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ytma COUT~L, mm FEDAY, ARUL 29, 1955, A" TEE EDD%A VZLAGS PIALL . .- ..
Embers answering Rollcall were Bredesen, Danens, Fro&-, Tupa and Erickson.
IIwor Zrickson announced that Public Hearing had been concluded April 25, 1955,
the only question now before the Council ims on the adoption of Resolution for
Improvement .
Village Attorney Vindhorst read the following Resolution:
SE IT PaSOLVED by the Council of the Village of Edina, lEnnesota, that this Council
hereJcofore caused no-icice of hearing to be duly published on the following proposed
impr ovenent :
blacktopping, and a11 necessary appurtenances, in France Avenue between W.64th and
X73rd Sts., and in S.66th Sto between Valley View Road Extiended South and a point
1,100 3%. East of France Avenue; and
The opening clearing, grading; graveling, construction of SLorm Sewer,
blackiiopping, and all necessary appurtenances in VZLley View Road, extiended from
If.62nd St. south and easterly to France Avsnue at approximately T.J.6'3th Ste, and
at %he hearing held at the time and place specified in said notice the CounclL has
duly considered the views of all persons interested, ad being fully advised of the
perbinent facts does hereby determine to nodify said improvement by reducing the
i&h of France he. South of W.70,th 5t. to ninety feet, but after m&&g appropriate
provision for maintailling the proposed width at some futwe date, and by providing
fop z connection Be-bween Valley View Xoad extended a-~d-lT.66th St., and as so modified
to proceed with the construction of said improvement; that said improvement is
hereby desigtated and shall be referred to in a31 subsepent proceedings as 3-
IiPEOViKZIJT NO, C-65; and the area to be speci&I.y assessed therefor shall be as
South by lr.69th St., on the Vest by France Avenue, and on the East by York Avenue -
and 'Jorl.; Avenue e,xtended South to s.69th St.
Tru.stee Fro& esqiki.ned to the audience that the Resolution aszread includes keeping
S~.66th jt, open; th& 70th St, will be cut in at a wLdth of eighty feet to provide
ingress ad egress to DayLon project.
iis adoption.
ad no nays,r as foll~~m: Bredesen, aye; Danens, e; Tupa, aye; and
Erickson, aye; and the Resolution was adopted.
The widening, clearing, grading, graveling, construction of sZorm sewer,
Southdale Shopping Center, bounded on the Borth by sJ,66th St., on the
Fro& then offered this Besolution and moved
I-Iotion was seconded- by Bredesen, there vere five ayes
., . .
Pb. %ikm discussed with the Council plans for Curb and Gutter Z'or the VLllage Hall-
Legion I4Kl-l.
legal, rather than an assessment.
have a public hearing beyore awarding that portion of a contract which has to do with
the Legion area; and Bredesen's motion, that plblic Rearing be scheduled for Ifonday,
1-1~ 23, was secoaded by Frqnlr,.and carried.
entire improvement was $3,946.05, the Legion's portion being $580.50.
1-k. Zikan reporLed the inGuiry of ?.LESS Young of the County Library Board concerning
the opening of the library. Nr, Sredesen reported that bks, IEllim Thompson of the
Civkc ad hprovexent Bssociatio'n is interested; and that kie believes this group and
others would be gled to cooperate in ceremonies.
be left to the Library Board.
pation, Bredesen noved tha3 the expense of a light for outside sign, and $100 for
refreshments be contributed by the Village for the opening of the library.
seconded by %pa and carried.
He s'ca-iied that the Legion would prefer some contract arrangement, -if
Attorney ITindhorst suggested that Council should
Itr. 2iks.n'~ Zsthate of Cost for the
It was decided %hzt date of opening
After some-further discussion as to Village parbici-
Council was presented with evidence that Thmnell Const-mction Co. is owner'of all
properties within a radius of 500 feet of Lot 1, Block 4, Bel Aire 5th Addn., and
that there are, therefore, no objections to Er. Gordon Thernellfs facing house. on
this lot on Chowen Avenue rather -than Chowen Place, as platbed.
following Resolution and moved its adoption:
Danens offered the
lJ€BECElS, petitj-on has been( received by $he owner,of Lot 1; Block 4, Bel Ere 5th L%kh.,
for pe-rmi2, to Tace dwelling on set lot facing Chowen Ave., rather thb Chowen Place,
as lot is platted, and
T'mPaAS, this Council has received no objection to the proposed facing of said
dwelling, at Public Hearing duly held thisidate:
I\ToT.J, TEL&$FOF&, E3 IT RESOLVED by the Tillage Council of the Village of Edina, that
permit is hereby granted to face dwelling on Chowen Aveb,-Zot 1, Block 4, Bel fire
5th Addn.
I-lotion for adoption of Resolution ms seconded by Fronk, and on Rollcall there were
five ayes and no nzys, as r"o1lows:
aye; and Erickson, aye; and the Resolution was
Bredesen, aye; Fronk, are; Tupa,
_.- ~. ,
I&-. Zaan asked Council disposition on hydrant 5a drivetm at UO Sunnyside Rd.
He 'reported that the barrel has been removed arid capped; that because 02 the hydrantrs
condition the trater ~Lll-freeze during cold weather; that it trill cost about $300
to dig doim and remove it. After sone little discussion on this matter, it was
removal, and otherwise to replace it,
It xas decided thzb, 15th Ik. Hydels arrival., the Public Works Committee trill no
longer decide on individual specifications for various street projects; that this
is to be le$t to Village 1.bnager and Village Engiaeer.
decided-by comon consent to remove hydrant providing ovmer will pay the cost of d B
Re, Zikan: reported that the private storm sewer, constructed for Woodend Drive,
is once agab in disrepair; that the Village ITatemrorks Crew will try to put a--
concrete'collar around broken joint and thus hoZd it; but khat, if this aoes not
do the job, it w5.J-l probably be necessary to lay some 125 feet of concrete pipe at .
about $3.00 per Zoot, He recornended "chat repairs be tried before any such
construction is consldered, and Fronk moved that Council accept ?&, Zikants
recomendations. liotioii seconded by Tupa and carried. I
The Edha Youth Council's April 13th report
ma;tters, ms reviewed and ordered placed on
report vas turned over to Trustee Fronk for
concerning matters set forth in the report.
on a Community Council, and other . 1
file. After some little discussion, .'
consultation with Optimist s Club
Complaint of D.X. Leslie and one other, c6ncerning erosion of banks 2t 5932 Grimes
he. and 5937 Halifax, vas discussed. Rr. Zikan stated that the only thing he
could' recornend vould be construction of * curb -and -gutter; except that proposed
blackkopping rill probably helpsome. Hr, Zikan vas instructed to contact these
people mith this infomation.
LE. T-Jillia C. Stueberts request for exclusion from the'assessment for sanitary
sewer h Shemood Avenue (his address being 6201 Sherwood), in favor of pqcing an ~
assessment at a later date for V.62nd S., was read and discussed. Fronkts motion,
that I&. Steeber be required €0 pay Shemood Avenue Assessment, with the pridege
of connecting on either Shemlood or W.62nd St., vas seconded by Tupa and carried.
Ee. Lloyd Smith's suggestions on conduct of meeting, includjag plea for public
address system, were discussed a€ some lengLh. Frank's motion, thzt Eng5neer-
kvestigate'and make report on cost of hanging microphone, PELS seconded by Tupa
and carried.
i .. -
\ I
Petition filed April 18, for Sanitary Sewer and Water 1hi.n on tl. 58th St , in
Edina Heights Addition; asking that this work be included with work to be done
this summer in the immediate neighborhood, was reviewed.
corrtract for work has already been avarded; that we cannot legally add this- project
the Siggestion that they be allowed to m&e private contract vith contractor for
iastallation zt their 0t.n eqense, vas seconded by Bredesen and carried.
I*. Zikan reported that
Tupats motion, thzt petitioners be -notified of 1-k. Zikan's report, xlth
Engineer Zikan presented the I-Ennesota State HighwW'Department 's plan for H~iy. 100,
South of W,70th St,, which they ask be approved. Elk, Zikan stated +ha% this plan
IJZI~. requ-ee a decIication of some fifteen feet Trom E?. Stow; some 30 feet from
the Chapman hterests. Danens moved for approval of plan presented April 29; and
motion was seconded by Fronk and carried.
35% taken April 11, on Sand, Gravel, Rock and B1acM;op I.Ia%erials were compared
with I&. Zikan reporting Street Commissioner Jonast recommendations.
was as follows:
I. On 4,000 C/Y Concrete Torpedo Sand - llr. Jonas' recommendation was for award
to Glacier Sand ei Gravel-Co. at $1.89 per C/Y Delivered; $1.19, Loaded at plat.
It vas noted that both Voodrich Construction Cpnpany and Fred 71. Hedberg and Sons
are lower than Glacier; but 1.k. Zikan explained that the haul: to Woodrich would
more tu equalize the difference in bids,
Glacier and Hedberg is only sir, blocks, however, and Hedbergts bid is $1.0.4 per C/Y
as against Glacier's $l.l9, Bredesen moved that contract be awarded to Fred 11,
Hed'oerg et Sons.
bidder, Fred V. Hedberg & Sons, at $3.28 C/Y Delivered; $2.44 Loaded at Plant.
Bredesen's motion for avard to Fred If. Hedberg was seconded by Tupa and carried,
Action taken
Because the difference in haul between
1.Zokion seconded by Tupa and carried.
1/2" to 3/41, Crushed Rock - 3f.r.; Jonas' recommendation was for award to low
3. on
bid to
4; on
187 &/25/55
Grushed Gravel Nat Material --Ere Jonas' recommend&ion was for award of t
J.A. Danens & Son, low bidder, at $1.50 .per C/Y in Stock Pile.
for award to low bidder, was seconded by Fronk and carried.
Stabilization Ifaterial - I!@. Jonas' recommendation was for award of bid to
J.b. Danens & Son,.whose bid was identicaL with that of BlackLop Service Cp,
After .some discussion on this bid, Bredesen moved that it be awarded to Blacktop
Service Company, at $1.35 per C/Y, in Stock Pile. Hotion seconded by Dmens and
5,6,7,S - On Cutback Asphalt MC#1,#2,#3,.and Road Oil SC#l - lek. Jonas' recommend-
ation was for award of bid to low bidder, Richards Oil Company. Bredesen's motion
for award of bid to low bidder, wis seconded by Tupa and carried.
9. - On Road Tar #RT&!& to- RT& - Bredesen' moved for award of bid to only bidder,
Bepuplic Creosoting Company,- Xotion seconded by Fronk and carried.
10.- On %ulsified Asphalt - Bredesen moved for Sward of bid to only bidder,
American Bitmuls Go.
11, 12 - On Hot Ready l~h Tar, and Hot Ready Ex Cutback Asphalt - Hr. Jonas'
recommendation for award was' t'o-'BlackLop ServLce Co., because they give better
service than Earl Sewall at- plank,
bids be-awarded to Earl Sewall, with instructions to Xi?. Jonas to buy from
B1acl;f;op Service if Sewall cannot furnish.
carried .
Kr. Zikan reported that he is receiving many calls concerning Load Restrictions;
and asked Council policy.- He reported that St.l;ouis Park ad Richfield have
lifted thkir restrictions, but tk€ the County restrictions will be in effect
untZ l.1~ 15. Fronkls motion, that load restrictions on all Tillage streets be
lifted as of Nay 1, was seconded by Danens and carried.
Notion seconded by Fronlc and carried. .- .. -
After some discussion, Danens moved that
Notion seconded by Bredesen and
Request from Y-'Teens, for use of the Edina Sound Truck as an advertisement for
their forthcoming Car-Wash, was approved by motion Bredesen, seconded by Tupa
and'carried; -the only condition being that truck is avsilable for this purpose.
Discussion was had on financing for the- ne{? ZXevated Watertank, and other capital
improvements for the Iiatemorks Department; and Bredesen offered the following
Besolution ad raoved. its adoption:
OF 1955 BX TI' ?iSOLVXD by the Village Council of the'TTillage of Edina, l.Enneso'ca, as
f0llOtTS :
at tlris the to issue revenue bonds of the Tillage in the amount of $200,000, for
the purpose of paying the cost of construction of an additional water tank and ~
tower 2nd the purchase o€ an addition& well for the municipal iaterciorks system,
which bonds my be made payable from the net revenues of said system on a partity
with the outs'caiiding Uaterrtiorks Bonds of 1947, dated July 1, 194'7 and with the
1'Tatemorks Bonds of 1953, dated 24arch 1, 1953, in accordance with the provisions
of the resolutions au'chorieing said bonds, which were adopted July 10, 7-947 and
February 23, 1953.
This Council shall meet at the time and place specified in the form
of notice herein contained for the purpose of receiving and considering sealed
bids for and awarding the sale of such additional revenue bonds, and the Clerk'is
hereby authorized and directed to muse notice of the tine, place and purpose of
such neeting to be published in*the official newspaper of the Village and in the
Commercial TJest, at i-Ennezpolis, Itinnesota, not less than ten days prior to the
date of said neeting, which notice shall be in substartially the following form:
1, It is hereby found and determined that it is necessary ad expedient
.. -
$200,000 TJATZRVOES ~Wmm BONDS OF 1955
I;Io?'ICX IS FEEGEE GIVBj that the Go&cil of.the Village of Zdina, Xllinnesota,
vJ5.11 meet at the Tillage Hall, 4801 West 50th Street, in said Village on Ironday,
Thy 23, 1955, at 7:OO Brclock P.T.I., for the purpose of.receiving, opening ad con-
sidering sealed bids for and awarding. the sale of $200,000 negotLable Vatemorks
Bevenue Bonds of 1955 of said Village, -Lo be payable fromthe net revenues of the
mmicipril water system on a parity v&th the Waterviorks Revenue Bonds of 1947 and 1953, now outstanding in the aggregate principal amount of $186,000. Said bonds
iTih be dated as of June 1, 1955 and will be in denoniina'cion of $1,000 each, and
will bear interest at a rate or rates to be designated by the suEcessful bidder,
expressed in an integral muIti@le of 1/4 or 1/10 of 1% per annum, payable Septeinber 1, 1955 and semimually thereafter on Pkrch 1 arid September 1 of each year,
xsill mature serially on March 1 jn the years and aounts as follows: .
Said bonds
$10,000 in each of the pars 1956 through 1967, $30,000 in each of tne years 1968 and 1969.md $20,000 in 1970., Th? bonds-naturing after &rch 1, 1963
~55 be each subject to redemption andprepagment at the option of the TTi7Uage at
par, in inverse order of their serial. numbers, on said date and any interest
papent date t'nereafter. Principal and interest xi11 be mzde payable at such
suitabze bag institution in the United States as shall be mutually satis-
factory to -the Village and the successful. bidder. The Tillage will. Zurnish,.
s5tklout cost to the purchaser, ad within forty days after said date of sale,
the prizlted and executed bmds and the approving legal opinion of Eessrs.
Dorsey, Colsnan,Barker,Scott & Barber, of lirlinneapolis, SGnnesota, t ogether t&th
the custonary non-litigation certificate. . Delivery will be made withob5 cost
to the purchaser 2% I.Tinneapolis, IiIinnesota, .or Chicago, Illinois, or & else-
where at the purchaser's eqense.
nailed or delivered to the undersigned Clerk, and must be received at her
offke prior to-the tine of said meeting, Oral auction-bids will not' be con-
or certified check or bank draft iu an amount not less than $&,OOO payable to
the Tillage Treasurer, to be retained by the Village as liqyidated damages Ln
the event that %he bid is accepted and the bidder shall fail to conply therewith.
Bids iill: be. prezerred riccording to lorrest net interest cost, computed to %he
stated maturity dates of the bonds, based upon the coupon rates and premium
the right to reject any and all bids.
Sealed bids nrarked "Bid for $200,000 Tlatertmrks ReGenue Bondsrr may be i Each bid must be unconditiona1 and must be accompanied by a'cashierts
No bid of less than parlwill be considered and the Council reserves
Dated April 29, 1955.
Gretchen 5. Alden
Acting Village Clerk
4801 f-Testi 50th Street
Edha, Ninnesota
Each and all of the terms 'and provisions of therforego*g Tom of 3.
notice are hereby adopted ag the terms and-conditions of said bonds znd of the
sale thereof, as fully as though separately set forth and resolved herein. -. -
Tkie motion for the adoption or" the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by
Danens, and on Rollcall; there T'tere five
aye; Danens, .aye; Fro&, aye; Tupa, aye; and
was declared duly passed and adopted.
I . . ..
A5 t'nis ' tee Sredesen moved
carried, Neetbg ad joumed
for adjouhient. Hotion was seconded by Tup ad
at 6:45 P.L 2, &wRR/7/-
Acting Village Clerk