HomeMy WebLinkAbout19550711_REGULARUeeting ~ms convened at 7:OO P.I.T., at the Tillage Hall, with nembers Fronl:, Tupa and Erickson present. .. _. Clerk presented Affidavits of Publication and Posting of JIBssessment BoticeJ1, which notice NZS approved as to form and ordered. placed on file. Village Assessor Creighton reported that he xould not have his Eooh of V&mt&n conpleted until -the latter part of July. IJo conpl&nts on assessment uere filed, I-iq-or Erickson czlled for adjournment of neeting to July 28, at 7:QO P.IT., and notion vas duly made, seconded and Clerk 1. I-- -_ DTTOC.UIOX was given b~ the Rev, Fracis Yany of %he Church of St. Patrick. .. -- ik&ers axmering FLollcaU &re Dmens, Fro&, Tupa and Zrickson. Bredesen arrived inmediately tiiereafter, &ustee Wmtes or" IieetLngs of June 27 and 30 were approved as submitted, b3 notion Fro&, seconded by Danens and carried. iaor Zriclcson announced FLLIC FWBiiiGS OX liZ3OTGL.ZjTS in accordance ;rith Mfidatit of Public& ion presented by Clerk for *JfBotice of Public Hezrbgs-Black- topping Im;proyaen%s,il published in Xdina-Xorningside Courier June 30 ad Jdy 60 Affidavit T.%S approved as to fora and ordered placed on file; ad Fublic Hearings were held ad zc-bion tdcen as recorded below: 1. Umager Hyde Assessable Seek, f9r ~l.99 pzr Assessable Foot. floor? and no written,objectioiis hzd been filed prior to the Hexring. Resolution Ordering hprmexnt) . Ziznager Hyde read En&ineeiJss^Estimate of Cost at &-279.80, as against 590".8 ilssessable Feet, Lor :2,& .per lissesszble Foot . floor, and no mitten objections hsd been filed prior to the hearing. (See Resolution Orderkg hprovment} , 3, PTXLIC KGiGiiIG 02 BEkCi3OPl?DjG, I-iKGBmE LI~,, TTD60TH S2a TO FmIm XE,, Ikmger. By& read Ens&eertz Cstimte-of Cost at \3,456.00, as aga5nst 1,757.12 Assessable Fe&, for SL.93 per iissessable Foot. r"loor, ad no r.rit%eq objections hd been filed prim to the hearing. . Resolutioc Ordering &provenent) . 4. PUBLIC EEWXG 02 BXCETOPIJBJG, CajcoS AXE,,. TI. )TH ST, TO SOUTF~~~ EGB. Eanzger- Hjde read Zhgiaeer! s Zstkate -of Cost at $j',7410kLg, as against 3,725 kssesszble Fee%, for .$2,12 per kssess"ab1e Foot. Ur. Kenneth Sundquist led a delegation- repesting. delay of constmctioq on Ynis hprovenent , pending construction of -the neii Junior High School because the3 fear heavy truck traffic rriU dmage nev b1acMop. Delegation vms unmiaous 2n famrbg hprovemnt upon coEpletion 02 school construction, and hslced that delay be until summer of 1956, (See Resolution Ordering bprovenent but def ei-ring construction) . 5, 3n,geer! s Xstimate of Cos% at .,,i14,040000, as .agxinkt 6,612.15 Assessable Feet, for 32.U per Assessable Foot. ,ih, Bros, 5900 FIaIEtax iive., spoke for the iqrovenent; qd Ih, Stronberg asked for a 11blacKcop ,gutterlto reported thzt this my increase cost as much as 400 B front foot, depsnding on the t-e of gutter desired, b&ace of ovmers, ad it vas .decided Vnat ther would contact their neighbors ad let, f.iir, Zika knor.i, definitely, as to whether a blaclSop gutter is to be included in specifications, There were no objections to the im,Drovezm~t, and no mitten objections had been filed prior to Hearing. hprovaent) . PUBLIC KIi;ARLSG G3 BLICK.TOPTDtG, lTo5'7l!K Si!. B6TXBi! ZBJEH i$lD YOX .(LImNia ;lxd Engineer's Estijmte. of Cost at $1,U2.&0, as against 55y08 There were no objections from the (See 2, PmLiC I=--- -LL-LU.G 03 3LfiDIXOPPEjG, LGORZ A.m., BmTEEE iIO3Td ISD L4bjd Am. There mre no objections fron tie There were no objections from the (See i P-EBUC IZ!XLG 02. BGG?i'OFPE?G, BOF&PS EOiiUl l3WOB: Ihnager H;de rezd Xngjneer 2ik.r. Delegation present, vas mprepred to speak for (See Resolution Ordering Fro& then offered the follotring Resolution and moJred as adoption: .. J3z IT! P~OzrI3y heretofore czused improvements : - , I3LACKi!OFPI: 1, . 11. 57th St between Zenith and York kves. 2. Iioore Ave. , between .tJorth and kura Aves, 3. Halifax he., between 8.60th 5%. and France Avee 4. Concord Ave. between i<..6Oth St. and Southview Lane. 5. Berm's Edina &mor: __ ~ Halifax he. between 2. 58th Fd ~~60th Sts. Grimes ave. between Hqlifax he. *and V.60th St, Grimes me. IkJ.6Oth St between France and Halifax 'kves . and at the hearings -held at the time aszd place specified in said notice the Council has duly considered the views of all persons interested, and being fully advised of %he pertinei?l facts does hereby determine to proceed wi.th the construction of said inprovenenis; that said improvements are hereby designated and shall be referred to in all subsequent proceedings as follows: liTNZ OF l3.PiiOVEBKT : Street hproveinent TJo . A-73 LcJ Xo. 4, Above !! !! IJo. ii-76 m ts hprovement No. 1, Above Xo. 2, Above 11 I! 140. A-74 No. 3, Above I! !! No, A-75 :6 30. 5, libove '! I! Hoo ;i-77 B2 IT FiEiiTZ? RZSOLIBD, thai construction of Street Tmprovement No. 4.-76 be defkrred until the- smier of 1956. . ij3 Tl' FURTIfGE %SOL1?3D, that %he areas to be specially assessed for the cost of said hprovenents shall include all Lots a-nd Tracts of Lad- abutking the postions of the strects proposed to be improved. 2 EoLion for adoption of Resolution was seconded by Tupa, and on Rollcall there were five ayes and no nays, as follows: Bredesen, aye; and Erickson, sye; aid the Resolution was zye; Danens, we; Tupa, PUE5LIC 14ZXii'TG OX FBOF0S-D RE-&SSSSJEXT FOB ELACil'ifOP B-il?EG~Z~]T BO, A-36 (JIoodend DTive) was then maoqxed. qproued as to forin and ordered placed on file, I&. f.lfinslow's property (20-foot entrance to Drive) an 'average lot* 03 93 FG. had been -l;&en for assessment; that this would reduce-the assessment for the other properties on the street from $247 to $&.O6& per front foot, to' %his method of assessment, d.leging that he received no benefit from this improvement prior to this year; that he his willing Lo pay his proportionate share for the hprovenent from 1955 for the balance of the assessment period. concurred in I.ii.. TJiiislowt s opinion, and Bredesen offered the s"o3.lo~;ing Etesolu-tion and rmved its ado-&ion:- .. j2fidavit of hblicztion~ of !fiiTotice of &acing'* iras Clerk explained khat, to assess l-ire Ijhslow objected Couvlcil .X@OLUTIOlJ BCPTii\SG JJlD COIJF~LTVG Ft%ASSXSS:ZXi'. FO3 BLiCKi'OPE'jlW Bi3 I% XGOLTm by the Village..Council. of the Village'of Edina, Ibesota, as f OllOFTS : 1.. it is hereby found, determined and declared that the proposed re-assess- nent for BLdXiXX'PZJG Jim0m.m' Hoe A-36, as calculated in accordace with the provisions- of. Einnesota Stztutes. Section 4l2:44l, is hereby mended; that notice' has been duly published as required by law, $hat this Council would meat to hear mcl pass upon all objections, if my, to mend. said proposed fe-assessmenk as might be necessary, and to adopt the same by resolutLon; that said proposed re- assessirtent hzs at all times since its'filing been open for public inspection, mil opportuni%y has been given to d1 interested persons to present %heir objections; and that each of the lots, pieces and parcels of land enmerated in the amended assessment vas siid is specially benefited by "cle construction of 'ihe 5mprovenen-b for which such amended re-assessment is levied in the amount set opposite the description of each such lot piece and parcel of land, respectively; that amend- ment Lo re-assessnen-b shall consist. ofq adding an assessment for 93 Feeti on the property descrLbed as Y2hat part of the Ig$ of SE1/4 of SEl//+ of S33-/4 of IE1/4 lying S of 11 70 Ft. thereof and !:J of 3 216 ?to -thereof qd that pari; of E 20 Ft, of Xl/2 of 5XL/L, of SE1/4 of SEl~L!- of IE1/4 of IT 12.4 Ft. of E 32,4 Roaof R1/2 of SKL/L or" $31/4 of SEl/4 of IGl/.4 lyTng S of 11 92.5 Fte thereof e& rd, SeC019- 2EE-2&,'* for the renaining balance of the five-year assessment tern, being the years pzzrzble, 1956, 1957 and 1958; and of reducing the assessments against the balance 02 the properiiies assessed in a proportionately lilte' uzoun'c. pieces and parcels of land described in said respective assessments, and said proposed re-assessment, as mended, is hereby adopted and confimnerl as the proper IiuJ2@3.Ei~i$i~T $loa. A-36 _. . . 2e The amounts so set out are hereby levied a@ns-l; the respective lots, ?/=I55 special assesments for said Blacktopping bprovaent Xo A-36. The assessnent against each lot, tract or parcel, together vith the interest accruing on the full worn% thereof' fron title to tine unpaid, at the rate of five percent per znnm fron the date of this resolutLon, shall be a lien cmcui-rent vrith general taxes upon the propzrty desci-ibed therein and aJ1 thereof. - The toml mount of such assessment shall be payable in equal aaual instaUnenj;s extending over the three year balance of %he original'five-year assessraent, the fjrs'c of said instdlmeilts, together r,&bh interest "on the entire assessent fron the date hereof to Deceaber 31, 1956, to be papble rrith the general tzces -for the par 1955, and one df the remining instdlments, v5Vn one yearls interest on thzt and dl subsequent instdbents, tobe psq~ble r;.iPln general taxes -for -Yne years 1956 and 1957, collectible in the .respective ensuing pars. Prior to certLYcationr of the assessment to the County iruditor, the owner of an3 lot, piece or parcel of land assessed hereby may psy the whole 02 such assessment or any instjllnellt thereof without interest to "ne' Vilkge Treasurer and thereafter such pqment may be made Trith accrued interest, to the County Treasurer; provided Qhzt if my assesments or instahents thereof be prepaid to the Village Treasurer, they shall be cancelled on the books of the Village ireasmer, and he shall proaptly notify the Tillage Clerk and Bounty iiuditor, ad the assessmiit oi' instaanncnt so prepaid sliall be cancelled on the books of the Count;. Auditor. Ti?e Clerk shal, as soon as may be, prepare'and trans~t to "che County AucEtor a certilied duplicate of said assessments, r5th each then unpaid install- Izent zinc% interest set forth separately, Lo be extended upon the proper ti?;: lists of "ne County, and Vfie Counts Auditor shiL1 thereafter cause scid sssessnents to be collected in tine nzmer provided by law. be laom as 11Aissesment Roll Sor Xe-Assesslent for 3lacl&oppkg kprotmxmt Bo. A-36," and a51 unou.ntz cgllec-l;&d in respect of the assesmeni;' therein cmtalned shdl-be shilaly desi,aated by the County Treasurer and renitted to the Village Treasurer, and b;r hin credited to the Sinlag Fund :'nccount of the 1952 hprovaent Fund. 3. I n 4. Said duplicate assesstent roll shall Iiotion Tor edoption of Resolution vas seconded by Dae were five zyes cznd no nzp, as follows: Bredesar*ns, we; Fro&:, aye; $Id on Rollczll. !here Tupa, aye; and Erickson, &ye; and the vesolutio p 'A per acre for his porkion of Elock 27, Ik-idelssohn, Iths, Alden explained -that Village records shovr tI-ris to. be "platted property; that other like ysperties have bee2 zssessed 03 a plztted pcoperty basis. After soze discussion, Bredesen noved thzt Village Clef; be instructed to advise Council other sMlar assessnents, and to m$e this report at the nexk meeting. . Xotion seconded by Tupa and carried. -EZZuE5T GiS ABXj33ITf;;E OF SCEL'GFZFi XQAD AC3OSS 13330E LUX. Hagen Brothers sppeared, to recuest vacation of the 1Torthxnrd e:&ension OS Schaefer "Load, from hterlzchen %ad across T.rest Error hlie to Blake Rozd. that -.. road, althou& platted, has never been used and porbably cm never be used. Petitioners asked; for subnission to Planning Commission of formal petition for Street Vaxtion. It LBS stzted :iveDue. south of ?le 56th S tree%, - sigped motion Frod;, seconded by Dmens and carried. action of the Plzm5ng Cormission, in denying the petition for Vacation; and Do Schweigertls statenent that he r:ould not object so strenuously 53 -?;le rozd is cut $0 proper grzde. Sexer; tha'c, even if street should be vacated, Village irill need a stom sewer essaent across piqoperty He recomended that Council CELL a Storm Sever Hexing on its own motion; and d&&& moved tenQatlvebJ scheduling I-Ieahg for :.Ionday, August XL, 1955. XotLon seconded by h.f&S%nd unaninously carriedo I-hager H$e then reported the Iianzger Xyde stated that a primary need for this area is a Stom 1- F' %3%X?L:G !,T.&PH & f;"r;;ZCZ C0Yd.D PGR SI3FLVICE STiLTIGl. Ihnsger Hzde reported the Pwg Gomission* s Julg 6th- recornendation for denial of lire Frmsmrth' s petition for rezoning SI? Corner of 49th and France to Coxmnity Stor= District, for use as a filling stction, confirning Goapission's recornendation agabst use of ,this pro$el-ty for this Eredesen's motion, that-Council go on record as purpqse, vas seconded by Tupa and carried. t I 7/11/55 2 4! 7; CODS S1JZ TG GIWLXD. Plqming Commission's July 6th action allorring ik. Gildred to purchase not over 25 feet of frontage from i&s, Code, on VLlley View Bozd, was reported. iTo action necesszry, July 6th recommendation-against reqoraing corner of I-I~v.169 and Shemood for use as ofzice building, was seconded by Tup and carried, I i 2,ZZO?JIiTC-SG?JYB OF I-IIX.~,~~ &ID YHZRU03D. &neger Eyde reportea Fl2nnu?g .- Commissibn' s Fronkts motion, that Council concur in Commission's reconmendation, DZ-TZOPZRS TO FIiGdJCX Ilil?iLOv"mTS. ILknqger Hyde reported the F.'lanning Conxissiqn's Julj 11 ac$ion tp the effect th.at a warning to developers be issued, that they nay have to finance all inprovements such as sewer, wzter, bleclrtopping, dtc. lire &de spoke at some length on this subject, ssking Council to consider an ordinance for financing of improvements by the developers, V~la,se-SchoolDistrict will shortly be sone ~10,000,000 in debt; that the large indebtedness is causing the interest rate to rise; that he believes the Village should carefully consider further indebtedness, especially for new devclopmcflts, requiring developers to -finace cknprovements, the Council concur in the Planning Coiilmissionl s reconrzendztion foi? vrzriig to developers recom;;lefided warning be given to developers or" future plats, wzs seconded by Tupa 3jnd c~i~ried, He stated that -the He racomended that, pending further consideration of a,n ordinace Profits notion, th&t ptition for ne Rezoning froin Open DevelopGent District -to Coip-aunity sto&-Dis-brict, Lots 3, 4, '5, 6, 9,t 10, I1 ai& 12, Bloclc hr, Tingdde Bros, Brookside, for use as ai 'office md zdninistration building for the lissociztion vith sdditional office spzce Por ne:hrs of the Builder% Association, grid a few offices for such related puiyosec zk c,ccovlit,ants, buildjng supply mterial represeGtztives, etcc. 1 d picture of the buil$ing' &s shown, together with plans for parking area..and plan-Ling for bul"fer"$irip, July 6th;* for yezo&ng, :was pxievied, * Bredesen1.s motion, schkduling Public Hca.rins on pe-bition ?or.Eonda,y, July 25, at 7:39 PoiLIe, vas seconded by Fronk Planning Co~ilmission~ s opLified redomendation of and carried, .- iELCti1jiG OF DJT 18, Bfk3CIC 1, BROOKXI33 i%IGFiTS, Planning Conmission's July 6th recoimcxdxkion for rezoning to+ Community Store District was reiierled, instzvctcd iianctger Eyde to secure infomation from petitioner, 1-2s e ima Phill, as to specific use proposed for property, Council - *- .tii~,.CZlX ::LiliLt XICI-Xji3 CLL!3ie Upon Iimager &de f s recorn-ienciation, Frank moved for papent to iiorrell and Michols of c~~510,70, for services from February 1 through June 30, %iotion seconded by Eredesen and camied. PK&iLi2i~JLZY FUT OZ IiOOODHI&EOY FLTZSON. recomrcndgrkion for ~p~TOVal-oZ"-P~eL~i~asy plat of Uoodhill, with curving road, rczs approved by motion Fronk, seconded by Tupa and carried, Planning Commission' s July 6th PIEiLL F'Ki!?-Q20e C'i-RETOPm FEOEXi'Y AT ?JOOijDin &Ill :;Tei3OGGJD RB., for accep%znce of Final Plat. subject to Ehgineering Check, in zccordance with Planning ComTlission' s recon%nenda,tions of July 60 Danms noved Gotion seconded by Fronlr. and I- . Carriedo -7-7 !?&,d,Z:Z*L'ZiY PLZ, GILYDOD LDDIJe s1t'l;orney Thompson, representing developer Gilster, prccdccd preliminery ,nlat of certain property between Xolling Green and interlachen (3ro19 Course, and including Lot 37, Rolling Green, conplied v&th Rolling Green. deed restrictions by dividing Eo% 37 into onlf tro trxts; that the remainder of the plat is outside Rolling Green subdivision. Planning Coiri_miss20n1-s July 6th recommendation for zproval wzs revier red. aovedthzt Preliminary Plat be approved. (jzAai FOE jXJiSG3-LIS. LWL'IN BUIIB. suffered to her czr, ad injury.to her person, on her drciving into a semr mznhole on St.Jolms -:lve, between 2.62nd and iT,63rd Sts., was .refemed to the Villege &-t,-tomey for j.jjves-i;ip,tion, by motion Bredesen, seconded. by Prod; ad czri5ed.e He stated that developer has Dmens iiotion seconded by aredesen 2nd carried. Iks,- Z-velyn Blake's $9OO clb $or dmzges 7/11/55 The folloi.r;,rlg hprovenents Petitions vera filed, Eotion seconded by Danens znd carried, 1. Oiling-Chatre;. .Edo, Eorthmod Dr. to E~y.169 bids &-e in). i Bredesen moved for acceptance. (to be delayed until after sever ,2, Ofijng-IT.64-Lh Fi., ifommdd.e to Pzrnell; Sheimood, 65th to 61:.th St. SE,@ %(X-L@ 156x9 ~?$i. l&.nager Hyde ssked Village I poEc2y yjj.c~ regud to a .se!?er -backr;Gip at &619 Arden .kve., owner. Longetqym having requested that a check valve be insLziLled at Village expense. It-vas consensus of opinion that such instdlation is no responsibility of the.TUlage. Wii?lG3 ~O~~~IOI~. iianager Hyde advocated edoption of a "garbqe collection licensing ordinance1I which wml.d require collectors to furnish 15ability insurance rin aounts of &O,O30/~100,COO Eodily Injury and $5,000 property danage; a &.00 per veEcle license for first Tear ad. $10.00 per. vehicle for each additional year; certzin tspss of covered trucks, etc. Discussion then ensued, trith Xr. Hjrde asking rhether Council srishes -Lo establish conplsory gzirbage-rubbish collection. He stated that both Hop'xins and St,Louis Park are folloihg this procedure md find it satisfactory--Iiopkins 2-ri-e;I its municipal service, ad ,%,Louis Park with a contractor. ILIethods of papent for service (generd. taakion vse spacial assessment) were briefly eqlored. - go into details Cg financing, drafting ordinance, and establishing generqlly atd specifically compulsoq garbagerubbish collection for 611 platted property, to be paid for out of a separate per-house assessment to be made pa& of tai: state- ment. Xotion seconded by Tupa and carried. In view of these new directives, it was decided to delay licensing ordinance, DXZDTG OIT STI?ZE'i!S. to- enforce ordinance against dumping on Village streets. XiZRBS AVXU~STA~ AID EOiD. Xmger Hyde reported that on June 29 a meeting had been hzd tkth County Zngineer 2im;n-i and Engineer f.lefald of Eichfield; that nichfield eqects to reqdst County for designation of Xerxes kvenue from IT.66th Stm to 11,7Sth 2%. as a State Aid Road (if 3- ZKW = ,.,wu!.; 3L&, and recozzended that Edina make the skne reques-b. &e= the -. fo2$oiring Resolution and moved its adoption: .TGSOi,bTIOH FOR DBI@JlgIaf OF ' x%?,xiE &mqm .A! STrn AD BOfID BZ Ti? BEEiOLSEb by the Co~cil of- the .VKllage *of E;d,ina, Ihnnesota, that 3 reF,esk be made to-the Board of He';mepin County C'ommissioners and to the I.finnesota Sate Department of Iiighmys that Xerxes livenue between S.66th and r;107&h Streets be designated as a State Aid Eoad. Xotion for adoption of -the- Resolution wa were five ares znd no nays,. as follo~rs: %pa, aye; and 3ric!:son, aye; apt the Re Bredesen noved that the Village Ihzger be instructed to Truskee Danens suggested that Police Department 'be alerted . ,-a F rr 1% Ti LL-L c r Brede .. Village Clerk , Engineer Zilran prbented plzns and specificptions and estimates of cos% for several projects, advising as to feasiiiility of noir doing the uork, and aslied that Council conduct public hezrings on them on July 25, Fro& offered the follox5ng Besolution and moved its adoption: . 2ESOLziTIO~J JkOVIDJKG FO3 PWLIC HZBIESGS I . P~oFos~.L-3?~o~~'~s . , EE iT IWOLWil by the Council 02 the- Village. of Zdina: , .I. *The TTillage &@mer, having. subitted to the Council a pre7ininaq repod as to- the feasibilitr of $he proposed Dprovements described in the Forms of Rotice of €Iembgs set forth below, ad as to the estimated cost of such inprovezents, said reAmr+, is hereby approved and directed to be placed on file in the of3ice of Vle Village Clerk. E- V~age-Hzll, to consider in public hearing the views of all persons interested in sdd proposed Lmproveaents. 30. The Clerk is hereby autllorized and directed to cause notice of the time, piace and puqose of said meeting to be published in the official nerrswper once a r.reek for two successive rreeks, the second of iflich publications is to be not less ?Chm three days from date of said meeting, which notjces shall be in substantidly the foUouing form: I 2. The Comcil ~Etd.3.~ meet on isionday, July 25, 1955, at 7:30 Po:L, in the (1) IJmICE: OF l3ZXKiiiGS OiJ Z-PEOViiZ~ES - slfiJI'j?&RY Sjm, lhX?&%-i,!m, ST0X-i S~.J= IKEICE I3 IGXZBY GIVBl-that-the sins. VXUage Council ~rill-meet at the Tinage Ha on Zondzg, Jay 25, 1955, at 7:?O hprovments, to be constructed undy the- authority E;ranted by lbeso-La Lars of 1953, Cbpter 398. Village Engineer as set forth below: to consider the folloi;ing proposed The appro,sjmate cost of wpch hprovments is es-Luted bg the L3 7/=/ 5 5 ~T'ZLTJ) COST 249 I, Construction of Village Sanitaq Sewer and lippurtenaces . as per Erelhinaq-Plat approved by Tillage Council 1-q 9, 1955. B. Co less,- E, of ii.70th St, Do . pt. 165-Pt., more or less, E,,of Wooddale ~lve.; th. on a meandering course tkough private- :easement, to Cornelia Drivi., to cormect w5th e:&-ting Swittzry Sewera Lddition11 , ..- - in the fol~lov~g streets: 6. Streets rri2.?l to llFil, inclusive, in 'f16Joodhill Additionf' I Bri-k-tEny Bd. from Tdf.66th St. to %69th St. Creston Rd,, frorn'1'~.70th St. to a pt. 1075 Ft., more or La,ouna Drive from Street T1 in llPJoodhill Ad&tionrr to a -c :,j13&,520.00 E, 71. 66th St ., fron Erittay Road to Street '48311 in Woodhill The specid. assesmen-& to be levied for said proposed improvement xi11 also include the mount of zpproxinately $3,8~3,00, said sum-being the portion of the cost of construction of Sanitary Sewer Improvement ito. 65 which is atti$butable to the properties to be assessed .for said proposed improvenen$ The area proposed to be assessed for the+cost of the proposed jmprovement includes all lots and tracts of land hereinafter described, to wit: (a) That p& of the Sln/l?, of 3ec.30,T.2G,R024, Comm, 40 Rods E. of iW Cor. of-said SXL/L;; th. S. 2129,8 I%,; tl?. SZly to. a pt. on the S.line-.of said Sec-, 1221 Ft. E. 02. the EZT Cor. of said Sec,; tho X,, along the '$,line of said Sec. to ,a pte 2155.7 Ft. X.' of the STJ Cor. of said S*ec.; ,the It, to the T\T.lihe of s'aid SlKL/Lb of s'a5.d Sec.30; the W. to beginning. (b) Lot 1, El.. 1; hts 4,5,6, BL 4; Lots 6 to 12, inc,, Bl. 6; Lots 1- to 6, incoy* El.'?; Lots. 3 & 4,-Bio 5, and all of BL 8, in Creston Hills. (c> That part of the S3/4 of the tn/4 of the SEl/4 of Sec.30,T.2S,Be2&, abutting on W.70th St. and on Lake Cornelia,. except that -park platted as Sou-chdale First Lddn. .(d) Lots 1 to 4, inc,, I\Tomandafe Terrace; Lots C, D & E, Gegistered Land Survey i:3; ad all that part of the l$.LbO Rods of the N1/2 of the SNL/4 of Seco30,To28,R.2L!. not included in the plats- .of sgid IIJomandale Terrece or. Registered Lmd Survey #3 zbut%i-ng on Brittasy Xoad as e&ended. (e).That pa& &f the kB1/4 of -the EE2l./4 and of the iELL/4 of the @1/4, and of the E0..20 Acres of the Injl/& of the ItRjl/4, I Sec.31,T028&24, abutting on 11070th St, of 2. Constru. ctiom of Village Ifa$ermain Extension and Appurtenances in the following Streets: A, Streets lrA11 to ?lFlt,' inclusive, in YJoodhill Additionr1 as per pmilininGr:T Phi approved by VilLage Comc&l Kay 9, 1955. Bo Brittay Zd. from TJ.66th St. to .11,69th St, C. Creston Xd. from lJ.-7Oth St. to a pt. 1075 R., more or D. Y.6bth St... from Brittmy Bd, to Street alBif in lllfoodhill 3, Sjalfrzna Rd., fron Street 1IBt1 in riT~oodhill AdditionT1 to a. pt. $ ~~,960.00 less, IT. of t-T.70th $to , Additionf1 . -.- - 1 150 E., more or less, E. of- ssid Stj$eet W11. c -- r-ir ine area proposed to be assessed for the cost of the proposed improvement kcludes a2.1 lots and tracts of lad hereinafter describe$, to wit: (a) That pa& of the Z?l/& of~3ec030,T.2~-,~.24, Corn, 40 Rods E. of the IW Cor, of said S?'n/L!.; tho So 2429.8 Ft,; tho. ,331~ to a pto on the-$, line of said Sec.; 1221 Ft. E. of the Slf COY. of said Sec,; th. Z, along the So line of said Qec. to a pt. 2155e7 Ft, 3, of the 3J Cor. of szid Sec,; the B. to -the iJ. line of said 3n/4 of said Seco 30; th. i;. to pt, of beginning. (b) Lpts 3 & 4, El, 5; and Lots 6 to 12, inc,, Bl. 6, Creston iiilla; Lots 1 to 4, inc., Bormandale Terrace; Lots B, D & E, Registered - Land Su-rvez $3; znd all that part of -the SS.40 Rods of %he 151/2 of -the 3n/4, see. 30,%,28,i3a2L!-, not included in the plats of said iioimmdale Terrace or Begis-bered Land SuqvejT it;3 abutting on Brittany Eoad, as eirtefid-ed. 3. " 1 Construction of Village Storm Sewer and &pul"L;enances, Corn. in IE Cor, of Block 4, Woodhill. Addition11, the If. in Balfak Ed. -Lo Street WI Leos; th. If. to Lake Cornelia. ~ :;i 10,060.00 - The are8 proposed to-be assessed forthe cost of the proposed lqprovement i-ncludes 11Tmt part of the 3jl./4 of Jec.~O,T028,FL.24, Comm. 40 Bods E. of the iW Coro of said SIn/&; th. so 2l29.$ Ft,; tho SEly to s pt, on the 23.1511s of said Sec. 1221 Ft. 3, off tI1e Cor, of said Sec,; th, E, along the So line of szid Sec. to a pL. 2155.1 Ft. Xo ox the E31 Cor. of said Sec,; tho N. to the IT. line of ssid 3n/4 of said Sec. 30; tho t.r.-$o- the pt, of beginning, lTioo~dhill Lddition11;,th. $1, in Street 1lBlt to J,qy.na Drive; th. E, ip Laguna Dr. 200 Ft,, more or . 1) GRETCHEN S, LW~N Village Clerk 250 7/11/55 (2) IaYfIrn OF IDmJG3-moFmED x.FmE;%i;ifL'Q iSWICE L5 X3X33T GmT that the.;4dina, Village Coqcil trill meet at the Village -Hall on Eondax, Jyly 25, 1955, at 7:30 Pol-Io, to consider the following proposed \- -jnprovements, to .be cmstricted under the. authority granted by Ehesota I~TS of 1953, C'napter 398. The approxinate cost of such kprovaents is esthated by the fJillage Zngineer as set forth below: 1. Construction of Villap Sanitary Serrer-and dppurtenarices.* , ..~ j!xmmmD COST L ,. in the folloving streets: . . do In StJohns Ave., fron.T7.5Eth St. to 150 $to So, - $1,326.13 -The.special assessnent to be levied for said proposed improvement trill also include the aoun-Ls of approxhstely $776.84 arid $56.55, said s&Gs being'the portion 04 the cost of construction of Sd%a;r Sewer Improvenenpls lIose 69 ad 65, respectively, which is a"ctributable..-to the properties to bz assessed for szid proy;osed inr?rovaT.ents. said proposed hprovemnt includes Lots 1, 2 and 3, Block 7, and bts 22, 23 ad 24, Block 6, Fairfa3c.Ldditiono - The area proposed to be assessed fdr the cost of t 13. rrl Sheniood ;weo from 8.63rd to TI.6L;th St, G3,115,69 The. specid. assessment, to. .be levied. -for said proposed improveraent r;rill also includ-e the mount of approximately $230e56, said sum being the Fortion of the cost of construction of Sanitary Sewer Improvement Xo, 65 which is a,ttributable %o the propzrties to be assessed for scid proposed iaprovexent. The area pro- -posed to be assessed for the cost of sziid proposed' improvarient includks Lots I, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, Block 1, ad L6tn 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7, Block 2, Broad Odcs; and thzt pzrt of Lot 1, Block 7, 2JoimandaJ-e Addition, abuttkg Shenmdd Jive, .. Do In Z0'5Wi Sweet betirken Tingdale ahd Code I;vcso * $3,376,78 ,i_n_e. sp-gcial assessmmt to be. levied for said poposed improvment T.ri7-1 'also include the aiit0Un-l; of appro:c&ately $204059, said sun being the portion of the cost of construction of Sznikry Sewr Iiproveaent IJo6 65 vlnich is attributable to the proparties to be assesscid for said proposed im,Orovment. The aea p propo-sedto be assessed for the cost of said proposed hprovaent includes Lots 7 to 12, inc., Elock 1, ad Lots 1 to 6, inc,, Block 2, 2dina Hziphts, i-n - D. - In TJaterman he. fron Arthur St to* ii.Taterman Circle; and in - llat.qmzm Circle. $,., 743 0 78 rl Ihe. -specid assessxent to -be levied for 'said proposed inprovenent T-rill also include the mount 0% approxinately $Well, SsLd sum being the portion of the cost of construction of Saitsry Sewer to the properties to be assessed for said proposed inprovment. The area proposed to be 'assessed €or the cost of szid proposed hprovenent includes Lots 1. to 6, hc., Lapets Subdit6sion of Lots 8 to 27, 2Tillardts Subriivisioh of 310~~1~ 17, I;andelssohn* Itriprovenen% 30. 65 which is attributable . E. 3.1 E!ym Ave. froa T'dleT View Rd. to 54-0 F-L. South ' <;2,932.?&. - The. spgciiL assesrxent to be levied for said .proposzd inFrovme;l_S; irill also include the ix~ount 02 qprox5naplely $L,931.65, said sum being the prtion of t'ne cost of construction of SmYiary, Sever lnprovenent ITo. E-1 vfdch is attributable -Lo the properties to be assessed for sixid pi-opossd 3npavcxwha The area pro'coszd to be assessed for the cost of said hpmvenerb Lncludes I&s 3, 4, 5 & 6, 3;tnerts 2: T'Tingts .\ddil0 and the S. 362 3%. of Go L&S 5%. of 3%L/L!: of Zil/& 02 Sec, 19,2E,21:., zbutting X. side of ~zn_~2~e. ZS platted, 2, Constku-ctibn 02 TTillage lfiakernain Exbensiori and Appurten3nces in the ToUotring $3,%@033 ' - t Stre-ebs : -. Bo, ih Slf$m~oad.kve. 2rom 3.63rd St.'to S'f064th Sto The. special assesrment Lo. be levied for, -midi propmed hprovenent Irrill also include the m00un.l; of ap~roXimately 309~65, sdd sua being the porkion or" tbe cost of construction of Trunk 17arl;emain Imgrovement 230. 61 t&ii.cli is xbtributable to the properties. -to be assxsed for said proposed inprovaimit. proposed to be assessed ior %lie cost of said proposed iiqrovemnfi includes bts 1 to 6, jllc.; Block 1; iots 1 to 7, inc., Sloclr 2, Broad Oaks, ad th2t part of Lot I, 310~l; 7, l!oimdiLe,. butting Shenjaod ~LVE?. The area * ._ E. 141. Bo5S%:.I St,, betmen Tirigdale and Code L.ves0 . . $3,417 . 66 The.ar-ea proposed to be assessed for the cos% of sdd inprovencnt includes Lots 7 to 12, hc., Bloc!: 1 and Lots 1 to 6, inc., Block 2, Zdina Iisichts. - c, Tn Benton Ave. betmen Tingdjle and Code .hen. [;3,62o . EL The.zr&a prorose'd to be assessed for -tile cost 0-f said hprovenent includes LQ~S 4 to 7, inc., Blocl; 2, Zdina IieighCs, 'ad Lots 1 to 6, inc., Block 1, Baton Pzk. D, . "itbe area gropsed to be assessed for the cost of sad inprovm.erxLs includes Lots 7 to 13, inc,, Block 4, Subdivision of Li.E;-t;el Park, -2nd hts -- 1 to 7, inc., ~lock I, pzul :Znd Cl~~istopkcr iiddn. &- &er St., frora Goodd,de I;ve. to BtoJohns he. ;+, "3 63~~52 ijl,05~.00 ,QSO, for &.fGznsioii of $ever Connections .in fron IkLn 251 / ) 7/11/55 3. Construction of Standard Village Curb and Gut-Ler in fI- r,_ Ti lCrL -9- -7 t:-vC. between f'J.60th St. a-ad Frznce he. '2 L, ' 876 . 50 Ths area proposed to be- assessed for the cost-of said'improvernent, includes 7, inc., Block 1 and Lots 1 to 10, bc., Block 2, Two Oeks Addn, Lpt 5, 310~1~ 1 and Wis 1 ad 2, Block 2, Ihlifax ive, Addn,, and Lots 1 to - CZGTCEiq Sm .&.ZilEH Village Clerk- idlotion for zdoption of Eesolu'cion tm,s seconded by Bredesen, and on Rollcall there were five ryes znd no nays, as follows: Bre nens, aye; Fronk, aFe; Tups, ajre; ad Zrickson, aye; and the Resolu -* Village Clerk Engineer %ikm then presented final Plavls and Specifications for several. projects, recomend@g thzt Council take bids thereon on, July 25. follorJing Resolution and moved its adoption: Bredesen offered the .. RESOLUTION EF.EO~G mps AND- spdcEichT 1cms EOE- FXEO~Sll- QjgOV33@YT'Sj &D DFlECTiN'C;.. . .iiDTf"JT~~;~~ F(j3.3,LZiS , . B3 IT F%OLVSD by the .Tillage Council. of $he .Tillage .of 3dina; '&'he plans and-specifications for the proposed lhprovgixmts set for-bh in 'cne follotag I;,dvertisement for Bids fom, heretof9re prepared by the Village bngineer an@. noTr on file in the office of the Villege Clerk are hereb:? epproved, The Clerk shall muse to be published twice in the Ediiia71brningside Courier and the Construction Bulletin the follo~chg notice for bids for said . lo --I Lrg *XI a 2 improvement s : CJ 2. ADVERTISZjBMT FOR BWS Sl@iITiBY. S3Wt. IL~D IUQB?KAIH- IJUfICX IS EBdDY GLTJ thzt-the-gdina. ;V&ll;age .Council will neet at the Edina Villsge .Ha1.1, &JOl.>f. 50th Street, Eonday, Juls 25, 1955, at 7:30 ?.Go , and rdll at sard tkie and plece open and..consider sealed bids for the follotrii?g: SiL?ETlBY SX;,ER i3.PRCJI-iT NO, 85 - Const. of Sanitary Sewer and iippurtenaces-.-ig TJ.6ad .st,., ~Qnari Ave. to Code S.veo ; Xaddox Lme; 1. I' t?.63rd View Ed. ; I-iildred ike., Ilr.6.&d St . $0 If. 63rd S-i; . ; Raddox Lane; 51.62nd St , , Y- &Jwm. ime, to Code,~~ve.;.Code.,ive., Birchcrest Dro. to Valley View Road, 4. , I!LTEE&iPi lI4PFtOVZGiE IfO. 90*- Const of Village ??ate-main Extension ad: Apsurtenapces in .?J.60th St. , Hwy.$lOO to Birchcrest Dr. ; Josephine he,, senton $me, to TTe60th St, L?~LL&&LAIN EtZROWtSkjT 30, 91 - Const. of Villsge Fktermain Exhiision and .,ippu:ienmps .in Zden-Jive., from Shemood Road so bcadia Lve. ; hrcndia Ave., froin Xden he. to ad under I-wy.169 to connecthg to existing 611 Yatemin at -:Jestbrook Erne and lJ.L:.Yth St . Vmren &re, to lilryan he, ;. -Rolf ILV~., ?i,@rd St, to Valley .?- n--t--- 5. 7orkmust be:.,done as described and specified in plans and specifications for , Bids must be submitted said bprovefiient on file in the office of the Village Clerk. on basis of cash pzyment for work. filed with undersigned before time of ssid meeting and accompanied by cash deposik, bid bond, or certiTied check payable to the Village Clerk in amount of ten percenk of mount of bid, No bids 1&11 be considered unless sealed and (Jl2&7J% 07 TEz, VT&t&X CmJc, .-- . -. .. GWTC:EiJ So iDZI\J, Tillage Clerk Qllage of Edina 3. hereby adopted as the terins and conditions of award of the contract for said improveriait Each and dl of the terns of the foregoing advertisernen% for bids are iiotion Cor adyotion of Resolution was seconded by Fro&, and on Bollc231 there were five aiyes and no ngys, as follows: Bre Tupa, aye; aid Zrickson, aye; ad the geso ATTZ3T : mens, aye; Pronk, aye; ,[&&/..- Village Clerk . 2FSC& 7/11/5 5 --TS TO ~GL~G SUF=-I&G@ I&. Z&an r&ded Council LhLt he had once been - &xdxuc%ed noS;.to give out lists-oP.bidders to the various materids suppliers. He asked for present Council plicy on this matter, stcbing he has may such inqgiries Consensus- of opinion ins that Village- is not obligated -to furnish .. mailing lists, P UTWm Fa WIT SUiKCOR HIGH SCEOOL - RE FE.PKOUSE PZOPBTY, Xhsger H;.de reporied, zs .z matter off bfoqatiola, %hat the building 0%. the new Junior *Eigh School u&ll involve the mving of a high voltage service xire coming into %he Southview Lane Pumphouse at the St1 Corner; that, in order rrot to delay %he contractor, arrangenents have been worked out with him for a temporary chm-ge; but that ire believe it is the long range thinkiJlg of the School Eoard that service should be undereround; and that putting it underground is going to entzil itll eiqenditure of some 42,500; that lhnager Hyde has told Supt, Km thzt it is Ere Eydets feeling that the Council would. like to wxk with the Board whenever possible, but that beccuse it is the construction of the School which has necessi- tated the change he feels that the expendi&ure should be borne by the School District. such chulge, no action ‘tras taken. I Because there is, as yet, no foniml application 2ron the bard for Bredesen moved for approvLL of Village Pa>croll for period July 1 to 15, Overtime Tor June, 2nd retroactive increase to Ezy 1, totalling :.)22.,7&,78, and for payment of the foELoming Gli~2i.m~: General Fund .- $2,057.61 Construction Fund - ~,&,ZOO,QO ~ Parks Fund - 2,417eI-8 - 5,J’aterworks Fund 19 @&e74 Liquor Fund - U!-,3S3,.85 Garbage Fund 1, 91 Sexer Fund - 177092 Poor Fund 3,61;6 . 21 Xotion seconded.by %pa and carried, Bredesen then moved for adjournment, Beetkg adjourned at 9:3% PJL, I Kotion seconded by Fro& and carriede r* li /L&4flW/d&d . Village Clerk I - .. .- _. .. Y