HomeMy WebLinkAbout19550124_REGULARI16 1/24/55
I- . -- --- c --*--...* .I
Invocation ,was given by Father Moss-of the Church of Our-Lady of Grace.
Embers of Council answering Ro~call were hedesen, eanens, Fro&, Tupa, and
buttes of Xeating of January 10 were approved as submitted, by motion Eiredesen, *
seconded by- bonk and carried.
Acting Clerk read Mfidavit of Publication appearing in Edina-Norningside Courier
Janw.13 and 20, ,1955, and in,.Constmzction Bulletin January 20, 1955; being
?Advertisement for Bids-Gasoline ;Fuel Oil, which publicat ion was approved as to
form and ordered placed on file.. ,Clerk re5prted receipt of four sealed bids.
Eredesenmoved for referral of bids to Village Engineer's Office for public
opening there. Notion seconded by Fro* and carried. Bids vere subsequently
opened in accordance With mtion; and, although not read at meeting are reported
- ..
Erickson. I.
herewith to have been the follotring:.
quality Gasoline - -. -
... 30,000 Gal., more or less, ltRegulari . ..e. .... .- ' +: *-.. -.-' _* -4- .. .*
Going Retail Price 3.277 Per Gal. s.265 Per Gal.
, .03 I1 Less Discoput 7- ..Ob +I - - Q.237 Fer Gal. 8.235 Per Gal?
200 Gal., more or less, %thy131 -
quality Gasoline -- *
Going Retail Price $5.302 Per Gal. $.285 Per Gal.
Lesg Discopt . .04 . .03 1'
.. $E@ fer GZL. 5.255 Per Gal.
OIL, GO, * . INC. . mc..- OIL CONPANY
.- .a<. . 9,000 Gal., more or less, No. 1 I <- .. Diesel Fuel Oil s.159 pk'Gal. per Gal. G.I-47 per'Gal.
Ia'connection kth the above bids a pioposal vas reckived from Stand&d OW Company
for the furnishing of Gasoline and Fuel Oil at Tank Wagon prices, on a bylk storage
Xwor Erickson announced Public Hearings on several improvements, in accordance with
Notice-of Hearing on Imprpvements, published in Edina-Norningside Courier January 13
and 20, 1955.
as to form, and-ordered placed on file. Public Hearings were held, and action taken
as hereinafter recorded: -
Hatter of bids and proposal laid-over to ne*- meeting.
Affidavit of Publication for this-Notice I'JSCS read bJr Clerk, approved
'I?.5&h and W.60th Streets=
__ agakst 2,093.16 Assessable Feet, for-#4.68 per Assessable Foot.
Construction of Sanitary Sewer and'Appmtenances in York Avenue between
Ehgineer Z@an's Estimate of Cost-was @9,800.4.l as
Eli., Zikan also ._- reminded affected-property owners that, they are now being assessed $l.~O per foot
for the Trunk Sewer.
of constructing sewer at this tine, thus incurring costs for the replacement of
the street, whereas future surfacing charges may be incurred in connection with
tentative plans for making the street a one-way thoroughfare. lk, Christianson
of 5837 York raised the question and considerable discussion took place on it,
with Zikan stating that approximately $1,500 might be saved by miting; and
Connc.il eg1-g that they %now only what they read 5.n the papers about the
proposed one-my York Avenue*t,and are not prepared to state as to whether or when
this change may be made. NrR Xndhorst vas asked as to whether it would be
legal to make a one-way street--of York without a public hearing, and told those
present that such action is within the power of the council without public
hearing, providing assessable improvements are not included-that there must be
a public hearing on any improvement for which property owners are to be assessed.
At this time delegation spokesman asked opporturxity for further discussion, with
report to be brought back to Council later in the meeting.
There were questions from the audience on the,practicality
(See 3Enutes of
later in Ueeting, for action), -.
2. Constkction of Sanitary'Sewer and Appurtenances in Halifax Avenue, from 11.
62nd.St.. South. in Roy Petersonts 2nd Addn. I&. Zikan's Estimate of Cost iza-s.
$3,032.72, :as agabst 57Q.22 Assessable-Beet, for $5.32,pq Assessable *Foot for
the Zateral, plus $2.61 per Assessable Foot Estimated Trunk Charge and $1.32 per
Assessable Foe%, Estimated Pymp Distric$--mkhg Total, $9.25 per Assessable
Foot. There were-no objections from the audience, and no mitten objections had
heen received prior to the meeting. (See ICinutes of later in &Teeking, for - Resolution Approvjng) . ..- -. n
117 1/24/55 '
@e Fairfax he. and Valley View Road. . Engaeer Zikan's Est-wte of Cost TJ~S .$2,102,76
as against 630.9 Assessable Feet, for $3.33 pgr Assessable Foot for the Lateral
Sewer, plus $&65_per- foot nQw being assessed .for the Trunk, for $5.98 per fook
been received prior to the meeting.
&e Avenue, from Wm662nd Street South 500 Ft. Mi+. Zikan'g Estimate of Cost was $2,500.74
as against 570.22 Assessable Feet, for>$4.39 pgr Assessable Foot. -There were no objections from the audience, ,and no written objections had been received prior to
the meeting.
5. Construction of Village Vatemain EAension and Appurtenances in Wooddale
Avenue between Fairfax Avenue and Valley V'iew Road. &e Zikan's Estimate of Cost
for the .Laying of a 101l-main was #2,847m4?, He explained_that,,lO" main should be
laid as an extension of the feeder main now in Wooddale to Wm61st,Stt;, to maintain
pressure and offer adequate Sire protection to &his area; also reportingthat the
property abutting the street has already been included in a water trunk district
and that, therefore, it 'is inequitable to assess them for anybhing larger than the
usual 611 lateral. Eke Zikan recommended that abutting properties be assessed for
a lateral watiermain. only, the cost of vrhich would be an Estimated $1,999.13, or $3.17 per Assessable Foot; and that the Village IJatemmrks Fund pay the difference
in cost between the co.st of a 10" main ad the cgst of a 6f*,lateral, said difference
being $848.34.
had been received prior to the meeting.
recommended method of assessment for this .proposed improvement, was. seconded,by
Fronk and carried. (See Minutes of later in Neeting. for Resolution Approving).
Construction of Sanitary Sewer and kvmrtenances in Wooddiile Atre, between
There were no objections fr-om the audience, and no written objections had !
(See I*utes of later in Efeeting, 'for 1
Resolution Approving) . .. ..
Construction of Gillage Watermain Exbension and Appurtenances in Halifax
(See Ninutes of later in lfeeting, for Resolution Approving).
There were no obdections from the audience, and no mitten objections
Danensf mo%ion, approving NPm Zikan's
Heights Third Addition. Mkm--ZikW'.s Esthte.of Cost was given at $19,166,30, as
against 2,955 Assessable Feet, for,,$6,49 per Assessable Foot.
objections frog the audience, and no written objections had been received prior to
the meeting.
Construction of Village Watermain Xxbension and Appurtenances to serve Brookview
There were no
(See Einutes of later in BIeeting, for Resolution Approving).
7. First Addition. Mr.--Zikan e-qlained that further engineering needs to be.done in
Iriew. of. recent petitions from the Chapman interests abutting Lake Edina Addition.
He recommended that Public Hearing be re-scheduled for the second meeting in
ConsLructioG of Village tlatemain Ehension and Xppurtenances to Lake Edina
Fronk so moved. .Motion seconded by Tupa and carried.
Bredesen then offered the foilowing Resolution and moved its adoption:
SANSBX s~:~~~~omw~s-N(IS, 82 & $3; "AIN IE'ROVEXEIQTS NOS. 82, $3 & 84.
BE 33 ?3ESOLmD by the Cpy@J,of .the.~V~~,~ee,Qf_Edina, Efimesota, that this Council
heretofore- caused notices of hearing to be duly published on the following proposed
improvements z
and at the hearings held at the tfme and place specified in said notice the Council
has duly considered the views of all1 persons interested, and being fully advised of
the perbinen% facts does hereby determine to proceed with the construction of said
improvements; that said improvements are hereby designated and shall be referred to
in a31 subsequent proceedings as follows:
Construc$i.on 0-f Sanitary Sewer and Appurtenancew in Halifax Ave., from tJ.62nd
St. , South--in Rqy Peterson' s 2nd Bcdn.
ConstFction of--San&tary Sewer and-Appurtenances in $ooddaLe-&ve. between
Fairfax Ikve. and-Valley View Rd.
Construction of Village llateqain Ehension and hppu&enances" in Halifax Ave.
from Wm62nd St., South SO Ft.
Constxuction-of V$lLage Watermain hension and 8ppurct;enances in Wooddale-
kve. between Fairfax Ave, and VaLlg View Rd.
Construction af Village llatermain Exbension and Appurtenances to serve
'B?ookview Heights 3rd AdV~. ,
Nom 1, Above Sewer. -@p. No. 82
NO. 2, *' san. sewer hpm No. 83
NO. 3, ,. 11 ?ratemain hp. No. 82
No. 4,- 2 Watermain 'sinp. No. 83
No. 5, !! Itatemain Imp. No. 84
For Sanitary Sewer Improvements Nos. 82 and 83 - All lots and tracts of land
For 17atemnain Improvementi No. 82 - Lots 1 to 5, inclm, Roy Peterson's 2nd Addn.
and the areas to be specially assessed therefore shall be as follows:
abutting the portions of .the streets proposed to be improved.
a and Lot 16, Blm 1, Peacedale Acres. ' - -. --
.. .-
1/2k/55 11 For Ifatemain Improvement No, 83 - All lots and tracts of land abutting the
portian of the street proposed to be improved.
Bor Hatemnain Improvement No. 84 - All lots and tracts of land abutting
TL'j'Oth St-.. on the North, between Etrookvigw Heights 2nd and 3rd Addns.; hts 1 to 7, incl., Bl. 1, Lots 1 tQ 6, incl., B1, 2,. and Lots 1 to 19, BL 3 in Brookview
Heights 3rd Addn.; and Lot 5, B1. 5 and Lot 21, B1, 7 in Brookview Heights 2nd
Addn. " -3 - (
gotion for adoption of the Resolution was seconde
were five ayes and no nays,-as follows: Brede s, aye; Fronk, aye; . a, and on Rollcall there
aye; and Erickson, aye; and the Resolut
&, B,E, Crogness requested permits to construct two dBellings, on Lots~l and 3,
Block 1, Stocke & Hanson*s Concord Terrace, facing the dwelling on Lot I on Concord
Terrace, qnd the .dwelling on Lot; 3,. on 'Vest T?oodland Road, rather than facing
dwellings on Concord Avenue i;n accordaqqe wigh plat. -Mr. Crogness explained that
he wishes his-construction crews to begin work on Tuesday, .January 25. It was pointed out that the dwU.ing on Lot 2, Block 1 1;Js'LLI be between two back-yaxds
fftbLs is allowed; and Bredesenmoved scheduling a Public Hearing for Hondzy,
Februq a, yon this request. Xokion was seconded bx Danens and carried,
&yor Erickson suhitted the resignation of Ek. ROE, Oison as Assistant to Villagep
Rknager, said resigaation to take effect January-+3&. -Danens' motion that resig-
__ nation be accepted was seconded by Fkonk and carried. , .. The resignation of I&. H.D.Gi.lbert, Assistant Engineer, taking effect February 1,
TJW read, and Fronk. moved-that resiggation be accepted. Notion seconded by Danens
and carried. ~
fie Sidney R. Elitchell* s resignation as Village,Manager, taking effect January 31,
>!as read, gesignation,accepted, by motion Fro&, seconded by Danens and carried.
At this tim; Hayor Erickson spoke of the difficulties which thl Council realizes
36ll be encountered-by Acting Bngineer Zikan in scheduling constection work.
Some discussion was had+with regard to Fploying consulting engineering aid; an&
like i.findhorst reminded the Council that the matter of easements for the Diagonal
%run& Sewer has not been completed.
employed to complete this work, if he. is available to do so, &nasmqch as he has
made preliminary contact and Eke IJindhorst feels if; will now be more eqensive
for his office to ittempt to take over the work at this stage than it will be to
continue with Bk. Olson. 3b. Ekan explained that he is not yet ready to make
recomendatiorp to-the Coupxi3.,. that he hopes to do so by the next meeting; but
that he would recommend-that the deadline on petitions (for construction work to
be completed this yeas) be changed from June 1 to April 1 if the Coycil thinks
this feasible.
Engineer to secure such assistance as he needs until such time as there is a
solutios to this situation. Hotion seconded by Danens and carried.
Application for 3%xaberts License for Lester Foley Plumbing Company was approved,
by motion Fronk,_seconded by Danens and carried.
I He recommended that I&. R.E. Olson be
Fro& moved that it be left to the-discretion of the Acting
Enutes of Park Board Xeethg of January 6, and Pwk Boardts January 15th letter,
setting fo*h its intended meeting date for 1955-as the first .Nonday of each month,
were submitted, reviewed, and ordered placed on file,
Clerk subdtted 'Itr.rin City Rapid Transit Company's January llth reply to Nrs. HOB.
$tevenson,6001 lfooddale, 130 had. complained concerning the bus stop at her corner;
yd also TPM Cgty Rapid Transit Company's January llth request to 1-kesota
Railroad and lkpehouse Co&ssion.for further trial on present bus line to IL60th
agreement concerning maintenance of a hedge fence by I&. George Hardisty, 4717
Street, Bo%h-~comInunica$ions were ordered placed on file. .._
1fezidor.r Road, ims presented for signature.
be affQed for exkcution' of agreement, vas seconded,by Fro& and carried.
At this time the delegation from York Avenue between W.5Ekh and W.60th Street returned,
yith spokesman Christianson stating tEat delegation hgd agreed to aJ.low_ improvement to
BE I3 EESOm by the Counc~:of;the~V-~a~e-~f E-a, JLbesota, that this Council
heretofore- c+sed notice of hearing to be duly published ' on the Construction -of
SZnitary Sewer and Appurtenances in York Ave, between W,5&h and-TL60th Sts., and at;
the hearing held at-the time and place specified in said notice the CouncS has duly
considered the dews of all persons interested, and being fully advised of the
Bredesen' s motion, that proper signatures
Bredesen then offered the following Resolution and moved i5s adoption:
1/24/55 . pertinent facts does hereby detennine to proceed with the construction of
area to be specially assessed therefor shall be as follows:
Bl. 7-and Lot l4, BL 8, Harriet Manor 2nd Addn,
1 1-9 said improvement; that said improvement is hereby designated and shall be referred
to in all subsequent proceedings as Sanitary Sewer Improvement No, 81, and the
All lots abutting York Ave, between W058th an&B,60th.Sts,, except Lot 10,
- - _.
kotion for-adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Fronk, and on Rollcall there
were five ayes and no nays,--as follows: Bredes , aye; Ganens, aye;
%pa, aye; and Erickson, aye; and the Resolut'
.. . .
Communication from Citizens League of Greater Unneapolis, concerning ctaxation,
yas referred to Orqnances and Legislation Compittee for study and report, by
motion Bredesen,-seconded by Danens and carzied.
The Rurb Hennepin County Xursing Districtls Report for December, 1954, was submitted,
Village Attorney Whdhorstt s opinion, that Lot 12, Block 2, XImwood Terrace (already
connected to Trunk Sewer ia Joint Sewer Dis%rict No, 1) cannot be assessed for the
lateral sewer, in HaJzifax Lane for the reason of l1no berSefiW; and that the Council
is justified in transferring from Joint Sewer District No, 3 Fund to Lateral Sewer
No, 68 Fund the $245.59 assessment .origigally levied against tihis lot-for the-
lateral,sewer, IWS submitted orally at meeting, and .confinned by letter.
motion, that Attorney's recommendation be accepted, was seconded by Fronk and
carried. A *-
reviewed, and ordered placed on file, -' _II
Mrs. John D&futh of Merry Hill Kennels asked for Wpecial Police" authority and
badges for.dgg catch-er; also, that ordinance be adopted restricting all dogs from
school grounds and other public grounds.
referred to Ordinances and Legislation.Commi.ttee, was seconded by Fronk and
carried. .. -
Bredesenls motion,.that questions be
Discussion was had concerning Petition for Sanitary Sewer and Watermain in Ryan
Avenue between TTaJ-ley View Roag and 565 feet south; petition stating that
aprovements are wanted profiding they can be put in at the same time as
improvements on Valley View Road are cronstructed.
these petitions s-hould not be given preference of engineering before petitions
filed earlier; and Attorney Windhorst Sated that these improvements cannot
legally be added to ~ contracts already awarded for the Tfalley View Road work,
Danens f motion, that petitions be accepted and referred to Village-+Engineer for
Bredesen offeredthe followbg Ordinance, moviag that Council waive second reading
aud adopt Ordinance as read:
- __
MP. Zikan stated he feels
scheduling of hearings, was seconded by Tupa and carried. __ **
OiiDINANCE NO. 164-5
-EE@&UNG CERT~-RWR~, ST-S ,{&ID A"@S .OF NO. .&643m?P-~'@- OgDFWw .WWG .BND.- .. .
Tk-';FJ2&&XGI OF SDQJk! *
'. - _- . ., -. ~ Section a 1. ,Ordjn+nce,NG. -164 .of-the .Vil&age is hereby- ameG@ed. by - ._ .
adding aftgr Section 17 the following:
"Section 18. AU. that pofiion of &hur Street lying
in-Schwates Addition is hereby rengmed tR&dge Road' .I1
SectAon 2. This Ordinance shall be in efQct from and-after its
passage an$ publication according to law.
Motion for waiver of second reading, and for adoption of Ordinance, was seconded
by Danens, and on Rollcall there were five ayes and no nays, as fol-lows:
aye; Danens, aye; pro&, aye; Tupa, aye; and Eric
d the Ordinance was
adopted. -
Application for-permit to remodel dwelling at 5130 France to allow rental of
sleeping rooms was referred to Village Attorney for -interpretation of Zobg
Ordinance. -- -
League of Minnesota Gmicipaities 1 compunication regarding proposed xetropolitan
Pla,nn;ing B$J.lwas referred to Ordinance and Legislation Commi.ttee for-.sLudy and
report, by motion Fro&, seconded by Tupa and carried.
$k. R.E. Olson presented Sanitary Sewer Easeaent. from hterlachen Country Club,
said -easement containing several provisions,
clarification in wording, and Bredesen moved that contract be siged with ( alteration in mrding. as recornended by VUage Attorney. Hotion seconded by
Tupa and carried.
Village Attorney ITindhorst asked for
1-k. Olson then asked for clarification on the matter of the Villagers awarding
contracts.to J,A. Danens eC Son when Trustee Joseph A. Danms is registered at the
Secretary of State!s Office-as President of the Company.
Pfindhorst explained that he had- been asked, some the ago, .to investigate this
matter; that ZJ~. Joseph Danens had informed ItCm Irindhorst that he has no status
in the Company other than that of a salaried- employee; that he held no stock in the
firm; that he was employeed without any profits participation agreement. Hr. Olson
also inquired about the Grading Contract for the Southdale development, and was
informed by Nk. Danens that this is a private contjract between the Southdale
developers.and the J.A. Danens & Son fh, and that it has nothing whatsoever
to do with Village business.
Village Attorney
. Communication from Citizens League of Greater Einneapolis, concerning recommendations
for a County Assessor, was referred to the Ordjaances and Legislation Committee,
by motion &Hesen, seconded by Danens and carried.
1.k. Na%, 37. Johnsonfs complaint on the approval of the plat of Zlmtmod Terrace was
refiewed.. . Bredesen aoved that communication be referred to the Planning Connnissiorz.
Hotion seconded by Fro& and carried.
The Hennepin .County -Highway Departnent I s January 21 communication, informing the
Council that plans are being.prepared for.future development of County Road Uom 18
between Highiq No. 169 and Mine IEle Creek, and that Department anticigates
purchasing additional width of right of way on the East side of the road to an
approldmate width of 150 feet, was reviewed and was ordered placed on file.
The letter by f&sm Lee Le Nmdck, 5617 St, hdretrs Avenue, advocating a strict dog
leashing ordinance,_r.ras_referred to Ordiqance and Legislation ComLttee, by motion
Fro&, seconded by Rredesen and carrged.
&-. Fred Vm Rogersf' letter, demting concern over the possible use by the School
of that property recently dedicated by the Village to the School at Southview Lane
and Concord Avenue, was reviewed and vas referred to Zk. Z@an for answer, by -
motion Bredesen, seconded by Fro& and carried. * -.
Petetions for Sanitary Sewer and U'atermain in Shemood Avenue between M.63rd and ll.64th Streets-vere filed. Fro&!ds motion, that petitions be accepted,- and that
they be-referred to I@. Zikan for..scheduling of public hearings, vas seconded by
kedesen and carried.
It vas reported that the Village has levied Special Assessments against certain
properbies in Fairfax Addition which have sate been-acquired by the State of
ZEnnesota; that, to protect the special assessments it will be necessary to adopt
a resolution placing them as a lien against the property.
following Resolution and moved its adoption:
Bredesen offeredthe
zQT& Ai!@TJJ$ -THAT TQULT) - WSLE. IkEN. @SEsSED _kGAD$jT @Qi-i?.@CEL- IF. ZT. - I_Ep-I! BZEN.
IT -KEsOLVED. by the .Yil$age Council of -the -Village of Edina, .-Ennesota: ~ . .ldZ-J@.@Sa .at the time of the determination by the TTillage Council of-the Village .
of Edjga-of -the total amounts of money to be assessed in the proceedings of the
improvements listed belov, certain parcels of land had been forfeited to the state
and were therefore not subject to assessment:
€tO%, TI-EEEE'O~, Pursuznt to Chapter
Villzge.-Council..does hereby determine that each of the parcels of land hereinafter
described would have been assessed the amounts set opposite each such described
parcel, if such parcel had not been tax-forfeited lands and therefore not subject
to assessment, and the Village Council does hereby determine that each of said
parcels has been benefited izl an amount equal to and in excess of the amount set
opposite each of said parcels:
. - 19 Sani.$ary Sewer #55 (hteral) $229 00
, Larm of B-besota , the
- Grading - -C-3~36, Supplemental .101.15
ht 24 7 Sanitary setrer-855 (Laterd) $244.48 - .. Grading Cy43 . ,526.36
Lot 20; Lot a; Lot 22; bt 23; Same as 3;ot 19
Grading (2-353~36 Suppiementi 99 015
821 1/24/55 The Village Clerk is hereby directed to make an abstract showing the
description of each parcel of land forfeited to the state for non-payment of
Taxes at the time of the deter"niination by the Village Council of the amounts
to be assessed in these proceedings, and showing, in accordance with this
resolution, the total amount that would have been assessed against each such
parcel of land if it had been subject to assessnent.. The said Village Clerk
shall certify such'abstract to the County Auditor of Hennepin County for
presentation to the Board of County Commissioners of Hennepin County.
County Boardls Resolution of December l4, 1954, asking for appointment of two
members. of the Village Council, and the Village Engineer, as members of the
new ifRirport Access Road
2 members and-engineer of County Board, Bichfield, Edina, Enneapolis; and
two members of Khneapolis _Chamber of Coeerce) was -reviewed.
appointnrent of $iessrs. Bredesen, 'Frank-and Zikan to Commi"ctee was confirmed 13~~
set--up by the County (to consist of
lkyor Erickson's
common consent .. .-
Bredesen offered the following Ord$mnce, moving that C-ouncil rmive second -
reading and adopt Ordinance as offered:
ORD~AN~ NO. 1.46
The Village Council of the-JTillage. of -Edina, Xinqesota ordains:
Sectiop 1. False Registration. No person shall kereafter register at any
hotel-or motel in .the Village, OF cause any other person to be registered at any
hotel or motel, under any false or assumed nane or under any other than his true
to be registered as husband and wife at any hotel or motel in the Village.
of this ordinance--shdl be guilty of a misdemermor and shall be punished by a
fine 02 not more than $100 or by imprisonment for a term not to exceed three
months. *
Notion for waiver of second reading and adoption of Ordinance was seconded by
Fronk, and on Rollcall there were five ayes and n follows: Bredesen,
aye; Fronk, ay?; Danens, aye; Tupa, aye; and Er' and the. Ordinance
was adopted.
No persons who are not husband and wife shall1 cause or permit themselves
Any person who shall violate any of the provisions Section 2. Penalties.
Bredesen moved that ORDINANCE NO. 12-$An Ordinance Amending Personnel Ordinance)
and ORDINANCE NO. 131-1. (&r_Ordinance,BeFding Liquor -Ordinance) be given their,
first-.reading at this meeljing.
It vas asked that Edina Jaycees!' Request for Village Hal1 Space be laid over to
the ne& meeting for consideration.
Mk. H.C. Utley of Auditors Ernst & Ernst explained that the l?aterworks Revenue
Fund show sufficient operating funds to support the bond issue required for
the proposed new watertank and other improvements anticipated.
contractor, requesting credit information, was referred to Nrs. Alden for answer;
with Council tentatively scheduling the taking of bids on b-ond issue for first
regular meeting in March.
Er. Utley was asked to meet with Council and Mrs. Alden on Monday, January 31,
.concerning preparation of financial statement,
lTotion,seconded,by Danens and unanimously carried.
Letter from
plr. Zikan advised that Hopkins wishes a letter setting forth Councilts policy
on Hopkinst requested connection'to Sanitary Sewer fiprovement No. 69, in order
that they might prepare plans accordwgly.
Hopldns setting forth reasons why connection-cqot be made to this project.
Mr. Zikan instructed to write e
chairman Fro& of Public Uorks Committee reported that I@. Zikan had been requested
to prepare an Estipate ogECost on the opening of the road abutting Harold Rosendahlts
addition, pursuant to Mr. Rosendahlts request of last meeting.
a rough estimate of $&500-.for the opening of the Village portion of-street. He
recommended that B.,Rosendahl be allowed to open his side of the street at this
time, and that the Village delay opening its side until such time as fill for this
work. Fronk' s motion, accepting Mr. Zikan' s recommendation, was seconded by
Bredesen and .carried.
Zikan presented..
$fro Fro& presented inane of >&a Richard 'V, Jamme, 5@1 Zenith Avenue, in
nomination for appointment- to. the-,Planning Commission. %pa moved for' appointment,
\ Hotion seconded by Danens and carried. Discussion vas had as to term of office of
members; and Bredesenmoved for appointment of E, Jamme for a one-year term,
Xotion seconded by Fro& and carried,
Fronkls motion,- that Salaries for the following Village Offices be established
as follows, for the year 1955:
Village Attorney $150.00 per &o.
Asst.V'illage Attorney ,110mOO 1'-
Clerk of Court 160.00 I^'
Pillage HeaLth Officer 40mOO !!
Village Assessor $&QO.OO per,Yr. I was seconded by Bredesen and carried.
Fronkrs motion, that Position Classifications, Pay Range Numbers and Salaries for
the Yillage Ehployees, be established at the foblotMg, for the Year 1955, was
seconded'by Bredesen and carried:
EMfLoyEE. Gretchen qt .&den
Bernice EX? Johnson
hra B.-J?right
Helene. Fa- >Iooz;is
Eargot 3mLt.h
Lillie $1. Berry
Hinnie 9. Bemis
Jeanne &ink
Ruth Be - Hermanson
Elizabe.t;h Ewert
Joseph Zikan
Harold gilbert
Fred Jonas
Robert Obermeyer
Jack EfeTedith
George Thompson
Donald Pedersen
John E.-Olson
Ambrose Jm Blake
Donald Sa hfthus
Thomas Blake
Donald 14. Stenberg
Pal Le--HaPshir
Richard Em Olson
gaynard Po Nyberg
p-g Daw- "LLoyd EfcGary
Henry T;irobleski
Bert Pf.. Xerfeld
George Butler
Eqbert Endbery
Hugh b,-Digncm
Eenneth Ha Grandell
Robert B,, Christy
Harold Em Greenwood
Allen Gramer
Bernard C .Voehler
Robert Ludgat e
wry %Elson
George- -Am 1KU.son
Harry Jonas
Peter Rahlgren
John Tracy IL J Xerf eld
Ifape- Tracy -. Joseph. Natole 1
masc A. Johnson
2Talter-Fa .Poltiski
&ear A, Nelson
James 3IcB~llis
Alvin K. GiLsrud
'@&ph H. Helin
Donald. Ra- Kottke-
John Pel Blake
I& Vm. Hoffman
Acting +Clerk :.
I Deputy Treasurer
UtiloClm & k@ch,Opr.
Secy. to XgPa
Util.Cl, & Mhch,Oprm
.C1.Typea & PBX Opr.
CL~Typist ..
C1.-Typist (Tap.)
AsstmVilm Engr, .-
Office Engym ,
Field Engr.
Instrument Han
Draftsman -
Instrument &fan
Chainnan (Temp)
Chainman (Temp]
Chainma (Temp)
Plain Clothgs .
Police .Captain
Bldgakspm & UtiLSupt
Utilities Foreman
~ Utilities Naint.
Street Suptm
&chine .Opr. .
Truck Driver
Truck Qriver
Heavy Ewip.
Truck Driver
Utilities -.
Laborer .
Truck Driver
Truck Driver
&Ch a Opr a
Asst. to Ugr. -
26-I? ,321aOO 24-g
17-E (to 1/17/55)
20-33 ~
qki;g.Attend. &Parks 21-F .
Pa,rks_Foreman -. 28-D .
Park Maint. 25-43
Park Maint. 2 5-B
&iquor Store Mgr. -- Liquor Store-Asst .&yo -
Liquor Store Clks..
*- Pqt Time -.
Fire Chief - 33-F
Asst .xire Chief 314
Fbman 304
, Fireman 30-P
Fireman 30-E
Eireman 30-E
Jacob- Shmak
Wm. A.-Zirk
Henry E. Trmum
DuWayne McCord
Frank Kippley .-
Harry J . Cas ey
Chris 1.li.t;zel
James IfcNellis
Les Ifiller
Richard Sonnenberg
Philip Bacon
Ernest Hanson
4 321.00 8
264.00 1
- 297.00
0 1.40 Hr.
390 00
3'75.00 375.00' 375.00 375.00
Hatter of Resolution adopted in December of 1954, for storage of Civil Defense Tools,
was referred to Village Attorney.
There was no report from- Ordinances and Legislation Committee.
No recommendations were received from the Public Safety Committee, but 3k. Tupa
stated he has investigated the matter of p.@dng regulations on W.50th Street, and
that those he has contacted have no objection to a *!No Parking &--to 6 P.14. Zone1*
on the North side of the street, and a "No Parking 2'. to-9 P.31. Zone" on the-Soukh
side of 50th; also, that he feels that %hers should be el-ation qf one parking
space just North of 50th St., on Halifax, with a "No Parking for Safety's Sake"
sign there. There was no-action %aken on this report, ..
Public Iforks and Public Utilities Committees filed no reports, with Chairman Fronk
of Public Works Committee explaining that these reports will follow receipt of
inf_brmation to be gathered by Mi?. Zikan.
Supt . of Utilities Woehler asked authorization to advertise for three Chlorinators
qnd two V.gt.ari ITater Neters.
seconded .by Fro& and carried. ,
Tupa moved that authorization be granted. Notion
Council was informed that insurance coverages on Volunteer. Fireman Group Accident,
Workmen' s Compensation, Comprehensive Liability fo-r Cars and Trucks, and Comprehensive .. Fire and Theft for Cars and Trucks, all expire shortly.
taken on February I& was seconded by Tupa and carried.
Bredesen' s motion approving Village Payroll in amount of 314,279.16, and approving
payment of the following cla-@s, was-seconded by Danens apd carried:
Fronkts motion that bids be
~ -
General Fund - $4,862.18 Liquor Fund - $21,982.55
Construction - 52,752.55 Garb. Callection , 30.30
Parks Fund 25.00 Sewer Bental 100.00
J.S.D.-_$% Fund 1,240 . 4&2 lrat enmrk 7,89k. 57
Therebeing no further business to come before the Council at this time, Tupa moved
for adjourninent. Motion seconded by Bredesen and carried. Meeting adjourned at
9:50 P.M. R
._ .
Acting Village Clerk
- -_--_. - -. All members were present and answered Rob&
kr. Zikan asked for authorization for kayor and Clerk to sign deeds returning .
property erroneously acquired by easem-ent for Sqitary Sewer Improvement No. 69.
Bredesen's motion, that Nayor and Clerk be authorized to sigp.deeds on behalf of
%he Village, was seconded by Fronk-and carried.
Mi?, Zikan then reported that I'inneapolis has replied to his recent communication
asking for a maximum estimate. on repair of Venturi Sewage Meter; that they state
maximum should not exceed their original estimate br more than 50% providing the
meter has been constructed according to their understanding--that,he is unable to
ascertain whether or not this is true; but that he feels that the 'Ifinneapolis
force can do the work cheaper than anyone else.
be given authority to have Einneapolis make the necessary repair, was seconded by
Bredesen and carried.
Discussion was had concernyng the salary to be paid'to Mr.? Zikan while he is acting
manager. It was decided by common consent that he should receive $625.00 per month
from February 1.
Fronkls motion, that lh Zikm