HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014 Affidavits of Publication Page 1 of 1 Affidavit of Publication CITY OF EDINA STATE OF MINNESOTA ) 4801 W.50TH STREET (SS. fINA,MINNESOTA 55424 ENNEPIN COUNTY, COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) MINNESOTA Description: ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Bids for Edina RE:4801 W 50th St FRANCE AVENUE LIGHTING Peggy Lewis ,being duly sworn on oath say she/he is CONTRACT NO NO.NG L-6114-15 and duringall times herein stated has been the publisher or the JMPROVEMENT NO. BIDS CLOSE AUGUST 12,2014 publishers designated agent in charge of the newspaper known as SEALED BIDS will be received and openedublicin he ConferencePk Maimom A,at theFinance and Commerce (MN) Public Works and Parks Maintenance Facility,7450 Metro Blvd, Edina at 2:00 p.m., Tuesday, August 12, 2014. The and has full knowledge of the facts herein stated as follows: Edina City Council will meet at 7:00 (A) The newspaper has complied with all of the requirements p.m., Tuesday, August 19, 2014, to consider said bids. The following are constituting qualifications as a legal newspaper, as provided approximate major quantities: by Minnesota Satute 331A.02, and 331A.07, and other 18 EACH Lighting Unit 600 LIN FT 2" Non-Metallic Conduit applicable laws,as amended. (Directional Bore) (B) She/He further states on that the printed 800 LIN FT 4" Non-Metallic Conduit (Directional Bore) 3000 LIN FT Underground Wire 1 Cond No.8 Construction 10 EACH Handhole 10581533 3 EACH Service Cabinet Bids shall be in a sealed envelope with a statement thereon showing the work hereto printed as part as it was printed and published there in the covered by the bid. Bids should be English language;that it was first so published on addressed to the City Engineer, City of g Edina, 7450 Metro Blvd, Edina, Minnesota 55439, and may be mailed or July 24,2014 for 2 time(s): submitted personally to the City the subsequent dates of publications being as follows: Engineer. Bids received by the City o7/24En 'neer, either through the mail or by /2014 7/31/2014 submission, after the time set eceiving them may be returned paned. Digital plans are available for a And that the following is a printed copy of the lower case non-refundable fee of $20.00 at http://www.questcdn.com. Enter eBidDoc alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, and is hereby #3449766. acknowledged as being the size and kind of type used in the Minimum wage rates to be paid by the Contractors have been predetermined and are subject to the Work Hours Act of X abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1962, P.L. 87-581 and implementing regulations. abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz BY ORDER OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL. ‘ DEBRA MANGEN City Clerk (Published in Finance and Commerce Subscribe and July 24,31,2014) Sworn to before me this 31st day of July,2014 10581533 ft if...- (Notarial Seal) Notary Publi ennepin County,Minnesota eat""ha. CARRIE ANN RETZACK -;• Notary Public-Minnesota '-,'". ._My commission Expires Jan 31,2018 �.., RA • . 1. Lowest classified rate paid by $ 16.0000 • commercial users for comparable space: 2. Maximum rate allowed by law for $ 0.48836 the above matter: 3. Rate actually charged for the above $ 0.4440 matter: AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION City of Edina (Official Publication) STATE OF M I N N ESOTA )ss Request for Proposals COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) Notice is hereby given that the City of Edina will accept proposals for group Long Term Disability until Charlene Vold being duly sworn on an oath, 3pm September 11th,2014. 0 states or affirms that they are the Authorized Request for Proposal specifi- Agent of the newspaper(s)known as: cations may be obtained from In- tegrity Employee Benefits at 866- 437-7977 <te1:866-437-7977>, or SC Edina email integrity@integrityeb.com <mailto:integrity@integrityeb.com>. The City of Edina reserves the and has full knowledge of the facts stated right to reject any or all proposals, below: waive formalities, and to make the (A)The newspaper has complied with all of award that is in the best interests of the City The City of Edina desires the requirements constituting qualifica- a long-term relationship for this pro- tion as a qualified newspaper as provided gram and will maintain so, as long by Minn. Stat. §331A.02, §331A.07, and as cost and services are satisfac- other applicable laws as amended. tory. (B)This Public Notice was printed and pub- 8/21/14,3SC1,RFP lished in said newspaper(s) for 1 succes- Long Term Disability,264838 sive issues; the first insertion being on 08/21/2014 and the last insertion being on 08/21/2014. By: Q 401)CiLt,Lt. ti.{Q Authorized Agent Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed before me on 08/21/2014. W ClaCt-i"fc M KO-db-b-0444,.._ Notary Public vvwvwwvvvwvwWWV‘ ,,,,, DARLENE MARE MACPHERSON • :,,,j:) Notary Public-Minnesota My Commission Expires Jan 31,2018 Rate Information: (1)Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users for comparable space: • $34.45 per column inch Ad ID 264838 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION City of Edina STATE OF MINNESOTA (Off ITial Pu EDINA) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN 4801 W.50TH STREET EDINA,MINNESOTA 55424 Charlene Vold being duly sworn on an oath, • ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS states or affirms that they are the Authorized HENNEPIN COUNTY MINNESOTA 2014 SIDEWALK Agent of the newspaper(s)known as: IMPROVEMENTS SC Edina CONTRACT NO.ENG 14-16 IMPROVEMENT NOS. S-118,S-119,S-123 and has full knowledge of the facts stated BIDS CLOSE AUGUST 12,2014 below: SEALED BIDS will be received an (A)The newspaper has complied with all of d ed in nece o A, at the open Public Work Cos f andren ParksRo Mainm - the requirements constituting qualifica- tenance facility, 7450 Metro Blvd, tion as a qualified newspaper as provided Edina, at 2:00 p.m., Tuesday, Au- by Minn. Stat. §331A.02, §331A.07, and gust 12,2014.The Edina City Coun- other applicable laws as amended. cil will meet at 7:00 p.m.,Tuesday, August 19, 2014, to consider said (B)This Public Notice was printed and pub- bids. The following are approximate lished in said newspaper(s) for 1 succes- major quantities: sive issues; the first insertion being on 4"CONCRETE WALK 07/31/2014 and the last insertion being on 12522 SF 07/31/2014. 4"CONCRETE WALK-EXPOSED AGGEGATE 1616 SF 6"CONCRETE WALK-(HE) 716 SF STONE RETAINING WALL u11 790 SF `/_'`Q\)Cl CROSSWALK MARKING(THERMO By: PLASTIC) 882 SF Authorized Agent COMMON EXCAVATION(EV)(P) 855 CY Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed before TOPSOIL BORROW(MODIFIED)(LV) me on 07/31/2014. 529 CY CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER DESIGN B618-HAND FORM 424 LF (1 I^ W A' P Bids hll be in a sealed on 4��(,Q�y�,� P` '• ` ��'G, velope with a statement thereon Notary Public showing the work covered by the bid. Bids should be addressed to the City Engineer, City of Edina, 7450 Metro Blvd,Edina, Minnesota aia t� 'e vtinNWN1AlNM 55439,and may be mailed or sub- - ;� - UARLENE MA�MACPHERSWN miffed personally. Bids received by �K+� ., the City Engineer,either through the NotaryPublic-Minnesota ",�' " My Commloeia+Expires Jen 31.2019 mail or by personal submission,AAANNAWmwsAAAAMAAAANV ^ af- ter the time set for receiving them may be returned unopened. Digital plans are available for a non-refundable fee of$20.00 at http://www.cityofedina.com/engi- neering under Construction Projects or at http://www.questcdn.com.En- ter eBidDoc#3449599. No bids will be considered un- less sealed and accompanied by bid bond or certified check payable to the City of Edina in the amount of at least five percent(5%)of all bids. The City Council reserves the right to reject any or all bids or any por- tion thereof. BY ORDER OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL. Debra Mangen City Clerk 7/31/14,3SC1,Bids Eng 14-16,254825 Rate Information: (1)Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users for comparable space: • $34.45 per column inch Ad ID 254825 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION City of Edina (Official Publication) STATE OF MINNESOTA )ss CITY OF EDINA COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) 4801 W.50TH STREET EDINA,MINNESOTA 55424 0 Charlene Vold being duly sworn on an oath, ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS states or affirms that they are the Authorized HENNEPIN COUNTY,MINNESOTA FRANCE AVENUE LIGHTING Agent of the newspaper(s)known as: CONTRACT NO.ENG 14-15 IMPROVEMENT NO.L-61 SC Edina BIDS CLOSE AUGUST 12,2014 SEALED BIDS will be received and has full knowledge of the facts stated and opened in the Conference below: Room A, at the Public Works and (A)The newspaper has complied with all of Parks Maintenance Facility, 7450 Metro Blvd, Edina at 2:00 p.m., the requirements constituting qualifica- Tuesday, August 12, 2014. The tion as a qualified newspaper as provided Edina City Council will meet at 7:00 by Minn. Stat. §331A.02, §331A.07, and p.m.,Tuesday,August 19,2014,to other applicable laws as amended. consider said bids. The following are approximate major quantities: (B)This Public Notice was printed and pub- 18 EACH Lighting Unit lished in said newspaper(s) for 1 succes- soo LIN FT 2"Non-Metallic sive issues; the first insertion being on Conduit 07/31/2014 and the last insertion being on (Directional Bore) 07/31/2014. 800 LIN FT 4"Non-Metallic Conduit (Directional Bore) 3000 LIN FT Underground Wire 1 Cond No.8 fa<a, 10 EACH Handhole3 EACH Service Cabinet By' Bids shall be in a sealed en- Authorized Agent velope with a statement thereon showing the work covered by the Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed before bid. Bids should be addressed to me on 07/31/2014. the City Engineer, City of Edina, 7450 Metro Blvd, Edina, Minne- sota 55439, and may be mailed or submitted personally to the City Engineer. Bids received by the City (►,�p,�,� Engineer,either through the mail or If `�M`— by personal submission, after the Notary Public time set for receiving them may be returned unopened. Digital plans are available for a non-refundable fee of$20.00 at http://www.questcdn.com. Enter eBidDoc#3449766. ,,,.,.� vvvvv vvwwvvvvvvwv~MA. Minimum wage rates to be paid ;�° 'TApir aDARLENE MARE MACPHERSON by the Contractors have been pre- determined Public-Minnesota determined and are subject to the t Notary Work Hours Act of 1962,P.L.87-581 i,,,!:,I'%'My Commission Expires Jan 31,2019 and implementingregulations. �� BY ORDER OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL. Debra Mangen City Clerk 7/31/14,3SC1,Bids Eng 14-15,254812 Rate Information: (1)Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users for comparable space: III $34.45 per column inch Ad ID 254812 Page 1 of 1 Affidavit of Publication CITY OF EDINA STATE OF MINNESOTA ) 4801 W.50TH STREET (SS. NA,MINNESOTA 55424 COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) ENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA Description: ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Bids for Edina RE:2014 Sidewalk Improvements 2014 SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENTS Chong Khang ,being duly sworn on oath say she/he is CONTRACT NO. ENG 14-16 IMPROVEMENT NOS.5-118,S-119 and during all times herein stated has been the publisher or the S-123 publishers designated agent in charge of the newspaper known as BIDS CLOSE AUGUST 12,2014 SEALED BIDS will be received and opened in Conference Room A at the Finance and Commerce (MN) Public Works and Parks Maintenance facility,7450 Metro Blvd,Edina, at 2:00 and has full knowledge of the facts herein stated as follows: p.m., Tuesday, August 12, 2014. The (A) The newspaper has complied with all of the requirements Edina City Council will meet at 7:00 p.m., Tuesday, August 19, 2014, to constituting qualifications as a legal newspaper, as provided consider said bids. The following are by Minnesota Satute 33 1A.02, and 33 1A.07, and other approximate major quantities: 4"CONCRETE WALK 12522 SF applicable laws,as amended. 4" CONCRETE WALK — EXPOSED (B) She/He further states on that the printed AGGEGATE 1616 SF 6"CONCRETE WALK—(HE)716 SF STONE RETAINING WALL 790 SF CROSSWALK MARKING (THERMO Construction PLASTIC)882 SF 10581536 COMMON EXCAVATION(EV)(P)855 CY TOPSOIL BORROW(MODIFIEDXLV) hereto printed as part as it was printed and published there in the 529 CY language;CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER g En lish lan a that it was first so published on ' DESIGN B618—HAND FORM 424 LF Bids shall be in a sealed envelope with July 23,2014 for 3 time(s): a statement thereon showing the work the subsequent dates of publications being as follows: covered by the bid. Bids should be 7/23/2014 7/30/2014 8/5/2014 addressed to the City Engineer, City of 1,itte7450 Metro Blvd, Edina, sota 55439, and may be mailed or d personally. Bids received by the City Engineer, either through the And that the following is a printed copy of the lower case mail or by personal submission,after the time set for receiving them may be alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, and is hereby returned unopened. acknowledged as being the size and kind of type used in the Digital plans are available for a non-refundable fee of $20.00 at http://www.cityo fedina.come ngine ering X abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz under Construction Projects or at http://www.questcdn.com. Enter eBidDoc abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz #3449599. No bids will be considered unless /� . sealed and accompanied by bid bond or 4 certified check payable to the City of ���:����� Edina in the amount of at least five percent(5%)of all bids.The City Council Subscribed an��/ reserves the right to reject any or all Sworn to before me this 5th day of August,2014 bids or any portion thereof. BY ORDER OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL. DEBRA MANGEN City Clerk ' ; (Published in a , ii„, irNA---' Finance and Commerce v , (Notarial Seal) Not , •.�� '�i�i-: • ' :� •►ta July 23,30, a'�.y5, "Q f • • ' R TZACK August 5,2014)10581536 S ,`,\ otary Public-Minnesota ,r `:; My Commission Expires Jan 31,2016 vmvvVmMvVvmvoivvvvvvvvvMmvvvvvmv RATE INFORMATION: 1. Lowest classified rate paid by $ 16.0000 . commercial users for comparable space: 2. Maximum rate allowed by law for $ 0.36482 the above matter: 3. Rate actually charged for the above $ 0.3317 matter: Page 1 of 1 Affidavit of Publication CITY OF EDINA STATE OF MINNESOTA ) 401 W.50TH STREET (SS. MINNESOTA 55424 COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) .A, NNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA Description: ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Bids for Edina RE:2014 Alley Improvements 2014 ALLEY IMPROVEMENTS Peggy Lewis ,being duly sworn on oath say she/he is CONTRACT NO. 17 and during all times herein stated has been the publisher or the A- IMPROVEMENT NOS.A-257.A-258 BIDS CLOSE JULY 29,2014 publishers designated agent in charge of the newspaper known as SEALED BIDS will be received and Public in CksnferdnP Roomsi at the Finance and Commerce (MN) Public Works and Parks Maintenance facility,7450 Metro Blvd,Edina, at 2:00 p.m.,Tuesday,July 29, 2014.The Edina and has full knowledge of the facts herein stated as follows: City Council will meet at 7:00 p.m., (A) The newspaper has complied with all of the requirements Monday,August 4,2014,to consider said bids. The following are approximate constituting qualifications as a legal newspaper, as provided major quantities: by Minnesota Satute 331A.02, and 331A.07, and other REMOVE CONCRETE DRIVEWAY PAVEMENT 10 SY applicable laws,as amended. REMOVE BITUMINOUS (B) She/He further states on that the printed PAVEMENT 1,444 SY SAWING BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT (FULL DEPTH)355 LF REMOVE CASTING ASSEMBLY 2 Construction EA 10575774 COMMON EXCAVATION 50 CY AGGREGATE BASE CLASS 5(CV)80 TON hereto printed as part as it was printed and published there in the 8" FILTER LOF TYPE COMPORT BIOROLL 100 LF English language;that it was first so published on BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT 380 TON CASTING ASSEMBLY(R-1733)2 EA July 10,2014 for 3 time(s): 6"CONCRETE APRON(HE)30 SY the subsequent dates of publications being as follows: SEEDING 255 SY 7/10/2014 7/17/2014 7/24/2014 11 be in a sealed envelope with a B'' ent thereon showing the work Ocov by the bid. Bids should be addressed to the City Engineer,City of Edina, 7450 Metro Blvd, Edina, And that the following is a printed copy of the lower case Minnesota 55439, and may be mailed or submitted personally. Bids received by alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, and is hereby the City Engineer, either through the acknowledged as being the size and kind of type used in the mail or by personal submission,after the time set for receiving them may be returned unopened. X abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz Digital plans are available for a non-refundable fee of $20.00 at abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz http://www.cityofedina.com/engineering under Construction Projects or at http://www.questcdn.com.Enter eBidDoc 43428633. _Os%f `L�i _/ors No bids will be considered unless Subscribed and sealed and accompanied by bid bond or certified check payable to the City of Sworn to before me this 24th day of July,2014 Edina in the amount of at least five percent(5%)of all bids.The City Council reserves the right to reject any or all �~ bids or any portion thereof. BY ORDER OF THE EDINA CITY �j COUNCIL. 0_, ,i C '. I) L DEBRA MANGEN (Notarial Seal) No ry Pytlic, Hennepin County,Minnesota City Clerk / (Published in f� Finance 7 Commerce4,2014) °``"'j !!iRJ July 10, 17,24,2014)10575774blic-Minnesota tlon Expires Jan 31,2016 RATE INFORMATION: 1. Lowest classified rate paid by $ 16.0000 0 commercial users for comparable space: 2. Maximum rate allowed by law for $ 0.36503 the above matter: 3. Rate actually charged for the above $ 0.3318 matter: Page 1 of 1 Affidavit of Publication CITY OF EDINA July 9, 15,22,2014) STATE OF MINNESOTA ) er01 W.50TH STREET 10575161 (SS. NA,MINNESOTA 55424 HENNEPIN COUNTY, COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) MINNESOTA Description: ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Bids for Edina RE:Olinger Boulevard Mill and Overlay OLINGER BOULEVARD MILL AND Chong Khang ,being duly sworn on oath say she/he is OVERLAY and during all times herein stated has been the publisher or the T NO.NO.CONTRACTENG 14-11 IMPROVEMENT NO. BA-423 publishers designated agent in charge of the newspaper known as BIDS CLOSE JULY 29,2014 SEALED BIDS willbe received and Finance and Commerce (MN) opened in ConferenceeRoomm A A, at the Public Works and Parks Maintenance facility,7450 Metro Blvd,Edina, at 2:00 and has full knowledge of the facts herein stated as follows: p.m.,Tuesday,July 29, 2014.The Edina (A) The newspaper has complied with all of the requirements City Council will meet at 7:00 p.m., Monday,August 4, 2014,to consider said constituting qualifications as a legal newspaper, as provided bids. The following are approximate by Minnesota Satute 331A.02, and 331A.07, and other major quantities: REMOVE CURB AND GUTTER 600 applicable laws,as amended. LF (B) She/He further states on that the printed REMOVE CONCRETE WALK 338 SF REMOVE BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT 48 SF COMMON EXCAVATION 600 CY Construction AGGREGATE BASE 6,500 CY 10575161 SAW AND SEAL TRANSVERSE CRACK SEAL JOINT 8,500 LF BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT RECLA- hereto printed as part as it was printed and published there in the MATION 20,000 SY BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT 4,400 English language;that it was first so published on TON RETROFIT DRAINAGE STRUCTURE July 09,2014 for 3 time(s): 2 EA the subsequent dates of publications being as follows: RECONSTRUCT DRAINAGE STRUC- T OP SLAB 7 EA 7/9/2014 7/15/2014 7/22/2014 T CRETE WALK 171 SF RETE CURB AND GUTTER B618 500 LF CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER And that the following is a printed copy of the lower case SURMOUNTABLE 100 LF PEDESTRIAN CURB RAMP 5 EA alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, and is hereby HYDROSEEDING 300 SY acknowledged as being the size and kind of type used in the PAVEMENT MARKINGS (GROUND IN)12,221 LF Bids shall be in a sealed envelope with X abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz a statement thereon showing the work covered by the bid. Bids should be abcdefghijklmnopgrstuvwxyz addressed to the City Engineer, City of Edina, 7450 Metro Blvd, Edina, Minnesota 55439, and may be mailed or �i s, submitted personally. Bids received by �� / the City Engineer, either through the Subscribed and mail or by personal submission,after the time set for receiving them may be Sworn to before me this 22nd d• of July, 2014 returned unopened. Digital plans are available for a non-refundable fee of$20.00 at http://www.cityofedina.com/engineering under Construction Projects or at http://www.questcdn.com. Enter eBidDoc #3425977. (Notarial Seal) Notary Publ. r -•:- e % innesota No bids will be considered unless sealed and accompanied bybid bond or d..., p �,,:�;: CARRIE ANN RETZACK certified check payable to the City of Edina in the amount of at least five ,� Notary Public-Minnesota percent(5%)of all bids.The City Council 4` � My Commission Expires Jan 31,2018 reserves the right to reject any or all bids or any portion thereof. BY ORDER OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL. RATE INFORMATION: DEBRA MANGEN 1. Lowest classified rate paid by $ 16.0000 IDCity Clerk(Published in commercial users for comparable space: Finance and Commerce 2. Maximum rate allowed by law for $ 0.36593 the above matter: 3. Rate actually charged for the above $ 0.3327 matter: Page 1 of 1 Affidavit of Publication CITY OF EDINA STATE OF MINNESOTA ) 801 W.50TH STREET (SS. A,MINNESOTA 55424 COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) ENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA Description: ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Bids for Edina RE:France Avenue&Hazelton Road Landscaping FRANCE AVENUE&HAZELTON Peggy Lewis ,being duly sworn on oath say she/he is ROAD LANDSCAPING CONTRACT NO.ENG 14-14 and during all times herein stated has been the publisher or the IMPROVEMENT NO.A-259 publishers designated agent in charge of the newspaper known as SEALED BIDS will be received and opened in the Conference Room A,at the Public Works and Parks Maintenance Finance and Commerce (MN) Facility,7450 Metro Blvd, Edina at 2:00 p.m., Thursday, July 24, 2014. The and has full knowledge of the facts herein stated as follows: Edina City Council will meet at 7:00 (A) The newspaper has complied with all of the requirements p.m., Monday, August 4, 2014, to consider said bids. The following are constituting qualifications as a legal newspaper, as provided approximate major quantities: by Minnesota Satute 331A.02, and 331A.07, and other 80 TREE Deciduous Tree 1.5. & 2.5°Cal.B&B applicable laws,as amended. 420 SHRUB Coniferous & Deciduous (B) She/He further states on that the printed Shrub No. 5 Cont. 1 LUMP SUM Irrigation System 6000 PLANT Perennial No. 1 Cont. 2 ACRE Seeding Construction 500 LBS Seed Mixture 25-151 10575777 4500 LBS Hydraulic Matrix Type Bonded Fiber 1200 CU YD Topsoil Special(CV) hereto printed as part as it was printed and published there in the 1 LUMP SUM Traffic Control English language;that it was first so published on Bids shall be in a sealed envelope with g a statement thereon showing the work covered by the bid. Bids should be July 10,2014 for 2 time(s): addressed to the City Engineer, City of the subsequent dates of publications being as follows: Edina, 7450 Metro Blvd, Edina, Mir to 55439, and may be mailed or 7/10/2014 7/17/2014 su' d personally to the City En r. Bids received by the City Engineer, either through the mail or by personal submission, after the time set And that the following is a printed copy of the lower case for receiving them may be returned unopened. alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, and is hereby Digital plans are available for a acknowledged as being the size and kind of type used in the non-refundable fee of $20.00 at http://www.questcdn.com. Enter eBidDoc #3428649. X abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz Minimum wage rates to be paid by the . Contractors have been predetermined abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz and are subject to the Work Hours Act of 1962, P.L. 87-581 and implementing ' regulations. BY ORDER OF THE EDINA CITY ;' t`.�r �"7 �� COUNCIL. DEBRA MANGEN Subscribed and City Clerk Sworn to before me this 17th day of July,2014 (Published in Finance and Commerce July 10, 17,2014) 10575777 Ci_ e L . (Notarial Seal) Notary Pub ' t nnesota '* 'T'`4. CARRIE ANN RETZACK t.`. Notary Public-Minnesota ,` 4'....'' MyCommlaslon Expires Jen 31,2016 RATE INFORMATION: 1. Lowest classified rate paid by $ 16.0000 S commercial users for comparable space: 2. Maximum rate allowed by law for $ 0.48910 the above matter: 3. Rate actually charged for the above $ 0.4446 matter: Page 1 of 1 Affidavit of Publication CITY OF EDINA STATE OF MINNESOTA ) lk, W.50TH STREET (SS. MINNESOTA 55424NEPIN COUNTY, COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) MINNESOTA Description: ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Bids for Edina RE:2014 Watermain Improvements 2014 WATERMAIN IMPROVEMENTS Chong Khang ,being duly sworn on oath say she/he is IMPROVEMENTS CONTRACT NO.ENG 14-10 and during all times herein stated has been the publisher or the IMPROVEMENT NOS.WM-502, publishers designated agent in charge of the newspaper known as WM-546.WM-547, WM5J S-122 Finance and Commerce (MN) BIDS CLOSEE JLTNE 24,2014 SEALED BIDS will be received and and has full knowledge of the facts herein stated as follows: opened in Conference Room A, at the (A) The newspaper has complied with all of the requirements Public Works and Parks Maintenance facility,7450 Metro Blvd,Edina, at 2:00 constituting qualifications as a legal newspaper, as provided p.m.,Tuesday,June 24,2014. The Edina by Minnesota Satute 331A.02, and 331A.07, and other City Council will meet at 7:00 p.m., applicable laws,as amended. Tuesday, July 1, 2014, to consider said bids. The following are approximate (B) She/He further states on that the printed major quantities: AGGREGATE BASE, CLASS 5 343 TON TYPE SP 9.5 WEARING COURSE 314 Construction TON 10559871 6" HDPE SDR 11 WATERMAIN 225 LF 6" DIP CL 52 WATERMAIN —OPEN hereto printed as part as it was printed and published there in the CUT 155 LF English language;that it was first so published on 8" HDPE SDR 11 WATERMAIN 5850 LF June 04,2014 for 3 time(s): 8" HDPE SDR 11 WATERMAIN WITH 12"HDPE CASING 175 LF the subsequent dates of publications being as follows: 8" DIP CL 52 WATERMAIN — OPEN 6/4/2014 6/10/2014 6/17/2014 CU LF E VALVE AND BOX 9 EACH MIECRETE WALK 1370 SQ FT SEEDING 2664 SQ YD Bids shall be in a sealed envelope with And that the following is a printed copy of the lower case a statement thereon showing the work alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, and is hereby covered by the bid. Bids should be addressed to the City Engineer,City of acknowledged as being the size and kind of type used in the Edina, 7450 Metro Blvd, Edina, Minnesota 55439, and may be mailed or submitted personally. Bids received by X abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz the City Engineer, either through the abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz mail or by personal submission,after the time set for receiving them may be returned unopened. Digital plans are available for a non-refundable fee of $20.00 at http://www.cityofedina.com/engineering Subscribed an under Construction Projects or at http://www.questcdn.com. Enter eBidDoc Sworn to before me this 17th day of June,2014 #3365381. No bids will be considered unless sealed and accompanied by bid bond or r certified check payable to the City of Edina in the amount of at least five percent(5%)of all bids.The City Council reserves the right to reject any or all (Notarial Seal) Notary Pub ' Henne in Coun ,Minnesota bids or any portion thereof. o�`h"BTU BY ORDER OF THE EDINA CITY ` . CARRIE ANN RETZACK COUNCIL. EN i', fi Notary Public-Minnesota DEBRA MANGClerk; `'�My Commission Expires Jan 31,2018 City Clerk (Published in Finance and Commerce June 4,10, 17,2014) RATE INFORMATION: 10559871 1. Lowest classified rate paid by $ 16.0000 • commercial users for comparable space: 2. Maximum rate allowed by law for $ 0.36533 the above matter: 3. Rate actually charged for the above $ 0.3321 matter: AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION City of Edina STATE OF MINNESOTA ( CITY)Publication)EIN SS CITY OF EDINA COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) 4801 W.50TH STREET EDINA,MINNESOTA 55424 "'Charlene Vold being duly sworn on an oath, HENNEPIN COUNTY,MINNESOTA states or affirms that they are the Authorized ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Agent of the newspaper(s)known as: 2014 ALLEY IMPROVEMENTS CONTRACT NO.ENG 14-12 IMPROVEMENT NOS.A-257,A-258 SC Edina BIDS CLOSE JULY 29,2014 SEALED BIDS will be received and has full knowledge of the facts stated and opened in Conference Room below: A, at the Public Works and Parks Maintenance facility, 7450 Metro (A)The newspaper has complied with all of Blvd, Edina,at 2:00 p.m.,Tuesday, the requirements constituting qualifica- July 29,2014.The Edina City Coun- tion as a qualified newspaper as provided cif will meet at 7:00 p.m., Monday, by Minn. Stat. §331A.02, §331A.07, and A 4, 2014, said bids.ugust The following to areconsider approximate other applicable laws as amended. major quantities: (B)This Public Notice was printed and pub- REMOVE CONCRETE DRIVEWAY lished in said newspaper(s) for 1 succes- PAVEMENT 10 SY sive issues; the first insertion being on REMOVE BITUMINOUS 07/17/2014 and the last insertion being on PAVEMENT 1,a44 SY 07/17/2014. SAWING BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT (FULL DEPTH) 355 LF REMOVE CASTING ASSEMBLY 2 EA COMMON EXCAVATION 50 CY AGGREGATE BASE CLASS 5(CV) C \r 80 TON By: \� 8"FILTER LOF TYPE COMPORT Authorized Agent BIOROLL 100 LF BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed before CASTING ASSEMBLY(R-173 TON 1733) me on 07/17/2014. 2 EA 6"CONCRETE APRON(HE) 30 SY SEEDING 255 SY Bids shall be in a sealed en- velop with a statement thereon Ii1141261 ----Notary Public showinge the work covered by the bid. Bids should be addressed to the City Engineer, City of Edina, 7450 Metro Blvd,Edina,Minnesota wv vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvNAANWAA. 55439,and may be mailed or sub- 1 PHERSON miffed personally. Bids received by R DRRLENE MARIE MA the City Engineer,either through the • (`"i`. i Notary Public"Minrte8ota mail or by personal submission,af- M Jtt181,20ts ter the time set for receiving them Commission E may be returned unopened. Digital plans are available for a non-refundable fee of$20.00 at http://www.cityofedina.com/engi- neering under Construction Projects or at http://www.questcdn.com.En- ter eBidDoc#3428633. No bids will be considered un- less sealed and accompanied by bid bond or certified check payable to the City of Edina in the amount of at least five percent(5%)of all bids. The City Council reserves the right to reject any or all bids or any por- tion thereof. BY ORDER OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL Debra Mangen City Clerk 7/17/14,3SC1,Bids Eng 14-12,248903 Rate Information: (1)Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users for comparable space: S $34.45 per column inch Ad ID 248903 r AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION City of Edina STATE OF MINNESOTA (Official Publication) SS CITY OF EDINA COUNTY OF HENNEPIN 4801 W.50TH STREET EDINA,MINNESOTA 55424 HENNEPIN COUNTY,MINNESOTA Charlene Vold being duly sworn on an oath, ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS states or affirms that they are the Authorized FRANCE AVENUE&HAZELTON Agent of the newspaper(s)known as: ROAD LANDSCAPING CONTRACT NO.ENG 14-14 SC Edina IMPROVEMENT NO.A-259 SEALED BIDS will be received and opened in the Conference and has full knowledge of the facts stated Room A, at the Public Works and below: Parks Maintenance Facility, 7450 (A)The newspaper has complied with all of Metro Blvd, Edina at 2:00 p.m.. the requirements constituting qualifica- Thursda City Council will meet at 7:00 p.m., tion as a qualified newspaper as provided Monday, August 4, 2014, to con- by Minn. Stat. §331A.02, §331A.07, and sider said bids. The following are other applicable laws as amended. approximate major quantities: (B)This Public Notice was printed and pub- 80 TREE Deciduous Tree 1.5" lished in said newspaper(s) for 1 succes &2.5"Cal.B&B 420 SHRUB Coniferous& sive issues; the first insertion being on Deciduous Shrub 07/17/2014 and the last insertion being on No.5 Cont. 07/17/2014. 1 LUMP Irrigation System SUM 6000 PLANT Perennial No.1 Cont. 2 ACRE Seeding ` rc5 500 LBS 25 1 Mixture By: 51 v 4500 LBS Hydraulic Matrix Authorized Agent Type Bonded Fiber 1200 CU YD Topsoil Special(CV) Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed before 1 LUMP Traffic Control me on 07/17/2014. SUM Bids shall be in a sealed en- velope with a statement thereon (� /())I showing the work covered by the ftC ,Q _ M f' °4- n. bid. Bids should be addressed to �/�� ' ` I ` t/�CJ`'b�� the City Engineer, City of Edina, Notary Public 7450 Metro Blvd, Edina, Minne- sota 55439,and may be mailed or submitted personally to the City Engineer.Bids received by the City Engineer,either through the mail or I wvsyvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvwwvVpWv\ by personal submission, after the `�'%D►V1lGtIF�YWIfTIC 1gAVrflGfl time set for receiving them may be returned unopened. f t Notary Public-Minnesota Digital plans are available for , 9►` My Explr s Jan 31,2018 a non-refundable fee of$20.00 at http://www.questedn.com. Enter eBidDoc#3428649. Minimum wage rates to be paid by the Contractors have been pre- determined and are subject to the Work Hours Act of 1962,P.L.87-581 and implementing regulations. BY ORDER OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL. Debra Mangen City Clerk 7/17/14,3SC1,Bids Eng 14-14,248891 Rate Information: (1)Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users for comparable space: . $34.45 per column inch Ad ID 248891 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION City of Edina (Official Publication) STATE OF M I N N ESOTA )ss CITY OF EDINA COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) 4801 W.50TH STREET EDINA,MINNESOTA 55424 HENNEPIN COUNTY,MINNESOTA Charlene Vold being duly sworn on an oath, ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS states or affirms that they are the Authorized OLINGER BOULEVARD Agent of the newspaper(s)known as: MILL AND OVERLAY SC Edina CONTRACT NO.ENG 14-11 IMPROVEMENT NO.BA-423 BIDS CLOSE JULY 29,2014 and has full knowledge of the facts stated SEALED BIDS will be received below: and opened in Conference Room A, at the Public Works and Parks (A)The newspaper has complied with all of Maintenance facility, 7450 Metro the requirements constituting qualifica- Blvd, Edina,at 2:00 p.m.,Tuesday, tion as a qualified newspaper as provided July 29,2014.The Edina City Coun- by Minn. Stat. §331A.02, *331A.07, and cil Au will gust mee4, 2014, to t at 700 pconsider saidy, other applicable laws as amended. bids.The following are approximate (B)This Public Notice was printed and pub- major quantities: lished in said newspaper(s) for 1 succes- REMOVE CURB AND GUTTER sive issues; the first insertion being on 600 LF 07/17/2014 and the last insertion being on REMOVE CONCRETE WALK 338 SF 07/17/2014. REMOVE BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT 48 SF COMMON EXCAVATION 600 CY AGGREGATE BASE 6,500 CY ���,� { SAW AND SEAL TRANSVERSE By: CRACK SEAL JOINT 8,500 LF Authorized Agent BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT RECLAMATION 20,000 SY BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed before 4,400 TON me on 07/17/2014. RETROFIT DRAINAGE STRUCTURE 2 EA RECONSTRUCT DRAINAGE STRUCTURE-TOP SLAB lip).A.Q.Q*-t_ PA M I" \OK,1 D 4"CONCRETE WALK 7 EA Notary Public 171 SF CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER B618 500 LF CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER SURMOUNTABLE 100 LF PEDESTRIAN CURB RAMP iARLENE MARE MACPHERSON HYDROSEEDING 300 EA5 f'w . . ) Notary Public-MinnesotaPAVEMENT MARKINGS t: my��„ 31 �8 (GROUND IN) 12,2 LF Bids shall be in a sealed en- velope with a statement thereon showing the work covered by the bid. Bids should be addressed to the City Engineer, City of Edina, 7450 Metro Blvd,Edina,Minnesota 55439,and may be mailed or sub- mitted personally.Bids received by the City Engineer,either through the mail or by personal submission,af- ter the time set for receiving them may be returned unopened. Digital plans are available for a non-refundable fee of$20.00 at http://www.cityofedina.com/engi- neering under Construction Projects or at http://www.questcdn.com.En- ter eBidDoc#3425977. No bids will be considered un- less sealed and accompanied by bid bond or certified check payable to the City of Edina in the amount of Rate Information: at least five percent(5%)of all bids. (1)Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users The City Council reserves the right to reject any or all bids or any por- for comparable space: tion thereof. • $34.45 per column inch BY ORDER OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL. Debra Mangen City Clerk 7/17/14,3SC1,Bids Olinger Ad ID 248173 Blvd Project,248173 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION STATE OF MINNESOTA )ss COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) Charlene Vold being duly sworn on an oath, states or affirms that they are the Authorized Agent of the newspaper(s)known as: SC Edina and has full knowledge of the facts stated below: (A)The newspaper has complied with all of the requirements constituting qualifica- tion as a qualified newspaper as provided by Minn. Stat. §331A.02, §331A.07, and other applicable laws as amended. (B)This Public Notice was printed and pub- lished in said newspaper(s) for 1 succes- sive issues; the first insertion being on 06/19/2014 and the last insertion being on 06/19/2014. jejiLBy: V Authorized Agent Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed before me on 06/19/2014. 11) fr M Okat"4'1^- " Notary Public ►'r VVVv WVVVVVWVVVVVVvvvvVA ; a,DARLENE MARIE MACPHERSON '" Notary Public-Minnesota My Commiiston Eicpirse Jan 37,2019 Rate Information: (1)Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users for comparable space: • $34.45 per column inch Ad ID 236953 • City of Edina (Official Publication) CITY OF EDINA 4801 W.50TH STREET EDINA,MINNESOTA 55424 HENNEPIN COUNTY,MINNESOTA ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS EDINA INDUSTRIAL PARK LIGHTING IMPROVEMENTS CONTRACT NO.ENG 14-13 IMPROVEMENT NO.L-60 BIDS CLOSE JULY 8,2014 SEALED BIDS will be received and opened in Conference Room A,at the Public Works and Parks Maintenance facility,7450 Metro Blvd,Edina, at 2:00 p.m.,Tuesday,July 8,2014.The Edina City Council will meet at 7:00 p.m.,Tuesday,July 15,2014,to consider said bids.The following are approximate major quantities: REMOVE LIGHTING UNIT 22 EA REMOVE LIGHT FOUNDATION 22 EA REMOVE SERVICE EQUIPMENT 2 EA LIGHTING UNIT TYPE SPECIAL 22 EA LIGHT FOUNDATION DESIGN E MODIFIED 22 EA 1-1/2"NON-METALLIC CONDUIT 5,075 LF • 1-1/2"NON-METALLIC CONDUIT(DIRECTIONAL BORE) 1,875 LF UNDERGROUND WIRE 1 COND NO 1/0 180 LF UNDERGROUND WIRE 1 COND NO 8 23,200 LF UNDERGROUND WIRE 1 COND NO 12 2,750 LF SERVICE CABINET 1 EA SERVICE EQUIPMENT 1 EA EQUIPMENT PAD 1 EA HANDHOLE 2 EA Bids shall be in a sealed envelope with a statement thereon showing the work covered by the bid.Bids should be addressed to the City Engi- neer,City of Edina,7450 Metro Blvd,Edina,Minnesota 55439,and may be mailed or submitted personally.Bids received by the City Engineer,either through the mail or by personal submission,after the time set for receiving them may be returned unopened. Digital plans are available for a non-refundable fee of$20.00 at http:// www.cityofedina.com/engineering under Construction Projects or at http://www.questcdn.com.Enter eBidDoc#3383689. No bids will be considered unless sealed and accompanied by bid bond or certified check payable to the City of Edina in the amount of at least five percent(5%)of all bids.The City Council reserves the right to reject any or all bids or any portion thereof. BY ORDER OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL. Debra Mangen City Clerk 6/19/14,Edina Sun Current,Bids Eng.14-13 Lighting,236953 S Page 1 of 1 Affidavit of Publication CITY OF EDINA STATE OF MINNESOTA ) 01 W.50TH STREET (SS. A,MINNESOTA 55424 IIIGNNEPIN COUNTY, COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) MINNESOTA Description: ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Bids for Edina RE:Edina Industrial Park Lighting Improvements EDINA INDUSTRIAL PARK Peggy Lewis ,being duly sworn on oath say she/he is LIGHTING IMPROVEMENTS CONTRACT NO.ENG 14-13 and during all times herein stated has been the publisher or the IMPROVEMENT NO.L-60 publishers designated agent in charge of the newspaper known as BIDS CLOSE JULY 8,2014 SEALED BIDS will be opened in Conference Room A, at the Finance and nance and Commerce (MN) Public Works and Parks Maintenance facility,7450 Metro Blvd,Edina, at 2:00 and has full knowledge of the facts herein stated as follows: p.m.,Tuesday, July 8, 2014. The Edina (A) The newspaper has complied with all of the requirements City Council will meet at 7:00 p.m., Tuesday, July 15,2014, to consider said constituting qualifications as a legal newspaper, as provided bids. The following are approximate by Minnesota Satute 331A.02, and 331A.07, and other major quantities: REMOVE LIGHTING UNIT 22 EA applicable laws,as amended. REMOVE LIGHT FOUNDATION 22 (B) She/He further states on that the printed EA REMOVE SERVICE EQUIPMENT 2 EA LIGHTING UNIT TYPE SPECIAL 22 Construction EA 10564654 LIGHT FOUNDATION DESIGN E MODIFIED 22 EA 1-1/2" NON-METALLIC CONDUIT hereto printed as part as it was printed and published there in the 5,075 LF English language;that it was first so published on 1-1/2" NON-METALLIC CONDUIT g �a g ' (DIRECTIONAL BORE)1,875 LF UNDERGROUND WIRE 1 COND NO June 17,2014 for 3 time(s): 1/0 180 LF the subsequent dates of publications being as follows: UNDERGROUND WIRE 1 COND NO 8 I6/1 7/2014 6/24/2014 7/1/2014 8 2 LF RGROUND WIRE 1 COND NO 12 LF SERVICE CABINET 1 EA SERVICE EQUIPMENT 1 EA And that the following is a printed copy of the lower case EQUIPMENT PAD 1 EA HANDHOLE 2 EA alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, and is hereby Bids shall be in a sealed envelope with acknowledged as being the size and kind of type used in the a statement thereon showing the work covered by the bid. Bids should be addressed to the City Engineer, City of X abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz Edina, 7450 Metro Blvd, Edina, Minnesota 55439, and may be mailed or abcdefghijklmnopgrstuvwxyz submitted personally. Bids received by the City Engineer, either through the mail or by personal submission,after the time set for receiving them may be returned unopened. Digital plans are available for a Subscribed and non-refundable fee of $20.00 at Sworn to before me this 1st day of July,2014 http://www.cityofedina.com/engineering under Construction Projects or at http://www.questcdn.cotn. Enter eBidDoc #3383689. No bids will be considered unless �� Y AL /,G sealed and accompanied by bid bond or . Y �/ certified check payable to the City of (Notarial Seal) Notary Public Hennepin County,Minnesota Edina in the amount of at least five percent(5%)of all bids.The City Council reserves the right to reject any ,or all 3 4... CARRIE ANN RETZACK bids or any portion thereof. t'•""` : Notary Public-Minnesota BY ORDER OF THE EDINA CITY ,) COUNCIL. *1':; "' My Commission Expires Jan 31,2016 DEBRA MANGEN City Clerk(Published in RATE INFORMATION: Finance and Commerce 1. Lowest classified rate paid by $ 16.0000 June 17,24, July 1,2014) commercial users for comparable space: 105 4 2. Maximum rate allowed by law for $ 0.36576 the above matter: 3. Rate actually charged for the above $ 0.3325 matter: AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION City of Edina STATE OF MINNESOTA ) (Official Publication) Ss CITY OF EDINA COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) 4801 W.50THSTREET EDINA,MINNESOTA 55424 • Charlene Vold being duly sworn on an oath HENNEPIN COUNTY MINNESOTA states or affirms that they are the Authorized ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Agent of the newspaper(s)known as: 2014 WATERMAIN IMPROVEMENTS SC Edina CONTRACT NO.ENG 14-10 IMPROVEMENT NOS. WM-502,WM-546,WM-547, and has full knowledge of the facts stated WM &S-122 below: BIDS CLOSE JUNE 24,2014 (A)The newspaper has complied with all of S the requirements BIDS will be received uiremcnts constituting and opened in Conference Room A, q qualifica- at the Public Works and Parks Main- tion as a qualified newspaper as provided tenance facility, 7450 Metro Blvd, by Minn. Stat. §331A.02, §331A.07, and Edina, at 2:00 p.m.,Tuesday,June other applicable laws as amended. 24, 2014. The Edina City Council (B)This Public Notice was printed and pub- will meet at 7:00 p.m.,Tuesday,July 1,2014,to consider said bids.The lished in said newspaper(s) for 1 succes- following are approximate major sive issues; the first insertion being on quantities: 06/12/2014 and the last insertion being on AGGREGATE BASE,CLASS 5 06/12/2014. 343 TON TYPE SP 9.5 WEARING COURSE 314 TON 6"HDPE SDR 11 WATERMAIN 225 LF \ r 6"DIP CL 52 WATERMAIN—OPEN By: �/ CUT 155 LF Authorized Agen 8"HDPE SDR 11 WATERMAIN 5850 LF 8" HDPE SDR 11 WATERMAIN Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed before WITH 12"HDPE CASING me on 06/12/2014. 175 LF 8"DIP CL 52 WATERMAIN—OPEN CUT 365 LF 8"GATE VALVE AND BOX � � 9 EACH &o.,,QQ4,—Q M it/\G-a - 4"CONCRETE WALK Notary Public 1370 SQ FT SEEDING 2664 SQ YD Bids shall be in a sealed en- velope with a statement thereon vv.. .v.......vwwv.,...vvwwVWw% showing the work covered by the � . DARLENE MARIE MACPHERSON bid. Bids should be addressed to w° \yr the City Engineer, City of Edina, "'" 7450 Metro Blvd,Edina, Minnesota , , Notary Public-Minnesota My CommissionWiresJINt b1,201Y 55439, and may be mailed or sub- mitted personally. Bids received by the City Engineer,either through the mail or by personal submission,af- ter the time set for receiving them may be returned unopened. Digital plans are available for a non-refundable fee of $20.00 at http://www.cityofedina.com/engi- neering under Construction Projects or at http://www.questcdn.com.En- ter eBidDoc#3365381. No bids will be considered un- less sealed and accompanied by bid bond or certified check payable to the City of Edina in the amount of at least five percent(5%)of all bids. The City Council reserves the right to reject any or all bids or any por- tion thereof. BY ORDER OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL. Debra Mangen City Clerk Rate Information: 6/12/14,3SC1,Bids Eng (1)Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users 14-10 Watermain,231945 for comparable space: III $34.45 per column inch Ad ID 231945 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION City of Edina at least five percent(5%)of all bids. (Official Publication) The City Council reserves the right STATE OF MINNESOTA )ss CITY OF EDINA—PUBLIC WORKS to reject any or all bids or any por- COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) 7450 METRO BOULEVARD tion EDINA,MINNESOTA BY ORDER THE COUNCIL CITY COUNCIL • Charlene Vold being duly sworn on an oath, ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Debra Manger states or affirms that they are the Authorized 50TH&FRANCE City Clerk Agent of the newspaper(s)known as: DISTRICT IMPROVEMENTS BID PACKAGE#2-PARKING 5/1-5/8/14,3SC1,Bids STRUCTURE RESTORATION BP02,212564 SC Edina EDINA IMPROVEMENT NO.P-23 BIDS CLOSE May 22,2014 and has full knowledge of the facts stated SEALED BIDS will be received below: and opened in the Multi-Purpose Room at the City of Edina Public (A)The newspaper has complied with all of Works Building, 7450 Metro Boule- the requirements constituting qualifica- yard Edina, MN 55439 at 2:00 PM, tion as a qualified newspaper as provided Thursday,May 22,2014.The Edina by Minn. Stat. §331 A.02, §331 A.07, and City Council will meet at 7:00 p.m., Tuesday, June 3, 2014 to consider other applicable laws as amended. said bids.The following are approxi- (B)This Public Notice was printed and pub- mate major quantities: lished in said newspaper(s) for 2 succes- REPAINT TRAFFIC STRIPING TO sive issues; the first insertion being on MATCH EXISTING STRIPING 05/01/2014 and the last insertion being on 1 LS LAYOUT AND PAINT TRAFFIC 05/08/2014. SIGNING 1 LS CONCRETE CRACK REPAIR (EPDXY INJECTION) 700 LF FLOOR CONCRETE SPALU DELAMINATION REPAIR 1,500 LF VERTICAUOVERHEAD CONCRETE By: y SPALUDELAMINATION REPAIR Authorized Agent 130 SF REMOVE AND REPLACE CONCRETE Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed before FOR DRAIN BODY 20 EA me on 05/08/2014. TRASH ENCLOSURE(3 TOTAL) 1 LS DOUBLE TEE SHEAR TAB REPAIR CHANNEL 350 EA STAIR CORE POST REPAIRS ii )scif.Q.(A.—t_ rM r' ` 1 LS REMOVE AND REPLACE Notary Public EXPANSION JOINT 1610 LF TRAFFIC COATING(RECOAT EXISTING) 7,435 LF . vvvvv,pv'vCvvvvv�vpv�vyyry SKID-RESISTANT BROADCAST EL,V+MLGNEM/1nfEMl��Jt 9 AGGREGATE OVERLAY SF ( 1.' t• `: Notary PttblicMInn a WATER REPELLENT 157,600 SF !My Commission nSl MSABOVE FLOOR DRAIN PIPING (4"—6")(NO-HUB GALVANIZED CAST IRON) 680 LF REMOVE AND REPLACE DRAIN BODY 20 EA PARKING RESTRICTION SIGNAGE 30 EA REMOVE AND REPLACE CAULK JOINT 3770 LF FULL DEPTH STAIRCORE REPAIR 1 LS REPAIR RAILING CONNECTION AND CONCRETE 16 EA Bids shall be in a sealed en- velope with a statement thereon showing the work covered by the bid. Bids should be addressed to the City Engineer,City of Edina Pub- lic Works, 7450 Metro Boulevard, Edina, Minnesota 55439, and may be mailed or submitted personally to the City Engineer. Bids received by the City Engineer,either through the mail or by personal submission, after the time set for receiving them Rate Information: may be returned unopened. (I)Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users Digital plans are available for for comparable space: a non-refundable fee of $30.00 at http://www.cityofedina.com/engi- S34.45 per column inch neering under Construction Projects • or at http://www.questcdn.com.En- ter eBidDoc#3267772. No bids will be considered un- less sealed and accompanied by bid bond or certified check payable Ad I D 212564 to the City of Edina in the amount of AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION City of Edina at least five percent(5%)of all bids. (Official Publication) The City Council reserves the right por- STATE OF MINNESOTA to reject any or all bids or any CITY OF EDINA-PUBLIC WORKS eof. COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ss 7450 METRO BOULEVARD tion ORDER EDINA,MINNESOTA BY COUNCIL THE CITY EDINA COUNCIL S Charlene Vold being duly sworn on an oath, ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Debra Mangen states or affirms that they are the Authorized 50TH&FRANCE City Clerk Agent of the newspaper(s)known as: DISTRICT IMPROVEMENTS g BID PACKAGE#2-PARKING 5/1-5/8/14,3SC1,Bids STRUCTURE RESTORATION BP02,212564 SC Edina EDINA IMPROVEMENT NO.P-23 BIDS CLOSE May 22,2014 and has full knowledge of the facts stated SEALED BIDS will be received below: and opened in the Multi-Purpose Room at the City of Edina Public (A)The newspaper has complied with all of Works Building,7450 Metro Boule- the requirements constituting qualifica- vard Edina, MN 55439 at 2:00 PM, tion as a qualified newspaper as provided Thursday,May 22,2014.The Edina by Minn. Stat. §331A.02, §331 A.07, and City Council will meet at 7:00 p.m., Tuesday, June 3, 2014 to consider other applicable laws as amended. said bids.The following are approxi- (B)This Public Notice was printed and pub- mate major quantities: lished in said newspaper(s) for 2 succes- REPAINT TRAFFIC STRIPING TO sive issues; the first insertion being on MATCH EXISTING STRIPING 05/01/2014 and the last insertion being on 1 LS OS/08/2014. LAYOUT AND PAINT TRAFFIC SIGNING 1 LS CONCRETE CRACK REPAIR (EPDXY INJECTION) 700 LF FLOOR CONCRETE SPALU DELAMINATION REPAIR 1,500 LF VERTICAUOVERHEAD CONCRETE By: �� SPALUDELAMINATION REPAIR Authorized Agent 130 SF REMOVE AND REPLACE CONCRETE Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed before FOR DRAIN BODY20 EA TRASH ENCLOSURE(3 TOTAL) me on 05/08/2014. 1 LS DOUBLE TEE SHEAR TAB REPAIR ' n. J- CHANNEL 350 EA STAIR CORE POST REPAIRS tvk1 LS OC- REMOVE AND REPLACE Notary Public EXPANSION JOINT 1610 LF TRAFFIC COATING(RECOAT EXISTING) 7,435 LF SKID-RESISTANT BROADCAST AGGREGATE OVERLAY ti \DARLENEMARIEMAMERSON 51,800 SF r! Notaf}I Riblie-Minnesota WATER REPELLENT 157,600 ABOVE FLOOR DRAIN PIPING SF My Commission ExprusJan 31.2018 (4"-6")(NO-HUB GALVANIZED CAST IRON) 680 LF REMOVE AND REPLACE DRAIN BODY 20 EA PARKING RESTRICTION SIGNAGE 30 EA REMOVE AND REPLACE CAULK JOINT 3770 LF FULL DEPTH STAIRCORE REPAIR 1 LS REPAIR RAILING CONNECTION AND CONCRETE 16 EA Bids shall be in a sealed en- velope with a statement thereon showing the work covered by the bid. Bids should be addressed to the City Engineer,City of Edina Pub- lic Works, 7450 Metro Boulevard, Edina, Minnesota 55439, and may be mailed or submitted personally to the City Engineer. Bids received by the City Engineer,either through the mail or by personal submission, after the time set for receiving them Rate Information: may be returned unopened. (1)Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users Digital plans are available for a non-refundable fee of$30.00 at for comparable space: http://www.cityofedina.com/engi- $34.45• per column inch neering under Construction Projects or at http://www.questcdn.com.En- ter eBidDoc#3267772. No bids will be considered un- less sealed and accompanied by bid bond or certified check payable Ad ID 212564 to the City of Edina in the amount of AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION City of Edina STATE OF MINNESOTA P(Official Publication) ss CITY OF PUBLIC WORKS COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) 7450 METRO BOULEVARD EDINA,MINNESOTA ',Charlene Vold being duly sworn on an oath, ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS states or affirms that they are the Authorized 50TH&FRANCE Agent of the newspaper(s)known as: DISTRICT IMPROVEMENTS BID PACKAGE#1- WAYFINDING SYSTEM SC Edina EDINA IMPROVEMENT NO.P-23 BIDS CLOSE May 22,2014 and has full knowledge of the facts stated SEALED BIDS will be received below: and opened in the Multi-Purpose A The news a er has with all of Room at the City of Edina Public ( ) p P compliedWorks Building,7450 Metro Boule- the requirements constituting qualifica- yard Edina, MN 55439 at 2:00 PM, tion as a qualified newspaper as provided Thursday,May 22,2014.The Edina by Minn. Stat. §331A.02, §331A.07, and ty w meet at 7:00 p.m., TuesdayCiCouncil, June ill 3,2014 to consider other applicable laws as amended. said bids.The following are approxi- (B)This Public Notice was printed and pub- mate major quantities: fished in said newspaper(s) for 2 succes- ALUMINUM SIGN PANEL sive issues; the first insertion being on 258 SF 05/01/2014 and the last insertion being on DYNAMIC SIGN STRUCTURE 05/08/2014. 8 EA VEHICLE COUNT STATION 11 EA PARKING MANAGEMENT SYSTEM 1 LS SERVICES TO FREE STANDING SIGNS 6 EA By: SERVICES TO BUILDING Authorized Agent MOUNTED SIGNS 2 EA DYNAMIC MESSAGE SIGN 20 EA Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed before WIRELESS RADIO SYSTEM me on 05/08/2014. 1 LS Bids shall be in a sealed envelope with a statement thereon showing 4VICV&Q/k~e- Q the work covered the bid. Bids should be addressedd to the City En- gineer,City of Edina Public Works, Notary Public 7450 Metro Boulevard,Edina, Min- nesota 55439, and may be mailed '� _ vdvvwt.,avyvwvvVvvvvvvvyv1A or submitted personally to the City 1 -i::'1., *, IARLENEMARIEMACRIERSONI Engineer. Bids received by the City Engineer,either through the mail or > NOTdry P11bIIG` lIlf�9sp� by personal submission, after the ;_' My �xfJrrusJan 3i.2018 time set for receiving them may be returned unopened. Digital plans are available for a non-refundable fee of$30.00 at http://www.cityofedina.com/engi- neering under Construction Projects or at http://www.questcdn.com.En- ter eBidDoc#3267410. No bids will be considered un- less sealed and accompanied by bid bond or certified check payable to the City of Edina in the amount of at least five percent(5%)of all bids. The City Council reserves the right to reject any or all bids or any por- tion thereof. BY ORDER OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL. Debra Mangen City Clerk 5/1-5/8/14,3SC1,Bids BP01,212551 Rate Information: (l)Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users for comparable space: • $34.45 per column inch Ad ID 212551 r AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION City of Edina (Official Publication) STATE OF MINNESOTA )ss CITY OF EDINA-PUBLIC WORKS COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) 7450 METRO BOULEVARD EDINA,MINNESOTA "'Charlene Vold being duly sworn on an oath, ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS states or affirms that they are the Authorized 50TH&FRANCE Agent of the newspaper(s)known as: DISTRICT IMPROVEMENTS BID PACKAGE#3- PARKING STRUCTURE SC Edina LIGHTING REPLACEMENT EDINA IMPROVEMENT NO.P-23 and has full knowledge of the facts stated BIDS CLOSE May 22,2014 below: SEALED BIDS will be received and opened in the Multi-Purpose (A)The newspaper has complied with all of Room at the City of Edina Public the requirements constituting qualifica- Works Building, 7450 Metro Boule- tiOn as a qualified newspaper as provided yard Edina, MN 55439 at 2:00 PM, by Minn. Stat. §331A.02, §331 A.07, and Thursday,May 22,2014.The Edina City Council will meet at 7:00 p.m., other applicable laws as amended. Tuesday,June 3, 2014 to consider (B)This Public Notice was printed and pub- said bids.The following are approxi- lished in said newspaper(s) for 2 succes- mate major quantities: sive issues; the first insertion being on TYPE Al LIGHTING ASSEMBLY 05/01/2014 and the last insertion being on 177 EA 05/08/2014. TYPE A2 LIGHTING ASSEMBLY 54 EA TYPE A3 LIGHTING ASSEMBLY 157 EA TYPE C LIGHTING ASSEMBLY 33 EA TYPE ST2 LIGHTING ASSEMBLY BY 30 EA Authorized Agent MODIFY LIGHTING CONTROL SYSTEMS(4 TOTAL) 1 LS Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed before DEMOLITION AND DISPOSAL 513 EA me on 05/08/2014. Bids shall be in a sealed envelope with a statement thereon showing the work covered by the bid. Bids a i/� 'A I gs be addressiip ed to the City ks, j1/4124 '" ` rt v/p. 7450 , City of Edina Public Works, 7450 Metro Boulevard,Edina, Min- Notary Public nesota 55439, and may be mailed or submitted personally to the City Engineer. Bids received by the City �� Vvvvvw,vvv'w,Aov'vvwA`nrvV � Engineer,either through the mail or '� �\DARLENEIYIBrttEMf7U� by personal submission, after the ' Public-Minnesota time set for receiving them may be 'f No�� Jsp31,2019 returned unopened. Ulf COrtNllfl�tOrt Digital plans are available for a non-refundable fee of $30.00 at http://www.cityofedina.com/engi- neering under Construction Projects or at http://www.questcdn.com.En- ter eBidDoc#3267797. No bids will be considered un- less sealed and accompanied by bid bond or certified check payable to the City of Edina in the amount of at least five percent(5%)of all bids. The City Council reserves the right to reject any or all bids or any por- tion thereof. BY ORDER OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL. Debra Mangen City Clerk 5/1-5/8/14,3SC1,Bids BP03,212586 Rate Information: (1)Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users for comparable space: • $34.45 per column inch Ad ID 212586 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION City of Edina STATE OF MINNESOTAP(Official Publication) ss CITY OFEDINA—PUBLIC WORKS COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) 7450 METRO BOULEVARD EDINA,MINNESOTA Charlene Vold being duly sworn on an oath, ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS states or affirms that they are the Authorized 50TH&FRANCE Agent of the newspaper(s)known as: DISTRICT IMPROVEMENTS BID PACKAGE#4- STREETSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS SC Edina EDINA IMPROVEMENT NO.P-23 BIDS CLOSE May 22,2014 and has full knowledge of the facts stated SEALED BIDS will be received below: and opened in the Multi-Purpose Room at the City of Edina Public (A)The newspaper has complied with all of Works Building,7450 Metro Boule- the requirements constituting qualifica- yard Edina, MN 55439 at 2:00 PM, tion as a qualified newspaper as provided Thursday,May 22,2014.The Edina by Minn. Stat. §331A.02, §331A.07, and City Council will meet at 7:00 p.m., Tuesday,June 3, 2014 to consider other applicable laws as amended. said bids.The following are approxi- (B)This Public Notice was printed and pub- mate major quantities: lished in said newspaper(s) for 2 succes- DIRECTION BORING sive issues; the first insertion being on 5,000 LF 05/01/2014 and the last insertion being on IRRIGATION SYSTEM 05/08/2014. 1 LS CLEARING AND GRUBBING 45 TREE PAVER REMOVALS 24,750 SF DECIDUOUS TREE 25 EA n DECIDUOUS SHRUB `(-O`/ By: CONIFEROUS SHRUB109 EA Authorized Agent 65 EA PERENNIALS(#1 CONT.) Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed before GROUNDCOVER(#1 CONT.)857 EA me on 05/08/2014. 720 EA CONCRETE UNIT PAVING(ON EX- ISTING CONCRETE UNDERSLAB) gri ^ 1" \ �/f� INCLUDES SAND BASE) 01 ,)J��4, �1/ 24,750 SF CONCRETE UNIT PAVING (ON 9" Notary Public CONCRETE UNDERSLAB) 2,010 SF CONCRETE UNIT PAVING (ON ,,,,,, v~VWVvyvWyvyvyv CLASS V) 1,370 SF r 1 ARLENE MARIE MACPNERSON TREE GRATE&CONCRETE • COLLAR 5 EA "' +votary Public-Minnesota Bids shall be in a sealed envelope I i My Commission Exp esJan 31.2019 with a statement thereon showing the work covered by the bid. Bids should be addressed to the City En- gineer,City of Edina Public Works, 7450 Metro Boulevard,Edina, Min- nesota 55439, and may be mailed or submitted personally to the City Engineer. Bids received by the City Engineer,either through the mail or by personal submission, after the time set for receiving them may be returned unopened. Digital plans are available for a non-refundable fee of$30.00 at http://www.cityofedina.com/engi- neering under Construction Projects or at http://www.questcdn.com.En- ter eBidDoc#3267852. No bids will be considered un- less sealed and accompanied by bid bond or certified check payable to the City of Edina in the amount of at least five percent(5%)of all bids. The City Council reserves the right to reject any or all bids or any por- Rate Information: Lion thereof. 1 Lowest classified rate BY ORDER OF THE ( ) paid by commercial users EDINA CITY COUNCIL. for comparable space: Debra Mangen • $34.45 per column inch City Clerk 5/1-5/8/14,3SC1,Bids BP04,212605 Ad ID 212605 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION City of Edina STATE OF MINNESOTA (Official Publication) j ss CITY OF EDINA-PUBLIC WORKS COUNTY OF HENNEPIN 7450 METRO BOULEVARD EDINA,MINNESOTA "'Charlene Vold being duly sworn on an oath, ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS states or affirms that they are the Authorized 50TH&FRANCE Agent of the newspaper(s)known as: DISTRICT IMPROVEMENTS BID PACKAGE#5- PARKING STRUCTURE PAINTING SC Edina EDINA IMPROVEMENT NO.P-23 BIDS CLOSE May 22,2014 and has full knowledge of the facts stated SEALED BIDS will be received and opened in the Multi-Purpose below: Room at the City of Edina Public (A)The newspaper has complied with all of Works Building,7450 Metro Boule- the requirements constituting qualifica- yard Edina, MN 55439 at 2:00 PM, tion as a qualified newspaper as provided Thursday,May 22,2014.The Edina by Minn. Stat. §331A.02,§331A.07, and TuesdayCity Council June will 3,meet 2014 at to 700 conside pm.r, , other applicable laws as amended. said bids.The Bid includes the fol- (B)This Public Notice was printed and pub- lowing general descriptions of work: lished in said newspaper(s) for 2 succes- • Painting of walls, ceiling, col- umns, railings,exterior surfaces on sive issues; the first insertion being on the south and east sides and other 05/01/2014 and the last insertion being on miscellaneous work in the South 05/08/2014. Ramp. • Painting of walls, ceiling, col- umns, railings, and miscellaneous work in the Center Ramp. L • Limited painting of walls,ceil- 1 � ing,columns,railings and miscella- B V • neous work in the North Ramp. y • New signage within the South Authorized Agent Ramp, Center Ramp and North Ramp. Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed before Total area of painting is approxi- me on 05/08/2014. mately 400,000 square feet. Bids shall be in a sealed envelope with a statement thereon showing the work covered by the bid. Bids M ,^ should be addressed to the City En- r\O(, gineer, City of Edina Public Works, Notary Public 7450 Metro Boulevard, Edina, Min- nesota 55439, and may be mailed or submitted personally to the City Engineer. Bids received by the City Engineer,either through the mail or t"^v vwv.tivs -w �: vvwvvvvvvvv). by personal submission, after the ARLENE MARIE MACPiHERS,N time set for receiving them may be Notary �j retumed unopened. ry P lab c-Minnesota Digital plans are available for My Commisson F-xplrosJan 31.2019 a non-refundable fee of$30.00 at http://www.cityofedina.com/engi- neering under Construction Projects or at http://www.questcdn.com.En- ter eBidDoc#3267884. No bids will be considered un- less sealed and accompanied by bid bond or certified check payable to the City of Edina in the amount of at least five percent(5%)of all bids. The City Council reserves the right to reject any or all bids or any por- tion thereof. BY ORDER OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL Debra Mangen City Clerk 5/1-5/8/14,3SC1,Bids BP05,212614 Rate Information: (1)Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users for comparable space: • $34.45 per column inch Ad ID 212614 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION City of Edina one hardcopy set is required ad- (Official Publication) ditional sets may be purchased for each. STATE OF MINNESOTA )ss CITY OF EDINA $200.00 lams will also be available for re- COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) 4801 W.50TH ST. EDINA,MINNESOTA 55424 (hardew onlyo at orhe electronic following cumin is HENNEPIN COUNTY,MINNESOTA copy electronic documents 1110 Charlene Vold being duly sworn on an oath, ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS are available only at National Repro- states or affirms that they are the Authorized PAMELA PARK graphics): RJM Construction SITE RENOVATIONS Agent of the newspaper(s)known as: 701 Washington Ave.N.,Suite 600 CONTRACT NO.#13-7PK Minneapolis,MN 55401 SC Edina BIDS CLOSE MAY 21,2014 (952)837-8600 Project: City of Edina Pamela Park Site Renovations 4801 W.50th St. a of the facts stated 4303 W.58th St. Edina,MN 55424 and has full knowledge Edina,MN 55424 (952)826-0367 below: Owner. Minnesota Builder's Exhange (A)The newspaper has complied with all of City of Edina 1123 Glenwood Ave. the requirements constituting4801 W.50th St. q qualifies Edina,MN 55424 Minneapolis, 0MN 55405 tion as a qualified newspaper as provided Architect: (612)381-262 St.Cloud Builders Exchange by Minn. Stat. §331 A.02, §331 A.07, and Anderson-Johnson Associates,Inc. 110 Sixth Ave.S. other applicable laws as amended. 7575 Golden Valley Road.Suite 200 St.Cloud,MN 56301 (B)This Public Notice was Minneapolis,MN 55427 (320)252-5832 printed and pub- Construction Manger: Builders Exchange of Rochester lished in said newspaper(s) for 1 succes- RJM Construction NW sive issues; the first insertion being on 701 Washington Ave.N.,Suite 600 Ro Rochester,lton Hills Lane 1 05/08/2014 and the last insertion beingon Minneapolis,MN 55401 (507)22- MN 55901 05/08/2014. SEALED BIDS will be received M Make bids induplicate in exact and opened in the Mayor's Con- accordance with the proposal form ference Room at Edina City Hall, in the Project Manual, and sign in 4801 W.50th St., Edina,at 2 p.m., long-hand. No oral, telegraphic or Wednesday,May 21,2014.The Edi- fax bids will be accepted or con- na City Council will meet at 7 p.m., sidered. Tuesday, June 3, to consider said By: 6 No bids will be considered un- bids. Bids to be received include Authorized Agent five(5)Bid Categories: less sealed and accompanied by bid bond or certified check payable Category Description to the City of Edina in the amount of Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed before 31A Earthwork at least five percent(5%)of all bids. me on 05/08/2014. Labor and Materials The City Council reserves the right 32A Asphalt to reject any or all bids or any por- Labor and Materials tion thereof. 32B Retaining Walls BY ORDER OF THE M ,^ ot P Labor a EDINA CI g COUNCIL ipta,,,,,, �✓\ 32C LandscapingandMateri and Irrigationls Debra Man en Labor and Materials City Clerk Notary Public 33A Site Utility Labor and Materials 5/8/14,3SC1,Bids A pre-bid meeting and walk-thru Pamela Park Ren,216113 ::.wvvvwwvw. will be conducted at 4303 W.58th AR1.�NE MAAIE MACPi€ SOt�< St, Edina, MN 55424 on Thursday, May 15,2014 from 1 to 2 p.m. i( , •: ,?-- Notary Public-Minnesota Bids shall be in a sealed en- My Commission FxprosJan 31.2018 velope with a statement thereon showing Pamela Park Site Renova- tions and the Bid Category No.be- ing bid. Bids should be addressed to the Parks&Recreation Director, City of Edina,4801 W.50th St.,Edi- na, MN 55424,and may be mailed or submitted personally. Bids re- ceived by the Parks & Recreation Director, either through the mail or by personal submission, after the time set for receiving them may be retumed unopened. Complete set(s)of hard copy Bid- ding Documents can be obtained through National Reprographics as noted in AIA Document A701, Article 1 for a check deposit made payable to RJM Construction of $125.00 per set.A CD of the docu- ments will be available for purchase in the amount of$20.00 per CD plus shipping with check made payable to National Reprographics.National Reprographics can be contacted Rate Information: at (651)779-8000, 11343 39th St. (1)Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users N.,Suite B, Lake Elmo,MN 55042. for comparable space: The documents will be available on or about May 7,2014.National• Re- $34.45 per column inch prographics will refund the cost of only one set to those bidders who submit a bona fide bid and return the bid documents to National Re- prographics within 30 days of the bid date, subject to the conditions Ad ID 216113 of AIA Document A701.If more than AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION City of Edina STATE OF M I N N ESOTA (Official Publication) ss CITY OF EDINA COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) 4801 W.50TH STREET EDINA,MINNESOTA 55424 •Charlene Vold being duly sworn on an oath, HENNEPIN COUNTY,MINNESOTA states or affirms that they are the Authorized ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Agent of the newspaper(s)known as: 54TH STREET ROADWAY RECONSTRUCTION SC Edina CONTRACT NO.ENG 14-6 IMPROVEMENT NO.BA-416, STS-407,WM-549 and has full knowledge of the facts stated BIDS CLOSE May 13,2014 below: SEALED BIDS will be received and opened in Conference Room (A)The newspaper has complied with all of A, at the Public Works and Parks the requirements constituting qualifica- Maintenance facility, 7450 Metro tion as a qualified newspaper as provided Blvd, Edina,at 2:00 p.m.,Tuesday, by Minn. Stat. §331 A.02, §331 A.07, and Mcil willay 13,201t4at The7:00 Edinap.m.,Tu City esdayCoun- meet , other applicable laws as amended. May 20,2014,to consider said bids. (B)This Public Notice was printed and pub- The following are approximate ma- lished in said newspaper(s) for 1 succes- jor quantities: sive issues; the first insertion being on REMOVE AND 04/24/2014 and the last insertion being on REPLACE BRIDGE 1 EA 04/24/2014. ORNAMENTAL RAILING 200 LF LIGHTING UNIT 11 EA UNDERGROUND LIGHTING WIRE 9,800 LF 6-INCH WATER MAIN f�1 OPEN CUT AND HDD 1,200 LF By: v"Q— 12-INCH TO 18-INCH Authorized Agent RCP STORM SEWER 1,400 LF COMMON Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed before SECACTTION 13,000 CY SELECT GRANULAR me on 04/24/2014. BORROW 5,200 CY AGGREGATE BASE CLASS 5 4,700 TON BITUMINOUS J1/� y OVA PAVEMENT CONCRETE CURB 1,900 TON Notary Public AND GUTTER B618 5,400 LF CONCRETE SIDEWALK 20,000 SF SEED AND MULCH 8,000 SY Bids shall be in a sealed en- velope with a statement thereon showing the work covered by the bid. Bids should be addressed to the City Engineer, City of Edina, 7450 Metro Blvd,Edina, Minnesota 55439,and may be mailed or sub- mitted personally. Bids received by the City Engineer,either through the mail or by personal submission,af- ter the time set for receiving them may be returned unopened. Digital plans are available for a non-refundable fee of$30.00 at http://www.cityofedina.com/engi- neering under Construction Projects or at http://www.questcdn.com.En- ter eBidDoc#3261402. No bids will be considered un- less sealed and accompanied by bid bond or certified check payable to the City of Edina in the amount of at least five percent(5%)of all bids. The City Council reserves the right to reject any or all bids or any por- tion thereof. BY ORDER OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL Rate Information: Debra Mangen (1)Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users City Clerk for comparable space: 4/24/14,3SC1,Bids 54th St • $34.45 per column inch Reconstruction,208368 Ad ID 208368 Page 1 of 1 Affidavit of Publication CITY OF EDINA STATE OF MINNESOTA ) 4001 W.50TH STREET (SS. 7A,MINNESOTA 55424 COUNTY OF HENNEPIN HENNEPIN COUNTY, ) MINNESOTA Description: ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Bids for Edina RE:54th Street Roadway Reconstruction 54TH STREET ROADWAY Chong Khang ,being duly sworn on oath say she/he is RECONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. ENG 14-6 and during all times herein stated has been the publisher or the IMPROVEMENT NO. BA-416 publishers designated agent in charge of the newspaper known as STS-407,WM-549 BIDS CLOSE May 13,2014 SEALED BIDS will be received and Finance and Commerce (MN) opened in Conference Room A, at the Public Works and Parks Maintenance and has full knowledge of the facts herein stated as follows: facility,7450 Metro Blvd,Edina, at 2:00 (A) The newspaper has complied with all of the requirements p.m.,Tuesday,May 13, 2014. The Edina City Council will meet at 7:00 p.m., constituting qualifications as a legal newspaper, as provided Tuesday, May 20,2014, to consider said by Minnesota Satute 331A.02, and 331A.07, and other bids. The following are approximate major quantities: applicable laws,as amended. REMOVE AND REPLACE BRIDGE 1 (B) She/He further states on that the printed EA ORNAMENTAL RAILING 200 LF LIGHTING UNIT 11 EA UNDERGROUND LIGHTING WIRE Construction 9,800 LF 10535069 6-INCH WATER MAIN OPEN CUT AND HDD 1,200 LF 12-INCH TO 18-INCH RCP STORM hereto printed as part as it was printed and published there in the SEWER LF1,40 English language;that it was first so published on COMMONON EXCAVATION 13,000 CY g �a g SELECT GRANULAR BORROW 5,200 Cy April 22,2014 for 3 time(s): AGGREGATE BASE CLASS 5 4,700 the subsequent dates of publications being as follows: TON INOUS PAVEMENT 1,900 4/22/2014 4/29/2014 5/6/2014 Tsw COTCRETE CURB AND GUTTER B618 5,400 LF CONCRETE SIDEWALK 20,000 SF And that the following is a printed copy of the lower case SEED AND MULCH 8,000 SY Bids shall be in a sealed envelope with alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, and is hereby a statement thereon showing the work acknowledged as being the size and kind of type used in the covered by the bid. Bids should be addressed to the City Engineer, City of Edina, 7450 Metro Blvd, Edina, X abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz Minnesota 55439, and may be mailed or submitted personally. Bids received by abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz the City Engineer, either through the mail or by personal submission,after the time set for receiving them may be returned unopened. Digital plans are available for a non-refundable fee of $30.00 at Subscribed and http://www.cityofedina.coin/engineering Sworn to before me this 6th day May,2014 under Construction Projects or at http://www.questcdn.com. Enter eBidDoc #3261402. No bids will be considered unless sealed and accompanied by bid bond or certified check payable to the City of Edina in the amount of at least five (Notarial Seal) Notary Pub i percent(5%)of all bids.The City Council reserves the right to reject any or all xc?�"R CARRIE ANN RETZACK bids or any portion thereof. a Notary Public-Minnesota BY ORDER OF THE EDINA CITY �+ -- "tMy Commission Expires Jan 31,2016 COUNCIL. DEBRA MANGEN City Clerk (Published in RATE INFORMATION: Fi0nance and Commerce April 22,29, 1. Lowest classified rate paid by $ 16.0000 May 6,2014) 1 9 commercial users for comparable space: 2. Maximum rate allowed by law for $ 0.36569 the above matter: 3. Rate actually charged for the above $ 0.3324 matter: Page 1 of 1 Affidavit of Publication CITY OF EDINA- STATE OF MINNESOTA ) PUBLIC WORKS (SS. METRO BOULEVARDNA,MINNESOTA COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) I ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Description: 50TH&FRANCE DISTRICT Bids for Edina RE:Bid Package 1-Wayfinding System IMPROVEMENTS Chong Khang ,being duly sworn on oath say she/he is BID PACKAGE#1—WAYFINDING SYSTEM and during all times herein stated has been the publisher or the EDINA IMPROVEMENT NO. P-23 publishers designated agent in charge of the newspaper known as BIDS CLOSE May 22,2014 SEALED BIDS will be received opened in the Multi-Purpose Room at Finance d nance and Commerce (MN) the City of Edina Public Works Building, 7450 Metro Boulevard Edina, MN 55439 and has full knowledge of the facts herein stated as follows: at 2:00 PM, Thursday, May 22, 2014. The Edina City Council will meet at 7:00 (A) The newspaper has complied with all of the requirements p.m.,Tuesday,June 3,2014 to consider constituting qualifications as a legal newspaper, as provided said bids. The following are approximate by Minnesota Satute 331A.02, and 331A.07, and other major quantities: ALUMINUM SIGN PANEL 258 SF applicable laws, as amended. DYNAMIC SIGN STRUCTURE 8 EA (B) She/He further states on that the printed VEHICLE COUNT STATION 11 EA PARKING MANAGEMENT SYSTEM 1 LS SERVICES TO FREE STANDING Construction SIGNS 6 EA 10541210 SERVICES TO BUILDING MOUNTED SIGNS 2 EA DYNAMIC MESSAGE SIGN 20 EA hereto printed as part as it was printed and published there in the WIRELESS RADIO SYSTEM 1 LS Bids shall be in a sealed envelope with English language;that it was first so published on a statement thereon showing the work covered by the bid. Bids should be May 01,2014 for 2 time(s): addressed to the City Engineer, City of the subsequent dates of publications being as follows: Edina Public Works, 7450 Metro Boul yard, Edina,Minnesota 55439,and 5/1/2014 5/8/2014 m mailed or submitted personally to 'Tty Engineer. Bids received by the City Engineer, either through the mail or by personal submission,after the And that the following is a printed copy of the lower case time set for receiving them may be returned unopened. alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, and is hereby Digital plans are available for a acknowledged as being the size and kind of type used in the non-refundable fee of $30.00 at http://www.cityofedina.com/engineering under Construction Projects or at X abcdcfghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz http://www.questcdn.com. Enter eBidDoc #3267410. abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz No bids will be considered unless sealed and accompanied by bid bond or certified check payable to the City of 416 Edina in the amount of at least five percent(5%)of all bids.The City Council reserves the right to reject any or all Subscribed and bids or any portion thereof. Sworn to before me this 8th da r of May,2014 BY ORDER OF TIE EDINA CITY COUNCIL. DEBRA MANGEN City Clerk (Published in Finance and Commerce May 1,s,2014)10541210 (Notarial Seal) Notary Publ c, Hennepin County,Minnesota °'7— CARRIE ANN RETZACK may.• � ..� Notary Public-Minnesota My Commission Expires Jan 31,2016 RATE INFORMATION: 1. Lowest classified rate paid by $ 16.0000 • commercial users for comparable space: 2. Maximum rate allowed by law for $ 0.48999 the above matter: 3. Rate actually charged for the above $ 0.4455 matter: Page 1 of 1 Affidavit of Publication CITY OF EDINA- #3267772. STATE OF MINNESOTA ) PUBLIC WORKS No bids will be considered unless (SS. METRO BOULEVARD sealed and accompanied by bid bond or DINA,IO MINNESOTA certified check payable to the City of COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) Edina in the amount of at least five ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS percent(5%)of all bids. The City Council Description: reserves the right to reject any or all Bids for Edina RE:Bid Package 2-Parking Structure Restoration 50TH&FRANCE DISTRICT bids or any portion thereof. IMPROVEMENTS BY ORDER OF THE EDINA CITY Chong Khang ,being duly sworn on oath say she/he is BID PACKAGE#2—PARKING COUNCIL. STRUCTURE RESTORATION DEBRA MANGEN and during all times herein stated has been the publisher or the EDINA IMPROVEMENT NO. P-23 City Clerk publishers designated agent in charge of the newspaper known as BIDS CLOSE May 22,2014 (Published in SEALED BIDS will be received and Finance and Commerce Finance and Commerce (MN) opened in the Multi-Purpose Room at May 1,8,2014) the City of Edina Public Works Building, 10541213 7450 Metro Boulevard Edina, MN 55439 and has full knowledge of the facts herein stated as follows: at 2:00 PM, Thursday, May 22, 2014.The Edina City Council will meet at 7:00 (A) The newspaper has complied with all of the requirements p.m.,Tuesday,June 3, 2014 to consider constituting qualifications as a legal newspaper, as provided said bids. The following are approximate by Minnesota Satute 331A.02, and 331A.07, and other major quantities: REPAINT TRAFFIC STRIPING TO applicable laws,as amended. MATCH EXISTING STRIPING 1 LS (B) She/He further states on that the printed LAYOUT AND PAINT TRAFFIC SIGNING 1 LS CONCRETE CRACK REPAIR (EPDXY INJECTION)700 LF Construction FLOOR CONCRETE 10541213 SPALL/DELAMINATION REPAIR 1,500 LF VERTICAL/OVERHEAD CONCRETE hereto printed as part as it was printed and published there in the SPALL/DELAMINATION REPAIR 130 SF English language;that it was first so published on REMOVE AND REPLACE CONCRETE FOR DRAIN BODY 20 EA May 01,2014 for 2 time(s): TRASH ENCLOSURE (3 TOTAL) 1 the subsequent dates of publications being as follows: LS D IBLE TEE SHEAR TAB REPAIR 5/1/2014 5/8/2014 C TEL 350 EA CORE POST REPAIRS 1 LS REMOVE AND REPLACE EXPANSION JOINT 1610 LF And that the following is a printed copy of the lower case TRAFFIC COATING (RECOAT EXISTING) 7,435 LF alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, and is hereby SKID-RESISTANT BROADCAST acknowledged as being the size and kind of type used in the AGGREGATE OVERLAY 51,800 SF WATER REPELLENT 157,600 SF ABOVE FLOOR DRAIN PIPING(4" — X abcdefghijklmnopgrstuvwxyz 6"XNO-HUB GALVANIZED CAST IRON)680 LF abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz REMOVE AND REPLACE DRAIN BODY 20 EA PARKING RESTRICTION SIGNAGE 30 EA REMOVE AND REPLACE CAULK JOINT 3770 LF Subscribed and FULL DEPTH STAIRCORE REPAIR Sworn to before me this 8th day of May,2014 1 LS REPAIR RAILING CONNECTION AND CONCRETE 16 EA Bids shall be in a sealed envelope with t a statement thereon showing the work covered by the bid. Bids should be - .'�4 . addressed to the City Engineer, City of (Notarial Seal) Notary Pub , Hennepin County, Minnesota Edina Public Works, 7450 Metro /I'�t Boulevard, Edina,Minnesota 55439,and ° "`"-'��� CARRIE ANN RETZACK may be mailed or submitted personally to the City Engineer. Bids received by �,'.. ' `° Notary Public-Minnesota the City Engineer, either through the 0;.`'`�.,, mail or by personal submission,after the ir,. My Commission Expires Jan 31,2016 time set for receiving them may be returned unopened. RATE INFORMATION: Digital plans are available for a non-refundable fee of $30.00 at 1. Lowest classified rate paid by $ 16.0000 h cityofedina.com/engineering u Construction Projects or at commercial users for comparable space: htt . .questcdn.com. Enter eBidDoc 2. Maximum rate allowed by law for $ 0.49406 the above matter: 3. Rate actually charged for the above $ 0.4492 matter: Page 1 of 1 Affidavit of Publication CITY OF EDINA- STATE OF MINNESOTA ) PUBLIC WORKS (SS. .METRO BOULEVARD INA,MINNESOTA COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Description: 50TH&FRANCE DISTRICT Bids for Edina RE:Bid Package 4-Streetscape Improvements IMPROVEMENTS Chong Khang ,being duly sworn on oath say she/he is BID PACKAGE#4-STREETSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS and during all times herein stated has been the publisher or the EDINA IMPROVEMENT NO.P-23 publishers designated agent in charge of the newspaper known as BIDS CLOSE May 22,2014 SEALED BIDS will be received and opened in the Multi-Purpose Room at Finance and Commerce (MN) the City of Edina Public Works Building, 7450 Metro Boulevard Edina, MN 55439 and has full knowledge of the facts herein stated as follows: at 2:00 PM, Thursday, May 22, 2014.The Edina City Council will meet at 7:00 (A) The newspaper has complied with all of the requirements p.m.,Tuesday,June 3,2014 to consider constituting qualifications as a legal newspaper, as provided said bids. The following are approximate by Minnesota Satute 331A.02, and 331A.07, and other major quantities: DIRECTION BORING 5,000 LF applicable laws,as amended. IRRIGATION SYSTEM 1 LS (B) She/He further states on that the printed CLEARING AND GRUBBING 45 TREE PAVER REMOVALS 24,750 SF DECIDUOUS TREE 25 EA Construction DECIDUOUS SHRUB 109 EA 10541218 CONIFEROUS SHRUB 65 EA PERENNIALS(#1 CONT.)857 EA GROUNDCOVER(#1 CONT.)720 EA hereto printed as part as it was printed and published there in the CONCRETE UNIT PAVING (ON EXISTING CONCRETE UNDERSLAB) English language;that it was first so published on INCLUDES SAND BASE)24,750 SF CONCRETE UNIT PAVING (ON 9" May 01,2014 for 2 time(s): CONCRETE UNDERSLAB)2,010 SF the subsequent dates of publications being as follows: CONCRETE UNIT PAVING (ON AV)1,370 SF 5/1/2014 5/8/2014 CV)1,370 SF GRATE & CONCRETE R5EA Bids shall be in a sealed envelope with a statement thereon showing the work And that the following is a printed copy of the lower case covered by the bid. Bids should be addressed to the City Engineer, City of alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, and is hereby Edina Public Works, 7450 Metro acknowledged as being the size and kind of type used in the Boulevard, Edina,Minnesota 55439,and may be mailed or submitted personally to the City Engineer. Bids received by X abcdefghijklmnopgrstuvwxyz the City Engineer, either through the mail or by personal submission,after the abcdefghijklmnopgrstuvwxyz time set for receiving them may be returned unopened. Digital plans are available for a non-refundable fee of $30.00 at http://www.cityofedina.com/engineering under Construction Projects or at Subscribed and http://www.questcdn.com. Enter eBidDoc Sworn to before me this 8th day of May,2014 #3267852. No bids will be considered unless sealed and accompanied by bid bond or certified check payable to the City of Edina in the amount of at least five y` / percent(5%)of all bids.The City Council A -�- reserves the right to reject any or all (Notarial Seal) Notary Publi,, Hennepin County,Minnesota bids or any portion thereof. BY ORDER OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL. DEBRA MANGEN CABBIE ANN RETZACK ,�,. City Clerk ,'.;,;- Notary Public-Minnesota (Published in ' µ My Commleelon Expires Jan 31,2018 Finance and Commerce May 1,8,2014)10541218 RATE INFORMATION: 1. Lowest classified rate paid by $ 16.0000 • commercial users for comparable space: 2. Maximum rate allowed by law for $ 0.49146 the above matter: 3. Rate actually charged for the above $ 0.4468 matter: Page 1 of 1 Affidavit of Publication CITY OF EDINA- STATE OF MINNESOTA ) PUBLIC WORKS (SS. METRO BOULEVARD INA,MINNESOTA COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Description: 50TH&FRANCE DISTRICT Bids for Edina RE:Bid Package 3-Parking Structure Lighting Replacement IMPROVEMENTS Chong Khang ,being duly sworn on oath say she/he is BID PACKAGE#3—PARKING STRUCTURE LIGHTING and during all times herein stated has been the publisher or the REPLACEMENT publishers designated agent in charge of the newspaper known as EDINA IMPROVEMENT NO.P-23 BIDS CLOSE May 22,2014 SEALED BIDS will be received and Finance and Commerce (MN) opened in the Multi-Purpose Room at the City of Edina Public Works Building, and has full knowledge of the facts herein stated as follows: 7450 Metro Boulevard Edina, MN 55439 at 2:00 PM, Thursday, May 22, 2014. (A) The newspaper has complied with all of the requirements The Edina City Council will meet at 7:00 constituting qualifications as a legal newspaper, as provided p.m.,Tuesday,June 3,2014 to consider by Minnesota Satute 331A.02, and 331A.07, and other said bids. The following are approximate major quantities: applicable laws,as amended. TYPE Al LIGHTING ASSEMBLY 177 (B) She/He further states on that the printed EA TYPE A2 LIGHTING ASSEMBLY 54 EA TYPE A3 LIGHTING ASSEMBLY 157 Construction EA 10541219 TYPE C LIGHTING ASSEMBLY 33 EA TYPE ST2 LIGHTING ASSEMBLY 30 hereto printed as part as it was printed and published there in the EA MODIFY LIGHTING CONTROL English language;that it was first so published on SYSTEMS(4 TOTAL)1 LS DEMOLITION AND DISPOSAL 513 May 01, 2014 for 2 time(s): EA the subsequent dates of publications being as follows: Bids shall be in a sealed envelope with a s ement thereon showing the work 5/1/2014 5/8/2014 c by the bid. Bids should be a ed to the City Engineer, City of Edina Public Works, 7450 Metro Boulevard, Edina,Minnesota 55439,and And that the following is a printed copy of the lower case may be mailed or submitted personally to the City Engineer. Bids received by alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, and is hereby the City Engineer, either through the acknowledged as being the size and kind of type used in the mail or by personal submission,after the time set for receiving them may be returned unopened. X abcdefghijklmnopgrstuvwxyz Digital plans are available for a non-refundable fee of $30.00 at abcdefghijklmnopgrstuvwxyz http://www.cityofedina.com/engineering under Construction Projects or atiI) http://www.questcdn.com. Enter eBidDoc 10I #3267797. ����L. No bids will be considered unless sealed and accompanied by bid bond or Subscribed and certified check payable to the City of Sworn to before me this 8th day of May,2014 Edina in the amount of at least five percent(5%)of all bids.The City Council reserves the right to reject any or all bids or any portion thereof. f r BY ORDER OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL. G ��Ad DEBRA MANGEN (Notarial Seal Notary Publ.- Hennepin County,Minnesota City Clerk (Published in Finance and Commerce a.14>+ CARRIE ANN RETZACK May 1,8,2014) 10541219 3.. Notary Public-Minnesota .k.,. ., My Commission Expires Jen 31,2016 RATE INFORMATION: 1. Lowest classified rate paid by $ 16.0000 • commercial users for comparable space: 2. Maximum rate allowed by law for $ 0.49075 the above matter: 3. Rate actually charged for the above $ 0.4461 matter: Page 1 of 1 Affidavit of Publication CITY OF EDINA- STATE OF MINNESOTA ) PUBLIC WORKS (SS. METRO BOULEVARD410 DINA,MINNESOTA COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Description: 50TH&FRANCE DISTRICT Bids for Edina RE:Bid Package 5-Parking Structure Painting IMPROVEMENTS Chong Khang ,being duly sworn on oath say she/he is BID PACKAGE#5—PARKING STRUCTURE PAINTING and during all times herein stated has been the publisher or the EDINA IMPROVEMENT NO. P-23 publishers designated agent in charge of the newspaper known as BIDS CLOSE May 22,2014 SEALED BIDS will be received opened in the Multi-Purpose Room at Finance d nance and Commerce (MN) the City of Edina Public Works Building, 7450 Metro Boulevard Edina, MN 55439 and has full knowledge of the facts herein stated as follows: at 2:00 PM, Thursday, May 22, 2014.The Edina City Council will meet at 7:00 (A) The newspaper has complied with all of the requirements p.m.,Tuesday,June 3, 2014 to consider constituting qualifications as a legal newspaper, as provided said bids. The Bid includes the following by Minnesota Satute 331A.02, and 331A.07, and other general descriptions of work: • Painting of walls, ceiling, columns, applicable laws,as amended. railings, exterior surfaces on the south (B) She/He further states on that the printed and east sides and other miscellaneous work in the South Ramp. • Painting of walls, ceiling, columns, railings, and miscellaneous work in the Construction Center Ramp. 10541226 • Limited painting of walls, ceiling, columns, railings and miscellaneous work in the North Ramp. hereto printed as part as it was printed and published there in the •New signage within the South Ramp, Center Ramp and North Ramp. English language;that it was first so published on Total area of painting is approximately 400,000 square feet. May 01,2014 for 2 time(s): Bids shall be in a sealed envelope with the subsequent dates of publications being as follows: a statement thereon showing the work coves d by the bid. Bids should be 5/1/2014 5/8/2014 cow- to the City Engineer, City of Public Works, 7450 Metro Boulevard, Edina, Minnesota 55439, and may be mailed or submitted personally And that the following is a printed copy of the lower case to the City Engineer. Bids received by the City Engineer, either through the alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, and is hereby mail or by personal submission,after the acknowledged as being the size and kind of type used in the time set for receiving them may be returned unopened. Digital plans are available for a X abcdefghijklmnopgrstuvwxyz non-refundable fee of $30.00 at http://www.cityofedina.com/engineering abcdefghijklmnopgrstuvwxyz under Construction Projects or at http://www.questcdn.com. Enter eBidDoc #3267884. No bids will be considered unless sealed and accompanied by bid bond or certified check payable to the City of Subscribed and Edina in the amount of at least five Sworn to before me this 8th day of May, 2014 percent(5%)of all bids.The City Council reserves the right to reject any or all bids or any portion thereof. BY ORDER OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL. DEBRA MANGEN City Clerk • (Notarial Seal) Notary Publi , a (Published in a � Finance and Commerce ;..v+>+r CARRIE ANN RETZACK May 1,8,2014) `:3 Notary Public-Minnesota 10541226 My Commission Expires,tan 31,2016 RATE INFORMATION: 1. Lowest classified rate paid by S 16.0000 • commercial users for comparable space: 2. Maximum rate allowed by law for $ 0.49056 the above matter: 3. Rate actually charged for the above $ 0.4460 matter: Page 1 of 1 Affidavit of Publication CITY OF EDINA those bidders who submit abona fide bid STATE OF MINNESOTA ) 4801 W.50TH ST. and return the bid documents to (SS. MINNESOTA 55424 National Reprographics within 30 days.A, NNEPIN COUNTY, of the bid date,subject to the conditions COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) of AIA Document A701. If more than one MINNESOTA hardcopy set is required additional sets Description: ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS may be purchased for$200.00 each. Bids for Edina RE:Pamela Park Site Renovations Plans will also be available for review PAMELA PARK SHE only at the following locations(hard copy Peggy Lewis ,being duly sworn on oath say she/he is RENOVATIONS or electronic documents are available CONTRACT NO.#13-7PK only at National Reprographics): and during all times herein stated has been the publisher or the BIDS CLOSE MAY 21,2014 RJM Construction publishers designated agent in charge of the newspaper known as Project: 701 Washington Ave.N.,Suite 600 Pamela Park Site Renovations Minneapolis,MN 55401 4303W.58thSt. (952)837-8600 Finance and Commerce (MN) Edina,MN 55424 City of Edina Owner: 4801 W.50th St. and has full knowledge of the facts herein stated as follows: City of Edina Edina,MN 55424 (A) The newspaper has complied with all of the requirements 4801 W.50th St. (952)826-0367 Edina,MN 55424 Minnesota Builder's Exhange constituting qualifications as a legal newspaper, as provided Architect: 1123 Glenwood Ave. by Minnesota Satute 331A.02, and 331A.07, and other Anderson-Johnson Associates,Inc. Minneapolis,MN 55405 7575 Golden Valley Road.Suite 200 (612)381-2620 applicable laws, as amended. Minneapolis,MN 55427 St.Cloud Builders Exchange (B) She/He further states on that the printed Construction Manager: 110 Sixth Ave.S. RIM Construction St.Cloud,MN 56301 701 Washington Ave.N.,Suite 600 (320)252-5832 Minneapolis,MN 55401 Builders Exchange of Rochester Construction SEALED BIDS will be received and 108 Elton Hills Lane NW 10545477 opened in the Mayor's Conference Room Rochester,MN 55901 at Edina City Hall, 4801 W. 50th St., (507)282-6531 Edina, at 2 p.m., Wednesday, May 21, Make bids in duplicate in exact accord- hereto printed as part as it was printed and published there in the 2014. The Edina City Council will meet ante with the proposal form in the English language;that it was first so published on at 7 p.m., Tuesday, June 3, to consider Project Manual, and sign in long-hand. g said bids. Bids to be received include five No oral, telegraphic or fax bids will be (5)Bid Categories: accepted or considered. May 07,2014 for 1 time(s): Category Description No bids will be considered unless the subsequent dates of publications being as follows: 31A Earthwork Labor and Materials sealed and accompanied by bid bond or 5/7/2014 a3sphalt Labor and Materials certified check payable to the City of tailing Walls Labor and Mate- Edina in the amount of at least five ri percent(5%)of all bids. The City Council 32C Landscaping and Irrigation Labor reserves the right to reject any or all and Materials bids or any portion thereof. And that the following is a printed copy of the lower case 33A Site Utility Labor and Materials BY ORDER OF THE EDINA CITY A pre-bid meeting and walk-thru COUNCIL alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, and is hereby will be conducted at 4303 W.58th St, DEBRA MANGEN acknowledged as being the size and kind of type used in the Edina, MN 55424 on Thursday, May City Clerk 15,2014 from 1 to 2 p.m. (Published in Bids shall be in a sealed envelope with Finance and Commerce X abcdcfghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz a statement thereon showing Pamela May 7,2014) abcdefghijklmnopgrstuvwxyz Park Site Renovations and the Bid 10545477 Category No. being bid.Bids should be addrParks csd o the & W. 50th `Jk Director, City of Edina, 4801 W. 50th � St., Edina, MN 55424, and may be Y� mailed or submitted personally. Bids Subscribed an received by the Parks & Recreation Director, either through the mail or by Sworn to before me this 7th day of May,2014 personal submission, after the time set for receiving them may be returned unopened. �` Complete set(s) of hard copy Bidding Documents can be obtained through / National Reprographics as noted in AIA t • - `i7 Ci (i /! Document A701, Article 1 for a check (Notarial Seal) Notary Public, Hennepin County,Minnesota deposit made payable to RJM Construction of$125.00 per set.A CD of o�twJr the documents will be available for e" -v:�. CARRIE ANN RETZACK purchase in the amount of$20.00 per CD <<' NOt$ Public plus shipping with check made payable +�.a�:;b' ry to National Reprographics. National 'i' My Commission Expires Jan 31,2016 Reprographics can be contacted at (651)779-8000, 11343 39th St. N., Suite RATE INFORMATION: B, Lake Elmo, MN 55042. The documents will be available on or about 1. Lowest classified rate paid by $ 16.0000 M•2014. National Reprographics commercial users for comparable space: wi d the cost of only one set to 2. Maximum rate allowed by law for $ 0.76230 the above matter: 3. Rate actually charged for the above $ 0.6930 matter: AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION City of Edina submit a bona fide bid and return Publication) the bid documents to National Re- (Official STATE OF MINNESOTA )ss CITY OF EDINA b date,subject within the0 days of the COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) 4801 W.50TH STREET bid date, to conditionsr EDINA,MINNESOTA 55424 of oneA hard Doc copy setA is aIf more than • ad- HENNEPIN COUNTY,MINNESOTA is required Charlene Vold being duly sworn on an oath, ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS $200.00al sets may be purchased for states or affirms that they are the Authorized EDINA SPORTS DOME AND P each. Agent of the newspaper(s)known as: ICE RINK-BID PACKAGE#2 viewlans will also followingbll available for CONTRACT NO.#13-6PK (hard onlyo at orthe ctrni locationsmi BIDS CLOSE MAY 22,2014 copy electronic documents SC Edina Project: are available only at National Repro- Edina Sports Dome and Ice Rink- RJM Con: Bid Package#2 701 Construction and has full knowledge of the facts stated 7501(kola Way Min eapolis.Mn Ave. 1 Suite 600 below: Edina,MN 55439 (952Minneapolis, 0 55401 (A)The newspaper has complied with all of Owner. City f Edi837-na P City of Edina the requirements constituting qualifica- City of Edina 4801 W.50th St. 48tion as a qualified newspaper as provided Edina, N 55424 (952a, 6-55424 by Minn. Stat. §331A.02, §331A.07, and Architect: Minne2) sota Minnesota Builder's Exhange other applicable laws as amended. Cuningham Group Architecture,Inc. 1123 Glenwood Ave. (B)This Public Notice was printed and pub- 201 Main St.SE,Suite 325 Minneapolis,MN 55405 Minneapolis,MN 55414 lished in said newspaper(s) for 1 succes- Construction Manager: (612)t. 381-2620 Cloud Builders Exchange sive issues; the first insertion being on RJM Construction 110 Sixth Ave.S. 05/01/2014 and the last insertion being on 701 Washington Ave.N.,Suite 600 St.Cloud,MN 56301 05/01/2014. Minneapolis,MN 55401 (320)252-5832 SEALED BIDS will be received Make bids in duplicate in exact and opened in the Mayor's Confer- accordance with the proposal form ence Room at Edina City Hall,4801 in the Project Manual, and sign in W.50th St.,Edina,at 2 p.m.,Thurs- long-hand. No oral, telegraphic or day, May 22,2014.The Edina City fax bids will be accepted or con- Council will meet at 7 p.m.,Tuesday, sidered. By: June 3,to consider said bids. Bids No bids will be considered un- Authorized Agent to be received include six (6) Bid less sealed and accompanied by Categories: bid band or certified check payable Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed before Category Description to the City of Edina in the amount of me on 05/01/2014. 3B Concrete and Masonry at least five percent(5%)of all bids. Labor and Materials The City Council reserves the right 6A Carpentry and Specialties to reject any or all bids or any por- Labor and Materials tion 7A MetalRoofing BYY ORDER OF THE • Notary Public 22A Labor and Materials EDINA CITY COUNCIL Plumbing Debra Mangen Labor and Materials City Clerk 23A HVAC and Controls Labor and Materials 5/1/14,3SC1,Bids Pkg 2 26A Electrical Sports Dome,212323 Labor and Materials v DIANE L. ELIASON NOTARY PUBLIC-MINNESOTA A pre-bid meeting and walk thru My Comm.Exp.Jann..31, will be conducted at 7501 lkola •rr 2015 Way,Edina,MN 55439 on Wednes- day, May 14,2014 from 11 a.m.to noon. Bids shall be in a sealed en- veloped with a statement thereon showing Edina Sports Dome and Ice Rink-Bid Package#2 and the Bid Category No.being bid.Bids should be addressed to the Parks&Rec- reation Director,City of Edina,4801 W.50th St., Edina, MN 55424,and may be mailed or submitted person- ally. Bids received by the Parks & Recreation Director, either through the mail or by personal submission, after the time set for receiving them may be returned unopened. Complete set(s)of hard copy Bid- ding Documents can be obtained through National Reprographics as noted in AIA Document A701, Article 1 for a check deposit made payable to RJM Construction of $125.00 per set.A CD of the docu- ments will be available for purchase Rate Information: in the amount of$20.00 per CD plus (1)Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users shipping with check made payable for comparable space: to National Reprographics.National $34.45 per column inch Reprographics can be contacted • at (651)779-8000, 11343 39th St. N.,Suite B, Lake Elmo,MN 55042. The documents will be available on or about May 7,2014.National Re- prographics will refund the cost of Ad 1 D 212323 only one set to those bidders who Page 1 of 1 Affidavit of Publication CITY OF EDINA documents will be available on or about STATE OF MINNESOTA ) 4801 W.50TH STREET May 7, 2014. National Reprographics (SS. 'A,MINNESOTA 55424 will refund the cost of only one set to NNEPIN COUNTY, those bidders who submit a bona fide bid COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) and return the bid documents to MINNESOTA National Reprographics within 30 days Description: ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS of the bid date,subject to the conditions Bids for Edina RE:Sports Dome and Ice Rink of AIA Document A701. If more than one EDINA SPORTS DOME AND ICE hard copy set is required additional sets Peggy Lewis ,being duly sworn on oath say she/he is RINK—BID PACKAGE#2 may be purchased for$200.00 each CONTRACT NO.#13-6PK Plans will also be available for review and during all times herein stated has been the publisher or the BIDS CLOSE MAY 22,2014 only at the following locations(hard copy publishers designated agent in charge of the newspaper known as Project: or electronic documents are available Edina Sports Dome and Ice Rink—Bid only at National Reprographics):Package#2 RJM Construction Finance and Commerce (MN) 7501 Ikola Way 701 Washington Ave.N.,Suite 600 Edina,MN 55439 Minneapolis,MN 55401 and has full knowledge of the facts herein stated as follows: Owner: (952)837-8600 (A) The newspaper has complied with all of the requirements City of Edina City of Edina 4801 W.50th St. 4801 W. 50th St constituting qualifications as a legal newspaper, as provided Edina,MN 55424 Edina,MN 55424 by Minnesota Satute 331A.02, and 331A.07, and other Architect: (952)826-0430 applicable laws,as amended. Cuningham Group Architecture,Inc. Minnesota Builder's Echange p► 201 Main St.SE,Suite 325 1123 Glenwood Ave. (B) She/He further states on that the printed Minneapolis,MN 55414 Minneapolis,MN 55405 Construction Manager: (612)381-2620 RJM Construction St.Cloud Builders Exchange 701 Washington Ave.N.,Suite 600 110 Sixth Ave.S. Construction Minneapolis,MN 55401 St.Cloud,MN 56301 10543734 SEALED BIDS will be received and (320)252-5832 opened in the Mayor's Conference Room Make bids in duplicate in exact accord- at Edina City Hall, 4801 W. 50th St., mice with the proposal form in the hereto printed as part as it was printed and published there in the Edina, at 2 p.m., Thursday, May 22, Project Manual, and sign in long-hand. English language; that it was first so published on 2014. The Edina City Council will meet No oral, telegraphic or fax bids will be at 7 p.m., Tuesday,June 3, to consider accepted or considered. said bids. Bids to be received include six No bids will be considered unless May 01,2014 for 1 time(s): (6)Bid Categories: sealed and accompanied by bid bond or the subsequent dates of publications being as follows: Category Description certified check payable to the City of 5/1/2014 3B Concrete and Masonry Labor and Edina in the amount of at least five Ma percent(5%)of all bids. The City Council gentry and Specialties Labor reserves the right to reject any or all and terials bids or any portion thereof. 7A Metal Roofing Labor and Materials BY ORDER OF THE EDINA CITY And that the following is a printed copy of the lower case 22A Plumbing Labor and Materials COUNCIL 23A HVAC and Controls Labor and DEBRA MANGEN alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, and is hereby Materials City Clerk acknowledged as being the size and kind of type used in the 26A Electrical Labor and Materials (Published in A pre-bid meeting and walk thru Finance and Commerce will be conducted at 7501 Ikola Way, May 1,2014) X abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz Edina, MN 55439 on Wednesday, 10543734 abcdefghijklmnopgrstuvwxyz May 14,2014 from 11 a.m.to noon. Bids shall be in a sealed enveloped _ with a statement thereon showing / I Edina Sports Dome and Ice Rink — Bid Package#2 e id the Bid Category No.being bid. Bids should be addressed Subscribed and to the Parks&Recreation Director,City of Edina, 4801 W. 50th St, Edina, MN Sworn to before me this 1st day of May,2014 55424, and may be mailed or submitted personally. Bids received by the Parks& Recreation Director, either through the mail or by personal submission,after the / time set for receiving them may be returned unopened. � �] 2 s, Complete set(s) of hard copy Bidding (Notarial Seal) Notary Publ. , Hennepin County,Minnesota Documents can be obtained through j National Reprographics as noted in AIA �a t,t a,r Document A701, Article 1 for a check ;. CARRIE ANN RETZACK deposit made payable to RJM (� Notary Public-Minnesota Construction of$125.00 per set.A CD of \+�; the documents will be available for +.� My Commission Expires Jan 37,2016 purchase in the amount of$20.00 per CD plus shipping with check made payable RATE INFORMATION: to National Reprographics. National Reprographics can be contacted at 1. Lowest classified rate paid by $ 16.0000 (65 -8000, 11343 39th St. N., Suite commercial users for comparable space: B, Elmo, MN 55042. The 2. Maximum rate allowed by law for $ 0.76217 the above matter: 3. Rate actually charged for the above $ 0.6929 matter: Page 1 of 1 Affidavit of Publication CITY OF EDINA STATE OF MINNESOTA ) 4801 W.50TH STREET (SS. SA,MINNESOTA 55424 NNEPIN COUNTY, COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) MINNESOTA Description: ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Bids for Edina RE:2014 Commodities 2014 COMMODITIES Peggy Lewis ,being duly sworn on oath say she/he is BIDS ED BIDSDSE will ILbe received5, and during all times herein stated has been the publisher or the SEALED be and opened in Conference Room A, at Public publishers designated agent in charge of the newspaper known as Works and Park Maintenance, 7450 Metro Blvd, Edina, at 2:00 Tuesday,April 15,2014. The Edina City Finance.m., nance and Commerce (MN) Council will meet at 7:00 p.m.,Tuesday, April 22,2014, to consider said bids for and has full knowledge of the facts herein stated as follows: the following: (A) The newspaper has complied with all of the requirements Sand,Bituminous Material,Rock, Concrete,Water Treatment constituting qualifications as a legal newspaper, as provided Chemicals,Seal-Coat Chips,Manhole by Minnesota Satute 331A.02, and 331A.07, and other Covers,Lannon Stone Wall Repairs Bids shall be in a sealed envelope with applicable laws,as amended. a statement thereon showing the work (B) She/He further states on that the printed covered by the bid. Bids should be addressed to David Goergen, Public Works Department, City of Edina, 7450 Metro Blvd, Edina, Minnesota 55439, Construction and may be mailed or submitted person- 10524421 ally. Bids received, either through the mail or by personal submission,after the time set for receiving them may be hereto printed as part as it was printed and published there in the returned unopened. Digital bid packet and description of English language;that it was first so published on items are available for a non-refundable fee of$10.00 at April 01,2014 for 2 time(s): http://www.citvofedina.com/engineering the subsequent dates of publications being as follows: under Construction Projects or at 4/1/2014 4/8/2014 ht :/ .ciuestcdn.com. Enter eBidDoc #3 8. ds will be considered unless seale and accompanied by bid bond or certified check payable to the City of And that the following is a printed copy of the lower case Edina in the amount of at least five percent(5%)of all bids.The City Council alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, and is hereby reserves the right to reject any or all acknowledged as being the size and kind of type used in the bids or any portion thereof. BY ORDER OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL. X abcdefghijklmnopgrstuvwxyz DEBRA MANGEN City Clerk abcdefghijklmnopgrstuvwxyz (Published in Finance and Commerce Aviv_ e_e_....4„:"_____ April 1,8,2014) 10524421 Subscribed and Sworn to before me this 8th day of April, 2014 (Notarial Seal) Notary Pub lc, ennepin County,Minnesota e._ CHONG KHANG (,/� Notary Publlc-Minnesota " commi•elon Expires Jan 31,2p19 RATE INFORMATION: 1. Lowest classified rate paid by $ 16.0000 • commercial users for comparable space: 2. Maximum rate allowed by law for $ 0.48724 the above matter: 3. Rate actually charged for the above $ 0.4430 matter: Page 1 of 1 Affidavit of Publication (Official Publication) Documents can be obtained through STATE OF MINNESOTA ) •0CITY OF EDINA National Reprographics as noted in AIA Document A701, Article 1 for a check (SS. 1 W.50TH STREET payable to RIM COUNTY OF HENNEPIN deposit made ) A,MINNESOTA 55424 Construction of$125.00 per set.A CD of HENNEPIN COUNTY, the documents will be available for Description: MINNESOTA purchase in the amount of$20.00 per CD Bids for Edina RE:Edina Sports Dome and Ice Rink ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Plus shipping with check made payable EDINA SPORTS DOME AND to National Reprographics. National Peggy Lewis ,being duly sworn on oath say she/he is ICE RINKReprographics can be contacted at —BID PACKAGE#1 and duringall timesherein has beenthe publisher or the CONT —BID P.#13-6PK (651)779-8000, 11343 39th Street North, stated Suite B, Lake Elmo, MN 55042. The publishers designated agent in charge of the newspaper known as BIDS CLOSE APRIL 10,2014 documents will be available on or about March 27, 2014. National Finance and Commerce (MN) Project: Reprographics will refund the cost of Edina Sports Dome and Ice Rink—Bid only one set to those bidders who submit Package#1 a bona fide bid and return the bid docu- and has full knowledge of the facts herein stated as follows: 7501 Ikola Way ments to National Reprographics within (A) The newspaper has complied with all of the requirements Edina,MN 55424 30 days of the bid date, subject to the Owner: conditions of AIA Document A701. If constituting qualifications as a legal newspaper, as provided City of Edina more than one hard copy set is required by Minnesota Satute 331A.02, and 331A.07, and other 4801 W. 50th Street additional sets may be purchased at applicable laws,as amended. Edina,MN 55424 $200.00 each. a pP Architect: Plans will also be available for review (B) She/He further states on that the printed Cuningham Group Architecture,Inc. only at the following locations(hard copy 201 Main St.SE Suite 325 or electronic documents are available Minneapolis,MN 55414 only at National Reprographics): Construction Manager; RJM Construction Construction RJM Construction 701 Washington Avenue North, 10516947 701 Washington Avenue North, Suite Suite 600 600 Minneapolis,MN 55401 Minneapolis,MN 55401 (952)837-8600 hereto printed as part as it was printed and published there in the Sealed bids will be received and opened City of Edina English language;that it was first published on in the Mayor's Conference Room at 4801 W.50th Street g g so Edina City Hall, 4801 W. 50th Street, Edina,MN 55424 Edina, at 2 p.m., Thursday, April 10, (952)826-0430 March 20,2014 for 1 time(s): 2014. The Edina City Council will meet Minnesota Builder's Exhange the subsequent dates of publications being as follows: at 7 p.m.,Tuesday,April 22,to consider 1123 Glenwood Avenue 3/20/2014 sas. Bids to be received include ten Minneapolis,MN 55405 ig(1 Categorise:Desc (612)381-2620Build ory ription St.CloudBuilders Exchange 3A Concrete —Ice Sheet Roof Founda- 110 6th Avenue South tions Labor and Materials St.Cloud MN 56301 And that the following is a printed copy of the lower case 5A Structural Steel/Joist/Deck/Misc (320)252-5832 Metal—Ice Sheet Roof Materials Make bids in duplicate in exact accord- alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, and is hereby 5B Structural Steel/Joist/Deck/Mist ance with the proposal form in the acknowledged as being the size and kind of type used in the Metal—Ice Sheet Roof Labor Project Manual, and sign in long-hand. 13A Air Supported Dome Fabric No oral, telegraphic or fax bids will be Systems Labor and Materials accepted or considered. X abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 13B Ice Equipment/Ice Sheet Labor No bids will be considered unless abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz and Materials sealed and accompanied by bid bond or 31A Earthwork Labor and Materials certified check payable to the City of 32A Asphalt Paving Labor and Edina in the amount of at least five Materials percent(5%)of all bids.The City Council 32B Site Concrete Labor and Materials reserves the right to reject any or all 32C Retaining Walls Labor and Mate- bids or any portion thereof. rials BY ORDER OF THE EDINA CITY Subscribed and 33A Site Utilities Labor and Materials COUNCIL Sworn to before me this 20th day of March, 2014 A pre-bid meeting and walk thru DEBRA MANGEN will be conducted at 7501 Ikola Way, City Clerk Edina,MN 55424 on Thursday,April (Published in 3,2014 from 11 to 12 p.m. Finance and Commerce Bids shall be in a sealed enveloped March 20,2014) 0. , with a statement thereon showing 10516947 Edina Sports Dome and Ice Rink - (Notarial Seal) Notary P li County,Minnesota Bid Package#1 and the Bid Category ,, t�, "a ANN being bid. Bids should be addressed CARRIE TZ,q�K to the Parks&Recreation Director,City Notary PUbIIC-Minnesota of Edina, 4801 W. 50th Street, Edina, ��'".'"•AAyCanmission E res MN 55424, and may be mailed or xpi tan 31,2016 submitted personally. Bids received by the Parks&Recrdeation Director,either through the mail or by personal RATE INFORMATION: submission, after the time set for race them may be returned 1. Lowest classified rate paid by $ 16.0000 anGikte set(s) of hard copy Bidding commercial users for comparable space: 2. Maximum rate allowed by law for $ 0.76374 the above matter: 3. Rate actually charged for the above $ 0.6943 matter: Page 1 of 1 Affidavit of Publication CITY OF EDINA BY ORDER OF THE EDINA CITY STATE OF MINNESOTA ) z 801 W.50TH STREET COUNCIL. (SS. 'AMINNESOTA 55424 DEBRA MANGEN ) , NNEPIN COUNTY, City Clerk COUNTY OF HENNEPIN (Published in MINNESOTA Finance and Commerce Description: ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS March 4, 11,18,2014) Bids for Edina RE:Momingside B.Neighborhood Roadway Reconstruction 10510104 MORNINGSIDE B NEIGHBORHOOD Chong Khang ,being duly sworn on oath say she/he is ROADWAY RECONSTRUCTION and during all times herein stated has been the publisher or the CONTRACT NO. ENG 14-1 IMPROVEMENT NOS. BA-406, publishers designated agent in charge of the newspaper known as SS-479,STS-395,WM-537 BIDS CLOSE MARCH 25,2014 A,SEALED BIDS will be received and Finance and Commerce (MN) opened in Conference Room A, at the Public Works and Parks Maintenance and has full knowledge of the facts herein stated as follows: facility,7450 Metro Blvd,Edina, at 2:00 (A) The newspaper has complied with all of the requirements p.m., Tuesday, March 25, 2014. The Edina City Council will meet at 7:00 constituting qualifications as a legal newspaper, as provided p.m.,Tuesday,April 1,2014, to consider by Minnesota Satute 331A.02, and 331A.07, and other said bids. The following are approximate major quantities: applicable laws,as amended. REMOVE CONCRETE CURB AND (B) She/He further states on that the printed GUTTER 5,000 LF RECLAIM AGGREGATE BASE CL7 PRODUCTION 15,000 SY 4 COMMON EXCAVATION 5,000 CY Construction AGGREGATE BASE, CLASS 5 OR 10510104 CLASS 7 7,000 TON BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT 3,700 TON hereto printed as part as it was printed and published there in the 6" HDPE SDR 17 SUMP DRAIN language;(HDD)1,800 LF English lan a that it was first so published on ' 6" PVC SDR 35 SUMP DRAIN(OPEN CUT)4,500 LF March 04,2014 for 3 time(s): 6' CEMENTITIOUS WATER MAIN the subsequent dates of publications being as follows: LINER 2,400 LF 3/4/2014 3/11/2014 3/18/2014 11EMENTITIOUS WATER MAIN LI .,600 LF '' NTITIOUS MANHOLE LINER 220 LF HYDRANT AND GATE VALVE And that the following is a printed copy of the lower case ASSEMBLY 10 EA WATER MAIN VALVE&BOX 15 EA alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, and is hereby CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER acknowledged as being the size and kind of type used in the MACHINE&HANDFORM 3,500 LF 6"CONCRETE DRIVEWAYS 600 SY 4"CONCRETE WALK 20,000 SF X abcdefghijklmnopgrstuvwxyz STORM SEWER STRUCTURES 21 EA abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz CURED-IN-PLACE PIPE LINER FOR 9"VCP SANITARY 4,950 LF SEEDING 8,000 SY Bids shall be in a sealed envelope with a statement thereon showing the work covered by the bid. Bids should be Subscribed and addressed to the City Engineer, City of Sworn to before me this 18th day of arch,2014 Edina, 7450 Metro Blvd, Edina, Minnesota 55439, and may be mailed or submitted personally. Bids received by � the CityyEngineer, either throughhthe n , mail or by personal submission,after the J time set for receiving them may be . _ j Y kr1�( returned unopened. (Notarial Seal) Notary Publi , Hennepin County,Minnesota Digital plans are available for a non-refundable fee of $30.00neat , i oY it) , CABBIE ANN RETZACK http:/hvww.cityofedina.com/engineerinQ ,�?,�, ,w under Construction Projects or at ; http://www.questcdn.com. Enter eBidDoc ,`l-. No�ry Public-Minnesota •" MyExpires Jan 31,2018 #3146444. Commission No bids will be considered unless sealed and accompanied by bid bond or RATE INFORMATION: certified check payable to the City of Edina in the amount of at least five 1. Lowest classified rate paid by $ 16.0000 per�5%)of all bids.The City Council res the right to reject any or all commercial users for comparable space: bids or any portion thereof. 2. Maximum rate allowed by law for $ 0.36636 the above matter: 3. Rate actually charged for the above $ 0.3331 matter: Page 1 of 1 Affidavit of Publication CITY OF EDINA STATE OF MINNESOTA ) 801 W.50TH STREET (SS. IIIIGA,MINNESOTA 55424 COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) NNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA Description: ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Bids for Edina RE:2014 Trunk Sewer Rehabilitation 2014 TRUNK SEWER Chong Khang ,being duly sworn on oath say she/he is REHABILITATION CONTRACT NO. ENG 14-9 and during all times herein stated has been the publisher or the IMPROVEMENT NO. SS-485 publishers designated agent in charge of the newspaper known as BIDS CLOSE MARCH 25,2014 SEALED BIDS Co willbe received and Finance and Commerce (MN) opened in nferenceeRoomm A, at the Public Works and Parks Maintenance w facility,7450 Metro Blvd,Edina, at 2:00 and has full knowledge of the facts herein stated as follows: p.m., Tuesday, March 25, 2014. The (A) The newspaper has complied with all of the requirements Edina City Council will meet at 7:00 p.m.,Tuesday,April 1,2014, to consider constituting qualifications as a legal newspaper, as provided said bids. The following are approximate by Minnesota Satute 331A.02, and 331A.07, and other major quantities: applicable laws,as amended. CURED-IN PLACE (CIPP)APPROXI- a pp MATELY 24"4,700 LF (B) She/He further states on that the printed LATERAL REINSTATEMENT (ANY SIZE)16 EA REHABILITATE MANHOLE 19 EA Bids shall be in a sealed envelope with Construction a statement thereon showing the work 10510109 w covered by the bid. Bids should be addressed to the City Engineer,City of Edina, 7450 Metro Blvd, Edina, hereto printed as part as it was printed and published there in the Minnesota 55439, and may be mailed or submitted personally. Bids received by English language;that it was first so published on the City Engineer, either through the mail or by personal submission,after the March 04, 2014 for 3 time(s): time set for receiving them may be the subsequent dates of publications being as follows: returned unopened. 3/4/2014 3/11/2014 3/18/2014 1 plans are available for a mdable fee of $20.00 at ht .cityofedina.com/engineering under Construction Projects or at ,c http://www.questcdn.com. Enter eBidDoc And that the following is a printed copy of the lower case #3125029. No bids will be considered unless alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, and is hereby sealed and accompanied by bid bond or acknowledged as being the size and kind of type used in the certified check payable to the City of Edina in the amount of at least five percent(5%)of all bids.The City Council X abcdefghijklmnopgrstuvwxyz reserves the right to reject any or all bids or any portion thereof. abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz BY ORDER OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL. DEBRA MANGEN City Clerk �- ti (Published in Finance and Commerce Subscribed and March 4, 11,18,2014) Sworn to before me this 18th day of March,2014 10510109 - ,,, r)„1-: (Notarial Seal) Notary"Pub c, Hennepin County,Minnesota °' 'A CARRIE ANN REIZACK 3. Notary Publiu<Minnesota f,w My Commbslon Expltea Jan 31,2oie RATE INFORMATION: 1. Lowest classified rate paid by $ 16.0000 III commercial users for comparable space: 2. Maximum rate allowed by law for $ 0.36370 the above matter: 3. Rate actually charged for the above $ 0.3306 matter: AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION City of Edina graphics as noted in ALA Document A701,Article 1 for a check deposit STATE OF M I N N ESOTA ) (Official Publication) made payable to RJM Construe- SsHENNEPIN CITY OF EDINA tion of$125.00 per set.A CD of the 4801 W.50TH STREET documents will be available for pur- EDINA,MINNESOTA 55424 chase in the amount of$20.00 per • Charlene Vold being duly sworn on an oath, HENNEPIN COUNTY,MINNESOTA CD plus shipping with check made states or a tTirms that they are the Authorized ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS payable to National Reprograph- EDINA SPORTS DOME AND ics. National Reprographics can be Agent of the newspaper(s)known as: ICE RINK-BID PACKAGE#1 contacted at(651)779-8000, 11343 CONTRACT NO.#13-6PK 39th Street North, Suite B, Lake SC Edina BIDS CLOSE APRIL 10,2014 Elmo, MN 55042. The documents Project: will be available on or about March Edina Sports Dome and Ice Rink- 27, 2014. National Reprographics and has lull knowledge of the facts stated Bid Package#1 will refund the cost of only one set 7501 (kola Way to those bidders who submit a bona below: Edina,MN 55424 fide bid and return the bid docu- (A)The newspaper has complied with all of Owner ments to National Reprographics the requirements constituting qualifica- City of Edina within 30 days of the bid date,sub- tion as a qualified newspaper as provided 4801 W.50th Street ject to the conditions of AIA Docu- Edina,MN 55424 ment A701. If more than one hard by Minn. Stat. §331A.02, §331A.07, and Architect copy set is required additional sets other applicable laws as amended. Cuningham Group Architecture,Inc. may be purchased at$200.00 each. (B)This Public Notice was printed and pub- 201 Main St.SE Suite 325 Plans will also be available for re- lished in said newspaper(s) for 1 succes- Minneapolis,MN 55414 view only at the following locations Construction Manager (hard copy or electronic documents sive issues; the first insertion being on RJM Construction are available only at National Repro- 03/20/2014 and the last insertion being on 701 Washington Avenue North, graphics): 03/20/2014. Suite 600 RJM Construction Minneapolis,MN 55401 701 Washington Avenue North, Sealed bids will be received and Suite 600 opened in the Mayor's Conference Minneapolis,MN 55401 Room at Edina City Hall, 4801 W. (952)837-8600 \r� 50th Street,Edina,at 2 p.m.,Thurs- City of Edina By: v day,April 10,2014.The Edina City 4801 W.50th Street Authorized Agent Council will meet at 7 p.m.,Tuesday, Edina,MN 55424 g April 22,to consider said bids.Bids (952)826-0430 to be received include ten (10) Bid Minnesota Builder's Exhange Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed before Categories: 1123 Glenwood Avenue me on 03/20/2014. Category Description Minneapolis,MN 55405 3A Concrete-Ice Sheet (612)381-2620 Roof Foundations St.Cloud Builders Exchange • ,d2e_ t_, ai/i.e.,.t Labor and Materials 6th Avenue South St.5A Structural SteeVJoist/ St.Cloud MN 56301 Deck/Misc Metal- (320)252-5832 Notary Public Ice Sheet Roof Make bids in duplicate in exact Materials accordance with the proposal form 5B Structural SteeVJoist/ in the Project Manual, and sign in Deck/Misc Metal- long-hand. No oral, telegraphic or ' UbWW M Ice Sheet Rooffax bids will be accepted or con- W4 DIANE L. ELIASON kMLaborsidered. 17;(... t� 13A Air Supported Dome No bids will be considered un- less NOTARY PUBUC_Mlyf,FSOT;1 less sealed and accompanied -,fi. p Fabric Systems p by My Comm.Exp.Jan.31,2015 89 Labor and Materials bid bond or certified check payable 13B Ice Equipment/Ice Sheet to the City of Edina in the amount of Labor and Materials at least five percent(5%)of all bids. 31A Earthwork The City Council reserves the right Labor and Materials to reject any or all bids or any por- 32A Asphalt Paving tion thereof. Labor and Materials BY ORDER OF THE 32B Site Concrete EDINA CITY COUNCIL Labor and Materials Debra Mangen 32C Retaining Walls City Clerk Labor and Materials 33A Site Utilities 3/20/14,3SC1,Sports Dome& Labor and Materials Ice Rink Pkg 1 Bids,189253 A pre-bid meeting and walk thru will be conducted at 7501 lkola Way,Edina,MN 55424 on Thursday, April 3,2014 from 11 to 12 p.m. Bids shall be in a sealed en- veloped with a statement thereon showing Edina Sports Dome and Ice Rink-Bid Package#1 and the Bid Category No. being bid. Bids should be addressed to the Parks &Recreation Director,City of Edina, Rate Information: 4801 W. 50th Street, Edina, MN (1)Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users 55424 mitted, and may be mailed or sub- personally. Bids received by for comparable space: the Parks & Recreation Director, • S34.45 per column inch either through the mail or by per- sonal submission,after the time set for receiving them may be returned unopened. Complete set(s) of hard copy Bidding Documents can be ob- Ad ID 189253 tained through National Repro- • City of Edina (Official Publication) CITY OF EDINA 4801 W.50TH STREET EDINA,MINNESOTA 55424 HENNEPIN COUNTY,MINNESOTA ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS HAZELTON ROAD IMPROVEMENTS S.P.120-166-004 CONTRACT NO.ENG 13-22 IMPROVEMENT NO.BA-417 BIDS CLOSE APRIL 10,2014 SEALED BIDS will be received and opened in the Conference Room A,at the Public Works and Parks Maintenance Facility,7450 Metro Blvd. Edina at 2:00 p.m.,Thursday,April 10,2014.The Edina City Council will meet at 7:00 p.m.,Tuesday,April 22,2014,to consider said bids.The fol- lowing are approximate major quantities: 400 SQ YD Remove Bituminous Pavement 1800 LIN FT Remove Curb&Gutter 200 LIN FT Remove Sewer Pipe(Storm) 500 LIN FT Saw Bituminous Pavement(Full Depth) 200 CU YD Excavation-Common 400 CU YD Common Embankment(CV) 1000 CU YD Aggregate Base(CV)Class 6(P) • 550 TON Type SP 12.5 Wear Course Mixture 320 SQ YD Concrete Pavement 8.0" 100 SQ FT Limestone Retaining Wall 360 LIN FT RC Pipe Sewer Design 3006(12"-18") 5000 SQ FT 4"Concrete Walk 1800 LIN FT Concrete Curb and Gutter(B618&B612) 400 LIN FT Concrete Curb and Gutter(B660) 8 EACH Install Lighting Unit Special 0.5 ACRE Seeding 200 POUND Seed Mixture 270 800 SQ FT Crosswalk Marking Special Bids shall be in a sealed envelope with a statement thereon showing the work covered by the bid.Bids should be addressed to the City Engi- neer,City of Edina,7450 Metro Blvd,Edina,Minnesota 55439,and may be mailed or submitted personally to the City Engineer.Bids received by the City Engineer,either through the mail or by personal submission,after the time set for receiving them may be returned unopened. Digital plans are available for a non-refundable fee of$20.00 at http:// www.questcdn.com.Enter eBidDoc#2977576. No bids will be considered unless sealed and accompanied by bid bond or certified check payable to the City of Edina in the amount of at least five percent(5%)of all bids. The City Council reserves the right to reject any or all bids or any portion thereof. BY ORDER OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL. Debra Mangen City Clerk 3/20/14,3SC1,Hazelton Road Improvement Bids,189788 411 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION STATE OF M I N N ESOTA )ss COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) • Charlene Vold being duly sworn on an oath, states or affirms that they are the Authorized Agent of the newspaper(s)known as: SC Edina and has full knowledge of the facts stated below: (A)The newspaper has complied with all of the requirements constituting qualifica- tion as a qualified newspaper as provided by Minn. Stat. §331 A.02, §33I A.07, and other applicable laws as amended. (B)This Public Notice was printed and pub- lished in said newspaper(s) for 1 succes- sive issues; the first insertion being on 03/20/2014 and the last insertion being on 03/20/2014. By: CAA-CO‘S l,Lsz-V C7 Cg Authorized Agent Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed before me on 03/20/2014. (2,e2 Ezer.oit„):.: • Notary Public DIANE L. ELIASON %it,-,-#gi NOTARY PUBLIC•b1INNE30T,`, 7 � 4 My Comm.Exp.Jan.31,201; Rate Information: (I)Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users for comparable space: • $34.45 per column inch Ad ID 189788 I City of Edina (Official Publication) CITY OF EDINA 4801 W.50TH STREET EDINA,MINNESOTA 55424 HENNEPIN COUNTY,MINNESOTA ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS BIRCHCREST B NEIGHBORHOOD ROADWAY RECONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO.ENG 14-4 IMPROVEMENT NOS.BA-410.S-105.SS-482.STS-398.WM-540 BIDS CLOSE APRIL 8,2014 SEALED BIDS will be received and opened in Conference Room A,at the Public Works and Parks Maintenance facility,7450 Metro Blvd,Edina, at 2:00 p.m.,Tuesday,April 8,2014.The Edina City Council will meet at 7:00 p.m.,Tuesday,April 22,2014,to consider said bids.The following are approximate major quantities: REMOVE CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER 3,958 LF REMOVE CONCRETE PAVEMENT 10,276 SY FULL DEPTH RECLAMATION 20,427 SY COMMON EXCAVATION 10,170 CY AGGREGATE BASE,CLASS 5 13,913 TON BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT 6,237 TON • 6"HDPE SDR 17 SUMP DRAIN(HDD) 5,445 LF 12"RC PIPE SEWER DES 3006 CL V 655 LF 44"ARCH PIPE SEWER DES 3006 CL V 635 LF STORM SEWER STRUCTURES 39 EA HYDRANT AND GATE VALVE ASSEMBLY 8 EA 6"&12"WATERMAINVALVE&BOX 15 EA CONCRETE CURB&GUTTER MACHINE&HANDFORM 15,000 LF 6"CONCRETE DRIVEWAYS 1,500 SY 4"CONCRETE WALK 5,500 SF CURED-IN-PLACE PIPE LINER FOR 9"VCP SANITARY 2,284 LF SEEDING 16,000 SY Bids shall be in a sealed envelope with a statement thereon showing the work covered by the bid.Bids should be addressed to the City Engi- neer,City of Edina,7450 Metro Blvd,Edina,Minnesota 55439,and may be mailed or submitted personally.Bids received by the City Engineer,either through the mail or by personal submission,after the time set for receiving them may be returned unopened. Digital plans are available for a non-refundable fee of$30.00 at http:// www.cityofedina.com/engineering under Construction Projects or at http://www.questcdn.com.Enter eBidDoc#3146494. No bids will be considered unless sealed and accompanied by bid bond or certified check payable to the City of Edina in the amount of at least five percent(5%)of all bids.The City Council reserves the right to reject any or all bids or any portion thereof. BY ORDER OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL. Debra Mangen City Clerk 3/20/14,3SC1,Eng 14-4 Birchcrest Bids,190712 • AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION STATE OF MINNESOTA )ss COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) Charlene Vold being duly sworn on an oath, states or affirms that they are the Authorized Agent of the newspaper(s)known as: SC Edina and has full knowledge of the facts stated below: (A)The newspaper has complied with all of the requirements constituting qualifica- tion as a qualified newspaper as provided by Minn. Stat. §331 A.02, §331A.07, and other applicable laws as amended. (B)This Public Notice was printed and pub- lished in said newspaper(s) for 1 succes- sive issues; the first insertion being on 03/20/2014 and the last insertion being on 03/20/2014. By: akel}aiLAAS2AibLk Authorized Agent Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed before me on 03/20/2014. • Notary Public 4 lM41P�Ad41 DIANE L. ELIASON ,?a NOTARY PUBIJC-MINNESOTA ' ' .� My Comm.Exp.Jan.31,2015 Rate Information: (1)Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users for comparable space: • $34.45 per column inch Ad ID 190712 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION City of Edina STATE OF MINNESOTA )SS (Official Publication)CITY OF EDIN COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) 4801 W.50TH STREET EDINA,MINNESOTA 55424 • Charlene Vold being duly sworn on an oath, HENNEPIN COUNTY, states or affirms that they are the Authorized AD MVERTISTIS E ENA EMENT FOR Agent of the newspaper(s)known as: BIDS 2014 COMMODITIES BIDS CLOSE APRIL 15,2014 SC Edina SEALED BIDS will be received and opened in Conference Room A,at Public Works and Park Main- and has full knowledge of the facts stated tenance,7450 Metro Blvd,Edina,at below: 2:00 p.m.,Tuesday,April 15,2014. The Edina City Council will meet at (A)The newspaper has complied with all of 7:00 p.m.,Tuesday,April 22,2014, the requirements constituting qualifica- to consider said bids for the follow- tion as a qualified newspaper as provided ing: by Minn. Stat. §331A.02, §331A.07, and Sand, Bituminous Material, Rock,Concrete,Water Treatment other applicable laws as amended. Chemicals, Seal-Coat Chips, (B)This Public Notice was printed and pub- Manhole Covers, Lannon Stone lished in said newspaper(s) for 1 succes- wall Repairs en- sive issues; the first insertion beingBids shall be in a sealed on velope with a statement thereon 04/03/2014 and the last insertion being on showing the work covered by the 04/03/2014. bid. Bids should be addressed to David Goergen, Public Works De- partment,City of Edina,7450 Metro Blvd,Edina,Minnesota 55439,and may be mailed or submitted person- ally.�D Bids received, either through By: �/ theemail or by personal submission, Authorized Agent A2_ after the time set for receiving them g may be returned unopened. Digital bid packet and descrip- Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed before tion of items are available for a non- me on 04/03/2014. refundable fee of$10.00 at http:// www.cityofedina.corn/engineering under Construction Projects or at http://www.questcdn.com. Enter 01) M . ^ eBidDoc s will 58. r/` No bids will be considered un- less sealed and accompanied by Notary bid bond or certified check payable to the City of Edina in the amount of ,ten nnnnnn n at least five percent(5%)of all bids. t�a, The City Council reserves the right ,�-,a;: r��DARLENE MARIE MACPHERSON to reject any or all bids or any por- tion J) NotaryPublic-Minnesota tion thereof. ' ) BY ORDER OF THE EDINA CITY ,t(,..,.e+/ •My Commission •Expires Jan 31,e019 � ,A"Nevvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvy COUNCIL. Debra Mangen City Clerk 197613 04/03/14 2014 Commodities AFB Rate Information: (1)Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users for comparable space: III $34.45 per column inch Ad ID 197613 Page 1 of 1 Affidavit of Publication CITY OF EDINA percent(5%)of all bids.The City Council STATE OF MINNESOTA ) 1 W.50TH STREET reserves the right to reject any or all ,A,MINNESOTA 55424 bids or any portion thereof. (SS. BY ORDER OF THE EDINA CITY COUNTY OF HENNEPIN1NNEPIN COUNTY, COUNCIL. MINNESOTA DEBRA MANGEN Description: ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS City Clerk Bids for Edina RE:Birchcrest B Neighborhood Roadway Reconstruction BIRCHCREST B (Published in NEIGHBORHOOD ROADWAY Finance and Commerce Peggy Lewis ,being duly sworn on oath say she/he is RECONSTRUCTION March 18,25, and duringall times herein stated has been the publisher or the CONTRACT NO.ENG 14-4 April 1,2014) 10518493 publishers designated agent in charge of the newspaper known as IMPROVEMENT NOS.BA-410, S-105.BID SC-482.LOS STS-398.RIL ,20140 Finance and Commerce (MN) BIDS CLOSE APRIL 8,2014 SEALED BIDS will be received and and has full knowledge of the facts herein stated as follows: opened in Conference Room A, at the (A) The newspaper has complied with all of the requirements Public Works and Parks Maintenance facility,7450 Metro Blvd,Edina, at 2:00 constituting qualifications as a legal newspaper, as provided p.m.,Tuesday,April 8,2014. The Edina by Minnesota Satute 331A.02, and 331A.07, and other City Council will meet at 7:00 p.m., applicable laws,as amended. Tuesday,April 22,2014,to consider said bids. The following are approximate (B) She/He further states on that the printed major quantities: REMOVE CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER 3,958 LF REMOVE CONCRETE PAVEMENT Construction 10,276 SY 10518493 FULL DEPTH RECLAMATION 20,427 SY COMMON EXCAVATION 10,170 CY hereto printed as part as it was printed and published there in the AGGREGATE BASE, CLASS 5 13,913 English language;that it was first so published on TON BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT 6,237 TON March 18,2014 for 3 time(s): 6" HDPE SDR 17 SUMP DRAIN the subsequent dates of publications being as follows: (HDD 5,445 LF 3/18/2014 3/25/2014 4/1/2014 1. PIPE SEWER DES 3006 CL V 655 44" H PIPE SEWER DES 3006 CL V 635 LF STORM SEWER STRUCTURES 39 And that the following is a printed copy of the lower case EA alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, and is hereby HYDRANT AND GATE VALVE ASSEMBLY 8 EA acknowledged as being the size and kind of type used in the 6" & 12" WATER MAIN VALVE & BOX 15 EA CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER X abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz MACHINE&HANDFORM 15,000 LF abcdefghijklmnopgrstuvwxyz 6" CONCRETE DRIVEWAYS 1,500 SY 4"CONCRETE WALK 5,500 SF , CURED-IN-PLACE PIPE LINER FOR 9"VCP SANITARY 2,284 LF SEEDING 16,000 SY Subscribed an Bids shall be in a sealed envelope with a statement thereon showing the work Sworn to before me this 1st day of April,2014 covered by the bid. Bids should be addressed to the City Engineer, City of Edina, 7450 Metro Blvd, Edina, Minnesota 55439, and may be mailed or ci.,..-- r submitted personally. Bids received by /l_' the City Engineer, either through the mail or by personal submission,after the (Notarial Seal) Notary Publi Henne in Co n �� t time set for receiving them may be returned unopened. e$ 'a CARRIE ANN RETZACK Digital plans are available for a y.:°',�.,;, non-refundable fee of $30.00 at Notary Public-Minnesota Sf http://www.cityofedina.com/engineering •14.44-1r My Commission Expires Jan 31,2016 under Construction Projects or at http://www.questcdn.com. Enter eBidDoc #3146494. RATE INFORMATION: No bids will be considered unless sand accompanied by bid bond or 1. Lowest classified rate paid by $ 16.0000 I check payable to the City of commercial users for comparable space: E . in the amount of at least five 2. Maximum rate allowed by law for $ 0.36636 the above matter: 3. Rate actually charged for the above $ 0.3331 matter: Page 1 of 1 Affidavit of Publication CITY OF EDINA March 18,25, STATE OF MINNESOTA ) 1 W.50TH STREET April 1,2014) (SS. > A,MINNESOTA 55424 10517228 ) ENNEPIN COUNTY, COUNTY OF HENNEPIN MINNESOTA Description: ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Bids for Edina RE:Hazelton Road Improvements HAZELTON ROAD IMPROVEMENTS Peggy Lewis ,being duly sworn on oath say she/he is S.P.120-16 ENG 13-22 4 CONTRACT NO.EN and during all times herein stated has been the publisher or the IMPROVEMENT NO.BA-417 publishers designated agent in charge of the newspaper known as BIDS CLOSE APRIL 10,2014 SEALEDellinBIDS will ba receivedomA, and Finance and Commerce (MN) opened in the Conference Room A,at the Public Works and Parks Maintenance Facility,7450 Metro Blvd, Edina at 2:00 and has full knowledge of the facts herein stated as follows: p.m., Thursday, April 10, 2014. The (A) The newspaper has complied with all of the requirements Edina City Council will meet at 7:00 p.m., Tuesday, April 22, 2014, to constituting qualifications as a legal newspaper, as provided consider said bids. The following are by Minnesota Satute 331A.02, and 331A.07, and other approximate major quantities: 400 SQ YD Remove Bituminous Pave- applicable laws,as amended. ment (B) She/He further states on that the printed 1800 LIN FT Remove Curb&Gutter 200 LIN FT Remove Sewer Pipe (Storm) 600 LIN FT Saw Bituminous Construction Pavement(Full Depth) 10517228 200 CU YD Excavation-Common 400 CU YD Common Embankment (CV) hereto printed as part as it was printed and published there in the woo CU YD Aggregate Base (CV)Class 6(P) English language;that it was first so published on 550 TON Type SP 12.5 Wear Course Mixture March 18,2014 for 3 time(s): 320 SQ YD Concrete Pavement 8.0" the subsequent dates of publications being as follows: 100 SQ FT Limestone Retaining Wall 3/18/2014 3/25/2014 4/1/2014 3 N FT RC Pipe Sewer Design 30 -18") 50 Q FT 4"Concrete Walk 1800 LIN FT Concrete Curb and Gutter(B618&B612) And that the following is a printed copy of the lower case 400 LIN FT Concrete Curb and Gutter (B660) alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, and is hereby 8 EACH Install Lighting Unit Special acknowledged as being the size and kind of type used in the 0.5 ACRE Seeding 200 POUND Seed Mixture 270 800 SQ FT Crosswalk Marking Special X abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz Bids shall be in a sealed envelope with a statement thereon showing the work abcdefghijklmnopgrstuvwxyz covered by the bid. Bids should be addressed to the City Engineer, City Edina, 7450 Metro Blvd, Edina, Minnesota 55439, and may be mailed or submitted personally to the City Engineer. Bids received by the City Subscribed and Engineer, either through the mail or by Sworn to before me this 1st day of April,2014 personal submission, after the time set for receiving them may be returned unopened. Digital plans are available for a non-refundable fee of $20.00 at http://www.questcdn.com. Enter eBidDoc #2977576. (Notarial Seal) Not Pu i , Hennepin County,Minnesota No bids will be considered unless sealed and accompanied by bid bond or certified check payable to the City of °' `=':f CARRIE ANN RETZACK Edina in the amount of at least five • �` Notary Public-Minnesota percent(5%)of all bids.The City Council 0. ,- . reserves the right to reject any or all is„ My Commission Expires Jan 31,2018 bids or any portion thereof. BY ORDER OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL. RATE INFORMATION: DEBRA MANGEN 1. Lowest classified rate paid by S 16.0000 • City Clerk(Published in commercial users for comparable space: Finance and Commerce 2. Maximum rate allowed by law for $ 0.36601 the above matter: 3. Rate actually charged for the above $ 0.3327 matter: AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION STATE OF MINNESOTA )ss COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) •Charlene Vold being duly sworn on an oath, states or affirms that they are the Authorized Agent of the newspaper(s)known as: SC Edina and has full knowledge of the facts stated below: (A)The newspaper has complied with all of the requirements constituting qualifica- tion as a qualified newspaper as provided by Minn. Stat. §331A.02, §331A.07, and other applicable laws as amended. (B)This Public Notice was printed and pub- lished in said newspaper(s) for 1 succes- sive issues; the first insertion being on 03/06/2014 and the last insertion being on 03/06/2014. By: a1..t61A1 -LI9V D LLQ____ Authorized Agent Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed before me on 03/06/2014. 4IVAQ/rt- f\ K444 Notary Public ,nvr rsAto",w.,.rMnr nMM.NvvMM 4 `\LAiiii'VE MAiifE sACRIE SUA a ` i Notary Public-Minnesota ,\r: 4 My Commission Expires avvvvvYvvi+ v¢i Rate Information: (1)Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users for comparable space: • $34.45 per column inch Ad ID 183936 • City of Edina (Official Publication) CITY OF EDINA 4801 W.50TH STREET EDINA,MINNESOTA 55424 HENNEPIN COUNTY,MINNESOTA ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS 2014 TRUNK SEWER REHABILITATION CONTRACT NO.ENG 14-9 IMPROVEMENT NO.SS-485 BIDS CLOSE MARCH 25,2014 SEALED BIDS will be received and opened in Conference Room A,at the Public Works and Parks Maintenance facility,7450 Metro Blvd,Edina, at 2:00 p.m.,Tuesday,March 25,2014.The Edina City Council will meet at 7:00 p.m.,Tuesday,April 1,2014,to consider said bids.The following are approximate major quantities: • CURED-IN PLACE(CIPP)APPROXIMATELY 24" 4,700 LF LATERAL REINSTATEMENT(ANY SIZE) 16 EA REHABILITATE MANHOLE 19 EA Bids shall be in a sealed envelope with a statement thereon showing the work covered by the bid.Bids should be addressed to the City Engi- neer,City of Edina,7450 Metro Blvd,Edina,Minnesota 55439,and may be mailed or submitted personally.Bids received by the City Engineer,either through the mail or by personal submission,after the time set for receiving them may be returned unopened. Digital plans are available for a non-refundable fee of$20.00 at http:// www.cityofedina.com/engineering under Construction Projects or at http://www.questcdn.com.Enter eBidDoc#3125029. No bids will be considered unless sealed and accompanied by bid bond or certified check payable to the City of Edina in the amount of at least five percent(5%)of all bids.The City Council reserves the right to reject any or all bids or any portion thereof. BY ORDER OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL. Debra Mangen City Clerk 3/6/14,3SC1,Eng 14-9 Bids,183936 • AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION STATE OF MINNESOTA )ss COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) faCharlene Vold being duly sworn on an oath, states or affirms that they are the Authorized Agent of the newspaper(s)known as: SC Edina and has full knowledge of the facts stated below: (A)The newspaper has complied with all of the requirements constituting qualifica- tion as a qualified newspaper as provided by Minn. Stat. §331A.02, §331A.07, and other applicable laws as amended. (B)This Public Notice was printed and pub- lished in said newspaper(s) for 1 succes- sive issues; the first insertion being on 03/06/2014 and the last insertion being on 03/06/2014. By: C O dSLIUL V O QI Authorized Agent Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed before me on 03/06/2014. Notary Public � nnnn ``-V"4 DAHLENE MARIE MACPHERSON f Notary Public-Minnesota �'*. /My Commission Expires Jan 31,2019 Rate Information: (1)Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users for comparable space: • $34.45 per column inch Ad ID 183941 • City of Edina (Official Publication) CITY OF EDINA 4801 W.50TH STREET EDINA,MINNESOTA 55424 HENNEPIN COUNTY,MINNESOTA ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS MORNINGSIDE B NEIGHBORHOOD ROADWAY RECONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO.ENG 14-1 IMPROVEMENT NOS.BA-408,SS-479,STS-395,WM-537 BIDS CLOSE MARCH 25,2014 SEALED BIDS will be received and opened in Conference Room A,at the Public Works and Parks Maintenance facility,7450 Metro Blvd,Edina, at 2:00 p.m.,Tuesday,March 25,2014.The Edina City Council will meet at 7:00 p.m.,Tuesday,April 1,2014,to consider said bids.The following are approximate major quantities: REMOVE CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER 5,000 LF RECLAIM AGGREGATE BASE CL7 PRODUCTION 15,000 SY COMMON EXCAVATION 5,000 CY AGGREGATE BASE,CLASS 5 OR CLASS 7 7,000 TON BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT 3,700 TON 6"HDPE SDR 17 SUMP DRAIN(HDD) 1,800 LF 6"PVC SDR 35 SUMP DRAIN(OPEN CUT) 4,500 LF • 6'CEMENTITIOUS WATER MAIN LINER 2,400 LF 12"CEMENTITIOUS WATER MAIN LINER 2,600 LF CEMENTITIOUS MANHOLE LINER 220 LF HYDRANT AND GATE VALVE ASSEMBLY 10 EA WATER MAIN VALVE&BOX 15 EA CONCRETE CURB&GUTTER MACHINE&HANDFORM 3,500 LF 6"CONCRETE DRIVEWAYS 600 SY 4"CONCRETE WALK 20,000 SF STORM SEWER STRUCTURES 21 EA CURED-IN-PLACE PIPE LINER FOR 9"VCP SANITARY 4,950 LF SEEDING 8,000 SY Bids shall be in a sealed envelope with a statement thereon showing the work covered by the bid.Bids should be addressed to the City Engi- neer,City of Edina,7450 Metro Blvd,Edina,Minnesota 55439,and may be mailed or submitted personally.Bids received by the City Engineer,either through the mail or by personal submission,after the time set for receiving them may be retumed unopened. Digital plans are available for a non-refundable fee of$30.00 at http:// www.cityofedina.com/engineering under Construction Projects or at http://www.questcdn.com.Enter eBidDoc#3146444. No bids will be considered unless sealed and accompanied by bid bond or certified check payable to the City of Edina in the amount of at least five percent(5%)of all bids.The City Council reserves the right to reject any or all bids or any portion thereof. BY ORDER OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL. Debra Mangen City Clerk 3/6/14,3SC1,Eng 14-1 Bids,183941 • Page 1 of 1 Affidavit of Publication CITY OF EDINA STATE OF MINNESOTA ) O1 W.50TH STREET (SS. A,MINNESOTA 55424 NNEPIN COUNTY, COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) MINNESOTA Description: ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Bids for Edina RE:W 78 Street Bridge BRIDGE REPAIRS Peggy Lewis ,being duly sworn on oath say she/he is W. 78TH STREET BRIDGE GUS YOUNG LANE BRIDGE and during all times herein stated has been the publisher or the CONTRACT NO. ENG 13-18 publishers designated agent in charge of the newspaper known as IMPROVEMENT NOS.BR-8&BR-9 BIES CLOSE MARCH 6,20e4 Finance and Commerce (MN) SEALED BIDS will be received and opened in Conference Room A, at the Public Works and Parks Maintenance and has full knowledge of the facts herein stated as follows: facility,7450 Metro Blvd,Edina, at 2:00 (A) The newspaper has complied with all of the requirements p.m., Thursday, March 6, 2014. The Edina City Council will meet at 7:00 constituting qualifications as a legal newspaper, as provided p.m., Tuesday, March 18, 2014, to by Minnesota Satute 331A.02, and 331A.07, and other consider said bids. The following are applicable laws,as amended. approximate major quantities: STRUCTURAL CONCRETE (3Y33 (B) She/He further states on that the printed SPECIAL)580 SF CONCRETE WEARING COURSE (3U17A)580 SF REMOVE SLAB TYPE 1 580 SF Construction REMOVE SLAB TYPE 2 300 SF 10498882 REMOVE SLAB TYPE 3 120 SF CONCRETE SURFACE REPAIR TYPE A 215 SF hereto printed as part as it was printed and published there in the CONCRETE SURFACE REPAIR TYPE B 600 SF English language;that it was first so published on CONCRETE CRACK REPAIR TYPE C 70 LF February 13,2014 for 3 time(s): MILL BITUMINOUS SURFACE 2" the subsequent dates of publications being as follows: 440 SYlik 2/13/2014 2/20/2014 2/27/2014 SP 12.5 WEARING COURSE M 5b TON 1 be in a sealed envelope with a statement thereon showing the work covered by the bid. Bids should be And that the following is a printed copy of the lower case addressed to the City Engineer, City of Edina, 7450 Metro Blvd, Edina, alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, and is hereby Minnesota 55439, and may be mailed or acknowledged as being the size and kind of type used in the submitted personally. Bids received by the City Engineer, eitherr through the mail or by personal submission,after the }( abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz time set for receiving them may be abcdefghijklmnopgrstuvwxyz returned unopened. Digital plans are available for a non-refundable fee of $20.00 at http://www.cityofedina.corniengineering under Constriction Projects or at http:/Avww.questcdn.com. Enter eBidDoc Subscribed and #3107522. No bids will be considered unless Sworn to before me this 27th day of February, 2014 sealed and accompanied by bid bond or certified check payable to the City of Edina in the amount of at least ten percent(5%)of all bids.The City Council reserves the right to reject any or all bids or any portion thereof. • AIL;APA BY ORDER OF THE EDINA CITY (Notarial Seal) Notary 'ubl4 Hennepin County,Minnesota COUNCIL. DEBRA ANN City Clerk oldrTlf► CA'RIE ANN RETZACK (Published in % r .j4 Notary Public-Minnesota Finance and Commerce • My Commission Expires Jen 31,2018 February 13,20,27,2014) 10498882 RATE INFORMATION: 1. Lowest classified rate paid by $ 16.0000 • commercial users for comparable space: 2. Maximum rate allowed by law for $ 0.36523 the above matter: 3. Rate actually charged for the above $ 0.3320 matter: AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION STATE OF MINNESOTA )ss COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) Charlene Vold being duly sworn on an oath, states or affirms that they are the Authorized Agent of the newspaper(s)known as: SC Edina and has full knowledge of the facts stated below: (A)The newspaper has complied with all of the requirements constituting qualifica- tion as a qualified newspaper as provided by Minn. Stat. §331A.02,§331A.07, and other applicable laws as amended. (B)This Public Notice was printed and pub- lished in said newspaper(s) for 1 succes- sive issues; the first insertion being on 02/20/2014 and the last insertion being on 02/20/2014. By: ciAxioxsizAAAVD4 Authorized Agent Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed before me on 02/20/2014. 130A54 M M�x.Q'L Q l v..,_ Notary Public / ..__ A.72DARLENE MARIE MACPHERSON ;T ' Notary Public-Minnesota +. rMy Commission Expires Jan 31,2019 Rate Information: (1)Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users for comparable space: $34.45 per column inch Ad ID 177012 Page 1 of 1 Affidavit of Publication CITY OF EDINA February 4,2014) STATE OF MINNESOTA ) 801 W.50TH STREET 10481648 (SS. NA,MINNESOTA 55424 COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) ENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA Description: ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Bids for Edina RE:Bredesen Park D&Countryside F Neighborhood Roadway BREDESEN PARK D& Reconst�lmanda Dorn ,being duly sworn on oath say she/he is COUNTRYSIDE F NEIGHBORHOOD ROADWAY RECONSTRUCTION and during all times herein stated has been the publisher or the CONTRACT NO. ENG 14-3 publishers designated agent in charge of the newspaper known as IMPROVEMENT NOS.BA-407 BA-408,BA-409.SS-480,STS-396,WM-538 Finance and Commerce (MN) BIDS CLOSE FEBRUARY 11,2014 SEALED BIDS will be received and and has full knowledge of the facts herein stated as follows: opened in Conference Room A, at the (A) The newspaper has complied with all of the requirements Public Works and Parks Maintenance facility,7450 Metro Blvd,Edina, at 2:00 constituting qualifications as a legal newspaper, as provided p.m., Tuesday, February 11, 2014. The by Minnesota Satute 331A.02, and 331A.07, and other Edina City Council will meet at 7:00 p.m., Tuesday, February 18, 2014, to applicable laws,as amended. consider said bids. The following are (B) She/He further states on that the printed approximate major quantities: REMOVE CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER 8,500 LF RECLAIM AGGREGATE BASE CL7 Construction PRODUCTION 18,000 SY 10481648 COMMON EXCAVATION 7,500 CY AGGREGATE BASE, CLASS 5 OR CLASS 7 9,200 TON hereto printed as part as it was printed and published there in the BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT 4,100 TON English language;that it was first so published on 6" HDPE SDR 17 SUMP DRAIN (HDD)2,810 LF January 21,2014 for 3 time(s): 6" PVC SUMP DRAIN SDR 35-OPEN the subsequent dates of publications being as follows: CUT 6,215 LF ANT AND GATE VALVE 1/21/2014 1/28/2014 2/4/2014 AlliBLY 13 EACH BETE CURB & GUTTER MACHINE&HANDFORM 9,168 LF STORM SEWER STRUCTURES 16 And that the following is a printed copy of the lower case EACH CURED-IN-PLACE PIPE LINER FOR alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, and is hereby 9"VCP SANITARY 3,020 LF acknowledged as being the size and kind of type used in the SEEDING/SODDING 14,000 SY Bids shall be in a sealed envelope with a statement thereon showing the work X abcdefghijkimnopgrstuvwxyz covered by the bid. Bids should be addressed to the City Engineer, City of abedefghijklmnopgrstuvwxyz Edina, 7450 Metro Blvd, Edina, Minnesota 55439, and may be mailed or submitted personally. Bids received by the City Engineer, either through the mail or by personal submission,after the time set for receiving them may be Subscribed and returned unopened. Sworn to before me this 4th day of February,2014 Digital plans are available for a ton-refimdable fee of $30.00 at http://www.cityofedina.com/engineering under Construction Projects or at / http://www.questcdn.com. Enter eBidDoc #3065689. _< ,r a Di- No bids will be considered unless (Notarial Seal) N•taryi'ublic, Henne.in o =t '••-sota sealed and accompanied by bid bond or certified check payable to the City of .".4 CARRIE ANN RETZACK Edina in the amount of at least five ' R percent(5%)of all bids.The City Council z,,`p} "j' Notary Public-Minnesota reserves the right to reject any or all ++; '�'}My Commission Expires Jan 31,2016 bids or any portion thereof. BY ORDER OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL. DEBRA MANGEN RATE INFORMATION: City Clerk 1. Lowest classified rate paid by $ 16.0000 (Published in Finance and Commerce commercial users for comparable space: January 21,28, 2. Maximum rate allowed by law for $ 0.36593 the above matter: 3. Rate actually charged for the above $ 0.3327 matter: Page 1 of 1 Affidavit of Publication CITY OF EDINA January 21,28, STATE OF MINNESOTA ) 801 W.50TH STREET February 4,2014) NA,MINNESOTA 55424 10481640 (SS. ENNEPIN COUNTY, COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) MINNESOTA Description: ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Bids for Edina RE:Strachauer Park B.Neighborhood Roadway Reconstruction STRACHAUER PARK B Amanda Dom ,being duly sworn on oath say she/he is NEIGHBORHOOD ROADWAY and duringall times herein stated has been the publisher or the RECONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. ENG 14-5 publishers designated agent in charge of the newspaper known as IMPROVEMENT NOS. BA-411 SS-483.LOSSFE-399.BRU RY11, Finance and Commerce (MN) BIDS CLOSE FEBRUARY 11,2014 SEALED BIDS will be received and opened in Conference Room A, at the and has full knowledge of the facts herein stated as follows: Public Works and Parks Maintenance (A) The newspaper has complied with all of the requirements facility,7450 Metro Blvd,Edina, at 2:00 p.m., Tuesday, February 11, 2014. The constituting qualifications as a legal newspaper, as provided Edina City Council will meet at 7:00 by Minnesota Satute 331A.02, and 331A.07, and other p.m., Tuesday, February 18, 2014, to consider said bids. The following are applicable laws,as amended. approximate major quantities: (B) She/He further states on that the printed REMOVE CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER 5,000 LF RECLAIM AGGREGATE BASE CL7 PRODUCTION 13,000 SY Construction COMMON EXCAVATION 4,200 CY 10481640 AGGREGATE BASE, CLASS 5 OR CLASS 7 1,600 TON BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT 3,500 hereto printed as part as it was printed and published there in the TON 6" HDPE SDR 17 SUMP DRAIN glanguage;English that it was first so published on (HDD)5,400 LF HYDRANT AND GATE VALVE January 21,2014 for 3 time(s): ASSEMBLY 6 EACH the subsequent dates of publications being as follows: WATERMAIN VALVE & BOX 7 1/21/2014 1/28/2014 2/4/2014 ARETE CURB & GUTTER NE&HANDFORM 6,000 LF 6" CONCRETE DRIVEWAYS 1,000 SY And that the following is a printed copy of the lower case STORM SEWER STRUCTURES 10 EACH alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, and is hereby CURED-IN-PLACE PIPE LINER FOR acknowledged as being the size and kind of type used in the 9"VCP SANITARY 1,600 LF SEEDING 10,000 SY Bids shall be in a sealed envelope with X abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz a statement thereon showing the work covered by the bid. Bids should be abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz addressed to the City Engineer, City of Edina, 7450 Metro Blvd, Edina, Minnesota 55439, and may be mailed or submitted personally. Bids received by the City Engineer, either through the mail or by personal submission,after the Subscribed and time set for receiving them may be Sworn to before me this 4th day of February,2014 returned unopened. Digital plans are available for a non-refundable fee of $30.00 at http://www.cityofeclina.corniengineering under Construction Projects or at http://www.questcdn.com. Enter eBidDoc APIVi1 . �. #3065707. (Notarial Seal) Notary 'ubli Hennepin County,Minnesota No bids will be considered unless sealed and accompanied by bid bond or certified check payable to the City of Edina in the amount of at least five ,;Y e. CARRIE ANN RETZACK percent(5%)of all bids.The City Council Notary Public-Minnesota reserves the right to reject any or all My Commission Expires Jan 31,2016 bids or any portion thereof.BY ORDER OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL. RATE INFORMATION: DEBRA MANGEN 1. Lowest classified rate paid by S 16.0000 City Clerk(Published in commercial users for comparable space: Finance and Commerce 2. Maximum rate allowed by law for $ 0.36601 the above matter: 3. Rate actually charged for the above $ 0.3327 matter: s AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION City of Edina (Official Publication) STATE OF MINNESOTA )ss CITY OF EDINA COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) 4801 W.50TH STREET EDINA,MINNESOTA 55424 .harlene Vold being duly sworn on an oath, HENNEPIN COUNTY MINNESOTA states or affirms that they are the Authorized NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Agent of the newspaper(s)known as: DEWEY HILL G NEIGHBORHOOD ROADWAY RECONSTRUCTION SC Edina IMPROVEMENT NO.BA-415 The Edina City Council will meet at the Edina City Hall on Tuesday, and has full knowledge of the facts stated December 9,2014,at 6:00 p.m.to below: consider the following proposed improvements to be constructed (A)The newspaper has complied with all of under the authority granted by Min- the requirements constituting qualifiea- nesota Statutes,Chapter 429. tion as a qualified newspaper as provided Dewey Hill G Neighborhood by Minn. Stat. §331A.02, §331A.07, and Estimated ImprovementTotal No.BA-415m Assessent Cost other applicable laws as amended. $429,375 (B)This Public Notice was printed and pub- The area proposed to be as- lished in said newspaper(s) for 2 issues; sessed by the proposed improve- the first insertion being on 11/20/2014 tween fT1Qnts includesandincluding:all properties be- and the last insertion being on 12/04/2014. 5920 to 6005 Bonnie Brae Cir- cle, 6001 Dewey Hill Road, 7404 to 7420 Hyde Park Circle, 7401 to 7519 Hyde Park Drive, and 7423 and 7435 Hyde Park Lane. These properties are proposed By: to be assessed at approximately r Authorized Agent 12,507 per residential equivalent unit; 1 Debra Mangen Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed before City Clerk me on 12/04/2014. 11/20/14,3SC1,PHN A BA-415,312074 o iCa.214— M M SCILZ Notary Public I VVVVVWVVV Vv vV\N/V/ /% 1' " E MARIE MACPHERSON r")•‘,4 J Notary Public-Minnesota ' My Commieeion Expires Jan 111,2019 I. I 11 I Rate Information: (1)Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users for comparable space: ID $34.45 per column inch Ad ID 312074 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION City of Edina STATE OF MINNESOTA (CITY)Publication)EINA ss CITY OF EDINA COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) 4801 W.50TH STREET EDINA,MINNESOTA 55424 .harlene Vold being duly sworn on an oath, HENNEPIN COUNTY MINNESOTA states or affirms that they are the Authorized NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Agent of the newspaper(s)known as: PROSPECT KNOLLS B NEIGHBORHOOD ROADWAY RECONSTRUCTION SC Edina IMPROVEMENT NO.BA-414 The Edina City Council will meet and has full knowledge of the facts stated at the Edina City Hall on Tuesday, below: December 9,2014,at 6:00 p.m.to consider the following proposed (A)The newspaper has complied with all of improvements to be constructed the requirements constituting qualifica- under the authority granted by Min- tion as a qualified newspaper as provided nesota Statutes,Chapter 429. by Minn. Stat. §331 A.02, §331 A.07, and ProsImprovepect Knollsment BNo.BA-Neighb414orhood other applicable laws as amended. Estimated Total Assessment Cost (B)This Public Notice was printed and pub- $428,270 lished in said newspaper(s) for 2 issues; The area proposed to be as- the first insertion being on 11/20/2014 sments includes proposedallproperti improes beve- - and the last insertion being on 12/04/2014. tween and including: 7300 to 7326 Claredon Drive, 5908 to 5924 Dewey Hill Road,7203 Gleason Road,7121 to 7313 Schey DriveThese p,and 7117ropertie Traleesare Drive. proposed By: �� o be assessed at approximately Authorized Agent $12,274 per residential equivalent unit; Debra Mangen Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed before City Cleric me on 12/04/2014. 11/20/14,3SC1,PHN BA-414,312056 -Da)latis2- K PI.ad koi-v-pv,_ I• Notary Public vv V 4VVv1M/V� A' IAR k ?�MBE CIE MACPHERSON . .P:, Public-Minnesota ''y__3*JMy Conwnlaulon expires Jan 31,2019 Rate Information: (1)Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users for comparable space: • $34.45 per column inch Ad ID 312056 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION City of Edina STATE OF MINNESOTA (Official Publication) )ss CITY OF EDINA COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) 4801 W.50TH STREET EDINA,MINNESOTA 55424 .harlene Vold being duly sworn on an oath, HENNEPIN COUNTY,MINNESOTA states or affirms that they are the Authorized NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING COUNAgent of the newspaper(s)known as: NEIGHBORHOOD H NEIGHBORHOOD ROADWAY RECONSTRUCTION SC Edina IMPROVEMENT NO.BA-413 The Edina City Council will meet and has full knowledge of the facts stated at the Edina City Hall on Tuesday, below: December 9,2014,at 6:00 p.m.to consider the following proposed (A)The newspaper has complied with all of improvements to be constructed the requirements constituting qualifica- under the authority granted by Min- tion as a qualified newspaper as provided nesota Statutes,Chapter 429. by Minn. Stat. §331A.02, §331A.07, and Countryside H Neighborhood Improvement No.BA-413 other applicable laws as amended. Estimated Total Assessment Cost (B)This Public Notice was printed and pub- $1,924,005 lished in said newspaper(s) for 2 issues; The area proposed to be as- the first insertion being on 11/20/2014 sessed proposed improve- ments includesbythe all properties be- and the last insertion being on 12/04/2014. tween and including: 5800 to 5924 Amy Drive,5800 to 5980 Arbour Avenue,5700 to 5716 Benton Avenue,5700 to 5936 Grove Stree��� 5924 58010 to6 592 Merold Drive, 5924 to 6076 Olinger Boulevard, By: 6016 to 6072 Olinger Circle, 5813 Authorized Agent &5829 Olinger Road,5800 to 5816 Stuart Avenue, 5805 to 5920 Sun Road, and 5617 to 5716 Wycliffe Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed before Road. me on 12/04/2014. These properties are proposed to be assessed at approximately $11,732 per residential equivalent unit; Debra Mangan iii_CULAN-Q-- 1 1 l I City Clerk Notary Public 11/20/14,3SC1,PHN BA-413,312040 -vv.. r YVWVWVv� '.WOE MARE MACPHERSON 'a zi Notary Public-Minnesota N,,. ;jay' My Cammtseton Expires Jen 91,2019 r Rate Information: (1)Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users for comparable space: • $34.45 per column inch Ad ID 312040 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION City of Edina STATE OF MINNESOTA (CITY)Publication) An) ss CITY OF EDINA COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) 4801 W.50TH STREET EDINA,MINNESOTA 55424 Oharlene Vold being duly sworn on an oath, HENNEPIN COUNTY MINNESOTA states or affirms that they are the Authorized NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Agent of the newspaper(s)known as: ARDEN PARK D NEIGHBORHOOD ROADWAY RECONSTRUCTION SC Edina IMPROVEMENT NO. BA-412,SS-487,L-62 and has full knowledge of the facts stated The Edina City Council will meet below: at the Edina City Hall on Tuesday, December 9,2014, at 6:00 p.m.to (A)The newspaper has complied with all of consider the following proposed the requirements constituting qualifica- improvements to be constructed tion as a qualified newspaper as provided under the authority granted by Min- by Minn. Stat. §331A.02, §331A.07, and nesota Statutes,Chapter 429. Arden Park D Neighborhood other applicable laws as amended. Roadway Reconstruction (B)This Public Notice was printed and pub- Improvement No.BA-412 lished in said newspaper(s) for 2 issues; Estimated Total Assessment Cost the first insertion being on 11/20/2014 $2,690,000(Roadway) wer) and the last insertion beingon 12/04/2014. $59 95,0(Sanitary gSht) $95,000(Streetlight) The area proposed to be as- sessed by the proposed improve- ments includes all properties be- tween and including: l 4121 W. 50th Street, 4075 W. By: 51st Street, 4201 &4207 W. 52nd Authorized Agent Street.5000 to 5117 Arden Avenue, 5000 to 5026 Bruce Avenue, 5025 to 5038 Bruce Place, 5132&5200 Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed before France Avenue, 5100 to 5200 Gor- me on 12/04/2014. gas Avenue, 5028 to 5337 Halifax Avenue,5017 to 5136 Indianola Av- enue,5028 to 5137 Juanita Avenue, 5201 to 5333 Minnehaha Boulevard. These properties are proposed to be assessed at approximately Notary Public $14,400 per residential equivalent unit; Debra Mangen F .,,...w{.....,`.e.,t..... .........vvnvvv.,. CityClerk w, +°I IE f ARIE MACPHERSON< 11/20/14,3SC1,PHN '" BA-412,312009 �,� N0�3f)/�1�.`�llalflfl@SOfB SS�s1'My Cotnmtsaion E7tpims Jan 31,20191 Rate Information: (1)Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users for comparable space: . $34.45 per column inch Ad ID 312009 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION City of Edina STATE OF M I N N ESOTA )ss (CITY OF cial Pu ED tn) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) 4801 WEST50THSTREET EDINA,MN 55424 • Charlene Vold being duly sworn on an oath, Notice of Public Hearing states or affirms that they are the Authorized THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL will Agent of the newspaper(s)known as: meet at the Edina City Hall,Council Chambers, 4801 West 50th Street, on Tuesday,December 16,2014,at SC Edina 7:00 PM,and will at said time and place consider the following: Amend Edina City Code Chapter and has full knowledge of the facts stated 10 and Chapter 21. An Ordinance below: Amendment regarding tree preser- vation in the R-1 and R-2 Single and (A)The newspaper has complied with all of Double Dwelling Unit Districts. the requirements constituting qualifica- All recommendations and objec- tion as a qualified newspaper as provided tions will be hearing at said meeting. by Minn. Stat. §331A.02, §331A.07, and BY ORDER OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL other applicable laws as amended. Debra Mangen (B)This Public Notice was printed and pub- lished in said newspaper(s) for 1 succes- 12/04/14,3SC1,PHN Ord Amend sive issues; the first insertion being on Tree Preservation,315443 12/04/2014 and the last insertion being on 12/04/2014. By: APNLOC . Authorized Agent Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed before me on 12/04/2014. 4ipas),,,a, M iv1 oLK&A..,,,, Notary Public "v'vv vvvvvvvvvvvvv vvvvv vvv1NWs, DAf v OE MAAIE MACPHERSON :°:; .'�pl, Notary Public-Minnesota My Commission EstreaJan 81,2019 Rate Information: (1)Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users for comparable space: • $34.45 per column inch Ad ID 315443 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION City of Edina STATE OF MINNESOTA (Official Publication) )ss CITY OF EDINA COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) 4801 WEST 50TH STREET EDINA,MINNESOTA 55424 41)Charlene Vold beingdulysworn on an oath, NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON states or affirms that they are the Authorized VACATION OF PUBLIC Agent of the newspaper(s)known as: RIGHT-OF-WAY EASEMENT IN THE CITY OF EDINA SC Edina HENNEPIN COUNTY MINNESOTA NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota will hold a public hearing and has full knowledge of the facts stated on Tuesday,December 16,2014 at below: 7:00 p.m.in the Council Chambers (A)The newspaper has complied with all of at 4801 West 50th Street to con- the requirements constituting qualifies- Sid requested vn followinger the publicu t right-of-wayacatio of ease the- tion as a qualified newspaper as provided ment: by Minn. Stat. §331A.02, §331A.07, and PROPOSED DESCRIPTION other applicable laws as amended. The utility easement along the (B)This Public Notice was printed and pub- southerly 5.00 feet of Lots 1,2,3,4 and 5, Block 2, BROADMORE AD- lished in said newspaper(s) for 2 succes- DITION, according to the recorded sive issues; the first insertion being on plat thereof,Hennepin County,Min- 11/27/2014 and the last insertion being on nesota, dedicated in said plat of 12/04/2014. BROADMORE ADDITION. This vacation does not intend to vacate any portion of the Ease- ment for Roadway/Utility Purposes recorded as Doc.No.3211764 lying �1 within the easterly 10.00 feet of said �(,�� V Lot 1. By: ( —" All persons who desire to be Authorized Agent heard with respect to the question of whether or not the above pro- Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed before pow street right of way and utility and drainage vacation is in the pub- me on 12/04/2014. lic interest and should be made shall be heard at said time and place. The Council shall consider the ex- / tent to which such proposed street / vacation affects existing easements •)CSo4#L within the area of the proposed va- Notary Public cation and the extent to which the vacation affects the authority of any person,corporation,or municipality vwwvvvvwwwvuwvwvv� owning or controlling electric,tele- WOE MARIE MAMIERSON phone or cable television poles and •R" p,�►,►i{,,� lines,gas and sewer lines,or water �. `.. pipes, mains, and hydrants on or r .y�my commission E pIras.tan 81,2018 under the area of the proposed va- cation, to continue maintaining the same or to enter upon such ease- ment area or portion thereof vacated to maintain,repair,replace,remove, or otherwise attend thereto,for the purpose of specifying, in any such vacation resolution, the extent to which any or all of such easement, and such authority to maintain,and to enter upon the area of the pro- posed vacation,shall continue. BY ORDER OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL Debra Mangen,City Clerk Dated:November 19,2014 11/27-12/4/14,3SC1,PHN Broadmore Addition,313725 Rate Information: (1)Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users for comparable space: • $34.45 per column inch Ad ID 313725 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION City of Edina STATE OF MINNESOTA (CITY)Publication)EIN SS CITY OF EDINA COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) 4801 WEST 50TH STREET EDINA,MINNESOTA 55424 Charlene Vold beingdulysworn on an oath, NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON states or affirms that they are the Authorized VACATION OF PUBLIC Agent of the newspaper(s)known as: RIGHT-OF-WAY EASEMENT IN THE CITY OF EDINA SC Edina HENNEPIN COUNTY MINNESOTA NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota will hold a public hearing and has full knowledge of the facts stated on Tuesday, December 16,2014 at below: 7:00 p.m.in the Council Chambers (A)The newspaper has complied with all of at 4801 West 50th Street to con- the requirements constituting qualifies- sider the requested vacation of the following public right-of-way ease- tion as a qualified newspaper as provided merit: by Minn. Stat. §331A.02, §33IA.07, and PROPOSED DESCRIPTION other applicable laws as amended. That easement for drainage and cross Lot (B)This Public Notice was printed and pub- jtile ock 2,sPARKWOODoes over anda KNOLLS lished in said newspaper(s) for 2 succes- 14TH ADDITION, as dedicated on sive issues; the first insertion being on said plat of PARKWOOD KNOLLS 11/27/2014 and the last insertion being on 14TH ADDITION. 12/04/2014. All persons who desire to be heard with respect to the question of whether or not the above pro- posed street right of way and utility and drainage vacation ise made pub- lic interest and should be made shall k be heard at said time and place. By: The Council shall consider the ex- Authorized Agent tent to which such proposed street vacation affects existing easements Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed before within the area of the proposed va- cation and the extent to which the me on 12/04/2014. vacation affects the authority of any person,corporation,or municipality owning or controlling electric, tele- phone or cable televis i or and 1�/ lines,gas and sewer lines,or water pipes, mains, and hydrants on or Notary Public under the area of the proposed va- cation,to continue maintaining the same or to enter upon such ease- ment area or portion thereof vacated to maintain,repair,replace,remove, nw�wpvw, vwvvw�vvwvwow� or otherwise attend thereto,for the LJt ENE MARIE MAC Cr tnourt purpose of specifying, in any such 1 Notary public-Minnesota vacation resolution, the extent to which any or all of such easement, pAy Commission ExpirerrJan 51,2019 and such authority to maintain,and to enter upon the area of the pro- posed vacation,shall continue. BY ORDER OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL Debra Mangen,City Clerk Dated:November 19,2014 11/27-12/4/14,3SC1,PHN Parkwood Knolls,313715 Rate Information: (I)Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users or comparable space: $34.45 per column inch Ad ID 313715 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION City of Edina STATE OF MINNESOTA (Official PUBLIC )ss NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) The City Council for the City of Edina,Minnesota will be conducting 411111Ca public hearing on December 16, harlene Vold being duly sworn on an oath, 2014 at 7:00 p.m.or as soon there states or affirms that they are the Authorized after as it may be heard at the City Agent of the newspaper(s)known as: Hall in Edina,Minnesota. The purpose of this public hear- ing is to consider the application SC Edina for the transfer of the cable system from Comcast of Minnesota, Inc., the existing cable television franchi- and has full knowledge of the facts stated see,to Midwest Cable,Inc.,a newly below: formed entity that will hold the cable (A)The newspaper has complied with all of system. The hearing will focus on the requirements constituting qualifica- the application submitted and the qualifications of Midwest Cable,Inc. tion as a qualified newspaper as provided All interested persons should ap- by Minn. Stat. §331A.02, §331A.07, and pear at the above date and time. other applicable laws as amended. Dated this end day of December, (B)This Public Notice was printed and pub- 2014.CI CITY OF EDINA,MINNESOTA lished in said newspaper(s) for 1 succes- By:Debra A.Mangen sive issues; the first insertion being on Its:City Clerk 12/11/2014 and the last insertion being on 12/11/2014. 12/11/14,3SC1,PHN Comcast- Midwest Cable,322389 Cka By: v Z LQ-1 Authorized Agent Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed before me on 12/11/2014. 411 , Notary Public 1rvv vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvVVV A DARLENE MARIE MACPHERSON tw-r': - l Notary Public-Minnesota fit:,. My Connniaeton ExplumJan 91,2019 Rate Information: (1)Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users for comparable space: • $34.45 per column inch Ad ID 322389 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION City of Edina STATE OF M INN ESOTA (CITY)Publication) )ss CITY OF EDINA COUNTY OF HENNEPIN 4801 WEST 50TH STREET EDINA,MN 55424 41/Charlene Vold being duly sworn on an oath, Notice of Public Hearing states or affirms that they are the Authorized THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL will Agent of the newspaper(s)known as: meet at the Edina City Hall,Council Chambers, 4801 West 50th Street, on Tuesday, December 2,2014,at SC Edina 7:00 PM,and will at said time and place to consider the following: Final Rezoning to PUD, Planned and has full knowledge of the facts stated Unit Development, Final Develop- below: ment Plan and a Zoning Ordinance (A)The newspaper has complied with all of Amendment establishing the PUD District. Aurora Investments, LLC. the requirements constituting qualifiea- 6500 France Avenue. Lots 3 & 4, tion as a qualified newspaper as provided Block 2, Southdale Office Park by Minn. Stat. §331A.02, §331A.07, and Second Addition.Generally located other applicable laws as amended. west of France Avenue and south of 65th Street West.To build a 195 (B)This Public Notice was printed and pub- unit, 5-story senior housing and lished in said newspaper(s) for 1 succes- care center. sive issues; the first insertion being on Preliminary Rezoning to PUD, 11/13/2014 and the last insertion beingPlanned Unit Development,Prelimi- on nary Development Plan and Com- 1 1/13/2014. prehensive Plan Amendments.7200 France LLC. 7200 France Avenue. Unplatted 31 028 24.Generally lo- cated south of West 72nd Street and West of FranceAvenue. To build a 160-unit,5-story apartment U aft.0"e L-C1-(2-4(-51-\fl By: building with 20.000 square feet of-IQ__ Authorized Agent retail space. Comprehensive Plan Amendments include the building height from 4 to 5 stories; density Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed before from 30-units per acre to 46; and me on 11/13/2014. floor area ratio from.5 to 1.49. All recommendations and objec- tions will be hearing at said meeting. BY ORDER OF THE ) CITY COUNCIL �,,,.QL�I.. � �cu.c„+( L y Debra, Debra Mangers Notary Public City Clerk 11/13/14,3SC1,PHN 6500& 7200 France Ave,308076 F DAR1ENE MARIE MCHERSON .. Notary Public-Minnesota ' My Cornrynlwion Expires Jan 91,2019 Rate Information: (1)Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users for comparable space: • $34.45 per column inch Ad ID 308076 . AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION City of Edina STATE OF MINNESOTA (Official Publication) )ss CITY OF EDINA COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) 4801 W.50THSTREET EDINA,MINNESOTA 55424 •Charlene Vold being duly sworn on an oath, HENNEPIN COUNTY MINNESOTA states or affirms that they are the Authorized NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Agent of the newspaper(s)known as: SIDEWALK FACILITIES PLAN APPROVAL AND SC Edina COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT The Edina City Council will meet and has full knowledge of the facts stated at the Edina City Hall on Monday, below: Nov.3,2014,at 7:00 p.m.,to con- (A)The newspaper has complied with all of siderthefollowing: the req uirements constituting qualifica- Sidlitien proval tion as a qualified newspaper as provided and C ewalkomprehensiveFacis Plan Plan Approval ment. An updated Sidewalk Facili- by Minn. Stat. §331A.02, §331 A.07, and ties Map and descriptive text will in- other applicable laws as amended. dicate existing and future sidewalk (B)This Public Notice was printed and pub- locatia. view theons mapfor andthe textCity of ,andEdin to parTo- lished in said newspaper(s) for 2 succes- ticipate in an online comment forum sive issues; the first insertion being on regarding the proposed amend- 10/16/2014 and the last insertion being on ment,visit http://speakupedina.org/ 10/23/2014. discussions/sidewalk-plan. All recommendations and objec- tions will be heard at said meeting. Debra Mangen City Clerk 10/16-10/23/14,3SC1,PHN By: Sidewalk Facilities,294448 Authorized Agent Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed before me on 10/23/2014. 40)C1.4,),Nit.- Q )\-F cet-- Notary Public „"vvv Yvvvvvv1vvVVvvvv v vVV vvvvvVvvA e '��DARLENE IMRtE MACPHERSON Notary Pubilc-Mktnesota My Commission Expires Jan 31,2019 Rate Information: (1)Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users for comparable space: • $34.45 per column inch Ad I D 294448 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION City of Edina STATE OF MINNESOTA (C ITY)T OF E EDIN PuDINAn) ss CIY A COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) 4801 W.50TH STREET EDINA,MINNESOTA 55424 OCharlene Vold being duly sworn on an oath, HENNEPIN COUNTY MINNESOTA states or affirms that they are the Authorized NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Agent of the newspaper(s)known as: VALLEY VIEW ROAD(MSAS 151) ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS SC Edina IMPROVEMENT NO.BA-377 The Edina City Council will meet at the Edina City Hall on Tuesday, and has full knowledge of the facts stated October 21, 2014, at 7:00 p.m. to below: consider the following proposed improvements to be constructed (A)The newspaper has complied with all of under the authority granted by Min- the requirements constituting qualifica- nesota Statutes,Chapter 429. tion as a qualified newspaper as provided Valley View Road by Minn. Stat. §331A.02, §331A.07, and Roadway Improvements other applicable laws as amended. Improvement No.BA-377 (B)This Public Notice was printed and pub- Estimated Total Assessment Cost lished in said newspaper(s) for 2 succes- $227,400 sive issues; the first insertion being on The area proposed to be as- 10/09/2014 and the last insertion beingon sessed menu by th includese ppopropertised impro es bve- allro e- 10/16/2014. tween and including: 7033 Comanche Court, 7027 McCauley Trail South, 7025 and 7028 Sally Lane,7100 to 7149 Val- ley View Road. fz; These properties are proposed By: �/ to be assessed at approximately Authorized Agent $7,500 per residential equivalent unit: Debra Mangen Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed before City Clerk me on 10/16/2014. 10/9-10/16/14,3SC1, PHN BA-377,291630 +\A {V\cJ Notary Public ! v vvv vvVVvvvvvvvvvv v'v vv v.. ,�t ^ 'RRLENE MARIE MACPHERSON tar. R J' Notary Public-Minnesota ` y; My Commla on Expires Jan 31,2019 Rate Information: (1)Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users for comparable space: • $34.45 per column inch Ad ID 291630 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION City of Edina (Official Publication)STATE OF MINNESOTA )Ss CTY OF EIN COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) 4801 WEST 50TH STREET EDINA,MN 55424 Notice of Public Hearing 0Charlene Vold being duly sworn on an oath, THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL will states or affirms that they are the Authorized meet at the Edina City Hall,Council Agent of the newspaper(s)known as: Chambers, 4801 West 50th Street, on Wednesday, October 21, 2014, at 7:00 PM,and will at said time and SC Edina place to consider the following: Preliminary Rezoning and De- velopment Plan. Frauenshuh Corn- and has full knowledge of the facts stated mercial Real Estate. 7700 France below: Avenue,Edina, MN.Lot 2,Block 1, (A)The newspaper has complied with all of Edina Office Center. Generally lo- cated West of France Avenue and the requirements constituting qualifica- north of 78th Street West.The ap- tion as a qualified newspaper as provided plicant is requesting a preliminary by Minn. Stat. §331A.02, §331A.07, and rezoning from POD-2, Planned Of- other applicable laws as amended. fice District-2,to PUD,Planned Unit Development to construct a free (B)This Public Notice was printed and pub- standing 7,700 square foot, 242 lished in said newspaper(s) for 1 succes- seat restaurant at 7700 France Av- sive issues; the first insertion being on enue. 10/16/2014 and the last insertion being on Final Rezoning and Ordinance 10/16/2014. Amendment. Beacon Interfaith Housing Collaborative. 3330 66th Street West,Edina,MN.Lot 2,Block 3, Southdale Acres. Generally lo- cated north of West 66th Street and west of Xerxes Avenue. Final Re- zoning from POD-1,Planned Office BY District-1,to PUD,Planned Unit De- Authorized Agent velopment and Ordinance Amend- ment to establish the PUD District. Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed before The applicant proposes to remodel and expand the existing building me on 10/16/2014. into 39-units of small studio apart- ments for young adults who have experienced homelessness. Conditional Use Permit. Chad 0 d1 A and Jenny Helmer.5808 Creek Val- ��l ley Road,Edina,MN.Lot 11,Block Notary Public 2, Creek Valley Addition. Generally located northwest of Creek Valley ��....-�^wAwAA Road. The request is for a condi- I . PARLENE y „VVy,�VVVVVVVVVVVVVS/VVVr��-` tional use permit to tear down and `+ ,� Pf{RS� rebuild a home at 5808 Creek Valley Road. The purpose of the request is :'>`%; -: Notary Public-Minnesota to raise the first floor elevation more Cpmrntasion Expires Jan 81,2019 than one foot above the existing first floor elevation due to the Nine Mile Creek 100-year flood elevation on the property. All recommendations and objec- tions will be hearing at said meeting. BY ORDER OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL Debra Mangen City Clerk 10/16/14,3SC1,PHN Land Use Requests,294609 Rate Information: (1)Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users for comparable space: III $34.45 per column inch Ad ID 294609 . , AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION City of Edina STATE OF M I N N ESOTA (CITY)Publication) )SS CITY OF EDINA COUNTY OF HENNEPIN 4801 WEST50TH STREET EDINA,MN 55424 harlene Vold being duly sworn on an oath, Notice of Public Hearing states or affirms that they are the Authorized THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL will Agent of the newspaper(s)known as: meet at the Edina City Hall,Council Chambers,4801 West 50th Street, on November 3,2014,at 7:00 PM, SC Edina and will at said time and place to consider the following: Amendments to City Code Chap- and has full knowledge of the facts stated ter 36. Amend Front Yard Setback, below: First Floor 1-Foot Rule for Tear- (A)The newspaper has complied with all of Tear- downs/Rebuilds e omilds and Lightingand All recommendations and objec- the requirements constituting qualifica- tions will be hearing at said meeting. tion as a qualified newspaper as provided BY ORDER OF THE by Minn. Stat. §331A.02, §331A.07, and EDINA CITY COUNCIL other applicable laws as amended. City DebratyC Mangen Clerk (B)This Public Notice was printed and pub- lished in said newspaper(s) for I succes- 10/16/14,3SC1,PHN Amend sive issues; the first insertion being on Front Yard Setback,295413 10/16/2014 and the last insertion being on 10/16/2014. By: Authorized Agent Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed before me on 10/16/2014. ort,1„,....,, ,iv‘ m 04, PL,,,,‹A Notary Public vvvvvvvvw.,:V•VV+wvvw�t 1t ', v %RENE MARE -,:loi,--k, ; 1 Notary Publto-Mtnnesota ct My communion Ezptree Jen 31'2019 Rate Information: (1)Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users for comparable space: • $34.45 per column inch Ad ID 295413 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION City of Edina STATE OF MINNESOTA (Of CIITYYl T OF E EDINA PuDINAn) ss COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) 4801 WEST 50TH STREET EDINA,MN 55424 IlIcharlene Vold being duly sworn on an oath, Notice of Public Hearing states or affirms that they are the Authorized THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL will Agent of the newspaper(s)known as: meet at the Edina City Hall,Council Chambers, 4801 West 50th Street, on Tuesday, October 7, 2014, at SC Edina 7:00 PM,and will at said time and place to consider the following: Conditional Use Permit Variance. and has full knowledge of the facts stated Ted and Any Carlson. 5516 Knoll below: Drive, Edina, MN. Lot 11, Block 5, (A)The newspaper has complied with all of Parkwoodf or a Knolls. variance Considertothecondi- a re- quest the requirements constituting qualifica- tional use permit requirements to tion as a qualified newspaper as provided allow an increase in first floor eleva- by Minn. Stat. §331A.02, §331A.07, and tion beyond one foot and a condi- other applicable laws as amended. tional use permit request to allow an increase in first floor elevation of a (B)This Public Notice was printed and pub- total of 2.25 feet over the existing lished in said newspaper(s) for 1 succes- first floor elevation. sive issues; the first insertion being on Final Rezoning and Final Site 09/18/2014 and the last insertion being on Plan with Variances. Frauenshuh 09/18/2014. Commercial Real Estate. 5108 Edina Industrial Boulevard, Edina, MN.Generally located east of Metro Boulevard and north of Edina In- dustrial Boulevard. Tear down the existing 12,000 square foot office building and build 10,000 square By: feet of retail office space including Authorized Agent coffee shop. Front yard setback variance from 35-feet to 25-feet are requested Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed before All recommendations and objec- me on 09/18/2014. tions will be heard at said meeting. BY ORDER OF THE EDINA PLANNING COMMISSION Debra Mangen 4fcacit,....11_ K V\ City Clerk Notary Public 9/18/14,3SC1,PHN Land .----ww v Use Requests,279629 i740.'' vv vuvVvvWvvvuvv.._ DARLENE MARIE MACPHERSON rC :; - Notary Public-Mk►tesota z4 my Corrwnission Expires Jan 31,2019 Rate Information: (1)Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users for comparable space: • $34.45 per column inch Ad ID 279629 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION 'City of Edina STATE OF MINNESOTA (Official Publication) j ss CITY OF EDINA COUNTY OF HENNEPIN 4801 WEST 50TH STREET EDINA,MN 55424 fa Notice of Public Hearing Charlene Vold being duly sworn on an oath, THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL will states or affirms that they are the Authorized meet at the Edina City Hall,Council Agent of the newspaper(s)known as: Chambers, 4801 West 50th Street, on Tuesday, October 7, 2014, at 7:00 PM,and will at said time and SC Edina place to consider the following: Conditional Use Permit Variance. Ted and Any Carlson. 5516 Knoll and has full knowledge of the facts stated Drive, Edina, MN. Lot 11, Block 5, below: Packwood Knolls. Consider a re- (A)The newspaper has complied with all of quest fora conditional use permit and a variance to allow an increase the requirements constituting qualifica- in first floor elevation 1.97-feet over tion as a qualified newspaper as provided the existing first floor elevation. by Minn. Stat. §331A.02, §331A.07, and Final Rezoning and Final Site other applicable laws as amended. Plan with Variances. Frauenshuh Commercial Real Estate. 5108 (B)This Public Notice was printed and pub- Edina Industrial Boulevard, Edina, lished in said newspaper(s) for 1 succes- MN.Generally located east of Metro sive issues; the first insertion being on Boulevard and north of Edina Indus- 09/25/2014 and the last insertion being on trial Boulevard.Tear down the exist- 09/25/2014. ing 12,000 square foot office build- ing and build 10,000 square feet of retail office space including coffee shop.Front yard setback variances from 35-feet to 25 and 33-feet are v6�� requested LOAAll recommendations and objec- tionsBY will be heard at said meeting. Authorized Agent BY ORDER OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed before C C Mangen City Clerk me on 09/25/2014. 9/25/14,3SC1,PHN Land Use Requests,282828 Notary Public Nev vvvvvwvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvW �N DARLENE MARIE MACPHERSON Notary Public-Minnesota its:• My Gnnmlz ei0n Expiree,lan 31,2019 Rate Information: (1)Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users for comparable space: $34.45 per column inch • Ad ID 282828 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION ffc of Edina (Official Publication) CITY OF EDINA STATE OF MINNESOTA HENNEPIN COUNTY,MINNESOTA SS COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) PROPOSED SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS FOR: AQUATIC WEEDS-IMP.NO.ACr--14 WEED MOWING-IMP.NO.WD-14 Charlene Vold being duly sworn on an oath, TREE REMOVAL-IMP.NO.TR-14 states or affirms that they are the Authorized 50TH&FRANCE MAINTENANCE-IMPROVEMENT NO.M-14 Agent of the newspaper(s)known as: GRANDVIEW SQUARE MAINTENANCE-IMPROVEMENT G-14 MENDELSSOHN A NEIGHBORHOOD ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS, IMPROVEMENT NO.BA-393 SC Edina NORMANDALE NEIGHBORHOOD ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS, IMPROVEMENT NO.BA-394 BRAEMAR HILLS B NEIGHBORHOOD ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS, and has full knowledge of the facts stated IMPROVEMENT NO.BA-395 below: ST.PATRICKS LANE,IMPROVEMENT NO.BA-396 GLEASON CIRCLE,IMPROVEMENT NO.BA-397 (A)The newspaper has complied with all of LAKE EDINA A NEIGHBORHOOD ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS, the requirements constituting qualifica- IMPROVEMENT NO.BA-398 tion as a qualified newspaper as provided AND CERTIFICATION OF: by Minn. Stat. �331 A.02, §331 A.07, and DELINQUENT PUBLIC UTILTIES-IMPROVEMENT NO.DU-14 ABATEMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH NUISANCE-AB-14 other applicable laws as amended. Notice is hereby given that the Edina City Council will meet at the City (B)This Public Notice was printed and pub- Hall at 4801 West 50th Street,Edina,Minnesota on October 21,2014,at lished in said newspaper(s) for 1 succes- 7:00 p.m. to hear, consider and pass upon all objections both oral and sive issues; the first insertion being on written,to proposed special assessments for the following improvements: 09/25/2014 and the last insertion being on • AQUATIC WEEDS IMPROVEMENT NO. AQ-14 ARROWHEAD AND 09/25/2014. INDIANHEAD LAKES AND MINNEHAHA CREEK MILL POND The area proposed to be assessed for said improvement is as follows: All lots riparian to Arrowhead and Indianhead Lakes and Minnehaha Creek Mill Pond. TOTAL AMOUNTS OF PROPOSED ASSESSMENTS ARE: • ARROWHEAD LAKE $9,939.98 23 INDIANHEAD LAKE $ ,93 . By: • MILL POND $15,437.31 Authorized Agent •WEED MOWING IMPROVEMENT NO.WD-14 The area proposed to be assessed for said improvement is as follows: 5717 Chowen Ave.,5108 Skyline Dr.,5833 Vernon Lane,5125 W.49th Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed before St.,320 Adams Ave.,5017 Hankerson Ave.,5329 Interlachen Blvd.,4905 me on 09/25/2014. Ridge Place,6308 Ridgeview Dr., 6318 Xerxes Ave., 5222 Green Farms Rd.,6509 Willow Rd.,7120 Mark Terrace Dr.,5820 Brookview Ave.,6225 France Ave.,6220 Hanson Rd.,6408 West Shore Dr. • REMOVAL PROPOSED ASSESSMENTS IS: $3,678.75 ��v n� PL-4_,,,,,, •TREE REMOVAL IMPROVEMENT NO.TR-14 4)104J—Q-Qik-C 1 1 M.C'` The area proposed to be assessed for said improvement is as follows: Notary Public 4622 Moorland Ave.,3909 W.58th St.,4808 School Rd.,3801 W 54th 'Vvvw vvvvvv'vvvVVVv'vvvvvvvVVVVVV\ * DARLENE MARIE MACPHERSON os and Notary Public-Minnesota OH N3dO •saiaiunwwo� sl�sl zop auroS Si viA 1'; My Commission Expires Jan 31,2019 IN 01 iu1F7 DjOsauut • yy OOZ HH'tun `sal UP II ` -ud "mdt,-u6 6-£ 100 I Iano waif SSUl�st) 9Z ldag 'ru1i SNB paLJissnp Imo) N eZ 1SI9-5Zfi6 aiow qo MI aof a).mos moA 'rural? settusugD 'suns A % _ si Japids pv a41 Ile a p oj zo 'Sanbuuy'u 'LZ-SZ/6 *Ted 11410r woY•Japidspea41 gmos•any g18I t: ,, r ,:,., ns:wp•� iljnIS pool jo sto7 u .Japidspe W; -tun t7-I loci laps a u. 3+. /alelsg :NO.L9NI1110( '` ' '1S g168'MZIEZ io` = gznui 7g `zop Ageq 78 • - , sold `zol0 z11IS 7g mou laAeJj/Sa1I 'slelaW 7g laVEf Tv'•s )Ileoeft 0S9t7 4...'' 'spio0ai 'sdulsl 'paq ,turd(S-6) LZ-SZ/6 a .. W J-fjnw/alelsg aaza ORuoiSuluro au WNW S and u 10001 3dx3 31 V�/c J laulge0un;I7g'spot's)l7 1!d II9M `sauze.rj 'sainlold 'sa. Rate Information: .BIAS 3 VII V J 'laulge0 olmo 'salgllac (I)Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users J (] ✓ 7?sanbpud17-8'LZ-SZ1 for comparable space: i CWJf)O/( Ol 'I3IVS 11iOZJNIMIOO • $34.45 per column inch rl101�lla��d Sanyolee :00 SO131-7 �1�../ LI88 tud9-tu56 `LZ-' ?J�+V ales dulnoyll uolBuln►7 dJaleM/AJ NIPS elelS]'g .s'any summit,mg 1aJ3uo3 OL l5 a e Ie aslui'A:lla wa('zop•zs Ad ID 283469 MOP STRUM "umi'small Sin AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION City of Edina STATE OF MINNESOTA ss (Off C IITYl Public OF EDIN EINAn) TY A COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) 4801 WEST 50TH STREET EDINA,MINNESOTA 55424 • Charlene Vold beingdulysworn on an oath, NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER ISSUANCE OF states or affirms that they are the Authorized TEMPORARY ON-SALE Agent of the newspaper(s)known as: INTOXICATING LIQUOR LICENSE NOTICE IS hereby given that the Edina Edina City Council will hold a pub- SClic hearing on Tuesday September 2,2014 at 7:00 P.M.in the Council Chambers of Edina City Hall to con- and has full knowledge of the facts stated sider issuance of a temporary on- below: sale intoxicating liquor license for (A)The newspaper has complied with all of the following applicant and event: the requirements constituting qualifica- Church of St.Patrick-Edina Oktoberfest tion as a qualified newspaper as provided 6820 St.Park Lane,Edina MN by Minn. Stat. §331A.02, §331A.07, and September 27,2014- other applicable laws as amended. 6:15—10:30 p.m. (B)This Public Notice was printed and pub AU persons who desire to be heard on this issue can either lished in said newspaper(s) for 1 succes- 1. Submit a letter to the Edina sive issues; the first insertion being on City Council,4801 West 50th Street, 08/21/2014 and the last insertion being on Edina, MN 55424, prior to the date 08/21/2014. of the hearing. 2. Attend the hearing and give testimony. BY ORDER OF THE �� EDINAbraCITY COUNCIL. Debra Mangen City Clerk By: CIAQ) Dated:August 8,2014 Authorized Agent 8/21/14,3SC1,PHN St Pats Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed before Temp Liq Lic,263349 me on 08/21/2014. iFou&-aw,- M Mck JPk. Notary Public .yv wvv...v✓v.✓vvwvvv vvvvkAAMA N..D{tI11ENE MARIE MACRERSON .1i Notary Public-Minnesota _'''' My Commiaron Expires Jan 31,2019 Rate Information: (1)Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users for comparable space: • $34.45 per column inch Ad ID 263349 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION City of Edina (Official Publication) STATE OF M I N N ESOTA )ss CITY OF EDINA COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) 4801 WEST 50TH STREET EDINA,MN 55424 • Charlene Vold being duly sworn on an oath, Notice of Public Hearing states or affirms that they are the Authorized THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL will Agent of the newspaper(s)known as: meet at the Edina City Hall,Council Chambers, 4801 West 50th Street, on Tuesday, September 2, at 7:00 SC Edina PM,and will at said time and place consider the following: Rezoning and Comprehensive and has full knowledge of the facts stated Guide Plan Amendment.Beacon In- below: terfaith Housing Collaborative.3330 (A)The newspaper has complied with all of West 66th Street,Edina,MN.Lot 2, Block 3,Southdale Acres.Generally the requirements constituting qualifica- located north of West 66th Street tion as a qualified newspaper as provided and west of Xerxes Avenue.A Com- by Minn. Stat. §331A.02, §331A.07, and prehensive Guide Plan amendment to allow housing other than senior other applicable laws as amended. housing in the Regional Medical (B)This Public Notice was printed and pub- District,and a rezoning from POD- lished in said newspaper(s) for 1 succes- 1,Planned Office District-1,to PUD, sive issues; the first insertion being on Planned Unit Development. The 08/21/2014 and the last insertion being on applicantexpandth peroposesexisting build to remodel in andt o 08/21/2014. 39-units of small studio apartments for young adults who have experi- enced homelessness. Conditional Use Permit.K.Alex- ander.4603 Annaway Drive, Edina, MN. Lot 2, Block 1, Gunnar John- son's CLakttAAAVOLLQ, 2nd Rearrangement, Rolling Authorized Agent Green. Generally located north of inter! achen Boulevard and north- west of Annaway Drive.Allow first Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed before floor elevation of more than one foot me on 08/21/2014. above existing floor. All recommendations and objec- tions will be hearing at said meeting. BY ORDER OF THE •91ZUL-Q14/..Q- (�,� EDINA CITY COUNCIL I"\ ((!�P Debra Mangen Notary Public City Clerk 8/21/14,3SC1,PHN Land App Requests,262455 I vvv vvvvvvvvvv�vvvvv,AAAA MNIA DARLENE MARIE MACPHERSON 6,,'",' Notary Public-Minnesota =-i_ My commission Expires Jan 31,2019 Rate Information: (1)Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users for comparable space: $34.45 per column inch • Ad ID 262455 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION City of Edina STATE OF MINNESOTA ( CITY)Publication) )SS CITY OF EDINA COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) 4801 WEST 50TH STREET EDINA,MINNESOTA 55424 • Charlene Vold beingdulysworn on an oath, NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON states or affirms that they are the Authorized VACATION OF PUBLIC Agent of the newspaper(s)known as: RIGHT-OF-WAY EASEMENT IN THE CITY OF EDINA SC Edina HENNEPIN COUNTY MINNESOTA NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota will hold a public hearing and has full knowledge of the facts stated on Tuesday, September 2,2014 at below: 7:00 P.M.in the Council Chambers (A)The newspaper has complied with all of at 4801 West 50th Street to con- the requirements constituting qualifica- sider a the requested vacation of the following public right-of-way tion as a qualified newspaper as provided easement by Minn. Stat. §331A.02, §331A.07, and PROPOSED DESCRIPTION other applicable laws as amended. That part of West 41st Street,be- 30 feet in widt , (B)This Public Notice was printed and pub- ingthe recorded p athof as dedicated cHDA lished in said newspaper(s) for 2 succes- VISTA 3RD ADDITION MORNNG- sive issues; the first insertion being on SIDE, MINNESOTA, Hennepin 08/14/2014 and the last insertion being on County, Minnesota, lying between 08/21/2014. the southerly extensions of the east and west lines Lot 12,Block 4, MINIKAHDA VISTA 3RD ADDITION MORNINGSIDE,MINNESOTA,Hen- nepin County,Minnesota. /� All persons who desire a be V heard with respect to the question By: of whether or not the above pro- Authorized Agent posed street right of way and utility and drainage vacation is in the pub- Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed before lic interest and should be made shall me on 08/21/2014. be heard at said time and place. The Council shall consider the ex- tent to which such proposed street vacation affects existing easements within the area of the proposed va- flpeDaSts,vu_ M M�� cation and the extent to which the ' ` 1 L the vacation affects the authority of any Notary Public person,corporation,or municipality owning or controlling electric,tele- phone or cable television poles and lines,gas and sewer lines,or water pipes, mains, and hydrants on or under the area of the proposed va- -vvv vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvWWWvk. cation, to continue maintaining the DARL.ENE MOE MACPHERSON same or to enter upon such ease- ment area or portion thereof vacated Notary Public-Minnesota to maintain,repair,replace,remove, . � My Commission Expires 31 2019 or otherwise attend thereto,for the purpose of specifying, in any such vacation resolution, the extent to which any or all of such easement, and such authority to maintain,and to enter upon the area of the pro- posed vacation,shall continue. BY ORDER OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL Debra Mangen,City Clerk Dated:August 5,2014 8/14-8/21/14,3SC1,PHN Minikanda Easement,261237 Rate Information: (1)Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users for comparable space: • $34.45 per column inch Ad ID 261237 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION City of Edina (Official Publication) STATE OF M I N N ESOTA )ss CITY OF EDINA COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) 4801 WEST 50TH STREET EDINA,MINNESOTA 55424 NOTICE OF Charlene Vold being duly sworn on an oath, PUBLIC HEARING ON states or affirms that they are the Authorized VACATION OF PUBLIC Agent of the newspaper(s)known as: RIGHT-OF-WAY EASEMENT IN THE CITY OF EDINA HENNEPIN COUNTY MINNESOTA SC Edina NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota will hold a public hearing and has full knowledge of the facts stated on Tuesday,September 16,2014 at below: 7:00 p.m.in the Council Chambers (A)The newspaper has complied with all of at 4801 West 50th Street to con- sider the requested vacation of the the requirements constituting qualifica- following public right-of-way ease- tion as a qualified newspaper as provided ment: by Minn. Stat. §331A.02, §331A.07, and PROPOSED DESCRIPTION other applicable laws as amended. An easement for utility purposes (B)This Public Notice was printed and pub- over, under and across the east 10 feet of the west 30 feet of Lot 2, lished in said newspaper(s) for 2 succes- Block 3, Yorktown, according to sive issues; the first insertion being on the recorded plat thereof,Hennepin 08/28/2014 and the last insertion being on County,Minnesota. 09/04/2014. All persons who desire to be heard with respect to the question of whether or not the above pro- posed street right of way and utility �� and drainage vacation is in the pub- -��" "/ A �� interest and should be made shal. !l`^0'■,.` be heard at said time and place. By: The Council shall consider the ex- Authorized Agent tent to which such proposed street vacation affects existing easements Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed before within the area of the proposed va- cation and the extent to which the me on 09/04/2014. vacation affects the authority of any person,corporation,or municipality owning or controlling electric, tele- phoneNt M or cable television poles and filf,� n,,- Q lines,gas and sewer lines,or water ` ��1Q.4tn pipes, mains, and hydrants on or Notary Public under the area of the proposed va- cation, to continue maintaining the same or to enter upon such ease- ment area or portion thereof vacated ti ;61kiLENE'vMAIIE vvvvvwv vvw. to maintain,repair,replace,remove, �� or otherwise attend thereto,for the ° MACPHERSON purpose of specifying, in any such Notary Pli1J11C•N{ItI1[8301a vacation resolution, the extent to My Cortwnlwion � 81 y which any or all of such easement, and such authority to maintain,and to enter upon the area of the pro- posed vacation,shall continue. BY ORDER OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL Debra Mangen,City Clerk Dated:August 20,2014 8/28-9/4/14,3SC1,PHN Yorktown Easement,270121 Rate Information: (I)Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users for comparable space: • $34.45 per column inch Ad ID 270121 ... , AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION City of Edina (Official Publication) STATE OF M I N N ESOTA )ss CITY OF EDINA COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) 4801 WEST 50TH STREET EDINA, MINNESOTA 55424 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING • Charlene Vold being duly sworn on an oath, ON VACATION OF PUBLIC states or affirms that they are the Authorized RIGHT-OF-WAY EASEMENT Agent of the newspaper(s)known as: IN THE CITY OF EDINA HENNEPIN COUNTY MINNESOTA SC Edina NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota will hold a public hear- and has lull knowledge of the facts stated ing on Tuesday, August 19, 2014 below: at 7:00 P.M. in the Council Cham- (A)The newspaper has complied with all of bers at 4801 West 50th Street to the req uirements cons[itutin ualifica- consider a the requested vacation g q of the following public right-of-way tion as a qualified newspaper as provided easement: by Minn. Stat. §331A.02, §331A.07, and PROPOSED DESCRIPTION other applicable laws as amended. That part of West 41st Street,be (B)This Public Notice was printed and pub- ing 30 feet in width, as dedicated in the recorded plat of MINIKAHDA lished in said newspaper(s) for I succes- VISTA 3RD ADDITION MORNNG- sive issues; the first insertion being on SIDE, MINNESOTA, Hennepin 08/07/2014 and the last insertion being on County, Minnesota, lying between 08/07/2014. the southerly extensions of the east and west lines Lot 12,Block 4, MINIKAHDA VISTA 3RD ADDITION MORNINGSIDE,MINNESOTA,Hen- nepin County,Minnesota. All persons who desire to be � � �� U T heard with respect to the question By: Dt'��""QQ"�`"1 ...0Q., of whether or not the above pro- Authorized Agent posed street right of way and utility and drainage vacation is in the pub- Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed before lic interest and should be made shall be heard at said time and place. me on 08/07/2014. The Council shall consider the ex- tent to which such proposed street vacation affects existing easements within the area of the proposed va- ea wz— I ` f/thul cation and the extent to which the vacation affects the authority of any Notary Public person,corporation,or municipality owning or controlling electric,tele- phone or cable television poles and lines,gas and sewer lines,or water v V V V V V V vvvvvvv.vwvWVVWV� pipes, mains, and hydrants on or r v�.?e \ under the area of the proposed va- DRRLENE MARIE MACPHERSON cation, to continue maintaining the Notary Public-Mf1fT990tA same or to enter upon such ease- My Corneffssion Expires Jan 31,2019 ment area or portion thereof vacated to maintain,repair,replace,remove, or otherwise attend thereto,for the purpose of specifying, in any such vacation resolution, the extent to which any or all of such easement, and such authority to maintain,and to enter upon the area of the pro- posed vacation,shall continue. BY ORDER OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL Debra Mangen,City Clerk Dated: August 19,2014 260072 08/07/14 Easement PHN Rate Information: (1)Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users for comparable space: • $34.45 per column inch Ad ID 260072 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION 'City of Edina (Official Publication) STATE OF M I N N ESOTA )ss NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING COUNTY OF HENNEPIN THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL will meet at the Edina City Hall,Council Chambers, 4801 West 50th Street, Charlene Vold being duly sworn on an oath, on Monday,August 4,2014,at 7:00 410 states or affirms that they are the Authorized PM,and will at said time and place Agent of the newspaper(s)known as: to consider the following: Preliminary Rezoning, Compre- hensive Guide Plan and Variances. SC Edina Frauenshuh Commercial Real Es- tate. 5108 Edina Industrial Boule- vard, Edina, MN.Generally located and has full knowledge of the facts stated east of Metro Boulevard and north below: of Edina Industrial Boulevard. Tear (A)The newspaper has complied with all of down the existing 12,000 square feet office buildings and build 9,400 the requirements constituting qualifica- square feet of retail office space in- tion as a qualified newspaper as provided cluding coffee shop.A Comprehen- by Minn. Stat. §331A.02, §331A.07, and sive Guide Plan Amendment from other applicable laws as amended. Office to Neighborhood Commer- cial;and pub- and front yard setback variance (B)This Public Notice was printedP from 35-feet to 25-feet. lished in said newspaper(s) for 1 succes- Site Plan, Preliminary Plat and sive issues; the first insertion being on Variances. Mesaba Capital Part- 07/24/2014 and the last insertion being on ners. 7151 York Avenue,Edina,MN. 07/24/2014. Generally located east of York Ave..nue and south of West 70th Street. Construct a four story 100-unit se- nior car facility with underground parking. Front yard setback vari- ance, residential housing density variance,and subdivision. By: Preliminary Rezoning and Com- Authorized Agent prehensive Guide Plan Aendment. Beacon Interfaith Housing Collab- Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed before orative. 3330 West 66th Street,Edi- na, MN. Lot 2, Block 3,Southdale me on 07/24/2014. Acres. Generally located north of West 66th Street and west of Xerxes Avenue. A Comprehensive Guide IPL Plh e amendment to allow housing other than senior housing in the Regional Medical District,and a re- Notary Public zoning from POD-1,Planned Office District-1,to PUD,Planned Unit De- velopment. The applicant proposes to remodel and expand the existing rv. vvv�..vvvvvW WVNHW� building into 39-units of small studio apartments for young adults who R�U1fllG IYMXlrrlGrl have experienced homelessness. !• , _ Notary Public-Minnesota 20 All recommendations and objec- tions Cornrnly�lon F.�kerrJen 31,2019 will be hearing at said meeting. ' !� M1BY ORDER OF THE EDINA PLANNING COMMISSION Debra Mangen City Clerk 252328 07/24/14 5108 EIB,7151 York,3330 W 66th PHN Rate Information: (1)Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users for comparable space: • $34.45 per column inch Ad ID 252328 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION City of Edina STATE OF M IN N ESOTA (Official Publication) ss CITY OF EDINA COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) 4801 WEST 50TH STREET EDINA,MN 55424 • Charlene Vold beingdulysworn on an oath Notice of Public Hearing THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL will states or affirms that they are the Authorized meet at the Edina City Hall,Council Agent of the newspaper(s)known as: Chambers, 4801 West 50th Street, on Tuesday, July 15, 2014,at 7:00 SC Edina PM,and will at said time and place consider the following: Preliminary Rezoning&Varianc- e of the facts stated Varianc- es. Mathias Mortenson.3923 West and has full knowledge 49th Street,Edina,MN.Lot 32,Au- below: ditor's Subdivision No.172,Henne- (A)The newspaper has complied with all of pin County, MN. Generally located the requirements constituting qualifica- of southFrance of WestAvenue.Rezone 49th Street and west property tion as a qualified newspaper as provided from R-1,Single Dwelling Unit Dis- by Minn. Stat. §331A.02, §331A.07, and trict to R-2, Double Dwelling Unit other applicable laws as amended. District,and lot width,lot area,side (B)This Public Notice was printed and pub- Yard setback, and building cover- age variances.Remove the existing lished in said newspaper(s) for 1 succes- home and built a new twin home. sive issues; the first insertion being on All recommendations and objec- 07/03/2014 and the last insertion being on tions will be hearing at said meeting. 07/03/2014. BY ORDER OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL Debra Mangen City Clerk 7/3/14,3SC1,PHN o n ,, '`VO\ LQ_ Mortenson,243160 Authorized Agent Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed before me on 07/03/2014. 1/1)a• - M Mac,e 44.4.4....... Notary Public VY rY v v vv.".vvvnlWWW11WV • ° - \DARLENE MARIE MACPHERSON i.. 1 ' Notary Public-Minnesota ,'.Y�: ' ilmy Commission Expires Jan 31,2019 S Rate Information: (1)Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users for comparable space: S $34.45 per column inch Ad ID 243160 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION City of Edina STATE OF MINNESOTA (Official ClCITY EDINA ss OF E EDINA COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) 480E1 EAT MN STREET • Notice of Public Hearing 5424 Charlene Vold being duly sworn on an oath, THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL will states or affirms that they are the Authorized meet at the Edina City Hall,Council Agent of the newspaper(s)known as: Chambers, 4801 West 50th Street, on Wednesday, June 17, 2014, at 7:00 PM,and will at said time and SC Edina place to consider the following: Comprehensive Plan Amend • - ment. A Comprehensive Guide Plan and has full knowledge of the facts stated Amendment regarding housing den- below: sity,building height,floor area ratio (A)The newspaper has complied with all of and land use in the City of Edina. Final Rezoning and Final De- the requirements constituting qualifica- velopment Plan and Ordinance tion as a qualified newspaper as provided Amendment establishing a PUD by Minn. Stat. §33IA.02, §331A.07, and District. Lennar Multifamily Corn- other applicable laws as amended. munities, LLC. 6725 York Avenue, (B)This Public Notice was tinted andpub- 6628 Xerxes Avenue, 6700 Xerxes P Avenue,6704 Xerxes Avenue,6708 lished in said newspaper(s) for 1 succes- Xerxes Avenue and 6712 Xerxes sive issues; the first insertion being on Avenue. Final Rezoning from PCD- 06/05/2014 and the last insertion being on 3 and R-1, Single Dwelling District 06/05/2014, to PUD,Planned Unit Development and a final development plan to tear down the existing structures and build a 242 unit apartment with 12,500 square feet of retail. All recommendations and objec- tions will be hearing at said meeting. BY BY ORDER OF THE EDINA CITY Authorized Agent COUNCIL Debra Mangen Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed before City Clerk me on 06/05/2014. 229646 06/05/14 Lennar Amendment PHN Notary Public Y'-,_ IYvvb-WVVWWwbVWWbWN1N DARLENE MARE MACPHERSON �'"' }- Notary Public-Minnesota 'My Commission Expires Jan 31,2019 Rate Information: (I)Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users for comparable space: III $34.45 per column inch Ad ID 229646 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION City of Edina STATE OF MINNESOTA (CITY)Publication)EIN )SS CITY OF EDINA COUNTY OF HENNEPIN 4801 WEST 50TH STREET EDINA,MINNESOTA 55424 • NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Charlene Vold being duly sworn on an oath, ON VACATION OF PUBLIC states or affirms that they are the Authorized RIGHT-OF-WAY EASEMENT Agent of the newspaper(s)known as: IN THE CITY OF EDINA HENNEPIN COUNTY MINNESOTA NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that SC Edina the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, June 3, 2014 at 7:00 and has full knowledge of the facts stated P.M. in the Council Chambers at below: 4801 West 50th Street to consider (A)The newspaper has complied with all of a the requested vacation of the following public right-of-way ease- the requirements constituting qualifica- ment: tion as a qualified newspaper as provided PROPOSED DESCRIPTION by Minn. Stat. §331A.02, §331A.07, and All that part of West 67th Street other applicable laws as amended. dedicated in the plat of YORK TER- RACE, according to the recorded (B)This Public Notice was printed and pub- plat thereof, lying east of a line lished in said newspaper(s) for 2 succes- drawn from the Southeast corner sive issues; the first insertion being on of Tract 0,Registered Land Survey 05/15/2014 and the last insertion being on No.432 to the Northeast corner of 05/22/2014. Tract P, said Registered Land Sur- vey No.432 and lying west of the westerly right of way line of Xerxes Avenue South as dedicated in said YORK TERRACE. All persons who desire to be � heard with respect to the question By: v" (�� of whether or not the above pro- Authorized Agent posed street right of way and utility and drainage vacation is in the pub- lic interest and should be made shall Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed before be heard at said time and place. me on 05/22/2014. The Council shall consider the ex- tent to which such proposed street vacation affects existing easements lr�-A./`-'�1�c within the area of the proposed va- the M �J/ cation and the extentha to which my ���666+++���--- vacation affects the authority of any Notary Public person,corporation,or municipality owning or controlling electric, tele- phone or cable television poles and �vvvvVVWvwtivvrwWVV1MA lines,gas and sewer lines,or water j` pipes, mains, and hydrants on or ' ARLENE MARIE MACPHERSON under the area of the proposed va- ,4•, { cation,to continue maintaining the NotaryPublic-Minnesota .`• ;t� same or to enter upon such ease- '"it' /My Commission Expires Jan 31,2019 ment area or portion thereof vacated to maintain,repair,replace,remove, or otherwise attend thereto,for the purpose of specifying, in any such vacation resolution, the extent to which any or all of such easement, and such authority to maintain,and to enter upon the area of the pro- posed vacation,shall continue. BY ORDER OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL Debra Mangen,City Clerk Dated:May 6,2014 5/15-5/22/14,3SC1,PHN York Terrace Vacation,219102 Rate Information: (1)Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users for comparable space: • $34.45 per column inch Ad ID 219102 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION City of Edina STATE OF MINNESOTA (OfficialC Publication)EIN ss CITY OF EDINA COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) 4801 W.50TH STREET EDINA,MINNESOTA 55424 HENNEPIN COUNTY,MINNESOTA Charlene Vold being duly sworn on an oath, NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING states or affirms that they are the Authorized Agent of the newspaper(s)known as: 2014 ALLEY IMPROVEMENTS IMPROVEMENT NOS. SC Edina A-257&A-258 The Edina City Council will meet at the Edina City Hall on Tues- day, May 20,2014,at 6:00 p.m.to and has full knowledge consider the following proposed below: improvements to be constructed (A)The newspaper has complied with all of under the authority granted by Min- the requirements constituting qualifica- nesotautes, tion as aqualified newspaper asprovided 2014 StatAlley ICharpter42s.mprovements Improvement Nos.A-257&A-258 by Minn. Stat. §331A.02, §331A.07, and $s5,000 other applicable laws as amended. The area proposed to be as- (B)This Public Notice was printed and pub- sd mpro mentsense includesbythe allproposed propertii es be- ve- lished in said newspaper(s) for 2 succes- tween and including: sive issues; the first insertion being on 3100&3113 56th St.W., 05/01/2014 and the last insertion being on 3100 55th St.W. 05/08/2014. 5400 to 5552 Xerxes Ave.So., 5405 to 5553 York Ave.So. These properties are proposed to be assessed at approximately �/ n ' , x+ $1,800 per residential equivalent unit; By: Cn..\ CId Debra Mangen Clerk Authorized Agent 5/1-5/8/14,3SC1,PHN 2014 Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed before Alley Improvements,212331 me on 05/08/2014. C/• Qsz,,-A- N\ atL _ Notary Public VV vvvvvWswW WW VVvVVVVVVV• ` . ',.�DARLENEMARIEMACPHERSON� ..`r.t. Notary Public-Minnesota ,; _. .,My Commission Expires Jan 31.2018 Rate Information: (1)Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users for comparable space: • $34.45 per column inch Ad ID 212331 • AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION City of Edina STATE OF MINNESOTA (CIT PuDINAn) ss CITYY)OF E EDINA COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) 4801 WEST50TH STREET EDINA,MN 55424 Notice of Public Hearing •Charlene Vold being duly sworn on an oath, THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL will states or affirms that they are the Authorized meet at the Edina City Hall,Council Agent of the newspaper(s)known as: Chambers, 4801 West 50th Street, on Tuesday May 20, 2014, at 7:00 SC Edina PM,and will at said time and place to consider the following: Amend Edina City Code Chap- ter 36. An Ordinance Amendment and has full knowledge of the facts stated regarding R-1,Single Dwelling Unit below: District, R-2, Double Dwelling Unit (A)The newspaper has complied with all of District and PRD-1, Planned Resi- the requirements constituting qualifiea- deuce District, being eligible for a PUD. tion as a qualified newspaper as provided All recommendations and objec- by Minn. Stat. §331A.02, §331A.07, and tions will be hearing at said meeting. other applicable laws as amended. BY ORDER OF THE (B)This Public Notice was printed and pub- EDINADebra CITYMangen COUNCIL lished in said newspaper(s) for 1 succes- City Clerk sive issues; the first insertion being on 05/08/2014 and the last insertion being on 5/8/14,3SC1,PHN Ordinance 05/08/2014. Amendment,214295 Clk By: V V(-SI Authorized Agent Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed before me on 05/08/2014. itA e„,,,,.., l NJL 4 Notary Public • t = MARIE MACPHERSON ` +:') Notary Public-Minnesota `Y., My Commission Exoltssjan31,20111 Rate Information: (1)Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users for comparable space: • $34.45 per column inch Ad ID 214295 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION ' City of Edina (Official Publication) STATE OF MINNESOTA )ss CITY OF EDINA COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) 4801 WEST50TH STREET EDINA,MN 55424 • Charlene Vold being duly sworn on an oath, Notice of Public Hearing states or affirms that they are the Authorized THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL will meet at the Edina City Hall,Council Agent of the newspaper(s)known as: Chambers, 4801 West 50th Street, on Wednesday,May 6,2014,at 7:00 SC Edina PM,and will at said time and place to consider the following: Amend Edina City Code Chap- and has full knowledge of the facts stated ter 36. An Ordinance Amendment below: regarding R-1,Single Dwelling Unit District, R-2, Double Dwelling Unit (A)The newspaper has complied with all of District and PRD-1, Planned Resi- the requirements constituting qualifica- dence District, being eligible for a tion as a qualified newspaper as provided PUD. by Minn. Stat. §331A.02, §331A.07, and All recommendations and objec- tions will be hearing at said meeting. other applicable laws as amended. BY ORDER OF THE (B)This Public Notice was printed and pub- EDINA CITY COUNCIL lished in said newspaper(s) for 1 succes- Debra Mangen sive issues; the first insertion being on City Clerk 04/17/2014 and the last insertion being on 4/17/14,3SC1,PHN City 04/17/2014. Code Amendment,204623 By: TJ- Authorized Agent Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed before me on 04/17/2014. IV 0/1/4C2i2A,..k tA IA 04--4N-five-I-- Notary Public +.ANWL w.nrovvvw DARLENE MARIE MACPHERSON W,'w,-- Notary Public-Minnesota 's;i,. %My Commission Expires Jan 31,2019 Rate Information: (1)Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users for comparable space: • $34.45 per column inch Ad ID 204623 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION City of Edina (Official Publication) STATE OF MINNESOTA )ss CITY OF EDINA COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) 4801 WEST 50TH STREET EDINA,MN 55424 *Charlene Vold being duly sworn on an oath, Notice of Public Hearing states or affirms that they are the Authorized THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL will meet at the Edina City Hall,Council Agent of the newspaper(s)known as: Chambers, 4801 West 50th Street, on Wednesday,May 6,2014,at 7:00 SC Edina PM,and will at said time and place to consider the following: Preliminary Rezoning & Van- and has full knowledge of the facts stated ances. Mathias Mortenson. 3923 below: West 49th Street, Edina, MN. Lot 32, Auditor's Subdivision No. 172, (A)The newspaper has complied with all of Hennepin County, MN. Generally the requirements constituting qualifica- located south of West 49th Street Lion as a qualified newspaper as provided and west of France Avenue.Rezone by Minn. Stat. §331A.02, §331A.07, and property from R-1, Single lling Unit District to R--2, DoubleDwe Dwell- other applicable laws as amended. ing Unit District, and lot width, lot (B)This Public Notice was printed and pub- area, front and side yard setback, lished in said newspaper(s) for 1 succes- building coverage and retaining sive issues; the first insertion being on wall setback variances.Remove the existing home and built a new twin 04/17/2014 and the last insertion being on home. 04/17/2014. Site Plan and Variances Border Foods (Taco Bell). 3210 Southdale Circle,Edina,MN.Generally located south of West 66th Street and east ///��� / of York Avenue.Site plan with front / I./�r n, (I + C , / and e yard setback variances to By: l I\„�(j\JV(,,�\vTV(`b0// tear down and re-build a new Taco Authorized Agent Bell restaurant. Comprehensive Plan Amend- ments, Preliminary Rezoning and Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed before Preliminary Development Plan. me on 04/17/2014. Lennar Multifamily Communities, LLC. 6725 York Avenue, 6628 Xe- rxes Avenue, 6700 Xerxes Avenue, 6704 Xerxes Avenue, e08 Xerxes Avenue and 6712 Xerxes Avenue. M Comprehensive Plan amendments Notary Public to increase building height to 6 stories and 75 feet, housing den- sity from 30 units per acre to 52, floor area ratio from 1.0 to 1.27, and re-guiding the land use for the .4.nAnt rw six single-family homes from Low /i DensityResidential to Community FRDAHLENE MARIE MACPHERSON Activity Center. Preliminary Rezon- ;- ry ing from PCD-3 and R-1, Single -_.'1 Nata Public-Minnesota '//My Commission Expires Jan 31,2019 Dwelling District to PUD, Planned Unit Development and a preliminary development plan to tear down the existing structures and build a 242 unit apartment with 12,500 square feet of retail. Amend Edina City Code Chapter 10. An Ordinance Amendment re- garding tree preservation in the R-1 and R-2 Single and Double Dwelling Unit Districts. All recommendations and objec- tions will be hearing at said meeting. BY ORDER OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL Debra Mangen City Clerk 4/17/14,3SC1,PHN Property Requests,203852 Rate Information: (1)Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users for comparable space: • $34.45 per column inch Ad ID 203852 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION City of Edina STATE OF MINNESOTA ) (Official Publication) OF COUNTY OF HENNEPIN SS 4801 CIWEST 0TH 50TH EDINA STREET EDINA,MINNESOTA 55424 • Charlene Vold being duly sworn on an oath, NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING states or affirms that they are the Authorized TO CONSIDER ISSUANCE OF TEMPORARY Agent of the newspaper(s)known as: ON-SALE INTOXICATING LIQUOR LICENSE SC Edina NOTICE IS hereby given that the Edina City Council will hold a public hearing on Tuesday April 1,2014 at and has full knowledge of the facts stated 7:00 P.M. in the Council Chambers of Edina City Hall to consider issu- below: ance of a temporary on-sale intoxi- (A)The newspaper has complied with all of cating liquor license for the follow- the requirements constituting qualifiea- ing applicant and event: tion as a qualified newspaper as provided Edina Chamber of Commerce by Minn. Stat. §331A.02, §331A.07, and Taste ofE The Westt in Edina other applicable laws as amended. 3201 Galleria (B)This Public Notice was printed and pub- May 15,2014 lished in said newspaper(s) for 1 succes- All persons who desire to be heard on this issue can either. sive issues; the first insertion being on 1. Submit a letter to the Edina 03/20/2014 and the last insertion being on City Council,4801 West 50th Street, 03/20/2014. Edina, MN 55424,prior to the date of the hearing. 2. Attend the hearing and give testimony. 1� ORDER OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL By: ClkC Debra Mangen City Clerk Authorized Agent Dated: March 10,2014 188349 03/20/14 Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed before Temp Liquor Uc PHN me on 03/20/2014. /42.4.4:. 77 c,,_,gt4:ai j • Notary Public s NMa1 2IANEL. ELIASO1 At RY PUBLIC-MINNESOTA omm.Exp.Jan.31,2015 Rate Information: (1)Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users for comparable space: 4111 $34.45 per column inch Ad ID 188349 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION City of Edina STATE OF M IN N ESOTA ) (Of TYl Pu OF EDIN Ebl DINAn) SS CIITY A COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) 4801 WEST 50TH STREET EDINA,MN 55424 Charlene Vold being duly sworn on an oath,• Notice of Public Hearing states or affirms that they are the Authorized THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL will meet at the Edina City Hall,Council Agent of the newspaper(s)known as: Chambers, 4801 West 50th Street, on Tuesday,March 18,2014,at 7:00 SC Edina PM,and will at said time and place to consider the following: Preliminary Rezoning and Site and has full knowledge of the facts stated Plan.Pentagon Revival.4901,4815, below: 4820,4600,4660,4510,4530,4550 and 4570 77th Street and 7600 (A)The newspaper has complied with all of Parklawn Avenue.Generally located the req uirements constituting qualifica- east of Highway 100 and north/ tion as a qualified newspaper as provided south of West 77th Street.The ap- by Minn. Stat. §331A.02, §331A.07, and plicant is requesting preliminary rezoning from MDD-6, Mixed De- other applicable laws as amended. velopment District to PUD,Planned (B)This Public Notice was printed and pub- Unit Development. The site is 43 lished in said newspaper(s) for 1 succes- aocresffice,innei size.Proposed hborhoodretail ai uses include , sive issues; the first insertion being on and potentially future housing. 03/06/2014 and the last insertion being on All recommendations and objec- 03/06/2014. tions will be hearing at said meeting. BY ORDER OF THE EDINA PLANNING COMMISSION Debra Mangen City Clerk By: V D` 3/6/13,3SC1,Pentagon Authorized Agent Revival PHN,184026 Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed before me on 03/06/2014. ilaus 444, 1,/k 14„/\oi„di\lk-,-.2.-„.-- Notary Public 1 "14i'..�OARLENE MARIE MACPHERSON 4 `.� Notary Public-Minnesota •4:;.: ` ,My Commission Expires Jan 31,2019 Rate Information: (I)Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users for comparable space: IP $34.45 per column inch Ad ID 184026 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION City of Edina STATE OF MINNESOTA (Official Publication) ss CITY OF EDINA COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) 4801 W.50TH STREET • EDINA,MINNESOTA 55424 HENNEPIN COUNTY,MINNESOTA Charlene Vold being duly sworn on an oath, NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING states or affirms that they are the Authorized 50TH&FRANCE PARKING Agent of the newspaper(s)known as: AND WAYFINDING IMPROVEMENT NO.P-23 The Edina City Council will meet SC Edina at the Edina City Hall on Tuesday, February 18, 2014,at 7:00 p.m.to consider the following proposed and has full knowledge of the facts stated improvements to be constructed below: under the authority granted by Min- (A)The newspaper has complied with all of nesota Statutes,Chapter 429: the requirements constituting qualifica- 50th&France Parking and Way- finding tion as a qualified newspaper as provided Estimated Total Assessment Cost by Minn. Stat. §331A.02, §331A.07, and Improvement No.P-23 other applicable laws as amended. $5,685,000 (B)This Public Notice was printed and pub- e sessedThe ar by a theproposed proposedto improve- beas- lished in said newspaper(s) for 2 succes- ments includes all properties in the sive issues; the first insertion being on 50th&France Business District: 02/06/2014 and the last insertion being on 3909,3918,3944,and 3948 02/13/2014. West 49th,2 Street;3902,3906, 3907,3911,3917-3925,3930, 3939,3943,3945,and 4100 West 50th Street;4916,4924,4930, 4936,4948,5034,5036,and 1 J� 5050 France Avenue South. U These properties are proposed By: to be assessed at approximately Authorized Agent $15.28 per square foot. Debra Mangen Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed before City Clerk me on 02/13/2014. 2/6-2/13/14,3SC1,PHN Improvement No P-23,171401 q Notary Public *N DARLENE MARIE MACPHERSON Notary Publicinnesota • .1.'My Commission Expires Jan 31,2019 Rate Information: (I)Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users •for comparable space: $34.45 per column inch Ad ID 171401 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION City of Edina STATE OF M I N N ESOTA ) ( Publication) • CIT F COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ss 4801 WE WEST 0TH S 50TH EDINA STREET EDINA,MN 55424 Charlene Vold being duly sworn on an oath, Notice of Public Hearing states or affirms that they are the Authorized THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL will Agent of the newspaper(s)known as: meet at the Edina City Hall,Council Chambers, 4801 West 50th Street, on Tuesday,March 4,2014,at 7:00 SC Edina PM,and will at said time and place to consider the following: Preliminary Plat Approval.Home- and has full knowledge of the facts stated stead Partners.6304 and 6312 War- below: ren Avenue. Block 7,Lot 2 and that (A)The newspaper has complied with all of Add part iti oonf Lotand Block 3, Normandale Second 7,and that part the requirements constituting qualifica- of Lot 3,Normandale Second Addi- tion as a qualified newspaper as provided tion.Generally located west of War- by Minn. Stat. §331A.02, §331A.07, and ren Avenue and south of Crosstown other applicable laws as amended. Highway 62 and 63rd Street West. Divide 6304 and 6312 Warren Av- (B)This Public Notice was printed and pub- enue into three lots. Two existing lished in said newspaper(s) for 1 succes- homes would be removed and three sive issues; the first insertion being on new homes built. 02/27/2014 and the last insertion being on All recommendations and objec- tions will be hearing at said meeting. 02/27/2014. BY ORDER OF THE EDINA PLANNING COMMISSION Debra Mangen City Clerk 2/27/14,3SC1,Homestead By: Partners PHN,179290 Authorized Agent Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed before me on 02/27/2014. Notary Public Ii° °Y=NDARLENE MARIE MACPHERSON -. "'�" ;; Notary Public-Minnesota %% �, My Commission Expires Jan 31,2019 Rate Information: (1)Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users 'or comparable space: $34.45 per column inch Ad ID 179290 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION STATE OF MINNESOTA )ss COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) • Charlene Vold being duly sworn on an oath, states or affirms that they are the Authorized Agent of the newspaper(s)known as: SC Edina and has full knowledge of the facts stated below: (A)The newspaper has complied with all of the requirements constituting qualifica- tion as a qualified newspaper as provided by Minn. Stat. §331A.02, §331A.07, and other applicable laws as amended. (B)This Public Notice was printed and pub- lished in said newspaper(s) for 1 succes- sive issues; the first insertion being on 02/06/2014 and the last insertion being on 02/06/2014. By: CitCAA9-1--(A - V��K _. Authorized Agent Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed before me on 02/06/2014. • j.., tart'Public IK '£,MARY ELIZABE T H(NAPP i Notary Public-Minn <!. i'`� My cornniission,Expires Jan 31 1?8 Rate Information: (1)Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users for comparable space: III $34.45 per column inch Ad ID 171181 „ , > it because I feel like we're and other related services. which happened in June ° . - 2006,Berg said. making a difference.” Fore.more irtl orma pion, - - ' In the kitchen was a H " e also sits on ttAe visit sceriecleammn.com. calendar stuck en June of board of directors for 2006,"Berg said, the Hoarding Project, a Contact Paul Groessel His staff began talking nonprofit based in Ta- at paul.groessel@ecm-inc. with her, and she began coma, Wash. that aims corn or follow the Sun Post counseling after the clean- to increase awareness for on Twitter @ECMSun- up, Berg said. It's been an hoarding and the issues Post. unwritten rule that when that come with addressing oys 1 its annual toy drive Trees for Toys at its Edina office Satur- (pects to donate more than 8,000 toys for children through submitted photo) EEKLY SUPER SAVINGS ! xboro . . . , , . 3Dental Care : 'ti,- - ;- ' - "We'll help you smile!" t , �, ' - Dr.Mark W.Bachman& Dr. Bonnie Wachter Swenby b� ro moa 14' Q ova Initial Exam & X-rays SAVE for only '71 S18in $ ave Local ! (Reg.$251.Good for entire family.Exp.12/11/14) '50 OFF any -ssional a .. .= , Dental Service ? eV 41. .. ' /, SOUTHS I D E (One/person.Not good with other offers.Exp.12/11/14) care to HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING, INC. � :� Bloomington, MN Opalescence'"`Teeth 952-884-2453 Whitening for only $99 Dr. Martha Baker (Reg.$399.Requires exam and x-rays.Exp.12/11/14) southsideheating.com tic r o Oxboro Square + . ntistry . n,(loCiQR 1 You can saue up to 50% Shopping Center , EDICAL CENTER 1 On Our utilitybills. Ipp• 8 `. S.,Suite 571, Edina Like SEcorner of 98th&Lpn Sale READERS' arthabakerdds.com us on f I Call To find out how. 1 525 West 98th Street in Bloomington AC OIC 952-881-2243 I oxborodentalcare.com s,cash,check or Visa/Mastercard 1. a :ing Specials! Plan now for spring ice You Can Trust! • contracting and painting tegreed Shop Teacher I don't know about you,but I surely thought we received PLACIE •Wood Replacement the short end of the stick with spring and summer this year. &Repairs During April, May and June, it seemed to snow or rain •Repair Ceilings every other day. We almost set a record with the wettest •Wallpapering June in history.The nice summer days also seemed limited •Lead Certified to about 4 or 5 weeks. YOUR •Free Estimates Because of this poor weather, it greatly affected all con- tractors that worked outside. We typically have about a ng Workmans Comp. seven-month season for doing outside work. This year we were limited to about three and a half months. Plus, the AD Way economy is doing much better and all of us are trying to bet projects done that have been overdue. For example, I ooked some land shaping in May and it looks like they Solutions Inc. may get it done next spring. • rutce at an Affordable Rate' All the painters I talk to are booking work for next spring HIRI' because they are fully booked for this year. If you are in need of exterior painting or deck work,now is the time to get it booked for spring. Give me a call and I will come out and give you a free estimate and get you scheduled for work next spring. - City of Edina (Official Publication) • NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING CITY OF EDINA HENNEPIN COUNTY STATE OF MINNESOTA NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Edina, Hennepin County, State of Minnesota,will hold a public hear- ing on February 18, 2014, at ap- proximately 7:00 P.M.at the Edina City Council Chambers in City Hall, 4801 W 50th St, Edina, Min- nesota,relating to the Edina Hous- ing and Redevelopment Authority's (the "HRA") proposed adoption of a Modification to the Redevelop- ment Plan for the Southeast Edina Redevelopment Project Area (the "Redevelopment Plan Modifica- tion"),the proposed establishment of the Pentagon Park Tax Incre- ment Financing District(a redevel- opment tax increment financing district)within the Southeast Edina Redevelopment Project Area, and the proposed adoption of a Tax Increment Financing Plan(the"TIF Plan") therefor (collectively, the "Plans"), pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, 469.001 to 469.047 and Sections 469.174 to 469.1794, all inclusive, as amended. Copies of the Plans are on file and available for public inspection at the office of the Executive Director of the HRA at City Hall. The property to be included in the Pentagon Park Tax Increment • Financing District is located within the Southeast Edina Redevelop- ment Project Area and the City of Edina.A map of the Southeast Edina Redevelopment Project Area and the Pentagon Park Tax Incre- ment Financing District therein is set forth below. Subject to certain limitations, tax increment from the Pentagon Park Tax Increment Fi- nancing District may be spent on eligible uses within the boundaries of the Southeast Edina Redevelop- ment Project Area. rt MMirIMMpes YF Moms 4, All interested persons may ap- pear at the hearing and present their views orally or prior to the meeting in writing. BY ORDER OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF • THE CITY OF EDINA,MINNESOTA Scott Neal,City Manager 2/6/14,3SC1,PHN Pentagon Park TIF,171181 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION City of Edina ffSTATE OF M I N N ESOTA (CITY)T OF E EDIN Pu DINAn) ss CIY A COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) 4801 WEST 50TH STREET EDINA,MINNESOTA 55424 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING • Charlene Vold being duly sworn on an oath, TO CONSIDER ISSUANCE states or affirms that they are the Authorized OF ON-SALE Agent of the newspaper(s)known as: INTOXICATING LIQUOR LICENSE NOTICE IS hereby given that the Edina Edina City Council will hold a pub- SClic hearing on Tuesday, February 18,2014 at 7:00 P.M.in the Council Chambers of Edina City Hall to con- and has full knowledge of the facts stated sider issuance of on-sale intoxicat- below: ing liquor licenses for the following (A)The newspaper has complied with all of applicant: the requirements constituting qualifca Savoy Edina,LLC d.b.a. Red's Savoy Pizza tion as a qualified newspaper as provided 4960 and 4970 West 77th Street, by Minn. Stat. §331A.02, §331A.07, and Edina,MN 55435 other applicable laws as amended. All persons who desire to be (B)This Public Notice was printed and pub- heard on this issue can either. 1. Submit a letter to the Edina lished in said newspaper(s) for 1 succes- city Council,4801 West 50th Street, sive issues; the first insertion being on Edina, MN 55424,prior to the date 02/06/2014 and the last insertion being on of the hearing. 02/06/2014. 2. Attend the hearing and give testimony. BY ORDER OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL. ^ Debra yC Mangen `\yJ�v' City Clerk -N) By: Dated:January 30,2014 Authorized Agent 2/6/14,3SC1,PHN Red Savoy Liquor,171404 Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed before me on 02/06/2014. • )47r N • Public ,I,Adr. AAAAAAAAAA AANV nnnrmnnn 't MARY ELIZABE T H KN.APP 1 Notary Public-Minnesota mv Commissio,F a x iron Jan 31 ?v viii Rate Information: (1)Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users for comparable space: • $34.45 per column inch Ad ID 171404 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION City of Edina (Official ) STATE OF M I N N ESOTA )ss NOTICE F PUBLIC Publication HEARING COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) 2014 URBAN HENNEPIN COUNTY • COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Charlene Vold being duly sworn on an oath, BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM Notice is hereby given that the states or affirms that they are the Authorized city of Edina in cooperation with Agent of the newspaper(s) known as: Hennepin County,pursuant to Title I of the Housing and Community De- SC Edina velopment Act of 1974,as amend- ed, is holding a public hearing on February 18,2014,at 7:00 p.m.,in the Edina City Hall Council Cham- and has full knowledge of the facts stated bars,4801 West 50th Street,Edina, below: MN 55424. (A)The newspaper has complied with all of The public hearing is on the the requirements constituting qualifica- hountsingneeds and and communitthecity'ys develop- proposed me tion as a qualified newspaper as provided use of the 2014 Urban Hennepin by Minn. Stat. §331A.02, §331A.07, and County Community Development other applicable laws as amended. Block Grant Program planning al- (B)This Public Notice was printed and pub- location oif$124,671. p In addition,between July 1,2014 lished i n said newspaper(s)i(S) for 1 succes- to June 30,2015,it is estimated that sive issues; the first insertion being on $o in program income funds from 02/06/2014 and the last insertion being on previously funded CDBG activities 02/06/2014. will be available to the city. The City of Edina is proposing to undertake the following activities with 2014 Urban Hennepin County CDBG funds starting on or about n 1/� n ,, V8(-4R July 1,2014. By: ` D(/q, I n '� 'eActivity Budget Authorized Agent Rehabilitation of Private Property $50,000 Homes Within Reach- Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed before Affordable Housing $55,971 me on 02/06/2014. Senior Community Services $10,095 Community Action Partnership for Suburban • Hennepin(CAPSH) $ 5,000 Ail/i HOME Line $ 3,605 otary Public For additional information on the priorities, proposed activities, level of funding and program per- formance,contact the City of Edina �nnnnnnnn✓�nAnnnnnnnnnnntanvvnnn�n at 952 826-0462 or the Hennepin y,�xRs, County Housing Department at / ' MARY ELIZAB ;H i<�?APr 612-348-9260. If 'i y This material can be provided to v: -;; Notary Public-Minnesota q you in different forms on \\.;::4:7,,,4 my Commission Expires Jan 31.2016,5 request, �N $ such as large print, if you call 952- 826-0465 (voice) or 952-826-0379 (TTD/TTY). The public hearing is being held pursuant to MS 471.59. Dated:January 30,2014 2/6/14,3SC1,PHN 2014 CDBG,170770 Rate Information: (1)Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users for comparable space: • $34.45 per column inch Ad ID 170770 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION City of Edina STATE OF MINNESOTA (Official Publication) F COUNTY OF HENNEPIN )ss WEST 5 EDINA 4801 WEST 50TH STREET EDINA,MINNESOTA 55424 Charlene Vold being duly sworn on an oath,• NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING states or affirms that they are the Authorized TO COOFIONR ISSUANCE OF ON-SALE Agent of the newspaper(s)known as: INTOXICATING LIQUOR LICENSE NOTICE IS hereby given that the SC Edina Edina City Council will hold a pub- lic hearing on Tuesday, February 3,2014 at 7:00 P.M. in the Council and has full knowledge of the facts stated Chambers of Edina City Hall to con- sider issuance of on-sale intoxicat- below: ing liquor licenses for the following (A)The newspaper has complied with all of applicant: the requirements constituting qualifica- Nakamori Japanese Inc, d.b.a. tion as a qualified newspaper as provided Nakamori , Japanese Bistro, 7101 by Minn. Stat. §331A.02, §331A.07, and France Avenue #113, Edina, MN, 55435 other applicable laws as amended. All persons who desire to be (B)This Public Notice was printed and pub- heard on this issue can either: lished in said newspaper(s) for 1 succes City 1. submit a letter to the Edina Council,4801 West 50th Street, sive issues; the first insertion being on Edina, MN 55424,prior to the date 01/16/2014 and the last insertion being on of the hearing. 01/16/2014. 2. Attend the hearing and give testimony. BY ORDER OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL. Debra Mangen B C ' n D_ t., _ Ci� t City n Y: Ci `(K'x"J\"1(`-(' Dated:January9,2014 Authorized Agent 1/16/14,3SC1,PHN Nakamori Liq Lic,162111 Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed before me on 01/16/2014. 0)21f1 j, Notary Public ,e^n sTST °' k MARY ELIZABETH KNAPP Notary Public-Minnesota iv.'m"My Commission Expires Jan 31,2018 Rate Information: (1)Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users for comparable space: III $34.45 per column inch Ad ID 162111 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION City of Edina STATE OF MINNESOTA (Official Publication) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN )ss CITY OF EDINA ) 4801 WEST 50TH STREET EDINA, MINNESOTA 55424 • NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING TO Charlene Vold being duly sworn on an oath, CONSIDER ISSUANCE OF states or affirms that they are the Authorized TEMPORARY ON-SALE INTOXICATING LIQUOR LICENSE Agent of the newspaper(s)known as: NOTICE IS hereby given that the Edina City Council will hold a public SC Edina hearing on Tuesday January 21,2014 at 7:00 P.M.in the Council Chambers of Edina City Hall to consider issu- f porary to and has full knowledge of the facts stated Gaanceting oliquoratem license for on-thesa folloleinwingxi- below: applicant and event: (A)The newspaper has complied with all of Church of St.Patrick-Edina the requirements constituting qualifies- A Night At The Opera 6820 St.Park Lane,Edina MN tion as a qualified newspaper as provided February 15.2014- by Minn. Stat. §331 A.02, §331A.07, and 6:15-10:30 p.m. other applicable laws as amended. All persons who desire to be heard on (B)This Public Notice was printed and pub- this issue can either:lished in said newspaper(s) for 1 succes- 1. Submi a letter to the Edina City Council,4801 West 50th Street,Edi- sive issues; the first insertion being on na,MN 55424,prior to the date of the 01/02/2014 and the last insertion being on hearing. 01/02/2014. 2.Attend the hearing and give testi- mony. BY ORDER OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL. ^ Debra Mangen City Clerk VDU__ Dated: December 19,2013 By: (� Authorized Agent 01/02/14,Church of St Patrick LL PHN Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed before me on 01/02/2014. 4414.24._ ee, zi...4.4411:._ • Notary Public t M• ( 'Al, &t DIANE L. ELIASON 0:11 NOTARY PUBUC•MINNESOTA My Comm.Exp.Jan.31,2015 L: Rate Information: (I)Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users for comparable space: • $34.45 per column inch Ad ID 155103 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION STATE OF M I N N ESOTA )ss COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) •Charlene Vold being duly sworn on an oath, states or affirms that they are the Authorized Agent of the newspaper(s)known as: SC Edina and has full knowledge of the facts stated below: (A)The newspaper has complied with all of the requirements constituting qualifica- tion as a qualified newspaper as provided by Minn. Stat. §331A.02,§331A.07, and other applicable laws as amended. (B)This Public Notice was printed and pub- lished in said newspaper(s) for 1 succes- sive issues; the first insertion being on 01/23/2014 and the last insertion being on 01/23/2014. By: Ck(AA'624(Z, CO LQ Authorized Agent Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed before me on 01/23/2014. • N a Public :2", A a AMA ELIZAPTnnAW i KNAP.AP 1 ; ; i Notary Public-Minnesota *a. Y My Cornmission Expira,Jan 31 2018 Rate Information: (1)Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users for comparable space: III $34.45 per column inch Ad ID 165352 • City of Edina (Official Publication) CITY OF EDINA 4801 W.50TH STREET EDINA,MINNESOTA 55424 HENNEPIN COUNTY,MINNESOTA ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS BREDESEN PARK D&COUNTRYSIDE F NEIGHBORHOOD ROADWAY RECONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO.ENG 14-3 IMPROVEMENT NOS.BA-407,BA-408,BA-409, SS-480,STS-396,WM-538 BIDS CLOSE FEBRUARY 11,2014 SEALED BIDS will be received and opened in Conference Room A,at the Public Works and Parks Maintenance facility,7450 Metro Blvd,Edina, at 2:00 p.m.,Tuesday,February 11,2014.The Edina City Council will meet at 7:00 p.m.,Tuesday, February 18,2014,to consider said bids.The fol- lowing are approximate major quantities: REMOVE CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER 8,500 LF RECLAIM AGGREGATE BASE CL7 PRODUCTION 18,000 SY • COMMON EXCAVATION 7,500 CY AGGREGATE BASE,CLASS 5 OR CLASS 7 9,200 TON BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT 4,100 TON 6"HDPE SDR 17 SUMP DRAIN(HDD) 2,810 LF 6"PVC SUMP DRAIN SDR 35-OPEN CUT 6,215 LF HYDRANT AND GATE VALVE ASSEMBLY 13 EACH CONCRETE CURB&GUTTER MACHINE&HANDFORM 9,168 LF STORM SEWER STRUCTURES 16 EACH CURED-IN-PLACE PIPE LINER FOR 9"VCP SANITARY 3,020 LF SEEDING/SODDING 14,000 SY Bids shall be in a sealed envelope with a statement thereon showing the work covered by the bid.Bids should be addressed to the City Engi- neer,City of Edina,7450 Metro Blvd,Edina,Minnesota 55439,and may be mailed or submitted personally.Bids received by the City Engineer,either through the mail or by personal submission,after the time set for receiving them may be returned unopened. Digital plans are available for a non-refundable fee of$30.00 at http:// www.cityofedina.com/engineering under Construction Projects or at http://www.questcdn.com.Enter eBidDoc#3065689. No bids will be considered unless sealed and accompanied by bid bond or certified check payable to the City of Edina in the amount of at least five percent(5%)of all bids.The City Council reserves the right to reject any or all bids or any portion thereof. BY ORDER OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL. Debra Mangen City Clerk 1/23/14,3SC1,Bids Eng 14-3 Bredesen,165352 • AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION STATE OF MINNESOTA )ss COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) •Charlene Vold being duly sworn on an oath, states or affirms that they are the Authorized Agent of the newspaper(s)known as: SC Edina and has full knowledge of the facts stated below: (A)The newspaper has complied with all of the requirements constituting qualifica- tion as a qualified newspaper as provided by Minn. Stat. §331A.02,§331A.07, and other applicable laws as amended. (B)This Public Notice was printed and pub- lished in said newspaper(s) for 1 succes- sive issues; the first insertion being on 01/23/2014 and the last insertion being on 01/23/2014. By: Y `rCC-Q Authorized Agent Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed before me on 01/23/2014. A• c• N tary Public �'t�w.",�1 MARY ELIZABETH KNAPP , Notary Public-Minnesota m,' 44'9' My Commission Expires Jan 31 2018 Rate Information: (1)Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users for comparable space: • $34.45 per column inch Ad ID 165346 , • City of Edina (Official Publication) CITY OF EDINA 4801 W.50TH STREET EDINA,MINNESOTA 55424 HENNEPIN COUNTY,MINNESOTA ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS STRACHAUER PARK B NEIGHBORHOOD ROADWAY RECONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO.ENG 14-5 IMPROVEMENT NOS.BA-4011,SS-483,STS-399,WM-541 BIDS CLOSE FEBRUARY 11,2014 SEALED BIDS will be received and opened in Conference Room A,at the Public Works and Parks Maintenance facility,7450 Metro Blvd,Edina, at 2:00 p.m.,Tuesday,February 11,2014.The Edina City Council will meet at 7:00 p.m.,Tuesday, February 18,2014,to consider said bids.The fol- lowing are approximate major quantities: REMOVE CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER 5,000 LF RECLAIM AGGREGATE BASE CL7 PRODUCTION 13,000 SY COMMON EXCAVATION 4,200 CY • AGGREGATE BASE,CLASS 5 OR CLASS 7 1,600 TON BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT 3,500 TON 6"HDPE SDR 17 SUMP DRAIN(HOD) 5,400 LF HYDRANT AND GATE VALVE ASSEMBLY 6 EACH WATERMAIN VALVE&BOX 7 EACH CONCRETE CURB&GUTTER MACHINE&HANDFORM 6,000 LF 6"CONCRETE DRIVEWAYS 1,000 SY STORM SEWER STRUCTURES 10 EACH CURED-IN-PLACE PIPE LINER FOR 9"VCP SANITARY 1,600 LF SEEDING 10,000 SY Bids shall be in a sealed envelope with a statement thereon showing the work covered by the bid.Bids should be addressed to the City Engi- neer,City of Edina,7450 Metro Blvd,Edina,Minnesota 55439,and may be mailed or submitted personally.Bids received by the City Engineer,either through the mail or by personal submission,after the time set for receiving them may be returned unopened. Digital plans are available for a non-refundable fee of$30.00 at http:// www.cityofedina.com/engineering under Construction Projects or at http://www.questcdn.com.Enter eBidDoc#3065707. No bids will be considered unless sealed and accompanied by bid bond or certified check payable to the City of Edina in the amount of at least five percent(5%)of all bids.The City Council reserves the right to reject any or all bids or any portion thereof. BY ORDER OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL. Debra Mangen City Clerk 1/23/14,3SC1,Bids Eng 14-5 Strachauer,165346 • AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION City of Edina (Official Publication) STATE OF M I N N ESOTA )ss CITY OF EDINA COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) 4801 WEST 50TH STREET EDINA,MN 55424 Charlene Vold being duly sworn on an oath, CITY NONPARTISAN g y GENERAL ELECTION BALLOT states or affirms that they are the Authorized HENNEPIN COUNTY,MINNESOTA Agent of the newspaper(s)known as: NOVEMBER 4,2014 SAMPLE BALLOT SC Edina CITY OFFICES COUNCIL MEMBER and has full knowledge of the facts stated CITY OF EDINA below: VOTE FOR UP TO TWO (A)The newspaper has complied with all of o Thomas Bliss the requirements constituting qualifica- tion as a qualified newspaper as provided o Jennifer Janovy by Minn. Stat. §331A.02, §331A.07, and o Blake Johnson other applicable laws as amended. (B)This Public Notice was printed and pub- o Josh Sprague lished in said newspaper(s) for 2 succes- o Kevin Staunton sive issues; the first insertion being on 10/23/2014 and the last insertion being on o Keeya Steel 10/30/2014. o Robert J.(Bob)Stewart o write-in,if any o write-in,if any By: Authorized Agent 10/23-10/30/14,3SC1, Election Sample Ballot,286823 Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed before me on 10/30/2014. IIP ct./ELI N itk PL Notary Public `'''' MAREMACPHER.40N .%` Notary PubMaMknh.ota 4�1•. My Oommlaion bone Jan 81,201" Rate Information: (1)Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users for comparable space: • $34.45 per column inch Ad ID 286823 . a AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION STATE OF MINNESOTA )ss COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) •Charlene Vold being duly sworn on an oath, states or affirms that they are the Authorized Agent of the newspaper(s)known as: SC Edina and has full knowledge of the facts stated below: (A)The newspaper has complied with all of the requirements constituting qualifica- tion as a qualified newspaper as provided by Minn. Stat. §331A.02, §331A.07, and other applicable laws as amended. (B)This Public Notice was printed and pub- lished in said newspaper(s) for 2 succes- sive issues; the first insertion being on 10/23/2014 and the last insertion being on 10/30/2014. By: CAAi6 Authorized Agent Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed before me on 10/30/2014. ba .t V"A NAclu_fttto Notary Public w wv wwvvvwvvyn iti �!4.� notary 2018 s :. My Expires Jen 9i, Rate Information: (1)Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users or comparable space: $34.45 per column inch Ad ID 286835 • City of Edina (Official Publication) CITY OF EDINA 4801 WEST 50TH STREET EDINA,MINNESOTA 55424 NOTICE OF MUNICIPAL ELECTION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the 2014 municipal election will be held in the City of Edina in all precincts as listed on Tuesday,November 4, 2014 for the purpose of electing the following officials for the City of Edina: Two Council Members(4 year terms) The polls will be open from 7:00 a.m.to 8:00 p.m.in all precincts in the City of Edina as follows: Precinct 1A Shepherd of Hills Church 500 Blake Road Precinct 18 Chapel Hills Church 6512 Vernon Avenue Precinct 2 Edina Senior Center 5280 Grandview Square Precinct 3 Covenant Church of Edina 4201 West 50th Street Precinct 4 Weber Park Building 4115 Grimes Avenue • Precinct 5 Good Samaritan Church 5730 Grove Street Precinct 6 Countryside Elementary School 5701 Benton Avenue Precinct 7 Normandale Lutheran Church 6100 Normandale Road Precinct 8 South View Middle School 4725 South View Lane Precinct 9 Concord Elementary School 5900 Concord Avenue Precinct 10 St.Albans Church 6716 Gleason Road Precinct 11 New City Covenant Church 6400 Tracy Avenue Precinct 12 Ameson Acres Park 4711 West 70th Street Precinct 13 Centennial Lake Park Centrum 7499 France Avenue Precinct 14 Edina Community Lutheran 4113 West 54th Street Precinct 15 Valley View Middle School 6750 Valley View Road Precinct 16 Cornelia Elementary School 7000 Cornelia Drive Precinct 17 Southdale Hennepin Library 7001 York Avenue South Precinct 18 Edinborough Park Great Hall 7700 York Avenue South Precinct 19 Calvary Lutheran Church 6817 Antrim Road All qualified voters residing in said City may vote at said election at the polling place and for the voting precinct in which they reside. Is/Debra A.Mangen DEBRA MANGEN City Clerk Dated:October 1,2014 10/23-10/30/14,3SC1,Notice of Municipal Election,286835 • I-- AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION City of Edina Official STATE OF M I N N ESOTA )ss (CITY OF EDINAn) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) 4801 WEST 50TH STREET EDINA,MINNESOTA 55424 • Charlene Vold being duly sworn on an oath, NOTICE OF AERATION SYSTEM NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that states or affirms that they are the Authorized the City of Edina operates an aera- Agent of the newspaper(s)known as: tion system in the following lake in the City of Edina: SC Edina Arrowhead Lake - T.116N, R.21W,NW 1/4,Sec.6 which is generally located be- tweenand has full knowledge of the facts stated McCauley Trail and Indian g Hills Road. This aeration system below: creates open water and thin ice will (A)The newspaper has complied with all of exist in this lake. the requirements constituting qualifica- BY ORDER OF THE tion as aqualified newspaper asprovided DebraINA CITY COUNCIL. Debra Mangen by Minn. Stat. §331A.02, §331A.07, and City Clerk other applicable laws as amended. (B)This Public Notice was printed and pub- 1vs-11/13/14,3SC1, lished in said newspaper(s) for 2 succes- Arrowhead Lake Aeration,305179 sive issues; the first insertion being on 11/06/2014 and the last insertion being on 11/13/2014. By: 0/(OkkbUi Q,UU(-CCL Authorized Agent Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed before me on 11/13/2014. fik IA� Q Notary Public d%Nvvvv,vw,wvvvWAMV A Ir ,1)DpitENE MARIE MACPHERSON sli, A Notary PublIC-Minnesota 44 ; py,Commiesion Expires Jan 31,2018 Rate Information: (I)Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users for comparable space: • $34.45 per column inch Ad 1 D 305179 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION City of Edina STATE OF M I N N ESOTA (Official Publication) )ss CITY OF EDINA COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) 4801 WEST50TH STREET EDINA,MINNESOTA 55424 • Charlene Vold beingdulysworn on an oath, NOTICE OF AERATION SYSTEM NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that states or affirms that they are the Authorized the City of Edina operates an aera- Agent of the newspaper(s)known as: tion system in the following lake in the City of Edina: SC Edina Indianhead Lake - T.116N, R. 21 W,S 1/2 Sec.6 which is generally located be- tween Cheyenne Trail and Dakota and has full knowledge of the facts stated Trail. This aeration system creates below: open water and thin ice will exist in (A)The newspaper has complied with all of this lake. the requirements constituting qual111Ca- BY ORDER OF THE tion as aqualified newspaper asprovided DebraINA CITY COUNCIL. Debra Mangen by Minn. Stat. §331A.02, §331A.07, and City Clerk other applicable laws as amended. 11/6-11/13/14,3SC1,Indianhead (B)This Public Notice was printed and pub- paper(s)lished in said news for 2 succes- Lake Aeration,305176 sive issues; the first insertion being on 11/06/2014 and the last insertion being on 11/13/2014. By: C f ,-1t VLY\ibt--eQ, Authorized Agent Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed before me on 11/13/2014. 4,14,9.19Afre V\- ti\.CAC Pl....1,6„.„,..._ Notary Public E VVVVV v V VVV � Isc ''X:: F Notary Public-Minnesota ° *i'MY canweelon Expires Jan 31,2019 Rate Information: (I)Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users for comparable space: • $34.45 per column inch Ad I D 305176 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION STATE OF MINNESOTA )ss COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) SChariene Vold being duly sworn on an oath, states or affirms that they are the Authorized Agent of the newspaper(s)known as: SC Edina and has full knowledge of the facts stated below: (A)The newspaper has complied with all of the requirements constituting qualifica- tion as a qualified newspaper as provided by Minn. Stat. §331A.02, §331A.07, and other applicable laws as amended. (B)This Public Notice was printed and pub- lished in said newspaper(s) for 1 succes- sive issues; the first insertion being on 07/31/2014 and the last insertion being on 07/31/2014. By: acc.ouLLudoLiCl_ Authorized Agent Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed before me on 07/31/2014. fli OAJW4t-A- t4A Kee Notary Public wvv v.VVv.rWWVvvvv.v WWVNM^ e ;, DARLENE MARE MACPHERSON ,, Notary Public-Minnesota My Commission Expires Jan 31,2019 Rate Information: (1)Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users for comparable space: • $34.45 per column inch Ad ID 256379 a. . . • f / _ ' •' ' E ƒfyƒ{ / n , t : {£ a33m= a.7 [ 2 } f7 }_ _ _ _ E . z / ƒ £ ,, ƒ er ) \ | ; ( ( ( | | _ ) ¢ !lE ; ! ' ©� ;11 ; __ 2. 5.31' ; &¥« � ; ; ; & ƒ \\ / g § } - ) 2 \ _ } � ! \ ( k ! }/ } \ g k % , $§ , ! ±: 2g ( §\§ ) 2 � 5 . — 5 } } k ! ; g ft®! , ' / } , '- 3 3 , . § it : 2 1 / ( \C) ` , \� � „ � 3 ( E : ; 0a \ - i - \ m \ } \ }\ \ f } \} § \\\\\\\\2 ( 7 _ ! 2 as D ] � f§el f(• \\�� I \ ( ` n \ \ „\ } D \ ! f § } \/} 67. /§ w - N / § 0 2 {/§\ { \/ { }\ � � , , : G ;— III AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION STATE OF MINNESOTA )ss COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) • Charlene Vold being duly sworn on an oath, states or affirms that they are the Authorized Agent of the newspaper(s)known as: SC Edina and has full knowledge of the facts stated below: (A)The newspaper has complied with all of the requirements constituting qualifica- tion as a qualified newspaper as provided by Minn. Stat. §331A.02, §33IA.07, and other applicable laws as amended. (B)This Public Notice was printed and pub- lished in said newspaper(s) for 1 succes- sive issues; the first insertion being on 07/31/2014 and the last insertion being on 07/31/2014. By: CA .IAJL JS Y0L Authorized Agent Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed before me on 07/31/2014. ikaAcilf42— NI NI 1314.•9 Notary Public - .. ',vv..,sr.wv vVvvwvNv VV1/WV1AA DARLENE MARIE MACPHERSON 1 :'1C' Notary Public-Minnesota My Commission Expires Jan 31,2019 vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvoovinnow Rate Information: (1)Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users for comparable space: $34.45 per column inch 0 Ad ID 256504 . • S City of Edina (Official Publication) CITY OF EDINA 4801 WEST 50TH STREET EDINA,MINNESOTA 55424 NOTICE OF STATE PRIMARY ELECTION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the State Primary Election will be held in the City of Edina on Tuesday,August 12,2014,for the purpose of nomi- nating candidates to be elected at the General Election,November 4,2014 The polls will be open from 7:00 a.m.to 8:00 p.m.in all precincts in the City as follows: Precinct 1A Shepherd of Hills Church 500 Blake Road Precinct 1 B Chapel Hills Church 6512 Vernon Avenue Precinct 2 Edina Senior Center 5280 Grandview Square Precinct 3 Covenant Church of Edina 4201 West 50th Street Precinct 4 Weber Park Building 4115 Grimes Avenue Precinct 5 Good Samaritan Church 5730 Grove Street Precinct 6 Countryside Elementary School 5701 Benton Avenue • Precinct 7 Normandale Lutheran Church 6100 Normandale Road Precinct 8 South View Middle School 4725 South View Lane Precinct 9 Concord Elementary School 5900 Concord Avenue Precinct 10 St.Albans Church 6716 Gleason Road Precinct 11 New City Covenant Church 6400 Tracy Avenue Precinct 12 Arneson Acres Park 4711 West 70th Street Precinct 13 Centennial Lake Park Centrum 7499 France Avenue Precinct 14 Edina Community Lutheran 4113 West 54th Street Precinct 15 Valley View Middle School 6750 Valley View Road Precinct 16 Cornelia Elementary School 7000 Comelia Drive Precinct 17 Southdale Hennepin Library 7001 York Avenue South Precinct 18 Edinborough Park Great Hall 7700 York Avenue South Precinct 19 Calvary Lutheran Church 6817 Antrim Road All qualified voters residing in said City may vote at said election at the polling place and for the voting precinct in which they reside. DEBRA MANGEN City Clerk Dated:07/24/2014 7/31/14,3SC1,Notice of Primary Election,256504 • AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION • City of Edina STATE OF MINNESOTA ( CITY)Publication) ss CITY OF EDINA COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) 4801 WEST 50TH STREET EDINA,MINNESOTA 55424 • Charlene Vold being duly sworn on an oath, NOTICE OF OPTICAL States or affirms that they are the Authorized SCAN VOTING SYSTEM PUBLIC ACCURACY TEST Agent of the newspapers) known as: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN a public accuracy test of the Optical SC Edina Scan Voting System to be used in the City of Edina for the Primary Election on August 12,2014,will be and has full knowledge of the facts stated conducted at Edina City Hall in the below: Election Storage Room on Thurs- (A)The newspaper has complied with all of day,August 7, 2014,at 10:00 a.m. The test is open to representatives the requirements constituting qualifica- of political parties, candidates, the tion as a qualified newspaper as provided press and the public, pursuant to by Minn. Stat. §331A.02, §331A.07, and Minnesota Statutes 206.83 other applicable laws as amended. DEBRA MANGEN CITY CLERK (B)This Public Notice was printed and pub- Dated:July 14,2014 lished in said newspaper(s) for 1 succes- sive issues; the first insertion being4,3SC1,Notice of on Public Test Primary,251152 07/24/2014 and the last insertion being on 07/24/2014. i-bL(Q By: ClUakY Authorized Agent Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed before me on 07/24/2014. Notary Public yvv -vvvv,ivwWWw t -T' DARLENE MARIE N SON .� ,; Notary Public-Minnesota %t:-,s1►' My oommles ER$ns Jan 31,2019 Rate Information: (1)Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users for comparable space: • $34.45 per column inch Ad ID 251152 AFFIIrAVI'I`'OF PUBLICATION City of Edina (Official Publication) STATE OF M I N N ESOTA ) ss 4801 WEST 50TH STREET COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) EDINA,MINNESOTA 55424 NOTICE OF FILING DATES FOR Charlene Vold beingdulysworn on an oath, AFFIDAVITS OF CANDIDACY EDINA CITY ELECTION states or affirms that they are the Authorized NOTICE IS HEREBY0 GIVEN GIVEN that Agent of the newspaper(s)known as: Affidavits of Candidacy for the of- fices of: SC Edina TWO(2)COUNCIL MEMBERS— Four Year Terms beginning January 1,2015 to be elected at the City Election and has full knowledge of the facts stated to be held in the City of Edina on below: Tuesday, November 4, 2014, may (A)The newspaper has complied with all of be filed in the office of the City Clerk the requirements constituting qualifica- beginning Tuesday, July 29, 2014 and ending Tuesday, August 12, tion as a qualified newspaper as provided 2014,at 5:00 P.M.Filings will be re- by Minn. Stat. §331A.02, §331A.07, and ceived Monday through Friday 8:00 other applicable laws as amended. A.M.to 4:30 P.M.except for Tues- (B)This Public Notice was printed and pub- day, August 12, 2014 when filings will close at 5:00 P.M. lished in said newspaper(s) for 2 succes- DEBRA MANGEN sive issues; the first insertion being on CITY CLERK 07/10/2014 and the last insertion being on Dated:July 1,2014 07/17/2014. 7/10-7/17/14,3SC1,Notice of f Candidate Filing,245734 l ' By: I\u((JI�X-) Authorized Agent Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed before me on 07/17/2014. 9 (IA Itik Nii-IA144.%__ • Notary Public vvvvvVVVVOA %DARLENEMARIvvvvvvvvvvvvEMADPHERS9 NotaryPublic-Minnesota ' � My Commission Expires Jan 31,2019 Rate Information: (I)Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users for comparable space: $34.45 per column inch • Ad ID 245734 . ~ ♦ • , AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION STATE OF MINNESOTA )ss *COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) Charlene Vold being duly sworn on an oath, states or affirms that they are the Authorized Agent of the newspaper(s)known as: SC Edina and has full knowledge of the facts stated below: (A)The newspaper has complied with all of the requirements constituting qualifica- tion as a qualified newspaper as provided by Minn. Stat. §331A.02, §331A.07, and other applicable laws as amended. (B)This Public Notice was printed and pub- lished in said newspaper(s) for 1 succes- sive issues; the first insertion being on 12/11/2014 and the last insertion being on 12/11/2014. By: CAAV®LcX, Authorized Agent Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed before me on 12/11/2014. 411kOCUI.Iy..IL 141\ N\sat, i\PL.a..e...L., Notary Public wvvvvvwwvwvvvvvW WW v R OD E MARE I�ACPHERSON. Nosy Public-Mb tes:to my(Mission 6pkss.Mn$1,2010 Rate Information: (I) Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users 0or comparable space: S34.45 per column inch Ad ID 322539 City of Edina ., (Official Publication) Chapter 24 24- Employee parking NA '$25.00 Per month _ 397(b) permit,premium ORDINANCE NO.2014-21 24- Daily parking permit NA $10.00 Packet of 10 397(1) permits THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDINA ORDAINS: Chapter 28 28-43(b) Sewer Service: Based upon water usage Based upon water usage di Section I.The following described fees of Schedule A to Code Section 2-724 are amended to read as follows: during winter quarter winter quarter(November (November I to March I) to March I) Chapter Purpose of I.Single-family, $52.86 Per quarter to $54.58 Per quarter tc and Fee/Charge 2014 Fee Proposed 201$Fee townhouses,two-family and including and including Section • dwellings,apartment 1,600 cubic feet 1,600 cubic fe Chapter 4 buildings containing four $3.30 Additional from $3.41 Additional fro or less dwelling units 1,601 cubic feet 1,601 cubic fe 4-29 Liquor license fees(per $8,850.00 On-sale $8,875.00 On-sale and over and over year) intoxicating intoxicating 2.Apartment building $47.57 Per quarter for $49.12 Per quarter fc license, license, with more than four each unit over each unit ova restaurants only restaurants only dwelling units four;or four;or $670.00 3.2 beer license $680.00 3.2 beer license $3.30 Per 100 cubic feet $3.41 Per 100 cubic off-or on-sale • off-or on-sale of water used, of water used $95.00 Per event, $100.00 Per event, whichever is whichever is temporary on- temporary on- greater greater sale 3.2 malt sale 3.2 malt 3.Commercial and $52.86 Per water meter $54.58 Per water me liquor liquor industrial buildings, or approved or approved Chapter 10 including schools and sewage metering sewage meter 10-74 Building Permit $26.00 Then amount is:* $30.00 Then amount is:* churches device on device on If total valuation of premises;or premises;or work is: $3.30 Per 100 cubic feet $3.41 Per 100 cubic $1.00 to$500.00 of water used of water used $501.00 to$2,000.00 $26.00 *For first $30.00 *For first during the during the $500.00,plus $500.00,plus quarter. quarter, $2,001.00 to $76.20 *For first $80.25 *For first whichever is whichever is $25,000.00 $2,000.00,plus $2,000.00,plus greater greater $25,001.00 to $430.00 *For first $436.75 *For first Water Service: $50,000.00 $25,000.00,plus $25,000.00.plus I.Per 100 cubic feet for $1.38 Up to 3.500 cubic $1.45 Up to 3,500 c $50,001.00 to $710.00 *For first $711.75 *For first areas of city,except in feet feet $100,000.00 $50,000.00,plus $50,000.00,plus the Morningside area $1.83 3,600 to 6,500 $1.93 3,600 to 6,50 $100,001.00 to $1,100.00 *For first $1,1 1 1.75 *For first cubic feet cubic feet $500,000.00 $100,000.00,plus $100,000.00,plus $2.87 Over 6,500 cubic $3.02 Over 6.500 c, $500,001.00 to $3,500.00 *For the first $3,51 1.75 *For the first feet feet $1,000,000.00 $500,000.00,plus $500,000.00,plus 2.Domestic accounts $1.38 Up to 3,500 cubic $1.45 Up to 3,500 c $1,000,001.00 and up $6,000.00 *For the first $6,133.75 *For the first used by commercial and feet feet $I,000,000.00, $I,000,000.00, industrial buildings, $1.83 Over 3.500 cubic $1.93 Over 3,500 c plus plus including schools and feet feet 10-75 Other permit-related $68.00 Per hour or the $100.00 Per hour or the churches fees total hourly cost total hourly cost 3.Lawn watering $1.83 Up to 3,500 cubic $1.93 Up to 3,500 c to city,whichever to city,whichever accounts used by feet feet commercial and $2.87 Over 3.500 cubic $3.02 Over 3,500 c is greatest is greatest industrial buildings, feet feet (includes (includes including schools and supervision, supervision, churches overhead, overhead, equipment,hourly equipment,hourly wages and fringe wages and fringe 4.Meter charge $16.81 Per quarter for $17.69 Per quarter fc benefits of benefits of up to 3/4-inch up to 3/4-inch employees employees meter meter involved) involved) $22.91 Per quarter for I. $24.12 Per quarter fc inch meter inch meter 10-429 Plumbing or water $26.14 Per quarter for $27.52 Per quarter fc _ I I/4-inch meter II/4-inch mei conditioning permit $301.00 to$700.00 $20.00 *Plus 1.75%> $20.00 *Plus 3.10%> $29.41 Per quarter for $30.95 Per quarter fc $300.00 $300.00 11/2-inch meter II/2-inch mei $701.00 to$1,000.00 $25.00 *Plus 3.10%> $25.00 *Plus 2.60%> $47.35 Per quarter for 2- $49.84 Per quarter fc $700.00 $700.00 inch meter inch meter $1,001.00 to$5,000.00 $35.00 *Plus 2.60%> $35.00 *Plus 2.15%> $179.82 Per quarter for 3- $189.26 Per quarter fc $1,000.00 $1,000.00 inch meter inch meter $5,001.00 to $150.00 *Plus 2.15%> • $150.00 *Plus 1.85%> $228.89 Per quarter for 4- $240.90 Per quarter fc $10,000.00 $5,000.00 $5,000.00 nth meter inch meter $290.06 Per quarter for 6- $305.29 Per quarter fc $10,001.00 to $265.00 *Plus 1.85%> $265.00 *Plus 1.75%> inch meter inch meter $25,000.00 $10,000.00 $10,000.00 *Plus surcharge pursuant to Minn.Stats.§168.70 $368.36 Per quarter for 8- $387.70 Per quarter fc inch meter inch meter 10- Other permit-related $68.00 Per hour or the $100.00 Per hour or the 28-44(6) Surcharge when City NA $50.00 Per quarter 429(1) fees total hourly cost total hourly cost not able to remove to city,whichever to city,whichever water meter for testing, is greatest is greatest calibration or (includes (includes replacement supervision, supervision, 28-143 Charge for connection $1,000.00 Water $1,250.00 Water overhead, overhead, to city water or sewer connection connection equipment,hourly equipment,hourly system charge per REC charge per RI wages and fringe wages and fringe unit x number of unit x numbe benefits of benefits of SAC units SAC units employees employees $500.00 Sewer connection $625.00 Sewer connei involved) involved) charge per REC charge per RI Chapter 18 unit x number of unit x numbe 18-67(a) Operational permits $64.00 Per hour with a $75.00 Per hour with a SAC units SAC units required by MSFC§ minimum one minimum one 28-208 Stormwater drainage $22.89 Per quarter $24.26 Per quarter 105.6. hour fee(includes hour fee(includes 28-209 charge pursuant to pursuant to supervision,code supervision,code formula in section formula in sec review, review, 28-208 28-208 inspections inspections Chapter 36 overhead,hourly overhead,hourly 36-95 Variance fee $350.00 Residential $450.00 Residential wages and fringe wages and fringe $600.00 Commercial $700.00 Commercial benefits of benefits of employees employees 36-193 Fee for transfer of land $500.00 I.R-2 lot $600.00 I.R-2 lot involved) involved) to another zoning $1,100.00 All other $1,200.00 All other 18- Nonbusiness hours $89.00 Per hour with a $100.00 Per hour with a district transfers transfers 195(a) inspection minimum one minimum one 36-301 Conditional use permit $800.00 Fee shall be equal $900.00 Fee shall be e hour fee hour fee to city staff time to city staff ti Fire alarm and expended and expended am alternative fire city's direct city's direct • r 14_110 o..,i ae..vi,,nrnant„in,. VISA on tecfl on A AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION CITY 5 STREET WEST 50THSTREET EDINA,MINNESOTA 55424 STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN )SS 2014 Summary Budget Statement The purpose of this report is to provide summary 2014 budget information concerning the City of • Edina to interested citizens.The budget is published in accordance with Minn.Stat.471.6965.This Charlene Vold being duly sworn on an oath, budget is not complete:the complete budget may be examined at City Hall,4801 W.50th St., Edina,MN 55424 or on the City's website www.edinamn.gov.The city council approved this states or affirms that they are the Authorized budget on December 17,2013. Agent of the newspaper(s)known as: Table 1 Governmental Funds 2014 Adopted Budget SC Edina Budgeted Governmental Funds 2014 Budget 2013 Budget and has full knowledge of the facts stated REVENUES below: TAXES $ 27,335,872 $ 26,634,384 below: TAX INCREMENTS 3,900,000 3,990,000. (A)The newspaper has complied with all of ALL OTHER TAXES FRANCHISE 2,070,000 1,530,000 SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS 3,321,571 3,724,308 the requirements constituting qualifica- LICENSES AND PERMITS 3,302,865 2,891,814 tion as a qualified newspaper as provided INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUES by Minn. Stat. §331A.02, §331A.07, and FEDERAL 141,000 181,365 STATE 3,891,189 1,918,760 other applicable laws as amended. CHARGES FOR SERVICES 4,182,766 3,327,248 (B)This Public Notice was printed and pub- FINES AND FORFEITS 950,000 1,091,821 INTEREST ON INVESTMENTS 327,400 310,600 lished in said newspaper(s) for 1 succes- MISCELLANEOUS REVENUES 513,921 655,000 sive issues; the first insertion being on TOTAL REVENUES 49,936,584 46,255,300 01/02/2014 and the last insertion being on 01/02/2014. OTHER FINANCING SOURCES PROCEEDS FROM BORROWING 2,917,200 4,251,000 OTHER FINANCE SOURCES - 203,000 TRANSFERS FROM OTHER FUNDS 1,015,100 4,574,450 /^7 �y///j TOTAL OTHER FINANCING SOURCES 3,932,300 9,028,450 1`.�� 1 TOTAL REVENUE AND OTHER FIN SOURCE 53,868,884 55,283,750 By: Authorized Agent EXPENDITURES •GENERAL GOVERNMENT 6,586,721 6,568,505 PUBLIC SAFETY 15,822,624 15,465,398 Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed before STREET AND HIGHWAYS 11,100,770 7,083,479 me on 01/02/2014. HUMAN SERVICES 125,221 126,016 CULTURE AND RECREATION 1,357,639 4,056,512 TOTAL CURRENT EXPENDITURES 34,992,975 33,299,910 44:4_ (�� OTHER FINANCING USES • DEBT SERVICE PRINCIPAL 4,056,375 4,665,000 INTEREST AND FISCAL CHARGES - 1,952,613 2,005,685 Notary Public STREETS AND HIGHWAYS CONSTRUCTION 5,950,000 5,570,000 CAPITAL OUTLAY 10,542,140 7,872,591 TRANSFER TO OTHER FUNDS 620,600 4,203,750 TOTAL OTHER FINANCE USES . 23,121,728 24,317,026 4� DIANE L. ELIASONP TOTAL EXPENDITURES AND OTHER FIN USES 58,114,703 57,616,936 • `','lote NOTARY PUBLIC-MINNESOTA INCREASE(DECREASE)IN FUND BAwNCE q (4,245,819) (2,333,186) .s My Comm. Exp.Jan.31,2015 TOTAL PROPERTY TAX LEVY 27,454,872 26,747,384 Table 2 Enterprise Funds 2014 Adopted Budget 2014 2013 Utility . Liquor Other Budget Budget Sales $ 14,058,841 $ 14,058,841 $ 13,600,099 Cost of Sales ' 10,013,099 10,013,099 9,836,831 Gross Profit - 4,045,742 4,045,742 3,763,268 Operating Revenues Charges for Services $ 18,542,999 $ 9,159,764 27,702,763 25,590,743 ' Total Operating Revenues 18,542,999 4,045,742 9,159,764 31,748,505 29,354,011 Operating Expenses Cost of goods sold 622,040 622,040 616,500 Personal Services ' 1,683,310 1,378,442 4,822,040 7,883,792 7,784,085 Contractual Services 6,573,063 513,592 2,025,332 9,111,987 9,499,016 Commodities 974,500 61,725 918,400 1,954,625 2,053,575 Central Services 692,088 220,896 347,904 1,260,888 1,198,932 Depreciation 3,305,000 76,100 1,556,750 4,937,850 4,049,960 Total Operating Expenses • 13,227,961 2,250,755 10,292,466 25,771,182 25,202,068 Operating Income 5,315,038 1,794,987 (1,132,702) 5,977,323 4,151,943 Nonoperating Revenues(Expenses) Intergovernmental Revenue 542,000 a - - 542,000 110,000 Investment Earnings 67,631 -- 52,500 120,131 169,750 Rate information: Other Revenue • 51,356 - 3,000 54,356 15,000 Interest Charges - (731,133) - (151,031) (882,164) (889,145) (I)Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users Total Nonoperating Revenue for comparable space: (Expense) (70,146) - (95,531) (165,677) (594,395) • $34.45 per column inch Income(Loss)Before Transfers 5,244,892 1,794,987 (1,228,233) 5,811,646 3,557,548 Transfers In(Out) (100,000) (1,800,100) 1,505,600 (394,500) (370,700) Net Income(Loss) 5,144,892 (5,113) 277,367 5,417,146 3,186,8411 (1/02/14,3SC1,2014 Summary Budget,155510) Ad ID 155510 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION City of Edina (Official Publication) STATE OF M I N N ESOTA )ss CITY OF EDINA COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) 4801 WEST 50TH STREET EDINA,MN 55424 0 Charlene Vold being duly sworn on an oath, Notice of Public Hearing states or affirms that they are the Authorized THE EDINA PLANNING COM- MISSION will meet at the Edina City Agent of the newspaper(s)known as: Hall,Council Chambers,4801 West 50th Street,on Wednesday,July 9, SC Edina 2014, at 7:00 PM, and will at said time and place to consider the fol- lowing: and has full knowledge of the facts stated Preliminary Rezoning, Compre-. hensive Guide Plan and Variances. below: Frauenshuh Commercial Real Es- (A)The newspaper has complied with all of tate. 5108 Edina Industrial Boule- the requirements constituting qualifica- yard, Edina, MN. Generally located tion as a qualified newspaper as provided east of Metro Boulevard and north by Minn. Stat. §331 A.02, §331A.07, and of Edina Industrial Boulevard. Tear down the existing 12,000 square other applicable laws as amended. feet office buildings and build 9,400 (B)This Public Notice was printed and pub- square feet of retail office space in- lished in said newspaper(s) for 1 succes- cluding ee op Ae oehe sive Guidecoff Plansh Amendment. Cmpr fro n- m sive issues; the first insertion being on Office to Neighborhood Commer- 06/26/2014 and the last insertion being on cial;and front yard setback variance 06/26/2014. from 35-feet to 25-feet. Site Plan, Preliminary Plat and Variances. Mesaba Capital Part- ners.7151 York Avenue,Edina,MN. f( ( -\r Jl Generally located east of York Av- v Z)`-e.-�. enue and south of West 70th Street. $ Construct a four story 100-unit se- y nior car facility with underground Authorized Agent parking. Front yard setback vari- ance, residential housing density Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed before variance,and subdivision. me on 06/26/2014. All recommendations and objec- tions will be hearing at said meeting. BY ORDER OF THE EDINA /"0�.. Debra Mangen PLANNING COMMISSION � I'^L� City Clerk Notary Public 6/26/14,3SC1,PHN Variances,238601 vvv vvvvrvvvvvvwvvVVVVVVV1i0VVV1. I ; ; ; DARLENE MARE MACPHERSON "' t Notary Public-Minnesota ,<.< y' My Commission Expires Jan 31,20111 Rate Information: (1)Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users for comparable space: • $34.45 per column inch Ad ID 238601 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION City of Edina STATE OF MINNESOTA ss (Official Publication) 4801 WEST 50TH STREET COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) EDINA,MINNESOTA 55424 ASSESSMENT NOTICE IIICharlene Vold beingdulyNOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, sworn on an oath, That the Local Board of Appeal and states or affirms that they are the Authorized Equalization of the City Of Edina in Agent of the newspaper(s)known as: Hennepin County, Minn., will meet at the office of the City Clerk,in said SC Edina City Council Chambers,at five thirty o'clock P.M.,on Monday,the 21 st day 14 and has full knowledge of the facts stated of April reviewing the purpose off and below: correcting the assessment of said (A)The newspaper has complied with all of City of Edina for the year 2014. All the requirements constituting qualifica- persons considering themselves aggrieved by said assessment or tion as a qualified newspaper as provided who wish to complain that the prop- by Minn. Stat. §331A.02, §331A.07, and erty of another is assessed too low, other applicable laws as amended. are hereby notified to appear at said (B)This Public Notice was printed and pub meeting and show cause for having such assessment corrected. lished in said newspaper(s) for 2 succes- No complaint that another per- sive issues; the first insertion being on son is assessed too low will be 04/03/2014 and the last insertion being on acted upon until the person so as- 04/10/2014. sessed, or his agent, shall have been notified of such complaint. DATED this 3rd day of April 2014 Debra A.Mangen City Clerk 1 n 194685 04/03/14 By: , C t/&Y1 C X�t�X. VO Assessment Notice Authorized Agent Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed before me on 04/10/2014. IO p cto1/46viz M iltA oCte)P Notary Public aopARLENE MARIE MACPHEf N ' Notary Public-Minnesota r .,,. My Commission Expires Jen 31,2019 Rate Information: (1)Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users for comparable space: • $34.45 per column inch Ad ID 194685 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION STATE OF MINNESOTA )ss COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) Charlene Vold being duly sworn on an oath, III states or affirms that they are the Authorized Agent of the newspaper(s)known as: SC Edina and has full knowledge of the facts stated below: (A)The newspaper has complied with all of the requirements constituting qualifica- tion as a qualified newspaper as provided by Minn. Stat. §331A.02, §331A.07, and other applicable laws as amended. (B)This Public Notice was printed and pub- lished in said newspaper(s) for 1 succes- sive issues; the first insertion being on 11/20/2014 and the last insertion being on 11/20/2014. By: CA/LS/V lkAA-0�CX-�- Authorized Agent Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed before me on 11/20/2014. EIVOL).911,v-A- i\jk (NI\Odikil} Notary Public lrvv vvvvvvvvvvvvw.vvvvvvVVVvv% 4:11 ''�l MARIE MACPHERSON f-w,. :...Fri Notary Public-Minnesota C::s'r µy commission Expire.den 91,2019 Rate information: (1) Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users :r comparable space: $34.45 per column inch Ad ID 311454 City of Edina (Official Publication) NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER INCREASING THE FEE • CERTAIN FEES AND CHARGES The Edina City Council will hold a public hearing on Tuesday,December 2,2014 at 7:00 P.M.to consider increasing certain fees and charges set by Edina City Code effective January 1,2015,as follows: Chapter and Purpose of Fee/Charge 2014 Fee Proposed 2015 Fee Section Chapter 10 10-74 Building Permit $26.00 Then amount is:* $30.00 Then amount is:* If total valuation of work is: $1.00 to$500.00 $501.00 to$2,000.00 $26.00 *For first$500.00,plus $30.00 *For first$500.00,plus $2,001.00 to$25,000.00 $76.20 *For first$2,000.00,plus $80.25 'For first$2,000.00,plus $25,001.00 to$50,000.00 $430.00 'For first$25,000.00,plus $436.75 'For first$25,000.00,plus $50,001.00 to$100,000.00 $710.00 'For first$50,000.00,plus $711.75 'For first$50,000.00,plus $100,001.00 to$500,000.00 $1,100.00 *For first$100,000.00,plus $1,111.75 'For first$100,000.00,plus $500,001.00 to$1,000,000.00 $3,500.00 *For the first$500,000.00,plus $3,511.75 'For the first$500,000.00,plus $1,000,001.00 and up $6,000.00 *For the first$1,000,000.00,plus $6,133.75 'For the first$1,000,000.00,plus 10-75 Other permit-related fees $68.00 Per hour or the total hourly cost $100.00 Per hour or the total hourly cost to city,whichever is greatest to city,whichever is greatest (includes supervision,overhead, (includes supervision,overhead, equipment,hourly wages and fringe equipment,hourly wages and fringe benefits of employees involved) benefits of employees involved) 10-429 $301.00 to$700.00 $20.00 'Plus 1.75%>$300.00 $20.00 *Plus 3.10%>$300.00 $701.00 to$1,000.00 $25.00 *Plus 3.10%>$700.00 $25.00 *Plus 2.60%>$700.00 $1,001.00 to$5,000.00 $35.00 *Plus 2.60%>$1,000.00 $35.00 *Plus 2.15%>$1,000.00 $5,001.00 to$10,000.00 $150.00 *Plus 2.15%>$5,000.00 $150.00 *Plus 1.85%>$5,000.00 $10,001.00 to$25,000.00 $265.00 'Plus 1.85%>$10,000.00 $265.00 *Plus 1.75%>$10,000.00 10-429(1) Other permit-related fees $68.00 Per hour or the total hourly cost $100.00 Per hour or the total hourly cost to city,whichever is greatest to city,whichever is greatest (includes supervision,overhead, (includes supervision,overhead, equipment,hourly wages and fringe equipment,hourly wages and fringe benefits of employees involved) benefits of employees involved) • Chapter 18 18-67(a) Operational permits required $64.00 Per hour with a minimum one $75.00 Per hour with a minimum one by MSFC§105.6. hour fee(includes supervision, hour fee(includes supervision, code review,inspections overhead, code review,inspections overhead, hourly wages and fringe benefits hourly wages and fringe benefits of employees involved) of employees involved) Nonbusiness hours inspection $89.00 Per hour with a minimum $100.00 Per hour with a minimum one hour fee one hour fee 18-195(a) $50,001.00 to$100,000.00 $8.00 For each additional$1,000 $9.00 For each additional$1,000 or fraction thereof to and or fraction thereof to and including$100,000.00 including$100,000.00 Chapter 28 28-143 Charge for connection to city $1,000.00 Water connection charge per $1,250.00 Water connection charge per water or sewer system REC unit x number of SAC units REC unit x number of SAC units $500.00 Sewer connection charge per $625.00 Sewer connection charge per REC unit x number of SAC units REC unit x number of SAC units Chapter 36 36-95 Variance fee $350.00 Residential $450.00 Residential $600.00 Commercial $700.00 Commercial 36-193 Fee for transfer of land $500.00 1.R-2 lot $600.00 1.R-2 lot to another zoning district $1,100.00 All other transfers $1,200.00 All other transfers 36-301 Conditional use permit $800.00 Fee shall be equal to city staff $900.00 Fee shall be equal to city staff time expended and city's direct time expended and city's direct expenses expenses 36-339 Final development plan $850.00 $950.00 application fee All persons who desire to be heard on this issue can either: 1.Submit a letter to the Edina City Council,4801 West 50th Street,Edina,MN 55424,before the date of the hearing. 2.Attend the hearing and give testimony. S This notice is given in compliance with Minnesota Statute 340A.408,Subd.3A. BY ORDER OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL. Debra Mangen City Clerk Dated:November 12,2014 11/20/14,3SC3,PHN Increasing Fees&Charges,311454 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION City of Edina lowing conditions: (Official Publication) a. All mechanical equipment STATE OF MINNESOTA accessory to any building shall ss ORDINANCE NO.2014-24 be screened from all lot lines and COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) AN ORDINANCE AMENDMENT streets in accordance with section REVISING PUD-3,EDINA 36-1459. MEDICAL BUILDING b.Noise from mechanicalequip- ment OCharlene Vold being duly sworn on an oath, INTO PUD-3,AURORA ON states or affirms that they are the Authorized FRANCE A SENIOR HOUSING e shall be subject to accordancethe city'e AND CARE SUITE FACILITY noise regulations in Agent of the newspaper(s)known as: with article II,division 5 of chapter AT 6500 FRANCE AVENUE 16 SC Edina THE CITY COUNCIL OF EDINA (6)Signage per article XIII, divi- ORDAINS: sion 5 section 36-1715 (Regional Section 1.Subsection 36-490 of Medical District). the Edina City Code. Planned Unit and has full knowledge of the facts stated Development District-3, (PUD-3), Section 2. This ordinance is ef- fective immediately upon its pas- below: Edina Medical Building is amended sage. (A)The newspaper has complied with all of as follows: First Reading:December 2,2014 the requirements constituting qualifica- Sec.36-490.Planned Unit Devel- Second Reading:Waived opment District-3 (PUD-3), Aurora Published:December 11,2014 tion as a qualified newspaper as provided on France. James B.Hovland,Mayor by Minn. Stat. §331A.02, §331A.07, and (a)Legal description. other applicable laws as amended. (1)All of Lot 4 and the easterly Attest pp 56.4a feet of Lot 3,Block 2,South- Debra bra A.Mangen,City Clerk (B)This Public Notice was printed and pub- dale Office Park Second Addition, lished in said newspaper(s) for 1 susses- Hennepin County,Minnesota;and 12/ 33C sive issues; the first insertion being on (2) Lot 3, Block 2, except the Ordinancee 201 014-24,3 322410 12/11/2014 and the last insertion being on easterly 56.44 feet thereof, South- dale Office Park Second Addition, Hennepin County,Minnesota. (b)Approved plans.Incorporated herein by reference are the 6500 France Aurora on France plans re- ceived by the city on October 15 &27,2014 except as amended by .,...1Z. By: I. city council Resolution No. 2014- Authorized Agent 152,on file in the office of the plan- ning department under file number Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed before 2012.00 3.14a. me on 12/1 1/2014. (c)1 Principal uses. (1) All principal uses allowed in the Regional Medical District (RMD)Zoning District,except drive- through uses. (2)Senior Independent,Assisted 114—C -a .f.�JJai ` Living/Nursing Home, Transitional Notary Public Care Suites and Memory Care Suites as proposed in the Approved Plans above. (d)Accessory uses.The following are the accessory uses allowed in the Regional Medical District(RMD): (1)Off-street parking facilities. vvv1 vvvvvvvvv'vwvvvvvvvWVVMM (2) Produce stands, pursuant to 5 .'.'!}�DARLENE MARE MACPHERSON issued by the city manager. MARE rwN�riC1l (3)Signs allowed per the Region- . ' al Medical District. Cr_ y; �,Commbeion�kwJen>ii, ' (e) Conditional uses. There are no conditional uses for Planned Unit Development District-3(PUD-3). (f) Development standards. De- velopment standards per the RMD zoning district,except the following: (1)Building setbacks. a.Front. 1.France Avenue:25 feet. 2.65th Street:25 feet. b.Side—West:43 feet. c.Rear—South:20&30 feet. (2) a.Front. 2.65th Strect:25 fcct. c.Rear South:20 feet. (3)Building height:five stories or 62 feet. (4)Maximum floor area ratio:220 Rate Information: percent. (5)Chiller/mechanical equipment (1)Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users setbacks. If the footprint is larger for comparable space: than 36 square feet in area or six • $34.45 per column inch feet in height,utility and/or mechan- ical equipment shall be required to meet the front setback requirements in subsection (f)(1) of this section. The side and rear setback require- ments shall be six feet.Mechanical Ad ID 322410 equipment must also meet the fol- AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION City of Edina (Official Publication)STATE OF MINNESOTA )SS ORDINANCE . 01423 COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 18 OF THE 110Charlene Vold beingdulysworn on an oath, EDINA CITY CODE CONCERNING FALSE ALARMS states or affirms that they are the Authorized THE CITY OF EDINA ORDAINS: Agent of the newspaper(s)known as: Section 1.Chapter 18,Division 6 of the Edina City Code is amended SC Edina to provide as follows: DIVISION 6. FALSE ALARM RE- SPONSES Sec.18-216.Definitions. and has full knowledge of the facts stated The following words, terms and below: phrases,when used in this division, (A)The newspaper has complied with all of shall have the meanings ascribed to clearl the requirements constituting qualifica- ththeemcontext indicates a differ- tion as a qualified newspaper as provided ent meaning: by Minn. Stat. §331A.02, §331A.07, and False alarm means the receipt other applicable laws as amended. of and emergency response by the (B)This Public Notice was printed and pub- fire department tof an audio or visual alarm or signal from an automatic fished in said newspaper(s) for 1 succes- alarm device set off by causes other sive issues; the first insertion being on than the occurrence of an actual life 12/11/2014 and the last insertion being on safety hazard. 12/11/2014. sec.18-217.Fee. A fee in the amount set forth in section 2-724 shall be payable to the city for the second and each subsequent false fire-alarm within - -o �} a se alarm period. The fee for a �1I (`'C1 /�J false alarm shall be payable by the By: owner of the building or premises Authorized Agent from which the alarm was received and shall be payable within ten days Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed before after a statement therefor is mailed or delivered by the city. me on 12/11/2014. Section 2. This ordinance is ef- fective immediately upon enact- ment. li)(1/19,S4U. ^ ��� Sec ndading:December 2014 itA L11Y n/�'� Second Reading:Waived C+"l /V� Published:December 11,2014 Notary Public James B.Hovland,Mayor Attest: Debra A.Mangen,City Clerk 12/11/14,3SC1, WVV� Ordinance 2014-23,322403 vvvvvvvvv vvvvvvvvvvV IellCY,T mitt IE MAc H A+8ON r-.. 1 Notary Publio-Mklneeota r r+1y My Conan Jan 81,20111 Rate Information: (I)Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users for comparable space: III $34.45 per column inch Ad ID 322403 s - AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION City of Edina owner may prune trees and shrubs b.3.2 percent malt liquor which (Official Publication) on the street right-of-way adjoining is dispensed by the city or by an STATE OF M 1 NN ESOTA )ss ORDINANCE NO.2014-22 his property subject to the permis- agent of the city pursuant to a tem- COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) AN ORDINANCE AMENDING sion of the park director. porary on-sale 3.2 percent matt li- CAPTERS 4 AND 24 (4)Remove any wild flower,tree, quor license issued in accordance H IIlOF THE EDINA CITY shrub, plant, branch or portion with chapter 4 may be consumed harlene Vold being duly sworn on an oath, CODE CONCERNING thereof, or any soil or other mate- subject to other applicable provi- states or affirms that they are the Authorized ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES rial without the approval of the park sion of this Code and subject to Agent of the newspaper(s)known as: AND CONDUCT IN PARKS, director. the rules and regulations of the park STREET,SIDEWALKS,AND (5)Go on foot or otherwise upon director pursuant to section 24-258 PUBLICLY OWNED PROPERTY grass or turf where a prohibitory within the confines of the ball field SC Edina THE CITY COUNCIL OF EDINA sign is posted. complex at Van Valkenburg Park. ORDAINS: (6) Throw or cast any stone or c. 3.2 percent malt liquor, wine Section 1.Section 4-34,subset- other object, or aim or discharge and intoxicating malt liquor which is and has full knowledge of the facts stated tion (c) of the Edina City Code is any air gun, sling shot or other dispensed by the city or by an agent below: amended to read as follows: weapon except according to the of the city at an on-sale dispensary A The news a er has with all of (c) On-sale 3.2 percent matt Ii- rules of a game or recreation permit- authorized pursuant to section 4-2 ( ) P P compliedled in writing by the city. may be consumed subject to other the requirements constituting qualifica- quor licenses.In addition to the re (7) Deposit, place or leave any applicable provisions of this Code qulion as a qualified newspaper asprovided section, ents of subsection(a)of this paper,rubbish,waste,cans,bottles and subject to the rules and regula- section,no on-sale 3.2 percent matt or refuse of any kind except in re- tions of the park director pursuant by Minn. Stat. §331A.02, §331A.07, and liquor license shall be granted for ceptacles provided for the collec- to section 24-258 on the grounds of other applicable laws as amended. establishments other than: tion of waste. Braemar Golf Course. 3.2 percent (1) Private clubs which have (B)This Public Notice was printed and pub- been incorporated for more than (8)Deposit,place or receptacles - malt liquor which is dispensed by lished in said newspaper(s) for 1 susses- ten years and which own and oper- licly owned waste receptacles re- the city or by an agent of the city fuse generated from normal house- at an on-sale dispensary autho- sive issues; the first insertion being on ate clubhouses for their members in hold or business activities. rized pursuant to section 4-2 may 12/11/2014 and the last insertion being on which the serving of such liquor is (9)Start or maintain any fire ex- be consumed subject to other ap- 12/1 1/2014. incidental to and not the major pur- cept small fires made by picnic par- plicable provisions of this Code and pose of such club: ties in those locations in parks des- subject to the rules and regulations (2)Restaurants; ignated for that purpose by the city. of the park director pursuant to sec- (3)Golf courses; (10)Abandon any fire made pur- tion 24-258 on the grounds of Fred (4)The Edina Golf Dome; suant to subsection(9)of this sec- Richards. (5)Bowling centers;and tion without completely extinguish- d.3.2 percent malt liquor,intoxi- $y: (6)Hotels. ing the fire and depositing the ashes cating malt liquor and wine may be The provisions of this subsection or coals from such fire, after they consumed at sidewalk cafes which Authorized Agent do not apply to temporary on-sale have cooled sufficiently, in recep- are licensed in accordance with 3.2 percent malt liquor licenses. tacles provided for waste. chapter 4 and which are authorized Section 2.Section 4-34,subsec- Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed before (11) Perform acts prohibited by by a permit issued pursuant to sec- tion (d) of the Edina City Code is article II of chapter 22. tion 24-313. me on 12/11/2014. amended to read as follows: p (d)Wine licenses. n addition to (12) Set, lay or prepare or use e. Alcoholic beverages may be the )Wine licerequirements of subsection to any trap, snare, artificial light, net consumed on premises holding of this section,no wine (a)shall bird line, ferret, hawk or any con- a temporary on-sale 3.2 percent �',�Q�,� bef granted to, any establishment licenseocatedin trivance or device whatever for the malt liquor license or a temporary """ • other than a restaurant located in purpose of catching,taking or killing on-sale intoxicating liquor license Notary Public the PCD-1, PCD-2, PCD-3 sub- any bird or wild creature.The pro- issued pursuant to chapter 4, or districts, the mixed hibition in this subsection shall not a caterer's permit issued by the district, the planned office development apply to trapping by any means or commissioner of public safety and the office district district,r for a methods done by the city,or done which are authorized by a permit restaurant plannedo a golf course. under its direction,or done by any issued pursuant to section 24-346. 3.Section c urse subset- other governmental agency or de- (15)Destroy,injure or tamper with tion Sectione) of the Edonina -34City Code is- partment with the written permis- any sewer,storm sewer,water main, J vvwvvwv.wvviIwWYNMqI sion of the city manager, or done culvert or any part thereof,including amended to read as follows: 4:V`:?- by any person with a valid trapping manhole covers,tanks or valves. , ;.;�DARLENE � � (e) On-sale intoxicating liquor license issued by the state and with (16) Hitch any animal to a lamp .w Public-Minnesota licenses.In addition to the require- the written permission of the city post,hydrant,drinking fountain,tree ments of subsection(a)of this sec- t may'. EvianJen SI, ® manages All trapping shall be done or other structure or picket an ani- ' lion, no on-sale intoxicating liquor in accordance with state law. mal to the ground. license shall be granted to any es- (13) Start or land an airplane, (17)Park or occupy a vehicle or tablishment other than a restaurant helicopter, balloon or other aircraft occupy a street or sidewalk to sell or hotel located in the PCD-2,PCD- without the written permission of any farm produce or any other prod- 3, POD-2 subdistricts. the mixed the manager. uct orproperty, development district, or on a golf- or elor for conducting, course. (14) Consume intoxicating or any business or selling of services, 4. 24-254 of the nonintoxicating matt liquor, wine except as provided in section 24- SectionEdaCity Code Sections amended-25 to thero- or intoxicating liquor, as defined in 259. Ede as follows:d chapter 4,except that: (18)Place any vehicle to display vidSec. Conduct in parks, a.3.2 percent malt liquor,intoxi- the vehicle for sale or exchange. streets, 24-254.sidew C and publicly cating malt liquor and wine which (19)Work,grease,repair,change owned property. is dispensed by the city or by an oil or maintain in any way a vehicle, in authorized agent of the city may except as necessitated by an emer- Nosid person,lk or in anyy owned park,p street,eey be consumed subject to other ap- gency. shall: plicable provisions of this Code and (20) Use a skateboard, roller (1)Cut, or in subject to the rules and regulations skates, in-line roller skates or any )Cuay injure break,o scratch,ch ormark remove of the park director pursuant to sec- blades,or similar devices any def post, tion 24-258 in the following places: a.In a municipal parking facility; lamp,building, fence, post, pump,p, 1. Inside the clubhouse build- b.On or across a sidewalk within improvement,p, flagpole, constructiony o any owther ing or on decks, patios and other or adjoining property in the PC-1, pv property. outdoor dining areas which are ad- PC-2 or PC-3 districts, as defined Rate Information: jacent to the clubhouse building at by chapter 36;or 1 (2) Post, paste, fasten, paint or Braemar Golf Course and at Fred c.Upon the traveled portion of a ( )Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users affix any placard,bill,notice or sign Richards Park street.p for comparable space: upon any motor vehicle, structure, $34.45 per column inch pole, tree, stone, fence, thing or 2. Inside the EdinboroughPark Notwithstanding this subsection • enclosure,unless first authorized in building,the Centenniall Lakes Park (20), roller skates or in-line roller writing by the city. Centrum building, the building at skates or blades may be used on (3) Pick or cut any wild or culti- Arneson Acres Park, the Edina Art the traveled portion of streets,if no vales P or cut,break or in any Center Building, the Edina Senior adjoining sidewalk is present. flower,injure or cut,any shrub Center and on decks, patios and (21)Feed any wild animal or bird, Ad 1 D 322402 wayo plant, provided rdeface thattree,a property other outdoor dining areas which or deposit a food source for wild are adjacent to such buildings. animals or birds. S Section 5.Section 24-346 of the deposit shall be released by the city Edina City Code is amended to pro- upon completion of the repair or re- vide as follows: placement of any damage to public Sec.24-346.Special permits. property. The city council may issue a spe- (6)The city council may impose cial permit to the holder of a tern- other requirements and conditions • porary on-sale 3.2 percent malt li- necessary to promote public safety. quor license or a temporary on-sale Section 6. This ordinance is ef- intoxicating liquor license issued fective upon adoption. pursuant to chapter 4 or a caterer's First Reading:December 2,2014 permit issued by the commissioner Second Reading:Waived of public safety for the purpose of Published:December 11,2014 occupying a park, street, sidewalk James B.Hovland,Mayor or publicly owned property with a Attest: licensed premises. Applications Debra A.Mangen,City Clerk for a special permit shall be made on forms supplied by the clerk and 12/11/14,3SC1, shall include a plan drawn to scale Ordinance 2014-22,322402 which illustrates the exact location of the licensed premises and all proposed signs, including signs at- tached to vehicles,that will be used to identify the licensed premises or to promote the sale of alcoholic beverages.The application shall be accompanied by the fee set forth in section 2-724. In addition to the requirements of article II of chapter 12,no permit shall be issued pursu- ant to this section unless the follow- ing requirements are met: (1)The city council shall find that the issuance of the permit: a. Will not be detrimental to or endanger the public health, safety, morals and general welfare; b. Will not cause undue traf- fic hazards, congestion or parking shortages;and c.Will not be injurious to the use and enjoyment,or decrease the val- ue of other property in the vicinity, and will not be a nuisance. (2) No signs or symbols of any • kind shall be used to identify the licensed premises or product dis- pensed therein other than those specifically approved by the city council. (3) The permit holder shall in- demnify and hold the city harmless from any loss, cost, damage and expense arising out of the holder's use, design, operation or mainte- nance of the property. The indem- nity shall be on forms provided by the clerk. (4)The permit holder shall furnish to the clerk evidence that public li- ability insurance has been procured for any death or personal injury aris- ing from the ownership,use,opera- tion or maintenance of the property in the amounts of not less than: a. $100,000.00 for injury to or death of one person; b.$300,000.00 for any one inci- dent;and c. $50,000.00 for damage to property arising from any one inci- dent. The permit holder shall maintain such insurance in effect at all times during the term of the permit. The city shall be named as an additional named insured in the policy provid- ing such insurance. (5) The permit holder shall fur- nish a surety bond, letter of credit or cash deposit in an amount de- termined by the city council but not less than $5,000.00 to be used by the city for the purpose of replacing or repairing any damage to pub- lic property caused by the permit holder's use.A surety bond shall be from a corporate surety authorized to do business in the state. The surety bond,letter of credit or cash City of Edina AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION (Official Publication) ORDINANCE NO.2014-18 STATE OF MINNESOTA ) AN ORDINANCE AMENDMENT REGARDING FRONT YARD SS SETBACK REQUIREMENTS&FIRST FLOOR COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) ELEVATION REGULATIONS FOR TEAR DOWN REBUILDS THE CITY COUNCIL OF EDINA ORDAINS: • OCharlene Vold being duly sworn on an oath, Section 1.Subsection 36-439 of the Edina City Code.Special Requiret- states or affirms that they are the Authorized ments are amended as follows: Agent of the newspaper(s)known as: Sec.36-439.Special requirements (1)Special setback requirements for single dwelling unit lots. i. a.Established front street setback.When more than 25 percent of the SC Edina lots on one side of a street between street intersections,on one side of a street that ends in a cul-de-sac,or on one side of a dead-end street,are occupied by dwelling units,the front street setback for any lot shall be and has full knowledge of the facts stated determined as follows: . below: 1. If there is an existing dwelling unit on an abutting lot on only one (A)The newspaper has complied with all of side of the lot that has a front street setback on the same street,the front street setback requirement shall be the same as the front street setback of the requirements constituting qualifica- the dwelling unit on the abutting lot on the same street;or the front street Lion as a qualified newspaper as provided setback shall be the average front street setback of all other 1,.eling units by Minn. Stat. §331 A.02, §331 A-07, and on the same side of that street,between intersections. , other applicable laws as amended. 2. If there are existing dwelling units on abutting lots on both sides pp of the lot that both have a front street setback on the same street,the (B)This Public Notice was printed and pub- front street setback shall be the average of the front street setbacks of lished in said newspaper(s) for 1 succes- the dwelling units on the two abutting lots on the same street;or the front sive issues; the first insertion being on street setback shall be the average front street setback of all other dwelling 12/04/2014 and the last insertion beingunits on the same side of that street,between intersections. on b. Side street setback. The required side street setback shall be in- 12/04/2014. creased to that required for a front street setback where there is an adjoin- ing interior lot facing on the same street.The required side street setback for a garage shall be increased to 20 feet if the garage opening faces the side street. /1 c. Interior side yard setback. The required interior side yard setback shall be increased by six inches for each foot the building height exceeds By: 15 feet.For purposes of this subsection,building height shall be the height Authorized Agent of that side of the building adjoining the side lot line and shall be measured from the average proposed elevation of the ground along and on the side of the building adjoining the side lot line to the top of the cornice of a flat Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed before roof, to the deck line of a Mansard roof, to a point on the roof directly me on 12/04/2014. above the highest wall of a shed roof,to the uppermost point on a round or other arch-type roof,to the average distance of the highest gable on a pitched roof,or to the top of a cornice of a hip roof. d. Rear yard setback, interior lots. If the rear lot line is less than 30 ' A feet in length,or if the lot forms a point at the rear and there is no rear lot �n ,�„-, p N1 P A... __ line,then,for setback purposes,the rear lot line shall be deemed to be a VAl�yw` �/N�ott�ary Public straight line segment within the lot not less than 30 feet in length,perpen- dicular to a line drawn from the midpoint of the front lot line to the junction of the interior lot lines,and at the maximum distance from the front lot line. a wvvvvvvw e.Rear yard setback,corner lots required to maintain two front street .1?: MARIE����+ptw�w��ON r setbacks.The owner of a corner lot required to maintain two front street ti• , vruMi7YCsetbacks maydesignate anyinterior lot line measuring30 feet or more in :K= " length as the rear lot line for setback purposes.In the alternative,the own- ers .;.'_1 i t.: Notary Public-Minnesota "t of a corner lot required to maintain two front street setbacks may deem t,Yh MY Can1>�ton Expires Jan 31,2019 the rear lot line to be a straight line segment within the lot not less than 30 r feet in length,perpendicular to a line drawn from the junction of the street frontages to the junction of the interior lot lines,the line segment being the maximum distance from the junction of the street frontages. f.Through lots. For a through lot,the required setback for all buildings and structures from the street upon which the single dwelling unit building does not front shall be not less than 25 feet. Section 2.Subsection 36-439 of the Edina City Code.Special Require- ments are amended as follows: Sec.36-439.Special requirements (7)Additions to,or replacement of,single dwelling unit buildings and buildings containing two dwelling units. For additions, alterations and changes to,or rebuilds of,existing single dwelling unit buildings and build- ings containing two dwellings,the first floor elevation may not be more than one foot above the existing first floor elevation.If a split level dwell- ing is torn down and a new home is built,the first floor elevation of the dwelling unit being torn down is deemed to be the lowest elevation of an entrance to the dwelling,excluding entrance to the garage and entrances that do not face a street. (8)Additions to,or replacement of,single dwelling unit buildings with a first floor elevation of more than one foot above the existing first floor elevation of the existing dwelling unit building require a Variance per Sec. 36-69. Division 3.Such additions to,or replacements of,single dwelling unit buildings must meet one or more of conditions a-c and always meet condition d: Rate Information: a.The first floor elevation may be increased to the extent necessary to elevate the lowest level of the dwelling to an elevation of two feet above (1)Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users the 100-year flood elevation, as established by the Federal Emergency for comparable space: Management Agency(FEMA),or the city's comprehensive water resource III $34.45 per column inch management plan;or b. The first floor elevation may be increased to the extent necessary to reasonably protect the dwelling from groundwater intrusion. Existing and potential groundwater elevations shall be determined in accordance with accepted hydrologic and hydraulic engineering practices.Determina- tions shall be undertaken by a professional civil engineer licensed under Ad ID 316558 Minn.Stats.ch.326,or a hydrologist certified by the American Institute of Hydrology.Studies,analyses and computations shall be submitted in suf- ficient detail to allow thorough review and approval;or c.The first floor elevation may be increased to the extent necessary to allow the new building to meet the state building code,this Code or other statutory requirements;and • 89991E'8 4-4 L0Z aoueu!pa0`LOSE'4 L/4/Z L ao/ceLA `puelnoH'8 sewer Von A!0'ue6ue!n!'y eagaa 1sepy 4LOZ`Z aegweQea :pe4eIlgnd 4LOZ'Et aagwanoN :fiu!peaa pu000S LOZ'LZ aag0300 :6u!peaa lsa!d •e6essed sl!uodn AIaLB!peww!angoej4e s!aoueu!pao s!yl•9 uo!3Oa$ .ses!waad paleu!wnH!ao pa1146!1 ay1;0 sauepunoq ay3 puoAeq paloaa!p eq Heys aneu!wnl JO dwel'eoanos NB!!ON•le!Luapsaauou peuoz Apedoad JO slaaals 6u!pnge seu!!Apedoad le paanseaw alpueoloo; pus le!wap!Saa pauoz/pedoad bu!unge sau!!Apadoad 1e paanseaw elpueo Loo;gp ueyl aaleeJb A4 SUelu!us le uo!4eu!wnH!ao 8146H ayl 6u!zHpn ses1 -wand ayl;o sail!!Apedoad ayl puoAeq ssed Lou Heys uo!lsu!wnH!JO 11.16H ;o sAey 'seo!nep bu!leu!wnH!JO 6u!ly6!!ay3;o aoleaado JO JOUMO ay;;o Apedoad ayl uo uo!lsu!wnu!alBalueouoo of se os sapeys JO sao109l19a'sa -suet yl!M pap!noad eq Heys seo!nap 6u!1eu!wn11!pus 6upy6!!aoualxe!IV •6u!34611'09Z1-9E•09S :SMollo;se papuawe s! 6u!ly6!i 'ap00 Al!0 eU1p3 941 10 09Z4-9E uo!4Oasgn9 g uo!laaS • . • 0St — OS6 ,''.,'��1"''„-9gt • 9Sf j"•11"!I Lees sue 009 — Aapataiiia f3aa#- (S aUd ldeoxa)al1J (400 oaeabe u!)-lied :Aldde lisps sluawannbea le!oeds 6u!MO110;9143'aaldeyo s!y140 Z uo!s!n!p'llX alo!3JB u!pequosep sluawaa!nbaa leaauo6 ayl of u0!3!pps UI •s;uewOJmbal!e!Oeds•LZ9-9E'o°S :SMOI1O4 SB papuawe s! swewannbaa !quads '(Z) L39-9E uo!LOesgn9 q uO1300S pue:sluawaa!nbaa own0coa • • lsa!1 :SMOI -101 se papuawe s! sasn lsu0!1!puo0 '4E4-9£ uoiloasgns •E uO!LOOS 'als0s pus AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION STATE OF MINNESOTA )ss COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) Charlene Vold being duly sworn on an oath, states or affirms that they are the Authorized Agent of the newspaper(s)known as: SC Edina and has full knowledge of the facts stated below: (A)The newspaper has complied with all of the requirements constituting qualifica- tion as a qualified newspaper as provided by Minn. Stat. §331A.02, §331A.07, and other applicable laws as amended. (B)This Public Notice was printed and pub- lished in said newspaper(s) for 1 succes- sive issues; the first insertion being on 12/04/2014 and the last insertion being on 12/04/2014. By: VV Authorized Agent Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed before me on 12/04/2014. Epet,A40.4. ikik R at Pkb,,,,,_ Notary Public vvvvvvvvvvkMA <t. ,'.1 ' NAME MACPHERSON r �'' Public-Minnesota . Cone/lemon wires Jan 31,2019 Rate Information: (1)Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users for comparable space: III $34.45 per column inch Ad 1 D 316996 • City of Edina (Official Publication) ORDINANCE NO.2014-17 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 36 OF THE CITY CODE, THE ZONING ORDINANCE,TO ESTABLISH THE PUD-7, PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT-7 DISTRICT AT 3330 66th STREET THE CITY COUNCIL OF EDINA ORDAINS: Section 1.Chapter 36,Article VIII,Division 4 of the City Code is hereby amended to rezone the below described property to PUD, Planned Unit Development in accordance with the following: Sec.36-494 Planned Unit Development District-7(PUD-7)-66TH West Apartments (a)Legal description: The South 300 feet of Lot 2,as measured along the West line of said lot from the Southwest corner thereof in Block 3,Southdale Acres,Hennepin County,Minnesota.Torrens Property Certificate of Title No:361393. (b)Approved Plans. Incorporated herein by reference are the re-de- velopment plans received by the City on June 20,2014 as amended by City Council Resolution No.2014-139,on file in the Office of the Planning Department. (c)Principal Uses: Affordable housing with supportive services to assist residents with maintaining stability in housing and employment, as proposed and de- scribed by Beacon Interfaith Housing collaborative in their project descrip- tion on file in the Office of the Planning Department.Any change in use of the site will require an amendment to this Section of the City Code. All uses allowed in the POD-1 District,as listed in Section 36-575 of the City Code. (d)Accessory Uses: Off-street parking facilities. • (e)Conditional Uses: None (f) Development Standards. Development standards per the POD-1 Zoning District,except the following: Building Setbacks Building Setbacks Front-66th Street 43 feet Front-Barrie Road 25 feet Side-North 50 feet Rear-South 25 feet Building Height 2 stories Maximum Floor Area Ratio(FAR) .77% Building Coverage 30% Parking Stalls(affordable 19 surface housing with services) Proof-of-parking for 37 Parking stalls(Office uses Per the Parking requirements per Section 36-575) of Sec.36-1311 (g)Signs for POD-1 use shall be allowed per the POD-1 standards in Sec.36-1714. Signs for affordable housing with supportive services shall be allowed per Section 36-1712. Section 2.This ordinance is effective immediately upon passage. First Reading:October 21,2014 Second Reading:November 16,2014 Published:December 4,2014 Attest: Debra A.Mangen,City Clerk James B.Hovland,Mayor • 12/4/14,3SC1,Ordinance 2014-17,316996 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION STATE OF MINNESOTA )ss COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) illharlene Vold being duly sworn on an oath, states or affirms that they are the Authorized Agent of the newspaper(s)known as: SC Edina and has full knowledge of the facts stated below: (A)The newspaper has complied with all of the requirements constituting qualifica- tion as a qualified newspaper as provided by Minn. Stat. §331A.02, §331A.07, and other applicable laws as amended. (B)This Public Notice was printed and pub- lished in said newspaper(s) for 1 succes- sive issues; the first insertion being on 12/04/2014 and the last insertion being on 12/04/2014. By: `—%kS/tAkX MX.V COCZ Authorized Agent Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed before me on 12/04/2014. .2("6"--1 Notary Public ` .;\i WOE MARE MACPHEASON ' .::. Notary Pubiio-M1ruresota r`sy AM commissionENSres Jon$1,2019 Rate Information: (1)Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users for comparable space: • $34.45 per column inch Ad ID 317063 0 } = m=� �f � �. / )/ 7 \\ m }\ } /e ( (*2 oo &17 < � \ � cr 0Po2 °^ o \` o m z \ \\3 5 m g \/ co) > - t $ m , mm - 7 _ ; 2 > / > o k \ - - 2 = -- 2 2 o § { rTi - + f o> / \ � \ a $» co \ ( -z & - O zo \ 3 \ §\ c. CDC 3 ( 2§g o i &4, § \ m §1°5 a \\ §\k\ f \ nit IHi- 0• 5 t 2 DO DD _ »§eE � / % (/ i \ 22�» m = COco 5_ / a2 -I_i ± m §m § O. aCm r o > a $ \ 0 ° \ a § — I - -4 . ) \ 0 0 2 f $ M I ] @ / / ■ AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION STATE OF MINNESOTA )ss COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) ',Charlene Vold being duly sworn on an oath, states or affirms that they are the Authorized Agent of the newspaper(s)known as: SC Edina and has full knowledge of the facts stated below: (A)The newspaper has complied with all of the requirements constituting qualifica- tion as a qualified newspaper as provided by Minn. Stat. §331A.02, §331A.07, and other applicable laws as amended. (B)This Public Notice was printed and pub- lished in said newspaper(s) for 1 succes- sive issues; the first insertion being on 12/04/2014 and the last insertion being on 12/04/2014. By: -= /(Ct3 U oLQ Authorized Agent Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed before me on 12/04/2014. WCIAQ.04A-t- tit M OW.PL Notary Public 1-..1,,,. vvvvvwrvvvvVvvvvwwvvvvv M k4'1C, I. . MARIE MACPHERSON t7..., �1r, Notary�i� T y My loMma Jon St 2018 Rate Information: (1)Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users for comparable space: ill $34.45 per column inch Ad ID 317010 • >4. 2�} ; . . . $\ 9, > & 22 <, @ g §}� : � < \ } � _ &=i _ � . \� n co 6®/ ) . _ ; _� \ @ > [ R}� E � 2� gf7m & z z coo } \. ` " I4 \• 9 A 2 \k ( § - � ��\ > m of • , � •. - \ \ )ECP k Z \ . ( �j2 • z 2 §C no \ - { \ _ . CD a 2.� _ 2 . \ CI z �k \ so • • ., } E r , _ -K§ / .. " �/ a \ CO?2\ 0 > /� - CD ( 9mC) • , 2 \ co\ / \ o ® �mm § a 7 CD CD P ^ ` ; �� & } } i ggzlm o - a \ _ . 2A _ e - , §»0Eso \ 9 T•§2 / � 50 } ƒ / \t ± ' E _ \� - -4 - - k 7_1 % • §m \ ' co i \ 2 \ o 3- 0 q \ \//\ cp _ z co _ %% - : . �) ( _ c. co \ 0 :- co / 3 3 ) I \� � \' \ � ® \ 0 Mk AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION City of Edina within the city without possessing (Official Publication) a valid taxicab driver's license duly subdivi- STATE OF MINNESOTA issued by another political)Ss ORDINANCE NO.201415 sion in this state the-City-ofOloom- COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 10 OF THE L �T�or the Metropolitan Air- EDINA CITY CODE orts Commission. Charlene Vold being duly sworn on an oath, CONCERNING TAXICABS P Sec. 12-318. Designation signs states or affirms that they are the Authorized AND TAXICAB DRIVERS posted and visible on the exterior Agent of the newspaper(s)known as: The City of Edina ordains: vehicle. Section 1 Chapter 12 Article VII Each taxicab required to be li- SC Edina of the Edina City Code is amended censed by this article shall bear to read: signs identifying the vehicle as a Sec.12-315.Definitions. taxicab.Such signs shall be on the The following words, terms and exterior of the vehicle and shall be and has full knowledge of the facts stated phrases, when used in this article, visible from each side of the vehicle. below: shall have the meanings ascribed to Sec.12-319.Exemption. (A)The newspaper has complied with all of them in this section, except where the requirements constituting qualifica- the context clearly indicatesadiffer- c.„.c-J-ti--1,p.,,aI, i,ra„Mimi city ent meaning: tion as a qualified newspaper as provided Charitable Non-profit Transoor by Minn. Stat. §33IA.02, §331A.07, and tation Vehicle means any vehicle for other applicable laws as amended, hire or other public motor vehicle (B)This Public Notice was printed and pub- that is being used by or on behalf of a non-profit charitable organiza lished in said newspaper(s) for 1 succes- tion as defined by Section 501(c1 sive issues; the first insertion being on I3). United States Internal Revenue 10/23/2014 and the last insertion being on Code, Non-Profit Organizations 10/23/2014. whether owned and driven by a vol- _r_ licensed unteer driver or an employee of the non-profit charitable organization A Charitable Non-profit Trans who is not directly paid by riders Street means anystreet, alley, the regulnations Vehicle isexemptifrom y the regulations set forth in this ordi- avenue,court,bridge,lane or public nance upon presentation to the City place or highway in the city. Clerk documentation establishing By: Taxicab. the Section 501(c)(3) status of the Authorized Agent (1)The term"taxicab"means any entity. motor vehicle, as defined in Minn. Section 2 This ordinance is ef- Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed before stats. § 169.011, having ascot- fective immediately upon its pas- me on 10/23/2014. in9 capacity of seven (7) or fewer sage and publication. persons including the driver and First Reading: September 16, engaged in carrying of persons for 2014 hire, whether over a fixed route or Second Reading:Waived not,and whether the motor vehicle Published:October 23,2014 lira „- Q M. n is operated from a street stand, or James B.Hovland,Mayor '�W"v" subject to calls from a garage, or Attest Notary Public otherwise operated for hire. Debra A.Mangen,City Clerk (2)The term "taxicab"does not Iv ,,vvvv„vv „vvvinclude limousines,charitable non- 10/23/14,3SC1,Ordinance e ,1; pmi, AR ENE M E ` profit transportation vehicles, vehi- 201415Taxbs,296761 U+trturvC lYuc ces used for transportation network .,.; service motor vehicles subject to ,:,:rE>Q ee en 91,2019 control and regulation by the Metro- politan Council commission, motor vehicles regu- larly used by morticians in carrying on their business,or motor vehicles hired on an hourly basis. Taxicab driver means any person who drives a taxicab. Transportation network company (INC)means a person or entity that provides transportation network service Transportation network service means a prearranged transportation service offered or provided for com- pensation using an intemet-enabled application or digital platform to connect potential passengers with transportation network drivers.The term transportation network service does not include a ridesharing ar- rangement as that term is defined in Minnesota Statute Chanter 169.011 subd.65 Sec. 12-316.Vehicle License re- quired. Rate Information: No person shall operate a taxi- cab within the city without display- (1)Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users ing a valid taxicab license decal for comparable space: duly issued by another political III $34.45 per column inch subdivision in this state the-City-ef Bloomingtort-the-Citrof-S -Louis Perk or the Metropolitan Airports Commission. Sec. 12-317. Driver's license re- quired. Ad 1 D 296761 No person shall drive a taxicab IR- AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION City of Edina (Official Publication) STATE OF M I N N ESOTA )ss ORDINANCE NO.2014-16 COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) AN ORDINANCE REZONING 5108 0 EDINA INDUSTRIAL BOULEVARD Charlene Vold beingdulysworn on an oath, FROM POD-1,PLANNED OFFICE DISTRICT TO PCD-2,PLANNED states or affirms that they are the Authorized COMMERCIAL DISTRICT Agent of the newspaper(s)known as: The City Of Edina Ordains: Section 1. SC Edina The subject property is hereby rezoned from POD-1, Planned Of- fice District to PCD-2, Planned Commercial District 2 based on the and has full knowledge of the facts stated following findings: below: Approval is subject to the follow- (A)The newspaper has complied with all of ing findings: 1.The proposed rezoning meets the requirements constituting qualifica- the criteria in Section 36-216,in the tion as a qualified newspaper as provided Planning Commission staff report, by Minn. Stat. §331A.02, §331A.07, and in regard to rezoning property.The other applicable laws as amended. project would be consistent with (B)This Public Notice was printed and pub- the Comprehensive Plan.The proj- ect would not be detrimental to the lished in said newspaper(s) for I succes- surrounding properties; would not sive issues; the first insertion being on result in an overly intensive land 10/23/2014 and the last insertion being on use;would not result in undue traffic 10/23/2014. congestion or hazards;and with the exception of the setback variances would conform to all zoning ordi- nance requirements. 2. The proposed land uses are ,(�b consistent with existing and pro- VVposed land uses in this area. The By. uses to the south exist today as Authorized Agent neighborhood commercial uses. The proposed limited retail uses and Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed before PCD-2n zoning would complement me on 10/23/2014. and enhance this limited retail area Section 2. The subject property is legally described as follows: Lot 3,Block 1,Edina Interchange )411c , Center 6th Addition, Hennepin V� ;r County,Minn. Notary Public Section 3. The official zoning map of the City of Edina referred to and de- vvvvvvvWwv scribed in Chapter 36 of the Edina ,8.I'':\ 1,• MA tIE HE City Code shall not be republished ,� to show the aforesaid rezoning,but E'�` Notary Public-Minnesotathe zoning map on file in the City F. ' rMy Expires,�31, g Clerk's office shall be appropriately r= marked for the purpose of indicat- ing the rezoning provided for in this ordinance. Section 4. This ordinance is effective im- mediately upon its passage and publication. First Reading:October 7,2014 Second Reading:Waived Published:October 23,2014 James B.Hovland,Mayor Attest: Debra A.Mangen,City Clerk 10/23/14,3SC1,Ordinance 2014-16 Rezoning,296747 Rate Information: (1)Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users for comparable space: • $34.45 per column inch Ad ID 296747 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION City of Edina (Official Publication) STATE OF M I N N ESOTA )ss ORDINANCE NO.2014-07 COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 26 Charlene Vold beingdulysworn on an oath, OF THE EDINAIGC PETTYY ODE . CONCERNING PE states or affirms that they are the Authorized MISDEMEANORS Agent of the newspaper(s) known as: THE CITY OF EDINA ORDAINS: Section 1.Chapter 26,Article 10 of the Edina City Code is amended SC Edina by adding Section 26-284 to read as follows: Sec.26-284.Petty Misdemeanor. and has full knowledge of the facts stated Any violation of Section 26-283 below: shall be a petty misdemeanor pun- (A)The newspaper has complied with all of ishableSection as provid2. This ed inrordinance Section 1-18-isef. the requirements constituting qualifica- fective immediately upon its pas- sion as a qualified newspaper as provided sage and publication. by Minn. Stat. §331A.02, §331A.07, and First Reading:July 1,2014 other applicable laws as amended. Second Reading:Waived (B)This Public Notice was printed and pub- Published:September 18,2014 Attest lished in said newspaper(s) for I succes- Debra A.Mangen,City Clerk sive issues; the first insertion being on James B.Hovland,Mayor 09/18/2014 and the last insertion being on 09/18/2014. 9/18/14,3SC1, Ordinance 2014-07,278628 By: °`)tiL Ck f( (—CC ___ Authorized Agent Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed before me on 09/18/2014. -Da►Qas..i.,_ o-c.Q c . Notary Public 'vole v,.,vv VVVVVV N ‘ DARLENE MARIE MACPHERSON t'". 4)`` Notary Public-Minnesota \,t. -i' ' My Commission Expires Jen 31,2018 Rate Information: (I)Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users for comparable space: $34.45 per column inch • Ad I D 278628 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION City of Edina (Official Publication) STATE OF M I N N ESOTA )ss ORDINANCE NO.2014-12 COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 2 OF THE . Charlene Vold beingdulysworn on an oath, EDINA CITY CODE CONCERNING BOARDS states or affirms that they are the Authorized AND COMMISSIONS Agent of the newspaper(s)known as: THE CITY OF EDINA ORDAINS: Section 1. Section 2-86 of the SC Edina Edina City Code is amended to read as follows: Sec. 2-86. Attendance require- ments. and has full knowledge of the facts stated (a) Purpose. To assist boards below: and commissions in fulfilling their (A)The newspaper has complied with all of purposes and duties and to ensure the requirements constituting qualifica- thattheyarenotpreventedfromdo- ing so by the repeated absence of Lion as a qualified newspaper as provided their members,the Council hereby by Minn. Stat. §331A.02, §331A.07, and establishes an attendance policy other applicable laws as amended. for members serving on boards and (B)This Public Notice was printed and pub- commissions. (b) Removal. Any member of a lished in said newspaper(s) for 1 succes- board or commission established sive issues; the first insertion being on by the Council shall be deemed to 09/18/2014 and the last insertion being on have resigned as a member of the 09/18/2014. board or commission under the fol- lowing circumstances: (1) The member, regular or stu- dent, fails to attend three(3) con- secutive regular meetings, or for a ��, n plamber,nning regularmmii student,to tf end (`—C_1x/1 planning commission fails to attend By: CAU four (4) consecutive regular meet- Authorized Agent ings. (2)The member, regular or stu- Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed before dent fails to attend at least seventy- five percent(75%)of the scheduled me on 09/18/2014. meetings in any calendar year, whether regular or joint work ses- sions with the Council.For a mem- ber,regular or student,whose term If.. „-" a V\ 'y` 0 begins during a calendar year, at- 1 ` tendance in that calendar year is Notary Public measured as at least 75% of the scheduled meetings following the beginning of the member's term. vvwwvwWvvvvvvvvVVVV1AAA, c)Exceptions. ,A DARLENEMARiE ',M' in:4- (1) The requirements of this �� Public- subsection shall not apply to his �'+r ,•ii4, ' Notary tendance at special meetings, or My Commission E> Jan 81,2D1 of meetings of committees or sub- committees, including committees of the whole,established by a board or commission pursuant to Section 2-82. (2)The requirements of this sub- section shall not apply to members of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City,the East Edina Housing Foundation or the City Council. (d) Annual review. The Coun- cil shall conduct an annual review of the attendance of members of boards and commissions estab- lished by the Council. (e)Vacancies. The successor to any member of a board or commis- sion who has been removed pursu- ant to this subsection shall be ap- pointed pursuant to Section 2-81. Section 2. This ordinance is ef- fective immediately upon its pas- sage and publication. First Reading:August 19,2014 Rate Information: Second Reading:Waived Published:September 18,2014 (1)Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users Attest for comparable space: Debra A.Mangen,City Clerk $34.45 per column inch James B.Hovland,Mayor• 9/18/14,3SC1, Ordinance 2014-12,278625 Ad ID 278625 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION City of Edina 12-56. Smoking and Vapor (Official Publication) Lounges STATE OF MINNESOTA Smoking lounges and vapor )SS ORDINANCE NO.2014 11 lounges are prohibited. COUNTY OF H ENNEPI N ) AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Section 3.Chapter 20 of the Edi- CHAPTERS 12,20 and 24 na City Code is amended by adding OF THE EDINA CITY CODE Article X to read as follows: • Charlene Vold being duly sworn on an oath, CONCERNING TOBACCO states or affirms that they are the Authorized AND ELECTRONIC ARTICLE X.CLEAN INDOOR AIR ACT Agent of the newspaper(s) DELIVERY DEVICES known as: Division 1.Generally. THE CITY OF EDINA ORDAINS: 20-60. Adoption of Minnesota Section 1.Section 12-189 of the SC Edina Edina City Code is amended by Clean Indoor Air Act by reference; adding and amending the following prohibition on use of electronic de definitions: livery devices in public places. and has full knowledge of the facts stated Sec.12-189.Definitions. (a) The following terms and below: Electronic delivery device and phrases, when used in this Article, e-cigarette con- shall have the meanings ascribed to (A)The newspaper has complied with all of garee mean any productthem in this section, except where the requirements constituting qualifica- con- taining or delivering nicotine, lobe- the context clearly indicates a differ- lia,or any other substance intendedent the meaning: tion as a qualified newspaper as provided for human consumption that can be Indoor area means all space by Minn. Stat. §331 A.02, §331 A.07, and used by a person to simulate smok- between a floor and a ceiling that other applicable laws as amended. ing in the delivery of nicotine or any other substance through inhalation is bounded by walls, doorways, or (B)This Public Notice was printed and pub- of windows, whether open or closed, vapor from the product.Electron- lished in said newspaper(s) for I succes- is delivery device includes any com- covering more than fifty percent part of aproduct, whether (50%)of the combined surface area sive issues; the first insertion being on ponentof the vertical planes constituting 08/21/2014 and the last insertion being on or not marketed or sold separately. the perimeter of the area. A wall 08/21/2014. Electronic delivery device does not includes any retractable divider,ga- include any product that has been rage door,or other physical barrier, approved or certified by the United whether temporary or permanent.A States Food and Drug Ado-cess soon ra- 0.011 gauge window screen with an tion for sale as a tobacco-cessation 18 by16 mesh count is not a wall. product,as a tobacco-dependence oses,and product, or for other medical pur- Public place means any en- By: is marketed and sold for closed, indoor area used by the Authorized Agent such an approved purpose. general public, including, but not Smoking lounge means a loco- limited to, restaurants; bars; any tion licensed to sell tobacco prod- other food or liquor establishment; Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed before ucts where: (a) Except for a bona retail stores and other commercial me on 08/21/2014. fide sale of a smoking device,pro- establishments; educational facili- vided or otherwise made available ties other than public schools, as for use by a customer, potential defined in section 120A.05,subdivi- P .� urs- customer, or any other person a sions 9,11,and dit hospitals; nos; of M M(�c smokingsmoking anydevice tobaccoforthe product;purpose(b) meeting rooms;homes; audit andoriums;commonarenas; ilipcu1/414...e_ areas Notary Public It is provided in exchange for a fee ing of rental apartment buildings. or any other consideration seating (b) Minnesota Statutes §§ within or access to the indoor area 144.411 to 144.417 are hereby ad- of a tobacco products shop;or(c) opted by reference and are made a It is permitted within the indoor area part of this article as if set out in full. the sampling of any tobacco prod- (c)The use of electronic delivery Yvv -vvvvv devices is prohibited in all public 's�`r, uct which was not furnished by the '' AMINE MARE tobacco products shop on the date places. I r .,:, and at the time the sampling occurs. Section 4.Section 24-282 of the Notary Public-Minnes ota Tobacco-related device means Edina City Code is amended to read t, y' M!C°nNMYaiOn Exptras Jan 3 any tobacco product as well as a as follows: Sec.24-282.Tobacco and elec- tronic rolling papers or other device tronic delivery device use prohibited intentionally designed or intended in public parks. to be used in a manner which en- In addition to the requirements ables the chewing, sniffing, or of sections 24-254 and 24-255,the smoking of tobacco or tobacco-re- use of electronic delivery devices lated products.The term"tobacco- and tobacco in any form is prohib- related device" includes electronic ited in public parks,indoor or out- delivery devices. door. Vapor lounge means a location that sells electronic delivery devices Section 5. This ordinance is ef- where: fective immediately upon its pas- (a)Except for a bona fide sale of sage and publication. electronic delivery devices,provided First Reading:August 4,2014 or otherwise made available for use Second Reading:Waived by a customer, potential customer, Published:August 21,2014 or any other person a device or Attest: product for the purpose of using an Debra A.Mangen,City Clerk electronic delivery device product; James B.Hovland,Mayor (b)It is provided in exchange for a James B.Hovland,Mayor fee or any other consideration seat- 8/21/14,3SC1,Ord 2014-11 ing within or access to the indoor E-Cigs,264524 Rate Information: area of a shop that sells electronic delivery devices;or(c) It is permit- (1)Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users ted within the indoor area of a shop for comparable space: that sells electronic delivery devices • $34.45 per column inch the sampling of any electronic de- livery device product which was not furnished by the shop on the date and time the sampling occurs Section 2.Chapter 12 of the Edi- na City Code is amended by adding Ad ID 264524 section 12-56 to read as follows: AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION City of Edina (Official Publication) STATE OF M I N N ESOTA )ss ORDINANCE NO,2014-13 COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 7 OF THE elCharlene Vold being duly sworn on an oath, CONCERNING DOGS states or affirms that they are the Authorized EDINA CITY CODE THE CITY OF EDINA ORDAINS: Agent of the newspaper(s)known as: SECTION 1.Section 8-264 of the Edina City Code is amended to read as follows: SC Edina Section 8-264. DOGS; CLEAN- ING UP FECES. A.The owner of any dog or any and has full knowledge of the facts stated person having the custody or con- below: trol of any dog shall be responsible (A)The newspaper has complied with all of for cleaning up any feces of the dog and disposing the feces in a clean the requirements constituting qualifica- and sanitary manner. Every occu- tion as a qualified newspaper as provided pant of a dwelling unit, or owner if by Minn. Stat. §33IA.02, §331A.07, and the dwelling unit is not occupied, other applicable laws as amended. shall remove dog feces from the unit, the yard, or lot on which the (B)This Public Notice was printed and pub- unit is located and dispose of such lished in said newspaper(s) for I succes- dog feces in a clean and sanitary sive issues; the first insertion being on manner. 08/21/2014 and the last insertion being on B.Any person having the custo- 08/21/2014. dy or control of a dog may not allow the dog to be on property,public or private,not owned or possessed by such person without having in his or her immediate possession a device for the removal of feces and a bag or other means to dispose of such By: feces in a clean and sanitary man- Authorized Agent ner. C.This Section does not apply to Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed before guide person ordogs to a dogaccompanying used by a policeblind or me on 08/21/2014. in rescue actions. SECTION 2. This ordinance is effective immediately upon its pas- sage n. 409CL&AIV-k 1 t and ading:Apublicatug First Reading:August 4,2014 titi Second Reading:Waived Notary Public Published:August 21,2014 Attest: Debra A.Mangen,City Clerk James B.Hovland,Mayor -yvv vvvvwVvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv• 8/21/14,3SC1,Ord 2014-13 DRRIENE MARIE MACPHERSON Dogs,264539 f r r;j Notary Public-Minnesota Commission Expires Jan 31.2019 Rate Information: (1)Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users for comparable space: • $34.45 per column inch Ad ID 264539 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION STATE OF MINNESOTA )ss COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) Charlene Vold being duly sworn on an oath, states or affirms that they are the Authorized Agent of the newspaper(s)known as: SC Edina and has full knowledge of the facts stated below: (A)The newspaper has complied with all of the requirements constituting qualifica- tion as a qualified newspaper as provided by Minn. Stat. §331A.02, §331A.07, and other applicable laws as amended. (B)This Public Notice was printed and pub- lished in said newspaper(s) for 1 succes- sive issues; the first insertion being on 08/21/2014 and the last insertion being on 08/21/2014. By: MJL-CQ. Authorized Agent Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed before me on 08/21/2014. Illiii14-- Iti\- Notary Public A VVVVVWVVVVWVVVVWVVVVVVNA .<:. ; DARLENE MARIE MACPHERSON [:''" , Notary Public-Minnesota \e 4 My Comm uion Egwtns Jan 31,2019 Rate Information: (1)Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users for comparable space: • $34.45 per column inch Ad ID 264602 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION City of Edina The following words, terms and cost to play or operate the machine (Official Publication) phrases, when used in this article, a single tame,but not to exceed ten STATE OF M INNESOTA )ss ORDINANCE NO.2014-8 shall have the meanings ascribed to dollars($10.001 may be kept,main- DING them in this section, except where tamed or operated subject to the COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) AN ORDINANCE AMEN CHAPTERS 4 AND 6 DIO the context clearly indicates a differ- provisions of this article. • THE EDINA CITY CODE ent meaning: Section 4. This ordinance is ef- Charlene Vold being duly sworn on an oath, CONCERNING ALCOHOLIC Machine or amusement device fective immediately upon its pas- states or affirms that they are the Authorized BEVERAGES AND means any machine,contrivance or sage and publication. device,including,without limitation, First Reading:June 3,2014 AMUSEMENT DEVICES Agent of the newspaper(s)known as: video, electronic or mechanical, of Second Reading:June 17,2014 THE CITY OF EDINA ORDAINS: any of the following types: Published:June 26,2014 Section 1.Section 4-34,subsec- SC Edina (1) A machine which upon the Attest tion (e) of the Edina City Code is insertion of a coin, slug or other Debra A.Mangen,City Clerk amended to read as follows: token, or upon payment of a fee, James B.Hovland,Mayor and has full knowledge of the facts stated (e) On-sale intoxicating liquor operates,or may be operated,as a below: licenses.In addition to the require- game,contest or other amusement 6/26/14,3SC1,Ordinance ments of subsection(a)of this sec- only and which contains no auto- 2014-08,240746 (A)The newspaper has complied with all of tion, no on-sale intoxicating liquor matic payoff device for the return of the requirements constituting qualifica- licensetablishment shall obether granth an a ted to anyrestaurant es- moneytoens,or coins,merchanthdingiseor,citem hecksof , tion as a qualified newspaper as provided or hotel located in the PCD-2,PCD- other by Minn. Stat. §331A.02, §331A.07, and 3,POD-2 subdistricts or the mixed value;providanyed,however,that such district as established rent machine may be equipped to per- other applicable laws as amended. development mit a free play or game or allow the (B)This Public Notice was printed and pub- by chapter 36.1 payoffs provided in Sections 6-100 lished in said newspaper(s) for 1 succes- s-of and 6-101 sive issues; the first insertion being on (2)Miniature pool tables,bowling machines, shuffle boards, electric 06/26/2014 and the last insertion being on deviet""illieh-frleafts rifle or gun ranges, and machines 06/26/2014. patterned after baseball, basket- ball,hockey and similar games and like machines which may be played solely for amusement and not as gambling devices, and which ma- \� chines are played by the insertion of By: fly c r y ,na„y�a-i,RJ,,,a I,,, J a coin,slug or other token,or upon payment of a fee and which may be Authorized Agent equipped to permit a free play oC game or allow the payoffs provided Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed before maCHines in Sections 6-100 and 6-101 me on 06/26/2014. (3) Amusement devices design nated for and used exclusively by children, such as, but not limited plane Vlawagol&I- 'ItV'` ill �//iLi k-61 _ rid kiddie cars,s miniature and other 1 \ 1' l��1 rides,mechanical horses, other Section 2. Section 4-34 of the miniature mechanical devices, not Notary Public Edina City Code is amended by operated as a part of or in - tion with any carnival,circuss,,show adding subsection (g) to read as or other entertainment or exhibition. follows: Sec.6-100.Payoff. fa)In addition.no on-sale intoxi- It shall be unlawful for the li- ��� vv WV1AM1n Gating liquor license shall be grant- censee, or for the owner, lessee or ,,,,r, DARLENE MARIE CpSnsl ed to any establishment that has '� MARIE IYNNrf-HGffSON operator of the establishment where `� Q amusement devices. except to a '�'___ such machine is located, to give 4i ,r':�=s restaurant in the PCD-3 subdistrict subject;,C Notary subiect to the following any money, prize or reward other s.�v' My Commission ~Jan 31' 9 (1) The licensed premises shall than a free game registered to the be at least 30.000 sauare feet in same machine. Provided. however floor area p•yoffs based on the skill of the grossplayer. may be given by discharge 121 The licensed premises shalt be located on a site that provides of tickets, tokens. merchandise or at least 250.000 sauare feet in to- any other thing of value which has a tal building area. including primary wholesale value no greater than ten buildings and any outlot building. 110)times the cost to play or oper- I3) Not more than 40 percent ate the machine a single time but not to exceed ten dollars ($10.00). (40%1 of the gross floor area of the licensed premises shall be used for operation of amusement devices regulated•y this section. 141 The licensed premises shall contain at least 200 seats and provide a full food menu during all eft _o device__ hours that it is open to the general public. 15) All regulated amusement Sec.6-101.Automatic payoff. devices shall be licensed in accor- No person shall keep, maintain, dance with Section 6-92 and shall sell or permit to be operated any be located on the interior of the machine which has been converted premises. into an automatic payoff device Rate Information: I61 The licensed premises shall be which shall discharge coins,checks (1)Lowest classified ratepaid bycommercial users at least 500 feet from single dwelling or other tokens to the operator or or other residential buildings. This la er of such machine.Noperson for comparable space: distance shall be measured from the p y p • shall convert any machine into an $34.45 per column inch perimeter of the licensed premises automatic payoff device. Provided, to the closest face of the residential however, machines which based building. on the skill of the player discharge Section 3. Sections 6-91, 6-100 tickets, tokens, and 6-101 of the Edina City Code merchandise or any other thing of are amended to read as follows: value which has a wholesale value Ad ID 240746 Section 6-91.Definitions. no greater than ten (10) times the AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION STATE OF MINNESOTA )ss COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) • Charlene Vold being duly sworn on an oath, states or affirms that they are the Authorized Agent of the newspaper(s)known as: SC Edina and has full knowledge of the facts stated below: (A)The newspaper has complied with all of the requirements constituting qualifica- 1 tion as a qualified newspaper as provided by Minn. Stat. §331A.02, §331A.07, and other applicable laws as amended. (B)This Public Notice was printed and pub- lished in said newspaper(s) for 1 succes- sive issues; the first insertion being on ' 06/26/2014 and the last insertion being on • 06/26/2014. By: (2),, Vcec/....„...._ Authorized Agent Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed before me on 06/26/2014. OE)cbilaii-t- K m gyp .._, Notary Public vvv vvv`.4ivvvvvvvwwWvvvVVW1MN '1 ; ; � ;: 'ARLENE MARIE MACPHERSON ;i` Notary Public-Minnesota ,'' —' My Commission 4ytiree Jan S1,2019 Rate Information: (1)Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users for comparable space: • $34.45 per column inch Ad ID 240715 City of Edina (Official Publication) ORDINANCE NO.2014-6 • • AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE TO • ' ESTABLISH THE PUD-6,PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT-6 DISTRICT AT 6725 YORK AVENUE AND 6712,6708, 6704,6700,AND 6628 XERXES AVENUE The City Of Edina Ordains: Section 1.Chapter 36,Article VIII,Division 4 is hereby amended to re- • zone the below described property to PUD,Planned Unit Development in accordance with the following: Sec.36-493 Planned Unit Development District-6(PUD-6)-6725 York Avenue (a) Legal description: (Per Certificate of Title No.1159936) All that part of vacated West 67th Street dedicated in the plat of"York Terrace"lying West of a line drawn from the Southeast corner of Tract Q, Registered Land Survey No.432 to the Northeast corner of Tract P of said Registered Land Survey and lying East of a line drawn from the Southwest corner of said Tract Q to the Northwest corner of Tract P;and All that part of vacated York Avenue South,dedicated in the plat of"York Terrace",and all that part of Tract P,Registered Land Survey No.432,and all that part of Tract F, Registered Land Survey No.629, lying North of the following described line:Beginning at the Northwest corner of Lot 5,Block 2,"York Terrace",thence running Westerly parallel with the South line of vacated West 68th Street dedicated in the plat of"York Terrace",and its Westerly extensions to a point in the Westerly line of said Tract F,and there terminat- ing,and all that part of said Tract F,all that part of Tract Q,Registered Land Survey No.432,and all that part of vacated York Avenue South dedicated in the plat of"York Terrace", lying South of the following described line: Beginning at a point in the East line of said Tract Q,said point being 1.81 feet North of the Southeast corner of said Tract Q as measured along the East line thereof,thence running Westerly parallel with said South line of vacated West 68th Street and its Westerly extension to a point in the West- erly line of said Tract F,and there terminating. AND Lot 1,Block 2,"York Terrace" (Certificate of Title No.193410) AND Lot 2,Block 2,"York Terrace" (Certificate of Title No.1328257) AND Lot 3,Block 2,"York Terrace" (Certificate of Title No.1100460) AND Lot 4,Block 2,"York Terrace" (Certificate of Title No.1145680) AND • Lot 5,Block 1,"York Terrace" (Certificate of Title No.1380227) And part of vacated West 67h Street per City Resolution Doc. No. 4734665 Property is located in Hennepin County,Minnesota (b)Approved Plans.Incorporated herein by reference are the re-devel- opment plans received by the City on May 12,2014 except as amended by City Council Resolution No.2014-69,on file in the Office of the Planning Department. (c)Principal Uses: All principal uses allowed in the PCD-3,Planned Commercial-3 Dis- trict(PCD-3) Multi-Family Residential (d)Accessory Uses: All accessory uses allowed in the PCD-3, Planned Commercial Dis- trict-3(PCD-3) (e)Conditional Uses: All conditional uses allowed in the PCD-3, Planned Commercial Dis- trict-3(PCD-3)except multifamily residential. (f) Development Standards. Development standards per the PCD-3 Zoning District,except the following: Building Setbacks Building Setbacks Front-York Avenue 124 feet Front-Xerxes Avenue 47 feet (Stories 1 &2) 40 feet (Porch) 55 feet (Stories 3-6) 50 feet (Porch/Deck Stories 3-6) 36-58 feet 36-59 feet Side-North Rear-South Building Height Six Stories& 68 feet` Maximum Floor Area Ratio(FAR) 1.22% (g)Signs shall be allowed per the PCD-3 standards in Sec.36-1714, • with the exception that no signage shall be allowed on the Xerxes Avenue side of the development. Section 3. This ordinance is effective immediately upon Met Council review and decision on the Comprehensive Plan Amendment. First Reading:June 17,2014 Second Reading:Waived Published:June 26,2014 James B.Hovland,Mayor Attest Debra A.Mangen,City Clerk R I9R/1n Zcrt onn71G City of Edina AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION (Official Publication) ORDINANCE NO.2013-12 STATE OF MINNESOTA ) SS AN ORDINANCE AMENDMENT REGARDING THE R-1,SINGLE-DWELLING COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) UNIT DISTRICT,AND R-2,DOUBLE DWELLING UNIT DISTRICT REQUIREMENTS FOR BUILDING COVERAGE,SETBACK, HEIGHT&GENERAL REGULATIONS Charlene Vold being duly sworn on an oath, The City Council Of Edina Ordains: Section 1. states or affirms that they are the Authorized Subsection 850.03.Subd.3.is hereby amended to amend the following definitions: Agent of the newspaper(s)known as: Accessory Building.A separate and subordinate building which is located on the same lot on which the prin- cipal building is situated,and which relates to and is incidental to the use of the principal building. SC Edina Dwelling Unit.One or more rooms connected together,but which is or are separated from all other rooms in the same building,which room constitutes,or rooms constitute,a separate,independent unit with facilities for cook- ing,sleeping and eating,and used for residential occupancy.A room or rooms shall be deemed to be a dwelling and has full knowledge of the facts stated unit if it contains or they contain facilities for cooking,sleeping and eating,if it or they can be separated from all other rooms in the same building,if access can be gained without entering or passing through any living space below: of another dwelling unit,and if it is or they are used for residential occupancy.If a dwelling unit has an attached (A)The newspaper has complied with all of garage,then the attached garage is deemed a part of the dwelling unit. the requirements constituting qualifica- Principal Building.A building which is used for principal uses including enclosed seasonal living areas such as porches,and breezeways,and garages which are attached to the principal building. tion as a qualified newspaper as provided Section 2. by Minn. Stat. §331 A.02, §331A.07, and Subsection 850.11.Subd.1.A.is hereby amended to read as follows: other applicable laws as amended. Subd.1.Principal Uses. ,B)This Public Notice was printed and pub A.Buildings containing not more than one dwelling unit,including attached garages. Section 3. lished in said newspaper(s) for 1 succes- Subsection 850.11.Subd.3.A.1.is hereby amended to read as follows: sive issues; the first insertion being on Subd.3AccessoryUses. 06/26/2014 and the last insertion being on A.The following accessory uses are permitted on the same lot as a single dwelling unit building: 06/26/2014. 1.Accessory detached garages. Section 4. Subsection 850.11.Subd.6.B.is hereby amended as follows: B.Minimum Setbacks,(subject to the requirements of paragraph A.of Subd.7 of this Subsection 850.11) / Front Side Interior Side Yard Rear Street Yard V� 1.Single dwelling 30' 15' * 15' 10' 25' y. unit buildings on Authorized Agent Lots 75 feet or more in width. ubscribed and sworn to or affirmed before 2.Single dwelling 30'** 15' The required interior 25' e on 06/26/2014. unit buildings on yard setback of 5 feet lots more than 60 shall increase by 1/3 feet in width,but foot(4 inches)for each //�� less than 75 feet foot that the lot width /�/t �Q in width. exceeds 60 feet and '_ l 850.11 Subdivision Notary Public 7.A.3.shall apply.'OR shall meet the table below: Lot Width Total Side Yard Setbacks from both Interior Side Lot Lines 74 20'with no less than 10 feet on one side vvv vvvwvwvvvv�"H/VWV1/� 73 20'with no less than 10 feet on one side DARLENE MARIE MACPHERSON 72 20'with no less than 10 feet on one side 71 19'4"with no less than 9 feet on one side Notary Public-Minnesota 70 18'8"with no less than 9 feet on one side "-'• My Commission Expires Jen 31,2019 69 18'with no less than 9 feet on one side 68 17'4"with no less than 8 feet on one side 67 16'8"with no less than 8 feet on one side 66 16'with no less than 8 feet on one side 65 15'4"with no less than 7 feet on one side 64 14'8"with no less than 7 feet on one side 63 14'with no less than 7 feet on one side 62 13'4"with no less than 6 feet on one side 61 12'8"total with no less than 6 feet on one side If this option is utilized for the required interior side yard setback,Subdivision 7.A.3.shall not apply. 3.Single dwelling unit 30'** 15' 5'and 850.11 25' buildings on lots between Subdivision 7.A.3. 50 and 60 feet in width. shall apply;OR 12' total,with no less than 5'on one side and Subdivision 7.A.3.shall not apply. 4.Single dwelling 30'** 15' 5' 25' unit buildings on lots less than 50 feet in width. 4.5.Buildings and structures accessory to single dwelling unit buildings: nforttlation: a.detached garages, 30'** 15' 3' 3' west classified rate paid by commercial users tool sheds,greenhouses nparable space: and garden houses entirely $34.45 per column inch within the rear yard, ncluding the eaves. b.detached garages, 30'** 15' 5' 5' tool sheds,greenhouses and garden houses not entirely within the rear yard. 240801 c.unenclosed decks 30'** 15' 5' 5' and patios. d.swimming pools, 30— 15' 10' 10' including appurtenant equipment and required ricrleinn L0907Z'Z 4-E LOZ aoueu!pJ0'LOSE'7 L/9Z/9 JoAeye'puelnoH's sower )IJal3 APO'u0buey4•y eJgaa lsalIV 7lOZ'LZ&JenJgad:pays!Ignd pan!eM:6u!peaa puooas E 40Z'C Jagweaaa:6u!peaa LsJ!3 '7LOZ`L&Jenuer an!loa4a eq Heys aoueu!PJO s!yl•L uo1;90S (e6eJe6 a o4 Aeme6essed a se Jo sap!yan;o Igo 6u!lla6 asoyl 6u!Jal!ags AIleo!dA4`46noJyl an!Jp selo!yan ley!Aemanup luaoe!pe us Jan°6u!pl!nq ay;WOJ;6u!puelxa a nlonJls palooJ e)saJag000-4Jod •6 (1-116uel ape6e;a4140(%0Z)lueoJed Aluaml!seal le)6ue4Jano;OOJ Dols puooag g sJalsel!d 'L sa!uooleg •9 (loot(L)euo;o pdep wnw!u!w)sAauw!go 9 sayoJod •7 sdoo4S £ •smopu!m xoq Jo Aeq 6u!1oa!oJd Z se!doueo JO s6u!ume'snoop'smopu!m leJnlon4lg • :ssaiJO lea;(0E)A4J!41&Jana u14Llm saJnlea;ueuel!l!1n Jo lemloal!yoJe 6u!mollo;a4140(Z)oml!seal 1e to uo!1eu!gwoo e(q Jo(passeoeJ JO 6ugoeioJd)las4o ep!m 4004(ol)11a4 Aq deep loo;(L)auo a!see!1eJo wnw!u!w a(e lnoyl!m lea; (0£)icij141 Paeoxe Lou liege Hem ap!s Jo!Je4xa ue;o g6uel ayl'sa!lJadoJd 6uginge WOJ4 sape0e4 6u!pinq uawJq -un'6uol;o aoueJeadde snouolouow ay1 Alone o4 JapJ0 u!•aanlon4s led!ouud e Jo;uo!lelno!4JV IleMaP!S 'H smo11o4 se H uo!loasgns PPe of papuawe AgaJay s! H'L'PgfS'L L'0S8 uogoasgns•g uogoas lee;o7 paaoxa 146!ay wnw!xew ay;!legs Juana ou ul•ylp!m u!4e94 SL spaaoxe LOI a41 le4l Po;yoea J01 you!auo Aq paseaJou!eq Aew 1y6!eq wnw!xew ay1 pue Taal g£eq!legs auH a6pu a4101146!ay wnw!xew ayL'141p!m u!'eel gL paaoxa ley!slot JOd Taal 0E eq Ile4s pun 6u!llamp algnop Jo al6u!s ego 400J a uo 4u!od 1sa46!4 ayl 01 ly6!ay wnw!xew ayl•7 sse!S! JeA04o!4m lea;07 JO sa!Jols£ saJnlonJls pue s6u!pl!nq Jay4O!IV•E Sse!S!Janayo!4m 040Jayl pa4oe11e Lou 1nq's6u!PHnq pun 6uglemp lea;el.JO sauols z/t L al6u!S of I4JoSseooe saJnlonJls pue s6u!pHng•Z •molaq 7#aes L46!eq 'OlaJayl AJossaooe saJnlonJls wnw!xew J0j•sauols z/,Z pa4oe4e pue s6u1pHnq pun 6u!Hamp a!6u!S 146!9H.a :smollo;se pepuawe eq Heys 1416!aH'L L'oS9 uo!loasgns •s uo!loes spun 6u!Hamp Aq pe!dn000 aJe laaJls pue peep e ep!s auo uo JO'oes-ap-InO a u!spua 4e4l laaJls ego 1eaJ1s auo uo`suo!1oasJalu!wells ueemlaq Lams e;o ap!s auo uo slol ayl 4o luaoJed gZ ueyl aJow uagm Noeglas pannbei Jo;molaq•L'V•L•pgns aas„ •slooyos,JasJnu pue slooyos ,S£ SE ,96 ,OE -aid'Sa!4H!oe4 aJeokea p 'asJno0;lob a O4 AJOSS0005 Blood 6u!ww!ms pue s6u!pinq a0ueualu!ew's4Jnoo 04 04 ,09 ,09 s!uuel'se6ueJ6wnu4'o •Ja6Jel JO Leal aaenbs 000'4 s6u!pHnq AJossaooe ,96 ,g6 ,S6 ,g6 asn leuo!l!puoo!Iv•q slooyos AJasJnu pue slooyos-aJd'Sa!4H!oe4 aJeo Asp's101 6u!NJed ldaoxe :laal aJenbs 000'4 ueyl ssel sbu!ppnq AJOSseooe 6u!pnpu! saJnlonJls JO s6u!pl!nq 04 04 04 ,OS asn leu0!1!p1-100 IIV•e :Soon Je44O'9 •ap!s auo uo>{oegles pJeA ap!s a44 u!yo5OJoua Aew sHam mOpu!m ssaJ63 VN ,£. VN VN 'Spam mopu!m SSOJ60•6 saJnlonJls pue s6u!pl!nq ,9 ,9 ,9 ..A£ &Jossaooe Ja4lo •6u!l46H pue 6u!oua4 lueue4Jndde 6u!pn!ou!sesn /uossaooe leuo!1eaJoaJ Jepw!s Ja4lo pue's)!uu 6u!1eNs pue Aallooy's4Jnoo s%Jods's4Jnoo Ileglamseq 9 ,g ,9l ..,0E 's4Jnoo SIUual'a AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION City of Edina STATE (Official Publication) OF MINNESOTA ss ORDINANCE NO.2014-10 COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) AN ORDINANCE AMENDMENT REGARDING 0 Charlene Vold being duly sworn on an oath, PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT APPLICABILITY IN THE R-1, states or affirms that they are the Authorized R-2,AND PRD-1 DISTRICT Agent of the newspaper(s)known as: THE CITY COUNCIL OF EDINA OR- DAINS: SC Edina Section 1.Subsection 36-254 of the Edina City Code. Applicability/ criteria for considering PUD rezon- ing is amended as follows: and has full knowledge of the facts stated Sec. 36-254. Applicability/crite- below: ria. (A)The newspaper has complied with all of (a)uses.All permitted uses,per- the requirements constituting qualifica- mitted accessory uses, conditional uses and uses allowed by admira- tion as a qualified newspaper as provided istrative permit, contained in the by Minn. Stat. §331A.02, §331A.07, and various zoning districts,as defined other applicable laws as amended. in this chapter, shall be treated as (B)This Public Notice was printed and pub- potentially allowable uses within a PUD district, provided they would fished in said newspaper(s) for 1 succes- be allowable on the site under the sive issues; the first insertion being on comprehensive plan. Property-cur- 06/12/2014 and the last insertion being on 06/12/2014. Section 2. This ordinance is ef- fective immediately upon its pas- sage. First Reading:May 20,2014 Second Reading:June 3,2014 V Published:June 12,2014 By: Attest Authorized Agent Debra A.Mangen,City Clerk James B.Hovland,Mayor Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed before 6/12/14,3SC1,Ordinance me on 06/12/2014. 2014-10,233269 __0.A.Q.Q/t,.- IM Ma-(-f Notary Public ' vvvvieNAMAAMMAAMMAA . DAALENEMARIEMACPHERSON ' ., Notary Public-Minnesota ``,.; " ' My Commission i $e•Jan$1,2011 Rate Information: (1)Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users for comparable space: • $34.45 per column inch Ad ID 233269 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION City of Edina (Official Publication) STATE OF MINNESOTA )ss ORDINANCE NO.2014-09 COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTERS 24 and 26 OF fib Charlene Vold being duly sworn on an oath, THE EDINA CITY CODE states or affirms that they are the Authorized CONCERNING OPERATION OF BICYCLES ON SIDEWALKS Agent of the newspaper(s)known as: THE CITY OF EDINA ORDAINS: Section 1.Section 26-6(c)of the SC Edina Edina City Code is amended to read as follows: Sec. 26-6. General Rules for and has full knowledge of the facts stated Drivers (c) Driving or parking on side- below: walk. No motor vehicle shall be (A)The newspaper has complied with all of parked or driven on or along a side- the requirements constituting qualifica- walk. tion as a qualified newspaper as provided Section 2.Section 24-255(7)of by Minn. Stat. §331A.02, ��331 A.07, and the Edina City Code is amended to read as follows: other applicable laws as amended. Sec. 24-255. Additional restric- (B)This Public Notice was printed and pub- tions for parks and publicly owned lished in said newspaper(s) for 1 succes- properties (7)Drive or park a motor vehicle sive issues; the first insertion being on onanyareanotdesignatedforpark- 06/12/2014 and the last insertion being on ing or travel. 06/12/2014. Section 3.The Caption of Chap- ter 26 Article 10 of the Edina City Code is amended to read as fol- lows: Article X..Bicycles Section 4.Chapter 26 Article 10 By: D of the Edina City Code is amended Authorized Agent by adding Section 20-283 to read as follows: Sec.20-283.Rules for operating Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed before bicycles on public sidewalks me on 06/12/2014. A person may operate a bicycle on a public sidewalk,including in a business district,subject to the fol- lowing requirements in addition to �^ those found in state statute.A bicy- S,(]sl�JL. I v ` \01`e _ clist shall: Notary Public (1) Ride at a speed no greater than is reasonable and prudent un- der the circumstances, and in no event at a speed greater than 10 J V Vs,v JVVV VVVVVV\NWW ^ miles per hour. �p f,� 2 Slow to a walkingpace when } :; i1f1�I�E iu tEMACPHERSON ped pedestrians are present. Notary (3)Slow to a walking pace upon ,', approach to and when crossing r.....,.,,,()) My Commission ExpkM,lel►St,2019 a driveway or intersection; enter driveway or intersection only when clear of traffic. (4) Not ride on sidewalks where the entrance or exit of a building abuts the sidewalk. (5) Not ride on sidewalks where posted. Section 4. This ordinance is ef- fective immediately upon its pas- sage and publication. First Reading:June 3,2014 Second Reading:Waived Published:June 12,2014 Attest Debra A.Mangen,City Clerk James B.Hovland,Mayor 6/12/14,3SC1,Ordinance 2014-09,233261 Rate Information: (I)Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users for comparable space: • $34.45 per column inch Ad ID 233261 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION City of Edina (Official Publication) STATE OF M I N N ESOTA )ss Ordinance 2014-05 COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) AN ORDINANCE AMENDING • CHAPTER 22 OF THE EDINA CITY CODE Charlene Vold being duly sworn on an oath, CONCERNING states or affirms that they are the Authorized DISCHARGE OF FIREARMS Agent of the newspaper(s)known as: THE CITY OF EDINA ORDAINS: Section 1. Section 22-78 of the Edina City Code is amended to read SC Edina as follows: Sec. 22-78. Discharge of fire- arms prohibited and has full knowledge of the facts stated No person shall fire, discharge below: or explode any rifle,gun, pistol,air (A)The newspaper has complied with all of rifle, BB gun, pellet gun, paint pel- the requirements constituting qualifica- let gun or other weapon in any part of the City except by a certified fire- tion as a qualified newspaper as provided arms training instructor while par- by Minn. Stat. §331A.02, §331A.07, and ticipating in a Department of Natu- other applicable laws as amended. ral Resources approved firearms B safety program or by any person on ( )This Public Notice was printed and pub- a rifle,trap,archery or target range lished in said newspaper(s) for 1 succes- established in accordance with the sive issues; the first insertion being on City's zoning ordinance or as part 05/15/2014 and the last insertion being on of a City sponsored event. No per- 05/15/2014. son shall possess out of doors or transport any of the weapons listed in this section unless the same is unloaded and cased. Nothing shall be construed to prohibit any firing of /� a rifle, gun, pistol or other weapon �( (�5�[) when done in the lawful defense of By: '.A- person or property or in the neces- Authorized Agent sary defense or enforcement of the laws. Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed before Section 2. This ordinance is ef- fective immediately upon its pas- me on 05/15/2014. sage and publication. Section 2. This ordinance is ef- fective upon passage and publica- tion. IIPP O SPA /\.1 �PI_ Attest C' � �1X/�/�-`._ Debra A.Mangen,City Clerk Notary Public James B.Hovland,Mayor First Reading:May 6,2014 Second Reading:Waived "'- �,..,,:..,•..,.,.�.,.. .vvvvwvvwV►N Published:May 15,2014 I t ARLENE MARIE MAMMON 21 ss24 Ordinance 2014-05 05/15/14 l Notary Put1'►io-Minnesota ':Y -/M*Com lNIonExgresdan31.2019 �n ... . nnnnnrniW► Rate Information: (I)Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users for comparable space: • $34.45 per column inch Ad ID 219624 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION City of Edina refunded to the person who paid the the tax after written demand for tax to the City within ten(10)calen- payment, or who shall fail to remit STATE OF M I N N ESOTA (Official Publication) dar days after determination of such the taxes collected or any interest COUNTY OF HENNEPIN )ss ORDINANCE NO.2o14-04 refund, imposed by this Section after writ- ) AN ORDINANCE AMENDING (e)Refunds. ten demand for such payment or CHAPTER 20 OF THE EDINA Any person may apply to the who shall refuse to permit the City I Charlene Vold being duly sworn on an oath, CITY CODE CONCERNING City for a refund of taxes paid for a to examine the books,records and A LOCAL LODGING TAX prescribed period in excess of the papers under his or her control, or states or affirms that they are the Authorized THE CITY OF EDINA ORDAINS: amount legally due for that period, who shall willfully make any incom- Agent of the newspaper(s)known as: Section 1.Section 20-384 of the provided that no application for re- plete,false or fraudulent return shall Edina City Code is amended by fund shall be considered unless filed be guilty of a misdemeanor. SC Edina adding the following definitions: within one year after such tax was (i)Use of Proceeds. Lodging means the furnishing for paid,or within one year from the fil- Ninety-five percent(95%)of the consideration of lodging at a hotel, ing of the return, whichever period proceeds obtained from the col- and has full knowledge of the facts stated motel,rooming house,tourist court, is the longer. The City shall examine lection of taxes pursuant to this below: or resort, other than the renting or the claim and make and file written Section shall be used in accor- leasing of it for a continuous period findings thereon denying or allow- dance with Minnesota Statutes, (A)The newspaper has complied with all of of thirty(30)calendar days or more. ing the claim in whole or in part and section 469.190 as the same may the requirements constituting qualifiea- Operator means a person who shall mail a notice thereof by regis- be amended from time to time to tion as a qualified newspaper as provided provides lodging to others, or any tered mail to such person at the ad- fund a local convention or tourism by Minn. Stat. §331 A.02, §331 A.07, and office, agent or employee of such dress stated upon the return.If such bureau for the purpose of marketing person. claim is allowed in whole or in part, and promoting the City as a tourist other applicable laws as amended. Section 2.Chapter 20,Article VII the City shall credit the amount of or convention center. (B)This Public Notice was printed and pub- of the Edina City Code is amended the allowance against any taxes due (j)Appeals. fished in said newspaper(s) for 1 Succes by adding the following Section: under this Section from the claimant Any operator aggrieved by any sive issues; the first insertion beingSection 20-388. Lodging Tax and the balance of the allowance,if notice, order or determination on (a)Imposition of Tax. any,shall be paid by the City to the made by the City under this Sec- 05/08/2014 and the last insertion being on There is hereby imposed a tax claimant. tion may file a petition for review 05/08/2014. of three percent(3%)on the gross (f)Failure to File a Return. of such notice,order or determine- receipts from the furnishing for con- If any operator required by this tion detailing the operator's reasons sideration of lodging. Section to file a return shall fail to for contesting the notice, order or (b)Collection. do so within the time prescribed, determination. The petition shall Each operator shall collect the or shall make,willfully or otherwise, contain the name of the petitioner, tax imposed by this Section at the an incorrect,false,or fraudulent re- the petitioner's address and the lo- gy: time rent is paid.The tax collections turn,the operator shall, upon writ- cation of the lodging subject to the-.4_,Q, Authorized Agent shall be held in trust by the operator ten notice and demand, file such order, notice or determination.The g for the City.The amount of tax shall return or corrected return within five petition for review shall be filed with be separately stated from the rent (5)calendar days of receipt of such the City Clerk within ten(10)calen- Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed before charged for the lodging. written notice and shall at the same dar days after the notice, order or me on 05/08/2014. (c)Payment and Returns. time pay any tax due on the basis determination for which review is The taxes imposed by this Sec- thereof. If such person shall fail to sought has been mailed or served tion shall be paid by the operator to file such return or corrected return, upon the person requesting review. the City not later than twenty-five the City shall make a return or cor- Upon receipt of the petition the City iiv&A, M (25)calendar days after the end of rected return,for such person from Manager, or the Manager's desig- D aH the month in which the taxes were such knowledge and information nee, shall set a date for a hearing collected. At the time of payment as the City can obtain,and assess and give the petitioner at least five Notary Public the operator shall submit a return a tax on the basis thereof, which (5)calendar days' prior written no- upon such forms and containing tax(less any payments theretofore tice of the date,time and place of such information as the City may made on account of the tax for the the hearing.At the hearing,the peti- ,,rwwwwwwwVVVVVVVVVVVVL require. The return shall contain the taxable period covered by such tioner shall be given an opportunity 1 jt),p(,ENE MARE MACPHE N following minimum information: return) shall be paid within five (5) to show cause why the notice,order (1)The total amount of rent col- calendar days of the receipt of writ- or determination should be modi- i,-"< A,,�fl}, Notary Pablic.Nlinneaota lected for lodging duringtheperiod ten notice and demand for such fled or withdrawn. The�� Y 9 9 petitioner MY Commission EtgiresJan31,2018 covered by the return. payment. Any such return or as- may be represented by counsel of (2)The amount of tax required to sessment made by the City shall be petitioner's choosing at petitioner's be collected and due for the period. prima facie correct and valid, and own expense.The hearing shall be (3) The signature of the person such person shall have the burden conducted by the City Manager or filing the return or that of his agent of establishing its incorrectness or the Manager's designee, provided duly authorized in writing. invalidity in any action or proceed- only that the person conducting the (4) The period covered by the ing in respect thereto. If any portion hearing shall not have participated return. of a tax imposed by this Section is in the drafting of the order, notice (5) The amount of uncollectible not paid within thirty(30)calendar or determination for which review is rental charges subject to the lodg- days after it is required to be paid, sought.The person conducting the ing tax. the City Attorney may institute such hearing shall make written findings The operator may take a credit legal action as may be necessary of fact and conclusions based upon against taxes payable the amount to recover the amount due plus the applicable sections of this Sec- of taxes previously paid for rent that interest, and costs and disburse- tion and the evidence presented. was not actually collected. ments. Upon a showing of good The person conducting the hearing (d) Examination of Returns, Ad- cause,the City may grant an opera- may affirm, reverse or modify the justments, Notices, Demands and tor one thirty(30)day extension of notice,order or determination made Audit. time within which to file a return and by the City.Any decision rendered After a return is filed, the City make payment of taxes as required by the City Manager pursuant to this shall examine it and make any in- by this Section provided that inter- subdivision may be appealed to the vestigation or examination of the est during such period of extension City Council.A petitioner seeking to records and accounts of the person shall be added to the taxes due at appeal a decision must file a written making the return deemed neces- the rate of one and one-half percent notice of appeal with the City Clerk sary for determining its correct- (1.5%)per month. within ten (10)calendar days after ness including a formal audit. The (g)Interest. the decision has been mailed to the Rate Information: tax computed on the basis of such The amount of tax not timely petitioner.The matter will thereupon (1)Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users examination shall be the tax to be paid shall bear interest at the rate be placed on the Council agenda for comparable space: paid. If the tax due is found to be of one and one-half percent(1.5%) as soon as is practical.The Coun- greater than that paid,such excess per month from the time such tax cif shall then review the findings of • $34.45 per column inch shall be paid to the City within ten should have been paid until paid. fact and conclusions to determine (10)calendar days after receipt of a Any interest shall be added to the whether they were correct. Upon a notice thereof given either person- tax and be collected as part thereof. determination by the Council that ally or sent by registered mail to (h)Violations. the findings and conclusions were the address shown on the return.If Any person who shall willfully incorrect, the Council may modify, the tax paid is greater than the tax fail to make a return required by reverse or affirm the decision of the Ad ID 212058 found to be due,the excess shall be this Section;or who shall fail to pay City Manager or his designee upon the same standards as set forth in this subdivision. Section 3. This ordinance is ef- fective on July 1,2014 following its passage and publication. First Reading:April 1,2014 111 Second Reading:April 22,2014 Published:May 8,2014 Attest Debra A.Mangen,City Clerk James B.Hovland,Mayor 5/8/14,3SC1,Ord 2014-04 CVB Lodging Tax,212058 4110 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION City of Edina (Official Publication) STATE OF MINNESOTA ss ORDINANCE NO.2014-03 COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE EDINA CITY CODE •Charlene Vold being duly sworn on an oath, CONCERNING THE ENERGY& states or affirms that they are the Authorized ENVIRONMENT COMMISSION Agent of the newspaper(s)known as: THE CITY OF EDINA ORDAINS: SECTION 1. Section 2-139 of the Edina City Code is amended to SC Edina read as follows: Division 3.Energy&Environment Commission and has full knowledge of the facts stated Sec. 2-139. Membership. The below: commission shall consist of eleven (A)The newspaper has complied with all of ten regular and two student mem- bers. the requirements constituting qualifica- SECTION 2. This ordinance is tion as a qualified newspaper as provided effective immediately upon its pas- by Minn. Stat. §331A.02, §331A.07, and sage and publication. First Reading:March 4,2014 other applicable laws as amended. Second Reading:Waived (B)This Public Notice was printed and pub- Published:March 13,2014 lished in said newspaper(s) for 1 succes- Attest sive issues; the first insertion being on Debra A.Mangen,City Clerk 03/13/2014 and the last insertion being on James B.Hovland,Mayor 03/13/2014. 3/13/14,3SC1,Ord 2014-03 Energy,187148 By: Cialk.Akant—CS2_, Authorized Agent Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed before me on 03/13/2014. • Qi4ta— Notary Public /.. �DARLENEMARIE lACR�EI�SON o � . ; ; Notary Public-Minnesota \'—.21 My Commission Expires Jan 31,2019 Rate Information: (I)Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users for comparable space: III $34.45 per column inch Ad ID 187148 4 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION City of Edina (Official Publication) STATE OF MINNESOTA )ss ORDINANCE NO.2014-2 COUNTY OF HENNEPIN AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTERS 2 AND 24 OF THE EDINA CITY CODE CONCERNING PERMITS FOR MUNICIPAL PARKING FACILITIES •Charlene Vold beingdulysworn on an oath, THE CITY OF EDINA ORDAINS: Section 1.The following described fees of Schedule A(fees and charges)to Code Section 2-274 are amended states or affirms that they are the Authorized to read as follows: Agent of the newspaper(s)known as: Article and Division Chapter and Section Purpose of fee or charges Amount Terms Article VIII,division 5 24-397(b) Parking-permit $5 O0 SC Edina $fig Permentrtprorsted and has full knowledge of the facts stated Employee Parking permit $10.00 Per month below: Overnight business $50.00 Per month (A)The newspaper has complied with all of vehicle permit the requirements constituting qualifica- Section 2.Section 24-395 of the Edina City Code is amended to add the following definition: tion as a qualified newspaper as provided Overnight Parking means parking a vehicle in a municipal parking facility during the hours of 1:00 a.m.and 6:00 a.m. by Minn. Stat. §331A.02,§331 A.07, and Section 3.Section 24-396 of the Edina City Code is amended to read as follows: other applicable laws as amended. (a)No person shall park any vehicle in any municipal parking facility : (B)This Public Notice was printed and pub- (1)For a period in excess of the designated time limits;or (2)In a location designated as"cantreetpermit parking only,"unless the vehicle displays a parking stiekerper- lished in said newspaper(s) for 1 succes- mil issued pursuant to this article; sive issues; the first insertion being on (3)In violation of the parking restrictions provided under Section 24-397:or 03/13/2014 and the last insertion being on (4)Outside of the marked boundaries for each individual parking stall. 03/13/2014. (b)Except as otherwise provided Ppersons may park in any municipal parking facility for any length of time during non_business hours,except for such times as parking may be prohibited for snow removal,repairs anti- like-purposes,or by order of the manager.Provided7howeverr Nno overnight parking shall be allowed unless the vehicle displays a temporary or overnight parking permit issued pursuant to sections 24-397(d)or(e)and is parked in the designated temporary or overnight parking location. /-1 t _ 11� � �1 ^ Section 4,Section 24-397(b)of the Edina City Code is amended to read as follows: By: ``/1VIIVln UL�J/1.U/�) (b) Authorized Agent Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed before me on 03/13/2014. , fifi)OISION•I ti\ ti‘CloitiA..44PN. . .. • . . - Notary Public i.�r� �m,....fADARIEJE MAREMACP6tERSON Employee Parking Permits. ts?o.: i (1)Requirement.Individuals employed in that portion of the 50th and France Commercial Area located in the -," ,: Notary Public-Minnesota \.,;• ' ley Commis as Jan 31,20'9 city must obtain a parking permit to park within the municipal parking facility during the employee's work hours •� and mustpark within the areas of the municipal parking facility designated for employee parking by resolution of the city council or by the manager. 12)Issuance of Parking Permits. Permit stickers shall be issued by the manager or manager's designee and shall be issued only to current employees of the 50th and France Commercial Area located in the City.Eligible employees who choose to park in the municipal parkina facility shall submit a completed permit application form.Before receiving a parking permit,the applicant shall pay a fee as set forth in section 2-724 and furnish an acknowledgement of employment by a business located within the 50th and France Commercial Area within the City,together with proof of ownership and a description of the permitted vehicle.Parking permits shall be valid only for the calendar year in which issued.Parking permit stickers shall be fastened in the location designated by the manager and shall be visible at all times when the vehicle is parked in the designated municipal parking facility. ., 131 Replacement Permits.Permittees may obtain a replacement permit for an alternate vehicle upon complet- ing the appropriate application form accompanied by the requisite vehicle and ownership information. Upon issuance,the original parking permit shall be cancelled.The replacement permit shall be valid for the remaining portion of the calendar year at no additional fee. Permittees may obtain a permit for one additional household vehicle used by the permittee upon completing the appropriate application form accompanied by the requisite vehicle and ownership information. 14)Parking Permit Cancellation A permittee who ceases to be employed y a business in the 50th and France Commercial Area of the City shall notify the city upon termination of employment and the parkina permit shall be cancelled.The city may cancel a parking permit for any violation of this section or a policy adopted by the city concerning the use of the municipal parking facility. (5)Regulations. (a)The issuance of a parking permit will not guarantee the availability of parking space at any specific location or time.The unavailability of a parking space within a designated permit area will not entitle a permittee to any reimbursement or ability to use any non-permitted parking stall. (b) Permittees under this section must park the vehicle front-end forward into any parking stall within the Rate Information: municipal parking facility. (1)Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users (c) Parking in a municipal parking facility in violation of the provisions of this section by failing to obtain for comparable space: permit or park in the designated permit location is a violation of this section and will be.punishable pursuant to subsection(f). • $34.45 per column inch Section 5.Section 24-397 of the Edina City Code is amended to add new subsections(e)and(f)to read as follows: le)Business Overnight Parking Permit. Businesses within the 50th and France Commercial Area of the city may be issued by the manager or the manager's designee an overnight parking permit for a business vehicle. An eligible business shall submit an application for an overnight parking permit accompanied by the fee set forth in section 2-724 of the city code together with a description of the vehicle.The permitted vehicle may park in excess Ad ID 187140 of the time limits during business hours and may park between the hours of 1:00 a.m.and 6:00 a.m.,but only in locations in the municipal parking facility designated by the manager.The overnight vehicle parking permit shall be displayed in a manner prescribed by the manaaer. If)Violations.It is unlawful to park a motor vehicle contrary to the provisions of this section.A violation of this section is a petty misdemeanor.Vehicles parked in violation of these requirements for a minimum of 4 hours may be towed in accordance with Minn.Stat.6 168B.035 and.Q4.Altering or falsifyinga parking permit shall be �nsidered a violation of this section.Police officers,community service officers,and parking monitors shall be • • Ob LL8 L'6ui>Iaed Z-b LO3 Pao'LOSE'b L/E L/E aoi(eN'puelnoH•g sawed Niel0,110'ua6uew•y eagad • 1saRb bLOZ`£L 4oJBW :paysllgnd 41.0Z'440JMW :6ulpeaapuooas VLOZ`8L tienJge :buipe%lsnd •bLOZ'L Iudt/anlloa}}a sI aoueulpJo slyl•L uogoes •sal;llloe}burped Iolunw pe uI al Iue slyl q paysllgelsa seam uope pule paleu pap pue sll II awll ayl • pod'legs aa6euew a41 :smollo}se pea'of pepuewe sI ap00 A1I0 eUIP3 04140 86E-PZ uolloas•g uoi;oeS AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION City of Edina (a)The permit holder must corn- from operations on the site. hop- ply with the state building code, erable equipment and equipment STATE OF MINNESOTA OR(Official Publication)DINANCE NO.2014-01 state statutes and this Code,includ- not being used on the site must COUNTY OF HENNEPIN )ss ing articles III,VI,VII and XVII of this be removed within 24 hours after it AN ORDINANCE AMENDING chapter. becomes inoperable or is no longer CHAPTER 10 OF THE (b) Deliveries of equipment and in use. Where work on any project 0 Charlene Vold beingdulysworn on an oath, EDINA CITY CODE material to the site,work crews on lies within areas of pedestrian traffic CONCERNING RESIDENTIAL site and construction and demoli- or vehicular traffic,the project area states or affirms that they are the Authorized REDEVELOPMENT ENFORCEMENT tion activity are prohibited except must be cleaned and swept and Agent of the newspaper(s)known as: THE CITY OF EDINA ORDAINS: between the hours of 7:00 a.m.and all materials related to the project Section 1.Section 10-109 of the 7:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, must be stockpiled in appropriate SC Edina Edina City Code is amended to read and 9:00 a.m.and 6:00 p.m.on Sat- areas.Debris must be contained on as follows: urday. Work is prohibited on Sun- the project site.No material may be Sec.10-109.Permit applications. days and Holidays. deposited or stockpiled on the pub- Theand has full knowledge of the facts stated applicant must complete (c) The permit holder must re- lic streets, boulevards, sidewalks $ the application forms provided by pair any damage to public property, or adjacent property.At the end of below: the city, pay the permit fees in the streets, and sidewalks. If damage each working day,the permit holder amount set forth in section 2-724, (A)The newspaper has complied with all of occurs to the foregoing, it must be must remove any soil, trash or de- the requirements constituting qualifica- deposit the cash escrow and furnish repaired within three working days bns that washed or was deposited all other documents and reports re- after the damage occurs,unless the on any public sidewalk or street and tion as a qualified newspaper as provided quired for the permit. The applica- by Minn. Slat. §331 A.02, §331 A.07, and tion must be signed by the property permit holder has received written must remove any trash or debris the owner's authorized permission from the building official that washed or was deposited on owner other applicable laws as amended. to delay repairs to a later specified any adjacent property. (B)This Public Notice was printed and pub- agent. date. (g)Dust control is the responsibil- ljshed in said newspaper(s) for 1 s pub- Section 2. Section 10-110 (3) & (d)The permit holder must main- ity of the permit holder.As weather (5)of the Edina City Code is amend- tain a 5-foot parking setback from permits,materials subject to demo- sive issues; the first insertion being on ed to read as follows: driveways and a 30-foot parking lition shall be thoroughly dampened 02/13/2014 and the last insertion being on Sec. 10-110. Permit require- setback from intersections. When with water so as to prevent dust. 02/13/2014. ments. parking on a street, a vehicle must The permit holder must eliminate (3)Soils investigation report and be completely located on the street dust problems immediately upon shoring plan.Based upon soil types, surface, parallel to and within 12 receiving notice from the building topography,the location of adjacent inches of the curb.Vehicles in vio- official that there is a dust problem. structures and other pertinent infor- lation of these requirements may (h) No building material, tempo- mation,the building official shall de- termineBy: if a soils investigation report Stat.§168B.035. On-street parking equipment may be placed within �/l/ltlJ�V�-CMS VV�L?�J and/or shoring plan is necessary. If of equipment other than licensed street right-of-way, or on a side- Authorized Agent the building official determines that motor vehicles is prohibited. Stop- walk. Motor vehicles may not be a soils report is necessary, the ap- ping, standing or parking a vehicle parked or stopped on a sidewalk. Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed before plicant shall have a soil report pre- is prohibited, except when neces- Public sidewalks must be left open me on 02/13/2014. pared and signed by a licensed pro- sary to avoid conflict with other and unobstructed at all times. fessional soil scientist or licensed traffic or in compliance with the di- (i) Prior to commencing demoli- professional engineer.If the building rections of a police officer or traffic tion, protective fencing approved official determines a shoring plan is control device,in any of the follow- by the building official must be 0,� M c� n mustin- necessary,the applicant Thea report en- ing places: stalled around boulevard removed. and (/ A�^ must provide a detailed plan to en- (1) On a boulevard between the trees that will not be removed. sure that adjacent property will not sidewalk and roadway; Section 4. This ordinance is ef- Notary Public be damaged by reducing lateral (2) Within five(5)feet of the in- fective immediately upon its pas- support for driveways,foundations, tersection of any public or private sage and publication. fences or lawns caused by excava- driveway or alley with any street or First Reading:February 3,2014 tion,demolition or construction ac- tivity. highway; Second Reading:Waived d'""+ tivity. The soils report and shoring _'?:a DARLENE MARIE MACPHERSON plan must be approved by the build- (3) Where the vehicle will block Published:February 13,2014'' rlf a fire escape or the exit from any Attest : Notary Public-Minnesota build- ing official.The permit holder must g City �7` ' +� adhere to the approved plan(s). building; Debra A.Man en, Clerk #�� My Commission Expires Jan 31,2019 (4) Where temporary signs pro- James B.Hovland,Mayor (5)Written notification of demoli- hibit parking. tion.For a demolition permit,at least Parking is allowed on local 2/13/14,3SC1,Ordinance 15 calendar days before demoli- streets if a 12-foot wide area is open 2014-1,174308 tion commences,the permit holder for the traveled portion of the road. must provide written notification to On collector and arterial roadways, all property owners within 300 feet a minimum of 22 feet must be open of the perimeter of the demolition for the traveled portion of the road. site notifying the property owners of Off-street and off-site parking for the proposed demolition and build- ing plans, if applicable, and invite on-site workersisrequired to the them to a neighborhood meeting. extent practicable. Police officers, community ser- The neighborhood meeting must be vice officers, parking monitors and held at least five days before demo- the Residential Redevelopment lition commences.A sign must also Coordinator of the City shall be ro- be posted on the demolition site at sponsible for enforcing the parking least five days before demolition requirements and parking regula- commences identifying the nature tions of this Section. of the demolition,the permit holder, (e)The permit holder must install a contact name and phone number, and maintain a rock entrance pad or and the site address.The sign must its equivalent at each location where also provide a city phone number to vehicles enter or exit the construe- call with any questions,complaints tion site, at locations approved by or concerns. The dimension of the the building official. sign must be between five and six (f)The site must be maintained in Rate Information: square feet.The sign and the con- a neat and orderly condition.Prior to 1 Lowest classified ratepaid bycommercial users tent of the sign must be visible from leaving the construction site at the ( � the street.The sign must be kept in end of each day,the permit holder for comparable space: place until the completion of demo- must remove empty cans, paper, ill S34.45 per column inch lition. Section 3.Section 10-111 of the plastic and other material that is not needed for construction from Edina City Code is amended to read the site or deposit them in a dump- as follows: ster. The permit holder must keep Sec. 10-111. Permit standards streets, sidewalks, boulevard areas for both demolition permits and and adjacent properties clean from Ad ID 174308 building permits. waste, materials or refuse resulting AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION City of Edina BITION: Pending the completion of the above referenced study and the STATE OF M 1 N N ESOTA (Official Publication) adoption of appropriate official con- )SS ORDINANCE NO.2013-13 trols, Smoking Lounges and Vapor COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) CITY OF EDINA Lounges are prohibited. HENNEPIN COUNTY,MINNESOTA SECTION 5. EXEMPTIONS: The 4111 Charlene Vold beingdulysworn on an oath, AN INTERIM ORDINANCE statutory exemption to this ordinance TEMPORARILY PROHIBITING set forth in Minnesota Statutes § states or affirms that they are the Authorized SMOKING LOUNGES AND 462.355, Subd. 4 is incorporated VAPOR LOUNGES herein by reference. Agent of the newspaper(s)known as: THE Cf1Y COUNCIL OF EDINA OR- SECTION 6. EFFECTIVE DATE:This DAINS: ordinance shall take effect imme- SC Edina diately upon its passage and shall SECTION 1. DEFINITIONS: The fol- remain in effect until the date of the lowing terms when used in this ordi- adoption of the official controls con- and has full knowled e of the facts stated nance shall mean: templated hereunder and the repeal g E-cigarette means an electronic de- of this ordinance or December 17, below: vice that converts nicotine liquid into 2014,whichever occurs first. (A)The newspaper has complied with all of water vapor.The e-cigarette has three First Reading:December 17,2013 the re UirementS COUStItUttn UahfiCa- main parts: a battery, atomizer and Second Reading:Waived q g q cartridge. Published:December 26,2013 tion as a qualified newspaper as provided Smoking lounge means a location by Minn. Stat. §331 A.02, §331 A.07, and licensed to sell tobacco products Attest other applicable laws as amended. where: Debra A.Mangen,City Clerk James B.Hovland,Mayor (B)This Public Notice was printed and pub- (a) Except for a bona fide sale of a smoking device, providing or other- 12/26/13,3SC1,Ordinance 2013-13, lished in said newspaper(s) for I succes- wise making available for use by a 154316 sive issues; the first insertion being on customer,potential customer,or any other person a smoking device for 12/26/2013 and the last insertion being on the purpose of smoking any tobacco 12/26/2013. product; (b) Providing in exchange for a fee or any other consideration seating within or access to the indoor area of a tobacco products shop;or - r (c)Permitting within the indoor area By: v Q the sampling of any tobacco product which was not furnished by the to- Authorized Agent bacco products shop on the date and at the time the sampling occurs. Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed before Vapor lounge means a location that me on 12/26/2013. sells e-cigarettes where: (a)Except for a bona fide sale of e- cigarettes, providing or otherwise makingpotential available for use by a cus- tomer,potential customer,or any oth- er person a device for the purpose of using an e-cigarette product; tar Public (b) Providing in exchange for a fee or any other consideration seating within or access to the indoor area of a shop that sells a cigarettes;or , :,k- 4/ nnnnnnMnnnn�Ann (c)Permitting within the indoor area of a shop that sells e-cigarettes the RY ELIZABETH KNAPP sampling of any e-cigarette product Natary Public-Minnesotawhich was not furnished by the shop on the date and at the time the sam- lttrss Jan 31.2018 pling occurs. Official Controls means ordinances and regulations which control the physical development of the City or any part thereof or any detail thereof and implement the general objectives of the comprehensive plan. Official controls include ordinances estab- lishing zoning, subdivision controls, site plan regulations,sanitary codes, building codes and official maps. SECTION 2. BACKGROUND: The City has not adopted specific Official Controls for Smoking Lounges and Vapor Lounges.There are substantial concerns that the current City zon- ing ordinance does not adequately address issues relating to such uses such as the appropriate locations and the conditions under which they may be allowed within the City,including compatibility with existing uses.As a result of the important land use and zoning issues cited above, the City will conduct studies for the purpose of consideration of possible amend- ments to the City's official controls to Rate Information: address the issues concerning such uses. (1)Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users for comparable space: SECTION 3. INTENT: It is the intent of this ordinance to allow the City of • $34.45 per column inch Edina time to complete an evalua- tion of Smoking Lounges and Vapor Lounges and to consider changes in the City's official controls necessary to protect the health,safety and wel- fare and in the interim to preserve the status quo. Ad ID 154316 SECTION 4. TEMPORARY PROHI- AFFIDAVIT OF-PUBLICATION City of Edina plies to the permit,license or registra- tion which is the subject of the sus- STATE OF M I N N ESOTA ) (Official Publication) pension or revocation. COUNTY OF H EN N EPI N SS ORDINANCE NO.2013-14 (6)Incorporated Law. Any code,stat- AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING AND ute, or other provision, incorporated N ENACTING A NEW CODE FOR THE into and made a part of this Code by PRO- reference,shall also include and in- Charlene Vold being duly sworn on an Oath, CITY OF EDINA,MINNESOTA;PRO- corporate any penalties and remedies VIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF CER-States or affirms that they are the Authorized TAIN ORDINANCES NOT INCLUDED for violations which are a part of suchincorporated provision,and the City Agent of the newspaper(s)known as: THEREIN; PROVIDING A PENALTY may enforce such penalties and pur- FOR THE VIOLATION THEREOF; sue such remedies in addition to the PROVIDING FOR THE MANNER OF other penalties and remedies set out SC Edina AMENDING SUCH CODE;AND PRO- or referenced in this Code. VIDING WHEN SUCH CODE AND THIS ORDINANCE SHALL BECOME The penalty provided by this section, and has full knowledge of the facts stated EFFECTIVE. unless another penalty is expressly below: THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY mento �y Cl applytotheamendsection,whetheror (A)The newspaper has complied with all of OF EDINA,MINNESOTA ORDAINS: not such penalty is reenacted in the Section 1.The Code entitled "Edina amendatory ordinance.In addition to the requirements constituting qualifica- City Code," published by Munici- the penalty prescribed above,the city tion as a qualified newspaper as provided pal code corporation, consisting of may pursue other remedies such as chapters 1 through 36, each inclu- abatement of nuisances,administra- by Minn. Stat. §331 A.02, §331 A.07, and sive,is adopted. tive adjudication,injunctive relief and other applicable laws as amended. Section 2.All ordinances of a general revocation of licenses or permits. (B)This Public Notice was printed and pub- and permanent nature enacted on Section 5.Additions or amendments lished in said news a erS for 1 SLLCCeS- or before October 14, 2013, except to the Code when passed in such P P ( ) Ordinance No. 2013-09 and not in- form as to indicate the intention of the sive issues; the first insertion being on eluded in the Code or recognized city to make the same a part of the 12/26/2013 and the last insertion beingand continued in force by reference Code shall be deemed to be incorpo- rated in the Code,so that reference to 12/26/2013. the Code includes the additions and Section 3. The repeal provided for amendments. in section 2 hereof shall not be con- strued to revive any ordinance or part Section 6.Ordinances adopted after thereof that has been repealed by October 14,2013 that amend or refer a subsequent ordinance that is re- to ordinances that have been codified pealed by this ordinance. in the Code shall be construed as if they amend or refer to like provisions By: �� Section 4. Unless another penalty of the Code. isAuthorized Agent expressly provided, every person Section 7. This ordinance shall€ convicted of a violation of any be- sionprovi- of the Code or any ordinance, come effective after its adoption and Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed before rule or regulation adopted or issued in publication according to law pursuance thereof shall be punished First Reading:December 17,2013 me on 12/26/2013. as follows: Second Reading:Waived (1) Petty Misdemeanors. Whenever Published:December 26,2013 an act or omission is declared in this Attest Code to be a petty misdemeanor, • i any person violating the provision Debra A.Mangen,City Clerk will,upon conviction,be subject to a James B.Hovland,Mayor fine of not more than$300.The cost N ar Public of prosecution may be added to the 12/26/13,3SC1,Ordinance 2013-14, penalty imposed on every person 154320 convicted of violating any provision of this Code. ''" `?�MARY ELIZABETH KNAPP11' (2)Misdemeanors.In any case other than those in which a violation is ex- pressly Public-Minnesotapressly stated to be a petty misde- meanor Notary meanor in this Code,any person vio- lating any provision of this Code,or \ y hNJ Commission Expires Jan 31,2018 any rule or regulation adopted under this Code will, upon conviction, be guilty of a misdemeanor,and be sub- ject to a fine of not more than$1,000 or imprisonment for a term not to ex- ceed 90 days or both,plus,in either case, the cost of prosecution. The cost of prosecution may be added to the penalty imposed on every person convicted of violating any provision of this Code. (3)Separate Violations.Unless other- wise provided, each act of violation and every day on which a violation occurs or continues, constitutes a separate offense. (4)Other Remedies.In addition to the remedies set out above in this sec- tion, the City may exercise, with or separately, from such remedies and at the same or separate times,all and any legal and equitable remedies then available to the City by this Code or State Law to enforce this Code, or to recover any fees, charges or ex- penses owed to City pursuant to this Code, including, without limitation, Rate Information: injunction and the penalties and rem- edies in any provision incorporated (1)Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users into this Code by reference as pro- for comparable space: vided in this Code. Ill $34.45 per column inch (5) Permits, Licenses and Registra- tions. In addition to other remedies available to the City, the City may revoke or suspend, pursuant to the provisions of the Code,any permit,li- cense or registration when the holder has violated or failed to comply with Ad ID 154320 any provision of this Code which ap- AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION City of Edina STATE OF M I N N ESOTA (Official Publication) )SS ORDINANCE NO.2013-15 COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE EDINA CITY CODE S Charlene Vold being duly sworn on an oath, CONCERNING THE COMMUNITY HEALTH COMMITTEE states or affirms that they are the Authorized THE CRY OF EDINA ORDAINS: Agent of the newspaper(s)known as: Section 1 Section 2-162 to 2-165 of the Edina City Code is amended to SC Edina read as follows: Division 4. Community Health Committee Commission and has full knowledge of the facts stated $eC, 2-162. Establishment The below: Council, acting as the Community A The newspaper has compliedHealth Board pursuant tor Mlinne- ( ) with all of sofa Statutes§145A and article II of the requirements constituting qualifica- chapter 20, hereby establishes the lion as a qualified newspaper as provided Comm.nity Health Committee,Com- by Minn. Stat. §331A.02, §331A.07, and other applicable laws as amended. Sec. 2-163. Purpose and mittee (B)This Public Notice was printed and pub- lished in said newspaper(s) for 1 succes- sive issues; the first insertion being on 12/26/2013 and the last insertion being on 12/26/2013. In determining the mechanisms to Vaddress Edina public health priorities, By: the Community Health Commission Authorized Agent sh ity Hall study and advise the Commu- nealth Board on: (I)monitoring health status to identify Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed before community health problems; me on 12/26/2013. (ii)diagnosing and investigating prob- lems and health hazards in the com- munity; (ii)informing,educating,and empow- ering people about health issues; III " (iv) mobilizing community partner- ships to identify and solve health N tary Public problems; (v)developing policies and plans that support individual and community health efforts; (v) enforcing laws and regulations that protect health and ensure safety; /��R� 1/ ,�pIMARYELIXKNAPPI (vii) linking people to needed personal �� health care services; Notary Public-Minnesota (vii) ensuring a competent public ' health and personal health care work- for71 ce; (ix) evaluating effectiveness, acces- sibility, and quality of personal and population-based health services; and (x)new insights and innovative solu- tions to health problems. Sec.2-164.Membership.The Com- munity Health Committee Commis- sion shall consist of nine regular and two student members.Members shall include, if possible, providers and consumers of health care services. Sec. 2-165. Subject to General Provisions Governing Boards and Commissions.The membership and operations of the Community Health Committee Commission shall be governed by Seetion-1500 Section 2-162-2-165 of this Code. SECTION 2 This ordinance is effec- tive immediately upon its passage and publication. First Reading:December 17,2013 Second Reading:Waived Rate Information: Published:December 26,2013 (1)Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users Attest for comparable space: Debra A.Mangen,City Clerk • $34.45 per column inch James B.Hovland,Mayor 12/26/13,3SC1,Ordinance 2013-15, 154321 Ad ID 154321 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION STATE OF MINNESOTA )ss • Current.mnsun.com 13 COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) City of Edina (Official Publication) •Charlene Vold being duly sworn on an oath, ORDINANCE NO.2013-11 states or affirms that they are the Authorized THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDINA ORDAINS: Agent of the newspaper(s)known as: Section 1.The following described fees of Schedule A to Code Section 185 are amended to read as follows: SC Edina SECTION SUBSEC. PURPOSE OF FEE/CHARGE AMOUNT 410 410.02 Subd.1 Building Permit and has full knowledge of the facts stated If total valuation of work is: Then amount is: below: $1 to$500 $26.00 501 to 2,000 $26.00 *for first$500 plus for each additional$100 or fraction (A)The newspaper has complied with all of $3.35 thereof to and including$2,000 the requirements constituting quailfica- 2,001 to 25,000 $76.20 "for the first$2,000 plus tion as a qualified newspaper as provided $15.so for each additional$1,000 or fraction thereof to and including$25,000 by Minn. Stat. §331 A.02,§331 A.07, and 25,001 to 50,000 $430.00 for the first$25,000 plus other applicable laws as amended. $11.00 for each additional$1,000 or fraction thereof to and including$50,000 (B)This Public Notice was printed and pub- 50,001 to 100,000 $710.00 "for the first$50,000 plus lished in said newspaper(s) for 1 succes- $8.0o for each additional$1,000 or fraction thereof to and including$100,000 sive issues; the first insertion being on 100,001 to 500,000 $1,100.00*for the first$100,000 plus 12/26/2013 and the last insertion being on $6.00 for each additional$1,000 or fraction thereof to and including$500,000 12/26/2013. 500,001 to 1,000,000 $3,500.00*for the first$500,000 plus $5.25 for each additional$1,000 or fraction thereof to and including$1,000,000 1,000,001 and up $6,000.00 for the first$1,000,000 plus $4.00 for each additional$1,000 or fraction 11 �' thereof By: V b 4 410 410.02 Subd.2 Other Permit Related Fees $68.00 Per hour or the total hourly cost to City,whichever is greatest.(includes Authorized Agent supervision,overhead,equipment, hourly wages and fringe benefits of employees involved) Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed before me on 12/26/2013. 421 421.04 R-O-W Excavation Permit Administrative Fee $85.00 Underground Utility/Telecom Installation-Directional Boring or Tunneling(Plus Minimum Permit Fee) $50.00 Per 100 L..Ft Underground Utility/Telecom otar Public Installation-Open Trenching(Plus y Minimum Permit Fee) $70.00 Per 100 L.Ft. 421 421.07 Subd.3 Street Surface Repair $55.00 Per square foot under 10 square feet $45.00 Per square foot from 10-25 square feet $40.00 Per square foot over 25 square feet /VARY ELiZABETH KNAPPS 430 430.03 Subd.8 Installer's Licenses;Oil Burner: $60.00 Stoker;Steam or Hot Water Heating;Mechanical Warm Air H Notary Public-Minnesota Heating and Air Conditioning; 1:,„' My Commission Expires Jan 31.2016 Refrigeration;and Gas Piping Installers 435 435.07 Gas Piping Permit;Oil Burner: Minimum Fee: Stoker;Steam or Hot Water $25.00 Residential-plus surcharge Heating;Mechanical Warm Air pursuant to M.S.168.70 Heating and Air Conditioning; $30.00 Commercial-plus surcharge Refrigeration; pursuant to M.S.16B.70 Fee Calculations: $0 to 1,000 $17.00 'plus 3.10%>$ 500 1,001 to 5,000 $35.00 *plus 2.60%>$1,000 5,001 to 10,000 $150.00 *plus 2.15%>$5,000 10,001 to 25,000 $265.00 'plus 1.85%>$10,000 25,001 to 50,000 $575.00 *plus 1.65%>$25,000 50,001 and over $1,000.00 "plus 1.30%>$50,000 *plus surcharge pursuant to M.S.16B.70 435 435.07 Subd.1 Other Permit Related Fees $68.00 Per hour or the total hourly cost to City,whichever is greatest.(includes supervision,overhead,equipment, hourly wages and fringe benefits of employees involved) 440 440.04 Plumbing or Water Minimum Fee: Conditioning Permit $30.00 Commercial-plus surcharge pursuant to M.S.168.70 Rate Information: Fee Calculations: $0 to 300 $20.00 (1)Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users $301 to 700 $20.00 *plus1.75%>$300 for comparable space: 1,0010toto 1,000, $35.00 "plus 2.60lus %>$1,000 $34.45 per column inch 5,001 to 10,000 $150.00 'plus 2.15%>$5,000 10,001 to 25,000 $265.00 *plus 1.85%>$10,000 • 25,001 to 50,000 $575.00 *plus 1.65%>$25,000 50,001 and over $1,000.00 *plus 1.30%>$50,000 *plus surcharge pursuant to M.S.168.70 Ad ID 154319 440 440.04 Installation or Testing of RPZ $35.00 Backflow Preventers 440 440.04 Subd.1 Other Permit Related Fees $68.00 Per hour or the total hourly cost to City,whichever is greatest.(includes r• supervision,overhead,equipment, __ _ hourly wages and fringe benefits of employees involved) 6 LE45 L L l-E L0Z aoueu!PJO LOSE'£L/93/Z L Joleyj'puelnoH 9 sewer >!Je!O/1!O`uabue4 •y exgo :lseuy ELM'9Z Jagwaoa4:paysilgnd E L0Z'L L Jagwaoa4:6u!peay puooaS E L0Z'E Jagweoao:6u!peaa lsJ!d • '4LOZ L LJenuer eq Heys aoueu!pJ0 s!yl;0 amp angoage ayl'Z uo!109s 00•04$ l!waad;no curio L0'903L SOIL E0'0 L l L uo!loesgns u! Blown;of luensmd Jayenb Jed 68•33$ a6Jeyo a6eu!5J4 JaleM WJolS E0'0 L L I. OLLL spun ovs 4o Jeqwnu X pun O9Fi Jad a6Jeyo uo!loauuoo JOMOS 00'009$ spun Oys;0 Jagwnu X pun 031d walsi(s JOMOS JO JaleM Jad a6Jeyo uo!loauuoo JaleM 000'L$ Apo 0;uo!TOauuoo Jo;06Je140 Z0'901.L SO L L apoo s!y1 TO L'pqns LO'90 L L uollOasgns of luensJnd palndwoo spun (ovS) Oys;o Jagwnu X Uun OVS Jad off S84'ZS 06Je110 J(l!!!geyeny eo!slas Z0'S0 L L 50 L L Jalaw you!g Jo;Jayenb/9E'89E$ Jalaw you!g Jo;Jayenb/90.063$ Jelaw l4OU1 4 Jo;Jayenb/68'833$ Jelaw you!C JO;Jayenb28'6L4$ Jelew you!Z Jo;Jayenb/9E'L4$ Jo4ew you!z/,L Jo;Jayenb/44'63$ Je4ow you!%4 Jo;Jayenb/44'93$ Jalaw you!L Jo;Jayenb/46'33$ Jelaw you!qe Ol dn Jo;Jayenb/L8'94$ a6Jeyo 10191A1 4 •say0Jn1O pue slooyos lea;o!qno 005E JOAO L8'Z$ 6u!pnlou!'s6u!pynq leulsnpw lea;o!gn0 009E 01 dn E8'L$ pue le!OJawwoO cq pasn slun000s 6uyelSM uMe1.E 'SagOJnyO pue lea;O!gn0 005E Ja°O E8.4$ slooyos 6u!pnpu!'s6u!ppnq lea;o!gno 005E 01 do 8E'4$ Ieulsnpu!pus Ie!OJewwoO Aq pasn slun000e o!Tsawoo'Z BOJO ap!s6uiuJOV4 -lea;o!qno 00 4 Jad'Z S4'Z$ '1'0 0059 JOAO L97$ sale ep!s6wwow '1'0 0099 0l 009E £8'4$ ay;uI lda0xe'Apo lO seals '1'o 005E 01 do 8E'L$ Jo;lea;o!qno 00 L Jad' :OO!MJaS J91SM Z'MS E0 00 L L 00 L JeleaJ6 s!JanaIO!yM'Jayenb ayl 6uJnp pasn JelsM;o'1'0 00 L Jad OE'£$ sayOJnyo pue • Jo'ses!waid uo eo!nap 6uuelaw slooyos 6u!pnpu!'s6u!pl!nq e6eMes panoldde Jo Jalaw Ja4eM Jad 98'3S$ leulsnpu!pue IepJawwo3'E JaleaJ6 s!Janayo!yM 'pasn Jel5M;o TO 00 L Jad 0E•E$ spun 6uplaMp Jno;uey4 WOW JO Jno;JOAO pun yoea Jo;Jlb Jad LS'L4$ yl!w 6u!ppnq luawyedy'Z Jano pue Taal spun 6u!ll0Mp sse!JO o!gn0 LO9L way leuo!1!PPV 0E'E$ Jno;yllM 6u!pnq luawysdy lea;0!gn0 009 L 's6u!ll0Mp/I!wed-OMI'sesnoH 6u!pnpu!pus Ol Jayenb Jad 98•ZS$ uMol`A!!wed el6u!S•L :a0was Jamas Z'qnS E0'00 L L 00 L (panlonu!soeAoldwa;o sl!;auaq a6uu;pus sa6eM/IJnoy'luawdmba 'peagian0`uo!s!AJadns sepnloul) lsalea16 s!JanaLpym'Apo of;sop AIJnoy Ielo;ay;Jo Jnoy Jed 00.89$ saad PeleleEl l!wJed Je410 Z'PgnS 90'0E8 0£8 ;oaJayl uo!l0eJ; JO 000'L$Ieuo!T!PPS yoea Jo; S3'4$ sn!d 000'00 L$;sig.Jo; 00•SLE$ do pus 400'00L$ 000'00L$6u!pnpu!pus 044oaJayl UOI4Oe1;JO 000'L$Isuo!l!ppe yoea JO; SZ-Z$ snld 000'9$1sJ!4 Jo; 00'994$ 000'001:$04 L00'S$ 00'994$ 000`9$01 L$ :s!lunows uegj :s!){JOM 4o uo!lenlen le40411 uo!lene0x3 JO 4!d uad0 J01 aad l!wJad Z'PgnS S0'0E8 0E8 ;oaJayl uol4OSJ; JO 000'L$Ieuo!1!PP5 yoea Jo; SZ'L$ snid 000'00L$law Jo; 00•SLE$ dn pus L00•001$ 000'00 L$6u!pnl0u!pue 04 4oeie41 uo!4Oe1;JO 000'L$lsUO!l!PPe yoea Jo; SZ'Z$ sold 000'9$1SJ!;JO; 00'994$ 000'003 01 L00'S$ 00'994$ 000'9$01 L$ :s!lunows uayl :s!)IJOM10 uo!lenlen 1e10111 6u!peJ9 JO lenowel;OOJJ JO;aad l!wled Z'PgnS 50'0£8 0E8 (panlonu!saaAoldwe ;o sl!;auaq a6uy;pus Sa6eM AIJnoy'pea1Jano`suo!Toadsul 'Ma!na1 apoo'u0!s!oJedns sapnpu!) 'ea;Jnoy L wnw!u!w a yl!M MO Jad 00•yg$ seed polelalj Pw)ad JOL PO Z'PgnS 40'SZ9 5Z9 (panlonu!pa (Ol • ;o sl!;auaq a6u!J;pues sa65M 6eM c4J0Oq'peaLueno`suo!4Oadsu! 'mama!apoo'uo!S!0Jadns sepnpul) 'ea;Jnoy L wnw!u!w e y4M Jnoy Jad 001'9$ uo!l0adsul eous!ldwOO apoo Z'pgns 50'S09 509 ae;Jnoy 4 wnw!u!w s yl!M Jnoy Jad 00.68$ uo!l0adsu!sJnoy ssau!snq-u0N (panlonu!seeAoldwe ;o slgauaq a6uu;pue sa6eM Annoy'peayJano suog0adsu! 'MO!naJ apoo'uo!situadns sapnlou!) 9'SO4 00!10a9 OdSW Lg ea;'nog 4 wnw!u!w a yl!M MIN Jad 00.49$ pel!nbal sl!UJJad IeuogeJadO 4'sgns 90'909 S09 JeaA Jari tl0'Q£l4 asueon dwell 6unlJed L'PgnS EO'SL4 5L4 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION City of Edina STATE OF MINNESOTA (Official Publication) 11111 COUNTY OF HENNEPIN )ss CITY OF EDINA 4801 WEST 50TH STREET EDINA,MN 55424 Charlene Vold being duly sworn on an oath, Notice of Public Hearing states or affirms that they are the Authorized THE EDINA PLANNING COM- MISSION will meet at the Edina City Agent of the newspaper(s)known as: Hall,Council Chambers,4801 West 50th Street,on Wednesday,Novem- SC Edina ber 12,2014,at 7:00 PM,and will at said time and place to consider the following: and has full knowledge of the facts stated Final Rezoning to PUD, Planned Unit Development, Final Develop- below: ment Plan and a Zoning Ordinance (A)The newspaper has complied with all of Amendment establishing the PUD the requirements constituting qualifica- District. Aurora Investments, LLC. tion as a qualified newspaper as provided 6500 France Avenue. Lots 3 &4, by Minn. Stat. §331A.02, §331 A.07, and Block 2,Addition. ale Office Park Sec- ond Generally located other applicable laws as amended. west of France Avenue and south (B)This Public Notice was printed and pub- of 65th Street West. To build a 195 lished in said newspaper(s) for f succes- unit, 5-story senior housing and on Preliminary issues; the first insertion beingcare elier. Rezoning to PUD, 10/30/2014 and the last insertion being on Planned Unit Development,Prelimi- 10/30/2014, nary Development Plan and Com- prehensive Plan Amendments.7200 France LLC. 7200 France Avenue. Unplatted 31 028 24. Generally located south of West 72nd Street \ and West of France5-story Ary enue. To By: build a 160-unit,5-story apartment Authorized Agent building with 20,000 square feet of g retail space. Comprehensive Plan Amendments include the building Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed before height from 4 to 5 stories; density me on 10/30/2014. from 30-units per acre to 46; and floor area ratio from.5 to 1.49. All recommendations and objec- tions will be hearing at said meeting. BY ORDER OF THE EDINA •:s) 0�Q w Aj 2eil.... PLANNING COMMISSION Debra Mangen Notary Public City Clerk 301222 10/30/14 PUD District PHN vvv vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvVVMMA, Ci�I 1 • i MAR1E kutci�soN K k •;„„)` Notary Public-Minnesota t r1�` My CoIMtl lon Eta den 31,2019 Rate Information: (1)Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users for comparable space: 0 $34.45 per column inch Ad ID 301222 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION City of Edina STATE OF MINNESOTA (OfficialITY Publication) )SS CITY OF EDINA COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) 4801 WEST 50TH STREET EDINA,MN 55424 110 Charlene Vold being duly sworn on an oath, Notice of Public Hearing states or affirms that they are the Authorized THE EDINA PLANNING COM- Agent of the newspaper(s)known as: MISSION will meet at the Edina City Hall,Council Chambers,4801 West 50th Street,on Wednesday,Decem- SC Edina ber 10, 2014, at 7:00 PM, and will at said time and place consider the following: and has full knowledge of the facts stated Amend Edina City Code Chapter below: 10 and Chapter 21. An Ordinance (A)The newspaper has complied with all of Amendment regarding tree preser- vation in the R-1 and R-2 Single and the requirements constituting qualifica- Double Dwelling Unit Districts. tion as a qualified newspaper as provided All recommendations and objec- by Minn. Stat. §331A.02, §331A.07, and tions will be hearing at said meeting. other applicable laws as amended. BY ORDER OF THE EDINA PLANNING COMMISSION (B)This Public Notice was printed and pub- Debra Mangen lished in said newspaper(s) for 1 succes- city Clerk sive issues; the first insertion being on 11/27/14,3SC1,PHN Amend 11/27/2014 and the last insertion being on Edina City Code,313028 11/27/2014. By: gL2AXLIZA.Lt V O LIG., Authorized Agent Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed before me on 11/27/2014. . OAN\aCN Notary Public Ivvvvvvvvvvvvvvy dV �,,-Dry MARE MACPHERSON p� "c:r y My Commission Expires Jan 81,2018 Rate Information: (1) Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users for comparable space: IP $34.45 per column inch Ad ID 313028 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION City of Edina STATE OF MINNESOTA (Official OF E EDINAPuDINAn) SS CITY COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) 4801 WEST 50TH STREET EDINA,MN 55424 411 Charlene Vold beingdulysworn on an oath, Notice of Public Hearing THE EDINA PLANNING COM- states or affirms that they are the Authorized MISSION will meet at the Edina Agent of the newspaper(s)known as: City Hall, Council Chambers, 4801 West 50th Street, on Wednesday, SC Edina October 22,at 7:00 PM,and will at said time and place consider the fol- lowing: Amend- and has full knowledge of the facts stated Comprehensive Plan g ment. A Comprehensive Plan below: Amendment regarding pedestrian (A)The newspaper has complied with all of facilities. An updated Sidewalk Fa- the requirements constituting qualifca- cilities Map and descriptive text will indicate existing and future sidewalk tion as a qualified newspaper as provided locations for the City of Edina. To by Minn. Stat. §331A.02, §331A.07, and view the map and text,and to par- other applicable laws as amended. ticipate in an online comment forum (B)This Public Notice was printed and pub- regarding the proposed amendment, lished in said newspaper(s) for 1 succes- ptease visit obpr//speakupedina.org/ starting October 7. sive issues; the first insertion being on All recommendations and objec- 10/02/2014 and the last insertion being on tions will be heard at said meeting. 0/02/2014. BY ORDER OF THE EDINA PLANNING COMMISSION Debra Mangen City Clerk 10idew l s,28 5HN 49 By: CA-k-R-AAAA„,t,..A....ral-tQ Sidewalks,287549 Authorized Agent Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed before me on 10/02/2014. gi)Ou...QQA,j_.V\ Kci.cpte.A.44,,, Notary Public ,,yr. vvvvvvyWvvvvvvvwvvVVVVVN% �;;. 1 ARLENE MARE MACPHERSON '" ''a Notary Public-Minnesota ',I. My Commlsion Expires Jan 31,2019 Rate Information: (1)Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users for comparable space: • $34.45 per column inch Ad ID 287549 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION- City 0 Edina (Official Publication) STATE OF MINNESOTA )ss CITY OF EDINA COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) 4801 WEST 50TH STREET EDINA,MN 55424 Notice of Public Hearing • Charlene Vold being duly sworn on an oath, THE EDINA PLANNING COM- states or affirms that they are the Authorized MISSION will meet at the Edina City Agent of the newspaper(s) known as: Hall,Council Chambers,4801 West 50th Street, on Wednesday, Octo- berSC Edina 8,2014,at 7:00 PM,and will at said time and place to consider the following: Preliminary Rezoning and De- and has full knowledge of the facts stated velopment Plan. Frauenshuh Corn- below: mercial Real Estate. 7700 France (A)The newspaper has complied with all of Avenue,Edina,MN.Lot 2,Block 1, the requirements constituting qualifica- tion ffie ntr. catedEdina WO ofCe Francee Avenue Generally andlo- tion as a qualified newspaper as provided north of 78th Street West.The ap- by Minn. Stat. §331A.02, §331A.07, and plicant is requesting a preliminary other applicable laws as amended. rezoning from POD-2, Planned Of- (B)This Public Notice was printed and pub- ficeDevel Distopmenrict-2t,toto PUD,construct Planne a d Ufree nit lished in said newspaper(s) for 1 succes- standing 7,700 square foot, 242 sive issues; the first insertion being on seat restaurant at 7700 France Av- 09/25/2014 and the last insertion being on enue. 09/25/2014. Final Rezoning and Ordinance Amendment. Beacon Interfaith Housing Collaborative. 3330 66th Street West,Edina,MN.Lot 2,Block �� c, Southdaleort Acres. G ry lo- cated north of West 66th Street and west of Xerxes Avenue. Final Re- By: zoning from POD-1,Planned Office Authorized Agent District-1,to PUD,Planned Unit De- velopment and Ordinance Amend- Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed before ment to establish the PUD District. me on 09/25/2014. The applicant proposes to remodel and expand the existing building into 39-units of small studio apart- M M apart- ments for young adults who have I I A��LLt1) ec- experienced homelessness. IVasSaVS All recommendations b hearing at and meeting. �,` tions will be hearing at said meeting. Notary Public BY ORDER OF THE EDINA PLANNING COMMISSION Debra Mangen City Clerk v....i rvv,.vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv 9/25/14,3SC1,PHN k.DARLENE MARE MACPFIERSON Land Use Requests,283265 : Notary Public-Minnesota ,,,,,�15 My Commission Eons Jan 31,2019 Rate Information: (1)Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users for comparable space: $34.45 per column inch • Ad ID 283265 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION City of Edina STATE OF MINNESOTA ) (OffITY TYl Public OF EDINA COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) 4801 WEST 50TH STREET EDINA,MN 55424 • Charlene Vold beingdulysworn on an oath, Notice of Public Hearing THE EDINA PLANNING COM- states or affirms that they are the Authorized MISSION will meet at the Edina City Agent of the newspaper(s)known as: Hall,Council Chambers,4801 West 50th Street, on Wednesday, Octo- berSC Edina 8,2014,at 7:00 PM,and will at said time and place to consider the following: Conditional Use Permit. Chad and has full knowledge of the facts stated and Jenny Helmer.5808 Creek Val- below: ley Road,Edina,MN.Lot 11,Block (A)The newspaper has complied with all of 2, Creek Valley Addition. Generally the requirements constituting qualifica- located northwest of Creek Valley Road. The request is for a condi- tion as a qualified newspaper as provided tional use permit to tear down and by Minn. Stat. §331A.02, §331A.07, and rebuild a home at 5808 Creek Valley other applicable laws as amended. Road. The purpose of the request is (B)This Public Notice was printed and pub- to raise the first floor elevation more than one foot above the existing first lished in said newspaper(s) for 1 succes- floor elevation due to the Nine Mile sive issues; the first insertion being on Creek 100-year flood elevation on 09/25/2014 and the last insertion being on the property. 09/25/2014. All recommendations and objec- tions will be hearing at said meeting. BY ORDER OF THE EDINA PLANNING COMMISSION Debra Mangen 1 ^ /, ' / City Clerk By: _ "lS�i �U t� 9/25/14,3SC1,PHN Authorized Agent 5808 Creek Valley Rd,283876 Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed before me on 09/25/2014. IllpaA9-01,...e_ kfk4 rkA0 QL Notary Public yvv vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvWJV%P DARLENE MARIE MACPH8RSON "`` Notary Public-Minnesota t'` ,-.' My Commission Expires Jan 31,2019 Rate Information: (1)Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users for comparable space: • $34.45 per column inch Ad ID 283876 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION City of Edina (Official Publication) STATE OF M I N N ESOTA )ss CITY OF EDINA COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) 4801 WEST 50TH STREET EDINA,MN 55424 SCharlene Vold being duly sworn on an oath, Notice of Public Hearing states or affirms that they are the Authorized THE EDINA PLANNING COM- Agent of the newspaper(s) known as: MISSION will meet at the Edina City Hall,Council Chambers,4801 West 50th Street, on Wednesday, Sep- SC Edina tember 10, 2014, at 7:00 PM, and will at said time and place to con- sider the following: and has full knowledge of the facts stated Final Rezoning and Final Site below: Plan with Variances. Frauenshuh (A)The newspaper has complied with all of Commercial Real Estate. 5108 Edina Industrial Boulevard, Edina, the requirements constituting qualifica- MN.Generally located east of Metro tion as a qualified newspaper as provided Boulevard and north of Edina In- by Minn. Stat. §331A.02, §331A.07, and dustrial Boulevard. Tear down the existing 12,000 square feet office other applicable laws as amended. buildings and build 10,000 square (B)This Public Notice was printed and pub- feet of retail office space including lished in said newspaper(s) for 1 succes- coffee shop. Front yard setback sive issues; the first insertion being on variances from 35-feet to 25-feet 08/28/2014 and the last insertion beingon are requested. All recommendations and objec- 08/28/2014. tions will be hearing at said meeting. BY ORDER OF THE EDINA PLANNING COMMISSION Debra Mangen City Clerk By: 8/28/14,3SC1,PHN 5108 Authorized Agent Edina Industrial Blvd,268066 Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed before me on 08/28/2014. 03 CtSLAt-fi- 04 M.OILkb-0-cit‘_ Notary Public rv vvv.vvvDARLENEMMACPhI Notary Publlo-MinnesotaMy Commission an Expires Jan 31,2019 Rate Information: (1)Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users for comparable space: 1110 $34.45 per column inch Ad ID 268066 4 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION City of Edina STATE OF MINNESOTA (CITY)Publication)EIN ss CITY OF EDINA COUNTY OF HENNEPIN 4801 WEST 50TH STREET EDINA,MN 55424 0 Charlene Vold being duly sworn on an oath, Notice of Public Hearing states or affirms that they are the Authorized THE EDINA PLANNING COM- MISSION will meet at the Edina City Agent of the newspaper(s)known as: Hall,Council Chambers,4801 West 50th Street, on Wednesday, Sep- SC Edina tember 10, 2014, at 7:00 PM, and will at said time and place to con- sider the following: and has full knowledge of the facts stated Variance to the Conditional Use below: Permit Requirements.Ted and Amy (A)The newspaper has complied with all of Carlson. 5516 Knoll Drive, Edina, MN. Lot 11, Block 5, Pa Edina, the requirements constituting qualifica- Knolls.Generally located southwest tion as a qualified newspaper as provided of Knoll Drive. Consider a request by Minn. Stat. §33l A.02, §331A.07, and fora variance to the conditional use permit requirements to allow an in- other applicable laws as amended. crease in the first floor elevation be- (B)This Public Notice was printed and pub- yond one foot and a conditional use lished in said newspaper(s) for 1 succes- Permit request to allow an increase sive issues; the first insertion being on in first floor elevation of a total of 08/28/2014 and the last insertion bein 2.25 feet over the existing first floor g on elevation. 08/28/2014. All recommendations and objec- tions will be hearing at said meeting. BY ORDER OF THE EDINA PLANNING COMMISSION ` � Debra Mangen City Clerk By: Authorized Agent 8/28/14,3SC1,PHN 5516 Knoll Drive,270126 Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed before me on 08/28/2014. fi CUSLOAAk MPAe.t.e1 Notary Public IDARLENEMARIEMACPHERSON �'' , Notary publio•Mlnnesota K-;Yyv My Commission Expires Jen 31,201$ Rate Information: (1)Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users for comparable space: $34.45 per column inch • Ad ID 270126 r • • • AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION City of Edina (Official Publication) STATE OF MINNESOTA )ss CITY OF EDINA COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) 4801 WEST 50TH STREET EDINA,MN 55424 •Charlene Vold being duly sworn on an oath, Notice of Public Hearing states or affirms that they are the Authorized THE EDINA PLANNING known as: COM- MISSION will meet at the Edina City Agent of the newspaper(s) Hall,Council Chambers,4801 West 50th Street,on Wednesday,August SC Edina 13,at 7:00 PM,and will at said time and place to consider the following: Conditional Use Permit. K.Alex- and has full knowledge of the facts stated ander. 4603 Annaway Drive, Edina, below: MN. Lot 2, Block 1, Gunnar John- son's(A)The newspaper has complied with all of end Rearrangement, Rolling Green. Generally located north of the requirements constituting qualifica- Interlachen Boulevard and north- tion as a qualified newspaper as provided west of Annaway Drive.Allow first by Minn. Stat. §331A.02, §331A.07, and floor elevation of more than one foot other applicable laws as amended. above existing floor. All recommendations and objec- (B)This Public Notice was printed and pub- tions will be hearing at said meeting. lished in said newspaper(s) for 1 succes- BY ORDER OF THE EDINA sive issues; the first insertion being on PLANNING COMMISSION 07/31/2014 and the last insertion being on Cit Ceybra ClerkMangen 07/31/2014. 7/31/14,3SC1,PHN 4603 Annaway Drive,255615 By: 3LIA"ct34/ Authorized Agent Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed before me on 07/31/2014. 411 . ' N1 414.14 4....-- Notary Public ,,,;.,..v vvvv.vvw °' ;¢.DARLENEMARIEMACPHERSON *�i�, ,,- Notary Public-Minnesota :1w -,.,+ My Commisston Expires Jan 31,2019 ‘A/W N Rate Information: (1)Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users for comparable space: $34.45 per column inch S Ad ID 255615 J • • • AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION City of Edina (Official Publication) STATE OF M IN N ESOTA )ss CITY OF EDINA COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) 4801 WEST 50TH STREET EDINA,MN 55424 • Charlene Vold beingdulysworn on an oath, Notice of Public Hearing THE EDINA PLANNING COM- states or affirms that they are the Authorized MISSION will meet at the Edina City Agent of the newspaper(s)known as: Hall,Council Chambers,4801 West 50th Street,on Wednesday,July 23, SC Edina at 7:00 PM,and will at said time and place to consider the following: Rezoning and Comprehensive Guide Plan Amendment.Beacon(n- and has full knowledge of the facts stated terfaith Housing Collaborative.3330 below: West 66th Street,Edina,MN.Lot 2, (A)The newspaper has complied with all of Block 3,Southdale Acres.Generally the requirements constituting qualifica- located north of West 66th Street and west of Xerxes Avenue.A Corn- lion as a qualified newspaper as provided prehensive Guide Plan amendment by Minn. Stat. §331A.02, §331A.07, and to allow housing other than senior other applicable laws as amended. housing in the Regional Medical (B)This Public Notice was printed and pub- District,and a rezoning from POD- 1,Planned Office District-1,to PUD, lished in said newspaper(s) for I succes- Planned Unit Development. The sive issues; the first insertion being on applicant proposes to remodel and 07/10/2014 and the last insertion being on expand the existing building into 07/10/2014. 39-units of small studio apartments for young adults who have experi- enced homelessness. All recommendations and objec- tions will hearing at said meeting. / ' \ BY ORDER OF THE EDINA V PLANNING COMMISSION By: Debra Mangen Authorized Agent City Clerk Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed before 7/10/14,3SC1,PHN me on 07/10/2014. 3330 W 66th St,245864 4,CIS.Qotisk. ft/\ ik/‘at a-RA-44M— Notary Public �...-V✓VVVVV VVVN NNAAA -' ANNk +, DARLENE MARIE MACPHERSON Notary Public-Minnesota My comm:mon a pkaa Jan 31,2019 Rate Information: (I)Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users for comparable space: • $34.45 per column inch Ad ID 245864 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION City of Edina STATE O F M IN N ESOTA (Official Publication) )ss CITY OF EDINA III COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) 4801 W50THSTREET EDINA,MINNESOTA 55424 HENNEPIN COUNTY,MINNESOTA Charlene Vold being duly sworn on an oath, Public Meeting to Discuss states or a firms that they are the Authorized Storm Water Pollution Plan Agent of the newspaper(s) known as: A public meeting is scheduled for July 31, 2014, at 6:00 p.m., in the SC Edina Community Room, Edina City Hall. 4801 West 50th Street, Edina. The purpose of this meeting is to review and has full knowledge of the facts stated the City of Edina's Storm Water Pol- below: lution Prevention Plan. The Storm Water Pollution Pre- (A)The newspaper has complied with all of vention Plan is a document required the requirements constituting qualifica- by the State and Federal govern- tion as a qualified newspaper as provided ment that outlines how the City will by Minn. Stat. §331A.02, §331A.07, and work towards reducing pollution in other applicable laws as amended. the rainwater run-off. The plan will be reviewed at the meeting. (B)This Public Notice was printed and pub- Attendance from City residents lished in said newspaper(s) for I succes- is strongly encouraged as the City sive issues; the first insertion being on needs your input to complete these 06/26/2014 and the last insertion being on documents. For more information, please call the City of Edina Engi- 06/26/20 I 4. neering Department at 952-826- 0371. 6/26/14,3SC1,SWPPP By: CQ �� � (] � � � \ r Meeting Notice,238753 jik �l,/�J�•-CU V Z Authorized Agent Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed before me on 06/26/2014. eVCAS N.J-•1" ` Y Col,19ke 'st-o-• Notary Public ,. wvv.•.vvvvv vvvw vvvvvWW1A '; 'ARLENE MARE MACPHERSON [1";'`', Notary Public-Minnesota <4 y My Commission Expires Jon at,2019 Rate Information: (I)Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users for comparable space: IIII $34.45 per column inch Ad ID 238753 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION City of Edina STATE OF M I N N ESOTA (Official Publication) )ss CITY OF EDINA COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) 4801 WEST 50TH STREET • EDINA,MN 55424 Charlene Vold being duly sworn on an oath, NoticeNA of Public Hearing com- states or vffirms that they are the Authorized MISSION will meet at the Edina City Agent of the newspaper(s)known as: Hall,Council Chambers,4801 West 50th Street, on Wednesday, June SC Edina 25, 2014, at 7:00 PM, and will at said time and place to consider the following: and has full knowledge of the facts stated Final Rezoning to PUD, Planned Unit Development, Final Develop- below: ment Plan and a Zoning Ordinance (A)The newspaper has complied with all of Amendment establishing the PUD the requirements constituting qualifica- Zoning District.Aurora Investments, Lion as a qualified newspaper as rovided Edin 6MN. Franca Avenue south, p Edina,MN.Generally located south by Minn. Stat. §331A.02, §331A.07, and of West 65th Street and west of other applicable laws as amended. France Avenue South. Build a new (B)This Public Notice was printed and pub- cent w senior housing and care lished in said newspaper(s) for 1 succes- All recommendations and objec- sive issues; the first insertion being on tions will be hearing at said meeting. 06/12/2014 and the last insertion being on BY ORDER OF THE EDINA 06/12/2014. PLANNING COMMISSION Debra Mangen City Clerk 6/12/14,3SC1,PHN CAA.Q501.52.-12-)A14.-V°C-AC 6500 France Ave S,233256 By: Authorized Agent Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed before me on 06/12/2014. . QJ— rV\CO,Ci) N , Notary Public Vv., • vwvwvvvvvvvvvvv ,M/vVvvv DARLENE MARIE MACPHERSON �.. , ) Notary Public-Minnesota y My Commission Ex piresJen 31,2019 Rate Information: (I)Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users for comparable space: • S34.45 per column inch Ad ID 233256 • AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION City of Edina STATE OF MINNESOTA (CITY)Publication) SS CITY OF EDINA COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) 4801 WEST 50TH STREET EDINA,MN 55424 •hariene Vold being duly sworn on an oath, Notice of Public Hearing THE EDINA PLANNING COM- states or affirms that they are the Authorized MISSION will meet at the Edina City Agent of the newspaper(s)known as: Hall,Council Chambers,4801 West 50th Street, on Wednesday, June SC Edina 11, 2014, at 7:00 PM, and will at said time and place to consider the following: and has full knowledge of the facts stated Comprehensive Plan Amendment. below: A Comprehensive Guide Plan Amendment regarding housing den- (A)The newspaper has complied with all of sity,building height,floor area ratio the requirements constituting qualifica- and land use in the City of Edina. tion as a qualified newspaper as provided All recommendations and byoblec- Minn. Stat. §331A.02, §331A.07, and lions will be hearing at said meeting. § BY ORDER OF THE EDINA other applicable laws as amended. PLANNING COMMISSION (B)This Public Notice was printed and pub- Debra Mangen lished in said newspaper(s) for 1 succes- City Clerk sive issues; the first insertion being on 5/29/14,3SC1,PHN Comprehensive 05/29/2014 and the last insertion being on Plan Amend,225859 05/29/2014. 1 V LQ By: ��{ Authorized Agent Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed before me on 05/29/2014. "44:4._ oe EL40%.: • Notary Public ffi "° DIANE L. ELIASON NOTARY PUBLIC-MINNESOTA :: , _ My Comm.Exp.Jan.31,2015 Rate Information: (1)Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users for comparable space: • $34.45 per column inch Ad ID 225859 4 • • AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION City of Edina __ STATE OF MINNESOTA ) (CITYIOFEDINAfi) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN )ss 4801 WEST 50TH STREET EDINA,MN 55424 Charlene Vold being duly sworn on an oath, Notice of Public Hearing 0 states or affirms that they are the Authorized THE EDINA PLANNING Agent of the newspaper(s)known as: COM- MISSION will meet at the Edina City Hall,Council Chambers,4801 West 50th Street,on Wednesday,May 28 SC Edina 2014, at 7:00 PM, and will at said time and place to consider the fol- lowing: and has full knowledge of the facts stated Final Rezoning and Final De- below: velopment Plan and Ordinance (A)The newspaper has complied with all of Amendment establishing a PUD District. Lennar Multifamily Corn- the requirements constituting qualifica- munities, LLC. 6725 York Avenue, tion as a qualified newspaper as provided 6628 Xerxes Avenue, 6700 Xerxes by Minn. Stat. §331A.02, §331A.07, and Avenue,6704 Xerxes Avenue,6708 Xences Avenue and 6712 Xerxes other applicable laws as amended. Avenue. Final Rezoning from PCD- (B)This Public Notice was printed and pub- 3 and R-1, Single Dwelling District lished in said newspaper(s) for 1 succes- to PUD,Planned Unit Development sive issues; the first insertion being on and a final development plan to 05/15/2014 and the last insertion beingon tear down the existing structures and build a 242 unit apartment with 05/15/2014. 12,500 square feet of retail. All recommendations and objec- tions will be hearing at said meeting. BY ORDER OF THE EDINA PLANNING COMMISSION e By: �1\�O CDitybra ClerkMangen Authorized Agent 5/15/14,3SC1,PHN Lennar,218945 Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed before me on 05/15/2014. C X9 . 1" ` Koc.ca../A-#4...- 1111 r���Notary Public may_ IUv.tlS f*,vvv./VVVV VVIAM• ARLENE MARIE MACPHEASON ', "•`.';„,s 'votary Public-Minnesota S?j my Commission ExpreeJin 31.2019 i vvr;• ^AnNnNNAAAI\M Rate Information: (I)Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users for comparable space: $34.45 per column inch • Ad ID 218945 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION City of Edina (Official Publication) STATE OF MINNESOTA )ss CITY OF EDINA COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) 4801 WEST50TH STREET EDINA,MN 55424 SCharlene Vold being duly sworn on an oath, Notice of Public Hearing states or affirms that they are the Authorized THE EDINA PLANNING COM- MISSION will meet at the Edina City Agent of the newspaper(s)known as: Hall,Council Chambers,4801 West 50th Street,on Wednesday,May 14, SC Edina 2014, at 7:00 PM, and will at said time and place to consider the fol- lowing: and has full knowledge of the facts stated Amend Edina City Code Chap- terbelow: 36. An Ordinance Amendment regarding R-1,Single Dwelling Unit (A)The newspaper has complied with all of District, R-2, Double Dwelling Unit the requirements constituting qualifica- District and PRD-1, Planned Resi- tion as a qualified newspaper as provided ddenDce District, being eligible for a by Minn. Stat. §331A.02, §331A.07, and All recommendations and objec- other applicable laws as amended. tions will be hearing at said meeting. (B)This Public Notice was printed and pub- BY ORDER OF THE EDINA lished in said newspaper(s) for 1 succes- PLANNING COMMISSION sive issues; the first insertion being on City Cityra erClerkangen 05/01/2014 and the last insertion being on 05/01/2014. 5/1/14,3SC1,PHN PUBCC514,211579 By: alL9V LL(Q. Authorized Agent Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed before me on 05/01/2014. ALL.,..1. az:a. az...0.:, • Notary Public ,` •-�`1, DIANE L. ELIASON 1. d NOTARY PUBLIC-MINNESOTA 9�..�r d My Comm.Exp.Jan.31,2015 Rate Information: (I)Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users for comparable space: • $34.45 per column inch Ad ID 211579 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION City of Edina STATE OF MINNESOTA (Official Publication) )ss CITY OF EDINA COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) 4801 WEST 50TH STREET EDINA,MN 55424 • Notice of Public Hearing Charlene Vold being duly sworn on an oath, THE EDINA PLANNING COM- states or affirms that they are the Authorized MISSION will meet at the Edina City Agent of the newspaper(s)known as: Hall,Council Chambers,4801 West 50th Street,on Wednesday,April 9, SC Edina 2014, at 7:00 PM, and will at said time and place to consider the fol- lowing: Preliminary Rezoning & Vari- and has full knowledge of the facts stated ances. Mathias Mortenson. 3923 below: West 49th Street, Edina, MN. Lot (A)The newspaper has complied with all of 32, Auditor's Subdivision No. 172, the requirements constituting qualifica- Hennepin County, MN. Generally located south of West 49th Street tion as a qualified newspaper as provided and west of France Avenue.Rezone by Minn. Stat. §331A.02, §331A.07, and property from R-1, Single Dwelling other applicable laws as amended. Unit District to R-2, Double Dwell- ing Unit District, and lot width, lot (B)This Public Notice was printed and pub- area, building coverage and retain- fished in said newspaper(s) for 1 succes- ing wall setback variances.Remove sive issues; the first insertion being on the existing home and built a new 03/27/2014 and the last insertion being on twin home. 03/27/2014. Site Plan and Variances Border Foods (Taco Bell). 3210 Southdale Circle,Edina,MN.Generally located south of West 66th Street and east of York Avenue.Site plan with front and side yard setback variances to By: EWA Vb/ ()_ tear down and re-build a new Taco �—1 Bell restaurant. Authorized Agent Comprehensive Plan Amend- ments, Preliminary Rezoning and Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed before Preliminary Development Plan. Lennar Multifamily Communities, me on 03/27/2014. LLC. 6725 York Avenue, 6628 Xe- rxes Avenue, 6700 Xerxes Avenue, 6704 Xerxes Avenue, 6708 Xerxes MM Avenue and 6712 Xerxes Avenue. CaA.Qzve ( ` , \0 i Comprehensive Plan amendments to increase building height to 6 Notary Public stories and 75 feet, housing den- sity from 30 units per acre to 52, floor area ratio from 1.0 to 1.27, and re-guiding the land use for the six single-family homes from Low ,'sAtit)DANRLENE Density Residential to Community MARIE MACPHERSONActivity Center. Preliminary Rezon- ing from PCD-3 and R-1, Single *;:,i' otary Public-Minnesota Dwelling District to PUD, Planned My Canmiseixxr Expires Jen 31,2079 Unit Development and a preliminary development plan to tear down the existing structures and build a 242 unit apartment with 12,500 square feet of retail. All recommendations and objec- tions will be hearing at said meeting. BY ORDER OF THE EDINA PLANNING COMMISSION Debra Mangen City Clerk 3/27/14,3SC1,PHN Variances &Amendments,193669 Rate Information: (1)Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users for comparable space: • $34.45 per column inch Ad ID 193669 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION City of Edina STATE OF M I N N ESOTA (OfficialCITY OF EDIN Pu EDINA COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) 4801 WEST 50TH MN 55424E Charlene Vold being duly sworn on an oath,4110 Notice of Public Hearing states or affirms that they are the Authorized THE EDINA PLANNING COM- Agent of the newspaper(s)known as: MISSION will meet at the Edina City Hall,Council Chambers,4801 West 50th Street,on Wednesday, Febru- SC Edina ary 26, 2014, at 7:00 PM, and will at said time and place to consider the following: and has full knowledge of the facts stated Preliminary Rezoning and Site below: Plan.Pentagon Revival.4901,4815, (A)The newspaper has complied with all of 4820,45467000, , 55 and 77th 4sso Street4 10, andas3o,4 765000 the requirements constituting qualifica- Parklawn Avenue.Generally located tion as a qualified newspaper as provided east of Highway 100 and north/ by Minn. Stat. §331A.02, §331A.07, and south of West 77th Street.The ap- other applicable laws as amended. plicant is requesting preliminary rezoning from MDD-6, Mixed De- (B)This Public Notice was printed and pub- velopment District to PUD,Planned lished in said newspaper(s) for 1 succes- Unit Development. The site is 43 sive issues; the first insertion being on acres in size.Proposed uses include 02/13/2014 and the last insertion being on office,neighborhood retail, a hotel, 02/13/2014. and potentially future housing. Amend Edina City Code Chap- ter 10. An Ordinance Amendment regarding tree preservation in the R-1 and R-2 Single Dwelling Unit By: ,\ E Districts. ~JJ._Q\?LJ All recommendations and objec- tions tions will be hearing at said meeting. Authorized Agent BY ORDER OF THE EDINA PLANNING COMMISSION Debra Mangen Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed before City Clerk me on 02/13/2014. 2/13/14,3SC1,PHN Pentagon n Revival Rezone,174791 ....u...a ., Notary Public 'wit DARLENE MARIE MACPHERSON a ? ^ Notary Public-Minnesota � ° My Commission Expires Jan 31,2019 Rate Information: (1)Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users for comparable space: • $34.45 per column inch Ad ID 174791 AFFIDAVIT'OF PUBLICATION City of Edina (Official Publication) STATE OF M I N N ESOTA )ss CITY OF EDINA COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) 4801 WEST50TH STREET EDINA,MN 55424 III Charlene Vold being duly sworn on an oath, Notice of Public Hearing states or affirms that they are the Authorized THE EDINA PLANNING COM- Agent of the newspaper(s)known as: MISSION will meet at the Edina City Hall,Council Chambers,4801 West 50th Street,on Wednesday, Febru- SC Edina ary 12, 2014, at 7:00 PM, and will at said time and place to consider the following: and has full knowledge of the facts stated Preliminary Plat Approval.Home- below: stead Partners.6304 and 6312 War- (A)The newspaper has complied with all of ren Avenue.Block 7,Lot 2 and that part of Lot 3, Normandale Second the requirements constituting qualifica- Addition and Block 7,and that part tion as a qualified newspaper as provided of Lot 3,Normandale Second Addi- by Minn. Stat. §331A.02, §331A.07, and tion.Generally located west of War- -_ other applieable.laws as amended. ran Avenue and south of crosstown Highway 62 and 63rd Street West. (B)This Public Notice was printed and pub- Divide 6304 and 6312 Warren Av- ' lished in said newspaper(s) for 1 succes- enue into three lots. Two existing sive issues; the first insertion being on homes would be removed and three 01/30/2014 and the last insertion being on new homes built. 01/30/2014. All recommendations and objec- tions will be hearing at said meeting. BY ORDER OF THE EDINA PLANNING COMMISSION Debra Mangen r����/� /� T City Clerk By: \.�t/I�GC/� Vv 1/30/14,3SC1,PHN Warren Authorized Agent Ave,168546 Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed before me on 01/30/2014. • ji t y Public (HEST. AT_' MARY ELIZABETH KNAPP tl, ; : Notary Public-Minnesota \!•s;o°' My Commission Expires Jan 31.2018 Rate Information: (1)Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users for comparable space: III $34.45 per column inch Ad ID 168546