HomeMy WebLinkAbout19541025_REGULAR10/25/54 6.6 Gl3I.i.i OF Ti33 REGlL?XR fWIi;TG OF THE EDIIJA lIX.Ma CQ'cTIJCa, €GLDJ~OiJDAS', OCZOE32 25, 1954 - -AT 7:30 P.U., AT -THX EDIILl VIWG3Z HULL =i 3Ie;nbers answerigg- Rollcall were .Eredesen, -Child, Danens, - Bank and- Erickson. The first mtter on the agenda was the Taking of Bids. davits of publication in %iina-liorningside Courier and Construction Bulletin October lk and 21, 1954, ior llAdvertisement for Bids--l!atemain: Grading and Gravelling, Ir ad for lfAdx~erkiseaent for Bids-.!U-bsrations to Liquor Store, If which afZidavits were-approved as to form and ordered placed on Sile. moved -that bids be referred to lissistznt Villlage Zngineer fop public opening in Vrillage &gheerls 0r"Tice. l4otion seconded by Danens and carried, f-iayor Erickson then announced severalhblic Hearings, to be held in accordance .r.ri-Ln "2Totice of Hearings: tlatemin, Grading & Gravelling, Oil, Curb and Gutter,Il published in Xdina-Uorningside Courier October Ut and 21, 1954. - presented Affidavit of Publication for said Notice, which was approved and ordered plsced on file,. and Public Hearings xere conducted and action talken as hereinafter recorded: Clerk Bank submitted affi- Rank then Clerk Bank He Stated, however, 'Chat the main proposed to be constructed in the street is actx@ly a trurJk water main; that he reconmehds establishing a water distr5ck construction. 1.k. ZitcheU. then recormended that the Council conduct another Public Bearing, with the viev of assessing all benefited properties for the &iprovenent. proposed hprovexent, an5 C-hild offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: I therefor, inzmuch as praoper-bies in 8 nuch larger area will be benefited by its 'iru-Graph slides were shown of the district to be benefited b;. the PmommiJ PROVIDIIJG FO~ PijrjLiC HEGX~JG PBOFOSED. ~~mmmair -IW~OV~JT BB IT R!OLJED by the Council of .the .Vil$age-,of .Edina: regort as.to the! feasibility of the proposed Tktennain hproverilent desci-ibed in the Fora of Xotice of Hearing set forth belo>Gs and as to the estim-bed cost of Such-iproveIiZent, said report is hereby approved and &ected to be placed on file ib the office of the Viuap Clerk. 2. This Council shaU meet on Nonday, DIovwnber 8, 1954, at 7:30 P.Z., in the Zdina.Village Hall, to consider in public hearing the views of all persons interested in said proposed 5mproveEezt. The Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to =use notice of the %be, plzce and purpose of said meeting to be published in the o1ficial nevspsper once a week, Tor tw successive weeks, the second of ~rhich publications is to be not less than three dap from date of said meeting, which notice shall be in sub- IKEiG Ls EBE3El GFGq that the Zdina Village-CouncQ .;riu meet at the Village Hall on lionday, iioovenber 2, 1954, at 7:3O P.I.I., to consider the follo?-ring hprove- meat to be constmcted under the authority. granted bsr ilimesota Laws of 1953, Village . .1. -The Yillage Zngineer, having submitted to the Council a preliminary . 3. stmtizlly the €ollorxi.ng f orm: -- l@TiCZ OF ~&Dt~rTliTBd.L~ Chapter 395. The approximate cost of such %npmvement is estimated by the --n Engineer tis set fopth below: rXr. CCST 1, Construction of Village Xaterrmain Extension in -1 VaLley View Rozd from Parnell Avenue to State Hwy. 100. 39, e79 . 5.4 The area proposed io be assessed for-the cost of said proposed kqrovment follotis : FOT FTo. I above - The Y.1/2 of Lots 1 to 5, incl., 31ock I, and aU of ___ - - Blocks 2, 3, Lt ad 5, l1ornahdd.e Addition; &ts 3 to 7, incl,, Block 1 and 1 to 6, incl., Block 2, O&vier.r Addition, Lot 1 to 6, incl., Ztttner's and Vingls Irddition. The South 349 F1;. of the Norbh 509.76 Ft. of the Stn/4 of .the Sn.4 of Sec, 19, T.26, E.24, lying 3, of Valley View Road on the liest -side of Ryan Ave. Tne South 660 B. ol" the North 1045 B. of the Sn/4 of %he sr.n/lr. of Sec.19, T.28,R.2&, lying South of Vallqy View lzoad on the East side of H~~r.,;;100; and Lot 5, Jailas Addition; znd all lobs €a$i-ng Valler View Eoad between Parnell Avenue and Highway ;/loo. EVD C. BAtJIi, Tillage Glerk . Village of Xdina is as Lots Notion for adop%ion of the Besolution vas seconded by Bredesen, and on FLoUcaJ-1 there were five ayes and no-pays, as follows: aye; Bmk, izi2.e; sad Zriclcson, aye; and the Beso _. '20 m 2. PUBLIC GRRIi\SG OH PROPOSED OPENDUG, GIZADiiUG, G&Qii-&E\SG, OTt B&JX &JJJ HO%XJCOD XO&), . ..# CUR3 IiiiD GlETZFi J?.CBmLbW AYX. JBTl;W DIVEIOR ST. Xanager PI-l-tche7j? s Estimate .of Cos2 was $7.59, per Assessable Front Feats , including construction of curb and gutter. He explained that because of the steep grade curb and gutter is a necessity, hquiries were mde as to pro- posed change in grade. & letter of objections to the jmproveraent vras filed by John R. Hansen, 5232 Hollywood Road, and one other resident of Hollyprood Road objected, on the grounds that .there is no need for the road. spoky in favor of the project at this time, and Trustee Child, stating that he feels the expense is too hi-gh to warrant the investment, moved tfiat the project be abandoned. Notion seconded by Bank and carried. evening, Hr. Sheldon Bwgeson, *id10 explained that he had called prior to the meeting, to ask that the Council delay public hearing'until he could arrive, berated the Council and the Zngineering Department for action taken, claiming undue delay in preparing plans and estima'ces. B3X!I~N t.Jeb3D 1iRD. I.J.64TH ST?Ll3E2SO ;i3,t34Z000, for $3.1'J per AssessEble Front Foot. €%om the floor,,and no written objecGions had been received prior to the Hearing. (See Resolution ikpproving) ., 4. PuI3-iC KliR33JG ON FZOP03Z.l GPaIIIG &JD GULmUII$GVIUj BUIBX i\K. BZETBIj &XLOZ33 LQE AND IL4&OlGY AVX, was .\,i3,391.305 .for 42,84 per Assesssble Front Poo%. ffom the floor, md, no witten objections had been received prior to the Hearing, Bank then offered the follor&ng Resolution and moved its adoption: No one kter in the - 110 Zurther action taken. PUBZiC IGXRiIJG ON PIZOPOSBD WDIG &?D G.I.IAlU3i;l;DJGSIOD EOAD 3. l4gnager-lfit cQell! s .Estimate of Cost, FJas TheEe were no objections .Manager %iitchell* s Estimate of Cost There were no objections RESOLUTION CEDZRDIG I"i2OWBiQS STREET'. DE33OWm.S NOS. . C-63 GC C-64 E32 I2 FmOLm by the Council of the Village-of.qdina, IIWesota, that this Council-heretofore caused notices of hearing to be dul;. published on the folloJr- ing proposed improvements : 1. 2. Grading and GravellQg of Sherwood he. between 1.1.63rd and 11.64th Streets Gradikg and Gravelling of Van Buren-Ave. between. Belmore Lme and 14aloney Ave, md at the hearings held at -Lhe+'cime 2nd place specified in said notice the Council has duly considered the views of a11 persons interested, and being fully advised of the p6rtinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with the con- struction of said inprovenients; 'chat said improvements are hereby designated and shall be referred to in all subsequent proceedings as follows: ..* iJ&Z OF iiii?ZOW3iEjT : 3treet linprovenent C-63 Street kprovernent C-64 ad the areas to be specidly assessed theiefor shall include all lots and tracts * of land abutting the po-&ions of the streets proposed to be improved. .,- iiotion for adoption of the Resolution was second 1.. Grading and Gravelling of Sherrmod Ave. between TI,63rd. * .* ahd I.f.64th Streets Grading and Gravelling of ?an Buren-Ave. between BeLQore Lane and 1.1aloney Ave. ~ 2. s, and on Ezollcall there s and no nays, as follows: d Erickson, aye; and the Reso Br sld, aye; Danens, aye; ., Clerk Bd then presented Affidzvit of Pub1ica"con in Bdinc-Xomingside Courier .October 2.4 and 21, 1954, and of Posting_on Offici& Bulletin.Boards October 14, 195.4, of Wotice of Hearing on Tetition to Vacate Vnat Portion of John Street ly5ng between Turn-hound and Bglmore Lam,, as. platled jn i2endelssolm r"idd.Ytiionefl d&Xdavits were approved as form and ord-ered placed on file. A mnounced public hearing, pursuant to szid notice. proposed vacztion, from the floor; and no written objections had been filed prior to the pudic hezing. adoption: 1:Iayor Grickson There were no objections to Bank offered the following Resolution and noved its iIESOLWi~? V;.~~T,X-J-J~~~ sym -;*T Turn-hound .and ?elmore Lane) (That PortLon 'of Job. Stre&. ljhg between ,. . ?f%EEGS, petition of a majority. of the owners of real property abutting &&&&er$ion of Job Street lying between Turn-Aromd and Eelmore Lme as plzbted in/iien e ssoh, as pla'c-bed aid. of record'in office of the Beg,i&w of-Deeds of Hemepin Com'cy, ~urmesoLa, has been dulsr filed with the Villsge Council; and said Council has net at %he -tine and plzce specified in a notice duly published ad posted and has heard all hltejxsted persons, and it appears in the interest oi the public that s2id portion of said street be vacated, now -therefore: John 3tr& hereinbefore descr&bed be and- is hereby vacated, . ,. . rL -I ib&LED e,-,-- L b-y.tlie TJillqje Council of the Village of 3;dina that said portion of 5.8' * Zot5on for adoption of &solution was seconded by Dmens, and on ZoUcall the& were five ayes and no nqrs, as r"ol1or.r~: Bredesep, .d;Mhild, are; ,Damns. &:re: I Child 'cnen.Eoved, ca3ms a WoUc Hearing for IJovember 8, 1954., on the Councilts ' oTm motion for vacztion 02 %;le 2orLherly Fourteen Feet of that F:ortlon of Old Kopkins ?load lying betireen Zden :!.venue ad Highway 150. 100. ' Da-ens and unaniiiously cmricd. .. ;lotion seconded by c t 1.k 0 Gildred, owner of un9lixtted propei-"y facing TJalley 13.er.r Xoad, asked pei-misaion' iio build thereon. Be claincd that County recordq shotr his ad the Danietson tract as ~T;D separate tracts of property, _vhercas the Village records show ti& a-ea -as one tract, masmuch as 12, Gildredls tract is less than three acres, he ~ras asked to plat beforce attenpting Lo secure-a building pernit, .?L delegation was present -to request the Oiling of Eooddale ivsnue betr;.een 5EJ& and bast Stre&s, staking *Lk+at surface hgd been toj:s up because of cmb ad &-i;er constmction. Some discussion ensued, and ChiXd noved that one coat 02 Oil be be applied to the 5ECOy59O0 ad 6000 blocks on Vooddale Avenue,; at VUa& expense, Petition for permit to build on a 53-foot frontage, unpl&ted property on VaUer pew Booad, was 2iled by oimcr, Sven Vold, Gomission, wzs seconded 'by Dan& and carried. _. - .- I-iotZon seconded bs Danem 2nd camied. I. Child! s motion, foia referrzl to Flmkg 4 ~X@SO ;ttne%' md IIbg a&od Lhat phal pl& be approved. .c ;.p. --. .;mg spoke in support or' pstition .for condamation of rj.@t-of-r.ra;r or' the STest- ,l/Z of i*k0 ZLliva-Lo, o:mer of the pioper%y, exy1ained once again th.+ his proprty is -. nofigaged ad he is not allorred to dedicate the right-of-way, directhg Tillape Atiorney to initiate mcondemnation proceedings os the Thst 1/2 of that portion of-F-pn &*-venue abuttbg Cttner and T;'ingI s idfition; a16 povi,mg khat final pl~t be accepted upon subnission of clzsh.*in lieu 02 bond for grading and gravellins of street. Gotion was seconded by Child and carried? Er, Ro C. Sd-kka> 5l21 Y.$%h St,, led a delegation protesthg the asse3smnt proposed to be laced for b%re@ Ihprovenent Zo. C-SX--the Grading, Ci-rravslZing ad Cilling of ?.J.SYLh Street between Thgdde ad Code ,lvmues. tested tila& the ~ropzrty hac? already been assessed-for grading and gravellin~, + The Council re-ievred a detFziled mitten i.epoPt on the 016 assessimnt, lcv5ed as pwt .of the assesment for Chdhg and Gravelling Benton Park (Strce-t kFovexent Bo, 20); ad Clerk Bank eqiMned to the delegation that $;le prior project had been Usufficient to take blackbop; that the present pi-oject included the .rr'ldening of the street a6d the correction of drakage dilficulties; that owners are sirnply paying, in ii?stdImsn-Ls, xhz-t they would have to assume in one project had blackboppjng been applied as originzlly requested. After sone further discussion, Eanl: offered the Zolloxiig Xesolutlon and liloved its adoption: Avenue, Bmk moved; \ This delegztion pro- - ~~()L~~~fJ;: iagETxJG ;gD ce;sn&.aJG g5zfJ- .. ,r n A&JL- F@, s%Tbv. ~-~d~~~.~~ .Lo.. c-51. I33 IT BLSOL7EIl by the KUage Gounci& 02 the..VillGge of Zdim,, IZmecotrr, as follows: 11 -*. -.- 1. .it is hereby found., detemninerl ad declared that the proposed assess- . nents Tor S'EZZT IL~ZOKIL-ZE XU. E51 have been properl2r calculated in zccordace, xith the pro@sions..o$ i-eso'ira Statutes, Section &lZ&l; tin& notice 'iias bsen duly &blisheci, as reqaired by law, that, this Council would neet to hear zcnd pass upon d.1 objections, if my, to amend said prososed assessment as rilight be necessary, ad to adopt the sane by resolution; -;;kat said propmed assessincnt has at all 'ches since its filhling baen oygn for public inspection, and oppor-LUnity has hen given to all in%erested psrsons to present Yneir objections; and -Lh& each of the lots, pieces ad pace13 of land enwiera6ed in the assessment ~ras and is specidly benezited by the construction of the hprovenent for which such assessment is levied in the mo-at se-L opposite the description of each such lot, piece ad pwcel of fad, respectively. pieces and parcels of lmd described in said respective assessments, and said pro- posed assessment is heyeby adopted and confirmed as the proger special assessmnt of said hprovenent. the interest acc*g on the full mount thereor" fron the to the unpaid, zt the rate of five psrcent per im-nm from the date of this resolution, siltd.1 be a lien coEcurrent with general txies upon the property described titerein, and all thereof , payable in eqml vrnual installments extending over a. period-of three rears, the fkst of sdd instdlneKts, together with interest on the entire assessnent from the dzte hereol" to Auwst 15, 1955, and one of the remaining hstallzizents, with one yes;rls interest on that md all. subsequent instcillments to be payable with genera taces Zor tile Srews 1955 znd 1956, collectible in respective ensuing yeas, - 2, The mounts so set out are hereb2- levied against the respacLive lots, The assessment against ecch lot, tract or parcel together vdth The total mount of each assessment for 3lPt X4l?XOVIGZGT ljo. C-51 shal be lO/2 5/54 3. Prior to certification of the assessment to the County Auditor, . , ' $9 the otmer of any lot, piece or parcel of land assessed hereby mzy pay the whole of such assessment or g~y installment thereof without interest -to the Village Treasurer and therehfter such payment mzy be made with accrued interest tothe County Treasurer; provided that if any assessments or installments thereof be prepaid to the Village Treasurer, they shall be cancelled on the books of the Village Treasurer and he- shall pronptly notify the Village Clerk and County Auditor,.and the assessment or installnent so prepaid shall be cancelled on the books of the County Auditor. County iiudit0r.a certified dupliczte of said assessment, with each then unpaid installment and interest set foi?ti? separately, to be extended upon the proper tax lists of %he Cohty, and the County Auditor shall thereafter cause said assess- ments to be collected in the manner provided by law, Said Duplicate Assessment Roll shall be'designated as '?Cissessment Roll. for Street iaprovement 1\10. C-54 ft and all amounts collected in-respect of the asses3ments therein contained shall be payable by the County Treasurer to the Vil$age Treasurer and by him credited to tlie Sinking Fund dccount*of 1954 Series One Smprovement Fund. . Uotion for adoptiofi of the Resolution was seconded b$ Bredesen, and on Rollcall \ 11.. The Clerk shall, as soon &s may @e, prepare and transmit to the there were five ayes and no-.nays, as follo there were five ayes and no-.nays, as follo aye; Bank, ay and Zrickson, aye; and the , aye; Child, aye; 2; .ens , I '- kbtorney Philip ldeville presented 3k. J,L EIcClu-ret s petition for pqmit to ex%end garage to-wikhin three feet of his lot.l$ne, at 4513 &-den Avejjue. The TCitten consent of the neighbors on either side and behind this zddress was also presented. After some discussion, Bank moved directing Building &spector to issue pe-mj_t, Notjlbn seconded by Child and caried. i4r. Xaeder stated that he and his delegation are very satisfied with the work done recently on Danens Drive. Attorney Austin Norton, acting in behalf of ll3/4 of the lots described as Lots 1 throu-&-s, inclusive, in Block 4, and Lots,l2 through 21, ,inclusive, in Block of South ljhite Oaks kddition, Lit 39 and-that pat of Lot 62 not platted %to Soufih TWte Oaks Addition,ll --a Ifztple Road group-presented a four-page list of 'under.Standi~gs1 reached bJr Lund-IGxse,a kc., First Zdina National Bank, and the above named group, being briefly as follows: 1. That right of residents and Village t~, require developemto supply and maintain lateral support for elevation of park buffer strip, made necessary by excavation and grading of area lying immediately to East of said buffer strip by developers, may be modified and zdjusted as follows: k terrace may be established along Easterly edge of said buffer strip which slants downward to East comiencing on a line along present elevation of buffer strip not more than four feet Ilest of Easterly line of said strip; that elevation of said terrace at Zasterly boundary of said buffer strip shall be established at not less than 104 feet or the pgesent elevation of the buffer strip, whichever is less; that said terrace shall slant and extend from that line into land owned and to be graded by developers as B parking area, noi; beyond a line parallel to and three feet East 02 the Sasterly boundary line of said buffer strip unless general elevation of parking area immediately East of buffer strip is Less than 102 feet in which event terrace shall extend onto the parking area to take care of such deeper cut. Grading and dressing of terraced area shall be responsibility of developers, a. b, 11, .. TIL. ".. Viliage and Bank may make such arrangements relative to treaknent and terracing of North edge of library property along its comon boundary with the Bank's parking area as seas most desirable to them. Hesh cyclone Pence, not less than five feet in height, shall be placed by Village on and along following line: Corn. at IUF COP. of aforesaid park buffer strip; th. S. along Zly boundaqr thereof to S3 Cor. of said park buffer strip; tho T7,along Sly boundary of said buffFr strip to SIT Cor, thereof; th. Sealong Tjly boundary of area heretofore convexed to. Village for library p2rposes 50 Siny cor, thereof. kea of buffer strLp,vhich shows on elevation contour map as having elevation of 108 feet may be graded down to lo7 feet and earth removed may be used for fill to North of said cuto Village shdl landscape and establish screen plmtings on park buffer strip -as follows: 64 Siberian Elms, or equivalent, at 'least 4 ft. in ht. shdl be planted on five-foot centers at top of terrace along Ely edge of buffer strip. Sp-mce trees at least 4 ft. tall in 3 rows not more than 12 ft. apart along length of buffer strip, in a pattern to block view between residenix I lad and developers' paking Zot. 23. V. aa b.. 10/25/54. Village Council is rea_uested to approve this plan by Resolution knd to take whatever action is required to assure all parties that platings ad Zencing r.riU. be coxpleteh bjr Village at earliest reasonable date. ecause there was insufficient time to go into this matter thoroughly, Child moved 60 VI, . that petition be accepted and given 2mther consideration by the Council at its earliest OFportunity. A representative 02 Edina American Legion Post 110. 4'71 requested exbension of permit to play Bingo for a period-of twelve months. Child's mbtion that request be grated vas seconded by Eredesen znd aarried. Police Eeport for Septenlser vas received and ordered placed on file. LIzu'ulic Gealth Ihrsing Beport for Sep"cber was ordered placed on file. Petikion was filed for 'the loFrer&g of the grade at the corner of Grove Street and Tbgdal-e ~venue--approxhately 180 Ft. Uest on Grove St.; appro,xha%ely 24.0 R, South on Pingdale, Petition referred to Public Works -Committee for recomendztion .gd inspection, by motion Bank, seconded by Bredesen and carried,," i, Xotion seconded by Bank and carried. - Petition to face house at 5cOl Ashcroft Avenue the long way of the lot (on 58th Street rzther thm on Ashcroft Avenue) was accepted, and public hearing on petition was set for i-iondq, I?ovder S,-by motion Bank, seconded by Bredesen and cmried, Ere Engstrom appeared on behalf 02 the residents of @denmoor Street, to reguest that Council reject bidst&en October 11. He supported a letter submitted to the office eaffier, stating th2-L xihat, the qsidents tmxt is 'only three or foux, inches of gravel, this fall'. 1-k. fiitcheU asked Xr. Engstrom whether he and the other residents are aware that this gravel wi12 be lost, an& he aswered affirmatively. &hat bid taken October U. for the Grading and Gravelling of Edemoor Street be rejected, that %he Council take bids November 8, Tor the jmprovenent of i3demoor Street by Gravelling only, that it be made a m%ter of record that the hprovenent by gravelling only is being made on the recommendations of the residents and & on the recommendations of either the Ektgineer or the Council; that Council does not expect this to be a, pemanent improvement. Bank then moved - Xotion-seconded bj Bredesen and carried, Nr. Hitchell reporbed submission of petitions for Storm Sewer ljnprovement fpy Brookvievr Heights First, Second and Third Additions. acceptede Xotion seconded by Bredesen and- carrieds I-k. Harold iC@ coaplained that the water on Xndsor heme is now running over the blackbop rayher than in the gutters. -4 delegation was present to request the Blacktopping of tT.54.th Street between the Creek and Wooddale Avenue. Council stated that, because. ,of procedure which must be followed to comply with State Statute, the improvement could not be done this year. Some considerable discussion followed, concerniag the possibility o'f the or.mers of abutting properties privately contracting for the work. residents be permitted tu contract for blackbopping improvements to be done in accordance with Village specifications. residents, vho declined the proposition. the followbg Resolution and moved its adoption: Bank moved that pe$i-i&ons be I .- lhnager Etchell ordered to lintestigate. Child moved that The matter of cost was reviewed by the Child withdretr his motion and ozfered moLuTI0N OmmnJG I D*PEOrnrnE I4T%R.D4&BTACISOPPR~~G. PI.. 5@H SmT BE fp IX!ESOLAED by the Council of-the Village.-of 23-a: as to the,feasibility of the proposed Blackbopping Improvement descriloed in %he lorn 02 Botice of Keaing set forth below, and as to the estimated cost of such bprovement, szid report is herebjr approved and directed to be placed on Tile in the office of the Village Clerk. This Council shall meet on Nonday, November 8, 1954; at ?:30 P.X., in the Zdka Village Hall, to consider in public hearings the view of alll persons interested in said proposed hprovencnt. The Clerk is hereby authoi.ized and directed to cause nokice of the the, place and purpose of seid meeting to be published in the official ne-trspaper once a Ijselc: Tor tr:o successive weeks, the' second of thich publications is to be cot less than three dqS fro3 date of said meeting, vhich notkceahall be in sub- stantially the Tollorring fom: . 1,- s5!he-Tillage Sgineer, having submitted to Vie Co&cil a pre1:'L;ninay report 2. 3. ~~~fICl3 OF lE?~rnIi;G OE $LICkTOFPTG. I;.mOUZF iWlXZ IS IEXEBY GZCX that the_Xdina_Villzge qCo~cil on Uonday, iIoveaber 8, 1954, at 7:30 P.U., to consider the folloihg proposed hprovemejit, to be constructed under the authoriky granted by I-Xxmesok k~:s of 1953, Chapter 396. Village hgineer as set forth below: The aTea proFosed to be assessed for the cost of said proposed hprovsr-.ent includes all lots ad tracts of land abutting that portion of the street proposed to be &yroved. I meet at the Village Eall The approximate cost of such hprovement is est5mated. bx the 23. COST Blacfiopping of W. 54th Street between Trooddale Avenue and 1;innehaha Creek .m 34,961.25 c 61 10/25/54 Hotion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Danens, and on Rollcall there mre fiGe z$es and no ,nays, as fdllo ; Bank, a2.e; and Erickson, aye; / Bredesen's motion, that Plumber's License for I~~c~~illi~s Plbg. & Htg. Coo, Crystal Bay, be approved, was seconded by Bank znd carri-ed, adina &nor Social Club's request for a-skating rink on Lake Pamela was referred to the Park Board by moPlion Child, secmded by Danens and cargied. Notific&ion of October 26 Hearing before Railroad and Tfarehouse Copbmisuion, on fares to be charged by TtJin City Kotor Bus--Companr was discussed. de$eded that because, of other meetings scheduled for this time Edina would not have EXI official representative at the Hewing. Child moved that Villzge P4qager. be instructed to contact St .Louis Park Village kbtorney, with direction for him to-represent Edina; and, %hat is" h? is not attendin& that Xanager be directed to contact Railroad and Marehouse Commission by telephone to protest any propbsed'.fare increase. 1 it vas Motion seconded by Bank and carried. Child's motion, tlizt' tne Council take bids on November 8, on a yearts sup-ply of wa%er..meters, was seconded by Bredesen ad carried. Xeo Richard Olson reported that I-&. liippley is an:lious to be rid of an obsolete cash qegister, wllich is. not being used an6 which is sinply takkng wanted space at $he Liquor Store; tha'c Dre Swendseen has made an offer of $40.00 for 'Chis old machine. by Child and carried; * Utilities Supt. Yoehler reported that Layne-~Ennesota. has agreed. to the Council' s offer to share & %he exbra e-qelise for pmp..test,; that they expect to have test made within two weaks. Attorney Vindhorst 1 s letter concerning negotiations 20% ;Ceviewed;- *all the, necessary utilities easements having been received, Xenneth Gustafson was present, to ask that Public Hearings be sched-uled, soon,- on the petitions presented for Blacktopphg, Curb and Gutter, so that all petitioners might know just what to eqect in the line of assessments. I-kmager ititchell reported that plans and specifications are not >-et ready on these projects; and the ma,t-Ler of scheduling Hewings ifas left to Nanagerts discretion. Child's motion, that Village Payroll, amount $ll,260.97, md Liquor Store Payroll, ,mount $557.62 be approved, fgr period October 16 to 31, inclusive; and thst the Xollor.ring claims be allowed: -. Bank's motion, that Dr. Svjendseen's offer be accepted was seconded a chool 3oad" was Kr. Gene&L Bund - t~~38~9.!@.22 Liquor Fund - 429,80g008 Construction - &J, 393 . 57 Poor Fmd -4 Sl4-.07 5.10 Garbage Fund - Semr &nt.Pund- 25.72 !later Fund - 3 1,148.63 .b was seconded by Dmens and. carried. Uk. Eitciiell explained that $28,860055 of the above amount of $3S,940.52 allowed lor Ganeral Bund, as evidenced by Check Nos. 363 and 1-64, represent a duplicate of the payment allowed C.O,Field Company October 11, mount &8,756.55, plus the $llO,OO also allowed Octobek 11, He reported further khat Lhe original check, of October 11, h&d been Iyld in ti12i.s office pending Final inspection; that upon such inspection it was Lhdu@c wise to withhold ,3,000 02 the final pqment until such tins as contr.zctor cma$letes some details. , Bank's notion, that Check iio, 67, issued October 11, amoi;rs% (528,756.55, be voided in favor of Checks Xos. 163 and 164 issued this evening; tliat Zianager be authorized to pay C,O.Pield Co~+a~y ki5866.35 imxriiately and to hold the bLLanceoof $3,000 until such Lirile as he deems. 5% advisable to transmit it, was seconded by Child and cewied. 62 10/2 5/54 The application os" Cesspool Service Compq, 3923 7hshingLon Ave. KO. for a Scavenge%' s Ekense -vas approved by motion Child, 'seconded by Danens and carried, -2mager Xitchell reeonmended that the Village sell to X.lr. OldonneU, vho lives at the Xortheast corner of Ikple Road and 5Obh Street, a 'j'ilt strip adjacent to the Zast property line on Xqle Eoad. Ho action taken. - At this tine, .opaned,bids were returned, and it rraq found that one/had-been received for I:7atemh Inprovezient in Valley View Xoad between Pwnell and Nomandale--tha% of Egrt2 C~~lone, -?rho bid $8,817.20 on tkis project. lfanager Etchell reported that this bid is below Estimate; that contractor undoubtedly bid low because he has contract for Sanitary Sever in the same area. I&. I&tchell recornended holding this bid until after the nexb regular meeting, to ascert& the outcome ofthe Public Henring on kproveaent, scheduled for that time, seconded by Danens.and carried. It ~KZS detemnined that only one company. had been on Wterations to IS,cyo~ Store-- being Olson & Andemon, who bid on all the v;ork specified, including a I-P cmeyor, at $32001074, xi%h an dterante bid on a 1W conveyor 2% $2731.78. Ere Zikm reported that a El1 conveyor t&ll be sufficien&ly wide for liquor store qeeds, and Wc noved at-this time that bid be awarded at price or" $2,731.78. Eotion seconded by Child and carried. At this time it was reported that %tro other bids had! been received--th& of Garlson & Lavine, at %33,940 r;ith an Alternate of $3,671.00; ad 3ur.eau of Home Tmprovepent, at $3,558,00 r.ri.i;h Alternate of $3,330.00, Secause both these.bids were hieher than the% of Olson 13 iaderson, Bdcts motion was allor:.ed to stand, -- a bid Child so moved. IJotidn 1 ihnager iiitchell -rsported that bids on grading and graveuine, projects adver- tised for letting tonisht were as ?follows: r3n-l l&&Y moso . ;2-3,333* 50 W.57th St. between Xo~k and Xerxes Jefferson &re beheen Belmore Lane and 13elson OHord .i-veqme betrreen 1:. 5lst and TI. 52nd Ss $2,03 5 .OO $3,215.50 * -. Kpa Xitchell sLzt.ed that these bids ai-e above-estimate of cost, and Cad moved that bids be rejecied md that projeclx be re-advertised, Bznk and carried. ITotion seconded by Ur. ~ IEtcheU then pesen'ced plans and specifications for several improvements in addition to those $or r.hich had been rejected, and Bank offered the following Resolution and noved its adoption: .. EE IT WULm by the Village Cowcil ,of the Village of. Edina: . . I...- The plans and specifications for the proposed Irpprovpents set forth 5x1 the follothg kdvertisement for Btds form, heretofore prepared by the Village agineer and now on file in the office of the Village Clerk are liereby approved. 2, Tho Clerk shall cause to be pubfished twice &I the Zdina-lIomingside Cornier and the Const-wction Bulletin the follotring ndtice of Eids for said knprovenents : NUfIm IS HZGBI GWJ that the Edina Vil~age-Council~v~ meet at the Edina Village .ij&Ll, 46Ol .Y, 50th Street, Ironday, Novcmber 6, 1954, at 7 :30 3,L , ad xill at said %he aqd place open znd consider sealed bids for thc followbg: ~?,ESOLTJTIG~I ITFitOVlilG PLUG B$D SPZGIFICL!I!iOi?S ?? ~OLX -- PR:,oPO;jEll B*PE~\QZ*@IY!SA DP&CTS!G . I 4 -- ~AD%h!?JZjE~LW! FOR ZJDS :-, . , I. ~~~~~~~ mR BmS' WIRG &IO GIt.kmI;T;mG 1, @&DC:G iLD GXSYiXLDIG: A,_ .Oxford i~ve,, lJe 5lst to 11.52nd St B. C. D, E. A. - -Zdemoor, - YQenmod ad. to Eichkod DriGe. 1;f0-57th St ? York heo tp, Xerxes l~ve. Jefferson ILV~~, Behore Iqe to Nelson Ave, Shemood Ave., T;',63rd S-t, to f.J.64th Sto- Vm Euren he., Belmore Lane $0 Ihloney he, - F, 3ackson Ave,, Belmore &me to I-Ialoney live, 2, GbIrnrn~lG OitLY: . :;icrk must. be done as described and spcflie; in plans and specifications for said jmprov~ent on file in the oZfice of the Village Clerk. submi-Lted on basis 02 cash payment for work. unless sealed and filed with under signed before %he of scfLd neeting and accoq&.ed by cash deposit, bid bond or certified check pqmble %O the TTiUage Clerk 5n mount of ten percent of amoun5 of bid. Bids mu%% be 150 bids will be considered ' BY oam 03 Ti.= vwic3 CoIu3tC~o I-% .- BV&D C. BANK, Village Clerk ^-' *-, 3. &ch ad a91 of the-terms of -$he .foregoing advertisemenY for bids are hereby adopted as the -kern and conditions of the conkract fOT said bprOVeaenk*