HomeMy WebLinkAbout19550314_REGULAR..- . .. .. .. .-- Fro Yany of St. Patricks church gave Invocation: 'I -
Hembers answering Rollcall were Danens, Fronk, Tupa and Brickson.
Frank.. moved for a$proval of Ninutes of Meetings of February 16, 25 and 28.
Notion seconded by Tupak and ,carried.
Mwor Erickson called for Sealed Bids on Pneumatic Roller, Steam Cleaner, and .
Tar Tank, pursuant to *tMvertisement for Bids-EquiKent, published in Edina-
Norningside Courier Earch 3 and 10. Affidavit of Publication was read by Clerk,
approved as to form,-&nd ordered placed on file. Danens moved for referral of
bids to Village Engineer's* Office for public opening. Motion seconded by Fbnk
and carried.
Bids were f'ougd to be as follows:
Nalsbury Eodel 250-PEXZ
No Model Baed -.. .. . $1,382 . 00
Xianeapolis . Ninneapolis
Hauck Model #299-MI .. g954.00
Less Trade-in- allowance . l44.00 $slo.oo I
Littieford Ifodel $4-HD Size #& f $98OeO0 ,105oOO
* $875.00
.. Less Tr-ade-In allowwce
--. -- ** - .I ,. -- - W. He ZI- CO., Minneapolis
g-W COl!@ANY QC. OF MI". , St . Paul Bros &rodel-R-67-w- $l> 558.00
Falls-Roller ~ $1,575.00 .1,350.00 fit .-[complete t&th 8:20&5 4-Ply Smooth Retreads
Tapg. Nodel,i333 . ~ .. I 595.00
$1, 700 . 00
@KQ l!odel, Bl3 $1,650.00
Ras&k?ac%or J!lode$ CRr13. , $1,550.00
Md4IJLLER CO,, st. Paul
. l?~lco.~Roller-Pakz Model IJVl.3
.@t.-Mpdel Wl.3 t 1,525.00 Gopm jxmEqNT GO., Npls,'
ROSHOLT ZQUEINT GO., --Minneapolis t
~ tielco godel-IfV-13 -Ver$ical-Pak (. $1,865000 $1,730 . 00 1414, .-Wslco $(o$el Vy13 tiltjgg action
Ack,on t'abled on aJ.i bids until next regular meetpg.
With regard to bids taken February 28, for a Snow Plow, Acting Nanagir Zikan reported
that Public Vorks Foreman Jonas has receomended the purchase of the Wayau Plow>
bid by Public Works Ziipment Co., at $793.18, because 02 the interch-qngeability of
parts with the.-other %?ausau Plows now owned by the Village.
h5gh bid, there vas some discussion on award before Fronk moved for award of bid in accordance with I*. Jonas' recommendation. Motion was seconded by Danens and
As this was the ne&-
Clerk read Affidavit ofl Publication in Courier on March 3 and LO, 1955, of YSotice
of Hearing on Petition to Rezone," which notice tas approved as to form and-ordered
placed on file.. Nayor Erickson then called Fublic Hearing on the petition of Hr.
Albert Kipp, for the Rezoning from Open Deve1opment.Districtto Community Store
District, Lot 19, Block 1, Brookside Heights Addition (5119 Hankerson Ave. -or
5120 HIT. No. 169) . YE. Kipp was not. present to submit his plan for this property.
Fk. P,M.Dougall, 5044 Hankerson, was spokesman for a delegation protesting rezoning
on grounds that this area already has sufficient business district; and Fronk
moved that Hearing be dezerred until Council has further information as to what
type of business is actually desired for this location. Motion seconded by Tupa
ahd carried. Nayor Eri'ckson informed delegation that new hearing would be held,
and residents so informed, at such time as required information was submitted.
Re. John Bloomberg asked for permit to build in Idylwood Second Addition, for thich
final plat has not been filed. CMk. Bioornbe2g vas asked to bring in Final Plat, first.
Hr. Ben. Simpson again requested permiit to build on a 55-foot remainder of
{Flock 2, south TMte Oaks Addn. (4832 Tomes Road). 2Sk. Sjmpson explained
one neigh9or IJQJ. not sign-a letter of. assent, Frank's motion, scheduling
Lot 9, that
Fublic Hearing on this request for Nonday, Narch 28, was seconded by -Banens and-carried.
Mi'. Reite, owner of Lot 3, Block 1, Elmwood Terrace, requested perinit to build on
this.-55-foot lot. The matter of a r&plat of property vas reviewed at some. length
€or I&. Reite, as was the matter of storm drain easement. %ratter tabled pending
results 'of meeting t.rith Ilk. Zikan and property owners conce-ming possible re-plat.
Police Department Report for-Februazy vas reviewed and ordered placed on file.
Council received and ordered placed on file Hennepin County Auditor's lfach lOth
notification of the County Board's decision $0 ieturn-to Edina llAll..of County
Road Ho. 6& 1-g between Trunk Highway No. 169 and County. Road-No. 28 - 2 EIIilesf'.
Hennepin County Highway Departmentfs letter of E-Tarch-7, tr&smitting layout mp ..
for the ProposedRelocation of County Road No. 18 for approval, was read. Lztter and layout referred to VillHge Plahning Commission for their study and recommendation.
Hennepin County Agricu1f;ural Sbciety' s request for contribution for Hennepin County
Fair vas dPsalPowed, by motion Fronk, seconded by Tupa and carried; it having-been
noted that contributions have not been made for the past several years.
The offer of Thernell Bros.'Construction Company, to cut the road one foot,at peak
on 8.61st St.. betveen Chowen and Drew Avenues and drop top of manhole one foot, at
no gost to.Village, was discusbed. Acting 'PIanager Zikan stated that this will not
affect the drainage; that it is apparently to correct an error in the plat.
recommended that offer be accepted. Fronk's motion, that offer. be accepted, with
understanding that road be returned ta its,present condition, or better. EIotion
seconded by Danens and carried.
Nayor Erickson was called away from meeting at this time, and Trustee Fronk presided
until, @is return, as recorded.
The request of Orfei & Ikriani, contractor (and Phelps-Drake Go., In;. , sub-
contractor) for permission to use piling in-the pea behind Brpokv+ew Avenue, in
the Northwest Diagonal Trunk Sewer No. 69 project, vas discussed at some length.
3k. Zikan reported fhat. he has requested T~i.n City Testing Laboratories to 'CcLke
borings; and that the outcome of the request w&ll deperid upon their findings.
He stated that it looks as though piling may have to be used for a% least 300
feet, at appro&mtely $100 per foot.
be given for piling 'prouiding TtJin City. Testing Laboratories' tests prove it .
&ikanfs recommendations.
council noted Raiboad and Thehouse Commission* s notification of a co_ntinued
The application of John Sat-, dba TToodlake Forest Products, 7701 Newton Ave.
So,, for permit to deliv'er fireplace qod, was received, together with Police
Captain's recomendation for qualified approval, requiring applicant to-furnish
police with weight slips.
police captain's recommendation, was seconded by Danens and carried.
The Einutes of-'the Park Board E-feeting of 21arch 7 xiere reviewed.
contained a recommendation for- acquisition of Lot 23, Block 18, Fairfax Addition
{;ow tax delinquent) for park purposes.
inasmuch as this lot is situtated between-tm improved lots. It was brought out
that this property is immediately contiguous to property acquired for the "Lake
Panela" development; and Danens offered the following Resolution and moved-i'ts
Nr, Zikan recommended that authorization
Tupa's nhtion, that pili,ng be authorized in accordance with 1-k.
Notion seconded by Danens and ckrried.
hearing to be held ?&rcki 29,. on bus rates. -8
!Pupa's motion, for approval in accordance with
These minutes
Some discussion was had .on recommendation,
-. UkQ, AND,FOE SAXE LIS'<- yo. "384:C'! Bs NO~~-COI~~YATI~~
?:r?HEREks, The Village Council. of the Village-of Edina, Hennepin County, Hinne-
sota,_-has_keceived -from the County Auditor of lands in sai'd village which became the
property of the State of Pbesota under the provisions of law declaring the forfeit-
ure of lads to the State. of 12hnesota for non-payment of taxes, which said Est has
been designated as Classification List 11384-C1t, February 15, 1955; and
TTHiZtEAS, each parcel of land described in said list has heretofore been classi-
fied &T she Board of County Commissioners of Hennepin County, I.Wesota 8s non-con-
semation land and the sale thereof has heretofore been authorized by said Board of
bmty Commissioners;
XOW, T?i€ERXFORE, be it resolved by said Village Council, acting pursuant to
Wesota Sbatutes for 1949, Section 282.01,_Subd. I, that the said slassification
by said Board of County Commissioners of each parcel of land described in said list
as non-cQnservation land be and the same is hereby approved and that the sale of
< each such parcel of land be and the same is hereby approved. -
{ 141'
The question was on the adoption of
there were three yeas no nays, as follows
and the Resolution was adopted.
the resolution and the roll being called,
: Danens, aye; Hm; T a and Fronk, aye;
b i-
Danens then offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption:
. RESOLUTION FOR ~CQUBITION OF TA;S DELINQUENT .. .. wm.. -. . -. BE E REsULm, that the Hayor-and Clerk are hereby authorized and directed
to make application to the Board of County Commissioners of Hennepin County and
the Commissioner of Taxation bf the State of Minnesota for conveyance of the
following tax-forfeited lands to the 'Village .of Edina for use as park, said land
being situated within the Village of Nina:
Lot 23, Block 18, Fairfax Addition.
Notion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by
i#rere three ayes and no nays, as follows:
-nd on Rollcall there'
aye; and Fronk, aye; Danens,
and the Resolution was adopted. .-
* Acting Village Clerk G3 & connection with the remainder of List rr384-Ctt, it was decided to wait until Mr,
Zilran has had opportunity to inspect-certain praperties to see if t hey will be
required for drainage basin.
The following improvement petitions were filed, and Danens moved that petitions
be accepted and turned over to the Village Engineer for the scheduling of public
hearings. Notion seconded -by Tupa and carried:
1. Blacktop - El Rancho Trail, Interlachen Blvd. to Turn-arodnd.
2. Sanitary SewerzBeard Pl., Beard &$e. to W.62nd St,
3. Watermain-Beard PI., Beard. Ave. to w.62nd St , 4. Jtatermain-Tower St , , Wooddale tq St..-Johns Ave. 5. Sanitary Sewer and ?$atemain in *%:oodhill1'. 6. Curb and Gutter - E,Side of France -Ave. between W.57tk St. & 200 Ft. N.;
N'. Side of W.57th St., France Ave.-to 78 Ft, E..-
With regard to Petition No. 6,&. .Zikan suggested that this be coordinated with .. County Plans for France Ave. __ __ c
Nayor Ekxkson returned to the meeting at this time.
Nr. Folke Victorsen appeared on behalf of Final Plat of W.ctorsents Addition to
Nomandale Courtr1.
before plat can be filed,
for approval of plat, subject to submission of street profiles, easement for
utilities, and bond for the gravelling of the road.
Mrs. Harold Schaeffer appeared to request approval of Final Plat of "Harold Woods
Planning,Commission, with 142. Danens protesting this setback; but lit was noted
that contractor had agreed to this setback,
accordance with Planning Commissiopl s recommendations .
and carried,
Mr. Zikan stated that an easement for -utilities is required
He recommended that no park dedication be required, for
Fronk moved
Motion seconded by Danens and
' the reason that neither of the neighboring plats has such dedication.
Some discussion was had as to the 70-foot setback required by the
Bonk moved for approval of plat in
Motion seconded by Tupa
11 Some discussion was had as to the "hardship clause1* amendment to the Zoning
OrdSnance, drafted by Attorney Windhorst on directhe by the Council.
the following Ordinance for adoption, moving that Council waive second reading and
adopt Ordinance as offered:
Fronk offered
The Village Council of the Village of Edina, Ibesota, ordains:
Section 1.
Section 3 (Open-Development' District) of Ordinance No. 261 of
. the revised ordinances+of the Village,.as amended, is hereby amended by adding at
the end of paragraph 4 of said-section 3, an additional sub-paragraph as follows:
3/Uh 142 Any one OT more of the minimum requirements as to size, frontage
and depth of lots set forth h subparagraphs (a) and (b) of this paragraph 4 may
*. be waived by the Council* as to any proposed plat-or subdivision, if the enforce- ' ment of such requirement or requirements would mrk an unreasonable hardship on
tkie owner of the land included in the plat or subdivision. Such waiver, however,
after a hearing on the question of such waiver held on the same notice as provided
in Section 3, paragraph 2 (a) of this ordinance,11
This ordinance shall be 3.n effect from and after its passage
and public&ion accordhg to law.
Eotion for waiver of second reading and adoption of Ordinance as offered. was
i may be' ordered only by the vote ob a majority of the pembers-of the council,
h &.
Section 2.
I&. BoGgeois presented his Preliminary Plat, Located at TL64th St. and Brookview
Avenue, stating he is unable. to acquire additional land to make his plat conform
-&th requirements. Fronk's motion, that Preliminary ?la% be approved, was seconded
by Tupa and carried. - I -
A complaint against the XcRellis Stables, by Tau Kappa Club, was filec&de$r~c&~ace
motion, that letter be referred to Police Department for such action/as 1s necessary
to correct the situation, was seconded by &pa and carried.
Hr~. Adeline Lindboe then asked for relief from a "horse stable" situation in her
neigh@orhood;,and .. she, too, vas referred to the Police Department for their action.
Discussion vas had on Application for Sign Permi.&, by Grandview Pharmacy, Inc.;
T.rith recommendation of Police Capt-@n NcGary that sign on store front have shaded
lights; and that sign be lighted from .darkness to 1O:OO P.N. Tupa moved for
approval of L*2* lighted 'eigq on Store Front, in accordance with I-IcGary's
recommendation, ad also approval -of a21 on rear jral.1 fo store. Notion .seconded
I by Dzinens and carried. *r'
Council discussed Park Ford Z&rkls offer of work, for himself and two helpers,
for .ten hours per day, s* days .per,t<eek, for approximately tyo weeks at Ifhatching
timet1 and when weather perrni$s,. to do an effective job of spraying. Tup&!s motion,
that-men be instructed to proceed according to theiq plan,. was seconded bJr Danens
and carried. c
Hrs. Edith Haste's request for approval of permit to face house long my of lot, on
lot 13, Blo-ck ?,,Bror.mdale Park, was received. Fronk's motion, scheduling Public
Requisition for Air TJa&g Equipment, forwarded from State Department of Civil
Defense, tms rev+et.re_cl.
further study be given ta its location, was seconded by Danens and carried.
Final Plat of Wendelssohn Heights11 was presented, with Ikks. Roy Hollander, the
developer, spea-king for its approval. Planning Commission recommendations were
reviewed; and Fro& moved that plat be approved, _subject to check by Engineers and
receipt of bond for the gravelling of road.
Hearkg on requesf, for Ekch 28, vas seconded by: Danens and carried. - ..
Fro& moved that siren be purc+sed, .at 8998.50, but that
Notion seconded by Tupa and ca.rrLed.
1lk.s. Hollander then asked that the Council do-something to elkate the "curbe
and bo Daneqs stated tbt this change in grade could possible eliminate an wensive
storm sewer. Acting Ihager Zikan was instructed to get in touch with the count^
, Engineer to seft what can be done to raedy the present situation. Hollander's idea that this work could be done at the time the sanitary sewer work
is done, inasmuch as the road r.riL1 be closed to .travel anpray.
Village Attorney's communication of Xarch* 11, concerning the law suit, Eva Stadge
vs. Xdiris, was reviewed and ordered placed on file.
Village Hanager Hydels notification of the appointment of Alex Creighton as Village
Assessor, at a &al.aV of 85,000 per year, appointment effective April. I, was
reviewed and ordered placed on file.
Northwestern Bell Telephone Companyts request for permit to insta-n a public
telephone at %he corner of 66th and .France, was approved by motion Fronk, seconded
bF =pa, and carried. .
in Blake Road, just south-of her plat; stating that this a safe%y hazard.
I It was &@so
a 4 3. 3/Uh The Police Department's recommendation for trimming or removal of trees in
bland at T-Jooddale Ave. and Sunnyside Road, because they have become a traffic -
hazard, was reviewed, but action was deferred awaiting Park Board's report.
$fro 'Zikan reported that the Carlsons, who have sued the--Village for $$340.09,
for damages suffered to their automobile, %rill settle out of court for $300.00.
Tupa's motion, that Village settle, was seconded by Fronk and carried, with Mayor
Erickson voting against the motion.
P i
Police Department 1 s recommendation for installation of "T& Stop1* signs at
North and South corners of Bruce and Bridge St., was accepted, by-motion Tupa,
seconded bJi Danens and carried.
IJ~. Hosmer Srotm and I@. E.C. Stow presented the Council with a hand-mitten -
statement, listing the cost .of_the Stow Well at #17,903.72, less Depreciation
to Narch 15, 1955, $819.35, for net of $17,084.37. They both requested that the
Council exercise its option to purchase,this utility. 1.k. Woehler, Supt. of
Utilities, recommentled in a written repod, that purchase be made only when
connected to the present system.
operation, a loss of some_ $5,000 per year should result from this purchase.
He also asked concerning lfr, Stow's unbilled water accounts; and e. Stow stated
that he is not asking the, Village .to pay K for what is presently owed. He was
reminded that, under the terms of the ordinance granting the franchise, the
Village is to purchase all accgunts which are not more than 60 days old at
time of purchase. Mr. Stow was asked, "Are you asking the Village to purchase
unpaid accounts?" $bo Stow replied, lrNa, because we have not yet billed the
people for them.<, We are not putting %he burden on the Village for payment of
Fronk asked if all the terms of the agreement had been complied with; and 3k.
Windhorst stat-ed it is his opinion that there is no .obligation on the Village
to buy; that the Village merely has an option to buy.
with this opinion, He stated that the Company is merely asking that the Village
now exercise its option. Nr. Stow vras asked if there are any unpaid bills
outstanding against the utility; and he replied that the only bill was for
electric power, which bill has just been received.
Village exercise its option to purchase the Stow well, was seconded by Fronk;
and the motion carried,
He stated that, under ,present method of
50 a 4 * these accounts. We may, though, ask you to help us .collect them, lat6r.t' Xr. LJ
I&. Hosmer Brown agreed
Tupa's motion, that the
Matter left to Attorneys Windhorst and Brow fcr
completion of legal details. I .-
Some discussion was had as to an amendment in the Village Sign Ordinance, to
increase the fees; and Tupa moved, directing Village Attorney to prepare an
amendment to Edina's ordinance, adopting EO.oorqingtonls fees. Motion seconded
by Danens and- carried.
Ad&g lfanager Zikan reported that most easements for Sanitary T& Sewer No. 69
have nol;.r been secured; that five remain--three of the owners being out of town,
and two others, namely Gleason ahd Halloran, who refuse to sign.
recommended condemnation of the Gleason and Halloran property easements.
motion, for initiation of condemnation proceedings, was seconded by Danens and..
carried, I1
Natter of Preliminary Plat of fis. Code's property between Valley View Road and
FJ.6Oth St., was referred back to Pl-ing Commission, by motion Fro&, seconded
by Tupa and carried.
I4r. Zikan reported on Preliminary Plat of Loken's 3rd Addition; citing the
Planning Commissionts recommendation.
the exception of lots facing Xerxes Avenue, and providing Loken gets dedication
for York Avenue,
The Naas Preliminary Plat of "Lake Side Addition" vras discussed.
reported that he now has Highwqy Department appraval, as to entrance. -Frank
moved that plat be tabled, subject to conformance with usual. requirements.
Hotion seconded by Tupa and carried.
I@. Zikan
Fro& moved that Plat be accepted with
Rotion seconded by-Tupa and carried.
Kr. Zikan
Preliminary Plat of Woodhill" was presented, together with Planning Commission
recommendations of laqch 2nd. __ Two gentlemen appeared, to i-eguest Cowjcil approval,
and sone discussion-was had.rdth these gentelmen concerning drainage problems and
dedication of one-half the road on the East side of the plat; and Fronk moved
approval of plat, subject to elimination of one corner from plat, and subject to
thorough engineering check, Notion seconded by Danens and carried.
Preliminary Plat of Parkwood bolls 5th Addition was presented, together 16th Bb.
Zikan's recogmendation that the developer's engineer be asked to give Village a
drainage study before any action is taken,,on the plat.
Hr. Zikanls recommendation. No action taken on plat. ~
Pyelhinary Plats of Portercrest, and Final Plat of James d. Roberts Estate, were
referred back to Planping Commission for recommendatibn,
Council concurred in
1-52. Zikan notified Council of a Public Hearing t6 be held Harch 16, on Don
Anderson's Pre1i.rhina-y Plat of Boad Oaks, trhich is a replat of the Vest .1/2 of
Lots 2,3,4 pd 5, Block-7 and Lots l-and 2 and the East 1/2 of Lots 3, 4 and 5,
Block 6, Eornandale; there being some objection to this proposed re&atting.
Public.Hearing is to be held by Planning Gomission.
Preliminary Plat of HOE. Brush, Jr., #for ihe replatting of kt 12, Block I.,
Highview Park, was submitted with the Planning Commission's, qualified recommendation
for appr0p.l.
moving of &ot line in conformance with Nr. Zikan's recommendation, was seconded by
%pa and carried, IC
Fronk's motion, for accgptance'of preliminary plat, subject to the
I 3-k. Zikan presented Final Plat of "Indianhead Crest,!* *by Drs, Rice and Strickler,
.expk*g that profiles have not Jret been received., It was consensus of Councilts
opivrion that developers should be asked .to comply with. plafiting procedures before,
action is daken.
&. Zikan reported l-k. E.C. Stow's request for the rezoning to kdustrial of a
parcel of land East. of the RailrQad Tracks and South of N.7Oth Street. Ilk. P.J.
Gressy of Northern States Power Co. reported, merely .as a matter of informat$.on,
that the Company has no interest-in this parcel of land. No action taken.
%pars motion, that Village Payroll, amount #13,729.27, for period >larch 1 to 15,
inclusive, be paid, and -that-the following Claims be approved, was seconded by
Danens and carried: . General Fund , - $7,259029 Construction Fund - 87,823.04
pParks Fund - , 422.65 T.Tatemorks Fund - , 922.00
gquor _Fund -$IO, 485.68 .- Garbage Fund 1,992 . 00
Poor Fund e 374.70 linprovemnts Funds 125.00
Tupa ;;loved-for approval of the following General Licenses for the year Apr5.l I,
1955 to April 1, 1956; and for approval of the following PLumbing Licenses for the
sarne teng, with latter approval to be subject to approval. by Building Inspector
Woehler, and General License approval to be subject to approval by Police Captain
S.S,Adair, Jr. dba Edina Texaco 5400 France he. 5 Gas.Pumps
hnerican Legion Post No. 471
Biltmore iiotor Hotel . Hwy.jfl69 ai 52nd St. Food
Brauer's s$ to $1.00 Store 3905T;T. 50th St. Food
CW,Grocery , 5432 'I\rO7Oth St. Food
14otion seconded by Danens and carried.
On Sale Beer
Off Sale. Beer
- - Nane -. Address
I 4900 Eden Ave.
*. Cigarette
Off Sale Beer
Gas Pump .
e. "I Cigarette
Clancy Drug, fie. 3948 W. 50th St. Food-
Correll's Dairy Store 3907 i-i.54th St. Food
Off SaLe Beer 1
Country Club Ice Cream Co. 5036 France be. S. Food
The Dale Green Company 7601 N0rmandgJ.e Rd. Gas Pump
Don Hemp dba Don's Lunch 534% France Bve,-.So. Food. . *_ . *. - Cigarette
Edina Country Club 4701 %I. 50th St. Food
On Sale Beer
Off Sale Beer
-. *. Cigarette
On Sale Beer
Xquor .
Gas Pump
Edina Taxi & Delivery Service,bc. 2.45 Eden Ave. 16 Tax5cabs
Ege~is-~ Bakeries 5033 Vernon Rve. Food
Fanny Famer Candy Shops, kc. 5000 France Ave, So. Food
Garner ,Gr o ceq 4380 Brookside Ave. Food
Glaceir Sand Gt Gravel Co.
Grandviey Cafe 5002 Vernon Ave. So. Food.
Grandview Direct Service
Gregg Pharmacy 4954 France ive. Food
Hacken&ller Xeat Xarket 4948 France ive. Food
Hasty Tasty Shops __ - 3907 Mo5Oth St. Food
Gas Pump
Cigasett e
5000 'Vernon Ave. Cigarette
70th & France AGe.
1 '7 Gas Pumps
Cigarette -
Cigarette -.
Interlachen Country Club -
Knight Hardware
McClellan’s Grocery
- National Tea Company
Nolan’s Golf Terrace Cafe
Purity Dairy Store
Scott Store 594
Beal Swant
Trisler 1 s Grocery -
Wooddale Grocery
6200 . Interlachen Blvd. .. .. .*
4404 Valley View Road
-. 3501 i.S. 54th St .
3926 %.50th Street
5018 France Ave. So.
3906 W. 50th St. 4425 Valley View. Eoad
5405 France &m. So.. -
4930 France Ave. So. - -
4429 Valley View Road
.. -. 0- --
$ Kind lh 45
FOOT ’ Cigarette
On Sale Beer
Off Sale Beer
Cigarette .
Food -
On Sale Beer
Off. Sale Beer
Off Sale Beer
Gas Pump
. Cigarette
L Food--
Off Sale Beer
:+ Cigaette . .
. Off Sale Beer
On Sale Beer
Pinball. Hachine
Off Sale Beer
PLmm ’ LICrnSB:
Robert, 24.. B+neman,. 5656 ,Kellogg he.
gar1 F.. Beaudry, 2901 Lyndale Ave. So,
Belden Porter Cb., 65-69 N. 17th St.
Arnold Sing Plbg. & Htg. 4945 S.Up-Lon Ave.
Bjorkman Bros. Co.,708-S. 10th St.
Blaylock Plbg. Go., 7731-4th Ave. So.
TJ.>f.Bo~d.er eC Co., 511 %Lake St. tL F.H.’priura1ty3549 Nicollet Ave,
G.?urman Plbg.& Htg,,2209 Johnson St. NE
Robert J,--Carlson Plbg, ,6020 Drew So.
k. Carlson, 24OO-lOth Ave. So.
Castle Plbg. Coo, 142 E.38th St.
Dahlberg & Karkhoff,2010 Emerson Ave. N.
Grand Plbg.. & Htg., 3@9’ Grand Ave.
T.D.Gustafson Co. ,3206 Biloomin&on Ave.
Harris Bros. Plbg.Co., 22L7 W.Lake SS.
Hoglund & Co., 6532 W,Lake St.
B. Hovde Plbg. & Htg.-,1713 W.Lake St,
Hughes Htg.& Plbg,Co., 330 E.Lake St.
Johnson Bros.Plbg.Co. ,4820 Excelsior Ave,
Discussion was had‘on specially printed police and fire telephone numbers, with DIP.
llitzel advocating that they be sent out, but that they not be charged against Fire
Council, was seconded by Tupa and carried.
I&. IToehler reported that Fire Underwriters Inspection Bureau eqects to be here about
the first of Iky, to make the insurance-rab &i@;requested last year,
There being no further business to come before this meeting, Tup moved for adjournment.
Notion seconded by Danens and -carried.
Kenmod Plbg.& Htg.Co., 2123-W.21st St.
A,J,Klingelhuts,5320 Lyndale &re. So.
0.P.Kohl Co., 1008 Narquette Ave.
London Plbg. Coo , 1627 Plymouth Ave. No
B.J.Mangan GO., 100 E.U&h St.
J.EcClure Kel3.y & c0.,2601 Stevens Ave.S.
Nooneyls Plbg.&Htg., 2816 SoHarriet Ave.
Norbloom P;Lbg.&Htg.Co. ,3742 Chicago Ave.
Clare Nordwall,. 1715 Chicago kve.
Ries Plbg. & Htg., Shakopee, IsIinn.
N.Side Plbg,&Htg.Co. ,1715 Plgmouth Ave.N.
Stsdard Plbg,& Appliance Co . ,2117 Lyndale S ,
Shoppa Plbg.&Htg. C-o.,8015 Htka Blvd,
H,O,Soderlin,3731 Gfiicago Ave.
E.S.Stiles & Son,6&9 Girard Ave. S.
H,B.Stone Plbg. Co., 2lOl W.67th St.
$.N.Tack Plbg.& Htg. CO., @32 W.3lst St.
Xerxes-Pllg. & Htg. €o., 4949 Xerxes So.
R.Hul.tgren Pl@g.Co. , 5428 Nicollet . --
Fronkls motion, that order be authorized, with charge to be made against
.+ C
He ting adjourned at 10: 55 P.M. - ,d&& /@c- &-,
Acting Village Clerk