HomeMy WebLinkAbout19550425_REGULAR3169 4/11/55 IN TjITI\TEsS ImF, VILLAGE and STOW have caused these presents to
be executed in. %heir respective. corporate narpes by their respective duly
authorized officers znd their respective corporate seals to be hereunto
afyixed the day and ybar first abbve written.
Discussion was had as to approval of Agreement; anCi% was noted that a
certified copy of expendiZukes mace-by the Stow'Company has noE been furnished
to the Village. FronX moved for approval of contra'ct for purchase, subject to
a check of expenditures.
Xr. J. D. Dobbehan requested that the Village take bids for a-'pumphouse for "
the Edenmoor Well just as soon as possible. SomG discussion was hhd, with Supt.
Xoehler asking the Council's opinion as €0 the @le of pumphouse wrisKed for this
location; md the style of the Halifax pumphouse was tent-atiirely agreed on.
was decided that bids should be taken just as soon as plans and specifications
-. - . __ _- .
Notion seconded by Tupa and carried.
- can be prepared. 1
Fronk then moved for adjournment, rnotion*was seconded by D;tnens and unanimously
carried. Neeting kdjourned at 1:05 esday, April 12.
4 - Acting Village Clerk
Invocation was given by Rev. Donald C. Carlson of Normandale Lutheran Church.
Nembers answering Rollcall were Danens, Fro& and Bredesen, with Bredesen
Khrtes of Neetings of Tbfarch 28 and April'll, 1955, were approved as submitted,
by motion Fronk, Seconded by Danens and carried.
Clerk presented Affidavits of Publication for Advertisement for Bids--Deep Ifell
Turbine Pump, in Edina-Xorriingside> Courier and Construction- llletin April L!+ arid
21; said advertisement being for ~mp' for Edenmoor Well.
as to fom and ordered'placed on file.
and Fronk moved for referral of bids to Village Engineer's Office for Public
Opening and tabulation.
in the evening bids were returned, were found to 'ae as fol1or.r~:
-- .- ~-
- ... -
Affidavits were approved
Clerk reported receipt of four sealed bids;
Hotion seconded by Danens 'and carried. 7%- -x- 3; -% -x- Later
II- r Goodin Company, I-Iinneapolis $6,048.00
FairZjanks, Xorse & Go. $5;&13.00
Layne-Hinn. Co. $5; 236.00 $6, 964.00 Iceys tTe11 Drilling cO.
$6,064.00 (fit .> _. .~ -
Public Utilities Sup-&. Woehler recommended award of bid to low bidder, Layne-
Tsiinnesota, at $5, 236.00; and Fronk's motion, accepting PZr. Ijoeehler!~ recommendation
pias seconded by Danens and unanimously carried.
Nayor Pro Tem Bbedesen then announced to an overflow crotd estimated at-move than
500 people, that the Council would conduct the COlJTmATIOI\T OF APRIL 11, 1955
ROAD. He explained that because Rayor Zrickson is ill, and Trustee Tupa is out of - __ town, 'che three members of tEe Council present will conduct the Hearing a3 scheduled,
but that there will be go +o&e ktil- %he other tvio-have had
the minutes of the meeting. I&. Bredesen then-announced that, to legally, conau$t
the Hearing, 3% wLl1 be necessary to-validate the petition presented; and, upon-
Engineer ZiIcanfg statement that the petition 'is signed by-the required percentage
of ovmers of property affected by the improvement (being one owner, the Dayton
Company, owners of some 60% of the property affected), Fronk offered the following
Besolution and moved its adoption: .
opportunity to read
BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of %he Village of Edina, Ennesota, tha&^.a
petition signed by the required percentage df oxme& of -prope&y affected thereby
has been submitted to this Council by the Dayton Company for improvement described
as follows:
The widening, clearing, gradkg, graveling, constkuktion of -storm sewer,
blackbopping and all necessary appurtenances, in France Avenue between IT. 64th and
U.73rd SZs., and in W.66th St. between Valley View Road Mended South and a point
1,100 2%. East of France Avenue; and
The opening, clearjilg, grading, gkaveling, construction of storm sewer,
blaclktopping, and all necessary appurtenances 'in Valley View Road, exbended from
W.62nd St. soueh and easterly to France Avenue at approximately W.69th" St,
4/2 5/55
Xotion for adoption of the ResoluLion was seconded by Danens, and on Rollcall there
were three ayes and no nays, as follows:
aye; and the Resolution was adopted. z;c-JJ /&- Hayor Pro Tem
Acting Village Clerk
E-k. Bredesen then Mormed the audience that, in the interests of Eeeping the
meeting orderly, proponents and opponents muld 'each fie given forty-five -Utes
to- give'their arguments, vith no individudl speaker Co talk for more than fifteen
minutes; that there vmuld be twenty minutes for rebuttal.
Uk, T1-m Crear, representing Southdale Center, was first speaker for proponents.
He reviewed the Dayton Company*s planning procedure, stating that first approval
for tke tlEoad Scheme and hd Development Pattern" had'been received from the
Village Planning Commission'and Village Council in July of-1953, Building Perm$%
was issued in November of 1954, and that in December,' 19%; specific approiral of
alignnent, grades, drainege, lmdscaping, and all other appurtenaices necessary
to €he improvement now-before the Council, had bean received. &bo Crear stated
that plans €or this hprovement call for a paving width of 48 feet on a 100-foot
right of way on Valley View Road, at tlie North end of the proposed improvement; ' 48 feet of paving on France Avenue on 100 FE. right of way at North end, 120 Et.
right of f7ay at South end of proposed inprovement; and for 48 feet of paving on
W.66th st., on 120 Ft. right of way.
work as one improvekent beczuse dirt removed from cut on one street caii be used
as 3ill for another; thus lowering €he cost and also accomplishing better results
than ir" work is done piecemeal. IIr. Crear stated tha€ from the very beginrring of
its plwning Southdale has adopted the philosophy of tra9Ec planning i-rhich might
be the hzrd way; that usually a developer sets his developent beside an already-
constructed highway, thus na2;ing the highvky mucli less useable; that another
technique is to locate a commercial development and then let public offr'cials
worry about how to get out of the traffic mess--but that Southdale had, on the
contrary, adopted the philosophy %ha& they would-mzke every effort they could to
help in traffic planning. Xr. Crear stated that, as regards cost sharing, County
and Village o€€icials had been talkjng about this for some time; that there is
a CoIllrnitment from the County that they ~iil.1 pay-one-half the cost of construction
cost because of County Road involved; that &50,000 is the estimated cost-for
construction of paving, drainage facilities, etc. ; that $75,000 is' estimated
for acquisition of right-of-my outside Southdale, and for damages; that the
County TLU pay one-half the construction cost, that Daytonsl Southdale
pay-t'ne other one-hzlf; and that they are asking that'the Village, 'as is
customary, acquire the right-of-way outside Southdale; that this plan makes the
Danens, we; fionk, aye; and Bredesen,
-. .
.- I
He stated that it is advisable to dol the
cost of actual road construction zero to the Village. I
I -
Reo* L.P. Zinrmennan,. Kennepin County Highway Engineer, eq1ained that because the
road plan happens to hit on a part of tkie County Road System, County officials
have assisted in planning, both from planding facilities; and in preparation of
detailed plms .f14.oIll-vhich bids can be let; that said plans have been approved by
the County Board; thzt it is the policy of the County Board that Board will pay
for the cost- of an hprovment on the sane-basis as that oki which the' road -
approaches and leaves a cornunity and that, usukl1yY this is a tiro-lane highway,
a--foot driving lane, and tw parking lanes or" eight fee5 each; that GounLy is
&ous to obtain a fdity in a safe and e,qeditious manner. 2-tr. Zimmeman
stzted that this xdiole improvement is a part of traffic planning for Hennepin
County andc has shply been brought to the fore by planning for this particular
know tiny 66th St. has been abandoned.I1 Before the unfriendly audience would
allow 1-ir. Zimmernan to answer, lkyor Bredesen was compelled to rap for order
and ask that he be allowed the opportunity 09 a reply.
1.k. Fink's question as follows:
were subject to- the heavy trafffic we e:qect, it would be very difficult to build
and naintajli; it is a very costly piece of construction, not impossible, but
inpract i cal .
become a mst, would. be very eGensive ad property damage would be much more
expensive thzn the present plan.t1
Er. Albert Earson, 4804 IT. Sunnyslope Rosa, stated that he is in favor of the
plan because he feels that additional shopping district is needed in Edina; that
the TT.5Oth Street district cannot expand; that the proposed road improveinent has been planned by eqerts and approved by County and mur&cipal officials3- and he -
feels it to be a good thing for the Village as a vhole.
I&, I3val.d C. Bank, member of the 1953-1954 Village Council, stated to the audience
At this point, Trustee Wonk asked 1-h. Zimmer;nan, Iri would like to
c E?. Zimmer;nan ansvrered
"There are two reasons- for abandoning T'1.66th
it is a very diZficdt road to maintain across Lake Cornelia,'and if it
2. Subsequently, a grade separation at Highway 100 and 66th St., which would
4/25/55 L.- ' 171 that mmbers of the Council spend a grea-t deal of time outside of Council IJeet.in&a
studying and investigati-ag proposed improvements; that he feels that the Council
is ajhempting'honestly and ~onscjentiously to decide in the best interest of all
of Edina.
presented to the Village Council, and I would like to suggest to the Council that
iklina has an estimated 19,000 people,. and that the Coun?5L consider the interests
of 'the large majority as opposed to those of the small minority, in deciding the
merits of this 5mprovement.f1
iir. 7f.F. Shaw, 3820 V.55th St., spoke in favor of the improvement, reminding the
Valley View Road people that the France Avenue-people are as ~~ous -I;o-.fu.nnel
traffic aivay from Frace as the Valley View Road Qbjectors are to keep it off
their street .
Idbe Bank stated, Wuch has been made of-a pe%ition of some 300 names
_I -, ~ ..
*-. .- "I -r
Ifr. Eredesen then announced that the d1o't;ted to proponents haq-expired, and that
the opponents would be heard for. forty-five mute$.
I&. Leonard Strickler, St.Louis $ark,- s'c
philosophy is concerned, he feels the developer could have waited btil the
Village had iqdicated that it would furniqh the rbads before they-put Southdale
in: , He stqted that peks'cions. cai.rying bet%er than 16oa names, opposing the improvement, had been filed tvith Council; and that he feels, therefore, that
petitioner for improvemeqt is "considerably outnumbered1[.
sfi-ari-ng, fk. Strickcer said, "'The *County is gohg %o. pay- one-half .-3iow,' who is
(the County'?*
commercial developmeiit?IJ Tsk. StricQer, cpoting from a brochure, said,. ?'Every .
night there T.JiIl be as aany car-s learing the Solathdale .are& as leave a Univeristy
of I;Iinnesota football game,Rt- deplored the -I;rafL"ic probLw; and, then stated, UgThe
proposed cross-town highway is to cost $L5,00O10O0,, even if it goes only to-
Highway 100.
therefore the Sounty will pay.
coxae up with feasible financing €or any such highmy.
by the Department of Commerce, ad in 1953 a surve35 by the kterim Comission,
neither,one of which indica;ted -my need for a 6Znd Street cross-town highmyeir
In commenting on tkie remarks.made in favor ol"'-the knprovemen€,- by Ik. Albert
Larson, i&. StrickLer stated, "1 underskand he.& aAssociate &chitect on $he,
Southdale Project .It
i&. Tlillian 3'. I.Ic&.hon, 6201 Parnell Ave., explained that speaker Strickler is
the attorney -for the %outhirest Edina Better Governen% 8ssociation" .
s-tzted, "Even to people who dofi1-i; agree, L cm!% see your %axes $brown out the
triridow, ,Dontt you' seaize-trafi'ic pr&lems_ fox .the ,enLire Vjllage? I bve no
axe to grind .xi.th Daytons, but, eannot see ay reason for creatbg a %rafr";c
problem for tlie entire Village for the privilege OX going over Xo Southdale to
spend my money.
an average of from $53,500 to $6,500 apiece, and T have heard %ha€ the area t;l'n-j_ch
they gain by renoring 66th'Street will contribute heavily, if not. entirexy pay .'
for, the- original pprchase.,. I think it is "ce to pug the Dayton -CO~ipany. right
on the table and that the people of Edina and Hennepin Cpunty understand wh&
is going onO1t
lira R. R. Mer, 4624 VdXey View Road, who opened his Lalk with the comient
thzt before he left Tor the meeting his eight-year old daughter had-begged him
to wake her up 5nd Le$ heF 1no-t.r whether- they had won or lost, asked, 'Why- do
you tdce 66th Street off md then put-money into 62nd S'cmet?'l 1.k. Ziinmeman
,f --
ed that, insofar as Southd&e's
As to €he cost
TtAnd why -are'Coiinty officids.stmdj,ng up-in favor of a private
How, the State HLghiray Department is not about $0 p.~ $15,000,000;
Now- 6s. fstr as I am concerned, nobody has yet '
In 19-44 tkiere was a survey
, r- -- - .--. . __ I .._ -_ h
I&. Hdtahon
Now, the lots which have been sold on Lalie Cprnelia wan-b.up on.
. .- -.
answered that it is the long range pXaii that Valley View Rps@ betwe.en approxi-
mately 63rd and 6hth Street will-be abandoned Tor il cross-totrn-.%ighway. I&. .
Dunker presented a peti%ion copta5xiing 807 panes, protegtbg %%e 5mpropemen%, . -i
and requesting that the Council "pass il resolution den-g the petLtion for
the improvemen%ll *- Blr. Dunker stated- he .undersCands $hat some eight clovezleafs
.;Jill,be needed for the Southdale- -f;ra€Tic, , and ask&& hoy much land would be needed-
for a cloverl-ezf. ; I*&. 'Z2merman repEed thzt some eight to twelve acres; but- , -
Bk. Strickler stated that the cloverleaf on Highway No. 65 will take forty acres.
At this time Kr. Striclsler asked, Waen traffic ge'cs to 50th St$e& where does'
it go? TJho is going to mk%ain the roads after they,~tre built? . Uould rillage
of Edka be forced to maintain these roads?" He was informed thak this is part
1.k. Harold Peterson, 4.721 Valley Vieiq Road, ;me- to-.the front to-. speak; %ut' th; .
meeting became rather tiisorganized at this point,. and- hed.was interrupted from,, ~
the back of the room by 'someone viho t&shed to- question pqqponent Bank, VUS~.
what has the 19%. intimated to the Dayton- Company as to how. far they can go with-
this proposi%ion?*t I-&. Bankt s answer was, l'1- can msver- that .in one word, Nothing.It
I&-. Peterson tlien,went on to ,say that his children, also, are.uphap%y about this
improvement, ad asked, 1Vhat-L~ the cost of building VallefF$ew Road? and,
Why not leave 66th Street in, temporarily, and leave ValleqrztJ.e<-Rgaq *, done?" 1
c I I I
t- of the County Bosd system. - -. --
7' .I-, .. . I\
-I - -
4/25/55 a 3k. George Ettner, T&O gave his address as Valley View Road near I-jitcheU jG&:e;lf
spoke briefly on his fight at the Legislature to have the cross-tovm hightray
defegted; ewlained that County Conmissioner Ainsmrth is &gineer Zhmem&! s
boss; md compared the salaries of County officials with that of fomer TUage
&gineer &Etchell.
Rr. Strickler then asked ir" the DayLon Company is optinistic enough to go dong
on the plan that there will someday be a cross-tor.m highvmy, considerhg the
fact that the plan has been defeated in the Legislature twice.
One-lady in the back of the auditorium stz$ed it is her'untierstanding that
Southdale will dravr Zts trde from some 306,000 persons; &d that she does not
mnt the entire midwest trade coming through her back yard.
XTr. I-Iorton Taylor, 4,620 Valley View Boad, remhded the audience that no railroad
spur %as been provided for Southdale, an8 that all merchandise
truck; that property owners along the main traffic routes won't even be able to
sleep nights .
1.k. Paul Quamen, 4716 Valley View Road, stated that vhile If.66th Street was
closed teqorarily there was at least one car per minute traveling Valley Vietr.
E?. Charles Sedgwick, 5701 York Ave. go., stated that rrhile he is not iimnediately
affected bs: this presently proposed improvement, he is kiere because the develop
nent has reached the point where neighboring residents are worried about traffic
being dumped onto residential streets. He st-ated th& the residents are looking
to their Tflage Council to work out some plan rrhereby traffic trill. be routed
away from purely residential areasr
oi-mers had purchased homes in tFiis area because the Village provided a private ana secl~ded area; and that they would do everybag they could- to keep it th&
my. 1-ire John Prinski of 60th and York reiterated these stataents.
Rokert Zee, 4705 Valley IEew Road, stated that residents had no idea at the tZbe,
that -the DayLon Co~pany expected some 306,000 people to come into Edina to shop.
E?. XEiKllan inquired as to how mucg Vallek Eew Xoad trill'be widened, and was
iMormed that the drLwrig surface r.rill be 6dened -%o 4.8 Ft.
he 16s inzorned that traffic TJXL empty into Valley View Road, and into Tfooddale
he.; %hat there is no proposal. to widen Wooddale Avenue.
question wss raised as to the-statu5 of'thZ Dayton' Company Xth regard to the
issuance of the building pemit, 'and possi3oXE.ViUage liability if the' Council
nou saw fit to revoke the permit. ' Attorriey Spacer, representidg Village Attorney
Vkidhorst, stated that in his opinion the Village would be liable for some
daaages in this caseo
I&* Roy Peterson, 4.821 Rutledge Avenue, advocated reversing W&ley View Road
Exri;ended," by routbg i% South from France Avenue to V.70th St., rather than
North to Valley View Road.
I-hyor Bredesen aslnounced that opponents to improvement had exhausted their time,
and that rebuttal. 1roul.d be had.
IZe.-Crear, speaking in rebuttal, remjnded Council and audience that there were
only three or four negative votes at the time of the Public Hearing on the pro-
posed Southda2.e project, after a brochure showing the, plan had been mailed out to
every home in the VilLae;e;'thz&, since-that time the O-dy change that has occurred
is 31 detailed engineering.
xCLl agree that a comerciaL institu-bion pays taxes which help to bezr the / residentid. tax load. He stated that one-half the 'construckLon cost of this
1 hprovenent ~Zll be paid outright by Daytons right now, not out of taxes.' 1.k.
&ear stated that a good deal of reference has been ma,de*to the cross-totm
highray, and %%-at Daytons has been given credit for thils, 'in spite of the fact
€hat it has been before the public for some fifteen years.
%he audience that TalleST Bievr Road was not built up at the €%e Southdale was
momced, and stzked that it is his opinion that systematic planning is better
thvr haphazard planning, for all concerned,
I&-. m. G. I.IcFadaean, 5527 Zenith kve,, candidate for Office in 1954 village
aec%ion, eqlained %ha% he had acquain%ed himself with t'ne facts concerning the
plan; that he has been at:ae since the election that people on Vd-ley View Boad
Trsre most conscious of the problem, and also that the people on Pork an& Xerxes
Avenues were anxious about one-way streets; that, during the campai@, he was
not able to fbd one property omer in the adjacent roads wllo was in favor of
project. He stzted that the proponents'. proiram is very mCg the Sane as
a5 the the of the canpi&.gp, ad 'chat the opponents! 'arguments, too, were the
sae then as n0r.z. lb. I-XcFadzean asked, lrHovr can ire.,handle traffic and put it
skated that in his opinion that plan presented here tonigh6,is the best plan for
the Tillage on a long range basis.
1 He was asked to keep to the subject at had. .. --_
come in by
-. c
A- resident at 60th and York stated that
Upon further inquiry
. . -- .. -*
-. -. - - ~ _-
He stated, thag as to taxes, he fjelieves everyone
1.b. Crear reminded
in Rich-field's back yard or push it around Bloomin&on?*r Ilk. IXcFadzean-
4/25/55 173
I&. Albert Larson spoke again in favor of the proposed improvement, stating t&t =
66th Street was originally just a farm road made by filling in across the lake; ,
t3at borings taken in 66th Street last year showed some twelve to twenty feet of
muck under the road; that there is absolutely no way of making a permanent road '
of 66th Street without taking out this much; that engineering costs would be many
times the cost of the improvement which is planned and would be costly to Edina.
Xr. Law, Planning Consultant to the Village Platmirig Commission,'asked for an
opportunity to speak, stating thzt he is Itin the middleI1 of the azgument. He
reviewed for audience orderly proce-dure -foIIot&d by the developers from June 25,
1952, when the firs5 general plan and request for rezoning was preserited, to
December 27, when final approval was given forpthe alignment, etc. for the road
Er. Strickcer, in rebuttd for the opponents, quoted 1r,bchitectural Fomwn"
exbensively, in his allegation that the developers will control the traffic
pattern in the Village.
Shopping Center Frree,1I was also quoted by Re. Strickler., who asked, ttSomebody
is going to get huy.t! Do you want Southdale out there?"
Nk, Sedgewick asked that development be stopped now,' befor-e- traffic- is routed
kto residential-area.
Valley View Road, both spoke, stathg that they were informed by the-then Village
ltanager, 1-b. HitchGll, at the tiine th'ey Applied for building permits, that "there
would be no highway on Valley View Roadtt.
-.. .-
.. .-
An- article 5-1 the Forum, entZtled llHow to Get a
-- -_ --
A resident at 4704 Valley View Road, and Re. Gildred of
1-k. I-Iclfahon stated that, in the past, vhen petition against the cross-tom highifmy
PELS brought to the Planning Commission and the Council, the attitude was "elax,
boys, there's no money to put into a cross-town highwayP He asked, WLll you
attest on the Bible, that there is no connection between the cross-topm highway
and Valley View Eoad Extended?"
I now have, yes." ,
Trustee Fronk then *spoke, stating that, as an owner of property along Valley View
Road, he is being hurt iis badxy as the people livirig along tkie street; but that
he and the other members of the Council a11 realize that no matter what decision *
Ls made they rJill be in disfavor with some; that,-he, personally, has' no po1itical
anbitions and intends to deal with- the issue strictly on the basis of its merits.
I&-. Fronk stated that the Southdzle development has been knotm to Edina residents
since 1953, and that i'c seems strange that an ksue is being raised; now, after
Southdale has been given 0ppor;tunity to aevelop to'a point where building permit
has been issued, etc.
"I am not in favor of abandoning 66th Stree-b, based on evidence that
has been produced so far. .
120 feet; that 90 feet is sufficient.
to all..
He then reiterated that he believes in looking at this project on its merits; and
that that is the way he is going to vote.
Trustee Danens stated "cat he and l~k. Fronlc are in generd agreeneat. He remirided
the audience khat Edina will receive enbmnous taxes Trom the devel-opent; and that
properby values in the area'have gone up twice Ln value s'ince Sout3dalefs
inception; that this project does not look to him to be any detriment to the
1IZ-c. Harley Hyre,572L, Zenith, reminded'the audience tha% he was one of the three
negative voters at the Zoning Hearing; and, at that time the Southdale developers-
promised that heavy tkuck traffkc would be routed into the Center from V.7&h St.,
North on Fmace Lvenue.
3%. Harvin Helling, 59.21 France Ave., 'asked, "If you people are fightihg the
battle of Tzlley View Roed, Zre you hoping that traffic will go somewhere else?
There was a resounding Wol' in answer.
Fro& %hen moved that PubLic Hearing be closed.
IdIayor Bredesen then announced that Cou15c~vrould vote orr this issue at a future .
meeting, which will - _- probably .- be Friday; -. that Courier will carry a notice of time.
&. Bredesent s answer was, "From the information
Nk. Fro& stated his opinions as follows:
I _. __ -.
don't believe that portions of France Ave. will have to be widened to
I11 believe that some compromise can be worked out that is satisfactory
"There should be some Tiay to utLlize W.70th Street, here."
. .-
-3 c
Xotion seconded by Danens and carried.
Hayor Bredesen then announced that no discussion would be-held this evening on
PROFOSED DOG U3ASHING ORDINANCE; Clerk reported receipt of eight pe'citions in .
favor of the proposed ordinan'ce, containing a tot& of 537 names; of 'one petition,
from Crorgas Ave. residents, agaiinst the Ordinmce; and of four cornmications from
residents, against the Ordinance;
on file for future . consideration.
Petttions and communications were ordered placed
Ee. Bredesen then announced that Public Hearings would be conducted ontsone five .
Inprovenents, pursuant to Notices of Hearings appearing in Edina-Rorningside
Cowier on April 14 and 21.
Itotices, which were approved as to form and ordered placed on file; and Hearings
were conducted and action taken as recorded below:
Clerk presented Affidavits of Publication for said \-
IN TI% FOWmtJG STREETS: Adas, Jefferson, Zladison, ‘l.Toriroe, Vari Buren, and
Harrison Avenues between &CLoney and Nelson Aves. : Jackson and- Tyler Avenues
between Xaloney and Belolore Lane; Nelson Ave. bet<reen 1.Tonroe and’ Adas Aves . ;
an8 EiLoney Ave. between proposed Lift ‘Station at Trashington Ave. , and fsS
Uey between Harrison and Tyler Aves;; and COXSTRUCTIOtT OF SATJITARY SEIsER LIFT
SWTlOX at corner of ITashington and XaXoney kves. Vu-Graph Slide was shovm of
the proposed route of the sewer, and areas to be assessed for bo%h Sewer 2nd
Tor ZSt Station.
of $6.29 per Assessable Foot, Wing the total cost to th&t area outside the Lift
SZaZion District, $8.90 per Bssessable FooL-the- other $2.61. being for the Trunk
Xah, which has already been approved. Zikan stated that $1.90 T.Tiu be added
€or the Xft Station, for that area r.ri’chin the Uft Station District, making the
total cost for this area, $10.80 per Assessable Foot. Question vas asked as to
necessity for inclusion of Lift Station, whereas none had been planned ori&dly.-
Er. Zikan stated that a much deeper cut had been contemplated on original plan;
that Lift Station-is more economical than deep cut.
from th6 audience, asld no written objections had been received prior to the
Hearing. Fro& offeredthe following Resolution and moved its adoption:
BE IT IESOLW by the Council of the Village of Edina, Ebmesota, that $his Council
I-ieretofore caused notice of hearing to be duly published on the follovring proposed
improve~ent :
Construction or“ Sanitzry hteral Sewer- and rippurtenances in the following
I-ralofiey and Nelson Aves.; Jackson and Tyler Avenues between Maloney and Belmore
be; Nelson Ave . , between 1-ionroe and- kdams Aves . ; and TKLoney bve . between pro-
posed Xft Station at E&5n&on Ave., and NS Alley between Harrison md Tyler
Aves.; - and Constriction of Sanitary Sewer Zift Station at corner of tTashington
and Kaloney Aves., and at the hearing held at the the and place specified in -
said notice the Council has duly ‘considered the views of all persons interested,
and being fully advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed
svith the construction 02 said improvement; that said-biprovenent is hereby desig-
nated md shall be referred to in all subsequent proceeding3 as follows:
and the areas to be specialy assessed therefor shall be as follows:
For Xo. 1 - Construction of Lateral Sanitary Sewer - All Lots and Tracts of land
i66thjn the follo:hg described boundaries: Weginning at the RT Cor. of Lot I,.
Block 8, W.Ein.nezpolis I-Ieights; th. South to the Centerline of T-Izloney Ave.; th.
E. along the Centerline of I-Idoney kve. to the SoutherLy extension 03 the East
Zot Line of Lot 5, Steiner et Koppelmanls First liddn.; th. North to the Centerline
of Belmore he; th. TTest on the Centerline of Belmore he to the Southerly
exbension of the East Line, Lot a, Block 1, Vest I.Sjnneapolis Heights; th. North
to €he If3 Cor. of Lot 25, Block 1, Vest ltinneapolis Heights; th. TTest to the NE
Cor. of Lot 25, Block 3, said Vest EIinneapolis Heights; th. South to the SE Cor.
of Lot I,!+, Block 3, TTest I.linneapolis Heights; th. -Tfest’to the SIP Cor. of Lot 13,
Block &, West Etbneapolis Beights; th. B to the NI.T Cor. of Lot 2, Block 4, West
Rinneapolis Heights; th. lfesterly to %he NE Cor. of Lot 1, Block 6, West I.rinne-
apolis Heights; th. Xest to beghing.
For Xo. 2 - Constructiorr of Lift Station - All Lots and Tracts of land within the
foUoidZng Sescribed boundaries:
Vesg PEnneapolis Heights; th. Soufih‘to the Centerline of IIdoney he.-; th. East
along the Centerline of Haloney Lve. Zo the Southe5ly exkension of the East Lot
Line bf Io% lL;,-Bloclr 13, Ves% Uinneapolis Height‘s; th. IJ’orth to the XI3 Cor; of
Lot I?,-Blockv&, Vest 1-iinneapolis Heights; th. East to the ,511 Cor. of Lot 9,
Block 3, Irest 1.Iinneapolis Hts.; th. Worth to the’ffi1 Cor. of Lot, 2, Block-3,
TIest IEinneapoIis Heights; th. TJesterly to mE Cor. of Lot 1, Block 8, ?Test
I-Ikmezpolis Heights; th. Vest to beginning.1t
Eotion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Danens; and on Rollcall there
were three ayes and no n~rs, as follows: Danens, aye; Fro&, aye; and Bredesen, aye;
-and the Resolution vas adopted.
&S2>/dYP&J* I;layor Pro Tern
B Engineer Zikan reported axi Estimate of Cost for atera1 Severs -
There were no objections
RESOLrnION 0RDrnrnTG x-lipRom.aa
SfiJrrBY smm mW-IJo. 70 .
Ada, Jefferson,’ 3Xadison, E€onroe, Tan Emen and Harrison Avenues between
I -
S&TrnkRY m;m IE-PROrn.zXT xo. 70.
“Beghning at the ”1 Cor. of Lot 26; Block 8,
&I? :
‘Actkg Villzge Clerk
to Eason*Rd.; th. South on Hanson-%d. to r’1.62nd St.;’fh. East on ‘I-T.62.nd S-t. to‘ T.fJrman Ave.; th. South on T’gman he. to Valley View Ed.; th. East to f.fayren he.;
th. South on tkrren five. to 1.1.66t.h St.; and Beginning at H~iy.100 S: Tid-ley Vieur*Rd.;
tho Southwesterly on Valley View Rd. to Varren Ave. - Vu-Gmph Slide vas shop%
175 A/25/55
of the platermain route,. and of 'the Assessment District. Engineer Zikan's Estimate
of Cost was $140,638.69, for 8.75 per front foot for platted property, $237.00 'per
acre on unplatted property. Nrs. Roger L. hdrews, 5909 Hansen Road, spoke jn
opposition, stating she feel3 it an unnecessary burden .to pay for improvements
which only the developers want. ICr. E.C.Stow spoke-in favor of the project,
in the name of progress. There were no objections from the audience, other than
Eks. hdrewst , and no .writken objections' had been filed prior to the Hearing.
Fronk offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption:
BE TI' RZ3OLVED by the Council of the Village of Edina, Einnesota, that this Couricil
heretofore caused notice of hewing to be duly publzshed on the proposed irnprove-
nent consisting of Construction of 12" Trunk Vatemain, Beginzing at the intersection
of Sherwood Road &'Hwy.169-212; €he Southwesterly along Rwy.169-212 to' Hmson Rd. ; th.
South on Hanson Rd. -to w,62nd*St.; th. East on 11.62nd'St. €0 Wyman he.; th. South on
Wyman Ave; to Valley View Rd.; th.'East to Xarren Ave;; th.rSouth on ITarren Ave. to
U.66th St.; and Beginning at H~.sy.100 & Valley View Ed.; th. Southiresterly on Valley
View Rd. to Warren Axe., and ax the hearing held at the tine and place specified in
said notice the Council has-5uI.y considered the views or" all persons interested, and
being fully advised of the pertirient facts does hereby determine to proceed with the
construction of said improvement; that said improvement is hereby designated and
shall be referred to' in al1-subsequent' proceedings as 1TAm:XDf E~~OVZQi3" DJO. $5;
and the area to be specially assessed thereofr shall bclude all lots and tracts of--
land x&t,hin t he f olloxing described . boundaries :
1tComii. at Lhe-IE Cor. of Lot 1, B1. 3, Edenmoor; th, S. to SE Cor. of said Lot I; -
th. IT. to E. R/W line of U.S. Hhy.169-212; Zh. SMly along seid E. R/I7 line to its
intersection with E. line of Hason Rd.; th. S, -Lo i'W Cor. of Lot'8, B1. 7, Nest- .
Chester Knolls;- th. E. to"E Cor. os"-said Lot 8; th. S. to SE Cor. of Lot'7, B1. 7,
Westchester Ikolls; th. E. to NE Cor. 0% Lot 16, PL-chinond Hills 3rd Addn.; th. S1KI-y
dong Ely lot lines of Lots 16, 15; l& ana 13, Richmond Rills 3rd Ad&. to SE Cor.
of said Lot 13; th. SEly-to WJ Cor.'or" Lot 2,'Bl. 5, I4elody'Kholls 3rd Addn.; th. S,
to SW Cor. of said Lot 2; th. E. 33.7 R.; th. S. 149.27 Ft.; th. E. 100 Ft.; th. S.
to a ptD on Centerline of 11.60th S€. which is ,!+YO Ft. E. of T(n7 Cor. of God. Lot 7,
Sec. 33, Tq. 157, R. 21; th. X. to'the W. X/if line of State Hqy. 100; th. S. 'co
the Centerline of W.63rd St.; th. W. along the Centerline of TT.63rd St. to an
exbension of '3. line'of Lo% 30, B1. 4, Womanda.2.e 2nd Addn.; th. S. to Centerline
of lT.66th St.; th. '6.1. to EasterLy R/W Erie of'Xpls., Northefield and-Southern
Rzilroad; th. Nly along said Ely R/W line to its intersection with S. line of'kt 7,
Garden Park; th. E. -Lo E. line OX- ssid Xof, 7; 'th. IJ. $0 E. R/U line of l!IX& Xlroad; -
th. 1JSEl.y to SE Cor. of Lot, 8, 'Ga~den Park; th;' W., to'SlT Cor. of -%& of said Lot 8; th.,
N. to Nly R/W line of U.S.Hwy.169-212; th; EEly along-said fgly R/IJ line to Lts
intersection with 11. line of Sec. 33, TT.JP.' 117, R. 21; th. E. to IJi Cor. of said
Section; th. I$. to SW Cor. of the following described property: lrCormn. 845 3%. IT.
said Lot 7; th. H. to I%$ Cor. thereof; th. E. to beginning'; th. E. to 2W.y R/PJ
line of U.S. I-:t.ry. 169-212; th. Sly to NE Cor. of Lot 1, Bl. 3, %denmoor, which
is the point of beginning."
. IfATEX&BII$ lX€'RW.m\lT NO; 85
of NE Cor. of 7;ot-7, Sec. 28, T,ll7, R. 21; th. S. 898 Pt.;'th.'W.'to W. line of I
Hotion for adoption of Resolution was seconded by Danens, and on Rollcall- there were- ,
three ayes and no nays,-as follows:
and the Resolution was adopted. .
Danens, aye; Fronk, aye; md Sredesen, aye;
section of IfD70th St. and tkie West Serece Drive of Hivy.100; th. E, under Hvry.100
and along TJ.70th St, to Cornelia Dr.; and'EegWg at the intersection of 'W.7Oth
St, and the East Service Drive of Hsssy.lO0; t3. South to the South Village I;imi.ts.
Vu-Graph Slide vas &own; of both route and assessfiient district fog proposed impmve-
could determine whether Eo assess 1.90 per Fkont Foot for platted properLy and
$287 per Acre, or $l.Oc) per Front Foot' for platted prbperty and $246 per acre.
There were no objectZons from the floor, and no mitten objections had been received
prior therkto, Fronk offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption:
PUBLIC l3IG??DJG OR CONSTEUCTiON OF 12rf ~~fz TBTEXAIN, Beginning at the inter-
Engineer Zikan gave as his Estimate of Cost $80,675.73, stqting that Council
VZT.ERXAIN ii@EO~~Blisr 1JO. 96
I33 22 RESOLVBD by the Council of the Village of Edina, Ennesota, that this Council
heretofore cause& notice of hearing to be duly published on the proposed improvem6nt
consisting of Construction of a 12" Trunk TJatemain and Appurtenmces Beginning at
the intersection of W.70th St. and the West Ser'vice Drive of IIwy.100; th. E. under
Hwy.100 and along Tf.7Oth 5t. to Cornelia Dr.; and Beginning at the intersection of
V.7Oth 5%. and the East Service Drive" of Hwy.100; th. South to the South Village
Limits; and at the hearing'held at-the tine and place specified'in said notice the,
Council has duly considered-the views of all persons interested, and being faly
advised of the pertinent facts does h6Feby detEmnine to proceed with the con-
struction of said inprovemen%; that said improvement is hereby designated and shall
be referred to in all subsequent proceedbgs as lJATl3RWJ3J ZE'EOIGE3fl EO. 86; and
the area to be specially assessed therefor shall include all lots znd tracts of land
within the following described boundaries :
176 I
~:com. at a pt. on the S. Line of Sec. 30,Trrp.26,FL.&,*r.rhich is 672 Ft. E. of the' ~1/4 Cor."; th. Illy along the I.T. Subdivision lZne of Southdale First Ad&. to the
Centerliae of W.66th St.; th. ?T.d.ong the Centerline of TT.66t.h St. to a pt. 660 I I Ft. 6. of the-TJ. line of said Sec. 30-28-2&;-th. S. to'the Genterline of B.69th St.;
th. W. 330 E.; til. S. to a pt. 165 F-b. IrJ. of the Centerline of TT.701;h St.; th. TT.
to the Centerline of Borixmciale Blvd.; th. So to the South Corporate knits of the
Vaage 63 Zdha; tn. E. to the S.1/4 Cor. of Sec. 31, Tr.rp.28, R.24; th. N. to the
S, line of N1/2 of Said Section 31; el. E. to the E. line of the 8.20 Acres of the
S1/2 02 the TEl/& of Said Section 31; th. It. to the N. line of the S1/2 or" the
IiEl/4 02 said Section 31; th, E, to the E. line of tize TI. 25 Acres of the IEJl/4 of
the ITEl./&; th. li, Lo the TI. line of said Section 31; th. ITf "co beg5nning.11
I I.Iotion for adoption of IZesc4ution vas seconded by Danens, and- oh RoUciLL there vere
three' ayes and no nays, as follows: Danens, aye; Fronk, aye; and Bredesen, aye; ad
the Besolu%ion was zdopked..
4. -PuIIzIC HEZRDG OiJ COiTS!i%UCTIOX OF S-WJYARY SEXt3.R'fiXO DPURTET&P2S in Birchcrest Dr., &son Rd. to TJ.60th St.; V.61st St., Hason Ed. to Code he.; Forsh Dr.,
Eaisorr Ed. to V.61st St.; Porter Lane, 1~60th St. to Code Ave.;-Code he., Birchcrest
Dr. to Porter be; Valley View Bd., Tmuik II.H.#l& 50 Rolf he.; ad Hmsonad., -
Fors- Dr. to Birchcrest Dr. Vu-Graph Slide was sho&, or" both route aAd assessment
district Tor Sewer. I&. Zikan's Estimate of Cos5 ~ms 938,612.92, for $4.30 per
assessable foot, plus trunlr.
Roy E. Peterson, owner of the Birchcrest Additions; presented..a petition asking that
assessjaent be other than on a front-foot basis, and that if possikle it on a Za-year
Beso;iution ad moved its adoption:-
Z3 IT RESOLVXD bythe Council of the Village of Xdina, I&nnesota, thkt this Council.
heretofore cased notice of hearing td be duly published on the proposed hprovment
consis't7ing of Construc%ion of Sanitary Sewer and ' Appurbenances in the following
Streets: Birchcrest Dr., Hmson Ed. to 21.6Oth St.; V.6lst St., Hanson Rd. to Code
he.; Forslin Dr., Hanson Rd. to liT.61st St.; Porter Lane;I.J,60th St. to Code Ave.;
Code Ave., Birchcrest Dr.' to Porter Lane; Vzlley View Bd., Trunk I-I.R.&.& to Rolf
he.; Banson Rd., Forslin Dr. to Birchcrest Dr.; and at the hezing held at the the
and place specified in'scid notice the Council has duly 'considered the views of all
persons Interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facts does hereby
detehe to proceed tri-th the construction of said' improveaent; thzt said jmprovenent
is hereby designated and shdi be'referred 50 'in all subsequent proceedbgs as
SBJI3'BY SEm LIIF3OVZEliT 210.- 84; and the area to be specially, assessed therefor
shall include all lots and tracts of land abnt2;ing the above naed streets, except
bts'6 to ll, Block 1, Lots 6 to 10, Block 2, and Lots 1 to 5, Block 3, in Birchcrest
&Totion for zdoption of Besolution was seconded by Danens, and on Rollcall1 there were
three ayes and no nzys, as follows: Danens, aye; Fronlc, aye; and Sredesen, aye; and
the Resolution was adopted. LgLz/LJ&/9&/& 2-iaqor Pro Tern
Acting Village Clerk
foUoT.JiYlg Sfireets:
to Code Ave.; W.60th-St., Hmson Ed. to Birchceest Dr.; Porter he, K60th St. to *
Code kve .; Code he., PJ.6Oth St. to 71. blst St .; Forslin Dr. , Hanson Rd. to W.6lst St .
XP. ZS~IS Estimate of cost was $42,536.88, 'for $4;& for 'Later& Construction, plus G.75 Tor Trmnk, for $5.57 Total per Assessable Foot.
the audience, and no written objections were filed' prior thereto.
petZtion Tor assessment by other than front-foot basis, and over 20-year period
applies to this improvement, also.
its adoption:
There were no objections to the iinprovenent, bgt 1.b.
Petition TJW accepted, but no a-ction taken. Fro& offered the following
c moLuTIoH OrnrnCG IXlmrnaE- -- SAiTnBY m;m Iimom+m*n XO, st,
.. - . Add&
Birchcrest Drive, 1.?.60tii-St. Eo Hinson Rd.; 1r.61st *St., Hanson Rd,
There trere-no objections fron
i.k. Peterson's
E'ronk offeredthe following Resolution and moved
TJAmmt B.rnOW*rnrn BO. q
E RESOLVED by the Council of the Qillage of Edina, l'iinnesota, that this Council
heretofore caused notice of hearing to Ve duly published on the proposed improvement
consisting of Constraction of'lateral Vatemaiii and Apptirtenanc4s in the follot~g
SEreets: Birchcrest Drive,"6:.6oth St; 50 HmSm 2d.J w.61st St., Hanson-Rd. to Code'
Ave.; %T.&th'St., €€anson Rd. to Birchcrest Dr.; Por€er &ne, W.60th St. to Code he.;
Code live.>- TT.60-l;h St. to TT.61st St. ; and Forslin Dr. j Hanson Rd. to T.J.61st St. ; and
at the hearing held at the tine and place specified in saia notice the- Council has
duly considered the views of I all persons interested, and being fully advised of the
4/25/55 877
pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with the construction of said
improvement; that said kprovement is hereby designated &d shall be referred to
in all subsequent proceedings as IfATEENAIN IXPROVEQEXT W. 87; ahd the area to be
specially assessed therefor shall include allots and tracts of land abutting
the above naed streets.
Xotion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Danens; and on Rollcd.1 there
were three ayes and no nays, as follows:
and the Resolution was adopted.
Danens, aye; .Frank, aye; and Bredesen, aye;
&/%e dd4d/d-. Hayor Pro Pem
_- * _- *_
Xcting Village Clerk
Because nothing fuAher had been heard from Ilk. JLenj5mk Simpson'with regard to his
request %or Permit to- Cons'cruct Dwelling' at 55 Ft., f;ot 9, BL 2, South I?Jhite Oaks
(4832 Tomes Rd.) , and because- Council had received, complaint from neighbors %ha%
3k. Simpson has dug rn excavation which is proving to be a hazard Eo children, Fronk
moved to deny petition for building perri&b and to instruct Building Inspector TToehler
to notify I&?. Simpson to fill this excavation immediately. Hotion was seconded by-
Danens and carried. ..
It being a month since Fublic Hearing.on Mrs. Xdith IJssters petition for pmnit to
construct a dwelling on Lot 13, BL 7, Bromdale Park (4395'Tiernon he.) facing said
dwelling on V.4.4th St., rather than on 'Ternon; w5th the Council still without
receipt of a complete house plai as reqvested, Fronk moved that petition be tabled.
Motion seconded by Danens and carried.
Hayor'Bredesen announced'hblic Hearing ori Petition of Luverne 24. bken, for permit
to plat "Loken's Third AdditionTr containing one under-sized lot on Brxes Avenue.
Copy of mailed notice was presented by Acting Clerk, and ordered placed on file.
There were no objections to the plat, and no mitten objections'had been filed
pr&vi.ous to the meeting. Fronkls motion, that plat be approved, was seconded by
Danens and carried.
Public Hearing was next had on Petition of Sidney IT. Thomas for permit to plat. -
Lot 40, 8arden Acres, into two tracts of 72.8 Ft. each, pursuant to no'cice mailed,
as presented and approved.
only one foot from the lot line; that, if lot is divided,. gwage-should move back
four feet to conform xith Building Ordinance. Fro& moved that plat be approved,
subject to confomvlce with provisions of building ordinance. Eotion seconded by
Danens an4 carried. &. R.N. WinsXow then appeared, for Public Hearing on his petition to plat it tract
South of Moodend Drive, to'buila dwel1ing on said tract, and to use a 20-foot .
drivevray as access thereto.
ordered placed on file.
and no rcri-bten object5ons had been filed przor thereto. Trustee Fronk asked as
to method of assessinent for utilities, inasmuch as there will be only'a 20-foot
*'frontagefn on this lot; and I&.- IEnslow stated that' he ~15.11 be glad to pay his
fair assessment on all improvements.
and the% Public Hearing on assessments be scheduled for Nonday, 1h.y 23, was seconded
by Danens ad carried.
I&. Reite, owner of 'Lot 3, Bl. 1, Elmrood Terrace (a 55-fook'lot) expla3necf that
he is now option buyer of Lot 4; that lie expects to sell half of Zot 4 to another ,
ovmer; thus giving each of them SZk feet Lori which to build, He'also %&ked about
the storm sewer drain thich mins 'diagonndly across his property; stating 'that he
and the other om5r 3,i.e ~Zlling'to give off easements in another place on their
properbies. It was decided that Council could take no defini-be action until the
results of a Storm Seiker Hearing' are ascertainea, although Council tentatively
approved Ik. Beitel s proposition.
its adoption:
__ --
- -- - --
23 ifas-noted that subdivisXon .wrill. leave present garage
Copy of mailed notice ffas submitted, approved, and '
There were no objections to the petition a% the Hearing,
Fronkls motion, that petition be-approved, II
.. . ~ ._ ._ - .I
Fronk offered the following Resolution and moved
BE IT RESOLVBD by the Council-of the Village of Edina:
1. The Tillage Sngineer, having submittedto the CouncLl a prelhinary report
as to the feasibility of the proposed Storm Sewer Zmprovement described in the Form
of Botice of Hearing set forth below, and as to the estimated cost of such improve-
ment, said report' is hereby approved and directed to be placed on file in the office
of the Tillage Clerk.
Hall, to consider in public hearing the views of all persons.interested - _. .. in said pro-
posed improvement.
The Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to cause nocice of the time,
place and purpose of-said meeting to be published in the official newspaper onee a
week for two successive weeks, the second of which publications is to be not less
than three days from date of said meeting, which notice shall be in substantially
the following form:
.. ~
2. This Council shall meet on Xonday, Nay 9, at 7:30 P.K, in the Edina Village
NKEE IS HEFtEBl- GIVEiJ that-the Edina Village Council ~iill meet at the Village
improvement, to be constructed under the authority granted by lfinnesota Iam of
1953, Chapter 398,
Village Engirreer as set forth below:
Construction of Village Storm Sewer and Appurtenances
begj-nming at Halifax Lane; th. running Vest along Existing
Easeaents, to lbehaha Creek $4,173.20
The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of said pr6posed improvement is
as folloi.Js: -ffAll lots and tracts of lad within the following describ-ed boundaries:.
(Beginning at the UE Cor. of Lot 1, Southridge; th. E. a distance of 205 Ft., more
or less; th. S. lt30 Ft., more or less; th. SEly to a pt. on the N. line of Lot 2,
BLa3.., Ehmood Terrace, dist. 15 Ft;, more-or less, Vest of'the'1G Cor. of said
lot; th. S. to the S, line of Lot'l, B1; 1, Xlmmod Tersace;'th. Southi.resterly to
a pt. on the IT. line of the 113. 55.47*Ft. of the S. 154.97 Ft. of'the E. 19767 Ft.
of the NEl/& of the IEL/& of Sec. 19, T.28, R.24, distant UO Ff;.,'more or less,
Fe5t of the Ell3 Cor. thereof; th. S. to the Ne line or" Lot'2, Bl. 2, Ehvood Terrace;
th. Say to tkie ST Cor. of Lot 11, B1. 2, Ehiamod Terrace; th. Vest to the Vest
line of Halifax Lane; th. B. along the IT. line of Halifax Lane to the 33 Cor. of
1 EU on I.Ionday, Xay 9, 1955, at 7:30 P.I.I., to consider the follor.ring proposed
The approhate cost of such improvement -is estimated by the
Lot 5, Southridge; th. 71. 25 I%., more or less; th. B. to the
Sou-&ridge; th. 3, to beginhing.1
G€tErGrnI s. mal,
QKLage of Edina
EotTon for adoption of the Eesolution was seconded by Danens,
were three ayes and no nays, as follows: Danens, aye; Fronk,
aye; and the Resolution vas adopted. mm:
N. line of Lot 1,
Acting Village Clerk
and on Rollcall there
aye; and Bredesen,
.+ B&L4/dW w 1-layor Pro Tem
'Actbg Village Clerk
1-k. Harris Xndquist, ovmer of Lot 10, Block 2, Ehwood Terrace, a 65foot lot,
requested building permit therefor.
are owned by other individuals, who do not wish to sell.
be granted.
lk. EiTkan reported ?Torthestern Bell Telephone Conpany' s reluctance to continue
present method of ringing fire siren.
He explained that lots on either side of his
Fronk moved that permit
I'lotion seconded by Danens and carried.
It was decided to ~ra;it'un€il Fire Underwriters
make 'their inspection-and recomendations before taking any action on this matter. .- .. - .- .-
Ilk. Dobllelman asked that Village arrange to have properbr on Vacated ITindsor Avenue
distributed anong three neighboring property otmers as originally requested, or to
nullify vacation.
project of filling this hole, only to find, recently that his neighbor has been
awarded all the property. 1-latter referred to Village Attorney ??indhorst for
equitable settlement .
'Stir. Ekm explained that the petitioners for Ornamental Street Lights have conferred
w6th Borthern States Power Conpany as to li&t placemen€, and that the Company has
approved placexent of one at flst and Juanita and one at the T1.
that Public Hearing be scheduled at engineer's discretion, .. and as early as possible.
E. George Hartae73. cobpSained that the ltNo Parking 4:OO P.31. to 6:oo P.lL1*
restriction on France -Avenue is creating traffic difficulties and causing the
zerchmts some hardship.
some provision is nade for sigids on W.49g Street; and also asked that a crossvralk
b'e placed between Zipoyls and his used-car lot, and that the cab stand be moved to
a new location.
rule unti1 after the GouncXL. Public Safety Committee and the Comer'cial Club's
%€ety Committee have had a chance to get together.
seconded by Danens 2nd carried.
Xbmesota Highmy Departmen%s notsication of the %5lor.r Dotrn and Liveff Cmpaign
was reviewed and ordered placed on file.
Momication by the County Supervisor of Assessments,' that Tillage- Bo-ard of Review
Eeeting 2s scheduled for Thursday, July 7, vas subdtted, reviewed, and ordered
placed on file. e
Copy of objecting letter, sent by residents on Edinbrook and Westbrook Lane to
proponents of a 12inute-Xash project at Northwest Corner of 50th Street and Highway
169, -was reviewed and ordered placed on file, --
Protests against the nwr-Sfgn Ordirlance Amendment (m&g si@ fee minimUm $lO.OO),
by I4iuxi.n Oreck, Hationall Food Stores, and First Edina Bank, were reviewed and ordered
placed on file Zor further consideration, by motion Fronk, seconded by Danens and
He explained that he has put considerable money into the pmc
I3 was decided
Re suggested that this restriction be abmdoned until
IZe. 3redesen suggested that the Council nullify its present parking
,D Fronk so moved. Uotion
Ehgineer Zikan presented Plans and Specifica-bions for several improvements J
and requested that Council take bids on May 9, to expedite construction,
Danens offered the following Remlution and moved its adoption: +
z n *I
BE IT RESOLVED by the Tillage Council of the*ViU:ge of 3Eiaax
in the following Advertisemenkfor Bid6 fom, heretoforeprepared by the Village
Engineer and now on file in the office of the Village Clerk are hereby approved.
Courier and the Construction Bulletin the following notice for bids for said
1. The plans and specifications for the proposed Lmprovements set for.t;h
The Clerk. sha3.l cause So be published. twice in the Edina-Morningside *
NOTICE IS HEXEBY GTVEN that the Edjna Village Council will meet at the
Edina Village Hall, 4801 W, 50th Street, Monday, May 9, 1955, a% 7:30 P.E.,
and TtJill at said time and place open and consider sealed bids for the follow-
33 83 1. Construction of Sanitary Lateral &mer
*g"a streets: 4
L3 A.
E. I
~n York &e., KS8th St. to Wo60th St.
31 Wooddale Ave,, ~&,61~t St, to W,62tld
Tn Halifax Ave., m62nd St, to 500 Ft,
and Appurtenances in the following ,
(SS Imp. No. 81)
331 Josephine Ave., Benton Ave. to 1~60th St.; and
3iz. ~~60th St., Hwy,lOO to Code 5~e. (SS I@, No, 80)
Zn 1Edams9 Jefferson, Madison, Monroe, Van Buren and- Harrison Ave.
between Maloney and Nelson Aves,;
li.1 Jackcon and Tyler Aves, between Maloney and Belmore ≠
li.1 Nelson Ave. between Monroe and Adams Aves,; and
111 Maloney Ave, between proposed Eft Station at Washington Ave,,
and N-S Alley between Harrison and Tyler Aves. (SS 3-p. No, 70).
I3 Birchcrest Dr., Hanson Rd. to 5~60th St.; In I~6bt St., Hanson Rd, to Code Ave.;
In Forslin Drive, Hanson Rd, to W,61st St,;
33 Porter Lane, %G60th St, to Code ,&e, j
In Code AvB., Birchcrest Dr, to Porter Lane.
21 Valley View Rd., Trunk MOHO No, h.4 to Rolf Ave,;
In Hanmn Rd,, Forslin Dr, to Birchcrest Dr. (SS ling. No, 84.)
Construction of Watermain and Appurtenances in the follotring streets:
L2m, Beginning at intersection of K7Oth St. and the 31. Service Dr,
of :Rwy. 100; th, E. under Hwy. 100 and A. ong W.70th Sb, to Cornelia
Dr,; and Beginning at intersection of IL70th St, and Eksb Service
Dr, of Hwy, 100; th. South to South Village Limits (NN Inq?. No. 86)
12$ Beginning at intersection of Shemood Rd, and HITO 169-212;
th, Southwesterly along Hwy. 169-212 to Hanson M.; tho South
on Hanson Rd, to K62nd St,; th, East on W.62nd St, to 1.Jjrman ~Zve.;
th, South on FTjman Jive. to Valley View Rd,; th. East to Xarren Ave,
th, South on Warren &Tea to W.66th St,; and Beginning at Hwy,lOO
& VaJAey View Rd.; th, Soutlmesterly on Valley View Rd, to
Warren &e. (W 3p. No, 851,
C. 6lr, In Bircherest Dr., TL6Ot;h St. to Hanson Rd,;
fn K6lst So, Hason Rd, to Code'Jtve,;
33 T.6Ot;h St., Hanson Rd, to Birchcrest Dr.;
In Porter We, TL6Oth St, to Code &e,; .
Ih Code Ave., W.60th St, to f;Fo61st St,;
Ih Forsl5.n Dr., Hanson Rd. to V.61s-t; St. (1D.I Bp, No, 87)
10" in Wooddale Ave., T.1.61st St, to Tir;62nd si;, (EX Bpr Noo 83) 3. - Z.
ITbrk must be done as described and specified in plans and specifications for said
improvement on file in the office of the Village Clerk,
on basis of cash payment for vork,
filedwith undersigned before time of said meeting and accompanied by cash deposit,
bid bond, or certified check payable to the ViUage Clerk in amount of ten percent
of morn? .* of bid. r)
in HaZir"ax Ave,, T.T.62nd Sa to 500 Ft. So. (IIH lirq. No. 82)
6; in all Streets in Brookview Hts, 3rd Mdn. I Bp. No. 84- .
Bids must be subetted
No bids will, be considered unless sealed and
Acting Clerk .
Villzge of Edim
3. Each and all of the terms of the foregoing advertisemen% Zor bLds are hereby
adopted as the terms and conditions of atlard of the contract for said improvement,
Kotion for adoption of Reioluiion tms iecondeLby Fr&, and on Rollcall there
were three ages and nq nap, as fo&l.otrs: aanens
aye; and the Resolution was adopted,
A!rT T:
F~onk, aye; and Bredesen,
Jg&j&&&/J?&?&?&7/ Village Clerk
t. .,
*.. .* . .It.
- 179 e- _..
4/25/55 . The following Petitions for hprovements, having been received on Aprilpj, or
prior thereto, were accepted by motion Fronk, seconded by Danens, md carried,
with Public Hearings to be scheduled at discretion of Village Engineer:
For Storm Sewer - Brookview Hts. First and Second Addns. (Supplementaiy)
For Sanitary'Sewer --ITorth and South Knoll Drive between So. Blake Ed. and 1. 2.
3. Blacktopping.- Ehring Ave.;W.6Oth St. to %.61st'St. .
&. Sanitzry Sewer - Rolf Ave., IJ.63rd to lT.64th. St, 5. Sanitary Sewer - For &29 Valley View Rd. 6, Sanitary Sewer - Josephine &-ire.,-U.63rd to lJ.64th St. 7. Sanitary Sewer - E. Side Hw.100; WindBd. to 312 Fk. No,
8. Sanitary Sewer - 33. Side Hwy.100, Southview Lane to 7Jind Rd.
9. Sani-Lary Sewer - Bedford he., zterlachen Blvd. to W.5lst St.
10. ITatermain - E. Side Hv@.lOO; Wid Rd. to 312 Ft. Roo
11. T'JBtemain - E. Side Hr.sy.100, Southview Lan6 to End Ed. .
12. 1Jateraain - Rolf- Ave., w,63ra to T.f.64th St;
13, Naterraain - Bedford &re., lhterlachen Blyd. to W.5lst St. 14. Oiling - Ashcroft he,, 'IT.View Rd. to ~~62'rkl St.
15. Oiling - W.53th St., O&lawn to Xellogg. 16. Oiling - All Streets-in Brookview Hts. First and Second Addns.
17. Oiling - Benton Ave., TingdaLe to Code,
123. Oiling - 3.5&h St., Philbrook Lane to Brookview Ave.
Schaefer Rd.; So. Blake'Rd., No. IZnoll Drive to So. Knoll Drive. .
Representatives of Rees-Thomson-Scroggins & Associates, Inc., developers of
ttI;ToodhilLtf, supported their Pfarch 30th request for Council action initiating
condmation proceedings agaast the Vest 30 Feet of Lot 3, Block 5, Creston
ELlls, for public right-of-way purposes.
IC* Gilsrud, owner of the property directly to the South of the aljove naried
tract, staking that he is willing to dedicate 30 feet Tor roadway; and explained
to the Council that if the 30 feet of Lot 3, Block 5, Is not dedicated an
unfortunate job in the street will be the result.
owner of this property,is completely unwilling to dedicate, &fter some little
discussion as to the interests o€ the general public, Fronk moved that Village
Attorney be instructed to initia€e condennation proceedings for the acquisition
of the Vest 30 Feet of Lot 3, Block 5, Creston Hills.
Daness md carried.
XJ~L-~ Don C. Anderson appeared, in support' of his petition for permit to grade .
Sherwood Ave., between V.631-d and TJ.64th Sts,,at his ovm exyense. EL-. Zikan
eA.rplained thzt the Council. has already ordered in the Iinprovement of Grading
and Grzveling; that bids taken late lask fall were rejected because they were
too high. Attorney stated that Cowicil must take bids for the graveling, if
this porction of the project is to be assessede Fro& moved that I&. hderson
be permitted. to grade at his own e-ense, according to Tillage specLficakions.
Hotion seconded by Danens and carried.
Complain% of V.V. Piartenis, ,!&OlW. 5Okh St . , that' his yard is dzmaged each year
by snow plotring eqipment, was reviewed. Matter was referred to- Public Vorks
Supk., for investigation, and with power -bo act, by motion Fronk, seconded by
Danens and carried.
They presented letter from 1.k. Alvin
They stated that I.&. Bagg,
$lotion seconded by
Ik. Zikan reported a sWar complaint from a resident on W.57th Street, stating
he believes the damage has occurred in the boulevard; that it is very difr'imlt
for plows to keep on the trzvelled roadway during hea-vy snow. Council asked- for
further report.
Edina Jaycees' requesi.for permit to conduct Viddie Ka-rniv&L21 on Xay 22, from
1:OO P.1-i. to 7:OO P.N., in parking space behind Edina Bank and Clancyfs Drug
Store, PELS discussed. It was reported %%at Xaple Boad neighbors are objecting
to this function, on grounds that the Bank parkihg 2.0% is ta be used for parldng,
only. lot between Clinic and new building, on 1?.49$ Street. IIatter referred to Trustee
Danens for investigzkion and further report.
The following a,pplications for Sign Permits were appi-oved, subject to approval
by Police Captain PTcGary: SIB 3cioCATION rnrnYErn
Texas Co. 412~31 1/20. Olinger Rd. on #I69 Texas Coo
Edina Bowling Center 6'fit Edina Bowling Center (Front of Bldg.)
Ehse & Gross Furriers 4'l\-2Of Side of Old BQnk Bldg. Furriers.
41x61 Front of Bldg.
3'31 Back Door ..
Report was then had that Jaycees have change3 site of Karnival to vacant
- mnsm -
Olson & Anderson .4.t~61 Lot 5, NcCauley Lddn. Olson &Anderson.
It vras pointed out that %he present mlkuse &'Gross Furrier11 'signs are cloth and
are only taporary; and it was decided %ha% no fee be charged; "chat when application for permanent signs is made, regular fee be charged.
The following License Applications were presented for approvz;l, and Danens noved .
that approval be granted for licensqs for tkie Yea April I, 3-955 to April I, 17-56,
subject to qprovd by Police Captain UcGary, or Ben TToehler, as the case may be.
ll'ot2on seconded by Fronl-r and carried:
Paul C, Peterson, dba Dari-IJhipb; 5003. Vernon Ave. Food License
Canteen Go. of I-Eh for ELZiottls S%a.ridard Service
G, J . Jdmson, dba Haegle t s Bakery, 49.42 France Ave .
Ralph Ikys dba Intervale Ranch, 7515 County Ed. $18 Gas pump .
Backdahl & Olson Plbg. & Htg, Go., 1609 E; Lake St. Plunibing
Zomm PLbg. E: Htg;, 9737 Lyndale' Ave,. 'So, - PlMing
Lester FDley; 9712 HumboZdt'Ave. So. Pluriibjllg
* - Plumbing
II 11
- Highway $169 arid Eden'kve. Cigaret-te License
Bruce Plurnbiag Coo, 4747 Twin Lake ilve. - Plumbing
- Plunbihig hd & Spete, 3Xl6-17Yn live. So.
ICLugaan Plbg. Go., Ud.5 Ne T'fashington Ave.
Twin City ?lumbing & Heating %o, 2912 Bloo~on Ave. Plumbing
Warren E'. S'r.zenson, 6625 Xorgan kve, So. Plumbing
Roto-Rooter Sewer Servrice Co., 1819 Nicollet. Ave. Scavenger
Council asked, Tor Attorney's opinion on contract entered into in 195.4, with Edina
Holding CoEpany. ~ It was opinion of Xi?. Spencer that C~uncLl should hold Public
Heking on this matter.; and Frorik's motion, that'PubEc Bearing on Vacat3on of
a prtion or" Eden Avenue be scheduled for l-ionday, XaT 23.
Daens and czrried.
Council receLved lk. 1.icDond.d' s request' for permit to face dwelling long way of
lot, at iEJ Cor. of V.~&h and .Brookview; and Fro& moved, scheduling Public
Hearing for Eonday, Xay 9.
I,:Otion seconded by
Xotion seconded by Danens and carried. .-
I3iicipal Judge Burris1 letter, requesting that Council instruct Auditors to *
set up an adequate book€&eping'systan for the Court, was honored by motion Fronk,
seconded by Danens and carried.
Petition for *Watch Out for Children1f Sign at Jefferson hve. -and I-Ialoney he.
ms accepted and referred to Police Department ?or action, by motion Fronk,
seconded by Danens and carried.
-. .
P Ere Zikazl, in reporting on Steam Cletjner bids, stated that the municipdlities
I qrritten to have all answered, and all state that their parbicular type of cleaner
is dokg the job,
together to inspect one of the types. 2.k. Danens spoke in Zavor of the IIalsbury,
stating that he knows personally of Zts efficient operation,
the bid of I.Iinneapolis Eqyipnent Company, for a 1.lalsbury I+Iodel Steam Clezner,
anomt $1,911e50, be accepted.
1~. Zikan reported to the Counc5l that the Police Departnent must be czlled
into the office each %be a bicycle is to be licensed.
inasmuch as the Fire Depwtment is now constantly in the office, t'neg be given
the duty of licensing bicycles, after the main job of licensing at the schools
is over.
this obligation, was seconded by Danens and carried.
Acting Clerk reported the opinion of Attorney Dudley Ericson to the effect tbt
Comcil must accept,_by Resolution, %he Daytori,Companyts gift of a sLte for the
elevat-ed waterkink.
offeredthe following Resolution and moved its adoption:
I&. Zikan reminded the'Council that they were 50 have gotten
He then noved that
Xotion seconded by Fronk and carried. -_
He suggested that,
Fronlrzs notion, that the Fire Department be instruct,ed to take over
~ . -_
At'corney Spencer concurred in this opinion, and Fro&
dedication by the Dayton Coipanx of the fouowing described property, conveyed
to the Tillage of Edina by Q&tcIaim Deed dated February 8, .- 1955, is hereby
accepted in the liane of said Village of. Edina:
Vhat part of the Southwest Quarter (SXL/4) of Section Twenty-nine (Z9),
To-unship Twenky-eight (28) %forth, Range Twenty-f our (2.4) Uest , Hemepin County,
IEnnesoka, described as l"0llor.r~: Beginning a% the Northvest corner of said
Southwest quarter (SXL/4); thence running due South along the Vest line of
said Southwest Quaker (Sln;/r) Sixteen Hundred Forty-eight and Seven Tenths (1648.7) feet; thence running due East .One Hundred 5relve and Five Tenths (XL2.5)
feet to the acta& pint of beginning of the tract of land to be described; thence
continuing due East Sevepty-five (75) f e&; thence ming due Rorth Seventy-five (75) feet; tlience running due Vest Seventy-five (75) feet; thence running due
South Seventy-five (75) feet'to the zctud pain% of beginnfig.
easement for ingress and "egress to the above descr5bed tract of land described
as follows:
thence runn3ng due South &long the'TTest line pf said Southwest Quarter (STn/&),
Skteen Emdred Forty-ei'ght and Seven Tenths'(l648.7) feet to %he actual point
of beginning of the easaent to be described; thence mrming due East One Hmdked
Twelve and Five Tenths (112.5) feet; thence running due brth Twenty (20) feet;
Together with an
Beginning at %he Northwest corner of said Southwest Quarker (SILL/&);
t81. 4/25/55 thence running due West One Hundred Twelve and Five Tenths (112.5) feet to
a point in the West line of said Southwest Quarter (S%L/4); thence running
due South-along s&d Vest line Twenty (20) feet to the actual point of .
begwng; except thag part lying within the right of way of France he.
South. 11
IbIotion for adoption of the ResoIution
there were three ayes and no nays, as
Bredesen, aye; and the Resolution was
was seconded by Danens, and on Rollcall
adopted. .
Danens, aye; Fronk, aye; and
&Jflh Nayor Pro Tern
Acting Village Clerk
Rr. Zikan then reportea that because this is torrenzed property it ~rxi.11 be
necessary Lo have 'eYLher a-Registered ZwiK Survey or -a plat before transfer
of proper-Ly can be placed on record;'and it was tentatively decided to see
if the Dayton Companyf s surveyor, Idk. E.C. Coulter, could do this tmk for the
Council noted that a request Tor an Oil Coat 'on Wooddale Lvenue between 1?.5E%h
and T.T.59th Streets had been received.
permanent surfacing of this stree%; and Council rdas reminded that ?Tooddale Avenue
has been declared a thru-street and that the Genpl-Fund would bear half the
cost of a blackbopping project.
topping for Uooddale Xvenue between Tf.56th Street and Vzlley View Road be scheduled
at the Village Engineer's dfiscretiony and that' oiljig be on an emergency basis,
Some lLttle discussion was had concerning
Fronk's motion,/ egat Public ,Hearing on Black-
- on petition. Notion seconded by Danens and carried.
I&. Zikan asked Council poIicy concerning the Oiling of borderline
as Xerxes Avenue and lf.54th Street. He explained that 3iiaieapLTs
of applying a dust coat at any-Eime residents ask for it; that the
each year is assessed,the balance taken from another funa--whereas
followed the practice of assessbg the cost'of each oil coat, upon
streets such
has the policy
first coat
Edina has
hearing after petition.
matter to see what could be done, and report at next meeting.
Village Atyorney was instructed to look into this
I .* _-. ~. . . - I - _-
Ilk. Zikan repor-bed the sudden aeath of Village Fireman, 'Phillip S. Bacon, and
of E. C. Pfeiffer, former' Public lforks employee. Fronk offered the following
Resolution and moved its adoption:
YHEREAS, Phillip S. Bacon has served the Village'of ZcTina, as a Fireman, for more
than foufteen years, having been an- enthksXastic, loyal &id depen6able member of
The Edina Volunteer Fire Department, a Charter Eiember -of said Depzrtment and ~
instrumental in developing said Departmeat 'in the intErests of thTs CommuiiXty, and
TmB, said Phillip S. Bacon has servd well &td effi'ciently as a neaber of
the Paid Fire D6partment- of the Village, from the inception of this service until
his death,
BE IT BZSOLW3l by the Tillage 'Council of the Village of Edina thad this Council
convey to the family of Phillip 3.- Bacon its expression of sorrow at the loss' of
valued. end public spirited citizen of this community,
Notion for adoption of Besolution was seconaed by Danens, and on Rollcall there
were three ares and no nays, as-follows:
aye; and the Resolution was adopted.
.. .-
- _.
Danens, aye'; Fronk, aye; and Bredesen,
- .-
' Nayor Pro Tem .. JA /
kcting Village Clerk
Fronk then offered the following Reso1u-b-ion and moved its adoption:
'-. E. G. Pmnm
I.EEFLB$S, E. ,C* Pfeiffer served B'his Village as a member of the Public Xorks
Depzrtment for some years, and
bHERI%S, said E. C. Pfeiffer has resided in, and has been a -public spirited
citizen of this Community over a long period of time, .
. c-
BE IT WSOLSGXI by the 'Tillage Council o€ the Village -of Edina that this Cou+cil
convey to 'the f&ly of E.C. Pfeiffer its expression'of sorrow at the loss of
a friend of this iommunity.-
I82 4/25/55
Uotion for adoption of.Resolution was seconded by Danens, and on Rollcall there were
three ayes and no nays, as follows: Danens, aye; bonk, aye; and Bredesen, aye; and
the Resolution was adopted.
Actkg Clerk presented several Special Assessmen5 Bolls, and asked that Couricil
schedule PubIic Ilearings on proposed assessments.
Resolution and moved its adoption:
Fro& offered the following
iZSSESSUE3~ ~ €IEXRX%S BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Village oZ'Edina as i'ollovrs:
assessed Tor those improvements set forth in the Nokice of Hearings set forth below,
- 1. The Clerk and Engineer having calculated the proper amount to be
and the amount proposed to b$ assessed ag&& the respective lots, pieces and parcels
or" land within the district affected by said iniprovements, and said proposed assess-
ments haviing been filed with the Clerk, the sane are hereby approved, and the Clerk
sha keep" the same on file in his office and open to public inspection pending
hezringthereon as herein proeded.
This Council shall neet ai; the time and place specified in the form of
notice of hearings hereinafter cofitained to pass upon said proposed assessn?ents, and
the Clerk shall, case notice of %he time, place and purpose or' said meeting to be
published in the official newspaper twice, in substantially the following forn:
CURB LtitaD GLITTm IfI€%OViZ*iEGTS B-27,29 Et 39;
A-71; STOEM smm ~momm NB.
- 1. Uok.ce is hereby g2ven, that'the Coun'cil of the Village- of Edina will
meet at the V5.llaget Hall on Ronday, I.1a.y 23, 1955, at 7:30 P.l.f., to hear ad pass .
upon allobjections, if any, to the follor.ring proposed assessraents for improvements,
which assessments are now on file in the office of the Village Clerk sad open to
public inspection:
Vooddde Avenue fron 8.5Sth St. to TI.60th St .
Drew he., Tron 1~60th St. to 5925 Drew Ave.
Zwing Ave., from.~.~.60th S-b, to iT.61st St.
Avenue and be%wem TJ. 51st St . end TT. 52nd St .
135 Ft; E. of Fairfax he., to 1Tooddd.e Ave.
St .
Ave .
Bernard Place ,
I- D 1'. CW AUiI GUTTBi ~.iPi3O~~~l!l' NO. B-27 - Construction of Curb and Gutter 5n
2, CTJBB iiHD G-UTTZB IiPZOVSZXT 110. B-29 - Construction of Curb and Gutter in
3, CITRS ZiisD GUTTEE TliPLzUVX.X~IT NO,'B-30 - Construction of Curb and Gutter in
&. GRADDIG EtilD GEASEXLEJG D+~fi~~~ST NO. C-54 - In ITilliam Ave. and Hankerson
5, GRTIl)iXG 2TD GM'SDnlG 1T.lP2OTEIi~DE EO. C-17 - In V.60th St., from a point
6. WIITG il-230KZijT KO. A-15.A - In Bead five., from I1.57th St. to 3T05€kh
7. EZACIflOPPEG 71fp3OVZZXT NO. A-61 - In W.5EJth St., ITooddaLe he. to O&lmm
9. 0IZIII;G EZEOVZX2 170. 0-12 - In Chowen he., from 3.5lth St. to 250 Ft. S.
10. OILIUG of 'Ihet.rar.ra Avenue.
U. STOFK SEIm D~O~~lT 110. 26 - C6nstruction of ViUage Storm Sewer and
Appurbenances in Beard Ave., from ?I. 55th St . to liinnehaha Creek. - 12,- 3TOFd-i SEXZ Ill?Xu%GE il0;27 - Construction of Village Storm Sewer and
Appurtenances in Chowen Ave,, from ~1.61st St. to Chorren Place. 13. STRET LIGFZ jXl?2OTEXIT IJO. L1 -.Construction of -. Ornamental - Street
Eights in Arden Avenue. betveen IT. 50th and IT. 52nd Streets, improvments
1 -i;hrou@ 10, above, znd 13, above, include a31 lots and tracts of land abutting
the streets pmpszbk improved,
110. 26 includes a;ll lots and thcts of land within the folIowbg described boundzries:
1tBeg-g at a pt. &o Ft. B. of intersection of TT.56th St. and Beasd he.; th.
E. to E. line OX Lot 10, Bl. 4, Tmte Investnect COmpany1s Kidderi =ley; th. 13. to
IlE Cora Lot 10; th. E. to E53 Cor. Lot 7, BL 4; th. N. dong E. line to $433 Cor. said
Lot 7; th. EJ. across TJ.55th St. on centerline os" Lot 7, B1. 3, IIlhite Investnent
Con-aanyTs -Eidden Ozlley, to pt.-&U Ft.'N. of S. line thereof; tho If. to E. line of
Lot-9, said 31. 3; til. 11. to pt. 60 Ft. from S. line; tE. M. to*W. Line Lot 10,
said Bla 3; th. 3Zt.F zcross Beard five. to center of Lot 1,- B1. 2, Ed5na Hills; th.
Illy 50 Ft.; th. Sly to S. Line of Lot 2, said Bl. 2; th. E. to Beard Ave. and S. to pt. of beg-ng;ll ad a1 lots and -tracts of lmd within the followbg described
boundaries :
Alley bettreen .
W.56th St. from Code Avenue to
I The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of
The area proposed to be assessed for %he cost of Storm Sewer &provenen%
4/25/55 ** .- 183
"Beginning at intersection of lT.57-iih St. md Drew live.; th. R. -100 Ft. to
approximately centerline of Lot 4, Bl. 2, Brookcine 2nd Addn.; th. E. to approxi-
mately centerline of Lot 3, B1. 2, Brookline 2nd Ad-dn.; th; I$. to TE Cor. of said
Lot 3; the X. to pt. .YO Ft. Illy from Sou€heast Cor. Lot 15, B1. 2, Xdina Kills; th.'
Mly parallel to Chov;en Jive. to pt. in So, line of Lo% 11, B1. 2, Edina Hills, 70 F't.
ILLY from Southeas5 Cor.; th. NEZy on'an arc to pt...on Ely line of -Lot 6, B1.'2,
Edina Hills 35 Ft. WILY from SE Cor.; th. SEXY to centeriine .Chowen Ave.; th. Ely
to intersection Beard he.; th. E. in Beard he. to pt. 65 Ft., more or less, IJ, o;f-
centerline of inkersection of S.56th St. and Beard he.; th. E. to E.line of 3;i>t 10,
El. 4, Vhite Ihvestment-Company's Hidden Valley; th. B. to IUE Cos. of said lot; th,
E. to in Cor.. of Lot 15, B1. 4, 2hite Investmerfit Coxpanyt s Hidden Valley; th. So
along E. line of said lot to TJ.56th St.; th. E. to N/S Alley between 4bllott and
Zenith lives.; th. 3. a1oiig"said alley to SIT Cor. of Lot 2, B1. 3, Harriet Lavm
Lddn,; th. E. to pt. midwky between the I3 and 3J lot lines of kt 3, Bl. 3,
Harriet Lawn Addn.; th. S. to W.57th St.; th. Ely to pt. midway between the E and
1:. lines of Lot 22, B1. 3, Brookline Addn.; th. Sly along a midway line between'
E and
E. in IT. 58th St. to a-@t. midmy between the E and IT lot lines' of Zot 1, BL 2,
Hwi-iet iknor 2nd Pnddn.; th. S. 'along 8 line midway between E and li lot lines of
Lots Z through 8, B1. 2, Harriet Ranor 2nd Addn., to a pt. on the 11 lot line of
Lot 9, B1. 2, Harriet I?ianor 2nd Addn. Ghich is 71 Ft. 3. of the centerline of the
Ii-S Allley between Zenith and York lives.; th. 71. 'along N lot line of Lot 9, B1. 2,
Harriet &nor 2nd Addn. to the X-S Alley between Zenith and York A-ves.; tho S.
&ong said alley to SE Cor. of Lot 16, Bl. 2, Harriet -3hor 2nd Addn.; th. 11.
dong S. lot- line of said Lot 16 to Zenith Lvenue to its intersection with 8.59th
St.; th. M. along SJ.59th St. to pt. 71 Ft. E. of centerline of NyS nley between
Abbott and Beard-Aves.; th. 11. on line midway bebeen E and TJ."loZ lines of Lots 1
through '7, Bl. 5, -FIa,rriet Idranor 2nd Addnb; th. ELy to M-S Alley between Abbott and
Beard; th. S. to 3-37 Nley between lT.60kh'and IT. 59th Sts,; th. If. along- said &ley
to Beard Ave.;*th. E. on I3eard-A-k.. to pt.. 58 Ft. S of ilJE Cor. of Lot 9, Auditorts
Subdivision No. 312; th.'lJ to pt. 82.5 FL., more or less, ,W-of the cerherlbe 09
Beard Ave.; tli.
St.; th. 17. along TT. 563& St. to intersection of Chowen ATie. ; th. Itl. on Chowen Ave.
to tf.57th St.; th. lid. &ong TT.57th S'c. to pto of beginninget'
lot lines of Lot.22 through Lot 12, B1.- 3, Brookline Addn. to 11.58th St.; th.
33 69"3 .4: 4 L-3
along a line psrallel: with the centerline of Beard Ave. to W.5€%h
ITri%ten (
in error( includes all of Bloclrs 1, 2 and 4-and the-Zasterly and Southerly 50 feet of Lots
from ( 3rd Addn.! aid a strip of land 135 Ft. in IJidth o%the East side of md parallel
Eeso. ( to Beard iLve,, from 1~60th St. to a point ,500 Pt..North of 1~62nd St., lying in
The area proposed to be assessed for Storn Sewer Improverilent No. 27
( 1 to 8, Block 3,' in Edina Bel-Air, 5th Addn.; All of Lots 1 to 6 in Zdina Bel-Air
( the SEX/& of the SWL/4 of Section 70, Tovmship 28, Xange 24. Gj33TCmT S. ,XiDEX, Acting Village Clerk
Village of Edina
lglotion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Danens; and'on RollcaJ.1 there
tfere tlmee ayes and no nays, as follows:
2ye; and the Resolution was adopted.
.- _.
Danens, aye; Fronk, aye; and Bredesen,
Nayor Pro Tem
-. .. Acting Village Clerk ..
%e matter of various assessnjents to be Ievied agsiinst Lots 20 to 2&, iriclusive,
Block 8, Fairfax Addition,' was brought before the Council, and Fronk offered the
--3'ATRFAX AnDfkCOTil - ~ '
BE IT "iS,SOLV%D bs the Village. Council .of the Village of Edina, X71&nesota, as - ._ -
f ollovrs :
It is hereby found, dete*&ed and delcared that the proposed assessments
$or GRADING IKPEO~.~RS NOS. C-35 & C-36, GEtADIiG 33ERO~~~E $TO. '243, i3iJD
S&aT?aY, SGfER IL.zp;2O~~~E NO, 55, and each of them, have been"proper1y czdculated
in accordace with the provisions of Binnesota Statutes Section 412.41j.l; that
notice has been duly published as required bg' law,- that 'chis Council itrould meet
to hear and pass upori.stl-1 objections, if any, -Eo anend said proposed assessments
as might be necessary, and to adopt' the sae by resolution; that said proposed .
assessIiZents have at all times since their filing been open for public inspection,
and opportUn5ty hss been given to all'in€erested persons to present tkieir
objections; and that each of the lots, pieces mil parcels of Land enumerated
in the respective assessments was aind is specidly benefited by the construction
of the improveaents for which such assessment is levi&%, in the ainomt-set
opposite the description of each such lot, pzece and parcel of land, respectively.
pieces cad parcels of 1and"describea in said respective assessmenz's, and said
assessments 3001 said-iraprovements, respectively. The assessment against each
lot, tract or parcel, together witKi-the interest accru-ing on the full mount
date of this resolution the Property described $herein and all thereof,
2. The amounts so set our are hereby levied agairist the respective lots,
' proposed assessments are hereby adopted and confirmed as the proper special
"thereof frora time to time unpaid, at the rate of five percent per annum from the shall be a lien concurrent vi'ch general taxes upon
4/25/55 184 The total amount for Sanitary Sewer 'linprovenen'c No. 55 shall be payable
in mal annu& instalherits extending over a period of nine years, tine first of
ssid inst-ents e,x%ending over a period of nine years, the first of said
bstalbents, together sdth. interest on the enkire assessment from the date - hereof to Decezlber-31, 1956, -bo be payable with the general taxes fop the year 1955, and one of the-rezuining installments, trith one ;year's interest on that
and all subsequerit inskalltaen-bs, to be payable with general taxes for the years
1956 - t-hrough 1963, collectible in the respective ensuing years .
The totzl-mount-of the assessment Tor s'iF@ZT*Ti~OlXB=iJ7p BO. C-35 & C-36, znd for STRE2 II.;IROVEXEEF UO. (2-43, shall Be'payable in equal annual
b-stalhents ex*ending over a period of three years, the first of said install;
nents, togethe2 r;i-Lh interest on the entire assessment from the date hereof to
December 31, 1956, to be payable with the general taxes for the year 1953, and
one of the remining installments, irith one yearts interest on that and all
subsequent installments, to be payable with general taxes for'the yems 1956
and 1957, collectible in the resp5cktve ensuing years.
3. 'Prior to certification of the assessnenii to the County Auditor, the
owner of any lot, piece or parcel 02 land assessed hereby my pay the whole of
sueh assessment or ay installnen-b %hereof without interest to the Tillage
Treasurer and thereafter such paymekt hiay be made with accrued jnterest to tkte
County Tressurer; provided that tf any ass'esments or instalhents thereof be
prepaid to the Tillage Treasurer, they shall be cancelled on the books or" the
Village-Treasurer, and he shall proaptly notify the Village Clerk and County
AudYcor, and the assessment or installment so prepaid shaU be cancelled on the
books of tlie -County Auditor.
The Clerk shttll, as soon as mayle, prepare and trahsmi-b to the County
Aud5tor a certificate duplicate of sa'id dssessments, with eack then mipaid
installment and interest set fodh separately, to be ex%*eniled upon the proper tax
T?Tsts or" the County, and the County AudiZor shall thereafter cause said assessments
to be collected 2n the Inxmner provided by 1ar.i. Said Assessment Rolls shXL.1 be
deszgaated as Assessnents Rolls for Street Xmprovement-No. C-35 G C-36-and for
Street hprovenent Ho. C-43,' and for Sanitary Se~ier'hprovement No; 55, for
kks 20 -Eo 24, inclusive, Block -8, FaiTfax Addition; and all amounts collected
in respect of the assessnents therein contaiined shall be-bimilarlg designed by
the County Treasurer and remitted to the Village Treasurer, and by hinr credited
. .
.. . - , .-. . - ~
-__ -4.
' ~ to the Sinking Fund Zccounts as ToXLows: *
-%?rord Sm7Litay Sever kprovenent 'No, 55, and Street Improvement lio. C-43,
From Street Ihprovemknt Uo,. C-35 &*C-36, to the Sinking Fund 3hccoUn.t; of
to the Sinlring Fund Account of the 1953 First Series kprovaent Fund.
the 1954 Second Series Improvement Fund.
I.Io%ion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Dmbns, and on Eollcall
there Iiere three ayes and no nzys, as follows:
Bredesen, aye; and the Resolution was adopted.
*,J&/Add-& dJ
Acting Village Clerk
Front; t'nen moved, approving Village Payroll, munt $12,919.71 for period April 16
to 30, and papefit of the following Claims:
Fund, $71,657.18; Parks Fund, $73.19; Sewer Eenta3 Fhd, $86.01; Ifatemmrks Fund,
&,$t)5.95; Eqor Fund, i.j17,I&.'7.77; Garbage Fund, $5.00; Improvements Fund, $12.00.
Xotion was seconded by Danens and carried.
Danens, we; Fronk, sye; and
€im/ : - *
. &yor Pro Tem
General, :,j14,195.32; Construction
Because 5t ~as then l2:35 A.X. on Tuesday morning, with sever& items yet.to
cone before the Council, Fronk moved for adjournment of 'meeting to Friday, April
29, at 5:OO P.11. I.btion seconded by Danens carried. zd+&addH&d/
Acting Tjage Clerk-