HomeMy WebLinkAbout19540830_SPECIAL4 .u li 'SY / c1 8/3w+ lKJ3UTB OF TNE: SPECIAL COUNCIL &ZZTIiiG HEID, HONDAY,. AUFST. 30, -19.54, "AT, 5:OO P.H., AT .TI33 @XNA. VmZ HALL. , .. .-I . " -. .I Neeting me. convenLd .pursuant to due cdLl"&d notice, with Child, Bank and Danens present; Child presiding as Nayor Pro Tern. Nessrs. Mitchell, Village Xknager, and Zikan, Asst, Village Engineer, were also present. r- A letter to the Edina-&iorningside School Board was read. 14r, Zaan had prepared tMs letter. There was quite a discussion as to whether or not the School Board would approve the retaining of the North curb and the blacktop road and merely extend the road to the South and add a new South curb. E&. NLtchell pointed out that he believed a letter from John 3Tindhorst to the School Board members assumed that the whole road would be moved to the South 13 feet. The Council did not agree that this was the proper thing to do-and approved plan 0d.y if present North curb and blac?&op road could be utilized, thereby cutting down on the expense of the job. from the Peterson-Wohlrabe properties on the Vest, South of the grade school and connecting with Concord Avenue on the East, Sank moved, and Danens seconded, to approve such a 1etterto.the School Board, Motion carried, . Motion made by Bank, seconded-by Danens, and carried, to set special assessmenk hearings at a special meeting on October hth, 1954, on the following projects: This all deals with the cutting through of what is known as School Boad Ifatemin - Soutf?daLe. Sanitary Sewqr - Southdale. Curb and Gutter -.Choiren, 59th to 60th Curb and Gutter - Windsor, Tmnk Hwy #lo0 to Richmond he Tree Trjmming. I- teed Cutting. -- A Final Plat was redewed, being Edina Bel-Ajr 5th Addition, >&xi.ch is a re~sion of-the previous plat and jnvolves the cutting out of one lot, making larger 10% stzes than was previously submitted. This Plat had not been placed on file yet when change was made. Notion made by Bank,. seconded by Danens, to approve this as a Find. Plat, subject to Planning Commission approval. Request of ihe Junior Chamber of Commerce by Re, Trfayne Field to obtain room in $he Village Hall on September 13, 1%4, for the purpose of organizing the Edina this time due to the fact that we do-not have a caretaker on duty each nigh% and it vmuld hvolve additional expense 5x1 cleaning up, which we do not have in our budget at the present time. Manager N2tcheI.l was instructed to convey this denial to lillr, Field, Lebter from the Edina Holding Company regarding the changing of the intiersection of Eden Avenue and 50th Street, in front of the Edina Country Club, was read by Mr. Bank. authorized to prepare plans and specifica%ions and advertise for bids. motion died for lack of a second, be present when this matter is decided upon. Regardhg the blackbopping of Tlichwood 'Drive. Frev$ous meeting of the Council, Council was advised erroneously that there was only one bid on the job, _this being from the Jay 71. Craig Compcwy and that this bid exceeded the estimate of the Engineer, the bid and authorize Street Superintendent 30nas to do the work with VUage Labor. bid from j3a,r3. Sewall Company, which was lower than the Engineer's estimate. delegation from Richwood Drive appeared at the Village Hall. and .demanded that Jonas be authorized to-do the work, even though this other bid had been received. considerable discussion, Danens moved, Bank seconded, .to have the work done by Village forces as originally planned, Kotion carried. Discuision VBS had of the drainage problem at 56th and Code, The question was' tlh&,her or not $0 install a Storm Sewer at this location, this. stolXl SWeT Consist- ing of four catch basins at each of the four corners of the intersection. The stom sewer, ~ould run dovm to the lake. Council decided on Lts own motion to set a hearing for the 27th of September, I'o%ion =de by Danens, seconded by Bank and carried. .. The cgiestion. of blacktopping of 54th Street between 1fooddal.e and Itinnehaha Creek PELS discussed, that this blacktop job should be assessed against the benefiting psoper'hy owners. Notion made by Bank and seconded by Danens to set a hearing on this matter for the 13th of Septmber, 1954; however, Deputy Clerk Alden is to check ViZlage records back several years to be sure that-no compdtment has been made, inasmuch as this is a though street. 'assumed responsib5JLty several years ago for a percentage of this blacktop- job being paid out of general funds, possibly to the extent of 50% Chamber of Commerce was discussed. Council did not want., to set a prededent at - I&. Bank move9 that the plan be accepted and that the Xngineer be This Menbers thought that the whole Council should - It vas pointed out that at the At this time it was decided to reject 'when the bids yere tabulated, 5t was .discovered that there was another A lifter It was pointed out that this street has never-been assessed and Councilman Child is under the impression that the Village ,