HomeMy WebLinkAbout19540809_REGULAR264 - r 6. That 1-k. JOMS be given authofity to proceed with the Blacktopping of
Schaeffer .Avenue from Parkmod hc?d South, using present road as a base,
scarifying it, pzlveri-ging it, rolline; it and tacking it before placing
a blacktop mat over the entire street.
l..r .*
.* The rewest for a pressure tank for the Southdale Development vas citscussed, but
since $he Yolff Construction Company is constructing a watermain to connect the
existing s-tem qith the Southdale Development it was felt that no a'ction 'could
be taken on this matter. ~
Bredesen Wved for adjournment. Motion seconded by Child and carried.
Q . ., D
YILU@ CQUNCZI;. .€EXQ~$!l_THE Vl&LAG.E-H111s;, ~
e "DAY, aupxij~.9,. igf;b., . AT. pp-p, N.. -. .. limbers anmring RoU.&l*were Brddesen, Child; Damns and Erickson. Deputy
Clerk Alden acted-+= Clerk.
Hinutes ofI.feetings of July 26 and 28, 1954, *re approved as submitted, by motion
Bredesen, seconded by Danens and carried.
Affidavit of Publication was read for Publication in Edina-Norningside Courier
and Construction wrlletin, July 29 and-August 5, 1954, of "Advertisement for Bids-
Sanitary Sewer; tlateriuain; Grading and Gravelling; Curb and-Gutter; Blacktopping,ll
and, purqan% to**said Affidavit, which rms approved as to form and ordered placed,
on file, sealed bids were received.
the Assistant Engineer for public opening in the VUlage Engineer's Office, was seconded' by Child and carried. * 44- Later in the evening, when the bids had
been tabulated, they were presented to the Council, being as foUows:
Bredesen's motion, that bids be referred to
-Tmm' O'BRIiiW
CUd moved for award of bids on Sanitary Sewer hpovement No. 74 and Watermain
mrovenent No. 76 to low bidder,_li.Tolff Construction Company, at $2,967&, and
$7,688.40 respedively. Motion se-qnded-by Danens and carried. ,
.. VIkOR C$RLSON &.SONS - 1;. J. 1.ICrnY
. .. t ..e-. -. CURB AND GUTTER FOR -- -+
NO. $29 c
that Victor Carlson et Sons be awarded curb and gutter projects
of $16,6?8.20, vas seqnded by Danens and carried.
St. %o 5925 Drew' 1,259. 5 $16,67802
Bredesent s &dt;ion,
at total.,bid price
BROS. Coo CQNS'I!, GO, .& SON.
' .. ... I *, .. . -- . .e . .. NO. E57 --
Bredesents motion, that contract be awaq$ed-to low bidder, 's.erry Bros, Go,, at
&13252.00, was seconded by Child and carried.
*- 1 ST&T IM?RO"T NO. A-65 - J/+-d
. .'C?indsor, Aveas .HighyayLNo., 100 to
Code Ave,; Kent PI., Kent &e, to
fjindsor Aver; Code Ave,, Windsor
&e. to €@chmond Dr, $13,607 e80 @?,Ut20 50
Dakens moved for a&d of contracts to loui b&dder, EaFl Se&llJI at. &ices bi,d. *
Notion seconde$ by* Bedesen and Carrie$,
Manager Xitche3.3. then reporbed on bids taken hly 26,:recommending that contFac6s
for Sanltary Sewer No, 72 and Watermezn No, 68 be awarded to-low bLdder, 1W.liam V, Terry oa cqnbined bid of $6'j',l+65,95. .+Child so moved, and motion was seconded by
rt. - 2,
Danens and carried. ..-
&. Mitchell cited the large difference, in the ,two bids receiyed fog Storm Skwer
No. 2L-h Beard Avenue between W, 55th Street and Mimehaha Creek--r~comendi,ng
that contract be awarded to OW bidder, ,&metti & Son, at $6,l.47,00, He askkd that
Council consider the letter wri%ten by -Mr, Galen J. gasper, advo?a&ing above-ground
spillway. Discussion was had on this ht$er method ofs drainage relief, VS. the
method advocated by Vlllage Fzqgineer; and Child moved for award of bxd €or wde-
ground storm sewep to low bLdder, Lametti & Son, Motion seconded by Danens and
carried, " I
Manager BEtcheK!. asked that the matter of award. of bids €or the Dictating-Transcrib-
hg Nachine be laid over to August 23, fpr &*her investfgation.of the merits of
the djfferenb machines. Danms so moved. Xotion seconded by Bredesen and carried,
Xayor Xrickson announced tkt Public Hearings, as follows, continued from predous
meetings until tonight, would not be heard because Engineering-surveys had presented
difficulkies not previously contemplated, that iq some caqes QdrLstricbs would be
enlarged, etc. :
1, Construction of Sanitary Sewer and 4ppurtenanc;s in Chowen :live. between '
2, G.onstructioE of Sqitary .sewer and hppu&enances -in G.6lst S6. be5ween
Chowen and France lives.; -@ 3rance &re., W,bLst ,to Halifax &e. 3. Qnstruction of Village Watem&i EytensiRn and &ppu&nances h W,61& ' - St, between Chowen and eew kves., _and in Choiren. kve. between W,b&st and
4. qonstruction of Village 'lfatedn .and &n&enances in - Sbuth -from TQhr
and Tank to U,59th St.; W.59th St., across Highway No, 100 to'Benton.Ave.;
Benton Ave.,-.Thgda&e Aye,, and_Grgve.St., 40 Code Ave,; School ad, and
Ruth-Drive In,.School Mgnor~ &-kerwood Ave. and -W.60th St, in Narion Gardens;
> W&st and IJ062nd 2%.
* 1562rid Sts.
- East Yiew DrLvp in Ed-ha 'liTdge. e
At this the, BIauager Mitqhell,pesented prelA&nyy--p&ns &a Estimates of Go$%
for the above projects as changed an@ e&Larg$, recommending tha% the CohciJ."
conduct Public Hewings+ thereon om Monday, Aygust. 23.
foll,.owing Besolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION PROVII3LNG, FOR PmIC *ki&EiINGS - moPosm 339€?BO~S. .. .
BE IT RESOLm by the Councfl_of-the .Village :of ma: . ,I,* "The-TiUtLge Engineer, having submitted to the Council a prelwarg repod
as to tlre feasibility of the proposed 3hprovemeDts described in the Form of Notice
of Hearing set forth below,. and as to the estimated cost of such 'hpzovements, said rem& is'*hereby approved and directed to be placed on file 5.n the office of the
Bredesen offered the
. -~ Vikage Clerk. 0
Village Hall, to consider in public hearings-the views of a&l persons interested in
2, This Council shall meet; on Honqay, August 23, at 7t30 P,&; 'in the Edha
said -proposed improvements.
place and purpose of said meeting to be published in the official newspaper onee
a week for two successive weeks, the second of which publications is to-be not
less than three days from date of said meeting, which nokice shall be 3.n sub=
stantiidly the fol3.owing fom:
3. The Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to cause notice of the tine,
W9/% NWTCE: OF HEARINGS ow DrP~om.mis 266
~fCIL'ICE 33 REXEBY Gm that the 3dina YSlage .Oomc$I. will meet at the Vmae;e
Ha31 on.l*fo*Y, AUgUSt 23, 19%~ at 79 Po%, to consider the folJ,oT.ring proposed
bPrOvementS, to be constructed under-the-authority granted by f-wesota ~;aws o~ 1953, Chapter 398.
me aPpr0XiIELte Cost of such improvements 5s estimated by the Village Engheer.as set forth below: EST. COST
. .. 10 CONSmWKtW .OF Smm SEI.JER AN.D.BppuRTEmANcEs IN: .-
4- _?&st St, Chowen .Avqq. to $'rangg-Aye*; . . . -
France &e., ~.6ist .St. Extended, to Halifax A&.; C* D 9
Chowen Ave.5 ?.61st to 11.62nd St.5
charm Place,*.Chowen Aye. to 265 Ft. W.
@.2,996.72 The area proposed to.be assessed for the cost of said propose&hprovement
includes Lots 13 to 23, inc., Block 2; bts 1 to 4, inc,,-Block 4; and-bts
9 to ~CO, Block, 3, all in Edina Bel Air 5th Addition.. I -
4, ~ -%6lst-St,, Choraftn-AVe. -to_Drew Ave,;_ . ~. . _. ~ ___ - .
Bo &m Toyer and Tank to 11.59th St.; I. \
1 "- Chowen Ave., y.61st. to V.62nd st, ;
Chowen Place,-.Chowen Ave., to 265 Ft. IT.
11. 59th Sto to HighImy qO.* 100;
tb 89617.59
- __ Ruth Drive from W.59th St. to Schook Road; School Road from -€iuth Drive to_Sherwood;
shemood Ave. from School Road to lL6Oth St.
1rD60th St., Parnell-to Higlpmy No..,lOO;
Service Drivg, IL6Oth Sf. to lL59th St.;
".59th 3t.,-acrgss Highway No,. 100 to Benton. Ave.;
Benton Ave., Highway No.*lOq to Tingda3.e Ave.;
. Tingdale Ave., Benton Ave. to Grove 6t.; -
- Grotre St., Tingddte Ave. to Code he., including
c -
%st ViewDrive, and- c -
School Road to Concord Ave. $579568032 The area prqosed to be assessed for the cost of said proposed improvements
is as follows:
For 2-A-above - Lots 13 to 23, inc., Block 2; hts 1 to S, inc., &d Lots
13 and-%$, Block-3; and lots 1 to 4, inc., Block 4, all in-Edina Bel Air
e 5th Addition. *.
For 2-B above - AU. lots-and tracts of land within the following desckbed
Road; tho N, along 11. R@ l-ine of Noqandale-Road to-the,-SE Cor, of Norman-
d&e Court kddn,; tho $?..-along s, line of Norgandale Court.Addn. to 31
Cor. thereof; tho N, Gong TI. bqundary of Normandale Court Addn. to r\n.r
Cor. thereof; tho My to pt. 297 3%. S. of Intersection of-Code Ave..-and
lf.56th St.; tho M. to a pt. 180 Ft, So -of Centerline of 11.56th St.; tho ITe 477.5 Ft;. to NF.T Cor. of Lot X, Reg. Land Survey No. 180; tho S,-69.75 I?%..;
tho W.,70 Ft;;--th, No 45,Ft.; thi t.Ji.=$o I?$.; tho S. 125 Ft, to No me,
Block 4, *extended, of lfelctdy KnoUs 3rd Addn.; th, If, to,f.T, line of said
Block 4; th: S. on IL we said Block 4, .and Block 2, IIelody Knolls 3rd
Addn., and continuing South though Centerline of Blocks 2 and 4, Code's .I
&gllview Park, to Centerline of W,bO+h St.; tho E.. on ILb0th St, to point .
of*be&x@ng;l1 and all lots and tracts ofslad r.rithin.the fouowhg described
boundarihs: Vom. at a pk. 159.06~Ft. No and 165.37 Ft, 11. of $E Cor, of Ni.Jl/lt. of Smjl.,(4 of Sec, 19,TrJp,28,R;24, which is the interesection of W.6oth
St, and Concord he,; tho N. 60 q..; tho IT. 104.63 Ft.; tho No 70 Ft.;* tho 11. w.5 E%.; th, N. 289.5 F't.; tho .We U6 F$.; tho No28909 Re; the -11.663 Ro.
to luoraandale Road; tho So 1048,4-Ft;.; tho ED to Parnell Aye.; tho No to - 60th St.; tho 77. 100 Fto; th; No 159006.R.; tho Eo to Pt, of bewg*
The *ea p-oposed to be assessed for the cost of said pmiosed imprOvemak
includes All of Blocks 1, 2 and 4, and the my and Slr 50 of Lots 1 to e
8, *c., Block 3, in Edina Bel-Air 5th Addn,; and all of Lats 1 to 6, hc,,
b Taa Bel-Bir 3rd Addn.;. imd-a stripeof land 135 Ft. in width on th0
East side of and parallel to Beard Ave. from IL6Oth St, to a pt. SO Ft, No
of 1r062nd St,,, lying in the of SJl./& of-.Sec~ 20,nJP.28, R.24. . - -
*%om. at Centerline of W.60th St. and NOR/% ling of Normandale
A, qGhowen-Ave,, W.tilst $0. Choyq,Elace .. ... - - __.. . @ 5,893000
.. I - .- EVW- C, BkMc, Clerk. .* -I
ywge of_Edina
3fotion for adoption of the Resolution
%rere four ayes and no nays,..as follows: a;nd Erickson, aye; and the Resolution
.. .
of &blimtion Ema->forningside Courier J~Y 29 and August 5,1954, presented, approved of 1t~~j.i~~ ofl Hearings on Proposed- ofling ~P~~~ts,"
8s go form
Heahgs were held, and action taken, asa recorded be&Xrt
odered pla& on file. wsumt to said notice, the fouo'hg
. 367 ..I
A,- .Valley View Rd,, Sf046th to W048th St, - Esthte of Cost, $336,003 for $.l5 per
front foot* 'Ifhere Yere no objections .at the Hearing, .and no mitten objections had been received prior thereto, (See Resolution Approving) ,
B, Benton he., Tinffdale Ave. to Code Ave, - Estimate of.Cost, $162.00, for $.l5 . Fjer front foot. There.were no .objpctions at the Hearing, and no ~tten , objections had been received prior thereto, (See Resolution Approving),
CO IJ059th St,, "Cooddale Ave, to Fairfax he, - Est-te of Cost, $c40,55, ,for 48.15
per *on% koot. There were n~ objections at the Hearing, and no mitten . objections had been received pr2or thereto. (See Resolution- Approvjng) ,
D, %5&h St., France Ave, to Philbrook Lane - Estimate of Cost, $372.90, for &15 . ger front foot, There were- no objections at the Hearing, and no mitten , -
06 jections had been received prior thereto. (See Resolution Approving),
E, Bebre be, Blake Road to Harrison Ave. - Estimate of Cost, 8427.35, for s.15 per front foot..
objections had been received prior thereto. (See Resolution hpprouing) ,
F. Windsor Ave, , Hansen 'Road to Railroad Tracks, .- Estimate Qf Cost, $243,00 for 44.15 per front. foot, ..There .were .no .objections at the Hearing, and, no rvritten
objections had been received prior thereto; however, .one owner complained
about a bad washout, (See Resolution approving).
Go K60th St,. LOO Ft, W. of Code Ave,, to Bernarci Place. - Estimate of Cost,
$163.80, for S.15 pe.? front I foot. There. were no-objections at the Hearing,
and no mitten objections had been received prior thereof, (See Resolution
H, tL60th St., f.Tooddale Awe, to Fairfax Ave. - Estimate of Cost, #&,70, for #.l5
Eer fro& .foot. There were nQ .objections at the Hearing, and no mitten , objections had been received prior thereto. (See Resolution Approving) ,
I, Tingdale Ave., Benton Ave. to Grove St, - 'Estinate of Cost, $153.15, for g.15 . per front foot.. There.wer0 no.objections at the Hearing, .and no written ,
ob Sections had been received prior thereto.
J, t.1.58th St , Wooddale he, to KeSLopn Ave, - Estimate of Cost, 88'7.90, for $,15 . Eer front fo-ot. .There.were.no objections at the Hearing, and no wtitten .
ob Sections had been received prior thereto.
K, Grove St,, IL51st to 3L53rd St, (5100 to 5300) - Estimate of Oost, 826Q.70, . for g.15 per.froat foot. Th5re were no.objecj;ions at the Hearing, and no
written objections had b(een reeeived prior thereto,
L. lL6Oth St., Fairfax Ave, to St,Johns he. - Xst3na-be of Cost, $8l.@,.foz. $.15-,
~ Eer.€ront foat, I .Thege were no.object$ons to-the hprovqent, and no written
objections had been received prior thereto,
new oil had been badly ''chewed up11 by heavy tSaffic immediately after oiling
was completed, and Chairman of Public ITorks, Danens, stated that this would
be ;immediately repwed, (See Rgsolution Approving). .
li, W,6Oth. St.,,, France he. to Beard Ave. - Estimate of Cost, $331095, for $015
ger front foot,
objections had been received prior thereto,
Northwood Drive, 3tirmr Lakes Drive to Glengarrv Parkway: Glengamy Parkwaz,
Northwood .Drive .to .Higjway.No. ,169; ?Chantrey Rd. -Nor%hwood Drive to Highwag No. .169, - .Estimate. of Gost, .$1,566,@3, .for $*.1!5 .per front foot, .There were
no objections at the Heqring, , ad no written, objections had been received
There were no objections at the Hearing, and no written ,
(See. Resolution Approving),
(See Resolution Approving)
(See Resolution Approving)
Complaint was made, however, that
ThFre .were..no .objections at the Hearing, and no mktten
(See Besolution Approving).
, prior thereto .4 *
Bredesen then offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION--ORZIER~G OnmG DlPllO~TS
V@*9.63,64y.47y @y7Oy719 7&,76a 71978,791 80, 81 AM) 82
E REsOLsfED by the Council of the Village .of .Bdina, Ehnesota, that this Council
heretofore- caused notiges of hearings .to be duly-published on the fQnOwing Proposed
rlmprovements, and at the hearings held at the time and place specified in said
notices the Council. has duly considered the views .of all persons interestid, and
being fully advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with
the construction of said improvements;, that said Smprovements are hereby desi-ted
and sMl be referred to in all subsequent proceedbgs as follows: N&G OF l%l?RoVE"T OXLING: Street Improve,No. 0-63 0-m ,Va&ley View Rd., B046th to X.4ah.Ste -
'0-78 €3. Benton Ave. ,--Tirigdale Lave, to Code-AV%.
0-81 c, 17.59th st., IJooddale Ave, to Fairfa& AVe,
04 D. 1{.5&h St., pace Ave, to Philbrook Lane
0-62 3; gelmore -Lane, Blake-Road to-Harflson he0
F, IJindsor he., Hansen-+Road to- Bailroad .Tracks
Go 1[,6Oth St,, 100 fie W.., Of Code he* 0-76
e 0-82 - 0.69 H, 1{,6Oth St, , Wooddale- &ree to Fdrfax
I, TingdiiLe &ve-,-, Benton-Ave. to .Grove st* O-YO Q==n 0-77
to Bernard Place
J, 'Itr,5$th St,, Wooddale &e. to Keuogg-Ave. - KO Grove St,, f.T.5lst to 1L53rd S~O (5loo-to 5300) '* .' L, TIJ.6Oth ,St.,-Fairfax Ave, to StoJaw AVe.. -+-
N, NodhVmqd Drive, MFor Lakes Dr._tO GleqarrY PWkWY; :
N, Iq.&th St.,-Erance Aye. to Beard Ave*..to bb?tt he*
Glengarry ParkwaJr, Northwood Drive to Highwas NO* 1693
&antry Road, Northwood Drive.to No* 1.69
8/9/54 268ad the mea to be SpeCid-ly assessed for the cost of each of said pmposed
~Prov~~ts 5-11ClUdes d.3. tracts Of lmd abuttbgthe respective streets proposed / to be ipproved. * c tC
l*btiOn for adoption Of the Resolution was seconded by and on Rollcdl there were four WW and no. nzlyS,--m fOl.kwst
EriCkSon, aye; and the Besolut5on was
... '.krayor: .
*' c
.F c a-
0. - (bcluw scarifying 1$j11 existkg aggregate, application l-l& G&. lE.r3?AsPhaLt9 mixing, laying and~mlllng) - RichwoodcDrive. Shertvood Drive between Richmod Drive and Edeamoor: Shemod _I - Road.- %thte of *cost, $l.,6600%, .for.-$.% *per,AssessabIe .hont Foot on wchlfood Drive, which is to have the special treatment, and $.lS for the
k&ance of :the project, which is to have only the dustcoat of 052. There me no objections raised at the Hearing, and no .c.rritten objectionsr had been
received prior thereto. Questions trere asked as to the dmabilitg of the special oilillg project, and *I&. EEtchell stated that whjlle this wiU. be
a-f-ly good job Lt will not ho&d the way an expensive b1ackt;opping
pmject vmdd; that it is his understanding that the people do not wish
to invest in a blacktopping project at this time because of the e;xpense
involved and because they expect additional utilities to be pxt in soon.
J3.S statement was confirmed by the audience. Child. then offered %he
following Resolution an& moved its adoptbn:
BE I2 RESOLm by the Council of the-Vgie:of E&a, E.nnesota, that this
Counci&-&retofore caused notice of hqaring to be duly published on the following
proposed improvement, and at the hearing held at the time and place specified in said notice the Council .has duly considered the views of all persons interested,
and being fully advised of the pertinent fads does hereby determine to proceed
With the.constmction of said improvement, that said improvement is hereby
designated and shaU be referred to in all subsequent proceedings as follows:
OEDG (Inczuding scarifybg 1p existing aggregate, application
0-q- O@Y -(I&$ Coat) -. - Shewod Bhve between aichwood Drive and Edenmoor
.* .. . . NO. '
$&$-Gal. 2.E-3 Asphalt, mk&ng,,layhg and rciUing - .*
Shenvod Road C
all to be designated as Street"hprovement No. C-75; and &he area to be specially
assessed- therefor shall .he all lots and tracts 9f land abutting the streets
proposed to be improved; it being understood that Eichwood Drive shall be assessed
for specizl oil treatment, and Sherwood Drive and Sherwood Road for that oil
treatnent known as "dustcoatlr. "- --
Hotion for adoption of the Resolutim was seconded bs: Danens, and on Rollcall
I* n. 2-
; Cmd, aye; Dan==,
... .
...I . .-
ied PuGlic Hearing held was that on the proposed Blacktopping of State Aid Road
No. 6& - t.J.70th St. between Cahill Road and Antrim Road, and htrw Road.between
lf.?Oth Sbxeet and Valley View Road.+- Affidavit of -=$bragside ??ourier of
pUblica$ion JULY 29 and August-,T, 1954, of ttNotice_of He.&%" was Presented, approved as to forin and ordered placed on fae. Nanager l4itchellls Esthate of
Cost was $l.,39,00; w'dch, he explained, wjll cover the cost of the oil. appued--
that the Domty WiLl furnish the labor; that owners trill be getting a good
blaaop job for the cost of the oil only, &frr Raamts, developer.of LaBuena Vista, objected to this project. He questiopfd the power of the Village to
enter into contract with the County forothe work, but VWge AttomeXe2fbdhorqt gave his opMon that the Village does have such potrer. Mr, Ranus theqJented. (.
to hotr -E.rhy tHs mad was %de a County-Road; and it was eml-ed to him that
tho Comty had agreed to maintain-the road and had agreed to solve a,bad drainage -
pro@&=> ~rhich would have been exbremely expensive for the .prope~y ovmers if the - Village had had to finance the project;-that the Comty-.rJas t-g to.assurne ..
-I;h*.e costs because the road was a School-b~s X'OUt€!* md--asked that the Village force the Comty to assume all the eqense,, He was,
infomed that the Comfqr is in no way-obligated to blacBop the ma@ ad-my drop the project if it so desires. W.eHake, sp-g for several neighbors,
asked that the project be eqedi.i;ed..d There were n0 Other. objectso% Pither .
or& OF mit$en, and Child offered the, foUo;&g Resolution and moved its
Stax objected, -
adoption: .*
I. ,. . ,. i F3i3 32' RTSOLVED by the Ckncil. of the Village of Edina,-&esota, that this
Councilheretofore caused notice of hsaring to be duly published on the foUohg
proposed improvement :
Blacktopping of .State Aid Road No. 64 - FJ.70th St.
between Cahill Road and *.trim Xoad, and- -Antrim-
Road between W.JOt;h St. and Valley View Road
said project to be constructed in -cooperation.with Hennepin County; the County
to furnish all labor and supervision, and the V'lage of Edina to furnish the
Oil; and at the hearings held at the time and place specified in said notice
the Council has duly considered the xiews of all persons interested, and being
fulJLy- advised of the pertbent facts does hereby determine to proceed with the
construction of satd hprovment; that said improvement is hereby designated
and shall be referred to in all subsequent proceedings as Street &provemen%
No, A-68, and the area to be specially assessed therefor shall bclude all lots
and tracts of land abutting the streets to be improved.
Notlon for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Danens, and on Rollcall there
were four. ayes and no nays,-as follows:
and Erickson, aye; and the Resolution ps. Dgnens, aye;
.. .. Hayor Deputy Village Clerk
Affidavit of Publication was presented, approved as to form, bad ordered-placed
on file, for !'Notice of Hearing-Proposed Ornamental Street Zights Lmprovanent",
published in Edina-Norningside Courier Ju&y 29 and August 5, 3.954;, and pursuant
to said notice Hapr Erickson ccjled public hearing,on proposed installation of
Ornamental. Street Lights in Arden Avenue between W,5Oth and W.52nd Streets,
Manager Nitqhell explained khat preliminary Estiqte of Cost. *is &,€&IO, which
rdll be about $.75 per front foot for abutting properties; that it is planned
to bstallone,light on corner ofItfo51st Street, and one where Bruce and Arden
intersect; that Northern States Pow0~ has ,deterrained these locations as the
most econonical and practical. There were no objections to the cost 02 the
proposed improvement, and olrmers. at 5012,5014, 311 and 5U.O each stated that
they would not object to Snstdlation of lights abutting their propez%ies.
Child offered the following Besolution and- moved its -adomon:
BE E RESOLVED by the Council_of the,VUage of.Ediaa, .filinnesota, that this
Council heretofore caused notice of hesring to be duly published on the proposed
improveinent of Arden Avenue between IJ, 50th an& Ti, 52nd Streets by construc-bion of
Ornamental Street Lights therein, and at the heariag held at the %&e and place
specified in said notice the Council has duly considered the dews of all persons
interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determbe
to proceed with the constructdon of said improvement; that said hprovement is
hereby designated and shall be referred to in all subsequent proceedings as
Street Improvement No, Id, and the area to be specially assessed therefor shall
include.al1 lots and tracts of land abutting the street proposedto be improved.
Notion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Danens, and on Rollcall there
were four ayes and nd nays,--as ~ollows:
and Erickson, aye; and the Besolution
Deputy Village Clerk ..
Mayor 3rickson announced that Council would conduct Public Hearing on the proposed
Grading and Gravelling of Tower Street between St , Jaws and Wooddale Avenues. Xr.
BEtchell explained that this proposed project runs ,over $10.00 per front foot, most
of which cost is for a storm sewer,
until August 23, was seconded by Bredeseneand carried.
Affidakk of PubUcation July 29 and August 5, 1954 ih Edina-Xomingside Courier,
and of Posting July 28, 1954 on Official Village Bulletin Boards, of ''Notice of
Hewingon Petition to Rezone*' were presented, approved as to form and ordeFed
placed OR foe, Pursuant to said Notice, &yor Erickson announced Public Hearing
on petition of Nr2 EmU. P, Fronk for the Rezoning from Open Developsnent District
to Community Store District, Lot U, Block 1, 'Valley View Terrace Third Addition.
A delegation of some thirty-five or forty residents objected to this proposed
rezonhg for reasons of traffic, and property devaluation, and asked that Hearing
be continued for two weeks.
feet North from Valley View Road, ,and 300 feet West from Wooddale-has already been
rezoned. He suggested
a meeting of Nr. Fronk and owners of propeAies abutctbg that proposed to be rezoned before the ne& neeting of the Council.
Child's motion, that Heaxing be again postponed,
Mr, Fro& explained that part of this propeAy--300
Bredesen moved fdr-%conthuation of Hearing untu August 2%
- Eiotion seconded,by Child,carried.
Clerk presented copy of !INotice of Hearing on Petition-to Construct Ihelling in
Non-Conformance with Zoning Ordinace,lt mailed-to property-owners in.conformance
with provisions of Zoeg Ordinance; wWch mailed notice was approved as to
form and ordered piaced on-€ile, Pursuant to said notice, Public Hearing tms
conducted on petition of Hr. Pfil.liw lfclfahon for pernit to .wnstruct a single
ilwelling on Lot 9, Block 5, I$@ginia ¥ue Addition (4n6 W.62nd St.), facing
said dwelling on Virginia Avenue rather thanll?,62nd SS;. There were nq objections, either oral or written, and Bredesen moved, apjroving permit and authorizing
issuance of permit subject to authorized setbacks, Notion seconded by Danens and carried.
Contimation was had of June 28th Public Hearing on Petition of Earl 1Selson for pwt to build Double BungaZow on-lot 5,* Rather's Addition-bo04 Xerxes Avenue,
hsistant Engineer Zikan explained that the Planzing Commission has recommended
against allowance of such double dwelling foz the reason that there are no such
rmiltiple dwellbgs in tfiis area at present,
Froposed llOrdj.nance No., 262-An Ordinance Regulating Use of Land jn the Village
for BEning, Stripping ,and Extraction Purposes" tms presented-for i*s Second
Reading, Atfjorney Bo Bo l.larkham, zepresenting the Glacier Sand and GraFel
Company, apd Attorney Nark XcCabe, representing the Oscar Roberts interests,
askedthat second reading of the Ordinance be delayed, inasmuch as there are
severdl sections which ngy possibu need revision, 3I& Tfarkham stated he believes
some areas have inadverbautly been omitted in Seution 2-'%xcavatiori Dfstricts
Created", and Attorney E-IcGabs had questions about limiting the depth-of
qxca~atj,ons. Bredesen's_motion, that Second Reading of Proposed Ordinance No,
262 be continued to September 13; that_proposgd Ordinance and, specifically the
limits of the proposed Qkcavation District" be,referred to the Planning Conmission
for their recommendations. Notion seconded-by Danens and carried.
Messrs.K&neth Svpdqu5.h and Roy beterson stated that they have worked-out the
financing 02 the z$School Road!! improvement, except for curb in the road &ere it
joins Concord.
Sewer and tlaternain Impmvements-.for this area, apd Tor bids also, a$ the earliest
date possible to the.Village Engineer.
Katermain 3$rprovunent is scheduled for,Augu+st 23; and Child movedthat Council
&&e bids an the Ifatemain Improvement and schedule h$lic Hearing and taking of
bids on the S&t.qy Sewer, .all on Nonday, September- 13. Notion was seconded by
Danens and c+rried, ..
Petition was presented for the Vacationbf that pofiion of -Whur Street lag &I J.H. keets Subdivision of Block 31, Efendelssohn.
PubIL-c Hearing on petition for. Nond;as, &y.gust ,23, 1954, iEisaseconded by hxms
-ad carried. -
Child's motion, that request be
~ denied, was seconded by Brede*sen and carried,_ r
They asked that C0~~1,ci.l schedule,pUblic Hearings on Sarxitary
It was noted that Public Hearing on the
Childls notion, seheddbg
Petition for Vacation of that unnamed platted street abutting Blocks 7 and 8,
i:roodbury Park Near Lake Harriet and lying between 3eard and Drew Avenues, tms
Attorney Homer B~lrpwn supported his July 2'7th letter, requesting that action be
taken against
Sewer and fill,. Us .basement. Police Captain &Gary's notatLon, that excavation
as a safety hazard, was read. -Ch$Ld's motion, that,141'. Blakeborough be notified
to connect with Sanitary Sewer, _and $0 fill in basement sxcavation .t?itliin
days, vas seconded by Danens and carried.
Cwd's motion, scheduljng Public Hearing on petition for_l.Ionday, August
23, -1954, wasseconded by Danens and carried. -I
Floyd Blakeborough.to compel him to connect zJith Sanitary
Complaint on !!Post Office Parkingsf by LD, Beard, 4521 Casco Avenue, was noted;
and by motion,r)anens, seconded by,Child, .and carried, was referred to the Pubric
6ompla&t of I&. Harry E. lIcNeil, * 5405 Londonderry Road, -to the effect that only
assessed for full front footage, was read,
xishes blacktopphg finished; that 1-k. Jonas. cannot do so witho0u.t 5&dxu.ctions
from Xanager PEtchell, Child's motiop, .that complain.1; and rewest be referred
to &pager Nttchell for Wvestigation and action, Notion seconded by Danens and
carried. -
Ess Sophie Stenson's written appeal, for reconsideration by Council. of its July
26th action to consf;ruct Curb and Gutt-er at Lots U. and 12, on Wekt side of.
OaUam Avenue at "T.62nd St., wits read, discussed, and ordered filed,
The foll&&ng OL&g Petikons tmse presented, tdth Child moving that petitions
be referred to_Village lbnager for completion of work arid the scheduling of
Public Hearhgs: lIo%iop seconded by Paneas and c&ried.
Safety Codttee for recommendatioq. --
I - about half his front footage-abuts blacktopped street, whereas he has been It was explained that Hr. 14cNeil
k. ,khcrof.f. Avenue, Valley View Road to W.62nd St.
331 11,59bh St., FairfqzAve. to,St,Johns Ave.
Sn 1[.5&h St., St. Johns he, to Goncord Ave.
8/9/54 271
Application of Grandview Hardware Co, 5025 Vernon Ave., for construction of a
Sign on roof of building,. was approved by motion Danens, seconded by ChLld and
carried, having been tentztively approved by Asst. to Ifanager, R.E. Olson..
A proposed Fumigation Ordinance, as drafted by ktorney Ilindhorst on-request of
Police Captain M&ary,_was referred to Ordinances and Legislation Committee for
recommendation. ..
Police Beport for July was reviewed and ordered placed on file,
Petition for twenty-four foot, rather than thirtpf oot travelling roadway on
Oxford Avenue between Hollpood Road and Division Street was filed, reviewed, and
ordered. investigated by *Yillage @mager and placed,-on file in connection wjth
Street Improvement No. A=-33.,
The foliowing Resoiution, by the Edina. Chamber, of Commerce, was presented,
reviewed, and ordered placed on file:
film, the Edina Chamber o$-Qomplerce has for ieveral years recognised the
existqnce of a problem caused by traffic-congestion in Southwest Einneapolis and
Xdina and believes that its solution,l&es only,in a carefully planned highway
program based on competent surveys of traffic rlensity, traffic flow, cost and financing; that the following constructive and alleviating measures now being
undertaken permit time for these surveys:
1. The highway department of the State of Ethnesota has plans drawn
and action begun for the widsrrjng and straightening of highway
No. 5, also known as 78th Street. ,
2. The flow of traffic on West 50th Street 5n Btinneapolis wili be
materially speeded bythe operation and enforcement of the
ordinance recently adopted by the fjlinneapolis City Council
regulating and prohibiting parking on said street.
information-relative to the esti.mkted costzof a cross-town highway;
would leaveathe Village of Edina limits and the proposed route west of highway
No. 100, have not been revealed, .and , . .
to the residents of Hennepin County;
meeting assembled, -that .-at -this tima it recommends that the County Commissioners
of Hennepin County and the Village of Edina, both oppose any-plan F&ich will be
financed by- an increase in real estate-taxes to be borne by the residents of
Hennepin County and the Village of ma; and that said County Commissioners and
Village Council apprise the tax payers 9f.aU. plans relevant to a cross-town
IJHEEBAS, the residents .of Hennepin County have received no authoritative
tlJHF1REASy the point on the western border of Xd5.m where a proposed highway
FTKF;RIitAs, no plan for financing a cross-town drghway project 'has been revealed
BE 3flf TH&EFORE. RESOLVED-by the Edina 'Chuaber of Comnerce in its monthly
Adopted July 29, 1954.1r
Petition dated August 9, .and signed by some twenty,property oeers in the vicinity
of Valley View Road and Concord, Virginia, Parnell and Ryan Avenues, as-g that
Valley View Road be kept-at a maximwLL of. t-y feet of-pve-lpent between Concord Avenue and Nomandale Road, was subitted, reviewed, and ordered placed on file. -
Request of D.D. SheltOn,4100 Sunnyside Roads for Stop Sign on Grimes at corner of
f$mnyside Road, yas referred to the Public. Safety-Conm@ttee, by moeion Child,
geconded bx Danens and carried. -
The matter of Oiling Southview Lane came once again before the Council, with a request by I&. ~ J.W. Schroeder for immedihte oil to allay the dust hazard. IGnager
Etchell recommended-either concrete or blacktop curb and gutter to keep the street
from washing out as it does nowI No action taken.
Petitions for Blacktopping and Curb &d Gutter in18cho& Road", signed by owners
of School lknor, South Concord 2nd Mdn., and $fwi.qn Gardens were. accepted, with
Hearings delayed indefinitely.
Complaint was received on traffic noises on Mormandale Road, and was referred to
the Public Safety Committee by motion Danens, seconded by Child and carried.
I&. A. B. Duellman, 4908 'E.Sunnyslope Road, representing the "East Smyslope Association, asked for new blacktopping in Surnyslope. It was the opinion of the
Council. that while some portions of the rea@ might need.reconstruction, patchbg would be possible for most of the streets. Mr, DueUman was informed that Mkr
Jonas be @veri a priority number on thip. . &. J.D. DobbeLmants petition for Vacation of that portion of Windsor Avenue lying just West ,of the Railroad R/W was accepted, and Hearing .was secheduled-for 14onday,
A. I
.I I
23, 1954, by motion,Child, seconded by Danens and carried.
[ 272 8/9/54
I&, Ben Simpson, builder, and Xr, Borg, owner, llrequested permj.ssion to extend
garage w&thin t we2z feet of the lob line, on that pEupert;y knotm as Lot 10 and
South 5 Ft, of Lot 3, Block 2, South Whits Oaks Addition, Bredesen's motion, that permissionbe granted, subject tp, forn+l. permission of. immedia$e neighbors
to be obtained by Hr, Borg, Ihtion seconded by Child and carried.
le&. George Hardisty, 4717 Xeadow Road, objected to recen% PoEce Ordep to cut
hedge, After some discussion as to the legality of present Village ordinances,
and as to Xr, Hardisiq@s properky rights versus the safety hazard of the hedge,
Child moved that this matter be referred to PublLc Safety Committee and that
Council. follow their recommendations, Notiop seconded :by Danens and carried.
1-k. David Yo&, %25 Valley View Road,' begged for relief from a situation caused
by the alleged raising of the grade of Valley View Road by the County some
fifteen or twenty years ago,
land because it is lower than the road,
referred to the PubLic Works Committee for investigation and report, was
seconded by Bredesen and carried,
It was reported that Preliminary Plat of the Arne Rosenlund property at South-
east intersection of palley ViewRoad and Con_cord Avenue had receimd Plqning
Codssion* s approving recommendation. Bredesen qved for approval., of .-Preliminary
Plat. Xotion seconded by Danens and carried. L
Eeplat of Lots 6 and 7, Block 1, Hilldale Addition, was presented, with Planning
~ordssion? s recommendation that developer-Henry Bxtledge secure simtves of
neighboring ovmers approving size of lots, *Bredesen's motion, approving &e-
liminary Plat on basis of Planning Commission's recommendation, rvas seconded by
Danens and carried. P-
He stated that it is @possible to sell his
Child's motion, that matter be
Beplat of Lot 10, Block 2, Richmond Hills 2nd Addition,ms presented as a Pre-
lxrmary ?la%, hadg received approval of Plargxbg Commission lronaDiZditiog that
property be kept useable". Child's motion $hat Pre-ary Plat be approved was
FW Plat of Yund's Addition to Edina Highlands lwas filed, together with Planning
Commission's Augusf; 4th appro- subjeck to - 1, Dedication of South side of TL
56th St, 2,- 1:Todification of road profile, Mirror.Lakes Road and Dundee Road,.. 3, Road gravelring bond to be furnished.' 4.. Thorough engineering.check,--
Bredesen's motion, approving Find. Plat subject to compliance with .Planning
I;ommissipn's recomendations,.r.ras seconded by Child and carried. .
Pianning Conmission
Final Plat Aof Elmmod Addition (formerly Sylvi Greek) having been_approved%by/
subjec? only to a thorough engiueering check, Ch@d wved that Final Plat be approved subject to Xngineering Check and easeqent for utilities. Ho$ion seqonded
by Danens and carried,
Final. Plat of El Rancho Addition vas presented for approval, together with PlannSng
Codssionls reconpendation for approval subject to - 1, Completion of grading,
2. Bond fpr graveling, 3. Thorough engineering check. At this time a letter
frogthe Irest Interlachen Blvd, Xmprovement &sociation, objecting to the name of the develppnent as being out of chasacter, wgs read and discussed, Bredesen moved .
for approval subject to engineerjag check and firnishing of cross sectipns, and
the recommendations of the Planning Conmission.
Fa&!. Plat of Schwantls Addition was approved by motion Child, seconded by Dan-
and carried; subject $0 Planning Commission's stipulation for a bp?d fpr graveling,
and a thorough engineer@g check.
seconded by Bredesen imd,carriedr+ .*I Y
Motion seconded by Child and
cwiedm 1 ,
Final. Plat of The Pines Addition was approved, subject to engineering check and
the fmshing.02 prints, in accordance with August 4th recommendation by the
Planning' Cormnission. Hotion by Bredesen, seconded by Danens and carried,
Zes Anderson's Prelim&ary Plat of Highwood 2nd Addition was presented, having
received Augustm- 4th approxi& of Planning Codssion, together with their suggestion
that Cohcil allowthe construction of twq dwellings therein before approval of
Final Plat. Clfld's motion, for approval of Preliminary Plat in accordance with
Codsgionts recommendation, but for prohibition of cons$pction.until such -., time
as FjlldL Plat is approd, was secondedby Bredesen and carried,
Pselihinaq Plat by R,l&&n, for property. on Valley Vietr Road south of Weview
&adition was-approved by motion Bredesen, seconded by Chizd and cirrrietl, 5n
accordance with Planning Codssiont s August 4th approyhg recornendation.
J .- r."
8/9/54 273 Planning Cownlssion Nirtutes of August 4 were read, as folloT.ls: ll~&tp. Holt of Holtts Nursery, West. 60th and Beard, presented Premary and Fhal Plats of
Lots -1 to 7, Holtrs Addition, - Eo Law recommended appro- as a PrelwnmJ,
subject to the fact that the 90 fee% additional is not developable urd-ess
additional land is purchased to the East and that I&. Holt be so notified.
Notion was made, seconded and carried to approve this Preliminary and Find
in accodance with Mr. Law's recommendationof* Bredesen moved for approval
of Prelhinary and Final Plats in accordance,with Commission's recornendation,
Notgon seconded by Child md carried.
Report was made thai Planning Conrmission had recommended denial of I&. Gppts
request for the rezon$ng to Conpmity Store District of the Southea.st Corner
of 57th and France, because of quality-,of existing residentiicj area in-this
recommendation ad deny request-was seconded by Bredesen and carried,
Child's motion, that Council take bids August 23 for replacement of windows in
Libraw building, was -seconded by Bredesen and carried.
Discussion was had as to repairs of W.54th Street between ZToodda3.e Avenue and
the Greek.
repair work is needed, and matter was referred to Public Works Committee for
investigation in the field, and recornendation.
W, Homer Brown and Mr, E, C, Stow asked permission to divide one block in Brookview Heights bto eightpfqot lots, from seventy-foot lots,
informed that he must plat,
Child's motion that Council act in accordance with Commission's
There seemed to be some difference of opinion as to how-much
-. -
He was
D5scussion was had on Special Assessments to be levied, with the presentation of
the various Assessment-Rolls, qd Bredesen offered the foUowing Resolution and
moved its adoption: __ &OLUTION PROVDING FOR S??BCTAL
I Asmsm .-Gs, . , . , ..
BZ IT RESOLVZD by the Counca-of_th.e.Vil&age of Edina as follows: .. _.. _- IO. ,The Clerk and Engineer hahg calculated the proper amount to be
specially assessed-for STORM.SElG2i IWR@E"!PS NOS, 22, 24 AND 25, SANITARY
SEMB IKPRmXS NQS. .61~.A-w ,62, S~~~*FROllR@NTS NOS. A-22 AND-A-43, ,A-37,
A-49, Aw%, 4-58, ,A-!Z!, O-22A, 0-49,3 !k%, PO-%, .%52, ol.53, 0-54, 0-55, 0-58, 0-59, 0-60, 0-63, 0-64, 0-653 e663 0-67, e689 0769, 570, 0-71, 0-72, 0-73, b74, 0-76, 9-77, (3-78, 0-79, em, Q-81, fl-82, pd the amount proposed to be
re-assessed $or SNX'1ARY -SE[.JER_ IMPRO~BNC -NO. 55, against the respective lots,
pieces and parcels of.1and @thin-the._district affected by said improvements, and
said proposed assessments having been filed with the Clerk, the same are hereby
approved, and the Clerk shall keep the same on file
public inspection pendhg hearing thereon as hereh provided.
forms of notice hereinafter containedto pass upon said proposed assessments, and
the Clerk is hereby directed to cause notices of the time, place and purpose of
said-meetings to be published in the official newspaper at least 30 days prior to
said meetings, which notices shall be in substantially the following fom: NOTICE OF HEARING ON ASSESSNT FOR
his office and open to
2, This Council shall meet at the time and place specified in the
IC . , STORM SEBB NO. ,22 .-
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, .that .th-q_Council of the Village of Edina will meet at
the Village HalL-9~ Nonday, September l.3, 1954, at 7r30 ot clock P.N., to hear and
pass upon all objections, if ,any, to the proposed asgessment for. Stom Sewer No,
22 improvement which is now on file in the office of the Village Clerk and open
to public inspection:
The area proposed to be assessed for the above
lots and tracts of land within the following described boundaries:
Weginning at a point 60 feet M, of the centerline of FJ.57th-Street on the
E, line of Zenith Avenue; tho E, to a point in the approxhgte cenger of Lot 3,
Block 4, Brqokline-Addition; th, No through center of lot to N, line of Lot 12,
Block 2, Harriet Layn Addition, and conthubg I?, 30 3%. E. of 11, line of Lots 16 through 27, but omitting Lots 23 and 24, Block 3, Seeley's F*st Addition to
Hawthorne Park; th, lay across Zenith Avenue. to 3'1. line of Zenith Avenue; th, Sly
to a pt. 61, Ft. N, of S, line of Lot 1, Block 3,"JMte Investment Comp~y~s
Hidden Vallex; tho Fn;rJ..to the IT, line of. sdd lot;- th, Sly to a pt. 40 Ft, No of
SE corner of Lot 2,--said Block-3; th. Wly parallel to I{, 55th St, to centerline
of Lot 7, said Block 3; th, S, across jlest 55th Street.to Sr5 cor. of Lot 6,
Block 4, t.Jhlte Investment Company's Hidden VdlleJr; th. E. to SE Cor. of Lot 4,
said Block 4; th, S. on a line beheen T,T,T,T,T,T,T,T,T,T,s 3.4 and 15, said Block 4, to West
56th Street; th. 73, to N% Alley in Block 3, Harriet hvm Addition; tho $. on
said mey to SW cor. of Lot 2, Block 5, Brookline Addition; tho E. on S line of
said Int 2, to-a pt. 60 Fk. W. of E. line; th. S. parellel to Zenith Avenue to
approximately the centerline..oS Lot 3, Block 5, .Bookline Adation; tho my to
?fa line of Zenith Avenue; th. NELy to $. of bemkg.lr
bprov&ent includes a31
r) .- .- _I .. -
Asses~ent for Stom Fewer hprovement ?dl1 be paxable &l ten equal, con.. .
semtive, annuEd. iJfsta&ents ext;eriding Over a* period of ten yeas, the fbst, of
sflrd ~S%lhentS to be payable ldth tkk, for the Xear 1954 col&ctible in 1955,- with interest on the entire assessment at the rate of 5% per annum from the date
of- the resolution- 1evy;ing the assessment to august 15, 1955. ,TO each subseguent . installment will be added intekest at the same rate for one year on au unpaid
oPassessmen% without interest to the Village Engineer, om or before October 10, 1954, and my thereafter make payment yith accrued interest to the County Treasurer.
The owner of any property assessed for the above improvement may pay the whole
-.-. -.* - -. .. ,--- . .-.._ _a- Zvald C, 3ank, Village Clerk
NaICE HEBEBY +~b~-.t&~~C~uncXL~f the Village of Edina will. meet at
the Village Ha11-W. HOndaX$ S~Ptember 13, 1954, at 7:30 o'clock P,3i., to hear and
Pass upon objections, if.=& to the proposed assessmenk for.*Storm Sewer NO,&
Snprovanent which is now on file in the office of the VUlage Clerk and-open to
public inspection,
The area proposed to be assessed for the above named improvement hdudes all
lots and tracts of land within the following described boundaries:
"Beghkg at a pt. '$0 Ft, No of the intersection of W.6Oth st. and France
Ave.;-J;h, Ely 60 fie; the Nly and parallel'to France Ave: to center of bt, 51, Auditor's Sub. No, 3l2; tho Ely to a pt. 220 Ft. from centerline of Frame Ave,;
tho Nly,.and parallel to France Ave. to pt. 50-Ft. No of So line of Lot.54, hditorts
Subd. No, 312; tho Wly ta centerline of France Ave.; tho Nly to SE Cor, of Lot 7, r'
Block 1, Bora's Eana Manor; tho "ny along So lot lines of hts '7 and 6, Block 1,
Boran's Edina Xanor to SW Cor. of -Wt 6, Block 1, Boran's Edim Ifanor; th..Nly to
centerline of ?.?&h St,;- tho Wly along tL58th St. to a ,pt, 70 Ft, tl. of centerline
of Halifax .he.,.; tho Sly, dist-nt 80 Ft,.M, of and $ar&lel to Hali$ax Ave, from
jLot 1 through Lot 19, .Block 2, Boranfs Edipa ?&nor to a pt, 50 ft, So of S. line
of N.6Oth St,;..th, Ely. and parallel to W.6Oth St; to pt. 133 3%. IT. -of centerline
of France he,; tho Ml? to Nt? Cor, of Qt a, Block 4, Boran's Ed&na Manor; tho
Ely .to centerline of France &ve., the pt, of be,Pinning.!*
Assessment for Storm Setrer hprovement will be payable in ten equaJ., con-
secutive, annual installnents exbending over a period of ten years, the firs% of
said installments to be payable dth taxes for the year 1954'collectible in 1955,
with interest on the entire assessment at* the rate of 5% per annm from the data
of the resolution levying the assessment to August 15, 3955. To each subsequent
installment will be added interest at the sap rate for one year on all unpaid
whole.of assessment without intepest to the Village Treasurer, on br before
October 10, 1954, andmay thereafter make payment with accrued interest to the
County Treasurer.
The ovmer of any property assessed for the above hprovement may pay the
. -.. *-.* ~ -. 5- .3*_ --. . - Evald C, Bank, Village Clerk
-- . STOREI: SElJEEt NO, 25 *.
NorllICE IS HEFEE GIVSN, tha$..tge C@riCil."of. the Village of Edina vAU meet at
the VQlage H@l>on. Monday, September 13, 1954 at 7:30 O'clock P&, to hem and
pass upon all objections, if-any, to the proposed assessment for Storm Sewer No, 25
improvement which is now on file in the office of the Village Clerk and-open to
public Snspection,
lots and tracts of lqd wit- the following described boundaries:
~$,62nd,St,); tho Ely 300 Ft, to $To *e of hing AvG. exbended; tho -Sly on E~bg
Bve. extended, to FT06;2nd St.; th, Zly to Beard he. &ended; tho No 500 Ft,; thi
E, 600 Ft. more or-:less to center of dleyline_extended between Abbott and Zenith
Aves.; th. Nly dong said exbended alley through centerline of I;ot 12, B1. 6a
%rriet Manor 2nd Addn,; tho Ely 75 Ft.; tho Nly through Lots 9-to 1, BL 6, Harriet lfaor 2nd Ad&, to-centerline of Vo5%h St.; >he ?'?lY On ccmhrli~~e of lfo59th st* to
a pt, @ fi, f.f, of W.ljne of Abbott Ave.5 tho SO .@ Paalel to &bot% he, to
on M, line of pt B1, 5, Harriet &nor '2nd Addno; tho '80 to NI-COr. of Lot 8; the s, to &ll alley betvreen Abbot% And Beard Aves.; tho If0 d-OW said alley to-center
of Beard -Ave,; the No 50-Ft.; th. I?* 3.00 Fto; tho N*..On line 100
parallel $0 centerline of,Beard Ave. to center Of 11058th st,; tho -If* to centerline
of, Ch&.ren Ave,; tho Sly to. pt. opposite SO lbe Of- th,T~~y to-ag cor, of kt 29; tho S, to goline of ZOt 22, &ditor's Subd*Ho* 3W
tho q,58 fit;- tho S, 100 Ft, E, of-and ppallel to-center1ine of Ave* so
ljne of kt 19, AudiZ;orfs,Subd. 110. 312; tho t8. to slg Cor. of bt.42,
sub&- NO. 312; th,.'S. through C@nter of btS&3,&4.5 and h6 to a Pto in Lot 479
&di-torl s Subd, No, ,312 on the Nolot 'lbe Of &3t 49 ext;ended; ht 49 extended to a pt, 80 Ft. ,E. of centerline Of France fsNe*; $0 Parale'
* c
The aea proposed to be assessed for the above named hprovement includes dl1
"Beginnbg at pt9 200 Ft. No of Seetioh Corners 19,20,29 & 30 (France Ave, and
W* of and
29s Auditor'.s Subdo No* 312;
If* On &e Of
c -
2'86 8/9/54
to centerme of France he, to a pt, in Lot 48, Auditor's Subd,No, 312 vTMch is bo Ft, N, of centerline of TL60th St,; th, If, to centerline-of France Ave,; tho
K- d-ong M. line of bt lI,-..BL. 4, .Boran's Edina &nor to NI.a Cor, of said lot;
th. S, and 100 Ft. T'f, of and. parallel to,cegterli,pe of France-Ave, to pl. 200 Ft. i. of 3L62nd St,;
secutive, annual. installments exhnding over a period of ten years, th& fiirst of s
said installments to be payable with taxes for the year 1954 collectible in 1955,
wikh interest on the entire assessment at the rate of 5% per annum from the date
"of the resolution levying the assessment to August 15, 1955. To each subsequent instaflment; rvill be added interest at the saqe'rate for one year on all unpaid
installments, *
whole. of assessment without interest to the Village Treasurer, on or before
October 10, 1954, and may thereafter make payment with accrued interest to the
Somty Treasurer ,
J,oo Ft,, E, to pt, of beghing,l~
bssessmeqt for Stom Sere improvement tda be payable in-ten equdl, con--
The owner of any property assessed for the above Smprovement may pay the
* -.?*... -- 7. - _----- . ..C...... ... Evald, G. Bank, VZLlage Clerk
XOTKE 35 €lEkl?&Y GI&H,.,t&t .the Cou~~zgL- of the-Village of Edina Will meet at
the VQlagrjt Ea on l.lonagg, September 13, l9%, a% 7:30 o'clock P.&, to hear and
pass*.irpon all objections, if any, to tKe proposed asqessment for-the foUo%$ng ~
+npr6vements, which assessments are'now on file in the office of the VsUsge Clerk
and open to pubkic inspection:
t SPNIT~RP mm NO, 61,- % -1 r __ .The--area-prpposed to be assessed includes iill tots and tracts of land.
FOR. SANITAEY. sE;[.JER NO, .. 61 AND 62
abutting Bernard Place betTreen West'56th Strebt and Grove Street
except"thB Norbh"175 Ft, on the.Ebst side-of Bernard Place,'
c_ .The-area_i?roposea to be assessed incluhes a;Li*lots and tracts of land
abutting"X&xeH Avenue bet6reen W.75th and icT,76th Sts. on the IfesC,
"Assessmen.t;s for Sar&tary'Sewer xi.l& be payable in ten equal, consecutive,
annual instUents e*ending over a period of ten'pears, the *st of said install-
ments to bf! payable rvikh taxes for the year 2954 mUectibXe in 1955, with interest
on the entfre assessment at the rate of 5% per annum from the date of the resolution
le- the assesaent to August 15, 1955, To each subsequent installment trill be
added interest at the same-rate for one year, on all unpaid installments.
tfiole.of assessment without interest to the Village Treasurer, on or before
October LO, 1954, andmay thereafter make payment with accrued fnteres% to the
County Treasurer,
.* SAN~ARY smtm NO, 62. - n
The owner of any psoperty assessed for the above bpro~ement WY Pay the
BY. OFBER OF THE vIf;LAcfE CO~CTZ, --- EdLd C, Bank, VjLfage Clerk
(5) NOTICE OF &ARIJ!T&S 6N A$&m8-
NOTICE IS IXRFJ3Y 6% ..ttza~,.the~.C~~ci3.~of--~he Vilfage of Edina id11 meet
at the.Yi&lage Ha& on Honda~y, September 27, 1954, at 7:30 o'clock P,X,, to hear
and pass upon all objec$Lons, is aqf, t? the proposed asssssnents for the follotdng
impMvements, which assessplents are novFon fXLe in the "office of the Village Clerk '
an@ open to pu6E.c inspection:.
Blacktopping A-22 and A-43 -
Blacktopping A-37 _- Ddxypple Road between Southview &e and Iiakedkvr Drive.-
Blacktopp&g A-49 - St.&drews-*kvenue from &a.keview Drive to Southview Lane.
Blacktopping A-54 - Tomes Road+from r.l,.4€kh.SC. to ILWh St._
BIackbopping.A-5S - dhokn'Ave. front ?{,5c)th St, to y!,&th StE
B&acktgpping A-59*- ?!est 60Gh"St. from 33, line of Abbott Aye, to Xerxes Ave,
, Assessments for- -Blacktopp*g trill be payable -5n five- equal consecut$ve annual
instaQmgints*eextended over a period of five years to be payable with taxes for the
ye= 1954, copedible 3n 1955, with interest on the entire assessment at the-rate
of. 5% per qrmum from the date of the resolution lewg the assessment to August
*15, 1955. To each subsequent installmefit rriXL be added Lnterest at the same rate
for one year, on all unpaid- install&en%s.
The owner of any property assessed for any of %he above improvements may pay
the whole of assessments rdthout interest to the Village Treasurer, on or before.
October 10, 19.54,. and ~y %her&afaf't;er mkke payment-.@.tk accrued bterest to %he
Streets Sn Edinbrook Addition and Irestbrook he
' from 1?.4&h St, to 1?,49tQ St.
* n
(;oun%y Treasurer,
pi.eces and parcels of land fro&i..ng and ?abutting on the pofiions of the streets
e !Be area ta be assessed for the aboire named improvements includes all lots,
*. . ._ ... I
- ~- I. ... O~~G~D@RO~~~~ . ~JoTIa IS lBRE3Y GIVEN %&%_the kWC-&& .Of the Village of Z&j.na pal meet at
%ll.on lJlonaxa SePtember-27, 1954, at 7230 0' clock-P.~Jl., to hear and the
Pass upon all object.ions, if-W, to the proposed assessments for the fon&g
oflbg kPrOvaentS, which assessments are now on file in the office of the Village Clerk and open to public inspection:
0-27A- Richmond Drive fSOn Normandqe Road to Riebnd Circle, p49-9 ?ernes Avenue from West 54th Stseet to )Test 56th Street. e50 - I?est 5ESth Street from France &venue to 3rookvievr 4venue.
e51 - St. Johns, Avenue from Vest 59th Street to Uest 60th Street.
e52 - west 58th"Street froqWooddale lavenue to Oaklam Avenue. 0-53 - $rest 60th Street from E. 2bt me of Lot E, Block 6, kriet %faor Second
e54 - tiest 59th Street from_klboddale Avenue- to Fairk= Avenue.
e55 - 4shcroft Avenue from West 59th Street to West 60th Street. 0-58 -
0-59 - Tfest-60th Street from Code Avgnue to Tingdge Avenue; W.60th Street fram
6-60 - iiest 59th Streek from ringdale Avenue to gode Avenue.
0-63 - Valley Vieit7 Road from Parnell Avenue to Concord Avenue. 0-64 - Belmore Lane-_from Blake Road to Harrison-Avenue. I 0-65 - Yan Buren Avenue from Be@ore Lane to Nor$h Village Ximits; 0-66 - qohn Strees from Naloney Avenue to Turn-a-round.
0-67 - Vindsor Avenue from Hans* Road to R.R. Tracks.
0-68 - Division-Streek from Spur Road to Rutledge Avenue.
0-69 - Tingdale Avenue from Benton Avenue_-to Grove-Street.
0-70 - West 58th-Street from T?oodd@e Avenue to Kellagg Avenue. 0-71 - Grove Street from #51* to &3@.
0-72 - Xerxes-Avenue fromXest 56th Street to Vest 57th Street. 0-73 - Drew Avenue from West 59th Street to 5925 Drew Avenue. 0-74 - Nosthyood Drive from; llirror_l;akes Drive to ,Glengarry Parkway; . *
Crlengarrx Parkxvay f,rom Norkhwood .Drive to Hwy. #1639 Chantrey 'Road from Northwood. Drive t-o Hwy.. #169. -
0-76 - West 60th Street from 100 Ft. West of Code Avenue to Bernard Place. 9-77 - %{est 60th Street from Fairfax Avenue to. St.Johns Avenue.
0-78 - ljest 59th Street from F.loodddLe.Avenue to-Fairfax Avenue.
0-79 - t{est 60th qtreek from France Avenue to Abhott '-Avenue,
0-80 - Benton Avegue fromTingdale Ayenue to Code Avenue.
0431 - West 5Gh Street frorn France-Avenue to_Phi3brook be.
0-82 - >lest 60th Street from Xfoodd&Le Avenue to Fairfax Avenue.
Assessments rji.U be payable in one installment, pdth taxes for the year 1954
coUectible in 1955, with interest at- the rate of 5% per annum from the date of the -
resolution levying the assessment to- August 15, 1955.
The area 'proposed to be assesseP_for the. above named hprovements includes dLa.
lots and pieces and parcels of land fronting and abutking the porbions of the streets
in which said improvements are made.
The omer of any property assessed for the above improvements maypay this
assessment without interest to the Village Treasurer on or before October 10, 19%
Addition -to France Avenue.
Streets in hBuena Vista Ad@tion*and-i+Iest 68th_Street.
Code to 100 Ft. Ires%; Code Avenue from West 60th Str.ee% to 3-36 Ft, NoAh.
.*- *. ., ..-. .:- Evald C. Bank, Village Clerk -
(7) NOTICE OF HE&LNG Ofis PbPOSl3b l3.&MS&Sl~~T
-__I --. - I' -_
NOTIC$ B IXEEUBY kVJ3N .%ha& .$he.BdMa_Vaage .C%cil VU meet &ionday,
Sept;ember>27, ,f-9& at 7:-30 o'clock P&., a$ the Ed@a Village Hall and will at said
kime and place hem and pass ppon al& gbjections,_if anx, to the proposed re-assessment
for the cost of Sanitary Sewer lknprovement No. 55 - Construc-bion of SE.mitwy Sewer and awbenances in*Concord Grove Addibion excgpt Lots 1 through 4, BlOGk 3; Ids 16
through 21, Block-1, Stocke & Hansonrs Concord Terrace and Lots le $%rou&,2k,
Fairf ax Addition. 1, . open to public inspection.
Said proposed re-assessment is now on file in the office of the Village Clerk and
Said proposed re-assessment v&ll increase the assessable footage 456 feet by
including Lots 16 through 21, Block 1, in Stocke & HanSOn'S Concord Terrace, which
vjere omikted in the original assessment roI& thereby decxeashg Cost Per front foot
in Concord Grove Addition, Block 1, lots 1 through 15 - Block 2, Lots I. thou@
Block 3$ I;ots 5 through 8 and Lots 13 through 24 in Fairfax kkEtion*
2- -+ ET&Ld C. Bank, ;iTiUagc Clerk
n - - tr -
Motion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Ch-LTd, and on kdlC&k trm- .aw; -cUd, aye;. Baxw,-w3iL.,-L-
Deputy Village Clerk a,.
Gfuu)ING AND GUlIi2-G. DPRbm*EWa. . sANn&Y .s3qg:m .17mmm: cm AND.*WW:
Council..of the .Villagt+of E-: .. : . , .. .*. BE IT RESOLvHt by
. . ,LE. ,The,ViUage Zn@neer, having-.suWtted $0 th? Counciz a prelhinary report
as to the, feasibility. of the proposed 'fmprovements. described in the Form of Rotice
of Hearing set forth below, and as to the estimated cost of such improvements, said
report is hereby approved and directed to be placed on file 5.n the office of the
Village Clerk.
2. *This Council shall meet on Nondajr, August 23, 1954, at 7:30 P.E., in the
kina Village Hall, tb conskder in public hearings the views of a persons
interested 5n iatd proposed improvements.
3. The Clerk is hereby authoriged and directea to cause notice of the time, place and,.purpose of said meeting to be published In the officid. newspaper once
a week for tm successi*e weeks, the second of rMch publications is to be not less
than three days from date of said meeting, which notice shall be in substanti&ly
the following form: '
Chapter 398.
@igineer as set forth below:
2. CONSTJIUCrXON 0F-Vn;lfiAGE lfU@m l?i~SIO~ AM, I
€3. - _~x.9?. AT?., -vaueY.vi~v.@.o* $0 *!$+Q-& .S!?U'6$* * .
4-f!pg~~w"I":-.-"n 1- -.-' *.?.._. . **** _.._- -
'. ..' C..-*.Pq~g&&-&e..~ Valley View Rd. to 525 FL South;
Ryan he,, Y-ey Viey Rd..*to 600 Ft, .Sou$h $59506.92
EI&g Avenue fTom iyi. 60,tS St ., to W. kst *St. $2,703.12
A*.,- J3~ool&ieyJvqnq~ from,l?.5&ih St.'.to %5!h St. k2,273.4.0 B. North-South Uley betwqen Xogk and Xgrxes hves. . and between_'fZ.56th and W.57th Stso.- 41,201.50
4, em.=rnmmfN: I
I The area"proposed to be assess-ed--for the cost of skd proposed,improvements is as
For 1-B'abOVe - hts 3&,5 and 6, Ettnerls eC lEng*s Addition and S.362 Ft. of N.488
Et, of. that pa3.t-o.F the Sn/4 of th'e SWlL4 ofh.Sec, 19, Twp. 28, 24 lag On the
Vest side of Ryan Avenue South of yal&ex View @ad. ..
For 2-C above'*- Lois 3 to-8, inc,, Ettneris & iiingts Mdn.; Lats l4 to 17, Virginia
Ave. Mdn., and %he South 362 Fi;, of the Norbhm488,p, of that part of the 3a/4 of
the SNl/4 02 Sec. 19a %q. 28,L 24 lying on the Irest side of Ryan Avenue gguth of
For 4-A *and ?or 5-A and SB, all lots and tracts 6f land abutting the portion-of
the street or allex to be improved,
Val&ei View Rqad. .* .. .. c
- EV&D 0, BANX, Clerk
V,gUage ofrEdina
Ho%ion for Bdoption of the Resolution vas seconde$ by Danens, and on Rollcall there
were four .ayes and no naJrs,-+as follows:
Erickson, aye; and the Besolution was adogted.
Bredesen , aye; bgnens, aye;
' mm:
... E
I&. EtcheU then presented Plans and Specifications for sev$r& hproveaents, on
which he advocated that Couqcilt take b+ds on August 23, and Bredesen offered the
follox&g Resolution and-moved its adoptrion: - RESOLUTION APPROVING! P&s S~~IFii~iO~s poIl-~~Fo..~~~R~~.~s-~ .QPp&PJ!G,W * TEFLTISETmE FOR BIDS . ., ..
hi BE
I -- - . :~1~-2The~p&iurs E4nQ g@aciC&&tiu$- f&r,-$lp Jproprrskd hpRdq+m%s set foeb
the fonol&ng Advertisement for Bids fom, h&e%f&%'~prep3kl 'by th'e "Village .A*
E-eer and now on file in the office of the Village Clerk are hereby .approved. the Edina-lsforningside
Courier and the Construction Bulletin the foUoicing notice for bids for said
improvements: -
,EOLVn, by,the Vi-uageAk?,yW&' $he W~%~e,~f_E+.a:9~,~ --.- I +. -*. ** -. - hLq .,-'e . -Lc. ti ...*
*.+ 41.Pb * .*
2. The Clerk shall cause to be published twice
Work mst be done as awcribed and specified in plans and specifications for said
hproWnent,on file ip the office of the Village Clerk. on basis of cash paymat for work,
Tiled idth undersigqeg before time oJ^ said meeting and accompanied by cash deposzt,
bid bond, or certifiqi check payable to the Village Clerk I. in amount cd ten percent
Bids mu3t be subdtted
No bids will be considered unless sealed and
of amount of bid, *- BY ORD~ OF TK~: VIIU@E comexi,.
I1 --. * ..- - - .. * .:--+.* . -~ ___- .*
3, Each and all of (&e terms of the foregoing advertisement for bids are hereby
adopted as the terns ,and conditions of award of the contract for saLd knprovtunent.
Motkon for adoption
were four ayes and nq nays, as follows: Bredes
Erickson, aye; and the Resolution was adopted.
3WUD C. BANK, Clerk
m Village of .ECSjna
Resolution wits seconded by Danens, and'on Bollcall there
1% aye; Dan=, aye;
Deputy Village .Clerk .,.,.. . *. ..
UtiLities Chaih C&d reported that he had received sfom1 oifer of $10,000 as a price 09 eight-75 by 150-foot lots for a future watertower site, No, action
PublichWorks Ghaimw Danens reported that Westwood Court residents have requested
oj.J., H<e moved that oiXing be done, and that cost be-added to assessment for blacktopping project, Notion seconded by Bredesen and carried.
Mk, Kresse of Northern. States Power Company conferred &?bh"CounciL conce-g the moving of power poles to the ogher s&de of Eden Avenue.
wants to bying'the ljne pp the gast side of .Nomandale Boad from WiLlsoq Road
to Eden Avenue; that Halla Nursery is protestbg.
offered by Northern S$atps Power Company be acceptee as the only practica plan,
tms secmded by Daneps . qd _. -.. -wried,
mager MLLcheU presented claim filed by George Bttner, mount $65.00, for change
in drsl.;inage .tThich aUege@y damaged his property,. I&?. Mitchell explained that nom drainage had s&ply.been restored. Bredesen- .moved khat claim be denied.
A letter from. Chaid&.Strachauer of the Park Board, asking that Jacob Shmak be
relieved-&on Park Board, work for work &_the YiLlage Hall grounds, and-tfiat
Parks 43up%. %irk be.xeljeved from. his duties as supemrisor of work *on -the Hall grounds was read &d discussed,
)I .I
Ke-stated the Compajny
CMlfi*s motion3."that plan as
Notion seconded by Wl.4 and carried. ,. "<
Hatter referred to Elanager Mi.t;cheEL Por aation,
First National Bank
First National Bar&
N.W. NationCl Bank
Bo- Obf. merson
N. W. National B-
Xi, 31. National Bank
N. W4 National Bank
N, 11. lfational Ba,nk
I N. W. National Bank I
No $1. National Bank
Carpenter Paper Conrpq
Famous Bragds Die.
Minn.&?imicipal. Tiiquor Stores Ass% fnc.
Nktual General&ency, Inem . -
Ed. WUips & Fons Company
Refkigerator Seece Company
?lis tillers XES tributing Company
Van Paper Supply Company
Ebin Brothers Company
Famous- Brands Xmr
Griggs,. Gooper.& Compw
Griggs, Cooper & Compw
McKesson & Robbjns
Discussion was had on the matter of the proposed election for adoption of Plan W1
form of Village government, and Bredesen offeredthe following Resolution .nd moxd
PI@j-.Y3!’-BE ~SlJB?$ITTJ!jD. TO. T@. V@!@EB _-_ ~ ... QN.S@T@PER-u1,_1954. ._. __~._
its adoption: -.
BE IT RESOLVED by the Village.Council of the Village of Edina, Minnesota,
a. as follows.: . . a LI -___ ,
at a regular meeting held Nwch 8, 195&, the question whether the Village shall adopt
the optional plan of village government known as sfoptional Plan Blt shall be submitted
to the voters at a specid. Village election which-shall be held 01) Tuesday,
September l.4, 1954, the sane being the date also of the state-wide primary eleckion,
primary election, at the poAling places heretofore established by the VLLlage Council
for each of the election districts heretofore established tSi.t;hin the Village, as set
forth below, and the following persons are hereby. appointed as judges of elecbion at
each such pollhg place:
District ~o&zg Place
Bo. 1 . Ediaa . Covenan% Church Ehes.X.C.Dyreg~ov, E.C. .Peterson
Zn furtherance of the resolution heretofore adopted by this‘council
2. Said special Village election shall be held concurrently with said
JudPes of Election
NO, 2
NO. 3
No. 4,
NO. 5
No. 4
NO. 7
No, 8
NO. 9
NO. 10
No. ll
NO. 12
and miau K.--Ed&er ~ 6t .Stephens ChuGch hines&S .Rossiter, C.k.Hollingsumrth,
and B.erer&ce H. Weed. .
$toPeters Luiheran School hes* Ida Losmith, Ruth E. Zipoy
T&a Community Luthan Nines. Dora Schauss,Virgika-Beard,
&lormandale Lutheran Church 3hes. J,J. -Duggan,Geil Delaney, .. and D.V. .hundson.
Temporary Structure-’$an hes. Q.M, 3ye,Roy 14yh, and h&s
,.Buren & 3faloney , . E. Jones, . .,
Grange Hall Ekes‘. Nellie Stgate, Glenn Hall, and
George Taylor.
W.Entrance Edina Grade ScU.Panes. Bertha Ifdraney, Ida B. Strong,
E.Entra,nce Edina Grade &3iL.hnes.CamQle fcodn, Ethel So Link,
Our Lady of Grace Church
holonial Church of-’Edina
dld Robinson House
_. .and Ruth Volk
Church .. and Frank Stveeney.
and Em Sa Hofi. ..
and 14430 Chmy, kes, $fabe1 Villson, Na,ri& Bailey and
&es. Aq Lo Johnsgn, G.E. Hackborn and
Hazel Svranson
Nines. Edith Waste, Elizabeih K, Covnick
I Harold Chist..
3$33”J$est 66th St. and I~ldred &. Bagley --
-. -.
The judges in each district shall appoint two qualified voters therein to act- as clerks of said election, ..
as he posts notices of said primary election, at least 15 days before the date
hepar", n&ices of sai.4 special Village election, and by causing such no$ice to
'be publjshed in the Ehina-lei6rningside Courier at least one week prior to the date
of said election.
The Village clerk shall &.so cause to be prepared for use at said
3? The Village C erk is hereby authorized and directed to pas$ and publisk; notice.of said elec i ion as rewired by lair, by posting, at the same time
eiectiop, beats in substa;nt;iduy the following form: c.
. -..' .. * _..,
'1 Shu Optional Plan IW, providing for the counciJ.-
@aageF form of-govexwent, be adopted for the
government ofthe VLUage?
I 0.0 -.
+e XES
-.-.. 1 * .... +.
8 r c
1 t .;.
+ f.t NO
$l&TEUCTIOrJs TO Vm: If-you wish to vote in favor
of.aths.ab6ve quest$on;.mark a cross (x) in the square
opposLte the word YES.
sajd Testion, mark-a cross (x) in *he square opposite
Xf you rJislg to-vote against
t& Vrord NO.
On the back 02 said ballots sha&l be printed the %;ds ~~OFFZCIW, BAkUll?, the date
of said election, the facsikile signature of the Village.Clerk..and-l;ines for the
initials of two judges. _-
5. The Village Clerk sha,ll, prior to said election, furnish the judges
of each election district in the Village with a sufficient supply of such ballots,
as well as the necessary ballot bo-xes, registers and other supplies and materials,
so that they nay comply with law in the holding and conduct of said election.
as a cmvassing board, for the purpose of declaringthe results appearing from
the returns of said special Village election suMtted by the judges of election.
Iiotion for adoption of the ResoLution was seconded by Child, and on Rollcall there
were four ayes and no nays,+-as follows:
and Ericksog, aye; and the Resolution
60 Within tire days after said election the Village Council shall meet
Br hUd, aye; Danens, aye;
. . . . . , , . . , . .
Deputy Vqage Clerk .
liotion br Child, approving appointment of Election Judges listed in the foregoing
resolution, as Judges for the State Primaw Election to be held September J-4,1954,
iras seconded by .Bredesen and carried, Bredesen then moved, au.t;horizbg Deputy
Village Clerk to.pake replacepents at her discretion of those offhials unable to seme at said election. ;Otion ieconded by Child and carried.
Ifwager IEtcheU. presented th;: bchool bard'; plan for bus entr'ance at the ITooddals
Grade Schoob Aft;-, some *discuss?on plan ws tabled for ikther studY.
There being no &&-her business t,o come before the Council, Child moved for adjourn-
ment. 'Plotion seconded by Bredesen and carried. lsfeeting adjourned at 12:ZO A.I-f., -
..... . L