HomeMy WebLinkAbout19541018_ADJOURNED50 L moved t-hat, bids be zwarded to low bidder, Earl A. Sewall. Xotion seconded by Child and carried. eq1;ined that sn additional contract must. be awarded for IJ06ad St. betireen Parnell he, and Virginia Ave,---lhat present contract does not include this street because underground utilities are now gohg in. One 'bid was received on Dnmkoneter, being that or" Service Equipment Kfg, Co., Hopkiris. Tubes and One Colored Ihp to show degreeq of alcohol contents; with an alternate bid of $226.75 for a Drunkometer complete with one test, this is.the ty-pe of drunkometer recommended by the pofice departaenh nroved that $253.10 bid be accepted. I-hsger TEtcheU. reported Park Board's request for a meeting with -the Council, and Bredesen moved that Council schedule meeting for fir& 'IJednesday in i'Tovmber. lotion seconded by Child and carried. IJith regard to Street Improvement No. A-70, IIanager I.Iitchell Bid vas in mount of $253.10 for Drunkometer conplete trith 36 Test It was eqlained that Bank liotion seconded by Bredesen and czcried, There being no further business to come moved for adjournment Xotion seconded by Brede rto I.Iondag, October 18, 195 -- X@bers answering Rollcall were Child, Danens, ~ &ink and Erickson. I &Tor Erickson announced Public Hearings on many Special Assessments, all of which had been announced bs. publications in the Edin+lIorningside Courier. submitted Affidavits of Fublicztion in Courier of IIBotice of Hearings on ksses,ments for hprovments,~~ published S~ptatbex- X6 and 23, 1954, rririch afi1idti\6tS were approved GS to fom and ordered placed on file, Rezrings were hezd and action taken as hereinafter recorded, Clerk hsuat -Lo said Xotice, Public 1955--that there rrill not be public hearing this evening, 2, wiounced thqt because of an error in. publication+ Hearing rmuld not bo, held this evening. carried a PUBLIC HEiG?:C- Or1 lGSESZi@IT FO2 I.T.iE3-iAIPJ If.PZOVXZKT NO, 73. I-Iapr Erickson Bankts motion that Council schedule new hearing on hssessment for T.' ,iapemain -I - bprovenent ibb, 73 for iionday, I4ovmber 8, was seconded by Danens md delegation r.rt;ls present to protest that they vere not benefited whereas their properties are included in the proposed assessment district; and Bank novedthzt Hewing be continued until Iconday-, ,Wovatber 8, for 3 conference between Village Zngigeers arzd property ouners. 4, Ikror Zrickon announced that there vould. be. no assessment in this irtprovsrxnt; Xotion seconded by Child and carzied. PUZIC HZXLE OX idSzSiZiZ FOX &lCZP3PPIRG liTAaT2mX A-15 SWPL;;=ZR. Feet, Tor $3.15 per hsessable ,.Foot , md no objections had been filed prior thereto. (See aesolution Approvi,ng) , 6. PUBLIC I-ELELG QiJ &SXSSi-ZIiT FOIt SAXITBY SEXIER ZEKKXWX XU. 6.4, IZ.chell? s Tabulation of Assessment was &',025.79, .as asahst 1,364.23 Assessable Feet, for $2,50 per Assessable Feet for Lateral Sewer plus $2.65 for Conneckion to Sanitary Seizer B-1 Trmnk--tatal $5.15.. per Assessable Foot. objections at the'Heazing, and no objections had beea filed prior thereto. Besolution Approvjng) 7. PUBLIC €ELQEE 014 ksSaSmX FOR SAX~BY SE(:W l3IF3Om3iE 110. 660 Ilk, T~Xtchell! s Tabulation of Assessment jmg 417,242.99 -as a2aks-L 3,428.03 Assessable Fee%, for &.03 per Bssessz~ble Foot. no mitten objections had been filed prior to the Hearing. Approving). There were no objections- &t %he Hewing, Lk,, 'There -12ere no (See 1 There were no objections from tine floor, -and (See Xesolution i* 10/18/54 So PUBLIC €LURING ON ASSEsStmI FOR SPNEmY SBZR DP?iOmmfi' BTO. 67. 1-k. - 51 Xitchellts 5kk Tabulati!on 09 Assessment was given as $2,174.03 as against 397.44 Assessable Feet, for $2.81 per Assessable Foot for Laterals plus :1;2065 for Connection. to Sanitary Sewer' B-1 Tpunk, for $5d+6 per Assessable Foot Total. There were no 5 objections at the Hearing, and no written objections had been received prior thereto. (See Resolution Approving) . i*Etchell's Tabulation of Assessment-.was given +t $4,640.51, as again& 1,423&- Assessable Feet, for $3.26 per Assessable Foot. atmer who is connected to the Sanitary Trwk Sewer running through his back yard. He vas asked to investigate wish the office, in order that any double assessmen% might be cancelled. (See Resolution Approving Assessment) 10. PUBLIC HEfBDTG ON ksSBS1-mE FOE TlB38XAIN DpizOVlBEiJT NO. 67. $fro PIEitchel-l* s Tabulation of Assessment was given st .6&&38,69, for 3,208.77 Assessable Feet, for $3086 per Assessable Foot for Lateral Ihin, plus (j.78 per Assessable Foot for Connection to Watermain linprovement Roo 24--Total, $4.64 per Assessable Foot . There were no objections.from the floor, and no tcritten objections had been filed prior to the Hearing. lL, PUBLiG HGABING ON ksSBSSldmi! FOR ITATEREAIN DPl3OVEKEX? NO, 69 . lb, l.'iitchellt s Tablaation of Assessment ,was given at. $5,323.78, as against 1,423.47 Assessable , Feet, for $3.49 per Assessable Foot for Lateral Hain plus $.25 per Foot for Connection. to Private Idgin constructed bg Peder Nickelsen,, Total -33.74 per Assessable Foot. been filed prior to the Hearing, 12, PUBLIC HZARING ON ASSBSImT FOR SqAmbmN BPEWibEI3T NO. 71. Tabulation of Assessment -was given-at- .$13,607.15 as against 3,099.58, for $439 .. per Assessable Foot. I&. i%!itchell explained that this is a hterd. Charge, only; that .Trunk main, will be assessed at a later date, possibly next; year, There wepe no objections at the Hearing, and no vrktten objections had been received prior thereto. 13. Tabulation of Assessment ins given'at $53,275.20, as against 9,581.87 Assessable .. Feet, for $5.56 per Assessable Foot. Hearing; except 3ir. S.f;ow's objection that work was not done because streets were not in condition, (See Resolution Approving) - (See motion of later in evening notify5ng contractor to rep& streets) 3Etchell! s Tabulation of Assessment -?!as. given ,at $6,869.39 as against 2,898.44, for $2.3'7 per Assessable Foot. There were no objections from the floe??, and no written objections had been filed prior to the Hearing. 15, PUBLIC HEARING ON ilSSBSl~Zni2: FOR BLACKTOPPING 3S.31'ROW!IENT NO. A-57. EL-. Efitchell! s Tabulation of -.&ssessment -zTas- @veq..at $562,29, as against 336.70 Assess- able Fee%, for $1.67 per kssessable Foot. and no mitten objections had been filed prior -thereto. 16. PUBLIC IiXAEiITJG ON MSESSIJ~T FOE i3LACITOPPING I€JPROVEZEET EO. A-60. T4itchel.l.~ s Tabulation of ilssessment -was- given. a% $2,1fla7'7 as against 1,46S030 Assessable Feet, for $1.49 per Assessable Foot. floor, and no mitten.objections had been filed prior to the Hearbgo Resolution lipproving) . 3H.t chell! s Tabulation of Assessment -T:ras.. give?. at 41,532 . 98 as against 1,197 64 Assessable Feet, for 41.28 per Assessable Foot. floor, and no written objec"cions had been friled prior to the Hearing. Etesolution Approving) e Nr. IJitchellt s -'i'abulztion of .tlssessgtent -was given at $2,705.83 W -a,gainst 1,252l.7 Assessable Feet, for $2.16 per Assesszble Feet, Hearing, and no written objections had been filed prior to the. Hearing, Resolution Approving) e 19. PU~TC :aMIE\JG ON ASSB~ENT FOR GRADING AND GRAJ,GXLTI\JG Ii~J?GOlQ%~~~ 1Jo0 c-31. YE. I.Qtchell* s -Tabulation of kssessmeni;.-ilras given a+ -:,P2,7066.55 a? against 1,175076 Assessable Feet, for *::2.37 per Assessable Foot. There were no objections at the Hearhg, and no vrritted objections had, been filed. prior thereto, (See Resolution 20. PUBLIC m~~i~ 01~ R~J) C-36. sIJppm,jjl. againkt 4,921.21 ilssessable Feet, for $2.02 per Assessable Foot. ob.jections registered &, %lie _Hearing, qnd no mitten objections had been received 9. PUBEXC HXRIXG ON ASSEXXt" FOE SBXARY SEXEX D-PXO~ZI~E NO, 68. 1.k. One objection was filed by an (See Resolution Approving). There were no objections-from the floor, and no. objecklons had (See Resolution Approving)o I&. lEtchellt3 (See Besolution Approvng) . PUBLIC HEARXJG ON ASSBSSBW FOE 'ffTAT3EIiAIN EJZROVZIIEI~T XO. 72. I&. &Etchellfs There were no objections raised at the No written objections had been filed prior to the Hewing. 2.4. PUI3LIC EARITJG ON ASSSSIGNT FOE CURB AND GUTTER IM?ROW*EIi"I: $TO. B-20. Mr. (See Resolution Approving) . There were no objectidns from the floor (See Resolution Approving!. Ere There were no objections from the (See 17. mxic HXBDIG ON KSSESSI~ENT FOR BLACKTOPPING- ICEPEW.G~,E i110, A-k4.- lbb0 There wsre no objections from the (See 18. PUBLIC WDJG ON j!&sBs$m FOZ (XADIIJG &El GRAmUaqG IK€'B.OVEJZIVT-IJO~ C-210 There were no objections at the (See Approving) 0 FOE W~NG AND GEAJELLEvG li4PFiTBW NOS, e-35 I&. "~tcc'nell!s.~~abulation of Assessment .was tj9,940.84 as There were no prior the-reto. (See Resolutioq ilpproving) 21. PUBLIC HEARING OU MS:SSXW'' FOR GWUXfXG AND GRAYZLLl3JCi i@??XXE3ZHl! if0, C-46. Ilk, T.~tchell's-'Ifabulation .of .Assessment .was $441050 as ~gz3ns-t 525.6 Assessable FeeJc for $.84 per,kssessable Foot,. There were no, objections registered at the Hearing, and no mitten objections had been received prior thereto. (See Resolution iipproving) Er0 Xitchell' s Tabulation. of Assessment .was $2,79g032 as- acainst 1,lL9Je2 Assessable Feet, for $2.35 per Assessable Foot. and no vsritten, objections had been received prior thereto, (See Resolution &provin& 0 22. ~-UBLIC HXLEjiVG OIJ GRADING, GXAlELLi2iG. AND OILIiJG ji*J?RQIGIZl;iTS i,JOS, E47 eC GI@. There were no objecbions raised at Hearing c 10/18/54 230 PUf3fiC H%fFczD:G 61J ASSB%.EtE PO3 GWDG AN3 GUmmIT;IG Ili€%tm-EEE IQ c-2- %05@h St. between Tingdale and Code A.venuee I-Ir. Nitchell's Tabulation df Assess- rnent was given as $2*30 per Assessable Foote &* ShaLtka sbjected to t-his chzrge, clahing a previous assessment for the same kind of t~orlc. Public-Mewing on this Assessment be continued to &Ionday, October 25, for furtiher investigztion, was seconded by Daneis and camied, i$i-i,ch.ellf s-Tabulationpf Assessment .yas $3,059,20 as- again& 1,195 dssesszble Feet, for &,56 per Assessable Foot. finished, and was told that contractor-would finish before Final, Payznent is made, There were no other objections zt the Heming, and no written objections had been received prior to the He=-ing. (See Resolution Approving.) - Hanager Etchell' s Tabulation of. Assgssment was $7,727,72. as against 2,759.90 Assessable Feet, .for G2.SO' per Assessable Foot e , There were no objections raised at the Hearing, and no witten objections had been filed prior thereto. (See Resolution Approving) 26. TUBUC EIEARii~iG OX ASSZSNi3iT FOR (XlAKtXG, (XUYmUDJG OILING B$€'E6~B:iUT %O, C-56.. ~ Xr. TitcheU's Tabulation of _Assessment vas $2,654.34, as against 1,066 Assessable Feet,. for, :$2.49 per Assessable Foot +t the Hearing, and ho. written objections had been received prior thcreto, Resolution Approting) . 52 Child's motion, that 24. PD.iC HEaaJG ON ASSGSi-ElE FOR GRADING BBD GM.UiXG Z~PROW~ZHT IbJO. C-52. One gentleman complarined that the work is not 2!5- F~J. I There were no cbjections registered (See Bank then offered the, following Resolution and moved its adoption: 1 . mSOLUTIOU ADOPTING AND CO?E~-IIliG ASSESZEIES FOR - SWDARY. SBEB- ElP3OVi~$L'S , 633 64,66,67 &d 6$: KO, €3-20: BiA~OP?~iG . A-64: WD<G.&~ . s t~Os? 67* 69, 71 im 72: iXPZOT-miES HQS. A-$7, A-60 W~iYZLLXJG DiPRO~Bi+iTS Ie'oso C-21, C-21, .&35 &: 1 Cy36 SuPP~Kl', C-46, Gh7 & C-4t3, c-52, C-55 &km 1 I33 E' ILESOL9m by the Village Council of the Village of EdLna, IEnnes&a, as . aents for S&'Jn&U SB;ER IIPEOmEjTS NOS. 63, &, 66,67- a& 6s; I-J,!$Tm.mPJ DpaOIj'& BPEOFi-~JTS PjOS. A-57,A-60, and A-64, and GWqG ,4IJD CZUTXLLBJG WiXmzgmS W% G-21,. F-31, C-35 them, have been properly calculated in accordance with the provisions of 3hespta Statutes, Section U2.44L; "cnat notice has been duly published, as required br law, that Ynis Council wuld meet to heas and pass upon all objections, if any,. -to azend said proposed assessmmts as might be necessary, and to adopt the same ,by resolution; that said proposed assessments have at all times since the* filing = been open for public inspection, and opportunity has been given to a11 interested persons to.pesent their objections; and that each of the lots, pieces and parcels of land enumerated in the respective assessments was and is specially benefited by the construction of the improvements for which such assessment is levied 2n the aaount set opposite the description of each such lot, piece and parcel of land, respectively. pieces- md. parcels of land. despibed in said respective assessments, 2nd said pro- posed assessments are hereby adopted and confirmed as the proper special assess- nents for said jmprovmmts, respectively. The assessment against each lot, tract or parcel. together with the interest accruing on the full amount thereof' from time 40 tine unpaid, a% the rate of five percent per annum from the date of this resolation, shasl be a lien concurrent with general taxes upon the proprty described therein, and all1 thereof, The total mount 02 each such assessment for SmITm- SE3ER If,ZZOVI!XEXES IJO% 63,64,66,67 and 66, and for TTAWJ-mJ ILIPBOEXG4TS XOS. ~ 67,6,9,.71 and -72. shdJ be Tpayz;bl+e in equal annual, instqlhents extendhg over a period of ten years, the I fkr& rof said installments, together with interest on the entire assessment from dzte hereof to August 15, 1955, to -be payable with the geqeral taxes for the rear 1954, and one of %he remaining installments; with one yearfs interest on $hat and all subsequent instsllments, to be payable with general taxes for %he pars 1955 ehrough 1963, collectible in the respective ensuing yearsa Theytot& amoUn;t; of each of the assessmenh for s1.TpiZOmBrfS aoS. B-20, A-57, A-69, -A-64 and ~56 shall be .payable 3-n equal amu@-in,! et a Tlments =%ending over a period of five srears, the first of said installments, togekher with interest on the entire assessment ,from the date hereof to August 15, 1955 -to be payable i.rith %he general taxes for the year 1954, and one of the rewg insta37ments, with one year's inkerest on that and dl subsequent hstdlmeiitsz <to be payable vith generril $axes for the a-ear 1955 throu.gh 1958, collectible in the respective ensuing years. T~E total a0m-L of each such assessment €or STFUGT Z-iE'BOiGXiTiS iim, %213 E-31, C-35-;?: C-36 StSPPUiXIE, E@, C-47 & EL$, &52,and.C_55,- shall be-paFhle in equal anua.1 hs'c&Iraenks eu;tsnding ov& a,period of three years, the first" 'of seid instdhents, togetker with interest on the entire assesmen% qrom the date hereof to Ausust 15, 1955, and one of the remaining k&dl.mnts, with one rear's interest on that and all subsequent installments to be payable with general taxes for the years 1955 and 1956, collectible in respective ensuing years folloq: ~ - I ? = 1. 1% is hereby found, determined and declared that the proposed assess- ---I--l- ~;w~LS QOS, 67,69,71_ ad 72; CURB &JD-GU'j!TER I1.IPrLOlEXI3T lJOo'.;&2Q; i@iCaOFPZjG ~ C-36, E46, G47,&C-&3, .E52, .G55 and.C-56, and each-of 2. The mounts so set out are hereby levied against the respective lpts, .I I . *- 3. Prior to certification of the assessnent C,o the County Auditor, the owner of any lot, piece or parcel of land assessed hereby nay pay the whole of such assessment or any installment thereof without h-berest to the Village Treasurer md thereaf"E;i* such payment majr be made with accrued interest to the Coun-by Trea- ,mer; provided that if any assessments or installments thereof be prepaid -Lo the Village Treasurer, they shall be cancelled on the books of-the Village Treasurer and he shall promptly notify the Village Clerk arid County Auditor, aild the assessnent or instau- rnent so prepaid shall be cancelled on the books of the County Auditor, County Auditor. 8 certified duplicate of said assessments, with each then unpaid hdLUmen% &id interest set Zorth separately, to be exbended upon the proper tax lists ol" the County, and tlie County Luditor shall thereafter cause said. assessments $0 be collected 'in the namer provided by law. shall be desipated as IIAssessment Roll for Sxaitary Sewer "unpprovments IJos, 63,64, 66,67,6L', Traterrnain hprovements Nos , 67,69, 71, Street hprovments 310s . &-57,A-60, ,A,-64, C-47.0 48 and C-52; andffAssessmeat Roll for TTki%i.-f~ hprovenent IJo. 72, Street linprovement No. r?-20, G3L, C-35 &.36 Supple1nenk,,~55 md C-56;*1 and Assessment Roll for Street 3iiproveiimx-h Bo, C-21,Il ttnd all mounts collected in *respect of the assessments therein contained shall be similarly designated by the CouriLy Treasurer and remitted by him to the Village Treasurer and by him credited to the Sinking Fund Accounts as follows: ~?os. 67,69 and 71, Street improvements I\Tos, A-57,ik-60 and.-,i-&, C-47 i3 C-48, and C-52 - to the Sinking Fmd.Account of the 1954 hproveli?p,nts Series One Fund, C-36 ck C-35 4. The Clerk shall, as soon as may be, prepare and transmit to the Said Duplicate Assessment ;2olls For Sanitary Sewer Improvements Not 63,64, 66,67,68; %latermin jkiprovexents .- For Xo, 12; Street hprovemnts ROLL E-20, C-31, - to the SW&g Fund Account of the 1954 Iaprovemerris Series Two Fund. hprovemebt Fund. For Street &provemen% Xom C-21 - -to the Sinking Fund Bccount of the 1952 Hotion for adoption of .the Resolution was seconded by- Child-, and on Rollcall the'ke - were. .four ayes and - no nays, -as follows: Child., ay ens, aye; Baqk, aye; and the Resolution was jdoptednrz A &mens %hen moved that contractor for T18rtermain hprovement Bo, 72--1?m. V. Terry 3roolcview Hoights 2nd Addition within five days; that if he does not do so the Village will do the work and charge to him, -%- -,cavating CO., Inc., be notified by registered mail to repair the strse'cs in Kotion seconded by 3ank and carried, 1. .The Clerk and Zngineer having calculated the proper amount to be assessed for those hprovemeats herein cont&ined in the Rotices of Hearings set forth below, qnd the amount proposed to be assessed agzinst the respective lots, pieces and parcels of land within the district affecbed by said improvemn%s, and said proposed assessments having been filed with the Clerk, the same hereby are approved, and the Clerk shall keep the saae on file in his office and open to public inspection pending hearing thereon as herein contained and provided. 2. of notice of hearings hereinafter contained to pass upon said proposed assessments, andkhe Clerk shall cause notices of the time, place and-purpose of said meeting to be published in the official newspaper October 21 and 28, 195.4, in substantially the following forms: This Council shall meet at the time and place specified in the fo-mns the Village dal.1 on 1-ionday, November 8, 1954, at 7:3O 01 clock PA, to hear and pass upon all objections, if any to the proposed re-assessment-for the 2oUowing inproverneiit, x-hich re-assessment is now on file in tlie office of the Village Clerk and opes. to public inspection: Appurtenances in .Berjaayd-Place. between IT. 56th Street and Ckove Street e Said proposed re-assessment will correck assessment levied SeGtember 13,. 1954, by increasing the assessable cost per front foot from 43.06 as levied September 13, to $j3.31 per front foot m , The area proposed to be re-assessed for said improvement includes a3.1 lots md tracts of land abutting the street improved. Assessment for Sanitary Sewer will be payable in ten equal, consecutive, annual installments exbending over a period of ten years, the first of said instaJ.1- rnents to be paJr&ble ifitin taxes for the.year 195.4, collectible in 1955, with interest 3.k14iTAi3Y SEL%Fl DPEO~.~~ NO.. 61 - Construction .of Sanitary Lateral Sewer and on the entire assesment at the rate of 5% per annum from the date of €he resolution levying the assessment to August 15, 1955. To each subsequent 'installment vLU be added interest at-the sme rate for. one par on all unpaid instdhents , BY 03DEt OF THE VmlG3 COUICLG. .- ." mm C. EQ%, Village Clerk 1- .I - (2) iiWXC3 OF' HUFtII4'G OR &SBS*mE FCR * 1:ATBJAUDJ sIrPam*ElTr NO 73 I~~ICE IS HZEFJ GID.@lJ,.- that-the. Council of the Village of &Ena will meet at the-yillage Hall on Uonday, Hovember 8, 1954, at 7:30 o'clock P.U., to hezr ad pass upon all objections, if any, to the proposed.assessments.for tize followhg inprovemen%, which assessment is now on file in the office of the Villag& Clerk and open to public inspection: - ITLITrnfkIN D-PROYiZIE?lT NO* 73 - . _- ConktrucLipn of Village Vaterrnain and ippurtenances in: *I lb 2. 3. 4. 5. 6, 7. Thi f dlXOt.rS : __ Sherwood Road from Edemoor %o Hwy. $169; Tr.53rd St., from Hqrm Crossing to Grandview Lane; G-randvi_ew Lane from W.52nd to W.53rd Sts. :I, 52nd St . , from Graqdvievr Lane to Tfilliam Ave. ?{illiam +iwe., f roa 17. 51st to 1% 52nd. ,St , 2l.51st St. znd.?L 52qd St,, from 1fi.lli.m to Hankerson he. ._ Hankerson Avea,..froii Il.5lst to 1[,52nd St, area proposed to be assessed €or the cost of said improvenent is as - . rr&l lots and tracts of land fronting on Hankerson, ITilliam, Bedford and Oxford, Avenues between 8,5lst and 52nd Sts j. on Grandview Lane between If. 52nd and t.T.53rd Sts.; all lees and tracts of land on South side of f'S,52nd St. between tfkllian and Hankerson lives.; on V. side of Service Drive between W.52nd and TT.53rd gts.; all lots sad tracts of land on South side of 11.53rd St, betF!een GmndGevr Lane and Service Drive; and all lots and tracts of land fronting on Downing St., 3hem;ood Ed. to 225 3%- E.; on Edenmoor St., Shemood Rd. to 147 Ft, .TI.; on Shert;ood Rd., Vest side; Hwy. No. 169 to a pt. 330.8 e. Southell Assegomen$ for IIatermin kpxrovment will be payable .in ten equal, consecutive, &i~ual instalhents exk,ending over a period of ten years, the first of said install- nents to be payable with taxes for the year 1954, collectible in 1955, with interest on tie entire assessment at the rate of 5$ per annum from the date of the resolution leqchg the assessmen3 to August 15, 1955, To each subsequent ins"ca?ent will be added inteEest at the saue-rate for one >Tear. on all unpaid kxhallments. I BY OIZI)~ OF TJS YiIUa COTJXCIL. -._ . ._ -. .-- - ~ . ... .^ 33VALD C. SJNIC, Village Clerk 2 Eotion for adopt,ion af Besolution was seco on Rollcall there were The Tillage Clerk and &gi.neer presented an estimate of the total cost, in'the amomi of ;j. ordered 'and contracted to be made... Bank. then introduced the foUoi&ng resolution ad noled its adoption: , of Water and Sewer lhprovement No. 65, as heretofore --In . jibOLUTION Dl3TB-mIIiG ASSBSAS-IX COST PJA~ rn saw , EPB.O~~;BI~ ,110~ - 65 . . IT ~OL~.~ bx. the- Coqcil-.of+ the Village of Edina, 3Ennesota that a portion not. less ..t;han .$112,566.02 of the total cost of Tfater and Sewer hprove- ment $10. 65 be and the sane is hereby ordered and directed to be assessed.asainst pToperties specially benefited by said improvement, and the reminder of the cost, in excess of specid assessments actually levied and collected and received in the fund of said bprovenent, shall be paid by the Village, by the levy of ad vdorem taxes upon all taxable property v&thin its corporate LM,%s and by the appropriation of other Tmds poperly available for said purpose. Uotion for adoption or" said resolution vms seconded by therk were four ares and no nays, as follows: on Bollcall aye; Bank, aye: VilkZige Clerk I The Clerk and Engineer then presented the-proposed assessment roll for Eater acd SeT.rer Inprovement l'Joo, 65, settins forth as calculated by them the proper amount to be specially assessed for said bprovenent agains-b every assessable lot, piece Lt and parcel of land, rdkhout regard to cash valuztion, Danens, seconded by Bank, and unankously carried, the Council determined to meet at the Village Hal1 on IvIonday, November 8, 3.954, at 7:3O o'clock Pe1L, for the purpose 02 hearing written or Isral objections to said,assessment roll, and the Clerk vas authorized and direc$ed to file said assessment roll in his office and to cause notice to be published in the official newspaper not less than two weelis prior to said meeting, stating the date, time and place thereof, the general nature of the improvement and the area proposed to be assessed as provided in prevrious resolu$ions, and stating that written or oral objections to said assessment roll will be considered. Considerable dis'cussion took place regardigg the. testing 'of .the new well at -69th and France"by the La3rfle-Minnesota Company, authorizing Layne-Ninnesota to use our Keys pwnp,: now located at the new water tank well, for testing purposes, running this test, Ghich is estimated by LaJme-3Ennesota2 to cos$ $500 to $600. Mk. Child moved that Village advise Layne-Ninnesota to proceed with the-teest and that the Village would share in the cost of the test up to, but, not exceeding $250. Bank seconded aQd motion carriede RegardiLg the acceptance of roads in Brookview Heights 1st Addition, Engineer 3fitchell pointed out that the roads are not at the approved cross section and profiles, as evidenced by Nre Stow's engineer, Arleigh Smith, is contained on the final cross sections, submitted by.&, Smith. March ls&, 1954, Re. Ed. Stow had agreed to accepting $510,75 in exchange for two errors made by our instrument man, Robert Obermeyer. used up in equipment time, using Village equipment and standard rates, per hour, It was assumed that Nr, Stow would use this equipment time to finish the graveling of some of the roads in Broolariew Heights 1st Add'n. Council ordered PIr. IEtchell to send a registered letter to M.P. Stow, advising him that Village equipment would be employed to haul gravel in to bring the roads up to the approved. grade in Brookview Heights 1st Addition. Letter to state that Village was going to proceed on this basis in order to work out the amount of money due Nr. Stow and that they would proceed with the work unless Ib. Stow objected within two days, Notion made by Child, and seconded by Bank, motion carrieds Upon motion duly made by - 2 Mr. ItLtchell recommended against * 5 He did recormend, however, splitting the e:upense of I Village This information He stated that on This amount of money was to be Regarding the petition for watermain installafion in Brookview Heights 3rd Add,?& Bank moved t-hd no consideratim shall be given to doing the engineering requi5ed in 1954. on this project. There being no further business 'to come before the meeting, Child moved for adjournment . PeK Child seconded and motion carriede Hotion seconded by Danens and carried. g adjourned at 8:25 I c '. 9. I I ?' c