HomeMy WebLinkAbout19550725_REGULAREbubers answering Roll.c~&l were Fronk, Danens, Tupa and Erickson, &rites of the Meeting of July 1s were approved as su-tted, by mtion Fronk, seconded by Tu= and carried, Nayor Ericksoh announc& that'Council would accept sealed bids for sanitary * ' Sewer, .Stom Sewer, and Wate-s for WoodhiU, pursuant to,Advertise- ment pu@l&sheCy: Sn iMina-.J@ningside' Cougier June- 30 (also in ConstnxQtion Bulletb on that date),for Sanjltaxy sewer hprovementx Nos, 85 and $6, for Tfatermah Improvementq Nos._88,90, hd 91, .and for I& Shtion for Sadtary sewer Sniprovement No. 69, all pursuant to "Bdvert;lqenents for Mdsu published @ Bdina-Norningside Courier July UC and 21* Affidavits of Publication for said adve.&isements were approved as to form and ordered placed on file. Sealed bids received on Sanitary Sewer; Stom Sewer and Watehain projbds were' from Phelps-Drake Go,, OgfeieC EqLani, SandstTom & Hafner, Lametti & Sons, F, $bgettini., Besbz~ross~-Nodlm@. Bids geceived on Gift Station for Sewer Xmprovement NO, 69 were from Phelps=Drake Go,, Barbaross=qodlad, and .Acton Const, Cor Danens moved for referral. of bids to the Village Engineer for Eublic opening and tabulation, Notion seconded by %pa and carrLed, Next matiter on the agenda was tce PUBLIC HEARDIG ON'PEP~IOPI. OF NwmLB HOME: 33um &%. FOR REZONaG FROM OPEE, DmmWMc -DSTRIGT. TO - ~~~Xl!Y .SzlOaE PISTE1IGT LOTS 3,4,5,6,9,10,ll AED-12, BWKL TJ3IGDAIJ3,BROS. BROOKSIDE,-. -:: At30,gney Hqsan ,Strong, .represen%ing I the.&.sociation, * spoke-k favos. a€ the Fezoning., He presented copies of the plqs for the proposed bt&Lc%.ng, rnla5.n- ing that, because the €&$way Departmen€ triU not give access from Highway 169, it is necessary for access to be from W.49th Street. A. petition'.against the proposal- was filed by owners of the neAghboring proper$ies, carrying some 100 signatures, A delegation of some 50 persons protested the proposal on the time to 0;rganize. Wonk so moved. Elotion seconded by Tupa and carried. Xr0 Strong then explained that the Bssoc.iation must ask for, au extension of i%s option, and asked Council to set a date for continued Hearing, Aft;er some discussion as to a-suitable time, Fronk moved that Hearhg be co&hued to Monday, August 22, Motion seconded by Tupa and cmied. , grounds that traffic throcgh the residential area would be mterial~ increased. ' A spokesman for the opponents asked that Council. defer action until. they had had to a;U abuttbg lots from other streets. There were no objections from the floor, and no written objections had been filed prior to the Hearhg, Affidavits of Publjcation and Posting were approved as to form and ordered placed Qn file, Fro& offered the followbg Besolution ana moved i%s adoptionr (l?ukwana.*@gp, ,.be~wgg~~t~.4&h, &We49bh Sts.] -. BESDLUTION VACATIXG STRE32 portLon-gS_pulrwan(a Lane lslng between W,&%h and W,49th Streets, and abutting kts 6 and 2, Block-2 and bts 6 and 7J. Block 3, gingdale &os. Brookside, as platted and of, record in office of the Register of Deeds of Hemepin County, Minnesota, has been duly filed tdth the.+Village Corwcil; and. said Council has pet at the time and plaFe specified in a-notice c@ly pubUshed and-posted and has heard all,interested, and it appears in the interest of the public that said portion of said street bF-vacatkd, now therefore:' €E ZT RESOLVED by the Village Cornoil of the Village of Xdina'that tha% portion of -.he lying between VD4&h and Wo-49th Streets, and abutthg bts 6 and 1, Block2 and bts 6 and 7>- Block 3, Tisgdale Bros. Brookside, as the same is recorded in the office of the Register of,Dekds of. Hennepin County, Iwesota, is hereby vacated; provided-that said Village excepts fro@ this .. vacation proceedings and reserves unto %tself and~-its assigns an easement for all public utility pqoses, hcluding, without limiting the general nature of said reservation, an easement for electric, gas, sewer, water, a& telephone equipment on, over and under tGe center ten feet in width of the street hereb vacated. WHEREAS, peti-f;3on of a-majority of the owners--of rea&-prpperty abutting that &tion for adoption 09 Resolution was seconded rjy Diem, and on Rolldl there were four aps and no nays, as follows: Erickson, we; and the Resolution was @opted, Danens, aye; Fro&, aye;lwTupa, aye; and -. IKllage Clerk. . . . I . . . .. *.,,. 7/25/55 Xanager Hyde reported that the propoEtents for the VAoATlcoN OF N-S. AI;T;EY BETI.;IEEN %?.5vH AND lJ;5;8TH S'TREEZS AND. REXWEEN 3FE1p;NcE AM) @mG. Am we& to. have reached- song agreeqegt, bx Q&. qeeting;-_gd .Dq~ens+ ,move4 .for continuance of Hearing to Ifonday, August 8. Motion seconded by Bonk and carried. &yor Erickson then-announced PUBLTC HEARINGS ON kOPOSED SANmmY sEt.JER, l?-ATBE3*~, AND STOBI sEI.1ER ~~~OYBlENTS~for $he lToo~4Ad@iti~n amc,Affidavit g$..%b@cation $or-:!fNoticg of.:Hea@qgs ,on linprovqnents,ff published July l.4 and 21 in $he Edina-I-fornings5de Courier, was approved as to form and ordered placed OB file, &@nagex Hyde read the Engineer's Estimateof Cost, as follows: 1. _Assessable Foot for, the Lateral. Sewer, plus $1.50 per Assessable Foot for Connection Charge to..Trursk Sgwer No. 65.,- $S.U, pgr Assessable able Foot, 254 \ *.I Sanitary Sewer - $134,52&00, as agabst 20,270 Ft., for &,64 per Foot, total, 2. 3. 6n Stonn Sewer Watemah - $60,960.00,' as ag&st 20,270 Ft;.; for $3099 per Assess- $10,060.00 - all to be assessed againk Wood Addn, e Mr, Gegrge EL Posselt, 6709 Normandale'Ed., Nk. Harry IiT. Smit@,.-6605 Norqandale @lo, _and m> Qorge Lo Kane, 4809 tL66th St.,, protested on the grounds that they gre not bvgnefited-3fessrs. Posselt-_and Sm&th.stati.ng that there will be some 400 feet between their hones and the utQities. The matter of a 'connection charge' to be paid at some time in the future whea these properties connect to the utilities was discussed, with VWge Attorney Wjndhorst discouraging the Council as to such a policy but stating that if devglopers are to make the * qangements, &ny contract agreeable to all parties ncight be made. W. Posselt asked to go on record as favoring some arrangement for a future connection charge. Developer Roy Peterson stated that'some of the residents bordering Brittany Bad on the Vest do want the utiJ%ies and that, for that reason, he does not thjnk the 'connection charge' idea acgood one.' 3b?.yPeterson stbed that that portion of the,Posselt and Sm€th,,properties can be utiuged after Brittany Road is constructed,-whereas there is no access to these properbles at %he Eresent time. &. Smith maintained that he had given a 3Gfoot easaent on confition that no road would bB built ~withkn four or five yearst, and 5k. Hyde stated he would check on this matter. ,,Fro& offered the followkg Resolution * and moved its adoption: -- " ~LUTXON rn&G llPRrn*ms - ~@PAwm:W.mwm N.% % we.* tJB?m*W. *R~-W.W:NO*. 92 STOIN SEtER. DPROVBEXT NO. 30 BE Xi' RFSOLVED by the Coun~~.:ofJthe;V~age_of.E~a, .I\fianesota, that this Council heretofqgg.-sused notige of hearings to be duly published on the proposed improve= ments consisting of the following: Construction of Vil&ge Sanitarg Sewer and Appurtenances @ Streets l*A*1 to Y?*t., iplusive,esfn WoodhiJl Additiontt as per,€$reUningry Plati,approved by Vil&.qge CouncQ by 9,1955; in Brittany Rd. from W.66th St. to lL69th$t0; 5n Creston ad.. from lL7Qth St, t,s a pt.'_1075 e., more or less, N. of -&7Oth St,; in Qguna Drive from Street W1 3x1 Woodh5I.X Additiontr to a pt. 16fj,Ft., more or less,,E. of,Jfooddale Ave.; gh. on a-meandering course through private easement, to Cornelia Drive, to connect w5th existing Sanitary Sewer; in &66th St., from' Brittany'Rd. to Street ltBll in^ fll?oodhill 2. 6onsth&ion of Village I?aterx&n Exbension and Appurtenances Streets tIA" to IlF", jgcbive, %.Q Woodhill Addition" as per Preliminary Platmapproved by ViUage Council Nay 9, 1955; in &ittany %. @om W.66th %. to lL69kh-St0; h- Creston Ed.. from FL7Oth St. to a pt..,lO75 I?+., more or less, N. of lJ,7Oth St-.*; 3n W266th St., from Brittany Rd, to Street IlBlt .. iu Woodl~5.U Addition; Balfanss. Rd., from Street ItBff lin 8rCJo.OdhS.l Adcjitioh" to a pt.' 150 5, more or less,. E. of 's&d Strees flBll. cI Consthction of Village Storm Sewer and Appurtenances, Corn. in NE Cor. of Block 4, 1q:foodhill Additionft, tho 1.r, Sn Balfanz Rd.++$o -Street !Wt in Woodhill Ad@tiodt;,th. N,-in Street lfBlt to bguqa Driva;,th. E-.- Lam Dr. 2QO Ft.,..more or less;. - th,,N. to Lake Cornel@ - L 1. *- Additionlr . ... w -. . -t n ... n 3. and at the hearing-held at the time and place specified in said notiae the Council has duly considered the v;iews of all persons interested, and being fully advised of the. pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with the construction of said improvements; that said improvements ae hereby designated and shall be referred to In sll subsequent proceedings as follows: DfPRW*m NO: Sanitary Sewer Improvement - ljatermain_ Inprovment - storm Saser &pmvment *; Sanitiry Sewer ,7inprovaent ESO. 90 -tfat erna3.n kpmvenerit No , 92 gtorm Sayer Zuproveaent No. 30 and the areas to be special3y assessed therefor-bshaU3bclude the lots and tracts of land set forth as follows: 7/2 5/55 255 For Sdtmz Sewer hppovement NQ. 90 - (a)- That part of the SWl/4 of Sec.39, T.28,R024,Coq. 40 Rods E. ol" NH Cor. of,.sitid,STCL/4; ~th. S. 2l22.8 Ft.; tho Ely ,to a Et. on the S.l&ne of said. Sec. 1221. Ft. E,%.pf the SW-Cor, of said Set.; tho E. along the q.l@e of said Sec. to a pt. ..2155.7 Ft. E, .-of_the m Cor. qf said Sec.; tho No to the No Line of said SHJ./4 of said.Sec.30; tho t?q.-to pt. of beginning. (b) Loi; I, BL 1; Lots h3-5,6,Blo 4; Zots 6 to 12, "he., Bl. 6; hts 1 to 6,.&c0, 31. 7.; hts 3 & 4, BL 5; and all-of Bl. 8, 5n Creston Hifis. (c} That part of the S3/4..of the PLl./4s of the m1/4 of Sec.30,T.28,B.24, abutting on,W.70th St. and on kjke CorneUa3- except tha$-parf; p*tted as Southdale Firs% Ad%. &and Survey #3; aud dll that pa.* of the k;T,kO Rods of the N1/2 of the m/4 of Sec.30,T.2B,Be24 not included in the plats of said Nomandale Terrace or Registered Xgnd Survey #3 abuttipg on Brittany Road as extended, (e) That part of the NiJ1/1, of IfKl./4 and of Nw1/L, of pTE1/4, and of the Bo 20 Acres,of. the m?l/4 For Wat&ma,in hprovq6nt*No0 92 - (a) That p& of 6he m&/4 of Sec.30,T.283R,24, aom. 40 Rods E, of the NW.Cor, of gaid,SWl/4; tho So 2129.8 E.; tho SEQ to..a pt. on the S, line-of said Se.ct&on, 1221 Ft.-E. of the SW Cor. of-said Sec,; tho E. along the*%S. line of said Sec, to a p'cl. q55.7 Ft. sSoA of the E&? Cor, of said Sec.; tho M, to the No line ofsa3d 1Bcll./4 of said Sec,,30;_th0 W, to..$. of beginning. (b) .-.kts 3 & 4, Bl, 5; and @ts 6 to 12, Qc., BL 6, Creston &Us; bts 1 to 4, j,nc.,..Nom;landale Terrace; bts C, D & E., Reigst6red Laqd Sumrey #3; and all that part of the W.49 Rods of the Nl[Z of-tihe m/4, Sec,3O,T.2@,B.24,-not included i.n the plats of' pid~Normandale Terrace or Rsgistered Land, Susvgy #3 abukting on For S.t"om"8ewer Xinprovea&t Nd. 39 - That part of the SWl/4 of Sec.30,T.28,R024, Gomm, 4.0 Eods E..of the NW Coy. of said swL/lc; tho SI 2.&29.% fie; th. SEW to pt. on the S.e15ne_of said Se.c.-1221 Ft. E. ox the SW Cor, of said Sec.; th, E, along the So line of said Sec,. to a pt.,Z55.7 E._of-the SW Cor. of said See.; tho No to the -Nm line of-said S%L/4 of said Sec, 30; th. I?i._$o-the pt. of beg2lmhg. &tion for-'adoption of the-Resolution wai seconded by Danens, and on Rollcall there were-form ayes and no nays,..as follows: Danens , aye; Tupa, aye; and (d), hts 1 to,&, QCm, Normandale Terrace; hts C, D & E, Registered of the M/4, -c Set..- 31,T.28,R0~, abutking on t?.7Oth St. _. -* - " Brittany Road, as .&ended, ,. I. I on, aye; and the Resolution was &opted. VKLlage.Cler;.h:.. *. .. . ,....., &suaut *tol~Notice of Hearings-Proposed Improvements,1* published in Edina- @smingside,,Co~ier July I,!+ and-21, ,1955, Affidavit of Publication for which-was submitted, approved as to fora and ordered_placed on fQe, Azbllc Hearings werg held, and act&on taken as hereinafter recorded:: ingineert s2Est,wtg;og-LCoptAwas &1.~326~~ 4o~ ~tsr~LConstmction, as agdnst 297.64 Agsessable Feet,-for a.46 per ksessable Foot Zor the Xateral; plus $2.61 per Asspsable Foot to be asgessed for_&rxttarX Sewer Improvement No. 69, and $.l9,per Assessable Foot to be assessed*as a congect5,on charge to Trunk Sewer Tmprovenent No. 65, for a Total of $7.26 per Assessable Foot. There were no objections from the aq@knce, and nq mitten Qbjections had been filed prior to the hewing. 2, SANXT&Y S@lE€t 3% S-WD AVE. FEQH Ii.63RD ST. TO W.64TH ST. E~aeerts Estimate o$.2Co&s-ygs. .~~,8~5,G~.~.~s,ag~s~ IlrZ23,.45.$sgessabls .Fee$, -$or @3.U pe~ Assessable Foot for Lateral Constructioli, plus $2,6J, per Assessable Foot, to be Gssessed for Trunk Sewer Znpqovement Bo, 69, and g.19 perwAssessablePoot to be assessed as a, conne_ction charge to Tqnk Sewer Xinprovemen€:No. 65, for a total of $5.94 per Assessable Foot. There were lao_objections from%he floor, and 110 witten objections-had been filedDprior to the hFwing. for Resolution Approving). Est&te Of,Cgst ,was :$3t9@133 ~as,ag&wt.,l.,?&& a~sses.Sable .&!et, for $3.28 Per Assessable Foot for Lateral Constfiction, plus $.l&per Assessable Foot for Trunk l?atemnain District No. 81, for a total of $3.70,per bsegmibleToot+ There were no objeckions from the floor, and no mittgn objections had be- fi.led.prior to the hearing. 4. SANXTm SEMBIi 3N W.58TH ST, ERC% TIN'C2lAG AVE. TO CODB AXE. Engineer's Estimate, sr:Co~t...waS.,~~,3"1-.-78 .as. ~~nst~,.l,016.r19,~sessabJLe-~eet, :for $3.13 per Msessable Foot for Lateral Construction, plus $2.63. per Assessable Footsto be assessed for Trunk Sewer Bpzovenent No. 69, and #.19 per-Assessable ,Foot to be assessed as a, connection charge to Tqnk Sewer hprovwent.No. 65, for a total 02 g5.93 per Assessable Foot. There were no_obje&ions from the floor, and no written pbjedions,had been filed prior to the hearing. (See Mi#ut;es of later 5n meetm, 3. (See Minukes of later in meeting, for Resofution Approving). (See Eumtes'of later %n"meetSng, 3. 'Gs&!im IN S-KKlD Am, FBON W.63RD ST: TO W&TH ST. Engineer's (See Minu.t;es of later in meeta, for Resolution Approv;Lng;). for Resolution Approving). 5,- WAXER" IN W.SrsTH ST,, FROM TINGDlLLI3-A'. TO CODE AVE. &gineer's Esti;r$;te of8.Cos~,ms-: $3,4l.7+66.. as aga.&st 1,076.79 ,bsqssab&e..F@, .for $3.57 per Assessable Foot, plus, 9.73 per Assessable Foot for "U& Watermain Dist~ct No.7'8, gor a total-of $3.90 per hsessable Foot. ,There were no objections.fmm the floor, and no mitten qbjections.had been filed prior to* the hearing. later h meet-, for Resolution Approving). (See Einutes of 7/25/55 SANnmY SUER IN 1lATEB-W AVE. FRoT;TAR!PHUEt Spa TU lrm*U CIRCI;E, AND IN 1f-W .t31RCISo &@peer's. Est~te,o~..Cos~..was_gi~-.as 4&,'743e7f3- as against -l&3.&3;AssessaQle %Feet, fol: $10.35 per Assessable Foot for Lateral Construction,, plus $2,61 per Assessable FaQt for TN Sewer Bupmvement No. 69, and 5.19 per Assessable Foot:to -be assessed as a, conne$ion charge to Trunk Sewer hpovement / No. 65;a totdl of $13.15 per Assessable Foot. Pe%itioner Impe protested the 'cost, advocating that Sewer be-run from the Tru@ Line on *an easement over two. of his lots to the center of ITaterman Circle, thus..short;eaing the line materially and decreasing the cost. En-eer 23.l-q agreed that &ension could be made in this manner, but that it wpld not serve Wateman*Avenue. Engineer Zikan s'muld prepare an alternate estimate and present 5t to the Council at his eqliest convenience, and th& no action be taken by the Council: unt5l such estimate is received. - 70 1r-W IN RENTON AlENJE FFtOX TINGDAZE TO CODE Am; Engineer's Es€ipgtgAof: ,Cost 4vas. givg~~a.s,$3~62O~ll. .ag~~-~l~O~~7~~~s~ssable Feet, for A $3.34 "per Assessable Foot for Lateral ConstruOtionj plus $073 per Assessable Foot for cqnnection kt;a Trurrk llatez!aain~DistrLct No. 78. At this time property own@ Heds asked that a. new hgaring be held in view of fa@ that publication * is hcorred; insofar as benefited district is concerned. Fronkfs motion, that Clerk be directed to publish correct notice of Hearing to he held hmst 8, vas seconded by Danens and carried. 8. SANITARY'SEMB IN RYAN AVENUE I?ROlI'VAI;LEY VIE31 ROAD TO A PT, SO FT. SOUTH, Xn&iqses.! g-Es$@gte ofLCbst -%s.:$2,232.&as . aga&s$,129,&sessable .Feet, "fop.. . $4.02 per Qsessable Foot for La$er& Construction, plus $2.65 per Assessable Foot for ctpmection tt;a Trunk Smmr hpqovement No. B-ls for a total-of $6.67 per &sessaBle Fdot. Nr. Cr&g 11- inquSled'as to.-wb. the 'I?atmaln canno$ be * constructed,at the-.sme t%ule--ds the sewer; and Nr, Zikm--infomed him that serkgips "bids 'for the two grojects can be %&en on t&? sane date. There were no objections from tkie floor, and no mitten objections had been filed hearing. (See Wnutes of-la'ter in meeting, for Resolution ApprovlnppjE TO ST.JORfS,AVE. . Jkigins&s_Estiite .g$.:Cqs$ .was...$jr6@. $2 .astag!st1960*7T- ,Qss_essabl.e,Bp&, fqr $3.79,per Assessable-Foot, f oy the VatermSin; and .$1,053.00, for $1.10 per A3sessable Foot for Sever Connections, for*.$4.€& per Assessable Foot, Total Wa@inain and,Sewer Cognectiqns. There were no objections frm the floor,. and np_ wdtten objet$ions_had been fX!.ed prior to the Hearing. (See 10, CDRB AM3 GUTTER ON HAtIFAll Am BEi?lEXk W';GOTH ST. AND FRANCE AVENUZ. Engine-q? p .Estgma$g I of . Cgst .wasl g$.= a~,.&+~.fl6.50,.. as +- ag&st.J, 678d .Assessable Feet, for $2.91 per ASsessable Fqot. A spokesnkn for the pppsi%ion presented if petition, Containjng_U signatures, agqbst the hprovement. He stated that he can secure mdre names, if necesdary, to 'block the *hprovement.. Fronk's motion, tha% Hearing'be continued, was seconded by %pa and cwried. Fronk 5hen'offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: It was agreed that ? .* ior -to the 9. %-*&. &I'D 'SANTPART CONI&CTIONS. T62EEi S!IXEET*FROI4 IKKGDJEE AI& I Hinutes of Later in meeting, for Resolution Approving) p- f- ~ " '. aEs0WTION OEDEXDJG DlPROVEh~S (I s@@&Y~8a:q*.~owms 95,92,93,9L IrmdmN Bmm*ms-;:-9& AND 95 , BE flf RESOL9ED by the CowaF-iL..of,thg..V~ee..of:E~a, .T.Iinnesota, that this Council , hFretogqi'i,-%used notice of hearings to'be duly published on the proposed improve- ment " consisting of :. 1. 5 Construction og Village Sbitary- Sewer and Appurtenances in: A, St.Johns live.-, from Il.58bh Stz to 150 So. B. Ghemxjod &e., from f[,63rd SL to tG646h Sh C. .3:l058th St3 from Tingdale Ave. to Cgde Ave. * D. 'Rm Avg., from Yalley View Ed. to 540_Ft. So. 4. Shemmod he-., from !;T,63rd S.t;,_to t.J,6!tth St._ $. 3!.58Eh St, from TingCaU Av~. to Code Ave. - C, xower S:., from Wooddale aver to St.Jo&s Ave. - plus Sewer Connections . 2. . Cons$mction of Vill+ge Tlatemaig E;xtension,and_Appurtenances b and at the bwg held at the tige and place spedfied in s&d notice the Council has duly considered the views of a11 persons interested, and bebg fully adyised of .the pSrtinent facts does hereby detede to proceed with the construction of said improveme~s; that said'improvements are .hereby designated and shall be referred to in all subsewent proceeds as fOllows: * -lWROVX3*ENT NO, Sanitary Semr ,&proveqent No. 9X t I k lt NO. 92 - '1 . LA 1-B - , 11 1,' !! No. 93 14 CI 1-D p !! !! No. 5% 2-A. 1iaterma.in hprovement No. 93 7 No. 9% 11 . !! NO.* 93 e I1 It. I1 -. 2-B " 24 and &e are& to be specially assessed therefor sha3-i ;include:- For Sanit'w Saver Improvement No, 9$ - Lots I, 2 and 3, Block ?, and 3cots 22, 23 qnd 24, n ~XoCk_6, Fairfax Addn. .. t " - I 7/25/55 257- For Sanktary Sewer. Improvement No,, 5% 0 Lats 1,2,3,4, 5 and 6, Block 1, and I;ots 3,2,3,4,5,6 agd 7, Block 2, Broad Oaks; and that part of &t f., Block 7, Normandale Addition abut%ing- Shemood- Ave . For Sdta;ry Swer-Ihprovement NoOn93 - bts to 6; inc., Block 2, Edina Heights, For Sanitam. Sewer hwovenrent No, 9& - Ldts the S.362 l%._of N,4& Ft, of Ryan_kve, as platted. - For Wakemain Tmprovement No. BloCk.2, Broad.Oaks, and $$-la% wood Ave,. For Watermain Gprovement No. hc,, Block 2, .Xdinan Heights, For Watemdn Iqprovement No, Iiittel Park, and liots 1 tq.7, m/4 of m/4 $3, - Lots-1, to 9ii - Loti-7 to 95 -'Lots 7 to part of Lot 1, in~,,+Bl~ck 1, -. - i 7 to l2, hc., Block 1, and his Z 3,4,5,6, 3ttner's & YEngts Addn, and of Sec.19,28,24* abutting If, side of 6, &IC,, Block 1, hts 1 to 7,. bc., Block 7, Normandah, abutting She- &, inc.,' Block 1 and Lots 1 to 6, 13, inc., Block 4, Subiivision of Paul Wind Christopher Addn, Notion for adoption of Resolution was secondez by Daken;, and on EokcdLl (here were four wes and no ngs, as follows: Danens, Erickson, aye; and the Resolution was qdopted. aye;-.!kpa, aye; and "_ * r- &yor Erickson announced that Council would conduct Public Hearings on Specia Assessments, in accordance witg 11Notice of Hearings,!! published in Xdw-Xor&ng- srde Courier Jdy 3.4 and 21, 195&' affidavik of publbation for which was- approved as to-form and ordered placed on file, f: Hearings were held; and action taken, as hereinafter recorded.' hyor Erickson announced that HearGgs on SAwXTABY SEM3RwE4PEOlllBZNTS NOS. 72 ANp-79 wguld be held at a later date, to be mougced soon. I .,_ . - - 1, * ON AsSEsSi4fENT FOR SANITARY Sm R4PROYE24ZXC NO; -7%- - Eastview Dr, , - Bentoh Avg. ,tg.,T&gdal.e +Aye8; ,J36@on,Avq..,, . Joscj!pW?. &v+ .to Tiqgiale Ave, ; TingddZg Ave., Benton Ave. to Eastviey Dr,; .Grove St., Code Aye, E, to-Tbgdale anti 235 E'$, So.. Total_Cons%ruction Cost was g5.ven,aas fi1639U.91, as agdnst 3,4O1.99 Assessab3.e Feet, for $4.98 per kssessable Foe$, plus $,19 per Assessable Foot Connection Charge to 3ani$ary Sewer-Tmprovementi No, 65---for a Tota of $5.1? per Assessable Foot, as agg5nst a $3.66 Estimate, Th.we were no objeotions from the floor, and no writl;en objections had-been made prior to the Hearing, fjljnutes of Later in neeking, for Resolution Approving). SL; Ashc~o~t,A~e.,,St.Jo~s-~,Ave. ,.30..W264th St,; .Concord Ave.,Valley View Rd, to 1f064t@ St,; W.62nCI St., St,Johns A-ve-? to Cogcord-Ave,; Wv63rd St., Ashcrop Aver L. to Concord &e,; and %?,64th ,St., st .Johns_Ave. to+Gonc@ Ave, - Tot@. Constqction Cos$ was giyn as &38J42.532 as against 72733.04 Assessable Feet,- for $5.01 per Assessable Foot, compared wi%h Esthate of $5.64 for #68, $6.02 for #75, and $5.20 for #&, There were no objections from the,floor, and rm pitten objections,had been-receiyed prior to the Hearing. (See IfinUtes of later -in. meeting, for e Resolution Approving) , -1 - 'Shemood Ave, from %62nd St, to W.63rd St,. "*got&,Coristm& Cost -2; given 7as $4,32689 as. .aga;inst l,Z3.30 Assessable Feet, for $3.57 sessable Foot, coppared Estimate of $5.64. There were no objections from tQe floor, and no written objections had been received prior to the Hearing. (See IEnutes ,of later in meeting, for Resolution Approving) 4, kndsor &e., ,and. RiGhond Q@gle. . ,.To*&Constqction Cost was given as,#10,642.67, "1 as against 3,654,0& Assessable Feet,. for ,#2.91 per Assessable Foot, as compared with an Estimate of $2.30.plus $,15 for OU--$2,45, There were no abjections from the floor, and no wcitten obJections had bees received prior to the Hearing, Total Cost .#ll8,g2, ,as $ga211stM975.2 bsessabl.e Feet.?, for $.rZlZZ per Ft,, compared with Estim$e of #.1!5; No obje&ions, oral OT m&bten. (See Resolution Approving) Cost, '$33,59,as, aga,inst L543.16--bsess~bIe -Feet, for b0622l per Assessable Foot @ompared with Estjmake of &l5, No objections, oral, or mitten, ~ (See Resolution 7. ON OIkiXG NO, && - Arthur St.,PZaltoney Ave. to one Block-Soc Total Cost $102.15, ,as .against .1,240 *Assessable. .Feet, for %081895 per Assessable Feet, compared with $,l5 Esthat6. for fill, but he was hfomned that such would involve a gr-g project; that owners must petition agah for this type of work, which will be more expensive, (See Resolution Approving Assessment) OILIiIG NO, 0-86 -* Sou€hviey Lane, Concord Ave. to Nomaurdale Road. Tot&!. G&&,"$366,923 .as,ag@st 2,553.3.4 Assessable Feet, for $&37 per Assessable Foot, compared with s.15 Estimate. Mo objections, oral or wrii;ten. (See Resolution - .. (See 2, ON WmW DEROVEBk'NTS NOS, 68,75,80 - St,Johns Ave,,W,62nd to-k6kth . 30 ON Wm XMPROVEUENT NO, ON BLACTOPPXkG IMFFtOVE&&!P NO, A-69 - Richmond Drive from H~,#lOO to (See 3lhutes of later 5x1 meeting, for Resolutgon ApproUing,) -A 5, ON OILING NO, 0-82 - Ashcroft; Ave.-,@l.ley View Rd. to ?;,62nd St. - 6, ON OILING HO, &e4 - W,59th St.,Fafr%ax &e, to,St,Johns Ave. -.TotaL Approving) . -_ @e owner compldned 'Chat petitioners had also-asked 8, Approring). I --. ._I 712 51 55 $134.23. aq .again& .3.,388.24 Assessable. Feet, for $.0.903 Assessable Feet3 compared w5th 8.15 Estimate. Mr. Paaey complained that Sewer Contractor has-driven his heavy. e&pment over the piled street, leaving atbad condit2on at 62nd Street and at 6w Broo+ew, Nr. wkan qlained that 62nd Street has just been finished &id must. settle before an~hing.furkherr can be dong; and it was eqlained to Nr. Padiey that he is being assessed for a simple 'dust CoatJ , (See Resolution , 5- 10.: OWG 0=90,-. Duggan.Plazs, Hrvg.100 to Danens Dr,; D&e& Dr., Duggan Plaza to Sdgeyi9w; .I.iarren Ave,, Danens Dr. to W,66th St. Total Cost, $382.43, as againss 5,806.26 Assessable Feet, for .$.o65865 per Assessable Foot, compared kth $,15 Estimate. _No objectians, or& or writken, [See Resolution Approving). as agah~~,2,3&?~99 .Assessable Feet, for per. -Assessable Foe%, as compared with $25 Esthte, _No ob jeckions, oral gr wri$ten, ; (See Resolution Approving). as agaj-nst ,L,l,$S.OL, .Assgssable-Feeti;, for 8.15823 per _Assessable Foot compared. w5th %l5 Estimate, One gentleman protested the cost; was,told that assessments are computed from actual costs given by Street Commissioner, fj37.31, as .ag&ngt I 5'75.03 Assessable Feet, for $.O648@ $er Assessable Foot as pompwed with G.15 Estimate. No objections, oral or Written, (See Resolution OXLlN& 0-95 - Summit Ave., Interlachen Blvd. to Hwy.169. Total Cost, $?4.&9, as,ag&n@ .'j'&L.'j!O Assessable.Feet, for $.1043 per Assessable Foot, as agabst 55.15 Estbate. No-ob Sections, oral or initten, Blake RdOAtoJhve Place. Total Cost, #175.'&, as against 1,358 Assessable Feet, for $.&2944 per Assessable. Foot, -compaked with Estimate of $.15. - No objections, eit&r oral or wyitten, (See Resolution Approx@g.) t he., CeongofiLTepace to jT05&h. St. Tot$!. Cost, _$219,19_as .against 1,€%%73 assessable Feet, for $.I2152 per_*Assessable_Foot (=ompared with e.15 Esthtb. (See Resoluiiion Appro;ving,) -'_ 17. OILING 0-92 - 1[.4gth St.; Brookside-Ave. to Hwf. 100. 'Tot& Cost, $%%, as again@.79L 50 .,Assessable Feet, for $.0909_per. Assessable Foot, 'compared with $.u Estjmate, (See Resolu5ion Approxlng,) Gost, $l32...rCrC3 .against 1,050.24 Assessabl; Feet, for %.aZ896 per Assessable 'Foot, wmpared with g.15 Es$kmate, _One owner inqdred as to whether-developer had ppsted a bond For this work. He@was told that such bond had not been required. $254.99, as, agaigst .1,629,.% Assessable Feet; for ,&&56&7 pgr-hsessable Foot, compared. with $.I5 Estimate, _No objections, either oral or tmitten', Resolution Approviry .] g61.91, @th s.15 Estimate. No objections, either oral, or rmitsen, as agains: .1,2~7;Assessable Feet, fox #.165_82 per bsessable Foot, compared witx 8.15 Estimate. No objections, either pral or tvrit$en, (See Resolution Approving.) . '22. OILING O-lOL, - Concord Ave., Southview Lane to IJ&Oth St. Total Cost, A $344.36, w,agaiqst .3,723.56 Assessable Feet, for $.0924$ per Assessable Foot. No ob ject&ons, either oral or_written. . (see Resolution Appro@ng.) . . 23. T,xEED "?G=19% - $5.00 per Lo&, Ayqage. No objections, either ora2 or mitten, , @~e,Resolution, Approving.) 9. OILING 0-89 - BrooMew Aveo,t.l;62nd St.*to IT.63rd st;. - Total Cost, 258 . 4pproving Assesmen%), fl A* i 1SL. OTLING 0192 - Ashcrort Ave., FL6Oth St. to W,63d gt. - Total-Cost,$276.~ OfuNG 0-93 - TJ05&h St., St,Johns Ave, to Concord~_Ave. Total Cost,$181~19, (See Resolution Approving) . 3.2, 130 0113NG 0194 - 11.58th St., @ookvietr Ave. to Philbrook &me, Total. cost ,. Approving) .. U. 15. , OlLIKQ ol.96 & 97 .I John St., Spruce Rd. to Belmore he; and Sprgce Rd.:, ,. (See Resolution Approving). 16, 0I"G 0-98 - Coqgofi-_Terrace, Concord Ave, to St,Johns. Ave.; and St, Jobs . . It$. OTuNG.0-100 - Virginia he. fropr TLbOth ;to to VaU& View Road. Total (See R,esolution Approqjng,) ,I 12. 0;IJJNG .&lo1 - ?t059tb St., kairfax Ave. to St.Johns A.& Total Cost, e " (See 20, OIIJNG 0-102,- I?.fr%hSt., Oaklam Ave. to Kellogg Ave. Tot&-Cost, ,against. 536.60 Assessable-Feet, for $.u537 Assessable Foot, cqmpared (See Resolution APP~Yi43.1 21. .OILING &lo2 - &&xes Ave.,W.6Oth St, ta tL62nd St. -Tot& Cost, $zOS044, .. , Fro& offered'-;he followLng R&olu%ion &d moved its adoptlon: - RESOLUTION ADOpTlsnO .AND CONFIXQNG . AS==Jsms -p@..o~$,g.omws ys,. W3,84,85,S8, ~*WS*6&?%@ i% 7% *qW~Of)lP~ Q!?Rop:= .NO. A-69;= 99392a93, ~~~9~~6&97,98,g~,100,101,So2,103,104: SANlTARY SEs.JE;R IE*ERc)'VB+lENT NO, 75; M&l!EEUm D*EBOV% _. tIEED.~~G~9% . BE: Tp RES0I;vED by the Village .Counc~.,og.the.,.V~ge .of.Edina, mesota, . as fo=o*,r ---- far OILING DEROVEHEWS NOS 9 043, 64, $59 &,8q, 90,929 93,949 95, 9W7,98,99, 100,101, 102,103 -AND. 104, j@D, l$JNIJ&3.954, BLACKTOPPING It4PROVEWNT NO, L69, SANEiBY 1.. It ,is hereby found, .d&ermined and declared th& the proposed-assessments SlWEEi ~rwET~~~~~0. 75&. and I?ATEEil4&& I$~OVB4E@SrN@. 6&-75$0 AND-79,. ad each o€.s.th~,y-@re. been. .properly ca&@gt@-ja. acwqlqcq ~$h the provisions of EEmesota Statutes Section 4l2:l&l; that notice has been duly published as required by law, th+t this Council.would meet to hear and pass upon aU. objections, if any, . to amend said proposed assessments as migkrt; be necessary, and to adopt the same by resolution; that said proposed asseswents have at all times since their fw been open for public inspection, and opportunity has been given to all interested persons to present their obdections; and that each ofthe lots, pieces and parcels 7/25/55 of land enumerated in the respective assessments was and is specially benefited 259 by the construction of the improvements for which such assessment is leded in the mount set opposite the description of each such lot, piece and parcel of land respectively, 2, The amounts so set out are hereby levied against the respedLve lots, pieces and parcels of land described b- said respedive assessments, except that the Connection Charge to Trunk Sewer Inprevement No, 65 may be lessened by this Council if conditions so w2mant; and.with said exception said proposed assess- ments are hereby adopted and confirmed as the proper special assessments for said improvements, respectively. The assessment against each lot, tract or parcel, together with the interest accruing on the full amount Sthereof fron time to time unpaid, at the rate of five percent per annum from the date of this resolution, shaJ.1 be a lien concurrent with general. taxes upon the property described therein and all thereof, and for WUISE-BiAIN DPROVl2l~S NOS, 6&..7!j=80 & 79, _sh&&-.be,p...ble. .* equal mnud ~sta-~en~..e~~en~~g,.ove~ a perioQ of ten years, the first 02 said installments, together with interest on the entire assessment from the date hereof to December 31, 1956, to be payable with the general taxes for the year 1955, and one of the remaining installments, with one year's interest on tha* and all subsequent inskallments, to be payable with genera3 takes for the years 1956 through 1964, collectible in the respective ensuing years. The total amount of the assessment for Bz;ACIcpOPPING IMPBOVf3E423" NO. A-69 shdl. be payable in equal annua3. instalhents- &-en@llg over-a pqiod of five years, the first of said installments, together with interest on the entire assessment from the date hereof to December 31, 1956, to be payable wLth the general taxes for the year X955, and one of the remaining installments with one year's.interest on that and all subsequent installments, tobe payable dth genepal taxes'for the years 1956 through 1959, collectible in the respective ensuing years, The total mount of each assessment for OIIJ,NG ~~S ROS, 0=83,84, 85,88,89,9O, 92,93,94,95,96&97,9~,99,1~,~01,1~2,103 and.,Z% -and for 1- l4oWING l9&, shsll be payable in one instaJ.hent, to be payable with the general taxes for the year 1955. owner of .-lot, piece or pascel of land assessed hereby may pay-the whole of such assessment or any installment thereof without interest to the Village Treasurer and thereafter such payment may be made with accrued hterest, to the County Treasurer; provided that if any assessments or instalments thereof be prepaLd,to t&e ViUage Treasurer, they shall be cancelled on the books of the Village Treasurer, and he shall promptly notify the Village Ulerk and County &ditor,.and the assessment or bstaLlment so prepaid shall be cancelled on the books of the County Auditor, 4, The Clerk sWl, as soon as nay be, prepare and transmit to the County Auditor a. certified duplicate of said assessments, wiCh each then unpaid install- ment and interest set forth separately, to be extended upon the proper tax lists of the County, and the County Auditor shall thereafter cause said assessments to be collected in the mqer provided by law, Said duplicate assessment roll shall be designated as Assessment Roll for Oiling Improvements Nos. 083,84,85,88,89,p, 92,939 9k~95,9~97~9~,99~100,101,102,1~3 and 104; Blackhpping Tmprovenent N0.A-69; Sdby Sewer &provement Nos. 72,75 and 79; ITatd Improvements Nos.6&-7580 and 79; Tf!?ed Mo~g-1954; and all amounts collected in respect of the assessments therein ,cpni;a.$ned sW1 be,sMlarly designated by the County Treasurer and remitted to the Village Treasurer, and by him credited to S3,nking Fund Accounts as follows: From all Oikng Impiovenentp,' &d from Weed l4owing-19&, to the S&g . Fund Account of the Permanent Improvement ReyXLving Fund, From Sanitary Sewer hprovement No. 7.5, and from Watematn 3inpro&ments Nos. 68-7%80 qd 79, and from.BlacM;opphg Improvment No,..A-69, to the SWng Fund Account of the 3954 fmprovements Second.Series Fund. ~ - h.t;ion for adoption of Res&lutioh*was .seconded by Daiens, and on Rollcall there f \ The total amount of each such assesment for SANITARY SEWBR IMPR~5EN'l' HI). 75, . 3, Prior to certification of the assessments to the Gounty Auditor, the -were four*ayes-and no rigs, as follows: Danens - Erickson, aye; and the Resolution was adopted Village .Clerk. I . ... _. Clerk presti?nt;ed Report on Special AssesGents for the t.J,I,SO& PROFZRTY=-Block 27, Eendelssohn, recommending that no ad justmnt be made e;;cep% for &-,$lO,OO calmlation emor, for the reason that other properties In the. area are assessed on a like basis. Fronkts motion, that Mr. Bones' request for adjustment be dded, was seconded by Danens and carried. rr The following PETITIONS FOR IMPROV33MENTS were presented, and Fro& moved for acceptance. Mo.Trion.sewded.by_l*+eqs..gnd carried. 1, For ?ratemain - Jeffrey-Lane, Blake Rd, to Kaymar Drive; Kaymar Dr., Blake Rd, to Eden prairie Ed.; Eden &&fie Rd., Highwod Dr,- to Blake Rd. 3. wljng - Maloney he., JohSt, to E,E);Rd of WLoney Ave. 2, Sanitary SewerzInterlachen Blvd., Shaefer Rd., West. . *. .. 7/25/55 “8. Vatermain - Rosendahl’s Edina Highlands. -.- EDINA HVEING CclX€%NX-is letter, accepting return of &,OOO good faith deposit for relocationlof $den-Avenue, but stating that they, consider agreement still jn \ force and are agreeable-to conpromise, vas referred to Village Attorney Wndhorst. ALTm TWER TPSJK ST’lZ, Clerk presented fom of *Resolution,-wirich thi purchasers..-Te@reA..o3@he. matter of the reconveyance of the watertank property to Thrope Bros; th5s being,merely a formal action to be taken to regonvey the property: HESOWTTION RECOmmG At== lJA!I!EBTANKSITE. ‘ I-, The Dayton Compqg,.and.,Thorpe. Bros. .have offered a gift of land ‘S.JHEREAS,-Thorpe l3ros*, a corporation, executed a Wt-Clajm Deed, which to the VAUage-of Edina-for use as a site for a water storage tank, and vas filed .&n..thg_office of. the Rdster of Deeds of Hennepin County, Ifimesota, and recorded In Book 2037 of Deeds, page 399, conveying the following described land to the Village of ma, .a Hnnesota municipal corporation, to-wit: Beginning at the No&?west comer of the Northwest 1/4 of . %he Northeast 1/4 of Section 31, Tormsbip 28, Range 24; thence South along the Vest me thereof, 193 feet, which is the poht of beginning of the-land to be conveyed; thence Ehst parallel to the North line 210 feet; thence South parallel to the F1es.t line 250 feet; thence West parallel to the North Line 210 feet; thence North along the Hest line 250 feet to the point of beginning. Together with the right to use the driveway now established along the Westerly line of said Northwest l/4 of Northeast l/4, such use to be limited for ingrees +d egress to the parcel above described, . and Village of:,E@@t_has determined that another available tract of lad ~Jill be a more be aceepteds-andwthat the duly qualified officers of the VWge of Edina are hereby authorized to execute instrmknts to reconvey record title of said land to saidThorpe BPOS., a corporation. Xotioh for adoption of the Resolution as read was made by Tupa, and seconded by Fronk; and on Rollcall there were four ayes and Elronk, aye; !he, qe; and Erickson, aye; and the I-, after public hearing and due consideration, the Council of the RESOLVED, that the offer of gift .of the above described land shall. not -&table site for a water storage tank; .v om: Danens, aye; V‘ge Clerk - . 1. plgced. on fgle.. __ . . ..-e - **-’..*-’ -....*-.. RW CCXJNTY NURSING DISTRICT REPORT for June, 1955, was reviewed and ordered CL!LW FOX DAZ4AGES:. ,. rd -.- L +ThevfoX&qingLClaim were subnitted and, by motioh Fronk, seconded by !Bqa and carried,* were referred to Village Attorney llindhorst -for investAgation:. 1. Thos. Bo Cooley, 4W.?ower S$. - $2,C@O (Sewer back-3p) 2.. PIjCs, Peter Fomkis, 6933 PXeabowbrook Blvda - $42.20 (Hit qosed’manhole). 3.8 &A. Johnson, 3908 Alabama. (Hit large rock in road). .-. 4. ESP, Arthur ~tringer,5200 vdley View Rd. - $85.0 @r. T.Jindhorst to r+ detpdne whether Claim 2s in proper-.fom). Ilith rea to the Cooley clain, report was made that the grading contractor had -* damaged sewer manhole; that, during bad stormethe storm water had forced the cover off the manhold, and that the fosce of the water had backed up the sanitary sewer into Nr. Cooley’s basement, causing a great deal of damage. PIETZFkON TO FA& HOUSE LO” IfXf OF WP - ht 24, Block 8, Fairfax Adation, was received, @d,Rorrk .xovedIto- gchedule.8Public Hearing on Petition for Nonday, August 80 &tion seconded by Tupa and carried.’ -1 PAXROIZS AND CWlS: Fro& moved for payment of ViUage Payroll for period ending Jg1&~31, .@0~~%-.$l5,212&, and for approval of the foUo@ng Claims: ,. , General Fund - $9,315.20 IfatertTOrks Fund - &,@l..54 Const. Fund . 206,262.% .&iquor Rmd- * 2O, 843 002 *- Park Fund 2,495.91 Sewer Rental. F’und 13.68 f& . Spec- Assessments 1,221.43 - - .. L 7/25/55 26 J. RWJUTION OF LAKE CORMLIA. Nr0 Adolph F. Meyer, Consulting Hydlraulic Engineer, pese@ed :a,repqrt .dated- Jay 15, 1955, sh0tJ;ing the .necessity for the future regulation of the water level 51 Lake Cornelia. Pleyerfs recommendations were as follows: sufficiently-deep-to permit passage of small boats; QP, if this is objectionable, by installation of a cnlvert. low concrete h roof of culvert at elevation 865, be built through 66th St., to provide channel suitable for navigation by small boats. and adjoining ponds; and that storage capacity between elevation 859 and elevation 863 be utilized whenever necessary for emergency storage of excessive moff from torrential rains, while Himehaha Creek is also in flood and unable to carry off additional flood water.. 4. That after Zake Cornelia and pond northerly thereof have been connected, a ditch. be constructed in northerly direction from large pond and that this ditch be carried nostheastePXy under West 62nd St., with control works to .be installed just norbh of present 21tf, sanit-qry Sewer,_and that discharge channel be excavated through the marsh with amculvert under 58th St,, and a continuation of ditch to an outlet in PlLinneMa Creek, with a gate at 38th St. for tenporarily controlling the outflow from the qsh in conjunction with control of the outr"1ow from Lake Cornelia, I '5.- Regulation of control stznucture should be responsibility of VWge. Cons5derable discussion foLLorJ-ed. the report, with Engineer 23.W recomend3ng that Emhaps drainage to Nine-lfile Creek would be pract&cal, and_&. Meyer stating that he believes that in the not too far future both methods will be utilized, bat that he thinks this one should be first. Fronkrs motion, authorizing &. s;;.Lkan to consult with Nr. Meyer as to route and drainage district, as well as estimate 02 cost, in order that Council might schedule Storm Sewer Hearing, was seconded by Danens and carried. . I dROSSTcrr.JN HIGHWAY. kager ITyde presented proposed route for Crosstown Hl.ghway, stating ..that ..qp$erences with Whneapolis City Engineer; Richfield Manager and Engineer, and Hemepin County .&&way officials_make it look as thopgh there is a definite possibility €hat Minneapolis will go ahead dth its proposed crosstokn route as a thoroughfare; that it wiJl stop #at the Edha Village Xihits at 'approxi- mately 62nd and Xerxes; that the County has plans for a route be%ween 62nd and 64th Streets; th& the Village must decide whether to route this traffic along 6. residential streets or to provide athoroughfare for it; that, ip dew of .present plans by the City and Countythe Council should take action Wediatelyto prevent- 'z fluYther building within the proposed right-of-way for appmxritely SLX months in order that we can determine more specifically the advisability and practicability of the routefs going through. Trustee Tupa stated that before he would be w5lling to take any definite adion on the recornendad thoroughfare he would like to know: 1. Is it necessary? 2. Is it irS the best interests of the public? 3. Who 9s going to pay for It?, 4. mere is it going to starb and where is i-t goingto end? There was further d5scussion on the matter, and Fro& moved that warning be given to prospeckive buildera dong the proposed route-of the crosstown highway, and that said building peMnit applications be referred to the Council., was seconded by Damns and carried., I"T BONDS, Wager &de reported that it will possibly/necessary to issue t~~,Jmprov~e~t,bond.issues this year, the first in the very near future, Because of the condition of the municipal bond market at this time it was decided Eo wait for a few weeks before sale. AWIT FOR YEAR 19%. Mjr. Hyde presented copies of Audit for Year 1954, by Ernst ,. 1. That Lake Cornelia and pond dg northerlr'thereof be joined by a ditch 2. That box culvert at least 6 feet wide, with invert at elevation 8% and 3. That 859.0 be established as nomnal regulated level of Lake CorneUa be &. Emst.. ^_. . *.. , Engineer Zikan presented plans and specifications for blacktopping projects, asking that Oouncil take bids on August 8 if possible. After review, Fro& offered, the following Resolution and moved its adoption: ... RESOLUTION APPROVING PLANS Ab SPECWCUXONS .. ADVERTISB~ FOR BIDS .. I. FORmwIw.*IS, ANI) DIRECTQG. * ~ I BE Iff RE;sOLVED by the.V~~age;Co~c~,of:the-V~lage of Edina: . . .1. -The +plans and .specifications for the. proposed Blacktopping Improvements set forth, in the following Advertiisement for Bids form,. heretofore prepared by the Village Engineer and noy on-file in the office ofthe Village Clerk are hereby approved Courier and the Construction Bdleth the following notice for bids for said improvements: - . 2. The Clerk shall cause to be published twice in the Z&na-Morning&de # Village, HsU.4GOl.b;T.5Oth Street, Monday, August 8, 1955, at 330 P.M., and WiU at said She and place open and consider sealed bids forthe foUQwhg: b 7/25/55 4c 7/28/55 l3LACKTOPPIMC: -_ . - -1.. ,a1 Streets in €brants Edina &nor Acldktion (A-77) 2, $&ore Ave, between Qura and North Avenues [A-74) 3. TL57th-St. between Zenith and York Avenues (A-73) 4. @I.ifax_Ave, between lL6Of;h St, and Frdnce ; Avenue 262 Work must be done as describid and specified in plans and specifications for said wprovemen2; on file in the office of the Village Clerk, Said plans and speci- fications ,are available on deposit of @lO,OO, which deposit is refundable upon return of said plans and specifications. No bids VU be considered unless sealed and fiked"r.ri.t;h undersigned before time of said meethe and accompanied by cash deposit, bond or cert5fied check payable to the Village Clerk in amount of ten percent of mount of bid, BY ORDEE OF THE Vm CCPTNCIT;. .'. . -- * .--_ _I - .. '- GRETCHEN S. AIDEN, Clerk Vqlage of Iqiq - t Pbtion for adoption of the Resolution was were four ayes and no nays,..as followst Ericksoa, aye; and the Resolution was Village .Clerk . Hayor Erickson suggested that the CounciL congratulate 3Ess Barbara Tennis on her selection as a Mjnneapdis Aq,tdal Princess, and fionk offered the following Resolukion and moved its adoption: .% RESOLUTI6N CONGRATULAThG *. - ~~S.~Xrn~,. 3 AQummm mmms f.-, qudlifications - fog.. selection, o$ .&&meapolis Aquatermid. Princess are beauty3. p@e., persondlity and tdlent; and I-, Niss Barbara Tennis of Edha, competbg in a-large group of especially -lovely girls,. has been chosen as nqUakennie3, Princess for 1955, NW, THEREFORE, BE I'll RES0LTl'E)D by the Village Council of the Village of Fdina, that congratpXations _be, tgqdered .to Hiss Barbara Tennis of this Village on her. selection as linneapolis Aquatdal Pr-hcess for 1955. BE IT FWIjEXt BBSOIXEiD that this Council convey to lass Tennis its pride and pleasure fn hamg-such-a &xuming representative of this VUlage in the ~~~eapoUs Aquatennial. Hotion for aioption of Resolution was seconded by Tupa, and on Rollcall there xere aye; and the Resolution was adopt@. , I - four ayes and no nays, as follows: Danens, aye; ,111 ..* Village Clerk . '* -1 There being 'no further business to come before the Council, Tupa moved for adjourn- meat. Hotion seconded by Danens, FIeeting 07 . . . . . . .Village Clerk ... I .. - .. .EDrnA.SmLAGE HAf;f * a. ECeeting convened with Danens, .Tups qid @i.ckson_angwerhg Rollcall, .to act as Board of Redew, L Village Assessor, Ailex. Creighton, presented his books of valuation, giving as his F'relininsry Estimate 03 1955 Valuations, $15,728, 500, representing an increase of over 15$ over last year's valuations. 1 There was no one present to complain, either that he was aggrieved by said assessment, or that the property of another was assessed too low; and, after review, Tupa moved that Books of Valuation for Year 1955 be approved as submitted, Notion was seconded by Danens and carried. adjourned at S:30 P,lL - c %pa then moved for adjournment, BWion . .. ,.. '1 . . .e P I