HomeMy WebLinkAbout19540927_REGULARPursuant to ffAdverkieaent for Bids-Sanitary Sewer; Wat emain; Grading and
Gravellhg; Blacktopping; Stom Sewer; Ornamental Street Lights, It published 2.n
Edina-Norningside Courier and Construction Bullet@ September l7,and 24, 1954,
the following sealed bids tJere--accepted for. considerakfon and referred, by motion
Bank, seconded by Danens and carried, to %he kissistant Village Xngineer for
public opening in the Village Engineer's Office. Action was t aken after Clerk
Bank read affidavit of publication for,Advertiseaent, which affidavit was approved
bids were returned by the &xistant Village Xngineer, presen'ced to the. Council,
and f bund to be as follows:
iiAT"r;tz;:L4II\T iJ0. 79
' as to form and ordered placed on file. 5 'IC 35 >'- 4' 4s % Eater in the evening, said
S&f. Sam NO. 79
Shemvood &e. Sherwood Ave.,
I .. : -.~ - . .
. Circle Bernard Place
$10,230.00 $2,655.00
*.* .-.. -..
.d Assistant 3ngineer repoked that no bids had been receivkd on - Storm Sewer in
Brookview Heights and Hwy. 100; Grading and Gravelling of Alley between We56th and
W.57-kh Sts, and between Sork and Xerxes he.; and Gradkg and Gravelling .of Tower
Village Pianager recommended award (;f bids on Sanitary Sewer and Tlaternain Iinprovenenta
Nos. 79 to only bidder, Bart Carlone, inasmuch as his bid compares well wi$h es-bdte.
Child so moved.
\ . St . bettreen Wooddale and St. Johns -Aves. .
Hotion seconded by Bredesen and carried.
I.b.nager EihcheU recommended award of bids on Street linprovements Nos. A-69 and A-71
oqedite work this xear.
seconded by Danens and carried,
Upon I&. 3fitchd.l' s recornendation that Lehn Xlectric Company be awarded contract
for Street hprovement Ho. I.-1, at bid price of $1,190.OO--said bidder being aware
of change in original speclficakions insofar as reloczbion of one Light is concerned, Child moved for '-award of bid to low bidder. Motion secornded by Bredesen and carried.
..- - to low bidder, Jay W. Craig Company, at &3,077.$0 and.$2,039.00 respectively, to
I Ba@ds motion $hat contracts, be awarded to low bidder PELS
Nayor Ericlcson announced Public Hearings on sever& Ihtprovement ?rejects as the
second mtter on the agenda. Clerk Bank read Affidavit of ?ublSc&ion for tWotice
of Hearings on Sanitaxy Sewer, -Matemain and Blacktopphg &provements, It published
in Edina-Nomingside Coqier September- 16 and. 23, 19%; which affidavit-was
approved as to forn aqd ordered placed on file.
Public Hearings were held, and action was taken as recorded below,
yere preceded by an edrplanation of improvement procedure by Nanager Mitchell, PmLIC H"&lXG OR S&K!3ARY SEinfER It( JOSXPHDIE AYE., BBiOIt AVE. TO
11,60TH ST.:. W.60TH-ST.,-.H[JY?. -100 .TO .CODg- AVX. ~ Manager.liEtcheXL1s
Estimate. of Cost was $l2,3O7.IAy for $4.85 per Assessable Foot for the
Lateral Sewer, plus $2.36 per Assessable foiot for Connection to Tmunk,; for a Total of @'7.2l,per Assessable Foot. There were no objections at
the Hearing, and no twitten objections had, been filed prior thereto;
and Child offered RE3OLU'TIOI? OIEDEREVG DEBmdEm and moved its adoption.
Hotion for adoptio2 of -Resolution .was seconded by Danens and unanimously
P. I. 91 #* x ,. 35 5;- Then, later in the evening, a delegation of three or
four objected to the.improvement on the grounds that they should not be obligated to pay for a,n improvement for developers. Sone discussion was
had, znd Child moved that Comcil reverse its previous- action; that
matter be-referred to Public Utilities Committee, and that Public Heming
be continued to Nonday, October 11.
carried, &th Bank voting pay,
In accordance with said Notice, Public Hearings
Hotioz .was seconded by. Danens and
YDX.RWiD 4I) 1f062m. SzREEl!,2 Nanager Xi$chell's Estate of Cost, $5,725,62, for $5.20 per Assessable Foot; met without oral objection
from the floor;. and no written objections had been received prior to
the Hearing.
Rmager R.itchel&f s 3stimate of Cost, $.8,0'@.40, for. $3.20 par-Assess- able Foot, met without objection, butt it was discovered that the
Blacktopping of Virginia Lane had not been advertised in the Hotice
of Hearing, and a delegation recpested that this project be included
hL the above named improvement. &nager liitchell recommended this,
and, also, that Council take bids for both Virginia Avenue hproveraent
and Virginia he bprovement (as one project) on Isonday, October 11,
This, the Council jnformally, agreed to do, (See Resolutions of laker in I-leeting, for Heas.ing on Vhginia he and for Bida for entire
&- AID -€BFiIJm- ?L&Cl$. . &qager.$Etchell~.s Eskigate of Cost, . . .
$2,079.00, met -74th. no .ob jeption, either oral or .r.rritten--this being $1.73 per front; foot.
and was infomed that no such petition had been received; i2nz.k the
blacktop does hold up better with curb and gutter,
BICElfQOD, DEIlB .TO Slii3RP;tCOD EO@,-- .E.Tctnqger->Etche=!s new Estimate of
COS%-~~S $3,202.00,. _zhi_s.cost, higher than that of: September 13, was
occasioned, 3.k. -I.fitchell stated, by recommendation o$ Public 'siorks
Chairman, .trhatEgrade be sub-cut 12 inches because of ppor soil
conditionsi There were no objections from the floor, and no wi%%en
objections had been received prior to the Hearing.
(See Besolution Ordering Jinprovement) .
StOsLD. To 6%' ST & qg .T.I* 6m ST.. PL%~JIG~--AW TO TTBGDJLh -Am
- project) .- D -
&e gentleman inquired about curb and gutter
(See Besolution
Ordering bprovement) -.
c -
then offered the foUowing Resolution and moved its adoption: rnOLUTION - mmwG l3PaQmams P
WfL'Ei"W''~O~*E&? b$jCL So: SmT @€'30% il
&kL'S I$OS. A-71 AID C-62 .
?X%OLVED by the Council of -the VilJage +of "Edina, Rbnesota, that this
Council heretofore caused notice 02 hearings to be duly published on the propDsed
I BE 332
I improv&ents consisting of the following:
1. Cbnstruction of Village 17atemaQ1 Xxtension in Concord Avenue
between TkLley. View RoaG-and IS, 62nd. Street
2. Blackboppkg of TF05&th Streegbetween Co:de Rve,' and Bernard Place.
3. Grzdjng and 06g of Zdenmoor between Richdod Di-ive, and Shemood
and at the hearings held at the time and place specifced in said notice the
Council has duly considered the views of all persons interested, and being
fully advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with
the construction 02 said jnprovements; that; said improvements are hereby
designated and shall be referred to in all subsequent proceedings as folloms:
Constiwction of Village ?latemain Ex*ension in. Cbncord
Avenue between Valley View Road and W.62nd Street
Bernard Place .. STREET 3~~rnarn .NO .A-~L
and Sherwood I Road *F.
TWT!Ea*WN JtlEP.IT0, '80
..- _. -- .
~ f3lacktopping of TT.56th Street betwee$ Code .&e, and
.. .. - .\A I
Grading and Oiling of Edenmoor between Richwood Drive S"!EZT DPROVI AJO 0 E-62
proposed . ..
and the-area to be assessed fop the cost of each-of the sard improvements hcludes
E33 IT FURTBZR P~O'TXED th& the area to be assessed for TfatermaZn aproveaent
No.. GO ~&ll hclude all lots and .tracts of land benefited by 'I.la"cemain 3nprov~
nzents NOS. 68 and 75; said TJatema5.n Jinprovement No. 80 being .ah integral part
of said projects.
I all lots and tracts or' land abutting the street to be'improved,
Xotion for adoptiun of ResolutLon was second
were five ayes and no nays, as follows:
Bank, aye; and Zricfcson, aye; and the $ego ATTEST: .-
llczll there
. * & _. 6.U
Village Clerk
1 Rollczll there
=a, qye; Damns, zye;
sjtciopted. #- / .
Child then moved that the Blackbopping in Virginia Avenue between Valley View Road
topping as part of this improvement, pending Public Hearing October 11, 1954. lfotion seconded by Danens and carriedb
to '1.1.62nd Std, and in W.62nd St., Parnell he. to Virginia Ave., be tentativelx
approved as Street Improvemen$ No0..&70, with plans to &clude Virginia he Black-
) I
Public Hearing was next hand on the Blacktopping of Richmond Circle, Affidavit of
PublicEtion of Notice of Hearing in Edina-PIorningsi.de Courier Septmber -16 and 23, 1954, Qaving been read by Clerk, approved as to form and ordered placed on file.
Nansger Nit chell explained that this Blacktopping will be considered an integral part
of Street aprovement No. A-69--BlacUopping of: Richmond Circle--that the cost is
eslimated at $2.30 per front fooL. There were no objections to the improvement, and
Child offered,the following Resolution and moved its adoption:
BF: IT RESOLVED by tGe'Counci1 of the TTiUUage90f. Edha, Knnesota, that this
Council heretofore caused notice of hearing to be duly published on the proposed
improvement consisting of the Blaclctopping of Richmond Circle,&d at the hearing
held at the time and place specified in said notke the Council has duly cmsidered
the views of all persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facts
does hereby determine to proceed with the construction of said improvement; thast
. said improvement is hereby designated and shall be referred to in a11 subsequent
proceedings as an integra2 of Street Improvement No, A-69.
~4P€LO~~.i NO. A-6 .
E& IT FUiZTmR RESOLVED that the Resolulcion Ordering Street Improvement No. A-69,
adopted by the-Village Council September 13, 1954, is hereby mended to include
in said improvement--the BlackLopphg of Richmond Drive from State HighwW-No. LOO
to Code Avenue-the Blacktopping of Richgnd Circle; and the area to be specially
assessed-therefor shall ;include all Aots and tracts of land abuttingthe streets
proposed to be improved.
Nokion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by 'Danens, and on Rollcall- there
Id, aye; Dqens, aye; --_
- .-
Public Hear-ing was next had on Petition to face dwelling- long t~yrog I&- on Lot- 9, - Block 2, Paul Wind-Christopher Addition. There were no objections to this facing,
and Danens moved that permit be-granted, Kbtion seconded by Bank and carried.
Clerk Bank then read Affidavits of Publications- in Edina-Norningside Courier August 19
and 26, 19.54, for 'INotices of Hear-Qgs on Assessments for Improvements," md,-pursuant
tot said Notices, the following. Public HearQgs were held and action- was,taken as
hereinafter rec0rded.b - 1. PUBLIC HBBING ON aS~SS14hT FOE BLACKTOPPING A-22 AND A-43 - Edinbroolc Add5tion
<*. L
and !Jestbrook- Lane. ~ Jkbager. i\.Tit chell! s-Tabulation- 02 Assessment showed a3n. assess-
ment .of $L81 per Front Foot for the Bat. in Edinbrook Addibion; $4.81 per Front
Foot for: Grading, Gravelling, Base and Hat for W.4.8th Street from Wesbbrook be
to Fkkvmna Lane-this latter skreet ha*g been-omitted in error last-year from
the-assessment roll for Street Improvement No. c-26; and this present assessment
rolX having adjusted both projects to secure an equal total assessment for aJ-3.
concerned. There were no objections from the floor, and no vn5tten objections
had been received prior to the Hearing.
to Qkexiew. Drive. Manager EQt chell!-s. TabliLation of Assessment was $2,187+99, for $1.44 per Assessable Foot.
objections -had been received. prior to the Hearing. (See Resolution Approving
Assessment). 3. PUBLIC HEARING ON BSSBSMENT~ FOR BUCI~TOPPING A-49 - 'st .Andrews -Avenue from LTtkeyiew . Drive, ,to SouthVi,ew Lane . -$!a.nager Nixhell' s Tabulation of Assessment was
$2,126.17, for $lo39 per Assessable Foot.
and no vritten objections -had- been received prior thereto . (See Resolu$ion
Approving Assessment) . 4. PUBLIC IBARIIJG .ON ASZSSm FOR 3LACInOPPING A44 - Tovmes Rd., 4f.48.f;h b tT.493h St. Hqager JStchepl) s Tah@.ation. of-bsseswent Y@S $1,713.66,. for- b1.U
ger Assessable Foot, There were no objections from the floor, ad no mitten
objections had been received prior to the Hearing. (See Besolution Approving -
Assessment) .- t.
(See Resolution Approving Assessment).
PUBLIC XURING ON IIsSESSwmfl FOR 3L4CEfTOFPING A-37 - Dalrymple, -South View Lane
There were. no objections ~ from the floor, and no wktten
There were no- objections Srom the XXoor,
5. W.6Oth so .BIaqager I&itchel&I s Zlsbg&ation, of-$issessment- was 33,534.59, for $2.81
pr AssessabLe Foot.
objections had been received prior to the Hearing.
PUBI;TC-€EAEZtG ON Mm3mfl FOR BMCKTOPF-TPJG A-58 - Chowen he., S'J.59th to
There jvere no objections from the floor, and no tmitten
(See Eesolution Approving
Assessment) . .. "-
A v,. 60
W.6Oth St., from E.
Tabaation of Assessnent was $2,971,62, for $1.78-pe1: Assessable Foot, were no objections from the floor, and no written objections had been received
prior to the Hewing. (See Resolution Approving Assessment).
Ayenue .between .I$. 5&h gd.1.1.5yth-Sts ., *and YooddaS_e .to Concord kve. and Concord .
Grove Addition,- >;lanager 1-Etchell explained that this assessment corrects -an assess- nentl@.ed June 28, 1954, by addjng some eight lots to the assessment district,
and reducing the over-all assessable cost to $4.57 per Assessable Front Foot.
There trese no objections from the floor, and no writtenrob jections had been
received prior to the Hearing.
of +Abbot~_&vq.*-$o Xerses Ave. .- 1h.nager IEtcheUts
(See Resolution Appraving Assessment). -
8, PIBLIC l43XfXNGS OR. THE FOLZOVING 0II;IIJG PROJECTS: I A. 0-27A-Richmond Dr., Nomm@J.e to .Bichpqd .Circle - Assessable cost, 2177.53,
as AgaLinst. 3;,8?5.&l 'Assessable Feet, Tor (>.0935 .per Assessable Foot, No objections,
eLther oral, or written (See Resolution Approving Assessment) .
B. 0-49-Xemes Ave., TI, $kth.-to Ife56th St. Hayor Erickson announced that assess-
ment VU .not be made $his year.-.
C. - 0-50-W.58th St., France to Brookview. - Assessable Cost, $199.84 as against
3,0%88 &ssessable Feet, for #.06507 per Assessable Foot.
oral or mitten (See Resolution Approving Pssesment) a* - O-%-S'L.Johns-Ave., I.r.59th St. to 1~60th St. - Assessable Cost, $99.12 as
ag&@ 1,197.64 Assessable Feet, for @.081f38_per Assessable Foot . iUo objections,
either oral or vxikten (See Besolution. Approving Assessment) . -
3. 0-52-5f.58th St., from Ifooddale Ave..to Oa3slavm Ave. - Assessable Cost, $160.34,
as agxhst 1,158.40 Assessable Feet, for $,3379 per Assessable Foot.
eikher oral or written, (See Resolution Approving Assessmen%). . F. - 0-53-1;1.60th Sk., from E.we of Lot 12, Bl. 6,_Harriet Liartor, to France. -
Assessable Cost, _$221.26, as-against. 3,07(lC4 Assessable Feet, for $.07164 per
4ssessable Foot.
G, --1JO59th St., lrooddale to Fairfax. Assessable cb&, $30.99, as against
!j3?.18 Assessable Feet, for $.05732,per Assessable Foot . No objections, either
oral or_mitten. (See Resolution Approving Assessment) .
H.. 0-55 - Ashcroft &e., W.59th $0 W,bOth St. Assessable. Cost, $170.22, as
agaigst .l,ly7.84 Assessable Feet, for &,11FfZ. per Assessable Foot., go objections
either oral or written, (See Resolution Approving- Assessment) ,
I, 0-58 - hhena Vista and 1[,68th St, Assessable-Cost, $1,323.68, as agahst
20,637.55 Assessable Fa&, for $.063$9 pgr Assessable Foot . No objections, either
oral or witLen. (See ResoXution Approving Assessment) .
J* - W.@h .St.,- -to 136 +Ft. N. Assessable Cost, $249.69, as against 2,602.,50 kssess- .-- able Feet, for $.09567 per Assessable Foe%. ,Ho objections, either oral 07 vnitten.
(Se,e Resolution, Approving Assessment) . . .
Ho - 0-60 - 77.59th St., T5.ngdd.e to Code. Nayor Erickson announced tkis assess-
ment_I.rill be nade at another time. - Lo a - Valley View Rd., Parnell to Concord, Assessable Cost, $191,24, as
against 1,120,~ Assessable Feet, for 8.17 per Assessable Foot. vo objections,
either oral or written; but one complaint was made that the corner of Parnell
and Valley View has not been oiled.
will inspeck street, and that tlxis matter vci.3.I. be taken care of-if it should.be
included in project , (See Resolution Approqg Assessment).
1.1. 0-61, - Belmore he, B$ake,Rd. to-Harrison._ Assessable Copt, 8f86.16, as
aga+st 2,832.44 Assessable Feet, for $.06532 per-Assessable *Foot . , A delegation
was pres& to complain that _contractor Carl Bolander and Son -has routed his
gravel trucks down this street continually, ever since the street uas oiled,
and hzs completely mined the oil, job. 1% was suggested that contrac$or be
z-.squired to repair the street, and &IT. Eitc'nel2. advised that his or"fice has
an appointment with Xr, Bolander on Tuesday, the 28th, to insist %ha% con't;rac$or
dogs repair his damage.
defer repai7 work until spring, but Trustee Child vetped this, stating that it should be done as soon as possible.
No 0-65 - Tan Emen Avenue from Belmore Zane-.to Horth Village Limits.
Cost, F;335,04, as against W04 Assessable-Feet, for $.lo32 per Assessable Foot.
No objections, either oral or wri.tten.
0. 0-66 - John Street, from Haloney Ave,_to grid includbg TWII Around. &ssessable ~ostm.86 .as against 84.0 Assessable'Feet, for $.ll84 per Assessable Foot. No
objections either oral or teitken, (See Resolution Approv$ng Assessment.)
P, 0-67. - ;i.T;indsor &vet, fr-om Hasen Rd.. to Rzilroad Tracks, -Assessable Cost, _II .$163.&3, as against 1,53&.75 As&,essable Feet, for &lo6 Assessable Foot,
objections either. ora or mitteh. (See Resolution. Approvjng AssessmLnt
Q. 0-68 - Division Stc from Spur Road to Rutledge Ave.
as against 2,m. Assessable reet,.+for $.Ofi205 per Assessable Foot.. (See .
Resolution Approving Assessment)
0-69 p Tingaale Ave. from Benton to Grove St. 1 Assessable Cost $f3'?.66 as I -. agms-t; l,U4l.,!& Assessside Feet, for $.OS393 per Assessable Foot. ,do objecdions,
either oral or written. (See ;Slesolutiov &p~Oving hsessmmt) 0
585.60ssessable Feet, for $"2i& per Assessable Foot.
oral or written. (See Resolution Approving Assessment) 0
No objections, ei-bher
No objections,
No objections, either oral gr written. (See BesoJ-ution Approvbg
0-59 e54 2 Ti.6Oth Str, ,Code to Tingdale; V.60th St., Code to 100 Ft. 17.; Code,
Complainant was told that Public TTorks Dspt. -
One suggestion was made that contractor be asked 'co
(See Besolution Approving Assessment).
(See R,esolution Apgrovhg Assessment)'e I Assessable
. -
Assessable Cost $326.40,
0-?O Q T.I.56th St., Vooddale .to Kellogg, Assessable Cost,$&5.52, as against
(No objections, either
29 9/27/54
Cost~8.04, as against 2,3l4,62 Assessable Feet, for. $.07653. per Assessable Foot. No objections, either oral or tnitten.
U. 0-72 - Xerxes heQ, TT.56th to W05Fbth St. ,Assessable Cost, $22.98, as
against 1,201.03 Assessable Feet, for $.lo16 per Assessable Foot. No objections,
either oral or icitten.
V, a - Drew Axe., from.W.5Rth Sto through 5925 Drew. Assessable Cost l&.4,45
as against 876 Awessable F.eet, for $.05 per Assessable Foot, 180 objections,
either oral or written.
W. 0-74 - Nortnwood Drive; Glengarry Parkmy; Chantrey Road. ~ Assessable Cost,
b639.86, as against 10,289.78 Assessable Feet, for $.061S per Assessable Foot .
No objections, either oral or tffitten. (See Reso1uS;ion Approving Assessmenk) .
X. a - Assessed with 0-59, I Y. y77 & 0-82 - W.6Oth StQ from Fairfax-Avenue ko St.Johns Avenue. Assessable .
Cost Lb1.50, as agahst 1,08~46 Assessable Feet, for $bo565 per Assessable Foot.
No objections, either oral or mitten.
2. .--- 0-78 - TTe59th St., 1fooddzd.e to Fairfaq, Assessable Cost $55.80, as against 537.18 Assessable Feet, .for $.lo35 per Assessable Foot.
Assessnent) ,
& 0-79 --I"T06Oth St., France to Abbot%: Assessable Cost $238,45 as agahst 2,699.70
Assessable Feet, for- &08?9 per Assessable Foot, No objections, either oral or
BB. - 0-60 - Benton Ave. frog TingdalerAveo to Code Ave: Assessable Cost $3159.76 as
against 1,082.73 Assessable Feet, for- $.U7 per Assessable Foot . 140 objections,
either oral or written. - (See Resolution Approving Assessment) e
CC. - 0-81 - W,5$th Street €rom France Ave.-to Philbrook Lane. .Assessable Cost &!+l.37
a8 against 2,4?6.5fii Assessable-Feet, for $.0567 per Assessable Foot.
either oral or mitten, (See Besolution Approving Assessment) e
This bringing Assessment Hearings for this evening to a close, Child offered the
following Resolution and moved its adoption:
0-71 - Grove St., if5100 to $5300-Tingdale Ave. to Bernard Flace. Assessable
(See Resolution. Approving Assessment).
(See Resolution Approving Assessment).
(See Resolution Approvjng Assessment)
(See Resolution Approving Assessment) .
(See. Resolution Approving
(See Resolution Approving Assessment) . .
No objections,
. I-
&KXTOP?U\TG - q*fl?EOW:EmS HQS-. 8-22 -& 43 A-37,8-49, A-54,A-58 .&$ID .AT592 ~&S~~~~~ FO2 SANT$ARY SZXjZ&
~ mmommn 555 J~D-QILIIG mmo?.m.aas p-27~~
0-50,51,52,53, 54,55,58;59.a.76,63,64,65,66,67,6~,69,
0,72, 72,73,7 9e 82,78,79,$0 and 81
3E IT RESOLVZD iy.the V'illag~'~~unci1 of the Village of Ediraa, Pfinnesota, as follows:
ments for BLLGKTOPTING EG'EOVXi4EWS MOS, A-22 & A-43, A-37, A-49, A-54, A-558, and A-59,
IKPROWBES 0-27& 075oS512 52,539 5k3.55358, 59 & 76,63,64,65,66,67,6Ef, 69,70, 71,729 73, 74,77 & 82, 78,79, 80 & 8L, and each of them, have' been properly calculated in
accordance with the provisions of Ninnesota Statutes Section 4l2.4.41; that notice has
been duly published, as required by law, that %his Council would meet to hear and pass
upon allobjections, if any, to amend said proposed assessments as might be necessary,
and to adopt the sane by resolution; that said proposed assessments have at all tines
since their filing been open for public inspection, and o$portuniey has been given to
all interested persons to present their objections; and tfiat each"of the lots, pieces
and pmcels of land enumerated-b the respective assessments was and is specially
benefited by the construction of the improvements for which such assessment is levied
in the amount set opposite the description of each such lot, -piece and parcel, of land,
pieces and parcels or" land described in said respectgve assessments, and said pro-
posed assessments are hereby adopted and codirmed as the proper special assessments
for said improvements, respectively.
together with %he interest accruihg on, the full amomk thereof from time to time
unpaid, at the rate of five percent per annum from the, date of this resolution, shall
be a lien concurrent with general taxes upon the property described therein and all
thereof .
The total amount of each such assessment for Blacktopping shall be payable in
equal.amua1 installments extending over a period or" five years, the first of said
installments, together wLth interest on the entire assessment fromthe date hereof to
August 15, 1955, to be payable vlith the general taxes for the year 195.4, and one of
the rerna-jning inst&lments, with one gear's interest on that and all subsequent
ins%jllnents, to be payable with general %axes for the years 1955 through 1959,
col3ectible in the respective ensuing years. The total amount of the assessment for Sanitary Sewer Improvement No. 55 shall.
be apayable in equal annual installments extending over a period of ten years, the
first of said installmmts, together with interest on the entire assessment from the
date hereof to August 15, 1955, to be payable tdth the general taxes for the-year 1954,
ad one of the remaining installments, with one year's inberest on that and a11 sub-
sequent installments, to be payable with general tsxes for the years 1955 though
1963, collectible in the respective ensuing years.
installment, to be paTyable with the general taxes for-the year 1954, together with
interest on the entire assessment fromthe date hereof to Ausst 15, 19550
__ -.ls .It is hereby found, determined and declared that the" proposed assess- I re-assessment for SANITARY .SEP@R II$l?2O~-~i NO, 55, and assessmen5s for-OOlLING
2. The amounts so set out are hereby lexied against the respective lots,
The assessment against each lot, trac-b or pace1
The totalamoun'c of each such assessment for Oiling shall be payable in one
9/27/54 3. Prior to certification of the assessment to the County Auditor, the
owner of any lot, piece or parcel of land assessed hereby may pay the whole of-such
assessaent or any instalheqt thereof without interest to the Village Treasurer and
thereafter such payment may be made with accrued interest to the County Treasurer;
providedthat if any assessments or inst@.lments,thereof be prepaid to the Village-
Treasurer, th& &all be cancelled on the books of the Village Treasurer and he
shall promptly noti?y the Village Clerk and County Auditor, and. the assessnent or
instaUment so prepaid shall-be cancelled on the books of the County Auditor, 4. The Clerk shall, as soon as may be, prepare and transmit to the
County Aud2tor a certified duplicate of said assessments, uith eachthen unpaid
installqent ad interest set forth separately, to be exrtended upon the proper tax -
lists bf the County, and the Coqrity Auditor shall thereafter cause said assessments
to be collected in the narmer provided by law. Said duplicates shall be designated
as the *Assessment Rofl for SanLtary Sewer Improvement No. -55, Bla&op?ing A-22 & A-43, AT37,A-49, A-54,A-58 and A-59, and all amounts collected in respmt of the
assessments-therein contained shall be similarly designated by the County Treasurer
and2eaitted by to the Village Treasurer and by him credited to the SW5ng
Fund Ac'count of the 1953 Improvement Fund._ Said duplicate for Oiling shall be -
designated as the Assessment RaU for .Oiling .Smprovenents, and all amounts collected
i~ respect of -the assesments--therein contained shall be sjmilarly designated by the
County Treasurer and rdtted to the Village Treasurer and by him creditedto the -
Sbking Fund Account of- the ?ermnent- hprovement Revolving Fund,
1.iotion for adop'cion of the Resolution &is seGondedby Danens, and on Rollcall there
Child, aye; Dgyens, aye;
The following reports &re submitted to the Council for consideration:
. Hennepin County Nursing District report-for August.
!Thank you" letter from James J. Johnston, former Clerk of Court:
Wutes of,PaFk Board Ueetings .of ,August 25, September 2 and September 9.
f2esolutions-l"rom Southyest Edina Better Government Association, Inc., to-wit
-_. A, - Ee: appointme& of Village l4anager. - Dated September 16, -195r&
B. - Re: Opposition to construction of State Aid Road 62. - Dated September 9.
Child moved-that bdocuments be accepted and ordered placed on file, .Notion seconded
by Bank and carried,
rel"erred to Public Safety Committee for inyestigation and recommendation, by motion
Bank, secondgd by Bedescn and carried,
c Petition for Watch Gut for Children Signsir on Arthur Street was filed, and tias
The follor.ring Petitions were filed, with Bank moving %hat they be accepted and that 1
petitioners be- informed that work will. be done this fall if saxither permits; motion
*seconded by Danens and carried:
For Oiling of W,63rd St. b$tween Nomandale and Valley View Road.
For Oiling of T.$irror Lakes-Drive and Ayrshire Blvd.
For Oiling of TJ.49bh St., If. of Beltline. -.
Deputy Cierk reported oral complaint received at office, concerning Re* Harold
Hardacre's having a real-estate office in his home at the corner of Virgi,nia Avenue
and Virginia Lane. iqeighbors of Ik. Hardacre's spoke in his behzlf, st&i_ng that
the traffic does not bother them. It was brought out in discussion that Elk,
Hardacre is maintainirig a real-estate sign on his premises; and Child moved that
ma%ter be investigated further, and that if there is such a sign-on the premises
it be ordered removed at once, Notion seconded by Bredesen and carried.
TTE~ City Rapid Transit Companyls proposal for the extension of the Como-France Bus
line from its present terminal at 54th S-b, and France Avenue to 5&h St. and France
Avenue, at an additional charge of 10 cents beyond Ermeapolis fare l$nits, was
approved by motion M, seconded by Danens and carried,
Petition for continuance of Vandemrk Avenue northvmds from Hollywood Road to
connect with abeady e,uis-i;:ing part o€ Vandervork Avenuelying between Division St ,
&-id point appjro,.rimately 250 Ft. iV. of Hollywood Road, was ordered accepted and-.
referred to Public f.3orks CoMmittee, by. motion Brzyk, seconded 'by Danens and carriedo
Xhager I-Iitchell recommended award of August 23rd bid on Blacktopping of kshcroft
Avenue between TT.5$th and W.*!j%h Streets to low bidder, Zarl Sernll, at bid price
of $1,784.00. so novgd, Eotion seconded by Danens ad carried.
Pe€it%on filed by Verne L. and kvelyn Johnson, 5040 Iiinnewawa Avenue, for Vacation
of that part of Old Hopkins Road 1ying.betvreen their property and"that of Ghe
Grange Hall.
Notion lost for want or" a second.
Tlorks Committee for recoinnendation,
Bank moved tha? petitioner be allowed to put road into condition.
Child raoved tnat matter be referred to hblic
liotion seconded by Bredesen and carried.
Copy of letter from Attorney Windhorst to hyne-Biinnesota Company, in conformance with Councilts earlier recomendations, was ordered placed on file,
Someone from theaudience inquired about the fil.1 being put in.a% St.Johns and
li.6Oth Streek. knager BEtchell explained that this is for the road itself; there
yill be no other fill ;Ln that locality ai %he present time; that Village-otmed lots
are being preserved as a drainage basin.
&mager Hitchell began to rreport on the proposed improvement for W.57th Street
between York and Xerxes, but- since there were few present to hear..%he repopt, Bank
moved that Hearing be continued to October 11, Xotion seconded by Dagtens and . carried *
3 1
I x* c <
Con%ract Garbage Collectophther Petersen's request for ilzl or"dafice either licensing I
garbage collectors, or prohibiting_other ggrhage collectors, was discussed at some
length, ICayor Erickson advocated strict enforcement of ordinance requiring covered
vehicles. The question OPlicensing seemed to be limited by Attorney Windhorst*s
opinion; and Bank moved-that Police Department be alerted to fact that there are
Yiolations of present Garb%ge--Collection Ordinance and that they &re expecked to
enforce ordinance. Motion*seconded by Child and carried.
lfanager Ni%chelJ advocated" construction -of Curb and Gutter in front of new Village
providing that it will cost -less th,an $500.00, as he has reported." Notion seconded
by Bredesen and carried. + t
?mager Ifitchell asked Council approval of two extras for the Trunk 1lra.t;ermai.n ming
in Valley View Road extend@d, to* Southdale--$353.70 for change. in lin-e; and $288.30
for exbension of main to serve additional prQperties near TiJ.66tlp Street; also an
extra on Oala5ei.r Addition Watermain in amount of $1&3.00; .and one-manhole section in:
Valley View Ridge. (F6n.V. Tfirry) at $119.60. as recommended by VjJlage I-ager, was seconded bz Child and ca?ried,
Request from 3,s. Thorpe, Jr., requesting some arrangemenk whereb? newly platted
10% in Southdale, near W.66th Street, may be served by water,and sewe?, was referred
to Village kgineer for- -fuPther study before action is taken, by moti6n Child,
seconded by Bank and carri6d.
Child moved for approval of the follo2kg reeommendations of the Public Safety
Comdttee, made September 27:
* ,
Bank's mo'cion, that"Nmager Xitcheld, be authorized to contract for work, '
Bank! s motion, that ex%ras be allowed
e- 1
*. -
1. Re: Hardisty Hedge a% corner of 48th and France, - A. That survey 6e conducted,
and-if kt is found that hedge is on boulevard, Park Board be given instructions
to cut it, - B. if hedge is not on boulevard, Attorney 'Ifindhorst gdvise owner
to cut it within. one w6ek. C.
be signed and man brought into Court.
equipment .
If hedge is not cut wit@n time' giveq, complaint
2. Authorization adv&rtisement for bids for r)runkometer- and accompanying
3. Authorization for adgertisement for bids for Radar, if necessary. 4. Authorization for pads, covers, ledger, receiyjs., eb, 2s trdl as having
light svJjtches moved to" acceptable location, in order that jaiX might be
put into operation +
and of W.54th Street bdtween-Nooddale arrd Fxance Avenues, both' as through-
5 . Establishent of - Wooddale Avenue between fiJ. 50th Street snd Valley View Road, .
l+Iotion for approvai of recobendaiions was seconded by Bredesen ma carried,
%nager &Iitchell requested huthorization to use the property abutting Doming Street
$or storage of surplus fill".
authorized to use the North' 1/2 of this property as-soon as purchase is completed;
that it be the policy of th"e Council that the South l/Z of the property be preserved
for facilities of the Watehorks Department,
The matter of the need-for bro pumphouses was presented by BP. Gilbert, who also
presented plans and estimatkes therefor. Child moved for adyerttsernent for bids for
pmphouses, individually an'd collectively, w2th bids to be taken October ll for two
netr pumphouses and an addityon to the third. Xotion seconded by Bredesen and
Utilities Supt. Moehler regorted that the School Board wishes to move a building
to vrithrLn 100 feet of Villake-owned ptmphouse property; that Ib. Brownell of the
State Health Department has* reported that if this is done the Health Department vdll .
allow a pump no larger thh* 1000. gpm, iuU., Woehler reLomended that' building be
Ea$% on School-owned proper%> bb$ that .landqcaping be allched. Child' s motion,
that School Board be notifTed, if they request use of Sroperty, that Council is
tsillhg to grant use for dfive br landscaping but* not for any part of *1 the building on Village property, was sk"conaed * by Bank and carried.
Village Attorneyr s letter, 'concerning tenure for Village Xanager; also re: %ffect
of Optional Plan3 on Personnel Ordinance", was filed, Wkpdhorstts office'behg
tentatively commissioned to draft amendmeQts necessary to amend Personnel Ordinance.
Child's motion, that Publlc Works Department be -
. 1
I 1 -.
I ,
Ghild's rcotion, a@wovins pawent of Village Papoll, mount $11,625,13, and \ JLquor Store J?apoll., mmnt $562,73, for period September 16. to 30,t inclusive,
as recorded in detzil in Pa;lrr..oll Ledger; and for approval of %e follo~3.ng
. Claim, ms seconded by Paylens and carried:
1323 u24
a33 u34
us3 rn!-54
2.3 013 2.3 e3-3
,* 1
7 8
9 10
f 1
8,2? 55*@7-
I 3 3'
=h73 33.474
53 54 55 56
57 58 59 Eo
i I
, P
35 1-
Trustee Danens consulted with Council concerning plans for the grading contract
ctt the First Edina National Bank Building. He proposed that he would remove
ten or twelve-large trees which must come out, and place them where the Village
wants them, providing the Public Works Crew will take out three trees in the
and Son now has for the grading at the bank property.
be referred to the Public Works Committee and that the Council abide by itis
decision. 14otion seconded .by Child and carried. .
\ boulevard; removal of trees to be."in conjunction with the contract J.A. Danens
Bankmovedthat the matter
Some discussion ms had with regard go Petition for &&GI Oiling Streets in
Brookview Heights First Addition, filed. this evening, Child moved that petition
be accepted- and that streets be oiled at lager's d-iscretion, subject tovillage
acceptance of streets, IIotion seconded by Bank and carried.
&nager 1E.t chell reported that the Hinnesota State Highway Department has now
submitted a contract incorporating ,those provisions. for wlflich the Village has
asked, regarding the construction of the Brookview Heights-Ifomandale Eoad
Stom Sewer. He recommended thae Hayor and Clerk be authorized to sign in
name of Village,
Bredesen offered the following Resolution and moved its ._
- - .* . . ' I..- ' . ?..# Ed I" W-OLVZD that the fillage enter into an agreement with the
State of Einneso&a, Deprtnpt of Highways .for the following purpos&, to-+,t: .- to provide for preparation of. plans by the billage for inprovements
of Trunk Highway No, 100 service road between 66th St. Grid 70th St.'
along the west side of said Trunk Highway, Tor constru6tion of
service road improvements 6y.the Village, and for papent by the
State to the Village of part of the cost thereof.
BE: E' FIRTHEX$ ~SOzIV"s3 that the Hayor and Clerk be and they hereby
are authorized %a execute such agreement.
Hotion for adoption of the Resolution was s
were five ayes and no nays,..as follotm: B
and Brickson, aye; and the Fes
9/27/54 36 3hager Ifitchell advocaP;ed FubLic Hearings on several improvment projects, present-
ing pre75minary plans and %s.[limates of Cost therefor,
Resolution and noved its adoption:
ChLld offered th6 following
GlUi..%mG, &El BMCKTOPPB?G DPJ?.O~-~~S
BF: E REiOLVZD br the Counbil,Bf .the.KLlage_of.Edina; . .
. *, l... -The-lTillage &ginker,tI.laving submittea to the Council-a pre'iiminary reporb
as to the. feasibility of the ploposed Inprovemefrbs described in thefForm of Notice
of Hearing set forth below; and as to the esthated cost of such improveaents, said
report is hereby (zpproved ad Birected to be placeti on file in the ofiice of the .
Village Clerkk
Edina Village Hall, to consider fin public hewings the views of al& persons interested
in szid proposed improvenents.
place and,purpose of said meeting to be published in the official newspaper once a
week for ttlo successive welcs, the second of which publications is to be not less than
three days from date of said meeting, which notiae shall be in substarhially the
2. This Council shall meet on Xonday, October ll, 1954, at 7:30 P,lL, in the
The Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to cause notice of the tine, 3.
fOllOT&n;g fOIlll.,
Half on. HoqdzX, Oc&ober, 11,
hproveqentq to be constructed under the authority granted by I.finnesota kim of
1953, Chapter 398* The approximate cost of such improvements is es&imzted by the
Village Zngineer as set forth beloti: Estimated Cost
1, -Construction OS Sanitary Syer and
hpurtenances in Josephine AVe, between Benton
Ave. and r.r.60th St., and in-3.60th St. between
State Hii.&;ay No, 100 and Code Ave. ~
Belmore Lane to Nelson $ 3,294000 . 3,
Ave,. to Concord AVem
The area-proposed to be assessed for the cost of said proposed improvements 5s-
as follows:
For I@,, 1 Above - The TT, 390 3%. of the Em 617 Ft, and the If, 301 Ft, of the
E, 371 Ft, of the IQ31/4 of >he SElL4, See. 33, Tollme, R.213, agd the 1[07?5 Ft. of
the 31. 160 I%. of God. Lot 8 eqept street, in. the %l/4 of, set. 33, T,Lllils, R,2111;
Lots 1, 2 and 3, Clover he Addition; Lots 1, 2, 3 ?,nd 4, Clover Lane, 2nd Unit; I;ots 4,5,6, B1; 3 and Zots 8 to l&, incl., B1, 2, Benton Park,
For I$o, 2 and No, 3 Above - All. hts and tracts-of land abutting the streets
proposed to -be iuproved.
@.2,30? .OO
Gra&-g and Gravelling - Jefferson Avem,
B1ac~opping in Virginia &e from tirginia
fncluded in Cost of Va, Ave,
ZVALD C, BA&K, Village Clerk
Tillage of %Zdina
Hotion €or adoption of the Resolution was se
were f2ve ayes and no nays,--as follows: are and on TtollcaU- there , aye; D+ens, aye;
Itr, Etchell then presented fhzl plans for several projects which he advocated be
eqedited by tabg bids October 11.
its adoption:
Child offered the €oI.lot&ng Resolutrion and noved
?OS- PaoPus@LptgTgm:~~Ts> &El IIJRgxrnG. ~
BE IT RESOL?TED by the Village Council. of -the. Valgge ,o$ Edina:
following. Advertisement for Bids form, heretofore prepared by the Village Zngineer
and now on-file in tlie offioe of the Village Clerk are hereby approved,
and the Constl_uctiun Bulletin the following notice for bids for said improvements:
..l,.-The.plans and specifications for the proposed Irpprovgents set forth in the
2, The Clerk shall cause to be published twice in the Edina41omingside Courier
-GTiA.pI@ & GRA@&LEJG;
iWTICZ3 ZS HGdBX GITEX that the EcJinalV$llage .Council IU meet at %he Edina
Village. Hall, ~ &SO1 .If. 50th .Street, lJonday, October 11, 1954, at 7:30 P,Z*i..;., and t~ill at
said tjne *and place. ppen agd consider sealed bids for the follo@ng:.-
mmEiG &ID G?&mJG:
1,- .Alley betwgen-?Tm56th and TT.57th Sts. and between York and Xerxei kves.
3 . Tower Street between TJooddale and St.Johns Avenue, including Stom Sewer,
Edemoqr, betwen Bichvrood Drive and Shexrmodm
37 ' 9/27/54 BLACKTOPPING : -
1. Virginia-Ave., Valley View RoaQ. to ll.62nd St., and Virginia Lane, Virginia
2, ll'*58th St., Broolcview i've. $0 Oakla& Ave. '
Bidder may bid. on any or all projects.
said improvenents on file in the office of the Village Clerk.
submitted on basis of cash payment for work. No bids ririLl be considered unless
sealed and filed with undersigned before tke of said meeting and accompanied by
cash deposit, bid bond, or certified check payable to the Village Clerk in mount
of ten percent,or^ aaount of bid.
Ave. to Concord Ave. *.
Work must be done as described and specified in plans and specifications for
Bids must be
BY ORDER OF THE Vma COUNCIL. .- - -, .-- ~ . - EVA3sJ C. BANK, Clerk ~
Each and all of the terms of the foregoing advertisement Tor bids are
Village of -Edina
hereby adopted as the terms and conditions of award. of the contract of said
I improvement. -
Notiom for adoption 09 Resolution was seconded by-Danens, and. on Rollcall there
Being that there was still considerable business to cone before the Council at
this late hour, Bredesen moved for adjournment to Iqonday, October 4, -3.954, a%
7:30 Po1L
TuesdGy, September 28.
3Iotion seconded by Banens and
- PI'iIim OF 'ilE 0CTOBZR 4TK BD3Ou"XD FOXi"i'0N OF
THE SEF"EX3i3Eih27, 195k. ftE;GUL' I~BETZI\IG OF.THE .
ZDII\TA pX!!g3 COUNCIL, gmD.@ Trn. mum. m .. .-< ~ AT 7~30 Pox+ .-- --
llembers answering Rollcall were Bredesen, Child, Danens, Bank and Erickson,
Ibiayor E$icl.&on announced that several Assessment Hearings would be conducted, in
accordance rkth Wotices of Hearings on Assessments for Enprovements, l1 published
in Edina-l-Iorningside Courier September 2- and 9, 1-954,; which Affidavits were
suhitted by Clerk, approved 5s Lo form and ordered placed on file,
were conducted, and action taken as hereinafter recorded,
in Tlind3or Avenue from-State Hvry. #lOc), $o.Richpond Lane .md
PUBLIC H&Xki'i+JG ON &SESS:mIT Fm STREET ~~P20~~~ NO, %l$ - Curb and Gutter
Lot Line of L& 22,
Bl, ,I, ffestchester Knolls Addition. Xmager iEt chellt s Tabulation of Assessment
was in Total of &4227.78, as against 1,704.75 Assessable Feet, for $2,48 per
Assessable Foot.. There were no objections from the floor, and no .r.ryiCten objections
had been received prior thereto,
in Chowen Avenue from W.59Lh to. W.60th St. Uq3Eer Hi$cheIlts Tabulation of Assess-
ment was in total amow& of $2,906.26, as against 1,252.70, $or 92.32 per Assessable
Foot. There were no objections to the assessment;, either oral or witten; but &. DsJaeger, 5920 Chowen, asked that blacktop be repaired.
Approving Assessment.) . -
09 Sanitary kteral: Sewers and Appu:&enmces iq Residential Southdale Addition.
Xanager B5i"cchsll's Tabulation of Assessment W~S $48, G83.81, as against ll+, 126.27
Assessable Fee%, - for $3.46 per Assessable Foot.
rcitten objections to the assessment 4. Village- Uat criqin Xxrbension .and. Appu&enances in ResFdential Southdale Addition.
Xanzger-3Etchellt s Tabulation of +Assessment was $57, 925.90, as against u&,128.27
Assessable Feet, for $4.10 per Assessable Foot. .There were neither oral nor
written objections to. the assessment; but the owner at 6S12 Cornelia Drive 'complained
of the water itself, stating that it srnells.
flushed immediately in an attempt to remedy sikuation. (See Resolution Approving
iissessmeirt, *)
Gravelling of .St.Johns .Avenue from W.59th to V.60th St., snd of W.60th St. from
St.Johns Ave. to 135 3%. E. of Fairfax Ave. Iianager Mitchell ewlained that this
is a correction o,f the Assessment lev5ed in 1453, increasing the assessable footage
by 271.95 Ft,, and decreasing the cokt per front foot from $4.09 to $3.55. HacConnell complained once agsin that assessment is unfair because he is asked $0
pay equally rdth others whereas there was little cut abutting his home.
were no other objections. (See Resolution hpprovin~ nc(3-fl +',
(See Besolution kpproving Assessment,) .
PUBLIC I-BAEING ON AsSESS*EI\T;r Fa2 S- IIQEOVa-SlE 1qO. €3-24 - Curb and Gutter
(See Resolution
PUBLIC, 133X.RiNG ON ASSESSPm FQR SAItITb! Sam B@i3OlE3Zm ItTO. 60 - Construction
There were neither oral nor
(See Resolution Approving Assessment .)
P-UBLIC E&UUNG ON ASS~S.BlQ FOR WA'm 3K$F'BOVA.EE NO. 64 - Construction of
He was informed-that hydrants would be
Hr, O.S.
10/4/54 3-g PUBZXC I-EXRDiG FOR Sw Ei€'RO'VZUDE EO, T-1 - Trimming and Pruning of
Boulevard .Trees
Total of $5,95$.52, as against 37,240m77 assessable front feet, for 8.16 per front
foot, for all frontage in %hat part of the Country Club.between Arden and Brobmdale-
Avenues and between Sunnyside Road and W.50th Street; assessment being levied
regardless of nmber+of trees, on a flat. front-foot basis; and the only persons
to receive relief being those who have recently paid for tree trimming themselves.
i!hm Douglas Wallace complained that trimers had not finished pro ject--that they
trimmed two of his trees, but left the Tzorst one untrimmed. It was explained that
the object of project was -t;o prune the worst trees-that it is.planned to complete
project, by village labor, and without assessment, as,soon as possible, Kr, Day
also complained that two of his trees were not trjmmed, and e,upressed hope that
trhming could be eqedi-i;edo
Country .Club. -Qqager Hitchellt s Tabulation of* Assessment was
NO, C-23 ,. ..
33 IT BX3OLVED by tne Village'Council of 'the ViUage of .Edina, Ninnesota, as follows:
ments Tor STm II4€XOW33I?E5 E-18, E?-24, and T-1; SAZJEARY SB,m EEROl~~~ NO, 60,
PimtUI Q@Pl~KE%IjT -110. 643 and the re-assessment-for. .- and-each of t&n, have been properly calculated in accordaqce.with the provisions of
3kesota Statu%es Section 4l2.4.4l; that notice has been duly published, as required
by lm, that this Council would meet to hear and pass upon all objections, if my,
to anend said proposed assessments as might be necessary, and to adopt the sane by
resolution; that said proposed assessnrents have at all "tes since their filing been
open for public inspection, and opporjunSty has been given to all interested-persons
to present their objections; and that each of the lots, pieces and parcels of land
enumerated in the respectiye assessments was and is specially benefited by the con-
struction of the hproverzents for trhich such assessment is levied in the aurount set
opposite the description of each such lot, piece and parcel of land, respectively,
2. The amounts so set out are hereby levied against the respective lots,
pieces and parcels of land described in said respective assessments, and said pro-
posed assessmentis are hebeby adopted and confirmed as the proper special assessments
for said bprovements, respectively.
parcel togsther with the interest accruing on the full amount thereof fro3 time to
"Le unpaid, at the rate of five percent per annum from the date of this resolution,
shall be a lien concument with general taxes upon the property described therein
and all thereof,
The t6tal amount of each such assessment for STREET IT:IPROVE?EiJTS B-18, B-24,,
and C-23 shall be pwable in equal annual installmenGs exbending over it period or",
five rears, the first of said installments, together with interest on the entire
assessment from the date hereof to August 15, 1955 (for improvements E-18 and 3-24)
to be papble -r.&th _the general taxes for the year 195k, and one of the remaining
installments, with one year's interest on that and all subsequent installments, to
be payable with generalkaxes for the year 1955 tktaough 1958, collectible in the
respective ensuing years, Inasmuch as Assessment fopstreet ImproveaerrL No, c-23
~qs originally levied in the yeaP 1953,,first year *payable in.1954, Reassessment
trill be levied +I 1954, $0 be payable in four equal annual instdlments, the first
of said installments, tsgsther witin interest on the entire assessment Trom the date
hereof to Augu9t 15, 1955, to be payable with the general taxes Zor the year 1954,
and one of_the remaivlinginatallnents, with one yearts interest on that and a33
subsequent installneni;s, to be pajable vith general taxes for the ;t'ears 2955 through
1957, collectible &the respeetLve ensuing years. .
The total mount of each of themassessments for SAWi'lBY SEXEX l3PEOV3ZiZ
P?O, 60 and S.JEmmg Z-Xl?ilOV@G3J" ?Joe 64 sh&l be payable.in.equal ~qnnual installments
extending 0qer.a period of ten years, the first of said installments, togsther with
interest on the entee assessment from date hereof to August 15, 1955, to be payable'
with the general taxes for the gear 1954, uzd one of the rmening inqtallments, with
one ye&!s interest on that and all subsequent installments, to -be payable with
general $axes for the years 1955 through 1963, collectible i+ the respective
ensuing yeys,
The total mount or".each such assessment for STRBB J3PBOTGGEIllT IKL T-1 shall
be payable in one installmen%, to be payable with the general taxes for the jrear 195&,
%ogeth& wtth interest on the entire assessment,from the date hereof to August 15,
owner of any l&, piece or parcel of land assessed hereby may pay the whole of such
assessment or any instalment thereof without interest to %he Village Treasurer and
thereaftex such payment may be made with accrued interest to the Coun-tiy !ikea- Durer;
provided that if any assessments or installments thereof be prepaid to the Village .
Treasurer, they shjll, be cancelled on the books of$ the Village Treasurer and he shall
proaptly notikr ths Village Clerk and Coun%y*iiuditor, and the assessment 02 install-*
ment so prepaid shall be cancelled on the books of the Countr Auditor.
.. -- - L 1, -1% is hereby found, determined and declared that the proposed assess-
The assessment against each lot, tract or I
I -
19550 c 3, 'Friar to cerbification of the assessment to the County Auditor, the
' I
39 w4/54
4. The Czerk shall, as soon as may be;prepare and transmit to the
County Auditor a certified duplicate of said assessments, with each then unpaid
installment and interest set forth separalely, to be exkended upon the propex tax
lists of the County, and the County Auditor shall thereafter cause said assessments
to be collecbed in the manner provided-by law. Said duplicate Assessment Rolls
shall be designated as "Assessment Roll for Street Improvements E-18 and E-24; F
Assessment Roll for Re-Assessment for Street Tmprovement No. C-23;"J'Assessment-
Roll for Street Zaprovemen% T-1;" and Assessmerit Roll for Sanitary,Sewer Improvement
No. 60 and Watermain Smprovement-No. 64," and all aanounts collected in respect .of
the assessments there@ contained shall be similarly designated by the County
Treasurer ad renitted by him to the Village Treasurer and by him credited to
the Sinking Fund Accounts as follows:
1951, Improvenents Series Tim Fund,
of the 1952 Improvement Fuqd,
For Sanitary Sewer Smprovement Noe 60 and FJ'atemin bprovernent No. 64
Sinking Fund Accounk of Southdale Improvement +Series One Fund
. For S%ree'cl lhprovmen$ IJo, T-1 7 To the Sinking Fund Account of the Pemanent
Improvement Revolving Fund, , I
I'iotion for aioption of the Resolution was-seconded by Dmens, and on Rollcall there
pfere five ayes and no nays,--as follows: B
Erickson, are; and the Qeso
'For Street bprovements B-18 and B-24 - To the Sinking Fund Account of the
For Re-Assessment for.%reet hprovement No. C-23 - Tro the Sinking Fund Account
To the
&latter of &ard of bids for remodeling work on library building cambzbefore the-
Council, with Richard Olson recommending award of bids to the low bidders in
all cases, being as follows :
For Radiator Work - Hoglund & Company - $225.00
For @lectrica& Work, - Suburban Electric Company - $635.00
For Bsphalt Tile Floor - Comers-Groth Co,, Inc. -.$37&00
For Acoustical Ceiling Tile - hsulation Sales Company - $382.00
Bredesents motion, that bids all be.amrded to low bidders, was seconded by Bank
and carried.
&nagex- Hitchell reported office request for Council policy concerning assessmept
for Sanitary Sewer and Watermain for two very lwge and curving lots in Nest
Voodland Road?
assessing.on' a straight ;Front-foot basis, was seconded by Child and cemied.
Hk, Child reported that present plans for grading at the bznk-library property call
for a 22-foot roadway, vsith an eight-foot l*boulevardll ne& to the bank, a,nd a 1-1/2
slope on !%-foot buffer strip.
Report was made that the State Fire Narshall' has recomended several pepairs to the
Library boiler room, and has ordered "cat a11 exit doors swing outward instead of
inward, Bank's motion, that Village Hanager be authorized to take bids for these
repairs just as soon as plans- and specifications are ready, was seconded by
Bredesen and. carried.
Bredesen's motion, %&it Council continue to follow its pollcy of
Mr. Danens reported that the brick front at the Village 34m is cracking.
referred to the Building Inspector for investigation and.report .
Hanaper RLtchell reported that Mr. Ralph Hays has not yet signed contract for gravel.,
Child moved that Xre IEtchelL be authorized to get best commitment possible Trom
3Ir. &pi.
Tlanager Yftchell request for approval of a $41.50 extra for OaM& Addition
Natemain project; &ZJO for Sewer, was approved by motion Bak, seconded by Child
qnd carried.
Nokion seconded by Bank and carried.
* Discussion was had on the lowering of the hill at Jackson Ave, and Belmore Lane.
Child lizoved that Xike Pfeiffer be authorized to take 2,000 Yds. qf dirt, providing
that i% is taken in such a my as to keep level up and kee,p bank safe at all times.
Notion seconded by 3redesen and carried,
Nanager 3Ekchell reported C. J. Danens' request for additional reimbursement for some
430 Cu. Yds. Gravel hau1ed.i.n on W.58th Street-Street lmprovernent No. C-27. He
explained that some of this work Wss done on Saturday; that the Village did no& have
an inspector on the project because they had no advance notice of this work. hount
involved is $709.50.
pena3.ized to,the exLent of 50% of the yardage clahed, for similar work on Ff05&h
St. last year because a village inspector was not present at time of had. .After
some discussion, Child moved that Council make no offer, but that Ihe 2fitchell be instructed to have further conversation vri-th C. J. Danens working tovmrd settlement.
fvIotion seconded by Bank: and carried.
It was brought out in discussion that Hike PEeiffer was
The following October 1 recommendations of the Public Ilorks Committee were
approyed, by motion Bredesen, seconded by Child.and carrried:
10 *
That owners be requested to present petition for lowering of grade at
Grove Street fron I.ielody Lane to 5300.
That no action be taken on &. :Yallals requesd for widening blaclrtop on
men Avenue urrbil his building has been completed, and in any caEe, not
this xear,
Recommendation against regrading of btersection at $den Avenue and
tlillson Road to prevent water from draining into Halla's driveway; it
being felt thst this would be a costly project, and not a situation
which Village created.
That omer be allotied to cut curb on 6orth side of Vooddale and Drexel
in order to provide access to rear of 1630"Drexel.
Regarding Hr. Lampets -pl& for grading of Arthur Street, the follodng:
1. bpe to be permitted to cut down @ob West "of Arthur on IJatemnan, . ' not" to exceed txo feet, providing he fiUs Vest. of this knob in
order to provide a minimum of five-tenthapercent grade, He is
not to widen out road on South side any nore than a small grassy
strip in order to protect concrete staimmy.
bpe instructed to put in a 27-foot wide road, which would place
the North gutter of road on North property line of street. '
Iio trorlc is tp be done until I&. Lampe has submitted a proper profile,
drawn by registered engineers, showing the percent of grade on both
Arthur and lTa%erman,
This grade ~rils. be connected into the approved
grade e,u;ist.ent at present time on Art'l?ur.
staked and report to the engineer when done-so it can be inspected
in the field along with the profile before any work is started.
hpe is to have this
\ Recommendation against Sig Pearson's being allowed Village labor and
equipment to rmove die on.lJorth side of Hansen Road adjacent to his
property betveen ltindsor Avenue and tracks . Recormendation that Pearson
be zUo.i.red to have 1Di-k done at his OPM expense, or to submit proper
Recomendat,ion for cutting doi;rll of humps at Woodaale and Bromdzle, but
.not this year; ailthorization to be received ,from Street Railmy Compny,
md estimates to be suhiitted within the ne:& month or SO. '
Recommendation that Tern Johnson be allowed to construct a private drixre-
yay on Uorth half of Hopkins Road for purpose of gaining access to garage,
Regarding details on Library and Bank property - recommendstion as follows:
-. 1. .
' -
Roadr.ray width at 30 feet as requested by Eanlr; however, road to be
narrowed to 20 feet before entering 50th Street; slopes on Libaary
&d buffer strip to be not over l$ to 1, $I order to save trees and
grass. Ifanens to have property line staked and also slopes at
top of cut, representing a line beyond which no cutting will take
place, SO that Cormittee meinbers may inspect before sloping is done.
That L-metti to fix Bernard Place, from V.56th Sto to 300 Ft. South,
hediately; If not fixed, then OUT Street Department to Tepa* and charge
'?hat Fred Rogers' request to build retabini wall 2 or 3 feet in on Vqage
property be zpproved, providing Village Attorney agree4 and providing this
approval r.rill not automatically deed property to Rogers,
Discussion was had on the forthcoming election, with Deputy Clerk reporting t'nat -
St,Peterjs Lxthwan Church and School is becoming far.too crowded to provide
Poljing Place space-for VoLing District No. 3; that; at, the Primary Election some
confusion existed because school was being held in the same. Toon with the
Polling Place, school roon being separated by only a curtain. 3% was suggested
that Sdiga Baptist Church, 53rd and France be used, but Attorney had ruled that .
Polling Place cannot be out of distri'ct. l&yor Erickson suggested that the
lkm.&~g gouse at 57th and Chowen be constqcted easly and used for both the
kenera1 md Village sections.
moved its adoption:
Child then offered the following Resolution and
BE E! RESOlJED by the..TTillage.-Council of.the.Vi3lage of Zdha that the Polling
Place. for the .TJoveabe$ ad, 19T.l-GeneraL Election, the Village Election of December
7, 1954, and for all future elections until further notice, for Edina Voting
District No. 3, be, and hereby is establishes as the Temporary Structure located
on TJillageomed property at W.57th St. and C4ovien Avenue.
proper legal notice. of this chznge.
E3 E FUR;1HEB FBOLVED tlyt the-Clerk be authorized and directed to make
Eokion for adoptlon of Eesolution was seconde
were Tive ayes and no nqrs, as follows: Bred
on Bollcall there , aye; Danens, aye;
41 10/4/54
The following list of election officials was approved by motion Bredesen, seconded
by Child, and carried; this being for Novernber 2nd General Zlection:
District No. 1 - ft'lmes. 3hrie C, Dyregrov, Edna C, Peterson, Nwian K, Kidder,
District No, 2 - i-@es. Harjorie S. -Eossiter, Clarice A. Hollingsworth, J.A. Parker,
District No, 3 - Mines. Ida L..,Smith, Ruth 19. Zipoy, Buth Volk, Belen Palmer,
District No. 4 - mes. Dora Schauss, kirginia-Beard, Frank Sweeney, l?&ace >Telson
District No. 5 - Xmes. J.J.. Duggan, Ceil Delaneg, D.I.J. dhundson, Frances Hood and
DistCicL No. 6 - Bines. 0.24. Bye, Roy-Eyhr, Lewis 2. Jones, E.W. Spencer, &d 23.1;.
District No. 7 - I%lesa Nellie Strate, Glenn Hall, R. Sonnenberg, Gust Johnson, and
District Eo, 8 - Enes. Bertha XcCraney, Ida Bo Strong, Erma So Hoyt, Patricia
District No. 9 - Hmes. Camille Kortum,LvEthel 3. Link, 1Iary L. Powers, Allan Odell,
District No.10 - I4mes. T*Iabel>L 1&llson, Narih C, 33ailey, Earold Quist, Peter
District No.11 - i~ines. G.E. Hackborn, Hazel. Go Swanson, COWe Balfany, Cari Veith,
DistricL No.12 - 3hes, Edikh tsraste, Elizabeth R; Codck, ikldred Lo Bagley,
Wm. Coffman, and LoEa Therrien, . ..
Berenice H, Weed, c.0. Xyhre. -
Joyce Lace.
and Alice Twite.
G. T. Kesler.
Nodlin 0
Gordon Holt er .
Salisbury, and David Platter, .-
and Arkhur Senn.
HennGgsen, and. -Arthur K. Peterson.
L! and BOG, Bennett, 30 a Phillip Hawthorne, and Sleanor Oren. 8 Discussion was had in Northwestern Bell Telephone Company's request 02 August 18, for
Village to either (a) open and. imprwe Botming Street so that they may use it xas a
public thoroughfare, .or, (b) open Downing Street to their use and grant them per-
mission to improve the sane-at their ovm egense to the exiient that it may be
Bell Telephone Company that the Village wi11,m~intain the street if the Company wL11
share in the cost.
At this time Council adjourned to the Conference Eoom in the Village Hall for the
balance of the meeting; and it was noted that the-.conference table had not yet
arrived. Child rnoved that the firm from which table was ordered be notified that
order will be cancelled unless table is received within the neA ten days, motion
also authorfzing advertisement for bids for new table. Hotion seconded by Bank and I carried.
Child moved that Village retain Downing Street and inform I\Tor'c^hr;restern
Notion seconded by Bank and carried.
Discussion was had as to tvater facilities ,in the Southdale area, and Child moved
that Council proceed to find and purchase a suitable sit9 for water tank in this
Child then moved that Council secure opinion from Village Att,orney as to..whether we
can finance another Lower from the Wateryorks Revenue Fund; and if i% is legal to
do so, authorizing the Village 14amiBer to prepare specifications and advertise for
bids, including an alternate for a tank of a million gallons' capacity.
seconded by Bank and carried.
Banens then asked for discussion on Southdale Xatemain Im?roveinent, claiming
%hat. contractGj DeGraff Wolff should not I have been given the, contract irn tho first
place, and stating that t;le roads are not passable ad have not been passable for
some time. EIe maintained thzt contract should have been givein to next low bidder.
I&, Child skated that it has been policy of Village to award bid -bo lowest
responsible bidder; that doing otherwise resgricts bids.
$Ira Danens left meeting, after voting on the follovdg Eesolution.
14otion seconded by Bredesen and carried,
An argument ensued, and
Child offered 'Lhe following Besolution and moved its Gdoption: 1 = ---I ~soLuTIoI~ g.iJcE-GDJG FrnkUXXIE LJ?iiOVEXa! I
I\?ovembar..b,_l.947, levied a special ad valorem tax foY the papent of prirk%pd. and
interest of its Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund Bond Issue Series Decmber, 1947;
said ad ualorem. $ax in the, amount of $22,630.00 being collectible with and as a part of
other general property 'caxes in said Village for the year 195.4; and
&usst 9, 1948, levied a special ad valorem tax for the payment oT-principzl and
i:a%eresl; of its Pe-manenb Impovernerxb ltievolvhg Fund Bond Issue of l9kS; said ad
valorem %ax in the mcit of $17,400.00 being collectible ~~ith ad. as a prt of the
general property taxes in said Village for the year 1954; and
TT&WS, the Village. Council of,khe ViLL&age of -$d&a has, by Besolution adopted
l$S.EEBAS, the Village Council of the Village of Edina has, by Bssolution adopted
I-, the Village Council of the Village of Edina has, by Resolution
adopted June 27, 1949, levied a special ad valorem tax for the papent of principal
and bterest of its Permanent 'liiprovenent Revolving Fund Bond Issue- of 1949, said
ad valorem tax in the amount of $7,000*00 being collectible with and as a part 03
other general property taxes in said Tiillage for the year 1954; and
T.-, IEnnesota Statutes, Section 475.26, permits the cancellation of said
levies providing m0ne-S.s are on hand €or payment of principal and interest for said
bond issues; and it has been deterinked by this Council that the requbed moneys
are on hand for the paymen% of said principal and interest.
IIOW, TEZEFO~, FB IT F!OLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Eclina
thzt those. ad--val.orem ta levies made by Resolutions of this Village Council adopted
Eo-reriber 6, 1947, August 9, 194.8, and June 27, 1949, in the mounts of $22,639.00,
;"fi7,&00.00 and $7,000 respectively, and collectible r.rith't;nd as a pat of other
general property taxes in said Village forthe year 1954, be and hereby are cancelled..
EE Ti! FURTIGX l3330f;m that the County Auditor of Hennepin County, 'Ennesota,
be aukhorized-and .d@ected.to cancel the above described ad valorem tax levies and to
delete said levies from taxes to be spread for the year 1954,*
idea Bredesen noved that PoXce Department be advised that Council has considered/of
sending policemen to. F,B,I. .Police School; that we look favorably upon idea, t6th
the understanding tkt a selection be made in the year 1955, with attendance,
providing the application is accepted, in the year 1956, Notion seconded by Bank
and carriedo
Discussion was had on the maintenace of the "island" parks in the Country Club,
Hilidale, etc., T.ri-th Xr0 Bank stating he believes this mzintenance should come
fromthe General Fund of the Village, inasmuch as these islands are essentially
street beautification.
Genera3 Fund.
Chtld then &ved that Council advertise to sell Water Tank and Tower at W,50th
it this time Council discussed once again the matter of adoption of the Village
Eudget for the Xear 1955.
Civil Defense Director Palen's recomaendation for a total Civil Defense appropriation
of $21,598,50--rof which- :..510,799.25 would be returned by Federal Aid and kj5,399.63
would be received via Stake kid--tns discussed at some length.
geicerrtl discussion, Bmk's notion that the n"oLLod.ng Budget be adopted for the
year 1955, was seconded by Child and carried:
aank movedthat maintenance of islands be assumed by the
?.lotion seconded by Child and carried.
St. and S-looddale Avenue. IWAon seconded by Bar& and cwzied, . .*
Xanager Ititchellt s recornendations were revioxed,
After further
..a - -. - $467,524.00
6; E50 ;OO .
FE333ZIJ'$ BSLlli=F : -_ 1,571 -00
-.T~TAL..I~ZT~~ BVY FOE iai~ i955 $377, a4.51
There being no further bushess-to come before the meeting, meeting was adjowned
at U:3O P.I.T., by motion EWedesen, seconded by Bank anPa?ried,