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Rembers asrering Rollcall were Ericlrson, Bredesen, Danens, Fro& and %pa.
=-ager-Engineer Zikan was also present and acted as *Clerk. -
Advertising for tge €oflot* pieces of eqyipn6nt needed by the PUbUc liorks Dept.
was discussed: One - 13 Wheelheumatic Wller; One Steam Cleaner for eqdpenf;,
edvefis, md.catch basins; ad One Tar Tank on trai&er with hand spray. A mller for Patching, COdkng less than $500, which the Public ITorks Dept. geed&,
vas also discussed. Zt was moved by Nr, Fmnk that the-P.lanageT be authorized to advertise for the three pieces of equipment costing over-&DO each and that the
purchase of the small boller be made &rectly, Bids to be taken &rch G, 1955. Notion seconded by BIr, Tupa and carrLed.
Salary and wage schedules for the Villages of Richfield, St. Louis Park and Hopkins
were presented to the Council. for consideration in adjusting the searies of.Edina
employees. No action, ”
The request of the Council regarding the new Nater Totrer contract ?vas discussed,
Since C-tLcago Bridge & Iron Company have $30,000 to. $50,000 invested at the present
time, it was decided to.notify them to proceed 16th Che water tower as previously-
The request of the Hopkins Council for a meeting T.rith the Edina Council was discussed,
and February 25, at. 7:30 Pa&., was approved for an infoma& meeting,
The proposed Eden Avenue entrance on W.5Gth Street relocation was discussed. The
Wmesota Highway Qepartment has a proposed Highway Relocation for Trunk Highway
No. 169, tJhich tmuld utilize Eden Avenue.
on February 11, 1955.
Company for the relocation o,f the entrance of Eden Avenue onto li.5oth Street, be
returned because of the State Highp.raJr Plaa.
Bredesen voted against tee motion,
motion carried. I
The suggestion of Hennepin County to correct the alignment and grzde of Interlachen
Blvd. $Iere”the NI.I Diagonal-Trunk Sewer is constructed was referred to the Engineer
to work out tlith. the County;.
The Cornea met with the following people to discuss France Avenue widening and the
conStruction of Valley View Road extended:
Henneph Comty fkighwq~pepa@rnent; Nr. Crear ancJ I&. Albrecht-_of the Dayton CompaW;
Kr, Bari;on, a traffic consultant; m.. Gutiman of Vgctor Gruen & Associates; and Nr.
Coul%er, a surveyor who prepared the plans and estinates of cost.
discussion was had, in which many specific items concerning the preliminary urork,
proposed construction and p-mposed maintenance were covered--notably the follobkgt
The 24-foot cut for the intersection of France Avenue and W.75th St. was of some
concern as to damages to Glacier Sand and Gravel Co., and the question of $he
lowering of the Egh pressure gas-main in both W.7Oth and Fraxce Avenue was
kevr that the-grades mre going to be lowered when they installed the mak the Gas Company vmuld be responsible-for the lowering.
$om Sex.rer and the -land acquisition were a Village responsibiUty.
The question of ab&doning lf,66th St?e&*across Lake Cdrnelia was brought up.
residential develog&ent had-,nothing to do with th5s abandoment--the .. Conky spends -
too much for maintenance on this road now,
Notion made by Fro&, seconded by Danens and carried. -
These plans were filed kith the Village
E&. Fro& moved that,,the $4,000 deposit of the Edim-_Holding
lk&ion-seconded by>Ir, Tupa. I&,
Other members voted to approve motion, and
I&. 25mmezyw-i and Nr. Pederson of the
A lengthy
It was felt that the Gas Cornpany was there by-severence and since %hey
The Cohty‘mmanbers felt that the
A question was asked as to whether the entire road pattern vas being coordinated
with the State Highway Department, and Nr. Zimmem said that it tias,
Elk. Codter presented his estimate of cost ?or both France Avenue and Valley View
Road-extended, as $4l3,2ll,10, which vas the total except for damages to the __
Glacier Sand and Gravel Co.; the cost of removing one home in Psacedde Acres; the
T@e County Highway DepaAment members felt that the Village should be responsible
for traffic. signals, grass planting and cutting, and-gtom sewer naintenance.
C~~nty should be responsible for the construction of 22’feet of roadway, snow
The Edina Village Council accepted the Estimate of Cost and the plan for further
study, No -action taken,
land acqqisition for right-of-riny, .-
PlOiJing, S=d.ing and patching-