HomeMy WebLinkAbout19550131_SPECIAL1/2&/55 CLASSIFIC~ION RANGE NO. qki;g.Attend. &Parks 21-F . Pa,rks_Foreman -. 28-D . Park Maint. 25-43 Park Maint. 2 5-B &iquor Store Mgr. -- Liquor Store-Asst .&yo - Liquor Store Clks.. *- Pqt Time -. Fire Chief - 33-F Asst .xire Chief 314 Fbman 304 , Fireman 30-P Fireman 30-E Eireman 30-E areIi0m Jacob- Shmak Wm. A.-Zirk Henry E. Trmum DuWayne McCord Frank Kippley .- Harry J . Cas ey Chris 1.li.t;zel James IfcNellis Les Ifiller Richard Sonnenberg Philip Bacon Ernest Hanson 4 321.00 8 264.00 1 575.00 - 297.00 321.00 0 1.40 Hr. 422.00 390 00 3'75.00 375.00' 375.00 375.00 1 .. Hatter of Resolution adopted in December of 1954, for storage of Civil Defense Tools, was referred to Village Attorney. There was no report from- Ordinances and Legislation Committee. No recommendations were received from the Public Safety Committee, but 3k. Tupa stated he has investigated the matter of p.@dng regulations on W.50th Street, and that those he has contacted have no objection to a *!No Parking &--to 6 P.14. Zone1* on the North side of the street, and a "No Parking 2'. to-9 P.31. Zone" on the-Soukh side of 50th; also, that he feels that %hers should be el-ation qf one parking space just North of 50th St., on Halifax, with a "No Parking for Safety's Sake" sign there. There was no-action %aken on this report, .. - Public Iforks and Public Utilities Committees filed no reports, with Chairman Fronk of Public Works Committee explaining that these reports will follow receipt of inf_brmation to be gathered by Mi?. Zikan. Supt . of Utilities Woehler asked authorization to advertise for three Chlorinators qnd two V.gt.ari ITater Neters. seconded .by Fro& and carried. , , Tupa moved that authorization be granted. Notion Council was informed that insurance coverages on Volunteer. Fireman Group Accident, Workmen' s Compensation, Comprehensive Liability fo-r Cars and Trucks, and Comprehensive .. Fire and Theft for Cars and Trucks, all expire shortly. taken on February I& was seconded by Tupa and carried. Bredesen' s motion approving Village Payroll in amount of 314,279.16, and approving payment of the following cla-@s, was-seconded by Danens apd carried: Fronkts motion that bids be ~ - General Fund - $4,862.18 Liquor Fund - $21,982.55 Construction - 52,752.55 Garb. Callection , 30.30 Parks Fund 25.00 Sewer Bental 100.00 J.S.D.-_$% Fund 1,240 . 4&2 lrat enmrk 7,89k. 57 .*.. Therebeing no further business to come before the Council at this time, Tupa moved for adjourninent. Motion seconded by Bredesen and carried. Meeting adjourned at 9:50 P.M. R ._ . Acting Village Clerk - -_--_. - -. All members were present and answered Rob& kr. Zikan asked for authorization for kayor and Clerk to sign deeds returning . property erroneously acquired by easem-ent for Sqitary Sewer Improvement No. 69. Bredesen's motion, that Nayor and Clerk be authorized to sigp.deeds on behalf of %he Village, was seconded by Fronk-and carried. Mi?, Zikan then reported that I'inneapolis has replied to his recent communication asking for a maximum estimate. on repair of Venturi Sewage Meter; that they state maximum should not exceed their original estimate br more than 50% providing the meter has been constructed according to their understanding--that,he is unable to ascertain whether or not this is true; but that he feels that the 'Ifinneapolis force can do the work cheaper than anyone else. be given authority to have Einneapolis make the necessary repair, was seconded by Bredesen and carried. Discussion was had concernyng the salary to be paid'to Mr.? Zikan while he is acting manager. It was decided by common consent that he should receive $625.00 per month from February 1. - Fronkls motion, that lh Zikm 1/24/55 24Xi-. Zikqn reported on prices for a Loud Speaker to be used during council meetwgs, of actbsii need, Acting' Clerk Alden asked Council policy on publishing Financial Statement for the Yeb 1954, Utley of Ernst &-Ernst also reporting on both financial statement wd au$t. .&edesenIs motion, that Summary Statanent for Year 1954 be published; and that publichtion be made, monthly, of-1955 Disbursements, pending legislative action, Hotion seconded by Tupa and carried. E&s. Alden made report on matter of depositing surplus funds on Certificates of Deposit-+ procedure frowned on by the banks for municipal f%ds, as shown by letters from IEdland National, FMt Edina National, and Farmers et I4echdcs Badcs.' Repor$ was submitted, shor.ring-a total of $747,500 ,available for investment in Govement Securities; and Hqpr Erickson suggested that the Iiiquor Store Funds be invested in an amoqt of $25,000 for six months and $25,0OO-€or a-year or more (rather than $50,000, for three months as recommended by office). lh connection with this report, Itidland National Bankrs letter was . . read, caUing.Councilts attention to an exchapge offer now effective on $59,000 of the to€al $747,5OO,stated above, said exchange being 2-1/2 Yr. 2% Notes due August 15, 1957, for the 1/5% Certificates due February 15; and of an exchpge on $36,000 1-1/2$ Notes due March 15, 1955, for 1-5/8% Notes due >larch 15, l956--this latter amount be&ng in addition to the #'47,90 Total. Discussion was had on the possibility of investing the $59,000 for the 2-1/2 Year Term on a fund-transfer basis; and Fro& moved for, long-term investment in accordance with Bankls offer, Bredesen then moved for-'acce&ance'of Bank's offer for exchange of $36,000 13 month 1-5/@ Notes for the 1-1/2$ Notes,.due &rch 15, 1955. by Danens and carried, I Xotion by Bredesen, authorizing investment in accordance with office recommendation, as amended by Nayor Erickson, was seconded by %pa and carried; this being: $233,000 for 30 Days; 3297,000 for 90 Days; $59,000 for six months; $5,000.for' nine months; $94,500 for one year; $59,000 for 2-1/2 Yrs. ITr, Zikan reported that he has authorized extensive repair to the Park Board Tmck in accordance with recommendation by Mechanic Paul Blake, who is . negotiating with the, Ford people on the matter. Office reported League of lili.hnesota Iknicipalities Xe&ing'February 3, and Trustee Tupa offered to represent Edina, meeting be-ing with-regard to Social Securitg. and PaB, It was thought, howeyer, -that .purchase should be delayed for evidence Considerable di3cussion mi3 had on finances, with Kr. H.C, Notionseconded by Tupa and carried, Notion seconded t Efr._Zikan* s action confirmed. c _-.I &yor Erickson reported that Engineer Harold Gilbert has asked for severance pay, record.for severance pay at this time. Bredesen moved that vacation be allowed, but that Council does not go on Seconded by Tups-and carried, Mr. Zikan reported that 3kB Richard E, Oison vrill proceed on acering Sanitary SerIeZ #69 Easements, wor)dng-plostly in the evening, at the same rate per month as he bas been receiving, He recommended that this arrangement be permitted inasmuch as he feels that the Village rdll benefit by it. Bredesen's motion, that &. Zikan*s recommendation be followed with reservation that report be made to 1%. Zikan at regular intervals on progress, was seconded by Fronk and carried.-. - IZrs, Alden reported that because new Clerk of Court vnll be unavailable for duty until-the latter part of February the old Clerks are expected to continue their duties for the next few veeks. but only if the Council understqds the problem and wishes them to do SO. was ConseEsus of opinion khat, because of other pressing work, old Clerks should. be relieved of Clerk of Court duties as of February 1. Ee, Wan reported that &. Jim Pearson has asked to be allowed to erect a Watch Out for Children". sign at-Richmond Lane and IJindso~. pgrkissgon. Plotion seconded by Tupa and carried, -I I&, Zikan asked Council policy conceining acquisition of right-of-way easements for xalley View Road &ended, by Mr. Lorenz of the Highway Department, in the employ of the Da$on Company. It yas decided that this should not be allowed, inasmuch as this is not a Village employee and Is not, therefore, liableto the Village for his acts, -* and Village representatives vas considered, scheduling to be by Mr, Zikan, Mr, Zikau presented schedule of rates for Engineering Services by JOG BaLich, yhich, he reported, ~Jill be MghBr than those charged by the Village. was given authority to hire Nk. Balich at rates presented, chmgbg full rate She stated-that they are r.riUing to continue, It Fro& moved for . The, matter of a discussion meeting, trith Southdale, County I_ Is&. Zikan , J; -&~/LG// *P &d&&$ing Village Clerk against various projects, . sleeting adjourned by common consent .