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\ .-" -- I. Nembers answering Rollcall were -Bredesen, Child, Danens and Erickson.
. lkutes of the Reklar Neeking of Honday, &.gust 9, were approved as submitted, by
motion Child, seconded by Bredesen ad carried,
Affidavits of Publication in Xdina-Morningside Courier and Construction Bulletin
August 12 and .19, for ffAdvertisement for Bids-Sanitary Sewer,lqatermain,S%orm Sewer,
Curb and Gutter, Grading and Gravelling, Blacktoppingtl, and for ttT7indows-Ebra,rp
were presented, approved as to Tom and ordered placed on file; and Bredesen moved
for referral of bids to Assistant Village Engineer for public opening in Village
Engineer's Office. Motion seconded by Chud and carried. (See Wnutes of ,Later in
Neeting, S or bids) . &. Zikan reported that Nanager Ni-bchell trjshes to postpone recornendation on the
Dictating-Transcribing Nachine until next; regular meeting,
award of bids be tabled. until W, IQLtcheU's recommendation is received, was
seconded by Bredesen and carri-ed, I
Child's motion, that
8ffidaxi-b of Publication in Edina-Ibrningside Courier August 12 and 19, 1954, for
tWotice of Hevings on Improvements: Sarlitmy Sewer; tllatemain; Storm Sewer; Curb
and Gutter; Grading and.GravellLng,l! yas presented, approved as to forq and ordered
placed on file. Pursuant to said Notice, Public Hearings were held and action taken
as recorded below;
On Proposed Sanitary Sewer in 1f.6bi St.. Chowen Ave, to France Ave, : France
Ave,, W,6lst St. &&ended, to Halifax he.: Chowen Ave,. W.61st St. to I$.
62nd St.: .Chowen Place, Chowen he. to 265 Ft. TJ. Assistwt Engineer ZGan
gave as his Estiqte of Cost, $5.10 per Assessable Foot for Laterals; $2.36
per Assessable Foot for Trmnk,,for a Total Assessable Cost of $7.46 per
Assessable Foot, There were no objections from the floor, and,no written
objections had been received prior to the Hearjag, (See Resolution Approving).
On Proposed Sanitary Sewer in Ryan Avenue, Valley View Eoad to 54.0 Ft, South,
Assistant 3Enginee-m: Zi@.n .repeed .that Village is still.-awaiti.ng dedication
for a portion of the street. Child's motion, that matter of improvement be
tabled until full dedication is received, was seconded by Bredesen and
3. &I Proposed Watemnain in W,6lst St,, Chowen Ave. to Drew Ave.: Chowen Ave..
T.J.6ls.t; to IL62nd St.: Chowen Place. Chowen Ave. to 265 Ft. PI, Assistant
l@gineer Zaan gave as .his Estimate-.of Cost $3.99 per Assessable Foot for
the Laterals; @1.50 per &ssessablo Foot -for the Trunk, for a Total Assess-
able.. Cost of $5.49 per Assessable Faot , There were no ob Sections from the
floor2 and no, written objectlons had been. received prior to the Hearingc
(See Resolution Approving).
/ 4. & Proposed Ifatehna3.n and-Apmrtenances - From Tower and Tank to W.59th St. i
W.59th St. to Hiahway No. .100: WlCh Drive from W,59th St. to School Road;
School Road from Ruth Drive to Shemood;" Sherwood Ave. from School Road to
V.6Oth St. : W.6Oth St,, .ParmeU to HiRhwey No. 100s Service Drive, TL60th
St, to f's, 59th St. ; I$. 59th St , , across Kip$~way No. 100 to Benton Ave. : Benton
Ave.. Hiphway No. 1W.to Tindale Ave.: Tinvdale Ave.. Benton he, to Grove
St,: Grove St., Tingdale he. to Code Ave., including East View Drive and
School Road to Concord Ave, Assistmt,Engineer Zikan gave as his Xsthate
02 Cost.8.73 per Assessable Foot for all propertg: idthin the proposed
Watermain District, for the Trunk Watermain, plus #6,3& per Assessable Foot for Laterals. Mr, Ernest Hansen objected to Nelody Knolls Third Addition's
being assessed for this present Trunk Charge inasmuch as some 30 lots bore
the cost of a 12'f main,
No, 100 is essential to maint&n vtater pressure; that tke lots in this area will. benefit from it. There were no other objections, oral or txdtten, and
no mLtten objections had been received prior to the Hearing.
Resolution Approving) .
dn PI;oposed-Waterin& and Appurtenances in Pamell and Rym dvaues, from
Valley View Road. South 525 Ft. arid 600 Ft, respectively. lb. Zikw once
again reporbd that Village .is awaiting dedication for Ryan Avenue; and
CUld moved that matter of improvement be tabled until guch the as dedi-
cation is received.
Mr. Z&an explained that a connection under H&ghv.~ay
6, On Proposed Stoh Sewer in Chowen Avenue fron V.61st St. to Chowen Place
Ib,. Zikanls Estimate of Cost for the Lateral S.i;om Sewer was .$.Ol24.. per &pare
abjections had been received prior thereto.
There were no objections at the Hearing, and neither writ2en nor or& (See Resolution Approving) , *
c ..
6/#5lk 7. On Proposed Curb and Gutter in Ewi.ng Avenue between lL60th and 1~61st
Streets. Assistant Engineer zikan reported that, the published Estimate of
Cost figures to $2.65 per Assessable Foot, whereas he feels that a 62.80 cost
is a more realistic figure. There was sone thought that bids might. reduce
the cost to approximately the $2.65 per Assessable Foot estimate; and Child
moved that" approval of project, be contbgent upon the bids being close to
pubJished estimate, lbtion seconded by Child and carried. There had been no objections to the improvement, and no-written objections had been received
prior thereto.
80 On Proposed GraW and Gravelling in Brookview Avenue betweerr 1$,56th and W.
59th Streets. Assistant Engineer aLikan explained that =neering Department had bdwrtantly omitted the cost_of a storm drain in its Estimate.of Cost
published; that this r.ri33 materially raise the published Estimate. A delegation stated that it is useless to grade unless Storm Drab is hdtalled,
ChildIs motion, that Council conduct a new Public Hearing Septembsr 13, .on
the entire project, hcluding installation of storm drain, was seconded by
Danens and carried,
9. On Bowsed Grading &d Gravelling in North-South Alley ktween York and
Xerxes Avenues and between IL56th and IL 57th Streets. Assistant mineer
Zikan*s Estimate of Cost was $1.40 per .Assessable Foot. The matter of
drainage was discussed from the audience, with two -owners. maintaining that
busding contractors had filled lots, thus blocking the natural drainage,
and should be obligedto pay cost of alleviating bad situation, Letter from
3b0 Bachman was presented. child moved that Public Works Committee investi-
gate. in the field, and that Public Heahg be- continued to Xonday, Septernber
13. Notion seconded by Bredesen find carqied, n
Child %hen offered tGe foUow5ng Resofution apd moved its adoption: * RJSXGU!PIOES ORDEXDJG 33PRO~~EN"S :
gTCBl*i SE;rJ$.KSJ3*kO?LEME3T NO, 27
c S~ITkY.SB:@E-~P~~EXT NO. 76
BE IT RSSOLVED by the Council of the -V&Xl.age-of "%kina, Ninnesota, that this Councjl
heretofore- .caused notices of hearings $0 be duly-wblished on the follordng proposed
itn$roveme&s, and at the hearings held ak the time and place specified in said notice
the Council has duly considered the& v2etrs of all persons interested, and being fully
advised of the pertinent facts does her_eby deternine to proceed with the construction
of said tmprovments; that said tmprovements are hereby designated and shall be
referred to in all subsequent; proceedings as follows:
5.1.61~t St., Chowen Ave. to- France .Ave,
Chowen he., y{,6lst St. to 11.62nd st,.
@owen Place,-*Chomn Ave, tq 265 Ft. We
NAIE OF D*mW*(LENT re Construction of Sepitary S&c,er and AppuAenance; in:
- France Ave,, >J.61stV St, Mended, to Halifax Ave.
*c I' q.. . .-
Con&ruction of Village ilatermain Ektension and
AJpurtenapces in:
J?.61st St., Choip AGe. to Drew Ave, ;
Chowen Ave,, 1T,61stp to V.62nd St,; Ghoqen Place,.wChor.ren Ave, tp 265 E%, ?To TfATEEUKLN It*lP.NOs 77
.. _C' -~ -. '
Constiruction of Vcage Ifatemain Extension and .i -Appurtenances : - From Tower -and Tank to If. 59th 6t. ;
W,59Lh St. to Highwa,y No. 100;
Wth Drive from 11.5'31;t;h St. to School Road;
School Road from- Ruth Drive toJ3herwood;
Shemood Ave, fron School Road to 11.60tih St,;
0 1T.bOth St,, Parnell-to Hi.gly@y No.. -100; - ' Service Drive, iT.60th St. to IJ.59th St.
i.a,59th St., across Highway NO.. 100 to Benton ; ~
Benton he., Highway No. 100 to Tingddle Ave.5
Tingdale he,, Benton Ave. to Grove St.
Grove St., TingddLe Ave, to Code he., including
East .vier.r Drive, and-School Road to Concord Aveo
Chowen he., W,61st St. to Chowen Place
llm'm a*P,NO, 78
SToF&i SEfm mP,N0,27
.-* -6 * .
Construction if Village Stom Se&r and Appdenances in '
e ..-e . * - .-
and %&-areas to be speciaiy assessed thirefor Shdl be as fob~s:
1 to 4, inc,, . Block 4; .ad- Lots 9 to %, ~CO, Block 3, d.1
For S&I~BY smm Z-PELOlEtEW NO, 76 - I&S 13 to 23, fnC*, Block 2; kts Ass- 5th *
Bel kir 5th Addition, *
";45 e&54 For ~~~~ IMPR0VE;o;lENT NO0 78 - All lots arid tracts of land vdthin the
following described. boqndaries:
line of Nomandala Road; tho Mt along W. R/GJ line of Normandale Road to the
s% Cor, of Normandale Court Addn.; th,J,--a&ong So line of Momandale Court Mdn,
to SI? Cor. thereof; tho No along W, boqdary of Nomandale Court Addn, to "W Cor,
thereof; tho Nl?ly to pt. 297 Ft, So of Intersection of Code kve, and W.56th St.;
th, No to a pt.. 180 Ft, So of Centerline of FL56th St.; tho lJ, 477.5 Ft, to Nf.f
Cor, of kt X, Reg. Land-Surveg Moo 180; tho .So 69.75 Ft.; th, IJ, 70 Et.; tho EJ, 45 Ft,; tho If,
Knolls 3rd Addn,; tho So to>$, line of said Block 4; tho S. on I?. line said Block 4, and Block 3, I$elody-KnoUs 3rd &idno, ad. continuing South through Centerline
of Blocks 2 and 4, Code!s Highview-Park, to Centerline of tL6Oth St.; tho E, on
lf.6Oth St, to point of beginning; 11 and a31 lots and-tracts ofLland within the
.) $oll.owing described boundaries: 1IFbmm. at a pt. 159-06 I%. N, and 165.37 Ft, IT, of SE Cor, of NtLL/4 of S1?3,/4 o$ Sec. 19, 'Tv~p. 28, R, 24, .trrhich is the Jntersectidn
of W.60th St, and Concord Ave.; th. N, 60,Ft.; th. IJ, 104.63 Ft.; tho N, 70 Ft.;
th. $J, 4,!&.5 Ft.; tho No a9.5 Fti; tho W,-126 Ft.;.th. Ne 28909 Ft,; tho V0663-
Ft. $0 Normandale Road; tho So ao@& $to-; tho E, to ParneU. Ave.; 'tho No to 60th
St,; tho I$. 100 Ft;,; th, N, 159.06 Ft,; tho E, to pt,. of beginning,
For STORM SIiXGt lNJ?FiOW@NT NO, 27 - AlJ. of Blocks 1, 2 and 4, and the my-
and Sly %.Fg. of &ts l-*to 8, inc., Block.,3, in Edina Bel-Air 5th Addno; and all
of Qts 1 to 6, inc,, in Edina Bel-* 3rd Addn,; and a strip of land 135 Ft, in
width on the East side of and parallel to Beard Ave. from W&th S~O to a pt. 500
Ft, N, of W.62nd St., lying in the SEl/1, of sGKL/4 of Sec. 20, Twp, 28, RI %O
Womm, at Centerline of W.60th St , and- IJ, R/tr
Ft.; tho So 125 Ft, to PJ. line Block-4, extended, of Nelody
7 -
Motion for adoption of Resolution ds seconded by Danens, and on Rollcalh. there
were four ayes and no nays,
and Erickson, aye; and the Resolution
V age Clerk f.
as folclows:
Mayor E-
Continuation of the Hearing on Propxed Gradkg and Gravelling of Tower Street
between Wooddale and St,Johns Avenues, was had; vdth Assistant Engineer Zikan
proposing a new plan which would possibly shorten the proposed storm sewer some . considerable distance.
lihnday, September 13, to ~~OVJ further study-of this new plan, was seconded by
Danens and karried.
Continuation was then had of Public Hearing on Proposed Assessment for the Black-
topphg of Woodland Lane fron.Jfoodland Circle to Dead End. Assistant Engineer
Zikan recomqendedthat all otmers be assessed for-their flill_front footages; and
E&, Helm, owner of Lot 4, Colonial Grove Fodh Addition objected, on the grounds
that. a porkion of his frontage does not abut the street. Nr. Zikan explained that,
in many cases, there me Wide boulevards between the property line and the street,
expecially on turn-arounds; that deviation fmmthe established procedure of
assessment could onlymean refunds and cancellations in other cases,'
then pointed out that'in other cases park properties are being assessed for the
cost of the improvaents abutting; that in this case such assessmen% is not behg
made against the 100 feet of park property abutting the turn-around.
offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption:
Child's motion that Public Hearing be continued to
ISE IT RESOLVED by the Viuage .COgcQ .of .the TS;illage of Edha, Wanesota, as
follo&3:--- . -
10 Tt is hereby fo&d, determined &ad declared that the proposed assess-
ment foi STm mom NO, A-53 has been cd.mxlat8d in accordance with the
provisions of JEnnesot$ Statutes-Section 4l2,.443.; that notice has been duly published
as required bs. .Iaw, that+,this Council would meet to hear and pass upon all objections,
if any, to amend said proposed-assessment as might be necessary, and Lo adopt the
same by resolution; that said proposed assessment has at a11 times since iks fiLhg
been open for public inspection, and opportunity has been given to all interested
persons to present their objections.
proposed assessmen% as heretofore calculated by the Clerk shall be amended to
include that 100 Feet of Village-owned park properby abutting the Turn-Around in
Woodland Lane; that other properties sh& a33 be assessed for their respective
full front footages; that all propertiesincluded in said assessment are benefited
in the emounk of $2.46 per assessable front foot.
The total amount! of the assessment for STRXET IMPROWNT NO, A-53 shall be
payable in equal annual installments e&nding.-over.a.priod of five yews, the
first of said installments, together with interest on the entire assessment from
the date hereof to August 15, 1955, to be payable with the gensrd taxes for the
year 1954, and one of the remaining i.nstallment;s, tdth one year's*interest on that
and all subsequent installments, to be*payable with generd tams for the years
2, It is hereby further found, determined and delcared that the
. 1955, 1956, 1957 and 1958, collectible in the-respective ensubg years.
3. Prior to ce$tification of the agsessment to the County &&tor,
the Owner Of anY lot, Piece of parcel of land assessed hereby may pay. the pjhole of such assessment or aw installment there9f withovt htsrest to the VUage.
Treasurer and $hereafter such payment may be made.vdth accrued interest, to the
C0un.t;~ Treasuyer; provided that if any assessment.or instalbat thereof is pre-
Paid to, the Vaage Treaspr, .it shal$. be cancelled on the books of the Village
Treasurer an$ fie ShJl pr0qtI.y notify the Village Clerk and Count;yh&tor, and. the assessment or installment so prepaid shall be c+ncelJLed on the books of the
County Au&*or.
4. The Clerk ahall, as soon as may be, prepare aud transmit to the Counlty hd.i.or. a. certified duplicate of said assessment, r&th each then unpaid
instaLlment sand interest set forth separately, tobe e,xtended upon the proper
tax Zsts of $he County, and the County Auditor shall thereafter cause said
assessment to be collected in the.manner_provided by law, Said duplicate swl
be desPgnated as the,llAssessment aoU. Qr Street @proyement No. A-53, and a33. ~
~ounts Collected in Sespeck of tag assesagents therein,contained-sh&U be . similarly designated by the County Tregsurer andpmitted to the Village
Treasurer and by bim credited t9 the Sinking Fynd Acqount .of .the 3953 Improvement'
Fund. " - -
I€o%ion fop adoption of Resolution was
four ayes and no-nays, .as follovrs: Bredesen, Dpens, aye; and
there were
Ericksop, aye; and .the Resolution .was adopted.
. 1 .Nayor- ..*. . . -.
Affida&ts of PublicatTon In Edina-3forningside Courier August U and 1-9, 1954, and
of Posting on gffic-ial Village Bulletin Boards,,for IWotice of Hearings on Petitions
to Vacate Streets,11 were presented, and pursuant to said Notice, the foUo@g
Pubuc Hearings were held, and action taken as recorded below: ._ 1. On Petition of Xr, J, H, Schrmtes and others for Vacation of that portion
of .Arthur Street ly5ria between the Nox%h and.South Block Lines of S.H. . .
hee s .Subdivision of Bhck 31, Nendelssohn, .Assisf;ant .Eng&eer
explained that this .block is .beipg .re-phL.ted into larger lots; %ha% the
street Is being re-located, There were no objections raised at the
Hearing, and no witLen objections had been received prior thereto,
Bredesen offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: a RESOLUTION VACATmG STFUBT
JThat .po@ion of&tW Street lying
between the North. and South Block. Lines
of J.11. Dueets Subdivision of Block 31,
PB, petition of a.majority of: the.ormers of real properby abutthg that
no@*ion or" Arthur Stseet 2-g bettreen the North and South Block Lines of
3. 32. Duee's Subdieion of Block 31, I.fendelssohn, as-platted and-of record
in the-office-of the Register of Deeds of Hennepin County, I.beso%a, has
been duly filed t&th the Village Council; and said Council has met at the
time and place specified in a noLice duly published3and posted and has hewd
alu interested persons, and it appears in the interest of %he public that
said portion of said street be vacted, now therefore:
BE E .BZSOLVED by the Village Council of %he Village of Edina that that
port;ion-of-Arthur Street hereinbefore described be and is hereby vacated.
r$otion fop &lopti& of Resolution %Tits se
there were four ayes and no nays, as follop~t
Danens, aye; and Zrickson, aye; and the Res mm:
Deputy Vi3lage Clerk
2. On Petition of%I.Lr, 11. J. Cain and others for Vacation of that 30-foot platted soadway lying between Blocks 7 .and 8. 1JoodbuS;v Park Seas Ldse
Harriet and Outlo% A, Voodbw Park Near Lake Hwriet, and lying between
Beard Avenue and Drew Avenue Vacated. .E?ubEc Horks committee!^ recormen-
&tion.aga&st Vacation was reparbed. getitioners asked again that
vacation be made, in order that they might have clear title, The
easement for the Trunk Sanitary Sewer being the reason for the.Public
tfo~ks CoIinnitteet s. recopendation, and petitioners being Wiuing .to grant
necessqv easements; Ghildmovedthat Heasling be continuedto meeting of
October 32, to give Council.opport&ty to check with 3ngheers and Attorney as to possibility of obtaining adeqpate easements. Notion
seconded by Danens and carried.
On Petition of Bfr. Joseph Do Dobbelman and others for Vacation of that
Portion of IJindsor Avenue abutting the Easterly ht Line of Lot Ohe,
Block Six, Westchestex- Knolls Addition and the South-bt Lines of Lots
Four and Five, Block Two, .Ric&mnd IIiUs Second Addition.- After some
discussion, Chi1d.moved.that Public Hearing be continued to meeting of
October 11. Motion seconded by Bredesen and carried.
lkyor krickson then called Conthuation of August 9th Public Hearing on Petition
of &, ?mU. Fronk for the Rezoning from Open Development District to Commmi.ty
Store District, Lot 11, Block 1, Valley View Terrace Third Addition. I&. kletcalfe, representing the delegation r.rhich had opposed the- proposed,Rezoning,
stated that the delegation had found that a court fight, to have the property
already rezoned zoned back to Open Development District, would be costly, and that
there tns some qestion that they could win it; .also, thak now, a tentative agree-
ment had been vrorked out whereby the owner of Int 11 would allow the platting of
three 73-foot lots facing Pairfax Avenue; but that purchasers would,have to pay
commercial prices for these three lots. l4k. IWalfe asked whether Council can
restrict the type of architecture in this commercial development, and was informed
that the Council does not have this power. Wm Hetcalfe then reminded audience and Council that the rezoning petitioned for actually means only an addition of
some sixky-six feet, inasmuch as part of this presently platted lot was rezoned
as unplatted property. lkyor Erickson asked for objections, if any, to the
rezoning of the balance of this lot; and none were presented.
offeredthe following Ordinance, moving that Council dispense with second reading
thereof, and adopt Ordinance as read:
Danens then
OFtDINAHCE NO ~ 261-12
Section -1.. -Section 55.Paragraph (n) of Oraance No.. 261,. en.t;itled "The
Zonhg Ordinance of Edha," is hereby amended-to read as follows: -.I
(n) Lot E&even ill), Block One (l), Valley View Terrace Third
Addition, , -, .
Section 2.. This Ordinance shall be Sn effect from and aft;_er its passage and
publication according to lm.
Motiion for adoption. of the Ordinance was
were four ayes and no nays,-as follows:
and Erickson, aye; and the Ordinance
* *, &~zzL?J/&Z/ ..
Deputy Village Clerk .
seconded by Child, and on Rollcall. there
Danens, aye;
. . . . . .\ . . jayor. . . , . . . .
Nr, Doyle, 5032 Richond DrSye, was spokeme for a delegation requesting the
Blacktopping of Richmond Prive between Nomandale Road and Code Avenue and of
Richmond Circle ... He reminded Council that petition is over-a year old, and was
inforaed that Council has he1d.a Public Hearing, at which residents asked tha%
nothing be done unti.3. they informed Council as to the outcome of their negotiations
with Pearson Bros. developers ofthe Addition. Nr, Doyle stated that the majority
of property ovmers believes the suit against Pearson.Bros, is a separate mtter;
that theywould prefer not to be penalized because of.it; that they wish Village
to blackbop yet this fall if .possible. Child's motion, that Council on its own
motion, conduct a Public Hearing and take bids for the Blackbopping of Richmond
Drive and Circle a$ the meeting of September 13, was seconded by Danens..and
I&. Robert; 3. Klein, 5!j2L Code Avenue, led a delegation asking that something be
done--to remedy. the drainage situation at the intersection of W.56th St, and Code
Avenue. Assistant Bngineer !Zikan recommended installation of a Storm Sewer; -to which Nri Klein objected but-&. V.J. Schweiger, 5109 tf.56th St. .agreed. MI'.
Schweiger stated that there have been several serious ypshouts on the extension
of Code Avenue; that he is afraid of the hazard to children; that washout is now
over Tour feet deep. Delegation and Council could seem to come to no agreement
concerning remedy, and.Chi3.d moved that hblic Works Committee meet with delegation
at 56th and Code on lfednesday, August 25, at 5:.9o Po%, for an investigation of the
problem, $lotion seconded by Bredesen and carried..-
I&. Garrison recpested permit to no& the Vpm dwelling from 62nd and Concord to
Garrison &ne. He was toLd that he mst have written permission from all propelrty
ovmers on-Garrison Lane before perrn5.k can be issued. Later in the evening Messrs.
Swant and Palen objected, stating that dwelling is to be moved to a parcel of
unplatted property which has only a *foot frontage and less than 9,000 square
feet of area; that they believe the house is too big for the lot
Three representatives of Northwestern Bell Telephone Company Appohed their written
request for the Opening of Downing Street. . Chap- Child of the Public UtilitLes
Committee cited $he ViXlage!s tentative negotiations for the purchase of pmpert;g abuttjng this street for 'Ebatertank and Toiver. Xatter tabled to next regular meetbg
for further study,
288 8/23/54.
MkS* I5d1ard Debey al?po&ed her petition for assessment for comection to
the Southdafe .sewer and watermain knprouenents on Pf.7Oth St. assessed for the 1~o-fOOt frontage on If.70th Stree&, rather
PaY a cash connection charge at -time cgnnection is made,
She wishes to be
having to
E.&-s, Delmer pras asked to see DeWtY
increase assessment/ Particulars, inasmuch as Council is re1uctan.t to
Nr. Richard Pden asked permission to shoot raZs in the svwp be&d his home,
l&th-.lgskeet shotll, at close range,
&th the rodents, and that they constihte a definite health menace. lkyos BrLckson advocated poisening with vheat, but E.k. P&m felt that this vms a
hazard to small children in the Geighborhood... lk., Palen ~ms homed that
Child and carried.
hor Brickson was called axay from meeting at this time, returnkg later as
recorded below; with Trustee Child presiding in the lkyorts absence.
Xessrs. Dobbelman and'Blaisdel1 led a Belegation inquiring about bids taken this
evening for the Blacktopping of Richmod Drive. They protested-the amount of the
bid and the proposed method of constructi~n, Ithen it was pointed out that bids were taken in accordance vrith petition pre'sented, delegation stated that since
they signed petition road has washed badly; thabwash has uncovered "bouldersft
in the street; that present roadwar cannot be stabilized; that additional. dirt;
must be brought in; that Harry Jonas has a plan vhich they think is feasible, and
they he stated he can do %his work hmediately. Delegation asked that the one bid
received be rejected, and that the Village do the ,work by day labor. After sone
further discussion, and assurance b the Village Attorney that the Council is
r.rithin its legal rights so to do,%&&&eaoved that the bid of Jay If. Craig Company, '
taken th3.s evening aid found to be-higher than EstSmate of Cost, be rejected; that
CoucXL order the work done by day labor; and that thenmatter be referred to the
I$ngineerjng and Public Works Departments for work's completion, Rotion seconded
by Danens and carried. . *
a&. Fred S. lfelsh, 5522 France Avenue, and one other, appearedto request approval
.of Fbal Plat of Xhmmd-Terrace, which had been approved at last meeting, subject
to an eneeering-check. .Nr. Zikan.reported that engineers have discovered that
this plat carries no easement for park adjobxing creek, whereas neighboring plats
have such easements. 1-Ir. t;lindhorst suggested that easement of fifteen feet be.
signed by owner and submitAed to Village; that plat then be approved.
noted that Clerk Bank will be out of the city for the next week or so, and Child
moved that Deputy. Clerk Alden be authorized to sign plats during I.&. Bankts_
absence. Plotion seconded by Danens and carried. I-fayor Brickson had returned
to Xeeting and taken the Chair before I&, Child's gotion, 4.
Hessrs. Homer Brom and E, C, Stow appear& before the Council wLth regard to the
proposed Stomn Sewr, in which she Highway Department and the Village will r;rp
participate. I&. zikan reported that the Sate now has asked that the Vjlzage
participate in.the-cost of the regair to the Service Eoad; and Pknager l%i.tcheU.ls recommendation against sucli Vjllage participation was~vreviev.red. Also repoded
was %he State's request for easement ty Nine-Eiile Creek,
asked to-be excused from obtaining this latter easement. $&. Zikaa stated that
a Hearing can probably be set up for Honday, September 13; that it is unlikely
that Council can take bids that eve-g because State &$way Depatmmt must approve plans before bids can be advertised. Ihager I&tchell!s request for,
outside engineering aid was reported, and Chaim of Public Utilities Child
stated that he is r.Jilling to go along .rcith.this plan if Bhager Btchelf. deems
it necessary." Chtld then moved that Council go on record as approag State
Ili&;mynDepartrn@ils plan for State and Village participation in cost of Stoq
Setrer for the Brooh&er?r HeightF Additions, with the exception of ViUage pq-
ticipation in the wst of the service road; and that Council calli Public Hewkg on proposed Storm Sevrer for Honday, Septaiber 3.3; and that Viuage. En-eer be instru&ed to contact otmer Olson for easement to Nine-Nile Creek. Hotion
seconded by Danens and carried.
Representatives of Public Employees Union Local No. 918 rewested oppofiWty
to Trork Trith the Cowcil before budget meeting. They suggested that perhaps a
meeting p&th the VUage Manager will expedite matters. Bredesen's motion, that-
3bger IEtchell be authorrzed to discuss the matters under considera%ion trith representatives and repor€ back to COWIC~I. any differences of OP-Onthat
may re-, pa$ seconded by Child and carried.
@e B, B, Nelson skated that'blackbirds are devouring his Con, and asked Pe-t
to shoo& them, Childts motion, that shootingbe permittedunder sUPesion Of
State Game %Jarden, was seconded by Bredesen and ca~~ied.
He claimed that the neighborhood is infested
has received complaint against his shooting. &er further discussion,
* *
moved that matter be referred to Health Officer,, &tion tms seconded by
It was
Xessrs. _&ovm and Stow
8/23/54 289 i Ebmeapolis Board of Public ItTeUare Notice of continuation of $3.50 per day for
board and room for prisonerqwas reviewed and ordered placed o~ file.
I- ._ .. .
fiural Hennepin County fiursing Districtrs report for July was submitted and
qrdered placed on file;
Bredesen moved for pa~ent of the Village Payron, amount' $12,234.76 and 'Equor
Sbre payroll, amozlnt $55k0&, for. period &gust 16 to 31,. and for gayiuent of the
follorqhg clakns, and aotion seconded by Child and carried.
31303 U304 &ricatWalBervices . U305 Sex Mor Pist. Coe 1x306
31307 Etney Bowes
3.3.308 Nor'&ern States Power Go.
u309 J.3.310 HaUa hrsery u315 Jacobsens Fixture &c. I3316 Office Equipment eo, La324 Ohawn & Country Hardwme
&pt. of Dock&ts,Gov. Printing Office
Bansport Clearings of "win CLties
N. W. BeQ Telephone Coo
2.3-23.3 American men
Reinhard Br6s. 33234
J1215 Eeynolds co':
a2216 Sevoryts Grbenhouse
31218 Winee,-Eardkrec
11219 Ho2.tts Mrrs&ry
XL220 Schezmerhorh'S '
11221 klpb Hays
33,222 Dale Green
ll223 Republic Crbosoting
u225 No W. Repro?luctions
87.35 378.78
3.3228 Richards ctif
u257 The Dayton bo. 23083
23258 Self .Storir@ Window Go. * 3.l2.9 ~x59 Paper _Suppl$ Go. 75eso
a5000 2.3-262 F. H. big& Sales Co. 120.00
a2263 State of EMod Dept of Hwys. * 30.00 -
n <
3x226 Construc tioii Bulletin + ll.20 'Edina Mordgside Courier
la260 Steele Sign" Go* f. "Itto& 11261 American !@$ewriter Go.
11264 Xew Born Co;
13265 Hooten Cleahers n266
11267 hhn Elecbb
31268 B & B Appli6nces
a2269 TCi.Uamson Stamp Co,
U270 American Leg5on Housing Foundation
33271 Kenneth Johhson
U.272 Edward Ben &e2man
3J273 Coun'cry Clutt) Floral
U27h Morel2 & Ni&hols, Inca
11275 Monsa;n.l;o ChhdcaZ Go.
33276 Wedho3x-a &&fer & Storage
3-3-277 Mp3s. City beasurer
1x279 H@se CiW beasnrer
32281 Qls. Subur'ban Newspapers
31282 H. A, Rogerg Co.
ll283 Lyle Sigm Inc.
U284 George Thomijson
22.285 Don HijUman"
1x286 Victor H5X
31287 John E, Ols<in
11288 John Xeffi&well
23-289 Brown, @Lo.thing Co.
=2w Js A, Dall& & son Z'm.
la291 Federal Lder & lilreckjng
American-Safe & Vault Co,
U294 Miller Paxi6 .
EL295 ' Edina Sand & Gravel
32.298 Ej$l.~. Gas C6. n299 I%.nn* Supply eo.
3~300 McGratr HiWPUb, Co+ U3Ol Schaub Office Supp3y n302 I~TM.II Pod- ASSO.
Edina Card & Ut Shop
Ed. Ryan, Hem, Cos Sheriff
A. C, Gustason & Sons
* 3;38
Ralph Hays -
Dale Green
Republic Creosoting
Glacier Sand & Gravel
No 8. Reprbductions
Construcz;ion Bulletin
Edina Horuside Courier
Richards oi3.
Edina Sans & Gravel
(5, Ao CarSso~
Je Ao mn~
d. Ao mn*m
d. A. Dam
Peter Ian&ttiConst. Coo
Peter Lm6tti. Const, Go.
ice= co.
fherican Isillen
Reinhard Bros.
Barringtoh Chevrolet .
B & B Seat Covers
Pelegard Tool Go.
Kossou oils Inc.
Tnternatibnal Harvester
Wbodhecid Co.
Direct Sehice Oil Go.
Northern Au%omo.t;irre
Ho Ro Toll GO.
Brookstde" Service
TRef Bros; lilc. u, s. supply Go.
Standard Uni% Parts
Standard Spring Goe
N0r"thez-n 3lutomotive
Fh, H, Zeigler Coo
Service T601 & Equipmt
Dahlberg &os.
Suburban Chewrolet
BTp3.s. Gas"Go.
Northern States Fo~~er Coo
NortIwest&n Bell Telephone Cor
Totm & Coiintry HwdrJa3.e
Savory's Greenhouse
Edina Xori?ingside Courier
??allace &' Teeman
Aqerican Cast Iron Pipe
Zyon Chdcals
Grimreu co*
Crane Go.'
3@3S SubZirban Neiyspapers
Cii.%y of I.@ls. I?&er Pept.
Northern States Po~~er Coa
N. IJ, Ben Telephone Co,
Jacobsen %me Exc.
Office @&pment Co,
Barb Carlbne
Tom & CoCn%ry Hardmre
Reynolds company
Northern &bates Power Co.
A & 8'CO.'Of Ytk10
Reynolds company
77.14 - 5L80
-. 8 5637.96 -
t. - . ...
I *I
\ 291”
GL4D4 NO, TO: 33XRT- Savoryts Greenhouse
113J.h 13-316
Gs&dview Hardware
Warner Hardware
Halts Nmsery
Dale Green -
Donald. Mac Mi-
Bob tJsnn
N. ‘baa BeZLTelephone Co.
Halla Nursery
Thayer & Storm
Edwest hado Visual
A & B Sporting Goods
Brauer * s
Off ice -Equipmen% Coo
Toim & Country HardIrare
Mpk. St. Louis Rm R.
~695 American Tiinen Supply Company lL80
U1696 Anheuser msch Tnc. 364*05 L11697 Boman Pis tributing Go. 357.24 ILL698 Canada Dry Ginger Ale, Inc~, 261038
KU699 Clausen.& Sons Coo 1,830 86
IJ.I.700 Coca Cola Bottling Company 82.80
IJl702 Gluek Brewing Co. 342.23
. Kuether Distributing Coo 333.01 m704 Massolt Bottling Co. 39.55
ILL705 Ermeapolis Brewing Go. 1,672S6
m706 Thomas Moore and Go. 8.32
IU707 Pabst Sales Coo 345.55 121708 Rex Distributing Cog 308 033
LI.l709 Royal Beverage Co. SIo74
T;u710 Schlits Breving Coc 156.76
Iill7l.l. Seven-& Bottt;ling Go, 83.84
KLl7l2 IEnnesota Hospital Service Ass*n. 8.2s
XUTl3 Val Bjornmn, Pres PeE.R.A. - 71.47 Ul7a EWland National Bank(m5thheld Taxes 1 1950% I21716 Famous Brands Inc. 402.76 XU717 Northern States POWW Co, 44.78 5s 7 79.86
XLY703. O.M,Droney Beverage Coo . 812.56
21256.90 I;;CGUOB FUND
W37lS Griggs, Cooper & Company
UT18 Ed. TJhiUps &Sons Co.
m719 Griggo cooper & Coo 1,729005 $17,656.75.
.I- Bredesen’s motion, confirming issuance of checks to A.H. Prom for $1,000, and he
Go Bogen.,for $500.00 as first paynents on contracts for deeds for Park Properties
for. Norman DaZe Park, was seconded by Child and carried.
First Budget Meeiing was tentatively set for Tbnday, September 20,
Bredesen’ s motion, authorizing ViUage Treasurer to secure and deposit balance of
Nay Tax Settlement, was seconded by Cud and carried.
BiLtmore Motor Hotel Corporation’s petition for the rezoning bf Lots 1, 2 and 3,
Block 1, Grandview Plabu from Open Development District to Community Store District,
and for rezoning ol”.Lots 4through 11, Block 1, and bts 1 through 8, Block 2,
Grandview Plateau from Open Development. District to !%ultiple hellhg. Classificationtt
was filed.- Bredesents motion, that petition be referred to Planning Coqmission for
recommendation, was seconded by Uhild and carried. r
YE. %.ndhorstls opinion, to the effect that the Council has the power to adjust
the assessments for Sanitary Sewer and Watermain-on Lot 1, Block 2, Edina Park
Addition in accordance with ern PoJm Frey’s request,,under Section 429,071 of
~~esota Statutes, on the basis..that said assessment was excessive and therefore
in error, yas read, and was discussed at some length. Daneri’s motion, that
Assessment for Sanitary Sewer, against Lot 1, Block 2, Ed5na.Park Addition, be
reduced from #9&71 to $551.08, and that the difference be charged against the General Fund of the VjZlqge; and that the Assessment for Natermain Improvement
against the same tract be reduced from $603.69 to $353.28,. and that.the difference
be charged against the surplus of Waternab hprovement No. 12 fund, was seconded
by Bredesen and unanimously carried, l30Ucal.l being Bredesen, aye; Child, aye;
Village Attorney %Lndhorst reported on the various advantages and disadvmtages of securing new Federal Census for.the Village.
- Damns, aye3 and Erickson, aye; -I
Mhtter tabled indefinitely.
292 6/23/54.
Consideration was given to the proposed ffFumigation Ordinance", and Child offered
the foUoving Ordinance, moving that Council dispense with second Yeadlng and
adopt Ordinance as 5ead:
generating, rkleasbg or opray5ng any poisonous gases, fumes or vapors, such
Section. 1;. -Definitions . ~ ~Mgat~!!, .)for ,purposeq-of this ordinance, me&s
as hsdrocyanic acid; cyanogen, salts of cyanides, methyl bromide, carbon dioade,
carbon bisulfide, carbon tetrachloride, chloropicrin, ethylene declilorLde, ethyl-
ene olcide, metnyl fbmte or other poisonous substances; or mixtures of these
compomds, in my b'izilding or p& thereof, or in. any closed space or siiructure,
for the purpose of *-gating the same or exterminating insects, vermin, rodents,
or other pests. rr-gator'r, for purposes of this ordinance, means an;y person or persons conducting-br taking part in fumigation.
Section 2. Permit required. No person shall do any -gating phthin thg Village without* fest obtaining a penxi.% from the Chief of Pofice at least
Issuance of Permit. Before any such pedt shall be issued, the applicant shall file with the Chief of Police a written statement of the
location of the buildine;, closed space or structure to be fumigated, and of the
day and hour when the vork KEL be performed. The fee for each permit shall be
$2.00. The pedt'shall bear on its face the date, t3ie and place for- trhich it is issued, and sha not be valid for work at anybo%her time ad place, except
that if the applikt is unable to perform the work on the hour and day set forth
in the permit, and"so no%j.fies the Chief of Police at least 16 hours prior to
such date and time; he may, without-cost to him, obtain subsequently'a permit
applicable for another time and place.
cause the premises*to be fumigated to,be vacated*by human beings, pets and &mI.s
of commercid vzi+, przor to fumigating.
openings in the b$Ldings or spaces that are to be fumigated shall be effectively
sealed prior to +gating, so as to prevent the escape 04: gas during the process
of fumigation, and the fumigator shall see that persons in buildings adjoining the
fumigated area ar<not endangered. A31 windows and doors accessible to entry
must be locked or,* in the absence of_locks, must be nailed shut by the said
hqurs before sta"rt5.ng to fumigate.
Section 5.
* 7.
Section 4. Premises to be Vacated. The person holding such pernit shall
Section 5. Opening to be Sealed. All outside cllevices, cracks or
fumigator. rn -
shall be posted 02 aU.*doors or entrances: - = L
Section%. Danger Signs. Prdr to fumigating suitable warning signs
~WtiLl &d crossbones" (stickers or pictures) .
!!Fzamigating With Poisonous Gases. fKkl. 3ersons
..Uarned "to geep Ayayll .
SucQ sips gha3.l be p&nted in,red ink on whih eirdboard with lettess at Least
two inches &n hei&t.-*- m
Section 7. Patrolling of Fumigated Areas. The flunigator shall supply
a capable full-thne watchmm to patral.the fumigated area and warn atray all.
persons seeking entpj into such area. Such tratchtnan shall remain on duty at
least 12 hours after the Building has been opened for ventilation, and until
such time as it is safe for human oc~~pmcy.
Storage of Fumigating lkterials.
cyaide, cyanogen or hydrocyanic acid or liquid cede, liqp5.d cyanogen or
&pid hydrocyanic acid may be stored in any one place Tithin the Vmage
limits, nor at any place fop a period longer than 4$ hours.
Section 9. After Fumi~~tion. Upon conclusion of fumigating, the fumigator shall throw open the doors .and vdndotrs of the prdses until 611
room have been opened for free access of air.
fumigator and his assistants shall" be permitted to enter upon the prdses
un.til 611traces of the gas have disappeared, and in no case before l2 hours art= such abing. Ihzning the first two hours of the airing process the fd-
goator shall keep all persons away from the doors and windows of the premises. The Caef of Police my pre-
scribe tbt a stink gas or tear gas shall be mixed with the rnocydc gas or other dangerous gases or funes used for fumigatjng, specffying the time and .
a@,hod for the generation or release of such stink Or tcxU? gases*
residue left in the jars .or containers and the .water used for Clmbg such
jars or containers dorm the toilet bot&, 5.rhiqh Shdu then be flushed thoroughly
Idth water to remove all traces of ChemLCab.
Section 12. pem1ky. hy violation of tiis ordinance be a
mjsdaewor, @&able- by a .fine- of* not more than $lm, or by fmprisoment
for not more than 90 dam.
2Dariger1:. T *_
Section 8. Not over 100 pounds of
No person other than the
Section 10. Use of Stink or Tear Gas.
Section 1l. Disposal. of Gas Residue. The fundgator shall pour the
on Rollcall there
293 - 8/2$54 Assistant Ehgineer Zikan presented proposed Ordinances relating to the Cuttkg
of Streets and Highv.yays. Matter continued to next regulGr meeting,.to a'llouz
further study by Council.
The matter of the-order issued to Floyd Blakeborough, requiring him to connect
with Sanitary Sewer, and to fill his basement excavation, was discussed. Attorney Windhorst ruled that &. Blakeborough may be prosecuted under the criminal-section
of the Ordinance if he fails to coEply with order,
Attorney be authorized to mite I&, Blakeborough, explaining that the Council
is ready to take action against him,.under the ordinances, in case compliance
5s not made with order, issued, urns seconded by Danens and carried,
The following applications for Scavengers' Licenses were filed, and approved by
motion Child, seconded by Danens and carried:
Childfs motion, that Village
Roto-Rooter Sewer Service Go,, 1819 Nicollet he., Hpls.
B$innesota Pumping Company,.5122 Chicago Ave., Minneapolis AAA Scavenger Go, , . @lo0 Pillsburg Ave. , Nimeapo1i.s
Suburban CesspoQl Service CO., 10743 Thomas kve. So,
Petitipns -for Sanitary Sewer and Vatemah in Arcadia Avenue between W. 50th Street
and Old Hopkins Road, filed by Haxry Gustafson, for service for the new Grandview
Restaurant, vrere_efiled. After some discussion, Child moved, tentatively setting
Wblic Hearings on these improvements for Monday, October lJ-, Notion seconded by
Daneps and carried,
The follodng Oiling Petitions were filed:
Virginia bve., 2?,6Oth St. to Valley view Road.
Halif& Ave., &93th St, .to Grines Ave. *. Brookview Ave., w.6211d to PL63rd St,
Xerxes &e,, W.5Yth to V05.?th St*.-
Chairman of Public- lrJorks Cogqittee ,@nens maintained that the developer should
gravelvirgigia Avmue before Village does any work there, but Assistant Engineer Zib stated that developer wilJ not gravel again,
accept petitions, with Public Hearings to be scheduled at.discretion of ViWage
Engineer, and that work- be ordered on all streets except Virginia Avenue. Bbtion
se$onded by Danens and carried.
GhUd-ts motion, that Council
Hr, Archie E: Dion's petition for Vacation of John Stre& from l)wn-Around North
of Maloney Avenue to Beltnore Lane, -was accepted, Hearing on petition was
scheduled- for
Edjna Holding
IT. 50th. Street
full Coqncil,
Monday,. October, 11, by motion
Company's August 16th answer,
and Eden Avenue, was degerred
Child, seconded by Danens and carried.
concerning the proposed ohange ,of
until such time as there should be a
,Childts motion, that Council authorize Village Manager to take bids for Fuel
Oil for Village Hall,_Liquor Store and p_Ump Houses, was seconded by Bredesen
and carried. - r
Action was deferred to next; regular meeting on Petitio&& $93 g&akbcmM
-- ...- 1
- Lakeridge Road between Blake Road and Turn-h+wz&r, :.A . --- e --
s-- . .--.'-- *. .
. Assi&nt Engineer Zik& repo&ed that the petitioners for lfGradin& Gravellzg I
and Oilinglt g<f ':W~IIF~:S+~-&* &&~ggq- 2&Xonqt li-vewe md 704q wqLock ~ ~cv%;Tz, RWJ
wish Oiling &&y; thapt;.J&& .&$c&@.~ 3~s- kq&yg rAc?&&-&x@ j~$#eg~~er, 1 Cad offered the f olloying Resolution %d noved itg&&&Vqp:
BE RESOLT~$~~~=% ~cy~~j,~~~~-,-t~e ~g~-~.~e ~q,~ina~c~~~so+, .*at this
Council heretogore caused noti~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~L~ @&,$J$&sd 8. the proposed
improvement consisting of the Grading, Gravelling and Oiling of Arthur Street
between Halones;22c;e .,%d %e :BXoql<--Sx&bLFd +@ Tth!?&b~~ held at the
(Hay 24, 1954) ;a~&-pIgc@ -speq$@.xid the views of a91 persons inkex:asj;&,-and b&?g:$u&ly&y&&e of the pefibent
facts does hereby determine to proceed with the Oiling of hw Street between
Haloney Avenue and One Block South--Grading and Gravelling-to be abandoned; that
said improvement is hereby designated and shall be referred to in dl subseguent
proceedings as Oilling Improvement No, 0-85; and the area to be specially assessed
therefore shall-include all lots and tracts of land abutting the portion of the
street to be improved.
Notion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Danens, and on Roll.call. there were four ayes and no--nays, as follows:
- . I - i .t I OERS *~Xj~~C@%3!F€ -?TO; I &e5 : I *- -1 -an-...
q&@ :gqt$cep.+h& -.Courac&L has duly considered
- 1- -"? t kt
BredesBe, aye; Child, aye; Dmens,
aye; and Erickson, aye; and the Resolution vY'adopWd. L
Deputy Village Clerk . .. ... -
1 .. I.
1 &?, Ab 1% Lampets August 20th communication concerning the grade of Ifateman ' Avenue ius% West of Arthur Street was referred to the Public Works Cpmittee { for recommendation, by motion Child, seconded by Bredesen and ,carried*
Nomqdale Addition, jato two lots, tias referred to Phming Commission for
recommendation2 'by motion Bredesen, seconded br Danqs and carried,
Application of John Lb &es, Shakopee, Minnesota; for Plumbing Ecense, was
approved by motgon Child, seconded by Bredesen and carried.
&-sb Edith TITaste's, rewest for permission to f:'iU her low 10% at the corner
of fnterlachen Blvd, and Hollywood Road with gazage sweepings was denied for
the. present, bs rnotipn Child, seconded by Danens and carried.
The matter of the School Bctzrd1s request for a change in curb at lfooddale
School was referred for action..Tuesday at meeting with Board,
Bredesents motion, that Public Works Committee recommendations of August 16,
including the following, be approved:
RichardtHawfihornels request for permit to divide ht 1, Block 13,
Authorization for co&teme$ghts on traxcavator, at est:'unated cost
Hearing on Cleveland Avenue Opening, as of September 13s 1951k.
hvestigation of HaUa Nursery'fn~ersection.in field.
Beyirement of Petition, signed.by owners of
curb and gutter-iln Shemood Ave, between IT. 56th -and
than allotuing instalation at 5602 only4 ._
Authorization for Chaimnan Danens -bo inves-bigate destruckion of
avestigation on possible joigt contract, withEimeapolis for 54th stb East of France; and, if project can be set up &er storm sewer
Is constructed, recommendation that Council., on its own motion, set
a hearing for project,
Recommendation for Public Hearing September 13 on repair of %%th St.
East of WooddaXe, providing construction had not been previously .
Recommendation against Blackhopping of 15ellogg Avenue between TL 54th
-and W.55th St., pursuant to Harry Jonqs! recommendstion against
Said. Fmrk, I.
Eefemal to 'Xessrs. E.LitcheXL' and Jonas for study - matter of Catch
Bs5.n at Smnyside apd Tomes Road,
Referral to Hwry Jonas.for completion - matter of Drainage relief at
Grove and Tinedale; pursuant to his opinion that he .could remedy.
Investigation ia field or" request for Vacation of Turn-around on Windsor.
Approval of request for Gravel. for two lots on Oxford Avenue between
Ref err& to. >Iessrs Nit chell and Jonas of requests for. blacktopping, for
then to work out priorities,
of $190 boo L *
of property, for
57th, rather
oa road On Ira&?h-s%, Of ~Tooddble,
krb SSt and t'l. 52nd StS,
Approval of made as submitted, for Belmore Lane, VanBuren to Xonroe,
&tion for acceptance of recommendations was seconded, by Danens and carried.
The matter of the porposed exbension of a culvert on Holl&ood Road was referred
to the Public Xorks Committee for investigation in the Sield, by motion Uhild,
seconded by Daqens and carried.
Chairman of Public UtUties Child was authorized to continue negotiations vith
the IIcGuhes for purchase of property for the proposed new rGtertank arid tower,
by motion Danens, seconded by Bedesen and CaI?Ided.
33km reported tha-b a dragline r.cl.11 be needed for appro-tely six hours, Bredesents motion, that zjkan be authorized in the cutting of TEndsor Avenue,
to rent dragline, res seconded by Child and,carried,
Pre'iimjnary Plans, and Estinates of Cost were presented for several projects, and
Child offered%he following Resolution and moved its adoption:
BE IT FtEOLVED by the CouncQ of .the.V$Uage of Edina: 8
I 1.b -The .Village Engineer, having .submitted to the CounciL a preliJKhary reI?oZ't
as to the, feasibility of the proposed Improvements described 5n the Fora of Notice
of Hearing set forth below, and as to the estbted cost of such improvements, said
report is hereby approved aad dikectedto be-placed on file in the office of the
Village Clerk,
2. -This Council shall meet on Isfondray; September 13, 1954, at 7:30 PbTJib, in
the Edina-Village Hall, to consider $n public hearings the views of $@- persons
interested -in said. proposed improvements
- . PFiOPOSED. momms- . - , .
3. The Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to cause notice ofthe time,. i place and purpose of said meeting to be published in the official nervspapeb once
a'tueek'for two successive weeks, the! second of whichzpublications is to be not less
than three days from date of said meeting, which notice shall be in substantially
the following foxm: -
296 8/23/54
th. c3Xk.y along the W.15ne of said Lot 23 a distance of Ft.; tho EJs.1l-s parael ) to and 35 Ft. Illy of the Nly line of Danens Drive to the M3.r line of Lot 16, B1. 1, ') BrooMew Heights 1st Ad&.; tho SJ3.y.along the most XLy line 02 said-lot 16 $0 the
i XLy Be of Danens Drive North to.its jntersection with the SEly line of Link Avenue
extended; th. svrly along the Sly line of Link Ave. 95 Ft.; th. Sly parallel to-and 65 Ft. 11. of the centerkine of Danens Drive N...to a pt, on the S. line of Lot &, Bl. 5,
3rookview Heights 1st Add&; th. W. to.the E%$ Cor. of said Lot 4; th. S. along the +lo
line of Lo% 5, B1. 5, Brookview €Its. First Agdn. and Lot 1,"Block 2, Brookview Hts.
2nd Ilddn, to the IE Cor. of Lot 9, B1. 2, @ookview B$s. 2nhMdn.; th. r.J;ls along the N. line of said Lot 9 to a pL 35 Ft;. E. of the E. line of fileadow Ridge South; th. Sly 35 Ft. from and parallel to the 3. line qf. Xeadow Ridge South to the S. line of Lot-8,
B1. ,2, Brookview Hts, 2nd dddn.; tho NKLy to the SI[ Cor. of said Lot e; tho SfLLy- along
tihe SEly me of Headow Ridge i3lI.y to the NIl cor. ,qf -Lot 1, 31. 26, Brookview -€Its.
2nd @dn.; tho SEly to the SU Cor. of said I;ot 1; th.,ST.fly to %he "I1 cor. of Lot 28,
Block 6 of said-addition; tho- ey along the W. line of-+ht 28 and the said TL line
eAended to a pt. 35 3%. S. of -the Sly line ,of Danens Drive South; tfh my pwal-lel
to and 35 Ft. S. of the Sly line of ,Danens Drive South,ta a pt. on the If. line of
Lot 2, Bl, .7 of Brookxiey Hts. 2nd Addn.; th. sE;1.Jr along the 31. line of.I;ots I and
2, 331. 7 of sa&, addition to a pt. 40 3%. N. of-the N Line of-f'L70th- St.; the- NI2I-y
parallel to and 40 Ft. M. of the N line of IL70th St. to a pt. -75 Ft. -E. of the EO
line extended of State Highway #lo0 (Normandale Road); th. N parallel to and 75 Ft.
E. of the E. line-of State Highway $100 to a pt. k00,Fb. N of the N line of 11.70th
St.; tho NELy to a pt. 600 ??t. E. sf State Highw% #..QO and 750 Ft. N. of the-N line
of W.7Oth St.; th. NT%Ly to a pt. 75 F4. E, of the E,line of State Nighfay #lo0 and
&50 3%. N-of tha B $he of TL70th St.; th. E.- parallel to and. 75 BO of said State Highnay #IO0 to a pt. 400 l?t, $ of the S line of W.66th St. 11 of
State Eighway #loo; th. IT. to pt. of begimlbg. 4-& fii-A,B,C,D,E: and 6-A and B above:
cost of-said %tnprovements includes al.?. Lots an& tracts of land &ttbg the PO&bn
of the streets proposed to be improved.
of the line
The area proposed to be-assesskd for the
EVALD C, BANK, V5hag.e Clerk
L Village of-Edina.
f.iotion for adoption of
four ayes and no nays, aye; DaeES, aye; and -
Bichon, aye; and the
and on RoU.cdu there wre
Deputy Village Clerk .. n
Plans and Specifications were then presented for several projects which were
recomended for bids §eptember 13, and Child offered the following Rqsolutioq and
moved its adoption:
* *~@-PKOPOrn. I3ljmENgTS2 ANI) D*rnrnW. . -
IiDTIERTISB4EW FOR BIDS *. .. BE *IT ftEsOLvJED by the Village Councjl,of .the ViIJagc-of Edina:
followkg. Advertisement for Bids form, heretofore prepared by the Viljage Ehgineer "
and now on file 5n -the office of the Village .Clerk are hereby approved.
and the ConstFction Bulletin the following notice for bids for gaid bpr~vement6r
./. 1, The plans and specifications for the proposed Improvftments set forth in the
2. The Clerk shall causeoto be published twice irz. the-Edina-Tiorningside Courier
Village Hall, ~~l~lT~!jOth St., Elonday, September 13, 1954, at 7:36 p34.9 and-yrm -
at said time and place open and consider sealed bids for the fogol&g:
NO!PIGE Is HEREBY GIWB that .the-Edina Vsage, Counc$l. will meet at the Edina
3Tm mE%sIoN:
3589-FE. of l.2: C.I.I.iain from Tower and Tank to 59th St,;: 5wh St.,'Ruth Driv-6 to Hwy.#lOO; by.#lOO, Service Drive to Benton; Benton, Service-Drive to :
Thgd-de; Tingiiale, Benton to Grove; Grove, Tingdale to Code.
3945 'Ft. 6? C.I.Kain. on Ruth Drive, 59th to School Road; -School Roed, Shenrood tb Concord; Shemood, School Road ko W.6Oth St.;,TJ.6Oth SF., ParneU- to HV.
$l.OO Service Drive; Service Drive, 59sh to 60th S$.
2950 3%. 92' JT,C.e. on. 5Skr St., -3uth Drive to 150 FL E. .Hrs.#ldO; Bth Drive,
'559th St. "ca School Rea; School Road, ,Sherwood to Concord; Shemroda, school Road
.to W.60th St.; V.60th St., Hi.ry.#lOQ .t;o_Pmnen.
28k Ft. 9'f V.C..-?. ori East Oievr.Drive, Benton to Tingdale; BentonEive;, Josep&e to Ii&gdale; Tingdale, .Benton-to Brove; . Grove, Tingdale to Code Nortli.
880 Ft. 91' V.C. P. on Valley View Road, Parnell to IIr.rg,#lOO. ~
NOTE: Sewer and Tlater jobs to be gied together. ..
sLNlT&Y snm 3EaJSIoN: .
1. 293
Bidder may bia on any or all projects4 ' li'ork must be done as aescribed and specified in plans and specifications for
$mpmvement on file ih the oTfice of the Village Clerk.
bask of cash papent for ;rork.
with undersigned before time of said meet5ng.and accompanied by cash deposit, bid
bond, or certified check pwable to the Village Clerk 5x1 amount of ten percent of
Bids must be submitked on
No bids will be considered unless sealed and filed
momt of bid.
- -. . .. .-- - "- EvA'J;D C, BANK, Clerk
Each and a31 of the terms of the foregoing advertisement forlbids are Village of" Edina 3. hereby adopted as the terms and conditions of award of the contract for said bprove-
Motion for adoption 02 the Resolution was seconded by Bredesen, and on Rollcall there
and Erickson, aye; and the Resolution yas. adopted.
were four ayes and no nays,--as follows: Bredesen,
..I Xapr
Deputy Village Clerk
At this time opened bids taken this evening were returned, and were found to be as
f 0llorEI : €5crJ?a mmx TERRY BROS.
mmTZ ..& SON. COIVST a Corn
SAN,SEWJh NO. 76 - Chowen Ave., W.6lst - _.., I 1. .
to J1,62$d S'cm; W.6lst Stm, Chowen Ave.
to &dng kve.; Chowen Place $10,047.44 $10,533434 &U-,O%'*~
lJrn!jlst-a~~d Iy.52nd.Sts. - F~illiam and Bedford $ 866..OO
CU-@ t"lM) GUTTj$R=Bt&lg Bve., Wm69th St, to
Council &pressed surprise as to result of Blacktopping bids, inasmuch as they
had been informed earlier that tliere was only one bid, that of Jay Ma Craig COO
No definite action was taken on this one bid, although it was tentatively decided
to proceed with V3Klage Labor as p3-medm
Child then moved that balance of bids be laid over to Monday, September 13, for
recommendation by Village Engineer.
, I{.blst St.. .. .- %4798430-_- '
Hotion seconded by Danens and carfiedo
Child's motion for.adjow&ent to 4:Ob P.?, Tueday, September l4, at Edina High
Schoo3., was seconded by Bredesen and carrred.. Meeting adjourned at 12:20 A,&,
Tuesday, September 3.4. .