HomeMy WebLinkAbout19540726_ADJOURNED-. *. -74 .-- - . -.. Rembers answering &lS&l were Brsdesen, Child, *D&ens and Erickson. Asst. Engineer Zikan acted as Clerk. Report; was made on the Fiey assessment. Council members present suggested that the mat$er be held-over until the VS3,lage Attorney could be present. CouncsJ, discussed the:necessity of another survey of the tree condition in the Country Club District to detemine the effectiveness of the spray used. Professor Phillips of the University of Eimesota had offered to make the gmrvey for, $100.00. Ghild moved that no further study be made at this time. Danens seconded the motion. Pfotion ciulr;fed. The extra work necessary OM PhXLbmok Lane (Iiooddale Ave. to W.58th St.) and on W.6Oth Street (Igooddde to Oaklawn), which was taken up with the Public Works Committee, was discussed9 Tt was felt that since the extra work had ._ already been completed, it was not necessary to take any action at this time. . i .L Oomcsl discussed the installation of Curb and Gutter for 5602 Shemood. Ckild moved that this matter be referred to the Public Works Committee for a recommendation. Notion seconded by Danens*- and cqried. . Discussion was had on the b& for Sanitary Sewer and Watermain in Valley View Bge Second Addition, and the eff9ct of the Cross-To* Highway on these bids. It was-decided to take action on the bids at.the next meeting. Council'discussed the removal of the material from Village property just north of Bebore he and East of Jackson Ave. W. Child's motion directing I&. 3Etchell to-make arrangements with tyo or three reliable contractors for the removal of the material ias needed so that the area can be developed into a park. Motion seconded,by Danens and carried. During discUssion on matte; Qf trench across P&bod Road, in Parkswod Knolls TWd Addition it was suggested that I&. Car1"N. Hansen be notified to fix Reiommendations of Polhe dhief BkG& for 'a Drknkometer iere discussed. Bredesen moved that-Village Attorney be instructed to prepare an ordinance to make the drhkometer legal, Police Chief I!kGary be in&ructed to make arrang6- ments to have the officers take tr-ing in the operatiori"of .. the drmikometer, but that no drunkometer be purch?sed 'at this time. Motion seconded 'by Child . and carried. , Child's motion, that Police Chief XcGaryls recommendation for Watch Out for GhXLdrenlf.signs on Job Street; Shmood,Road; Spruce PLace; and Belmore Lane be approved, was seconded by Danens and carried.. Bredesen's motion, that the Public Safety Committee be authorized to work with %he Police Department in prepiring 8 school for uitigens approved and appointed by the Council to help police the Village by insuing a mrnhg tag or wadg letter toftraffic violators, was seconded by Child and carried. Bredesenjs motion, that Public*Safety CrkmnLttee also be atthorized to prepare identification cards for-CouncG Members and that the co%cil members be included Sn the group of citizens-who will be kLhoriz6d to issue walming tags and letters to traffic violators, was seconded by Dsanens and carried. Child's-motion, for approval of @21.90 in e+ras for the New VSllage Hall was seconded by Danens and carried. Childfs motion, for approval of PubUc Works' Committee recommendations of July 17 and Z3,,as set forth below, was seconded by DFens and carried.: 1. That blacktopping of W.54th Street between mehaha Creek and IJoodd&e Avenue be repaired; that Wager Hitchell be instructed to detewe 2. That new type grates be*prchased and insttitled in Yvonne Terrace stom sewer; that old grates be used elsewhere in the ViLlage. 3. That Sunnyslope be re-blackbopped; that this-project be given hs& priority on e. Jonas list of repairs. 4. That the Hamilton-Lampe dispute on grades be worked out between property owners-that Village not become involved. 5. That Ms. Jonas proceed with taking dirt from Village-properGy nearby and depositing it on South shoulder of BeZinore Lane at Xomoe, to prodde a bum so that mtFr will rzlll down to Mbnroe*& nom@ way rather than .. across private property. the read since he installed the stom-sewer. . . .r n Q I I basis for assessing cosii. * * Ir I