HomeMy WebLinkAbout19550707_REGULARUeeting ~ms convened at 7:OO P.I.T., at the Tillage Hall, with nembers Fronl:, Tupa and Erickson present. ..
_. Clerk presented Affidavits of Publication and Posting of JIBssessment BoticeJ1,
which notice NZS approved as to form and ordered. placed on file.
Village Assessor Creighton reported that he xould not have his Eooh of V&mt&n
conpleted until -the latter part of July. IJo conpl&nts on assessment uere filed,
I-iq-or Erickson czlled for adjournment of neeting to July 28, at 7:QO P.IT., and
notion vas duly made, seconded and
1. I-- -_ DTTOC.UIOX was given b~ the Rev, Fracis Yany of %he Church of St. Patrick.
-- ik&ers axmering FLollcaU &re Dmens, Fro&, Tupa and Zrickson.
Bredesen arrived inmediately tiiereafter, &ustee
Wmtes or" IieetLngs of June 27 and 30 were approved as submitted, b3 notion Fro&,
seconded by Danens and carried.
iaor Zriclcson announced FLLIC FWBiiiGS OX liZ3OTGL.ZjTS in accordance ;rith
Mfidatit of Public& ion presented by Clerk for *JfBotice of Public Hezrbgs-Black-
topping Im;proyaen%s,il published in Xdina-Xorningside Courier June 30 ad Jdy 60
Affidavit T.%S approved as to fora and ordered placed on file; ad Fublic Hearings
were held ad zc-bion tdcen as recorded below:
Umager Hyde
Assessable Seek, f9r ~l.99 pzr Assessable Foot.
floor? and no written,objectioiis hzd been filed prior to the Hexring.
Resolution Ordering hprmexnt) .
Ziznager Hyde read En&ineeiJss^Estimate of Cost at &-279.80, as against 590".8
ilssessable Feet, Lor :2,& .per lissesszble Foot .
floor, and no mitten objections hsd been filed prior to the hearing. (See
Resolution Orderkg hprovment} ,
3, PTXLIC KGiGiiIG 02 BEkCi3OPl?DjG, I-iKGBmE LI~,, TTD60TH S2a TO FmIm XE,, Ikmger. By& read Ens&eertz Cstimte-of Cost at \3,456.00, as aga5nst 1,757.12
Assessable Fe&, for SL.93 per iissessable Foot.
r"loor, ad no r.rit%eq objections hd been filed prim to the hearing. .
Resolutioc Ordering &provenent) . 4. PUBLIC EEWXG 02 BXCETOPIJBJG, CajcoS AXE,,. TI. )TH ST, TO SOUTF~~~ EGB.
Eanzger- Hjde read Zhgiaeer! s Zstkate -of Cost at $j',7410kLg, as against 3,725
kssesszble Fee%, for .$2,12 per kssess"ab1e Foot. Ur. Kenneth Sundquist led a
delegation- repesting. delay of constmctioq on Ynis hprovenent , pending
construction of -the neii Junior High School because the3 fear heavy truck traffic
rriU dmage nev b1acMop. Delegation vms unmiaous 2n famrbg hprovemnt upon
coEpletion 02 school construction, and hslced that delay be until summer of 1956,
(See Resolution Ordering bprovenent but def ei-ring construction) .
5, 3n,geer! s Xstimate of Cos% at .,,i14,040000, as .agxinkt 6,612.15 Assessable Feet,
for 32.U per Assessable Foot. ,ih, Bros, 5900 FIaIEtax iive., spoke for the
iqrovenent; qd Ih, Stronberg asked for a 11blacKcop ,gutterlto
reported thzt this my increase cost as much as 400 B front foot, depsnding on
the t-e of gutter desired,
b&ace of ovmers, ad it vas .decided Vnat ther would contact their neighbors
ad let, f.iir, Zika knor.i, definitely, as to whether a blaclSop gutter is to be
included in specifications, There were no objections to the im,Drovezm~t, and
no mitten objections had been filed prior to Hearing.
hprovaent) .
;lxd Engineer's Estijmte. of Cost at $1,U2.&0, as against 55y08
There were no objections from the
2, PmLiC I=--- -LL-LU.G 03 3LfiDIXOPPEjG, LGORZ A.m., BmTEEE iIO3Td ISD L4bjd Am.
There mre no objections fron tie
There were no objections from the
P-EBUC IZ!XLG 02. BGG?i'OFPE?G, BOF&PS EOiiUl l3WOB: Ihnager H;de rezd
Xngjneer 2ik.r.
Delegation present, vas mprepred to speak for
(See Resolution Ordering
Fro& then offered the follotring Resolution and moJred as adoption: