HomeMy WebLinkAbout19550214_REGULAR2/14/55 .-- . "_ .- - . .. -. kvocation was given by the Rev.'Robert Skeele of Col&ial'Church of Edina; .e Members answering Rollcall were Bredesen, Danens, Fronk, Tupa and Erickson. Xinutes of the Meetings of January 24 ad Jariuary 31 'weie approved-as 'submitted, 'Ijy -I motion Danens, seconded by Fro& and cafried. 1 c Mayor Erickscm announced that sealed bids would-be accepted pursuant to Advertisements for Bids published in Edina-Norningside Courier and Construction Bulletin on February 3 arfd 10, 1955, for - 1. Chlorination Equipment; 2. - Venturi Netering Xquipent; zkd 3. Insurance. for Public Opening in Engineer's Office, was seconded by FT-Q& and carried, after Affidavits of Publication for Advertisements had been submitted and ordered placed .to be as follovrs:- - Bredesenl-s motion that bids be referred to Supt. of Utilities Woehler on file, SC 35 -3 J' JC Later in the 'meetibg, opened bids were returned, and were found CHLORINATION 3FENTuRI IQTIXRING - Wallace & Tiernan, Inc. -. Alternate-Nech.Diaphragm Type (4,900.00) Buildersl.Providence, hc. $4, 938.00 - $2,299.00 (fit) 2,093,OO- Fischer &- Porter Company The Bristol Company Hoyt-A. Seveg $2,491000 ' hsurance bids had not been tabulated by end of-meeting, but bidders were listed as Anderson Agency, Bannite Agency, David kency, Hardware Mutuals, Curt Johnson, and ?!lash & McLennan. Actian on all bids deferred until lfeeting of February 28. Bids taken January 24, on Gasoline and Diesel Fuel were reviewed, and Fronk moved for award of bids to low bidder, this being Direct Service Oil Company, at bid price of 9.03 per gallon from their posted pump price, on-Gasoline; and net of &l47 per Gallon on Diesel Fuel Oil. Hotion was seconded by Bredesen and carried. , - $3,~0.00 $2,397;'00 Shplex Valve & Neter Co. 02,391oOO .- - Public Hearing was held on the petition of &. B.E. Crogness for permit to face dwelling on Lot 1, Block I, Stocke & Hanson's Concord Terrace (5709 Concord he.) on Concord Terrace rather than on Concord kvenue;_and on Lot 3, Block 1, Stocke & Hansonls Concord Terrace (5701 Concord he.) on ?est Woodland Road rather than on Concord Avenue. .Copy of notice mailed to all proper$y owners $.thin 500 feet of these two proposed residences was read, approved as to form and ordered placed on file. I@. Crogness presented a letter of 1lno objectiontt signed by some twenty owners in the area. There were no objections,at the Hearing, and no mitten objections had been received prior thereto. Fro& and carried. Mr. Lloyd Franke, owner of 5517 lfarwick Place, asked for relief on the special assessment for Sanitary Sewer Imp-ovement No. 37, explaining that he has been assessed for 155 Fiont Feet, whereas several of his-neighbors have equal or larger front footziges .and have been assessed for less. It was explained to Sir. Franke that one owner obtained assessment relief because he.dedicated a storm drainage easement to the Village; that the owner directly across the street (with a triangular-shaped lot) was assessed fior frontage on one street, only. Franke still maintained that his assessment is unfair; and, after some discussion-on the problems of -re-= assessment, etc., Bredesen moved that surplus obtained from difference in assess- ment rate as against bond interest rate be applied again& I&. Frankels assessment in an amount to give Mr. Franke an assessment of no less than 1QO froat feet. Motion seconded by Danens -and carried. &. Allivato appeared in the matter of the proposed condemnation of his property for Ryan Avenue, South of Valley View Road. Ettner and Wing a dedication for right-ofFway pruposes if they will. pay the cost of improving the road (grading and gravelling), but that they have turned down his proposal. kttorneyWindhorst stated that the Council has the power to determine who is benefited by the condemnation of the property, and may assess tge costs thereof 911 to Ettner & $ling, or to divide the costs between Ettner & Wing, and Auivato, on basis of benefits. because he has direct access to Vzlley View Road; whereas Ryan Avenue will allow Btner and Iring to dispose of their platted lots. 2k. Windhorst was of the opinion that s0met-g could probably be worked out wtth Xessrs, Ettner and Wing; and Mr. Allivato stated he vdfl be willing to give an easement for right-of-y<ay to the Village if it is held and not recorded until he can be sure that he will not have to bear an assessment for the grading and gravelling of the roadway. Ekedesenls motion that petition be granted was seconded by E He explained that he has offered Nessrs. MI?. Wlivato explained that he will not bebnefited 1.-2 2/34/55 The following Iinprovement Petitions were presented: A. Curb and.Gutter, Hawax he., 60th St. to Epnce Ave. B. Blacktopping, Hdlifax'Ave+, 60th St. _to France he, C. Oiling, FL59th St., St.Johns Ave, to Ashcroft*Aee,, and TT.59th St., Ashcrofb Ave. to-Concord jive, . .. D. sqnitar;p- Sewer, St, JO~S Ave;, from NO to 51312. E. Sanitary Sewer, Jefferson, -from IfaXoney Ave. to North Village Limits. 3'. Grading, TKl.rya.Ave., H.65th St. to 11.66th St', Go STatemain,* WLryan Ave., TT.65th St, to w,66th St, H. 'ganitary Seyer, &dams Ave..., Bialoney Ave.,. to Belmore Lane. < Bredesenl s motion, that petitions be acc6pted and referred-to Acting Xadager Zikan for the scheduling of Public Hearings, was seconded by Fro& and carried. Mr. John Newburn's February 4th request for permit to construct dwelling on Lot 1, Block 2, Eb-mod,Terrace (5526 Frince he,) was reviewed. Nk; Ifindhorst' explained %Kat Ik. Nat 11. Johnson, 5a2 Halifax me, has protested the aEprovd of the plat Elmmod TePrase and has mentioned filing an injunction against the construction of +ny dwelling on a lot of less than 75 front feet, I&. Windhorst explained that this plat represengs a combination of unplattecd tracts of less than 75 front feet, all owned by different persons; that plat was approved by both Planning Commission and Council after Ordinance requiring a minimum of 75 front feet on a platted lot- but that it had been the opinion of all parties that to require 75foot frontages would impose distinct hardship on the others'; that Ordinance psovideb no "hardshipt1 clause in this particular case. - issue permit ti, Eir. Newburn. Bredesen then moved that Attorney l?indhorst be directe'd to draft an anendrnent to the Zoning Ordinance, clarif-g the Ordinance and permitting the Council to w&ve.platting regulations h- h&ship cases. Xotion seconded by Tupa and carried. The Gopher State Timt'ng Associationrs request for permit to hold car races on Corneqa was. denied- by motion Tupa, seconded by Danens and carried. The report of &s. R.P. Dunnavan, concerning a dog-poisokng incident, was referred to the Public Safetx Committee, by motion Bredesen, seconded by Fronk and carried. It was Eeported that the officials of Interlachen Country Club wish a Resolution on record concerning Sanitary- Sewer Easement, and Rredesen offered the.-f ollowing Resolution and moved its adoption: - I Bredesen moved that mthorizatbn be given to Hotion secbndetl by Fro& and cakrid'. +c C - * I C^ RESOLUTION FROX INTERLACHESS COUNTRY GLUB; I-, the Village of ~~a,~~~sota, -has .heretofore received an easement wriQng-for s@tary sewer purposes in which said city ib named ab party of the second part, dated January'-21, 1955, in which reifiten easement the course of sanitary sewer trunk line No, 69 and the terms and conditions*of said easement occur, and I-, it is the opinion of the mem'ljers of the council of the Village of EWamhha$_the form and content of said easement is in all things fair and reasonable and that such easement is necessary for the installation of said sanitary sewer trunk line No, 69, and that it is for the best interests o$ the Village of Edina to accept said easement, and Edina *%hat- said easement be accepted, dated J-quarx .21,-+1955, rtmqing- from Inte5lachen Country Club, a corporation, to the Village of Edina, a Ilunicipal corporation, submitted to the council 5.n and for the Village of Edina'by and on behalf of said council. examined and approved, be and the same hereby is approved as to form and content, €33 IT =HER RESOLVED, thak the Hayor and Clerk in and for the Village of Edina, Xktmesota, be--and +hey_ hereby &e acthorized, directed and empowered to execute said sewer &asement on behalf of the Tillage of Edina, lG.nneso€a, and to affix the official seal & said V-ge Thereto, Eotion foi? adoption of the Besolution was seconded by Danens, &nd on RoU,c&l there were five ayes and 110 nays,-.as follovrs: Bredese nens, aye; mnk, aye; Tupa, aye; and Bickson, aye; and the Resolutio m: -sANp@y. SElpR l?IASEtm -. I-, it is the consensus of the opinion of the council of the Village of NOW, THEWFORE, BE M' RESOLXED, that the form of the sanitary sewer easment - &. B.R. Renson's request for the'Wo Parking-Street Car Stop" sign at 50th eC France was regorked. request be granted providing he will replace sign tdth "No Parking=,hs Stopr1 Sign. Mter some humorous,discussion, .Bredesen moved-that &. Bensonl s Xotion seconded by %pa and carried. -- ,. Building Report for 1954 tras reviewed and ordered placed on file, Police Report for January, 1955, was reviewed and ordered placed on file. 2/&4/55 127 Officer I)ahl*s report, concerning vandalism at the 52nd and Arden ura,rming house was reviewed .and discusse$. Danens' motion,,that parents be asked to pay costs of putting warming house back.into original condition, vras seconded by Fronk and carried: 1, Resolution was presented for adoption, concerning acquisition of tax delinquent * property for roadway purpses. Fronk offered the following Resolution and moved . I its adoption: .. 1 RESOLUTION FOR ACQUBITION OF .. TAX DEZINQUEJQ PROPERTY BE lir KESOLVED That the- Council of .the, Village of Edina, Hennepin .County, Minnesota, make application to the State of Ninneso$a for acquisition of Parcel No. 5270, otherwise known [as the South 1 rod of the Southvest -Quarter of the Nostheask Quarter (SJl/4 of "El/&) of Section Eight (e), Township One Hundred- -and S-een (116), Range Twenty-Oae (21), to be used by this Village for public roadtray purposes . * I Motion for adoption of Resolution TWS seconded by Bredesen, and on Rollcall there were five ayes and no nays, as follovJs: Tupa, aye; and Erickson, aye; and the Reso ATTEST: ns, aye; Fronk, aye; City of '~opkinst request for a discussion meeting concerning a joint trunk sewer connection was read. preferably at- 5:OO P.M. of any week &gy. Acting Hanager Zikan was asked to arrange such a meeting, I Village of Excels$o% request for- action on proposed Relief Legislation was referred to the. Ordinances' and Legislation Committee for sthdy qnd report, by motion Bredesen, seconded by Fronk and carried. The Federal Power Commission's January 24th report of refunds made to Northern Natural Gas Company, pursuan$ to requirements of Commission's orders issued September 21, 1954 and November 16, 1954, was rev&ewed and ordered placed on file, by motion Fronk, seconded by Bredesen and carried, The Edina Jaycees' note, thanking the Council for its cooperation in the Jaycees' Christmas program, was noted, and was referred to Mr. Zikan for answer. Normandale Lutheran Church' s request/for -a Stopand-Go 'Signal at Valley View Road and Highwqy-No. 100 was discussed. &yor E@.ckson reminded Council that request for this signal had already been sent by the Village to the Highway Department; and Mr, Zikan reported that because of some confusion about service drives VS. center island, etc., ,in Highwqy No. 100, the proper position for the signals could not be determined at hhis time. Letter referred to MP, Zikan for answer. Chicago Bridge & Iron Companyts request for further credit information, regarding their contract for a 500,000 Gallon Vater Spheroid, was discussed. that there may be some $27,000 advantage i.g cost in changing site of--construction and type of tank, and Ib. TTindhorst wask asked his opinion on bmking contract. He advised against this procedure unless contractor is r.lilling. directed to call contractor on Tuesday, February 15, to get inforqt5on as to possibility of changing type of. tank. - -. , of February 9, . I Report was made I&. Zikan was - Office reported .that Deputy Registrar, Ees. Lee Neival.1, has resigned; -that, if the Council wishes to re-district this yeas-there is much preliminary work to be done; that 1.52s. Laverne l?illiams r.Jill assume these duties but would prefer to work now, rather than during-the summer, if the Council is agreeable. Mrs. Alden vras authorized to go ahead with plans for re-districting, Xt was reported that a member of the Council should be appointed to serve this year on the Xmployees' Advisory Committee. &, Fronk appointed, by common consent of Council, - Acting Ifanager Zikan reported that he has received a letber from &. Homer Brown, attorney for the Stow Company, stating that he' has contacted several of the owners of property which-must be obtained for storm drainage; that some of these owners- are not favorable to giving the required easements. therefore, be necessary for him to contact these owners to see if the Village can obtain such easements without condemnation, c &, Zikan stated that it would, c Nr. Charles A. Johnson, 5020 Summit Avenue, a meiiiier of the Village Public Works Department, vas .appointed by Nayor Erickson to serve as Village Fleed-.kspector for = 1955. -. __ I I28 2/U-/55 E. Zikan reported that the Planning Commission has amroved Plat -of Quoos Re-Arrangemen$ of Logs -l2,13 and 14, Bi&k 2, because dl lot2 meet minimun requirements. Fro& moved for i Notion seconded by Danens and carried. Ik, Zikan presented Preliminary Plat of properby at 64th and I&. L.L. Bourgeois, gtplainingthat the Planning Commission's action in denying- apprbal pras partly because of the difficulties experienced-.with tsElmtmod Terrace; that this plat's lots do not meet minimum requirements. plat be referred back to the Commission for consideration. on its otm merits, was seconded by Bredesen and carried. Tups's m&ion, that this ~ Preljmin~' and Final Southdale First Addn, 11 approval. of Plat. Brookv5ett, owned by - ? Preliminary Plat of llD*: 1.1. fiokenfs Third Addition,tr located at W.bOth St. and Xerxes Avenue, was presented, lk, Zikan Feported Planning Corm@ssiont s disapproval, stating-that E&. Loken is working toward having his lots meet minirmrm-.requirements insofar as possible, No action taken. Mr. dlbert Kippts request for t he Rezoning to Community Store District of Lot 19, Bloc% 1, Brookside Heights Addition has received the Platping Commission's.. February 2nd approrq, Hr. Zikau reported--tbis lot being with$n the area recommended for rezoning by the Cognission some time ago, Danens' motion, that Public Hearing be held on request on Narch a, vas seconded bs Tupa,and carried. &. Zikan reporbed that Planning Commission has delayed approval of Don Andersonts Preliginary Plat of "Broad O&S~~, at Shenmod Avenue betveen %63rd and 11T.64th Sts., until Er. Anderson can secure letters-of assen: from concerned property oyners.- No action- taken. Final Plat of 11Hot~e's Addition,11 being property on Parnell Avenue frdm IL6Oth St, to Vd-ley Viev-Road, was presen%ed, Mr, Zikan reported that Planning Commission has--approved, subject to thorough engineeging check. approve Plat on Planning Commission's basis, vas seconded b;gDanens and carried. e. zikan reported that I&s. Roy &sen, 6321 Interlache; Road, has protested the pht@ng of "Harold Woods Add&tion,tf by Iks. Harold Schaeffer; this property being across Schaexfer Road fromtthe hrsm property, on the grounds that platting destroys the natqal beauty of khe area, Commission did not bear proper signatures and was not received in time- for an engineering check and that no action vas taken by the Commission. Statement by NorkLl and Nichols, kc. for services rendered between November 1,1954 and January 1, 1955, was presented- for payment, having been'approved by Planning Conmission at meeting of February 2nd. Tupa and carried, -, Pla&g Conufrissionfs action of February ad, r.rithhoXding approval of E. James H. Addy's re-plat ,~f three lots nut ,of tim lots (even though the proposed three lots all-mee$ platting requirements) was upheld by motion Fronk, seconded by Danens and carried. -. - . Fronkl s- motson, that Council He stated that the plat received by the i I No action taken by CO~CU.~ Fronk moved for payment, Notion.-seconded by c Final Plat of lk. John E, Kuehn, entitled "Re-Plat of Part of' Lot 1, Block 3, Uormnci$e,tt r*+s approved by motion Danens,-,segonded bx Tupa and carried, upon Nr. Zikant s repmt of Febquary 2nd approval by Planning Commission. 'iRe-Piat of Block 4, Brookview Heights Fir2 Addition,lt made to correct errors in back- lot idimensions of original plat, i.ns approved by $he Planning Commission on February 2nd, Br. Zikan reported. Fronk moved for approval_ of replat. Hotion I&-. de, owner of the ,building at 3942-4.4 W,49& Street, appeared before the Council to request that he 6e alloved to build a "gecond_story only1* addition onto the back of his building. parking provisions could st$ll be met. report, reminded the Co,mcil of the proxisions set up for this street by Resolution of October I&, 1946, ;!for a mi.nimum of 50 feet to be provided behind each.-btkZlding for-parking and service driveway.1' Kc-. Voehler stated in his report that he feels the bpilding addition requested vmuld create a definite parking hazard; and he recommended that permit be denied. Tupa's motion, that action be delayed Until seconded by Dagens-and carried. - - . I He explainedthat, becaase of the novel structure, he felt that Building Inspector Voehler, in a written . further study has-been made, was seconded by Dan&s and carried, Tt.' zikan reported the request bf &fro Richard'Palen, Cid Defense qeetgg &th the Council at some early-,date., zebruary 23, at 4:OO set for meeting. -4 3k. Zikan reported that, in accordance -with Public Works Committke Direstor, -for a P,N. , tentatively - instructions, he wm_contac%*the City of PLinneapoEs with the htention of having them permit the = Village to cuk the intersection at 54th and Chovren in return for the Cityts privilege of copaecting into our Storm Sever at 54th and France. 829 2/1A/55 . I&, Zikan reported the Mk-qesota Highway: Department's reguest for Village Council approval of plan to widen Ff,7&h Street. .Bredesen offered the following Reqolution and moved its adoption: .- .r' t &!BOLUTION *T Is-. Tr?JBEEAS, The Co@ssioner .of Kighways -of .t.he State of Mirkesoca is about to designite the_location af Trunk Highww No, LOO fgrmerly designated as Trunk Highway No. 52, through the Village. of Edina, as shown upon the general layout plan which is presented herewith -gad made a part hereof, apd ments in s-aid-.t-=-nk-highway through said. VQlage of Edina and is designating the general layout and point of access% to said _trunk highway as shown on the general. layout plan attached hereto, &ich said plan is presented herewith and made a part WHERE&, Said pro~ject and said plan, in order to participate in federd. funds, reqqir the appro-Val of the Federal Bureau of Public Roads, 4nd T\MEREAs, The Fe_deral Bureau of Public Roads- requires as a condition prece- dent to such-amroval, the assurance and covenant that the Village of Edina will not license or permit hereafter any encroachment of any nature, including curb gas pumps or gas stations or billboards 0-r other structures of any kind whatsoever, on the right of way of said Trynk Highway No. 100 within the corporate limits of said Tillage of Edina as shownupon %he plans attached, and able and necessary to elbinate traffic hazards by eliminating any encroachments whatsoever including gas pumps or gas stations or billboards or other structures of any kind whatsoever, now or hereafter existing in or upon the said Tmrnk Highway right of way, and safety, that all-parkingof vehicles on said Trunk Highway be parallel with the curb and at least 20 feet from any crosswalks. at all public streets intersecting said Tmk Highway within the corporate limits of said Village, and NHEREAS, It is to the best interests of said Village that all parking of vehic1e.s. be-parallel to the curb; NON, THEREFORE, E€E IT R;ESOLVED, That said general layout plan for the location, im-grovemeqt _and designation -of points of access to said trunk highway through said Village be and the same is hereby approved; and BE IT FURTHER RESOL'F7ED That when plans and specifications of said improvements on Tqk-HighFray No.. 100 have been completed and submitted to this Council in accordance with the- above proposal, the same will be approved by further resolution; and I33 IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That said Village does hereby agree and covenant that it will never--peqit-or- suffer, within its corporate limits, any encroachment of any kind whatsoever, including curb gas pumps and gas stations, billboaTds or other structures of any kind whatsoever, upon the right of my of Trunk Highway No, 100 as shown on said plans and that to the above end saidvillage hereby agrees that it will never issue any license, permit, or grant, or give any leave or liberty or any other consent of whatever form for the construction of main- tenance of any encroachment whatsoever, including curb gas pumps and gas stations, billboards or other structures of any kind whatsoever, upon said right of way; and that said Villabe ~Jill cooperate insofar as possible to eliminate existing encroach- ments constituting traffic hazards and will further take any, necessary action to eliminate any encroachment that may hereafter exist on saideTrunk Highway right of way; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVZD, That said Village does- herebr agree to require the parking of I all--uehicles .on ,said Trunk Highway to be parallel with the curb and at least 20 feet from any crosswalks at all public streets intersecting said Trunk Highway within the corporate limits of said 'Village. wHEEEZ3, Said Commissioner of HighFays progoses to make certain improve- -of this resolution, and t r .- IlTHEREkS, In the furtherance of the public well being and safety it is desir- l~, Said Commissioner of Highways desires, in the intekest of public . Motion for adoption of Resolution was seconded five ayes and no nays, as follows: and Erickson, aye; and the Resolution was on Rollcall there were Bredesen, a e; Fronk, aye; Tupa, .I Zikm repo&ed that the Public Works Department needs another truck. pvlr, Danens advocated advertising for adgtional ecpipment for.this department immediately, in order that it might be delivered in time for summer work, Some discussion was had on this, and Bredesen moved that Council take bids on Februqry 28 for Truck and delay advertising for other eqpipment until Council has additional information, lclotion seconded by Fronk and carried. Midland National Bank's letter of February 1, concerning the investment situation at the present time, IGS submitted,, reviewed, and ordered placed on file. I 1.3 0 The following applications for Outdoor AdvertisinFt Sims. for the period ending - - -. April 1, 1955, tire presented: hack & Carbon, InCm loterlachen Rd. & Blake Rdm LOChTIOl$ Naegele Advm Coo, kCm S.S. Addr, Jr, . Edina Laundry Hasty Tasty Shops . I' . If: % Roy,Hm Peterson Horst Slgn Company I1 I1 Dale Sign &-Adv. COO bran .Bldrs - acm ADVERTISER: &sack.& Cstrlson,kc, First Edina NatLBank Edina &amdry Hasty Tasty . I' . ! !! R.H,Peterson Birchsrest Texas Corn 11 Nelson Xaster Roof Hoigaard Avming Coo Bora Bldrs., InCm It vras. reported that signs are in accordance with Ordinance, ,and Bredesen moved. for approval of permits, Notion seconded by Fro& and-carried, Fro& moved for Second Reading and Adoption ofthe following Ordinance: ORDINANCE Nom 12-2 & ORDINANCE-mgG QRDINmcE NO, 12 &ID CHANGING-PROVISZONS THE@3OF-RF,LATJCNG TO . VACATIONS, .HOLIDAYS,, AND-SICH WVE, AIjD qATlarG THE. POLICY -OF TrJE Vma lJlTH . , . .RESPECT TO.YEAR-ROUND EErlpuIYG1yT. The Village Council of the gillage of Ediqa,.-Minnesoka, ordains: Section 1. The definition of the-term 1*appo5nting authori+p of Section 1 of 0rdir;gce No, 12 is hereby amended to read as follows: lJIAppointing authority' shall mean the Village Efanager,It Section 2. There shall be added to Ordinance Nom 12 a new section to read as %Section 6.6. Year-round employment; It shd1 be the policy of the Ymage of Edina, Ximesota to so schedule the work to be performed by its employees so as to provide year-round employment to its pemenent employees; provided, however, that nothing herein shall be deemed to restrict the right of the Village to reduce the number of employees should conditions so require.tt Section 3. "A. How much Each permanent employee in the Village service six months but less than one year as of Biay 1 each year shall be entitled to five vorking days of vacation. Each employee in the Village seroice 1 year but less than fifteen years as of Xay 1 each year shall be entitled to ten working days annual vzcation, Each pernanent employee in the Village service fifteen years or more as of Nqr 1 each year shall be entitled to fifteen working dap annual vacation,." Section 4, Paragraph C of Section 18 of Ordinance Nom L2 is amended to read as follows: -* W, Accumulation Were-it be unused, sick leave may be accumulated to a maxinun of ninety working days." Section 5. - f olloys : - I Paragraph A of SeGtion 117 of Ordinance Nom 12 is amended to read as folJows: ?- Section 22 of Ordinance No. 12 shall be amended to read as follows: :Section 22,- Holidays. The Village shall recognize the following as ped holidays: ,. , "- .. .New Year's 'Day Vashingtont s Birthday Decorat ion,Day Fourth of July Thanksgiving Day Christmas Eve .Afternoon Christmas gay New Year! s ,Eve Afternoon 7. Labor Day . The Village Hall shal1,be closed for business on each of the foregoing paid holidays; provided, however, that employees may be required to work orr pdd holidays when the nature of their duties or other conditions so require. If an empluyee is required to work on a paid holiday he shall receive another day off as the appointing officer shall determine, When a paid holiday fh3.l~ on Sunday and it is customarily celebrated the _. following Xiionday, that Esonday shall be considered the paid holiday. Itotion for Second Reading and Adoption of Rollcall there were five ayes and no nays,-as fo Fronk, aye;"Tupa, aye; and Erickson, aye; . ZkL//&&+/ >Acting Village Clerk 2/14/55 631 Fro& moved for the Second Reading and Adoption of the following Ordinance: QRDIN~CE NO. 131-1 AN ORDIN~E.~JFX~~G ORDINAKJ~ NO. 131 m I~OHIBE~@BJG PURCW, . CONSUM~TION, OR . POS~GSSION OF @OX~CAT~G LIQIJO~ m NO^- PROHIB~TTNG FU~ZNGH-FG SUCH LQUOR TO XK@gCATINq ,-MET - LIQUOE BY- NINORS ~ Alyp .. .. . . EINORS . .- The Village Council of the Village .of.-$dina, Minnesota, ordains: as follows: Section 1. Vurchase, possession, and consumption of intoxicating liquor and non- 5@oxicating malt liquor by minors". Section 2. %Section 30.-Purchase by &or. No person less than 2l-years of age shall purchase, directly or indirectly, any intoxicating liquor or non-int oxicat ing nialt liquor . 11 Section 3. Section 31 of Ordinance No. 131 is amended $0 read as llSection 31. PEsrepresentation of age. No person less than 21 years af age sha3-1 represent that he is 21 years of age or over for the purpose of obtaining intoxicating malt liquor.1J Section 4. After Section 31 of Ordinance No. 131 there are inserted three-new section's to be numbered Section 32, Section 33, and Section 34, Y3ection 32. No person less than 21 years or age shall possess or consume intoxicatihg liquor or non- intoxicating malt liquor, except in the personal presence or pursuant to' the written authorization of his parknt or lawful guardian. Wection 33. Furnishing to minor. furnish to any,person less than 21 yehrs of age any intoxicating liquor or non-into-bcating malt liquor, except in thk personal presence or phrsuant to the mitten authorization of his parent br lakful gkardian. *$Section 34. Religious services and medical'treatment excepted. Uothing in the-*foregoing .shall be deemed to prohibit the use of' wine in the course of religious services nor the use of liquor pursuant to the directions of a physician as a mattes of treatment.1r Section 5. The title to Part G of Ordinance No. 131 is amended to read Section 30 of Ordinance No. 131 is amended to read as f 0UOr.rS : f 0llOt:rs : ' ar=3 90 CDd which read as follows: u Possession or c6mswnption by minor. 2 No person shall purchase for or .% Sections 32, 33 and 34 of Ordinance No. 131 are renumbered as Section 35, Section 36, and Section 37, respectively; Motion for adoption of the Ord&ance at its Second Reading was seconded by Tupa, and the Qrdinance was Bredesenf s motion, for payment of Village Payroll, amount $14,652.86, for period February.1 to 15, and for payment 6f the f@lowing Claims,. was seconded by Tupa and carried: Genera& Fund - $7,405.57 Sewer Rental - $13,758.01 + 410.69 * Special Assess.. 22,084.36 1,095.91 Bprovements 79,176.50 Const. Fund Parks 17atemorks Fund 21,018.66 P.I.R. Fund 7,601.08 Liquor Fund Mj763 65 Poor-Fund ' 1,806.0'7 Garbage .Fund 1,994.00 -- Acting Clerk, in a vrritten report, asked authorization to employet a relief machine operator. Bredesen's motion, that request be granted, was seconded by Fronk and car5ied. ~ It Jaras reported that an additional $175.00 will be required for electrical and plumbing connections, to put the Employees' Kitchen into'operating order. Bredesen's motion, authorizing this expenditure, was secsnded by Wonk and carried.. Bredesenthen moved for adjournment, and motion was seconded by Fronk and carried. Meeting adjourned at 9:45 P.M. .. - Acting Village Clerk