HomeMy WebLinkAbout19550523_REGULAR20 I 5/23/53 payable from said Sinkg and Lterest Account and Beserve .kccount on a parity . as to both principal and interest with said bonus dated Jrily 1, 1947 and I-wch 1, 1953, Wit'nout preference or priority of one bond over any other except as specifically stated in said resolutions of July LO, 19h7 and February 23, 1953. The holders of twenty per cent or more in aggregate6 principal amount of revenue bonds of the issue herein au%horized iihich ape at apls Lime outstanding may, . either at law or in equity, la& by suit, action, mandamus or other proceedings, protect and enforce the righzs-of all holders of such bonds and enforce ad compel the performance of my and all of the covencints and duties herein specifiedto be performed by the VilIage and its officers and agents, including the fixing and maintaining of rates ad charges sufficient to meet dl current requirements of said Sinking and Interest Accomt and Reserve Account, and the collection and. proper segregation of'the revenues derived therefrom and the application and use of such revenues. -. . certified copy of this resolution with the County Audi-Lor of Hemepin County, l.iinnesota, Ad to obtain from said Auditor a certiTicate that the bonds herein authorized have been duly entered upon his bond register. prepare and furnish to the purchaser of the bonds herein authorized and to the attorneys approving the legality thereof, certified copies of all resolutions, ordinances and other acts and proceedings of the Tillage reIa%ing 50 the issuance of said bonds and the provision of 'funds for the payment thereof, and all such other cei-kificates and affidavits as to facts shown by the records of the Village or facts otherwise known -to them as may be reasonably required to evidence the validity or marketability of the bonds hereiin. authorized; and all such certified copies, certificates and affidavils shall be deemed the representztions of the Village of 9dina as to the correctness of all state- ments therein contained. The motion for the adoption: 'of :said resolution was duXy secona'ed by Danens, and on Rollcdl there-were thee a,yes and no nays, as follows: aye; and Bredesen, aye; and the Resolution was declared duly,passed and adopted. ATT'ST: 6. The Village IIanager is hereby authorized and directed to file a 7. The officers of the Village are hereby auxhorized and directed to Li 36 693 .- Danens, aye; Tupa, Danens then moved adjourned at 7:25 I for. adjournment. Xotion seconded by Tupa ad carried. Nceting P .x. Village Clerk EI"TB OF THE REGTIGAB fGETl[f\TG OF THE ITAY 23, .1955, AT 7:30 P..t-L, AT THE EDJ3A'VI-m COUIVCIL, €BIB. IiOIUY, . mDIA VImGE HAz;L Neeting was opened by bvocixkbii given by Fr,.IiToss of Our Lady of Grace Church. Ihiigers * anbrering Rollcall were Bredesen, Danens; Fronk and Tupa. presided until the arrival of Mayor Erickson, as recorded below. IEnutes of the Council Xeetings of April 25, April 29 ad Hay 9, 1955, were approved'as subatted, by motion Fro&, seconded by Tupa and carried. Clerk submitted Affidavit of Publica-Eion of Advertisement for Bids, Police . Squad Cars, published in Xdina-Morningside Courier Xay 12 and 19, which were approved as to form and ordered placed on file. of-four sealed bids, and Fronk moved for referral of bids to Village Engineer's office for public opening and tabulation. 1-iotion seconded by Danens and carried. Eayor Pro Tem Bredesen.then called Public Hearing on Proposed Sidewalk, Curb and !'Notice of Heuingtt published in EdFna-Jrorningside CourLer Nay 12 and 19. Affidavit ol" Publication TJ~S submit%ed by Clerk, approved as to fom and ordered placed on file. Engineer's Estimate of Cost was [;5SO,lgO. at the Hearing, and no written objections had been riled prior thereto. reported that the iimerican Legion Housing Foundation, owner of the properby benefi-bed, is desirous of the improvement and wishes it expedited, offered the followhg Resolution &d moved its adoption: - -. . __ -. __ Bredesen _. -~ I4mager Hyde repo-rted receipt -~ ._ Gutter for Barking Lo% at 4900 Eden Avenue (America Legion Hall), pursuant to l/ There were no objectors It zas Fronk ST~ zrn~vzx~ NO. B-32 a Ifl: FSSOi,, by the Council of the.Village of Blina, 'I.Tinnesota, khat this CounciL - heretofore czused notice of hearing to- be duly published on the proposed improvement consisting of Coastruction$of Sidewalk, Curb and Gutter for ParEng Lot at 4900 %den Avenue (Zdha herican Legion Hall), and at the hearings held at the time and place specified in said notice the Council has duly considered the views of all persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facts does hereby debellnine to proceed s-ri-th -the construction of said jmprovments; that said ingrovements are hereby designated ad shall be referred to in all subjecpent proceedings as Street Improvement Eo. 8-32; and the area to be specidly assessed therefor shall be That.tract of land abutting Eden heme, houri as 4909 Eden Avenue, and owned by Pmerican Legion Post 130. 471 Housing Foundstion, I-IotLon Tor adoption of -the Resolution was were Tour ayes m-d no nap, as follows: Sredesen, ajre; and tne Resolution ms adopted. Danens, ;Q;&$?&dd Q/%,J VSlage Clerk Public Hearing was czlled on Proposed Storm Sewer for Halifax-Eane. Affidavit of PubUcakion of Wotice of Hearing, If published in Edina-Uorningside Courier 1.Iay 12 and 19, 1955, was presented, approaed as to form,- and ordered placed on Tile, Engineer Zikan sho.r.Ted a Vu-Grslph slide of the assessable district and eqlained thzt the exact route of the Storm Sewer could not be deteknined because easements had not been obtained. His Estimate of Cost vas $6,377.40. There were some o3jections from the audience as to assessment for the lots abutting France Avenue; and still other objections were nade that a part of the line benefzts the France Avenue properties arld not the Hdii'ax Lane properties. Ilk. Reite and 1.b. VTrgMa Beardlboth coaplained on tine assessable district. No forner Storm Sewer assessment on record, Xayor Erickson arrived during the above Hearing, and presided for the balance of the evening. After sone discussion, Bredesen offered the foUowing Resolution admoved its adoption: RESOL~IOi~ WXFtLLTG JXPEOVE~iT - STOX: mm xmomamr NO. 29 BE E' RF8OLVED by the Council of the TTiUage of Bjna, I-Ennesot&, that this Council. heretofore caused notice of hearing to be duly published on the proposed improvernent consisting of Construction of Village Storm Sewer and Appurbenances beginning zt France be.; th. Ilnnning Vest, to Halifax he; th. South on HaliZa Zane; th. lest to 3inneh&a Creek, and at the hearing held at the time and place speci.E"ied in s.zid notice the Council ks duly considered the views of all persons interested, and being i%lly adirised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed vi'th tbe construction of szid iaprovment; khat said improvement is hereby desigated and shall'be referred to in all subsequent proceedings as Storn Sewer kprovenent 110. 29; and the area to be specially assessed therefor shall be as follows: 'XU lots aEd tracts of lad witbin the following*described bmndaries: . . 11i3egkxSng at the in Cor, of Lot I, Southridge; th. E. a distance of 205 Ft.; th. 5. 180 R.; th. SEly to a pt. on the 11. line of Lot 2, B1, 1, Elmmod Terrace, dfst. 15 Ft. Tl'est of the NE Cor. of said lot; th. S. €0 the S, line of Lot 1, Bl. 1, Elmwood Terrace; th. Southvksterly to a pt. on the H. line of the IT. 55.47 E%. of the S, 15&.97'3%; of -the %. 197.67 Ft. of €he REl/4 of the mEl/& or" Sec.19,T.Z8,R.24,Diskrxt I40 FteXest of the 3GI Cor. thereor"; th. S. to the M. line ofslot 2, B1. 2, Ehuood Terrace; th. 3LLy to the SI Cor. of.Lot 11; BL 2, Elnnrood Terrace; th. TI. KO a pt, 25 I%. Vest of -Lln& 2. line of Lot 2,,Bl. 3, Elmwood Terrace; th. Northerly and parallel to the'M. line of Halifax Me to the N. lot line of Lot 2, Block 4, Elmwogd Terrace; th. TU, to the 13. lGe of Lot 1, Southridge; tho E. to I-ibzZon for adoption 02 t3e EesolutLon was seco vere fZve ayes 2nd no nays, as follows: Bredesen, %pa, qe; aild Erickson, aye; and the Resolution wt DTET : * and on Rollcall there I ViUage Clerk Bredesen moved for continuation of prOFOSed Public Hearing on Vacation of ?ortion or" Zden Avenue from %his eve-ning, Nay 23, to Eonday, June 13, 1955, at 7:30 P.f.1. seconded by Tupa End carr2ed. f.lk., Senj33nin Simpson and his attorney, Xr. Olson, appeared to ag- reqest specid permit to build on the Horth 55 3%. of Lot 9, Block 2, South Tkite Oaks (4832 Tomes Bd,) about $25,000. a-d others objected. block ad vnat they 1Tek-e in agreement with him in protesting; that Ti??, SbpSOn is 1 Rotion They presented a house plsn and stated that the cost of the house would be fhsrs. Fred Bieber,&828 Townes Boad, and James Pzuse, &335 l.Icple Boad, I&* Bieber stated he had talked to every home owner in the . * 203 J 5/23/55 holding his vacrint property at a very high price; that -the hole in the property is a decided hazard 00 the children. contracts to divide- their property in violation of the laws. denial of permit. IJotion lost for want of a second. Then, after further es-ation , of -the plans, and, with. the comment that he feels that the house vrill be an improvement to the street, in contract to a weed-grorm vacant lot, Danens moved that permit be granted. instruct I.%.. Sirnpson to restore this property its condition before he moved dirt on it. hole to Nanager Hyde for his action. Nk. Hyde presented some eleven recommendations on traffic control in the 50th and Frmce business area, recodending that further- study be given the& that recommendztions be referred to Xessrs. Hyde and lM-ary, for report before the fkst meeting in June, TJBS seconded by Danens and 'carried. I&. Zikan presented the following Resolution for Council adoption, stzking -th& this is merely formal conffiation. of the Council's action previously taken, I&. Fause asked that Council refrain from &lor.ring Bredesen moved for Ilotion lost for- want of a. secotd. 'Bredesen then moved that' Council .e IIotion lost for want of a second. idayor %rickson referred matter of filling * Fronk's motion, - edesen offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: __ - _. RESOLUTION APPROVING 1- The Commissioner of Highway.. has prepared preliminary plans for-'the improvement of a parti of Trzink Highway Ifumber 130 renumbered as Trunk Highmy Number 100 sri-chin the corporate limits of the Village of Edina from ?1.7&h Street North to W.7Oth Street, and IXGREfB said preliminary plas are on file in the office of tbe Department of Highways, Saint Paul, I-hesota, being marked, labeled, and identified as S.P. 2733-08 (T.H.100) Layout 3, Section-6, an3 are also on file in the ozfice of the Tillage Clerk, and this resolution shall be deemed and intended -to ne&, refer to, and incorporate the preliminmy plans as in the foregoing recitals particularly identified and described; BIOIJ, TmJ, E3 33' i533OLVED khat said preliminsry plans for the improvement of Tmnk Highway IIumber l3O renumbered Trunk Highvay Itmber 100 within the limits of the Village of Edina be and hereby are approved. Upon the cZL1 of the roll the following members voted in favor of %he Resolution: Bredesen, aye; Danens, aye; Fronk, aye; Tupa,. following voted against its adoption (no nay officer declared the Resolution adopted. PRELINiITmY, P-LAliJS FOX S,.P.2733-08 .- 1E-M copies of said preliminary pl&s as so-mzrked, labeled ad identified X- the term "said preliminary plans11 as liereinafter used in the body of _- - ATTEST: 4 h&LzW;/&/d&fl/ Vill/age Clerk Ihctger Hfie reported the request of Gerard J. Ochs,-on tjehalf of Frank H. Coleman and limy A. Coleman, sellers ;-rL, ad Bob'ert J. Leeman, bu@zl*, of Lot 9, Block 2, Seeleyls First Lddition to Bawbhorne Park- (54.20 York Avenue), for sale by the Village of the North Five Feet of Lot 10, Block 2, Seeleyls First 2ddition--this is order that an error in survey, which resulted in encroa&nent-'o-f the dwelling on Lot 9 onto Lot 10, might be corrected. lk. Ochs and Titre -Leeman irere present to support- their request, offering to purchase at $20.00 per front foot. Windhorst ruled that there is no reason trhy the Village cannot sell i;E it so wishes, and Nr. Hyde recommended the sale. Tupa-moved, autliorizing sale of the North Five Feet of Lot 10, Block 2, Seeley's First Addition, at $20.00 per front foot. seconded by Danens and carried. Kr. Halla's request for two hydrants close to his property was reviewed. lib. Hyde reported thzt this meas extension of watermain several hundred feet. 1-ik. Zikan presented a report on a possible tie-up wtth mains to the South; and the matter lras referred to Nr. Zikan for estimates on the various alternatives, with report to the Council at a later date. Village ikttorney Notion .- At this time The following petitions for improvements were presented, and Bredesen moved that Oiling Petitions be accepted and work done on an eme$gericy basis and as soon as possible, and that work on the S2;ni-t;ary Sewer and 1fatermai.n Petitions be laid over to next, year. Iiotion seconded by Tupa and carried: For Oiling - John Street, Spruce Road to Eelmore Lane. For Oiling - Spruce Boad, Blake Boad to Grove Place. For Oiling - Xerxes Avenue,' W.5sth to W.6Oth St. . For Oiling - W.49th St.; f'?estbrook Lane to Ilighvray 169 and Hwy.169 to Brookside. For Oiling - 1f.58th St., Concord to St.Johns he. For Oiling - Summit Avenue. For Oiling - Concord Terrace, 'Concord Ave. to St. Johns Ave.; St.Johns he., For Oiling - Glengarry Parkway, Hwy. 169 to Lpshire Blvd. For Sanitnry Sever-Blake Road, 300,400 ad 500 Blocks. For Ifatemin-Benton live., Ti-ngdde to Code (See Thutes of Later in >feetin&) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. .. Concord Terrace to W.58bh St; ,.-- . *- ll* For Sanitary Sewer - Drew Ave., 5900 through 5921 Drew. .. -I 2 8 4 5/23/55 Submission of the foregoing Oiling dust treatinent, generally, and for presented draft of'an ordinance to Petitions occasioned discussion on procedure for ilborderQ streets in particular; and I&. Hyde govern this procedure. After review of this proposed Ordinance, Tupa offered it, as follor.rs, for adoption, moving that Council mive second and adopt Ordinance as read: OXDINANCE NO. 165 JJ5 03DZ*J.&Ei3 I3EZOTTIDING FOR OILING AND OTHER DUST 7XEAQ-B'D OF. STmS, TI33 COmCTIOlI OF TIE COST OF SUCH I.33XC BY THE VI-Um AS.& Section 1. Ordering Oiling of .Streets. Pursuant to Ennesota Statutes, iectiori 429.101, the Council may from time to .the by resolution order the oiling, sprLnkEng or other dust treatment of streets and alleys, including maintenance work incidental. and necessary to such dust treatment, Upon the adoptzon of any such resolution the Clerk shall trmsmit a copy thereof to the Village Kanager, who s3-KLl then have such work done by directly purchasing the necessary materials wd eaploykg day labor, or by entering into contracts for such work 15th private parlies, br by entering into cooperative agreements with neighboring municipalities, for the apportionment of such work on atreets vhich are divided down the center line thereof between the Village and the neighboring dcipality. 03 the cost of such work done on each street or alley which shdl be reported to the Tillage Clerk, including the cost of all such work on any streets or portions , thereof situated beyond the Tillage boundaries, perfomed to a cooperatLve agrement with a neighboring municipality. On or before September 15 of each year.. the Clerk shall prepare an assessment roll assessing all costs of such vork reported to him against each separate lot or parcel of land abutting on the streets 73ierein such xork was done, in proportion to the benefits conferred upon such lots or parcels. In the case 02 such v;ork done pursuant to a cooperative agree-aent as sst forth in Section 1 hereof, the cost of the work done by the Village shall be spread agxinst all. lots or parcels of land abutting on the Village side of the streets covered by the cooperative agreenent. such assessment roll submitted by the Village Clerk, and if satisfactory, shdl call a public hearing and levy special assessments for such vmrk in accordance with I+Zinnesota Statutes, Section 429.061, papble in a single installment, with interest %hereon at the rate of five percent per annum. effeck from and after i-ts passage and publish-bion. I L Section 2. Record of Cost. The Tillage 3Ianager shall have records kept Section 3. Lew of Assessment. )I The Council shdl thereupon emmine All such specid assessments shall be This ordinance shrill be in full force and I Section 4. Effective Date. Hotion for waiver of second reading and adoption of Ordinance as read was seconded e; and the Resolution was by Fronk, and on Etollcal.1 there were five syes aye; Fro&, aye; Danens, aye; lupzi, aye; and lIayor n adopted, VLLlage Clerk Ur, 3. K. Fr& of Shemood Road was present to complain that3hemmod "noad at Edemor Street has not been restored to i$s original condition after ITatermain Consbuction; the entire street from Xichirood Drive to Highway Bo. I69 needs buildLng up, and oil. ZIstter referred to >E?. Hyde. .- TTith regard -Lo peti-bion Tiled earlier Viis evening for.TtTatemain in the a00 Block on Benton. Avenue, Kr. G.A. Kelly, 5100 Eenton Avenue, asked that the Council &<e exception, here, in its ruling to take petitions for vork in the order of their filing, beczuse 03 the fact khat the Council had already had one petition for this mrk and had rejected it because of compl&&s from omers of propehies abutAing the feeder lilaills. original petition would be re-validzted and khat this was the reason another one had not been filed sooner. eqedited, 2nd replied that he hesitates to put a new petition before an older one in time of filing. this petition in vith the others, Ln order khzt vnrk might be done this year, vas seconded by Fro& and carried. Petition for the VaczLion of 'cl?at Alley lying between France and %~,~g Avenues and between IT, FLh ad TT,5Eth Streets T~S filed. -.Hezri.~g on petition Tor Ilondey, June 27, was seconded b3 Bredesen znd carried. 1.3. Smnson qpeared to request Rezoning'of Lots 15 and 16, Block 1, 3rooMde Eei&%s, buiS.dhg, t;Te of opbration, etc. He stated that he and his neighbors had believed that their Engineer Zikan vas asked whether petition could be Bredesen's motion, that ik. Zi%m be directed to xork Fronk! s notion, scheduling Public Re was esked to give office addition& infomtion as to plsn for 2 0 5. i 5/a/55 I@. Hyde reported 1.k. Tfindhorst's Hay 19th opinion as to procedure to be followed in granting athority to the property o;.mers on TT.55S;th Street between Tingdale and Code to enter into a private con%raclm for sanitary sewer ad watermain con-. stmction, He read to the Council the te& of a resolution recommended by Nr. Wndhorst in regard to this matter. Several of 'che owners were present, and asked , what could be done to expedite construction; and Engineer Zikan replied that, becausz,of the necessity of receiving-State Board of Realth Approval on plans-- which takes a good month to six weeks, he believes Ea. V. Terry Excavating Company 1611 be away from this particular area before the Engineering Department is ready to authorize construction; that he hopes to be abIe to have work done %his year in the ordinary course oE business. the work, in order that it might be done with the Benton Avenue project if possible. work cannot be done with the Benton Avenue projects i€ cam undoubtedly be awarded with several other projects to lessen the cost. It was brought out in discussion that the resolution recommended by Nr. tTindhorst is permissive only, and that it-would obligate neithel; oimers norlvillage to proceed in the manner adoption: 3 The oTmers asked that the Xngineer expedite ' I&. Zikm stated he believes' this is improbable, buc thzt, if the I , prescribed by it. Fronk then offered the following Eesolution and moved its I RESOLUTION GR&TTING AUTIHOXEATION FOE PEtIVAT3 COIflUCT, FOR S&qITmY ' SZEZ-AND TXTZZiUPI * TT. 5%h St., Tingdale . Ave. to Code live. R.WOLVED, That the Village hereby. consents to and grants permission for construction of a sewer and watemain in IJ,558-Eh Street from Code- Avenue to Tingdale Avenue, together with the right to connect said sewer ad watemnain to %he sewer and watermain system oimed znd operated by the Village at such point as shd-1 be designzted by the Tillage lhnager. property abutting on Test 58th Streek between said points and is subject to the following terms 8nd conditions: The property owners to whom this- permission is granted shd-1 enter kto a contract for the performance of the necessary work by a contractor approved by the Village, which contract shall be in a form approved by the Village. Said contract shzU impose no finmcial responsibility upon the Village and shall provide for the performance of work in accordance with plans and specifications approved by t3e Village. The contractor performing the work shall deposit with the village a performance bond in the form customarily used in connection with similar work performed under contracts with the Village. The persons to whom this permission is granted, by accepting the permission hereby granted and entering hto the contract in a fom approved by the Village, shall be deemed to- have transferred to the Village all of their right, ZTtle and interest in and to the sewer and watermain to be constructed upon completion thereof o Permission granted by this resolution shdl become effective upon payment to the Village by saii3. property owners of the sum of eight percent of the total cost in pa*ent of engineering costs to be incurred by the Village in connection with the,preparatLon of plans . and specifications and supervi'sion of the perfornmce of €he contract. This pe-mission is- grmted to owners of 1. -. 2. 3. 4. 5. Notion for adoption of the Besolution was seconded by Danens, and on Tlollcdl there were three'ayes, one nay,' apd one no-Gote, as follows: Bredesen, nay, Danens, aye; Fronlr, aye; Tupa, no-vote (absent) , and Erickson, Resolution was adopted, - ATTEST '7 a. /'2&&-.U<dY/7//d . . . -_ -. Vil'lage Clerk Wana,ger Hyde reporked that Ilk . Floyd Blakeborough- had been contacted at horne'and by telephone, concerning construction of dwellhg; that he is planning to sell; that he is not Living inthe'basement structure, although sanitary facilities are in that part of the building; that there is nothing further to be done mtil October 26, 1955. 3Tr. Zikan reported that Engineer John Balich will design the Lift Station necessary for Diagonal Trunk Sewer No, 69 at a fee- of &% of cost. 1.k. Balich, in order that Zift Station may be ibstalled by time of completion of line, thus expediting useage of the system. work by John Balich. Notion seconded by Danens and carried. Ibfp. L. ;I. Gebo, 6305 Testwood Court, asked for a report on the cost -of the Diagonal Trunk Sewer--as to whether contractor has been keeping within bid' price, as to . whether bid will be 16thin estimate; as to whether lift station was within the bid, etc. I\lk., Zikan reported that no piling has been use8 to date, that it is not possible to -bell, yet, whether construction cost .Will be within the bid; that he believes it is possible thzt bid for main, plus bid on lift station, vLll total more than es'cimate of cost. .. He recommended employing Tupa moved for authorization of said I * 5/23/55 Police Department Report for .April, 1955, was retiewed md ordered placed on file. Letter was received from I=Ess Helen Young of the Hemepin County Library Office, thalg the Village Council for its par% in the dedication of the Xdina Library. IZr. A. W.-&npets Iky l4th request, for permission to set his houses b& 25 feet on Lots .1,2,3 and 5, Laape's Subdivision of Lots 8 through 23 TKLlardIs Subdi-d.sion of Block 17, Xendelssohn, was referred to VSJage Attorney for opinion. .. ,- Dr. George Do Eitel's Clzia, amount $487.20, for-corulection to Sanitary Sexer 3'0. 15, s.ras.d.lor.red.by motion Danens, seconded by =pa and carried, hawing been approved by UtiliJGies Supt. Voehler as a just charge against Sanitary Sewer District Uo. 15 fund, A delegation vas present to ask that Council expedite cons'truction of Saitary Sewer on Rutledge Avenue. fU, they were told thzt this mrk would be done' in the spring of 1955; thGt they are now having serious cesspool trouble and are airlxious to have this work done as soon as possible, Fronk-moved for %ament of VZllage Payroll, mount 313,617.74, for period Nay 16 They explained that, upon filing of petition'last *. .I. , I' to 31, inclusive, &d for paymen< Genera Fund - .89,0&9.52 Construction 177,402.53 Vat emorks * 527.81 Bqor Furid -l4,611,26 31otion was seconded by Danens and It was reported that the Auditors - of the following Claims: Garbage Fund - $2 5 . 00 Seiqer Iz6ntsL 335.97 Improvements 1190 50 - .. carried. have recommended the establishnent of a- lrCoiirt Lccouixtn &Ei First Edina Iiational Bank, in order that the'Court might expeditB2 return ~f ML EJ3SOLUTIOR DE3I@JATIL\TG DWOSITOI29 Bredesen offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: guthoriaed to do a bankbig business in I-hesota, be and-hereby is, design&ed as official depository of the Public Funds of the Edina Umicipal Court Account of the Village of Edina, County of Hennepin, Rinnesota, for the czlendar year 1955. Xotion for adoption of Besoltition vas seconde were-five'ayes and no nays, as follows: Bred Tupa, aye; and Erickson, qe; and the Resolut &m: ,& & /&LO> >J,$Q& Village Clerk And Bredesen offered. the following Resolution and moved its adoption: -- SXGI\W!ORY RESOLLITTON FIEST am mrroxa BANK E;E IT ?RESOl;Tl"rJ3, %hat the persons holding-office as IdIbnicipal Judge, SpeciaZ. Runicipal Judge and Clerk of Court of this Village be, mi3 they hereby are, authorized to act for %his Village :in the transaction of any banking business of the-Edina I.rUnicipa1 Court Account with First Edina Nation& Baik of Edina, Hinnesota, (Hereinafter referred to as the Bank), such authority including authority on behalf of or in the name of the Village from tjme to time wd until uri.t%en notice -to the contraryto the bank, to sign checks against said account, T.Thich checks shall be sigped by the 3IimicipaL Judge or Special f-Iimicipal Judge, and Clerk of Court. pay any check against such account tihich is signed as above authorized, except thzt said check shall not be payable to'the order of, or deposited to the credit of, the signer or signers ofthe checks. I-Iotion for adoption of Resolution was seconded by T vere'five ayes and no nays, as follows: Bredes Tupa, aye; and Erickson, qe; and the Resolutio mT" : The Bank is hereby authorized and directed to honor and .. . I on RolZca.ll there Tillage ,lzTizzLdJ& Clerk Y J. PheIps-DrsEk Cools recpesi for pedssion JGo sublet to Offei and R.b.rie and Song, &e. the sanitary sewer portion -of the work awarded on Ray 9, was reviewed, Bredesenls notion, that approval be granted for proposed subletting of rrork, vas seconded by Wonk and carried. Applications for Food, Off-sale' Bsek.', and= Cigarette Licenses and for Outdoor Advefiisinng Sign for Olson Bros. Pharmacy, were reviewed, and Bredesen moved Tor zpproval of licenses, subject to approval by Village X_i;?nikger. seconded by Danens ad carried. l3otion 5/23/55 8J 3'0 a Bk. TEndhorst reported, regarding the Vacation of Windsor Avenue, that he had received a call from Ee. Dobbelman; that he had told Er. Dobbelman that the Villagets only concern is.that the street be vaqated; that .he believes this matter has resolved itself in%o a neighborhood dzsagreement ; that 14k . Dobbelman told I&. Windhorst to forget the matter, and that he has done nothing further on it. 1.k. Endhorst reported conversation with Xr. Zikan concerning the Gas Company's contention that it should be reimbursed for tkie lowering of the trunk feeder main on France Avenue; that Hennepin County Engineer maintaas the Gas Company had been informed, at the time the ma^ r.ms hid, that they probably would have to lower it in the future--but khat IIr. Zimmemnm has produced no tritten evidence Lo back up his claim. Edina, County and Gas Company officials'be arranged as soon as possible, in order that this matter might be settled. BIr. Vindhorst reported that the Summons and Compalaint filed by Harley Hyre - in the matter of the Grading Improvement No. 143-65 had. come before the Court last Friday, and hed been continued to Friday, liray 27; that request for summary judgment had been filed in the nitme of the Village. Xanager Hyde reported on the bids received this evening for Police Squad Car$, said bids being as follows: Hayor Erickson suggested that a meeting or" .__ - - _. On Three 1955 2-Dr. DOWNTOI.JBT CHEVIZOI;ET SUBuiwBAN CEEV. GROSSIIAN C€EV. HARTBLL S edans : cox:IpuNp, P.II?Ls. COO, HOPKllJS. COO, TPEio lIOTOR-ZDD?A Each ' . -Each .. Each Ed 6 Cylinder $1=.99 $1; 508.00 $1,520 . 95 $22037.95 8 Cylinder $1,495 _. . 60 $1,585.00 $1,590.87 $2,l41.70 1953 2-Dr. Chev. None $675.00 (8 501.00 $82 5 . 00 1953 2-Dr; Ford None $590 ; 00 $576 .OO $84.5 .OO &bo Hyde recommended award.of bid to low bidder, D0T;mtor.m Chevrolet Company, on three eight-cylinder cars, at $1,495.60 Each, avid keeping the 1950 2-Dr. Chevrolet for use until such time as it; can be offered again on trade-in. bid be awarded to Downtown Chevrolet Company on basis of low bid, was seconded by Fronk and carried. Nr. Kern, 6200 ParlctJood Eoad, spoke for delegation demanding relief on Blacktopping Assessment for this street. it is possible that the Village gave them "too -good a roadtt. Nanager Hyde for report at the ne& meeting. ltr. Danens asked that the Curb and Gutter and Sidemilk work a% Library fiane and Library be expedited, and asked khat this work be done before the Village Hzl1 work, directhg Engivleer Zikan to secure prices and have this work done. by Tupa and carried. Discussion was had as to the'proposed transfer powers of the Council to I.ianager Hyde; and generalqreement was reached that Iiqyor licensing powers should remain iri the hmds of the Council, 'chat Council dispense with the Second Reading and adopt Ordinance as read: ALlowance on Trade-in: 1950 2-Dr. Chev. None -- $125 . 00 $151.00 . $3~.00 Bredesen's motion, that- , They stated that they feel the cost is prohibitive; that Natter was referred to f_. I&. Dznens stated -i;hzt he doubted this work would cost $500, and he moved, Hotion-seconded .. Bredesen offeredthe %ol'Lowi.ng Ordinance, moving ORDIXAYCE IJO, 13 -mi ommm TRANSFEX*II\JG THE POI^ TO GRANT Section 1. Licensinp Powers of Nanager. and permits and to suspend, revoke ana reinstate the sane contained in the following ordinances of the Village are hereby-transfemed to the Village Ijfanager: Ordinances Nos. 21, 23, 52, 56, 61, 66, 71, 103, 14.4, 151, 17'1, 181 md 191. The powers . I hereby grated to the Village IXanage? shd.1 be exercised in miting. notice of any dedal of application for license or permit; or of any suspension "or revocation thereof, stating the reason for such action, sh&U be furnished to the applicant, licensee or permittee. The powers to issue licenses and permits contzined in ordinances Ifos. 22, 33,.41, 51, 67, 101, 131, 162 and 261 shall - continue in the p-ersons and bodies specified therein until amendment or repeal of such ordinances, . ~ 42.1 powers to grant licenses Written Section 2. Appeal'to Council. From any action of the Tillage Fianager- refus55g to grm€ an application for license or permit or revoking any license or perinit <he applicant, pehttee or licensee may file a wrLtten appeal to the - Village Council in the office of the Village Clerk, and shall be heard by the * Council within 30 dFys after filing such appeal. effect from and after its passage and publication. Section 3. Effective Date. This ordinance shall be in full force and. .-.. 2-0 8 5/23/55 J 2 Xotion for waiver of second reading and adoption of Ordinance as read ~ts seconsed by %Pa, and on Eollc&l there were five ayes and no nays, 8s follovm: aye; Dmens, aye; Fro&, aye; 'Pupa, aye; and Erickso adopted. ATT "T: &edesen, ance was $2z&2L!/Dw Village Clerk 1 Hayor- agineer Zikan presented plans and estimates of cost on several construction projects, lihich he asked- be eiTedited. After review, Bredesen offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: I EBSOL~I(X~ PEOVDItE 3'03 PUBkIC J4EEnJGS rnOP~rn. x~iFJRo~Eml!i!s €33 IT IESOLW by the Council of the Village of Edina: 1. The Village Engineer, having submitted to the Councila preliminary repqrt as to the feasibility of the proposed 3inprovements described in the Fomof Iqotice of Eearing set forth below, and as to the estimzted cost of such jmprovements, said report is here%. approved and directedto be placed on file in the office of the Village Clerk. 2, This Council shall neet on Uonday, June 13, 1955, at 7:30 I?.&, in the Zdka Village Hall, to consider in public hearings the view of all persons interested in said proposed improveaents. 3. The Clerk is hgreby authorized and directed to cause notice or" the time, place and fiurpose-of ssid meeting-to be published in the offici& netspaper once e week for tm successive weeks, the second of ~iech publications is to be not less than three days from date of said meeting, which notice shall be in substmtidly the I"ollowing ,"om: IKIPIm IS HEREBY GFlBJ that the Edina Village Council trill meet gt the Village Hall on Uonday, Ju& 13, 1955, at ":SO P.IIo, to consider the following proposed hprove- nent to be constructed under the authority granted by IJX.nncso-i;z, Laws of 1953, Chapter 398. The approximate cost of such improvement is es$hated by the Village Zngin6er as set Tor-Lh below: . (1) XJi!iCE OF JGJVXNG - PRO€OsE;D SAK!XA#EY S~IE;R-IL.TPT1OVXXX!T ESTrn COST Construction of Saitary Sewer and Appurtenances in the following Streets : f1.62116 St., 77pn-m he. to Code Ave.; Eaddox Lztie; T-Jpan Axe., Vdley Eeir Rd. to Y.62nd St.; Hildred .live., 1:,62nd St. to IT.63rd St.; Code he., Birchcrest Dr . to VaLley Vievr'Rd. ; VLLleg View Rd., Code Lve. Lo Varren he.; Valley View Rd., Trunk ZI@& to TJilryan >me.; RoU Ave., 1-1.63rd St. to Eobzrts Place; Roberts Place; f.T.63rd S-t., rLolf Ave. to f.rilryan &e.; f Jilryan Ave,, IT, 63x1 St. to VCie,v Eew Ed. ; i;i.62nd St., Vdley View ad. to IJilryan heo $3B,U-9.90 The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of said proposed inprovemnts includes a31 lots and tracts ol" lad trithin the follo~xbg described boundaries: l%eginning at a pt. 513 Fi. E. of the SIT Cor. and 161 FL. If. of the S. line of Sec.33,Trq,&17,8. 21; th; 3. ad parallel 15th S. line of said Section to a pt. on X. line of God. iot 7, Sec. 33-117-21, 155 I%. is. of s3% Cor. thereof; th. iiS. to 3R? Cor. of Tract W1, Begistered Land Survey Iqo, 327; tk. %. to HZ Cor. thereof; th. S. along E. lines of Tracts nEY1 itnd."FI*, Begistered Land Survey Bo. 327 to Centerline of Vzlley View Ed.; th. Sny. &Long Centerline of Valley Vietr Rd. ii dist. ol" So Re; th. Bly at right angles to szid Cen'cerline a disZ. of 160 F't,; th. 14Ely End parallel to Centerline 02 Taley 'fTieTr Xd. a disk, of L:OO Ft.; til. NKLy 160 3%. -bo the Ccnterlhe of Vdley Tievr Ed.; th. imly along seid Ceilterline to its intersection with E. line 02 Birchcrest Ad&.; th. IT. elong 3. line 0.2 Birchcrest ;,ddn. to a pt. which is 165 Ft, IRZy at right angles ~5th Centerline of Valley View Ed.; th. IEiy, parallel to 2nd 165 Ft. fist- fron Cen-teTline of Valley View Rd, to %tension of T.7. line of the 2ollor;ing described propertgr: 'Corn. at a pt. 283.l-4 3%. X.*of 2, line and 575.83 Ft. 11. 'of S. lke of Cqvi;. Lot 8, Sec.33-U7-21; th. IT. 100 Pt,; th. iT, to Centerline of Bd.; Th.E. 112.74 Ft. along CenterUe of said Ed.; th. S. to beginning'; tho 3. to a Pt. 575.83 Ft. ll. and 363. 14 B, TT. 02 32, Cor. of Cknt. Lot 8, Sec.33-117-25; th.E.100 FZ.; th. S.'parzllel to %, line of Govb. Lot 8, Seco33-117-21, to a pto 175.77 Fi;, is. ad 17.16 Bods VI. of SE Cor. of said Go&. Lot 8; th. S. 51°12'20" TT, to the S. line of sdd hvt. Lot 8; th. Tf. to a pt.'561.91 Ft.?T, of iiE Cor. of Gobc.bt 1,secOl;-116-21; th. So to Centerline of TT.63rd St.; th. XI. along said Centerline to 3T.T Cor. of la/2 of God. Lot 1, se~,4-u6-a; th. iJ. one foot, to the S% Cor. of Tract IrBtr Begistered Ud Survey 110. 4%; lh. lny 164.51 Ft. to S'II Cor. of Tract ltBll, Eegis'cered Land Survey ij, 203515011 71. to Sie S, we of kvt. Lot 7, Sec.33-ll7-a; th. E. ll0 Ft., &re or less; th. S. to beginning.11 I$o. tho $1. 2035'50" ?I. disk. of 487.33 Ft;.; th..S. 85 .50'50" E09079 R.; tho - s. ."iTJmT Village Clerk Village of Ed5na I" I, 5/23/55 - I289 z (2) IiGTICE OF JZXRDJG-Fi"nOPOSED S&iElCI SEER kiim 3XJXRLmN DPIiOv2ZE&rr3. NGTICE IS €BRSBY GIVm that the 3dha Village Council ill meet at the Village Ha1 on Nonday, June 13, 1955, at 7:30 P.H.,to consider the following proposed improve- ments to be constructed under the authority granted by Rinnesota Laws of 1953, Chapter 398. 1. Construction of Sanitary Sewer and Appurtenances in the t The approximate cost of such hqprovements is estimated by the Village Zngineer as set forth beloiv: EST. COST. . following Streets: A. Chantrey Ed, , Hwy.169 to Morthwood. Br , ; Northwood Dr . , Glengarxy Parkww to Dundee; Doncaster Way, Hwy. 169 to - Ayrshire Blvd. ; IJIerritt Circle; Ayrshire Blvd., Glengarry Parkway to Doncaster Way; Vi. 56th St ., Nirror Lakes Dr. to Chantrey:Rd. Benton Irve., from Tin'gdale Ave. to C6de live. Flutledge he., Brookside Ave. to :J.L&h St. Beard Ave., from'FEcis.ting 911 Eain' at Approlrinately TL~IS~ St , to 1~62nd St.; and. on Beard Place from Beard &e. to IJ.62nd St. [j 9,Ub7,06 Construction of Village Eatermain Eldension and Appurtenances in the €ollovring' Streets : A. $49,768.99 G 3,784.6k $ 8,603.88 .. B. C. D. 2. - Beard Ave., from Existing 1'Tatehki.n on ~.61st St; Exbended, to'W.62nd St., and on Beard Place from Beard live. to 8.62nd St . ~60th St., from Hq.100 to Birchcrest Dr,; and on Josephine Ave. from Benton lrive. to lT.60th St. (f 8,508,24 .. . B. . t; 8,063.28 The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of said proposed improvements is as €ollo-r.rs : -For 14 - Lots 1 through 12, Block 1, Sots 1 through 11, Block 2, and Lots I through , 10; Block 3, all in Tictorsen's liddn. €0 Zdina Highlands; Lots I through 20, Sailden's Ad&. to Edina Highlands; Lots 12 through 22 and Lots26 through 37, .Rosendahlls Edina Highlands; Zots 1 through 4 and Lot 9, Block &; Lots 9 through 15, Block 2, Xot 1, Block 6, and all of Block 5, Nirror Ues in Zdina; and Lots 1 through 3, Block 3, RosendaNts 2nd Ad&. . For 1-B - Lots 7 through-12, Block 2, Edina Heibts, and Lots 1 through 6, Block 1, Benton Far%. For 1-C - Lot 1 and ki;s 8-through' 21, Edina Terrace; and Lot I, Limback. - Por 1-D - Lots 1 through 7, Block 1, and Lots 1 through 12, Block 2, Edina,-Bel-fir ~ Fifth Addn.; Zot 7, Holtts Addn. to Edina; and Lots 1 through 9, Holkts Second Addn. %o Edina. : For 2-A - Lots 1 through 7, Block I, and Lots 1 through 12, Block 2, Xdina Bel-Air Fifth Addn,, and Lots 1 through 9, Halt's Second Lddn. to-Edina. For 2-B - All tSacts of land within the following described boundaries: Weginning at the S" Cor. of Lot 3, B1, 2, Clover Lane Addn. Second Unit; th. 'fs, and parallel to n.6oth St, to E. line of Birchcrest Addn.; thh, N. to Centerline of ~.60th St.; th. IT. -to 2n Elricension of the 8. line 02 ht 12, B1. 2, . Benton Park; th. N. to I'JV Cor. of said Lot 12; th. E, -Lo-NF, Cor. of Lot 4, Bl. 3, Benton Park;'th. Ne to Centerline of Benton he.; th. E. to pf~. 220 Ft. If. of 3. line of Sec.33-U-7-21; tli. S. 34.0 I%.; th. %. to Hvry. LOO; th. S. to beginning.tl GIZETCBN S. .kGDEN Village Clerk- Tillage of 3dina on lilonday, June 13, 1955, at 7:30 P.K., to consider the follorv5ng proposed &$rove- ment, to be constructed under the authority granted by IEnnesota Zaws of 1953, Chapter 393, Engineer as set forth below: The approihte cost of such improvement is estimated by the Village ' EST. COST Construction of Sanitary Sewer and Appurtenances in IT.49Lh St. and Westbrook Lane, to and under Hq. 169, to kcadia hve. and Old Hopkins Road $10 , @1 . 40 The area proposed Lo be'assessed €or the cost of said proposed improvement includes Lots 10 to 17, inclusive, Block 7, Tingdale Bros. Brookside. GEETCHEPJ S, HLDEN Village Clerk Village of Edina 5/23/55 mmz OF HZBIIG OR PRQFOS~ m~rnmi ~PBO~.~GJT .-- - I f{WICE 23- €ZREBY GiXiJ that the Bdina Village .Council meet at the V'sge Hall on Xonday, June 13, 1955, at 7:30 P.I.I., to consider the followhg proposed iaprove- ment, to be constructed under the authority granted by IGnneso-La hrrs of 1953, Chapter 398. Engine<er as set forth below: The approxinate cost of such improvement is estimated by the Village EST. COST O" Construction of Village I.1atemnai.n Exbension and Appurtenances h the 3011owing Streets: .- .. l;lilryan kire., Valley View Rd. to If.63rd S%;; W.62nd St . , TEIq-an he. 60 Josephine Ave, ; Josephine Ave4, V.62nd St.'tu I;s,6&6 St. South; - W.62,nd St., VzCLley View Rd. to Wilryan he,; Roberts Place; W.63rd St., 3arren ke. to 5.ri@yzn he,; ' Rolf he., V.63rd St. to Valley View Rd.; . 3Eldred he., 3.62nd sf;. to X63rd St.; ITaddox he; s'f.62nd St., Tjynan he, to Code he,; Code five., Birchcrest Dr. to Valley View Xd. *. $39,864.96 The area,proposed to be assessed.for the cost or" said proposed inprovenent-includes dl lots and tracts of land abutting the above named streets. Gnmcmg s, III;iBJ Village Clerk . TTiZlage of Edina NOZICZ OF HI?,AR&G ON PROPOSZD,lJATERUADT D-mm-ZE . (5) RUi!Ib IS l3lBEBY GIKFJi that the'Edina Village Council.r.rill meet s-k the Village Hall on Eondzy, June 13, 1955, at 7:30 P.R., So consider the following proposed hprovenent, to be constructed under the authority granted by Xnnesota kws of 1953, Chapter 398. The appro5imate cost of such improvement is esthated by the Village Engineer as set forth be1or.r: EST, COST .* . . __ _. Construction of 8" Village TTaterrmain and Appurtenances in Eden Avenue f2om Shemood Rd. to .kcadZa Ave., and Constructiori of 611ll.Tatemain 5nd Appurtenances in *' 3zcaEa Ave. fron Eden he. .to and under Highway 169, to connect to e:ris-ting 611 Iratemain at Vestbrook he /. . " and B.4-%h St. 62&, 502 50 The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of said proposed bprovement includes all lots and tracks of land abutting the hereinafter described streets: Eden Ave., Shemood Rd. Eo Sta%e Hvy;'lOo; Brooksid6 Ave., Eden ike. to HI@; 169; sujhrhit &e,, Hwy, 169 to 660 Re, more or less, South thereof; Ewy. 169 (South Side), I.II\TEcs Railroad, to If. 50th St, j Hwy. 169 (TJorkh Side) ; -Puhana Lane to W. 50%h St. Hop7ki.ns.Iid,, 3EIetS Ry. R/N to Hky; LOO; Arcadia Ave,, EdenAve, to Hwy, 169. ~. - ~ HI@.* 100 (Vest Side), .Hopkins Ed. %o IT. 50th St. ; c+IilB!cm so mm V5.Uage Clerk . Village of Edina . .- 1t;otLon €or adoption of the Resolution was seconded were.five ayes and no nzys, as fouiours: Bredes Tupa, aye; and Erickson, we; and the Resolutio &ZF"T: nd on Rollcall there k&d[A/,/ Village Clerk Bredesen moved for adjourmrnent. was edjourned at 10:20 POX. lalotion was seconded by Fronk, and carried. 3Ieeting J &-O->d& e*' Village Clerk