HomeMy WebLinkAbout19541011_REGULARI' 43 'First matter on the agenda VJGS the taking Gf bids. of Publication in Edina-1lornin.side Cornier and Constructbn Bulletin Sepimbsr 36 and October 7, 195L:., for IIAdvertisement for Bids," Grading & Gravellink: ttDrunkometer,ll and for Water Pumping Stations1'. form; and Bank moved tha& sealed bids .be referred to Assistant Village Zngineer for Public Opening in Zngineer' s Office. (See I:hutes of later in meeting for action t&en). 14ayor Ejdckson then announced Public Hearings on hprovements, in' ac6ordance dth "Notice of Hearings on lkproveInents--Sanitary Sewer: Grading "and Gravelling: Black- topping,1t published in Gdina-Eorningside Courier Sep'c'ember 30 and October 7, 195& Clerk Bank presented Affidavits of Publication of Notice, which were approved as Lo form znd ordered placed on file. taken as hereinafter qecorded: Clerk Bank submitted Affidavits Affidavits liere apprIoved as to 24otion seconded- by 3redesen and carried. Public Hearings were then conducted, and action 1. PUBLIC HZARIIIG ON CONST~;-~UCTION OF SANITARY smm AND W?PmyajHTcEs riv JOSEPHINE AYE, BETVXEN. EBhEON A..- &ID W.60TH .ST., AND iI\r t.r.60~~ ST. EEZI~X STAm HIG€&@,Y NO.* 100 C3DE &!$. Hyager I4itchell~s Estimate * of Cost rfas given at $12,307.l&, ,as against 2,453 Assessable Beet, for *$5.00 per Assessable Foot, spoke in favor of a fifteen-year assessmen-b, inasmuch as this pasticula? sewer is mainly a comection to the Diagonal Trunk Sewer and trill be of no Lmediate benefit to the abutting properties affected, objections to the improvement from the audience, and no mitten objection had been received prior to the Hearing. LABE .AND N" AlXQJB. &ager J.iitchell presented two separate ?sthates of Cost on this project, the first being $3,294,00 as against ll05 Assemable Feet, for $2.98 per Assessable Foot,, based on 3O-foo.l; wide street; and the second being $1802,35, for $1.63 per Assessable Foot, for a 24-foot wide street . Mr. Ifitchell explained that a 30-foot street would mean tha-b some of the old trees would have to be removed. &l those present, including the owners at 307 and 309 Jefferson, cited t'(relr preference for a 24-foot street. (See Resolution Approving) . 3. PUBLIC HMRii\TG ON BLACKTOPFIIG OF VIRGpJIA WnTE BE?WBNVIE1Gmlll. k~RB &4D ' COIKORD. AVE~UUE.. Xanager _Nitchell explained-that this Hewing. is, in effect, a-continuation of the Public Hearhg held September 27 on the Blacktopping of Virginia Avenue between Valley View Road and W.62nd St., and W.62nd St. between Parnell Ave. and Virginia kve,; -that.-the total cost OF all stlleets to be blacktopped is $8,078.40, for $3.20 per assessable foot. objections to the improvement,. either oral or written. Ch&man Child of the Public Utilities *Codttee There were no (See Resolution &?proving). 2. PUBLIC HEXRING ON GPLRDIiG &JD GRAWLLD3IG OF J%~~SOIJ AYEIiRJE BEiWZZN 'EELXOB There were no objections to the improvenent, either oral or ~.rritten. There were no (See Resolution Sm BZi?EZI$.YQ@C k"rJD of .Cost. was giver1_at-$972~0Q, _for .$1,76 per Assessable Foot. this is an 5nexpensiv-e job compared tdth original plans; that it includes building up road so that there will be a valley gutter, continuing water down to Pork Avenue; that road will be barricaded at alley, and then picked up again east of alley; that there %.rill be a blachkop ditch on the North side of driveway (z.6 Ft . wide) . Xerxes complained that he believes such a plan will dived water onto his property. Resolution Approving) . A3GXLJBS,-~.IIanager 3iitchell's revised Estimate . He eqlained that One ownel: at the-Southwest corner of 1$.56th and (See There were no other objections, either oral or written. Child offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: * RBSOLUTION QRDBBJG DPEOv.ZXEIF2S SmEmY SEMZR. 3T@R~jI!2~~i!j'l! NO.. €IO; G€?.KDING hJD G?&.GUDJG RJJ?EO~.T&TS.. NOS . . G-6Q .&LED C-61; BILIGIZQPPIHG. DiP33' ZZdZllT NO, A-70 BZ IT I&23OLW'X& bhk &unci1 of the Village of Edina, ~l~E&eso-Ga, that ' thfs Council hereto&re.caused notices of hearing to be duly pbWished on the follothg proposed improvements : Construction of Sanitary Sewer and Appurtenances in Josephine kve., between Benton Aye. and 1~60th St.,. ad in 3~60th S-t. between State Highway No. LOO and Code Ave, Grading and Gravelling of Jefferson Ave., Bebore lane to Nelson he. Blacktopping of Virginia Ave., Valley View Road to-i.le62i1d St.; lT.62nd St., Parnell he, to Virginia kve., and Virginia W.e from Virginia Ave. &me $0 Concord Ave. Blaclttopping~~~~~57~~~~~ betweon Pork and Xerires Ave, - 1. 2. 3. 4. - 44 and 2% the hearings held 2% thettime and place specsied in said notice the Council has duly considefed the views of a31 persons interested, and being fully addsed of the pertinent facts does hereby detemdne to proceed with tie con- struction of said improveaents; that said improvements are hereby designated and &-all- be referred to in aU. subsequent proceedings as follovs: 1J&*@ OF X*PBOV&BE: 1, Construction of Sani"cary Sewer and Appurtenances in Josephine Ave. between Benton Ave. and W.6Oth St ,, and in W,bOth St., betmen State Highvq No, 100 and Code Ave. ' S&Je SEZR 111.9.- 140. 80 Grading-md Gravelling of Jefferson kve,, Behore be -KO Eelson - a 24-foot .trjde.st,reet 11.62nd st,; W.62nd - St,, jlarnell he. to Virginia Ave.; zgd iiirgkia cure 2r ia V' 2, ~ STILE$ 5.k rio, E60 3. Blacktopping of Virginia Aye,, Valley View Road to -, ~. -- 1 inia &re. to Concord live, SY&T ZIPp, IIO, A-70 STREBT Xi&. $16. ET61 L 4* i3laclrtoppin$~,~h~~~etueen York and Xerxes-- , .. to be changed to llGrading,Gravelling and 0i3,ingl1 and the areas -bo be specially assessed therefor shall he as follows: For S&fTEXRY -S3!!sZB ZP2OVZ-Z13! IJO, 80 - The W.390 Ft, of the E. 617 3%- &d 'cle TI.3Ol @,.of..the E. -371 e, of the KE1/4. of the sl=l/4, Sec, 33, TI@, ll'7IVO, Tze 21TIs, and the Tf-775 F-t, of the No 160 Ft. of G0v-b. Lot-8 except Street, bi the 331/4. of Sec, 33,.-Ti.ipO IlF; Ro2111; btx 1, 2 and 3, Clover Lane 4, Clover &ne 2nd Uqit; ;I;ots 4, 5$4, Bl. 32 and Lots €3-to yC, inc,, 31, 2, Benton Pa:rk, e- < hts 1, -2, 3, and For Sm ZEtOmZnS IiOS. 11-70, C-60 and C-61 - All hts and tracts of lad abutting -the respctive streets proposed to be improved, 233 fT 3URTHB ZGSO&lBD khat it be the policy of this Council that the proposed assessment for the-cost of bAiJI?ZJBY SBBR Z-PZOWXE:IiOo 80 be spread over a fifteen-ye& pariod. ._ .. *.- --.. "., * ....* - - Xotion TOY adoption 0% Resolution was sec esen, and on Rollcall the& Child, aye;-Panens, are; The ne:& matter on the agenda was the Proposed &?zoning 2ron Open Development District to Cornunity Store District of Wl;s On?, Two and Three, Block One, .Grandview Pfiteau; and requested. pmit to construct Double Dvrellings on Lots Four- through Sleven, Block @-e, and Lots One through Eight, 2lock Ttro, Grandview Plateau, as petitioned by Biltnore Zotor-Rokel Corporation. Clerk Bank presented Affidadts of Publication in Edina-KorningsLde Courier Spptanber 30 and Octob-er 7, 1954, and of posting on 0Tfici.d Bulletin Boards SepLember 30, 195& ,of 11€40tice of EIearing on Fetition to Rezone; and on Petition to Build Double Dwellings,1' which were approve@ as to form and ordered placed on fileo Xgor Bickson called-Public Hearing pumuult to said notice, and &eked all inberested pri;ies to come forward to insp&ct plan presented by 2-iessrs Peder llickelsen ad Harry Gustafson. 132, I.lickelsen exylairied &at the proposed reaping is for the pwpose of eerghg present motel only, ad not for tie purpose of constructing store buildings, 11 delegation of approhately ttrenty-five persons inspected the plan. The main concern of those present was thzt the driveway into tne proposed new units of the motel should not encroach on residential p-roperky; ad Xr. lEckelsen stated, that the proposed entrance imuld be appro&ately-llO fee* Sodh from W,52nd S-breet, where said entrmce enters private property from the service drive. Eickelsen lvas questioned as to the valuation 02 tie double bungalows requested for $he property 5mnediatel-X tiest of the notel, ad stated that ifiiile there ms no present limitation on cost, the large lots nust sell Tor sone $2,000 or more, and that there I.;ould be nb advantage to buil~ng inexpensive st-cuctures on such eqensive property-that he believed the valuation of each double dwelling would be in the neighborhood of $25,000, objections from those viewing the plans (providing entrance to addition to notel does not encroach on 'I.f.52nd Street properties), and Bank offered the fono?~g Ormace, moving that. the Council waive second reading and ado-pt Ordinance a: subm5tt ed: s ommm I@. 261-12 iiu oammes B~~ITJG THE ZONIXG ommmm OF wa There Mere no C" . .x Vda. OF EDIN THE KEL.&GZ COULGIL OF TJ$Z VIKGAGE OF BDAGt, PZXEzzLiU2A, OFdXBC3: . Section 1.- Sec$ion 5, Comy+i$y Store "District, .of_Ord$.nqce 30, 261 of the revised ordinances of the Village of mina, as amended is hereby further mended by addingnat the end of paragraph 1 09 said Section 5 an additional sub-paragraph, as .followst providedthat the-only uses permitted in the area just,describrd shall be $hose pemitted in -the 0p"en Devslopnent DistricB and motels; and providing that the entpance to motel from service driveway shall. be the entrance servicbg the present "(cc) ~ Lots One (I), Ttm (2) and ThPee (3), Block One (l), Grandviyr Plateau n:r-h units of said motel. 45 WW5& Section 2, This ordinance shsll be in full force and effect from and after its passage and pub^lica.i;'ion according to law. ibiotion for adoption of Ordinance as read was seconded by Child. Before a Rollcall could be taken, I&, McCartin broke in to protest the Council's proposed action, stating that de had understood that a Vublic Hearingff-would be held on the matter before action was taken; that he wished to record his protest on the grounds that such rezoning would necessitate the installation of a stand- pipe in resid-entia1 area in order to give the motel sufficient water pressure, After upbraiding the Council for its fmoralneglectl in failing to notify the residents of Zdenmoor about a proposed standpipe 'on..the property abutting Dovming Street, I&, 1-IcCartin was informed that the Council has considered a tank and tower in this location but has now been advised that it would be more advantageous to construct t^ower on "Test side of *%ems&iale Highway Hoe 169 if location can be found. Rayor Zrickson then.c&led for a Rollcall vote on Ordinance No, 26s-2&, e; Bank, aye; and * Bank then moved, authorizing Suilding Inspector to issue permits, as requested, for Double DGellings on Lots Four through Xleven, Block One, a-d Zots One through Eight, Block TWO, Grandview- Plateau. Conthua$ion was had of August 23, 1954 Public Hearing on the Vacation of that 30-fOot platted roadway lying between Blocks 7 &d 8, Woodbury Pqk Heas Lake Harriet and Outlot A,,ltboodbury Park Near Lake Harriet, and lying be?;ween Beard Avenue and Drew Avenue Vacated, It- was explained by petitioners that they, together, OT~ Wutlot and that there will be no need for access to it inasmuch as their garage en-brances are all from TJJ.55th St, Council in turn explained to petitioners that the Sanitary Trunk Sewer runs through this ;light-of-way, and that easements for sewer must be preserved in case street is vacated, After petitioners had stated they would be glad to arrange to give easement for sanitary sevrer,*Child offered the L"o1lowing Resolution and moved its adoption: Notion seconded by Bredeseri and carried, I1 . ID3SO&UTION VACATING Sw r PWED..FQADXAY:LYING~ *@N -BLOCKS 7 APJD 8, &D. QUTW-A3.JODDBuEtY P@K NE&-Ll@3 ?3EEI27ET, &i &YIlJG. m@$Ij .BX.@d- jlI&XUE. arJD .DWI. 4~m .3. . VACLEED. . . . -, I-&, petition of a majority of the-oyness of real property abutting that 3O-fook platted roadway lying between Blocks 7 and 8, lroodbury Park Near Lake Harriet and Outlot A, Woodbury Park Bear Lake Harriet, and lying between Beard avenue and Drew Avenue Vacated, as platted and of record in office OB the Register of Deeds of Hennepin County, Yhesoia, has been duly filed with the Tillage Council; and said Council has met at the time and place specified in a notice duly published and posted and has heard all interested persons, and it appears in the interest of the public that said street be vacated, now therefore: BZ IT PGOLm by the Village Council of the Village of Edina that that 30-foot platted roadrtray lying-between Blocks 7 and 8, l?oodbury Park Near Lake Harriet and Outlot A, Woodbury Park Near Lake Harriet, and lmg between Beard Avenue and Drew Avenue Vacated be and is hereby. vacated, Motion for vacation was seconded by Brede and no nays, as follows: KiTZsT : . 1 there were five ayes @ye; Bank, aye; and Bredesen, aye; Chi I&. Dobb6lman inquired as to Itjust what is to be done with Edenmoortl, that.he has the power to speak for the people on Sdenmoor, that ther are very mucp against the award of bids; that prope@Jr-owners want gravel with oil on top of it, Ere 3litcheJl recommended an oil base because og gjee~'grades at both ends of street. He stated that rcithout a base gravel wou.1d .r.sasjn, .Clerk B&k asked E%.. Dobbehan what properties he represents, and was tbld that he represents 51% of properties. lke Danens suggested 'chat the people be giveq %hat_ they want, and W, Xi-Lchell suggested that the roads comaittee be-polled as t.0 its feeling on this project, Danens recommended gravel with oil coat because this hill cQt cost. agreed with Nk, 1-Etchell that gravel xi11 m+sh with this tsye of construction, but qualified fiis Statement by sa;'-ing that sone streets are holding up well. .Ericlrson suggested that Edenmoor otmers meet with Messrs. Danens and 1Btchell to finally decide upon procedure, He stated %?e lek. Harry Jonas &yo$ lO/U/54 1. 4s &k0 Eaverly coqlained about the condition of TJ.5Gth Street between TJooddale and Concord Avenues, stating that two spots are very rough. Ik. Nitchel?. staked that tMs should be attended to, and that Public Vorks Corrmittee would look into it irninediately, 3-k. Ben Shpson asked perdssion to build a residence on 55 feet of a 60-foot lot a% &332 Tomes Road. It vas brought to Gduncilrs attenkion that Planning Coinmission has disproved the request, and Bredesen moved that Plming Co@ssion* s recomnendai;ion to deny request be upheld. Bank and carried. I4otfon. seconded by I J Rke Homer Brovm repo&ed that &Ire Floyd Blakeborough is operating a business €rornhis hone at 5909 Concord, bringing in trucks and auto bodies and as- Gn%ling them. He also complained that Blakeborough has not complied 76th Vi-ge order to. fill his basenent excavation. Hr. Brown asked that U,r* Blakeborough be prosecuted &th regard to basement violation and commercial violation. Child so moved. Xotion seconded by Bank md carried, I.&?: B.B; Klein, 5521 Code Avenue, spoke once again and Eit length zbout the water standing in Xront of his house, 'He demanded%hat sometQi.ng be done, now, to rmddy this situz%ion, He recomecded the cutting of the street; and 3.t Tias braught to his attention that some of his neighbors believe a storm set:er is required. I&. EEkc'nell stated that the street can be cut without too much tine and trauble, hd %ha% Village Public ffo~lcs Crew can do this wo&, but that there will necessarily be a buptp at tne intersection. f:'is so vehemnk in -his assertion that cutting the street would be the answer . to ks and hf& neighbors' dil"iicul'ties, the matter wa3 referred to'Zhnager * Hitichell and Harry Jonas, with power %o act. I Because &. ETdein Fro Td'illiam Crem presented applic3;tion for 15tx60t outdoor advertising sign to be constmc%esd on South side of 66th St. between Pcance and Xexres Ave, After Attorney 35mlhoqst s opinion that sign meeks t&h bdinance requirenents Bhild lnoved tha$ permit be granted. Petitions for-Street Xgh-ts at W.56th St. and Tingdale, il.63rd St. and XolsJ, +nd Benton and Tingdale were prgscntedt petitions tbak fiblic UtilitieE Cb&ttee.l.rill inspect these locations, khat they hme power, to act. Petition for T.IB;termain in Valley View Road between Panell and Nomandale was preseated. I$ was supported by its sponsor, 12. Gildred, who stated he is building a liege on the street and is most anxious to have m%er this fdll, inasrnueh as it seem certain to go in at an early date -my; it being his thought that contractor for sewer projec% in VaLlejT View Road could construct m&er win at same "ce and thus save tearbg up the street twice. Council e-qlained that a Public Hesring is required before improvment cizn be approved; that bids mst be. taken. Xotion seconded by Banlr and carried. 0 It was explainedrto supprters-.of r. c- tMs the iiantiger Zfitchell presented preliminary plans and Estimates for sevsral projects, including the one pe%itioned for above; and Child offered the folf_or.ring Besolution and moved'Lts adoption: --I-- -3 ILC,~OLUTZON PEOVTDDJG FOlj! PUj3LIC HXRZ?GS - .~ROPOSal .Dn?ErnS)?fS. . EZ IT RZ30LJE.D by the Council of--t;he ?illage of Edirla: .. report as to the feasibility of the proposed .irnpmvenen'zs descrribed in the Folm of-Rotice or" Hearing set forth below, and as to the esthated cost 02 such - improvements, said reporti is hereby approved and,di%ected to be placed on file in the office of the V2llage Clerk, 2, This Council shall meet on $Ionday, October 25, 1954, a$ 7:30 Pd.k, in the 3:dina village Hall,, to consider in public hewings the Views of all persons interested in said proposed bprovaients. 3. The Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to cause Aotice of the the, place and pmpose of said meeting to be published in the officizl nevrspzpar Once a %reek fcrr tvn successive w&s, the second 02 which publications is to be not less than thee days from daie of said meeting, which notice shall be @ sub- stantially the follord.ng form: . .1... . The Tillage agbeer, haviag sub&%;-ted to the Council a, pi-eliminary .* I ITmICZ OF €IUEIlTGS-F~A~-~J GVDQG. @D .GZiY3$GEjG3. OIL: CURB II I. .A%D.GbYrn . - ~J~ICE E GD~J that the Faina YKQage Council will meet at the V-iuage. aaxl. on IIondGy, .October 25, 1954, at 7:30 PeII.9 to consider the f'oflO~& kng proposed inprovmeats, to be emstmcted *der-t he authority grated by Jdkesota La$= of 1953, Chapter 398. The approxbate cost or" such bprovments is" est-ted by the 1Tj.l.lage Zngineer as set forl;h below: 1, ' Construction of Village T.Tatemaln and Appdenances in * EST. COST - VaUey vier;^ Road between. Parmell Ave. and State Hv.ry.#lOO $9;@?9 -84 I 10/11/54 2/ Opening, Grading, Gravelling, Oil Base,- and Curb and Gutter in Cleveland Avenue between Division St, and Hollytrood Ed. 3, , Grading and Gravelling, Sherwood live., W.63rd St. to VO6&th - $ll, 413 . 30 , LQ i 3%. $3,€34.2,00 4* Grading and Gravelling, Van Buren Aveiiu&, Behore he to . lfaloney Avenue $3,391.30 f I The areas proposed to be assessed for the cost of said propoBed improvenents are as follo~~s: proposed to be improved. All lots and tracts of land abutting each of the streets 3BALD C. BANK, Village Clerk Village of.3dina Notion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Danens, and ori Rollcall there were four ayes and no--nays, as follorvs: , aye;. and the Resolution was ad9 Ghil Danens, ap; Bank, aye; Child then pffered the followbg Resolukion and moved its adoption: Ir'LE;ijOLUTiOi~ AFPROVrNG PWE ArD SPZCIYICATiORS FOR, R%OPQSZ3D-- ~~~FiO?%Zi*$XQS I D-PLECTIIJG. . .. BIBRTJSE~@\T FOB BIDS .I- 33% TT i%BOLVZD by the Village Cowcil-_of.$he TTillage.of Edina: . ,le -The plans and specificat%ons for the proposed lhqxfovenen-bs set forth in the following Advertisement €or Bids f om, heretofore prepared by the Village Engineer and now on file in the office of the Village Clerk are herebr zpproved, 2. The Clerk shall cause to be published twice in the Edina-Korningside Courier and the Construetion Bulletin the following no"cce for bids for said improvements: -. ADVERTISBwEliT FOR BIDS ,. WATB?EA€N: . WaaG .&. fXUNELi,~ IKYITCE: Ts JGREB'f GIW &hat the-mina TTillage.Cbu?ci.l will meet at the Edina Village, Hzll, @Ol. W.5Oth Street, Eonday, Octobe,r 25, 1954, at ?:3O P.2L, and will at said the and-place open and consider sealed bids for the following: 1, Construction of Village Watermain arid Appurtenances in Valley View Road frorp Pame11 he. to Hwy. 100 - 8flO Lin.R. 12".CmIm Watermain and appurtenances. A, B. C. - 2, Grading and Gravelling: *. Oxford live., W.5ls$ St. to lJ.52nd St, Wm57th St., York kve. -to Xexxes Ave. Jefferson Ave., Belmore %ne to lTelson &re, . Bidder may bid on any or all projects. TJork musk be done as described and specified in plans and specifications For paid inrprovernent on file in the office of the Village Clerk, subnitted on basia..of cash payment Tor work. sealed and filed with undersigned before time of said meeting and accompanied by cash deposit, bid bond, or certified check payable to the Village Clerk in amount of ten percent of mount of bid, Bids must be No bids will be considered unless BY omm OF THE vnum COLrnC3Ze .-*. ~ -- - .II EVD C. BAI\TK, Clerk -. Village of I Edina Xotion for adoption of Resolution was seconded by Danins, and on Flollcall there were four ayes and no nays, as follows: Child, aye; Erickson, aye: and the Resolution was ado-oted. ,--I ;.,Bank, aye; and , - -- I Vfilage Clerk I*. Nitchell reported the request of the School Board for peMnission to operate school. buses :on Village streets, and Child offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: _. R3!!3OLUTION ER&FNG AUTHOXIIZATIOhr FOE SCHOOL BUS33 ON VLLZACE. OF ZEiTJA S-S Et3 33' WOLXZD. by- the .VilXage .. Council of +the Village of Ediia tha'c authorization. be, ad hereby is, grarrbed -to the Edina-Xorningside School Board for operakion of single-&e school buses on Village skreets, Notion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded b were five ayes and no nays, _as follows: - d on Rollcall there Bredes nd Erickson, aye; and the Fesolutio 48 Bequest fron $2. Carl-L. Carlson, 5105 'N.?Oth Street, for decrease in in'surance - rate because of prozhity to nett hydrant, was discussed. I&. I4itchel.l be directkd to mite to Fire Undemriter's Inspection Bureau, telLig- / them that ure have my requests for reduced insurance .rates, and that in view of e:&ension"of mtemabs, etc., there are many districts r.ri.lich now hzve fire protection not accordedthem before this year; and inviting Bureau to make a survey for possi5le decrease in insurance classification to Class No. 6, I=Iotion seconded by Bredesen and carried, Childts motion, that The follo~sing bproveaent Petitions were filed, and were accepted with hblic Hearings to be. scheduled at discretiqn of Village Engineer, by motion Child, seconded by Bank and carried: For Blackbopping - Halifax he., W06O'ch St. to Fiance Ave. For Vatemwin - Birchcrest Dr,; Porter Rd,; Valley View Rd,; Code, For Sanitary Sewer - Same as above. For 3lacMopping - Virghia he. ,. T.T.6Oth St. to Valley View Road. For Sanitary Sewer - All of El Rancho. bse D.C. Eeard's request for rezoning for double bungalom on 55th and France was referTed to Planning Cozmission for recommendation. Kotion BakSeconded-Child. Carried. Petition for.Street Sign on corner of W,5&h St. and Singdale Avenue was referred $0 Xr, l.;i.tche&l for action, by motion $mk, seconded by Child and cwi-ied. The follo;;ring requests for abatement of assessment for Tree Trjmming Improvment lifo, T-1 were filed: . Leo F, Chambers, 4502. Browndale - on grounds that he will have nork,done on Rayaond Glausen, 4,606 llooddale Avenue - on grounds that he has had trees his boulevard tree the week of October 2.L trimmed in 1952 and 1953. Banlc1s motion, that requests be referred to n.3. Olson for investigation before action is taken by Council, was seconded by Child and carried, ihagsr XLtc1ieI.l reported the request of X&eapolis Street Rzilway Conpany for pemission %o extend bus service to France and Hr6Oth Street, rather than to France and f'l.S&h Street. Coun.eKL, with regard to extension of Como-France Bus line, .bo amended to read, iTTJin CXy aapid Trmsit Conpanyt 8 proposal .for the extension of t'ne Como-France h"us line fron its present terminal at 54th St. and France Avenue to T.f.69bh St. and - France A-venue, at an additional charge pf 10 ceqts beyond I43niiezpciLi.s farre limits ?.J'As Xi?F$3VZD,1t xas seconded by Danens and camried. E-Imager IEtchell reporbed the request of PFterson' Dairy on County bad #18 for . stom sewer servLce bz COI~~~CLZO~~ tp Hopkcs Storm Sewer. Er. ITindhorst explained t'lat Village could probably enter intoeagreement with Hopljns for such service; but that if the Dairy wishes to be assessed there must be all improvement procedure and Village must take bids for 'chis improvement. Itr. iiitchell recornended that the Dairy be pe-rmitted to install stom sewer at its own eqense. Child's notion, tha-b .3hager ZEtchell be directed to e,v;l>lain ma'r3ers to the cmpany2 was .seconded by Danens and carriedr The following Planning Commission recommendations, made Ifednesday, October 6, were approvsd, by motion Eank, seconded by Child and carried:.. Child's motion, %hat the Segtember 2'7th action of the Village I .-- - ..--._ _: - A, Approval of Pre1ininar.y Plat of Iklnut Ridge 11, subject to pioiision for tanporzry easeaents for turn-aroy-d at T'Tahut .Drive, cmpletion of drawkg and scale on map, surveyor's certificate, additional coritours. B, Approval of Final Plat of Subdivision of L~ts 8 through 23, T.Tillzrdss Subdivision of Block 17, Uendelssohn, subject the meeting of..engineering requirements, and easement for trunk sewer if deemed necessary, C. Approval of Southerly 1/2 of Block-7, i3rooMew Heights I Addition, Final Plat, subject to thorough engineering check. Do Approval of CaLe T liesslert s Preliminary Plat o . h'co 'GXO on Vest side of IJozmapdale and Sou'rh of Valley View Road. E, kpprovall of Final Plat of Lzs Andersonls Highvood iiddition. F, IipproTTcrl of Final Plat of Holt's I1 Addition to Edina. G, Epproval of Final Tlat byRichard.Hathhorne, being Re-Plat of Lot 1, Block 13, Bomzndale Addition. H. Approval of Final Plat of Ekoolrview Heights 111 Aclditibn subject to thorough ~ engkeering check, including grading of roads.and submission os* bond for gravelling. I. Acceptance on record of the objection of I.;%. Prank J. %mer, %OO fnterlzchen . Bid. to subdivision of large lot directly across froq.him (Lrthur Anderson's proposed subdivision) . I subdivision of one large I *I I&, John Bloon'uerg inquired as to disposition of his XIaster Plan, ad his proposed ncatioc 02 a five foot ease,,ent, in order to make a larger lot. approving recomendations of October 6th were rexiewed, and Child moved that Commission's recomenda-Lions be approved, and specifically with regard to vacation of fit-e-foot easemmt, - LIotion seconded by Eank and carriedo Planning Codssion's r" 49 I&. Hosier &*own and &. E, C, S'cow requested use of Villa& equipment for the grading of streets in Brookview Heights TI1 Addition, W, Stoxv mah'caining that the Village owes him time as reimbursement-for errors by Village on streets in Brookview Heights First Addition. Argument ensued as to agreement concerning streets "in Brookview Heights Fbst Addition,, with Council soutly wintaining that Village cannot furnish equipment for the gradjng of streets in the other subdivision, time to go &to executive sessdon. Kmager Eitchell. asked Attorney lfindhorst about the matter of proposed retaining -' wall for Fred Rodgers. lk. WinQorst ruled th& no instrment"is necessary, and' that permission by the Council for the building of retaining wall does not grant title to Rogers, Departnp-&. Notion seconded by Child and carried. Mr. &hrfo check with Xr, IEtchell, Child moyed for approval >f Village Payroll, amount $102-543.64. and Liquor Store 'Payroll, amount $13&15~51y 'far period October 1 to 15, and for paymen% of the following Claims,, listed here in total i;nd listed on attached sheet in detail: To end the argument, Clnild moved that meeting be recessed at this Hotion seconded by Dmens and carried, - Bank moved for authorization subject t heck by the Zngineering Geqeral Fund - $29,998.29/ ' Liquor Fund - $10,O4Oc05J Ga.rbage Fund - 8 2,05?.60J, jh,ter Fund fi 71.281 Itrotioq seconded by Danens and carried. &Iatter of parking wk~discussed, with Child moving that conkract for lights for the Village Hall Parking Lot be given to the low bidder, Suburban Electric Coapany, as per report by,$&. R.Xs Olson, bployee parag then came before the Covncil, with 'Bredeserz moving that a11 employee parking be on the East side of the divider at the East side of the Hall. seconded by Child and carriedo lfanagelt. Hitchell spoke once again w5th the Council concerning the $110 -%&ra to C.0. . Field Company Tor the moving of a h%a&ing unit to facilktate better Vision for the Fire Department. He asked that Council decide upon some disposition of this claim basmuch as checks h%ve now been made up for Fihd Papnent. After some protesting discussion, Child moved that contractor be allowed Exbra in amount of $110.00, Hotion seconded by Child and carriede. poor Fund $ 21?*20J E3 23 3 U Motion seconded by Bank and cxrried. No%ion c -- 14mager 3Etchell reported the requesf, of J.3. Kirkland and 3Edwest Sewer Contractsrs for re&bursement in amourit'of sohe $256.00 for Village's failure to construct sewer connection for house at Valley.View Road and Concord Avenue. recornended rehbursem"et in amount of $l46, 50. be ozfered $146.50, was seconded - by Child and, carried, . Building bspector ?foehlerfs report that the cracked wall at the Village Inn is not hazardous was accept& 1-fr. 1.E'cchell Sredesen' s motion, that contrac$or . (Only. Bidder) - Grading linpzovement ito. C-59 - Grading,' Gravelling & Rry $ump .- Alley between Gradikg .ImproveLent lgo C- @ - Grading, .I Gravelling & Storm Sewer - -Tower St . I between 1"Jboddale ,ancf. St . Johns Ave, '7,738000 Grading and GraveZUng of Edemoor between Ihnager Hit ohell ex2lained that these bids compare favorably with Bngiiieeririg Estimate. excepQon being made for the Edenmoor Project, pending agreemerit by property owners as to wha'c they; wish done with their s$reet* I Richwood Dr , an6 Sherwood 3,165e50 - Bank seconded Child's motion that bids be awarded ;Lo only bidder, yith Xotion carried, with 3redesdn voting nay4 < 50 L moved t-hat, bids be zwarded to low bidder, Earl A. Sewall. Xotion seconded by Child and carried. eq1;ined that sn additional contract must. be awarded for IJ06ad St. betireen Parnell he, and Virginia Ave,---lhat present contract does not include this street because underground utilities are now gohg in. One 'bid was received on Dnmkoneter, being that or" Service Equipment Kfg, Co., Hopkiris. Tubes and One Colored Ihp to show degreeq of alcohol contents; with an alternate bid of $226.75 for a Drunkometer complete with one test, this is.the ty-pe of drunkometer recommended by the pofice departaenh nroved that $253.10 bid be accepted. I-hsger TEtcheU. reported Park Board's request for a meeting with -the Council, and Bredesen moved that Council schedule meeting for fir& 'IJednesday in i'Tovmber. lotion seconded by Child and carried. IJith regard to Street Improvement No. A-70, IIanager I.Iitchell Bid vas in mount of $253.10 for Drunkometer conplete trith 36 Test It was eqlained that Bank liotion seconded by Bredesen and czcried, There being no further business to come moved for adjournment Xotion seconded by Brede rto I.Iondag, October 18, 195 -- X@bers answering Rollcall were Child, Danens, ~ &ink and Erickson. I &Tor Erickson announced Public Hearings on many Special Assessments, all of which had been announced bs. publications in the Edin+lIorningside Courier. submitted Affidavits of Fublicztion in Courier of IIBotice of Hearings on ksses,ments for hprovments,~~ published S~ptatbex- X6 and 23, 1954, rririch afi1idti\6tS were approved GS to fom and ordered placed on file, Rezrings were hezd and action taken as hereinafter recorded, Clerk hsuat -Lo said Xotice, Public 1955--that there rrill not be public hearing this evening, 2, wiounced thqt because of an error in. publication+ Hearing rmuld not bo, held this evening. carried a PUBLIC HEiG?:C- Or1 lGSESZi@IT FO2 I.T.iE3-iAIPJ If.PZOVXZKT NO, 73. I-Iapr Erickson Bankts motion that Council schedule new hearing on hssessment for T.' ,iapemain -I - bprovenent ibb, 73 for iionday, I4ovmber 8, was seconded by Danens md delegation r.rt;ls present to protest that they vere not benefited whereas their properties are included in the proposed assessment district; and Bank novedthzt Hewing be continued until Iconday-, ,Wovatber 8, for 3 conference between Village Zngigeers arzd property ouners. 4, Ikror Zrickon announced that there vould. be. no assessment in this irtprovsrxnt; Xotion seconded by Child and carzied. PUZIC HZXLE OX idSzSiZiZ FOX &lCZP3PPIRG liTAaT2mX A-15 SWPL;;=ZR. Feet, Tor $3.15 per hsessable ,.Foot , md no objections had been filed prior thereto. (See aesolution Approvi,ng) , 6. PUBLIC I-ELELG QiJ &SXSSi-ZIiT FOIt SAXITBY SEXIER ZEKKXWX XU. 6.4, IZ.chell? s Tabulation of Assessment was &',025.79, .as asahst 1,364.23 Assessable Feet, for $2,50 per Assessable Feet for Lateral Sewer plus $2.65 for Conneckion to Sanitary Seizer B-1 Trmnk--tatal $5.15.. per Assessable Foot. objections at the'Heazing, and no objections had beea filed prior thereto. Besolution Approvjng) 7. PUBLIC €ELQEE 014 ksSaSmX FOR SAX~BY SE(:W l3IF3Om3iE 110. 660 Ilk, T~Xtchell! s Tabulation of Assessment jmg 417,242.99 -as a2aks-L 3,428.03 Assessable Fee%, for &.03 per Bssessz~ble Foot. no mitten objections had been filed prior to the Hearing. Approving). There were no objections- &t %he Hewing, Lk,, 'There -12ere no (See 1 There were no objections from tine floor, -and (See Xesolution i*