HomeMy WebLinkAbout19550627_ADJOURNED.- i1eeting ims convened at 4:30 PJL, Thursday, June 30, 1955, with mmbers Bredesen, Dmens, Fro& and Tupa answering Rollcall. I-lanager Hydx submitted Bf fidavits -of Publication for 11 Advertisement for Bids- Street Improvements, 11 published in Ed$na-idTorningside Courier and Construction Bulletin on June 9, 1955. placed on- file, 5ir. Hyde announced that, pursuant to Advertisement, Council rlill. take sealed bids, now, on Street hprovements C-66, C-67 and C-68; but that bkczuse m2 the time of opening, as stated in the Advertisement differed from the time stated in the specifications, any bids will be held, and other bids received, until 7:3O P.Ee this day, ad rK!l be opened at that time. bids were received, Idlayor Pro Tem Bredesen presided. Affidavits were approved as to form 2nd ordered No Pursuant to Council direction of June 27, I%nager Hyde presented 3Ir. Harold Lorenzf right-of-way appraisal report for Street Improveaei?-i;s C-66, C-67 and C-68. Report reviewed and discussed. Notion made, 'duly seconded ana unmimously carried, that Village Attorney be directed to initiate condemn- ation proceedings &mediately, in accordance wtth resolution adopted June 27. Notion ms then made, seconded and carried, to adjourn this meeting to 7:3O P.IL, for opening -and consideration of bj,& . Xeeting adjourned zt 4 : 50 P.IL ? 3 LGkd&/ -+ Villzge Clerk -- - .r -- IliaTor Zrickson called Keet& %o order at 7:30 ?.K, at the Village Hall, with members Eredesen, Danens, Fro& and .Erickson answering Rollcalle He announced this meeting to be.an adjourned portion of that meeting held at 4:30 PL. "chis date, Jme 30. Xayor Zrickson cdled for sealed bids, pursum-t to friidver'cisernent for Bids" submitted at the 4:30 PA portion OP meeting. of seven sealed bids, which were then opened and read in the following amounts: Nanager Hyde reported receipt BIDS OR SrnT ii*rl?Eov~,E@s G-66, C-67 JGEj C-68 - (SLB >lo. 17 add 53 qyd Vzllex View i?d.--County -Project 5516) -c 1, Lmetti & Sons, St. 3au1, liinn. $303,728.08 2, Eirmes Const. GO?, HIzStings, Wbi~. .323,292.57 3. Qrfei &: liarid & Sons, Xnc,, St. Paul, Iinn, 300,656.26 &. S. J. Groves & Sons Compwy, IEnneapolis, 1Gn.n. 383,097.Gl 6. Park Construction Go. ,lEnnzapolis, I%iyme 319,%4-2 . 00 7. Yolff Construction Co., St. Paul, iEnn. 377,821 . 00 5. l~icLcLsn-iistleford Co e, I.Iinneapolis, IEnn. 3q 397 80 Fronk moved for referral of bids to Village Engineer for checking, tabulation mdl report. at least an hour mould be needed.for checking of bids, Bredesen moved for recess of meeting to 9:OO P.M. At 9:OO P,Ii. i4e&ing was- reconvened, with &Iessrs. Bredesen, Danens, Fro& ad Erickson present. iiotion seconded by Danens znd carried. Upon report by Engineer thzt Icotion seconded 'by Fronk and carried. &,nager Hyde reported thzt dl bids had been checked and. a few minor errors in exbension found; that low bid remains the sane, second low bid totals ;i;303,918eOS. He recommended award of contract to low bidder, Orfei & Nar$ani eC Sons, Xnc,, St, Paul, st $300,656.26. Bredesen moved for aard of contract for Street Improvenents Nos. C-66, C-67 uld C-68 (SJB IJoo 1-7 and 53 and Valley View Rd,--Coun'cy Project 5516) to Low bidder, Orfei Ei Iiaiani eC Sons, Inc,, St. Paul, 5iinnesotaa, and for transmittal to the Board of Hcnnepin County Corissiopers a duplicate copy of said contract inasmuch .as viis is a joht pr.0jec.t. Xotion seconded by Fro& m.d unanimously cam i ea-. -. Bredesen moved for ad jourment e adjourned at 3:O3 P.i-i.