HomeMy WebLinkAbout19550228_REGULAR2/2!/55 I I33 ICDWTES OF THE €@GULAR MB3TING OF THE XDINA VILLAGE. GQIVCIL, HELD, MOIQAY, FEBRIJARY- 28, -1955, -AT 7230 .P.M. , -AT THE ~ .. .. . VIrnrn,rnL ~. . -_ -- Invocation was given by Rev. Bernard 17. -Humme1 of St. Stephen's Episcopal Church. Hembers answering Rollcall, were Br edesen,Danens ,Frank, Tupa and Eri ckson . Einutes of Neeting..of February 3.4, were approved as submitted, by motion Danens, seconded by Tupa and carried. Clerk read Affidavit of Publication for flAdvertisement for Bids-Truck and Sno1.r Plow, If appearing in Edina-Morningside Coqrier and Construc'cion Bulletin on- Febrmary 17 and 24, 1955; and Bredesen moved for referral of bids to Village Engineer's Office for public opening, -3 9 -% 45 +$ were returned to the Council, being as follows: lPI"ATION& HARlESER CO3E'AXY Later in the evenhg opened bids - ___ - - - TRUCK - .- One y.fst-l@4 .130ft W.B. _btl.'Bruck, with St.Paul Body & Hoist . or Aqthony BodJr.q,nd E&t . +- $3 , 73 5.69 Additional for Heil Body & Hoist . 72.38 - i Less AlloT.rance for 1940 Reo Dum& - $100.00 - . &llowance for 194.4 &C &mp#3 - 4275.00 or Plus One set of Tire Chains, Cross Uks , 50.80 This- being the only Truck-Bid received,..Dangns moved for acceptance of bid, with trade-in to be left to discretion of Harry Jonas, Public 'ilorks Supt. Motion seconded e by Tupa and carried. _. .. SNOW €'LO?? marc WORKS miATIONATi ROSHOLT I L " EQUTP.CO. , mmTm CO, ECIUTP. I co. Nodel TB3lW Wausau Trip Blade ' .$793.&8/ -_ tfarp Nodel, #@TB One War Trip 7 $630 .OO -- .- .. Trip Rite Nodel 548iTRB $941.00 No action was taken on Plow, this being laid over to next meeting. Tabulation of Insurance' Bids taken February 14 was presented, bids being as follows:: VOLUNTEE FT&E GBOUP &XlDENT POLICY - Bannitz Agency, David Agency, Marsh & NcLennan, gnd. Curt-.Johnson.- _all-bidding a premiug of $164.50. YORKM@I*S C07WENSAITION - Anderson Agency and David Agency bidding &ual Rates less j3xpex5.enceA_Credit; Hardware Mutuals of Stevens pt;, , Visc., bidding Ehual Rates less Experience Credit, legs Premium Size Reduction of $50.09, less 15% Dividend, for $2,936.39 Estimated Net Premium; l@rsh--& McLennan bidding Manual Rates less Eqerience Credit, less Pr&, Size %eduction of 8190.l.4, for $3,3l4,53 Estimated Net Premium; Curt Johnson bidding Manual Rates less Eqerience Credit, less "ratio of loss to premium.discount,f' and also offeFing threeyear retrospective plan, on,an-Actual. CashJalue. Basis; Bannitz-Agency-bidding $691.55 on a Stated Value Basis; David Agency,? $1,135.00 on Actual,' Cash Value; Hardware. I$utuals, $607.26 on Stated Value, -less #91,09-15$' Dividend for Net of $516.17; and Marsh & NcZennan, $581.55 Net on Stated Value. ._ COHPFiEHSXSXV'E LIABUY hi AUTOMOBIIE L&Ii,nY - Anderson Agency biddi& $2,324.91 per Ye+-. on Comprehensive Liability; $2,102#ion Automobile; yith $6,758.80 for 3-Yr. Tern on Comphehensive Liability; Bslnnitz Agency bidding $$1,704.50 per Year on Compre- hensive Liability; $1,!764.29 per Pr. on Auto; with $4,957.16 for 3-Yr. Tern on Comprek sensive Liability; David Agency bidding $2,324.91 per Year pn Comprehensive Liability; $2,102.96 on Automobile; with $6,758.80 for 3-Yr. Term on Comprehensive Liability; Hardware MutudLs of Stevens Pts. biding $1, 818.08 per Year on Comprehensive Liability; ~$1,751.10. for Auto, less $lOl.89 Premium, Discount and $520.09-15% Dividend for,,Net of $2,9&7.20 for one year, on comb&nation policy; and Narsh & NcLennan bidding 81,386.31 per, Year on Comprehensive Liability, $1,384.66 on Auto; with $4,020.9& for 3-Yr. Tern on Comprehensive Liability, With the above Tabulation was presented an offer by David Agency, IJiinneapolis, to make a survey of insurance needs for the Village. Hotion seconded by Bredesen and carried. survey, but it was noted that the first two of these policies expire immediately, Bredesen moved for award of Volunteer Group Accident Policy, premium $164.50, to David Agency, Ninneq olis. Notion_peconded by Tupa and- carried. c Bredesen moved for award of Workmen's Coinpensation Policy to Hardware I4utud-s of Stevens Point, Wisconsin, Bredesenis motion, that awGd of Comprehensive Fire and Theft on Fleet- Policy be made to HardtJare Nutuals of Stevens Po@t, Wisconsin, was seconded by Eronk gnd carried. l?isconsin Xodel 87 One Iffay Trip $73 5.00 I COl!iFBEHE;NSIVX Fm & THEZT-ON FJXE" OF V3HIC?XS - hderson Agency bidding $1,135.00, Fronk moved that survey be made. Discussion vas had as to award of bids after 3iotion seconded by Tupa :and carried. I '. 134 2bW 5 5 Bredesen's notion, that award of Comprehensive Liability and Automobile Policy be =de to Xarsh 6% HcLennan on three-year term for-Comprehensive-Liability gmd oneyear renewable basis for Automobile Policy, was seconded by Fronk and carried. Eks, Code, 4812 Valley View Ro&, asked once again for relief from drainage on Valley View Road, stating that the street drainage r.rill flood her property if soqething is--not done 'before the spring thaws. I&. Zik& reported that plans have been made ta grade the street as p& of the sewer aqd rater projects. 1% was decided to make temporary, emergency improvement pending the permanent @provement planned; xith Uessrs. Danens and Zikan to meet with &s*. Code in the very near future. " .- PIr. Nat If, Johnson, 5412 Halifax Lane, supported his written objection against the platting .of ,YEhwood Terrace, 11 stating that, in his opinion,' the "hardship clausefr - contzhed in $he Village Zoning Ordinance does nbt apply in this case. Nr. Johnson stated that he believes it is illegal, for the Council to issue a building pennit on any one of these platted lots which is less than 75 feet in front footage. Some discussion vas had on this matter, with Attorney lhdhorst reviewing $he procedure leading to the approval of the plat, and adylsing the Council as to inmediate procedure to be followed in securing some practical solution to this problem. bts 3 and. 4, Block 1; Lot 7 (and*property directly to North thereof), Block 2; Lot 7 (and property directly to North thereof), Block 3, Elinmod Terrace, &a an effort-to secure re-plat containing lots of not less than 75foot frontage, Xotion was seconded by Fro& and carried, Bredesen moved that the &fanager be instructed to meet with the owners 02 A 3k. Haas,574X Zenith Avenue, presented a large petition, bearing names of 802 residents of the--area between France and Xerxes Avenues and South of lT.54th Street, protesting any 0neT'la;Y Streets in the area. %fro Haas supported the petition-with a statement as to the reasons for presenting peti%ion at this time. Fronkts motion, that petition be placed on file in accordance with request, was seconded br Bredesen and carried. &, CrincWey ofthe Edina Jaycees again requested office-and-meeting space in the presently unused portion of .the Village Hall. It was suggested that the Jaycees make arrangements for a room in the new Library, and discussion was also had as to charging a fee for space in the Village Hall. Hr. Crinckley protested any fee, maintaining th& Jaycees? funds could be better used'for community purposes. I&. Grinc'lrley was asked to get in touch with Xr. Bredesen regarding library space; .and Nessrs. Zikan and Fro& were directed to examine the rooms in the basement of the Village Ijal1 t&th the purpose of preparing an estimate of cost for finishing I.* I I one room for use of cidc bodies. c The applications of John C. Doyle Plumbing and Heating GO., 3751-4th Ave. SO., and Leonwd IIahlon, dba Twin City Sadgation Go., 1655 l%hite Bear&'.venue, both for Plumbers' Licenses for the period ending April 1, 1255, irere approved by mckion - Fro&, seconded -by Danens and carried; the latter approval being subject to confirmation' by -Building Inspector "loehler. Pe%ition for Y&m Stop" signs at l!&&th and South comers 02 Bruce and Bridge St, %as referred $0 Police Department for recommendation, by motion Bredesen, seconded by Fronk and caryied, . * The Hennepin County Highway Department 1 s February Uth commdcatibn concerning Load Restrictions on County Iloads was submitted, reviewed, and ordered placed on . n - * .;file._, .. Rural Hennepin County Nursing District's report for January," 1955, was submitted and ordered placed on file. League of Ifinnesota Eimicipalities1 notification of their municipal. short courses, . to be held during three-dagperiods between Narch 10 and'Xarch 30, $ras discusse%; this being a school conducted each year for the education of municipal. officfals: urd employees. by these courses-to . I Fronk' s motion, authorizing those employees who would be benefited attend this school, was seconded by Brkdesen arid carried. Petitionj by Roy H, Peterson, developer, for Street Lights and Street Signs in Two gabs, Valley View Slope, Valley View Ridge-First and-Valley View Ridge Second Additions, was presented, accepted, qd, by motion Bredesen, .seconded by Fronk and carried, was referred to the Public Utilities Corinuibbee for recommendation. Petition zgajzist construction of Watermain Extension in Brookview Avenue between 15661st and TJ;62nd Streets was received, and Bredesen moved that petition be placed on file, to-be taken into consideration at time petition for improvement is presented. ihiotion seconded by Tupa and carried, The matter of W, Lee's request for a rear addition to his building on IT.l+9& S;tree'c was brought again before the CouncLf., but no action was taken, it being-consensus of opinion that I&. Lee should secme approval of the residents on 11.4Wh Street before action is considered, . 2/28/55: ; 1135. The following Improvement Petitions were filed. petitions, with Public Heqings to be scheduled at the discretion of the Village Engineer. Bredesen moved for acceptance of 4 I4otion seconded by Danens and carried. - 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Grading and Gravelling of Code Ave., Valley View Road to Birchcrest Drive; Grading and Gqavelling of W.63rd St., -Highway No.' 100 to Valley View'Road. Sanitary Sewer in Ewing Aye. between IL61st and W.62nd Sts., and in W.62nd Watermain ih Xwing Ave. between w?6ist and w.62nd Sts . , 'and in 11. 62nd St . sanitary Sewer in Ashcroft Lane between St.Johns and Wooddale ihve., and Watewin in Ashcroft Lane between St.Johns and Wooddale Aves., and in -. Wooddale he., both North and South of Garrison Lane. Sanitary Sewer in Xendelssohn Heights Addition. I and 1~62nd St., Code Ave. to ITyman Ave. St . between Ewing he. -and Bel Aire. -Addno between Ewing Ave. and Bel Aire Addn. in Wooddale Avenue, both DTorth and South of Garrison Lane. . - The folklowing Sign Applications were filed: - Auto-See-Ads - ~ So.Side #169 between-Gleason & 6w.2' Bergerson-Caswell. Aut 0-S ee-Ads Coca-Cola co . Rear of Clancy Drug . 4'. Circle Coca=.Cola - &fro Ed. Stow protested-.construction of the sign, and any-other advertising signs, on Normandale Road, stating he is afraid we will soon have the same condition on this residential-.street that we now have on Highway No. 169. I&. Stow vas advised that, because the signs conform with the ordinance, the Council must issue permit. Bredesen's motion that sign appl-ications- be approved, for the period ending April 1, 1955, was seconded by Tupa and carried. On the matter of signs, Mr. Zika reported that the present Ordinance sets .forth very low permit fees, compared with those charged by other communities. the ordinances adopted by neighboring municipalities; and the matter was referred to the Ordinances and Legislation Committee for study and recommendation, with report to be made before new license year begins April I, if possible. Some discussion was had as to award made recmtlyto Direct Oil Service Company for the furnishing of 9,000 Gallons, more or less, Diesel Fuel--year's supply--to the Village Toolhouse. Kr. Jonas recommended award .of bid to second-1ow bidder, Kossow Oils,. Inc., at- $.U& per Gallon> because low bidder (bidding 8.147 per GaUon)-is unable to furnish equivalent service. I&. Windhorst stated that such procedure is legal if Council determines that award is--in the public interest; and Bredesen moved that Council reconsider its action of February a, and award contract for Diesel Fuel to Xossow Oils, &e. , at- $6.148 per Gallon. Fronk arid carried. - Bredesen then moved for fiveminute recess for purpose of watching the 3finnesota- @om championship basketball game. Upon reconvention of Meeting, at 9:30, with all members present, discussion 'was had as to on Village-owned property abutting Shemood Road and Dovming Street; complaints-having been received by lfr. Zikan that debris- is being-placed + this area by Village Public Works Crew. Eev&ew was had of Hr. Jonas' direction to place !!excessfill" i.g this locality for storage; and Chairman Danens of Public Xorks Committee stated he would investigate the matter. Iiotion by Bredesen, approving Village Payroll, amount $13,076.66, for period February 16 to 28, Inc6, and for paymegt- of the following Claims, was seconded-by Tupa and carried: . , General Fund . - $6,561.89 Liquor Fund . - $14,478.39 Impropement Fund~483~948.45 Blake Roads '6j,Side H~1.100 (Eiken Property, __ 7200 Normand3le) - 6~2' If 11 L9 r& cra 4 u - He presented Notion seconded by - llotion- seconded by Tupa and carried. r Const. Fund $263,153 0x5 Spec.Assessments ,15,266.07 . Wat exworks Fund 40 , 3 50 90 P.I.R.Fund p 31,993.36 .. Po or--l"und 3 , 490 10 .^ Park Fund 6&2. Fronk's motion, that the Village Attorney-be directed to prepare Notice of Sale for $L80,000 of Waterworks Revenue-Bonds, with sale to be as soon as practicable, was seconded by xupa and, carried. . *. Tupa's motion, that the Village Attorney be directed to prepare Notice of Sale-for sufficient Improvement Bonds to finance contract and engineering charges for Sanitary.Trunk Sewer, No, 69, with sale to be as soon as practicable, was seconded by Bredesen and-carried. Tabulation of Assessment, and Assessment Rolls, for several projects recently completed, Irere presented; and, after review, Fronk offered the follotring Resolution -- and moved its adoption: -. 2/2e/55 RESOLUTIOIt PROVIDING FOR SPECIAL - ~S~~~.~D~GS. 8E IT l?E3OLWD by the Council of the ,?wage of E-a as follovTs: . -. I, - .The Clerk and Engineer having calculated the prope? amount to be assessed for those hprovements set forth in the Notices of Hearings set fo&h belotq, and the amount proposed to be assessefl against the respective lots, pieces and parcezs of land within the district affected by said iaprozrements, and said proposed assess- ments having been filed withc the Clerk,, the same are hereby approved, and the Clerk shall kekp the same'on file in his office and open to public inspection pending hearkg thereon as herein provide& 2, *This Council shall meet at the time and place specified in the form of notice of hearings hereinafter contained to pass upon said proposed assesmenks, and the Clerk shall case notice of the time, place and purpose of said meeting to be published in the official newspaper twice, in substantially the following form: NOTICE OF HEARINGS ON SPECIAL S&!ITARY SBER-*NQ. 74; _~J&T&$I" NO, 39 S@'PLEZ~&L; IJATjB"S-NQ$. '~LJ.~ i I" aSSl;;sSii?T$ ,FOlX_ STOX5 SEX@$ NO 27; i 763-ANp-77; CURB *W-gQTE@ B.10 B-25; AND WJXG_AND GEA~IJJNG NO$. C-27 SUPP32XE3TAL, &&I; DJD,C-59 e NOTICE 33 HE;IZEBY GIUEN, thgt-the Council of the Village of Edina will meet at the Village Hall-oalIondaXd April U, 1955, at 7:30 ol-clock POL, to hear and pass upon all objections, if any,_to the following proposed assessments for improvements, trhich assessments are now on file in the office of the Village Clerk and open to public inspection: 1, ST0RT.f SqER If.IPROVBZ%T NO, 27 .- Construction of Lateral Storm Sewer and Appptggnces $g Chowen Ave, from_?7.6lst St, to Chowen Place. 2, SABTTTABY SEkEFt I"Elm NO. 74 Construction of Lateral. Sanitary Sewer-and_App&.enancgg iq V.62nd St between Parnell Ave. and Sherwood &e., and in Ryan Ave, from.jL62nd St. to 340 FtD N. . 3. WATEEUL~ IllPR~JENT NO..- 39 SUPPlX"T& - Construction of fiateral S~~a~.Se~~er.in-~~est .Side*of Ewing- be, from W.60th St, to 397.9 Ft, South; and in South Side of 17.61st St. from Ewing Ave. .to Drew hve, 4, llAm?lIN 31PROlEGENT NO, 74 - Construction of _Village .Watermain Extenqion in St,Johns Ave. from If.60th St. to Valley View Road and in Valley View Boad.from St,Johns Ave. to a pt. 126 Ft., more--or less, East qf St .Johnst @e. 5. -T~AWZKQI IMPEOVB~~KC 'NO, 76 - Construction of vill&e. 'ifatemain kcbepion i~ t?,6&d st, from Tirginia he. to Shemmod he,; in Ryan Ave, from lf,6&2 St. to 309 Ft. Noyth; in Pane11 Ave, from If,62nd St, to 332 F+, Horth, 6, IIATBBUDX IXPRODXD~T ~b, 77 - CoinstructiLn of Vingge IFfatermain Mdnsioq in Cho!ren Av9. from IL61st $to to T.r,62nd St ,; in Chowen Place; &m~ 1l,41st St , from- Chowen to* Drew Ave, 7. ClJRB &?D GUTTSR INPROVEifGIlT.NO, &IO - C6nstruction of Curb and Gntter in Lakedew .Drive .between Ifooddale he. and -Concord- Ave, 8. ,m-cWJI) GUTTZR B.PRO@ii?JlT NO._B-25 - Construction of &b and Gutter in OaQm kve,. between. W,blst, and tL62nd Sts. 9. GR.ADliGfG_II~~O~-~E $0. C-27 S~PLiGB"@L - Grading and Gravelling of If, 58th St , from -France Ave, to Brooky$evr_Ave, I@, &@ING D.iPRQVZ"-NO. E.41 -,Grading and Gravelling of Halifax Lane. from S, ,line. of- Southridge Jiddn, to Woodland Circle. 11. G€@IIHG B4PitOVBI4BT NO, C-59 - Grading and Gravelling of N-S wley between .York. apd-Xerxes Avenues and between If* 56th and If* 57th S$S. The areas proposed to be assessed for the cost of said -&mprovements ae as f ollovrs : 1,. For Storm Sewer Improvement No. 27 - Lots 1 to 6, inc., Bel Ere Third Addn.; All Of-Blocks 1, 2.and 4, and the Southerly 50 Feet Only, of Lots I through - 8, Bloc& 33 Bel Aire Fifth Addn,; Lots lthrough 7, Holt's.Addn; Lots 1,2 and 3, . 6, inc,, Block 2, Oakaiew Addn, Bel Aire 4th Ndn; Lots.9 through 12, Block 2, Edina Bel Aire 5th Addn, throigh 7, Block 2, Valley View Terrace Thirci Addn. through 6, Block 2, Oakview Addn. through 8, and Lots 12 and 13, Block 3; and Lots lthrough 4, Block 4, 33di- Bel &e 5thAddn. - hprovements E27_SupplementdL, C&L and C-59 - All lots and tracts of land abutting the portions of the streets improved. liolts 2nd Addno - - 2, For Sanitqy sewer-hprovkent NO, 74 - LOG 4,5,4;7, ~Gck 1; 1 through 3. 4. 5, 6, For each of Curb and Gutter Improvements Nos, B-10 and 625, and Grading For 1Tatemqi.n hprovement No, 39 Supplem&bal - Gts 1 through 5, Edina For t&termain Improvement No.. 74 - Lots 1 through 10, Block 1; Lots 1 For Vatemain Improvement No, 76 - Lots 1 through 7, Block 1; Lots 1 For T?aten@n Improvement NO, 77 - Lots 13 through 23, Block 2; Lots 1 - GR,EIGG S, AI;DEnr, Acting Clerk Vglage of Edina - .= -. 1.3 7 2/28/55 Xotion for adoption of Resolution was seconded by Bredesen, and on Rollcall there. were five ayes and no nays, as follows: Bredesen Tupa, aye; and Erickson, aye; and the Resolutio ns, aye; Fronk, aye; i, -. Announcement was made that Edina will act as host to the Hennepin County League.of Towns and Rmicipalities at-the Village Hall on March 4. Discussion was had on the matter 'of yearly pemnits for Gas Pumps, with consensus of opinion being that ordinance should be enforced and yearly permits required. . - Chairman Danens of the Public t?orks Committee reported that the crew now has time to remove.the trees along the Grange Hall side of Eden Avenue, and Fronk's motion, that said trees be removed in accordance with recommendations of the committee which investigated this matter. Motion seconded by Danens and carried. Northern States Power Company( s proposal, for instal&tion of 6,000 lumen *lamps in new areas, and for conversion of lamps in all areas possible, from 2,500 lumen lamps to 6,000 lumen, over a three-year period, was reviewed, and was recommended by the Public Utilities Committee. Power Company be accepted, ivas seconded by Danens and carxied. k. Zikan reported that the original estimate of time placed by Mr. Olson far completion of easements for Sanitary Trunk Sewer No. 69 was one month; that this month has expired and that there are still some easements to be secured. Tupa's motion, that the Village Engineer be directed to get someone to .get this work . done, was seconded by Fronk and carried. Public Utilities Supt. Noehler reported on bids taken February J4 for Venturi vetering and Chlorination Equipment. low, and does meet .specifications, with a bid of $2,299.00 on the Venturi &fetering Equipment. Notion seconded by Danens and carried. As to the Chlorination Equipment, MI?. Woehler reported that the only bid meeting specifications was that of Wallace- and-I'iernan Company, with a bid of $6,233.00. Mter considerable discussion, dw+ng which Nk. Woehler eve as his reasons -for recommending this type of equipment economy of mg@ntenance and long-term per- formance, Danens moved for acceptance of Mr. 'Gfoehler's recommendation for award of bid to Wallace and Tiernan Company. M4.. Woehler recommended that bids be taken, soon, to connect well at Shemood Avenue with the general system. directed to prepare plans and take bids on watermain at earliest possible date, Fronk's motion, that proposal by Northern States J He reported that Builder Providence Co. is He recommended award of bid to low bidder, and Fronk so moved. *-- . I$otion seconded,by Tupa and carried. Bredesenls motion, that Village Engineer be was seconded by Tupa and carried. -. Bredesenrs motion, that February l.4 recommendations of Public Works Committee, as follows, be approved, was seconded by Tupa and carried: 1. 2. That Village cpntinue to purchase gasoline from local stition, rather than t.0 have bulk storage. That written agreement be secured with Enneapolis concerning details of storm sewer arrangement at 54th St.,- Beard to France Ave; with details to be worked out by engineering departments of tvm municipalities. That, if TG?. Tracy,vrho Lives at crest of hill, is agreeable, and Harry Jonas is able to do work, the work requested by developer of property West of Tracy Ave. and South of Grove St., for Tracy hve., should be dompleted. That sand barrel be placed at intersection of Xerilane and Ihterlachen Blvd.; and that snow-plowing be continued in systehtic manner; with &Ir. Zikan to so inform ICr. W.E. Wlin. That-the Building Inspection Department either bear costs of setting grades, or that grades actually be set by Building Department, with further study to be given to this matter. That Xngineering Department s request for a full-time typist-file clerk be approved,with stipulation that this girl be available to administrative office at such time as she is not busy in engineering department. That l?ater and Sewer Locations for house connections be handled by the That Water Department assume some of cost'of preparing pyas ahd speci- ficat$ons, staking and other miscellmeous costs now borne by Zngineering Department for pumphouFe design, well plans, water totmr plans, etc. 3. 4. 5. 6. ' 7. 8. , girls- -issuing permits, a 2 3q4 2/28/55 &ion by Bredesen, that the following February l.4 recommendations of the Public Safety Committee be accepted, was seqonded by Tupa and carried: 1, Edka Patrolmen in -the Suburban Pistol Neet on February 26, and to purchase $150.0Q 03 ammunition and targets for qualifying all the Patrolmen, be approved , 2. That Captain HcGaryts request for services of an eperienced service mafl to adjust new Badar .eqapment be approved. 3. That specifications be mitten for a new police car so that possibly a car in the higher priced class might be tried out; and that bids be taken whenever specifications are completed. 4. That the request of the Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd at 48th St, and France he. for Sunday Stop at 4&h and France be approved on $ollodng conditions: A. That approval of I&meapo&Ls be obtained to erect Church Stop sign e on *the PEnneapoLis side. 3. Tha> sijg be used only between hours of 9:OO A.X. and lZ:3O P.51. on Sundays. C. That someone be delegated to operate the signs. 5. Tht Judge Surris’ request for uniform bail ‘and appearance schedule, as reeerred to Police,Gaptain &Gary, be approved. 6. That instal&ation of the following signs be approved, in accordance with recommendation by Captain IkGary: A. Wo Parking -4 P.N. to 6 P,lI.’f on Noside of W.5Oth St. from France to 3bpl.e Boad. B. Wo Pqking 7 k.E.1, to 9 k.k” on Soside of isi.50th St. from France to . &pl~ Road, C. Wo Pa@cing 4 P.14,. to 6 P,kG on ?loside of &ace Ave. from W.49th to 7. That ’E&. Tups's suggestions, as follo~rs, be approved: A, That Parking be prohibited on East side of Halifax Ave, just North of . lr. 50th St. for three car lengths. B. ghat Police Chief be directed to check car parked near School, on . Wooddde Ave, appro,dmately a block North of 11. 50th St., which tends That Police Czptain McGaryls request for permission tq enter a team of . e 2, zst St . -. -. -. -. -to .- block traffic. . -I Fublic Utilities Committee Chairman Fronk made repork of the meeting held February a, at which the followjng subjects were discussed: - k, Re: Dumping at Dead 3hd of Benton Avenue,, just West of Railroad Trads; 3ir. ?%ens, who had investigated personally, reported that dumping has ceased and that signs reading No Dumping have been erected; that he and Xr. Jonas have made arradgements in the gravel pit area to dump and burn Village accumulations. 2. Re: Purchase of deep well owned by Stow Company. It was Committee’s opinion t$at epipment, buildhg, and well should be free of liens, and.. that receipted bills should be presdnted before any consideration can be given to purchase. &. E.C. Stow was present during report, and requested once again that the Village purchase this well, and connect it with the genera waterworks system, Fronk moved, that if all conditions of the agreement have been met and if, after investfigation by the Engineering Depafim&,, it is the recommendation that we take over the well, that thi-s procedure.S;hen be followed, The matter of request for Street Light ,at WLnut Drive, as reported by I&. Tupa, was referred to the Village Engineer for action. , l&. Tupa suggested that the large trees in the island at Tlooddale and Smnyside be cut dovm, to improve traffic visibility. Hatter was referred to Police Department and Park Board for consideration and report. Motion was seconded by Tupa and carried, - Discussion xas had as to appointment of Village Hanager; and Bredesen moved that Council gppoin-b Hr. Warren Ifyde as Village Ilanager, under terms put forbh in his letter of Februam 1&h, appointment to be effective immediately, at a salary of $U,OOO per-year; provided, howsver, that he is granted a temporary leave of absence wi.%hout pay until Ilay 1, 1955, but during such leave of absence he shall have full authority to make appointments and do other acts in connection with his posikion as Village Hanager. carried . The matter of plans for wholesale pre-fab home construction in the suburban areas was discussed. Bhtfon was seconded by Fronk and unanimous^ l~k. Tupa to ask Ff. l?indhorstts opinion on matter of control, There being no further business to come befor: this meeting, Fro& moved for adiournmkt . E4eethg adjourned at Notion seconded by Bredesen and carried. -1 Acting Village Clerk