public hearing the views of all persons interested
in said proposed improvement.
The Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to cause notice of the time,
place and purpose of said meeting to be published in the official newspaper once a
week for two successive weeks, the second of which publications is to be not less
thm three days from date of said meeting, which notice shall be in substantiaLly
the 20lloui.n~ Zorm:
. 1.
2. This Council shall meet on Xonday, July 26, 1954, at 7:30 PULI., in the
on Eonday, July 26, 1954, at 7:30 Pa&, to consider the following proposed improve-
ment to be constructed under the authority granted by IJhnesota Laws of 1953,
Chapter 398.
Engineer to be as follows:
The approximate cost of such 3nprovement is estimated by the Village SST. COST.
Const-mction of Village Stom Setrer and Appurtenances in
Beard Avenue between 17.55th St. and Creek $5, 290 76
The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of said proposed inprovment includes
all frscts of land within Yne following boundaries:
"Beginning at a pt. 60 E. 18. of intersection of If.56th St. and Beard Ave.;
th. E. to E.Ue ol" Lot lO,Bl.l+, Tihite Investment Company's Hidden Valle)-; th.
f'f, to
Cor, sa5d Lot 7; th. IT. across "fJ.55th St, on centerline of Lot 7, B1. 3, TWte
Investment-Company's Hidden Xalley, to pt. 40 R. N. of S. line thereof; th, IT.
to E.line 02 Lot 9, said i31. 3; th. IT. to pt. 60 FI;. from Soline; th. If. to 1f.line
Lot 10, said Bl. 3; th. XLr across Beard he. to Center of Lot I, Bl. 2, Edina
Hills; th. T;n3' 50 Fb.; th. Sly to 3, line Lot 2, said B1. 2; tho E. to Beard
Ave, 3-d S. $0 pt. '02 beghnihgjl'
aGd all lots and tracts of land within the following described boundaries:
kpproxtnately centerline of Lot 4, B1. 2, Broolkline -2nd kddn.; th. E. to approa-
mtely centerline of Lot 3, Bl, 2, Brooldjne -2nd Addn.; $he N. to BE Cor. of said Lot 3; th. 3. to &. 70 3%. 7.y from Southeast Cor. ht 15, B1. 2, Edina Hills; th.
my paralfel to Chdrren Ave. Go pt. in So. line OS Lo% 11, Bl, 2, *Ed%a Hills, 70 W.
XLy from Soutlieast Cor.; -tho rHF,ly on an arc .to pt.- on 32.y Line of Lot 6, BL. 2,
Edina Hills 35 Ft. NXLy from SE Cor:; th. Sly to centerline ,Chowen he.; tb. Ely
to inters6ctionBeard he.; th, 11. 1~1 Beard he. to ptc 65 Ft. moEe or less, B. of
centerline cif intersection of Tf.56kh St. and Beard Ave.; th. E. to E. line of Lot 10,
51. 4, IWte Investment Compaq's Hidden Xd.ley; th. N, to ME Cor. of said lot; th. E, to @3 Cor. of Lot 15, Bl. 4, XTnite Investment Coqanyy?~ Hidden Valley; th. S. .
along E. line of said lot to T1.56th St,; tho E. to N-S Alley between &bbott and Zenith Aves.; th. 3. along sa-id alley to SIT Cor. of Lot 2, B1. "3, Harrie$ La:m
Ad&;; -tho E. to pt. midway between the E. .and 17. lot lines or" Lot 3, B1. 3,
Earriet Lawn Addn.; th. S. to If.57th St.; th. Ely to pt. midway between the E and
W. of Lo% 22, B1. 3, Brookdine Addn.; th. Sly &Long a line midmy betileen E and tT lot l&es or" ht 22 through Lot l2, Bl, 3, Brookline Addn. to W.58th St.; tho E...
in 8.5Gth St.. to a bt. midway between the-E and W lot-lines of .kt 1, B1. 2,
krxietrhnor ad Ad&.; th; S. along a line aidyay between E and If 3.0% lines of
bts 1 through 8, 531, 2, Harriet Eanor 2nd Addn, to a pt. on the w-lot line of
ht 9, BI. 2, Harriet Ihor 2nd Addn. which is 71 Ft. 3. of the centerline of the
N-S-Uey bet7reen Zenith and Ymk Aves.; th. If. along Q lot line of Lot 9, B1. 2,*
Harriet lhor 2nd hdh. to the I?-S Alley between Zenith and Yorlc Aves.; th. S.
along said alley to song S. lob 17ne of said Lot 16 to Zenith Avenue to its intersection vkth. tr.5wh
St.; th, TJ. along T1.59th St. to pt. 71 3%. E. of centerline of N-S Alley between
Abbot% md Beard Ayes.; th. S. on line midway between E and W lot lines of Lots 1
through 7, 31. 5, Harrie-b &mor 2nd Ad&; tho Ely to N-S Uey between Abbott and
Beard; th. S to %if Alley between 'I.T.60th and T<..59th Sts.; tho TI. along *said dley
Cor. Lot 10; the E. Lo SE Cor. Lot 7, B1. 4; tho .N. along E. line to NE
"Beg-g at intersection of If.57th St. and Drew he.; th. El. 100 Ft, to
Cor. of 'Lot 36, B1. 2, Harriet I&mor 2nd llddn.; tho W.
to Bevd ,&Tee; tho JT on Bead be. .to pt. 58 eo so of Cor.. .of Lot 9, Auditor's
AuditorIs Subdivision No. 312; th. IT. to pt. 82.5 Ft. more or less, TJ. of the centerline of Seard he.; th. N along a line parallel -rvith the centerline of
Beard Jive. to M.58th St.;. th. TJ. dong I.J05&h St. to intersection of ChovJen
Ave.; th. N. on Chowen kve. to T7.57th SL.; th. 1'1. along T7.57th St. to pt. of
. 2
beginning. .. EVkj;D C. BANK, Village Clerk
Village of Edina.
Xotion for adop'cion of Resolution was seconded by Bredesen, ad on Rollca21 .there
were five ayes and no nays, as follows:
ickson, aye; and the
Child then offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption:
. DIFBCTIIJG-ADIGRTTS~>E FOR PIIDS . BE: IT RESOLVED by-the Village Council of the Village of Edina:
set forth in the following Advertisement for BTds fo-m, heretofore prepared by the
Village Xngineer and now on file in the office of the Village Clerk are hereby
Courier and the Construction Bulletin the following notice for bids for said
jmprovement :
1. The plans and specifications for the proposed Storm Sewer Improvement .
The Clerk shall cause to be published twice in the Edina-IJorningside
NOTICE IS HUEBY GNEN that $he.Ediga Village Council will meet at
the Edina Village Hall, 4801 W.5Oth Str, Ronday, July 26, 1954, at 7:30 P.lL, and
vd.11 at said time and place oEen and consider sealed bids for the following:
Construction of Village Storm Sewer and Appurtenaixes in
Beard Avenue between 1;T,55th Street and Creek.
Vork nust be done as described and specified in plans and specifications
for said improvement on file in the office of the Village Clerk.
submitted on basis or" cash payment for work.
sealed and filed with undersigned before the of said meeting and accompanied by cash deposit, bid bond, or certified check payable to the Village Clerk in amount
of ten percent of amount of bid.
Bids must be
No bids will be considered unless
_. EVALD C, BANK, Clerk
Village of .Edina.
3. Each and all of the terms of the foregoing advertisement for bids are
hereby adopted as the terms and conditions of award of the contract for said
improveaent. *
IiTotion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Bredesen, and on RollcjLl
aye; Dmens,
9. Watermain to serve Lot 11, Blr 1, Brookside Heights Addn. khnager
There were no objections, and oumers IXitchell's Estimate of Cost was ,S360,00.
of above .lot asked tlxt service be expedited.
TJate-msin to serve Lots- 4, 5 and 6, Block 3, Ibielody Ynolls 2nd Addn.
and 'chat property described as the 3.116'7' Ft. of N1/4 of T.J1/2 of Lot 3, Sec.33,
Tvm. ll7 N,, R.2111. There
were rno objections at the Hearing, and none had been received. prior thereto.
Nanager Elitchell's Estimate of Cost yas $3,601.80.
71 &JD 73 . .
BE IT BESOLVED by the Council of the Village of Edim, I-limesota, that this
Council heretofore caused notices of hearing to be duly published on the follow-
ing proposed improvenentsj and at the hearings held at the time and place speci-
fied in said notices the CouBcil has duly considered- the View of all persons
interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facts does hereby deteemnine
to proceed with the construction of said improvements; that. said improvements
'are hereby designated and shall be referred to in all subsequent proceedings
as follows: Q
JI+PROV"T $io. Coristruction 02 Sanitary Sewer and Appu&enances in -
%,Johns &e, between 1~60th and W.64th Sts.; in W.6Znd
St, between Concord and St.Johns Aves.; in t;fe63rd. St. -
betwemen Ashcroft Concord lives.; and in Ashcroft. AQe.
between St . Johns he. and TI. 64th St, SAU .SEI;TER- i~o . 72
$38 *
1. i
-- Construction of Village T.Tatermain Wension and Appurtenances
in Concord Ashcroft ad St . Jobs Aves. between lL63rd and
T1.63rd 5t. exbended and W.64th st;, TJLmikIN m. 75
bonstruction of. Gradirig and Gravelling kprovement in
Concord Avenue between W,62nd and W.64th Sts., and in
If. 64%h St. between Concord and St . Johns Aves . ExrREml D-P. EO, c-57 -_ and &he areas to be specially assessed therefor shall be as follows:
For Sdtmy Sewer Jcmprovenent No, 72 - All lots and tracts of lad' facing
St.Joiu?s Ave, between 3J.6Oth and U.64th St,; facing Ashcroft Ave. fron St.Johns
Ave. to W.&th St.; facing Concord At-e, from ~1,6211d to I.S.64th St.; fack-g f.l;63rd
St , between Concord and Ashcroft Lves .
For 1Jatemai.n Jcmprovment Ho, 75 - All lots and tracts of land facing
Concord, Ashcroft and St.Johns he. between W.63rd St. and W.63rd St. "&ended
and 1J.64th St,; and all lots and tracts of land facing T.f.64.th St. between
St.Jqbs and Concord Aves.
the streets proposed to be improved.
. For Street Improvement Ho. C-57 - AIL lots and tracts of land abutting
BE LT FURY-IER€ESOLV;ED that -this Council heretofore caused notice of hearing to
bediLy published on the construction of Village Vatemnab Extension and Appurte-
nances in Hankerson Avenue to serve Lot 11, Elock 1, Brookside Heights; and at
the Hezsing held at the time and place specified in said notice the Council has
duly considered the viei;.s of all persons kterested, and being fully advised of
the psrtinent facts does hereby deterzaine to proceed with the construction of
said hprovextent; that said improvement is hereby designated and shall become
m b-tegml part of lI.Fmm-mZ3 IH.l?ROVE4EN! ItO. 73, and shall be so referred to
in aL1 subsequent proceedings;.apdthe area to be specially assessed therefor
shall be Lot ll, Block 1, Brookside Heights.
BE E FIJRTEIB~SOLVBI that this Council heretofore caused notice of hearing to
be duly published on the cons"cruction of VillageIJatermainExbension and Appurte
nances in Bernard Place, to serve Lots 4-, 5 and 6, Block 3, IIeIody Iinolls 2nd
Addition, and that property described as the PT.l.47 Ft. of In/& of In/Z of
Lot 3, Sec, 33, Twp. ll7 R., R. 211.J; and at the hearing held at the tine and
place specified in said notice the Council has duly considered the view of all
persons interested, and being fully advised of <he pertinent facts does hereby
detersnine to proceed xkth the construction of said hprovement; that said
5xproveiaent is hereby designated and sliall be referred to in dl subsequent,
proceedings as an integral part of TTATE2WAlX INF%OWX-3GT 30. 71; and the area
to be specidly assessed therefor shall be.Lots.4, 5 and 6, Block 3, f+lody
Ymolls 2nd Ad&. and that property described as the S.147 Ft. of KL/4 of Tn/2
of Lot 3, Sec. 33, B-JP. ll7 It.
Re 2l.W.
Islotion €or adoptgon of the Resolution*i.ras seconded by Bank, and on Rollcall
there were five ayes and no nays, as follows:
; Bank, aye; and Ericlcson, aye;
Asst. to Kmager, Olson, recornended mard of bid for -3.k. metal lockers for new
Tillage EaI.1, to Ehnesota Supply Conpany, at $l.!+.5$ Each.
Xotion seconded by E& and carried.
IZe. Olson repoded that Ls-Bo Company is lovr on pd for One Sysivel Chair without
amJ at 1,530.00; but that the chair to be furnished by Office Equipaent Company
at $39.50, is or" much better quality,
Equipinent Company.
I&. Olson recomended amrd of bid on five Storage Cabinets to low bidder, Dooley
Supply Co~pany, at $39.64 Each. Bank so moved. Rotion seconded by Child and *
ZIr. Olson then reported that bids on Chairs, taken VIS evening, have been
tabulated, but that because of the differences in qality and style it is not
possible to compre bids.
moved for Tive-minute recess, for inspection of chairs.
Bredesen and carried.
Xeeting reconvened at 9:OO P.I.I., with all members present. Bulk moved Tor am&
of bids on five Tqylor Swivel Chairs to Office Eqyipent Company at $130.00 Each,
and of eight Royal Uetal Chairs, Ifodel 125-0, to Office Equipnent CWpany,
Danens so noved.
Danens moved for award 02 bid to Office
Xotion seconded by Bank ad carried,
He asked that Council inspect samples at hand. B&
Xotion secoEded by
11eet;ing recessed at 8:50 €'.ILL . ..
7/12/5& $lO3.OO Each, EQfiTon: secunded by Danens and carried. 239
Child moved that IIessrs. Hitchell and Olson be authorized to m&e purchase of
chairs for council room and sixbeen side-arm chairs. IJotion seconded by
Bredesen and csrried.
A delegation was present to ask when the Blacdopping of Fairfax Avenue between
1J05€%h ad W,59th Streets would be done,
street, I.rith the exception of the 189 FG. on South end of block, can be
finished this year,
bids for this project as soon as Xr, Zitchell has plans and specifications ready,
tws seconded by Bredesen and carried.
Nanager Xitchell stated that the
Bank's motion, thst office be authorized to adver-bise for
A 1-ir, Hamilton, 5117 Blake Eoad, asked to be allowed to register col;;plaint as to
the manner in which I&. Lampe had la5d out road adjacent to Rr. Hamilton's properby.
Bank moved th8t this wtter be referred to Public 'E'Jorks Concmi"c-iie.e for meeting wikh
Xessrs. Hamilton, Laps and Etchell, on the grounds. Rotion seconded by Danens
and carried.
&nager Hitchell reported that he will consult with I&?. E.J. Freeman, with
regard to the Oiling of bthtrr Street.
No action -Laken.
Petikion by IZr. Een Aton, for permit to Xace house- South, OH Lot 13, El, LO,
Golf Terrace Heights Addition (rather than fjCest as per platted lot) was filed.
Bank's moLion, that Public Hearing be set for Xonday, Julr 26, was seconded .by
Child and carded, L
Ilk. John Otterle requested that he be allowed to build a residence at the corner
of Hankerson Avenue and Interlachen Blvd., setting house back twelve feet from
Hankerson Aveme.
after further discussion on this matter, Bredesen moved that Council reconsider
its earlier motion, schedule Public Hearing on matter for Honday, July 26, and
so notify Re, Otterle.
Nuch discussion was had, and Bank moved that pedssion be
I4otion seconded by Bredesen m-d carried. 3 45 '' a. %- 35 Later in the evening,
Hotion seconded by Child and carried.
Rr. and Iks. Courselle asked that set-back on Kent Avenue be waived to allow them
to build on the corner of Nomandale Road and Kent Avenue.
approval be granted for building to be placed five feet from South lot line and
exbending North 36 Feet and Four lnches. Notion seconded by Datens and carried.
3bs. IZaLhleen Gamonls complaint concerning holes in road between 62nd and 63rd
and Xerxes Avenue was filed.
dedicated street in Ylis block.
IJit chell, for answer, vas seconded by .Bredesen and carried.
Hr. Albert Elipp's petition for the rezoning to Cornunity Store District of Lot 14,
Block L,, Gouldsmith's Addition (SE Corner of 57th and France) was reviewed, and
wits referred to Planning Commission by motion Bark, seconded by Child and carried.
Notification was received of Safety Award Luncheon to be held July 1.4, at IkCarbhyls,
Bank's motion, instructing Asst. to Plgr,, .Olson, to attend, urns seconded by
Bredesen and carrLed.
Bredesen's motion, that
Kanager 1G.tchell stated that Village does not have
Bank's motion, that matter be referred to flir.
The following petitions were filed:.
For Sanitary Sewer in Benton he., Tingdale to Code Ave.
For Grading and Gravelling - I-faterman he., Arthur St. to 4-75 Ft, W.
For Oiling - Northwood Dr., Glengarry Pbray., Chantry Ed. - 4. For Sanitary Sewer and Platermain-Roy Peterson's 2nd Addn. J
Eredesents mo"Con, that petigions be accepted, that attention be given this year
to the petition for oiling; that sponsors of other petitions be informed that it
is probable that work win not be done in 1954, was seconded by Child and carried,
It was reported by Office that League of Ifomen Voters wishes to use Village Hall
liuditorium for Cadidates meeting in September.
League make other arrangements if possible.
The matter of the violation of Building Ordinance,-at 5215 Bknton henue, by one
Iljalmer T. Nelson, Jr., was once again discussed.
circumstances in this case, it was suggested that N$s, Nelson be given a stay, in
the order issued June 18 by Village Attorney Endhorst, for compliance with code,
Child's motion, that I-ks. Nelson be given a nine-months' reprieve, tms seconded by
Danens and carried.
Complaint of &. k.J. Kelly, 5700 Xerxes Avenue, concerning washout from TT.57th St,
to Xerxes, was filed. ~ Iknager Kitchell explained that abutting property oTmers are unwilling to be assessed Tor the improvement of lJ.57th Street, Child's motion,
Lht Village Dtnager be instructed to wr5.te N2, Kellx, info-mg him of this
situakion, was seconded by Danens and carried.
Office asked Lo request that
Because of the exbraordinary
248 7/12/54
Village Attorney1;Iindhorst reported at length on conference r;rith School Board
concerning dedication of property at South end of-their land, for public roadrGy. He stated that the School Board's architect has convinced them that it Trould be
to their detriment to dedicate any properi;y north of the present curb ?e as
this would not be desirable in connection with new addition to the Concord Grade
School. Xr. Vindhorst skated that the two ;Ilternatives are tb~s:
1. Dedication by school of 50-foot right-of-xty, with ten-foot boulevard on -
either side; giving Er. Sundquist L3O-foot depth lots; that the cost of
ripping out the present street and putting in a new one would be in the
neighborhood of :,;l,O,OOO; that School would make conveyance only on
condition that they rrould pay nothing $or cost of street.
2. Adding additional width to existing roadway and moving curbing South--
the cost of which would be about $5,000. - I-&. Sundquist stated that his platted lots are not worth nuch more than the
$10,000 xhich %he school tran'cs spent on the road; that he and his fdy have
pa5d Villzge and School taxes. for many years.
any manner possible.
resultb-g rights, -trill aid in solving drainage problems for both School llanor and
Earion Gardens, and suggested that Ik. Sundquist contact the developers of these
two properbies for &Ld in securing dedication. Childls motion, that mtter be
continued to next aeeting, for report by l&. Sundquist on his conversation with
developers Roy Peterson and f-ks. f'lbhlrabe, was seconded by Danens and carried.
1.k. E. G. S~orr zskzd to be allo&d to hire Arleigh Smith, at his own expense,
to draft plans, specifications and est5aates of cost for proposed Vatemah to
serve %&e Edina" Addition.
I&. Stow vas frznlrly infomed that this Council is reluctant to bond the Village
for further hprovenentc construction unti-1 such time as his Brookview Reights
Firs% a-d Second Additions are farther along insofar as dwellhg construction is
concerned, and during rrilich discussion I2r. Child left the meeting. No action
He asked that Council aid him in
Emager Xitchell reported that dedication of street, with
Considerable heated discussion folloqed, in wiiich
I@. Bruce Ymd requested pernission to build a dwelling on a. three-zcre tract of
land Lncluded in the over-all plan for lEdina Highlands11. Upon questioning, Ilr.
Y'd aMtted that he did not oim all of the three acres. He asked that the
Courrcil waive its reguhtions in his favor, inasmuch as the over-all plan has
been presenked and 'ithe Council thus Ibl0r.r~ %here the lots ~dll bel1.
reported that Preliminary Plat for this property has not yet been-received; that
there is no assul'ance that-lots r.riU, be platted as originally planned; that street
grades have not been set.
be recpested to go ahead with routine platting before peMt be granted.
seconded by Bredesen and carried.
Complsiht on ''Dog I'~uisance11, by 1.k. T.lilliam J. Slzima, was read.
tbt I&. Shinra be infoimed-of his rights, was seconded by Danens asld carried. .
lk. IE,tchell I Bank moved tht petition be denied, and that builder
Child's no%ion,
%k. L.f.f. Sanuelson appeared in support of petition for the'OiLing of Eichtmod
Shemood %ad (to include Scwifyjng l$? of e,dsting aggregate, application of
appro:Snately 1 to 15 Gals. KC-3 Asphalk); which petition is to supercede that
Tiled. with the Council April 12.
accepted and that Public Hewing be set for lionday, August 9, PELS seconded by
Bredesen aid carried.
advertise for bids for %his project to be taken August 9. IXotion seconded by I
Bredesen 'ad carried.
1-k. Samuelson's tn5-bten request for WXildren PresentI1 signs on Shenmod Road
near ,intersection of Edennoor Street-was referred to Public Safety Cormittjee, by
mo'tion Bredesen, seconded by Danens and carried.
iEnutes or" Park Board Xeeting of June 24 were submitted, revierred, and ordered
placed on file.
Bredesen moved for approval of Plumber's License for Darwin C. Platten-Kenwood
Plmibing CO., 2123 T7.2lst Sheet, for period expiring April 1, 1955.
seconded. by Danens and carried.
ileqkest for Street Light .zt-T.J-.64th Street and 1.Iildred Avenue was referred to
PublLc Utilities Com&t%ee, by motion Bredesen, seconded b3 Danens and carried.
EVrd Henneph County IJursing District's report on Budget for ne& year, was
submitted, reviewed, and ordered placed on file.
1.k. T.I.Gi. Bayer's request for Tillage aid in securing his personal belongings
T~S referred to" Village Attorney Wndhorst for reply, by motion B&, seconded
by Dvrens md carried.
, Drive, Shenmod Drive between Richwood Drive and Edenrnoore Street and- of -
Bank's notion, that mended petition be
Bank %hen moved tht Village I3anager be athorized to
7/12/54 241
The following applications for Sign Permits were received, with BPedesen moving that
signs be approved subject to approyaz by Asst. to Manager,. Richard Olson; motion
seconded by Danens and carried:.
OT?NER - Sprwg,Company
spring cornpang
spring company goy H. pe>erson
Roy H. Peterson
Henry &Anderson
1[..5@th and NoGGale BL- I
W.60th St. an6 Code Ave, .- 40' back of kterlachen Blvd.at Valley View fiidge
__ approx. 6422 Xnterlachen "Olson & Andersonff. Nickels & Smith 5;&; Hy.#l69, 1/2 Bl. N, of Tracy , !!Nickels & Smith11.. Nickels & Smith k?x6! ACrQsS from 5919 Tracy Ave. FNickels & Qnith!!.
Village Attorney Windhorst's adhce, to disallow' $1500" claim by K&i H, Caved, beLause
aaimant! s' wife had denied,damages, was reviewed., Bredesen moved that claim be denied.
Motion seconded by Bank and carried.
A request for WLowkhildrenff signs on Circles East and t?est was referred to, the Public
Safety Commft.tee, by-motion Wedesen, spconded by Danens- .and carried.
A .-I
Police Captain EfcGary's reqpest far a FumiGtion &dinance was referred to Village
n Attornex Vindhorst foE report, ._
Police Report for Jure was reviewed and ordered placed on file.
knager'Mi.tchel1 reported on &. Darrelts answering letter, to his recent inqyiry,
ctonfirmigg 142, Etchellts recent report,that Willson Road Stop Signs had been placed in accordance eth State Highway Department sgecifica+ions*
3k. EUt cheU.1 s .repok on furbher developments concernhg mushroom cellar was received
without action.
mger EtitchellTs report %hat three bids had been received for a rail for thi front
steps at vUage.,haJ.l, the lowest of which was @$,OO for a pipe-type rail.,was
submitted. Baslkts motion that.$85,00 hid be aoeepted was seconded by Bredesen andc
carried. I*
Halls's bid of $275.00, for replacement of five dead pyramidal trees at the West
boundwy of old sage haJ3. property, was reporbed by Hr. ?Etchel1,
to wait until park-fng lot plans are coznpleted hefore ac$ion_-is taken as to replace-
ment of these trees.
The matter of I&. Arthur Jensen's serious illness, and-his resultbg absence from
the PnbJjtc Works Cyew, was discussed, with Nauager Utchell reporting that he wishei
to pr0tec.t; us job and is requesting a leave of absence. Bank's mot5on, that
Jensen be granted a ninety-day leave of: absence without pay, ;In accordance with
Village Personnel Ordinance, was seconded by Danens and carried,
kger %itchell reported that E&. Ossanna of 'the T& City Rapid Transit CompaV is
fentativgly agreeable to extenqg $us service dowq Broo&si.de Avenue to Interlachen
Blvd, providing petLtions are received for thesehe, and prgvidbg people are
willing to ride the buses; also, that it might be possible to extend bus service on
W.!jOth St, to the Village Hall.
e. check w&th the neighbors along the BroolrsLde route, conce&g the sponsoring of
It was decided
it was suggested that Asst. to mager, Olson;
Mrb Mitchell reported his concern that right-of-way for Diagonal Trunk Sewer will be
difficult to secure and that construction may be delayed. He asked that Village
Attorney Vindhorst be given authority to condemn necessary right-of=way where it
cannot be.ptherwise secured. Bank's motion, authorizing Village Attorney Whdhorst
to negotiate for Diagonal Trunk Sewer right-of-way, and to condemg for same where
negotiatlons are unsuccessful, wgs seconded by Bredesen and carried.
Public Utilities Supt. Woehler reported Eri. Sam ThorpeJs request for a tmpor*&y
pressure systea tq serve home in SouthdaAe un_til. such $be as water syst*km is
#l,OOO, and pay for tempozary presaure sy.stem,.he will. be allowed to do so, was seconded by
Danens and carried,
&. Bitchell's report on the shortage of engin'eering aids for work on the Diagonal
Trunk Sewer was accompanied by his recomendation that Village bire a man Srom
the office of Toltzi, King and Day.. He stated that this -would mean, roughly, $1,000
per month for five or,sixmont@, whereas consulting engineering serv5ces muad rupl
many times that mount.
accepted, was seconded by. Bredesen and carried. .~ + Y
He stated that the cost of such temporary system would be at least
Bredwen's motion, that Mr. Thorpe be advised that if he wishes to install.
Bak's mot5on, that Nr. Mitchell*s recornendation be
242 7/12/54
&bject to
t easement for Sanitasg TW Seyer. - c1 3. heE.&naxy Flat of t'James A._Roberts Est&P. 4. S+reMw+ Plat of Roy H,Petqson*s pgopertJr between 6Ot;h and 62nd Sts.
ad between !?ansen Road and Code Aye,; subject to submission of profiles
and dedication of easement for Sanf't;ary Sewer.
.5. Prelimjnary Plat of John VilipsQts propeey be%ween Yvonne Terrace and
~omandaleCourt. .e* * .6, Freliminary_Plat of IdylGod 2nd Addition; subject to submission of profiles,
-and comprehensive plan for entSse area which is involved in this plat.
7. Ohange 2n Orville Kintzt Prelimbary Plat by sale of fifteen feet on %side
of Tnts I qnd 2, .
' 8. @i.ual. Plat of l%cGadLey'Heights &rst'Mdition,~l subject to renaming of road
,(to bg either,IM+u.ley Trail or
3redesen1s motion, that Council accept Planning Comi+.on recommendations, and
khat the,.above pfats be approved subject to compvance with Commissionts res-
vations, was seconded by Bank and carried.
I&. Eitchell then reported Planning Conmission's July 7th recommendation that
3te. j3d.l Po Fronkts petition for rezoning to Community Store District, Lot U,
Block 1, Valley View Terrace Third Addition, be approveg. Bredesents motion,
$hat Council sch&uIe.Public Hearing on this pe%ition for HondaJr, &gust 9,
Planning Codsionts rejection of petition to subdivide Blocks 6 and 7, Normandale
&ldition,-Into eighty-foot lots; and their tentatim approval of dividing.said
blocks into lots l2Ot by U2f9 was seported by Efanager l4itchell. Bank's motion,
approving Planning Commission* s recommendation,. was secpnded by Brdesen and
carried. - - +
3Tr. Hitchel..2. reported the Volunteer Fire Department's request for a gas ranee for
the2.F quarters in the New Village Hall.
granted for purchase, was lost for.want of a second.
The following recommendations of the Public Works Co&ttee, made at their meeting of July 9, were submittedr *
l.-.That no act3on be taken to employ*aid 20';: I&. Blake at the toolhouse, inas-
much as I&. Jonas is furnishing help for - fmm FubUc Norks Crew on a
part; t'h-e basis, as needed.
2. That Council conduct Public Hearing on the propos& blacGopp&.of V.70th
Stree$ (Village to fhgish oil; county to doswork) and that oil be pxo~ded
@th undejrstanding that it is not se4Mng precedent for future projects. 3. That Public Works Department continue to use DA 0SL. &&.moved that recommendations of Public Works Cogn5..tteel be accepted. Hotion
Lake Road).
was:sgconded by Bredes-F and carried. .*
Bank's m%ion, that aukhorization be
seconded by Bredesen and carried. - I- -
Banh: then mved that CauncXL, on its'own motion, schedule a Public Hearing for
Itonday, August 9, on she proposed Oiling of lL7Oth Street in.*con$uxhion with
County. Motion seconded by Bredesp and cay-ied. . I
iome discussion was had on pro&sed. Ordinatlce to regulate gravel pit areas.' Mr.
Windhorst to obtain model ordinances_from other xm3.cipalities along this Une.
knager Btchell and &torney Windhorst conferred with Council concerning Patrolman
Wm HoffJnants difficulties_.w5th the r.funicipdl Buplo~eesr Ret5rement Fugd. (He '
gust pay. back tp the fund that money which he w%th*ew at the--time he tenminated
his employment, plus 6% interest thereon,:if he is &D' be eligible for retimen&
benefits. Hr. Itindhorst explained that this is a rula of the organization and that it will be gms.t;--difficult to have it waived for 3k. %~@nan.
"chat Hr. Hoffman will be allowed to sign a note for iAis amunt, and to repay on
a time basis. No action tdcen. t
Wger Nktchen reported that he has requested flashing signa at the "8S
&ilwq tracks and Grove Street; also asking thak fence be constructed a$ R&c@nond.
@rive and right-of-way; %&at ME& representative has replied that fence
constructed but that signals ars-not in budget for this yeazL-that they will.
endeavor to include in budget for 1955.
3% was SlSO reported
Manager 1-Etehel.l presented plans and estimates for severLf. projects, asking that Corn& ,donduct; EWlic Hearings thereon on July 26. Bredesen then offered the
following Besolu3Lon and moved its adoption: ..
I . . ., , - 1 " mzOPOsED.~~~S 1
BE IT RESOLVED by the .Cou#c;il-,o$,$he ,Vj.lJagq.:of,ma: . , ,1.* _The,?lillage Wgineer, having -submitted to the Conacil a preliminary report
as to the. feasibility-of the proposed hprovements described in the Fora of Notice .
of Hearing set forth below, and as to the estimated cost of such impxovernents, said
reporl; is hereby approved and directed to be placed on file-in the office of the
Village Clerk.
. 2. -This Council shaU meet on Monday, quly 26, 1954, at ?:30.7P.M,, in thi
Edina Village Hall, to cpnsider in public hearings the Views of ,aSLp.ersons
interested in said proposed improvements.
3. The Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to cause notice of the the,
place and,purpose of said meeting to be published in the official newspaper once a week for two successive weeks, the second of which publications is to be not
less than three days from date of said meeting,: which, notice shall be in sub-
stantLally the following form:.
NOTICB Is HEREBY ~~~that..the-,E~":~~agse_Co~~~.~~,.meee at the Village Hall
on.Honday,. * July .I." . 26,-.$954, at 7:s P.M., to consider the foU0w;ing proposed prove- merits, to be constructed under.the_authority granted by mesota ;taws of 1953,
Chapted 398, The approximate costtaf such improvements As estimated by the Pipage
Engineer as se$ forth below:
&.:.,lf.T6~dIStr, ~She~Qod-.~~~e2..,to,V~~ia,Av~.. 1 '-*-:.:.:.;.. :. : : LIL a.d.: ;
B, South from Tower and Tank to W,59th St,;
. 1$.5sth St.,. across Highway No, 100 to Benton Ave.;
Benton Ave., Tingdale,Ave, .gnd.Grove S., to Code Ave.;
School Rd.. and Ruth Drive in^ School war;
kV+.,ll.62nd St. $0 280 Ft-. North ~
Parnell.Ave., .TLb@d St. to 340 Et. North ' $99327.85
Sherwood Ave. '+d W.60th St., &n Marion Gardens;
-. v=
East View-Drive b--Edina Ridge . . 853,371*&'
The area-proposed to be assessed for the cost of each of proposed improvements
1-A,B,C,D,E; 2=A,B; 3iA,B, above, includes .all lots and tracts of land abutting
the streets to be. jmproved.
The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of proposed improvement No, 4-A,
above, includes all lots and tracts of land in Oakview Mdition.
The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of proposed hprovement No. 4-B,
above, includes all lots and tracts of land abutting Brookview kve. from ti.6lst ..
The. area pwposed to be assessed for the cost of ;proposed improvement No, -44,
above, includes all. lots and tracts of land abutting %st View Drive in Edha
Ridge; all lots and tracts of land abutting Benton and Tingdale,Aves. between
Josephine Ave. andEast View Drive; Lots -1 and 4, Donna,Ridge; and Lot 1, BL1,
Benton Park, -
The'area proposed to be assessed for-the cost of proposed improvement No, %A,
above, includes all lots and tracts. of land in Oak View Addition.
The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of propose4 improvement No.. 'SB,
above, includes all lots and tracts of land in School mor, Ikrion Gardens and
Edina Ridge; and all 'lots and tracts of' land facing Grove Street from Tingdale
Avenue--to connection at Code Avenue, including Lot 1, B1. 1, Benton Park.
kotion for adoption of Resoluiiorn As seconded by Danens, and on Roflcall there were four ayes and no nays, as follows: Bredesen+xe; Danens, are; Bank, We;
Village.Clerk ...., .,. ,,,,.......,.. ..
, -.-
.. to 1b63rd St. ' . . * <.
and Erickson, aye; and the Resolution 'quas, ._
................................ ...
2‘44 {
1.kmager Nitchell then presented detailed plans and specifications for several projects,
suggesting that Council take bids July 26, and..&edesen offered the following Resolution
and moved its adqption:
FO~-qROPCJSF??_~~~~~.~~~~ AM) DWcllaG. .
BF: 32 RESOLVED b? the .VZLlage ~Co~~~.;of_~he.:Vil~age.of .Edinat . . . - . 1-q - -The_plW and--speclfiqations for the. groposed Zprovments set forth in
the following advertisement for Bids form, heretofore prepared by the Village
a@eer and novr on file in the office of the Village Clerk are hereby--approved.
2. The Clerk shall cause to be published twice in the Edina-Horningside Courier and the Construction Bulletin the following notice for bids for said
improvements : ~
- :ADVEI~TI&&NT FOR.E~S- . .-
~OTIm 33 HEEBBY GI” t~tr~he;~~-a..V~age.Co~~~,will meet at the Edina
ViUage.Ha17., ,4@&-TL5Oth,i%reet, Nonday, Jay 26, 1954, at 7t30 P.L, and will at
said timeaand place--open and consider sealed bids for the fouou:
1, Construction of Sanitary Sewer and Appurtenances in the followiqg Streets: St.Johns Ave. between W26Oth and IJ.&th Streets
T$.62nd St *, between Concord and St. Johns _Aves.
yl.63rd St. between Ashcroft and Concord Ayes.
&hero@ he. between St.Johns Aye. and 11.64th St.
$oncord Aye. between V&nd and_r.ri64th $greets. - >e
2. Coqstructign of Village.Jfatermain &&ension and Appurtenances in the following
streets: 5
St.Jo@~s &e., if.62nd St. to lfo6&th St.
%L62nd St@, St,Johns Am, to Congord Avg. f;f.63rd St;, Ashcroft &e. to Concord @eon
>[.64th St;, @.Johns Ave. to Concord &e. II t
&&croft &ve., St . Johns Ave. ,tP K64$h St. *I)
3. Co_qstruction of Village-Stonn Sper andJppurtenances in Beard Ave. between T‘?; 55th St . and &ijnnehaha_Creek. a * .* .. -
4 1 I) .. Fro& &st be done as described and specified in plans and specifications for -
said -&mprovements on file in the office of the Vif3age Clerk.
mitted on basisof cash papent for rmrk. No bids r.rill*be-considereddunless seaJed
and filed With undersigned before time of sed meethg and accompanied by cash
deposit, bid bond, or certified check payable to the Village Clerk in amount of .
Bids-must be sub-
I J ten percent of amount of bid. -_ BY ORDER OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL.
.. . -- - -. . *- EVm C. BANK, Clerk
L VgQag9 of-Edina 3
3. Each and all of the terms of the foregoing advertisement $or-bids are
hereby adopted as the terms and conditions of award of the contract for said
improvement. .
, . . , , , , , . , -.. .I.fapr. . . . , . . , . . ... . ..
: 1
1.iesSrs l~f.&heU,. and Voehler reported that it is becoming the custom for all appli-
cants fpk deviations? -of building and mnhg ordinances to wry their problems to
the CouncW,
the feeling. of..ths Council $hat/& mgkbers of facwgs, setbacks, etc., the pro- -
visions of $fie Qxiipnces be followed, and that such matters be brought to the
Council only in;hardship cases. Blotion seconded by Danens and carr%ed.
Bank fnoved that Negsrs Etchell and TJoehler be advised that it is
<mag& Efitckiell reported the request: of Mrs. Vh&a Beard, and owners of other
prop&ies ..along I3alifa.x me, for change. .in location of sanitary sewer and water
connedfons, y;O accommodate their changes in lot sizes and locations from that of
the prelWaary.plat Qn file with the Village, t.ir. IEtchell was instructed to
proceed kith %MS. co~stru&ion in accordance with plat on file,
me matter of righbof-way for Oxford Avenue between Hollywood Road and Division
Stzeet came Before the CouncU.
reP0rt;ipg that because of error-in land survey there fs du-. only a %-foot rkght+*fFway,. rather than the’usual forty feet.
roadway off %zenter, to meet present -.driveways, .ad blacktopping twmty-fom
feet. This was agreeable to Council, and 3k. EtcheU was authorized to.proceed
connection with .Blacktopping;.fr. Mitchell
He suggested moving travelled
~ .in.namer recommended. n C. .-. 4
. .1
.. .
Bredesen's motion, that VXUage .Papll, 7@/% -amount @2,3%.47, and U~or Store 245
Payroll, ..amount $1,36@, and the following claim, be approved, was seconded by = Bank and carried:
CUIM NO, 11635
11003 11004
1100 5
13017 no18
10994 10995
Fqrters & Eechanics Bank %2 :zo.oo 8.0 8,
American- I&en Supply Gonipany , 11.80
Qarpenter.. Paper_CompanJr - lee99
Qistillers_Distr&buting Company -. l,U3m25
Griggs, Cooper & Company_ 3, 466.85 .* Ed. Phiqips & Sons coo 496.05 LIQUOR FUND
Village of Edina --&B * $5,A52.%. *
Northern Stites Power CO. 1,297*79 Victor HiQ. ' *x - 16073
Tom Seavey 19.32 e
Geo,_Thompson .- __ 2.5027 John Leffingwea 1.47 Xennekh 3L Johnson 24.00 I&. De Carlson a.00
24.00 24eOO
$$nest If, Hansen
C8rroJl-A.. JoWstone
Edward Bgn Sherman
(lames McXeQis 6oeOO
Love l$il&er
Chris IEtzel
67oOO R. 0. Somenberg
Ale ..Huber
I, .+..,, .
John Forichette P - le&O**
67.00 gonad So Burris 68.50 GENERALm
Irving Cj. Iverson 680 50 $&,%@*2@. ~ *
Keys Well Drilling Company 6 9 079.20 Q!?222.R25* 7.1.
I ..I * $- 29r.69- *-
Hogland -& kompany 4,446 35 CEILJSTRUCTIOX
iiorthh Siates Powir coo 25.69 i4KG. CAPITAL
Keys Well Drilling Coo U,l& 50 North-ern States Powqr Go, $64. !jJ.
David Graz - n 34.08 61. 84 Ray Wk=rg Noel.Johnson 9.36 T7ATERI?ORKS
. POOR FUND wry .Wilson
1% 96 &&5US * 25..
@.* . ..9&
. .,.,....
Suburbk Hennepin County Relief Board 8 .319*?9
.a*) SBlGR RENT.
Northern States Poier Go.
Bids taken %his evenihg-for Deep we^ *bine Pump c were reviewed, being'as follows:.
Layne+fimesoti Company, -. I .. @7,51i6.00
Keys 3[@.1 DriUiqg corn pa^ @,349.00
Fairbanks, ,Morse & Go, W3,74&00
Public Utilities- Supt. Voehler regorted 'that the bid of the low bidder is not 5n
ac%ordapce with specifi-cations; in that they will suppl$ 1-15/16ll. shaft instead of
the two inch shaft specified. Bank's motion, that bid 6e awarded to low bidder
providhg they will furnish tk, 3.nch shaft at bid price; that, otherwise, it be
awarded to second low bidder, was seconded by Bredesen*and carried.
Public Ut3h.ties recommendations of July 10, incorporat2ng ,I the *'following recornen-
dations3 was reviewed:
1. That report from State Exaainer regarding Richfield-3Hina In%erceptor Sewer
be referrerl, to Vioage Attorney f?indhorst for Pecommendation.
2, That Vgley View R6ad i~ front ox Mrs. Code's house be raised approxbnately
2$ feet in ogder to provide supfa60 dra@age to the East; thus eliminating
necessity 09 storm sewer; and that roads be bermed up so"as to keep as much water o$f &s. Codets property as possible. 3. *That prope.&y oyners 6n East side of Voodddle' Aveime between W. 53rd and W. 54%h
Streets be asked to subdt petition if tliey wish storm sewer -~onstructed, 4, That two large Catch Basins be installed to remedy drabage problem on -
Hollywood Road just North of lnterlachen Boulevard,
Fkedesen' s mt&oG, that ptba5.c Utilities Conbmittee recommendations be accepted,
Notion seconded by Bank gnd cari;ied. ,b
public Safety Commiktee recommendations of JdpI.2; were reviewed, being as follows:
1. hs$allation of one Watch Out for: Children" sign on Kent, Wesb of~Nomandale. I
2. -&stabtion of tm-2Jfatch Out .-8 ofr @ildren!! signs on;jlarreg Ave., near 66th
3. Meeting of Gouncil before n&& regt&ap meeting, to argive at 2ecLsion on
t "*
D . and 64th Streets. %, I h
Eden Avenue Cut-off.
Recomenda%ion against purchase of fire exbbguishers ?or new vihlage Wl,
For delay in installation of green arrows at Toth and Halifax, and No
Raking Zone on South side of 50th Street west of Halifax Ave., unt-il. such
time 'in future aq bank.'has been constructed and parlcing lot put into
operation, e
Authorization for Hanager Hitchell to advise property owners at dead-end
Cherry Lane that they may &xdxl.l Dead ihd sign providing they do so at
$heir own cost. 9
kedesesrs motion, that Public Safety Committee recommendations be approved, was
-. seconded,by Bank and cargied. *I
;1 *
I There behg no further business to cone before the Council, the meeting was adjourned at Ut20 A&., Tuesday, July 13, by mot
Bank arid carsied. __
n ._
aIN14..~.cQmGIL. W*WWwP . WX*26,-19%, -AT. "13 P&., N. *THE
..I - EDrnYIUlpEHALT; -. ..- *.. .. __...-* * _-.' Hders answering ROllcaXL. were Bredesen, Child, Danens, Bank ad Erickson.
Binu.l;es of Xeeting-of July 12, 1954, were approved as subkitted, by motion Bank,
.seconded by Child an4 carried.
Clerk B'& Gbnitted Affidadts of Publication for 11Advertiseme& for Bids-Sanitary
Sewer;. Watermain; Stonn Sewer, *I and. tt8dvertisemmt for IZi&-I?indows-Library~1* both
adverti2aments bv&ng been pub$ished,& Edina-ltornbgside Cog-ier and Construction
Bnlletin July 15 and 22, 1954. Affidavi.s were approved as to form and ordered
placed on.$Ue; and, pursuant to-same, &Sayor Erickson called for bids. Bank then .
moved- for referr& of bids' to Assistant..VXLlag'e Engineer for public opening in
Engineir's Office. Rotion seconded by D.ggens and carried. (See Elmutes, hter
in evenhg). ri
I Assistant &gi.neer Zikan $sked that award of bids taken July 12, on a Dictating
qnd Transcribing Eaghine be deferred until August 9.
seconded by Bredesen and carri.ed. ., -
&sessmen%s for Improvements,? published Q Edina-lbrningside CourLer. June 24 and
July I, 1954, which was approxed as to form wd ordered placed-on file, Pursuant
to said Notice, the following Assessment Hearings were had, and action wen as
recorded below:
Cad so moved, ,Notion
Clerk &nls then submitted kn Affidavit of FubUcation for *'Notice of Hearings on -
.- 1
BLACKTOPPING A-47 - Obklaw;; Avenue from IL58th to W.62nd St. - Total Assessable
Cos%,, SPZ,172.72,'. as against &.,781.81 Assessable Fe*et, for $1.50, per ksessable
Foot. ,There were no objections to the assessments, and none had beep received
prior to the Hearing. One cornplaint was received that blacktop gutker had
washed out at. 'fjotk; and Qaklawn; and Asst, Engr. Zikan ivas given instructions
to have this repaired. (See Resolution Approving),.
GRBDI" AND (3B.A-G E27 - tL5gth Street &omFrance he, to Brookview Ave,
Total .&sessable ,Cost, .$5,ll6..59, as against 3,061.58 Assessable. Feet, for 3L67 p& Assessable Foot. There were no objections, and none had been
received prio; to the ,€Iearhg. (See Resolution Approping).
CUaB &ID GUTTER B-12 -. W.58th Styeet--from Wooddale Ave. to Kellogg Ave,
Total-ksessable. Cost, @,4ll.g, as against 505.60 Assessable Feet, for
$2.79 per Assessable Foot. There were no objections, and none had been
received prior to the ,Hear&. (See Resolution Approving) , *
CURB AND '3Jm 3-21 -. Xems Avque from lI&th-St. to th56th St. Total
bsessable CoSt,..@l,636..08, as-agahst '600,12 Assessable .Feet, for @,?2
per Assessable Fopt. There were no objections, and none had been received
prior to the Hearing. , (See Resolution Approving),
CURB AM, GU!l!TE3 &22 and B-23 - Wooddale Avenue from 8.60th St. to V.6lst St.; .
qnd*West 6Oth:@, from Vooddale &e, to Kellogg he. ..Total Assessable Cost, $4,945.16, as against 13.727.24 Assessable Feet, for $2.86 per Assessable Foot. There were no objections atthe-Hearhg, ad none had been received prior-
tbereto. (See Resolut50ntApproving)
I- XMPROl!ElW NO. 66 - Concord Terrace frpm Concord Ave. to St.Joh,
&e.& and StJobns Ave.,Fram Concord Terrace30 W.%h St. Total hsessable
Cost, $5,737.99, as-against l,3k.k09fi Asserjsable Feet, for $4.26 per 8ssess-
able Fqot, There were no objections at the Hearhg, and none had been
received prior thereto. (See Resolut5on Approving)
Conthuation of Hearing on Assesssent for BL4CK!i!OPPING ArQ in Woodland Lane. I&. and Mrs, Helm, objectors, asked for dispps%tion, atxbvere
ConuSttee had. not yet made recomendetion, moved for continuation of Hearing until &gust 23. Second& Danens. Carsiedr
Upon reqyest of objectors, Bank