HomeMy WebLinkAbout19550606_SPECIAL6/6/55 NiJUT323 OF THE SPXCSAL i*E23TING OF TNE JUPE-6, "1955, AT- 1:30 P.,EL, AT THE - EDDiiA ViIL4GE COUNCI&, HZX,D. l$OiE)kY, mIitA VIgIAm HfiL., . . .. .-- 1.. Pursuant to due call and notice o€ me*et$g, which was read by Hayor Pro Tem Bredesen, the meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.U. Nembers answering Eollcall were Bredesen, Danens, Fro& and Tupa, entire meeting in Ifayor Erickson's absence. Bredesen presided for the Kanager Hyde reported that the $5,000 partial payment for the Stow utility had been delivered to the Stow Company, He presented for approval two checks, to the County Treasurer for $118.73 in papent of real estate taxes for 1953 and 1954, and to the Register of Deeds in amount of $19.25; stating that these amounts will be deducted from the-purchase price of the utility at final payment. Notion by Fronk, seconded by Tupa and carried, that checks be approved for Paymen% I!&. Hyde reported the Court's decision in favor of the Village in the matter of the improvement of France Avenue between %Te6&.th and I.J.73rd Sts., t.s.66th St. between Valley View Rd, extended south and a. point 1100- *feet east of France Avenue; and Valley View Road extended from Vest 62nd St., southerly and easterly to France Avenue at approximately TJ069th St. €le &so reported Attorney Vindhorst s opinion--which opinion. >vas later confirmed by 3k. ?findhorst-to the effect that the Council should conduct public hearings ,on -three separate improvements, in the interests of saving further litigation expenses and time should an appeal be made against the present Court ruling. After some discussion, Tupa offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION CALLING PUBLIC HEARmGS . OU STIBZT il+PROT?EIJEIflS E3E i" EiBOLllrED by the Village Council of .%he Village of Edina, IEnnesota, . as . fo&Lovrs : - 1. form of notice included in paragraph two hereof for the purpose of holding public hearings on the proposed street improvements therein described. place -and purpose of said meeting to" be published twice in the Edina-Norningside 'Courier, the official newspaper of the Village, the two publications to be a week aparb and the last publication to b& at least three days before the .date 09 such hearing. VILUG OF EDINA HZi4'HEPIN CONQ'Y, -ILII@ESOTA NCYZfiCf;: OF PUBLIC HEARIitGS ON FiiOPOSED This Coqncil shall meet at the time and place specified in the 2. The Clerk is authorized and directed to cause notice of the time, Such notice shall be in substantially the following form: STmY l3g~o~JEs BOTLCE IS HE&BY GLVEf that the Village Council of the Vi1,hge of Edina, Ifinnesota, .will. meet at the Village Hall on Pionday, the 27th day of June, 19.55, at 7:30 o'clock P.N., for the purpose of considering the making of the following. street improvements substantially in accordance with the plans and specifications therefor now on file in the Village Hall: sewer in, surfacing and othemnse improving France Avenue between Vest 64th and KJes% 73rd Streets. present be widened south of Uest 70th Street only to a vi5dth of 90 feet, in- stead of to the width proposed in tQe plans and specifications originally prepared for this improvement, The estimated cost of said improvement is 1. Widening; clearing, grading, graveling, constructing storm It is contemplated that said France livenue will. at - ... 8249, 317 80 . 2. iiidening, clearing, grading, graveling, constructing storm sever in, surfacing and otherwise improhg Vest 66th Street between Valley View Road exbended south and a point 1100 feet east of France Avenue, estimated cost of said improvement is %76,02S.60e in,. surfacing and othemrise kproving Valley View Road extended from Vest 62nd Skreet southerly and easterly to France Avenue at appro4xbnately West 69th Street, The plans and specifications originally prepared for this improvement 'have been modified by providing for a connection between Vzlley View Road ex- I tended and West 66th Street on the west line of said Valley View Road exzended, as well as on the east line thereof. is $199,653.60 . of said improvements is the Southdale Shopping Center area, bounded on the north by West 66th Street, on the south by ?'Jest 69th Street, on the west by France Avenue, and on the east by York Avenue extended south to Vest 69th Street . Iiinneeota Statutes, Chapter 429. The 3. Opening, clearing, grading, graveling, constructing storm sewer The estimated cost of said improvement The area proposed to be assessed for all or part of the cos6 of each The Council proposes to proceed under the authority granted by 6/6/55 ,&iy person interested in any one or more or"=aid improvenents may appear , 212 at the time ad plae above stated and present his views. There irill be a separate hearirzg on each of the above-numbered hprovements, so th&t each of said hprove- ments mag be separately considered, Dated this 6th day of June, 1955. GmCmif S. ALDEN Edina, Itinnesota .c Village Clerk . 3. Each and all of the terns and prdirisions of the foregoing form of notice are hereby adopted as and for the terms and conditions of said improvements and the heaTings to be held thereons It is hereby found and determined that the Village Engineer has repo~ed that each of the above improvenents is' feasible and may best be made as proposed in the notice of public hearings herejn ordered to be publishetl, and The estimated cost of each of said improvenents as thus recomended has been reported by said engineer to be as set forth in said notice. 4. c I . not in connection trith any other improvenents. The motion for. the cdoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by I.Tenber Danens, and on srote.bi5.ngitiaken thereon the following members voted in favor there- of: Danens, aye; Fro&, aye; Tupa, aye; and Bredesen, aye; and the following voted agest the sane (a0 nay votes); whereupon said motion was declared duly passed and said resolu-lion duly pzssed an4 adopted. The Uayor signed t'ne resolution 2nd the Clerk attested the sme. The Engineer submitted to the Council plans and specifications for the construction of the-hprovenents rei'erred to in the preceding resolution, and a form of advertise- ment for bids for construction of said improvements, except the surfacing comprehended therein, vrhich were approved and ordered placed on file, I"ollor;ring Resolution and moved its adoption: 3kmber Fronk offered the R'ESOLUTION APPROVDJG PLANS AND SPl3CIcFIC~iOHS P &Dl PIRZCTSriG ADVX@'I~-@E . F@ ED3 _FOB C@J&BUCXIOU OF. FOETICEJS 0i;t STRBET IiPEO~lES OH E!fG$Cw3 AXE., U.66TH ST., kiJD VALLEY VIXX ROAD Eii'iEhRED , Ell3 TT €t3SOLm by the Village C-quncil of the Tillage of.Edina, Itinnesot8, as follows: street"5mprovements on France Ave. between W.64th and V.73rd Streets; on V. 66th St . between Valley ?iew Road extended south and. .a point 1100 feet east of France Axe., ad on lT.+Lley View Road e&ended f'rom W.62nd St. to Frmce he. at approximately If. 69th St., now on Zi&e in the Village HaU, are herebr approved as the plans and specifications in accordance with which said improveaenis shall be constructed, except as the sane may be modified by further action of the Council, in accordance with lm, and said form of advertisement for bids is also approved for publication by the Clerk, in accordance w2th lavr. should not at this time advertise for bids on the surfacing portions of ssid inproxrenents, and &so that a saving can be effected by combining said improvements in 2 single set of plans and specifications and by inviting bids for a single contract €or the various portions of said improve&Aits now to be advertised for bids . P.K., at the Village Hall, for the purpose of opening and considering'bids and awarding a contract for the construction of portions of said improvements in accord- ance with the approved form of call for bids. Courier, the official newspaper of the Village, and once in the Construction Bullet;J1, published at Xirmeapolis, I&nnesota d notice for bids, Each such publication shall be nade at lecrst thr for the opening and consideration of bids. E, .The plans and specifications and advertisaent for construction bids for I It is hereby determined that the Village 2. This Council shall meet on Thursday, June 30, 1955, at 4:30 o'clock ' 3. The Clerk shall cause to be published once in the Edir?a-lbringside rior to the dat6 set above k T: & ,J JU VKLlage Clerk The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Ekmber Danens, and upon vote being taken thereon the following voted in favor of: 'Danens, aye;'Fronlc, aye; %pa, aye; and Bredesen, we; and the following voted against the same: -(no nay votes) whereupon said resolution ras declared duly passed and adopted, and was signed by tbe Kayor3 iriiich vas attested by the Clerk. Tupatd z mmtion, that the Village Council. remest the cooperation of the lEnneapolis Gas Company in noving the gas main a@ raqahed in the above improvements, ~ras secorided by Fro& and carried. == I