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1 &. Hyde recommended employment of Pk. Edward Lorenz, at $3.75 per hour, for
negotia%ion and condemnation work on right-of-way for aboye named improvements e
Tupa moved for authorization of employment of Nr. Lorenz as recommended by
Xr. Hyde. Xotion seconded by Fronk and carried. -
There being no farther business to come before this special meeting, Tupa moved ”
for adjournment.
8:4O P.1L
Notion seconded by Fronk ana carried. Keeting adjourned at
’ Village Clerk -
l4I”B 05 THZ .i33GUUE IcmXl$G OF THE
EDDU VILLAGE ~ CpUifCLs, I@ll il.;Oi$h%Y, JW-13,:1955, .AT 7:30 P*E.,. A.T.THE;
XDJNI VUG HALL - .. a -I --
Invocation was given by Revoh Spe& of st. Stephen’s Episcopal Church,
IIembers agswering Rollc&l were Danens, Fronk, Tupa and Erickson,
Fronk’s motion, approving iGnutes of Neetings of Nay 23 and June 6, 1955, was
seconded by Tupa, and carried.
... I
First matter on the agenda was the*Continuation of the Nay 23rd Public Bearing on
%he Proposed Vacation of a portion of-Sden Avenue. Affidavits of Publication and
Posting of Notice irere read by Clerk, approved as to form and ordered placed on
file; and audience was appraised of the Council’s Kay 23rd action continuing said
Hearing to this date. Engineer Joseph Zikan presented plan shoving proposed
Vacation. June 9th letter, from Board of Directors of Edina Civic and Improve- -
ment Association, objecting to re-routing of Eden Avenue and the abandoning of
any village property in this connection, was read.. 1-k. Iiibbert Hill. of the Traffic
Commtttee of the Civic md Improvement Association supported this letter, stating
that the Committee is opposed - 1. Eecause it objects to the abzndonmcnt of any
Villsge property which might be useful.,- 2, Because it feels that the proposed
change does not in my way improve safety conditions at that comer; rather, that
it makes them worse. k Kr. ,Carlson asked whether Righriay Departnent plans Bd been
considered. Ibke IJcCubrey of _the Stete Highway Department stated that the Depart-
ment has long been confronted with the necessity of finding better entrznces from
the Trunk Highways into the Village and that the Department feels that the Village
should give. this matter very serious consideration before ta$ing any action to -
dispose of this land. I!+ir. Philip Neville, representing Edina Holding Company,
rminded Council that the contract-between Village znd Company had not been
ini‘ciated by the- Company.
is a matter, initially, o$ discretion of this VQlage Council as to whether or not
they rvill vaczte a, street:; that, having made ,this contrect, Couplcil has exercised
this discretion; that Company has paid $4,000 of the estimated cost of $5,400
necessary to put in a new road and is ready, willing and able to pay the balance
in accordance with terns of contract; that it is the Company’s position thateit
has, a. binding contmct with the Village and that the Villege .has agreed that it
will proceed in good faith and with its best efforts to secure vacation of that
portion of Eden Avenue described.‘ 14~~~ Heville stated that, inasmuch as State
Highway Plans for Xden Avenue are on either a one-to-five or five-to-ten year
basis, it is the Companrts position that this is not legal grounds for evading the
which they must secure by this contract, or by attenp’cing to make a low-level. lot,
which will necessitate renoval of sone $12,000 worth of tennis. courts; that, there-
fore, the Company vi511 have to look to Village for such damages as %rill occur if
there is breach of coptract., 3Ir. Heville stated that his Board of Directors has
instructed him to say that he is not here to,mive any rights the C~mpany presently
has under’the contract; that they do not believe that Village can void this contract
on the prospect that someday the Highway might go through.
2.Jindhorst maintained that the the agreement. was made contingent upon the Vacakion
of Eden llvenue and that, if Village Council felt it to be contrary to the public
interest to vacate, agreement could be nullified upon ret.urn to the Company of
the $4,000 deposit.
that. Council consider a compromise arrangement jqhich would allow parking on the
fifteen-foot boulevard on the Village Hall side of Zden livenue, with the under-
standing that if the Highway should not go through the group be permitted to
consider contract in status guo.
one thing 2% a time; that proposed.Vacation be considered, now.
proposed vacation of a portion of Eden Avenue be rejected.
Danens and carried.-
He stated that it is the Company’s judgment thzt this
Rr. Neville stated that the Country Club needs additional parLcing space-
Village Attorney
I&. Neville disputed Kr . Windhorst 1 s openion; then asked
Trustee %pa suggested that Council dispose of
Fronk moved %hat
3Iation seconded by
ik.yor Ericlcson announced several Public Hearings on Proposed lnzprovements, in
accordance rrith Wotices of Hearings" published in Edina-Eorningside Courier Jme
2 and 9, 1955. Clerk 'submitted Affidavits 02 Publication for said notices, trhikh
were approved as to fora and ordered placed on file.
2nd action taken, as recorded below:
Public Hearings rEre held
lo P2OFosED SAIIITilEY SEXR iN 11.63~~ STo, IEUiIi i~mo TO CODE Amo : I.mD02 LQG: ?JBIkN .AVE., ViLKEY
63RD ST,: CODZ-AVK, .BIRCHCRZST DR. TO 'ITA&I.EY-~;~ RD.: VliiJ~y" -1 ED., RD.- "0 N.622JD Sri). : I+IIiJ)m AVE., iC.r,62lsr, ST, .TO TI. .
COD?: Am, TO .SfZ-J 2CG. : VALLEY .VJZ$! RD.9 - TRUlX XI-$& TO InBYiB A': : ROD
lj'D.XY3~ ,Em. : ImWtT LIKE.
A'* , I1063rtD EjTo TO ROqTS. PL4m: . RQEBTS PL4CE: T7.63~~ ST. 3 ZOLF Arne TO
TT463RD ST.. TO VAIXEY ."IZ? RD. : IJ062JD ST . ,
TI'IEII @Do .TO TLKfIYAlJ AIJX~ Xngineer Zikan showed a Vu-Graph slide of ._ the proposed mute- of the sewer, and the-assessment district therefor.
He gave as his Estimate of Cost, a Total of $38,ll9.90, to be assessed over
7,885 Assessable Feet, for $4.83 per Front Foot. from the floor, and no rrritten objections had been filed prior to the
Hearing. (See IXnutes later in Heeting for Resolution Approwing).
There were no objections
lX@F$I VALEEY mT RD. TO 'tT.63RD ST,: ITe62im So,
~{3€EEU AYZ. TO IWmJ AVE.: RO.??-AVP;., T7.63RD ST. TO V.WY JiXT RD.: Ismm
AB.: CODZ A?E., BIRCHCFET DR, TO TALZEY VEIJ RD. Xngineer.Z&an shoyred a
Vu:Grkph slide of tle proposed route- of .the vqtermain, and the assessment
district Lherer"or, His Estimate of Cost uas a Total of $39,861;.96, to be
assessed over 9,085 Assessable Feet, for $4.39 per Assessable Foot, plus
an Estimated $075 for Trunk lIain, for $5,U per Assessable Foot.
were no objections from the floor, and.no mitten objections had been filed
prior to the Hearing.
~GHI.IBy $3.69, TO- BCADW fiTD OLD iiOPKII%3 R0.4.D. Vu-Graph slide, setting forth
proposed route, and Smaal assessment. district, vas shown. Engineer Zikan' s
Estkte of Cost was $10,481.40, assessable over 359.3 dssesszble Feet, for
$29.17 per Assessable Foot--this being by far the largest sewr assessment
ever to have been levied in %dins, I.Ir. Zikzn explained that the high cost
is due to the expense of crossing the highway for service to such a small
had been received prior to the Hearing. (See I+Iinutes later in-EIeeting for
Resolution Approving. ) -
for&h_proposed_route of setrer, and %assessment district therefor.
Cost showed a total of $&502050. Of this amount $2,219.94 represents a
Trunk &,in, to be assessed over 7,m Assessable Feet, for $JO per Assessable
Foot;. and $22,282.56 is for hteral, $0 be assessed over 3,679 Assessable Feet,
for $6.06 per iissesssble Foot. Objections to the improvement were raised by
i%. Davenport, representeliive for >iinneqoolis, Northfield and Southern Railway;
Ilks, E0T1. Harris, 5009 Interlachen Blvd.; George P. Lundblad, 5308 Vernon Ave,;
TTerlin Bzlfmz, 5l&5 Zden iive., and others; all of rrhom stated that they had
not petitLoned for the improvemeht , didn' f; consider their properties benefited
by it, and did not want it.
established for connection to the -new vell at Shenmod' Ave. ; that the plan
as presented is the most feasible to provide a loop and good vrater pressure;
that construction as planned rill prevent dead ends on a long line and will
give circulation.
eqense of the Highway Crossing.
be made over a larger area; and upon incpiry by Ur. Zikan, ,'Lttorney TEndhorst
stated that, under the new Statute, part of the cost can be assessed over a
larger area at a later date.
be continued to June 27, to allow additional study; and Fro& so moved.
Xotion seconded by Tupa and carried.
ST?, .IZi3ROX LUES DR, TO CWjTRl3Y- RD. -Engineer Zikm .presented Tu-Graph
Slide, . showing. proposed route, and assessment district therefor.
as his Estimate of Cost \j49,768.99, assessable mer 10,960 Assessable Feet,
for $4.54 per Assessable Foot.
asked that Lateral Sexers in this area be assessed in the same amount as
the assessment to be levied on I-Exror Lakes Drive for trunk-connected lateral
service. 1.k. Tlindhorst explained that. this proposed assessment trill not
compzre exactly xith everyone else' s total assessment, but that the difference
should be slight.
favor of the inproveaent but that they would-like to leave the door open for consideration 02 corapzrative assessments, and hopes that *he assessiwts vill
(See IEriutes later in Neeting for Resolution Approving;.)
There irere no objections from the floor, rand no mitten objections
S.JZSTTat00d.L-QSE iiIlD TIEST 49TH Sm. Vu-Graph slide was shotm, setting .
Estimate of
I&. Zikan explained that a district had been
. He explained that part of the high cost is due to the
Wr. Balfmz suggested that assessment should
At this time lhager Hyde suggested that Hearing
He gave
I.&. Uoyd IL Smith, 5812 14orthwood Drive,
1.b. Smith then stated that he and his delegation are in
6/13/55 285
reasonably equitable.
and no mitten objections ha& been received prior to the Hearing, (See Einut-es
later ip Neeting for Resolution Approving) ,
There were no robjections to the improvement -from the floe>,
~ /
of proposed route and assessment district was- shown. Engineer's Estimate of Cost
was a Total of ;,j3,784.64 to be assessed over 1,060 Bssessable Feet, for %3.50
per Assessable Foot. There were no objections from the floor, and no written
objections had been received prior to the Hearing. (See liiinutes later in IbIeeting
for Resolution Approving) .
Engineer 2$ilcan showed TwGraph-Slide- or" prqosed .route and assessmen% district .
Estkate of Cost vias read as 38,603.58 Total, to be assessed over 1,230 Assesssble
Feet, for U7.00 per Assessable Foot.3le-Zz-s . I.lf.lJkPhe?son, Dona3d Koch, Russell,
Roberts, HOE. Copps, L.S. IJiIson, and Busse, .ad @s. Stralow, all objected to
%his proposed hprovement; .and those of the abjectors tho had signed the
petition Tor it asked that their names be withdrawn. Ik. C. k. Sorenson
pleaded for the improvement, and stated that he would ask for-a lateral of some
300 feet to serve his property if the proposed improvement does not go through.
Fronk's motion that petition be rejected was seconded by Tupa and carried.
ST. TO Sbf.62~11 ST. : -ilIiiD IX BXRil .PL%E F.@i EZ@. AVd. TO tI062iD S'T,
Slide was shorm, setting for$h .proposed-route I and- assessment dis$ric% for
improvement . Estimate of Cost WES $9,U7.06, assessable over 2,352 AssessLble
Feet, for ij3.90 per Assessable Foot, plus G.90 per Kssessable Foot for Trunk
Eain #35, for a total. of 34.80 per Assessable Foot.. There were no objections
from the floor, and no r.rritten objections had been received prior to the
Hearing. (See IZinutes later in Heeting for Resolution Approving) ,
TO lf.63Jiil .STe :* id!! ON E@&$) PWZ, .I%OIl EErlRD Ame TO.W,~~Q ST. . Ehtineer Zikan
presented Vu-Graph Slide- shot&ng proRosed r6ute and assessment ais%rict ?or
improvement; 'and Estimate of Cost wFs given at &,508.24, assessable over 2,277
Assessable Feet, for $3.74 per -Assessable Foot, plus-$.72'per Assessable Foot
for-Trunk hprovement Ho. 39, for a total af tj4.46 per Assessable Foot.
were no objections from thy floor, and no written objections had been filed prior
to the Hecring.
Leo Rasinski asked that improvement be expedited; qd he was told that it is
hoped that work can be done this year. "
I- .,
~ Vu-Graph
MI?? (See Itinutes later in Neeting €or Besolution Approving).
assessment. district for bpovement was shocm by Engineer -2ikan.
Cost ,was given at a Total of $Z,O63.2SY assessable over 2,275 Assessable Feet,
for ij3.54 per Assessable Foot,for Laterals; plus Trunk; Charge for that area-
within hprovement No. 78 District, of $.73 per Assessable Foot; -for that a?ea
irithin bprovemenb No, 85 District, of $.75 per Assessable Foot.
objections from the Sloor, .&d no written objections had been filed prior to
the Fublic Hearing. (See following Resolution Approving). I
Fro& offered the folY&kg Resolution and moved its adoption:
BZ I" FGBOLVXI by the Councii. of $he.Vqage. of Edina, IEnncsota, that this Council
heretofore caused notices of hearings to be duly published on the following proposed
improvements :
Esthate of
There were no
Construbtion of Sanitary Sewer and Appurtenances in:
1. TT.62nd St., IJyman Ave. to Code dve.; Ifaddox Lme; Wyman Ave., Valley View Ed.
to W.62nd St,,; ZEldred Ave., V.62nd St. to W.63ra st.; Code Ave., Birchcrest
Dr. to Valley View Rd.; Valley: View Rd., Code kve. to S'darren Ave.; Valley
View Rd., Trunk Ill#& to Tfilryan he.; Ro&f%ve.; T1.63rd St, to Roberts
Place; Eobehs Place; W.63rd St., -Rolf Ave. to T'ITilryan be.; Tfil.ryan he., .
Tf.63rd St
yJ.&%h St. and Westbrook Lane, to and under Htq,169 to kcadia he. and
cld Hopkins Rd... -
Chantrey Ed., ~~~y.169 to Northwood Dr.; Northwood Dray Glengarry Parkfay
to Dundee; Doncaster TJay, ~~1y.169 to liyrshire Blvd. ; Nerritt Circle; dlyrsliire
Blvd., Glengarry Paxkt~qy- to Doncaster-IJayf W.56th St., Nirror Lakes Dr. to
Benton Am., Tingdale live. Lo Code Ave,
Beard he., from Xxiisting 911 l-fain at Approx, 8.61st St. to I-3.62nd St.; and
in Beard
tfUryan Ave., Valley -View Rd. to 1~63rd St;, W.62nd St., IIilrgan hve. to
Josephine >-Tee; Josephine Ave.,Ti.62nd St. to U.62nd St. So,; 11.62nd St.,
Josephine Ave. to S'Tilryan live.;. Roberts Place; w.63rd St., Harren he. to
I.Tilrya Ave . ; Rolf- Ave . ,IT. 63rd S% . to Valley View Rd. ; ItIildred Ave . ,1;.1.62nd
St. -bo s.r.63rd St.; I4addox Lane; We62-nd St., 1rjxm-i kve. Lo Code Ave.; Code
Ave,, Birchcrest Dr. to Valley View2d.
to Valley View Ed. ; U,62nd St . , Valley View Rd. to 1Jilrya.n he.
Cliantrey-Tid. - - .* 4. 5. Place from Beard be, to 1fe62nd S$.
Construction of Village Watermain Wensions 2nd Appurtenances in:
6/13/55 2 2. Beard ike., frolil I3iisting 1Tatermai.n on IToblst St. Exbended, to TT.62nd St.;
: and in Bezrd Place, from Beard he. to, W.62nd qt,
3. f%60th Ste, from Eqr.100 to Birchcrest Dro; and in Josephine Ave. from,
Benton {me. to W.6Oth St. i and at the hearings held at t'ne time and place ppecified in said no-bice the Council
bs duly considered'the Viws of all persons interested, and being fully- advised of
the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with the Fonstruction of said
improvenents; th& said jmprovments are hereby designated and shall be referred to
in all subsequent proceedings its follows:
110. A-1
It !l . I* . A-2 ' --- .._ -A-3 . !! !! ?! I! 87
A-L, ir v ? I! 88 ..( - ! ?' ?' !! -89 IJA&Q*k%Qt B*EtQ~*ZZj'i! If0 0 88
p 4.-5
fE-2 -. If . . . 1 -* If I' 89
E-3 '! !! ? 90
- 4
and the areas to be s$eciaLLy assessed therefor shall be as follows: -
folloving descTibed boundarieu: 161 Ft. W. 'of the S, line of S~c.33,'if~.117,R,21; the E. and parallel vrith S. line
of said Section to-a pt. on E.line of Govt, Lot 7, Sec.33-13-7-21, 155 Ft. 11. of SE
Cor. thereof; Ylh, 11, to ZW Cor, of Tract IfB1l, Registered Land Survey Zo. 327; th,
E. to i;llE Cor. thePeof; th..: So dong E. lines of Tracts Wt and tlF1l, Registered hd
Survey No. 327 to Centerline of Valley View Rd.; tho Sl.Sly-alon&Centerljn.e of -
Valley View Ed. a dist. of 60 Ft.; th. SZlf 5% right q@es to said Centerline a
dist. of 160- Pt. ; tho IJ3i2.y and parallel .go Centerline of Yalley View Rd, a diste of
400 Pt.; th. 'EIXLy 160 Ft, to the Centerline of Tialley View Rd,; th, iwy along said
Cen3erline to its in-bersection with E. line of Birchcrest Addn.; th. it. along E.
line of Birchcrest $id&. to a pt. which is 165 FI;. iW.7 at right angles 76th Center-
line of Yfley View-Rd.; th. NEly, pardlel to and 169 Ft. dist. from Centerline of
Valley View Ed. to Exkension of TI, line of the following described property: tComm.
at a pt. 283,U; Ft. IT, of E. line and 575.83 Ft. Bo of So line of Govt. Tot.$,
Sec.33-ll7-21; th. 1J.- 100 Ft.; th. iJ. to Centerline of Fed,; th. E. 112.74 Ft.
along Centerline of .said Ed.; tho S. to beginningt; tho. S, toea pt. 575.83 K. N.
and 363.l4 Ft, TI. of SI3 Cor. of (;ovt. ht S, Sec.33-117-21; th. 2, 100 Ft.; tho S.
parallel to E, line of-Go&. Lot 8, S&c.33-117-21, to a pt. 175.77 F-t. N. and 17.16 Rods TT. 02 SZ Cor. of said Go&. LDt 8; th. So 51°21t2011 IT. to the S. line
of God; Lot-8; th. IT. to a pt, 561.91 Ft. IT. of i@3 Cor, of: Go@. h-b 1, See. &-
U6-21; th.*-S. to Centerline of 't.T,63rd S-L.;~_th.J~, along said Centerline to SIT
Cor, of ifl/2-0of Cbt. Lot 1, ~ec,4-116-21; tho N, one foot; to the SE Cor. of
Tract ?W, Registered Lad Survey 110, 424; ,tho 1Jl.y 164.54. Ft, to SIT Cor. of Trect
WJ, Registered Sand Survey 5Jo. 424; tli. N. 2O35t50Ir 3. a disk. of -kmO?13 Ft.;
th, S. 85°5015011-E. 9.79 Pt.; th. W. 2°35'50W. to the Soline of GoVt. Lot 7,
Sec.33-ll7-21; &h. X. "UO.Ft., more or les~;,$~h. $. to beginning.*f
dde Ekos, .3rookside.
Block 2, md Lots 1 through 10, Block 3, all in Victorsents Addn. to Zdina Highlands;
Lots 1 throu-gh 20, snilden's Addn. to Edina Highlands; Lots 12 thropgh 22 and bts
26 through 37, Rosendahl's Edwa Highlands; Lots 1 through 4, and Lot 9, Block 4;
Lots 9 through 15, Block,2, Lot 1, Bloclr 6, and all of Block 5, I-Error Ues in
Edina; and Lots I through 3,-Block 3, Rosendahl's 2nd Addn.
and Lots 1 t'mough 6, 3lock 1, Benton Perk.
_Sanitary Sewer hprovenent 110. 89,- Lots 1 through 7, Block 1, and kts I
through 12, Block 2, .Edina 'i3el-iAr Fifth Addn.; and Lots 1 through 9, Holt's
Second Lddn. to Edina. f.late&n X@ovment 110. Gt3 - -.Allw l&.k and L tracts "F bf land abutting $he" strkets
proposed to Ve- improved,
Watemxik. hprovement 196. Sg - hts 1 through 7, Blbck 1, and Lw$s 1 through
12, Block 2, Edirra' Ee1-2.i.r~ Fifth Addn., &id 321:s 1 thrpugh 9, Holt s Second Addn.
to EEna. .*
described bbundaries: fi3egiming at the SE Cor. df Lot 3, B1, 2, Clover he Addn.
Second Ulzit; th. If. and parallel to U.60th St, to E, Une of*Bjrchcrest Lddn,; kb.
ils. to Centerline of IJ.60th 3%. j- th, ITo tb ul &dension of the. 17, line of Lot 12, B1, 2, Benton Park; 5h. IJ, to hiT Cor, of said 12; -tho E, to fa Cor. 09 ht 4,
Bl,. 3, Benton Park; th. S; to Centerline of Benton Ave.; tho Eo to pt. 220 E%. 11.
09 E. me of Sec.33-ll7-a; th. S, 340 3%:; th. E. to €i1.n~.100; th,-S. to beg3~1nZng.~'
Iiotion €05 adopti6n of ResolutiGn &is seconded b
four ayes and no nays, ihs foPLoh:
aye; and the Resolution vas adopted,.
Sanitwy Sever kprovement Xo. 85 - All lots and tracts of land within the
115eginning at a pt. 33. Ft. E. of the SIT Cor.' and
. Sanitary Sewer hprove6ient No, 86 - lots 10 to 17, rzlclusive, Block 7, Ting-
,%mihry Ser.:er hprovement No. - &ti 1 through 12, Bloik I., Lots 1 through
S&taxy Sever hprovement No. 88 -- Lots 7 .through 12, Block 2, Edina Heights,
"Yatemnairl Improirement 110. 90 - kf-L lots bnd tracts of land with& the fblloying
on Rollchl there were
Danens, ai7 ye; and Erickson,
Village Clkrk
6/13/55' . 217
Clerk Alden then presented Affidavits of Publication Kay 12 and 19, 1955, in Wina-
Eiorningside Courier, 69 Wotices of Hearings on Special Assessmentse *I
dadts were approved as to form and ordered placed on file.
Public Hearings in accordance uith said Hotices; and Hearings were held and action
taken as recorded below:
Said affi-
Ziayor Erickson announced
3 J.
10 .
12 *
W. 5Gbh Jt to 'f.Jo60th_St .
2,394.48 Assessable Feet, for $2.74 per Assesse'ule Foot--compared with Estimate
of $2.84 per Assessable Foot. . 14re A.F. HawPLnson, 5944 Wooddale kve., complained,
that the job is not satisfactory--that curb is sW&g zqd cracking.
informed 'ch& job will be hspectad, 2nd that if his statement is correct,
Tillege has recourse agxinst contractor.
oral or written. (See Resolution Levying Assessment, later in meek-ing).
. Total Assessable Cost, $6,560~88, assessed over
He vas
There were no other objections, either
ASSES,3iSXT' FOR GFLkIiING II-iPZOVEIGI$T 3TOe C-17 - 1~60th St. from a point 135 Ft.
3, of Fairfax kve., .to 1;fooddale he. Tota3. Assessable Cost, $771.86, assessed
over 268,94 Assessable qeet, for $2.87. per Assessable Foot. &fr. A.F. Hawkinson, 5944 ?Tooddale Ave,, complained that this work had not been done. There seemed
to be some question as to whether the project had been fully completed, and
I&. Hawkinson was informed that project would be completed. (See Resolution Levying) .
I&SES5iZifl FOZ CUi33 fdrD GUTTZEt DiFRO~iElE IJO, B-29
St. to 5925 Drew ;me. .Total Assessable Cost, &Z,259.22, assessed over 456.24
Assessable Feet, for ,)2.76 per Assessable Foot--compared with Estimate of $2.81
per Assessable Foot. There were no objections, either oral or written. (See '
Resolution Levying Assessment) .
- In Drew Avenue from ajo60th
ASSBSiBIqT FOR CUE3 &\ID GUTT"I?IR ZPROT3XC2JT NO. B-30 - In Eming inre,, from IT.
60th St. to v~61st. St.. Totd Assessable Cost, tj2,722.01, assessed over 1,019.48 I
Assessable Feet, for ;j2.67 per Assessable Foot--compared with Estimate of $2.80.
There were no objections filed.. (See Eesolution Levying Assessment)
ASSBSi.2I.E FOR STE- '1 LiG3TS 71PEO-E3iI%T NO. L-1 - Ornaraenta Lights in Arden
he. betmen IT. 50th and.lT.52nd Sts.
over 2,396.99. kssessable Feet, for (j.57 per-Assessable Foot--compared with Estimate
of :j.75.
A%%SS<Bfl FOR GRADING Bti?ROE3i~ElJT NO. A-15 (GI - Beard Ave,, from Y.57th to Wo5&h
Assessment} .
Total kssezszble Cost, $1,366.28, assessed
(See Besolution Levying dssessment) . There were no oh jections filed.
Totd- Bssesszble Cost, $669.45, -assessed mer 1,195,&& Assessable Feet, for 56 per issessable Foot . There were no objections. (See Besolution Levying
ASSES5mfl FOE Gi'tnDZG &3D CB,A..UTl$C li@ROTXXL3i4T BO. C-53 - iJ-S Alley between
Ifillim and Bedford .iives. and-between aJ.,5lst and T1.52nd Sts. Total Assessable
Cost 4j854.13, assessed over 1,203 kssessable Feet,. €or $.71 per Assessable Foot--
compared vith Xsthate of $1.00.
Levying Assessment) .
k3SXSSli2i$T FOE GZPDITSG ABTD GUV3UING ItdPRO~~~IJ" NO, C-54 - BT-S Alley between
?Tilliam and Hankerson Ave. aqd between W.5lst St. and W.52nd St.
able Cost, $l,Ot31. 80, assessable over 12.202 Assessable- Feet, for
As s es s able Foot+- compar ed with Estjmat e of $1 . 2 2
BLUKTOPPDJG lE€EOT3Z3" IiTOe A-61 - 37.58t.h St . from Tlooddale he, to OaUavm he.
Total. Assessable Cost, $1,808.27, assessable over 1,174.20 Assessable Feet,,' €or l.,L 54 per Assessable Foot--compared with Estimate of -$1.86.
There were no objections. (See Besolution
otal Assess-
There were no
(See Resolution Levying Assessment) e
Bl;;iCKTOPPIiG EPR.O%3"T NO. k-71 - Wi56th St. &om Code AT&. to Bernard Place.
Total Llssessable-Cost, $2.OSl.lS, assessable over 1,238.8 Assessable Feet, for
?,;1.68 per Assessable Foot--compared with Estima,te of (j1.73.
objections. (See Tiesolution Levying i2ssessment).
OiLiIqG ZZEOlimE- - Ninnewawa Avenue, Total Assessable Cost, $26.17, assessable
Over 763 Assessable Feet, for $.034298 Assessable Foot--conpared with Estimate of
55.15. There were no objections filed. . (See Eesolution Levying Assessment) .
There were no
OILING liJ?ROlE3LEIdT bJ0. 0-12 - Chowen Jive., from W.5Bh St. to a pt. 250 Ft ., So,
Total Assessable Cost, :t&3085, assessable over h59 Assessable Feet, for $.15
per Assessable Foot.
Jissessrizent .)
ST0Ei.i SEER Ii-.iPEOVBEIsT 140, 26 - Beard Ave., from V.55th St. to Creek, Total
r'essessable Cos$3 ;)5,103.57, assessable against 39,370 Sq. Ft. at $.00755 per
So,. Ft, 2nd against 1,530,221.05 Sq. Ft. at $.003Ul per Sq. Ft. .Ik, Fuller,
5508 Beard-live., inquired as to whether street t~il.1 be repaired, stating that
it had been blackbopped before const-mction; and it was noted that BlecMop
BeDair in amount of 3175*80 %as been assessed.
There were no objections filed. (See Besolution Levying
Er. Hyde stated street muld ' b&*fixed. There were no objectiolis filed to the assessment; (See Etesolution
Levying Assessment) e
lo+ h is h'ereby found, determined an8 declargd that the proposed asiessments
for CUB3 &(El GUTTER E4P20lELEZ@S PTOS, B-27,29 AND 30; STREET LIGHT ilLTTp~mmiT
NO* Id; GRBDQG. ~~BOVXENTS IfOS. A-15(@), C-l?,C-53 &p C-54, BLrdXTOPPZtJG Pmb~.BES XOS , .&61 BB li771, OILING ~XI€'EO~ZIE, I*I?cJXEl{AtTA kS%QJLE. &@. OXLDIG n+?f@Vl%@?l' NO. -0-12; iND .STORU SlfxfER DJP2O'VBEIE 140, 26, and each of them, . have
been .pqoperl;ir czL!xulated .in. accor&nce .wit.h the provisions of Rinnesota Statutes Sec'cion 412:iAl.; that notice has-been duly' published as required by law, that
this Counci$ would meet to hear and pass upon all objections, rf any, tp mend
said proposedassessmnts as might be necess&mj, and to adopt the same by
resolution; that said proposed assessments have at all times shce their filing
been open for public inspection, and opportunity has been given to all interested
persons to present their objections; ad that each of the lots, pieces and parcels
of land enumerated in the respective assessraents was and is specially benefited .
by %he construction of the inprovefients for which such assessment is levied in the
morn% set opposite the description of each such lot, piece"and parcel of land,
2, The amounts so set out are hereby levied against the respective lots,
pieces and parcels of land described in said respective assessments, and said pro-
posed assessments are hereby adopted and confirmed as the proper special assess-
ments for said inprovenents, respec%ively,
track or parcel, together tjith the interest accruing on the full,mount thereof
from time to time unpaid, at the ra%e of five percent per' annum from the date of
this resolution, shall be a lien concurrent tri.t;li general taxes upon the propertgr
described therein ad al_L thereof.
and STOZ!JI SEEB II4ETD~.ZiE IJO, 26 shall be payable. iq *eqxLL annu&-installments
exteqd9g over-.a.period of. ten years, the fZrst of "said installments, together
i&%h interest on the entire assessment from the date hereof to Decexber 31,1956,
to be payable r;rith t'ne general taxes for the yea 1955, and one.of the rmaining
insts?Xhents, with ohe year's bterest on that and a2.l subsequent installments,
to be payable with generd $axes for the gears X956 through 1964, collectib7,e
in the respective ensuing years.
The to'caJ, amount of each assessment for c";2B &m GUTTER 3ilPBOVE.&XTS RTOS,
3-27,3-29 ad E-30, and BUCKTOPPING IlPZOVBE~ES lJOi5, A-61 and. iL-71, shall be
payable in equal annual ZristalQnen$s e;.=tegding 0Ver-a period of five years, the
fir& of said instments, together with' interest on the entire assessment from
the date hereof to December 31, 1956, to be payable'with the general takes for
the year 1955, and one of the remaining installnents; vith one year's interest
on that and all subsequent instalments, to be payable with general taxes for the
years 1956 through 1959, collectible in the respective ensuing years.
C-53 aid C-54, shall be psyzble in equal annu&-ins'cdlments exbending over a
on the entire assessnenk fron the date hereof to December 31, 1956, to be pay-
able tnth the general tvres for the year 1955, and one of the reimxbxhg install-
fnents, with one year's interes'r, on that and'all subsequent installuents to be
payable vgth general taxe5 for the years 1956 and 1957, collectible in the
respective ensuing ;Fears . -
OILBIG EZ5XNZ.ZiX i3l. 0-12, shall be payzble -in. one. installment, together vith
interest on-che_enti%e assessment fron the date hereof to December 31, 1956, to
be'payable vith the gene$& taxes for the.year 1956..
owner of any lot, piece or parcel of land assessed hereby may pay the whole of
such assessment or any installment thereof vithout interest to the Village
Treasurer ad €hereafter such payment m&y b6 made with accrued interest, to the
County Treasurer; provided that if any assessments or installments thereof be
prepaid to the Village Treasurer, they shall be cancelled on the books of the
TTillage Treasurer, and he shall pronptly not;i€y the Village Clerk znd County
Auditor, and the assessment or hstaal7hent so prepaid shall be cancelled on the
books of the Coun-by Auditor.
The Clerk shall, as soon as may be, prepare and transmit to the County
Auditor a certified duplica%e of said assessnents, with each then unpaid instaJ.1-
ment and interest set forth separate1T: to be exbended upon the proper tax lists
of the Co-m€y, ad the County'liuditor shall thereafter" cause said assessments to be colllected in the naSner provkded by law, Said duplicde assessmen% roll shall
be designated as ,hseisnpnt, Roll for Curb 'and"Gutte5 bfirovhents B-27,29 Snd 30, Street Light fiprovement 170 . El, Grading Improvemenhs Uos A-l5(G>, C-l7,C-53
ad C-54, Blachctopping Improvements Nos. &61 and A-71, oiling ImPrOvment-
IWer.rat.ra he., and OiLjng Improvement go. 0-12, and Storm Sewer Improvwent If0.26,
The assessnent against-each lot,
The total mount of each such assessment for STRIUT LIGH!i' XlPZOWI.EiA it0, L1
. I
The total amount of each assessment for GRADIItG BIPE1OTX..iS A-15(G), C-17,
period of .three years, the first of said installments, together-vith interest I'
The total amount of each asgesment for OILZJG ~.~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~A and
3. Prior to certification of the assessnent to the CountyaAuditoor, the
219 6/33/55
and all amounts collected in respect of the assessments therein contained shall
be similarly designated by the County Treasurer and remitted to the Village
Treasurer, and by him credited to Sinking Fund Accounts as follows:
140. El, Grading and Graveling Improvements Nos. (2-53 and C-54, and Blacktopping
Improvements A-61 and A-71, to the Sinking Fund Account of the 1952 Improvements
2nd Series Improvement -Fund.
From Grading Improvements &-15(G) and C-17, to the Sinking Fund Account of
the 1951 Improvements 2nd Series Improvement Fund,
From Oiling-iGnnewawa and Oiling Improvement No. 0-12, to the Sinking Fund
Account of-the Permanent Improvement Eevolving Fund.
Notion for adopkon of the Besolution was seconded by Danens, and on Rollcall there
were four ayes and no nays,-.aEr follows:
brickson, aye; and the Resolution was adopted,
iLT1-3T :
From Curb and Gutter Improvements €3-27,29 and 30, Street Light Improyement
Dznens, ay e; Tupa, aye; and
*dZ&k 'illage P Clerk
lb, E. J. Huser, Jr., 3913 Ti6.60th Stree'c, inquired as to when Blacktopping is to
be done on 1~60th Street between France and Grimes and Halifax.
to know whether property owners are going to have to pay for another base, He
was informed that if he had allready been assessed for a base he would not have
to pay again; and IZr. Zikan stated that Uillage is waiting for consulting
engineer, John Bdich to prepare Estimates on Blacktopping Fro jects, before
initiating proceedings; that he hoped to have blacktopping done this summere
He &so irmted
i4k. Oliver Bagg spoke in objection to the proposed condemnation of the Vest
30 Ft. of his ht 3, Block 5, Creston Hills. He presented plans for an.80-foot
house, drawn by an architect for this lot; also showing a to-scale.mode1 of
house,and lot. EL-. Bagg stated that he felt he had not been properly notified
by the Village of the proposed condemnation; that because his plans were drafted
on the assumption that he could build an a 131-foot front lot--only after
considerable investigation at the Tillage H&l--he feels that he has not been
fairly ddt t&bh; that he might be xilling,to dedicate, although there is a
westion as to this, but that he.would like some time to think over the matter,
Village littorney Tfindhorst explained. condemnation proceedings , stating tha% I&&. Duane Joseph pf his office was acting for the Tillage in contacting NY.
Bagg.by telephone.
would contact >Ire Joseph sometime within a week concernag his decision.
No formal action was tRken, but it was agreed thzt Er, Bagg
iIr. Robert Huston, Engineer, and Iuk. Thomson of Rees-Thomson-Scroggins,presented
preliminaq plans, and Estimates of Cost on improvements for IJoodhill Addition;
for 17atermai.n, &30,960.00; for Sanitary Sewer, ;jl3l+, 520.00; and for Stom Sewer,
$~0,060.00--'i'otal, $225,540,00.
Village Engineer Zikan stated that profiles have not yet been received,
Hrde suggested th& the Council might wish to consider doing what other communities
are doing--requiring the-financhg of hprovements by developers. &k. Thoason
stated that developers had gone ahead with the plat with the understanding that
the Village would assess for this work; that the property is definitely not in
the speculative class because of its beauty and location; that developers already
have prospects 2br my of the loks. It was noted that Final Plat has not yet
been approved; and developers stated %hey would have plat before Planning Commission
for approvd at first meeting in July; that they are most anxious.to expedite these
improvemei.r"cs in order that the Rinneapoiis Gas Conpany might have evidence of
award of contracts by August 1, thus elhinating; a $15,000 'frost" charge.
Council reminded developers that. a Public Hearing must be held, and reviewed the
proposed assessment district , which- includes some propertzes outside Woodhilltl
Fronkfs motion, that Fublic Hearings on proposed improvements be schedaed,
tentatively, for firs$ Council Neeting in July, was seconded by Tupa and carried.
I.li. Ben Bermel requested Rezoning of E.108 Ft, of Lot 4, 131. 3, Edenmoor Addn.,
for construction of Office Building.
with direction to give them additional. information.
Upon bezng esked if everything is in order,
He .was refe-med back to Planning Commission,
Invitation to Dedication of Flagpole at l.Toodcide Park, Tuesday, June 14, at 7:30
Chicago Bridge and Iron *C~~$J ytation of $1,840.00 for beacon lights meeting
aeronautics requirements, %. zdm , who &so reported that approvzl had not 3et
been received from the Metropolitan Airporl;s Commission and CM.
the fofiowing Resolution, moving for its adoption subject to receipt of approval "
of lights by the above named two agencies:
P.I.Io, was noted. -.
Fro& offered
I33 Yj: EGOLXGD by the. Village-Council .of- 4he <Vi$lage of. Edina:
1.. Thzt this Council approve the installation of Beacon Lights on the
Elevated.l?ater Tank to be constructed by Chicsgo Bridge and Iron Company, said work
to be done by said Company at an addition of $1,840 over present contract, and as
part of ssid contract*
7 I
2, Said approval is given subject only to approval by proper aeronautics
authori%ies .
Eotion for adoption of Resolution vas sc
were four ayes and no nays, as follot~s:
Erickson, aye; and the Resolution was adopted.
Ali T:
22 0 4
and on Itoficall there
+Z&dd&d-Y Village Clerk
f.Tr. Joe Sinwad's June &th request for permit to construct Adams Avenue between
Belmore Lane and gelson Avenue at no cost to the Village tms reviewed.
repopted-that it is E2r. Simrad's intention to grade only--that he wishes to have
the graveling assessed.
Idk, Simrad will pay engineering costs involved,
Xr. Zikan
Fronk..moved %hat permission to grade be granted providing
Xotion seconded by %pa arid:
1-k. Ernest 0, Sv.wson's explanatory letter, concering his request for a woodwork-
ing shop on bts 15 and 16, Block 1, Brookside Heights, was reviewed by Village
Attorney FTindhorst. He stated that in his opinion this type oS-operation is not
permitted.,in the Community Store District; and he suggested that the matter be
referred back to the Planing Commission for their consideration as to an amend-
ment to the Zoning Or$inance.
The i'ollowing hprovement Petitions were filed:
1, -0ilbg.- Division St., Brookside to Hi&ldale.
2. Oiling - Y.59th St., ?Tooddale to Ilellogg.
3. Oil5ng - $ichond he, ihdsor !me. to Richmond Drive. 4, Oiling - Wggan Plaza, Ewy, 100-Service pd. to Daens DF. M., and Danens
Drive TJ., Duggan Plaza to Circle Drive.- (Ere Stow asked that Headow
Bidge be included; and X-k, .=.=ikan Ireported that. addition21 gravel 1-511 be
needed on this project and @quired as to whether it could be charged as
part of the project. It was consensus of opinion that such charge could
be made.
5. 6.
Oiling - Concord he., ~~60th St. to Vzlley View Road,
Sanitary Sexer - Broadv&ew Boad, Tracy Ave. to Stuart be.; Stu& Ave,,
running South from Grove St.; and Tracy Ave. fSom Grove St. to Broadview
I Ave,
Ft-, M, of Dzle Ave. .- 7. Grading aid Graveling - Grove St,, f~om E-100 M;. E. of Dde live, to 100'
Fronk1s motion, that all. Oiling petitions be accepted; that work be done at once;
that Sanitary Seirer and Grading and Graveling petitions be referred for work in 1956, -was seconded by Tupa and carried.
Ihnager- &de asked Council disposition of Valley View Road. I He explained that
there is a $7,500 reserve from construation for the repair of this street, and
recomended.that it be oiled at onceo
and carried.
Fronk so moved, I-Iotion seconded by Tupa
The request of R.f.T, F;EuPslnrth, Inc., for the Rezoning from Open Development to
Community Store- District, of Lot. 20, except the S ,2@ Ft , , AudLtort s Subdivision
lie, 1'72 (at corner of 49th St, and France live.) yas referped to Pluming
Commission Zor its recommendation, by motion Fronk, seconded by Danens and
carried. This request was nade for rezoning for gasoline service station.
The petition of Vernon J, Schweiger,5109 T.T.56th St., for the Vacation of Code
Avenue south of Tl.56th St., was discussed-at some length.
the vacakion of the street because he feels it will be impassable and difficult
to maintain, due to the steep grade. &fro Zikan reported that the developers of
Eelody Iholls, I.iessrso Harry and Ernest Haqsen, had platted trith Code Avenue as a connection to. their d-evelopent; and that PlWg Codssion and Council had . -
both approved their plats. Tupais motion, that request for Vacation be referred
to the Planning Commission, and that petitioners and 1-ielody ECn0ll.s developers d.1
be notified to be present at next Commission Ueetbg, was seconded by Frodc and
carried ,
Planning Conmission lJ.inutes of June 1, 1955, were reviewed, and Council action
on Commission Tiecornendations was as follot~:
3k, Danens recommended
1. -Fro& moved that Council accept Commission Recommendations to Schedule a
Fublic Bearing on the Rezonjng of a tract of lapd abutting HI?&S Elye Conpznyts p/V on %he Ezst, just South of Tf.70th St., with Hearing to be June 27; said.
rezoning request =de by Northe.? States Power Company, for change from Open
Development District to Co&ty Store D$stric$.
Eotion seconded b3~ Tupa and
6/13/55 2'2 1
Bckelsen for the rezoning to Cornunity Store District of Lots 5, 6 and '7,
3lock 7, Tingdale Bros. Brookside. ?.lotion seconded by Danens and carried.
3. Tupa's motion, scheduling Public Hearing for June 27, on request of Scott
F. Belson, for permit to constyxt double dwelling on Lots 9 and 10, Block 1,
South S.&Wte Oaks Addn., was seconded by Danens and carried.
L+. Lot 6 and the South 1/2 of Lot 5> iiighriew Park Addition.
Danens and carried.
Fronk moved, scheduling Public Hearing for June 27, on request of.Peder
/ < \
Fro& moved for approval of Fk. Alfred E, Johnson's PrelimLnzrsJ ?lat of
Irio%ion seconded by
5. D, Johnson's Preliminary Plat of Replat of Lot 5, Block 5, Normandale Addn,,
was .seconded by Dainens ad carried.
feet of Lot 6, Block 3, Birchcrest First .kddit.ion to kt 5, without replat, in
accordance with Comrllissiont s recommendations. Notion. seconded by Danens aid
7. Fronk moved for re-submission to Planning Commission of H.J.l~IacIKLlan's
Preliminary Plat of property located $forth of Valley View Road.and East of Hwy.
100, after coiisultation by developer with Highway Department,
by Tupa and carried.
to submission of satisfactory road profiles,.
Fronk's notion, accepting Commission's recomnendation for approval of ?&e
Fro& moved, granting permission to allow 3%. Eoy H. Petersion to add ten
Hotion seconded
Fro& moved for approval of Preliminary Plat of Hzwkels Lake Addition, subject
Notion seconded by Danens and
R to Xngineering check.
inquired as to Lift station and sanitary sewer, but Council vas unable to give
definite info-mation as to completion date.
Fro& moved for approval of Find Plat of Edina Bel-fir 6th Division, subject
Dio"con seconded. by Danens and, carried. Fke Themell
10. Final Plat of Roy Peterson's Y3irchcrest 5th Addn.31 just East of Hansen
"noad and i\Ior'ch of TI.62nd St. Extended, was Zpproved subject to Engineering check,
by motion Pronk, seconded .by Dmens and carried. . -
subject to - 1. Provjsi6b for tmporary turn-around.
Xzund property to Highway culvert. 3.
Tupe and carried.
Fro& moved for approval of Alan Garrison's Final Plat of *'Terry Ik~olls~~,
2. Drainage easement across
1G? Xngjneering check. i3otion seconded by
subject -to provision to temporary turn-around, .submission of-drsinage easement, -
an& Xngineering check.
Fronk moved for approvd of Gullickson's Final Plat of "Pioneer Oaks J-dd.n.lr,
&lotion seconded by Tupa and carried.
13. Fronk, seconded by Qanens and carried; said motion for approval carqing stipulatidn
that Plat receive Zngineering check asld approval before signature,
Final Plat of "Broad Oaks fiddn,lf by Don Anderson, WZLS approved by motion
14. Fronk moved for approval. or" I1Brush1s ildd.n.tr at X.6Oth St. and Code Ave. - I.Iotion seconded by Tupa and carried. . ._
5th Addn.,7* for Ikionday, June 27.
Fronk.moved for delay of approval pending further. engineering study.
seconded by Tupa and carried.
20. Fronknoved for approval of Planning Commission's recommendation thei Lk,
Lee Nein be allowed '60 plat subject to dedication of 30 Feet for road and division
of remainder of property in half.
Fronk moved, scheduling Public Hearing on proposed plat of Welody Knolls
Fiotion seconded by Danens and carried..
I -
Discussion was had concdrning drainage for lrParkvrood Knolls 5th Ldcln. tt, and
Notion seconded bx Danens and carried. -
1-IT. Zikan reported that Nr* Halloran will sign easement for Sanitary Sever provid-
ing $he Village tdU. enter into an agreemgnt reducag the assessment against his
property, which is located just North of Havrkes Lzke between Highway 169 and
Iiirror Lakes Drive.
to agree to YE. Hallo~an1s terms than to initiate condemnation proceedings.
Fronkls motion, authorizing agreement with 3Ir. Halloran for easement in return
for reduction of assessment, was seconded by Danens and carried.
YE. Zikan-stated he believes it will cost the Village less
Ya. Zika erplained that, under agreement iLtl1 Hennepin County, the Tillage is
responsible for removal of all structures on rights-of-way on France Li.venue--wlnich
includes the Glacier Sand and Gravel Company buildings; that I&. Erickson of Glacier wants to continue to use his weighing scale, and that arrangements can be made
222 6/13/55
to conply rrith his requests., but Vnzt there'is one building on the right-of-t.zay
~Tizich nyst be noved hediately.
the Vil&ge i;lill have buildjngs removed by July 1.
mus$ be secured.
Engineer Zikan, it specia meeting would be called after &e meeting with the
County this 7.r-k.
I-&. Zikm had several mestions concerning the proposed road from the present
rrEbrary -mee" to 71.4999 St.,I and thense to M.4,q;th St. - 1, to be replattsd? &svser, Yes. 2. Is the Yillage-to secure a deed for the
proposed road? ?dinsr;rer, Yes, 1-2. Hyde now has deed, 3, Is the Tillage going to
bl-zckbop this *portion? Some discussion was had, but no definite answer given.
NayorcErickson protested an entrance to IT.49th St., reminding Council that
peighbgring property oTmers had been progised that there would be no subh
entrance. The matter was discussed at some lengbh, and it ms majority.kC
opinion that an exit from the Parking 1st to W,49th, with a right-hand turn,
only, would relieve traffic congestion-on both 49h and 50th Streets, and would .
be of general benefit.
for an extension of ~..494 st,
1.2, Hyde asked for kergency action on construction of steps and other concrete
work at the Zti'orary,. stating that the Library Board is most anxious that this
r.rordc be completed just as soon as possible, His estimate of cost on the work
necessary vas $1,000. Fro& moved that Village 1-Ianager be authori'zed to have
work done on an emergency basis. Uotion. seconded by Tup and catried.
UP. Hyde asked for autho'rization to purchase a blueprinting machine for the
Village Xngineering Deyrtment. FronWs notion, that bids for machine be taken
3s soon as specifications can be prepared, was seconded by Tup and carried,
Clerk &den reporbe& that, in accordance with Council instructions, the Office -
has prepared a r-eassessment for the Blacktopping of lfoodend Drive, nou tamg
into consideration the properby at the end which has 20-foot entrace onto
the street; that an Itaverage lot1! of 93. front feet has been computed as that
properky1s shae clf the assessmenk, and the assessments against the other
zbutt3ng.properties reduced accordingly,
ad moved its adoption:
He stated the County is aT11.jous to Inow that
Also, that slope easements It was decided that, at the discretion of &nager Hyde and b
Is this property gobg
Ur. Zikan was asked to secure an easement from the Bank
Fro& offered the following Resolution
~ MSZSS*rnE _.
- , NO, A-36 . . . ,. . . .
€33 IT R.E3X,Vi3D by the Council of the-Village of 3dina as L"oll0t.r~:
assessed for those improvements set forth in the Notice of Nearing set forth below,
md the mount proposed to be assessed agacinst the respective lots, pieces and.
parcels of land vith the district affected br said improvement, and said pro-
posed assessment barkg been filed r~th the Clerk, the same is hereby approved,
and the Clerk shall keep the same on file in-his office and open to public
inspection pending hearing thereon as herein provided.
form of notice of heming hereinafter contained to pass upon said proposed
assessment,, ad the Clerk shall cause notice of the time, place and purrpose of
sdd meeting to be publislicd in the offic3d. newspaper tr.fice, in substantially.
the follovJ6ng fom:
- ~ ,._ 1. .Tne Clerk and Engineer having calculated the propev amount to be
2. This Council shall meet at the time and place specified in the
iB-i&SSSBE M3;2 BUCIaOI?= 3Xj?L:OK3i.ZiE NO., ,646,
TJOTICi;: 1;5 FmBY GiEX that the Council of 'the Village of Edina will meet at
the Village Hall on iionday, July 11, 1955, at 7:30 olclock P&, to hear ad pa,ss
upon- all objections, if my, to the followkg pSoposed re-assessment for BlacKcopF-
ing improveiient 80. A-365. the Blacktopping of Voodend Drive:
.The above re-assessnent is -Lo hcrease the assessable footage by 93 feet.
This TXXL increase the cost df said project from $0 to $379.95 to that property
knorsrul as "That part or" the KL/2 of SEX/& of Sm/4 of Sm/4 of IB1/4 lying S, of
Hm7O 3%. %hereof ad 3'* of E,~16 Ft, thereof and-that past of E20 Ft. of IKL/2
S?ll[l+ of SEl/li of SEl/& of IIEl/4 Q5ng S of IJ 92.5 Ft, thereof ex. rd,, SecJ9-
Ze-2&Ir and ~fll reduce the cost pep front foot on the-bdulce of the properties
abutting Woodend Drive from $4.47 to <jl.+,O6& per front foot.
of S1.il/lc of SXi/4 of SE1/4 of Im/4 of B.12*4 Ft. of E.32,4 Re of B1/2 03 -
.. Gretchen S. Alden
Village Clerk.
Notion for adoption of %he Resolution m.q s
were four ayes and no nzys, as follows:
Erickson, aye; and the Besolution vras adopted.
223 6/13/55
Discussion was had concerning 8 dock constructed by &e, Srede in Himehaha Creek
on public property; complaints having been received.
evidence of a pernit's having be& issued for construction, Eznaai;fer Hyde was
instructed to brder Xro &de to remove the dock forthwith.
Ihasnuch as there was no
Some discussion was had concerning the matter 'of a garbage dump, wikh Kro Tupa
suggesting that Council do something to insure a means of garbage disposal.
Xessrs Hyde and Zikan both advocated Sanitary Land Fill as the most economical
method,. also rekomending it as a means of deveJoping swampy park properties,
IiYe 3. C, Stow volunteered to allow Village to use some of his property in
Bloomington providing Bloomin&on Council will agree.
instructed to investigate and bring report to Council at.earliest possible time,
Xessrs Hyde and Zj,2ca,n
Tupa moved for approval of Village Payroll, amount $;12,215.56, for period he I
to 15, 1955, and ?orFpaymsnt of the. following claims:
General Fund - $4,036 80 Liquor Fund - $3,062.96 -
Const. Fund 469 0 56 Garbage Fund 7 1,9770 60 1,561031 S ewer Eent a1 .30..' I
Parks Fund
%at er Fund * 2,765.67 Spec. Assessments 8,@a.@
POI& Fund 6,308.50 Jmprovements * 58,722.83 Foor Fund 247019 .
.. Notion was seconded by Fronk and carried.
Fro& then moved for adjournment, Uotion seconded by Tupa and carried, Xeeting +- ,
was adjourned at l.l:5O F'&
L t I Village Clerk i .. I