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. *i- - ..*--- - --- Iknbers answering Eollcall were Zredesen, Child, Damns, Bank and Zrickson,
Clei-k Bank: presented h*fidmits of Fublication, in Zdina-::orningside Courier,
md Construction Zulletin, October 3,8 md Bovenber 4, 1954, for zl&hn&&saents
for ZLds--Radzr EfgiFaent ; Renodeling-Library; Xater iieters ; T.;%ter Pumping
Stations; Grading arid Graveling; xri?ich.,Bffidavits weye approyqd as !GO fom and
ordered placed on Pile.
Tillzge &@neer* s OCfice. I4oLion secollcled by Dznens and c+.rried.
2kXor Zrickson announced thzt, pursuant to 'tilotice of Hearings-STatcmain:
3lacWopping ZnproveenJGs, published in Ed&na-Korningside Courier October 28
and IJovmber 4, 195rP, Puulic Hearings would now. be held on Eroposed Tatemin
in Valley View Boad betmen Parnell Avenue and State Huy. IJoa 100; aqd on
3lackbopping of- XO5l+th St,- b&ween S?oodda3e itveye and ihneh&a Creek,
Bmk presented i$Zidavit of FUblicaSion for above Gotice, vhich was approved
as to form and ordered placed on file. Yublic Heaings were. then conduc'ced,
and actlon taken as recorded below:
1. PIXIC ~EG o;: PCOFEED TU!!~J~~E V-i m~ BOim ma-i PXG~
. ~1 LO bL&b,KJI. BO. 100. I .--Xaqager EtcheQt s-.Zsf&y+e of COS;; .was,
5;9A€?j'9.84, _for -&$2 per Assessable Fi*ol?t xoot f or,.a31 properties v5.thi.n the
area set forth in the iJotiice of Ecaring, plus $3.67 Lateral Charge €or those
properties abutting Vjlle;. View Eoad beheen ParnelL- Avenue and State Hvp,
Iio. 100, mk5ng a total of C4.29-per Assessable Foot for the propefiies
abuttjllg Valley Vierr Eoad. , Question was asked as to benefit received by those
properties abuttbg streets other thm Valley Viev Boad; and iissistant Engr.
Zikm told sudience -thst these properties -would be benefited by increased
pressure because of this large main; that main tdl.1 be ready for connection at
such time as they zrant lateral service.
uhy -LMs mea cannot defer its assessIiIent.+in %he mqer phrmed Tor i&er
users in &oofnrier.r Lvenue between 15.62nd and liSm64th Streets; and he vas advised
that in the 7hstance of Brookview !\venue, the- ,heavy taxpaym+-namelr, Southdale,
have agreed to accept a &orb term assessment to make such an arrangerae9t Fossible;
that, fwther such arrangements are not conteaplated. There were no objections -to
the hprovenent froa the floor, and no mitten objections had been filed prior to
-the Public Hearing,
B.3 E 7R&OLlED by the Council zf_thg lJillagp-,of .Zdina, >Zhaeso-l;a, thst this Council
here%o$ore- cased notice of hearing to be duly published on the follow5ng proposed
improvement :
ad at the hearing held st the -time and place specified in said notice the Council
has duly considered the views 02 d.1 persons interested, ad being fd1F advised of
the pertinent facts does hereby determine Bo proceed with the construction of said
hprovement; that said improvement is hereby desifnated and shall be referred to in
dl subsecpnt proceedings as follows:
Ikmk then moved, directing hblic Opening of bids in
~~-3-w- r, -rn ni
ib. Berxl T.Mte then inquired ibs to
Bank offered the following Zesolution and moved its adoption:
€ti% OLUTIOIJ Uii!DZXlXG Ji 2itO~*EIdT ?IArn.rnIT Z*EZO~G~?r EO, ,81 .
*Constqction 02 Village Xatemain "dension in Valley View Road from
Farnell kvsnue -to Jtate iJo. 100
Construction of Village f:'atemaiq Extension in Valley View 2oad from
Panen Avenue to State 3rrjf. 100 - TiATaZD4 IUPdOVXiGWJ! iJQ, 81
and the area to be specidly assessed thercfp_sl?all-be .as r"ollor;.s:
"The 3A/2 of Lots 1 to 5, incl., Block 1, and a11 02 Blocks 223,4 and 5,
~~olmasldale..=dditlon; iots 3 to 7, incl., Block 1, and Lots. 1 to 6, incl, Block 2,
Oa3nrieT.r Addition; Lots 1 to 6, incl, Ettner1s and lling!s klddition; The Son%h 3.49 p. of the Xorth 509.76 Ft. of the SKL/4 of,the 3p14 of Seco 19,T.28,B.Z4,Z@g
3, of Valley View Road on the TTest side of Eyn l"ive.; the 3,680 FL. of-$he i1.1045 p. of the S?ZL/& of the Rn/4 p,T Sec. l9,T.ZS,R.&, lying S. of Valley View Road
on the East-side of Hi-g-&&OO; ad Lot 5, Jonas--liddition; and all lots facing
'Falle3 Vie-ir Road betr:een Parnell kWm ad .Hvw. 1OO"m
-- 1-Lotion 'Zor &option of the Resolxiion was s
were five ayes and no nays,-%as follows: Br
ickson, aye; and the Reso ..
Village Clerk. .
- lher in'the evening, 1ks ETitcheU. asked for award of the bid taken October 25,
for tlixis project--Vatcrwig in Valley View 3oad between Pamiell irvenue and State
Htq.30.' lOO--~~l~~ that he- believes tMs is the best bid the Village could
hope Lo receive, for the reason that the bidder already has a contract for sever
1in this street. i2. I)&nens recommended khat, if contract is armcded to bicider,
&& Carlone, he be given to uncierstand that he must rspair the street after con-
$8,61~,20, vas seconded b37 Bank and carried,
Clfldts notion, for award of bid Lo Bart Czrlolze, at bid price of
t .-- .
2. PUBLIC GL!XiNG ON FEOFOS~ BUCIaO?PII\G OF w. 54~~ sTrmr j3Eii~rn~ ~;ToODD&E
as a,g&nst 2,046 Bssess3ble Feet, for $le& per 4ssessable Foot,
consensus of Council opinion .that the Village General Fund should share the
cost of this improvement, ksmuch as this is a thru-street 2nd carries bus
of assessment; and there were no objections to the kproveiient from the floor,
and none had been received prior to the Hearing.
it wou.ld be impossible to have work done. this fSI.1, but that it would be on
the program for early summer work,
moved its adopt ion:
E3 T71 RESOLVZD by the Co~cil*.of,the._Village of Edina, Iwesota, that this Council
herebofore, caused no’iice of hearing to be duly published on the following proposed
improvement: - Blacktopping of W. 54th Street between ??ooddale iwknue and I4innehahz Creek
ad at the bearing held at the time ad place specified in said notice the Council
has duly considered the views of allrpersons interested, and being SulPj ad-rised,
of the pertinent facts does hereby detemine to proceed with the conshruction of
said improvemen-t; that said improvement is hereby designated and shall be referred
to in all subsequent proceedings as SEBZT Tr.;F*.OVXGiXI’ I\JO, A-72; and the area
to be specially assessed therefor shqll-include-all Lots-md tracts of land
abutting the pophion of the street to be hproved; excepting that one half the
cost of said knprovemenk shall be borne by the General Fund 02 the Vill&ge of
T.TTcJiGX&HA CFEBK. ~ .Xanager KitchellIs .Estka$e of Cost .was $3,342.,25, It was the
The delegation present was apprised of Council’s decision on method
Audience was infomed that
Child offered the following Resolution and
EZSOLWXOE O~~JERING npEo-mbEi@ m~~ornaix~~ i~0,~-72 .
iiibtion for adoption of the Besolution t~s seconded by Bznl~,.. and on Eollcall there
Public Hezring was then czlled on pe”cition of I&-, Harold ‘Ir,Eggan for percri&t to
face dwelling on Lot 24, Elock 7, Fairzax Addition (5801 hshcroft he,) on N,58th
Street rather khm on Ashcroft Avenue. Clerk 3aii read cop7 of iSotice 02 Hezring
which had been wiled to a11 property OvrneTs within 500 feet of proposed
objections had been filed.
by Danens and carried.
There were no objections rzised at the Hearing, and no iflitten
Bank’s motion that permit be granted was seconded
Clerk Bank t hen submitted bff idavits of Publication in 3dk-a-iCorningside Courier
October 28 and Iioveiber 4, and of posting on Officizl Sulletin aozrds October 26,
l95L, of ilBotice os“ Hezrhg on E?-oposed Street _Vacztion,T1
approved-as -bo forcm md ordered placed on file,
I-Ieming was called on the proposed vacation of the iToiZ;her137 Fov.i%een. Feet of
th~t part of Old IiopkLns Boad 17yinng between Kinnewavi-z Avenue and the Tiest bt
Line of I?& Zleven, i3lock. Six, TFngdale &os. 3rookside. Feti-tioner’q .
q~ repiaeGentztive was present and stated thzt petitioner yill quit clah to the
Village eighteen feet of the roadway for park p~~rcposes,
accapking petitioner’s statement as to quit claim deed.
Dwens and carried. .Child offered the r”o1lovnhg Resolution cad noved its
adopt ion:
which affidavits 1iel.e
Fiursuat to Notice, Pqblic
Child thzn moved, .
Lotion seconded b3~
paOLiJT210i,J VACATB$G sT-&m
(The No r_ther ly. pou.r% e ea -Feet of
_khat part of Old Xopkins Road
lying between Irhewaws Ayeme
and West Lot Line of Lot+Zleven
Block Six,Tingdale Eros .3i7ookside)
” 7*-, -j% r~~-~dS, petition of si majority of the owners 02 red.. proper%$ abuttbg that
?oz-$hei;ly Fourteen Feet of thzt part of Old I-fopkins ?Load lying between iJ3-me-
wawa Avenue and the ?,‘est bt =ne of kt Zleven, Block Six, Tingdale Eji,os0
Brookside, as platted ad-of record in office of $he EZegister of Deeds of
IIeimepin County, lEmiesotz, has beern duly filed with the Village Council; and
said Couiicil has met at the tine and place specified a notice duly published
ant3 posted and hzs hea.rd dl interested. persons, ad it appezrs in the inkerest
of the public thah said portion of said street be vacated, now therefore:
BE IT E3SOLWD bj? the Village Council of the Village 02 Zdi-na that iSojr.-i;herly
&ourbeen Feet of that part of Old Hopkins Eoad lying between IEhnewavm Avenue
and the Vest Lot LLine of Lot Eleven, 3lock. Six, Tingdale &os. Brookside be
and is hereby.vacated@ ..
I-Iotion for adoption of Resolution was seconded by r)anew, and on EolLcaJ-1 there
were five ayes and no nsys, as follows:
Br Child, aye; Danens, aye;
hrsuant to. IIXotice of Kczing on Re-Assessment for Sani-gary Sewer hp~ov~eit
61," published in Xdinz-Xormingside Courier October 21 and 28, 1954, Affidavit
of b-blication for vi?ich vas presented by Clerk, approved as to fora and ordered
placed on T"ile,_Fublic Hearing vas called on the Re-Asseksment for the cost of
Construction of @mitar;. Bevier in Bernard Place between I-r.56th Street and
Grove 5%.
Foot for F&erds, and &09 par iissessable Foot for Connection to Sanitary
Sexer Lprovemnt Xo. 37, 20% a total of $3.31 psr Assessable Foot.
=ere no objections fron the audience, and. no written objections had been filed
prior to the Hewing,
Ne;& Assessli-ent Hearing ms that- on l?atermain kprovenent IJo. 73. Clerk Bank
submitted AffLdavit oZ Publicztion for Wotice , of Hearing on Bssesment for
Inprovenent,rl published. in Xdinz-l~~orningside Courier October a and ZS, 1954,
~Ech PELS spproveti as to $om and ordered placed on file. i-knager 24itchell's,
Tabulation of kssesment vas given as follows: Total Assessable Cost, $32,283.29; $8,l47,93 being for Trunk, and 224,074,36 behg for lateral; the Trunk Cost behg
$1.00 per kssessable.Foot, and the Lateral, $&71, Ifre Bolting, 51.40 IfQlicun
Avenue mad? no objection to the improvement @ut complained that the mads are
in very bad condition, ad asked that the contractor be ordered to put them
back in shape as per contract. There itere no objections to the improvement,
and no objections had been received prior to the Hearing.
&pro>*g) .
hsuvlt to I-%. iJoltingts coxplaint as to the contractorst delay in repairing.
rods, considerable discussion vas had by the Council as to a possible remedy
for this situa-tion.
had rezloved pwel fron his drivemy at V.7Oth Street, end had never replaced
water contractors that rozds be put back in same cor?dition within thirtx dqs
after completion of underground vork, otherwise Village irill do street repair
xmrk and bill contractor for it,
notion vas taken, i-2. Bredesen suggested -bkt bids be taken x5thout imy provision
for street repairs; and that Village contract vith street contractors for such
repair rmrk. Bmk then xL4Andrer.r his motion, Child rrithdratring the secor-d; ad
E& moved that the lnatter be referred to the-Fublic Xorks Coaxittee, 15th
instractions to bring recoiiilendation to the Cogcil at the nexk regular neeking,
as to the nost practical way to hmdle matter. Uotion seconded by Bredesen and
Totzl. Assessable Cost tras Eiven at $7,407e77,., for $2.22 par iLsse&ible
(See Resolution Approving).
(See Xesolution
I&, John Txzggan complained that vratemaain contractors
Xr, Bank moved &'hat Council make it. -a part -of contract xith sever ad
I-iotion xas seconded by Child. Eefore vote on
-- 3. Prior to certificatiorr of the assessment to the COW-.~~ Lud.itor, the omer of any lot, piece or parcel of lmd assessed hereby may pay the_rrhole of
such assessment or any installrileflt thereof without interest to-the Village Treasurer'-
and thereafter such.pqmefl% may be made vith accrued interest to the County Tream-rer;
provided that if any assessments or installments thereof be prepaid to the Village
Treasurer, they shall be cancelled on the books of the Village Treasurer and he shall
promptlJ: notify the Village Clerk and County Auditor, and the ,assessment or install-
ment so prepaid shall be cancelled on the books of the County Auditore
The Clerk sha2.1, as soon as may be, prepare ad trmsmit to the County
hditor si certified duplicate of said assessments, with each then unpaid installmen%
and interest set forth separately, to be e-utended upon the proper-tax I-is-bs of the
County, and the Gounty Auditor shall thereafter cause said assessmefits to be
coll-ected in -the.manner provided by law.
the Assessnext Eolls for Sanitary Sewer Tmprovement Hoe 61 and for Ihtermain
hprovement Ifo. -73, and al1,anounts collected in respect of the assessments
therein contained shall be similarly designated by the County Treasurer and
remitted by him to the Village Treasurer and by him credited to the Sinking Fund
Fund .'Cccoun'ixi as follows :
From Smitary Sewer *Improvement No, 61 - To the Sinking Fund Account of the
1954 Pirrst Series Improvement Fund,
From S.raterma5.a li;provenzent( Noe 73 - To the Sinki& Fund 1LccoUn.t; of the 1954
Said duplicate shall be designated as
* Second Ser&es hprovement Fund,
Ko'cion for adoption of the Resolution was secondect by Dwens, and on Eollcall there
Xrickson, aye; and the Reso
- -
Clerk Ba-ik submitted r*ll"fidzvi.t of hblication, in Zdina-Xornin@.de Courier October 21
and 28, 1954, of lli\To-tice of Hearing on Assessments-for l&,teP and Sewer hprovment
It0.65,7' which Affidavit was approved and ordered plctced- .on Zile.
mounFed thct-Public Hearing would be conducted in accordance with said Notice of
Hearing, znd ask,ed for Analysis oZ Assessment, which &imager Nitchell gave as
follows : n
Xqor .%5ckson
I . Tq'caT .Cost. ~. ~ $118,892 8 95
Assessable, this iime ' @ 56,25Ef,-s7 *
All to be assessable against SouthdaTa properties,
at $1.50 per Assessable Frdt ,Foot for Platted -Properties;- $68.76 per Acre for Unplatted Eropertieg.
Assessment Germ to be eight yegrs, first year payable 5;: 1955.
5 IAmGiDj X~LE%OVB.~~~\T" It0 6 5 -
-*' .* ToLal.Cost ..
20 be-as-sessed as follows: -
To Southdale Properties, ,for Trunk Sewer,
Lss-essable, this %&ne - - itl 56;307:85 -
0 $75 per AFsessable Front Foot for Platted Propedies - $22,128.95 ;j174.52 per Acre on Unplatted Properties - - $26,126.11
$48,25 5.06 Td Properties abutting I3rookxiei.r kvenue between W, 62nd
and- 3. 64th St , , as follows:
0 $.,7.5 per Assessable Front #Foot for Tr&-$1,7$6,79
$2,6SS per kssesszble Front Foot for Lateral Service
It Prom Trmk -$6,296,00 8,052.79
Assessment term to be eight years, I 5'56,307. 85
There were no objections ids to the assessment for Sanitary Sewer hprovement No. 45.
lis to ?fatemain Improvement No. 65, a delegrtZon 'of property owners from Brookview
k;venue.-reminded the Villzge Council that they were to have been given an option of
a deferred assessment, this latter being a connection chzlrge .to be paid at the time
connection to the watermain is made. Discu-ssion was had as to the interest rate to
be charged at the time of papent of cormection charge; and it was concensus of
Councilts opinion that interest should be 5s simple interest from date levying assessment to date of payment.
its adoption:
Child offeredthe follovrii?g &solution ad moved
muLmIOI\T rn0rnIIJG ml CoiCiFmJa'rG ;LssksJmEs
FOR J%ATr@iA@T ,p!aJ S@?rnlnY s3@m E*FdOT&rnY
. ,, , ..NO, ..a
';iE I'i! PGSOLJJZD by the Village Council of th9 Village of Edina, Ennesoka, its follows:
for W,,'XFWdN iJID S1d!JIT&iY SG$EB lXi%OWJEi\E NO, 65 has been propei-ly calculated in
accordame-with the_pro?@ions. of .~~neso$a, St&utes Section 412,441; that notice
has been duly published, as .requirted vrj law, -thzt this Council would meet to hear and
pass upon a11 objectio is, if any, -to amend said proposed assessments as might be
. __ -1, .It is hereby found, determined and declared that the proposed assessme&
necesszq, 2nd to adopt the stme by resolution; that said proposed assessments have
at dl times since their filing been open for public inspection, and opportunitJr has
been given to all LnteresLed persons to present their objections; and that each of
the lots, pieces and parcels of land enmerated in the assessment vias a1d is specially
benefited by the construction of the irilprovemmt for which such assessment is levied
in. the amount set opposite the description of each such lot, piece and pmcel of lad
respectively, except that:
ll€Z.EW the Villzge Council of the Village of l3dina has proposed to assess %he
cost of $hat certain Trunk ITatermain and hterzl knotm as ITatermain and Sanitay
Sewer hprovenent No, 65 at .the rate of $3.438 per front foot, and
I.JEEEh.S, %he ovmers of certzin property located on Brookvievr Avenue 'between
T;i,62n& +d-IT. 64th Streets have indicated a desire to be'relieved of said assessment
and have agreed that if they are relieved of such assessment they t.5l.l pay a
connectLon charhe when the3 connect onto said water system,
iE IT BESOLVED that the proposed assessmeYks for TTATX-mC WJD S&WU,RY SZBX D~?ZOV%
E3IT 80,-65 against property abutting 13rookview iivenug betirgen 62114 and J7.i 64th Streets, be cancelled in all cases in Jrhich the ovmers thereof have advised,. or do
ad-ise the Vilfase that upon request for vatereservice they xrill pay a connection
charge which shall be equal to $3043& pcr front foot ?Ius interest thereon at five
percent (5:;) from IJovembcr 8, 1954, to the date of payment.
evidenced by the signature or" the notice heretofore mailed to-the property ovmer
or by mit-ben stateinent accepting the tern of "che resolution, filed with the
Clerk on or before Zbveaber 10, 195L--said advice having been heretofore received
fro= ovmers of the follovinf properties:
PKfl 73830 - Sec, 30, 21q. 28, R. 24
. -?wcel Uo. 6203-- Corn, at a pt. 672 R. S. froa
Such advice nay be
Cor. of
Peacedale Acres; Lh, IT, 228.6 Fz-,+; th, S.
66 Ft.; th. E. 222.6 Ft.; th, N. 66 Ft, to
Parcel No. 6700 - S. 165.45 K, of Bo ,330 Fz. of that part, of ._ the Itil./4 ~f REl/& lyingX. of Peacedde
Parcel iTo. 7015 - S94.5 F't, of 31...83205 F't, of E. 330 Ft. of
- thzt pczt of the H!3../4-of l%l[& I>%Is B of
Peecedele Acres and the 5:1 108 Ft, of 3- 330
af 1~n/4 of iG1/4. lying Ti, af Peacedae
B.line of i~1/4 as 658.5 liUG. E, from iQT Coro
thereof; tho So 104 R.; th 3 @7*3 Fbe :to
11 line of Peacedale Acres; th,
.I said 11 line of Peacedale Acres; tho IJ, _to
beg. - &.mer, 3ert J, Bohanon $227 . 30
Acres-- &mer, L. L. Bourgeois' - $569,21
of S 65 Ft. of N 897p,5 fi. .of that part
ilcres &5 0 39
Parcel No. 8900 - Cos, at a disi. 334 j?t, S. fro; a pt, in the
104 Ft, along
beg. 7 @mer, Roger B. Pauly I- $3 57 o 95
PUT iqO, 76.490 - Peacedale &xes
, -Parcel Goo 7400--- Loti I&, -Block 2 - 0;;ner; ITilbur A, Bing
the respective lots, pieces and paycels of land described in said assessneni;, and
said proposed assessments zre hereby adopted and confimed ils the proper special
assessments for s@d hproveaent.
together with the interest, accxuing on the full amount thereof fron -tine to time
unpaid, at the rate of five percent per amm fronthe date of this resolution,
shall be a lien concurrent vdth general. taxes upon the property described therein
and all thereof,
The total amount of the assesqnent shall be payable in equal a-mud iris"t$-
roents eA&,ending over a period of ei&t years, the first of said installmen%,
together with interest on the efitire assessment from the date hereof to August 15,
1955, to be payzble irith the general taxes for the xesr 1954, and one 02 the
r-mg installments, x5th one year's interest on that and all subsequent
installments, to be pqable riith general taxes for the years 1955, 1956, 1-957, 1958,1959, 1960, and 1961, collectible in respective ensuing gears,
of anx lot, piece or parcel of land assessed hereby may pay the thole of such
assessment or my installmmt thereof viithout interest to the Village Treasuren
ad thereafter such paTpent mar be rilade v;ith accrued interest J~o the Count;; !?remmer;
provided thzt if my assessments or installments thereof be prepaid to the Village
Treasurer, they shall be cancelled on the books of the Village Tressurer and he shall
promptly notify the ITilhge Clerk and County Auditor, cad the assessment or installment
so pre_oaid shall be cancelled on the books of the Counts 1iucKtor. 4. The Clerk shall as soon as may be, prepare and transnit to tho counkir
Auditor 8 ce&il"ied duplicate of said assessments, with each then unpdd Qstallment
ad interest set fo-rth scparately, to be edended upon the proper tax lists 02 the
Comty, ad the County liuditor shall theredter cause said assessments to be collected
in the mer provided b,- 1atr. Said duplicate shall be desipcted as the hsessment
Roll for IJaternin ;p,d Sani-tzry Sewer Improvement Xo. 65, and all amounts collected
parcel iJof 8200 - Lot 18, Block 2 - oi;ner Ifelmy1 Dunhas ;j396*0&
2, The anounks_so set out for imgediatc assessnent ere herek- levied against
The assessnent agaihst each lot, tract or pacel,
3. Prior to certification of the assessnext to the County iiuditor, the ormer
6 9'
in rcspect of the assessments therein contafned shall be simi2arl.y designated b:: the
County Treasurer and remitted to the Village Treasurer and by him credited to the
Sinkcg Fund Account of Southdale hprovement I Bonds first Series ,
&tion for adoption of' Resolution was seconded by Danens, &d on Rollcall there
ware five ayes and no nays, as follom: Bredes
Bank, aye; and Ericlcson, aye; and the gesolutio
aye; Danens, aye;
22. EiaPry Jonas, 4533 Talley View Xoad, inquired es to whether he trill !e issued a
permit for .a Vzlley View 2doa.d hoine.!in the future, at the regulsr setback, basmuch
as one home is now being constructed, hssiing a setback of cons$derzbJ,.e distance
behind thak ai; rhlch he expects to build, It was brought out b discussion thst the
Village ha-s no power to requ5re any setback.e:ccept that which meets minimum require-
mnts--thst if an o'i.;ner wishes to set his home bzck farther on his lot than Village
orbinaxe requires, 'chat is his privilege. idk. Jonas was 5nTomed that he need have
no fear of being denied a permit providing his setbac.1: meets 1~;c11111w11 requirements e
$ u
I-Ialla Nursery's application for pzmi'c to se&L Christmas Trees s,t 4917 3den Lvenue
was app-c~ved, ,by inotion Child, seconded by Bredesen and carriedo
The request of Hella Ih.rsery, for Village to fill Village portioiof roed io the .
level 02 their proposed roadway, was referred to the Public Yorks CokdLt-Lee for
recomwnddA.on, by motion Bank, seconded by Danens an@ carried.
Application OL' Iialla ibrsery, for a temporary sign, 5'x5', 3% cornei- of Xomendde
"noo3.d aid Zden .',venue, was presented, to-ge-ther vith approxJ of 3.2. Olson.
qoved "c-e,'c d;n be approved. Xotion seconded by Jjanens ad cerried-.
Application 02 London Plmbing Con.my, 1627 Flpouth ,',ve . Xo., for Plrmber' s
Liceme, vas appi?oved &T motion 3redesen, secpnded by Bank and cei-ried.
The rerj_llest of Shepherd of Hills Luthera Church, for traff5.c control, including
can of2icer to d&rect traffic, on %heir Dediczbion Sunday, Xovaber 28, IJ;ZS approved,
by motion Child, saconded by Bredesen, ttnd CELrTiede
- I
rl? iiie request 02' I.ka Carl &, Nelson, 1:.25 So. IG.,dison, for .z garbage collection rzfund,
was referi-ed to, Villsge &ttorney IJindhopt,. by motior? &edesen, seconded by Child
k~-:t . to i&n;gcr,. +2* Olson, reported- that Comiiers-Groth eoo, 407 Y.Lzlce St.,
~ri.l.1 not level Libgeq floors before in~t~ll&n.g :Isphalt Tile Floor,- .a% thee
contract price of $378.00; thah they want $90,00_mOre %or -this work; that the
ne:& low bidder, LaBarre Co., 16.11 do ~11 $he work at their bid price of &03.00. He recoillrilended th%. Council vithdi-aw Lts award to Comers-(30th Coo, and award .
bid to i&ame Go., at &03.00,
be accepted.,- was seconded by Bank and carxied,
md csriied. ..
Bredesen' s motion, thzt Ilk, Olson! s recommendation ..
The matter of pet5tion for Oiling of Danens Drive, Duggan Plaza and Earren &venue
in Brookview Beigkts was brought to Council1 s attention.
Public Hear5ng on petition ,be scheduled for-Xonday, Xoveaber 22 e Xotion seconded
Efanlct s mot.&on, -Lh&
by Bredesen and unaninously cai-ried* ..
?4ke Henry C. Xontmmls petitkn for the Rezoning fron Open Development District to
Conxiunity Store District of Lot .!), Block 3, Edenmoor Add5tioin-at Corner of Bwyo
30. 169 E@ Shemood Soad--was referred to F'1mnb-q Comrixission for recomfiend&iori,
by motion Bank, seconded by Danens and ,carr&ed.
Bank's notion, th2.t Gravel Pit Ordinance receive its second recding at the ne>*
regular rieethrlng, ms seconded by Bredesen and carried.
Trustee Danens presented a note, signed by H,J,Eell, 2.L Frmk, and E.Y. Zngstrom,
asfirig -that %he one bid received -!Ais evening .for the.-Gra,veUing of Zdenmoor Street
between Shcrwood Xosd and Richwood Drive, subinitted by $TOGe Bstleford Co. in amom6
of ,..;756,25, be rejected. D&ens' motion that bid be rejected in accordance with
property owners' wishes, was secpnded by Bank and carried,
Edennoor residents be informed that Tillage will neither pay.for nor finance any
improvement on the street ai; this -time; that if the residents wish to pay for
gavel they my do so.
aredesen then moved that
%iotion seconded by Bank and carriedo
Eiltmore iJotor Hotel, Inc. Is pe-Lition for stop signs at edts of drivexrays of Hotel,
and for an arc light on pole at Highway 169 and 53rd Street, was filed,
moved tkiat stop signs be installed, bu'c that inspection be m&de by Public.Utilities
GodGtee beSore light is considered, was seconded by Bredesen and carried.
7-0 '
The comunica-bion of Sers'cock 6: Sers'cock, acting on behalf of I-iotzb Coripany,
requesting mount of $?SeOO for mrk in making sewer connection at home of
John Bordell, 5525 Drew Avenue South, was re2erred to Xessrs. Voehler and
T:;'indhorst Tor recornendation, by motion Child, seconded by Danens and wrried.
Report vas nade on bids for water meters received this evening, 'king as follows:
XXLTH3XGTON 3mm KETE -- J*umm. GO. X?G, .GO. 2ao - 5/WX3/418 . $23,31 -Eae 3,22035 Ea,
50 - 3/4! - ' .%e@- .32.&6 ~
25 - 1" .. 51 0 33 49.02
6 - 1;" 96.01 91 69 3 - 2"- U-4.30 137 a 80
I ., I Compound lsieter - $2&7.60
Utilities Supt, Voehler stressed hediate need for neters and asked thhzt,bid be
awarded to 10-c.r b&dder, Badger Keter Xfg, Co.
Pexition f& Street i&ht at 75th and Xerxes was received, Bank's motion, that
$;lis petitLon,. and all fukure petitions for street lights, be referred to I&?.
Xitchell and Chzirman of Public Utilities Commit-kee, with power to act. Kotion
seconded by Bredesen and csrried,
Child's motion, thst bid be axarded
I to Badger 3leter I-Zg. Co, & above prgces, ,,was seconded by Bredesen and carried.
OTfice asked per;nission to cancel two Ifat erviorks Department accounts receivable,
Founts $5.20 and &le, accounts being long past.due, with no TommcEng address
kno~m~ Bankts &tion, approving r.rrite-ofi" of these tm mounts, was seconded by
Child and camied.
I&-. ZeD. Van Ittee's plea for repairs to t.T.52nd Street, stating that Wishes in
the house- f&f, frgm the cupbo,arcii shelves*. as vehicles hit the bmps3-vras rezd.
Bredesents ziotion, thzt Street Supt. Jonas be direcGed to repair this street
imnediately, was seco'nded by Child and carried.
Child's motion, that County be directed to repair Interlachen 13oulevwd at Highway
140, 169 khediately, was seconded by Bredesen and carried,
1.k. G' dred presentd Treliminarr and Final Plat of Gildred's First Addition, this
bemgyhe plstting re2uested by the Cauncil.-prior to issuance of building permit.
Badcrs notion, that Plat be approved subject Bo thorough engbeering check md
signctwcs by the proper parties, was seconded by Child and carried, I
Child raoved for qproval of Tillage Payroll; amount $10,761,76 md Zicpor Store
Payroll, mount $1,44.9.85 for period_endhg Roveniber, 15, 1954, and for appravzl
of .the following, Claim: 3;oLiopI seconded by Danens and carried.
Genera Fund _- $3, 92 Construction Fund - $2?,?53.03
Sewer Re-rlCsl 6.50 kprovemencs 'Rmds- 11, €20 . 71
Park Fund , 300.00 %laterworks Fund - j~ 156.11
&iquor Fund ' 8,092:.06 -1 Garbage Fund ' - 2,065060
Po& %d 268.74
Discussion*ms had on the matter of %he work: being done and to be done on the
Wwjr ad Pak property, pursuant to petition presented a't last meeting b37 1.2,
Austin llor'con ?or the Xaple Road delegation. Bank moved that the Council offer
$he following to the liaple Road osmers as a solution:
i,ng fron sidewalk o~ X.50th Street to a Eoint including f&st two lots,
strip; said slope to be approxbately six feet-three feet on park property
znd tbee feet on Lund-Ihse property. 3. 'Provision of suitable planting of trees on !.lest aide of buffer strip.
A fom-l"oot fence be emoted on the Vest side qf librarx property, exbend-
li five-foot fence .at the crown os" the cut at the Zast side or the burfer
.*. .. Xotiok was seconded by Bredesen urd ci;rried, ,_
Final Plat of 1lL)uggan Komesteadtl was approved by motion -2cuJ3;, secon6ed br c'nild
ad cqried, -:
E-lamger I.Xkche2.l reported the request of fZr, Arleigh Smith, pert or.rner~+of Erook-
tiew Heights 1x1 Addition, goy a PublTc IXearing on proposed raterm main insta;llation
in subdivisioa,,as tlovenber 22. @ter some discussion as to the engineering
program, Child noved that Public Hearing be -tentatively scheduled for Zirst
meeting in Janua-q, 1955. -3:otion seconded by flaxens' and carcied.
dssk. to lknager, Olson, reported on matter of easeaerrLs for Diasowl. Trunk
Sewer, st&ing tlqat he believes that with exception of two proporkies easemembs
2.rill be received without -any uifficulty; th& it I&U possibly -be necessary to
pay $&IO Tor a tract of land on r.jhich a barn 2s now situated (I.Eller);and for
a track to be used for construction of a life station, $600 (Friedlurld),
Bredeseit s noiion, thak zuthority be gran"ced for purchase of "these -i;.c.io properLTes st the prices stated, vas seconded by Daneas and Carried.
-. I 'Q'
J 7%
Asstie to Xanager, Olson, reported that "che lowest informal bid received for
E;at Lights at the library is the $150 bid received from Suburban Zlectric,
Corxpany, Bredesen' s motion, that Suburban Electric Company be authorized -
to do this. work, was seconded by'Danens and carriedo ,,
The letter from Serstock and Serstock, referred to Nessrs. Woehler and
Xndhorst earlier this evening, was again discussed.. After- -some discussion
on the matter, with Attorney Wndhorst present, Danens-moved that Xotzko
Plumbing Company be offered $39.00 in settlement ,of claim, Notion, seconded
by Child qnd camied.
lbe Xindhorst seported at length on the School Board's request for dedication
fromthe Village to the School Board of $he well-pwphouse property at South
View %e and Concord Avgue; the Village to reserve afl rights to continued
use of propertg for well and pumphouse purposes.
deed the required property to the School District, with necessary reservatLons. Motion seconded by Bank and carried.
Playor Erickson called Public Hezring on Assessment for cost or" Stozym Setrer
,Tmprovernent in the "19s between Ximehaha Blvd. ad Haxifa Avenue qd
between I j, 52nd and approzht ely 77, 53rd Streets , being 3t orm Sewer &prove-
ment N0..,20.
published in 2dina-Xorningside Courier 'September 16 znd 23, which tras
approved as to foim-md ordered_placed on file. of assessment were presented by Nr. Zikan--one on a front-foot basis, &jch
was the basis of proposed qssessment-given at the public hearivlg on the
hproveruent, amouithg to some $55.00 per lot; and a square-foot assessment
for the drainage district, on wSiich assessments ranged from less 'chm $5.00
to $117.00. Attorney Windhorst stated that, inasmuch as the front-foot
basis had been given a& the original Heering, this should be used in
conpuking assessment Xana,ger Kit chell reported the request or" I*Po Ca,rlson,
sponsor or" petition and- owner of kt 36, Block 2, for an assessment for this
1, 9 and 10, Block 2, South Harriet Park, the Council once again reviewed the
area proposed to be assessed.
following Besolution and moved ?is adoption:
Child moved that Council
Clerk presented Affidavit of Fublication of Motice of.Heering,
Two dicferent ta'oulations
Having received objections-as to non-benefit From the otmers of Lots
Discussion was had, ad Cizilci offered the
€E3OzuTIOI~ iUY3€T ZG AND CONF~~iiIJG AS3ESSGifl . FOf;. $TQi@. SEJ&3 . EZdOm*S?Tf T4O. 20
I32 IT XSOLVZD bsr the VilLage_7Cq
foll03.Is: - -
asskssmk2c for.STClE4 SD&E TCiP&OOT NO. 20 shall be, and hereby is, 'levied
agsinst 2 to 9, .inclusipa Blxk -2- (eli@nating from said original assessment
kt5 1 and 10, Block 2) and Lots 36 to 42, rinclusive, 31kk 2 (adding to
o~Qhal assessment Lot 36, Blbck 2) at a per front-foot hasis 0P21;,89; that
the Ccnerzl Fund prill bear the d-ifference in cost between the amount assessed
on the above staked bssis and the total cost of $879.93; that notice has been
duly published, as requ-ired by law, that this-Council wovM neet to hew and
pass u.pon all objections, if any, to mend proposed assessments as might be
necessary, ad to adopt %he sane by reso1utio.p; that ppportudty has been siven
to all interested pkraons to present their objections; and -that each-of %he lots,
pieces and parcels ol land enumerated in the assessments is special.1y benefited .
by the construction of the hprovement lor @ich such assesspnt $s levied
the amount set opposite the descrip!ion of erzch such lot, piece a+d parcel of' ~
land, respectively.
against the respective lots, pieces znd pcrcels of lzad described in said Gssess-
ments, aid seid proposed. assessmfien'cs are hereby adolyted ad. confiraed 2s %lie
ijroper special assessments for seid improvements .,
lot, tract or parcel, together with the interest accruing on the Zull anount
thereof frol;n the to tiiie,mpzid, at the rate OX five percent per ilmm from
the dzte of this rasolu-tion, shall be a, lien concurrent r.rith general taxes v.pon
%he piiq2erty described %herein and all thereof,
The Lot81 mo+t of esch of the essessnients shall be paysole in equa,L mnua!, installmalts exbendbg over e period of ten pars, the r"irs% of said-
-i,nstaJ-?-meai>ss: t~getl1fi.s jr-kh ki-I;eres-t on the ;-:rltiPe asaessxeats. ~POA bhe dt+,k@
h=~-.-eoI to .',ug~sk 15, 1956, to be payable wi%h the general taxes for the yea?? 1955, and one of the remaining instaUments, with one yezits interest on thzk ad. all subsequait insj;aaents, to be pa;r&le with general, %z;:es i'0P the JearS
1956 to 1964 inclusive, collectible in respective ensuing years .
3. ovzler of my lpJ~, piece or parcel OS lad assessed hsreby nay pzy the ilnole 02
such assessBen% or ai?;r bs'caliment thereor irithout interest to the Tillage
Comty Trensurer, -&-Q~ded thzt if acy assessments or installments thereof be
prepaid to the Village Treasurer, they shall be cancelled on the books of the
Village Treasurer ad he shall promptly notify the Tiillage Clerk and County
Auditor, ad %he assessment or installment so prepzid skiiaI.1 be cmcelled on %he
l_oZ,the. UVllage of Tdina, l.&eaota, as
1. It 1s hereby found, determingd and declared $hat the proposed
2. 'The z&nx-&s so set out for inmediate assessnell'c &re kereby levied
The assessmentxi ag&wt*. each
Prior to certification of the assessment to the Comity i-uditor, the
17 irczsurer, ad tkpeafter such pqment may be mde with accrued interest to the
boolm of the county ~*m3i-ior*
5. The ClerL did-1, as soon as may be, prcpzre cnd trmsuit to Lne i: omty iiuhitor s, cer-Lffied duplica-Le of said assessment, i.ciVn each then unFEid
instzlljiienk cnd in-iierast set i'orth separetely, to be si;tended upon 'tile 2,roper
%ai: lists ol" the Comb:., aod the Coursby Auditor shall thereafter case scid
assessnent to be collected in*tLiie nmcr pi-ovided by lmr,
be ciesigaxbed as the .'mes&rnent Eo11 Tor Stom Seirer Inprovgneiit :To. 20, and ClLl
momits collected Ln iGpact of the assessments .therein contsbed siizll be
similarly deoipated bjr the County Treasurer and remitted br hin to the Village
Treasurer and by hin credLted to the Sinking Fund-Account of the 1951 Itnprovaen-bs
First Series 7md.
Xotion TOT ado$ion of &solution was seconde
were five ayes sad- no ngs, as Lollom: Sredes
S&r, aye; and Zricksoii, &ye; and the Feaolutio
TZ 1
&id duplicate shdl
I 2U-T: ..
Vill5ge Clerk
Xanager Zitchell presented map shor;Cng Planning Commission' s reconmendations for
anendnent to gro,rosed C-pave1 Pit Oi-dinape.
accepted ad Oildinace amended accordingly.
carrieci. '
32. Voehler resorted that this Village has a. centrifugal pump on hand xhich is
not &ing used.
t&e bids for sale, ms seconded by Child and carried.,
.. -. Ad
tiad; noved th8t recomefidztions be
Xotion seconded by 3redesen ad
He recornended that it be sold. 3mkfs notion, thet Counclil
Richard Olson reported E?. Kippleyls request for authorization to sell a.
compressor at the Liquor Store.
vas seconded by Child md.caried.
Bats motion, that notice of sale be issued,
At this time opaned bids t;.ere rsturned to the Trillage Council, md were found to
be as follows:
14-9 372 44 3,369. 55 31,17&043 u,ooo.oo 3,404.00 24,930.00
ll,S24.00 3,072.00 26,869 . 00
I&. IZtchell*reported that these bids are well above Bstimates of Cost, an3
reconmended thct bids be rejected.
Danens so moved. Xotion seconded by kmk and
t 4
€%DAB B3UrnEX: HOB. jiI&mT, liic,
complete in carqing. case .
ihdel-SZ -2lec$rom+tic &dar Speed Xeter 5 693.60
I 3E8.45 kraphic Recorder, com@ete in carrying c2se GlZ 082 eo5
ad attachments toO-;;al15ng , g160.00 -
Bmk's aotion, that bid be accepted and that Police Captain. KcCa-ryl s recomendztions
be accepted as to the attachments to be ordered, vas seconded by Eredesen and
172. IEtcheU. reFor-t;ed that Donald bfthus
batLonary period. He recornended &hi& he
Bak so moved. liotion seconded by Danens
has now served his sir, aonths! pro-
be classified as a Perment Enplo~ee.
and carried.
ik .- Et chell asked authorization to continue storage of materials and snow at
the Yooddale park site for this winter, rathemthan at the l.icGuire progerhy.
Request .I approved, by comon consent.
Bank moved for acceptance of the following Noveaber 3rd recommendations of the
Planning Conmission:
iqprovcll of Final Plat of Rosenlundts property at Si3 intersection.
of Valley View Road and Concord.
Bjection of Ik,.*Sven Ifold! s pedt to subdivide a 133-foot lot
into 80-foot- lot -and 53-fgot lot.
ipproval of CasweU1 s Preliminary Plat - of property at 3outhwest
corner of Gyove znd,,Trgcy.
Approval of I&. B.H,Simpson's request for pem6.t to build on a
$+foot lot on Tomes Road new 49th Sta
Approval of Final Plat.+of Lund-&use Addition providing this
agrees with Prelmnary, and subject to Zngineering checko
Approvzl of Preliminary Plat by Dr, Paul Carson, of two lots in
iRXl/4 of bBll4, Sec .32,Tz~ , 117 ,E .. 21 . __
Approval of I.Iiorel1 &: l\Ticholsl statement of $180 fop August,
Septemhr zqd October, 1954.. .. '0 Xotion seconded by Bredesen and carried.
J ' 7.3'
As to the Planning Codssionls recommendation on aeeoning for Greguson Nursemj,
Child moved %hat Public Hearing be scheduled for %onday, Xovember 22.
seconded by Daneng and carried.
Cesspool Service Companyr s application for Scavenger Eicense was appr.oved by xaotion
Child, seconded by Dznen;; and carried, -
Kaager iiiitchell submitted a schedule of salaries for Village employees for the
year 1955. Considerable discussion was had. Xo'cion was made, seconded and duly
carried for approval of recommended salaries fpr all- but the first three persons
Pu-blic Ssfety Committee' s recommendations for installation of lfatch Out For
Children Signs .in area where Lake Ridge Eoad meets i3lal;e Bod,. but against
Tmclcs Prohibited sips at in.l;ersegtion gf Blake Eo& ztdb.Highvmy $169 were
accepted by motion Child, seconded by Bredesen ad carried.
iir, Nitchell reported that J.Z,Danens and Son Cornpany is removing dirt gram the
Tillage Right-of4hy at Hansen Zoad and Giiove street e Bredesen moved directing
Iimager to mite 3.k. Danens and Son that the Village eqects rehbursemenk for
the d-irt taken from-the- Tillage Right-of-Vay, and that if this happens again
"cere will be crbdnd prosecutitpa 14otip.n seconded by Bmk and manimov.sly
Damns1 motion, that Council advertise for bids for street sweeper, was seconded
by 3ank and carried,
Eredesen then moved for adjournment,. Eotion seconded by,&&c and carried.