_-. ~ - ... . -AT- THE-EDINk VI^^ HALL (
- .COQNX&,-wEI;D MO@AY,-JNU@X 10, 1955, AT-.7:30 Po&
Invocation was given by Rev.. Harold_F,. Schweigerii of 'St ,Peters Lutheran Church.
IIembers answering Rollcall were Bredesen, Danens, Fronk, Tupa, and Erickson,
&Utes of the Meeting of December 27, 1954, were approved by motion Bredesen,
seconded by Dan.ens and carried.
Notice by Hinneapolis Gas Company of increase in new General Service Rate for'
suburban area, effective Jg~,ryl and applicable to al1bilQngs after
February 1, 1955, was-reviewed and ordered placed on file.
Report by Citizens League of Greater Ximeapolis, setting forth recommendation
for-County-Assessor,was submitted, and Danens moved that it be placed on file.
gotiqn seconded by Tup and carried. .
Report for November, Rural Hennepin County Nursing District, was submitted,
reviewed briefly, and-_ordered placed -on file. Announcement was made of Bnnual
Meeting of Nursing District, at Red Owl, Hopkins, at 8100 P.%L, JanuarJr @.
League of hesota Mimicipditiest fiPrelj,minary Draft 'of a Bill Providing for
Wcipal Surcharge on State Income
Popuhation,t* was ordered referred to. the OqEnances and Legislation Committee,
by motion Wedesen, seconded by Fronk and-carried.
Application of Auto-See-Ads Company, for Outdoor Advertising Sign, 1Ztx22' on
North side of Highwax 100 and Highway 5, at extreme corner of-Mapco Company
Roperty, was presented.
subject to inspection of site and 9pprovalthereof. Ad carried.
in E4imicipalities Exceedipg 20,000
Bredesen's motion, that application be approved
Notion seconded by Danens
bran Builders, 1nc.l~ proposal, to install blacktopping according to Village
specifications,.on East View Drive from Benton Avenue to Tingdale Avenue in
their Edina Ridge Subdivis-ion during 1955, with costs to be borne by the
Company and non-assessable, was discussed. Bredesen's motion, that proposal
be accepted wLth limitations referred to, including Tillage specifications
. and engineering approval, was seconded by Danens and.-carried.
The request of the Edina Jaycees -for use of an %mused basement roomr1 in the
Village Hal as a meeting .place, including desknand filing cabinet space,' Fronkt s
qotion, khat request be referred to a Committee of two councilmen and the custodian
for study and recommendation to Council, was seconded by Bredesen and carried.
Petition was presented for Sanitary Sewer in Ashcroft Lane between Wooddale Avenue
gnd St.Johns Avenue. It w5s reported that thgs petition differs somewhat from the
ordinaqr Sanitary Sewer petition, in that it asks for Lateral. service from the
Trunk sewer.
referred to Publid Utilities Committee for further study. Mbtfon seconded by
Fronk and carried. __
After some discussion, Bredesen moved that petition be accepted and
Upon $resentation of petition for the Gravelling of School Road, Bredesen moved
that petition be accepted and that Hearing thereon be scheduled for first meeting
in March.
Dra-h of an--Qrdinance, writtenrby Village Attorney in response to request by
Police Departjment, was presented. -After reviews Fronk offered the following
Ordinance--~*Ordiriance No. l4.6, An Ordinance Prohibiting False Registration at
Hotels and Ec$els~t--fo~ its first ~eading.
carried. I? -.
The following two Ordinances were presented, and were laid over for consideration
at the meeting of January 24:
Notion seconded by Fronk and carried,
gotion was seconded by Tupa and
Ordinance No, 1272, An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 12 and Changing
Provisions thereof Relating to Vacations, '_Holidays, and Sick Leave, and
Stating the Policy Q?f the Village with Respect to Year-&ound,Employmen.1;.
Ordinance ProNbiting the Purchase or Consumptioa of Intwd.cating Liquor and
_Non-kto&cating Malt Liquor by Einors, and Prohibiting Furnishing of Such
The matter of the Zeague of Minnesota Wicipalities' 11AdoSsoT Ballot on Social
Security-Supp1ement;ary Coverage" came once again bef we, the Council, 76th report
that majority of eaployees favor both coverages providhg l?@@ benefits will not
be jeopardized.
view, was seconded by Danens and carried,..
- - Liquor to Minors.- -.
Bredesen's motion, that League be infomed-that this is Councilts
Attorney Windhorst supplemented Assistant Attorney Roy's written report of
January 7,- stating that the suit-of Public,Rnployeest Union, Local No. 916
against the Village, to compel Village to abide by Fact Finding Report, has
been dismissed.
Police Reports for the Nonth of December, 1954, and for the Year 1954 were
subdtted, reviewed briefly, and .ordered placed on file.
The City of Hop-' January 10th request for possible connecbionto new diagonal
EiIr. Ekan reporting that Hopkins r.iould like a capacity of 2.3 CU. ft., which
>mdG serve some 10,000 Hopkias residents; that this brings problems because
Edinn has already awarded contract for diagonal trunk, I&. Lo& Gebo, 4.908 mug Green Parkway, suggested that Council delay construcbion, if possible,
$0 study-the matter of Hopkins particiption in project, in order thst costs
to Edina residents be reduced. I&. John Person spoke at len&h about the re= routing of the proposed sewer in order to-save digging and to serve additional
residents. He was asked to see I&. Zikan in the morning to outline his
suggestions , . Several. residents toldw,the Council that contractor has dumped
pipe. on their property, without easpents. Fro& moved that Hopkinst request
be given further consideration and that Council act upon it a% a later date,
Kotion seconded by Danens and carried.
The requests of the Rolling Green Association, for copies of agenda, and for
less delay in snow plowing, were read.
plowiag request to Public Works Committee, and authoriaing advice to President
of Association that-.copies- -of agenda are available for inspection at the Village
Hal$, was seconded by Danens and carried.
The matter of City of &nneapolist repairs to Parshall Flume at 54th and Xerxes .
vas once again,considered; with Is@. Zikan reporting that Ueapolis' estipate
of $1,250.00 with their forced labor-is much less than the estimate he prepared
forsthis work, Suggestion was made that bids be taken but Nr. %kan stated that
plans and specif&cations will take considerable time and that hg feels the
Village will gain by allowing IEmeapolis to do the work. Nr. Tupa inqMred
as to whether 1-inneapolis would be tilling to establish a %aximun~~ estimate,
5.n order that the Village might have a better idea of the tcotall'eqenditure
involved. Bredesen's mtion, that Village contact the City of IEEinneapolis for
a maximum estimate ~n the project, yas seconded by Daneqs and carried.
The application of Beckdahlk Olson Plumbing GO., 1218 Chestnut Street, for
Plumberis License, was approve$ by motion Brecjesen, seconded by ljkonk and
sewer bnprovement No. 69 was read. Considerable discussion ensued, with
Bredesen's mtion, referring snow
-, -. carried. - I-
Bo* Zikan reported that the owner of Dr. Ellist Filling Station at the Northwest
Corner of Wooddale Avenue and Valley TTiew_Road,,xd.ll construct curb and gutter on
Valley Vie_? Road abutting his groperbx at @is own expense; but that, before this
is done--the roadway should be corrected; that travel is now on the South side of
the righii-of-vmy. Xr. Zikan recommended that the Village do the work necessary
to correct the road, tach entails mostly blacktop@ng. Fronkts motion, that
Council proceed on the recommended basis, with it being disthqtly understood that curb and gutter will be constructed by omer at his expense. Xotion
I&. Zikan asked Council. policy oq, a contract signed with Ashworth and Son in
1952-for the Blacktopping of a portion of Drew and Ewing Avenues and 1~,6Ist
Street--which contract has been delay-ed for underground construction.^^ He stated
that he believes bid prices at that time are completely out of line T.ri.t;h today's
prices for this work,
for either parby to the-contract-to caqcel it after this long period.
recommended that a new Public Hearing be held on this project if contract is
cancelled. Fro& moved- that contract be cancelled and project considered at a
later date. Xotion seconded by Danens and carried.
I&. Zikazl reported that .Hennepin'County has requested that the Vwage change
the grade of Xnterlachen. Boulevard during Sanitary Sewer construction; to
straighten and flatten that portion of the-,road from 35irror Lakes Drive, Vest.
He reported that Ninneapolis Gas Company has a four-inch main in the street,
r&ich they He reported that County participation in such
project has not beaddetermined, but that they be tfillhg to Pay a Part 'of
the cost. D. Zikan recommended that grade be changed to eliminate curve and
to flatten hill, now, while sewer construckion is under way, if Council feels that work should ever be done. &. Zikk reported, as a matter of infomation,
that the Village's posting of the Boqlevard against heavg trucks makes it
unnecesswy for $he County to participab3 fully in the maintenance of the street, in the County Zngineer's opinion. No action taken.
A seconded by Tupa and carried. v
Attorney Windhorst reported that it should be possible a
charge to move.
# I
- ,.
/ The follow;ing requests were referred to the Public Safety Committee for study and.
recommendation, by motion Bredesen, seconded-by Fro* and carried:
Captah NcGaryrs request. for a Hidnight-to-t3:00 A.H. Dispatcher .for Police and
Captain IJIcGaryt s Classifications for DetectiGe &d Sargemt for Police Department.
Captain $IcGary!.s report of classes to,be- Wen by Police Officers,
Request for Firemen (2 extra paid).
Fire Departments.
n Re-Gest was made for sink, stove, refrigerator and tables and chairs for Employees'
$itchen. Bredesen's motion, that Village Uager be authorized to spend up to $500
for these articles, was seconded by Danens..and carried.
Three Preliminary Plats:
all be$ng North of-W.63rd_St0' and West Qf Nomandale Road, were, presented for approval, baring been approved. byrPlannj.ng- Compission!es Neeting of January 5, subject
to change of lots to make them of re&ired size. Bredesen's motion, that Preliminary
Flats be approved sub3ect to 'Planning Commission's, stipulajiion, was secondgd by
k. George J. Faustts request for peqit to bui3.d private garage 0; lot'adjacent to
his home,4912 Sunnyslope Road West, having received approval of PlahnFng Commission
January 5, subject to app;ova;l=pf neighbor IVill Gordon, Danens moved that -W. Faust 1 s
request be granted subject to KP. Gordonls approval. Notion seconded by Bredesen
Find Plat of "Ehmod Terrace Second Additiontf was presented, together with
Planniqg Commiasionrs approval of January 5.
Final Plat was seconded by Fro& and carried. ,. .
&. H&old A. Duoos' RearrGgeaent of Lots. 12, 13 and U, Block 2, Southdale First .
Addikion, this .being a Preliminary and,Final Plat- which replats Lots "J.3 and U by
gilarging them five feet each.
matter over to their next meeting for Mher stue. ~ &. Zikan reported that
Mk. Duoos is very anxious to build on the corner lot; and gedesen moved that
Council abide by decision of Planning Commission in the makter of replat, but that
Gar&on' s, Starhey' Maundis ' and Gay Brotherst-- ..
Danens and carried. *- *
and carried. -. r'
€jredesen*s* motion for awroval of
Xt was noted that Planning Conmission laid this
Duoos be given pemnission.-to build-on corfier lot. Notion seconded by Fronk and
carried. _1.
Mr, Zikan reported the Planning Codssionts January 5th approval of the Folke
Vietorsen' s Prkliminary_Plat of Registered-knd Survey #228, subject to submission
of satisfactory road profile. Bgedesent s motion, that Preliminary Plat be approved & accordance with Commissionr s. recommepdation, was secgnded by Danpns and carried.
Final Plat of Bruce-'Abrahamsont s Vhollview Addition11, east of Shannon Drive, was
presented for approval, -with the Flaming CoyissionLs January 5th recommendation
for approval subject to engineerjag check._ Bredesen!s motion, that plat be
approved subject to check for title and recommended engineering check, was seconded
by Danens and carried.
' Final Plat of Fred C. (laswell's trBroadmoretf, at Southwest cornerrof Grove Street
and Tracy Avenue was approved,sukject to Planning Commission! s January 5th-stipu-
lation for_ engineering check and submiss^ion of bond for grading .and gravelling,
by motion Bredesen, seczonded by Danens and carried. Road was referred to hblic Works Codttee for i.nspe.ction and report. Iktter of grade of boadway -
Preliminary Plat by N&nandaie Development Corporation, for property North of
Hixhway No, 2 and East of Highww No, 100, yas presented. I&. Zikan presented
report of Planning-Commissionrs Jagua;ry 5th action approving plat subject to
Adequ+te st&et connections to adjacent propert'y.
Recognition of State Highway No. 100 widening.
Dedication of cul-de-sac at Southeast end of plat.
Satisfactory road profiles, including easements, where necessary, for
drainage purposes.
the follow$ng: a.
3. 4.
A representative of the Corporation was present, to request that Council expedite
Sanitary Sewer project, in order that service be made available in 1955 for this
directly North of &his developegtt, stating tihat he, too, would like sewer as
soon as possible.
with four stipulations set forth by Planning Cgrsnission, tnth it being particularly
noted that there is no guarantee that sanitary sewer tdll be available in 1955,
although effort will be made to get it in if it is felt that there is sufficient
need for it.
that engineering department be authorized td ,survey sewer- project as soon as
PO ssible .
&. Stow rerainded Council of his petition for sewer for the property
Bredesen moved approval of Preliminary Plat subject to compliance
Notion was seconded by Fronk and carried. Ik. Fronk then suggested
I&, Sto; asked to go on record as approving the Me Edha improvement',
he wquld be out of town at the time of the Hearing, and wanted to be sure. his
approval is recorded,
He stated
At this time.3Ir. Stow also requested that the Village purchase his well forthwith,
reminding the Co~+cil that he is already seeg one owner outside of Brookview
Heights, on Wqren Avenue. Bredesen's motion, that this suggestion be.referred to
Public Utilities Copittee, was secopded by Danens and carried,
Letter tias received from Edina-14orningside Courier, asking that Courier be desig-
nated as Official Publication for Village for Year 1955.
seconded by Fronk and carried.
Daaens so moved. Notion
St!?. Zikan presented plans and specifications for seierd' projects, advocating
that-Council. schedule Public Hearings on same for Januar;y 24.
the following Resolution and moved its adopkion: -. RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR PTEXkCC I$E&?JNG . - . .PROPOSED .IMl?RQm&S. , & IT REsOLVl3D by the Council of-€he .Village ,of,Ed&na:
. . l-. ~ ,The-Tlillage Engineer, havingsubmitted to the Council. a preliminary report as.to the feasibility of the proposed hprovemen$s described in the Fonn
of Notice of Hearing set forth below, and as to the estimated cost. of such I
impyOvements,.said report is hereby approved and directed to be placed on file
in the office of the Village Clerk.
2. This Council shall meet on Nonday, Jpuary 24, 1955, at ?:3O P.N., in the-Ebina.Village Hall, to cbnsider in public hearings the views of all persons
interested .in said. proposed improvements. 3. ,The Clerk is herebg authorized and directed to cause notice of the
time, place aqd purpose of said meetpg to be published in the official news-
paper once a week for trio successive weeks, the second of which publications
is to be not less than three days from date of said meeting, which notice shall
be in mbstantially the following form:
Nc)llfICB IS HEREBY GIVE@. that - the ,-a JEllage. Coupcil,unill meet at the
Ellage. €@l.on. Noqday, .January 24, 1955, at .7:30 P.M., to consider the follow-
ing proposed hprovemen"cs, to be constructed uqdw-the authority granted by
Phesota Laws of 1953, Chapter 3980 The approximate cost of such improv&ents
is estimated by the Village Engineer as set forth below:
Bredesen offered
1. Construction of @nL%ary Sewer and Appurbenances in-York
$9;mo*h ' &e. betveen I!. 5&h and T!&Oth Sts.
2. Construction of SanitaW-Sewer and Appurt;enances in Halifax .
3. Construction of Sanitayy Sewer qd Appurtenances in-
vooddale Aver be%ween Fairfax Ave. and Valley View Rd,
4. Gonstructt;lon of Village 1Jatermai.n Exbension and Appurtenances,
5. Construction of Village 'Srfatermain Extension and Appurtenances,
WooddaXe Ave.-,between -Fairfax he. and Valley-View Rd. 60 Constructionl of Village lfatemain_Bdiension and Bppurtenances,
to serve Brookview Heights 3rd Add+
70 Construction of Village f.Jatema&n Extension and Appurtenances
is as. follows:
Ave. from W.62nd .St., Sou$h-in Roy_Petersonts 2nd Addn. $3,033072
$n Halifax Ave., .from IT.62nd St;., South 500 FL - $2,500*74
$2, 8&?.4?
to Serve Lake Edina First Addition- $3 5,3680 92
The area,proposed ta be assessed for the cost 02 said proposed improvements-
For No. f - All lots abutting Stork Ave. between tJ.58th and lL6Oth Sts,
,except ht'10, B1. 7 and Lot I,$, Bl. 8, Harriet-.kor 2nd Adbe
For Nos.- 2 and 3. - All lots abutting the portion of the street proposed
,to be improved,
For No. 4 - Lots 1 to 5, incl., 'Roy Petersonts 2nd Addn., and Lot 16, BL 1,
Peacedale Acres.
For No. 5 --All lots and tracts of 1&d abutting thi portion oh the street
,proposed to-be improved,
For 140. 6 - All, lots anq tracts of land abutting TL70ti St. on %he North,
,betxFeen Brookview Heights 2nd and 3rd Addns.; XO$S 1 b-7, bd., BL 1,
bts *1 to 6, incl,. B1. 2, and Lots 1 to 19, B.,3, in Brookview Heights 3rd Addition; and Zot 5, Bl. 5and Lot 21, €31. 7 in BrooMew Heights
For No. 7 - U lots in Lake Edina First Addition. - I n T .. C
Xotion for adoption of the Resolution was s.econded_br-.Danens,. and on Rollcall there
yere five ayes and no nays,.-as follows: Bre ens, aye; Fronk, aye;
aye; and Erickson, aye; and the Resolut
1/10/55 1.1 1 2-bo Zikan requisitioned two additional men for Inspectors, and the reclassification
of w. George Thompson-to Inspector-Instrument Ean. Danens moved for employment of two inspectors and for reclassification of George .Thompson in accordance with
Mr. Zikan's recommendations.
Mr. %chard Olson, Bsst. to Nkager, reported that Interlachen Golf Course will
give--off a sanitary- sewer easement across their property providing that a connection
be allotted to them, that the trunk assessment is on a front-footage rather than
acreage basis, and that there be no lateral assessment.
about possibly establishing a precedent in this arrangement; but it vas thought
that this would not-necessarily set up a precedent because of the fact that it is
being used for an entirely dlffeyent purpose than most acreage and there is no
possibility of platting it in the future, whereas withrother open development
gmicreage the probability of platthg is always present. Bredesen moved that the
kterlachen Golf Club's proposal for Sanitary Sewer 'Easement be accep5ed.
seconded by Danens and carried. - -
Mayor Erickson nominated Trustee-Bredesen for Nayor Pro Tern for the coming year,
and Fronk offered the following Resolution and mo'ved-*its. adop%ion:
I Motion seconded by Bredesen and carried,
. - - _- --
There was some discussion
Notion ..
I1EsOLWION APPOINTING MAYOR EQ T@T ,'FOR_ vJ!=ZXE FOR - Y@R ,. 1955- - , BE IT FiEE0LVE;D that Arthur C. Bredesen, Jr. be appointed Mayor Pro Tem for the
Village of- Edina for _t he calendar 'year 1955. ..
Motion for adoption of Resolution was seconded by Tups, and on Rollcall there
were five ayes and no nays, as follows: Bredesen ens , -_aye; Fronk, aye;
upa, aye; and the Besolution was ado@ted
Gayor Erickson then recommended the Standing Committees of the Council for
the year, and Bredesen offered the following confirming Resolution and moved its
BE IT RESOLm that Committee Assigmegts for the members of the Edina Village
CouncilforFthe year-1955 shall be as follows:
, THE DXR 1955.-
%pa, .Chaigan; _Dqens and-Erickson,.
Danens, -Chairman;. Fronk. and -Bredesen.
Bredesen, Chairman; Xricksoq .gnd-Tupa
Fronk, Charman; Bredesen and Tupa
Council Conmitt ee -of the Whole
Motion-for adoption of the Resolu&ion was seconded b
there were five ayes and no-nays, as follows:
Tupa, aye; and Erickson, aye; and the Re
C&mm ON FINAN@*-:
and on Rollcall
Danens,-.aye; Fronk,
Salaries for Elected Officials were discussed, it being brought out by Nr, Fronkts
inqmthat Mayor's gd Trustees' salaries have been increased for this year.
Fronk explaiqed that he, as a new,member of the Council, was a little reluctant to
raise his own salary, whereupon the older members on the Council reported %ha& the
matter of salary increases had been considered at adoption ofthe budget and had
been provided for at that time,
Bredesen offeredthe following Resolution and
moved its adoption: --
BE IT R.ESOLm that the. s@arigs.-of E&e$ted_V@lage Officials be established as
follows, *for-the year 1955: -- SALARY PER MONTH ~
Reuben F. Xricksqn, MGor . *.-@lP?..W _*
Whur C.Bredesen, Jr.; J.A. Danens; E'mil P. Fronk; Frank J. Tupa - Trustees - $100.00 Ea,
John J. Duggan, Treasurer , $60.00 Donald S. Burris, Judge-Ewzicipsl Court . #l50.00
Irving C. Xverson-Specia Judge , &30.00-3?k. or
4$120.00 T4aX.
&tion for adoption was seconded by Danens, and on Rol&caJ.l there were five ayes
. .. . ..
The matter of appointment of Village,Attorney, &sistant Village Attorney, Clerk
of Court, Health Officer, and _Village_Assessor :@me next, before the Council -for
consideration. At this the TGstee qonk explained that, under new Optional Plan 3 it is the+.responsibility of the Village Eanager to make these appointments.
He asked that either a Committee be appoQted, or the Council act as Cormittee of
%he 'fJhole, for selection of 3 Village Manager. He then moved that COI@J. ask
all wesent Village employees to continue to serve on a temporary basis subject
to appointment of &nager, after I.rhich time other appointments will be made; that Sks. Alden be asked to serve on a temporary basis as Village Clerk and that Bir.
Zikan-be asked to serve as Acting Village Engineer until hager is selected..
E$otion vas seconded by Danens and carried.-
Letters were received f&rn Nidland National and First Edina National Banks relative
to their beconting Official Depositories for the Yillage. Danens offeredthe follow-
ing Besolution and -moved its adoption:
€E IT HEBEBY TzEsOLm, that I-Ed&gd-Na$iondL_Bqnk of.eeapolis, be and hereby is,
designated- as..aq_official depository- for the Public Funds of the Special Assessments
and Poor Funds of the Village of Edina for thg calendar year 1955.
3bti& for adoption of Resolution'uras seconded by'Rrps, and on Rollcall there were
Erickson, aye; and the Resolution was
Bredesen offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption:
SECrnIT~", IJ LIEU- OF. mp
RESOL"vED, that the Village .Coqncil-of :the Village of Ed$na- approve the assignment
b-its-depository, the Edlqnd National Baqk of Minneapolis of the following
securities as good and sufficient collateral for-.the Village of Edina Public Funds
deposited in the said depository:
$15,000 City of Noorhead, &finnesota, Certificates of Indebtedness of 1954,
1.90% due Februam 1, 1964.
$35,000 Independent School District N6. 1 Rice County, Wesota, School
Building.2.60% Bonds-due January 1, 1964. _. -.
Eotion for adoption of Resolution was seconded
five ayes and no nays, as follows:
llcall there were
Bredesen, a
Danens offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption:
BE E2 TZESOL'OED, that the persons hqlding- off*e*as..&3wa -%mr Pro-Tem, 7hasrner
or Clerk_or-Deputy Clerk of the Village be, and they hereby are,_authofized to act
for this Village in-the transaction of any banking business with Hidland National
Bank of Njpeapolis (hereinafter referred to as the bank), such authority including
authority on behalf of or in the name of the Village from time to time and until
krritten notice to the bank to the contrary, to sign checks against said account,
&ich checks shall be signed by the Skyor or %yor Pro-Tem, Village Clerk or Deputy
Village Clerk, and Village Treasurer.
to honor-ad pay an2 check against such,account which is sigped as above described,
h&e%her oyf'not said check is payable to the order of, or deposited to the credit of)
any officer or officers ofthe Village, including the signer or simers of the
'PTotiGn for 'adoption of Resolution was seconded
T5- ayes &nd no nays, follovs: Bredesen, a
aye; and Erickson, aye; and the Resolution tms
The bank is hereby authorized and directed
1/10/55 Danens offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption:
(FIRST EDTNA. NATIONAL .BANK). , HE 2T HEBEBY RESOL,, that &the, ~~rst,EdS~_National-Bank, Edina, EEnnesota,
authorizqd. to ,do_a- banking busbess in Minnesota, be. and- hereby- is, designated
as official depository of the Public Funds of the General, Sewer Rental, Garbage
Collection, Waterworks, Liqyor, Permauent Improvement Revolying, Permanent '
Improvement aevolving.Debt Service, and all Permanent -&provement_Funds of the
Village of E-cJina, County of-Hermepin, Minnesota, for the cdendar'year 1955.
&tion for adoption of 'Resolution was seconded by Bredesen, and on Rollcall there
were five ayes and nosnays, as follows:
Bredesen,. aye; , aye; Fronk, aye; Tupa, aye; and Erickson, aye;, and the Bemlution yfia -A
kedesin offered the following Eesolution and moved its adoption:
FJRST . ElDINA. NATIONAL ,BANK. L .- i .+*I.. sEC@n3Es*a.zIEU-,QF BOW. * "
BE IT RESOLVED, that the .Villa&, Cqnnpil.Lgf ,$he-VUage of Edina approve the
assignment-b~.its depository, the -First Edina National Bank of Edina, Nbnesota,
of the following securities, as good and- suff icient collateral for the. Village
of Edina Public Funds deposited in said depository:
. U.S,& Treasury Ser, B.'N&e 1-3/4$. Due 12-15-55 $10,000 U,Ej.fl, Treasury Bonds. 2-3/&% Que 6-15-58 . 240,000
U.$.& Treasury Bonds 2-1/4$ Due 6-15-62 200,000
U,S, _Treasury Bonds 2-318s Due 6-1558 ~00,000
I- 1 $750,000 Notion for adoption of Resolution was seconded by Tupa, and on Rollcall there
were five ayes and no nays, as follows:
Tupa, aye; and Bickson, aye; and the Resolution
Bredesen,. s,--aye; Fronk, aye;
Fro& offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption:
BE IT RESOLVED, that the persons,. hol@qg.qffice., as,ljrctsor, Ekyor Pro-Tern, Treasurer,
or Clerk_or-I)eputy Clerk of this Village be, and they hereby are, authorized to act
for -this Village in-the transaction of any banking business with First Edh
National Bank of Edina, Minnesota, (hereinafter .referred to as the Bank), such
authority. including authority on behalf of or in the name of the Village from time
to time and until mitten notice to the contrary to the bank, to sign checks against
said account, which checks shall be signed by the Nayor or Mayor Pro-Tern, Village
Clerk or Deputy Village Clerk, and Village Treasurer. The Bank is hereby authorized
and directed to honor and pay any check against such account which is signed as
above authorized, whether or not said check is payable to the order of, or deposited
to the credit of, any officer or officers of the Village, including the signer or
signers of the check,
Notion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Bredesen, and on Rollcall there
Tupa, aye; and Erickson, aye; and the Resolution
yere five ayes and no nays,--as follows: Bredesen, 9 aye; Fro&, aye;
. .. ,
Some discussion-was had concerning adoption of the hdget for the Year 3955, with
l$r, Tupa advocating that this be delayed until new members have had opportunity to review budget in detail, Mr. Windhorst repo-%bed that Council has the power to
make changes in the individual it-qs of this budget as becomes necessary during the
year; that total levy, as set forth, has already been made. Tupa then offered the
following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLJJTION APPROVING BUDGET -. FOR "HE. CALEXD&-SXR. 1955.
BE 3fl' R?SOLJlED by the Council*-of..the_Village of;Edina, that the Operating Budget
for.the-Calendar Year 1955 shall be established at the following, subject %o
further review by this Council: ..
- *.*%.- -. - I - -.' 1.. ,..- - I ... . -__. - b
Plus FirGen's Relief - 1710 3U 1,371.00
plus Eoor Fwd=@n. E3q3, 4,000.00
Ezubli_c Health Nursing 3,605028 plus Lev for Bonds & Int.
$tC Sewer bp.-&nds of 1953 26,000 .OO
. 1950-Third Series 900 e00
1951-First Series 6OOoOO .
1952-First Series 7,4OO*OO Plus Fire Protection Levy in I
lieu-of Hmant Rent..- 1/2-I4ill 6,850.00
TOTAZ s;FfTy $377,844.51 '
Eotion for adoption-of. Resolution was seconded edesen, and on Rollcall
were five ayes and no nays, as
aye; Tupa, aye; and Erickson,
The matger of establishing Position Classifications, Pay IZange Numbers and
Salaxies for Village BuployFes tns referred to the Megting of January 24,
cayor Erickson recommended re-appointment of Xr. '5.Jilliamlf. Lewis as a member
of the.Edina Board of Park Commissioners, for. a t-@ee-yeq tern beginning
January-1, 1955. Frongts motion, confirming appointment, was seconded by
Bredesen and carried. ..
Bredesents motion, appointing Mr, C. J. Hallman as a member of the Edina
I,iquor Gpmmission for a term of twee.years beginning January 1, 1.955, was
seconded by Danens and carried,
Nayor Erickson nominated Xessrs. Leonard 0deS.l and Alfred H, Hiatt for re-
appointment as members of the Village Plapning Co-ssion,. for three-year
terms beglug January 1, 1955..
was seconded by Fro& and carried.. Suggestion was made that Council
consider nominations for another member and bring them before meeting of
January 24; and that possibly term of this member be shortened in order
that terms of tm members expire each year. (At present, three terms expired
Bredesen' s motion, confirming appointment,
in 1955, two in 1957, and one in 1956) I- e
Bredesen's motion, for approval of Village Payroll,
for period January 1 to 15, and for*payment-of the following Claims:
-Genera Fund - 3263.20 Liquor Fund.- $3,038.k2 .
Park Fund * , 2L28 Garbage ,Fund- ,2,038,10
17aterhd - 171,18 Spec. Assess .- 1,250.00
rinprovements - 19.10 Park md - 334.85
amount of @.&,5&l02k,
was seconded by Danens and carried. ...
I &yor Erickson vas called away from meeting at this the, and Ekpr Pro-Tem
Bredesen presided until his return. L'
I&. Danens reported that a large tree at the South side of the Village Hall
is providing a hazard inthe exit of fire trucks.
removed at once. Tupa moved that Nr. ZikanI be instructed to check to see
He recommended that it be
if it is necessary to take tree out, a@ that if
removed, Xotion seconded by Danens and carried.
Bo Tupa suggested that the audience be given an
conversation; and suggestions were made from the
Ltter, and also regarding possibility of copies
No action taken.
it is necessary, to haye it
opportmity to hear Council' s
floor with regard to-this *.
of agenda for audience.
The matter of the Sanitary Sewer Diagonal Tmrnk was brought up once again,
tdth Mr. Gebo advocating delay until investigation of Hopkins' request is
complete, and Nr, Lewis Jones stating he believes sew= follows wrong route; that it should be routed along Nine-WLe Creek. No action taken.
Mayor Erickson returned at this time and presided for the balance of the meeting,
Mayor Erickson reported that the Park Board has recoinmended employment of Mr.
Clifton E. French as Parks and Recreation Director, beginning April 1, or as soon
thereafter as he is ayailable, at a salary.of $6,000 per year.. Bredesenrs motion,
authorizbg.Park Bogrd to employ Mr, French in, line with their recommendations,
was seconded..by Tupa and carried.* &. Harold Rosendahl requested permission to put in the road which abuts his
property on-.one side (Rosendahl's Edina Highlands 2nd Addition) and Village
park property on the nther.
Fund to pay its share of street improvements for streets abutting parks, and
because there is some question as to whether this improvement I.rill be one for
which bids should be taken, the matter was referred to the Public tJorHcs Committee
Tor investigation and report in two weeks.
Nessrs. Robert Ell, 54I.7 Benton Avenue, and Gene Cooper, 5500 Benton Avenue, were
spokesmen for a. delegation. demand&g that the Village stop dmpjng tree stumps
(and also demanding that the Village cease senwg private dumpers to the premises)
at dead-end Benton Avenue.
property as a brush-dump since the bad storm of 1951;-that, on inquiry at the
Village Hall, and fromthe Police and Fire Departments, they have been unable
to secure any information ag to who authorized this dumping in the first place.
Trustee Danens-promised to look into the matter at once.
a. Stow asked once,again-that the Village get Stow out of the water business;
asking, also, that he secure an item of $500.00,. which has never been taken out in trade. No action taken.
Bredesen then moved for adjournment.
Neeting was adjourned at 10:30 P.M.
Because it E is customary'for thewvillage General
They complained that the Village has used this
Notion seconded by Fronk and carried.
- A
.. . *. &///
. Acting Village Clerk