HomeMy WebLinkAbout19540915_REGULAR9/13/54 Blotion for adoption of Resolutiw was s were fLve ayes and no nays, as follows: d on Rollcall there B nd &ickson, aye; and the qeso -. The hour being late, with considerable business still before the Council for consideration, Child moved ,for adjournment until Wednesday, Sept ewer 15, 1954, at 4:30 P.K. A.L1 Tuesday, September l&. . Motion seconded by Danens and Carrie et- adjourned at 12:40 I' * n. i"l lXlXLJTB OF THE P*EZDtG OF 'E33 ZDIHA CWMSn4G Eo%@, -@ID. e TE@.-'VIra-a €€&It, .Id@DIdESD&Ys. Meeting was convened at 4:30, with the'viliage-Council acting as Canvassing Board for the Spacial Village Election held Tuesday, September 14, 1954, Nembers . present yere Bredesen, Child, Bank and. Erickson. The returns of Zlection Officials for the twelve election districts within the Village were refiewed, being as follows: sSF.mm- 151 3-9-54, .AT-&c~O y*Xm -. ~ . . . . . I LQ . __. -. m L.3 -- 2 I Question: "S SHALL OFTIONAL PUN B, PROVDDTG FOR THE- COUIlCI&-W~- FOP?. OF G-OlQ3Q"Ei~ OF T@.VKLUGVB?~ . m GOrni~ENT, BE.. AD9rnrn*.Frn..Trn - . - ,. .-*_ i 234 5 678 9 ioii12~0~~~ NO1 48 22 34 40 81 68 44 31 407 54 29 39 530 177 256 334 180 172 253 227 211 168 200 121011 6161812 02 516 Ut3 .- . 307 209 301.380 277 258 309 265 258 227 28 245 3325 -3 BL4NK --- _Jr--n.-- 7 Child-ts motion that election returns be approved was seconded by Bank and czrried; C and C'anvassing Board certified said setmi&. 8 There being no further business to come before comon consent . t I XINUTES OF Ti33 PBJOURNED POMXlN OF T?dZ m~u~ SEPTB-JBR .13T~ ~LQZTING- OF. THE mm yWGj$ COUHCIL, -.I-ETJf. IBDJESDAY, 2ZX'&E3;m I lpH ' 1 ...- AT 4:45,P,.31. . , .. e. Council lfeeting was convened at 4:45 -i?.$fh. , mediately after Canvassing Board NeeJcing,-with Bredesen, Child, Bqk apd Erickson present. Judge D.S. Burris' letter with regard to the mtter of !!No Through Tmncklf signs on Interlachen Boulevard was read and discussed. Bank's motion, that larger sigs be erected at both ends of Interlachen Blvd,, that :Police Department be instructed to enforce the rule of .%o through trmcks'f, ang that they be advised to erect more siws if thought necessary, was seconded by Child'and carriedr Building Supt, Ben Woehler reported E.C; Stow's request for a twenty-five foot setback for d.1 lots in Block 7, Brookview Heights. see nothing against this. plan inasmuch as it covered an entire block. Child's motion, that on Kr. Xoehlerts recommendation the request be granted but that. before permits are issued an approving letter from Stow Company be in the files, was seconded by Bank and carried. Nr. l?oehler' s report of continued disagreement with Lame-mesota concerning further tests for sad was accepted, with Bank's motion that Village Attorney and. I&. Voehler be authorized to write letter to Layne-IEmesota, with copy to their bonding company, that the-Village Council expects -&,hem to proceed at once to conclusion of their contract and to put well into operation in order that it may be integrated into our waterworks system. Notion seconded by Child and carried. . I&. Yoehler stated he could 1 9/15/54 22 Discussion was had as to the pumps €or the two wells, with Xr. 1;oeliLer slating that Layne wishes to remove tihe pump from the Concord well, transferring it Lo the Southdale wen. and that hyne install new pump in Concord rvell. This was agreed on bx all mabers present. - T) Bank recornended that ICep move pp from Concord to Southdale; As to plans and specifications for the pumphouses, $Imager fJitcheU exFlained that we should be able to take bids October lle be authorized to advertise for bids for pumphouses as soon as plans and specifications therer"or are ready. I-Iotion seconded by Child and carried, PrzMary and Find "Replat of Lots 6 &d 7, Block I, Hilldale Addition,If was . - presented, together isith Planning. Commission's recommendation for-approval-sub ject to check and approval bjyillage &&eers. ,Child's motion for approval, subjecti to conditions imposed by Planning Commission, vas seconded by Bredesen and carrLed. 1.E-r. R.L. HavthorneIs Prel&nbary Plat of *$Subdivision of Lot I, Block 13, NomandaleYfr yas amroved by motion Child, seconded by,Bredesen and carried; this plat having * been recommended by Planning Gomrrrission for approval, as of Sept,ember 1, Find Plat of %dins- Bel-Air TT," vas presented--this representing a change from the already-approved B614ir Q by the division of one block'info Tour lots instead of five. approval of Fbal Plat be accepted, was seconded,by-Bredesen and carriedo Bank's motion, that Village llanager Bank's motion that Planfcing Commissionts September 1 recornendation for FiaI Plat of 1W~05.tus Additionl1 was approved, by motion Child, seconded by Bredesen and carried, .. ~ TCr, 3, C. Stow's Prefiminary of a ttRe-plat of Lake Edina" was presented, together +iith their- qualified reconmendation-f or approval, given September 1, motion for approval, subject to compliance with Commission! s stipulations, was, FkaL Plat of one lot in Southdale 11 Addition was presented, bearing Planning commission^ s September Is$ recornendation for approval. or" Final Plat, was seconded by Bredesen and carried, A * A +. Bredesen! s secorided by Bank and carried, I *. Bankt s motion- for approval Irk. -Xes. Lderson's Preliminary Flak of Highrmod IT Addition, and over-all plat of his properby. ~ Tlyxiing; Codssiont s recornendation for approval, subject to e-ation of OutloL d and.the connection between the Cul de sac on Leslie Drive and Vest Highwood Drive, vas reported, this recomendatgon dated September 131, Sredesenls motion for approval subject %o compliance with Planning Comissionts recommendations, vas seconded by Child and carried, + The/recommendation/of Biltmore l.fotor Hotel Association for rezoning rof Lots 1, 2 I and 3, Block 1, Grandview Plateau to Cornunity Store District and the Wding of double bmgalovrs on Lots &-through 11, Block 1 +d h%s 1 through 8, Block 2, Gradview Plateau, f'lils reviewed, Child's motion, that Public Heasing be scheduled for I-ionday, October XI., on this petition, planning Cormission~ slon petition I.Iotion seconded by Bank and carriedo Prelhri-nary Plat of I1Davies First AdditiorP vas approved subject to Planning Conmission' s._Septembsr 1st stipulation for,a %-foot street dedication, including 50 feet at-.Noeh end to permit continuance of road at a later date. Bank, seconded by Bredesen ad carried. Action tas delayed further study on Wnifom Ordinance for Public Utility State Highway Deparbnentfs Order No. 23952, for desi&nation of State Aid Road HQr62., datedSeptenber I, 1954 1: IIBeginning at Trunk Highway No, 100 near the juqction with County €toad 110, 39 in,She Village of Edintr; thence easterly along VUey View goad to--liest 62nd Street, diong West 62nd Street to State kid Road No. 17, at the jqnction of West 62qd Street and France Avenue. EoadrNo. 17, at &he junction of Vest 60th Street and France Avenue;'thence east dong West 60th Street to the east corporate limits of the Village of Eclina, which point 2s also the Vest corporate lbits of the Ci%y of l.linneapolis; thence continuing east along Vest 60th Street in the City of Hinneapo~is to Sunrise Drive; thence along Sp9se Drive to I;fest S&h-S%reet;; .thence east along Vest 58th Street to Trunk Highray No, 65, at the junction-of Vest 58th Street and Lyndale Avenue, Street and Lpdale Avenue; thence east dong Irest 61st Street and East 61st Street $0 Chicago Avenue; thence north along Chicago. .Avenue to_$ast 5%h Street j thence east dong East 58th S-treet to State Aid Road No. 53, near the junction of East 53th Street and 46th Avenue South, and thzre terminating" - was reviewed and was ordered placed on Zile, as vas Hennepin County Hi&prraJr Department's September 10 notification of this Order. Xotion by *st&lationtl, - -" 0 ... Beginning again on State Aid Beginning again on Trunk Highway No, 65, at the junction of Irest 61st ,. P 9/r5/54 Child offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: IBSOLrnIOf4 23 -. i ARTEUB Go JBtSm $=AS, this Council has been..informed of-tfie death 02 krthur G. Jensen, long time employee of the Village Public Uorks Department, and I THEREAS, lirthur G, Jensen has' served 'his comnnmity well, both in his vocation and as-a fine citizen; BE IT RESOLZED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina, that this Council convey to the.family of krthur G. Jensen its expression of sorrow at the loss of a valued employee and friend of the community. Notion for adoption of Resolution was seconded by fWS? ayes and- no nays, as i'ollotrs: nd on RoZlcall there were Bredesen, aye; TEank;, aye; and Claim off James J. O'Brien; Attorney, Charles Tatsuda, mount $100.00, was read, with Iknager 1Qitchell reporting that J.A. Danens & Son, Inc., , was working for Richfield on Xerxes Avenue South when.damage to automobile occurred. moved and Bank seconded that cla& be referred to J.k. Danens & Son, Inc. IIotion carried. . Child Nr. Les Andersonts request for temporary permit for movable tract office in Lot 4, Block 3, Highwood Addition was reviewed. one-year permit.. Notion seconded by Bredesen and.carried. Child moved for issuance of a Petition was filed for the Oiling of Philbrook Lane between IJooddae and Broolfvietr Avenues. at Village &gbeer's Biscretion, was seconded by Bredesen and .carried, Petition was filed for Sanitary Sewer in York Avenue between 17.58th and 3f.60th Streets. Childts motion, that petition be accepted and that Public HearQg be scheduled for 1955, was seconded by Bak and carried. Petition for lowering the grade from Nelody Lane to 5300 Grove St., on Grove St., and from intersection of Code and Grove St. %o 100 3%. South, on Code he., was discussed. Vorks Committee for investigation and report, was seconded by Child and carried, Veinman Plumbing Company's application for renewal of Plumber's License to April 1,. 1955, was approved sub jeqt to Bldg. Supt . 'Wbejiler' s approval, by motion Bredesen, seconded by Child and carried. Nr. Sheldon Elurgerson's &gust 31 letter, urging the completion of the Grading and Gravelling of Cleweland Avenue at the earliest possible date, was discussed. Nanager EbEtchell recommended an oil base, and curb and gutter in order thak the street might hold. byyillage Ebnager for Nonday, October 11, providing it is possible to secure necessary engineering data therefor, was seconded by Bredesen and carried. Police Department report for August was reviewed and ordered placed on file; Application for Plumber's License, by Chester J. Fritz, 2151 Butler Ave., St . Paul, was'approved by motion Bredesen, seconded by Child and carried. Kanager Mitchell reported that BW&S Railroad Company has now installed a cyclone fence along their right-of-way, as-asked to do; but that reszdents are asking for a gate. Ifanager Xitchell reported fi. A. G. Bogen's request for a sewer-water mzlp of the Village, with Nr. Bogen to-assume costs of preparation; it was agreed that this would be satisfackory. I+&, IbKtchell's report of Hern Bros. qffering of their 19% issue of IWeapolis- purchase <wo such maps, one being for the Police Department. The foUovhg recommendations of the Public Ifprks Committee, September 10, were approved, by motion Bredesen, seconded by Bank and carried: " Child's motion, that petition be accepted and Public Hearing scheduled -. . Bank's motion, that petition-be accepted and referred to Public Childts motion, scheduling Public Hearing on work recommended I -0 Consensus of apinion that gate is unnecessary. ~ Hennepin comty map for $37.50. was discussed. Irfager I4itchell Ims authorized to 1. 2. Disapproval of vacation of Service Drive in Woodbury,Park inasmuch as %here is private property, being Lot A, to the South of ri&t-of-vray. Approval of Engineer 'fitcnell's plan for grading an6 gravelling of dley betvjeen W, 56th and W. 57th St . , York to Xerxes (since mfuted by owners) 9/l5/54 24r C1.lairman of Public Safety Committee, Bank, reported that Police Captain McGary recomends against bstdlation of more Vatch Out for Children*l signs on Circle East ad Circle Vest, . I-Iotion accepting FqGaryls recommendation-rs made br 1 Bredesen, seconded by Bank and carried, ' &, IMhry's recomendations for Stop Signs at IW Cor, of Grimes Jive. and swtnyside Eoad, stopping Grimes traffic from .the. North, and at intersection of Gleason ana Valley View Roads, to stop traffic on G2eason Road, Irere accepted by motion Bredesen, seconded by Bank and carried. Discussion was had as to the possibility of cutting Browndale Avenue at the old streetcar right;-of-way; and this was referred to Fublic Qorks Committee for investigation and report. The following recommendation of the Public TIorks Committee, made Septmber 10; vas approved by motion Bredesen, seconded bx Bank-and carried: .* - Authorization for Ibnager Xitchell to consult with ovm6rs of the 3Uler barn on Garrison Lane e-xtension, with gegard to moving of barn to make tray for sanitary trunk sewer. ,* It vas reported that Lot l4, Block 8, Harriet %fanor 2nd Addition does not have sewer connection to curb line, although he is paying assessment ?herefor. Discussion was ha$ as to method 03 correcting matter (refund of assessment, or installation of connection) and it was consenxms of opinion that Village Public Utilities Depasttnenti make installation if possible,, Discussion vas had as to the proposed re-location of Eden Avenue, an& Bank offered the following Ilesolution and moved its adoption: ** . .- t Hotion for adoption of Besolution was second were four ayes and no nays, as follows: Br and Erickson, 'aye; and the Resolusion 19s. a Bank then moved that Village Zngineer be authorized to proceed with fbal plans and specifications for the re-location of-Eden livenueg and that bids therefor be taken as &rIy as possible in the spring of 1955. Notion seconded by Child and carried? .- Judge Burri?' letter, recomending Gretchen S, &den and Bernice lie Johnson for temporary appohtment as Clerk of Cburt vas read ad F~S discussed at soae length; with Council^ f eeLing %hat both enployees already have sufficient work to keep them fully busy during office hours, and that additional duties might cause difficulty. believed it best to resign from the appointment for herself and Ski, Johnson; ad Child moved that Eknager I4itkhell be instructed to inform I&, Burris that he must find another Clerk of Court by November 1, if possible. by Bredesen and carried, . The request of Zhes, Nein and Bds for reclassification from No, 17-E and 17-D respectively, to U-E, retroactive to January 1, 1954, inasmuch as they will be running the new boo?ckeeping machine, vas read, the recpested retroactive increase; arid i.t was determined that operztion of the bookkeepin8 mmhine bzgan September 1, be reclagsified to 204 and 20-B respectively, retroactive to September 1. Notion seconded by Child and carried. &s. aden stated that, in View of Council's objection, she 'I I4o.tion seconded .* Some discussion was had as to Bredesen moved that 3.lines. Wein and Bemis The business before the Council having been concluded, Child moved for adjournment, Hotion seconded by Bredesen and carried, Isie I. c