HomeMy WebLinkAbout19540726_REGULAR?/32/% Recomenda%ion against purchase of fire exbbguishers ?or new vihlage Wl, For delay in installation of green arrows at Toth and Halifax, and No Raking Zone on South side of 50th Street west of Halifax Ave., unt-il. such time 'in future aq bank.'has been constructed and parlcing lot put into operation, e Authorization for Hanager Hitchell to advise property owners at dead-end Cherry Lane that they may &xdxl.l Dead ihd sign providing they do so at $heir own cost. 9 h kedesesrs motion, that Public Safety Committee recommendations be approved, was -. seconded,by Bank and cargied. *I ;1 * I There behg no further business to cone before the Council, the meeting was adjourned at Ut20 A&., Tuesday, July 13, by mot Bank arid carsied. __ 6 n ._ l!ENWBS OF THE 1IE(;uLLIR 3mzpIG OF TIIE aIN14..~.cQmGIL. W*WWwP . WX*26,-19%, -AT. "13 P&., N. *THE ..I - EDrnYIUlpEHALT; -. ..- *.. .. __...-* * _-.' Hders answering ROllcaXL. were Bredesen, Child, Danens, Bank ad Erickson. Binu.l;es of Xeeting-of July 12, 1954, were approved as subkitted, by motion Bank, .seconded by Child an4 carried. Clerk B'& Gbnitted Affidadts of Publication for 11Advertiseme& for Bids-Sanitary Sewer;. Watermain; Stonn Sewer, *I and. tt8dvertisemmt for IZi&-I?indows-Library~1* both adverti2aments bv&ng been pub$ished,& Edina-ltornbgside Cog-ier and Construction Bnlletin July 15 and 22, 1954. Affidavi.s were approved as to form and ordered placed on.$Ue; and, pursuant to-same, &Sayor Erickson called for bids. Bank then . moved- for referr& of bids' to Assistant..VXLlag'e Engineer for public opening in Engineir's Office. Rotion seconded by D.ggens and carried. (See Elmutes, hter in evenhg). ri I Assistant &gi.neer Zikan $sked that award of bids taken July 12, on a Dictating qnd Transcribing Eaghine be deferred until August 9. seconded by Bredesen and carri.ed. ., - &sessmen%s for Improvements,? published Q Edina-lbrningside CourLer. June 24 and July I, 1954, which was approxed as to form wd ordered placed-on file, Pursuant to said Notice, the following Assessment Hearings were had, and action wen as recorded below: Cad so moved, ,Notion Clerk &nls then submitted kn Affidavit of FubUcation for *'Notice of Hearings on - .- 1 BLACKTOPPING A-47 - Obklaw;; Avenue from IL58th to W.62nd St. - Total Assessable Cos%,, SPZ,172.72,'. as against &.,781.81 Assessable Fe*et, for $1.50, per ksessable Foot. ,There were no objections to the assessments, and none had beep received prior to the Hearing. One cornplaint was received that blacktop gutker had washed out at. 'fjotk; and Qaklawn; and Asst, Engr. Zikan ivas given instructions to have this repaired. (See Resolution Approving),. GRBDI" AND (3B.A-G E27 - tL5gth Street &omFrance he, to Brookview Ave, Total .&sessable ,Cost, .$5,ll6..59, as against 3,061.58 Assessable. Feet, for 3L67 p& Assessable Foot. There were no objections, and none had been received prio; to the ,€Iearhg. (See Resolution Approping). CUaB &ID GUTTER B-12 -. W.58th Styeet--from Wooddale Ave. to Kellogg Ave, Total-ksessable. Cost, @,4ll.g, as against 505.60 Assessable Feet, for $2.79 per Assessable Foot. There were no objections, and none had been received prior to the ,Hear&. (See Resolution Approving) , * CURB AND '3Jm 3-21 -. Xems Avque from lI&th-St. to th56th St. Total bsessable CoSt,..@l,636..08, as-agahst '600,12 Assessable .Feet, for @,?2 per Assessable Fopt. There were no objections, and none had been received prior to the Hearing. , (See Resolution Approving), CURB AM, GU!l!TE3 &22 and B-23 - Wooddale Avenue from 8.60th St. to V.6lst St.; . qnd*West 6Oth:@, from Vooddale &e, to Kellogg he. ..Total Assessable Cost, $4,945.16, as against 13.727.24 Assessable Feet, for $2.86 per Assessable Foot. There were no objections atthe-Hearhg, ad none had been received prior- tbereto. (See Resolut50ntApproving) I- XMPROl!ElW NO. 66 - Concord Terrace frpm Concord Ave. to St.Joh, &e.& and StJobns Ave.,Fram Concord Terrace30 W.%h St. Total hsessable Cost, $5,737.99, as-against l,3k.k09fi Asserjsable Feet, for $4.26 per 8ssess- able Fqot, There were no objections at the Hearhg, and none had been received prior thereto. (See Resolut5on Approving) Conthuation of Hearing on Assesssent for BL4CK!i!OPPING ArQ in Woodland Lane. I&. and Mrs, Helm, objectors, asked for dispps%tion, atxbvere ConuSttee had. not yet made recomendetion, moved for continuation of Hearing until &gust 23. Second& Danens. Carsiedr * that Upon reqyest of objectors, Bank 7/26/% Bank then offered the following Resolution and moved its adODtion: tJ 347 RFSOZUTION ADOEING AMD CONFIRMLNG ASEiEESl@$TS . 1 Dm0-S BfJS- -A-4'7, C-27, B-19, %a, B-22 & 23: ~~~~ DPRQVB@M! NO. 66 . BE IT RESOLVED by. the ViZlage.Uo@ncjl. of. the Village of Edina, Eianesota, a8 follows: 1, -1% is hereby fowd, determined and declared that the proposed assess- ments for STREGT ~~O~NTS NOS. A-4'7, C-27, B-19, %2l, B-22 & 23, AND TNEEE~ Dmm, NO,. 66, .Wd-each-of .thep, have been. properly calculated in. accordapm. dtF the provisions of Minnesota Statutes SectLon 4l2.44.l; that notice has been duly pblished as requbed by law,- that this Counciltmuld meet to hear and pass upon allobjections, if my, to amend said proposed assessments as might be necessaxy, and to adopt the sane by resolution; that said proposed assessments have at all times since their filing been open for public inspection, and opportunity has been given to all interested persons to present their objections; . and that each of the lots, pieces and parcels of land enwerated in the respective assessments was and is specially benefited by the constmac%ion of the improvements for which such assessment 5s levied in the mount set opposite the description of each such lot, piece and parcel of land, respectively, pieces and parcels of land described in said respective assessments, and said pro- posed assessments are hereby adopted and confirmed as the proper special assessments for said improvements, respectively, The assessment against each lot, tract or parcel, together 16th the interest accruing on the fill amount thereof fromtime to time unpaid, at the rate of five percent per annum from the date of this resolution, shall be a lien concurrentfwith general taxes upon the property described therein and all thereof. The total amount of the Assessment for Street Improvement No, (27 shall be payable in equal annual. insta&Lments exbending 0ver.a period of threwyears, the fbst of said inst&hents, together with interest on the entire assessment ffom the date hereof to August 15, 1955, to be payable with the general taxes for the year 1954, and one of the remainbg installments, with one year's interest on that and a13 subsequent installments, to be payable wtth genera taxes for the years 1955 and 1956, collectible in the respective ensuing years. The total amount of each of the Assessments for Street hprovements Nos;A-&'7, B-19,. B-21, B-22 & 23, shall be payable 3.n equal annual installments exhending overraperiod of five years, the first of said instfints, together with interest on the entire assessment from the date hereof to August 15, 1955, to be payable with the general taxes for the year 1954, and one-of the remaining instalhents, with one year's interest on that and all subsequent instalbents, to be payable with general taxes for the years 1955, 1956, 19%' and 1958, collectible in the respective ensuing years. payable in equal annual installments exbending over a period of ten years, the first of said installments, together With interest on the entire assessment fram the date hereof to August 15, 1955, to be payable with-the general tams for the year 1954, and one of the remaining installments, with one year's interest on that and a31 subsequent installments, to be payable with general taxes for the years 1955 through.1963, collectible 5.n the*respective ensuing years. I - c owner of any lot, piece or parcel of land assessed hereby nappapthe whole of* such assessment or any installment thereof without interest to the VUlage Treasurer and thereafterrsuch payment may be made dth accrued interest, tothe County Treasurer; provided that if any assessments or installments thereof be prepaid. to the Village Treasurer, they shall be cancelled on the books of the Village &easuret. and he shall promptly notify the Village Clerk and County Auditor,, anethe assessment or installment so prepaid shall be CaaceQed on the books ef the County kuditor. Comty hdit0r.a certified duplicate of said assessments, with eachthen unpaid installment and interest set forth separately, to be extended upon the proper tax lists of the County, and the County Auditor shall thereafter cause said assessments to be collected in the manner-provided by law, Said duplicate shall be desimated as the ,!Assessment Roll for Street hprovaents A-47, E.2'7, B-19, B-22 & 23, and Watermain Improvement No. 66, and all amounts collected in respect of the assessments therein contained shall be simirarly designated by the County Treasurer and remitted to the Village Treasurer as follows: Series Jjnprovement Fund. 2, The amounts so set out are hereby levied against the respective lots, a €3 37 e! .2@ m The total amount of the assessment for Watermain bprovenent Nor 66 shall be 8 .3. Prior to certification of the assessment to the County Auditor, the *v 4, -The Clerk shall, as soon as may be, prepare and transmit to the For Street hprovement No. C-27 - to the SQking Fund of the 1952 First For Street Improvement No; A-47 - to the Sinking kd of the 1953 %uproveaent Fund, . hproyemeqt No, 66 - to the Sinking Rmd. of +he 19% First Series hpmvemmt Sor Street Improvements Nos; 33-19, B-21, B-22 & g23, and for Watermain h .* 1) hdd, .. n Notion for adoption of Resolution was seconded by Danens, and on ROUcall.&here 7/26/54 Clerk Bank read r'Notfce Of Hearing on Petition for Permit to CQnSt~ct~o~ble Mus, and all others within five hundred feet of property to be, affected, said Notice, &fayor Erickson called Public Hewing on petition of Ben M. Parks for pedt to construct double dwellings on Lots 2,3,4,3 and 6, Block 1, GOZP Terrace *eights First Mation (5605,5&9,5613,5617 ,and 5621 N0rmandd.e Road,) Attorney Karl H, Covell spoke in support of the petition, stating that it*is plianned tkt unfts d.U. be m, to accammodate only gnaU families; that petitioner feels they will be in demand by the High School faculty; that it is difficult to use lots for single family residences because they face Highwq No, 100; that petgtionem have paid taxes on lots for some twelve years and would like to put lots to some remnerative use. Attorney Ward Ws spoke for oppos&tion, presenthg petition sigaed b~ some siXtg-five residents in the Sarmed5ate neighborhood, citbg as neighbors' objections - 9, Redudion in property values; 2. transient natwre of occupants,of rental property; 3. violation of deed restrictions; 4. departure of existing policy 02 Village to restrict double bungalows to immediate pro-ty to business areas. 5. establishment of precedent for approval of othw multiple dwelling reqwsts. Trustee Bredesen stated to audience present that he believes dtiple dwellhgs would be better than some other types of construction allowed under deed restrictions, but that, in view of definite deed restrictions agast nnzltiple dwUgs he would move for denial of ptition, &tion seconded by 'Bank and carried, Public Hearing was nexb had on petition of Mi.. Ben Aton for permit to face single dwemg on Lot 13, Block 10, Golf Terrace Heig$s, *South rather than West as per platted lot., Wter of assent,, signed by ormers_a.f; 5601 and 55U gormauUe Road, was read, and Building Inspector Woehler recommended for this facing providing neighbors had no objection, There were no objections from the floor, and no written objections had been recehred prlior to the Hearing, Danens moved for approval. of permit, Mbtfon seconded by Bank and wried, W. Joh-~~n OtterXets petitgon for permit to cbnstmct single dwelling on Lot 1, 3lock 2, wokside Heights, with setback of twelve feet from Hankerson Avenue, next came,before Council for Public Hearing, pursuant to Notice of Hearing nailed July 15. Nessrs. ,Carlsog and..hderson, neighbors, protested this small setback. YiXLage Attorney IJhdhorst ruled that PIr. Otterle must be allowed 32 feet of bui.l&ble space, accordance with Zoning-Ordinance. Child then moved, approvjng eighteen-f oot setbajr from Hankerson+*Avenue _and leg& setback from Interlachen BLvd, Notion seconded by Danens and carried. ~ kiyx Brickson $hen called'hzblic Hearings on several &mpro~emenks, pursuant to 1tNot.icg of. Hearings on ProEsed &provements,1' published in Edina-Norningside Courier July 15 and 22,-195l+. Clerk Bank presented Affidavit of Pyblication, Vjhichwas approved as to fora, cgd ordered placed on*file. aad actiontaken, as recorded below: I. OXU3G: A.* .Division ,St.,Qpur Road to &tledge Ave, - Estimated Cost, $424.35, for .$.15 per front foot. BTo objections4at Heaw or prior thereto. s. Xerxes five., tJ.56th toJJ',flth St. - Estimated Cost, $64.58 for s.15 per . front foot. One owner .eked tbat street be shaped before 033. ig applied, No objections at Hearing or prior thereto. e C, John St., IKLoney Ave. to Turn-around - Estimated Cost, $132.00, for #.15 per front foo.i;* No objections at; Hew% or prior thereto. ~, Drew Ave., W,bOtkr St. to 5925 Drew Ave.. - Estiaalxd COS*, $69037, for . $,l5 per front footj. No objectionseat Hearing or prior th~eto. E. Van Buren Ave., Belmore he to North ViUage U@ts - Estimated Cost, .. @65,60, for 3.u per fronrt;,foot. No objections at Hearing or pcor $hereto. 248 to all PrOPel%Y owners in Golf Tepace Heights First &ddition to 1 Hearipgs wem? held - Bank offered the follovdng kesolution and x&ed its adoption: m' IfT REsmVi3il by the Coukcil og,the,ViUgge of &, -esota, that this Council heretofqre..caused notLce of hewings to be duly Published On the PrOPOSd wg imgrovements set forth below; and at the hearing held at the time and place sped- fied h said notSce the Council has duly considered the vlews of all persons iaterested, and being rUw advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with the construction of said Improvements; that kaid improvements am hereby designated and shall be referred to all subsequent proceedings as: 0168, ,. . . . . . Divis@~~ St ,, Spar Road to* &rtledge Q-72 0-66 Xems Avg., W.56th.to W.57th st0 oh st,, Bbl*ney ~ve. to ~urn.lftromd Drew Ave., W.60th St. to 5925 Drew he. e73 e65 and &he =-a to be speci- assessed therefor:shaU bclude land abut-t;hg the streets to be aPromd* FtESOLUTXON ORDERTNG ~*PRO~~S 0-G. ~R~RPPTs ~@,,Wh ' - . - .&66;0-=68,072.0-7 I OiUXG: - I&E'ROVBmT NO, ' '2.. &pen Ave., Bel,lnore Lane *to NW!?h Vmage LbcitS and tmcts Of 7/26/54 Notion for adoption of Resolution was were five ayes" an& no nays, as foU6ws: Bank, aye; and Ericlcson, aye; 'and the IJrayor. .. . ... ,I, .. -. ,, .. ../. .I . 2. BLACrnOPPING: A.,. ,Ashgro.Q ;Ave., W.5fZth to iJ.59th St. %;sthated Cost, #2,068.20, for $1.73 per gssessable been received prior thereto. preferring Phnt Nix project. . Bo St.Johng Ave.,. W.59th SI& to 2nd ICfanhole North. Estikated Cost, $1,755.00, for $2.55 per-assessable' fqot. Thererwere no objectLons at the_Hear&g, and none, had been received prior thereto. ' Delegation" asked reason for differences in cost between the Ashcroft an2 St.Johns Ave. projects; and were informed that Ashcroft has already been asgessed for the gradhg and gravelling of their- stlre'et." There were no objections at the Hearing, and none had Delegation present asked.to go on record a8 Bank offeredthe following Resolution and moved its adoption: F RESOLU!I'ION 0-G IEiIpROVEMENTS 249 STREEJ: , mROTMBSTS .NOS.A-66 9 6 E3 32 RESOLVED by the Goqngil, of .the ,VQlage .of Edina,Z-esota, that this Council heretofore, caused notice of hearings to be duly published on the-proposed improve- ments set forth below, and at the hearings held at the the and place specified in said notice the Council duly considered the views of all persons interested, and being filly advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with the construction of'said improvements; that said improvements are hereby designated and shall be referred to in a11 subsequent proceedings as follows: a*rnm-BNT NO. Blacktopping - Ashcroft he., W.58th to 'zJ.59th St. Street .l&rovement No. A-66 Ad the area to-be 'specibx assessed-thepefor shU include*aU. lots-and tracts of land abutting the portions of thk streets proposed to be improved. Notion for adoption of Resolution was seconded by Danens, and on Rollcall there were five ayes and no nps, as follows: Bre Bank, aye; and Erickson, aye; and the Reso .. Blacktopping - @t.Johhs &e., &59tWSt..to 2nd-Nanhole N. n . It NO, A-67 * c .* -- " --.' . I. , . 8. CONSTRUCTION OF STANDARD VTWE CURB AN9 GUTTER *DJ: .. A, 'lDr'w. he., X,@th,St. .to. 5925-D~&vu,&ver. .Estima-@3 Cost,* #Z,.;?790 %, for B, Xwing Ave., W.60th St. td 1?.6lst St. Estimated Cost, 42,676.12, for - ~ $2.€Xl- per Assessable Foot. There were no .abjectionq at- the Hearing, and 62.65 per Assessable Foot<- There-were-no objections at the Hearing, and ' none had been received p$or, thereto. .(r * none had been received prior, thereto. Child offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION OFUlXEENG JXPR~~S heretofore- caused notice of hearing to be 'duly published on the proposed imp;CovmmtS set fo&h below, and at the hearing held at the time and place specified in said notbe, the Council has day .considered the views of .all persons interested, and being fully'advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with the construction of said improvements; that sa3d improvements are hereby designated and shall be referred to in a33 subsequent proceedings as follows: ~rnOW-ENZI NO. Street .Improvement No. €3-29 Curb and Gutter, - Drew, Ave., IL6Oth'St. to 5925-Drew Curb and Gutter - Ewing, Ave.,.~J060th-to U.6lst St. * , I' 1 't NO; B-3 and the area to be speciall? assessed therefor shail include kL lots &d tracts of land abuttbg the port5on of the streets proposed to be improved. Rotion for adoption of the Resolut5on was seconded by Danens, and on Rollca3.1 there ... ... .I ,e .- .9 e .r I G -%6?3d Sh, PwneU he.. to.Shempod.Ave., .and in Ryau Ave., W.62nd St. to 330 F$. North, - Estlqated Cost, $4,613.76,:.for $5.63 ger Assess- able Fook for the laterals, plus 552.65 per Assessable foot for Trunk Seier..B-l, for total of $8.47 per.Assessab3.e Foot Brookview Ave., %61st to V.63rd St. - Esthalied Cost, ($13,185.34, for $6.U per Assessable Foot,.plus $2.36 Tpnk, for a total of $8.47 per Assessable~Foot. The-ovmer of 62.44 Brookview asked that he be relieved of this assessment. because he has the trunk sewer in his back yard; and the owner of the property directly across the street stated that sewer could be 'nzn to his property line *I.rithout berving 6Z&'+o'" @mer at 6244 was informed that he must pay a lateral charge even though he connects with trunk. East View Drive, Benton Ave. to Tingdale Ave",; Benton Ave., Josephine &e. to Tingdale he.;' Tj.ngdal8 he., Benton" Ave. to@ Easbiew Drive - IjZstimated Cost, $12,726.40, for $5.66 per Aksessable Front Foot fok laterals, plus $2.36 for Trunk Connebtion._ Audience was informed that even though later;als are cokstqcted %his year there will. be no service until such time as the *'Diagonal Trwnk" is constmtcted. EIT. J.E.Boran and one other omer agreed to assessment before service, askIing that construction be *edited in order that they might obtain gas service. There were no objections fromthe floor, and none had been received prior to the Hearing. .- * * Gh-ild then offered the followihg ResoXution and moved its adoption: BE IT RESOLVED by the Co*c~.o~..t~3~~~~~0~5Edina; Emesota, that this Counc&@eretofore caused notice of hmings to be duly-published on the pro- posed iqrovments consisting of: Construction of Sanitary Sewer and Appurtenances in= A, W.62nd St., Panel% Ave. to'Sheywooa Ave., ana Wkn .. Ave., 17.62nd 3. Brookview Ave., %6lst to t.S.63rd St. - C. East View Drive,.Benton Aye. to''k&dale Ave.; Benton Ave., ., Josephine &e. to. Thgda&e Ave.;. Tingdd.e*Ave.,. Benton-Ave. to East c View Drive. and at &he hearings held at* the t&e and' place spr;cifi& in said notice the Council has duly considpred the views of all persons intekested, and being @lly advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine tb proceed with the construction of said improvements; $hat said improvements are hereby designated and shall be referred to 5n 'all subsequent proceedings as follows: .. RESOLUTION OHIERTNG R*@ROVXHE"S sANP~Y_W-W.WRO9?k~S NO% and *St. to W ?3+ North: .. .. DP€iQVEXEN!P NO, Construction of Sanitary Sewer and Appuri;enances in: , .:... . . . ... . . A, W.62nd St., yarnell &e. to Shepuod Ave., and . Rm Av?~? tT.o62nd Stt, to 330-Fto NO, 6. Broolqiew Ave., 1?.6lst St. to-bouth Lot me of " ~ . ht 3, Ahqrtls Addition -- Benton Ave.,Josephine Ave. to Ti&#ale AvCe.; San.Sewer Zuprove.No.74 * - n I1 I* NO073 -. n .% C. Eastview Drive, Benton Ave. to"T-hgdale Ave.; 1. " Tbgdale Ave.,Benton Aye. to East View Dr. ' It l3 *' "NO075 and the.area to be specid.ly.assesse$ 6heFfor.shall be as follows: Oakview Add5t;ion. hat,po*ion of the street to be bproved. East,Viey Drive Tingtlee Aves. between Josephine Ave. and East View Drive; Lots 1 and. 4, Donna Ridge; and ht 1, Bl. 1, Benton Pqk. Motion for idoption of thk Reso1;tion ~JS seconded by Bredesen, and on 'Rollcall - For Sanitary Sewer Xmprovement No. 74, all lots and tracts of land in Fo? Sanitary Sewer &propn.ent *No. 73, all lots and tracts of land abutting For Sanitary Sewer Improvement No, '75, all. lots and tracts of land abutting Edba Ridge; all lots and tra&s of land abutting Benton and L $h&e me five ayes and no-pays, as e; and Erickson, $ye; .- 5. - COl$3kRUGTION OF IKLXAGE t@iTEE@n -33X"SIoN &'ID APp~~cEs m: A. -31R62nd .St,, ShFxyood. .Ave-..~to.-V~~a_Ave.; SF^&!%, .%6a@ ,. *. st, 280 Ft. North; Parnell~-Ave., lT.62nd St. to,3m Ft. ll00 Estimated Cost, $9,327[.85, for @.OO per-Assessable Foot. There _were no objections it the,Hearhg, and none had been received-prior thereto. (See Resolution I Approving). "- .* B. South from Tower and Tank to W.59bh St.; W.59th St. across Hi&way to Benton Ave.; Benton Aye., Tingdale Aye., "d Grove St., to Code Ave.; School Rd. and Ruth Drive in School-Ifanor; Sherwood,Ave. and W.bOth St. in IMon -. Gardens; .. Bst View Drive in Eea Ridge. kst..Engr. 7/26/54 251 ' Zikan recommended might be included Highway. Nessrs; a new Hearing on this project, in oNer that an additional. district inasmuch-as it wiU. be benefited by trunk main installed under the Roy Peterson and JOE. Bor$r aiked-that construction be emedited in-order that they-_rni&t receive gas semrice this f&l; Public Hearing be continued to meeting of August 9,. and that additional distrht as outlined byMr. Zikan be included, was seconded by Bank and carried. Child's motion, that CopncQ take bids on this project on August 9, was seconded by Danens Childts Ipotion,.t&t i and CWE~& I Child then offered the followbig Resolation a6d moved-its adoption: - R;ESOWITION ORDERING XMF%OV"T Wm IWROVEMENT NO. 76- BE ET RESOLVED by the Co~cil-,of,the-,~i~age of ?dim, .Einnesota, that this Council heretofore-caused notiqe of hearing to be duly published on the proposed hpxwement consisting of Construction of Villagetfatermain Wension in . , Wo62nd @to, Sherwood he. to Virginia &e.; Parnell Avehq, W.62q.d St, to 340 Ft, North Ryan A~eo 3 Wq62nd Sto *to 280 Fto North; and at the hearing held at the time and-place specified in said nokice the Council. has duly considered the views of all persons interested, &d being fully advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with the construction of said Smprovement; that said improvement is hereby designated and shall be referred to in all subsequent proceedings as Watermain Jhprovement No, 76; and the area to be specially assess'ed therefor sh-all include all lots and tracts of land h Oak View Addition, Hotion for adoption of the 33esolution was seconded by Danens, and on Rollcall there *f Lye; Dqnens, aye; n* * .-* . t&w+ . . . . . . , . .&ps.. .. I ' L I' clerk Gk submitted Affidavit" of Publication for ItNotice of Hearing-Storm Sewer," published inEdina-Mopingside Cougier July 15 and-22, which Affidavit was approved as to fom and ordered placed on file, .&I accordance with said Notice, Mayor Brickson called Public Hearing on proposed Storm Sewer in Beard Avenue between W055th Street and Minnehaha Creek, Estbted Cost ms given as &026 for those gersons .directly benefited b;a this addition to-Stom Sewer lmproyement No, 21, and $.0357 per Sq, Ft, for those properties in.,Storm-Sewer.No. 21, explainedthat the overflow fromthe drainage shed in Storm Sewek Improvement No, 21 is now behg received by Beard Avenue at W,55thhand North; that Catch . Basins must be enlarged to take ;this oyerflow, and an additional underground drain put in the street from W.55th Street Horth; that the assessment for the newly assessed area is based on the assessment for a similar project recently hstalled in Zkxith Avenue; that the balance is being assessed to those in Storm Sewer Improven@nt No, 21 area, There Were no objections to the bprovement, but several property owners in the Storm Sewer 23. area objected to being re- assessed, asking that the Generd Fgnd be_required to pay for this trengineering errorft. It was also advocated that Generd Fund be rewired to pay-for the cost of fizling in the. bad washout in Beard Avenue, which is now figured as a p& of the storm sewer cost, mer considerable discussion, Bank offered the following It was Resolution and moved its adoption: * RESOZUTION ORDERJmG IMF'J3OVE2& - -. STOIEIM, SBBR IMPBOvE@N!T! N0.26. BE IT RJEOLVED by the Council.lof $hg,Village -of -Edina, Ninnesota, that this CowciJ.hgretd'ore cauqed notice of hearing to be duly published on the proposed bprovement consisting of 'Constmzction of Village Stom Sewer and Appurbenances in 3emd Avenue between W.55th Street and ~nnehkhq Creek, and at the hearing held at the time and place specified in said notice the Council has duly cm- sidered the views of all persons interested, and being fay advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with the construction of said improveinent; that said improvement is hereby designated and shall be referred to in all subsequent proceedhgs as Storm Sewer Iinprovement No, 263 and the area to be special3.y assessed therefor shall irqlude all lots and tracts of land within the foUowing boundaries: fllBeginning at a pt, 80.Ft. No af intersection of tL56th St, and Beard Ave.; th. E, to X,lhe of kt 3p, 131, 4, White hvestment.Conpany*s Hidden Vd-ley; tho No to NE Cor. Lot 10; tho E,. to SE Cor. Zot 7, BL, 4; tho N. along E, line to NE Cor. said Lot 7; th, N. across W$55th St, on centerline of L0.l; 7, B1. 3, White hvestment,Companyts flidden Valley, to-pt, 40 Ft, N. of So line thereof; tho We to E, line of Lot 9, sa5d Bl.. 3; th, PJ, to pt.L60 Ft, from S, 1Sne; th,Tl, to If0 Zine Lot 10, said B1.3; th, Illy across Beard he, Eo center-of Lot 1, BL 2, Ws; tho Wly 50 Ft,; tho S&y to S. line bk-2, said 131, 2; th. E. to.Beard . * * Ave. and Sob to pt. ..of beg-g;" and all lots and tracts of land dthin the following described boundaries: 7 c 25% 7/26/% 11Be-g at intersection of K57th St, and Drew Ave,; th, N, 100 Ft, to aPPrO*tw centerline of I103 4, B1e 2, BrooWe 2nd Addn,; th. E, to appqd- C~nkfLine of I& 3, BL 2, Brookline =d"Addn.; th, No to m"Cor, of said Lot 3; tho E, to pt. 70 Ft;. lay from Southeast Cor, Lot 15, B1. 2, Eaa Hifls; the N~Y parue1 to Chowen Aye. to pt. in_So, line of Lot .U, BI,. 2,'- Ws, 70 Ft, IQ from Southeast Cor.; th, NEXy on q arc to pt,-on Ely line of Ems WS 35 3%. to htersection-Beard hee; the-N, in Beard Ave, to pt. 65 Ft, more or less, No of center-e of iaf;ersec%ion of lL56th 2%. and Beard Ave,; th, E, to E. line of I,& 10, 4, White Investment Comparqrs Hidden Valley; th, N, to NE Cor, of said lot; th, E. to NE cor. .Of kt 15, BL Ic,..t.Thite Investment Companyls Hidden Valley; th, S, along X, me of said lot. to TL56th 'St.; th. E, txj W6 Alley between Abbott wd ZeathAAves.; tho S. along said*allq to SPi Cor, of 29t-2, B1, 3, Harriet LarJn Addno; tho E. .tO p++ midway between the E-and ti lot lines of Lot 3, Bl. 3,- Harriet Lawg Addn.; th, So to t.r.flth St.; th. gy to pt. midway between the E and tT lines of ht 22, B1, 3, Broo.uine AdW th, Sly alorig a midway 1Sri6 between E %. and 11 10% lines of Lot 22 tibough Lot 12, B1, 3, Brookline Addn, To f.T.'58th St,; th, E, in TLTSth St. to-a pt. midway between the E and I? lot lines "of at 1, B1, 2, &r<iet P.Zanor-2nd kddn,; the S, along a line @dway.-between E and B lot lines of Lots 1 through 8, Bl, 2, Harriet Nanor 2nd Addn., to a pt. on the 1\1 lot line of Lot 9, Bl. 2, Harriet &nor 2nd Addno which,is 71 Ft, E. of the centerline of the N-S Uey betmen Zenith and York Aves,; tho W, along N lot line of Lot 9, B1, 2, Hapie% Hanor 2nd Mdn. to the N-S-Alley between Zehith and York Aves.; th.. S, &long said alley to SE Cor, of Lot 16, Bl. 2, Hargiek Ifanor 2nd Ad&,; tho IT. along S. lot line of-said bt 16 to Zenith Avenue to its inhersection with lf,39t;h St,; tk. I.J. along W.59th St. to pt. 71 Ft, E of centerline of N-S &ley between JJbbott and Beard Axes.; tho 5. on line uidway between E and B lot ghes of Lots 1 through 7, 31, 5, _Ha,rriet @her 2nd kddn,; the Illy to N-S qey between Abbott and Beard; th, S to E-W Aller between W.60th and W&%h Sts.; th. IT, along said alley' to Beard Ave,; th.,*N, on Beard Ave-.. to pt. 58.Ft;, S of NE Cor,.pr" Lot 9, Auditor's Subdivision No. 312; th, W. to pt. 82.5 I%, more or less, ll, of the centerline of Beard Ave.; tho N along a -line parallel with the centerline. .of Beard Ave, to TT. 58th it,; ta, 11. song W,58th St, to intersection of Chowen Ave.; th, N, on Chowen &re, to tL57th-St,; tho %along 1!,57th St. to pt. of beginning,tr &tion'for adoption of the ResolGtion was seconded by Danens, and on Rollcall there were five ayes and no nays,.as follows: / 6, B1. 2, from SI$ Cor.; the SEly to centerline Chowen Ave,;:ath. Ely 0 Bredeseh , aye; Dgnens, aye; and Erickson, aye; and the Resoluti .. . I, Representatives of Math Yeshurun Cemetery, 5605 France, and EEss Docken, owner of Country Club Floral, 5555 France, app'eared in an effort"to settle their disagremmt about the use-of a 20-foot dedicated roadway between the two propdies. The Cemetery representatives asked once again that they be aUok?d to use this. r0adWa-y for autamobile travel, Wding their road at theik. expense; to a point where a turn-around could be constructed on their own property, &Ess Docken objected on the grounds that the so-called public road would be used only by the Cdtery, . The hblic llorks Committee reported that they had inspected the site, -and feel that the wilding of a-road is almost hpossible because of the vem steep grade, The Cemetery people stated that they imuld not only build the road but would assume the expense of maintaining it, After considerable discussion, Child moved that no action be taken at this time, but that Council be receptive to hearing Cad- representatives again when they bring fq3.l information as to where they meet to have their turn-around, elevations of their proposed road, and other engheerhg data ach uill enable Council to detenaine feasibility of this construction. Notion seconded by Dan- and carried. AtDomey Homer Brown, representing petitioners kdams, WLean and Katter, complained that the premises at 5909 Concord Avenue, occupied by XSk,-Floyd Blakeborough, con- stitute a nasance, He eqlahed that neighbors are unable to sell property Or secure loans because of the condLtion of this place. He asked that Council - 10 post the premises unsafe, and require that there be. no OC~P~Cgr %til unsafe conditions are corrected; 2. Request that omer remove house from prdses; 30 gotion, t&t ma.Cter be referred 50 Publ5.c Safety ~Omnittee for @Ck action report, at next, meeting, was seconded by Bredesen anti ca~~ied* ,& Hm*hstaf& applied for permit to coristruct restaurant *at corner of N~, 162 and iiofjoth Street, -Building 'lhspec~or 'T.JOehlW rf3cO~elld~d constmcti-on, and cud moved ;hat pe+$ be granted, . " that omer connect with sanitary sewer and install inside toilet.. Bank's I I/ Hotiion sedpnded by &&esen and , / Dri Swendseen requ6sted tha'b'permit be granted for a coffee*shop-in the basement of the Grandwiew Xotel, carried, Bank's motion for approval. was seconded by Child and . .. I 7/26/54 253 Nr. 2- reported that new petitions have been received for addi.t$ond work hthe area for which Public Hearings had been continued from Say =;to tas date-- St., Chowen Ave. to France, and &age Ave. from W.61st to W.62nd St.; and 7fatemi.n ia W.6lst St,, Chowen Ave. to Drew Ave., and Choyqn Ave., w.@.st to W.62nd St.- said petitions behg for Sarritary Sgmr and Watemain in Chowen Place fmm OhovJen Ave. to Edina Bel Air jth,Addition, be revised to include these latter petitionsr Childts motion, that new Hea;rings. On the proposed ~PrOVements, hcLu&g Chowen Place, be scheduled for Monday, hgust 9, if possible, was seconded by Bredesen,-and carried. kessrs. Swendseen and Gustgfson asked for disposition on their petition for’.the Rezoniflg to Comrrmnity Sfore District of the Northwest. C0rn.e of =en Avenue and Highw No, 100. Bankts motion, that Public Hearing on this matter be re-scheduled for first meeting in September, was seconded by Bredesen and carried. Messrs. Swendseen and-Gustafson requested permit for construction of a large sign .advert;lsing the Grandview Notel. They were asked to secure the approval of Asst. to Manager, Richard Olson. . I&. Ernest H&son of “Helody Knolls 2nd Addition comilained that Sanitary Sewer: contractor has failed to *lpu% roads back into condition” in accordance with contract; that bunns have-been bulldozed into center of..road, bench marks are covered, and only one manhole can be seen. He asked that work be expedited in order that he may gravel during August. Child’s motion, that Lametti be notified to get road into shape ;immediate&y, was seconded by Danens and..carried. &. Jack F. Brown, representing owner of properby at Grove St. and Tingdale he., asked fordrainage remedy at General Fund expense. &. Zikqn reported that this method will be temporary, that it will probably be necessary, eventudly, to secure easements and run water underground. Bank moved that matter be referred to Public Vorks Comittee for recommendations, Notion. seconded by Danens and carried. .. - Nr. To 0. Trimm requested permission to construct dwelling on an unplatted tract of land, just off W.7Oth Street. 1% was discovered that there is no public access to this property.,. Bank moved that request be denied, and that owner be requested to plat, and that the matter be referred to the Planning Comnbsion for their recommendation. Motion seconded by Danens and carrSed, Hiss Sophie Stenson appeared, to request that Council. act to allow a decrease in the proposed .Curb and Gutter project in Oaklawn Avenue between W.6lst and IL62nd Streets. Road; that she expects to build there some time-in the future, and does not want curb and gutter until such -time as she does bad; also, that she has been holding back awaiting the outcome 02 the proposed widening of Valley View Road. Village AttorneylJindhorst ruled that the Council may adopt a Resolution agthorizing the Trillage En-eer to elkhate this,lOO feet of curb. and gutter from specificakions before taking bids. Such a Resolution was offered and seconded; and upon vote there were four nays +nd one--aye, as follows: Bredesen, nay; CMLd, nay; Danens, nay; &nk, nay; andErickson, aye; and the Resolution was lost, Xr. Reuter asked Council dispositlon of reGest for permit to construct ‘tharnisch- feger” Pre-Fabs in Warden Acres. bst. Engr, Zikan reported that the Cosd.ktee appointed the Pl-pning Commission for .hvestigation of this project-has seen the pre-fabs constructed with the understanding that qthers may be constructed only if these e;wO prove to be satisfactory. Bredesen’s motion, that pedts be granted for construction of two Hwnischfeger Pre-Fabs,inWardenH;cres, was seconded by Child and carried. MT. zikan and Attokey-Hosmer &own reported on a conference with the Stake Xghw Department concerning the Storm Sewer for the Brookview Heights as-; the present plan being for the Village to draft plans and present them to the Higw Department for approval, and for a subsequent contract between the Village and the Highwas Department whereby most of the cost of the project a1 be borne by the Dep&ment, dth some $2,700 or $3,000 estimated cost ’to be assessed against the Brookview Heights properties. ,Bank’s motion, that Council on its own motion call Public Hearring on Storm Sewer for the district to be served by this proposed stom sww, at a date as earlr as possible for Village &gineering Department to meet, was / Sdtary Sewer s# Chowen Ave. from W.61st to W.62nd st.^ Sanitary Sew in W061st i He recowended that the pmposed Ilmprovemmts .I. x # I I’ > She stated that she owns two lots on O&Lawn, abutting Valley View Crystal; that they recommend permit for two homes ** seconded by Child and carried. _I c Posengies complained that pheasants are destroying garden produce. He asked for pedt to shoot them. Recommendations of Police Captain X&WY and Ifwager l4itGheu were reviewed and discussed. shoot under supervision and direction of State Game Warden. Child and carried, wLth Eyer Erickson wting noe Bank moved %@at permission be $ranted for a pheasmt Hotion seconded by .. ... 254 7/26/54 lir. Leslie Johnson supported his written petition for perm3.t to grade Jackson Avenue between 15aloney Avenue and Belmore We, to ten inches below proposed grade, at his ovm expense. Er. Zikanrecommended this because it will decrease cost of improvement to abutting property ovmers. Bankrg motion, that offer be . - Child moved for papent of -Village Payroll, amount $13,326.33, and I&quor Store PqyroU, amount $554.55, for period-July 16 to 31, as recorded in detail 5q &QToI,I. Ledger, and for payment of the follow5ng Claims, 3lotion seconded b;s acceptad, was seconded by CWd and carried. - .. 0 5888 13047 11048 3- TO: Rex Distributing Company - - &&euser-Wxsch, Inc. Bertelson Bras. . Bo- DiAributing COO Canada Dry Ginger fie Company Clausen.& Sons, In$. ~ Coca-Cola Bottlbg Company Disti&lers.Distribu+ing Coo 0. I.f. Droney Bev. Go. @uek Brewing. Coo Kuether Distributing Cob Lgm Johnson Coo McKesson & Robbins 1 Pabst Brewing Coo- Ropl Beverage .Distributing Co. Schlitz Brewing ,Coo Seven-Up.Bottling Coo a Zhow Hoore. & Coo ~ hmeapolis Bra Company Hidland. National Bank $finno Hospital Service Ass%. Val Bjornson Pres. P.E.R.A, DistiSlers Distr. Coo- ._ VcKesson & Robbhs- Old Peoria Go., Inc. pin- Brothers Company Northern States Power Company Griggs, Cooper &-.Cornpans National-Cash RegLster Company Old Peoria Company, Inc. Famops Brands, Inc. , Griggs,. Cooper & Company Hdesson -& Robbias HLd Irest 3t&e Company ?@tu-#. General -Agency, kc. Northwestern Bell Telephone Go . %do Phillips & Sons Go. VfUage of- Edha (Contribut&) &ssolt Bot$ling Go. : Famo~s Brands, EIC~ r- Gladys liiller, City Treasurer5 .. .I J. A. Danens & Son fiur;;l Hem. Cy.=Nursing District &so K. J. Doran &thur K. Petersen Tracy Lithopaphers North& States Power Go. Village of Edina Tracy Lithographers Ge00 A, Totten - .+ . 974.71 40 9 000 00 ... _.._ , 2.55 2,064.00 27133. .. 1,*.... 5.61 1.35 * 100.00 . . , . . . . 7/26/54 - 2- ~ CLAD4 NO, E. UQ26 . . 3Upapolis Suburban Newspapers 11037 11043 11046 11054 11055 32056 33.058 UO59 ll060 21061 11062 11063 ll064 53065 no66 11067 11069 11081 ll082 la083 U.085 11086 11086 11088 VOW 13-091 11092 21093 11094 ll095 I2096 I2097 ll098 la099 lll.00 lU0l ll102 3JJ.03 11104 ul05 Ul06 ll107 11108 13109 llll0 17371 lllJ.2 m3 u llll.5 I3.116. u217 11026 11043 U045 la049 3-1050 110 53. ll0 52 11053 u054 11055 ll070 11071 11072 11073 11074 11075 11077 1x078 13079 U.080 11076 -- Northern States Power. Go. Petty Cash ~tu~.~eral &ency - Village of Edina Town & Country Hdwe. American Linen Go. Northwestern Be&lTel. Co. Transport Clearings ~ Hoff RubbeqStamp Coo Mil&er=Davis Co. NeW. Reproduct;ion Co . M.. G.--Astleford Go . Construct ion. BtiQet in E. M. Courier. H. A. Bogers Coo ~ Georgem-Thonpson John Leffingwell Victor Hill Don HWmaa. Frank li. George I-. -Dept .of Highwapi Midwest Audio Visual. Brown Clothing Co. Yer& Is Wiuehouse Nelson!b Dry Goods Al. V.,Iiuber Carroll Johnston ROC. Sonnenberg Wyard Ben Sherman $1. V. Miller, 1953 Iinprovemgn% Eund Edina.Printing Co, Edina me 0j.l Coo Black Top Service Bertelson Bros. Minnesota Fire Epipnent Jay's Camezas . Justus -Lumber Co. Thompson Lumber Coo Vatl. Cash Register Go. Republic Creosot ing Co Gel-Bor Distributing -Go. l-@nicipal Year Book - Pfeiffer Const.. Coo Underwood Coup, - Dorsey,CoW,Barker ,S cott 8t Barber Yictor Carlson& Sons- Mpls. Suburban Mekpapers Petty cash @eo. A+ Totten, Cy. Treas. Narbi@Podany _. , f Grandvi-a Hdwe. Farnhm Staty. & Supplr Standard-Oil. Go+ ~ Yillage of Edina Town & Country Hdwe. Jnvin H. Hoore,. 1.f.D. Karl 17. Pleissner, ,M.D. Francis If. Walsh. * Archie M. +thy IJIoD, Jim Parker-. A & B Sporting Goods Iks.. S@.en NcLeod ~ HowardV. Bierriman lhesot;a Toro Halla Nursery u. s*_*sanitary Supg1y Go. Lo &e Butler- Sod GO. Cook Pakt & Vd~h CO. I Spring-Coo NplSo School SUppl~ a * Hopkins Reci 6% Park COII~L~ Hose True-, &Do . 7 255 FUND - ... *, . llI.48 * Construction F'md - 256 ..< 3 t. 57 7/26/5& * Request of Fire Department, for seven paid'firemen, was referred to the Public Safety Comittee.for recommendation, by motiqn Bredesen, seconded by Danens and carried, Ninutes 02 Park Board Heeting of JuZy 15, were reviewed, and were ordered placed on file, W--motfon Bredesen, seconded by Bank and carried, Complaint on Dog Nuisance, by Mr, Eldon BIorris, was reviewed. Bredesen's motion, $hat Mr, Xomis be insomed of his-rights in this matter, was seconded by Dmens and carried, Request of I&, C.' 8. Hayesk,' 46OQ Tomes Road, for drahage remedy, was referred 40 the Public Works Committee for. recommendation and report, by motion Bank, seconded by Dwens and carried. Rr,'Wm, J, X&on requested pemit to change facing of dwelling, 3bt 9, Block 5, V5rgbia .Avenue Addition, from W,62nd Street as per platted lot, to 'Virgirda he. Bredesen's notion, scheduling Q@Ec Hgaring on this petition for Honday, August 9, 1954, at 7:30 P.M., was seconded by Bank and carried, ipplications for Plders' Licenses for the following were approved, by mot5on Bredesen, seconded by Danens and carpied: . Complaint, &bed by several. residents on 14',&th Street., betweea Wooddale and St,Johns Avenue, stating that earth-movers,. operai+g over this street, had damaged nm oil., was read, discussed, and was referred to the Public Works Committee for investigation and report by motion Bank, seconded by Child and carried. 8. N. Tack Plumbing & Heating Go, - ,a32 West 31st Street TJcillace E, gooper - . - 5500 Benton he., Edina The foUowing Ordinance was submitted by Clerk Bank, who moved that Council waive second reading-and adopt Ordinance as read; I 01ZDmma NOo.122 AN OF!JX&AN~-@~T~~ TO SCAmGEZS AID mQV@a@-FQ@ THe..ZW-~SPG~&. E$W&'ION TlE VLLLAC33 COUNCXL 0E':';CHE VI;e;f;AG;E;gF-Wm& k&E3OTA, OmmS A8 FOWlSt as *a--scavenger within %he ,Village without.-first obtaining a license therefor, mews a person who cleans,.pumps, ragoves, transports and disposes of the contents of any privy, privy box, cesspool, septic tank or other vault used as a part of a sanitary sewer systm, Section 3. lbplication for and Xssuance of License, Any person desiring to act or render:. services .as a I scavenger .within the Village shall make application for a license to the Village Council, accompNed by a 1Fcense fee as hereh'pgovided for, Such application shall'be verified by the oath of the applicant and shall state . .TIiZEWIF. .h .. . - - ,. Sectioq a 1, ..LScense-Beqxired. . .No person,shi$ll, a&. or Tender, qemces Section 2. Definition, Wcavengerlt , wherever used in this ordinwoe, a. I (a) the name and address of the applicant. cb), if the applicant is not an individual, the names - and addresses of all officers or other persons in control of the firm or eorporation making application, and (c) a description of the equipment which the applicant - % proposes to use for. scavenging within the Village, Each application shall be accompanied by a bond conditioned upon compliance by the applicant with all applicable laws of the state and oz%linanoes of the Village pertaining to the conduct of the business of a scavenger. approval of the application by the Village Council the Clerk shall issue a license to the applicant which shall expire-on the 3lst day of ETarch nexb Section 4. Iiicense Fee, The annual license fee for a scavenger license shall be $l2.00, .but .if .the appli,cant has not been engaged in the business of a scayenger within the Village prior to the granting of such 3icense, and in dolation of this o@inance, he shall be allowed to pay the prorated license fee for the balance of the Ucense year. Section 5, Location of Equipnent. No scavenger shall place, store, keep or majntain any wagons, .vehic&es, .receptacles,, vessels -or utensils used in connection with this business in any place in the VUage d%hout first securing the written consent of all ovgers of propehx located within a radius of 200 feet of such place, privy, priyy box, cesspool,.septiq.tmk.or.other vault used as part; of a sanitary sewer system shall be conveyed to the place of disposal jii tanks or other receptacles constructed of a metal or other non-porous materid, provided dth at least two manholes on the top thereof and an outlet at the .^ bottom, ' adequately capped to prevent any leakage, Upon following, Section 6, Scaven@g Euuipment , All stibstances removed 'from any * * -* 7/26/% 258 / overnight in any place in the Village. Section '7. Owemipht Storage. Mo receptacle, tank or vehicle on- taw any substance such as described in the preceding section mag be stored Section 8, S~jll.5.w~ No substances such as described in Section 6 shall be allowed to spill, splash, leak or become deposited on any_public street or alley, nor on the surface of the ground, Section 9. Disposal of Maste Haterial. No person shall depostit any substances-such as desdribed in.Se=qtion 6 anywhere in the Village except into the sanitary sexer system of the.Village, Such substances may be discharged into said system only at the places and at the times desQnated by the Superintendent of Public Utili*ies, and upon payment by the scavenger or a fee of $2.00 for the contents of each separate vault, priyy, cesspool, septic tank or private drain, the contents of iJkich may be so discharged, '. fees received pursuant to this section shaU be paid into the Sewer Fund of the Village. Section 10. Owner Responsibility. No_person shall employ any other than a scavenger licensed hemgander .for. the .purpose of cleaning any privy vault, cesspool or, septic tank situated on property within the Village owned, rented, ' operated or managed. by such person. section 11, Penalties. Any violation of or failure to comply with the provisgons of this ordinance sh&L be punished by a fhe of not more than $9, or imprisonment not to exceed 30 days, or both, penalties the license of the scavenger may be revoked by the Village Council if such scavenger has violated this ordinance three or more times dur$.ng any twelve=nonth period. Upon such revocation no- part of the license fee paid by the scavenger shall be-repaid to hi+ Section 12, Eflective Date, This ordinance shall be in effect from and after September 1, 19%. . , I x . lbtion for-adoption of Ordinance and waiver of. second reading, was seconded by *&edesen, and'on liollc~ there were x In addition to such I First Eeading was had of .t*h Ordinance Regulating the Use of Land in the V:'iLlage for &mg, Stripping and,@traction PqposeslI. Bank's motion, that Clerk be directed to send notices to owners of._gravel pits.r.ri.t;hin the Village thsLt second reading of said Ordinance will be Kiionday, August 9, was seconded by Bredesen and carried. 4 c Asst. Bngineer wlcan presented plans and- estbtes of cost for several Oiling projects, requesting that Council hold hearings as soon as possible, and Banens offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: BE IT RESOLVED by the counc$lo€,the:VZL$age ,ofrE$&a:, - ..l,_-%he.Village Qgineer, having.sutrmitted to the Council a prelhinary rGporb as.to the feas&bilSty of the proposed Oiling Fgprovements described in the Fom of Notice of Hearings set forth below, qd as to the estimated cost of such imprOvem&s, said reporti is hereby approved and directed to be placed on file in the office of the Village Clerk. This Counc$l she meet on Honday, August 9, l9%, at 7:30 P.E.I., in the office of, the Eaina Village Hall, to..consider in public hearings .themviews of all persons interested iq said pmposed improvements, 3. The Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to cause notice of the the, - place and purpose of said meeting to be published im the official newspaper once a week for two successive weeks, the second of which pubUcations is to be not less than three days from date of said meeting, which notice shall be in sub- stantially the folbwing form:NX'IcjE OF HE%RlXGS ON WTIGE E$ HEREBP GIVEN t~t,thW,ECtina,Y~lage.~CS)~cil.:~ meet at the VUlagg H;?ll_qn.l$ondsr, kugw$ 9, 195i$, at 7:30 PONO, ?jo consider the foUo&g proposed improvexuenks, to-be constructed under the authority granted by Minnesota Laws of 1953, Chapter 398. the Villxe Engineer, as set forth below: l%SO~ION PROVIIIING FOR PUJ3LT.C €@RIXGS. . . . . -* .PR;OPOSED OILING DrnOWS . 2. PROPOSED OILING. ~OO~~S The appromate cos% of such improvements is estimated .br EST. COST B. c, I?* E, ,. Benton &ve.,.,Ti&we Ave, to Code .Ave, W.59th St., VooddaZe Aye. to Fairfax Ave, IL58th 1- qt., -@ance Avg, to PhZLbrook @ne Belmore-kne, Blake-Road to_Harrison Ave. F, %ndsor Ave. , Hansm-,Road to. Railroad-Tracks E. J{.&lth St., XfN Ft. W.., of Code he., to Bernard Place I. Thgdale he.,., Benton_Ave. to ,Grove S$O H, ~f.60th E+, jfooddale..&ve. $0 Fairfax Ave, '7 i N, Northwood Drive, wror Lakes Dr._to Glengarry Pkwy,; Glengarry Pkwy, Northwood Dr. to €&hway No, 169; Chant& Rd., , Northwood Dr. .to Highway No, 169 OILING - In&uding scarifying 1&1 existing aggregate, layingandrolling- - - .* $1566,00 > .". Richwood Drive Shemvood Drive between Richkood Drive and Edenmoor Sherwood bad $1660.50 The area proposed to be aisessed for the cost of said proposed improvements includes all lots and tracts of land abutting the streets proposed to be improved. application l=l$Qal, Mk3 Asphalt, mixing, , EV&D C. BANK, Village Clerk ViJlage of ,Edina Motion for adoption of Resolution was seconded by Bank and on Rollcall there ,.,aye; Danens, aye; .... ........ L' - - "' . Danens then offered the following ResolutLon and moved its adoption: ;FtEsOLUTION PROVIDING FOR PUBLIC HFzp;RLNG PROPOSED BI;~~~KTOPPIXG ILPRO~WT . BE IT RESOLVED by the GguncglIo€.fhe..YiJJage 0f.E-a: .... report as. to the feasibility of the proposed Blacktopping Znproveaent described in the Form of Notice of'Hearing set forth below, and as to the estimated cost of such improvement, said report is hereby approved and directed to be placed on file in the office of the Village Clerk. Edina Village Hall, to consider in publlc hearing the views of an persons hterested in said proposed improvement, place and,purpose of said meeting to be published in the offici& newspaper once a week for two successive weeks, the sqond of which publications is to be not less than three days from date of said meeting, wMch notice shall be In sub- stantially the following form: NOTICE OF HEARTNG ON ... l.? _The.Village Engineer, having- submitted to the Council a preliminary b 2, This Cowci3. -shall meet on Nonday, August 9, 1954, at 7:30 P.M., in the 3. The Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to cause notice of the time, e I PROPOim .BWICKTOPP~G mmwam NOTICE IS HEREBY GXVEN t&,t..the.Xdina..VjJ&age Coyg@3. .will meet at the Village Hall-on.;Monda!c, August 9, 195&,, at 7:30 PJL, to consider the following proposed improvement, to be constructed under .the-.authority granted by, lilrlnneFota Laws of: 1953, Cbpter 398, The approximate cost of such improvement is estimated by the Village Zngineer as set forth be3ow: . EST. COST ,., *. Bla$&oppi.ng of St$e &d Rqad.No. 64 - W.?Oth St, , -- - -.: &,35o.o0 between CahiU Road ang Antra Road, anda.htrim"Road between 11.70th Street and Vallex View Road The area propgsed to -be assessed forn the 'cost of said-proposed, improvement ~ includes all lots and tracts of land abutting said s$reets. ). Notion for adoption of were five ayes and no nays, as Bank, aye; and Erickson, aye; and the L -1 ....... $fayor.,.. ........ Child then offered the following Reschution and moved its adoption: . KEsowTmN PROVTDDIG FOR PUBLIC HEARING -. PRPOSED, 0RbTAEITP;zI. Sm LIGHTS, *&l?FiO"T $ BE IT R'ESOLVED by the,:Co~~iZ,qf.~the,V~age,of:~E~a: ...- ...... ... lA5- _The_Yillage X&&ineer, having .submitted to the Councii a preliminary ,report as.to the &sibilitypf the proposed Ornaplental Street Lsghb Improvement described in the Form of Notice of Hearing set forth below, and as to.the estimated cost of ,such improvement,. said report is hereby approved and directed to be placed on file ;in the office of the Village Clerk, ?/26/5k 2. This Council shall meet on Honday, August 9, 1954, at 7:30 P.M., in the 3. The Clerk is hereby authorizedrand dkected to Cauie notice of the ti&e,, " 268 Edina Village &ill, to consider in public hearing the views of interested in said proposed improvements, place and.purpose of said meeting to be published in the dfficia3. newspaper o&e a week for ti- successive weeks, the second of which publications is to be not less than three days from date of said meeting, which notice shall be in sub- stantially the f ollorJing f om: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the-:EE2ir?a.V~ge-Counc~,~~ meet at the Village Hall.on.l$onciiy, August 9, 1954, at 7:30 P,N,, to consider the foUotring.pmposed improvepent, to be constructed under.the..authority granted by Ninnesota Laws of 1953, Chapter 398. The approximate cost of such improvement is estbated by pgrsons L ** ( NcIIIm OF HEARING '0R"TAX STREET LIGHTS the Village E;nginew,as set forth below: EST. COST The area propGsed to be assessed for the cost of said proposed improvement ' includes all lots and trads of land abutting the portion of the street to be improved. -- Construction of Ornaaenkl Street s;ights in Men Avenue between.If. 50th qd W052nd Streets I,. ' . , $i,rn6.00 Hotion for.adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Bank, and on RoLlcdLl there were five ayes and no nays,-.as follows: Bank. aye: and Erickson. aye: and the Resolution tras/adon&&Lv Bredesen, aye;,&&@, aye: Danens- avet HP, Ziki then presented Plans and Specifications for several. construction projects, and &vised the taking of-bids on same should be August 9. Bredesen offered the folloidng Resolution and moved its adoption: -. RGSOLDI!XON A??P€tWIXG PLANS h SPECEIkA?OLONS FOB z@Y-_~*m9m~~~~, -&? DWQT?qG wmmP@w .. FOR BIDS. _. .. .. E IBSOLVED by the Vf3JLage .Council.of &he..VilJage .of .Edina: . ./ . . . . . . , l,., . -The.plans and specifications for %he proposed 3mprovpents set forth in the followhg BdveTtisement for Bids form, heretofore prepared by the Village Engineer and .now on file in the office of the Village Clerk are hereby approved'. 2. The Clerk shall cause to be published .t;dce in the Edina-Horningside Courier and the Gonstructiorz Bulletin the followkg notice for bid.s for said iplprovements: - : BUCKTOPPING., . . . Edina Village..C~~cil .will meet .at the Village at 7r30 Po&€., $0 consider sealed bids for the ,Papel&. and Shwod-&rese. and-in Gxg-Aye; fgom TL$2nd St. to 330 Ft . gorth (870 LqF. 9It V.C.P. and Appeenqces). CO3STiW~XOILOE _be+vreen. Sheryaod.and.V*&&a..Aves,; _Rxq .Aye., ,.I'l...b&d @,-,to 2s Ft. N9; Parnell Ave,, W.62nd St. to 340 Ft,*N,. (157t.3 LF,- 611 C,?,P, and Appurte- mew) -- -...._ CONSTRU~TION OIF'STANDAGD VTLLA~ CURB A& GUTTER IN: *A, -, Tr. %@ St., _O&layn Ave, ,to ByGokyiew Axre*.. . Bo Oaklawn-Ave,, lTo61st_to W.62nd St. 1 C, Drew he,, 1'J06Qth to ~T.61st St.. Bo Vooddale Av.e., 15,5&h~to II.@th St. 33, Richmond Drive,.-Stub Rd, $0 Code-Ave. (N.Side); Code Ave., Richond Dr. to VIhdsoy he, (l$Side); * tJindsor Ave,, Code Ave, to ,$&e Lot I$, (No. Side) a E', grew Ave9, V.60th St. to 5925 Drew Avea * ?@TiBl-fA@ EB33I?SION @ID AF@UR!L"AkXS in ?L6&d St, - GELDING AI@ (3UL-G IN: , . Con_cord _&e., -between .W062nd St and"VL64th St. B. V.64th St,, Concord Ave, to St.Johns.,Ave. BUCgJpPP3XG-OF: . A, W&th-S$., ~Ioodddle'*Ave. to*O&awn he. 30 RichWood Drip, C, I Kent Place between Kek be. &dTIindsor Ave. %.ndsor Ave, between Trunk Hightrq No. 100 and Code Ave, Code Ave, between IIindsor Ave. and Richmond Drive. t?ork must be done as described and-specified in plans and- specifications for said 1- hpmments on file in the office of the Village Cle2k. Bids IlrusYbbe submitted on basis of cash pagment for tfork. No bid-s .r&Ll be considered unless sealed and filed lfith undersigned before time of said meeting and accompanied by cash deposit, bjd bond, or ceftified check payable to the Village tllerk of bid. -. .7 amoUnt of ten Percent I -. ' _. - r * _.'3 - .. . - -- ...+ EV&D Go WK, Clerk Village of-Edina 3. Each and all of the terms of the foregoing-advertisement for bids are hereby adopted as the term and conditions of award of the contra& for said improvem6nt. Motion for adoption of Resolution was seconded by Bank, and on BollcaLl there were five ayes and no nays, as follows: .- . *. .. I. Bkpr . . . , .1 . &. Zik& then presented opened bids taken this evening, which were found to be as foll$?ws: SANITARY Sam yv WK.P- 6c ..* v. 62nd-Ganwrd=Sta Johns &hcroft-&. Jo.&ns-&th STORM Sto JOhn&?o 60thz&64th St JO&ISKW* 62-Wo64th W.63rd-@&roft$oncord W.62-St. Johns-Concord SEtlEjl;"L . &shcroft-St. Johns-W, 64th li?; 63-fJshcrofi-~oncord Bew-d .&e. Concord-fiJ; 62nd-If. 64th St , W. 644%. Johns-Concord y55-Creek T.Jin.V. Terry * ~. 3 1 $31&6%,75,;*, . . ; * .. ,#35,8%.20 $10,935000 Bart Carlone * 35,u9.80 - 38,082. 53 I- Peter -Lametti 36,263447 36,975.U - Wolff Const. Coo 4J-, 471, 49 399065.40 - I. lametti & SonL 4l-,1720 52 39,779.43 46 6,147000 Chila moved for referral. of bids to Village Engineer for report at next; regular meeting, Motion seconded by Danens -a,nd carried. Xt was noted tbt no bids had been received for Library Windows, but no action was taken. - ChXLdts motion, that Street Ughts be ordered for W.56th St. and Bernard; W.55th St. and Beard; and W064th-.St, and Eldred, was seconded by Bar$ and carried. Bfr, Zikan reported the-request of Lame-Missesota for payment for an additional * test-on the Southdale well. He stated that they have not provided sand-free wa%er as yet, and that, therefore, adational test should be made without charge in accordance with specifications~ Attorney and Ben Woehler, was seconded,by Bank and carried. Public Utilities Supt . lloe@er reported that Layne-Ninnesota will furnish 2-3/16!! shaft on deep well turbine pimp, at same price as bid for l-Wl611, which is low bid,' Child move d that bid be awarded to Layne-Minnesota on basis of large shaft, Notion-seco'nded by Bank and carried. - EEdland Hational B&ls request for an exchange in the securities offered for collateral was read; and, after approval by Village Attorney of the new collaterai I offered, Bredesen offered the following Resolution qd moved ita adoption: TZESOLUTION AFFROVING ASS1G"T OF -. . I Childts motion, that matter 'be referred to Village . SECWTI@J?$. -K!3U_QF .BWI . - NATIONAL BANK OFJWOLB REsoJ;vED, that the Village.CouncQ of %he Village-of.Edina approve the assign- ment by-its depository, the Midland National Bank of M-inneapolis of the follodg as good and sufficient collaterd. for Villageof: Edina Public Funds deposited in said depository: $5,000 Independent Consolidated School Dissict No; 16 of Blue Earth County, Ubnesota - School Eluildigg 2% Bonds due May 1, 1962. 1.90% due February. 1, 1964. February 1, 1965, .. Building 2.60% Bonds due January 1,--1964. $15,000 City of Moorhead, Ennesota Certiificates of Zndebtedness of 1954, &20,000 Joint Consolidated School District No, 53, School BujJ-ding Bonds of $34;,000 Independent School District No, "1, Rice County, Minneska, School , 1954, Counties of Rgnville.and Sibley, BEmesota, 2.705 due - .. . Motion for adoption of Resolution was seconded by Child, and on RollcdLl there were five ayes and no nays, as follows: Ebedesen, aye; Dpens, aye; Bank, ; and the Resolution L. . f,. . . $layor, I., . -' __* * Village Clerk