HomeMy WebLinkAbout19550411_REGULAR4/11/55
. .. _- --
Invocation was given by Rev. Paul Ileller of Edina Community Lutheran Church.
Elembers answering Rollcall were Danens, Fronk, Tupa and Bredesen.
Pursuant to Affidavit of Publication for "Advertisement for Bids, Sand, Rock,
Blacktop Naterials, which, was read by Clerk, approved as to form and ordered
placed on file--advertisement having been published 14arch 31 and April 7--
sealed bids were taken; and by motion Fronk, seconded by Danens and carried, were
referred to the Village Engineer's Office for public opening and tabulation.
Bids were found to be as follows:
.Delivered Loaded on Loaded ik In Stock
.to any Edina Eqpt. RR Tank . Piles
point At Plant Car,Edina At Plant
in Edina Or Pit Team Tr. Or Pit
cy. . cu. . cu. . cu. ~ . 1. 4,000 Cu. Yds. Torpedo Sand Yd. Ton Yd. Ton Yd. Ton Yd. Ton -I--- Glacier Sand & Gravel Co.,Edina 1.89 1.35 1-19 .85 1.05 *75 WoodrZch Const . Co . , Hop'kins 1.48 1.06 .98 -70 ~ 098 070
MaEco Sad & Gravel.Co.,Edina 2.10 1.50 1.75 1.25 1.40 1.10 . F.W.Hedberg & Sons,Inc.,Edina 1.88 1.34 1.04 .74 097 -69
2. 300 Cu.Yds. &I1 to 3/4"
F.Y.Hedberg eC Sons,fic. 3.28 2.34 2.a 1.74 2.37 1.69
Crushed Rwk
Glacier Sand & Gravel Go. 3.29 2.35 2.59 1.85 2.45 1.75
3. 4,000 Cu.Yds. Hat laaterial.
J.A.Danens & Son,Inc., Edina 1.50 1.35
Woodrich Const . Co. 2.88 2.06 2.38 1.70 2.38 1.70 Barton Contr.Co., .Npls.. - 2.65 .- -
.. 4. 3,000 Cu.Yds. Stabilized Hatl.
Barton Contr.Co. . 1.65 J.A.Danens eC Son,mc. 1.35
Woodrich Const . Co. 1.41 1.01 -91 .65 e91 065
Blacktop Serv.Co.,~c.,St.L.Pk. 2.10 1.65 1.50 1.10 1.35 095 J,V.Gleason, St.L.Pk. - 1.60 1.10
3% Jc Ji $5. .% 3: J1 35 2% 3k -2- -x- - ._ n , ,, d. ,. n ,,
5,6,7 - 25,000 Gals. NC#l; .- 10,000 Gals. l4C#2;
55,000 Gals. PiC#3. Gallon Gallon
#.LO $LO966
, .lo4 Richards Oil Co.
J.V.Gleason Go.
8. 5,000 Gals. SC#l
Richards Oil Co. -. $.0955 G.0925
J.$.Gleason ..lo
11. 300 Tons FLeady PJJ~ Tar Ton
Earl B.Sewal1 Coe,Inc. St.L.Pk. $63 .
..e Blackbop Serv. .Coo. - -~ .6,60
12. 1,000 'Tons Ready Nix Asphalt
Earl A.Sewal1 Cq.,Inc.,St,L.Pk. $5.45 $4.95
Blaceop Serv. Coo. -- .6.00 .5.10
J.TI.Gleason 5.40 4. $0
Bct4on on bids was tabled to next meetgg.
Mr. Zikan reported at some length on matter of award for Steam Cleaner; stating that
he has had opportunity to inspect only the one type.
steam cleaner be withheld until opportunity has been had to check on other piece of:
equipment . Fronk moved that decision on
Notion seconded by Danens and carried.
Nr. 2il;an recommended award of bid on 13-vdieel Pneumatic Roller to second-low bidder,
Ruffridge-Johnson Equipment Co., on a Rosco-Pactor Nodel CR-13, at @1,550. He
stated that this bid is only $25.00 higher than that of lot: bidder;. that there is
no opportunity to inspect machine of low bidder.
on the Rosco machine, was seconded by Tupa and carried.
Fronk's motion, that bid be awarded
.. I58 4/11/55
meither proponant Simpson, nor the objectors to his petition, appeared at Eeeting; .
consequently nothing vas done concerning the petition to build on N. 55 Ft. of Lot 9,
B1. 2, South White Oaks Addn. (@32 Townes Rd.).
-&s. IIaste did not present the house plan for which the Council had asked at their
last meeting; and Hearing on petition to face house long ~rzy of lot, Lot 13, Bl. 7,
Browridale Park (4395 Vernon Ave.) was continued pending such plan.
Acting Clerk read copy of Notice of Hearing &led to all property ovmers ?zitkin
500 feet; and, pursuant to said Notice, Hearings were held and action taken as
recbrded- below:
1. Hearing on Petition of E.lrs. Blanche Code for permission to plat a tract of
land lying between Ti.60th St . and Valley Vievr Road and between Nomdndale Road and
Parnell Ave.; s&d tract to contain two lots having less than 7SfOOt frontages.
T.Irs. Code vas present to suppart her petition, explaining that lots TU have
about 70-foot frontages.
objecEions had been filed prior thereto.
and'plat approved, was seconded by Fronk and carried.
2. Hearing on the Petition of Er. John E. Car-darelle and others,' for 'permission
to plat a t-ract -of land 1-g between V.62nd and W.63rd St& and between a pC. *
250.69 3%. V. of Tfarren Ave. extehded TT. and a pt'. 62.32 Ft. E. 0% TTilryan Ave.
exbended IJ., into 77 platted lots, 8 lots of r.rl-ric?l are of less tkian mininum depth.'
Kr. A. G. Bogen supported this petition.
with platting regulations as €o-road right-of-way, it vas necessary to decrease
the dept3s of some eight lots; that all lots have the-required square ioot'age.
There were h.ro inqiries, but no objections to the plat.
be granted and that plat be approved. 'Xotion seconded by Ronk and carried.
Acting Ha*r Bredesen then called Public He5,ring on Proposed Kater Tank Site, on
'I.T.7Uth St. between France and TJooddale Aves; this hearing having-beeh scheduled
in'accordanee with a request by an objector. 1-k. Dudley Ericson, representing *
E. 1T.D. CofTman, option purchaser-of the Delaney properties &mountling-the
proposed'site, e3plained that his client plahs to'plat his 120 ackes into some
300 lots; that he feels that location of the water tank a€ this site will
materially damage his property ad his chances for Utknate Ctevelop&t;'ard that,
therefore, the Village TJXL secure less tax revenue. Larid apprkkers, Victor
Bigberg, Deviey Bemombe, and Richard Cross; supported &. Zriclrsont s' opinion;
with I&. Cross, of IW Savings aitd kan, explaining that if the t& is Iocated
at its proposed site, We. Coffman's prbperty*trill"be diffikult'to mbrtgage.
TkilIZm Crew, representing the Dayton'Company, reviewea for the audience and the
Council developments leading to Council's action in proposing to re-locat'e the
talk. Ee'explained that the Dayton Comp&ny has never rated themwater tank in .
Southdale; that, at the insistence of Nr. Fred Child, former Chairman'of Public -
Utilities, the Dayton Company de-dicated land Zor the site of thentank; that then,
?faen it was reporbed that the tank could more economically be located at another
site, the Dmon Company purchased this land and dedicated 5t to the Tillage; that.
the Dayton Company now is in- the position of having dedicated two tracts of land
for the tank. Trustee Fronk, explaining that the Councilts reason for re-locztion-
of-the tank away from Southdab was on economic grounds only, it having been
reported that a saving of some $25,000 So $0,000 could be made--and that Council -
subsequently learned that tank was &ready under construction and that type of tank
could not then be changed and saving could not be effected, stated that he is
definitely in sympathy with the builder in this matter, and moved that tank be
constructed'on the site originally planned for i€.
and carried.
Street site Tram the Dayton Company; and Tupa moved that Council reconvey this
site back to the Dayton Coapany.
3Ie;L-t Public Hearing vas that on Proposed Improvement consisting 03 theWidening,
clearing, grading, graveling, construckion of storm sever, blacktopping, znd all *
necessay appurtenances in France live.' between W;6&th*and W.73~d StS., and in.'(.I.
66th St. between Valley View Rosd Wended South-and a pt. 1,100 F.t;. E; of France kve.; and Opening, clearing, grading, graveling, construction of storm sewer,
blacktopping, and all necessary appurtenances in Valley View Road, * ezdended from 8 f.r.62nd St., south and easterxy to France Ave. at*approx -1T669th St.lt -
of Notice of Hearing, published in Zdina-Xorningside Courier %rch 31 and April 7,
1955, ~ms subnitted, approved as to form and placed on file. Village Engineer - *
zikan shopred a &-Graph slide of the streets €0 be improved,-giving as his Estimate of Cost a tots of-$525,000. At this timeal-&. Albert Eeyer presented a petition,
signed by some 300, requesting-that Public Hearing be continued to April 25. Fro&
movea that petfiion be granted, and that Public Hemi@ on Improvement be continued
to April 25.
Sand and Gravel Company asked to go on record as protesting against excessive T.ridth,
excessive grade change'on France Avenue, and also on the matter of ending the
improvment at 73rd St.
There were no objections at the Hearing, and no written
Tupa's motion, that petition be granted
He' notifiea tBe Couhcil that, to comply
Tupa moved that pet5tion
- .- t -
I I&.
Hotion vas seconded by Danens
Ek. Erickson stated that his clien€ is willing to purchase the 70th.
I-Io-tion seconded by Danens and carried. -_ +
I Bfidav55
&&ion seconded by Tupa and carried. ?-IF.. Harold Roberts of Roberts
159 4m/55
Pursuant to '*Notice of Hearings on- Special Assessments,
side Courier Ifarch 17 and 24, 1955, Affidavit of -Publication for which was submitted,
approved as to form, and ordered placed on file, Public Hearings were held, and
action taken as hereirlafter recorded:
1. PUBLIC HE%RING ON -ASSBSLEI\PT FOR STORN SE2ER Ii@ROlTB;~ ROO 22 - Construction of Lateral Storm Sewer and kppurbenances in Chowen &e. from 17.61~t .St. to Chowen
Place. Tabulatioq of Assessment was in Totzl ,Amount of $9,167.28 as against 556,3@
Assessable Square Fee€, for a Cost per assessable square foot of $.0092358; Estimate
of Cost: having been $.0124. There were no-objections raised at the Hearing, and
no written objections had been filed prior thereto. (See Resolution Approving) .
of Lateral. SMtary Sewer and Appufienances in'W.62nd St. between Parnell Ave, and
Shemvood Jive., and in Ryan Ave; from W.62nd St. 50 3450' Ft. N. Tabulation of Assess- ment was in Total Amount of 35,251.16, as against 807.10 Bssessable'Feet, for $6.50
per Assessable Foot--$2.65 being for 'a Connection to Trunk Sewer Improvement No. El,
and $3.85 for Construction 'of Lateral Setrer. Estimate of Cost of Improvement, as
cited at Improvement Hearing hzd been $2.65 Tmk Connection, $5.63 for Lateral.
There were no objections raised at the Hearing, And no written obJections had been
Construction of Lateral Wateniain and Appurtenances in Vest Side of Ewing he. from
W.6Oth St. to 397.9 Ft. South; and in South side of W.6lst St. from Ewing Ave. to
Drew he. Tabulation of Assessment was in Total ;Ilmount' of $2,@2.90; for $4.13
per Assessable Foot.
written objections had been filed prior thereto,
PUBLIC HEXRING ON &SEsSI~~~~ FOR ?~YLTENAIN D530VZiSNT iJ0. 74 - Construction
of Village tlatemain Exbension in St,Johns he. fmm Tf.6Wch St, to TTalley Viept Road
and in Valley View Eoad from St.Johns .&e. to a pt. 196 Ft., more. or less, East of
St;Johns Ave.
1,5l.4.28 Assessable Feet, for $3.11 per-Lssessable Foot.
at Public Hearing on Improvement, was $3.?0 per lssessable Foot.
objections raised at the Hearing, and no taitten objections had been filed prior
thereto. (See Resolution Approving) .
13'atermain- and Appurtenances in W.62nd St. from Virginia he. to Shemmod Ave. j in
Ryan Ave., from I:7.62nd St. to '309 Ft, ivorthh; in Parnell Ave. from B.62i1d St.; .iis.
332 Ft, North.
1,035.10 Assessable Feet, for $8.36 per Assessable Foot.
at Hearing on Improvement was $6.00 per Assessable Foot.
raised at the Hearing, znd no tcitten objections had been filed prior thereto.
(See Resolution Approving) .
published in Frdina-Norning-
filed prior thereto. (See Resolution kpproving) . . ..
There were no objections raised at the Hearing, and no'
(See Resolution Approving) . 4.
Tabulation of Asses'sment was in Total Amount of $k,709.41, as against
Estimate of Cos-E;, as cited
There were no
Tabulation of Assessment was in Total &mount of $8,653.4.4, as against
Estimate of Cost as cited
There were no objections
6. PUBLIC Hl3ARzG OB &%BSSIEIIT FOR MATj3R" JXPROE.BlE EO. 77 - Construction of
Vimlage Platermain and Appuktenances in Chowen he. from I.J. 61st St . to If.62nd St. : in
Chowen Place; in W.6lst- 3%. from Chowen to'Drew he.
in Total Amount of $8,757.18, as against 2,191.65-Assessable Feet, for ;$3.99 per
Assessable Foot, Estimate of Cost, as cited at Hearing on Improvement, was also
$3.99. filed prior thereto.
Tabu1a;tion of Assessment T&S
There were lio objections at the Hearing, ~ and no written objections hEd been
(See Resolution Amrovind . 7. @UBLIC HUBDIG ai ASSSSI~IEW FOR EJRB AI\~DI'G~TER nmomm~ NO. %io - ~n
Lakeview. Drive between Wooddale kve, and Concord he. - Tzbulation of Assessment was
in Tot& Amount of $5,l4.4.30 as against 2,246.42 Assessable Feet, for $2.29 per
Assessable Foot.
There were no objections at the Hearing, ad no written objections had been filed -
prior thereto. (See Resolution Approving) .
Oaklawn he. between 1~61st and V.62nd Sts.
Amount of :.;3,597.99 as against 1,189.4 Assessable Feet, for $3.02 per Assessable Foot.
Estimate of Cost, zs cited at Hearing on Improvement, was $2.79.
Engineer Ztkan about the difference in price between this project and No. B-10, and
he was advised that the former project is some two years old-er than the Oaklawn job;
that construction costs have increased in the interim.
from the floor, and no written objections had been filed prior to the Hearing.
(See Resolution Approving) .
tf.58th St, .from-Fmnce live, to Brookview Ave. - Tabulation of Assessment was in Total
hount of $523.50, as against 3,061.58 assessable Feet, for G.16976 Assessable Feet.
There were no objections at the Hearing, and no written object2ons had been filed
prior thereto-
from South,Line.of Southridge.Addn. to Woodland Cjxcle.
in Tot& Amount of $3,74l3.73, as against $,423.47' Assessable Feet, for $2.63 per
Assessable Foot.
Vsginia Beard objected to. assessment before completion of project, stating that the
trhole" was impassable. YE. Zikan pointed out that this is not a grading pr0jec-E; but
a storm sewer project; that the Grading is completed.
project be discussed at next meeting.
Estimate of Cost, as cited at Hearing on 3nprovement, was $2.20.
Tabulation of Assessment was in Total
One ovmer asked
Tkiere were no objections
(See Resolution Approving) .
10. PUBLIC HEAFUIJG ON AsSEsS~mfl FOR GIzkDIItG ~~O~i~ NO. C-4-l - h Halifax Lane
Tabulation of Assessment was
%?so Estirmte of Cost, as cited at Xprovement Hearing', was $3.32.
Council asked that Stom Saver
(See Resolution Approving Assessaent) .
4/11/55 160 11. PUBLIC B73J~~IG Cli ASsW3.m*E FOE WD?G EJ3?2OVE;EICi! UO. C-59 - In N-S .
.Alley between Pork and Xerxes Aves. and between U.56th .and 17.57th Sts.
or" Assessment was in Total Amount of $777.32, as against €361.02 Assessable Feet,
for Cost per Assessable Foot of $;90,. as compared 16th Eskimate of Cost cited a%
Ihprovement Bearing, of 3.68. Uro Henry A. Bachman, 3121 F7.56th St., complained
that the work had not- been done correctly, and that the South end of the alley
is 2n poor csndition, 1.k. Zikan and Er. Eredesen both reeded the group present
that the Council had agreed to do the work the way the residents wanted it, against
the reconmendation of the Village Engineer. Some further. discussion was had, and
Fro& moved for continuance of hearing pending a rkther engineering study. Ilotion
seconded by Danens and carried.
Tabulation i
* _.
- E'RONK %hen offered the. fo.Uowing Riso&,tion ad moved, its adoption: .
l3~OliE.ITS NOS* B-10 JW B-25: GRADIi'JG D~~O~~~iS
- szm momm~ nro, 27: S~ITARY s~r;m ~.mom-ma
1 IXQ? 1IIPROlEl~TS f?OS. 74, 76 DJD 77: CURB AX0 GUTTE;R
NOS. C-27 SUl?PX!3f*ii3IIT AND C-&l
€93 IT RESOLVED by thg Village Council of the VUage of Edina, IEmesota, as follows:
1, It is hereby found, determined and declared that the proposed assessments
for ST0E.Z SEGFi ErrmaV;rXS IJO, 27, SANITARY SEf.EEl OXR30VEbEXT BO..74, TJhm:m
~@~~;~~ 130. 39,.S7P=-Xl+l'?, IlmW ~~~OW~iTS NOS. 76 &ID 77, CURB &iD
GUTTm IT.TpFLovi~TS TfO3* E-10 AND B-25, GWIXG ~*~OYEZ~iT BO. C-27 SUPPIEI*iE€i!T,
and *DJG BPIIOTEXEi~7l.' I,IO. Ea, and each of them, have beh properly calculated
in accordance with the provisfons of 145nnesota Statutes Section 412:&!J; that notice
has been duly published as reg.uired by law, %ha$ this Council would meet to hear and
pass upon,U objections, .if any, to &end-said proposed assessments as night be
necessary, and-to gdopt the sane by resolution; that said proposed assessments have
at all times since'their fi-g been open for public inspection, and opportunity has
been given to all interested persons to pregen-b their objedions; and that each of
the lots, pieces and parcels-of land enumerated in the respective assessments was
azld is specially benefited by the construction 91" the improvements for vfich such
assessment is 1etied.in the amount set'opposite the description of each such lot,
piece ad parcel of lad, respectively.
and parcels of 1-d described in said respective assessments, and saLd-proposg?d
assessnents are hereby adopted hd confirnied as the-proper special assessments+for*
szid improvements, respectively, The assessment against each lot, tract or parcel,
togetiher 76th the interest accruing on the full amount thereof ,from tine to time
unpaid, at the rate of Tive percent per ambin from the dzte o€ this resolution,
skall be a lien concurrent with general taxes upon the property described there&
a-d gll thereof. .
The to'cal mount of eaGh'such assessment for Storin Sewer, Sanitary Sever
and for Watermain Dprovements Nos. 74, 78 and 77 shall be-payable in equal annual
installments exbending over a period of ten years, the first of said installments,
together wi%h hterest on the entire assessment from %he date hereof to December 31,
1956, to be payzble with the generaJ.'taxes for the year 1955, md one of the
rembing installments, with one year's interest on 'chat and all subsequent install-
ments, to be paFable with genera taxes for the $ears 1956 through 196&, collectible
in the respective ensuing years.
The .total amount of eech ass&sment- for Curb and'htter hprovements Nos.
B@O ad E-25-shalJ be payable in eipal annu& installments exbending over a period
of fLve years, the fjxst of said instaUmqlts,'together with interest qn the entire
assesment &om the date hereof to Decmber 31, 1956, to be payable with the general
faxes Xor the year 1955, and one of the remaining &nstallmentq, 16th one *yearTs
interest on that and all subsequent installmentq, to be payable 15th geqeral taxes
for the years 1956 through 1959, collectible in the respective ensuing yeas.
ment shdl be payable in equal annual-instdhents extending over a period of seven
years, the first 02 said instalhients, together with interest on the entire assess-
ment from the date hereof to Decaber 31, 1956, to be paFzble w5th the general- taxes
for the year 1955, ad one of the remaining instd-lments, >Iith one yearts interest
on that and all subsequent installments, to be payable with general taxes for the
years 1956 through 1961, collectible in-the respective ensuing yeas.
Supplement and C-4.l shall be payable in equal annual installments ex%&nding over a
period of three years, the first of said &stalhents, together with interest on the
entire assessment from the date-hereof to December 31, 1956, to be payable with the
general taxes for the year 1955, and one of the"remaining inst-ents, with one'
year's interest on Ynat and
-taxes-for the years 1956 and 1957, colle-ctible in the respective ensuing years.
of any lot, piece or parcel of land assessed hereby may pay-the whole of such assess-
men% or any installment %hereof without interest to the Vjlhge Treasurer and * there-
after such pqment may be made vfith accnued interest, to the County Treasurer; pro-
vided that if any assessments or inc;tallments thereof be prepaid to the T'lage
Treasurer, they shall be cancelled on the books 'of the Village Treasurer, and he
shdl promptly notify the Village Clerk and County Auditor, and the assessment or
installment so prepaid shall be cancelled on the books of tne County Auditor.
2. ,The anoqnts so set out are hereby ieviqd aiainst the respective lo%s, pieces
e e
, - The total mount of the assessment for TTa%emain hprovement IJo. 39 Supple-
I The totd amount of .each assessment for Grading Improvements No. C-27
subsequent installments to be payable with genera
Prior to, certification of the assessment to the County Auditor, the olmer . 3.
4. The Clerk shall, as soon as may 4/11/55 be, prepare and transmit to the County Auditor 461
i a certified duplicate of said-assessments, with each then unpaid installment and,
ihterest set forth separately, to be exbended upon the proper tax lists of the
County, and the County Auditor shall thereafter cause said assessments to, be' -
collected in the manner provided by law; Said Sanitary Sevfer hpro+ement No. 74 .
Watermain Enprovement No. 39 Supplement, Vatermain Smprovements Nos. 74, 76 and 77,
Curb and Gutter Inprovemenis Nos. B-10 and B-25, Grading and Grvelling Improve-
ments Nos. C-27 Supplement and C-41, and d-1 -amounts collected in respect of the
assessments therein contained shall be similarly designated by the County Treasurer
and remitted to the Tillage Treasurer, and by him credited to the Sinking Fund
Accounts as follows:
From Watermain Enprovement No.'39 Supplement, Curb and Gutter Improvement No.
B;.lO,.'and Grading Improvement NP. C-27 _Supplement--To the Sinking Fund Account of
the 1951-2nd Series hkovement Fund.
From the Stom Sewer Improvement Bo . 27; Sanitary Sewer hprovement ~ IT0 . 74, '
Watermain hprovements NOS. 74, 76,'and 77, Curb and Gutter .hprovement No. -B-25,
and Grading Improvement &peveme& ITo; (3-41 Assessments, to the Sinking Fund of
the 1954-2nd.Series Imjrovezent hd.
Notion for adoption of tIie'ResoluZion was seconded by Danens, and on Eo3,lcaU there
were four ayes and no nays, as follotvs:'
Bredesen, aye; and the Resolution was adopted. 1
... .. -_. .
Danens, we; Fronk, aye; Tupa, aye; and
Kayor Pro Tem
- . _-
-4&Ld4?& .d '/ -
fF /'
m m a3 ==T I
Acting- Village Clerk
Mk. Kadlac appeared before €he CouncZL; requesting permit to build on unplatted
tract of land of less than- three &res, located South of TalLey Viek Rd, and Soutk
of Indianhead Crest. After some discussion, it was decided that IJ~. Kadlac should
plat his property before attempting to build Yulereon.
- - . .-_. -_- -
Mr. Peder I-Eckklsen supported'his written E.e@est of April 7, for permissiori to
construct Sanitary Sewer on East side of Highway Nc, 169 between Smt Ave . - and
Brookside Ave. (and to lay Tt under Highway No. 169), all at his own eqense, and
in accordance with specifications set forth by the Village Engineer.
eqlanation by I&. ZEckelsen, -Qat the sewer is needed Mediately, and this
construc€ion will be assessed against his pro9erL-y only, anyway, Danens moved that
permission be granted.
I@m Reite, owner of Lot 3, Blodk 1, Zlmvrood Terrace, appeared once again, to plead
that the Council allow him to build-on this 55-foot lot .
problem, and also the problem of Er. Johnson's obj'ectzon to the plak, Hr. Reite was
asked to consult v&th 3te. Nelson as to possible re-plat, ad to talk with I&. Zikan
concernihg storm sewer .
lyfrs. V.H. Houck, 5025' Indianola, presented petition for 'Ornamental Street Lights ion
the corners of 51st and Indianola he. and 51st- and Juanita- Ave., and for the
elimination of three proposed {Jooden pole overhead lights on Indianole and Juanita
Avenues at or North of 5Xst St. Some discussion was had with the nezghbors &d
the Council; and, because neighbors could not agree on just what they do TJ~%,
petitioners were asked to consult wit& ITorthern States Power Zngineers in order
After an
Notion seconded by Tupa and carried.
Because or"- storm sewer
. _A --. ,.
that %hey might bring a more complete repest to ,- Council. __
ik. R.H. 'S.Tinslow,*5025 Brke Ave.,- owner of an unplatted tract of less thaii-three
acres, located at the end of Woodend Drive, asked permission to build thereon; 9nd
ewlained that he wishes to use a-20-foot drive off 'tiio6dend Drive as access to
his home.- After explaining to Ke, IJinslotv and contractor Pearson that ljp. Wnslow
must plat, in accordance with Zoning reglllations, Fronk moved for Public Hearing on request to be scheduled as of April 25. Notion seconded by Tupa and carried.
Nr. Bredesen then annowiced that Council would discuss Proposed Ordinance No. 33-2--
a llDog Control Ordinance,If providing Tor the-leashing of dogs between April I ad
October 1.
Ordinance, znd one qgainst it.
asked that some control be effected as to dogs on school'grounds and public
property; and Ik, Feck, Wooddale Principal, supported &. KortonT s request,
stating that the dog problem is both an annoymce, and a danger to the children.
1k. Hartma of the Red Cross,' asked-that rabies- innoculation be 6,- pa-& of the licensing procedure. After tXks fromthe floor, both pro and con, E?. Bredesen
$ecomended that Council: investigate more fully, on an ordfiance to incorporate
rabies inno-culation, compulgoory pick-up on public grounds, and control other than
leashing; and Fronk moved %hat further study be given Ordinance for control of
dogs, and that this be Feferred to Public Safety Committee for further study as
to methods of control, and-,as 'to cost of enforcing Ordinance, 'with Committee to
report back at a future meeting.
The request of Er. L.B. Lawrence, 4627 Arden Avenue, for repair of curb allegedv
cut out by snow- plow,. was referred to Public Works Supt. Jonas with potrer to act,
by motion Fronk, seconded by Danens and carried.
-. . -
Several letters were presented to the- Council, advocating the proposed
Em Austin Norton, representing IJooddale P.T.A., I
Notion seconded by Danens and carried.
&s. Richard Grassmannls request for Street Sign at corner of Tracy and Varden kves.
was referred to Engineer zikan, with power to act, by motion Tupa, seconded by Danens
and carried. *
Council discussed- petition of Xr. Clinton lleriison, 5600 Abbott Jive., for permission
to construct Curb Radius at rear of lot, at his own 'expense.
petZtZon be granted but that oymer bye required to pay usual engineering charge.
Uotion seconded by Danens and carried.
It was reported that the Hallas are not satisfied with terms placed on their- Sign
permit; that they want sign lighted to 12:OO &-that Police Captain l-IcGary has now
recommended that sign be lighted to U:OO P.IL Fronk's notion, that Captain IIcGaryts
recornendation be accepted, was seconded by Danens and carried.
Botification was had of Uiof ILts'Wnsm-iince Buyer's Clinic to-be held April 26 and
Lehn Electric Conpanyts cgo'cations of SZrC6.73, and alternate of $271.73, for
interior wiring and instdlation of weatherproof outaoor red Fire Station 'identi-
fication- lights'and t~m fire horn push buttons with illuminated panels, vmre'
presented by Ni-. Zilsan, who stated that quotations had been secured on request *
of Fire DepBstment. Consensus of opinion was that instaLlation is too expensive;
ad Fire,Depwtment ms asked to look into less expensive type of installation.
Lehn Electric Company's qoEation of $22.25 Ea. for'installation of three push
buttons on TraIfic Signal 'at. I'looddjLe and I?. 50th St., was discussed.
for approval bf installation.
Re. Berber+, Bloomberg requested permission to construct a ds;2lling on 8'7& Ft. of
Lot 1, Block 3, ColoniaL Grove 3rd Addition.
granted was seconded by Danens and carried.
Fro& moved that
-. -.
Council approved of attendance by any qualified person who could take time from
_- .- .. -*
Fro& moved *
.- I-iotion seconded by Tupa and carried.
Fronlcls motion that permission be
I&. Don C. Anderson asked %hat Prelimiiiary Plat of Qroad Oaks'' be appr6ved; this
bekg the controversZd replat of a few large lots in Normandale Addition into .
smaller tracts . Council reviewed Planning Commission's April 6th recommendation,
reading Ilthat Planning Comaission recommend to :he Council that developers in %he
entire 3Tormandd-e Kdditioa be permitted to replat into smaller lotstt; and Danens
moved that Prelirilinary Plat of ll3road Oaks11 be approved. Ilotion seconded by
. Fronk and carried. - -
Fro& moved that Roy Peteersonls Preliminary Plat 6f %irchcrest 4th Addition" be
accepted; in accordance with Planning Commission1 s April 6th' recornendations , 1.lotion
seconded by Tupa and caried.
%pa* s motion, that Prelininary Plat oPl;rilasllayt s I"tdditionlr be accepted in accord&ce-
with .Islanning Codssionts April 6th recommendation, was seconded by Fro& and
carried, ..
1.k. Roy Peterson's Prelbinary Plat of the TTyinan properby just North of Valley View
Road and Vest of Tl@m Avenue came next before the Council €or consideration;
together with Planning ComniSsion's approval sub ject to satisfactory street grades,
provision for turnaround, and dedication of Horth half of '17.62nd St.
approviag Prelj,inary Plat subject to compliance with Connnissionts stipulations; tgs
seconded by Danens and carried.
Tupats motib, approving the Sime Preliminary Plat ofWalnut Ridge II Additi6n11,
subject to legalization of lot sizes in accordance with Planning Comnissionrs April 6th rGconmendation, vas seconded by Danens and carried.
The sreliminzry Plat presented by John S. Gullickson carried Pl-g Co&ssion*s"
April- 6th recommendation for approval subject to provision or" sbtisfactory sEreet
grade, drainage easement to the Sou€h, and dedication of Outlot A to Village,
Danensf no€ion for approval subject to compliance uith Commissionts stipulations
was seconded by Tupa and carried.
F'ronk's notion,
h.eUayy Plat or" the Cornelius Proper'ty located South or" 61st St. and East of
France he., was approved subject to compliance with Planning Conmission's April 6th
recomendation'for submission of satisfactory road profiles and aft engineering check,
by motion Danens, seconded by Tupa and carried.
Preliminary Plat of the East half of Lot 40, Fkrden-Acres--trhich lot has jnsufzicient
frontage to meet Zoning requireaents-Fwas presented, with recornendation by Planning
Commission that omer be'required to move garage to a fiveyfoot ninimum from lot .
%e. IZe. Zikn reninded Council that Public Hearing must be held, and Fro& moved,
scheduling WMic Hearing for I-Ionday, April 25.
Xotion seconded by Danens and
4/13/55 163 Xe. Zikan presented Preliminary Plat of Weadow Wood Addition to Edina Highlmdsl~,
Vest of I.Iii-ror Lakes md South of Ayrshire Blvd. Planning Cornmission's April 6th
recommendation for zpproval subject to submission of satisfactory road profiles
was reviewed; and Fronk moved that Plat be approved subject to completion of
Planning Comissionl s stipulations,
Roy Peterson' s Final Plat ofV3irchcresi III*AdtE.tion, fr/subject to. proper signatures,
bond for graveling and an engineering check, was gpproved subject $0 compliance
with Commissionls stipulations, by motion Danens, seconded by Tupa and carried.
I&. Zikan presented the proposzl of-f:Tr.'Chapman, concerning-the area at the South '
end of the Village, where it is proposed to construct apartment buildings, a motel,
and a gas station; this being merely a.mat$er of _information,
Hr. Tupa suggested that apaAment builders be required to furnish a garage for
each unit, thus eliminating parking difficulties
Final Plat of f!Idylwood Second Addition," located just East of Blake Rozd and
Xorth of Highmod Addition, was presented for approval; the Planning Commission
having recommended approval. subject to making Ibt 4 an Gutlot; securing of proper
signatures, and an engineering .check.
Planning Commission's recommendations.
Final Plat of Loken's 111 Addition, located at 60th St. and Xerxes Ave., was
Lot 1 is only. 56 feet in width; and- Fro&- moved. for Public Hearing on plat as
ofc April 25.
Preliminary re-plat of Lots '11, 12, 13 and 14, Paul T;Tind Christopher Addition,
was approved by motion Fronk, @ose motion also included permission for builder
to begin construction on Lot 11. Xotion was seconded .by Danens and carried.
Preliminary.Plat by Tovm Realty, of proper€y South or" W.6Oth St. and Sfest of
York Avenue, was accepted in acpordance 72th Plqming Cor.ssion'1s April 6th
quaified recommendation for approval.
Tupa offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption:
Notion seconded by T9pa and carried.
vi-Lh Commission's approval
During discussion, .
Fronk moved for approval in accordance wi%h
._ ..
It was noted that Planning Commission had approved plat even though
Notion seconded by Danens and carried.
..- -.
Elotion by Fronk, seconded by Tupa and
ImmU the governing body ofathe Village of Edina has heretofore entered
into a tnit-t_en contqact dated $larch 8, 1954, betwekn said municipality and the
Suburban Hennepin County Ezeliqf Board of the County of Hemepin for the ad- -.
ministration -and supervision of. poor relief in said munici-pdity, and . T,w it is the desire -0-f both the seid municipality and said Suburban
Hengepin Cquntx RelieT Board to continue the %erns of sa55 contract in full
force and e+ffec_t until such %@e as the same may be cm-celed by either parby ~
thereto as in said contract provided.
MOW THSREFOFL IT IS €ERGBY l?jBOLVED, that all of the terms, conditions and
provisions of that certain contract -heretofore entered, into between said Village
of Edina and the Suburban Eiennepin County Relier" Board, be, and the sane hereby
are continued in full force and'effect and are binding upon both parties thereto
the same its though 'said contract was at this date signed and made anew, and said
contract shall remairi in fulX force and effect until such time as the sane may be
hereafter canceled by eith-er party Gder the terms and conditions as provided in
said contract e
E HEEXBY FURTHEE €E:SOLVEIl t@at a copy ol" %%is Resolution shdl be
signed and executed and filed with the Suburban Hemepin County Relief Board.
The cpestion yas on the adoption of the rekolution &d the roll being ca,lIed tlyre
were four yeas and no 'nays, as follows:
Bredesen,- aye; and the Resolution wag adopted.
Danelis, aye; Fronk, aye; Tupa, aye; and
l'p&oT; *'o-.$&.; - 'T 2:
77T: /+-7@LL/o/ ~ ?/bZfi/
_-_ Acking Tillage Clerk , .
Rosenwald-Cooper1s quotation of $850.00 for a scale for the Geighing of overloads,
was discussed at some length. -
Edina Holding Company's notification that Lt considers its contract with the
Village in full force and effect was read and discussed; ad Fronk moved that .
matter be referred to Village Attorney for his apinion as to legality of contract.
Tupa moved that action be tabled on request for
Kotion seconded by Danens and carried.
Notion seconded by Tupa and . carried. * - .-
Acting Clerk reported call by I-ik. Harold Roberts! can concerning 34k. Garrison's
request for permission to dig a furrow on the Eoberts land. in Edina for use as a
dump. After some little discussion its to garbage problems, includirig possible
future construction of an incinerator (or use of another municipZLity1 s incinerahor)
it was decided to refer the latter to Ek. Hyde for study; 2nd Fronk moved for
mnroval for a furrow on Roberts' property for dump. Seconded Tupa and carried,
1 4hU55 4The followbg spplications Tor Licenses for the year April I, 1955 to April 1; -
1956, were prksented for approval, and Fronk moved for approval of licenses as
Ested. IGotion vas seconded by Danens and carried:
AtCierson PXbg. i;: Etg. Go., 3513 The I.Iall, Vayziata
Rqmond E.Haek Plbg., 2040 E. IEnn. River'Rd.
Hurnboldt Plbg. Go., 1307 lT..T.lashington Ave.
Johnson Plbg. Co . , * 2101 S-r.67th St A
Xallzce H. Johnson, 946 Lowry Ave. -HOE.-
Jobason Plbg. '& Htg. Co., 1716$-4tii kve. 'So.
P1pnouth Plbg. & Htg. Go., '6523 Itorgan Ave. So.
k.A.A. Scavenger GO., 8100 Pillsbury Ave. So;
Suburban Cesspool Service, 9620 Micollet Ave,
Bob's &-ookside-Semrice, 4920 Brookside - 3
Concrete Service; kc;, 7600 T.Joodda2.e - 1
J.k.Danens Gt Son,Inc., si6 Brookside - 4
-& -6 * Elliott Std. Serv., Hvry. 169 & Eden
Brovm Derbg,Czfe (Kermit S. Dah), 3915 T.J.5Oth St. - Food, Cigarette, On-Sale Beer,
. Off-sale Beer, Pinball Ihchs.
Edina Boding Center (John Dorek), 5030 France Ave. So. - Food, CigareKte, On-sale
Beer, Off-Sale Beer, Paball I-iachine,
Plumbers' Ecenses: ' -
* '
. . ..
Dezn?s I-Iobile Servi,ce, 5354 France
Edina Eob-ll'Serviee, 5U7 I3'1-v. 169
4. mERAL nm11m:
16 Bowfig Alleys _. .- -
Pursuant to request by Public Utilities Supt. Voehler, Fro& moved that'bids be
taken Emday, April 25, for 1,000 Galon Turbine Pump for Edemoor Veil. Hotion
was seconded by Tupa and carried. .. __ __ --
IEr; I.Ti4idhorst s lel%er concerning H.R.&560--a' bill- for the' regulation or" price of
natural gas--now before Csngress for consideration, vas-referred to the Ordinances
and Xegislation CorEmi-ttee for study and reporb, by motion Fronk, seconded by
Danens and carried.
The following Petitions for Improvements were presented; and Fronk moved for accept-
ande of petitions and for the scheduling-of Public Hearings at the discretion of the
Tige Engineer. Notion was seconded by Danens knd Carrie&:
Petition for Sanitary Sewer - Virginia Ave.; 8.63rd to B.64th St;
Petition Tor 1fatermsi.n - Virginia AvG;, a.63rd to TJ.64th St,
Petitlon for SanitaYy Sewer - Pzrnell Ave;; V.63rd to TJ.64th St;
Pe%i%ion for Tlaternajll - Parnell he., ~.r;63ra to 17.64th St.
Petition for S&tay Sewer - l4irror Lakes Dr;; Ayrshire Blvd.; V.56th St;
Petition for Tfatemain - Eirror Lakes Dr.;*-Apshire Blvd., :.T056€h St,
Petition for Sanitaw Sewer - E.Side of Rvry.169, Summit to Brookside.
Petition for Uatermain - E.Side of'H~g.169, SUmjnit to Brookside
Petition for Grading - Adams he., Belaore Lane to 3rd Ave.
Petition for Sznitaq Sever - Tingdale Ave., 5~63rd to TJ.64th St.
Petition €or Blackhopping -
Petition for Black-topping -
Petition for Curb k Gutter-
Betition for Sanitary Sever - York and Zenith tives.; IL60th to X.61st Sts.
Petit ion for Vat ermain - YorE and Zenith lives., TJ.60th to v.61st Sts.
Petition Tor Sanitary Sewer in Beard he. from If.62nC St. to pt. 66O'Ft.
South; in Abbott he. from W.60th St. to pt. 660 3%. So. of 62nd S€.; and
in Zenith and Tork hes. from IJ.6lst St. to 660-Ft. So. of 62nd St.
South; in kbbott &e. fkom W.60-Eh St. to pt. 660 F-E;. So.-of 62nd St.; and in Zenith ad York kves. from U.6lst St. to 660 R. So. or" 62nd St.
W.6Oth St!; Parnell to Concord.
W;52nd St.; Bedford &re. to Hwy. 169.
IJ. 52.136 St., Bedford he. 'to Hvw. 169.
Petition %or TIatema5.h - 55 Beard Ave. from 1.1.62nd St. to pt. 660'Ft.
Police Report for Uarch TBS submitted and ordered placed on file.
Leggue of 1.linn. I.funicipalities' communi'cation concerning H.F. ' 1759 was referred to
the Ordinaxes and Legislation Cormittee for study and report.
1-Ir. Therne'll's request for permit to face house long way of lot at 3601 Chowen
Curve was discussed, vrith Fro& moving- for Public Hearing on petition for April 25.
IXotion was seconded by Danens and carried,
3hutes of &ril 4th meeting of the Park Board were submitted, reviewed, and
ordered placed on file.
The resTgnation of Lee Bo- Erwin, to be effective April l4, was accepted, by motion
Fro&, seconded by Tupa and carried.
_- ..
iulr. Zikan asked if it is possible for. bids to be -Laken at some time before'the Village
Council Xeeting; tabulated. at the office durbg the day of Coucjl Sleeting,, and ready
for recommendation at the meeting. 'This was considered a good suggestion;*and Fronk
moved that bids betaken at 1O:OO A.H. hereafter, rather than at 8:OO'P.19., subject
to approval of Village Attorney.
3Ir. Zikan cited the present shortage of survey5ng crews and' engineers, and asked if
other arrangements could not be made for setting house grades. Xe. VToehler scat'ed
that, if building inspectors are to set; the house grades, they*must be infomed that
streets are to the correct .grades 'as laid ou€. Fronkts mobTon, that for a period of
sixmonths the Village BuiXding Inspector set-'-house grades ad call for engineering
inspection only where grades are. questionable, was seconded by Tupa and carried.
3fo-t;ion seconded by Tupa and carried. . .._ - . .- ~-
.. .
Acting Clerk Alden presented detailed t.rri-E-i;en report on proposed Assessment for
Grading and Graveling of Beard live. between TT.57th'and W.5%h Skke, abd on Grading
and Graveling of ~~60th St. between a,ljoatj135 Pt. -33. ofeFairfax Ave., and
Iboddale Ave. ; and, after some discussion, Fronk offered the following Resolution
and moved its adoption:
i3E IT Et%SOLTED by the Council of .the Village of Edina as -follows: .
1. .The Clerk and Engineer having calculated the proper'araomt to be
assessed for those improvements set f0rtI-i in the Kotice of Hearings set forth
below, and the amount proposed to be assessed-against the respective lots, pieces
and parcels of land within the distrzct affected by said improvements, and said
proposed assessments kaving been filed with the Clerk, the same are hereby
approved, and the Clerk'shaU keep the same on file in-&is office and open to
public inspection pending -hear-mg thereon as herein pro-Zided.
form of notice of hearings hereinafter contained to pass-upon said proposed
assessments, and the Clerk 'shall cause notice*'o4 Ekie time, place and purpose of
said meeting to be published in the official newspaper twice, in substantially
the following form:
This Council sha1;L meet at the t-ime and place-specified in the
FEEmiJ .IT. 57TH -AND. I?. 5GTH STS : X.60TH ST .
NOTICE IS HER'EBY Gb, t&at--tKe-lCouncil-'of the TTiUage of Edina will meet
I &\ID 1niOODDtif;E AVE.
at the Yillage Hall. on Uonday, Hay we, 1955, at 7:30 Zrlclock P.E., to hear and
pass upon all objecti'ons, if any, to the-following proposed assessments for
improvements, which assessments are-now on file in the office of the Village Clerk and open to public inspection: - _. . .
1. WING AND-GRA~~G - Beard he; between TI. 5'7th and lil; 58th Sts.
2. GRARJNG j'dEl GBAEZLING - I$. 6Ot% St . 'between. z pt . 135 Ft. E. of
The-area proposed to be assessedr"or the cost of each of said improveaents-
includes all lots and tracts of land abutting the pmtion-of the street
improved .
.Fairf ax Ave . , - ani2 Wooddale Ave .
Act hg Village ~ Clerk
X'otion for adoption or" the*Resolution was seconded by Danens, and on Rollcall there
were four byes and no nays, as follows:
Bredesen; aye; and the Resolution was adopted.
L./ ' :&# L,L-sS /.d'&-&Td &+/
Acting Village Clerk
Elessrs. Ted Gardner and PBY.k<r S. ItJoXan-of Locd. Bo. 918, asked for opportunity
to negotiate concerning wages.
have joined another union, No. 49 of the Teamsters; and the entire matter PELS
ref erred to llanager Hyde.
9;Lr. Zikan reported at length on the Sanitary Sewer 'hprovenent No. 69 situation;
stating that Tw55 City Testing Laboratories' report.'seems Lo indicate that piling
is not necessary; but that contractor cannot instd-l-pipe because' of the svfiPtly inrushing prater--and that- he believes piling-is the only solution. After some
discussion as to €he technical difficulties involved, Fronk moved that' Council
leave the matter to the best judgement of:Bngi.neer Zikan, for working agreement
with contractor.
1.k. Zikan reported that the developers of Virgin'ia- Avenue kdditzon are dous to gravel P*nell Avenue; that there is-considerable material€o be hauled Out Of
tlie street first.
instructed to do this work.
to prepare Parnell Avenue for. graveling, whenever .
Danefis, aye; Fro&, aye; Tupa, aye; and
-- .
. l-fajror Pro Tem -
.- - _- . .- .
it vas reported to-them that some of their members
Hotion seconded by Tupa and carried.
He asked Council policy as to whether lk. Jonas is to be
It was decided %hat I&. Jonas should be instructed
166,: 4/11/55 &. Zikan presented plans and specifications and Estimates of Cost on several.
large ijnprovmeats proposed; and asked that Council schedule Public HemLngs.
Fronk offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption:.
1. The Village Zndneer, having submifked, to-the CounciJ. a preliminary report as to the feasibilitk o€ the proposed Sanitary Sewer and ?TateMn ljnprovments .
described in the Foms of Uotice of Hearing set "forth below, and as. to the eskjmated
cost of such hproveiaents, said report is hereby approved and directed to be placed
2.. This CrJuncil sW1 meet on Xonday, April 25, 1955, at 7:30 P.I.I., in the
EdLna Village Hall, to consider in public hearings the views or" all. persons
interested in said proposed improvexpnts.'
3. Th*e. Clerk is hereby* au3korized and direcle'd to cause notice of the time,
plzce and purpose of said meeting to be published in the official newspaper onee a
%reek for two successive weeks, the second of which pub2lications is 'to be-not less
than three days from date of said meeting, which notice shall be in substantially
the following form:
HOTICE: IS-HEEEBY GIlEEI that the %dina.Village Council trill meet at the Village Ball
on Gonday, April 25,. 1955, at 7:30 ?.I;., to consider the following proposed hprove-
nent, to be const-mci;ed under Yne authority gran€ed by l+linnesota k.rs o€ 1953,
Chapter 398.
3hgirleer as set Zorth below:
Construction of Sanitary Lateral Sewer and kppurtenznces in the
folloving Streets: Adsas, Jefferson, Xadison, Xonroe; VaBuren,
and Harrison Avenues between IIaloney and Nelson Aves.; Jackson
and Tyler Lves. betwe'en I-ialoney Ave. and Belmore Lane; Relson
he. between-llonroe ad Adams Aves. ; and. %Loney he. between
proposed Lirt Station at Vashingbon he., ad 14-S Alley between
Construction of Sanitary Sewer Lift Station at, corner of
on file ii? the office of the V'age Clerk. - ..
._ PZOFOSED mrnm sm Z.PZOVX.EIJT (1)
The approkmate cost of such hprovenent is estimated by the Village
Eiarrison ad Tyler lives. ;
Ilashington and Xaloney Aves .
$ 22,626.00
I The area proposed -Lo be assessed for the cost of said proposed bproverzent is as
Zol?-or.rs :
For iTo. 1 - Constriction 02~l;ateral Sanitaqy Sewer -%All Lots and Tracts ol" land
within the f0lloiJb-g descrii3ecl bofmdaries: 11Beginning at the I'U Cor. of Lot I,
Block 3, Vest IEimeaFolis Heights; JGh. SowLb,to the Centerline of ikloney he.;
th. Zas2 along the Centerline of Imoney Ave. 'bo the Southerly exLension of the
East Lot,Line of Lot 5, Steiper & Xoppelmmfs First Addn.; th. North to the,
Centerline of Zelzore Lane; Ch. Vest on.t;he .Centerline of Belmore he to the
Southerly eAension of the 3ast line of Lot-u, B1. 1, Vest Uinneapolis Heights;
th. 'iJorth to the UE Cor. of Lot 25, Block 1, Vest Enneapolis Heights; th. Tiest
to the 1E Cor. of bt 25, Block 3, saidTIest IEnneapolis I-Zeights; tho South to
the SE Cor. of Lot-l.4, Block 3, liest IEnneapolis Heights; th. Vest -Lo the ST
Cor. of Lot 13,,Block 4, Irest I-Sinneapolis Heights; th, North to the Cor. of-
Lot 2, Block 4, ljest liinnezpolis Heights; th. Vesterly to the €@ Cor. of Lot 1,
Block 8, Irest IEiimeepolis Heights; th. Vest to
For $10. 2 - Construction 02 Iiift Station - All Lots and Tracts of fad within
the following described boundaries;
ITest I.iirmeapolis Heights; th. South-$Q the Centerline of Ilaloney Lve.; th. East
along %he Centerline of I.TdLoney Ave. to the Southe2ly exzension of %%e East'Lot
Line of Lot a, Block 13, West IEnneapolis Heights; th. Rorth to %he I= Cor. of Lot l7;Block 4, Vest I2inneapolis Heights; th. East to the SV Cor. of Lot 9, -
Block 3,. :Test Hjanazpolis Heights; th, Nor'ch to the 1J"I Cor. of' Lot 2, Block 3,
Ifest meapolis Heights; th. Yesterly to the IE Cor. of Lot I, Block 6, Vest
I-heapolis HeLghts; th. Vest $0 beginning.**
IrBe&ming,at the NTJ Cor. of Lot 26, Block 8,
_GRE2Ghl S. i&DZX, Acting Villaie Clerk
(2) IIOTICE OF HE~I~G oir ,--. ~OI?O3rn TTm*m. Emom*mn
NOTICE IS IGRZBY GITBJ thxc the Edina Village Council .;rill meet at the Village -
Ed1 on.l.Ionday, April 25, 1955, at 7:30 P.X., to consider the following proposed
bprovenent, to be constructed under-the authority grated by I2hnesota L~IJS of 1953, Chapter 398. The appro-*le cost of such inproveaent is estimated by the
Village Xngineer as set forth below
Construction or" 121' Trunk T.Tatemnain, BegMng at the
iylt ersection of Shemood Road i3 ~~~y.169-212; th. Southwest erlr
along ~t~y;169-232 to Hason IZd.; th. South on Hrinson Rd. to
TS.62nd St.; th. EEst on 1~.6%h St. to TWan Ave.; th.'South on
TJpan he. to Valley View Edd.; th. East to Varren he.; tho
South on Trarren hie. to V.66th St.; and Beginnine at Htry.100
& Valley Vie?;. Ed.; th, Southwesterly on Valley Viey Zd. to TIarren Ave. $l.4.0,638.68
167 4w55 -'.e$mW
The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of said proposed improvement is as
follows; and includes all Lots and Tracts of land within the following described
said Lot 1; th. V. to E. R/T? lee of U.S.Hvv.169-212; th. SLLy jlong said E. R/TT
line %o its intersection with ?.'line.of Hanson Rd.; th. S. to IW Cor. of Lot 8,
Bl. 7; Vestchester Knolls; th. E. to iJE Cor. of said Lat 8; th. S. to SE Cor. of
Lot 7, B1, 7, Tlestchester Knolls; th. E. to NE. Cor. of Lot 16, Richmond Hills 3rd
Addn.; th. StZLy along Ely lot lines of Lots 16,S5,1Lr and 13, Richmond Hills 3rd
Lddn. to ;SE Cor; of said Lot 13; th. SEly to iW C6r. of Lot 2, Bl. 5, Nelody
YnoUs 3rd Addn.; th. S. 50 SI? Cor. of said Lot 2; th. E, 33.7 F'G,; th. S.
lLi9.27 F't.; th. E. 100 Ft.; th. S.. to a pt. on Centerline of ~~60th Si;. which is
490 Ft. 3,, of I@? Cor.'of Go&. Lot 7, Sec. 33, Twp, U-7, R, 21; th. E. to the 17
R/IJ line of State Hiy. 100; 'th. 3-. to the Centerline of W.63rd St;; th. W. along
the Centerline of W.63rd St. to an extension of E; "lii?e of ht 30, Bl. 4, Rorman-
dale 2nd id&.; th. S,' to CenCerline of tj+66th St-.; th. W. to Easterly R/l? line
of iipl%., Northfield and Southern Railroaa; th. Nly-along said Zly R/%? line to
its iriterseclion with S. line of Lot 7, Gardeli Park; th. E. to E. line of said
Lot 7; th. R. to E. Et/:T line of iircJecs Railroad; th. NKLy to SE Cor. of Lot 8,
Garden Park; th. IJ. to SW Cor, of E1/2 of said Lot 8; th. N. to Rly B/W line of
U.~.ihy.169-212; th; IEly al,ong+said Nly R/W line to its intersection wtth V.
line of Sec. 33, Tup.ll7, E. 21; th. B, to TW Cor-.'of said Section; th. 11. to
S?? Cor. of the following'described prop62ty: 'Corn. 845 Ft, W. of' NE Cor. of
Lot 7, Sec.2$,T.ll7,R.21; -th. S. 89EE Ft;.; t+. .If. to W.lZne of said Sot 7; th. N.
%o IGf Cor. thereof; th. E, to beginning,l; the E. to TWly R/W line of U.S.Hvqy.
169-2123 th. Sly to KE Cor. of Lot 1, El. 3, Edenmoor, which is the point of
tlComm. at Zhe-iUE Corp of ZOt l,*Bl.. 3,- Edenmoor; th. S. to ,533 Cor. of
7 _- . GRETCHEEJ S. ALDEN, ficting Village Clerk
Hall on.Xondzy? April 2.5, 1955, at 7:30 P.X., to consider the following proposed
improvement, to -be constructed under the authority grated by Xinnesota L~VJS of
1953, Chapter 398.- The approLximat-e cost of such improvement is estimated by the
Village Engineer as set forth below:' ~. ~ -_ .-
Construction of a 12" Trunk Watermain and Appurtenances
Service Drive of Kv~.lOO; *-Lh.- E. under H-r.rg~.lOO and along
tF.7Oth S-i. to Cornelia Dr.; and Beginning at the'h-kersection
of 1'1.7Oth St. and the Easg Service Drive of Ht1y.100; th.
South to the South Village Limits . $30,675.73
The area proposed to be assessea for the cost of said improvement includes a11
lots and tracts of lend within the following-des.cribed boundaries: "Corn. at
a pt. on the S. line of Sec. 30, Tv~p.28,R.24, which is 672. Ft. E. of-the Sl/&
Cor.; th. Nly along the7f.Subdivision line of Southdale Fikst Addn. to the .
Centerline of W.66th St,; WL. IT. along the Centerlririe of W.66'ih St. to a pt.
660 Ft, E. of the If. line'of said Sec. 30-28-24; th. 'S. to the Centerline of.
TJ.69th SL.; th.'TI.330 Ft.; th. S. to a pt. 165 Ft. N. of the CenterlZne of IJ.
70th St.; th, Y. to the Centerline of iJomaidale Bl7d.; th. S. to the South .
Corporate Limits of the Village of Edina; th. E. to the S61/4. Corr of Sec. 31,
TTQ. 28, R, 24; th. $1. to the S. line of 81/2 of 'said SecEion 31; th. E. to
the 2, lhe of the IT. 20 Acres of the S1/2 of the IEl/Lt of said Section Sa; th.
I(. to the Itm line of the S1/2 of the T\sE1/4 of said Section 31; th. E. to the
E. line of the TI. 25 Acres of the i@IL/4 of the HE1/4; tho N. to the 'N. line of
-. in the following streelis:- - ic
Beginning at the intersection of K.70th 5t. arid tKe Vest
-_ .
.. .-
said Section 31; th. V. to beginsling." GREXCI4EN S, ,!DEN, Acting Village- Clerk
Hall on Nonday, April 25, 1955, at 7230 P.X., to conszder the following proposed
iaprovement, to be constructed under the Zuthority granted by lGnnesota Laws of 1953, Chapter 398. The.approidmate cost of such improvement is estimated by the
Tillage Zngineer 'as set .forth below:
Construxtion of Sanitary Sewer and Appurtenances in. the
following Streets:
Birchcrest Dr., Hanson'Rd. to T.60th-St.; w.61st S-E,,
Hanson Bd. to Code he.; Porslin Dry, Hanson Rd.'to
TS.61s.t St.; Po-der Lzne, 13.60th St. to Code Ave.; Code
live., Birchcrest Dr, to Porter Lane; Valley Viei;l Ed-., '
to Eirchcrest Dr.
$38,612.92 Trunk Icl.iI. #L& to Rolf -4ve.; Hanson Rd., Forslin Dr. -__ -
The area proposed XQ be assessed for %;he cost of said proposed improvenent
includes all lots an6 tracts of land abutting the above named- streets, * except
Lots 6 to 11, Block 1, Lots 6 to 10, Block 2, and Lots 1 to 5, Block 3, in
Birchcrest . . ... I .- GmCHEN S. &DICIT, Acting Village Clerk
(5) PROPOSED ?T.-W D*iEQOrn.rnE iL(I'kKE LF, ISEREBY GIVZU that the Edina TiQage Council will meet at the Village
EaXL on.I.Tonday, April 25, 1955, at 7:30 ?.IT., to consider the follota proposed
hprovenent, to be cons-lmcted under the authority granted by I-Wnx-ieso-ta La;r.rs of
1953, Chapter 398.
the Tillage Engineer as set forth below:
/ The appro,~ate cost of such improvenient is estimated by
Construction of Lateral Vatermain and Appurtenances
in the €olLovnhg, Streets:
Birchcrest-Drive, 1~60th St . to Hanson Ed.
11.6~5-b St., .Hason Rd. to Code Ave.
1fe60th St., Hanson Rd. 'to Birchcres€ Dr.
Porter Lane, ~~~60th St. to..Code Ave. ,
Code he., rr.60th St. to TL6lst St. *
Forslin Dr.>. Hanson Ed. to w.6ist St.
$42,536.88 The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of said proposed Improveihents
includes all lots and tracts of land abutting the above naneed streets.
G€?ETGHEN S. ALDEN, Acting Village Clerk . .- -. I-iotion for adoption of the ResolutZon was seconded by-Danens, and- on Rollcgll.
there were four ayes arid no nays, as follows5 Dankns, :aye; Fronk, aye; -Tups,
aye; and Bredesen, aye; and the Resolution was adopted.
ATB33T: .
cJ J
... Uayor Pro Ten
State Department of Civil Defense-Village of Edina lease, for storage of
orgaYlizatLonal equipment of mobile support tuiits in Edina, was returned, executed
by the State, and vas ordered placed on file.
Danens' iiotion, for approval of Village Payroll in mount of $12.871.35, for
period April 1 to April 15, and for payment of the following Clzims:
- -.
General Fund - $2,29$.2L Construction Fund - @.,064.20
Parks Fund . *322.99 Waterworks Fund n; 638.79
Liquor Fund 5,439 LO Garbage Fund 1,978040 I 'Poor Fund 285.49
*- -- was seconded by Fro& and carried.
The followjng Agreement for the purchase of the Stov Veil was presented for
consideration by the Counc5.l.:
-- ... -- -
AGFE@*NT-- '
THIS AGRXEZ'JT, Uade and entered into this - ~ day of , 1955;'
by and between KCELACE OF EDDJA, a municipal. corporation unaer the laws of the
State of IEnnesota, party ori".the first part;, hereinafter called lr%tLS;RGEIr, and
T€E STOF COLPAITY, a corporation under the law of the Stzte of I.linnesota, party
of the. second pat, hereinafter called T3TOlP,
1- ImBSETII,. THAT: - . ITi, VILLA@ has heretofore' by*Ordinance-IJo.' W grated a frawhise
to STmJ for, the construction of a water trell and appurtenaces and the operatxon
of a water system vithin a prescribed 'area in the Village of Zdina wherein the
llLLAGE reserved an 'option to purchase said well and appurtenault equipment under
a. specific formula, and
thereto. ..-
the parties hereto agree as follows:
executed and delivered a bill of sale to VIlX&GX transferring the aforesaid
well- and appurtenant eqipiilent Tor the consLderation of Seventeen Thousand
Thirty Dollars and Sixby-seven Cents ($17,030.67) . VUI4G3 hereby acknoirledges receipt of said bill of sale for
wEch it agrees to-pay STET the sum of Seventeen Thousand Th5rty Dollars and
SixLy-seven Cents ($17,030.67) in the following manner, to-wit:
$5,OOO.OO cash, paid upon the execution hereof, receipt of which
is hereby, acknowledge-d. by STW-
12,030.67 the balance of-said mount, together with interest at
the rate of &$.per annm from the date hereof, to be
paid in cash on or before August 1, 1955. .
T-, 9iXiAGE has exercised the said option and.STCN has consented
iJQT, TEIEB&FGd, In consideration by the agreements herein contained,
1. STUY has coincidentally with the execution of the agreement
3. The parties hweto agree tkiat the trausfer of title shall be
effective as of Ziay 1, 1955, at iihich time T'ILUGE shall assume possession of
said well and appurbenant equipment and take.ouer the operation of the saker
ad all claims arising under the above referred'to ordinance, except for the
cash balance due hereunder from VUm to ST0T;f.
4. The parties hereto do hereby mutually release each other from any
3169 4/11/55 IN TjITI\TEsS ImF, VILLAGE and STOW have caused these presents to
be executed in. %heir respective. corporate narpes by their respective duly
authorized officers znd their respective corporate seals to be hereunto
afyixed the day and ybar first abbve written.
Discussion was had as to approval of Agreement; anCi% was noted that a
certified copy of expendiZukes mace-by the Stow'Company has noE been furnished
to the Village. FronX moved for approval of contra'ct for purchase, subject to
a check of expenditures.
Xr. J. D. Dobbehan requested that the Village take bids for a-'pumphouse for "
the Edenmoor Well just as soon as possible. SomG discussion was hhd, with Supt.
Xoehler asking the Council's opinion as €0 the @le of pumphouse wrisKed for this
location; md the style of the Halifax pumphouse was tent-atiirely agreed on.
was decided that bids should be taken just as soon as plans and specifications
-. - . __ _- .
Notion seconded by Tupa and carried.
- can be prepared. 1
Fronk then moved for adjournment, rnotion*was seconded by D;tnens and unanimously
carried. Neeting kdjourned at 1:05 esday, April 12.
4 - Acting Village Clerk
Invocation was given by Rev. Donald C. Carlson of Normandale Lutheran Church.
Nembers answering Rollcall were Danens, Fro& and Bredesen, with Bredesen
Khrtes of Neetings of Tbfarch 28 and April'll, 1955, were approved as submitted,
by motion Fronk, Seconded by Danens and carried.
Clerk presented Affidavits of Publication for Advertisement for Bids--Deep Ifell
Turbine Pump, in Edina-Xorriingside> Courier and Construction- llletin April L!+ arid
21; said advertisement being for ~mp' for Edenmoor Well.
as to fom and ordered'placed on file.
and Fronk moved for referral of bids to Village Engineer's Office for Public
Opening and tabulation.
in the evening bids were returned, were found to 'ae as fol1or.r~:
-- .- ~-
- ... -
Affidavits were approved
Clerk reported receipt of four sealed bids;
Hotion seconded by Danens 'and carried. 7%- -x- 3; -% -x- Later
II- r Goodin Company, I-Iinneapolis $6,048.00
FairZjanks, Xorse & Go. $5;&13.00
Layne-Hinn. Co. $5; 236.00 $6, 964.00 Iceys tTe11 Drilling cO.
$6,064.00 (fit .> _. .~ -
Public Utilities Sup-&. Woehler recommended award of bid to low bidder, Layne-
Tsiinnesota, at $5, 236.00; and Fronk's motion, accepting PZr. Ijoeehler!~ recommendation
pias seconded by Danens and unanimously carried.
Nayor Pro Tem Bbedesen then announced to an overflow crotd estimated at-move than
500 people, that the Council would conduct the COlJTmATIOI\T OF APRIL 11, 1955
ROAD. He explained that because Rayor Zrickson is ill, and Trustee Tupa is out of - __ town, 'che three members of tEe Council present will conduct the Hearing a3 scheduled,
but that there will be go +o&e ktil- %he other tvio-have had
the minutes of the meeting. I&. Bredesen then-announced that, to legally, conau$t
the Hearing, 3% wLl1 be necessary to-validate the petition presented; and, upon-
Engineer ZiIcanfg statement that the petition 'is signed by-the required percentage
of ovmers of property affected by the improvement (being one owner, the Dayton
Company, owners of some 60% of the property affected), Fronk offered the following
Besolution and moved its adoption: .
opportunity to read
BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of %he Village of Edina, Ennesota, tha&^.a
petition signed by the required percentage df oxme& of -prope&y affected thereby
has been submitted to this Council by the Dayton Company for improvement described
as follows:
The widening, clearing, gradkg, graveling, constkuktion of -storm sewer,
blackbopping and all necessary appurtenances, in France Avenue between IT. 64th and
U.73rd SZs., and in W.66th St. between Valley View Road Mended South and a point
1,100 2%. East of France Avenue; and
The opening, clearjilg, grading, gkaveling, construction of storm sewer,
blaclktopping, and all necessary appurtenances 'in Valley View Road, exbended from
W.62nd St. soueh and easterly to France Avenue at approximately W.69th" St,