HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018-08-09 Affidvit 2018 CC PH Vacation of Easement 2018-08-21 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION CITY OF EDINA drainage vacation is in the public
4801 WEST 50TH STREET interest and should be made shall
MINNESOTA EDINA,MINNESOTA 55424 be heard at said time and place.
COUNTY M HENNEPIN >ss NOTICE OF PUBLIC The Council shall consider the
HEARING ON extent to which such proposed
VACATION OF PUBLIC street vacation affects existing
Darlene MacPherson being duly sworn on an RIGHT-OF-WAY EASEMENT easements within the area of the
oath, states or affirms that he/she is the IN THE CITY OF EDINA proposed vacation and the extent
Publisher's Designated A of the HENNEPIN COUNTY to which the vacation affects the
gn Agent news a-P MINNESOTA authority of any person, corpora-
per(s)known as: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN tion,or municipality owning or con-
that the City Council of the City of trolling electric,telephone or cable
SC Edina Edina,Minnesota will hold a public television poles and lines,gas and
hearing on,Tuesday,August 21,at sewer lines,or water pipes,mains,
7:00 p.m.in the Council Chambers and hydrants on or under the area
with the known office of issue being located at 4801 West 50th Street to con- of the proposed vacation,to con-
in the county of: sider the requested vacation of the tinue maintaining the same or to
HENNEPIN following public right-of-way ease- enter upon such easement area or
ment: portion thereof vacated to maintain,
with additional circulation in the counties of: PROPOSED DESCRIPTION repair, replace, remove, or other-
HENNEPIN Those parts of Tracts A and B wise attend thereto,for the purpose
and has full knowledge of the facts stated lying Southerly of the following de- of specifying, in any such vacation
below: scribed line:Beginning at a point on resolution,the extent to which any
A The newspaper has Com lied with all of the West line of said Tract B distant or all of such easement,and such
(A) P 220 feet North of the Southwest authority to maintain,and to enter
the requirements constituting qualifica- comer thereof; thence run North- upon the area of the proposed va-
tion as a qualified newspaper as provided easterly to a point on the North cation,shall continue.
by Minn.Stat.§331A.02. line of said Tract B distant 170 Dated: July 26,2018
B This Public Notice was Tinted and pub- feet West of the Northeast corner BY ORDER OF THE EDINA CITY
(B) P P thereof; thence run Northeasterly COUNCIL
lished in said newspaper(s) once each to a point on the East line of said Debra Mangan,City Clerk
week, for 2 successive week(s); the first Tract A distant 40 feet North of the Published in the
insertion beingon 08/02/2018 and the last Southeast comer thereof and there Edina Sun Current
terminating. August 2,9,2018
insertion being on 08/09/2018. Tract C, 840962
Tracts E and F, except those
MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE NOTICES parts thereof lying Northerly of the
Pursuant to Minnesota Stat. §580.033 following described line: Begin-
ning at a point on the East line of
relating to the publication of mortgage Tract A,distant 40 feet North of the
foreclosure notices: The newspaper complies Southeast comer thereof; thence
with the conditions described in §580.033, run Northeasterly to a point distant
subd. 1, clause (1) or(2). If the newspaper's 120 feet West and 32 feet South of
the Northeast comer of said Tract
known office of issue is located in a county E;thence run Easterly parallel with
adjoining the county where the mortgaged the North line of said Tract E for 30
premises or some part of the mortgaged feet; thence deflect to the left at
premises described in the notice are located, an angle of 90 degrees 00 minutes
00 seconds for 12 feet;thence run
a substantial portion of the newspaper's Easterly and Southeasterly parallel
circulation is in the latter county. with the Northerly and Northeast-
erly lines of said Tracts E and F to
its intersection with the following
By ^ ^ C>1
described line:Beginning at a point
r / 1 I on the Southwesterly line of Tract
Designated Agent S distant 105 feet Southeasterly of
the West line of said Tract S(when
measured along said Southwester-
Subscribed and sworn to or affirmed before ly line);thence run Southwesterly at
me on 08/09/2018 by Darlene MacPherson. right angles to said Southwesterly
line for 100 feet and there termi-
Tract G,except the East 58 feet
of the Southerly 300 feet thereof,
That part of Tract H,lying North
of the South 300 feet thereof;
/j All in Registered Land Survey
J No. 1050, Hennepin County, Min-
Notary Public nesota.
Torrens Property-Certificate of
Title No.1362156.
Jessica L:an
abb Together with: (parcels not in-
A= Notary liccluded in First American Title Insur-
Minneaance Company Title Commitment
CgnmiSSid1 E resa 31,2023Number NCS-904068-MPLS, but
MYry included as part of this survey)
The East 58 feet of the Southerly
300 feet of Tract G and
That part of Tract H,lying South
of the South 300 feet thereof,both
Rate Information: in Registered Land Survey No.
1050,files of the Registrar of Titles
(1)Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users in and for Hennepin County, Min-
for comparable space: nesota.
$34.45 per column inch All persons who desire to be
heard with respect to the question
of whether the above proposed
Ad ID 840962 street right of way and utility and