HomeMy WebLinkAbout19541103_REGULAR- 6s 10/25/54 $&ion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Child, and on Rollcsll aye; Danens, aye; Bank, i adjourned at 11~10 P.L "I -- c KlNUTBS OF THE JOINT ll"DTG OF TKE: . . . AT ~m EDIIVA vrum EDDUA VEUB COUNCIL THE 3DXIA PARK BOIIRD, HXLJl NOIEXBR 3E5, 1954, -- .. .I . 1-_1 Council Xembers present: IXembers present2 Xerrhn and I4ayger S.R. 3&Ltchell we,re also present. Dr, Xrlckson, Fred S. Child, E.C. Bank; Park Board Heman Strachauer, V.C. Stevenson, $h. W. Eet~s;. ldk. Hovrard I+&. ,IjTerriman presented a letter from the Park Board to the Gouncil, dated. November 3rd, 1954, recornending duties, qualifica$ions and salary of a Superintendent or Director of Recreation and Parks for the Village of Edina. ' agreed in pri-aciple on the plan as laid down in the letter. Ifotion made, seconded and unanimo~sly carried. to hire a Superintendent of Parks in the spring of 1955. The Councilmeabers Council and Park Board discussed the acquisition of Land for park puqooses. Hr. Strachauer displajFed a map showing the parcels to be acquired, recommended thak the purchase and development of these park areas should come partidly out of Liquor Store funds. could be utilized, Groups discussed the fact that Edina did not share in a Cornunity Chest as far as recreation was concerned. are receiving varying anouniis of money, two years ago, was awarded $19,000. should be made to get the Community Chest to contribute starting in 1956, Park Board It was brought out that purchase by contract It was also pointed out that fourteen other communities One euaple given was St..Louis Park, 1% was felt by both g'roups that a"c;empts Elir, Strachauer advised the Council that lk. Boy Peterson ha5 spent considerable %he in lining up this property ready for puqchase and suggested that a, letter be prepared, commending 14rB Peterson on his untiring efforts for no pay, said letter to be signed*by the H3yor and ~JiUage Clerk. A request was made by the Park Board to have the "Tiillage Council authorize' certain exyendi'cures involving capital 5nproveiaents for the Eark Board, Le., for parks and recreation. capital improvemeats could be borne by the general fund, such as mrm.i.ng houses, backstops for ball diamonds, etc. There being no fUri;her .business to come before this meeting, meeting adjourned at 6 P,L Council members seemed to feel that.-certain expenditures for, . Respectfully subaitted, c s. Re EEtchell, Village &knager-Engineer, I Secrtetary Pqo Tem, I -1