HomeMy WebLinkAbout19550627_REGULAR224 5 DiHA ViIULZ COUNCIL, HELD IJBQAY, dUiE 27, 1955, AT 7:3O P.U., AT .THE EDINA VTTUiGE FULL IILWOC,~-~TIOIJ was given by Eev, David ,kchie of. Calvary Lutheran -Church, Ilerdbess . answering EollcKLl were Danens, Fronk, Tupa and Erickson. arrived during the skewing of the movie, as recorded below. IEnutes of the Regular sleeting of June 13, were approved as submitted, by iirotion - Fro&, seconded. by Danens zmd carried. Trustee Bredesen .. Er. Forst E, Lowery of the G3,ZAlili EIDU&2?OLE SAJ92Y.COUNCIL presented to i$ayor Ericbon a trophy for echievement -5a.traffi.c safety during 1954. A T-IOVIE: ON S&K!TAFtY G&ID FXU was shovm by representatives on 1h. He Ziegler Company. Ikyor Erickson announced Public Hearings on several proposed &provements. submitted hfa"idqit of Publication in Edina-Uor&gside Courier June 9 and 16, 1955 for Votice. of Public Bearings on Proposed Street Iupr(svements,*l which affidavit vas approved as to fora uzd ordered placed on file. Public Hearings viere conducted and Council action takefi as hereinafter recorded. I Clerk Pursuant to Notice, the following ._- 1. AIJD TEiT 73RD STPiS," 4$2&9,317,&), IJr. Strickler inquired as to the reason for conducting public hearings, now, on three &provements; and Council had already conducted a Public Hearing on this particular improvement and two oichers; that objections had been filed in court to the Council's action in corn- bininpthe hprovenents; that the Court had ruled that the Councill.s action had been correct. .Reo Pro& then eqlained that the Public Hewings conducted this evening are to satisfy the objections of those citizens who protested combrining the three hprovements into one. improvement under consideration at this hearing, and Bredesen offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: PUl3LIC JBAREiIG 61 TH3 WID)Ei,JE'iG, CmIIGG, GRADIK'G, GUVZLLIIIG, CUISS%UCTDJG STOFU 3Ei;m DS, SURrhCiiTG IJD ClZT-II1TtzTn[S'E IXPXOVDIG .I?B&~lCE AYEZUE BEiFJZ2J TEST. 64TH Ihnager Hyde read the Xngineerls Estimate of Cost at Fronl:: reviewed for him the facts that the 150 objections were rdsed to the particular RESOLWION 03,DERIiiG D*mOm*mIT STREET li*~O~TI'. I@. C-66 BE IT BXSOLm by the Coundfi of the Village. of Edina, Xinnesota, that this Council heretofore-caused notice of hearing to be duly published on the proposed improve- ment consisting of Videning, Clearing, grading, graveling, constructing stoa s ewer in, surfacing and otherrzise improving France Avenue betwen Vest 64th and Uest 73rd Streets, and at the hearing held at the +he and place specizied in said notice the Council has duly considered the vietrs of 611 persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facts does hereby deternine to proceed with the construction of said improvement; that said improvement is hereby designated and shall be referred to in all subsequent proceedings as Sw Z4F'ZOmmIT EO. C-66; and the area to be specially assessed therefor shall include The Southdde Shopping Center area, bounded on the north by Il'est 66th Street, on the south by Vest 67th Street, on the west by France Avenue, and on the east by Yorlc Avenue exbended south to Vest 69th Street. Eotion for adoption of the Resolution ims sec were five aJres and no nzys, as follows: Brede =pa, aye; and Erickson, aye; and the Resolu-bi. Att : - Village QdkL/J/&&/ Clerk r: 2 PUBLIC HZAEJXG ox T I-E WIDD~~G, c-~G, cammG, GU~LIXG, CO~~ISIXUCTIKG sTOR.1 SDm ET, .SWACZ:G AiB o'mEfwia I122OVDJG TjXST 66TH STiXXT UiTmI fTiLLEY 1UJ.W EO$! ZZEDED SObTH i&JD d HEiT 1100 FBT EAST OF ITJUKZ AVXTEall ?-Imager Hrde read the Engineer's Zstimate of Cost as $76,028.60, Ifo objections were filed, ad Bredesen offered the following Resolution ad moved its adoption: E% IT RBOLJBD by the Council of the Village of Edina, Rinnesota, that this Council heretoofore- caused notice of hearing to be duly published on the proposed improvenent consisting of T'Jidening, clezring, grading, graveling, constructing storn sewer in, surfacing and otherrrise jmproving Vest 66th Street between Valley Vievr Road e,ut;ended south and a point ll.00 feet east of France Avenue, and at the hearing held at the time ad place specified in said notice the Council has duly considered the views of all persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with the construction of said improvement; that said improve- ment is hereby designated and shall be referred to in all subsequent proceedings as Sm DEBOliE~E 116, C-67; and the area to be specially assessed therefor shall include.The Southdzle Shopping Center area, bounded on the north by Xes% 66th Street, on the south by Vest 6ptn Street, on the vest by France Avenue, ad on the east by Pork Avenue extended south to West 69th Street. RESOLlEIOiT OIBERIHG DJ30VXiEIJT Sm E*PR=E 110, E67 __ 225 6/27/55 Piotion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Danens, and on Eollcal.1 there were five ayes and no nays, as follows: Bredese Tup$, aye; 9d Erickson, aye; and the Hesolution s, a,ye; Fronk, aye; 3. PUBZiC IiiUEiNG ON THE "O€XKDJG, CBBmG, GTL-rs>ING, GB,Z&v"i?lLING, COiVSTRUCTE$G STORli SEBE Di, SmACCII\JG &ip UTHEZI%tSE WROVIJ\Ic; .TI&XEY VlBJ, EOiiD Emvim ,3" WEST 621D STmZT SOtsTmY AiW 7BST.i%LY TO. WtCB AVi3XI~' AT i.FFRUXfl&Qj3LY IfEST @I-: STiBEPe3' ILXanager Hyde-read-the Engineer's Estimate of Cost as $199,653.60. iVoprobjections were filed, and Danens offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: R3SOLUTIOX OEDZRJiG IKEZO~~ STm D.EROT!3iJaIT. NO . C-68 BE IT PiZ5OLlJTED dy the Council of the Village of Edina, 14innesota, that this Council heretofoSe-caused notice of hearing to be duly published on the proposed improvement consisting of Opening, clearing, grading, graveling, constructing storm sewer in, surfacing and otherwise improving Valley View Road extended from West 62nd Street southerly and easterly to France Avenue at approximately 3est 69th Street, and at the hearing held at the time and place specified in said notice the Council hes duly considered the views of all persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with the construction of said improvement; that said improvement is hereby designated and shall be referred to in all subseguent proceedings as STFGBT DPEO NO. C-68; and the area to be specially assessed therefor shall include The Southdale Shopping Center area, bounded on the north by Uest 66th Street, on the south by ffest 69th Street, on the west by France Avenue, aqd on the east by Pork Avenue exLegded south to PJest 69th Stxeet L liotion for adoption of the Besolution was seconde there were five ayes and po .nays, as follows: Br and on Rollcall anens, aye; Fro&, Xayor Erickson then announced COI?T!IIWkITION OF .JI. 13 OF EErl VILLQm T&TEi3GlBjT AND dPI?mmf&gm=ES zI$ XZiV &j3. l?EDIJ. S€Ji23lJOOD EtD. TO j&c&)LQ. LUG., idf.0- 611 lJA''@&W AiQ ,LP~tET2iWJCE3 IN JLRr=liDIis. Am,, FBOiii ZiXX Am. TO &EI mgjjm &J~,169 TO COi4&&CT TO KDTIXG 6!f tTATm%Ii\T AT IBSTBROOK UUiE AID IT.4qzlS. STe Kqiager Hyde - reeewed proceedings of. last meeting, ,.a$ ,offered Engj.peer Zikanf s recommendation for an alternate, as follows: $1.00 per Assessable Foot for aL1 proper-Lies within the Trunk Watermain DisLrict, to be assessed upon completion of project; $5.36 per iissessable Foot Lateral Assessment, to be assessed upon completion of project to those- properties connecting--which it is expec'eed the cost--some ;;17,0OO:-until other properties connect, at which time connecting properties will. pay $5.36 per Assessable Foot connection charge. Nrs. LeD. Ihckett, 5028 Eiomzndale Xd,, , and Res. X.T.J. Hzrris, 5009 Interlachen Blvd., objected on grounds that they have good well,s, do not need the water, and cannot afford the cost. zoned and will be-generally commercial within three or four years. Hanager Hyde pointed out the facb that Fire Insurance Rates dl1 be decreased 20% on properties within the district; that a 'loopr is needed to insure circulation and to cut maintenance costs,, After some further discussion the method of assessment herein- before outlined vas approved by common consent, and Bredesen offered the folxowing Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTiON ORDERING EQ?EO?E"T PUBLIC BEARDIG ON CONSTTZUCTIOIJ -~dll be &bout 300 front feet; with the Vaterworks Fund to carry the balance of &s. John P. Bates objected on grounds that area is being commercially fl i33 33 FZSOLWD by the Council of the Village of Edina, Ninnesota, that this Council ha&&afore caused notice of hegring to be duly published on the proposed bprovement cons%ing of the Construction of 81t Village Watermain and Appurtenances in Eden. iive, frora Shemood Ed. to Arcadia Ave., and 6.1; 'Ifatemain and Appurtenances in Arcadia Lve. from Eden he., to and under ~1v.169 to co-qect to existing 6" Vatermain at lfestbbrook Lane and I$.49?Gh St,, and at the hearing held & the time-and place speci- 'gied in said notice .the Council has duly considered the views of all persons h$erested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facts does hereby deternine to prQqeed with the construction of sdd improvement; that said improvement is hereby deskgated and shall be referred to in all subsequent proceedings as lfmlxIIq EPBQEXbhi BO. 91; and the area to be specially assessed therefor shall include a11 .l+s znd tracts of land abutting the following streets: Eden he., Shemood Ed. to state Hr~s~.100; Brookside Ave., Eden kve. to Hwy.169; Smt Ave. to Hqy.169 $0 660 F-i,,',more or less, South thereof; Hwy.169 (South Side), 3!3T&3 Railroad, to TIe50th St.; .€iqy.l,(59 (Xorth Side), Pukwaa Lane to 'I.fe50th Stej Hopkins Rd., 55W3 Rye Rhg to a Evly.100; Hqy.100 (Uest Side), Hopkins Bdm to I'l.50th St.; Arcsdia he., Eden Ave, to Hiy.169. * ~ -1 71 228 6/27/55 5 2otion for ~ adqbion of the Resolution. was seco ere four ayes ad one not voting, as follot.rs: not voting; Tupa, aye; ad Xrickson, aye; and AUT T: ens, and on Rollcall there aye; Danens, aye; Fronk, #'+ ,d&&dJdU /' Tillage Clerk Publication and Post&~g,~ yhich were appioved as to fom-and ordered placed on file, Iriqyiry i'lils made- as to proposed use of property, and IJessrs. ZlcDaniel and ICresse exqhrined that land would be used for Sub-Station and Service Buildirmg; that entrance muld be from V.7Oth St. on about the east line of the property; that Rorthern Stztes Power Conpany 1&?,2. not sell its land for other commercial development, reported thzt the Planning Commission has made a study of the ComAwyts reFest and recornlends rezoning. There were no objections filed, and no 1rritte-a objections hzd been filed- prior to the Hesring. seconded by Danens and arried. (See, dso, Ordinance). Cc, BLOCK 7, TIIKXUILE BZOS. BOOKSIDE (5016, 3020 &!D 50% XO~~~~~ Pa,) rms nexz on %he agenda. kager Hyde reported the Planning Commission's recornendation for rezoning, stating that land IJZLI. be used for parking lot for the restaurant undelr construction. I&s. L.D. hckett, 5028 Momandale Rd., asked 'chat sone buffer zone or screen be instzilled to eljninate nuisance of: autornobile lights shining into her windows. She stated that even a high board fence vnuld be accegtable--just about any reasonable arrangement to keep her residence private, a conmercizl area onto residential properbies, permitted on condition that I&. Iiiclrelsen provide screen betrreen his proparty and that of the Bucketts. Uanzger Hyde fionkts notion, that Rezoning be permitted, vas l3TnIfi'T OF B3.o PDL3 1ZCm-t FOB REZOMXG FTlOZT OPEN DZIELOEEE DISTRICT TO 3ks. J. F. Bates protested the encroachment of Bredesenmoved that Rezoning be Uotion seconded by Danens and carried. Bredesen then offered the follouing Ordinance, moving that the Council waive second reading and adopt Ordinance as submitted: omit~~mx Iio. 261-16 CUL*rnCJi*& DiSrnCTS I iiIT OFiDDiZtCE &ZmiNG THE ZONING OBDiI$&JCi3 OF PEE VILUGZ OF 3ilZJ.k BY TE4X6LiSHING ,ADDITI@TJL CO~GAWXK?Y 3TdRZ &JD TEE VImG COUiJCIL OF WE VIUL~ OF EDIN,&, .lIXJHi3SO'i'k2 0;2DkLiqS: - .. Section I, Section 5, Cornunity Store District or Ordinance KO. 261 of the revised ordinancks of the Village of Zdina, as mended, is hereby further amended by adding at the end of paragrzph 1 of said Section 5 an additional sub-paragraph as follorrs: "(ee) Lots Five (5), Six (6), and Seven (7), Block Seven (?), Tingdale Brot'ners Brookside . $1 + L Sction 2, hereby further mended b3r adding at the end of paragraph 1 of said Section 6 an additional sub-paragrzph as follow: Section 6, Comercid District of said Ordinance 110. 261, as aaended, is .. - ll(f) Thai part of the Horth 60 Rods of the IrfEl/4 of 14'Zl/4 lying South- of Road 3nd East of Railroad Right-of-lby; and the South 10 Acres of ITEl/4 of UEl/4 Bc. Road and Bc. Dan- patch 3igh-L of ?Tar, all in Section Et, To~mship U6, Range 21.t'. Section 3. pgblicztion according to laire This Ordinance shall be in effect from and after its passage and 3iotion for vaiver of second readingamd adoption of Ordin and on Rollcall theremere four ayes and one not vo lor-rs: Bredesen, aye; Danens, aye; Fronfr, not voting; Tupa, aye; and Eric adopted. s seconded by Danens, TWage Clerk 3kpr announced PUBZIC H;;ZLiXG OIT F2TiTiOPJ FOrZ FZSXiT TO BUILD D0-i.G DXXGIEG OIj ZOIS 9 DJD 10, BLOCK 1, SOWi X-€ITE OU&--4€3;'3-37 T6XES R13. Affidavit of Uailed ibtice rws presented, apyromd as to -fora and ordered placed on file. Bod, 4813 Tos,nes Ed., presented petition signed by majority of residents on Tomes Qozd, protesting construction. Re. Scott IlIelson, pst-itioner, then inquired as to whether he rrould be a3lo~;ed to build facing ?!.4qth St., and was rinfomed that me, szme special psrixit canditLons rrould have to--be follomd before issumce of such it - perniti seconded by i;%odc and. carried, Iir, John J. After sone likL1e discussion, Bredesen moved for denial of petition. Rot-ion 227 6/27/55 jJe:5 Public Heming v~zs that on i?&TITiOI+J OF iiii, PHILIP BXiXZY FOE P2QX TO PL4T ‘5SLOTjp IZJO-KiS FIFTH iiffidavi-ic oZ Lictiled iiotice -was submitted, xpproved as to form, ad ordered placed on file. favorable. iiotion seconded by Bred-esen and carried, EEO POUR LWS €ULVIHG DiPTH OF. 117 FTe 1-k. Hyde reported the ?laming Comrission’ s recomiendztSon There were no objections filedo Fronk moved for approval of plat, Fu3LiC €W&.Ii4G ciij PZTiTIOIq TO VAGAm A-UY BEBmi FPsiqC3 drD E”G GiD jx~mm TJ.57TU AiJD TJ.581I-f SmTS was held. pursuant to Published and Posted Botice, affid-avit for wllich ms approved as to form and ordered placed on file. I@* and Xrs. 0,Ii. Hol-t,571:0 Xwing Lve.. So., objected to vacation because they have entrance to their garage from alley, e:plained that he wishes to case no hadship to any neighbor, but that most of the neighbors have sodded back into the alley an4 yant it vacated. made %haJc Ilk. Molt contact his neighbor to the ?Jest for dedication of that poirtion of @ley which he t-iould receive from vacation; and it seemed unsatis- factory -bo him. to allow time for Ee. Osbourne and Er , Holt to consult with Nre Holt s neighbor concerning possible transfer of property. Notion seconded by Fro& and carried, _I__ I_-- Ik-* I3ruce Osbourne, sponsor of petition, Suggestion , ~ Bredesen moved that mtter be tabled until next, regular meeting, I BULZDIXG PJH4E FOR GI&\GB ON3 FOGT FROX LOT m-5620 ZZKIYIi AVL lire C,W, Ikoning, 5620 Zenith iive, So., requested permit to build garage tsithin one foot of his lot line, stating thzt two large shade trees would have to be destroyed if he were to keep the stadard five-foot setback. thzt they have allowed other permits in similar circWnstilllces. Letter tas submitted, from Xr. lilmars, 5624 Zenith Avenue, zssenting to construction of garage not closer than two feet fromlot line; and, after some discussion, Fro& moved. for aJ-lorence of permit not closer thm two feet to lot line. Uotion seconded by Bredesen and dzrried. He reminded Council L! l‘jb 02 W 2 EUiIBIITG PiZXIXS - EZIEJOOD !i3EYZ_4C.EE, 1-k. E. L. 3ossman requested.permit to construct single dwelling on Lot 9, Block 2, Elmvood Terrace, Council tiits informed that, becwse of complaint against Ehmod Terrace by Attorney Nat, Johnson, Building Inspector has not been authorized to issue permits in this plat. Ere bssman reminded Council that pernit has been issued on lot next door. Bredesen’s motion, that permit be grated, was seconded by Fronli: and carried, Bredcsen then moved, authorizing Building Inspector to issue permits in Ehwood Terrace uithout Council action. Notion seconded by Fro&. and carriedo SANITLR.P SE.m kJ4iI TiATER-TJe 5tEH ST,, TDiCDISZ TO COB 1k. J,W. Bruke was .spokesman for delegation- supporting supplementary petition for Sznitary Sever and Tfatermain in W,5&h St. between Tingdale and Code Aves. this E. Council reiterated its former statements that every possible consideration would be given toward completion of this work this year, even though original petition had been presented after April 15 deadline. I&. Scroggins of Rees-Thomson-Scroggins was present to request that bids be taken for Sanitary Sewer, Tiatemains-and Stom Sewer in Troodhill befove August 1. After some discussion on this matter, Fronk offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: FZ3OLUTION PSabViN6 PWNS iQtD SPECIFICAT i0IG F& DP~OIjEzZi-flS. 1100DHi&L @D~iON, AIIQ DTIICTING PRO~GSBD SLU~~?~!~~EC~. Si%v@R, FrAmPiPg &KO STO3J-l SKZB KW’ZRTiB-mT- FOE BIDS _. IT FdSOLTXD by the Village Coqcil-of the Village of‘zdina: .1, The plans and specifications for the proposed Sanitary Sewer, IJzLermain and Stom Sewer Improvements set forth in the following Advertisement for Bids form, heretofore prepared by the Village Sngineer and now on file in the office of the Village Clerk are hereby approved, 2, Courier and the Construction Bulletin the folloTjing notice of bids for said improvements: The Clerk shall case to be published once in the Edina-1-iorninCsi.de 7, ADKEE!Ti3BsZHT FOR BIDS the Edina Village.Hal1, L@Ol.iT. 50th Street, iilonday, July 25, 1955, at 7:30. P.iI.-, md vrill at said time znd place open and consider sealed bids for the following: - Construction of Sanitary Lateral Severs, Stom Sewers and.Tla-temains, and appurkenmces .in the Wood Elill i,ddition, 1. 11ork.rzust be done as described and specified &-i plans and specifications for said im_Di-ovement on file in the office of the Villzge Clerk and availzble upon deposit of h;lO.OO, wllich deposit is refundable on return of said plans and specificzbions. Bids must be submitted on basis of cash payment for work, bids trill be considered unless sealed and filed with undersigned before time of said meeting and accompanied by cash deposit, bid bond, or certified check payable to the Village Clerk in amount of ten percent of amount of bid, i\To BY O7ZjLG OF TI43 VILLAGE CQUNCIL. Gretchen So Laden, Clerk Village of Edina I 228 6/27/55 3. ' Each *and all of the terns of the foregoing adver-bisexent for bids are ( hereby adopted as the tern and conditions of award of the contract for said improvaent . c liotion for adoption of the Resolution was there were five zyes and no nqw, as follows: Fro&, aye; Tupa, aye; andErickson, aye; and E3layor _I* - TJ,60TH ST.l3BXZEXJ WJCS &TT, JWTT AVX3. - On AED BEriCI2OP. 1.k. Donald- Baird, a-med uith petitions -Tor both- Oiling -and. Blacktopping for 8,69th St, between France and AIAobt Lvenues, asked that Blacktopping be expedited, and that Village pasticipste in the cost therefor, because of the fact that street bears very hemy tifYli)ugh traffic. Delegation was infomed thaL, at best, 3lack- topping could not be done until fall, Delegation protested paying for Oil if Blac'ktopping is to go in soon, yet asked that they receive relief from dust. After sone discussion, Bredesen moved for Oiling of 8.60th Street between Frace and Abbott Avenues at Village expense, with the understanding that Blackbopping - Petition be-accepted and work done at best discretion of Engineer. seconded by Tupa and carried, It ws reported thzt School Board requires permission of Village- for operation of School Buses on Village streets, md Bredesen offeredthe follovring Resolution and moved-its adoption: I Xotion ?ETsOLbTIOX GH&ViTliG l~~LO?XCLkTIOi$ F03 SCHOOL EUb%S ON VII,LGE OF EDETA SmTS BE IT ESOLVXI by the Village Councili of the Village..of I Edka that authori- zation-be, and hereby is, granted to the Edina-Uorningside School Board for operatLon of &-passenger, single-axle school buses on Village streets from this date and until notice to the contrary. ibiotion for adoption of Resolution vas seconded bb D liere five ayes ad no nays, as follows: Bredesen Tupa, zye; and Erickson, qye; and. the Resolution d on RollczLl there .- I. . 1;iinneapolZs Gas. Co. 1";LnnuLL TleFod, for the year ended December 31, 1954, was filed in accordance siti? franchise, Rural Henmpin County l$ursing District Report for Ray vas reviewed md ordered placed on file. .. Police Eqort for Ihy vas submitted and ordered placed on file. a COD3 AYIL kiD 71.56TH ST- - C%;DS AND COXt?iXClES. I&2. Vernon- J, S.chmiger1 s complain'c that traffic and "attractive nuismcetl hazards have been created by the eirtension of Code Avende south of T1,56th Street vas read. Claims in the mount of 810,000 each, for the alleged danage to prope&ies of IaIessrs. Vernon J, Schrreiger, 5109 IJ. 56th Street, and Tzichard B. Deuey, 5201 Va 56th Streek, in connection r;ith exbension of Code Avenue south of s.S,56th Street, were reviewed . Bredesen noved that correspondence be referred to Planning Commission and thzt Clb be referrect to Village klttorney, Xotion seconded br Fronlc ad carried, I WiGZ KALL - l?Z: TerDEiTZiTG OF IDEN iISEim Ihnager &@e presented letter from a GoWttee of the Grange, protesting Councills action in remov5ng trees abutting Eden Avenue, without notice, znd inquiring as to that Xden Avenue be widened no further than tm feet. outside entrance gates, that sod md trees be replaced. J vht &&her construction could be expected, After some reviev, Bredesen moved Kotion seconded by Tupa and carried. PETITiOiI FUX VACATXG OF Puk",T;Li,TA L%JE SUW!€I OF tGTR ST- was filed. motion scheduling Wolic Nearing for Xonday, _July 11, vas seconded by Fronk and Bredesen's carried . EGDE DOCK OIT I.Izr_lLOlD. request for psrnit to .use at least a portion of the dock for the balmce of Lhis rear. moved, directing Iiaacger Elfie to order the dock removed hedistely. seconded by Froid: end czri5ed. This matter cane before the Council. again, Tiith Xk. Brede's . It was reported thzt many conplaints have been received, and Bredesen Xotion 6/27/55 ZTZZOW.B~E mmroIfs The following improvement petitions were filed: 1, 2. 3- 4, 5. St , Johns lme., Concord Terrace to IT. 5€%hw3t ., 6, 7. Yatemain It It 8) It II If 11 8. Lme, ~~ymm &re. to V.62nd.St. 9. 10, Blacldopping-Ashcroft !we., f;Te 59th St IAIrs. Bdeline Lindboe then spoke for the Grove Street people, who have filed a petition for re-grading, but who want a dust coat of oil in case the grzding project is to be at all delayed, of the nexz grouplr but he gave no date, and Iiks. Lindboe stated she felt sure the pro pert^ owners will be glad to pay for oil, now. 0iling-IJ.TJoodand 3d,, Concord to St . Johns. Oiling-?+Jilliam live. ,IT. 51st to IT, 52nd St e Oiling-Grove St., Tingdale to Hansen Rd. OilinpHalifax live, 9IJ06Oth to France; W. 60th St,, France to Halifax. Curb and Gutter-Concqrd Terrace, Concord he. -to SteJOhnS live., and Sanitary Sexer-Hawkes Rd., Tracy Aye. to Tracy Ave. Sani-Lary Sewer-Hasen kd., W.62nd St. tQ Valley View 8d. and Kaddox l$atenna&n - Same as above. to W,bOth St (to correct drainage) , Nr, Zikan reported that this project is Ilone Bredesen's motion, that Petitions be accepted and handled in accordance with noimal procedure, including the Oiling of Grove Street, vias seconded by Fronk and carried, Latters from the Edins Jaycees, thanking 2Ia~~or Zrickson ad the Council for cooperation 6uring the Jaycees' first year, were submitted and reviewed, VXLUIGE Z-E.4CTiON E$ ItJOmm 3hager Hyde recommended that Village Zlections be held in Ifovmber, in accord with new law permitting Village Elections at sane time as General Elections. Village JLt-Loriey was directed to prepare Ordinace permitting. La m a3 a 4 CJ siiLtLF1as - 1S-D ?JAW iimager Hyde presented recommendz;tions for Salery ad ?rage Xevision, vhich Irere reviewed and discussed by Council, been had xith Union representztives in accordance with Council direction; t1iz-L proposed increases will tot& some 922,000 per year. Bredesen then moved 'chat 'rhges and 3zlwies be established at the following rates, retro-active to IZay 1, 1955: i-k. Hyde explained- that coiisultction had r, Office: ViLlzge Clerk $439 per XO. llSSt, to Xgr* ,390 It (after addl. service), Bookkeeper 33b - Assessnen-L Clerk 309 Secretaries 2611. Eoo7ke ep er (Utilities ) 2 54 Bookkeeper (Mach. Opr. ) 235 Bookkeeper (Relief ihch.0pr) 226 : Snitchboard . . 235 Receptionist 209 Bookkeeper (Pax% Time) 1.35 per Hr. ' Plbg . Inspect or 406 I- Bldg. & Plb,qo. Inspectors: Bldg. Inspector 514 per 120, Engineering: Tillage Engr. 625 Field &gr. 475 Instrument Lien 415 Draftsman (~r .) 375 Inspector 36 5 DYSf-GSiilEtZl 334 D-raf-hinm (Jr e) 3-47 Chainman (sro) 334 Ckz;imm (Jr.) 285 Eo&mn - Xeschlie 285 Police Chief 515 Pa,trolril_en: . Stark, $354; After 1 Yre,$374; After 2 Yrs.,$394; lgtei- 3 Yrs, && Change on Anniverssry Date. Street Supte 457 Equipment Operot c ors 330 Xe chanic 390 Truck Drivers 3 50 Laborers Park Foreman 3 55 Park Gintenance 28.4 Utilities Foreman 355 c U"c5lities - 330 Cu st odian 309 330 (li315 for first mon'ch of eiilploment). IIotion was seconded by Tupa aid carriede CO:~~~~~~~IOI~-F~~ii~~ AX,, ,ZTC , 6/27/55 - - 2-3 &he kttorney reported that negotiations have been going forward on street right-of- - way, butthat agrements have not been reached on some forty parcels. that the Village Council begin condemnation proceedings thereon, urd Bredesen He recommended . TTW, It is necessary, ad.irisable and in the public interest that the Tm-, In order to accomplish such purpose, it is necessary to ,acquire offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption:. "* msoLbTIoI\T - i - Village of Eilina lay out and <iden a street for public rdad purposes; and cerkain easements for street purpckes and*cert;ain temporary slope easements in property located in the Village of Zdina, the descriptions of vEch are herein- after set out by Parcel 1Junber; and T.iBfiS, The'efforts of the Village of Edina 40 obtain such easenents fro= the property oimers have been unsuccessful; and F=&, The Village is advised and believes that the most feasible location for such a street and widening of street is on the land hereinafter described; and nents, it $as become necessaxy to procure title to such land by right of eminent do&. prncure the easenents in the hereinafter descriloed land under its ri,rht of eminent domin, and that the Village Attorney be instructed and directed to file the necessary compkint therefor and to prosecute such action to a successful con- clusion or un-Lfi it is abmdoned, dj-smissed or terminated by the Village or by the Court; thzt tne Village LttorneJr, the liayor cad the Clerk do all things necessary -Lo be done in the commencement, prosecution and successful termination of such action. (Note: Parcel Numbers set forth - 1 to 4.0 - on succeeding pages of this i&nute Book). . 'XGRW&, By reason of the failure of the Village to obtain such ease- XO3, TI-ZiGXEG, LE IT ~OL~ That the Village of Zdina proceed to .-- Xotionfir adoption of Resolution vas seconded by Fronk, a@ & Rollcall there were five ayes and no nzys, as follows: Bredesen, aye; zye; ad Erickson, we; and the Resolution was ado Village Clerk Later in this meeting Engineer wan also made a reporb concerning the above street right-of-way, and it was decided that actual proceedings should be delayed psnding report of 1.k. urenza - IgJxTIaTs 17;f ITOrnErn &dce recoumenciea mat'the Village conduct its Village Elections in IJovenber, as provided' by a new State Statute, in order that election eqenses might be Iessened in the rears of General Election. Village Attorney instructed to draft the necessary enabling or& 7 ance. ~~IcIIC OF E&x ?$xmTY UI1 W'lCLS II. t;n on bile proposed condmation of %he Jhgg property for street ri&-%-of-tmy, uith 1.2. Scroggins of Rees-Thomson-Scroggins reporting that these developers could come to no agreements withI4r. Bagg as .to atrade in lots, and Attorney reporting ti?& no agreement had been reached between l-k, Bagg and the Tillage. Bredesen offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: TmbB, It is necessary, sdvisable and in the public interest that the XHGREiS, In order to accomplish such purpose, it is necessary to acquire moLUTIOH Village of -Zdinz lay out and establish a street for public road purposes, and an easeaent for-street purposes in the following described lad, namely: The Tiest Thirty (SO) feet of Lot Three (3), Block Five (51, !lCre.$on Hills Hemepin County, I.Linnesota?~, according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the,Office of the Regis-tEar of Titles, which properky is otmed bs Oliver H. Bagg and I-Izrion 8. Bagg, husband and wife, as joint tenants. X-3, the efforbs of the Village of %&a to obtain such an easement IT-@, the Tillage is advised and believes that the nost feasible IFmG, by reason of the failure of the Village to obtain such an esse- from the above omer have been unsuccessful, and loation Tor such z street is on the land above described, and ment, it has become necessary to procure ti%le to such land by right of eminent dowin, procure an easement in the above described land under its right of eminent dolltain and thzt the Village Attorney be instructed an& directed to file the necessary conpkint therefor and to prosecute such action to it succeusftil conclusion or until it is abmdoned, dismissed or terminated by the Village or by the cox&; thzt the Village Attorney, the President and the Clerk do all things necessary to be done in the comnencenent, prosecution and successful termination of such actiono IJOY, TI.mO?S, E Ti! BESOLm That the Village of Edina proceed to - - E-Totion for zdop%ion of -3esolution was seconded by Fronk, and on Ro~Lbodil.-~xe.Jzere, five ayes and no nays, as follows: BTedesen, aye; Danens, aye; Fro&, aye; Tupa, . e; and the Resolution was adopted, yC-vnr llage Clerk The following tract of land for right of way easement: The Easterly & feet of the North One-half of the East Three-fourths of the South One-half ofthe NQrtheast Quarter (E 3/4 of S 1/2 NE l/h) of Section 31, Township 28, Range 2h; containing 0,18 acre, more or less, in addition to the existing public right of way. Also the following tract for slope easemeflt purposes only; The Westerly 45 feet of the Easterly 93 feet of the North One-half of the East Three-fourths of the South One-half 02 the Northeast Quarter .(E 3/4 S 1/2 NE 1/4); containing 0.68 acre, more or less. L, -I I' - *:-.? - -4 - Q 1 i- Parcel 2: A c *< ,! The following tract of land for right of way easement: I The Easterly 45 feet and the Northerly 40 feet of the Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (HE 1/4 NE 1/41 of Section 31, Township 28, Range 24; containing 0.56 acre, more or less, in addition to existing public right of way. Also the following tracts for slope easement purposes only: The Westerly 45 feet of the Easterly 90 feet of said North- east Quarter or' the Eortheast Quarter (NE 1/4 NE 1/h) The Westerly 85 feet of the Zasterly 175 feet of the Northerly Three-fourths of said Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (M 1/4 iU% 114) The Southerly 40 feet of the Northerly 80 feet of said North- I east Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (AB l/k NE, l/k) The Southerly 60 feet of the Nortcherly 140 feet of the Easterly I One-fourth of said Ncrtheast duarter of the aortheast Quarter (NE l/k NE 1/41 containing 4.47 acres, more or less, Parcel 3: . t', * . I , . ,'-. The following tract of land for right of way easement: The Westerly 12 feet of Lots 11 to 20, inclusive, of Block 3, Harriet Park, Hennepin County, Zinnesota according to the plat thereof on file in the office of the Register of Deeds. Together with the following tracts for slope easement purposes only: The Easterly 40 feet of the KesterLy 52 feet of Lots ll to 14, inclusive, Block 3, Harriet Park, Hennepin County, FEiiesota, according to the plat thereof on file in the office of the Register of Deeds. The following tract of land for permanent. right of way purposes: The Westerly 45 feet and the No2therl.y 40 feet of the Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter (NT: 1/4 NW 1/4) of Section 32, Toimship 28, Range 24; containing 1.53 acres, more or less, in addition to existbg public right of wayG Also the Tollowing tracts for slope easement purposes only: The Easterly 55 feet of the %iesterly.lOO feet of the Southerly 1/& or" said Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter (NY 1/4 NU 1/41; The Easterly 145 feet of the Msterly 190 feet of the Northerly 1/'2 of the SoEtherly 1/2 of said Horthwest Quarter or" the North- vest Quarter (NTJ 1/4 W? l/k); The Easterly 100 feet of the Westerly 145 feet of the Northerly 1/2 of said Northwest Quarter of the NorthvJest Quarter (Ncf 1/4 Rc! 1/4); The Southerly 75 feet of the Northerly ll5 feet of the Sflest 1/2 of said Northwest Quarter of the ilJorthwest Quarter (NW 1/4 1/41; containing 3.85 acres, more or less. The interest of the Village of Edina as to that portion of the slope easement described above as the Easterly LOO feet of the 1:esterly 145 feet of the Northerly 1/2 of said Northwest Quarter of tk Northwest Quarter (&J 1/h El 1/41 shall terminate on December 1, 195s. Parcel 10: The following tract of land for slope easement purposes only: The Northeasterly 20 feet of Lot 6, Block 4, S0GTBDA.U FIRST APDITION, Hennepin County, Minnesota, according to the plat on file. Parcel U: The foqotzing trzct of land for slope easemnt purposes oriiy: The Northeasterly 20 feet of Lot 5, Block 4, SCIUTHDALE FLSST ADDITION, Hennepin County, Mjnnesota, according to the plat on file. Parcel 12: -_ -- The following tract of land for slope easement purposes only: The Easterly 10 feet of Lot 4, Block 4, SOUTHDALE FIRST ADDITION, Hennepin County, Ninnesota, according to the plat on file, Parcel 13: The following tract of land for slope easement purposes only: The Easterly 5 feet of Lot 3, Block k, SOUT,FEDAU PIBST AilDI’I’IOPJ, Hennepin County, Minnesota, according to the plat on file,, Parcel 15: The following tract of land for slope easement purposes only: The Easterly 30 Zeet of Lot 8, Block 3, SOUTBIALE FIRST ADDITION, Hennepin County, Minnesota, according to the plat on fileo Parcel 16: The following tract of land for slope easement purposes only: The Easterly 20 feet of Lot 7, Block 3, SOUTHDAU FIRST ADDITION, Hennepin County, iXnnesota Parcel 17: ’* ? *‘ The following tract of land for slope easement purposes only: . ,. The EasterZy 20 fee% of Lot 6, Block 3> SOUTHDALE I’L~ST AJIDITTOIV, Hennepin County, Minnesota, according to the plat on file. Parcel 18: The following tract of land for slope easement purposes only: t , The Easterly 20 feet of Lot 5, Block 3, SOUTHDALE FIRST ADDITION, Hemepin County, Pidnnesota, according to the plat on file. Parcel. 20: The following tract of land for slope easement purposes only: The Northeasterly 20 feet of Lot 3, Block 3, SOUTHDALZ PIRST ADRITIOPJ, Hengepin County, Minnesota, according to the plat on file. Parcel 21: Parcel 22: -___._I Beglnning at the Southigest corner of said Lot 6, thence East al-ong the South line or" said Lot 6 a distance of a point in a curve having a radius of s63,92 feet; thenca North- westerly along the arc of ssid curve to the left 75.45 feet more or less to a point in the Uwth line of the Smth 7s feet of said Lo% 6, which pl-7i~B is k2,k3. feet East of the Vest line of said Lot 6 as rn2asn:wd abiig the North lin9 of the South 75 feet of said Lot 6; thsnce Gest parallel with the South line of said Lot 6 to the lacest line a? saLd Lot 6; theace South along the Wxrb line of said Lot 6 to the pcint of beginning; feet to containing 0,08 acre, mare or lessc The foEowing kracts of land for right of way easernenh: That part of the North 40,08 feet of Lo+, 6, Block 2, Peacedale Acres Henncpin County, Ninn, , descrijed as follows : Beginning at the Southwest corner of said North ,!@,OS feet of said Lob 6, tnsiice Emt aiong a lFne parallel wlth the North line of said Lot 6 5 distance of 42.,41 fact to a poirk Lq a curve having a radix of 563+92 feet; thence PsAhxss;.i;exsly along t!w arc 122 saf6 curvr3 to the left. k0~9s feet,, more fir less, to i! point on the Ihrth line of said LoB 6, which point is 34.25 f9et Ewt of: the Nortliwest corner of said Lo% 6 BS measured. :ilor,g the Nmth line of said Lot 6; thence West along the North line of sald Lot 6 to the Norihwest corner thereof; thence Sm%h along tks West line of said Lot 6 t.0 the point of beg inning j containing 0,04 acre, more or less. That part of Lot 5, Eiock 2, Peacedale Acres Hennepin County, iqinn., described as -tallows: Begbning at the Sozzthwest corner or" said Lot 5, thence East along th South lix of said Lot 5 a distancs or" 34,25 feet to a poiat in a curve having a radius of 55,3,92 feet; thence North- westerly along the arc of said curve to the left 105~62 feet, more or less, ta a pcint 011 the West line of said Lot 5, which point is Is3$ fee% Sacth of the Northgsst corner of said Lot 5 as measu-red almg the We& line of said 50% f;; thence South along the !&st line of said Lot 5 to tha point of beginning; containing O,@. acrc, more or less, TG~ following .tracts of land for right of way easement: The Easterly 50 fee% of Lot 129 Block 2, Peacedale Acres Heme pin Coxrty, Minii9 The Eastcrly 59 fset of Lot 13, Block 2, Peacedale Acres Hermepin Cou~tq, PiL1n,>9 accmding to the plat thereof on fSle in the office of the Rsgister of Deeds containkng 026 acre, more or Leeso Also the following tracts of land for slope easement purposes only: The Piesterly 25 feat of the East,erly '75 feet of Lot 12, Block 2, Peacedals Acres Iiermpin Cow&y, Ei.nno The Westerly 15 feet of the Zcsterly 6s fee% of Lat Block 29 Peacedale Acres Hennepia Cm.nty, Nimo The foL'Lowing tract of land Tor right of way easemnt: The Eas%erly 50 ,fee?; cf Lot lhs Block 2, Peecsdah Acres Hennepin COUE-Q~ Ivf.jxies&a., accordkg to the plat thereor" on file in the office of the Rsgister of Deeds; contairiing OJ.3 acreo more or lessQ @HI Farce1 28: ad. fl+-&&U>d 4 - dez- --- The following tract of land for right of way easemak The fist2rly 59 feat of the South 1/2 of Lo,+, 15, Elock 2, Peacedale Aci*as He~iiepin County? PEnnss oh? acco'r.di,;.?g to the plat theraof on PYle in the office of the Ksgister of Deeds; containing 0,07 acre, more or lesse Tlne following tracts of land for right of way easement: The Easterly 50 fee% of Lhe North 1/2 of Lo% lSg Block 2, Peacedale Acres Henaapin County, Nimimota, according to the plat t'iereof on file in the office of the Register of Deedso That part of Lot 16, Block 2, Peacedale Acres Hennspin County, MinnJ, described as 20llows: Beginning at the Nozthesst corner of said Lot 163 thence South along the East line oi said Lo5 ~6 to -:he Southeast corner of said Lot 16; thence IJest alorg the Ssu'th line of said Lot 16 a distance of 5000 feet; thence Nclrtk along a line parallel with the East line or' said Lot ~6 a distance or" 97@31 feet to the point of beginning of a curve ha-ving a radius of 463,92 feet; thence Northwesterly along the E~C OZ said curve to the left a distance of L7979 feet, more or less, to a paint on fne North line of said Lot 16, which point is 50,32 feet Xest of the Northeaat corner of said Lot 16 as msasa'ed along the North line of said Lot 16; thcxe East along the Nmth line of said Lot 16 to the point of beginning; containing 0,ZO acre, more or less. Also %he following tract of Land for slope easement purposes only: A strip of 'land 35 feet in mid.th directly adjacent, to and Iiesterly of the Vest line of the above described tract of right of way in Lot 26, Block 2, Peacedale Acres Hennepin County, Xinn, *- -, .. , . .. ' .. The following tract of land for right of way easement: That part of Lot 18, Block 2, Peacedale Acres Hemepin Comty, Minn., described as folloxs: Beginning at the Northeast corner of saic! Lot 18; thence Soukh ala7g ths East lLie of said Lot 18 to the Southeast corner theraof; thence West along the Sowbh lim of said Lot 18 a diatance of 69,kS fee% to a, point in a curve having a radius of ,!.63092 feet8 thence, Northwesterly abig the arc of said tun% to Vae left a distance of 12:7,,17 fest, more or less, to a point on the Nor-bh line of said Lot 18, which p0-b-t is 122,D.k feei West of t3.e Northeast corner of said Lot 18 as measured along the North line themof; %hence East along the North line of said Lot 18 -bo the point of beginning; containing 0.25 acre, more or less. t The following tracts of land for right of way easemsnt: That part of Lot 19, Block 2, Peacedale Acres Hennepin County, Minn, , described as follows: Beginning at a point on the South line of said Lot 19, which po*int is 7031 feet West of the Southeast corner of said Lot 19 as measured along the South line of said Lot 19, and which point is on a cwve having a radius of 563+92 feet; thence West along the South line of said Lot 19 a distance of 114*73 feet to a point which is on a curve having a radius of 463"92 feet; thence Northwesterly along the arc of said curve to the left a distance of 156,38 feet, more or less, to a point on the North line of said Lot 19, which point is 226c22 Tee% Vest of tha Northeast corner of said Lot 19 as measured along the North line of said Lob 19; thence East along the North line of said Lot 19 a dis- tance of 1.43~69 feet to a point 82,53 feet West of the Northeast corner of said Lot 19 as measured along said North line, and which point is on a curve having a radius of 563,92 feet; thence Southeasterly along the arc of said curve to the right a distance of 138,lf; feet, more or less, to the point of beginning; Together with that part of said Lot 19 described as follows: Beginning at the Northeast corner of said Lot 19; thence South along the East line of said Lot 19 to the Southeast corner thereof; thence West along the South line of said Lot 19 a distance of 7.31 feet to a point on a curve having a radius of 563,92 feet; thence Northwesterly on the arc of said curve to the left a dis- tance of 138.15 feet, more or less, to\a point on the North line of said Lot 19, which point is.82,53 feet West of'khe Northsask corner of said Lot 19 as measured along the North line +,>ereof; thence East along the North 13-w nf ssld 3h.t. 33 to *he p4Dt 6f be ginning; The following tract of land for right of tray easement: That part of Lot 20y Block 2, Peacedale Acres Heme$n Cowty, I Ifinn,, described as follows: Beginning at the Soutrhmst corner of said Lqt 20, thence Xo*h along the \$est lhe 03 said Lot 29 a distance of &5!3 feet a point oil a curvs having a radius of 563092 feet; thenca Sou%l;- easterly alorig the am of said cwve to the right 64,31 feet, more or less, ta a posit 02 the Sauth me of said Lot 20, vMeh point is 44.13 feet East of the Southwe& comer of said as measured along the South line of said Lot 20; thsilce Eesf gtlongthe South line of said Lot 20 to the poi& 02 beginrlbg; 20 containing 0,02 acreg more or less. The following tracts of land for right of way easement: That part of Lot 1, Ahnert's Addition, Hennepin County, Ennesota according to the plat on file described as fcllows: Beginning at the Southeast corner of said Lot 1; thence North- westerly along the East line of said Lot, 1 to the Norkheast corner thereof; thence West along the North line of said Lot 1 a distance of 1,46 feet to a point in a curve having a radius of 463*92 feet3 thence Sout5easterly along the arc of said cwve to the righ:'; 117e07 feet,more or bss, to a point on the South line of said Lot 1; thence East along thc South line of said Lot 1 to the point of beginning; containing 0,Ol acre, more or less, The following tract of land for slope easenient purposes only: A strip of land 30 feet 5,n tndtn directly adjacent to and liJesterly of the above described tiract of right of way, \ Tha% part of the following described tract for right of way easement: The Easterly 133 feet of the Westerly 658,s feet of the Northerly 268 feet of the Northwest Quarter of the norbheast Quarter (PTGJ l/4 NE 1/4) of Section 30, Totmship 28, Range 24; which Ees between two lines &aim parallel with and distant 50 feet on each si6e 08 the following described line: Beginning at a point on the North line of the Northeast Quarter (HE 1/4) of said Section 30 distant 549s79 feeb East of the North- west corner thereof; thence run Northwesterly at an angLe of 26* 36r with said North line (when measured from West -to North) for a distance of 50 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence run Southeasterly along the last above ciescribed course for a distance of 200 fee% and there terminating; containing 0.13 acre, more or less, in addition to existing public right 02 >ray, 6/27/55 _. - .. I Parcel 38 , The following tract of land for right of my easement: I Tke Southerly 322,fest of the East 2* acres of Lot 1 of Czesin? s OuCZots, Heraepin Coux~ty, f?linnesotaJ containing o,i4 acre, 'more or lesso Parcel 40 1 I Tine following tract of land for right of -way easement: The So~the~ly 32 feet of the East. 12,O axes of Lot 3 of Cassi115 s Outlbbs, Ezimepin County, Miixiesota. I. containing 0,LP acre, mora or lesso Also the following tracts for slope easement purposes only: A strip'of land 5 feet in width adjacent to and Northerly of the abave cimxibecr! strip, and a second strip 10 feet ixi width adjacent to ad Northeply of th3 Eastcrly €3 feet of said 5 foot strip, .- -- - - -- _- --_ containj-ng 0,Ob acrer more or less.- i -. - I, -"-La_ DOG COi$ZEOi, OTaDJ&XZ Nr, Danens advocated immediate adoption of a strict Dog Co_atrol Ordinance, stzting his nciehbors are having considerable trouble vith dogs tearing up -their gardens, Tke mc;t-i;er of' the Citizens' Committee was discussed, it being noted that one appobtee had declined to serve; that the three others, namely, Austin- Horton, suggestions for the fourth meaber, this week. . SiGPT PZWIZC FEES Discussion was once again had concerning sign permit fees for the Commercial Districts. not be changed, LIBRARY LANE, I~OX'H TO 49"H ST. Engineer- Zikan reported that,. in accordance with instructions by the Council ho had contacted &k. Russell Lund and the First Edina National Bank; that both id11 be vdlling to dedicate for street right-of-way. auch an exbension, maintaining that residents had been promised there would be no entrcnce from the business district to 49th St. COltERilCT Cj~~~C~~i~I~~~~i~O~P~~G Znginocr Zikm reported- that ikhworth & Sons is willing to cancel its contract idth the Village for the Blacktopping of Drew and Ewing Avenues between 'C-T.6Oth and IT.6Zst Sts. and T.J.6lst St., Ewing to Drew (Street Improvement No. A-25) . Zilmn rocomnsnded cancellation because he feels better. prices cm now be procured. Pronk~s motion, authorizjng cancellation of contract; and advertisanent for bids for new contract, was seconded by Danens and carried. D. Richard Stromberg, and John 3. Cmpbell, had accepted. %Ire Danens to have It vas decided by common consent that fees as now set forth should Trustee Bredesen protested MI?. EO3BID~GDOPTCBTER TJAY Haiager Eyde reported Pir. Harold Rosendahl' s request for improvement of Doncaster Vq, IJorth of Ayrshire Blvd., at the esrliest possible date. VLllage agree to -t&e bids for this improvement as soon es Hr. Eosendahl has the ongineering work done, was seconded by Danens and carried. Fronk's motion, that LC3 E . JOiT6S-COl.2UTcL?ip hnogcr Hyde reported the complaint of 1-k. Lewis E. Jones, that the Village t:ood-spraiiag.'cretr danaged seGeral rows of berry bushes (amount of dmages some $35.00). 1i-C. &de stated %hat both he and Kre Harry Jonas have investigated and ciln see no dmage to the bushes. Bredesen's motion, that claim be denied on basis of report by Nessrs Jonas and Hyde, iras seconded by Fronk and carried. zlrrden henb is 'm poor condition and should be repaired at once, ,114anager Hyde - sucgcsted thzt steps be -taken to have the td1c repaired--that repair be assessed if possible; thzt Generd Fund bear eqehse othemfise. Action- approved withouk formal mo-Lion . 2 40 6/27/55 ,io 54TI-I STmT BKiCiEOPPIliG Jayor 3ricl;son inquired, about the proFosed Blaclcbopping of Ifo 5kth Street, ;Test of Creek. project mithin the ne& week or so. Trustee Danens explained that Streek Supt. Jonas tws he czn get to this L zm.sizI~B@g \ Sngineer man presented Plans and Specificzkions for Eft SEatiIorr' for Sewer-IWs n69? stating khat bids can be taken Jul~ 25 if Council so xishes. follor.ring Besolution and ltloved its adoption: Danens offered the l33SOLUTio;: ,XPFEOVB?G Ps;liiZS ,4ifD SPSCEiCiEIC2JS FOR .- PR~PWZl LIFT STATIODI IiEEOlTEKi3lX3 .fiD l... The plans and specifications for the proposed Ei_tt;'rStztiop bprovexent set forth in the follorring Advertiseiient for Bids form, heretofore prepared br "he TJilla'ge Zn@neer and nov on file in the office of the QiUge Clerk are hereby approved. and the Construction BuUe4xi.n %he foUoving notice for bids for said hprovenent;: 2. The Clerk shall cause to be published %wi.ce in the Edina-Iiorningside Cornier &rnisX.B*E FOB 3m LIFT STAT i@T a F9R. SlGUZJi3Y. SE 2 110, 69 i:GTICZ IS IBREi3YdG~:T. that the Zdina. Village Council TU meet at the Edina Village. Hall, 4@l. 11.50th Street, Ifondsy, July 25, 1955, at 7:3O POX,, and xdll at said tke and place open and consider sealed bids for the follot&gt. One Lift Station, Complete, for S,zni-;;arg Sever 3hproveaent Tilo. 69 -'i.Tork-mst be done as described and specified in plms and specifications for said hprovaent on file in the office of %he Village Clerk. nitted on basis of cash pqyment for mrk. ad filed ;d%h undersigned before time of said meeting and eccoqmied br dash deysit, bid bond, or certizied check payable to the Village Clerk in mount of ten prcen-L of aaomt or" bid. Bids nust be sub- 30 bids sld.1 be considered dess seaed Ej'J (&QJj& (jf '~'m TJmtGz CUUj'TC'& .. -. .-__ . . - WTC€lX! S. AID3$, Clerk Village of Zciina +- 3. &o$& Kotion for adoption of Besolution was seconded by five ayes and no nays, as follovs: rickson, aye; and the Resolution ms adopted &ch m-d zll, of thc terns 02 the fo~egokf zdtJ.er-i;ise;lsnt for bids are hereb;. -$]le %ems ad dondjhions of awxed- of the contrzct for said 'ingovsnaiit. d on Bollcall there were ; Pro&, aye; &pa, qye; Eredesen, aye; Qillage Clerk BL=I?TOPPEIG l3i%.RiiJGS Gngineer Zikan presented preliminqf plans, ad es'cimtes of cost, Zbr several Blzclrtopping projects, advising as to feasibility of work this yea, ad Damns oi'fered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: ' R3SOLUTIoTJ PZOVIDEiG FOZ PUBLIC ui€LEiGS P3OPB&D BL'LCIEOPPEJG D-2i:OlZDES E E 3SOL'm by the Council of .'che.Village of .Edina: as to the Zeasi'oility of the proposed Blacktopping Improvements described in the Form of Eotice of Heqring set forth below, ad as to tie estkated cost of such inproveile@x, said report is hereby approved and directed to be placed on file in the office of the Village Clerk. 2. This Council shall neet on Ilonday, July U,' 1955, at' 7:30 POI&, in the Edba Village Hall, to consider in public hearings the views of a31 p- -mons interested in s.xid proposed jmprovenents. The Clerk is hereby authorized ad directed to cause notice of Yne the, place and purpose of said meeting to be published in the official nempaper once a Treek for tvo successive ireeks, the second of trlrlich publications is to be not less than three days froa date of said meeting, which notice shall be in sub- stantially the following €om: BOTXCE OF PUBLIC €iZlWGS &4CIDOPPIiiG EPEOmXES BUitICZ IS PG3Zi3Y C-IV3.T that %he Edina-Village Council v,5ll meet at the 'Ti5Jllage Hall on lionday, July U, 1955, at 7:3Q P.IL, to consider the follo~~g proposed kproTs- Dents, to be constructed under the authority granted by Ennesota L-TIS of 1953, Chapter 378. The appro2mte cost of- such iiiprovements is estimated by the Village 1. The Yillage Sngineer, haking subnitted to the Council a prelininary report , . 3. k Znngineer as set forth below: 3STe COST - %.ACIgQPPflilG: 1. Y.57thr Street between Zenith and York Avenues I I The area includes proposed 341 66/27/55 propgsed to be k-ssesseb. for the cost? of said- proposed hprovements" all l6ts and tracts of land abutting the por'tions of the streets - to be hgkoved, I. G33ETCmT 3. ALDmi, Village Clerk Village .of Edina a L4TWL ,CiSSZ5SIBr?T - Sm, s%[ilER i\JO. 69 ._L Ur. Zilcan opened for discussion the matter of a Lateral Assessment for those properties abutting the Brurik Seber, No. 69, for-which connections have been provided. r$ork with the Attorney concerning this proposed assessment . TRUCK TRAFFIC ON TI'. 5OTH ST.? Ur. 8, fl. Emtenis, &Ill frT.50th St., complained konce again about Lie heam truck traffic on W.50th Street He asked that Council do somethjhg to have the State Highway Department remove the tlT.'H.901f signs from the street, saJiing that Tre High*~q.leads nowhere and truckers coming in off Highway Eo, 169 are simplyiconfused by *this marking. Lb!. Nai-tenis stated he 'has contacted the Highuay Department and th6y say it. is Ifup to the Village 'CotmcilIi as to - whether or not signs are removed. P$anager,Hyde directed -to check with Highway Department regarding this complaint . i'GsBsi.hjT I~~EJ&J : Clerk presented. several a,sess&nt rolls; which mre reviewed. oi"%ered -Lhs following Resolution and moved its adoption: Bfter some general review on the matter I&. ZQan was asked to c Zredesen then EEBOLUTION PROVDII\TG FOR SP2CUi.L - Ags?3S$mIVr miiqGs . ~ E3 I" PZSOLb3D BY the Council-of the Village or" Edina as Sollo~s: 1. .The Clerk and Engineer having calculated the proper mount -Lo be assessed for those improvements set fokh in the Notice of Hearings set forth below, and the amount proposed to be sssessed against the respective lots,^pieces and parcels of land within the district affecteb. by ssid improvements, and said proposed assessments haying been filed ~Lth the Clerk, the- sane are- hereby open znd approved, and. the Clerk shall- keep the sane on- filk in his' office and open to public inspection pending heakings thereon as herein provided. of notice of hearings hereinafter contained to pass upon said proposed assessments, ad the Clerk shall cause notice ofF the time, place ad purpo^se of sad meetkg * to be pelished in the official nevkpaper twice, in subst2,ni;iaJ-ly' the following form: . c/, ROTICE OF HZQIIJGS ON SPECm ikXX3SeZiFtS t NOTICG IS i@RSBY GI@X, that .the_Council of the Villi age of Edina viill meet at bhe Village Hall on Xond-ay, July 25, 1955, at 7:30 o'clock ?.iL, to hear and pass upon all objections, iT anr, to the following.proposed assessments for improvemiits, which assessments are now on file in the office of the Village *-- Clerk and open-,to public inspectipn: The area proposed to be assessed fo; this improvements includes Lot 20, Block 8, Brookside Heights; Lots 1 and 2, Block 2, Carolane Addn.; Lot 2,-Block 2, Eden- moor Addn.; Lot 5, Blocli 6, Fairfax Addn. Lots 1 to 6,inc., Block 4; Lots 15 to 19, inc., Block 5; kts 5 to 9, inc., Block 6; Lots 1 to 5, inc., Block 9; Lots 23 and 24, ,Block 10; Lots 23 and 24, Block 11; Lots 8 and 9, Block 12; Lots 1 to 12, inc., Block 13; Lots L!+ to 17, inc., Block U!., Lots 1 '20 9, inc., ad Zots 23 ad 2&, Block 17,. Hornandale Second Addn.; Lots 18, 19 and 23, €tolling Green; and Lot 1, Orrin Em Thommon's 2. This Council shall meet at the time ahd place specifi'ed in the form 1. TIZED i4O?JTI\G - 195.4 % - 2. 3. 4. 5. 7. 8.3 9. 10 0 -. 11, 12 . 13 0 14. 15. I 00 OILIXG IITO. 0-83^- Ashcroft live., Valley View Rd, to T1.62nd St. OI3;DJG iC& 0-34 - 'tJ,S3th St,, Fairfax Ave. to St.Johns Jive. OILIXG NO. 0-85 - hthur St., Ealoney Avee to One Bl. So. OZLEE lIO.,Q-88 - $outhview Lane, Concord ,he. to Nomandale ?$I. OiLEJG iq0. 0-89 - Brookview he., IrT.62nd St. to 1~,63ra St. OILIijG 30. Q-90 - Duggan Plaza, HvqolOO to Danens Drm; Dznens Dray I Duggan Plaza tD Ridgeview; TJarren izve., Dahens Dr. to W,66th St. OILDIG 130, 0-92 - .Ashcroft Ave., 1~60th St. to w.62nd St. OILii\IG tr0. 0-93 - W,5&h St., St,,Johns he. to Concord Am. OILii?G HO. 0-94 - Ife5$th St., Broolcvievf be. to Philbrook he. OILIilJG IJO, 0-95 -_$ummit Ave., Interlachen Blvd. to Hwy. 169. OZGIIJG 1\10, 0-96 OILIiJG Hoe 0-98 - Concord. Terrace, Concord he. to St.Jokins he.; and OiLUG NO. 0-99 - T,f,49~h St,, Brookside Lve. to Hwy.169 OILDIG IJO. 0-100- Virginia iive., m.~both St. to Valley View Rd. q-. - John St., Spruce Ed. to Belmore Lxne; and Spruce Ed., Elake Edo to Grove Place. Bt . Johns Ave. , Concord Terrace to %%rdekfi'J--,Lisber 3:. Sb%h St. ' 4 242 16. 17. 16, 19. ‘*a OIUXG KO. 0-101- IL59th St., Fkirfax he. to St,Johns ime. OILKG XO. 0-102- If.59th St., QdLLam ilve. to Kellogg live, OILIfJG ISO. 0-103- Xerxes Lve., V.6Oth St. to TL62nd St. OKEG XO. &lo&- Concord he., Southview Lme to‘S.T.6Oth St. .. ? -*C$TOPFLIG EZEOoV~Zl‘T i10. A-69 - Bichnond Drive from Trunk HrgolOO to e syr 1 ve. ad Richmond Circle, The area proposed to be assessed for the aforementioned Oilbg and Blaclrtopping improveaents includes “aU lots and tracts of land zbutting the porkionsof the streets improved. 21, “SrUUEWX SZS E2EOEXiE UO. 72 - Construction of Sanitary Later& Sewer hd Appurtenances in St. Johns he., from Tr.60th to 7:.64th EX.; Ashcroft Ave., from St.Johns he, hn V.&th St.; TL62nd St., from Concord Lve. to St.Jo’ms Lve,; Y~G~XI St., from Ashcroft Ave. to Concord Ave.; Concord he., fron :rO6Znd St, to V.64th St, The area’proposed to be assessed for tlie cosk of said bprovenent includes hts 1 through 5, Block 1 and Lots 1 through 5, Block 10, ITorma3ldiil.e Adb.; Lots 1 through 5, Block 1, Lots 1 through 19, Block 2, zdts 1 through 8, Block 3, Lots 1 thrmgh 3, Block 4, in Valley Vim Ridge Addn,; Lots 1 through 3, Block 1, Lots 1 tbough &, Block 2, hts 1 through 16, Block 3, Lots 1 through 16, Block 4, in VaLley View Ridge 2nd Lid&.; Lo%s 1 throu& 5, Block l,-Lots 1 through 5, Block 2, in Vzlley Viers. SloGe Ad&;- and Lots 1 Ymough 9, Block 1, Lots 1 through 8, Block 2, in VKLley View Terrace 3rd frddn, t. 22. SX1TfXLY SEER IiSROVZUi3ib 110. 75 - Constmction of Smitary Lateral Sewer and Lqpmtqnmces. in EastvTeFi Drivs, from Benton he. to Tingdale he,; Benton he., Zron Josephine Axe. to Tingdjle Jive.; Tingdale Lve, from Benton he. to Esstvietr Dr.,- arid Grove St. from Code he. 73. to Tingdae and 235 Fk. So. The area proFosed to be assessed for the cost of ’said improvement includes Lots 3 ihrough 12, Block 1 and Lots 1 through 9, Block 2, Edina Ridge; ht &, Donna Ttidge; Lots 3,4 and 5, Block 2, jlielody IinoUs 2nd !&In.; the It. 150 ’i;”t.-of the 5.1%0 I%, of unplatted propperbr in the Ul/2 of Sec, 33, ’itTrpel17,R.Zl, lying 3T. of and adjacent to Grove St., fron Code Lve. to E. line of TidgdLLe Ave.; lots 1 to 6, inc,, Block I, Edina Heights. 23, s~ma A 7*-- w:m EPXIVZJET ~KL 79 - Construition of Sanitary LzterzI. Sevier w-d &purtenznces in Shemood he, from W,62nd to f.f.63rd St. The are8 proposed to be assessed forthe cost of said inprovement includes Lots 1 through 5, Block 4 2nd k-bs 1 through 5, Block 5, Nomandale Addn. - 24. IfmiZiDT L-lPZOE.XXS BOS. 6$,75,60 - Construction of Village i?aterPain . and Appurtenances in St,Johns Ave, from f’T.62nd to t7,64th St.; Ashcroft Ave . Tmn St .Johns Ave, to W064th St ; Concord live., Trom Vdleg View Rd. to I’7.64th St,; T‘l.62nd St. from St.Johns Ave. to Concord heo; 3.63rd St. fron Ashcroft irve. to Concord ilve., cnd V.64th St. from St.Johns he. to Concord Ave, The zrea proposed to be assessed for the cost of said inprovenents includes Lot 1 in Loken’s 2nd i~ddn.; Lots 1 tlwough 5, Block 1 and Lots 1 t’mough 5, Block 10, 1JomandaJ.e Addn.; Lo% 4 in Re-plat of Block 4, Valley View Slope; Lot; 3, Block 1 Rosenlund’s Addn.; Lots 1 through 5, Block 1, Lots 1 t’mough 19, Block 2, Lots 1 through 8, Block 3, - E0-h 1 through 3, Block 4, in Valley View RiQe I;ddn,.; b%s 1 through 3, Block I, Wcs L through 4, Block 2, Lots 1 through 16, Block 3, and Lots 1 through 16,. Block 4, in Valley Yiew Ridge Second Addn.; ht 5, B lock 4, in vlrgbia Ave, Tiddh.; ad the IT, 132 Ft. on the RE Coro of Concord hve. and Y,62nd st 0 ?‘?.@=2i$ EmOmXX :IO. 79 - Construction of Village :laternab Zyld -. 25. Appurtenaces in Shemmod live, from 11.62nd to ‘TT.63rd St, The area proposed to be assessed forthe cost of said Lnprovenent includes Lots 1 &rough 5; Block 4 ad Lots 1 ’chrough 5, Block 5, Bornandale Addn, *f I+Iotion for adDption of Besolution was seconded five ayes and no na;G, as follov~~: we; and Zribkson, aye; and the Resolution 1 ? GmCHF=i: S. iXDBT, Village Clerk Y- i’ ViJlage of Edina . and on Rollcd.l.ti?ere were , aye; Bonk, .aye; Tupa, Bredesen, C‘ c +7 .I Bredesekls aotion, qproving Village Payroll, amount $13,755001, for period Jdy 1 to 15,- and t,le follodnf_’lrillage Claims; vras seconded by Fronlr and carried: Liquor Fund - &3,38&. 50. General Fund 2 202.10 ” -- Spec. i’ssess. _I l,04-9,15 Cons%, &d Pales Funh i’iater ?&nd 10,056.51 - ~provenents - 16,704074 Bredesen then moved for’ adjournment of Xeeting to 4:3O Pal-I, , Thursday, June 30, at Village &ill. Ihtion seconded by Fronlc and 11:lO P.11. -_ *IjrO 3.46 66 Sewer Eent . 9.45 - * 267,892.51 . -Village CLerk j.- .. - - .I.