HomeMy WebLinkAbout19540913_REGULAR1 9/13/54 3 z! ._ <' mwLw OF Trn mm $rnTZVG L* .-. 1 * 1 -- 7;3g.P.N. .' TI.iE WJqA VI&LA~.C~UNCIL~ iiap. m THE . mum. UL. OI! SwBl%. 13, 1954, AT l$embers answering Rollcall were Bredesen,-Child, Danens, Bank and Erickson. knutes of the Be&ar IIeeting of August 23, and SpecLal ieetings-of humst 24 and 30, 1954, and SePteder 3, 1954, were approved as-submitted, by motion Child, seconded by Danens and carried.' Clerk Bank presented Pffidavits of: Publication in Edina-Nodgside Courier and ConstructLon BuLletin September 2- and ~9, 1954, of 1/ If&Avertisemen$ for Bids-Sanitary ,Sewer: Watermain: Grading and Gravglling: 31ackt0pping,!~ wMch IWS approved as to form +d ordered-placed on file. to the Assistant Village Engineer for public opening. in the Village Engineer's Office, .tabtiLation and report at this meeting. Plotion seconded by Danens and carried. (See award of bids later in meeting). Clerk Bank *then presented Affidavit of, Publization in Edina-Xorningside Courier and Construction Bulletin September 2 and 9$ 1954, of rrAdvestisement for Bids, Improve- ments for Library,!! wgch was approved as to form and ordered placed oh file. Bank then moved-that %&se bids be referred to Assistant Village Engineer for public opening in Zngineer's Office, tabulation and reporb at this meeting. Eotion seconded by Danens and carried. ~ (See awaxd of bids la%er in meeting) lIan&er Mitchell began to-make Eecokendations for the award of bids talcen August 23, when a Nk, John XcCartin interrupted to ask whether bids contain a llNon-CoUusion Certificate1!. When informed that Edina does not require this Certificate, Bfr. 1.lcCarti.n expressed his surprise, maintaining that "611 the well-run suburban conpuxlties use itlt. matter be put on the agenda for consultation with Village Attorney. Bianager Nitchell recomended award of bids taken Aipst 23; as follows: Clerk @mk then moved-that these bids be referred He declhed, however, to name any users. Council asked that Sanitary Sewer No. 76 Peter. &metti Const. Co. I $10,04?.& J - - Sanitary Sewer No, 73 .- i1 .. 11 11 11 1 lA,kO5*% <, *atemain_No. 77 !! '! '! ?' 7,?27006> Itatemain No. 74 !! !! ?' '!! 4,336010 . gtorm Sewer No. 27 t! i" 'I! * !! aZ$%%' m stat&g that this over-a21 bid is lower than estima-te,-Peter Lametti bekg low bidder, Child moved that bids be awarded to Peter Lanetti Const??uction Cornpay in accordance .cft.th %nager( s recornendation. Notion seconded by -Danens and carried. &, I&tchelZ*rocommended award of bid to Terry &?os., hc,, amount $866.00, for aprovement No. 0-53, the Grading and Gravelling of the_North-South. ilzley between V.51s.t and W.5bd Sts, and between William and Bedford Avenues:-Terry being the ody bidder., Bridesen's motion for- award of bid to Wry Bros., . Inc,, I&S seconded The mtter of avrad of bids for Curb and Gutter on Ewing Avenue between W.60th and W,blst St. vas delayed pending outcome of public hearing on improvement this everring, &ard of bids on the Blacktopping of Ashcroft Avenue between If, 5%h and W.59th S~SO kager T.f-itchell reported that the Dictaphone -is the only machine wMch meets the speczications 09 the Village in every respect, and recommended that award Of bids for the 11Dictating-Transcribing MachinelIbe made to the Dictaphone Corporation, at their bid .of $743.00. by Daflens and carried... -. .. T~S set over for further discussion later in the evenkg, .* Bank so moved. Xotion seconded by Brede3en and carried. * Asst. to 14anager, Olson reported that tk bids had been received on Windows for - the Library: He recornended a.ward.of contract to low bidder-and Bredesen so moved, . Kocina,Const&ctLon Co,, 574l Cedar Ave, $1,3590.00 * Bwreau of Home Tmprovement, 274.4 Lyndale Ave. So, ,1,492.00 Motion seconded by Bank and carried. Clerk Bank then presented Affidavits of Publication in Edina-Morningside Courier August 12 and29, 1954, of-Notices of Hearings on Assessments - for Storm-Sewer No. 22, Storm Sewer No. 24, Stom Sewer No. 25, Sadtary Sewer M0.6l.and Sanitarg Sewer Not 62; +ich Affidavits were approved as to form aqd ordered placed on file. Public Hearings were held, and action taken as hereinafter recorded, 4 9/13/54 ( ?rnLIC liFLARDJG3 ON AssEss*ms: On Storn -Sewer 30, 22 .- Zenith Avenue from W.55th St. to Creek. Nanager Ifitchell reported $4,736.81 as the total assewable cost, as against 183,106.2& assessable sqyare feet, for $.O25?6 per assessable square foot. There were no objections at the Hearing, and no written objeebions had been filed prior to the Hearing. (See Resolution Approving) On Storm-Sewer No. 21, - Boran's Edina Ifanor Area. Nanager NitcheU's rep0l.t of @7,726,5?_totdL assessable cost, .as against 789,173, assessable square foot, for , $.009728 per assessable square foot, was accepted without objection at the Hearing. No written objections had been filed prior to the Hearing. On Storm Sewer No. 25 - 60th St. and Chowen Ark. 3fanager~H.it~hel.l reported as total 9ssessable cost, $2'7,478.59, as against 2,831,223 assessable square feet, for $,009672 per assessable,scpare foot. There were no objections at the Hearing, and none had been filed prior thereto. (See Resolution Approving). On Sanitary Sewer improvenent No. -61 L*k Bernard-Place between W. 56th Street * and Grove St. Total Assessable Cost vas reported as 96,46O.99, as against -2,221.24 assessable-front feet- for btera& Sewer, for $1.97 per assessable front foot for kt3raXs; and 1,921.ZrC assessable front feet for Trunk Sewer, for $1.09 per assess- able front foot, Trunk. No. objections were filed. at the Hearing, and no written objections had been received prior thereto. (See Reso$ut$on Approving) - - (See Resolutton Approving). - .. 5.. 1 1, On Sanitary Sewer Improvement No. 62 - G'Xex-xes Avenue between k75th and T'f.76th Streets. Total-Assessable Cost was reported at $2,870.00, against 296.05 assessable ._ front feet, for $&. 81 per fqsessable Foot. (See, Resolution Approzring) a t 8. Bank thekr offered the foll&ving ResoZ&ion &d moved its adoition: RESOLU'JXON AUOPTING AND CONFIFKCNG mml-qflS. FOR ST0$31. sEI.sER .-TIPRCN@BNTS NOS. 22, * &-A!!! 25, -@~,S~~w~Y~$@.~ It.Tp72OVEI-fZlj'TS _NOS. . 61.m 62 'BE I2 REXX'EvED by the Village Council of the.Village of Edina, Xinnesota, as follows: .* .- A L lo., .It 5s hereby found, determined and declared that &he proposed assess- , ments for STOm SEf.ZFi R.mmGNTS NOS. 22, 24 AND 25, and SAKl3ARY SEVER It,IPROVXX ZE?WS NOS. _611and and. each of -them, have been. properly calculated - @-_accordance r.rith_%he _proVisions of IEnnesota Statutes Section 412.&l; that notice has been duly publighed; as required by law, that this Council would meet to hear and pass upon ,all odjections, if any, to amend said proposed assessments as might be necessary, and to adopt the same by resolution; that said proposed assessments have at all times since their filing been open for public inspection, and opportunity has been given to d.1 interested persons to present their objections; and that each of the tlots, pieces and parcels of land enumerated in the? respective assessments was and is specially benefited by %he constructl6n of *the bprovements for which such assessment is levied 3a %he amunt set opposite the description of each such lot, pieCe and-parcel of lhd, respectively. The amortiits so set out are hereby levied against the respekFive lots,' pieces and parcels or" land described in said respective assessmpts, and said pro- posed assessments are hereby adopted and confirmed as the proper special assessments for said b&nements, respectively. parcel, together with the interest accruing on the full amount thereof from time to time unpaid2 at the rate of five percent per annum from the date of this resolution", shall be a lien concurrent trith general taxes upon the properby described therein and dl thereof. The total amount of each such assessment shall be pyabl-e in equal. annual installments extending over a period of Len years, the first of said installments, together with interest on the entire assessment from the date hereof to iAufWst 15, 1955, ,to be payable w5th the general taxes for the year 1954, and one of-the ranain- ing instdbents, 16th one year's interest on that and all subsequpt insta%ents, to be payable with general taxes for the years 1955 through 1963, collectible in the 2. The assessment against each lot, tract or I *'. respective ensuing years or.mer of any lot, piece or parcel of land assessed hereby may pay the-winole of such assessment or any 5kstaUment thereof w5thout interest to the Village Treasurer and thereafter such paynmt may be =de with accrued interest to the County Treasurer; pro.rided that if any assessmw-ts or installments thereof be prepaid to the Village Treasurer, they shall be cancelled on the books of the Village Treasurer and he shall promptly notify ,the Village Clerk and County Auditor, and the assessment or install- ment so prepaid shall be cancelled on the books of the Cow'by Auditor. The Clerk shall, as soon as may be, prepare an$ tran&t to the County Auditor a certified duplicate of said assessments, with each then unpaid installment and interest set forth separately, to be edendod upon the proper tax lists of the County, and the County Auditor shall thereafter cause said assessments to be collected in the manner provided by law. Sdd duplicate shall be desipated as the lfBssessment Roll €or Storn Sewer3rprovenents Nos. 22, 2.4 and 25, and Sanitary Sewer Improvements Xo. 61 and 62, and all mounts collected in respect of the assessments therein contaked .. 3. +Lor to ce&ification of the assessment to the County Auditor, the 4. 9/19/54 W shall be similarly designated by the County Treasurer and remitted by him to the Village Treasurer and by him credited as follows: 62 - to .the Smg,Fund Account of the 3923 Improvqnent Fund, First Series. the 1954 Iinprovement Fund, First Series. Hotion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by CEld, and on Rollcall there For Stom Sewer Improvement No. 22 and Sanitary Sewer Improvements Nos. 61 and For Storm Server Improvegents Nos. 24 and 25*- to the Sinking Fund Account of‘ Affidavit of Publication in Edha-Piomingside Courier SQptember 2 and 9, 1954, for ltNotice of Hearings on Improyements: Sanitary Sewer; Sfatemain; Storm Sevrer; Curb and ktter; Blacktopping; Grading, Gravelling and Oj.l&g,lf was presented by Clerk Bmlc, approved as to form and ordered placed on file. the folZowing Public Hearings were held, and action vms.t&en as hereinafter recorded: 1. Construction of Skitary Sewer and Appurtenances in: A. 11059th St. , Ruth Drive to Htsg.#lOO, service drive; Ruth Drive, ?{.5gt;h St. to Schopl Road; school Road,. Shemood Road *to Concordj TI. 60th St . , Parnell to--Semice -Drive Pursuant to said Notice Idwager 3E.tcheJ3.l s Esthte of Cost was $16,912.26, or $4,& pe; 4ssessable Front Foot for the Laterals, plus $2.65 per Assessable Foont Foot-for .. Connection to Trunk,- Total, 36.79, per Assessable Front Poot. - EJlr, Roy Peterson asked.thak Lot 7, Block 2, School Naor be freed from assessment, ,and was told that this lot rill not be benefited. from the floor, and no written objections had been.received prior to the Hearing. (See Resolution Approving) . Benton Ave.,. Josephine $0- Tingdale; Tingdale, Benton to East View Drive; Grove St., Code he. to TQgdale and 235 Ft. South There were no objections B.and C. . East View Drive, Benton to Tingdale; Manager Etchell’s *Estimate of Cost was $19,2’71:..87, for $5.46 per Assessable Fro& Foot for the Uterals, plus $2.36 per Assessable Front Foot for Trunk, for a Total, $7.82 per Assessable Front Foot, No objections yere made. from the floor, ana no vmittcp objections had-been received prior thereto. D. Shemood Ave., 7jf,6;?nd to W.63rd St. - Manager f?ll-tchell*s Estimate of Cost , was $4,733.91, for $3.93 pex Assessable Fboni; Foot fo9 the La;teraJ.s, plus $2.36 per Assessable Front Foot for Trunk - Total, $6.22 per Assessable Front Foot, had been received prior thereto, was $$,186,94,-.€or $5.30 per Assessable Front Foot for the bterd-s, plus t32.65 per Assessable Front Foot for the Tmulk - Total, 87.95 per Assessable Front Foot, be assessed for both front and side. He was told ‘chat double assessment tmuld not be nade unless property was subdivided so that connections were needed on both Parnell. and Valley View. Mr. Ettner also compldned that a manhole cover on Vdley View Road is at least, a foot higher than street, and was informed that this trould--be fixed. There were no objections to the improvement from the floor, and no mitten objections had been received prior‘thereto. There were no abjections from the floor, and no written objections (See Resolution Approving) . E, Valley View Road, Parnell to HwyL &we- kager.Htchell!s Estimate of Cost . I%.-. George Ettner wished to. be sure. that his propev’ty vrould not ’ t Bank then offered BE IT ‘RESOLVED by hqretofoTe.. caused hprovements: Constrqtion Ruth Drive, A. We 59th St., the following Resolution and moved 2ts adoption: l3E2XlLUTXON ORDERING ItFROvEEIIENTS S&p&YA $B@R- FPR0-3 NOS 1. , , 78, &rn 79 , the Council of the Village,of Edina, linnesota, that this Council notices of hearing to be duly published on the follovring proposed of Sanitary Sewer and Appurtenances in: Ruth Drive to Hwy. #l@, service drive- %.59th St. to School Road School Roa&,:;Shemmod Road to Concord 1?.60th St., ParneLl to-9Service *Drive . &C,East View Drive; Benton-to Tingdde Benton, Josephine to Tingdale . Tingdale, Benton to East View Drive Grove St., Code Ave.-to TMgdale and 235 Fi;. South D. Shemmod, WiGad’to W.63rd St. E. Valley View Road, PaGell to Hwy. #lo0 9/13/54 and at the hearings held at the time and place specified 5a said notice the Council has duly considered the Views of all. persons interested, and being fay advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed t6th the con- stmction,of said improvements; that said improvements are hereby designa&ed and shall be referred to in all subsequent proceedings .as follows:: . 4. Tl.59th St., lzuth Drive to HP~. $100, semrice driye; Rutb Dr%ve, p.59th St. to School Road school Road,- Shemood Road to Concord 6 .NAME OF D*PROVR*~ * .. ~ -* .. Construction of Sanitary Sewer and Appurtenances in: T:fO6Oth St., Parnell to..Service Drive SA-U.SBrn a@.Ic\To, 77 _. -.... f. . E&C.East Vi& Drive, Benton-t o Tindale Benton, Josephine to Tingdale Tingdale, Eenton to East View Drive Grove SL, Code Ave. to Tingdale and 235 Ft. South SANqSEIER B*P.No. 75 -. Do SherwoGd, f.Ji62nd-S%. to .w.&rd St. ikLiki*E h*@.NO. 79 -.---. *- EL Valley Vie;,; Road, ParneG to HI@. $!lo0 &k,SRm IE.SF,NO, 78 . __ . and the areas to be spek.ally assessed therefor shdU be as foiiows: For SAIJ. SEi.JEEz BP, IJO. 77 - Lots 1 to 3, Block.1, Lots 1 to 6 and Lots 8 to II, Black 2, School-.Kanor; Lots 1 to 10, Block 1 and Lots-1, 3 and 4, .Block 2, 14arion Gardens; &ot 9, South Concord Addition; Unplatted-property in the ST.lL/4 of the SI 1/4, Sec..19, TPQ. 28, -R. 24, between Paell Ave. and State Highvra~ $100 abu$t@g soUth*si.de of ii:l060th St,; the West 585 Ft. of $he East 7!5OOb7.Ft; of the North 130 Ft. 02 the South 289.06 Ft. of-the "l74 of the SU/4 Sec. 19, -%-q. 28, R. 24.; the Vest 68x05 Fi;. of the East 711.50 Ft,.. of the N, 2-39.5 Ft. or" the N. 289.5 Ft. abutting the South 289.06 Ft, of the Wl/4 of the sl.n/4, Sec. 29, Ttp, 28, R. a; the East 579 I$. of the Vest 663-Ft. abutting the South 578.56 Ft, of the RKL/4 of tne SE/h, Sec. 29, Tvrp. -28, R. 24. Ridge;-lot 1,.Block_l, Benton Park; Lot 4, Donna Ridge Addition; Lots 3, 4 and 5, Block 2, 31elody JSnolls 2nd kdd&tion;,the North 150 Ft. of the South 180 Ft. of unplatted propedy in the North 1/2 See. 33, TVQ. 117, R. 21 1- North-of and adjacent to Grove St. from Code Ave._to East line of Tingdale he,; h$s 1 to 6, incl,, Block 1, E- -Heights.. For Sfit. SBER DP. NO, 79 - &ts 1 to 5, Block 4 &d L0.e;~ 1-to 5,'Block 5, Iiioxsnandale Addition. .. For SLZN. SZtm XI?, R6. 78 - Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4, Jonas Additioi; Lots 1 and 2, Zttnerts and ?Qg!s--kddition, and all mplatted property $.n the SJ'PL.4 of the SXL/4, Sec, 19, 'Ih4p.-28,,Re_24, lying between Parnell Ave. and Stqte Highmy #lo0 abutthg For S&J, SEBR RP, NO. 75 11 Lots 3 to 12, Block'l and Lots 1.to 9, Blo$kk2, Zdina - - Valley View Road. -. w I - c Hotion for adoption 'or" Resolution tms seconded d on RoLlcal1 there 2. Construction of Village ITatermain Extension andmAppurtenvlces in Shenrood Ave., ' W.62nd St. to TL63rd St,.. Ikmager I:EtcheUfs Est@ate of Cost was $4,&07.&$, for $5.61, per mont Foot. -There were no objections fron the floor, and no &i.t.i;en objections had been. received prior thereto. following Resolution and moved its adoption: Bredesen offered the RBOLUTION OllIERnG DmOW*mJT .. l$rnrn*Nrn nPBm:m NO. 79 . KE IT RE;sOLm by the Council of. +he,Villagg,of- Edina, I-Iinnesota, that this Council heretoxore-caused notice of hearing to be duly pblished on the followhg proposed improvement : Constrqction of VLllage Vaternain Extension and Appurtenances in Shemood Ave. between W.62nd and If. 63rd Sts,,., and at the hearing held at-the time and'place specified in said notice the Co.uncil has duly cogsidered the views of all persons interested, and being'klly advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with the c6nstmction of said improvement; that said 3.mpmvenent is hereby designated and shall be referred to irl aU subsequent proceedings as T1kEm-W Ic.IPROYEZmfl NO. 79; and the-areas to be specially assessed therefor sh.qll-consist* of-&ts 1 to 5, inc., Block &, and Lots 1 to 5, inc,, Block 5, Normaadale Addition. - .. I Inlotion for adoption of the Eesolu3ion vras seco were five ayes and no nays,-.as fol1O.r.t~: Br Bmk, aye; and Zrickson, and the Resol.tiion AWGT: and on RoUcdL there d, aye;. ,Ranens, aye; . ~ & -7 6-U5-' Village Glerlc 3 9/13/54 3. On Construction of Village Storm Sewer and Appurtenances in Brookvjetv Avenue $2,183.7.6, for $.02@0 per assessable square foot, Vu-Graph Slide was shovm, of the area to be assessed, this being the property abutting the skreet to be approved, except that some abutting properties are not completely tri-bhin the water shed and therefore will be assessed for only pad of lots. There were no objections at this the, and none had been received prior to the Hearing. Manager 3EtcheI.l then stated that Grading and Gravelling of the street, which will not be practical without storm sewer construction, will cost approximately $2,273.00, or $1.90 per front foot. Child offered a Resolution Ordering, Stom Sewer and Grading and Gravelling Improvenent, which v~s seconded by.Bank-and uqanimously carried upon Rollciill. the evening, a delegation of three property ownerseqlahed that they had been figuring out their respective costs and feel that they are too high. They asked that the improvement be delayed indefinitely, stating that they represent eleven of the fifteen property owners on the street. Clrild moved that-Resolution Ordering Storm Sewer and-Grading and Gravelling Improvement be repxinded, and that project be delayed indefinitely in accordance with request by owners. carried. Nr. Thomas _Scheuer spoke for the delegation protesting improvement . A. between W.5Etth and W.59th Sts. Hanager EIitchell's Estimate of Cost was . - Then, later in Child's motion was seconded by Bank and unanimously 3B. On Construction of Vikage Storm Sewer and bppurten ces b West Serece Drive, Hwy.#lOO, from 400 e. South of IZr.66th St. zf# Church- Place; Church Place, Htjy.-#lOO to Raebun; Raebun, Church Place to W.7Oth St, Nawger - !.Etchell, prefachg -@s repo$ of cost, sta$ed that fJ.111 agreement with the State Highway Department on this project is still. pending, and that completion of project %rill be determined by said agreement. He stated that the total estbted cost of that portion of the Storm Sewer along the =&vmy is $16,772.40, of w'nich 75%, or $12,379.30 will be paid by the State B@?ray Depmtment, leaving assessable share at $4,193.10. As to the portion of the Storm Sewer within Brookview Heights, its. estimated cost is $L+,193.10; Wing a total of $12,049.92 to be assessed, against 1,207,600 assessable square feet, Tor &LO1 per square foot. There were, no objections from the floor, and no tei$ten objections hid been, received prior thereto. offered Resolution Ordering Tmprovaent, sub jeut to agreement with Highway Department. I4otion-was seconded by Danens and carried with a unanimous vote. \dl1 be here later in khe evening, suggesting that no fur:iher action be &&en &til- he is consulbed. 4.k. On Grading, Gravelling and OilGg or Edenmoor Strget from Richirood Dr'ive to Shemmod Road. Manager Ei.tchel1's Estimate of Cost was $2,800.00, or $3.00 psln assessable front r"ooL. as to the cost, and Bank moved for continuance of Public Hearing to Nonday, September 27. Motion seconded by Danens and carried. Bank Nitchell eqlained at this time that a,Highway Department representative (See Hinutes of later in Xeeting). c ~ There were several qyestions,from the audience i 1% * 'I Con6inuation of June 28th Hearing,vas then had on the Grading and ?Gravelling of Tower Street between St . Johns and Wooddale Avenues . lhager EEt chell explained %hat the storm sewer, -first propossd as an intesd pa& of this project, had been shortened on the new plans; reducing the estimated cost of the project from the original $10;66 per front foot to $7.78 per assessable front foot. Them vmre no objec$ions from the floor, and,no written objections had been received prior to the Hearing. adopt ion: Bank offered the foll-owhg Resolution and moved its' ~OLUTION ORDBRXNG STE@iET . R4PItlOVB'~ 80 SEUER - TONER- ST , ITOODDALE TO. ST. JOHNS G 58. - @AD@G AND- >WTEl+QGy STUa'Z BE IT R,ESOLWD by the Council-;of: the-yfilage .of Edina, l-Ex@esota, -that this Council heretofoye- caused notice of hearing to be duly-pnbblished on the proposed improve- m3nt consisting of the Grading and Gravelling in Tower St. between Wooddale and St.Johns Avenues, said improvement to include as an integral pa& thereof, the construction of a storm sewer to drah said street, and at the hearing held at the time and place specified in said notice the Council has day considered the viens of all persons interested, and being fully advised of .the perthat facts does hereby determine to proceed xdth the construction of said improvement; that said im]?rovement is hereby designated and shall be referred to 5.n all subsequent proce&hgs as STREET IT.TpROmkmtIT @O. C-58; and the area to be Specially ~~~~~ssed shall1 include all-loLs I and t-racks of land abutthg the street proposed to be improved. 9/13/54 I 5 Con5inuation was had of hgustr23rd Public Hearing on the proposed ua&g and . gravelling of the North-South Alley between York and Xerxes Avenue and betTreen ?fe56th and Wm57th Streets, IIanager Ititchellrs Estimate of Cost pas ~l,x)lo~O, for $1&0 per assessable abuttjng foot, This *st includes, as pad. of this project, construction of a sto-rm drain between Lots 2 and 3, from aley to Xerxes Avenue. There vms objection from the floor, as,to both cost and method; Irith I'km Henry. Bachman advocating the installation or" a dry sump rather than -the storm drab; grading the aUey now and installing the drain later if necessary. Bank moved that Hearing be postponed for two weeks in.order that affected property owners might get. together and decide what they rant. Hotion seconded by Bredesen md carried, 9 -% -3 3: 3 Later tn the evening, with I&-. Peterson, 5625 Xork Ave., speaking for the delegation, it ins stated that the delegation, representing the majority of the-property owners r.rants a dry sump (not concrete) constructed three yasds wide, two yards deep and ten yards long and filled.with gravel; the alley graded and gravelled, and the extra dirt used to fill Lot 1, at IT.56th and Xerxes. Discussion was had on this method of solving the drainage problm, with Er. Dmens protesting that it will not be satisfactory. Child offered the f oUoiLng Besolution and moved its adopt ion: *I -- RESOLUTION QIZDFBING STlUEX It6'ROVE2IE!U,. IJO. .C-59:-qaG AND. .CjR.AQELLII$G OF . 189 AIZEY EE$TIBEN XEELXB.~,YORK-AW. kiJI> BECUEEN 'I.L56TI! kND.V.5'7TH S!lXElZiS BE IT RESOLJED by- the Council of the VilAage, of_Edin-a, Itirqeqota,. that this Council heretofoye-caused notice of hearing to be duly published on the proposed improve- ment consisting of the Grading and Gravelling of the Norbh-South Alley between York and Xerxes Avenue and between W056th and W,57th Streets, and-at the hearing held at the time-and place specified b~ said nqtice the Council has duly considered the views of illl persons interested, and being fully adviseaof $he pertinent facts does hereby determine to- proceed with the construction of said improvemen%; being the g~ading and gravelling of said alley, construction of dry sump three yzrds wide, two yards deep and ten yards long therein, and using exha dirt from this project to fill Lot '1, at M.56th St, and. Xerxes Avenue; and that said improvement is hereby designated and shall be-referred to h-aI-1 subsepent P~ceedingS as ~.PEO~~~T 140. C-59; and the area to be specially assessed therefor shall include agmots and tracts of land abutting the alley proposed to be improved. I-Iotion for adoption of the Besolution was nay; ~mk, se; and Ericlcson, aye; and the there wem four ayes and one nay, as follows: esen, and onBou&.l adopted, Child, aye; Danens, 5. Xhager. Eitchell's EstQgrbe of Cost was $8,326.80, for $2.30 per Assessable Front Foot. There r.ras.ao .objection to this improvement from the,floor, -and no objection had been received prior to the Hembg. The only objections raised were as to the lateness of the season-all present asking that improvement be completed this fqll ir" possLiile; and to the erroneous exclusion of Richmond Circle from the Notice of Hearing. cation; and 3bnager Hitchell asked that CouncEL. conduct Public Hearing on the Blacktopping of P5chmond Circle, and adverkise for bids $0 be taken on the Blacktopping of ?.ichmond Drive and Richmond Cbcle, all as of September 27, was irrf'omally agreed upon by the Council, and Bank offered the followhg Resolution On Blacktopping of Richmond Drive from State Highr.fay No, 100 $0 Code Avenue. St vas explained that this latter was.-simply an error in making publi- This . and noved its- adoption:- . - NO. A-B9--BLAWi'OPPING RICFNONI) DRlY3 E333 IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Village. of. Fdina,-.lijnnesota, that this Council heretozore-caused notice of hearing to be duly published on the proposed improve- ment consisting of the Blacktopping of Richmond Drive from State Highway No. 100 to Code Avenue, and at the. hearing held at-.the time.and place spzcified in said notzce the Council has duly considered the views of all persons interested, and being fulQ advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with the construction of said .improvement; that said improvement is hereby designated and shall be referred to in all subsequent proceedings as STm RhFRm*mT NO. A-69; and the area to be specially assess6d therefor shall incsude a. lots-and tracts of land abuttingthe street proposed to be improved, f-€otion for adoption of the Resolution vas seco desen, and on Rollcall' there irere five ayes, and no nays, as fo aye; Sank, aye; and Ericksoh, aye; and the Iz .. Yilllage Clerk .At this time 3fPm Thompson of the State Highway Departnent was introduced, and he and Village Attorney ITindhorst were excused from the meeting to discuss the L 9 9/13/5k ProPosed contract for the Bfookview Heights Storm Sewer, the Meeting it was repoAed that main difference arises from the Staters rewest that Village IKLirYkLin Serl6-c.e DAYe and Storm Sewer. mmicipafities are now maintaining all ngw service roads; khat he befieves this practice was begun in-1950 or 1951. Mr. WLtchell reminded gouncil that the Village has assumed no maintenance costs for service drives prior here%o. suggested that perhaps the State and the Village compromise--the State to m&tah the dgives, the Vi>lage the S$O~~ Sewer. The matter of flowage easement; to Nine-Bile Creek was also discussed, the State being unwilling to enter bto contract for improvement un$il easements-are secured. L"ozZowing Resolution and moved its adoption: E 23 RBSOLRD by the Councif of-the Viaage. of Edina, linnesota, that this CounciL heretofore caused notice of hearing to be duly published on the follo.c~ng proposed improvement: Upon their return to $Ire Thompson stated that I) i He Child then offered the RESOLUTION pRl?ERING I"R0~IEa)lJT STOFLEI SBf"L?IR, l"RO~*~ ,NO, 28 Construction of .Village Storm Sewer and -Appur&nmces in lfest Service Drive Hrvy. #loo, 400 Ft..South.of W.66th-St. to Church Place; Church Place,. Hwy. $100 to Raebun; Raebun3. Church Place to W.79th St. - and at the hearing held at the %%e and place specified ii~ said notice, %he Council has duZy considered the views of all persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with the construction of said improvement, subject to the securing of flowage easements to Nine-Nile Creek, and subject to the signing of a contract with the Kinnesota State Highvr~ Department setking forth the Statets -responsibility for partial payment of said cost of improvement; that said improvement is hereby designated and shall be referred to in all subsequent proceedings as STOBI SDm TP/LPROWjmT NO. 28, and the area to be specidly assessed therefor sh+ll-,be_ as folloyp IGomnencing at a point on the 1J.line of State Highway'#lOO located 400 Ft. S. of,the Sa line of V.66th St.; th, Ifq 75 Ft.; th.. S, 300 Ft.; th. SEly to a pt. LO I%. W. of the If. F& line ,of State-.Hwy. $100 (Nomapdale .Road) and G60 Ft. S. of the #. line of.H.66th St.; th. W. 6.5 Ft.; th.,S. to the N, line of Lot 38, B1. 1, Brookv Brookview Hts. $t Ada.; the I[.- to the NIT Cor. of kt 23, B1. 1, Brookview Hts. Addn.; th.. SYly along the W.l*e of s@d-_&ot 23, a distance of 124 Ft.; th. tJTJly parallel to .zpd 35 F-b. Nl. .of the Nly line of D&&s Drive to the KLy line' of Lot 16, B1. 1, Brookview Hts. 1st Addn,; th. SWLy along the most lay line of said Lot 16 to the Nly line of.Danens Drive No; th.,-SEly along the Nly-line of Danens Drive N. to its in%ersecti.on tdth.the SEly line-onf -;ink Avenue extended; th. Sny dong the Sly line of Link Ave, 95 Ft.i-th. Sly parallel to and 65 Ft. If. of she centerline_of Danens Drive I$. to a pt. on the S. &he, pf Lot 4, Ble -5, Brookvietq Ht3.- 1st Addn.; th. I?. to the 3J Cor, of said Lot 4; th. S. dong the I.f, line of Lot 5, 31, 5, BrooM,ew Hts. Fist -Addn. and Lo% 1, Bl. 2, -Brookview Hts; 2nd Ad& to the NE Cor.. of Lot 9,. 31. 2, Brookview Hts. 2nd Addn.; tho ELy along the N. line of said Lot 9 to a,pt. 35 Ft. E.. of the 33.. line of Meadow Ridge SI; th. Sly 35 Ft, from and-parallel to the E. liqe of Meadow mdge S. to the. S. 1Qe of Lot 8, B1. 2, Br0okvie.r.r Hts. 2nd Addn,; th. My to the, @ COP. 02 said Lot 8; tho the SEly line of Headow Ridge, stJly,%o ,$he-Bf Cor. of sot 1, 31. 6, BTOO~e7~J Hts. -2nd Addn.; th. mly-to the 5ilT Cor. of said Lot 1;. th. Stfly to the *DiJ %or. of Lot 28, El. 6 of said,addition; -the -3Ely along the W. line qf Lot 28 and the said w, line extended to a pt. 35 Ft. 3. of the Sly line..of Danens Drive 3.3 the IalY Eardlel to and 35 Ft. S. of the Sly line of Danens Drive S. to a pt. on the 11. line of Lot 2, B1. 7 of*Brookvriew4Hts. 2nd Addn.; th. SZly-along the 11. line qf Lots I and 2, B1, 7 of said ad&. to a pt. 40 Ft. N. of the N. line ox W.70th St.; th. Djy parallel to and 40 Ft. N. of the -N. line of W.70th St. to .a 'pt. 75 Ft. E. of the E. line e&ended.of State Hiq. #lOO. (NomandaLe Boad); tho Ne parjllel to and 75 Pt.9E. of the E. line of State Hwy. #lo0 to a pt. 400 of the It. line of W,T'/Oth St.; th. NEly to a pt. 600 3%. E. of State =&%fay #lo0 and 750 Ft. N. of khe N. line of ff.70th St.; t;h. HlQ to a pt. 75 Fto E. of EO Line of State E&tmy $100 and 3.430 Pt. N. of the fJ. line of W.70th St.; th. ite pardlel 'to md 75 Ft. J3. of the X. line of said State Hi&hlmY to a Pt* 400 Ft* ' of the 3, line of IF.66th St. Vest of State Highway #loo; tho w. $0 the Pt* Of song N. *I r- YT beginning.1! .. . -. I - rn , and on Rollczd.1 there ild, aye;-*Danens, aSe; &$otion for adoption of the Resolutbn was se - .- 5B, North_thereof, vaager %Etchell* s EStiMlats Of Cost Was $2, 5%*0°, for g2*55 per assessable front- foot. objections had been received prior thereto. (See Resolution on proposed Blacktopping of St.Johns Avenue from U* 59th S-t. to Second l.Taflh0~3 There wege no objections from the audLence, and* no 5C. On proposed Blacktopping of W.57th St., York t'o Xerxes. -1fmager XitcheUts Estimate of Cost ms $2,328.00 fox $4,20_per assessable foot. . He expldned that this will be a projec-t of some magnitude, considering that only. four prope~y owners must pay-for it. , Letter from A. -tJ. Kelly, advocating bprov.ment, pras .. IO 9/13/54 read; and it TBS noted that 3k0 Kelly wishes ingress and gress for his garage. Because there are also drainage problems hvolved, here, Child moved for continuance of Hearing to Hmday, Septaber 27, in order that Public T'Jorks Committee might investigate in the field. lfotion seconded by B&.-and cwried,, 9. On proposed Blackkopping of Fairfax Avenue betireen If.59th St. and 195 Ft. South. Shager l-Etchell*s Estimate of Cost was $2,01+0000, for $2.55 per Assessable Foot. There were no objections from the floor, and no written objections had been raised prior to the Hearing. 5Ee On proposed 3lacld;opping oi PL54th St. between T'looddale Avenue and 3Iimehaha Creek. 14anager l-litchellrs Estimate of Cost vas $4,961.25, for $2.43 per Assessable Foot. A delegation spoke inppssition-not to the improvemen%,,but to the method of assessmento Trustee Child told the audience that the Council believes that some Toner Council determined If.54th Street to be a thru-street and assumed some responsibilipj for the cost of gmstruction thereon. He then moved that Public Hearing be continued until Ihutes can be searched to ascertain whether fw or partial assessment dl.3. be made. Notion seconded by Danens and carried, One owner spoke of having been assessed for Oiling in 1939; stating that property had never received a Bhcbpping Assessment. (Bee Resolution Approving). Bank then offered the f olloihg Resolution and moved its adoption: RE;SOLUTION ORDERING INPBOVBEEiuTS . S!@EET, IiIIIPROWj@"TS UOS. A48 ~ . . DID A-67. , €E IT WOLVED by the Council of the.Village of Edina, EhnesoGa, that this Council heretoKOre-caused notices of hearing to be duly published on the follot5ng proposed bpro7mients : Blacktopping of St.Johns kve., W.59th St. to 2nd I-fahole North thereof, Elracktopping of Fairfax he., Ife,59th St.- to 195 Ft. South of W05&h St. and Sthe' hearings held at the time and place specified in+ said nokice the Council has auly c0nsidered'tb.e view of all persons interestedj and- being fuUy adlvised of the perbinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with the construction, of said improvements; that said improvements are hereby designated by the Improvement Xmbers given at previous public hearings and shall be referred to.in all subse- quest proceedings as follows: Blacktopping of St.Johns Ave., TL59t;h St. to 2nd l.knho3-e Northtir thereof STREET It-PROmEG NO. A-67 3lacktopping of FaGfax &e., tfi59th St. to 195 &. South. of . We5dth Stop S-T -lE%OW.~T NO. A-28 and the areas to be specially assessed therefor sh& include all lots and tracts 02 land abutting the streebs proposed to .be improved. Hotion for adoption of Resolution was seconded were five ayes tind no nays, as follom: r 1. d on R0llcd.l there d, aye; Danep, we; Bredes Xrickson, aye; and the Resdutio *I 6A. Inasmuch as this project is a pe-of the proposed Blacktopping project on this street--public hearing behg- continuedto September 27, Child moved for continuance of curb and gutter heaeng to September 27 dso. 63. bn CUrib* ad Gutter in Normandale Road, W.Service Drive, from I'i.66th to V.70th Sf;. &m.ager. &Etchenl s Total Estimated Cost- .for this improvement Ws <$9,331,20; the State to pa;y 75s or $698.&0, leaving assessable cost at $2,332.&0, or.$.ST per assessable foot, There r.rere' no objections at the Hearing, and no ?mittan objections had been received prior thereto. On C~b and Catter, W.57th St;, Xerxes to York. 3IotLon seconded by Danens and car~ied. Child offered the following Resolution .and moved its adoption: BZ Iff BZSOLS63I by the Council. of. the, Village, of Edina,. E-besota, that this Council heretofore-caused notice of hearing to be duly published on the following proposed improvenent: Construction of Curb and Catter in Nomandale Road, 11. Service Drive, froin W.66th.to %7oth St., and-at a hearing held at the time--and place specified in said notice she Council has duly considered the views of all persons interested, and being fully adesed of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with the. construction of siid improvement, subject to the securing of flowage easement for stom sever, and the signing of a contract x5th the Minnesota Stat6 €ii.ghray Departnenk setting forth the State's responsibility $or p&i& pagment of cost of said hprovernerrtr; and the area proposed to be assessedtherefor shall- include a31 lots 2nd tracts of land abutting the street proposed to be improved. I.€otion for adoption of Reso1u"cion ifas seconde Tour ayes and no nap, as follows: Bredesen, ags Bank, aye; and Zrickson a e; and-the Re AI im: - $il~age Clerk FES6LUTION ORDEFLDIG IiPFt0VI"T~ Sm . R*PROI?BEhT NO.. B-31 . 9/33/54 and August 23rd Continuation was then had of Jvly 26th/pUblic Hearinmoon the constsuction of Curb and Gutter in Ewing Avenue between.W.60th and W.61st Sts., T&th $hager Ifit chell or"f ering a new estimate of cost. --Lotall5ng $2,703.12, or $2 , 80 per Bssessable Front Foot (former esthake having been $2.65). Objections from the audience, and no written objections had been received prior to the Hearing. Bank moved for confirmation of Council'; July 26th Ptesolution Ordering Street Improvement No. B-30, I'otion seconded by &mens and.. carried. &k. Dobbelman appeared, to request disposition 02 peti$iop to yab&bkKi'hat part of l?indsor AvGnue abutting the Easterly Lot Line of I&$ One, Block Six, Eest- Chester Knolls Addition and the south Lo5 &es of Lots your and Five, Block Two, 3,icbmond Hills Second Addit2on.' ,He stated-that he wished to begin to fill , @mediately. f$ere seped to be some uncertainty as to reversion of the title of the property, inasmuch as this strip also borders the railroad right-of-way; but @rd 'fI+dhorst advised that this matter is not one of interest to the Village Coun-cil-Ztha;t it rests between the owners concerned. that a utilities easement-mst be preserved. Attorney be instructed to draft, for adoption, llResolution Vacating Street,11 said resolution to preserve an easement for util$ties;'avld that Resolution be adopted with the stipulation that all fill on this property be under the super- vision of the Village Engineer. Motion tias seconded by Danens and carried with four voting ayes and Sredesen no%? voting (absent from meeting) , ' There were no FImager &Et chell. advised Childts motion, that the Village Attorney Leoffler appeared on behalf of the Nomandale hprovement Corporation, slathg that he would like to see the matter of the Gravel Fits Ordinance referred again to the Planning Cominission, afker their proposed tour of inspection, was apeed that formdlpblic hearing on this matter be continued to September 27, subject to recommendation by Planning Commission. Request of 'Klodt and Hanson for permit-to face dwelling on bt 9, Block 2, Paul Wkd-Christopher Addition, on St , Johns rather than on If, Woodland Road, was-- ". accepted, with Bredesen moving -f or public hear*g on Sqptxmber 27.,, Notion seconded by Bank and cari5ed., Ifre Sekner Halla of Halla Nursery asked once again that power poles be placed on the 1:les-b side of Normandale Boad inasmuch as there is no building program for %his .-- -- ~ particular - ~ - I property at t_he present the, &.* Kresse of Nor%t;hern Skates Power Company explained th-a%'Ehe Company plans the site of its poles and lines along practicability and safetq pqlicies; that the East side of Nomandale is the safest place to install them. Bankls motion, %ha% the location ok power poles on the East side of Highwy No. 100 betwden EdSn Avenue and 1~Ellson Road &, HaUa asked for additional fire protection and was told that he could water service only by petitioning therefor and agreeing to^ pay the cost thereof; but that the hydrant in front of the Village Hall is within 1,000 feet of his property, Mk. Halls's request for Blacktop kas referred to the Public Works Committee for recommenda;tidn. -.. I. A delegation from Drexel Avenue kequesked a Stop Sign on Drexel a% the Bridge Street intersection. Police Captain NcGary reported on traffic count taken morning and evening, rgcomecding aga-wst installation. there are over 100 childr"eri*in the block; that-fomner trayelers onVoodda1e =e now using Drexel Avenue; that traffic is heavy at all times of day. . Bankcs motion tha-b deleggtion' s recpest be granted was seconded by Bredesen- and Carried, Mi:, &esse of i\lorthern-'Siates Pow& presentea pf&s bnd' spe'cifications for Ornamental Street rights on Argen Avenue between 3?,T(Xh and W. 52nd Street, which, @ter some review, ,were approved b;y motion Child, ..seconded bx Bank and carried. W, Harold Utley present*ed plans for a sprinklhi systa. for the Village Ha.1 yard--to cos% some $3,350.00, recommending that i'c be considered in the budge% for the year 3-955. , I&. -(&asadale; requested approval'of Final Plat of We-Plat of Lot 1, Block 1, Golf Terrace Heightstt (on which public heargg has been- held) . ,Bank moved thak Fhal. Plgb be.approved-subject to engineering eheck. 'SJlotion,seconded - by - _1 Danens .-and carried. ?lans .for HalZa Nursery were presented for approval, with Child moving that approvaX be given subject to confirnation of setback with Councilts agreemen% on same. $fotion seconded by Bred'esen and carried. - * It - -* be approved, yas seconded by Child and carried.- .- 1, Residents repoX'ted that - r $4 - -- t. e. Plane for the. service ssation to be erected at I?ooddale and tJc62nd St. by DP. Allis were presented for appro+aX, Dmens-moved that plans be approved.. &lotion seconded by Child and carried, 9/13/54 12 Zire V' Do Gordon, 4833 Vernon Avenue, supported his August 25th written petiti6a for abatement of taxes on Lot 52, Auditorts Subdivision N0.176. He st&ted that a strip of land 525 feet-long along,,the belt line cannot be plztted because the Highrq Department tiill not all0r.r an entrance therefrom. fie vas asked to see Assessor Creighton, and to come to the Board of Equali- The following applications for Sign permits t3ere pesented, together with zpprova,l by I-&. Richard E. Olson; and Bredesen moved that permits be granted: I' aation Xeeting ne& year., I I / Hilldale Lbr. Co. ShepKerd of the,Hi.lls ,Lut;heran .Church, Blake Rd.'and Xaloney Ave. 2t&* _- 30' N. of 78th & CahiU, on Cahill Ed. It I1 .I1 2!.x8! - At..Znt. to Lbr, Yd. E. of Cahill Rd. !! * !! Y 2!x$!, - 4.0' -H. of 78th & Cahill, on Cahill Rd. iXo$ion for approval vas seconded by Child. and cgried. Bredesenl s notion, approving the grant of Scavengerts License to Sheppeardbo Tlotary Sewer Service, vas seconded by Child and camied. iilessrso-Eosmer Erom and E. C. Stow presented tlRePlat of the South 1/2 of Block 7,. Brookview Heights First Addition. aciepted subject to check by the &gineering,Department, tns seconded by a3 Chi&d's motion kha3 Final Plat be ' Dznens and carried. Nessrs. Sundqxist and Peterson appeared to secure disposition of the 1lSchool po&dll matter. Attorney TJindhorst reported that the School Board tLU, comply t$th,VUage plan, subje-et to a price of $900.00 for-the land; guaranty of a fence to cost about $2,500; that they T.riU withdraw request for payment for 'land providing Village,irill deed to school the land they need near the pump- house, Hanager IZitcheU asked that easemnts for.utilities be secured at Vize earliest- possible date in order that Sanitary Sewer and IJatermain contracts may be awarded. Xr. Vindhorst stated-thzt there could be no full agreeme& until the next school-board meeting but that the Board had agreed to give the required utilities easements. best efforts at negotiation, in.the interests or" having the work completed. Developers agreed $0 go along with the Council's -. At this tine the ilssistant Village Engineer returned vnth results of bids taken $Us evening, being as follows: 5 EARL A. SD?fiL LBAY lgo CRAIG CO, Blacktopping - St.Johns he., . _. ..- -, 'm .? St. to SO Of M.5&h,Ste 1,551.50 1, $57.50 . a'r.59th St. to .2nd H,H. N. $2,102.06 $2,*741.50 BlaCQopping _- Faiffa Ave., M. 59th m Danek moved that Blacldapping contracts be awarded to Earl A. Sewall, Xotion seconded by Bank and. carriedo -- Grading and Gravelling - N-S Wley between f:Tilliam and Hankerson and between W.5lst and TI. 52nd S~S .. TZRRY BROSe, ING. $~,026.SO . Only Bidder .- *1 DaeG noved'tbt bid be awarded to Terry Bros . ;"~c."-~~o~ion.seconded by Child and- carried.o Clt ___ _._ School 1-hor; t 13 1. * 91131% - Child then moved that bids be awarded to William V. Terry, low bidder, subjcFt to acquisition of easements necessary Zor completion. Rotion seconded by Danens and carried. Manager Etchell reminded Council that bid taken August 23,' for curb and Gutter in Ewing Avenue between V.60th and W.6lst Sts. had not bken awarded. recommended award to Victor Carlson-_& Sons, only bidder, at $2,798.80. so- moved. Tabulated bids were ne& presented for Improvements to Library, being as follows, but awards were not made, it being conseasus of opinion-that bids be Sayed over to next; meeting: BATE3 SUBJRT3AN CHRISTIAN3ON 2 He Danens Hotion seconded by Bank and.. carried. Zlectrical ITork" .. CQ-BRWX sms CO. GROTH COO Asphalt Tile . - $403 00 - $420.0O .C3780 00 Nineral Ceiling Tlle ,417*00 593.00 Fibre Ceiling Tile 382 . 00 462.00 lURRIs BROS. HOG&UhEl PUB. FRBD VOGT. EDINA SH PUG. Park Board ." report on neg6$%a%i:& for &qxkition of prop$$ was r evievi:-knd discussed. XcGrorty and-Phyllis $iGrorty, mount $2,500.00. &Iotion seconded by Bredesen Radiator Work' TQO.. .. ?@?fi*QQ _. .@2450 II .%4+lQ. Child then moved approval of purchase of five lots from 1:larcus .and carried. .I I Bredesen moved that Park Board be authorized- to proceed with suggestion on negotiations for pu&hase. of property they wish to acquire around Lake Pamela. Hotion seconded by Child and carried, * Trustee Danens reported that Scavengers are dumping sewage at mealtimes, greatly disturbing the neighbors. .c be notified that dmping will not be allowed at either noon or the evening dimer hour, and that they be asked to be more careful of spillage. yknager iuUtchel1 presented preliminary plans and estkates of cost on projects which he recommend the Council schedule for Public Hearing on September, and Bredesen offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RXSOLUTION PROVIDING FOR PUBLIC HIXRItGS . It vas suggested that Scavengers be asked L ON, PROPpSED . mBomvmQs.. * . BE IT RiGOL~ by the Council ofAthe-Trillage .of Ed-: . report as. to the feasibility of the proposed Improvements described in the Form of Notice of Hearing set forth below, and as to the estimated cost of - such improvementss.said report is hereby approved and directed to be-placed on file in the-office of the-Village Clerk. in the Xdina Village Hall,-to consider in public hearings thg view? of all persons-interested in said proposed improvements. time, place and purpose of said meeting to be published in the official * nampaper once a week for two successive weeks, the second of which publi- cation-is to be not less than three days from date of said meeting, which notice shall be 2.1 substantfa;llr the following fom: . .Ir - -The:TZl.lage Engineer, having submitted to the Council a preliminary 2. This Council shall meet on Ilonday, September'27, 1954, 4% 7:30 P.&, The Clerk is hereby authorized and-directed to cause notice of the 3. NUi'ICE OF -IIEARmm ON - SA.NITW_SB:m., .l@iZRt$AJE, &ID BUCKfilOPPING IbPROlIGMEXfS . NOTICE is HEFtEBY GIVDJ Ithat. the.wpa Village Council will meet at the Village HGU on,gonday., Septqmber 27, 1954, at 7:SO P.H., to conpider the following proposed. improvergents, to be constructed,under the authority granted by 1;I.lnnesota Laws of 1953, Chapter 398. The appromte cost 02 such Snprove- ments is estimated by the Village Engineer as set lorth below: 1. 1 Est, Cost. Construction of Sanitary Sewer and Appurtenances in Josephine Ave., Benton_Ave. to Wt60th St.; 31. 2, ConstGction of Village tSa.t&nain extension and Appurtenances in Concord- Pve. between Valley View 60th St., Iii.sy. 100 %o Code-Ave. __ L. $12 2 307 .U Road and W.62nd St; n & 3,5?0000 -. 3. Blacktopphg in: A. Virginia fivez, Valley View Rd. to 1~621id st; JL 56th_St., ..Code Ave. to Bernard Place 8 2,079.00 C. Richmond Circle - . - $ 886.00 ~62nd St., Parnell five. to-TTirgi&a he,. $ S,O7S.40 The area-proposed 'to be assessed for the cost of said proposed 3qxt'ovements is as follows: 9/13/54 For 1 Above - Lots 4 to l4.i inclusLve, Sagar Squae; Lots 4, 5, 6, Block 3, and Lots 8 to 3.4, Block 2, Benton Park; Lots 1, 2-and 3, Cloverc Lane Addn,; the 11. f3BO 3%. or" E. 280 3%. of Cloveqment Lot 8 adjacent to I.T.GOth-St., and 375 Fte of CrOVt; Lot 8, See, 33, Trrp, 117, R.,21, lag N. of Clover be Addn, and. For 2 Above-- lill lots'and tracts of land facing the streets to be hproved, For 3-.&C, Above - All. lots and tracts of land abutting the streets to be improved. 14 L ..- .. '( adjacezxt-to W,60Ch St, , *. -. EVliW c. BANK, vma CLERK killage of.Edina.-- . -- , Notion for adoption of Eesolution vas s were five ayes and no na$s, as foUois: , and on Rollcall there Hanager lktchell then presented "plans and specifications for several improvements for which he recommended that Council take bids September 27, 195k0 and Bredesen offered the following Besolution and moved its adop'cion: -_ RESOLUTIO% APPRIVING PLANS MJil SPECIFICAfPIOIJS FOR - PROFOSEI~-- Q~O~~~XCS -w .D-~G,AD- l!ZXCIS=E FOR BIDS. . . E3 IT' XESOLVED by the Village Council 0% t&e,Village.of Edina: . .. 1, .The-plans and specifications for the proposed Tmprovements set forth in the following Advertisement for Bids'form, here-bofore prepared by the Village Engineer and now on fire in the office of the VLUage Clerk are hereby approved, 2, The Clerk shall cause to be published twice in the Edina-l$orningsida Courier and the Construction Bulletin the following notice for bids for said inprovements: AD7lERTI~~~ FOR BIDS SATJmm-SBw: NATEEtLW: (2EAlXIG AND WJELLING: BLACqOWiNG: .STORX. SEX-ZEt: OET&.WU S'JXEE2 L1C;HTS NOTICB IS HEXT3BY GIVEN that the Ed* Village~~Councilv5.11 meet at the Village Ea, .4@1?-[. 50th Street, Ifonday, September 27, 1954, at 7:30 €'.He , andewill at said time and Dlace open and consider sealed bids for the following: le 2; - 3. &. 5. 60 - smmf SiiTm EION: Z83.L.Y. 91' .y.C,P, on.Shemood he, from 100 Ft. S. of TL62nd St, to 393 Ft, S. IVATBiiUIJ ZXTEiW~N: . 707-4.F. 611 .C.I, .~~ate~~n~~o~~~~~nd.St. to V.63rd St. A,. .Alley betr.reenIT.56th and N,57th Sts; and between Yrrrrk and Xerxe? ilves. B, -Tower Street from TTooddd-e Ave. to St,Johns kve, BUCF3BPPIfJCr: A. -Ric&uondsDrive andkichmoncl*Circle, -Hi&way Go, 100 to Code Ave, B, If.56-t;h St,, Code Ave. to Bernard Place, STOR&; SEiBR: In Ser-yice-.Qrives, Nomandale Road, fEom W,67th St, exdxnded to IJ.7mh St.; Church Place; Raebun Drive, QW&.TEZ$W STF@Z LIGHTS: 273 L.F. 18tg.R.C.P. from 3933 Ft, S. of IL62nd St. to lL63rd St. &IKG AND GIWGLLR3G: . Arden Ave., W.ssOth to W. 52nd St ,-Trs.o Ornamental Ughts and tIi@ng.- . . . .I( - .. .I 1_. *: ... Bidder may bid on any or all projects. &ork must be done as described and specified in plans ind specifications for said igprovemerit on file in the office of the Village Clerk. basis of cash payment for work. with undersigned before time of saLd meeting and accompqied by cash deposis, bid bond, or ceftifTed check payable to the Village Clerk in Wngmt of ten percent of aioun% of bid, By Order of the Village Council, Bids must be submitted on No bids TU be considered unless sealed ad filed Evald C, Bank, Clerk Village of Edina, 3.. adopted as the .. terms and conditions of award of the contrpct for said improvemento Kotion for cadoption of Resolution was seconde were five ayes and no ngs, as foUows: 3 Bank, aye; and Xrickson, aye; and the qeso Each and all of the terns of the foregoing advertisement for bids are hereby , ahd on RolhaU. there Child, aye;" Dankns, aye; died. 1 -- . . 9/13/54 I 45 R!! 'Child moved %or papent of the Village Payroll, amount &XL,926.77 and kiquor \ a* Store Payroll, amount $1;288292, for period September 1 to 15, and for-payment of the following c1ajms;and motion seconded by D&A&nZS: afidxar2i&do 17,328 !The Repolds & Reynolds Co, , -m6 ' t FUND UII AMOTJRT t. CIAIN NO, ' TO: I_ * 11329 * " Bemnan RatiUe C 9e36 11330 134331 Adler Steel Products Co, 11-332. i?my P, I&i&t 3.J-333 Winifred Creighton 11334 &se Luella Swan 11335 I4i-s. Ellecefit E. Toirne U336 I&s. Xlizabeth 2, Williams ,I 31337 A. C. Stringer - c 11338 Earl S. Johngon 13.340 Patricia C, Stendal 11341 flargaret D, Parks 32-343 Werner L. Bafier 1x344 1ks. Dorothy "Fisbher 3rn,?L!S Viola.Doty' * 11346 Alex Creigh-bba C 113h.a American Typ&rriter Go. * 15348 Schaub Of $ice Supply 11349 Sl350 Libby-& Ltbby Co, '1 JJ.351 C 0,FieId- Co ; + 11,352 Mpls. Star &"Tribune 3-3-353 ' Off$ce Equiplent CoQ 113% Bob Ludgatz u.355 J0h.n. A, PeBu.th U356 &nest We Hansen 11357 William B, Feck 1x358 Wmrd Ben Sheman la359 James Ha Johnston 113 General Electric Supply 13362 Fire-Ext. Coe 13363 Famrell, 0- & Kirk 11364 , Jus'cus Zxmiber Cos. =365 Black Top Service Coo 31367 Dale Green Goa C League of lEme Ihaicipalities n342 Gs Scott" Crane ts Off ice Supply 3.1361 %ne safety P!ppLiances- U.380 Delegard Too1 Coe 11381 $50~ Star Eotor Pats 11382 ~opkins ITotor Sales 3.3.383 KOSSOVJ ails, %lCo - 11384 Cramer Electric - 7,2385 Underyood COrPa I U.387 3pls Postmaster 31388 Hational Cash Register 11.389 Jessee T, McGuee lJ.?€d!. * 11365 u366 u367 11368 u375 3.3376 Justus Zumber Coe Black. Top Service Butler.Sod Goa Dale Green CO, Gager (s Eandecraf t Elliot Film Co, Corries - Haldeman Langf ord Central %upply Co, Richard Rohling Midwest Badge & Novelty Hoff Rubber t%&p H@lso School Supply Suburbm Hem, Co, Relief U3@7 @~ls, Postnaster 1x388 National Cash Register .. 6 075 206.25 16,20 339638 PeOQ 508.80 P 8*97 132000 (, 31387 11388 32379 &ls, Poshaster Nations Cash Register Nation& Bank of B@~S,, * 1 Dors ey , Coh&, Barker, Scott eC Barber . Automatic U& ~orp, Est5llem Distributing Cos Griggs,Coop& 8~ ~onpany Lynn Johnson’Co~a33y Ed,Ffiillips &Sons Go, Caspenter h$er ~ompmy Bin Bro”&ers Gompany Famom Brand$ Taco Griggs, Cooper.& Conpany Lynn Johnson e Company ZkKesson & R6bbins 1.Ed-Yest IEn6 Co&any, Inc. Ei.Uer Davis r~ompany E Be Nattona1”Cash Reeter Co. Northwestern’ Bell Telephone Cod Old Peoria Cbpany, Inc. van Paper &;ply company F~BXEZP B l-le~$ani~~ Bank r Eanager Hit chell then pkesented Prelininary Assessment Rolls for several projects completed and to be _com’pleted, asking that Council confirin Advertisenents for Hearings, published Sefitmber 2 and 9. Child offered the follotring Resolution and * * RESOLUTION E’R6VIDDJG FOR SPECIAL . moved its adoption: .. .. ~ Assms~-m.HEzBRINGs . , - BE IT BE3OL~ by the Council of,the ,Vi.llage50f.Ed&na as follow: . - I. .. . - 1,. .The ClerlZ and Bngineer hawing calculated the proper mount Lo be assessed for those.imp2ovements set forth in the Notices of Hearings set forth below, and the amount ljroposed to be assessed agenst bhe respective lots, pieces and Earcqls of land wi%hin the district affected by said improvements, and said proposedassessnents h&ng been filed trith the Clerk, the same are hereby approved, and the Clerk shall keep the same on file in his office and open to public inspBction pending hearing thereon as herein provided. of notice of hearbgs bereinafter contained to pass upon said proposed assessments, and the action of the qlerk in causling notices of the $he, place and purpose of said meeting to be pubpshed in the offici& newspaper September 2 and 9, 1954, said notices being in ?he following fomns, is hereby ratified and confirmed: 2. This Codcil shall meet at the time and place specified in the forms * NOTICE OF HEARmG ON RE-RSSEsS-m * * . .FOR Sm S4PROVBBNT C-23 . NOTICE IS €IE€BEE GIVEN, t&at_the_Comc$l- of -the ViXlage of Edina rill meet at -etne Tillage Hal on l$o$ay, October 4, -1954, at 7:30 o1 clock P.I~I., to hear and pass upon all objectiogs, if-any, to the proposed.re-assessment of*Street kprove- ment, -3GF3, the Gradh@ and Gravelling of St. Johns Avenue between Vest 59th Street and S’Jest 60th Street and ok Vest 60th Street between St.Johns Avenue to a point 135 feet Uest qf Fairf*m kveg~e. The above-re-assepmqt is to increase the assessabie footage by 271.95 feet, This will. increase the- cost per front foot against Lots 12 and 13, Block 11, Fairfax Addition and d*ecrease the cost per front foot against the following lots: Lots 1 thru 12, Qlock 10, Fairfa Addition; Lots l4 thru a,! Block 11, Fairfax Addit5on;, Lot 1, Block 1, valley View Terrace Third Addition; Lot 13, Block 1, ,and Lot I, Block 2, Valley View Tarace Additionr EvAtD C,. BANK, Pillage Clerk BY ORDER OF THE I7I-E COUNCIL, . _-* * *.. - - ,- .--..* ._. NO!XICE OF HEXRJXGS Ol?-ASSEssfSE%TS . FORIIPRW-mS * NOTICE IS €E€SBY:GW that the_Coun@ of. the Village of Edina trill meet at the Village Hall .on f.IQnda& October 4, 195.4, at 7:30 P.EITO, to hear and pass upon alltobjectLons, if any, to the proposed assessments for the folfo?.ring improve- Dents, which assesskents are now on file in the office of the Village Clerk an6 - open to public inspection: . Curb & Gutter B-18 from I-ht37, #lo0 to Richmond We and West Lot Line of’Lot.22, B1. 1, tTestcQester G~olls Addition. . Curb & Gutter %*a 1 Cons&uction of concrete Curb 8C Gutter in Chovkn Ave. between IT. 59th Street’ and TI. 60th Street e Construction of concrete curb tk gutter in Wndsor Ave, .. a 9h315.4 Assessments for Curb & Gutter will be payable jn five equd consicutive mu& 17 1 i;nstdlments exbended over a period of five years to be payable with taes for the year 1954, collectible in 1955, with interest on the entire assessment at the rate ' of 5% per annum from the date of the resolution levying the assessment to AuEfust 15, 1955. To each subsequent installment t.rill be added interest at Che szime rate for one year on all unpaid installments. The owner of any property assessed for any of the above improvements may pay the whole of assessment without interest to the Village Treasurer, on or before October 10, 1954, and may thereafter mke payment with accrued interest to the County Treasurer. The area to be assessed for the above named improvements includes al.1 lots, pi-eces and parcels of land fronting and abutting on the portions of the streets in which said improvements are made, BY OEDER OF THE VUm COUNCIL. EVAID C, BANK, Village Clerk .*' _- - .. , . 1- _I --- NWICE OF HEARINGS ~ ON - BS3ESSimS .. -FORA lN?ROWmiS NOTICE IS HEEZEBY GIVEN that the.-CoFcil of the Village 02 3dh-a VLU- meet at the Village H&Ll_OnXonday, October 4, 1954, at 7:30 olclock Poi%, to hear and pass upon all objections, -if any,.to the proposed assessments for $he fooZlowing improve- ments, which assessments are now on file in the office of the Village Clerk and open to public inspection: appurtenances in Residentid Southdale Addit ion. aesidential Southdale Addition. . Assessment for Sanitary Sewer and Wat&nain will be payable in ten equal, consemtLve, annual instsllments exbendwg over it period of ten years, the firs% of said instalhents to be payable with taxes for the year 1954, collectible in 1955, with interest on the entire assessment-at the rate of 5% per annum from the date 09 the resolution levying the assessment to August 15, 1955. installment will be added interest at the same rate for one year on dl unpaid instdlmentsr 1rhole.of assessment without interest to the Village Treasurer, on or before October 10, 1954, and may elereafter make payment with accrued interest to the Comty Treasurer , . lots and tracts of land between 'f,J,Gf&h St. and W.7Oth Sts. and between France Ave. and a line 1/2 mile West thereof-*. BY ORDEE OF THE V1-m COUNCIL. Sanitary Sewer $60 - Construction of Village Sanitary Lateral. Sewers and Ifatemain #64 t-. .Construction of Village 3Tateraai.n and appurtenances in ' To each subsequent The owner of any property assessed for any of the above improvements mftY PW the The area to be assessed'for the cost of the above 5mproveDents inciudes all ZVb C, BmK, Village Cleik .. - .-- --.. NOTICE OF H"G ON~BSEsS3~ FOR -. .~ - - - , *__ s~m~g~~ow.mi~flyl. . - .* -Tree TrMg and €'-&a NOTICE IS HEXCEEX GIVEN, tl.lat.the Council of the Village of Xdina will meet at the Village H@.L onHond.ay,--October 4,--1954, at 7:30 o'clock fp.TL, to hear and pass upon all ob$ections, if any,-to the proposed asssssments for Tree Trimming and Pruning, which assessments are now on file in the office of the Village Clerk arid open to' publi'c inspection. Bssessments ufil be payable in ,one hstal&en<, with %axes for the year 1954, collectible in 1955, with interest at the rate of 5% per annum ffom the date of the resolution levyingtbe assessment to August 15, 1955. The ovmer of any property assessed for the above improvement nay pay this assessment without interest to the Village Treasurer on or before October 10, 1954, The area to be assessed €or the above named $npTovement includes all lots and tracts OS land fronting on Streets in thzt area bounded on the South by 'Vest 5%h Street and on the North by $unnyside Road; on the East by Gden-Avenue aqd on the Nest by Brovmdale Avenue, and including Smyside Road between Brovmdale Avenue * EVN;T)'"C. BANK, Village Clerk ~ -. "-4 'I-" ~ I4otion for adoption- of the Resolution was 1&x&ger 3fLtchell then presented Preliidkry Tabulations of Assessments on a number 08 projects, asking that Council-conduct assessments hearings on these projects Qctobpr 18; and stating that-he hoped to secure exbension of certification time frpm $he Comty Anditor to October 20, in order that these assessments may be He explained that costs given &re not entirely firm--that. they may possibly be changed in some smll amounts before the Hearings but that . they are, in the nab, exact. Bredesen offered the follovring Besolution md LI certified-%his year. e -- e moved its adoption: -4 ' Q e. 9/13/54 to ', 19 &ley between.V.60th and W.59th Sts.; th. 91. along s&d &ley to 'i Beard Ave*; tho Subdivision #312; tho IrJo to pt. 82.5 Ft. more or less T.T. of the ceGtmlke-of ~ Beard Ave.; tho W*5&h-St*; n, Chowen live. to V.37th St..;. the -1Jt along V.57th St. to pt. of beginning, Assessment .for Stom Seim. -hprov&nent ~dl be .payable _in ten .equal, con- - secutive, annual. linsta&eqts exbending over-a period often years, the first of said installments to be payable trith-taxes for the year 1954 collectible in 1955, with interest on the entire assessment at the rate of 5% per annum from the date of the resolution levying the assessment to August 15, 1955. To each subsequent installment rvill be added kterest at the sane rite for one year on all unpaid installments . whole,of assessment without interest to the Village Treasurer, on or before October 10, 1954, and may thereafter make payment with accrued interest to the County Treasurer. BY ORDER OF "Kil VZUa COUNCIL. on Beard kve. tO--Pt. 58 Ft. s. of .Ns;: Cor. of Lot 9, Auditorts along a line pardlel with the centSerline of Beard Ave, to %f* along f.J05&h St. 50 intersection of ChoxJen AVO,; tho p~, ,on The owner of any propefiy assessed for the above hp-rovement may pay the EVD C. BANK, Village Clerk _. -I -' - . . - ~ (3) XTOTICE OF HEARINGS O~_aSSl3Ssr.zENrS -FOR XYPROWBiWS NOTICE IS HEjE3BY GIkN, that the-(hrqxiJ of the Village of Edina vfll meet at the Village H?,ll..On Ik)n&y, Octobep 18, 1954, at 7:30 otclock POX., to hear and pass. upon all objections, if :any, to the proposed assessments for the following improvements, which assessments are now on file in the ofzice of the Village Clerk and open to public inspection: k! 93 a -3 4 u S&KP.I!NRy SZXER NO. 63 - Conqtructiom of Sanitary lateral. sewer and appurtenances in: . ,lo ?[est ?foodland Fibad-between Concord-and Wooddale Avenues. * SATJITAEE 'sn.JER-MO'. 64 - Constii$ction oc Sanitary lateral sewer,and appurtenances 5.n: .- 1.. IJ. 6Qth. st . .between -Cbncord and Parnell ilves. I SANITJ@Y FEXGR-NO", 66 - Coq$xucti'bn of Sahitary lkteral sewer and appurtenances in: 2. 3. Concbrd kvenue--betwe&n Cohcord Terrace .wd W. Woodland Road," Fairfsx Ave. between 1J.lJoodland.Eoad and a Et. 360 Ft. SE thereof. Parnell Ave. betkeen 1T.bOth St ... and Valley View Road. (. 2. .lo, hy. .$169-212 between S-&t Avenue and IT. 526d St. 2. The service drive between K52nd and IJ.53rd Sts," 3. If. 53rd St . betvieen serace. .drive and Qrandvieiv We. 4. Granddew Lane beheen If. 52nd and Tk.53rd St; - 5. West 52nd $t ." betwee6 H+kerson an$ lfilliam' kves. 6. Hankerson Ave. between W.5lst and B.s$nd Sts, Fairfax-Ave, from IJ.58th St. to a pt. 195 Ft.,'more or* less,gouth thereof . Halifax*Lane from South line of Southridge Addition to approx. 675 Ft. South Shereof . - L SANITARY SEI.lER NO. 67 - Const-qction of +nitary lateral sewer and appurtenances in: ShITARY S@cp NO. 62 - Const;ruction of Sanitary lateral sewer and appurtenances in The area proposed'to be assessed for the above named hprovements includes all lots , , pieces and parcels of land fronting and abutting on the port;ions of the Streets in .r.rhich said improvements are made. Assessment for Sanitary Sewer will be payable in ten equiil, consem~ive, annual installments exbending over a-Geriod of ten years, the first of said installments to be payable with taxes for the year 1954, collectible in 1955, with interest on the entire assessment at the rate of 5% per annum from the date of the resolution leMg the assessment to .ejug~& 15, $955.- To each subsequent installment will be added inkerest at the same rate for one year on all unpaid hstaltlments. BY ORDER OF THE; VILLAGG COUNCIL 'T EVAT;D C. BANK, Village Clerk -. - .. . - (4) - NOTICE' OF KEIIl1INGS. Dl4 ASSESS~~N!Ps FOR DE?fXOlBB~S NOTIm IS -Y GN;EN, that the_Counci& of the Village of Edina will meet at - -+.I the Millage HqJ-1-o~ ;E1Tonday,8 October 18, 1954, at 7:30' 0' Clock P*14*, to hem and pass upon objections, if-any, to the proposed assessments for the follo~g imprommentt;s, xvh-ich assessments are now on file in the office of thezvil%Q Clerk .Wd open to public inspection: ~~~~.~~ NO. 67 - Construction of village ?ratermain and ~ppufienances in: ~?~~~~J NO, 69 - Construction 62 Village tfatermain and a~~~denanees in jii~m.j-~m NO, 71. - Construction of ElXage igatermain and a~~~fienmces in: 1, JGst Tfoodlad *Road betyeen Wooddale aqd onc cord -kvenues. * -2, . Faip2q.x Ave. bqtyeen W.%oodland Rd. and W.5&h St* AHasfz Lane between IT. 54th St. and ~~Oo~.?Pd Cbcle. 1,. Bernwd Place bekween IT. 56th St and Grove 5%. 2. Code Ave, between Grove StD ad w057th st. 3. Grove-st. between Code Ave. and Bernard Place. 1. . ~q.70th st. from service rd.. a1ong W.Side of State wkmam NO. 72 - Constmction of vil1agexja;i;ermain and a~~~fienances in: #loo to IT* line . .- of Brookview Hts. 2nd Ad&. Daens Drive so frqm DU~ZUI Plaza to We line of.Subdi~?-sion* from kggan Plaza to If. line of Subdivision* *. 2, Service Rd, along 11. Side of s'b. ?&&$..oo from Duggm Plaza to s.s,70th 3. 4, xeadow Ridge -. 9/13/54 lfmm*mq I?O- 73 - COnStPUCtiOn*Of Village Ifa-&,eSmain and- appurtenances int 20 C. 1; Shemood Road from Edenmoor to‘Hw. i,2&69, 2, lJm53rd St, from crossing to Grmdvj.e$r Lane, 3. 5rmdvier.r hne.from B.52nd to T?.53rd St, . 4, ti. 52nd StD -fFom &Ymdview he to I.JiLliam Ave, 5. he, from 11; 51st to W,52nd.’St;. 6, W.5lst St. and 1^1.5&&d St. from l’illiam to Hankerson Avenue. 7. &mkerson he. @-om ‘l.J.51st to WD’,%?nd St, . - The. area proposed to be assessed xor the,above naned improvezents includes a3_1 * - lots,.pieces and parcels of land fronting and abutting on the portions of the Streets in which said 5mprovemen’r;s are made, Assessment for Ifatemain Improvements r.rilL be payable in ten equa, consecutive, annual installments exbending over a period of ten years, the first of said inst& Bents to be payable w5kh taxes for the year 1954, collectible in 1955, p&th interest on the entire assessment at the rate of 5s per annum from the date of the resolution lemg the assessment to dupst 15, 1955* To each subsequent installment r.rill be added interest at the same-rate for one year.on dl unpaid installm6nts. BY ORDER OF TI-IE wm COrnJCIZ, 1 EVD C. BklJK, Village Clerk --.7-- - ‘,I .- .-- m.. (5). NOTICE OF -XE-QING$ Qlw ASSESSI1.;EIJTS NOTICE IS l3iB.XBY Gm, tpat the Co~cQ-of the.Village of Zd5na vriU meet at the -* .. -FOX IIflS Vmge HU.on I.ionda;r,. October 18, 1954, at 7:3O otclock P,lL, to hear and pass upon all objections, if any, to the proposed assessments,f or the f ollor.ring impovements, which assessmenks are now on file in the office of the Village Clerk and open to public inspection: CLii & GUTTER @. 20 - Construction of Concrete Curb 8: Gutter in Richmond Drive between Trunk-Hvry, $100 and the E Lot lines of I;ot .1, B1, 3 and Lot -1, B1, 4, Richmond Elills AdCWon, and Richmond Circle, . BIJKXTOP?mG A-15 Supplemental”: Beard be. from 56th St tocW. 57tk St , I BWXTOPPDJG A-33 - Oxford Aveo between N, line of Beverly Hills’ Ad&. & Division St, BUCEQPPD?G A-4.2 - lhodcrest Drive in Shady Pines Addition. BIJ%X!i’OPPiIG A-3 - FaGfax flve. from llD60th Bt. to-TTooddale Ave; SL4CKi‘O~PING A-57 - Zenith he, from tl.55th St, to It-.- line of .Lot 28, ill, 3, Seeley’s BIXCKPOPPIKG A-62 - Thodiand Ed, froqBroowew Ave-.. to Ilooddale he. B@CIB!OENG A-64 - SL.Johns iw& from lL59th St. to W.60th St , . - The area proposed_to .be ‘assessed for-the above namqd improveln&ts includes 3-1 lots,. pieces and parcels of land Yronting and abutting on the partions of the Streets in wi-iLch paid improveaents are made. Assessments for Curb & Gutter arid Blaclcbopping rill be payable in five equal, consecutive, annual instdlments exbending over a period of five years, the first of said installments to be payable 15th taxes for the year 1954, collectible in 1955, with zmdzc interest on the entire assessment at the rate of 5% par annum*from the date of the resolution le-g the assessnent to August 15, 1955. hstallment will be added interest at the same rate for one year on all unpaid instalhents. BY omm OF Tm VI- COUNCU;D . Firs% Ad&. .to Hawbhorne Park, - BL4CPOPPING A-60 - Zenith Ake, from iSi.57th st, Zo IT,5&h St. To each subsequent EVALD C. BANK, Village Clerk . -. (6) _NOTICE OF HEARIIXGS 08- AsSESmS - ,FOR DE’R0VE”TS -r __ __ * NOTICE IS I33REEIT GXVZX, tha% the Copci.&,of’ the Village of Edina will meet at the Villase iiaU_on3Iondag, October 18, 1954, at 7:30 otclock P.1.T., to hew and pass upon a1 objections; if any, _to the proposed assessments for the follovdng inprove- ments, r.Tkich assessments are now on file in the office of the Village Clerk and open to public inspection: WIIE AiD Gl?AV’Z~I- ?TO, C-2l. - Chowen Avenue from a pt, approXba6ely 450 Ft. South .of 3t,!j$th-.St-.. ir, Vm60thrSt. G~EG-PIJD GMViLLIHG 210. C131 - Xerxes Ave, between Tf,Sbh St. and Tf.60th St, WmG @m G@TEJG 140. C-35 & c-36 - SUPPLTGENTAI; WD~G &m GU‘U~TG ilJ0, 346 - The l3-?f-&~y l&i between Zenith and York h?S* GWB1G AER =TWIG Nq. C-47 tk C-48 - Xerxes Ave, between Vi66th and M.6W Sts, - @WING @jD mWT,T.TEG NO. C-52 I Josephiqe Ave,-be-heen We65th and B.66th Ski, GWI~;G @m ~q~$mm$2 NO. c-55 - Rhilbrook Lane between S.Jooddale live. and K5ah St, WiIG &D qgm-XDG NO. “C-56 - T?,bOth St.,between O&J*avm and Wooddale Aves. The Etrea pvposed to be assessed for the above named improvements includes all lots; pieces and parcels of land fronting and abuttirig on the poAions of the Streets in flch said improvements are-mad;. Assessments for Grading and Gravelling improYe;nents TKLl. be Payable 5.n th&? e&a, comecutive, amu;il. hstallments extending over a period of three Years, the first of said ~sta~~ts to be payable’vrith taxes for the year 1954, collectib1e in 19-55, pfith bterest on the entire assessment at the rate of* 5% per ~nnm from the date of the resolution 1e-g the asFeksment to August 3-53 195%. To c%L~~ kst-enjj Concord Ave. betTreen_ Southview Lane .and Valley View Xoad,- azld betireen ’I’l.52th SL ~d.M.60th St, -. ‘ . be added interest at- the Same rate for one Year on EVD C, EWK, Village Clerk