HomeMy WebLinkAbout19550801_SPECIALh. HHe recommended that contract for Sanitary Sewer, Storm Sewer and Ifatennab be
awarded to low bidder, Orfei & Narianj.,_subJect $0 acceptance,.of Final Plat of
1.700dhill Addition and @mission of necessary easements. FronEr sa moved. Motion .. seconded by Danens and unaninously carried. .
Bids taken Jk.7 25 for the Lift Station for Sanitary Sewer Improvement No. 69 were
next reviewed, being as. follows : - ~ XJ3T.STN FOR SEI= NO. 69
Phelps-Drake Co. , hc. .e, z.. . %6,?7WQ. __ - ..
Acton Construction. Coo @&,?29oOO
Barbarossa=Nodland Co, s;k9.,OPoOO
On-Nr. Hydets reconnneGdation for awrd to low bidder, it was'rnoved by Tupa,
seconded by,Fronk and carried, that contract be awarded to Phelps-Drake Coo, Inc.
IJ'otion unaninously carried.
PHEISS- oRF%;T& mm3: Smm&r F.Bmem
&. Hyde reported that &he Village kgineer rebornends the'folXowing dketions from
%he original plans for Sanitary Sewer #35 and Watermain #e&, because of the proposed
Crosstown Highway: - -
For Sanitary Sewer 60. 85 - k63rd St., l?i&yan Ave. to ITarren Ave.; Wihyan
-Ave.,PL63rd St. to Roberts Place; 1:Udrgd Ave.,Valley View Rd..to IL63rd st.;
Rolf Ave.,W063rd St, io Rob!ert;s Place; Valley View Rd.-Line--shostened 315 -Ft.
badkward tg EUdred Ave.., -
For Ifate&* Zaprovepent No. 88 - W.63rd St., t;lilryan Ave. to I.Tasren Ave.;
.Wilryan Ave.,'(;T,63rd St. to Roberts.Place; -1Ueed Ave.,Valley View Rd. to
W.63rd S5.; Rolf Avec,1~.63rd St. to-Roberts Plce; T.1062nd St., Wlryan to
Josepwe; Josephine Aye0,W.62nd Sto_>o lL62gci Sto..Soo; W062nd .St., Josephine
he., to Hwg. 100 - qkhg.a reduction of $13,5@.5@ 5.n bid of low bidder
He recommended that bid be awarded to low bidder, Phelps-Drake Coo, at their total
bid price of $97,332.86, less reduction for Sanit;qy Sewer No. 85, $9,101062, and less reduction for Hatennain hpmvaent No. -88, $13,fi8O058, for a total net bid of
$74,644.66, Tupa mqved for award of contract td phelps-'I)rake Coo in accordance with
lcfanager1s recommendation. Notion seconded br Danps and. carried.
a reduction of @,10?.62 fn bid of low bidder.
There biing no *her bushess to come befose-this spe
for adjournment. 1Iot;ion seconded br D