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1954, AT 7:30.PoI.i,, ii!T TE3 Vm4m €UU
5 1
.- __ I-hibers anmering Rollc~ll -wpre Bedesen, Child, Danens and Erickson,
Bank entered the meeting zb
Xii.mtes of Council Xeetings,of Hovember 4, S, q2 and q9, were aqproved as sub-
nitteci, by moLion Bredesen, seconded by Dawns and carried,
Pdfidavits or" FuKLication b Xdina-Uorniagside (lourier ad Constmction Bullekh
ad ordered placed on Pile:
Clerk later the, as recordednb$.ovr,.
for A&vgr'Cisemen-bs of 3ids as listed below, xere subnikted, approved as lo fom -E
For 1R.f Diagonal Tru~ Sewer.kproveaent No. 69 - NoxTeabzr 18 and 25, 1954,
For ?fell Cons-tmc'cion - Decbber 2 and 9, 195k0
For Eotor Pick-Up Sweeper - DecemLer 2 ad 9, 1954.
.For 8emdeiling Xibrar3r.- Decenber 2 and 9, 195!&
For Rotice or" Sale-Pups: Steel Tank: Col;zpressor - Deceraber 2 and 9, 1954-
ChLldrs notion, that sealed bids be referred to Assistant Village Bng-heer fo%
public opening, a;nd.r"or tabulation and repofi, tras seconded by Danens znd
, For Traf2ic Signals- December 2 and 9, 1954.
&yOr Erickson axiomced WiHc Ilecshg on proposed Change of Stre& :Tae
&&hW %re& Schwantes ,kM5.kion to Wl.dge Road!*; and also proposes change
Of nme Of Lkthur S%ree% betmen Schwn-kes Addition and spruce Road to "Rid&
AdditAon, while I.&?.. John Gould speaking 2oia himself and, purporhdty, for several.
neighbors, opposed the change 02 nme in that pwt of the street Uorth of Schmntes
Addition. One lady asked that nane of street Iforth of 3chvmntes Addition be a
changed because she is becofirhg tired of having her mail go to Hortheast
lEimespolis, Because tnere was i? deference of opinion concerning the proposed
change, the mtter tizs referred to Village Attorney Iiindhorst for his legal
opizon zs to Council' s povrer to change nme of only prtion of street. JI:. 3 JI:. -3
Later in the neekhg, .whet I&, Wndhorst arrived the nat-ber was considered
?&her; and, upon 3.2.. 'Ilindhorst's opinion that Comcil has the power to change
street nme without notice, a* its discretion, Child offered a Resolukion
dirgctkg Village Ztkorney to prepare. an Ordinance chaging the nwe of th2t
portion of Arthui- Street lying in Schvran-kes Addition.-t;o Widge ?ohado? Xokion
for &solution was seconded by Bredesen, and-on Rol$c&Ll.there were four &yes
&i!m nzy :, as i0Uo-t~:
and Zrickson, &ye; and -&e Resolution vas adopted.
Public Hearing tas then held on proposed Assessment for Oilb-g kproim~e~t
$To. &75,
Edinz-Iiorningside Cornier. SJovmber 18 aad 25, 1954, was subroitted, zppromd as
-Lo $om, and ordered placed on file, Hanager 14itchell's Tabulation of Assess-
men% was $1,936.63, as against 3,2@.43 Assessable Feet, for e.59 per Assess-
able foot,
mst, maintaining thzt the public works crew had done the TTOY%
thct preMq work hed been done by engineering deparbmt; prepa~z-tion of
eatim&es, ekc,
field I'5.n front of &,, Sauelsonfs house'' had agreed -tliz;t ovmers should not
have to pay all the cost of the work because of the fact that the brse previously
put in was not up to ste-rdards, Kr. ZIitchell rnaintajned that Xk. Gritsius of
Twin Cijq Snagheerhg Laboratories had found at tihis Zield trip that bese ?as
good; 2nd 3k. Bredesen staked I&. Eritsius* opinion had not been too firm
either one. way or the other.
$+59 per assessable foot. is approximately hdf the usual cost of such work,
Bredesen offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption:
Dr. Schwantes supported I?is petition for the change. of nane in Scht;zntes
Bredesen, &ye; Child, aye; Danens, a;Te; Banlc, nay;
Affidavit 02 Pv.blicztion of rrIto.i;ice of Hezing on Assessnentll, in
1.k. Dobbeh protested the itmount 02 the rzssessnent Zor engineering
It IEX e>plained .
Tfr, Dobjelnsln also stz;ted that Comitiee which had net 's the
Ur, Danens reminded the audience -th&t the cost of
LXJD ~PEC~~ TF&%E-rnLE FOX EIC~c,,'i)QS) DRrn I R&3X,m by the Village Council, of tihe Village of E&ixa, IEmesota, as follows: ., 1. .It is hereby found, determined and declared khat the pmposed assess-
Tor STEiEZ ~.E33~.EXl! NO, 0-75 have bsen properly caleulzted 5.n accordsance
with the provisions 02 ~~hesoka Statutes, Section 412.W; that notice hcs been
day pubTA&e&, as required by law, Ylat this Council urould meet to hear and pOSS
upon all. objec%ions, if my, to mend said proposed assessment as might be
necessary, and to adopt the sane by resolution; 'chat szid proposed assessnent
has at a7-L times since its filing been open for public hspectioa, and OppOr-
tuTlity hss be= given to all interested persons to present thzir objectlons; and
thzt each of %he lots, pieces and parcels of land enumerated LE the assesmen%
3~s a-qd 5s speciay benefited by the construction 03 the improvemen'c for sh.ich
such assesment is levi& in the aomt set oppos;ite %he 6esci%pkion of each such lot, piece anti parcel of land, respectively.
2e The amOWltS SO set out are hereby levied ag&inst the respective &ts,
pieces and parcels of lad described in said respective assessments, 2nd. said pro-
posed assessment is hereby adopted and wn9irrmed as the proper special assessment
for said improvement.
with the interest accmb-g on the full amount thereof from time -bo time unpzid, at
the rate of five percent per amum from the date 09 this resolution, shall be a lien concurrent with general ta;ies upon the propefiy described therein, and aI-1 thereof. I
pqabI-e in equal aylnual instdhents exzending over a period of three years, the
first of said installments, together 7'5th interest on the entire assessment from
the date hereof to December 31, 1956, 2nd one of the remaining installments, rrith
cne year's iriterest on that and all subeequent installments to be payable with
gcnersl taxes for the years 1956 and 1957, collectible in respective ensuing years.
otsaer of any lot, piece or parcel of land assessed hereby my pay the whole of
such assessnen-l or any installment thereof without interest to ,the Village
Treasurer ad thereafter such payment may be made with accrued interest to the Cou6ty Treasurer; provided that if my assessments or instslhents thereof be
prepaid to the Village Treasurer, they shall be crncelled on the books of the
Village Treasurer and he shall promptly notify the Village Clei-k and County
Auditor, and the assessment or installaent so prepaid shall be cancelled on the
books of.the County Auditor.
County Auditor a certified dupliczte 09 said assessment, with each then unpaid
installment ad interest set forth separately, to be exbeaded upon the proper tar,
lis'cs of the Countj., and the Count3 Auditor shzli tiiereefter c~use said assess-
mei-ts to be collected in the manner pyoiided by law, %id Duplicate hssessmen'c
Roll shall be designated as Assessmiat Eo11 for Street Tmpi-*over;zent Ma. 0-75, and
aU amounts collected in respect of the-assessaents therein coataiiied shall be
pay&ble by the County Treasurer to the Village Treasurer and by hiin credited to
the Sinking Fund dccoun-L of- the 1955 Series One Eizprovcmnt Fund.
XoLion for ad:option of the Resolution was seconded by Child., and on Rollcall there
The assessment agaht each.lot, tract or parcel together
The total amount of e&& assessment for SWm.. TtPLO~.Zid" i:O. 0-75 shaU be
3. Prior to certification of the assessment to the County Auditor, the
4. The Clerk shall, as soon as rnzy be, prepare ixd transmit to the
, aye; Danens, aye;
A iir. Hagen, pu-jrchaser of a tract in the proposed plat by &s. Harold Schaeffer,
asked thak the Council issue building permit for him on th5.s 'bract, Tk. %Etchell
exil~ned thzt &a. Scheeffer has presented a PrelMnary Pl& for five lots on
the North 307 Ft. of her property, lying on the Tfes-t side OX SchaefXer Road; that,
becmse the.PlGnning Coramission felt thzt raoIpe study was needed on cin ovsr-alL
plat pf the Schaoffer propeyty Coumission did not approve at their meetk-g of
Deceuber 1,
Scbeffer, who mainteins that she is not in the-least inteerested in platting the
rainder of her property.
Pl~t j.n~~much_as a]-], lots in plzt confomi icrich ininimm requirements of Planning
building pennit on this tract, inasmuch as the en"cre tract is over tlrxeee acres m-d a build-ing pen&% could be issued thereon without platting. Child's motion,
tlut Fre7iminzry Plat be approved, and issuance of one building pedt .on tract
be &lowed, with understanding that no further building pemlits be issued until
Fhal Flat is spproved,was seconded by Bredesen and carried.
Clerk &I& arrived zt this time and vrzs present for the 'admce of the meetingo
fbko E,C, ~to~~1s rewest for permit to move Tract Office from Plaza 5n Brookview
Heights, md for issuance of pemit to Xorthtrestern BelllTelephone Corapany 20% .
hstdlation of a phoae booth on aoulevard at junction of Lots 31 aid 32, 31, 1,
md facing Plaza, vias approved, by- motion Child, seconded. by Eredesen ad carried.
The report of I&-. li.F.Denl;, 5701.Zenith Ave., thzt snow plows had dug up 4; to 5 feet of his lapm, md that Village exployee had infomed him the Village would resod. Etnd grade that part of lawn in the spring of 1955, vras diqcussed.
brought OWL in discussion that amy ovners sod to the street line and that
Village is not lizble to replace sod actually out in the boulevard.. . Child noved
Vfla$ matter be taken care of provided Wc. Jonas is-in accord, was seconded by
Pm~ns ad carried,
Ere iEtcheI-1 stzted he has discussion this lllzLLer with Ih.
He recomended that Council epprove Pre1Mna-g
Iir. IEtche11 also recommended that Council a;tlow issuance. pf one
1% was
I.Iinutes of Park Eoard Xinutes of November 17 and December 2 were submitted,
rev5ewed, aid ordered placed. on fileB
.~ I
i Earkts no-Lion,
sell .Christmas
and carried,
that AppIi.c&.,ion of S-i;.Peters Sutheran lk s Club fo
Trees at Tt. 54th Street across fron Chwchfew%@%8%2ded by Child pzrmif; to
Police Departraent reports for months 02 October &rid November, 1954 were reviewed
and ordered placed on Tile.
Barilroad ad Ikeehouse ComiusLon's notice or" Continued Hecring on Bus Rates, to
be held at L>?Q St&e Office Bldg., $%,Paul, at.9:30 d.lL, Jauary ll, 1955, was
The office reported the request of a IJr. Fuller, ovner of -he ppa-hnent house on
53rd and fiance, for pernit to connect with the 1Enneapoli.s 3ater System.
K-GS reminded of agrement agakst digging in France Avenue for five yu oars after
pav3h-g.. 3b. Hosmer Broim reported thct petitioner had requested hin to see thzt
petikion is ~5tlidraini.
ordered placed on ZUe. L~
I Council
Ec. Boris Per.rot:aruk requested permit to construct a Fouf-Plex on Lot 11, Block 1,
South Bamget Pak 2nd Addit&on. He explained that.the proposed Dew building
will- look just like %he double bungalow he built recently, but that he wishes
two ma3.I. basemen% apart~ieni;~, BaxWs mkion that petition be referred to
Plannbg Gomission for recoxaxendation was seconded by Danens and carried.
&o Chris IE-bxel, Fire Chief, suppovfced his irri-bten requisition of Decmber 9,
for the followiig furniture and supplies for the paid Tire department:
ap&nenk sized gas range; 1 - apartment sized refrigerator; 3 beds, cozplete
72th springs m-df mttresses; 3 pillows, 3 pillows, 3 blankets, 6 sheets and 6
cases; 1 office ciesk; 2 swivel %ype office chairs; 2 oXice tables; 1 sLeel
stoyage cabiaet; 1 steel locker (6 sections); 1 dining table ma ch5i.s.
PLequ5sitLoa approved by motion Eredesen, seconded by 33& and carried,
domamication fro= Citizens Lesgua of Greater 2Cirme&polis, concerning public
meking to be held %%urda,y,-Dece~&er 125 ai; 9:3O b,IL at University T.T*i.C.A., for
dLscussion of a proposed bill creaking it II;Cie.e;ropolitm jhnsit Ca~ssion VELS
ref emed to Village .&t-tomey Vindhorst for his recornendation.
The r"ollorn5g hprovenent, petitions were accep-bed by notion Bsnli, with Public .
Hemings tflereon to be scheduled at the discaze-bion of the Village &nager ad
Engineering II epztment :
1 -
3. 4.
Oililig of Readow Ridge North between Damns Drive and Ridge View Lve.,
an13 of Ridge Viev Ave, between Denens Drive .and V.66th Street.
&mitar Setrer. in Beard Avenue betwwn TJ.6ls-L and J7.62nd Streets;
lTatermrj_jy1 in Beerd Avenue betmen f.J'.61s& and 3.62nd Streets.
3faterm5.n in IT06ad St, beinsen Roxyndzle Zozd and Phst Bomtksy of
&mitzry Sewer in Vestridge Blvd. bettmeh i.Iighlmd Road and a pt. 167 Terry Y21oU.s. iiddi-Lion. .
RL, So. or" Ridgewa3- Rd., and in Crescent Drive between a point 140 FL. l.1, of 1iig'KL.aid Road and the South line of Countryside AdditLon, .
1.Zotion seconded by Dsiiens and carried.
Botices of filbgs in Bdxuptcy for Sew 1.1. Sefton, 4520 Xiutledge Ave, (ow
Utilities Acct. 240. 2935) an4 for Frederic I. Ifesemn, 510l; FrElnce he. (our
U%ili-ties I$.cc~. Eo. 1590) were ordered referred to Villcge A%%orney T;Bndhorst
for the Xiling'of clahs
Utilities Supt. IJoehler reported fhzt %he ~el1 at 63th ad France is now conpleted,
72. Voehler reported the request of the Paddock Coqxmy for pzrmik to use out-of-
state plumbers for wxk at the Interlachen Dountry Club Svfiming Pool,
eqlained that crew of worl;mzYL travels from one project to the nexb 20-r the
company; th& state Licenses cannot be secured until f&.rch; thzk he feels tht -
-v,.orhen are cmpetent,
Child and carried.
1% ms repo:&ed that the County hd Comxissioner's Office has placed for sale
the S 1 Eod of &he SrKl/l+ of IBl/& or" Sec.S,'I"I.lp.ll6,R021--r.r'nic'n 2s-jn-the nsibdle
of a traveled roadway.
acquisitiorr 03- tixis track, was seconded by Bredesen and carried,
. - %nlr's notion, %hat per@% be grated, vas seconded by
Child1s aotion, that the Visage a&e applicztion for
The request of &.-George J. Faus-I;, 4912 B. Sunnyslope Eoad, for peimik to
construct a double garage facing V.49th S&. at the belt, line.
Yoehler recormended thaL pernit be allowed because it is almost finpossible to
construct a dwelling on this particular lot.
referred to Flamhg Conmission for recomendztion, was seconded bs. Bank ad
carried .
Euildhg Inspector
Eredesents notion, t'nat repest be
Plznning Codssionts recomtendakion agahxst rezoning to Cornunity Store District
has- recornended for rezor?ing--was reviewed, 4, Block 3, Zdemoor-for the reason that it lies outside the area Gomission Bredesent s nation tha% recuest be de-nied
- _. -
12/13/54 was seconded by Bank and carried. 8.2 - .'* Planning Corrrmissiont s recornenhation against rezoning to Community Store District
that land South of 53rd Stre&% and ?Jest of Trunk Eghway Mo, 169, and owned by
George Lundblad, was discussed.
denied ms seconded by Danens and. carried.
Bredesents motion that petition for rezoning be \
Preliminmy Plat by Les NiUer, of property %Test of S'booddale and South-of Valley
View Road, was presented. together with Planii-&ng ComI@ssiont s December 1st
recom&endation for, approval . Bredesent .s motion, -that Prelhinary Plat be
accepted, was seconded by Bank aid carzied.
Hanager IEtchell reported December 1 cornendation of -Planning Coamission, that
revision of Preliainarg PI& or" Clover Lane be accepted subject to drainage being
satisfactory: and submission of profiles- on streets within subdivision as well as 60th and Valley View Road,
subject to Planning Gomission' s,provisions for approval, was seconded by Danens
and carried, -.
Ur. 1E.t chellt s report of Planning Commissiont s December 1 recome_n_d.ation for
epproval OS Bruce Abrahamson, for property East of Shanron Drive--subject to
submission 02 topographic mp-was reviewed.
Plat be accepted in accordance with Commission' s recommendations, was seconded
by Bredesen and carried.
Bank's motion, that Pre1irmLrXaY.y Plat be accepted
Bank' s notion, that Prelriminary
Plaming Comnission1s reconmendation of Decenber .l, for the building of double
bungalows on Lots 1, 2 and 3, ftake lanela Addition (Northeast Corner OT 62nd
and France) was discussed,
Heming on. peti-iifon to build double bimgalows 202 Konday, Jznuary 2.4,. 1955, was
seconded by Gank ad carried,
Bank moved for ~~pprovjl. of Final Plat of South Concord Second Additdon, in
accordance with Planning Conmission' s December l recormendations. Xotion seconded
Bredesen' s rilot$on, that CounciL schedule Public
by Bredesen aid carried, .. - -
#. - Danens moved 2or approval of Gale To Kessler's Fkd Plat of HilZkop Addition, in
accordmce with Tlming Commrlssion' s, December, 1 recoxmendations
Xo3ion seconded
by Bank ad carried. - ~ . r- I -
Dr, Paul CElrsont s Final Plat, entitled Warson's HilL,1' was approved by motion
Damns, secclnded by Bank and carried; Planning,Co&ssion having approved on
Deceinber 1.
1.k . Kitchell presented Final Plat of 3IcCauley Heights Second Addition, reporting
that Planning Commission had recommended zpproval subject to road's being cut tbxough
and gravelled, end subject *bo an engineering check,
be approved subject to compliance with Coinmission's recornendations for approvaL,
was seconded by Bredesen mil carried,
Planiiing Conmission's December 1 recornendation for approval of Final Plat of:
Birchcrest Addition, su5jec-t to cross sections, bond for gravelling, 2nd thorough
engineering check, were reviewed.
to compliance with Planning Comaission' s requireaen-Ls
and cerried.
Tkinager Kikcfiell re-ported, P4ko Les Niller' 8 request for a sixTmonthsl lewe of
absence from his job on the Public tforlrs, Crew, to enable him to try out new
posi$ioq on Villzge Pzid kire Departme-nt ,
under Vilkge Personnel OrcEnaulce, 90 days is limit for leave of absence,
Eankts motion, that I&. Killer be granted a 90-day leave of absence, in
accordance with terns of perso-me1 ordinance, I~S seconded by Daneris and carried,
Bank's aolion, that Final Plat
Damns moved Tor approval OB Final Plat subject
Uotion seconded by Bank
'Ek. LXtcheU rebded Council ll~zkj, I .
3redesen's notion, for referral OT Police Depzrtment requesb for chmge in Job
@las;ific&ion to Public Safety Committee for recommendLtion, vms seconded by
Bajn% and carried,
Bmkts motion, authoriainig and directing the TTi3-lage T-iteasurer to secure --the
Xovenber Tax Settleaent from the County Auditor before Decenber 31, was seconded' by
Dmens ad. carrried.
3redesen's motion, approving Village Papoll, amomt $l1,€$8.62 for period Decenber 1
through Decenber 15, and $11,820,50,p.eriod Decezbzr 16 through 31, ad for papnent
of %he z"oLLo-i.sing Clzhs, was seconded by Damns ad carrisd:
Genera Fund - $18, 933.54'' Yater Fund - $1,633,52 Y
Constixiction Fund $58, 508.z84 Liquor Fund -$&0,tC56.&7 9
Parks Fund - , $361~.1-;3~\ Garbage Fund -, $2s247.924 I
Sewer Eenta.1 Furid $203.59\ Specid ~ssess.$~+, ~02,9&
Poor Fund - , $165.5LCa
Eiprovm-eit Funds $13,666.56. P.L,E'L,Tund *:;22,233 0 339
8-63 12/13/54
2ks. Katherine ',Tamer, 4505 Arden Lvmue, presented invoices zndi cancelled checlrs
showiig pawent for trkaing of boulevard trees in 1752.
had lnisplaced her lrITotice of Assessment Hewingt* and hzd not appeared spt the
Hearing for that reason. After sone discussion, Bcmlr'li?oved that Tree Trirming
Assesment agakst 4505 Arden Avenue, itmount $8.S5, be cancelled and deleted from
County PiuGitor' s records, iiotion seconded by. Danens and carried by a five-aye
rollcall votee
At t3is .time i~~mager TZtchell reported that first tabulations show the bids on
iiTorkhves"c' DiGgonal TrunZr Sewer Inprovenen-P, IiTo, 69 to be Tiell shove Esthte of
Cost, &%er so~e discussion, during which 1.3. John Person asked th-L this Council
delay ayzrd-of bids Cor consideration by ney council, inasmch as they must find
the money for the improvment, Clad aoved for referral of bids to the Public
Utilities Coxnittee for study and report at ne-& nreyting, Decder 27.
ssconded bx Edc ad czrried.
Ik. John B&m recpested "Slov~" sLgns coming both ways on Blake Road, -off
sower to act.
coaplet el3 justified.
She e:qlai.ned thzk she i
Sank moved thcb requesk be referred to Public Safety Cozzaj$tee, i&th ' Ifotion seconded by Child,' who added that he believes request is
At this time Bredesen noved Tor a ten-bute recess.
and carried.
IJotion seconded by Bmk
Petition for Oiling of I4eadot.s Ridge North, Illidgeview Drive, and- lhrg~an Fl~sz,
in Brookview Heights First Addition was filed, together with request that
Bank's notion, that petition be accepted. and .that Hearing be set @or first'
meeting in April, 1955, was seconded by Dmens and carried.
E. William J. Crear presented check in amount of $12,000 for Building Permit
for Southdale Center at valuation of $6,000,000, He explained. that the..first
estjmzte of $lO,OOO,OOO includes all work on p&cing lots, outside plu'ing
work, grading, etc.; thkt tnis permit is to include the DayLon Compmy budldinl;,
and the tenants' finishling of their store fronts, air conditioning, eke., but
that it does not include the Donaldson 3uilciing,
PEW, be notified of Gouncrilts intent to oil as soon as practical, was filed, 1 i
lianager 1Fi.t chell presented. for approval %ads Flizn1I involting Valley View
exbension, France Avenue, and V. 66th Street
be referred to Public PTo'orks Cogni%tee.l"or study and zteport at meeting of
December 27, was seconded by Child and carried,
&yor Xrickson announced Public Hearing on Proposed Ordinance 9)To . 262-4a
Ordinance Regulating the Use of knd in the-Village for Gining, Stripping and
%;icrsction Purposes. Copy 07 Tu'otice of Hearing," miled to all interested
parties, was approved as to form and ordered placed on file,
rcprcsentztive OS the Oscar Robe-rts Company stated, briefly, that it is his
opinion that the proposed Ordinance wiU ilot deprive his client of the meilllls
of cond-ucting his business.
Company protested the exclusion from
the entire block between Xerxes arid YQrk Avenue ad a strip 165 feet Yest of
the centerline or" York Avenue, for appro,xkately a half-miles It was .pointed
out to the gentle~a that houses have aLre8dT been built in Xdina, facing
Xerxes Avenue; that z few homes have been constrcucted fzcing York Rvmue; Lhzt
LO& has been ded-icaked between 66th aid 68th Streets, with plms Zor further
dedication h the Dayton Developnent, Discussion yas hed as to the possibiEty
of 8 future zgreement allowing the Glacier people to reuove the hill at York
Avenue. Child then moved, approving the First Reading of Ordinance Moo 262--
lVAn Ordinance Regulating the Use of Lmd in the.TTillage for Ening, Stripping
cmd Exbraction Purposes
The proposal, hereinafter quoted, and pertaining to the re-locztion of Eden Lvenue
and in accordance with terms previously discussed by the Council, was discussed,
Bredesen offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption:
Danens * motion, that pLoz.ds Pla
The legal
The representative of Glacier Sad and Gravel
Eo, 3" as set forth k the Ordinance,
=w -
Hotion was seconded by Dmens and carried unzulimously,
MCATXOD7. OF mai $rnFW, birn
AUTF$OEIZDG SIGNATWI? BY T3IXOR BZ E RXSOLD that this Counci1 agrees with tihe terns of the Proposal of the
K3fdina Holding.Coznpany, dzted December 13, 1954, for the re-location of Eden Avenue,
as hereinaf%er set forth:
TI-IiS PEOFWAL, dated 'chis. $3th, day of December, 1954, mde Isy- BXXil
HO~~~G C!O12%.IW3 iz IIinnesota corporation, party of -the first part, hereinafter
called f'C02i@RY11, to the VmiG-E OF XDTNA, a Einnesota municipal corporation,
party of &he second pa-&, hereinafter. caJ-led rfVImmrf,
Trn?ES=irnH; ~ .- .. -- TEAT, WkWW, COIP&\IP is the o.;.mer of red estate LocGted along the
Southerly line of Eden-Avenue and West 50th Street in the Village of Edina where
the two streets intersect, and 'CrTWm is the owner of the triangular shaped trect
of real estate lying between said-Eden Avenue and West 50th Street immediately
Vest 02 the intersection of said streets, and
IEWW, T'ne preseW intersection of ti?-e**two said streetx creates a
traffic hagGrc3 which could be nzinimized by a relocdxion of such intersection a% a
point zpproxhztely 200 feet ?Test of the present inkersection, md
T-B, COXF'HJB needs additional paking space adjacent to its club
house and is wiUing+to pay for the* relocation of said Eden Avenue provided it
seceives ti-ble to all oZ Eden Avenue lying Easterly of khe Ezst boundary of Eden
ilvenue as relocated, and
'tmks, COlPAHY and the trustees 62 VTTUAGZ have a-rrived at 3 tentztive
I\Soi;;i, T€BR,BFOFa, In consideration of the mtual agreemiits herein con-
agrement refrating to said relocatton,
tained, CO?,P&IY p~oposes and agrees to be bound, upon acceptaxace hereof by VIXlG,
as follor.lrs: .-
VIILT4G3, shall, d-uring the calendzr Ji-eIzr 1955, relocate Eden Avenue $0
the approaate.location a3 shown on the attached sketch, tvliich is by reference made
a part hereol',. and will instdl new curbing as shown by a red line on the attached
adjacent to-7;fes-t 50th Street as shovm in green on the attached sketvh and tvil.1
blacl&op the .reloc&ed Eden Avenue as shovm in black on the attached sketch.
VEL&% shall sod approximately an eight (8) foot strip of the parkway
2. TIIjI.JLi4m shm, af-ter -the relocation of Eden f:Lvei?ue, %&e the
nzcessq steps Lo vacate Yn& porbfon of Xden Avenue l~&g Smith and gou-i;hl;e&erly
of the Sou-Ylercl~ bounclzixy of %st 50th $x?eet as now kid out and dedLcatsci md
iSor-l'neas%erl;r of a line bescribed as cohenchg on the hrthvesterly line 02 Eden
Avenue at
Ibe of Zden Avenue md Yep Sou'c'nerly line of TJest 50th Skreet and running South-
easterly ad at a right agle to %he Norbh-cresterly line of Eden henue to the
Southeasterly line of Eden -f.venue, such vacation shall reserve, however, an ease- .
aent for the ndi,ntenaice, repzir End replacwent of cJ.1 utilLties-now located in
said vacated portion of Zden Avenue.
3. T&en such trzcation has been compleked and Eden Avenue relocated,
VWage shall. execute imd deliver to CO:P.&sY a quit claim dead, reservhg the
al"oredescr2oed utilit3r ezsezen-t, conveying to COXPlillY the vacabd portion of Xden
Avenue above described ad :.rill consent to CEJ?figtS usins such lad for.perlcing
Avenue vrkLich is to be vaczted in its then present condition to the extent reason-
ably possible consisten% tri-lh the necessary lark 02 reLocating Eden Avenue znci the
other xork above set out,
COLPAEY, and my at its om election, wi.i;iiout the consent of CCX%JY, instdl
"dead endti signs or sias of similar desisation at the curb line 02 the IfZesterly
end of %he properby -to be comsyed -to CGEJXY,
Lrl consideration of -the above agewents of VIUXGZ, CGI'&X agrees
to pa2 to IiXLUXZ all of v3XUGE1S costs and expenses incurred in-ahe relocztioc
soEe ol" tile present curb, construction or" new curb, blackbopping, ,resoVal of trees,
soCicEng and engineering fees, but escluudins, however, any legd costs incurred bjr
IiTLGkm in the prepaxition of -?,his agreemat OT in iciding in the performme of
'VILL%alS obligations hereunder including appropriate vwation poceedinSs.
CQKPJJE agrees to deposit 15th VUm, as soon as is reasonably possible after
'c'ne acceptaxe hereof by VILIAG,-a certifLed check in the mount of $+,009.00.
The estkated cost of reloc&ng said Eden $-venue is Five Tnousad Four Hundred
ad no/lOO Dollas (&,L@O.OO), x-LE.ckr scid sun or" $4,000.00 shall be held by
VILLA.., as.= advmce pzr-bid. papent of -the sad costs.
described shd-1 be due md pqable at -the Line VIUM tenders Lbe &hove reZeri.ed
* 6.
~oint 2CO feet 5outh:;esterly from the intersection of the Krnthwesteply .
,. 4. OILLI%G~ egrees to leave the.paved sdface of that portion 02 Eden
VUG3 also agrees thc-b it .r.riLl, at the request of
of Eden Avenue as above se% out,>includa, but not being lhited to, rmoml of '..
The entire cost above.
to deed to €XXF&X, if not sooner paid. .--
VILLA= ~xill proceed in good fcith and use its be& efZo&s to secure
tiie vacatLon of.Lhz-L portion of Eden Avenue herein described, but if Zor any reason
such vacation cmnOL be effected, khan %his agreement s1id.1 be null azad void ad
az-q&bAn~ in this sgremen-ii to -the contrary notwi-bhstmding, Yne deposit 02
&,OOO herein made by CCJ?ES shall be rer"unded to it, vrLthout interest, ad
CCKP-&TY shall hmie no further or other liabilitjr hereunder.
CCl?-ki\T upon Lts ipccep-Lace by VIX3m.
B3 Zi' FLijTHZX F-iOLliEil that Ilayor Reuben Po Crickson be authoi5zeS aid directed to
execute fomal accqotace in the nqne of the Vilhge and on its beh&".
%lotion for adop-Lion of the Resolu'cion was sec
tiere four ayes and one nay, es I"o1lorm: Bred
This proposd shall. becone a bir?dbg contract between the VII%CCZ ad
d, and on Eollcdl there
ild, ye; Dimers, nay;
Valage Attorney TIhdhorst reported that Xotzko Plunibing Cori~pmy has rehsed VUage
offer of $39.00 as full se%-t;lcment of i?. ,'$78.00 cl&. 270 action tzken.
1.2. Y5nIhorst reported that one property owner; a 12r. X.V.Gleason, has refused to
give <easment for- Sr-lxi-L~ry Trunk Sewr unless he is paid for it.
durkg which it ms pointed out that all other owners have given easenents Tzithout
reimbursement, Bredesen noved authoriekg and directing initiation of cocdemation
Xapr Erickson reported the Pa-!-; Eoad's requesL for sutnorization Zor enployinei.lt
of a 3ecreztion md Pak Director at approximately $6,000 to 3,500 per year,
Bredesents aotion, that Park Eozrd be authorized to aploy such Director End to
pcy him eupl of ?a% ;?oard funds, was seconded by Child and carried.
After a. discussion,
I &tion seconded by Child md czried.
Bd~s notion, th~t it is the recorritiIendcJtxion of the present Council t'nat T;isuor
Store Funds, as available, )e used at Councills discretion for purchase OS land
for pzrk use znd for equipmqt lor use thereon, and including mounts novr orzed br
tize Park Bomd to %he Village for Capital irrprsvements, T~S secocded by Child zud
unaxhousljr carried.
9.1. 5213/54 The Park Board's "Five-Year Plan," sub6xitted to the Village Council. as of
September 13, 1954, was reviewed, ,and was discussed at some len&h,
offered the following Resolution aad moved its adoption:
* p
E% IT' EESOLSED that this Council approve in principle the fJFive-Yezr
Ph,hlt ' f6r acquisition of land, md improvemente thereof for park and recreation,
purposes and for emplopeat of a full-the ?arb an$.Becre&ion Supervisor, seid
plsn being that submitted to the Village Council by the Park Board as of
Xotion for adoption of Resolution ms secondedby fiank, and on IzolLcall there
nt Septmber 13, 195& - *r.
ild, %ye; Danens, we;
Clerk Bank introduced the following resolution m-d moved its adoption:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Tillage of Pdina, Ennesota
st. as folloFJsv ..
1. ThSs Cbuncilhas invest5gated the facts necessary to ascertain
and does hereby find3 determine and declare that the Village of Edina has
duly determined, after public hearing as required by lav, the necessity of
the conshction.of each of the improvements described below and the area
proposed to be assessed therefor, and has ordered, received and approved
,plans and specifications and entered into contracts therefor after due ad-
vertisement for bids; that the total benefits resulting from each of said
iqrobements to the lots and .tracts of land subject to assessment therefor
and to the Village at large will be not less than the total cost of such
impr<vemefit; that the total cost of each of said improvements, including
all expenses incurred &nd to be inc~red from its hception to its comple-
.l;.ion and all fees and expenses in connection therewith, is estimated to be
the mount set opposite .the number and the designation of such improvement
in the follordng tabulation:
$.treet Improvements
A-42 A-44 wd 65 Ji-61
A-62 A-63 and Curb and Gutter
A-68 (Haterials 0rLL.y)
#!%, 050 *u. Street hprovements
(Grading - and Graveling)
. Street Znprovements ... * (Wb and CgbteT)
1. Sanjtary Sewer Improvements
80) '
72 73 74
74 77 78
Storm SeieTer
27 .
Street Lights
Ll 8 1,349*46
and the aggregate cost of said improvements is estimated to be as follows:
Blacktopping 8 54,050.U
Curb and Gutter * 33366'7.10
Grading and Graveking 499568eU
Sanitary Severs 3.423 880&3
Storm Sewers 12, 840 e34 IJater &in 247,52!L85
Street Ltght J-s+349oM .
Total $54l3881bso *
that in accordame with the existing ordinances of the Village, special
assessments levied to pay the cost of the grading and graveling improve-
lnents above described are payable in three (3) annudl installments; and
those in respect of the blacktopping and curb,arid gutter improvements
are payable in five (5) annual instalbnts; and those in respect of the
renrajnder of said improvements are payable in ten (10) annual installments,
each installment of all assessments including interest on the thenunpaid
balance of such assessment at the rate of five per cent (5%) per annum, com-
puted as provided in 1-bnesota Statutes 1953, Section 429,061, subdivision
2; that the Village now o~m easements and rights of way over all streets
and other properties req&ed for the construction of such improvements;
khat it is necessary and expedient for the Village to borrow at this time
%he sum of $~40,0009 for the purpose of paying expenses incurred and to be
incurred in connection with said improvements, by the issuance of general
obligation improvement bonds in accordance with the provisions of Nimesota
Statutes 1953> Sect5on 429.091, subdivision 4; and that all acts, condit5oms
and things required by the Constitution and laws of €he State of I-Ennesota
have been performed in due f om,- time and marPner 2
to be designated as tihe 111954 Sgcond Series 3hrproirement Bond 'Fund,lr and -i;O
fund shall be administered and a3counted for in the manner herein specified
until all of the improvement bonds herein authorized and inkrest hereon
- to be done; to exist, to happen-ani to be peFfomkd preliminary to the is-
suance +and sale of said bonds haire been done; do Wst, have happened and - - - ... *r 1 -
9 2& A special debt reCemption fund $ha13 be and is hereby created, -
- be hel& and: admbistered-by the Qillage R.eas%r& in accwdplce wi-bh the
provisirms of 1.besota SWbutes- 1953, Sectioh 429,091, subdivision 4, vJ?dch -
- - - shall have been fdy paid; provided that saiti fuhd may be consolidated with
sMlar flrnds maintained for the payment of ifnproirement bonds of the VUage
of Edina, to the exten% and in the manner now or hereafter permitted by lav.
A separate fund is also hereby created and shall be maintained for each of
the improvements financed by -this issue, mhich funds shall be designated ty
the lltuOber of the improvements to which they respectively pertain,,
ceeds of sale of the improvement bonds herein authorized shall be credited to -
I The pro-
said improvement funds, respectively, in amoufxts proportionate to the esti-
mated eosttof each improvement as set forth ifi peagraph 1 hereof, and from
each of said funds shall be paLd all costs an& emenses of making the improve- I
men% for &Lch the sane is created, as such expenses are incurred and allowed, -
(1) %ere shall be transferred from the fund Csf each of said improvements to
- and the moneys Ln said funds shall be used fof no other purpose; provided that
the 1954 Second Series Ihprovement Bond Fun& an Mount equal to interest corn-
puhd at five per cent (5%) per annm on the Cost of the improvement for T.lf?-ch
such improvement fund is maintained, from the'date of issue of the bonds herein-
authorized to the date upon mhich the assessmBnt roll for such improvement shali -
be finally confirmed, such amount being herebji found and determined to be a
reasonableand proper element of the cost of each of said improvements, and
L -
12/13/54 I
said cost having been capitalized in the principal amount of this issue5 and
(2) if upon completion of each of such improvements there shall remain any
unexpended balance in the fund of such 5.mprovement, such balance may be
transferred to the fund of any other improvement herein designated for which
the moneys herein provided may prove imufficient, and upon completion of all
of said improvements anrunexpended balanc'es in the funds of such improvements
shall be transferred to said 1954 Second Series Ihprovement Bond Fund. There
shall be credited to said 19% Second Series lqprovement Bond Fttnd all collec-
tions of the special assessments herein agreed to be levied and all accrued
interest and premium received upon delivery of said bonds, The moneys in
said fund shall be held and used only for *e payment of %e principd. of
and interest on said bonds as such payments become dueo or to prepay and
redeem the same when aWas such bonds become prepayable, as hereinafter
set forth; provided thatwin the event thattit shall be determined by the
Comci3- to be necessary to borrow additioplalmoneys for the payment of
the cost of said Smprovements, and if such cost shall prove to exceed the
amount hereinabove estimated, and if the Village shall undertake and agree
to levy special assessme& and/or general taxes in excess of the amourrts
of assessments herein specified, the Village shall have the right and power
to Issue addiLtioplal improvement bonds payable from said 1954 Second Series
Improvement Bond Fund on a parity with the bonds of the issue herein authoril-
sed3 but the amount of all bonds issued in respect of said jmprovements shall
not exceed the total cost thereof or the total amount of khe assessments and
taxes levizd therefor.
3. It is hereby determined that the entire cost of said improvements
shall be pajd by the levy of special. assessments upon all assessable lots and
tracts of land By5ng within the assessable areas heretofore specified b the
respective resolutjons ordering said improvements, based upon the special
benefits received by each such lot and tract, The Village hereby covenants
and agrees that it will do and perform, as soon as may be, all acts and things
necessary for the final andvalid levy of said special assessments, and aU
collections of said assessments are hereby imevocably appropriated to said l954 Second Series Ihprovement Bond mdd;. In the event thaB any such assess-
ment shall be at anJr time held invalid w%th respect to any lot or tract of
land, due to any error, defect or irregularity in any action or proceeding
Wen or to be taken by the Village or by this Council or by any of the
Village's officers or employees, either in the making of such assessment
or in the perfprmance of any condition precedent thereto, the Village
hereby covenants and agrees that it will forthi&th do'all such further-
acts and take all such further proceedings as shaU be required by law
4x1 make such assessmefits a valid and binding lien upon said property.
Said assessments shall be payable in equal, consecutive, annual install-
ments, the first of which shall be certified to the Comiy Auditor for
collection with general taxes for the yeas 1955, except in the case of
those assessments heretofore certified for collection with taxes of the
year 2.954, and the remaining installments shall be certified for collec-
tion with the general taxes for each subsequent consecutive year until
the assessment is paid, To the first installment shallbe added interest
at the rate of 5% per annum on the entire assessment from the date of the
resolution legsing %he assessment until December 31 of the year in which
the first installment is payable,
be added interest at 5% per annum for one year on all unpaid installmentsr
irre72ocably pledged for the prompt and full payment of the principal of and
i.xrbrest on said bonds. 1% is estixated that the collections of said special
assessments, together with the capitalized interest appropriated to said 1954
Second Series Improvement Bond Fund, trill produce sum not less than 5% in ex-
cess 6f the amounts needed to pay said principal and interest when due, in
acoordance with the provisions :of Minnesota Statutes, Section 475.61,
any time the moneys in said fund should be insufficient to pay all such prin-
cipal afid interest dae the Council shall provide sufficient moneystfor such
papent from aqy other funds in the treasury of the Village, and such funds
may be rehbmsed from %e proceeds of said special assessments uhen collected,
and %he Village shall have the power and authori"cy to levy ad valorem taxes
upon all of the taxable property wiain its corporate Emits to the exrben-b
required to restore any de2iciency in said fund for the payment of said bonds
and interest, t&ich levy may be made without ljmitation as to rate or amount,:
jyl anticipa-tian of the collection of said special assessments, the Village
shall forthwith issue its negotiable coupon general obligation Tmprovment
Bonds of 1954, Second Series, to be dated as of December 1, 1954. . Staid bonds
shaU be 540 in rmmber and nnnibered fron 1 to 540, inclusive, each in the
denomination of $1,000; and shall mature serially on Narch 1 in the years
and amounts as follows; bearing interest at the respective basic rates per anmun set opposite said maturity years and amounts:
To each subsequent installment shall
- bb '&e full faith and credit of the Village shzll be and is hereby
If at
A 5. 3F6r ae purpose of paying the cost of said improvements and
94. 12/13/54
I Said bonds shall be subject to redemption and prepaykxt at' the option
of the Village, at par and accrued interest, on the fhst day of 3krch
or the first day of September in the ye& imediat$y preceding their respective
stated maturity dates; provided that such redemption shall be made only
in order of the serial numbers of the bonds, lor.rest nunibers fjrst, and
upon notice mailed by the City !treasurer, at least thirty days prior to
the date specified for redemption, to the holders, if known, of each
bond called for redemption and to the bank at ihieh principal and inter-
est are then payable. Said Tkeasurer shall. naintain a recorh of the names
and addresses of bondholders and the serial ntlTtibers of theb bonds, so
far as such information is made available to hLm, for the purpose of
mailing sad noticeso In addition to the basic rate of interest payable
on the respective bonds, each bond shall bear interest at the rate of 1%
-per anrnun from Narch ls 1955 .to krch 1, 1957, or to Narch I, 1956 in
the case of bonds maeUra= on said dase, nhich additional interest shall
be represented by a separate set of interesi coupons attabhed to each bond,
designated as Wt coupo~s~ All interest on said bonds shall be payable
Septe&er 1, 1955 and semiannually thereafter on 3larch 1 and September 1
in each year, Both principal and intere8 shall be payable at !The American
National Bank of Sain-ii Paul, in St.Pau1, 14hneso&, and %he Village hereby
agrees to pay the reasonable and customary charges of sad paying agent for
the receipt and disbursement thereofs 1 -
6, Said improvement bonds shall be in substktially the following '
NO, $1,000
KNOT ALL NEN BX THESE PRESEINTS that thi Vi-llage of Edina, a duly
organbei ad exis%irg municipal corporation of the born@ of Hennepin, State
of IbEnnesota, acknowledges itself to be indebted and for value received prom-
ises to pay to bearer the sum of OIIE THOUSAND DOLL4RS on the 1st day of-March, LP-, 01p on a date prior thereto on which said bond shall have been duly called
for redemption pursuant to %e right of prepayment reserved*helow, and to pay
inL@xest thereon at the rate of er cat $1 per annun from the date hereof until sa5.d principal sum b< paid, or
until this 3ond has been duly called for redemption, plus additional interest
on said principd sum at the rate of one per cent (1%) per annm from &rch 1, 19.55 to &rch 1, 195_, or to a prior date on which this bond, if then pre-
payable, shall have been called for earlter redemption, all such interest
being payable September 1, 1955 and semiannually thereafter on the lst day
of 3Jarch and the 1st day of September in each year, and interest to maturity
beiJ1,F represented by and payable in accordance xith and upon presentation and
surrender of the interest coupons appurtenant' hereto, which coupons are in two
sets,cone representing interest at the basic rate above set forth from the date
of issue to the maturity of this bond, and the other set, designated as B coupons,
representing interest at 1% per annum from Xarch 1, 1955 to Harch 1, 195 -
Both principal and interest are payable at (&e American National Bank of- Saint
Paul, in St. Paul, Ennesota, in any coin or currency of the United States of
America Gbiich on $he reFpective dates of payment is legal tender for public
and private debts,
&%erest as the same respectively become due the full faith, credit and
taxing powers of the Viaage are hereby irrevocably pledged,
For the promqt and full payment of such principal and
This bond is one of an issue in the aggregate principal ammt
of $!&O,OOO, all of kike date and tenor except as to serial mmbers, in-
terest rate, maturity and redemption prialege, a11 issued for the purpose
of defraying eqenses incurred and to be incurred in constructing qecessaay
street improvements, sanitary sewers and water Eains in said Village, and
is issqed pursuant to and in full conformity with the Constitution and laws
of the Sate of Minnesota thereunto enabling> and pursuant to resolutions
duly adopted by the Village Council. Thiszbondis payable primarily from
special assessments Levied and to be levied for the payment of the cost -
of said improvements, but the Village Council is reqcired to pay the Sam
out of any fand of the V5llage in the event that the assessments collec,ted
at any time are insufficient to meet the papent of maturing principal and
Each of the bonds of said issue is subject to redemption and $re-
payment at the option of the Village, at p2r and accrued interest, on the
Jst day sf March or the 1st day of September 5nimed5ately preceding its
stated maturity date.
mbwsd of the bonds, lowest numbers first, and upon notice miled, at least
thirty days prior to the da%e specified for redemption, to the holder, if
hotm, of each bond so called for redemp%ion, and to the bank at which prin-
cipal and- intzres-t; are then payable.
notice may register their names and addresses and the,serial &ers of their
bonds tnth the Village Clerk.
Such redemption may be made onlyin order of serial
Bondholders desiring to receive such
acts, conditions and things required by the Constitu%ion .and laus of the
State of ltlnneso-ta to be done, to exist, to happen and to be performed pre-
liminary to and. in &be issuance of this bond in order to make it a valid
and binding generalabligation of-said Village according to its terms have
been done, do eest, have happened and have been performed as so required;
that the estimated collections of said special assessments will be in the
years and amounts required to produce sums not less than five per cent (%)
in excess of the amountss required for payment when due of the principal and
~terest on all bonds of this issue; that ad valorem taxes, if needed for
the payment of such principal and interest may be levied. upon all taxable
property in the Vglbage without limitation as to rate or amovnt; and that
the issuance of this bond did not cause 'the indebtedness of said Village to
exceed any constitutional or s tatutory limitatione
IN IaTNESS WHXREOF the ViZlage of Edina, Hennepin County, Minnesota,
by its Village Council, has caused this bond to be executed in its b&aU by
the facsimile signature of its Rayor and the manual signature of its Village
Clerk, and sealed with its official seal, and the interest conpons appm-
tenant hereto to be executed and authenticated by the facsidle signatures of
said officers, and has caused this bond to be dated as of December 1, 195hd,
coun~ 6,q
Vi age Clerk
(Form of Coupon)
$ - NO e
On the lst day of March (September), l?-, the Village of Edina,
Hennepin County, Miluiesota, will pay -to bearer at The American National
Bank of Saint Paul, in St. Paul, IWmesota, the sum of
POLW lawful money of the UnLted States of America for interest then &e
on its hprovement Bond of 1954, Second Series, dated December 1, 1954,
(Facsimile signature]
Village Clerk .
(Facsimile si
(Coupons numbered 2 and B-2 attached to bonds matnring
in 1956, and coupons numbered 3 and 4 and B-3 and B-h
attached to bonds maturing in 1957, and the last two
coupons (but not B coupons) attached to the remaining
bonds, shall also include $he phrase: described below is called for earlier rgdemption".)
Wnless the bond
7* Said bonds shall be prepared under the direc%ion of the Village
&rk and shall be executed on beha of the Village by the signature qf tw
$layor, comtersigned by &the Village Clerk, and the corporate sed shallbe
'affixed thereto, and the interesl coupo~s shall be executed and authenticated
by the printed, engraved or 3j"chographed facsimile signabes of said Playor
and Village Clerk. Vhen said bonds have been so executed and authenticated,
they shall be deUvered by the Treasurer to the purchaser thereof upon pay-
ment of the purchase price heretofore agreed upm3 and said purchaser shall
Got be obEgedto see to the appEcation of the purchase price.
8. Tne Village Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to transmit
a certified copy of this resolution %o the County Audjtor of Hemepin Comty
for cer2;ification that the bonds herein authorized have been duly regishrf& I - 9. The officers of the Village and the Comw Auditor of Hermepin
County are hereby authorized and directed to prepare and furnish to the pup-
chaser of sa,id bonds and to ae at.f;orneys approving the legality of the is-
suance thereof certtfied copies of all proceedings relating to, said bonds
and to the finaylcial affairs of the Village, and such other affidavits, certi-
ficates and information as my be required to show the facts relating to tho
legalLty and narketabili'cy of said bow as'the same appear from the books .
and records under their custow and control or 8s o-therwise knorm to them,
and all such certified copies, certificates and affidadts, includb~ any
heretofare furnished, shall be deemed represenbtiom pf the Village as
to the Tacts recited therein.
The mo-kion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly .
secolldeb. by Childs and on rollcall, there wre FIVE AXfB and NO NASS, as follows:
Bredesen, aye; Child, aye; Panens, aye; Erickson, ap'
&ereupon szid resolution vas declared duly passed an
Manager EEtchell requested that Job Classification, as presented to the Council .. for approval., and approved November 8, 1954, be reconsidered with view o$
approving Classification pr.esentGd at that time for lbs. Alden, motion, th@ listed Job Classification for 3Ps. Alden, fog year 1955, be -.
apprdved, was seconded bs Child and carried,
Child then moved for adjo&nrnent, motion
adjourned-at lk25 P,& ?
Bredesent s
3 c
1 .f .I
. .,.. .,.
. i