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1;Ienbers answering Rollcall were Bredesen, Danens, Bank ad Erickson.
Child came later, 8s recorded below.
Enutes of Geetings of October 18 and 25 were approved 8s $ubmi-tted, by motion
Danens, seconded by Beedesen and carried.
Clerk Bank presented Affidavit of Publication in Edina-T-lorningside Courier
October KL ad 16, 1954, of Wotice of Hearing on Oiling for E3roolcvieS.r Heights."
Affidavit was approved as to-form and ordered placed oq file. Uayor Erickson - then called Public Hearing pursuant to said notice; and Uanager IIitcktell gave
as his Estimate of Cost, $874.45, or 8.15 per assessable foot. There >:ere
no objections from the floo9, and no peitten objections had been received prior
to the Hearing. Bank offered the following Resolution andmoved its adoption:
OILING ~*iP~O~~ . DO. 0-90
I% IT BESOLVSD by the Council of the Village of Eding, I.linnesota, that this
bouncil heretofore caused notice of hearing to be duly published on %he proposed
improvexent cmsisting of the Oiling of Ducgan Plaza from Highuw KO. 100 to
Danens Drive; Danens Drive from Duggan Plaza $0. Ridgeview Drive; Warren Avenue
2roz Danens Drive to !.:.66Yc St., and at, the hearjng held at the time and place
specified in said notice the Council has duly considered the views of all
persons interested, aqd being fully advised of -the pertinent facts does hereby
detemhe to proceed with the construction of said hprovement; that said
improvement is hereby designated and sball be referred to in all subsequent
proceedings as Oiling hproveaent No. 0-90; and the area to be specially
assessed t'nerefor shall include all lots and tracts of land abutting the
streets to be improved.
Hotion for adoption of Besolution was s q, ad on EollcaU there
were four ayes and no nays, as foUor.rs: &e DarienS, : axg; Bank, aye;
on, aye; and the Resolution vas a
Next natter on agenda was the Public Heazing on the petition of H.K. Greguson
for the Rezoning fron Opn Development District to Community Store District, Lots
15, 16, 17 and 18, Block 3, and Lots 16, 17, 18, 19 and 20, Block 4, in Grandview
Heights, Clerk BanIr presented Affidavits or" Publication of Wotice of Hearing"
in Edina-Xormingside Courier November 11 ad 18, and AffidaVi.t of Posting said,
Notice Xovember ll.
There were no objections fromthe floor, and no objections to the rezoning had
been received prior to the Hearing.
recornendation of November 3 was reviewed,
OrcEmnce, moving that Council vaive second reading and adopt Ordinvlce as
Affidzvits were approved and ordFred placed on file.
The Planning Commission's favorable
Danens, offered the following
ORDDLMGE .?;IO. 261-14.
Section 1. Section 5, Community Store-District, of Ordinance 110. 261 of
the revised ordinances of the Village of Edinsr, as amended, is here5y further
mended by adding at the end of paragraph 1 of said Section 5 an additional sub-
pzrzgraph as I"o1lorjr:
Block 4, dl in Gradviev Heiats Addition. -
Lots -15, 16, 17 and 18, Block 3, and Lots 16, 17, 18, 19 and 20,
Section 2. This ordinance shall be 5x1 full force and effect fron and
after its passage and publicztion according to law.
Ihtion for xaiver of second reading and adoption a
and on Rollcall .there were four ayes and no nars,
Bank,, aye; and Erickson, aye; and
-4% this tine I-hpr Erickson announced that Public Hearing on _C-ravel.,Pit Ordinance,
tertakively scheduled for this evening, TKL~ be continued to Z'Tonch$, _Dece&er 13.
3Zessrs. Crear and Cru-ttman presented detailed building plan for llSouthdale Center." Eanager IEtchell recornended that plan be qccepted and building-permit issued. -
Danens so moved. I.lo'cion seconded by Bank and carried.
11/22/54 The Edina Jaycees' notice of intent to instal1 and light a large Christms Free
at the Village Hall, and their request for permit so to do, was read.
motion, that request be granted, and that Council advise the JGycees in vaiting
0% Council appreciation of their kind gesture, was seconded by Danens and carried.
Upon the Village AtLorneyts report that all necessary things had been done in
connection with the Councilfs intention to vacate two streets, Bank offered the
following Resoluicion and moved its adoption:
(Service-Drive in-Woodbury Park Near
. Lake Harriet
Pursuant to petition of a majori%y of t;e property owners abhtting on that
part of Xest 55th Street Between Beard ad Drew Avenues hereinafter described and
it appearing that hearing. was held on this date pursknt to two weeks' published
Zyld posted notice' thereof,
NOT?, TIXERF,F'Om, BE IT l33230ZvED by the Village Council of the Village of
Edina, *ha$ the roadway described as follows:
That part of Woodbury Park near Lake Harriet, according to the plat
on file inthq office of the Register of Deeds in and for Hennepin
County in Eook 101 of Plats, page 19, described as follows:
roadviay 30 feet in width-located between the Southerly boundary of
Blocks Seven (7) and Eight (8) and the-Northerly boundary of Lot E,
and the Southerly extension of - the Easterly boundary of Lot One fl) ,
Block Bight (81, to the Northeast corner of Lot d and the Southerly
extension of the Hesterly boundary of Lot Five (51, Block Seven (7)
to its intersectiqn with the Southerly..bow?dary of the plat of said
Woodbury Park near Lake Harriet,
be and the sm~ hereby is, vacated from and after the passage of this resolution,
subject, however, to a perpetual. easement to the Village of Zdina of access $0 the
e,dsting 2.41' sanitary trunk, sewer in satd 30 foot roadway.
Motion for adoption of resolution was seconded b
anens, aye; Bank, aye;
Bank then offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption:
Pursuant to petition of a majoritx of the-pFoperty otmers abutting on that
part of Windsor Avenue hereinafter described and it appearing that hearing was
held on $;lis date pursumt to two weeks' published md posted notice thereof, NQ7, T-OPS, €E ITT RESOLVED, Elyhhe Village Council of the Village of
Edina, th& that .portion. of Wirjdsor &venue described as follows:
~-Beginntng at theeSoutheast corner of Lot Four (41, Block Turn (a),
Richmnd Fills Second Addition, according to the-plat thereof on file
$n the office of the Register or" Titles in and for Hermepin County;
thence Westerly along..&he Southerly boundary of Lots Four (4) and
FLve (5)., 'Block Two (2), Riclmond Ells Second Addition to.the
IJortheast corner of Lot One (I), 310,ck Six (b),_%estchester IhoUs
Additton, according to the pXat thereof-on file .Qa the office of the
Register of Deeds in and for Hemepin County; -thence along the
gasterly boundary of said Lot One (11, Block Six (6), Eestchester
Knolls Addi%ion to the Sou-theagt corner. thereof; thence Easterly
Qong an ex-teinsion of the South lhe of Lot One (I), Block Six (61,
Ifest Chester tholls Addi-Lion, to its intersection,with the Vesterly
line of the fJEnnezipolis, Eorthfield and Southern Railroad right-of-
way; thence Northerly along the Westerly_line of said railroad right-
of way to the point of begimin&.p
be, and the same hereby is, vacated to be effective from and after the passage of
tMs resolution, subject, however, -bo a perpetual easement to the Village of Edina
for the care and maintenarice of all utilities located in said roadway,
contrbl over the placing of any fill or the gradhg of this property by the
abutting lad omers I)
Further, the Tillage of Bdina shall have the right of direct supervi9ion and
blotion for adoption was seconded by Dane all there were four ayes
as follows: Bredesen, aye; , aye; and Erickson,
Resolution was' adopted.
ItT-r. H.E.1.icl.lartin*s petition for peimit to ex-lend a garage to within three feet
of his lot 2.&e at 4517 &den Avenue was discussed, I&?. Ib&r-kin e;rrplain.&ng that
he can hardly get out of his car inside his garage. Because he had Fermission
fron the neighbors on three sides of his lot, Nr. 31d-lartizlts petition vas grated,
by motion Bredesen, seconded by Danens and carried.
f.Lqutes of Park Board Iheting were submitted, reviewed and ordered placed on file.
Public Bedth Ifurshg ReFort for October was reviewed and ordered placed on file.
Fi, "Babel1 LcVoir's resignation from Youth Council nembership vas received.
Sredesen's motion, %list resignation be accepted with regret, was seconded by Bank
and carried.
Bank's motion, that the following Petitions for hprovenents be accepted, and that
Public Hemkgs thereon be scheduled at the discretion of the Village Engineer,
was seconded by Ekedesen and carried:
1. 9Jatermai.n in Vooddale Ave. from Fairfax Ave. to Valley View Road.
2, Smitary Sewer in Trooddale Ave. from Fairfax Ave. to Valley View Road. 3. Sanitary Sewer in Birchcrest Drive beiivrsen T'T.60th St. and Lot 25,.-B1. 5;
Code he., V.60th St. to Birchcrest Drive; TJ.6lst St., Code Ave. to Forslin Drive to bt l3,Bl. e;
Porter Lane, Birchcrest Dr. to 1~60th St.
yalley Tiew Rd., Code to .Dr. Stone Property
1~60th St., Hansen Rd. to Porter Lane 4. ITatemnzin €or Above Streets ..
5. 6.
Sanitary Sewer in Uora-lhwood Drive from Dundee Rd. to Error Lakes Dr.
Sanitary Sewer in %Taternan Circle and IJaterman he. from litem-a Circle
Smi-tary Sewer in Code Ave., tT.56th St.' to Grove St.;
to Arthur St.
Nelody Lake. Drive, Code Ave. near Grove St. to Code
IJelody.Lane, Iielody Lake Drive to Grove St.
Ave. near "J.56th St. .
8. Tlatemain in Above Streets.
9,, Blacktopping in Concord he., Southv5ew be to 71.60th St.
1.k . Davenport, representative for *T.Enneapolis, Horthfield and Southern Railv&,
accomparded a Xr. Hansen, representative for a company requesting permi+ to
manufacture licpi? fertilizer on the I4NW Ry. property just South of Berg and
noises would be st a minimum.
vas seconded by Dznens and carried.
I Rr. Hansen staa-led thst there would be no odor, and that nanufacturing
Bredesen's motion, that I3uilding Permit be issued,
1.k. 1-Iaurice T. Battin's written recpest for permit to locate dwelling on 3ot 2,
Block 2, Hilldale (2l.Circle West) on a 20-foot setback, rather than the minimuril
setback requirement of 30 feet, wzs discussed. I&. FZittin gave as his reason for
request the location of the street, which is east of the platted street. His
Fe%ition was accompanied by the written assent of neighbors on both sides ad
t'ne approval of the President ofthe filldale Associ;i%ion. Bredesen's notion
that request be grated was seconded by Bank and carried. ~
Request €or Skop Sign, to stop trai'fic on W.60th Street at Drew Avenue was
pferred to the Public Safety Committee for recomendation, by Eotion Dmens,
secocded by Sredesen and sarried.
Petitiorr of Dr. Schwmtes, Tor change of street name in Schwantes Addition from
Ir.4rthur Street1! to "Ridge Road11 was reviewed. Pe%i%ion. stzted that it is being
presented at request of Post Office.
Public Hearing on petition be-scheduled for Deceniber 13, and that Council also
schedule Public Hearing at that time on the proposed changing of the balance of
L~SXIP Street to *fEidee Road.
hto-Se&Ads Co. * s applicztions for the following signs were approved, by notion,
Bredesen,-seconded Danens and carried:
Bank moved that petition be accepted, that
Xotion seconded by Danens and carried.
12'~22' - On a. Side of #169 on Knoll betwsen Gleason Ed.
101~40' - Approx, 300' 30, of Blake Rd. and Hwy. $169 on E.side
< ~ and Blake Ed. - .Advertising llSwanberg E: Scheefe L3uick CO."
_I of #169 - Advertising Wpls. Hotel". - -
Discussion vas hzd on the Deed running to the School District Eo. 17 fro= the
Village for the Southview Lzne Pumphouse Property. Bank's motion, that terns
of Deed be accepted and Deed be signed, was seconded by Bredesen and carried.
Bredesen then moved that the Village Xanager be directed to notify the School
Board in writing %hzt if the Board wishes a fence on the North side of Sc'aool
Eoad before Jmuwy 1, 1957, the Village t&ll be= tihe cost of said fence up to
$l,OOO. I-Iotion seconded by Bank end carried.
11/22/(,5.!4 1 ~
The claim of Ernst and Ernst, Auditors, for $5,550.00. for Audit for Tear 1953, , 7.7
and for $l,687*50 for survey of accounting requirements and other specid. services
in connection with new accounting machine, was approved for Eajment December 13,
by motion Bredesen, seconded by Bank and carried.
Ernst and Ernst's letter concerning audit. of records for year 1954 was read and
Records for year 1954,
Ivk. P.J. Cressy of Northern States Power Company gave a demonstration in different
t-ypas of street lights. He stated that the Village now has some 280 residential
lights of the lgoldlf type 2500 Lumen (189 IJatt); that Northern States Power, after
a survey and cansiderable study of suburban lighting needs, is recommending that
the bier.I" type 6000 Lmen (450 Vatt) lights be installed throughout the Village
on a.gradual change-over basis. He-suggested that, as a beginning, all new
lights be the 6,000 Lumen. Bank's motion, that the recommendation be accepted;
that all requests for new lights be for the 6,000 Lumen; and that the Village
adopt a policy of a gradual change-over from 2,500.Emen ;to 6,000 Lumen lmps
for the entire Village, was seconded by Bredesen and carried. During discussion
it had been brou&t out that the change-over x&ll involve an extra power bill of
$1.25 per lap per month.
Country Club and was told by 3fr. Gressy that, to the best of his knord.edge,
the old ommental. poles will not support the new t-ype lights Ifr* Cressy
wils asked by Bk. Danens about the lights in Golf Terrace, out of order for some
time, and was told thzt Northern States Power will check.
Bredesen moved for approval of Emst and Ernst as Auditors for Village
Kotion seconded by Bank and carried.
&yor Zrickson inquired about the lights in the
Repod 'IpJas made that Layne-Hi.rmeso-i;a will m7n a test on the new pump wif;hin a
Request of the Board of Directors of the Edina Civic znd Improvement Association
for the use of the Village Hall Conference Room on the first Xonday of each month
was discussed at some length, in connection--tdth general, use of the building by
various organizations.
to draft a proposal. for me of Village Hall, for discussion 2% the next; Council
Nseting, in line with suggestions made at this meeting. Elation seconded by
Danens and carried,
Bank moved that Er, Xitchell and Urs. &den be requested
Bredesen moved for approval of the request made by Edba Civic and improvement
Association Directors, for use of conference room the firstlhnday of each month,
Xo-bion seconded by Bank and carried.
Xanager I,BtchelX suggested th2t Village employees be given a half-holiday on the
Fr5.days before Christmas md New Fears .,
feeling that taxpayers would be deprived of service if this were done, Bank
moved that Village offices be closed at Friday noon before Christrms md New
Years Day, on B trial basis, and that notices 02 such closing be posted in the
Village Ball and in the Courier.
Bredesen voting no.
&knager 3Etchell recomended selling the 7h-inch strip of land otrned by the Village,
to the oyner of abutting property at the Northeast corner of W.50th Street *and
Xaple Road; Attorney Windhorst having ruled that this is Legal. Bankts motion,
that LQe strip be sold to owner of abutting property for the swn of $l.O.OO, was
seconded by Danens and carried,
HLnager PIitcheU inquired about Council' s policy concerning signals at ,Valley
View Road and Nommdale, and was told to keep trying for them with the State
Highway Department .
Ilk. Eitchell also asked Council policy concerning sedce roads VS. 33-foot
center island on MormandLLe Road. Bank's motion, that Council go on record as
favoring service roads on Nogcmandale Road was seconded by Bredesen and cah$ed.
DiscGssion was had as to Park Board eGenditure of some $410 for a new i&rming
this expense in line with action -taken at joint meeting of Xoveaber 4.
Some discussion was had, some members
Hotion seconded by Dmens and carried, with
Xb was consensus of opinion "chat general fund of.village should bear
Gmager IeEtchell reported receipt of Letter from W.k.Ostrem, City of Ivbezpolis
Sewage Engigeer, regarding Parshall Flume sewage @er at 54th and Xerxes; which
meter now needs enlarging. .1Cc, 14itchell stated it is his ad Sfr. 'tJoehler's
recommendstion that the City of 1lirmespolis do this work--removing -six-inch
throat and replacing it with twelve-inch, and mzking changes in the recording
Ninneapolis before action is takeg,
Council asked that le&. 34i.tchell secure Estimate of Cost from
Office reported notizicatlon by Midland Ngtional Bank of exchmge Qffer on
$63,000 investments, "alternate tp exchange being'sale of investments.
motion, that Village sell investments, with idea of re-investing this mmth,
was seconded by Bredesen and carried.
drive Vest of the main entrance, at appro25natel.y the middle of the Hotel, zdjoin-
the Highway directly.
looldng front for the 1.fotel.
there in case the road is ever re-opened at later date,
request was seconded by Bank ad carried.
I-xeetizlg with Hennepin -County and Southdale, on roads, was tentatively scheduled
r"or I-Iondzy, IVovaber 29, after bond sale.
Nrs 3Etchell reported that Union is asking for 1955 Wage Schedule, in order that
they nay knoir whether to accept or go back with complaint to Fact Finding bard.
Bredesen' s motion, that lknager lE.tchell be authorized to release 195 j Vage
Schedule.for the reason Ymt budget has been adopted, was seconded by Bznk and
r%@ Eanager Ifitchell reprted Dr. Swendseents request for permit to cover the service
They wish to cover with dirt and seed, to present a better
They will not disturb the gravel, but will leave Lt
Danens' motion granting
I-Imager Et chell reported on the Public lidministration Service report concerning
a split of highway userst taxes (mator vehicle regist-ration and gas tax) between
State, County and Hursicipalities.
Iake i2itchell reported request for another Dead 3rd Si@ on Vood End Drive.
reviex vas had or" t5.s situation, znd Bredesen moved 'chat recpest be denied,
Xotion seconded br Dznens w-d carried.
No action taken.
Recuest for Tiatch Out For Children Signs on Arthur and 2,faloney was rePerred to
Village 3hager and Police Captsin for action, by motion Bank, seconded by
Bredesen and carried.
1.k. herson Xopp's letter of commendation for Officers Bert Ek~eld and Hilding
DdiL was read ad ordered placed on file.
ksst, to 3&ns,ger, Elichard E. Olson, reported thzt if .the $ire signals are to be
in at Zden md at V,50th Street by the Lime the fire trucks are moved over to
the new KLlage hall, it will be necessary to have the underground work completed
before hard frost,
Lehn Zlec'cric Co~pany vdll lay conduit for t'ne 50Lh Street signal at :.j470,00;
kmcher will. cost &O.OO.
trencher would be about $100, and con6ui.t and boxes would be $&55.00. Ban?i's
gotion -thst, due -bo exigency of circums %nc s- Go cil award %he underground.
mwk for fire sigals on i? day labor/~~~~a~~r~~~~ended by I&. Olson, was
seconded by Bredesen and carried.
Bk, Olson reported that il" the Village will hire a trencher, -
Me stated that for the Eden Avenue Sip& re& of
Hmager TEtchell presented plans and specifications for an Zlevated Steel
Vatertank, as per previous instructions by the Village Council, and Zznk or"s"ered
$he followhg Resolution and moved its adoption:
33 ZP F&SOLW by the Village Council of the Village of Edina:
sst forth iq Yne r"ollo~ii22E, Advertisement 2or Bids form, heretofore prepsred by the
VSlage Engheer and now on file in the office of 'Zne Village Clerk me hereby
Courier and the Construction Eulletin the follorJing notice for bids for said
jmprovements :
I, The plas wd s~ecificakions for the proposed Elevated Steel tktertank
The Clerk shall. case to be published twice in the Edins-krningside
CBT~srnu~TIa~ OF smm ST& TJArnT3JH
IJOTICZ IS EEEEI3Y GIVE( that sealed proposals for the constmction or" a 5O0,OOO gallon elevated stee3. later storage tank and tower T%ill be received
at the office of the Village Clerk in the flillage os" Bka, iJirmesot;e, until 7:30 o~clock POX., on the 27th day of December, 195.4, and vrill then be publicly
openedand read. Bids must be upon
pro~osal form and in accordance with plans and specifications vfhich nay be-
obtained at"the office or" the Village Clerk on request,
bid bond r;iti corporate surety in an mount equd to ten percent or" his base bid.
Alternate bids Tiill be accepbed on 8 1,000,000 gallon tank.
Bids are invited for a tank of steel type coristmction.
Each bidder must submit with his bid a certified check, cashier's check or
The Vi12age Gouncil reserves ti;e right to reject any'or all bids.
hereby adopted as the terins arrd conditions of award of the contract for said
ZIotion for sdoption of the Resolution vas sec
there,vere four qps and no nars, as follows:
and the Besolut
EVALD C. BZX, Village Clerk
&ch ad all of the tems of the. foregoing ttdvertisenent for bids are
illage Clerk
79 11/22/54 Nmzger Hi'Gchell then presented final plans md specifications for Sanitary
Trunk Sewer Improvement Mom 69, -asking that Council confirm the Adver'iisement
for Bids made November 11. -Ba;nk offered the following Resolution and moved its
I33 JX RESOLXED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina:
The plans and specifications for the proposed Northwest Diagonal Trunk,
Sever Improvement No. 69 set forth k the following Advertisement for Bids fora,
heretofore prepared by the Village Xngineer and now on file in the office of the
Village Clerk are hereby approved.
The action of the Village,&nager, in causing to be published t?Ace
in the Edina-EOrningsi.de Courier and the Construction Bulletin the fol7-oxkng
notice for bids for said improvement is hereby ratified and. confimned:
- 1.
2. .
.. I .IN.. 69 ,
NOI'ICE IS I53RZBY GJXZR that the Z'dina Villafie Council will meet at tkre
Edina Village Hhll, 4801 9.50th Street, Honday, Eecernber 13, 1954, at 7:30 P.R'.,
and will at said time and place opea and consider sealed bids for the following:
at approximately If. 69th St . and France Avenue and running diagonally North-west
to the North corporate limits betmen Harrison and Tyler Avenues; ad composed
of the following lengths and sizes of pipe:
Northwest Diagonal Sanitary Trunk Sewer No. 69, and Appurtenances, begiming
4970 LmP. 9'' V.CmPm
3813, L.F. lo? V.C.P.
- 5771 L.F. 15? R,C,f.
12154 LOP. IS? B.C.P.
1566 LmFo 12: iimC.F-.
5335 L.P. 24'! a.e.p*
I 7lO L.F. 6!! C,I,P. Forcemain
2260 LF. 6!! V.C.P. House Connections
Work must be done-as described and specified in plans and speciPi.cations
for said improvement on file in the office of the Village Clerk.
submitted on basis of cash payment for work.
sealed and filed with undersigned before time 02 said meeting and accompanied
by cash deposit, bid bond, or cert#ified check payable to the Village Clerk in
mount of ten percent of amount of bid.
Bids must be
No bkds will be considered unless
..- . - EVD C. B&K, Clerk
Tillage of Edina
Xotion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Bredesen, and on Bollcall
e; Danens, aye; Bank,
The following recomendztions of the Fublic 'L'Jorks Coziai-btee, made Ilovember 22,
at a, &:3O ?.lie &eting, were acczpted. by not&on Bredesen, seconded by Danens and
carried :
That permission be gated for storage of appr?oxhately 1,000 CU. Tds. of
@?vel on the rilcGuire property near Sherxood Road, prodding storage is
North of downing Street and grat.el is LeveLed."off so that it does not
present an eye sore,
That signs reading lWo Horses on BlackLop Road" be placed in LaFhena Vista,
at locations to be designated by Xessrs, Jonas .and XcGary.
That regular petition for grading Etnd graveling of Grove Street between
Code hve. and Bernard Place, inasmuch as Committee believes that a 1-1/2l
cut is r.rajlranted at high spots; petition to initiate proceedings in spring.
That Zngbeering Department study petitions for and against tne lowering
of intersection at Grove and Tingdale, znd bring, recommend&tionto Council
December 13 .
That study and recomnendetion on bidding for road repair after sewer and
water instcllation be made at ne>& meeting of Committee.
That Village fill in up to the property line, aft-er Halla fills the balance
of his property.
adjacent to new building on Eden Avenue be filled.
That access road on Library property be run from Wortheast corner of
Library property in a Southwest direction, diagonnaly, and rising up to
the present ground elev&ion at the Xorth door of the Library building.
That request of 1%~~ Schweigert, 56th and Code, for blacktopping of her
driveway by Village, be rejected inasmuch as this work has not been done
€or other peopl& under similar circumstmces .
This, in connection with Halls's request that property
8:Q 9.
10 .
"* f
That 142. Dmenst suggestion that dirt from VLIley View Road between
?.maell and V5r@nia and on Panel1 Ave. bettzeen Vdley View and
approhztely 300 feet South be given to 1-h. George Ettner in return
Tor excavation or" rozd and removal of dirt; this being a solution to
claim of deve1ol;ers Jacobs, Iring, Ettner and Hickelsen that they
should not have to pay for e;rlading inasmuch as they have agreed to
place six inches of gravel on road a? their own eqense.
Tha% a drainage pit be dug jn the alley between If. 56th and TI'. 57kh St.
and between Yorlc and Xerxes, contrary to recomendakions OF 'Village
Engineer, because property omiers have requested pit rather than +sump.
Acceptace of ilaneger Ei.tchellts report that he had arranged 75th
Danens & Son (now doing the grading in alley between X.56th and 'f-r.57th
Sts. and York and Xerxes) to do grading between the @ley and Xerxes
Avenue on 't.i.57th St. for.$100 and install a bum at 57th and York for
an Extra of $25.00; also 1.b. I.Sitchellts recornendatLon that sod and
black dirt; be brought in to .fkll. at the curb line 'for the three lots
on York Avenue immediately North of V.57th Street in order to direct
mter on-down York Avenue from k1.57th to W.56th Street; all costs to
be assessed against the IT. 57th SjG. grading pro ject.
Acce,dance of Uanager 1E.tchell~ s recommendation thzt water and sewer
coxmeetions in Valley View Road be set out to the property line (rather
thzn to the curb line as usual) to provide for possible Tiidening of
Valey View Road in the &dare.
That no exbra mrk be done at present on black5op curb on 04dord five.
between Eollyvood Rd. and Division St., for the reason that Sewall
has installed a roll blacktop curb, wMch is apparently doing a good
job and $k. Jonas states that curb, as constructed, wj.ll take czre of
Acceptance of I&. Jonas' report tha5 he has graveled Goad dom to
include new houses .on Oxford Ave. between TT.pst and 3.:. 52nd St. ; and
that this should take care of-situation un$il nexb spTing when a
contract can be lek for grading and graveling.
Ymager IZitchellls Annual Report, was approved, by motion Bark, seconded by
Bredesen and carried.
Bank then moved Vlat Hr. l&tchell be. comended for fine, factual and infornative
report, and that report be published in the Courier,
Eredesen and carried.
KotLcm seconded by
Ezmger ifitchell presented Tabulation of hsessment for Street hprovement No. Q-75, the Oiling and Special Treatment of Richwood Drive, and Bmk offered the
following Resolution and moved its adoption:
MSBS.rn!iT I4zxRDJG - .-
BE 23' B,ZSOLW by the Coupcil of the Village of.Edina as I"ollo~.zs:
assessed for those improvexents herein contahed in the Notice or" I-Ieai-ing set
forth belo>;, and the aowt proposed to be assessed agaillst the respec-Live lots,
pieces md parcels of land ~Si.tl& the district ar"fected by said inproveaent, and
said proposed assessnents having been Tiled with the Clerk, the sma herebr are-
approved, aid the Clerk shall keep the sane on Tile in his ofr"ice m-d open to
public kspeci;ion pending hearing thereon as herein contained and pov5ded.
This Council shall meet at the time and place specified 5n the form
or" notice, or" hearing hereinafter contained to pass upon said proposed assessgent,
and the Clerk shall cause notice of %he the, plsce and pwpose of sed neetint to
be published in the officiel newspaper Ifovenbcr 1s and 24, 195.4, in substmtially
the follo~dng 20i.n:
.I 1. The Clerk and 3:ngineer having calculated the proper mount -to be
NOTIC3 E5 -EEl?ZBY GXVEX, thzt , the Council or" the Village of Zdins will meet
at, the Tillage EaU on Uondsy, December 13, 1954, at 7:3O o'clock P.K., to hear
and pass upon 211 objections, 5.2 my, to the proposed assessinezrb 3or -the follow-
ing iaprovsmnt, ~Wch assessment is now on Tile in the office of the VU&ge.
Clerk ad open to public inspection:
OILllTG 110. 0-75 - RICI-faOD DFJNE.
The aTea to be assessed for the above improvertent includes all Lots, pieces
and parcels of lad fronting and abut%ing on the portions of the street in v&ich
said inproveinen% is nade. BY Qmm OF TE33 m4m COrnJC32, BV!UJl C. E&JH,. Village Clerk
_. .- .-
Xotion Zor adoption or" Resolution vas seconded
were four zges and no nays, as follows: Bed
and on Xollcafll there
81 11/22/54
Discussion vas hsd on the two requests, Dated September 27 and October 25, 1954,
fron Thorpe ETOS., Inc.; the first to have the sewer main e:&ended on Lzke
Cornelia Drive, + froin' its preaent:ter.mination northwai-d a distance of approxi-
mLtely 100 ft..; cost to be pzid by ovqer, with part %o be refunded to ovmer
kter, when 10-i;~ across street are developed--and the second, for connection
On Lake Cornelia Drive. Village A-ttomey ' Windhorst recormended that %he owner-
pay the cost of e;srtendLng the Sanitay Sewer for Lot 1, Southd-ale 2nd Addition,
aid that the Village excuse this lot from assessment Tor serrer. On the second
request, ET. lfindhorst recommded that Lot 1, Southdale 2nd.Addition pay a
connection charge and then b& allowed to- connect withepresent vatemah.
motion, that sanitwy seirer and watermain connections be allowed on $he bssis
recommended by A-Ltorney IXndhorst, -was seconded by Bredeswn and carried.
Danensl motion for Approval of Village Papoll, amount $9,338,59, and Liquor Score
Payroll, mount $559.15, for period endj-ng Xovember 30, 1954, and for payment of
the following Claims, was seconded by Bredesen and czrried:
i of Lot 1, Southdale 2nd. Addition to South side or" furthl?armost norbherly hydrat \
c t
Generd Fund - $&,oA10.82 . lht erworks Fund - $6 53 . 89
Construction FwLa-k6,81?,& . Liquor Fund - 20,853,19
Parks Fund - 2,516479 Sewer Xental Fund- 14.90
Discussion was had as to trucks and cErs driving over the Lwrd property from 17.49; Stree-t to 11~49th Sreet, as an outlet from 37.495 Street parl.;ing 10%.
Eredesenrs motion, that Chairman of Public Safety Comaittee be directed to
instruct Police Departmed to have this stopped at once, was seconded by ;3ank
and carried.
Some discussion was had. concerning the= pmposed meeting at St .Louis Park on
Frid-ay, Ifoveaber 26; about-plan for an *?earnings3 tax for eiap1o;rees in the cities.
Village Lttorney Wndhorst advised at sQme leiigth concerning the various plans
considered, No action taken,
Trustee Child entered the meeting at tixis time.
Rayor Erickson reported Assessor Cimiglitont s request for rekbursement for the
exha work involved in making divisions oftproperty taxes because of the many
plats md subdivisions filed*t'his year, and his opinion that work could not be
done for less than $200.00.
$200 to Village Assessortfor malcing divisionss
1.k. Richerd E. Olson reported that adver"cisenientzshou1d again be made for boiler-
room and painting work at the Library. Bredesen's motion, that Council take bids
on December 13, was seconded by Child anl-d carried.
CCL ,-
Bredesen moved authorizing payment ok not more than
Kotion seconded by Bail: hd
R- -
14~. Olson then reported the request of the Edina Jzycees for use of an EdrLna
Fire Truck, with Police escort for Santa Claus,
ad Policemen itci11 be &d to volunteer their services if vehicles are furnished.
Bank.moved that permission be grated to use equipment, with firenen ad police-
men on their or%rn time, on condition tha'c the Village be held free from liability
for property damage or personal injury. Notion seconded by Child and carried.
TIr4 Ifoehler reported the request of the School Board for per1mi.t -to use Villege
mter for the flooding of the school hockey rinks.
peidtted providirrg water is not used during the denand. hours of 4:3O P.XI. to
7:OO P.K.
bg Bredesen and carried.
Council was reminded by Office that several Special Assessme-nt Funds now have
large surpluses, and that last yearls assessaents should be cancelled, in line .
with discussions by Auditor and Village Attorney.
Village Office to prepare repor-i; and resolution for cancellation of assessnents
where surpluses so warrmted, was seconded by Child and camizd. b
He stcted he believes Firemen
He recommended %ha% this be
Child! s motion, approvi-ng P2. Yoehler' s recommndztion, was sedpnded
Bank1 s xotrion, directing
CliiXdts motion, that Village take bids for eeep well for XcGuire Property, was
seconded by Bredesen and carried.
Council was reminded of the hprovement Eond Sde on Xovember 29, and Bredesen
moved for adjournment to Eonday, 14
seconded by Bank and carried. I4e