BT- ?:30 P.M., .A!P TflE .I4DI'itA-mmm HAU
num CQUNCIG~ ~ONDAX, AUGUST 8, -1955,
., .. - .... ..E * Xnvocat?on was Gven'by Rev. Eobert E; Skeele of Colonial Church of Edina.
Nembers answering Rollcall were Bredesei, Danens, 'Fro&, Tupa and Erickson.
Clerk presented Af?idavits of Publication &I Edina&orningside Courier &d
Construction Bulletin, July 28-and August 4, 1955, of rtAdvertisement for Bids-
Blackbopping*J, Ilffidavits were approved as to form and. ordered placed on file;
and Frbnk moved for referral of sealed bids to Village Engineerts Office for
public opening, tabulation and report. Motion seconded by Bredesen and carried.
9 -% 3 9 Later in the meeting, Eanager Hyde presented the Engineerts tabulation
of -- bids; and bids were found to have been as follows:
I$. 57kh. St. between . .- .* *" .Zenith-& York Aves. (A-73) $b 807.00 r$ L970.00 # 9~0000 &; 934.00
Moore &re. bet&en. I
Laura & Noeh Aves.
Halifax Ave . between
. N&th St. & France Ave.
AW. Streets in- - Boran' s Edlina Hanor
JAY Wo ASPWJT. -s~~rc~ sna~
. ., -" ,.,'. _. .... ,... .
(A-7L,) 1,221070 1,395000 1,238075 1,205015
(A-75) 3,330.00 3,620.00 3, !YSLoo 3, 54OoOO
Manager Hyde.recommended that contract-be awarded to low bidder, Jay W. Craig Coo,
and Bredesen so moved. Notion seconded by Fro& and carried.
IEnuies of the Redar- Council Neeting of J&y 25, and of the Special Meeting of .
August 1, 1955, were appoved as suhitted, by motion Danens, seconded by Bredesen
and carried.
Hayor Xrickson announced tha-t Fubsc Hearing on proposed Storm Sewer Tor the 56th
and Code area, originally tentatively. scheduled-foFXhis meeting, would be held on
Nonday, August 22.
AND COBE AVBWES ms ca&led,.-pqsuant ,to.-*!Notlce of Hearing=-Proposed. atema maim -
Improvement,fl pub15shed in Edina-Borningside Courier. July 28. and August 4. Affi-
davit of Publication was presented by Clerk, approved .as to form, -and ordered
placed on. iil& Engineerts Estimate of Cost was read at $3,620.&3., as *against
1,082.73 Assessable Feet, ,for $3.34 per Assessable Foot for Iateral construction--
plus $.73_per Assessable Foot for connection to Trunk Sewer kprovement No. 78-
for a,Totiil of $4.07 per Assessable Foot. There.were no objections from the floor,
and no,dtten objections had been received.prior to the Hearing. Bredesen offered
the following Resolution and moved its adoption:
Bli; JTT ~OL~ by the Council.of-_the VikJ.a$e-ooT Edina, &esota, that this Council
heretofore-caused notice of hearing to be duly published on the proposed Amprove-
ment consistirig of the const&ction of a Village Ifatemain and Appurtenances in
Benton Avenue between Tingdale and Code Avenues; agd at the hearing held at the
time and place specified in said notice the Council has duly considered dews of
all persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facts does hereby
detemine to proceed with the construction of said improvement; that said improve-
ment is hereby designated and shall be referred to in all subsequent proceedings as
PJatemain Improvement No. 96; and the area to be syjecially assessed therefor shall
include Lots 7 40 l2, j;nc., Block 2, Edba Hei&ts and &ts 1 to 6, Inc., Block 1,
Benton Park.
Notion for adoption of Resolution was seconded by Fronk, and on RollcdLl there were
aye; and Erickson, aye; and the Resolution
five ayes and no nays, as follows: aye; Tupa,
Nayor I .. '
Hayor Erickson announced PUBLIC HEARING 03 PETITION OF "E%. RO"D DAVIS FOR PE€&IX!2
AVENUE) .FACING SAID ,DIBLLIKG ,ON W.58TESTREET RATHER THAN. OlJ CONCORD AVENUE. ,I of ItNotice +of Hearing'!, - as maed to. .@&otmers;of Rroperty within -320 feet of said
) lot, vas suldkted by,Clerk, approved as to form, and ordered placed on file, There
were no objections from the floor, and m witten objections had been received prior
to the Hearing. Danens moved that request be granted. Notion seconded by Fro&
and carried.
AND ~JIPI%.AVES. AND BEl3BE3J 1105m ANT) If, 58TH STS. ,was1 had, with Mr. OsbQume, . .
sponsor of .petition, stating.that..he has proposdl, and acceptance for an easement
to I-&, Holt for ingress and egress to his garage. Village Attorney Windhorst
explained that the Village is not primarily concerned with the terms pf the
agreemerrt; that any agreement satisfactory to both parties would be satisfactory
to the Village; that he will. be glad to examine the agreement Lf Council so wishes.
1% vas decided that CounciX should take no action until agreement has been executed
and submitted to the-Village.
Hanager Hyde read a request from Attorney Geo. Hoke, requesting a formal action
to accepk an assignment from lb, V, Terry -Excavating Coo, Inc,, to the American
Automobile Insurance Company on mounts due and payable for contracts *t.w?.w?.w?.w?.w?.w?.w the
Village, 2&, Roy Peterson explained that he has had to expend sme $300,00 on
clean-up work which Terry should have done in- Valley View RLdge, and. that he
hopes the Council will do nothing to forfeit its rights in-the matter. Pillage
Attorney l&xihorst,stating that the granting of k3e assipmnt would not I$x&%
the Village cI&ns i#. any way from id%hhoXdkng noneys" for non-completion of vork,
also -advised that in cases where such assignments have been accepted by this pffice
but not form;tuy accepted by the Council by resolution checks should be made out
to the contractor- and assignee jointly.
Bredesen offered the following Resolution
and moved its adoption: -1(
"l RlBtmJTION RE: l&YIim.w EXtrENSION NO. 78
WHERE&, on the .23rd dw" .of Sefieqbep, 154, the 1Q. .V, Terry Excavating
Coo, Inc,,..entered into a cedain contract wtth the Village-.of Edina to construct
1latiemain =ension No. 78 and Sanitary Sewer Extension Nos. 75, 77 and 78, one of
the conditions of said contract-being %hat consent of the Village be obtsrinedto
any assignment of or under said contract, and
IJHERFAS, the Tho V, Terry Excavating Go,, hc., has assigned all its
right, titAQ,_5@erest,.,in and. to any sums of money which are or may hereafter
become due the said contractor from the Village of Edina under said contract, to
the American Automobile Insurance Company, St,Louis, l.lissouri, and a copy of said
assignment has been duly-filed with the Vil&age Clerk of the Village of Edina, now,
"ESOrA,. that consent-is _hereby given .toms &d-assignment.tfrom.the 1311. -V, .Tern
Zxcavating CO., kc.; to the American Automobile Insurance Company, st;.b~~is,
I4issouri, of all.right, title, and interest in and to any qms of money-which
are or may hereafter become due from the Village of Edina under the contract for
lkternrain Exbension No, 78 and Sanitary Sewer Extension Nos, 75, 77 and 78.
%he minutes-of, thts, Cowcil-to, evidence this action.
BE: IT FURTHEB RESOLW, that a-copy of this resolution be spread upon
Xotion for adoption of Resolution was seconded by Fmnk,pd on Rollcall there were
five ayes and no nays, as followst
aye; and Erickson, aye; and the Resolution was ad
Bredesen, aye; -
IEIlage .Clerk . ..
I.%, ,Ha H, ,H@acker,asked that Council write FHA to the effect that the Grading
and Graveling of WilryAn Avenue *from Valley Viey Road to ic 565 Ft. South
thereof will be done. He-ezplainedthat bu.i&ders-+cannot get ffnancing on their
homes until. the agency has such a letter from the CouncU. Fronkfs mottlon, that
letter be written to FHA that job has been accepted, was seconded,by Danens and
carried, *-
POUCB REPORT FOR JUNE, 1952 was subnitted, reviewed, and ordered placed on file.
discussedc ..Developer .Stow also .talked. about- changing .Neadow_@.dge (N & S) , and
stated that idthin a few days he would have a list of names to present topthe
Council, i&ich TKU be satisfactory to the Post Office. E. Hyde recommended
that Council defer action until such list is zit hand.
.- c * - .*:-z;*** --..;. 11 '.
The following. hprovernenti Petitions:. were filed; j 5 Oiling - StJohns he,, Valley View Rd, toetJ;62nd St,
Oilipg - ShTohns he,, 1J062.nd to W,63rd St,; and TL62nd St., St.Johns Ave, to
Oiling - &60th St, ,* ParneU Ave, go St .J&ns Ave,
Oiling - Concord_Ave,, VaUey-View Rd. to W.62nd St.; Virginia be, Concord
Avenue to AshcroSi; Avenue. ..
Oiling - EW Alley between XeGes Gd Xorkd beiween W.59th and ‘CG6Oth Sts.,
(this not to-be done until -grading is finished on York.)
Salary Sewer - By owners of prbperty on If, Side of Tracy Ave., Oiinger Rd,
-to appro@mately1320 Ft, S, and S, Sideof Olinger Rd, from Tracy Ave,
approx, 1320 Ft. TI,, fm a_SAIm.&IY !@3lNK SE2Jnz 3NTO~-NINE-”XU CREEK AREA,
Watermab -. By-owners along Tqaky-Ave.--and Qlipger Rd, , . as above,.. .
Sanitary Sewer - Wooddale Ave,, Lagune Drive to Balfanz Rd.
bhcrmoft he.. ...
Manager Hyde explained that the last-pstiticm is for a Sewer..contiguous to that to
be installed in the VbodhlU Addition; that it is a desirable addition to said
sewer; and that sewer contra‘ctor .clrill. construct this project at the same unit prices
as those of the WoodbilX project, He recommended that Council schedule Public
Hearing on this &provement for August 22, Fronkts-motion, that all-.the.above
petitTom be,accepted, and that Council schedule EublLc Hearing for August 22, on
Sanitary Sewer in Wooddale Ave, from Laguna Dr, to Balfanz Rd,, was seconded by
Tupa and carried. . , e. -
Manager.Hyde_read a-.co~cati?g,dated~Au~st ’7, .fson ,the .?ana. Civic and.hprove-
ment Association, rewesting a meeting 0.” the representatives of municipalities,
county and state, to discuss mutual traffic probhns, I&?, Hyde recommended that
such a meeting be scheduled for September; and he was direcked to issue invitation
for such meeting some time in September,
€%iI3LDfJNARY PLAT BY ‘6J,f;, TADR, of land on Southeast corner of Garrison Lane and
Wopdd-ale- Avenue. was g-ubdtted, -.with Planning -Commission’ s August 3rd recommendation
for approval of plat providing East half ’of Wooddale Avenue is dedicated and the
lots face West. Bredesen moved-for Council approval of preliminnry in accordance
trith recowendations of Commission, -Notion seconded by Fronk and carried.
PEEZDmARY PL4T BY =-So CHII;D, of property at intersection of Interlachen
Boulevard--and. Vandeqrk .Avenue, ‘was approved by Fronkt s motion, which was seconded
by Bredesen and carried, _Planning Commission hadxecomended approval on August 3.
PEl&I”ARY €ELPUT OF UX!--61, ROUhG GEEEN, was reviewed, together with the
Planning Comgission’ s August 3rd-recomendation for approval of prelltminary and
request for expressjon-from RoUhg Green Association, Hr, @de reported a letter
from the Rolling Green Association asHng for time in which to have a meeting to .
discuss the pia%; and FPo& moved that the matter be referred to the Rolling
Green Association for their expression of opinion, Hotion seconded bJr Bredesen
and carr;ted.
FINAL PIAT OF TOW a”rtATY8S FBSZ l3DINA/~D3cT~ON (South of W,6Oth St, and West of -
Xtmk..Ayenue) came begore .the ,COqnc~ lath I the. Planning Conq&ssiont s August- 3rd
recommendation that Blocks 5,,6 and 7 be made gm outlot, due to the cross-tom
highway project, Bredesenfs motion, that Plat be approved as per Commission’s
recommendation, was seconded by Fro& and carried,
and-Grgse. Street) ias-appoved.+sub jec.t;;to +an. engineering check h -accordanue with
Planning Commission’s recommendation of August 3, by motion Bredesen, seconded by
Fronk and-carried, -.
1I”DON PREXJMINARY PLAT, being the division of kt 4, Block E?, Nomandale Addn. -
Wto .tvm-&ol;s vas -approved by motion Bredesen, seconded by Fro& and carried,
This plat had received Planning Commhsionfs August 3rd recommendation for
approval .
GS;WOOD ADD’ITION FmAL PUT. Messrs Gilster and Thompson appeared, to request
appxoval :of ?!Gilmod_ on August 3rd, subject to favorable _qression-of approval by Rolling Green Assn.
&,_Gilsteu. explained that the Assn. has been contacted; that i% is of substantial
jmprotance to hsn that the plat-be approved without further delay. &.- Hyde
explained that Assn. has asked for time to consider the plat; and, after.some
discussion, Danens movedthat Plat be accepted unless there is objection from the
Rolling Green Association by Tgesday evening, August 9. Motion seconded by Bredesen
iqnd carried.
the Plannj.ng Conrmission having approved the plat
w3155 268
PEODHILt ADDITIOX FINAL PLAT. PlarurJng. Cammjssionls August 3kd recommendations: were reviewed; .bing. for approval. of plat subject; to a satisf.actory 60-foot roadway c
bebg provided, dediwtion of Rorth end of Crest Drive, and..engineering check.
The developers presented agreement from BIr. .and Mrs. George L. Klane,. 4809 If.
60th St. for easement sufficient. to provide reconmended &-foot: roadway, A
proposed change in street names was recommended; and I&-. Hyde- recommended ~
approvd by Council subject to engbeering check, Fronk so moved. Notion
secon9ed by Dzgens and wried. a.
INDIANHEAD & FIHU PLAT. Planr&g,Commissionts August 3rd recommendations
were, for appsoval subj ect I $0 ~~ae-€~-e~~s~e~-~~~~~~~=a~~~e~~~~-~-€e~
pdi&&+~U&&~ instdlation of a I2 inch culvert and an outlet for-polld to
Indian Head Lake,.and an engineering check, .Fronkls motion, that plat be
approved subject to compl;iance with Commission's r@comnendations, - Hotion
seconded by Tupa and carried. -
aDDY ADDfTION l?BEXDW&Y PLAT, being a subdivision of Block 9, Nomandale
4d&tion,.was appoved,-gubjectto submission of bond €or graveling, and an
engineering check, by motion Fronk, seconded,by Danens and carried. This plat
had received Planning Commissioncs Auwst 3rd recommendation for .approval.
Planning Commission wed like a discussion geethg dth-the Council concerning
$ke.matter of rezonhg of this corner at Highway #I69 and W.5Oth Street, No
meet in the near future on the matter of general rezoning.
was taken, but it was decided that CommissioR and Council should
3T;IER'S ADDDION FINAL PW of properby West of Vooddde and South of Valley
Vieru,~~ad.,~~s..discussed,_the FlannSng Co%ssion &wing given its August 3rd
recoqendation for approval sybject to-bond for graveling and anagineering
check. Discussion was had on t.he Westerly extension of Warrison Lane", which
is namedd.l*flshcroft Lane" and which.-connects with Ashcroft Lane just East of
St.Johns Avenue. Fron.k,moved for approval of Fine Plat, subject to-engineering
check, submispion af bond for gravelring, and change of name of lfAshcroft me1*
to "Garrison Lane11 to St .Johns Avenue. Notion seconded by Danens and carried. '.. ., - .*
PjE3XMINm PLAT OF LA&3 EDINA bDl!J?IClN caused much discussion. Planning Gox@ssiog? s_recoper@ations.. of ,Augus%.:3rd were reviewed, being. as follows 'o
Approval.,of &elbinary Plat providing:
-1. 15 addi.ional feet regyested by @ate Highway Department is provided.
3. @st 30 feet of the mpst easterly roadway is provided. 4. Drainage problem is tmrked out. -
2, Roadway of 50 feet on the North provided. (. !
Developer Stow told the Council that - . -1.
He yill provide the 15 additional feet if' the Highway Department ~dll
not agree to other arrangements, but that he wants to see the Deprhent
to see if other plans can be made.
He requests-permissgon to dedicate a J+foot roadway on the North (instead
of the !B-foot rroadway required by the Commission) for the reason that
the property owner abutting this street-5s unwiUng to d&cate anything
despite 1-k. Stow's best efforts to pursuade bim to do'so--that I&. Stow
has offered to p8y the costs of grading ahd graveling the street and the
watermain assessment, all without avad.1. llianager &de pointed out that
the regyest brings up the enti2e matter of*.the questionable fairn&ss in
reqpiring the first developer to dedicate the entire street--with abutting
property receiving fill. benefits upon later platting
That he has made arrangements with Norton Arneson, the owner OS the
properby on the East, for the additional 30 feet required by the Commission.
That he is pregq-ed to do trhatever is necessary on the matter of a storm
seier in the area.
In this comection, &torney TTindhorst reconmended
that Council initiate Stom Sewer procee#ngs on $ts own motion for the
entire drainage area efected--be it one, two or three plats or tracts -
of unplatted propeAy.
then moved that PreUmhary Plat be approved subject to evidence that the
developer is complying..with the recommendations of the Planning, Commission (letters
showing that the High- Department and I&. beson haw agreed on West and,&&
roads) and that 4.5-foot roadway.be accepged on the BTorbh. Notion seconded br
Tupa and carried,
PRDposn> aEpLgT OF P&WEDAXLE ACRES. ON VAXEY VIEW ROAD E€l.'3NDBl was presented with
Pmg .Coq&sion's- rego~~ndatio~,~or~ap~~o~~~.~ -,.Bredesen .moyed for approval in
gccordance i&th Commission*s recommendations. Notion seconded by Fro& and .carried.
TBU TO BMCK G, BRoI.TNIIpfiE PARII,along Street;= RLght-of-Way, was discussed on
rep@. z>s. I@*. Hyde of-letter frqm John l?+xihorst to the effect that it should be
possible tg work out something to prodde access to proposed lots if Village so
wishes. but no fognal actiontaken. 3% this connection a possible '& Ft. side yard restriction was discussed,
H. J. 14mQ'S PRELBlIiWiX PUT of property at 60th to Valley View Rd., East of
No~andale,..~~s_submi-t;ted,?~t~,lanning Commission's recommendation for approval.
Fro& moved for approval in accordance 4th Com?+ision's recommendations. Hotion
seconded by Bredesen a.nd carried.
PURCHASE: OF RiGIE-OF-WAX -l?i-vm.l'@, Mr. Edward Urens reported that his
3pgraisaS, of .a fair Erchse._price. for the right-of-way required fromSven and
Gusta Wold is $9,715.00; appraisal made on the basis of !%foe% right-of way
on the .southwest side of'the center line on this property, thus requiring
removal of the house. Nr. Lorens explabed that acqisition of the right-of-way
easement ud3a.necessitate removal. of the Wold's house; and that, for this reason
the Wolds are anxious that option be exercised ;Lmmediatelr. Mi-. hrens' deta5led
apprqisal was reviewed and ordered placed on file; and Bredesen moved for
acceptance of Mr. Lorenst recommendation that Village exercise the option to
purchase the foUowing: -.
That; pari; of the €oXLoidng.described tract: "The Easterly 133 feet of the
Westerly 658.5 feet of the Northerly 268 feet. of the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Qbter ("l./4 NE1/Lc) of Section 30, Township 28 North, Range 24 -
ITest;" *ich lies between ~FJO l.ines_drav,m parallel txith and distant 50 feet on
eash side of the foUot.ring described line: "Beginn%g at a point on the North
line of the Northeast Quarter (NEl/4) 02 said. Section 30 distant 549.79 feet
East of the Northwest corner thereof 3 thence .ryn Norbhwesterly at an angle of 26 361 with said North, line (when measured from West to North) €OF a distance
09 %.,feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described3 thence run +
Southeasterly along the last above described course for a distance of 2% feet
and there
existing public right ~f tray; - said purchase to be for $9,715.00. Motion was
seconded by Fronk and carried.
an easement to lay out, construct, use and maintain for a public street over
and across the following:
containing 0.33 acre, more or less, in addition to
H@e ,presented tabpgtiqn .o$: qsts ..on the above- poject, asA- .that, if possible,
Council have a special meeting on August 29, for sole purpose of conducthg
Wblic Hearing. Fronkrs motion, that Public Hearing be tentatively scheduled
for August 29, was seconded by Tupa and carried.
Hfle.. reported-receipt of. a. lettel: .from Atjpmex &M.C$o*se, -.rgpresenting &.
and Krs. Roy 11. Larsen, across rvhose'property it..is Elanned to. run the Trunk
Sewer. The letter suggested o%her methods of constructing the sewer; but the
Village Engineer's report was that this would be an additional expense in an
amount of some estimated $9,500 seemed to make this solu-lion impractical. Nr. '
Crounse's letter noted that the Larsns, who purchased the property St @ebruam
of this.,year, were on notice that an easement had been n@otiated. Nanqger Hyde
explained tht several discussions have been had with the owners, but that 5.5
does not seem possible to come to an agreement; that the time has come when
some action, one way or the other, must be taken. After considerable discussion
on the matter, and advice fromViLlage Attorney Windhorst as to different methods
of procedure, Fro& moved that, _inasmuch as the &arsens were on notice of an
easement, this-Council order the contractor 3.n on the property to complete this
portion of the project, Motion seconded-by Bredesen and carried.
~AYBOIIS MD CIAINS, Motion by Bredesen for payment of Village Payroll, amount
@19,&2.72 for-period ending August 15, and for payment of the fgllowhg Cia,
was seconded by Fronk and caqied:
General Fund - $8,843.71 . Liquor Fund - 85,239.4
Const. Fund 43,203.92 Garbage ,Fund .1,932.00
Poor Fund 40.96 jhprovements 39,603.85
Parks Fund 370.34 Sewer Rental 7,077 62
lfater Fund 10,709 27 ~pec.Assess. 3,656038
Discussion was had on prev2ous recommendation that Village Elections be held in
November each year, to effect a saving on election expense in Genera Election years.
Fronk offered the following Ordinance, moving that Council waive second rea- and
adopt Ordinance as read:
The Village Council of the ViJ.Qge*rof.Ed@a, -Uqnesota, ordains: The regular village election shall be k&&ly on the first Tuesday .after the first Monday in November in each year,
Section 1. Date of Election. held
beg:'uurj;?g with the election to'be held in 1955,.
Section 2. Effective Date.
effect immediately upon .its .passage .and. publication.
This ordinance shall be in f'ull force and
Hotion €or waiver of second reading and dinance as read was seconded
there were fiv en, aye;
278 8/8/55
&gi.neer Zikan presented detailed Plans and Specifications for sever& improvements,
ask;ing that Council arrange for bids to be %@en August 22, if possible, &I order
that Fall construction can be’ qe&tted, Bredesen offered the following Resolution
and moved its adoption: .. RJBOLUTION AppRoT\TNG PMS kD SPECIFICATIONS
. -- - KIR ~OP@ED. IXQOVEl:WS, -@@ . . . DIRECTmG ADTERTlXZ%SEIfl FOR BIDS. BE IT RESOLJBD by the Village,Counci~.Qq=tha.V~llage.of.~: . . . .. l,--The plans and -specifi&ions for the proposed Tmprovqnents set forth in the
f6110wbgxAdver45sement for Bids form, heretofore preparedaby the Village Engineer
and now on-file in the office of the Village Clerk are hereby approved.
2. ThelClerk shall cause to be published ti.rice in the Edina=Nomingside
Courier and the Construction Bulletin the following notice for bids for said
NOlTJ3 IS HEREBY GTVEN that the Ed$ga.V&&lage CoqncQ rdll meet at the Edina V:‘sllage
HsJ.l,_4EQ~.l[o~50th Street, Monday, August 22, 1955, at 7:30 P.E.T., and will at said
%&ne and plgce open and consider sealed bids for the fo&lo@ng:
1, SANfpARY sEs;IER IPPROVEEIENT NO. @ -- Const~c$ion.pf S@targ. Seyer and Appwtenances in dhantrey Road,
Ijighww No, 169 to Horthrrqod’Drive; Jferritt Circle; ’Doncaster >lay,
Hwy. No, 169 to Ayrshire Blvd,; Northwod Drive, Glengarry Par&my
%o Dundee Road; byrshire Blvd,, Glengarry Parkww to Doncaster Way;
West 56th Street, Wrror Lakes Road to Chaptrey Road..
-.. Con&pxtion--of Snitary. Seyer and App&enames”in Benton Avenue,
-” Cons@uction.-of Sqnitary. Seyer and Appurtenances in Beard Avenue,
mc Constmctjion .of Sqnitgicr~, Set& and Ap<&enances”in St .Johns, Tiest
-. Constplct&on.*of @nitary. Seyer and Appurtenances in West 58th Street,
Tingdale Avenue to Code Avenue.
. .Con-~ructiop..of-V~ags Watem5n Extension and Appurtenances in
Beard Avenue, West 61st Street to ‘&rest 62nd Street; Beard Place,
. _- Constguction-.of -Village Wat erna5.n &ension &d Appu*~ena&es in
I@& 5&h Street, Tingda&e Avenue to Code Avenue,
..I Coy&uhion--of-Vi.llage Wat ermain Exb&sion and Appurtenances in
Tower Street, St. Johns Avenue to Vooddae Avenue,
.. Const;rmctiog-.of 3V&l.lage Hat ermain- E& ension and Appurtenances in
Benton Avenue, Tingdale Avenue to Code Avenue,
.. 20 S&KtMRY SELjEFL DEB,W*~,NO. $@
3. sANnARy mm DJF%OyEmN!P NO, 89
L S~~ARY sgtm IUPFQ-~~~ NO. 91
Tingdale Avenue to Code Avenue. “ c
l&l feet South of Vest 60th Street 50 West 62nd Street; Beard Place,
f 58th Street to 19 feet Scpth, ..* .- 5. SANIT&Y SEtElR D!iPROVB*EhTT NO, 93
I 6, If- PPROViWXI! NO,_89
- 7. IfAmm D*SPRFrn N0.-94
8, tr.mm-am n~~~ommi~ NO, 95, I
Vork rmst be done-as described and_specified_in plans and specifications.for satd .. impmvenent on file in the office of the Village Clerk. Sa5d plans and speci-
fications are av2ilabl.e on depos5t of $25.00, .r.rhJ,ch deposit is refundable upon
return of sa53 plans and specifications, Bids must be submitted on basis of cash
papent for work. No bids VU be considered unless sealed and filed with under-
signed before time of said meeting and accompanied by cash deposit, bid bond or *
certified check payable to the V332age Clerk &I 8@nun)J of teYl preen% of axom3 02
bZ&. BY QZDER OF THE VImG COUNCIL,- - --.*--, *- *. *I .‘..i * I-. ., ._. GR3ETcHEN 3. mm
vmge Clerk * . Vi’llage of Edha
3. Each and all of the tern of the foregoing advertisement for bids are
hereby adop€ed as the terns and conditions of armrd of the contract for said
improvement ,
ltotion for adoptLon of the Resolution was seconded
yere five ayes and no nays,_as follows:. Bredesen
=pa, aye; and Erickson, aye; and the Reso
and on Rollcall there
*. . .
8/8/55 . 27 P
At this time Engineer Wkan consulted with the Council concerning two Stom Sewer
Improvements proposed,-and one Watermain Improvqnent.
Plans and Esthates of Cost, adfisingthat work is feasible; and Bredssen offered
the fozlovring Resolution and moved its adoption:
BE Zi' RESOLVED by th~~,~~~cil.lo~_th~I~i~lage o$,
~ .. l2 _The Village Engineer, having submitted to the Cowrsch a pieliminary report
as to the, feasibility of the proposed Stom Sewer Improvenents and Waterma5.n Bprove-
ment described 5n the Foms of Notice of -Hea@ngs set forth below, and as .to the
estimated cost of such,improvements, said report is hereby approved and directed tQ
be placed on file in the office of the Village Clerk,
2. This Council shall meet on Xonday, August 22, 1955, at 7:30 PIN., in the
Edina VilJage Hall, to consider in public hearings the views of a1 persons interested
5n said proposed improvements,
3. The Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to cause notice of the time, place and. purpose of said meeting to be published in the official newspaper once a
week for two successive vzeeks, the second of which publications is to be not less
than three days from date of said meeting, which notice shall be in substantially
the following form:
NOTICE IS HERFJ3Y GIVE;W $ha$ ;&he .Ed&.a .V@&ge. .Co~cil will meet at the Village Hall
on.Nonday, &gust 22, 1955, at 7g3 Po$!., to cqnsider the following proposed improve-
ments, to be constructed under tQe authority granted by linnesota Laws of 1953,
Chapter 398. The approximate cost of such improvements is estimated by the Village
Engineer as set forth below:.
He presented Preliminary
r ..
m- COST e 4 LA2 .. 1, Construction of Vipage Stom Sewer and : -,. 6-' 2 I( ' k -. Appurtenances on Code Avgnue fg+omWest
56th Street 350 *feet, more or less, South
2, Constkction of Village Stom Sewer &d
Appurtenances on ?rest 54th Street from
Chowen Avenue to Beard Avenue to conned
yith existing Khneapol&s Storm Server
The area proposed to be..assessed fog the Gost of sa5
fol~ows :
improvements is as
1, Begwing at the NW corner of Lot 10, Richmond Hills Third Addition; thence
St'cly along the Sl~-Wnueapolis, Northfgeld and Southern Railway R/H to its.
5gbersection tdth the centerline of West 56th Street; thence S3LL.y to the NW
corner of Lot 2, Block 5, Nelody Knolls Third hddition; thence South to the
SW corner of said Lot 2; thence East to the SE-corner of Lot l,-Block 5,
Nelody Knolls Third Addition; thence South to the Slf corner of Lot 4, Block 1,
1-felody Ymolls Fifth Addition; thence gas% to a point 110 feet East of the
centerline of Bernard Place; thence North to the centerline of West 56th
Street; thence. East on**said centerline to a point ll0 feet .tfTest.pf the
centerline of Code Avenue; thence South It@ feet, more or Qss; thence
East to the centerline of Code Ave,; thence Horth 30 feet; thence Easterly
to the Nt? corner of Lot 12, Stow's Yvonne Terrace; thence Northerly to the - NE c0rne-q of Lot 5, Block 2,_Edipa ?ark; thence East to the SE corner.of
Lot 7, Block 2, Edina Park; thence North to the NE corner of-Qt 8, Block 2,
Edina Park; thence West to the SE corner of Lot 6, Block 3, Westchester
molls; thence North to the NE _corner of Lot-7, Block 2, lfestchester Knolls;
fhence East to the SE corner of Lot 4, Block 3, Richmond .&lls; thence
Northerly to SoutheTly property line of. Richmond -Drive; thence Easterly
dong the Soush line of Richmond Drive to the NW corner of Lot 2, Block 2,
Ricbmond HiJ2.s; thence Southerly to the SFJ corner of said Zot 2; thence
Zasterly along the rear-lot lines of Lotq.2 and 3, Block 2, Richmond Hills
to the SE corner of Lot 3, Block 2, Richmond Hills; thence Northerly %o the
SW corner of Int l2,,Block 1, Riclnnogd Hills; thence Northerly 35 feet
aong the Weslcerly line of Lot-.l2; thence Westerly, parallel to the Norbherly
property l-&e of Richmond Drive, to the Westerly line of Lot 4, Block 1,
Richmond Hills; thence Northerly to the corner of kt 8, Block 1, Rich-
mond Hills; thence Westerly to a point on the Vest line of Lot 7, Block 1,
Richmond Hills, distant 45 feet North of the @t corner of said ht4 thence
Southwesterly to a point on the Southwesterly-line of Int 6, Block 1,
Richond Hills, distant 50 feet Northwesterly of the std corner of said Loz;; thence Southerly to the NW corner of Zot 4, Block.-l, Richond Hills;
%hence Vesterly to the Nf corger of Lot l,,Block 1, Richmond Hills,. which
point i-g on the Southerly: R/N of Minneapolis, NortWgeld and Southern
Railway; thence along said-.Southerly R/ba to the NW corner of Lot 10, Rich-
Be&g at the lk*T corner of Lot 7, Block 2, Ivandale Park Near hke Harriet;
$hence Bast to theJI corner of Lot 1, Block 1, Ivandale Park Near Lake Harriet;
thence South 65 feet; thence Vest to a point on the 3?est got we of Lot. 3,
said Block 1, distant 65 feet-South of the Northern poperty line of said Lot 3; thencg Northwesterly to a poh$ in the West property line of Lot 5, said Block 1,
distmt 40 feet South of the North property line of said f;ot 5; thence South-
mond Hills Third Addition w&ch is the pint of bgginnbg. - ..
272 8/8/55 '
westerly to a point on the Hest lot line of I& 7, saLd Block I, distant 65 feet South of North property line of said.bt 7; thence lfest to a point
on the lfest property Line of Lot 4, Block 2, Tvandale Park Near ;take Hardeti,
ckistant -65 feet South of Norbh pm$erty line of said @t 4; thence South-
westerly to a point on the West property line of b-b 5, said Block 2,
distant 100 feet South of North property line of sed ht 5; thence West
to a pobxt on thel.fest property line of kt 6, sa5d Block 2,' distant* .lOO
feet South os* the North property line of ., s&d Lot 6; thence North 60 feet; .
thence Vest W, feet; thence North 40 feet to the NU corner of Lot 7, -
Bl0ck-2~. wMch Is the poht of beg;lnning. wcm s, ALDEN
Vmge Clerk-. . .. z . Village of Edina
NOTICE Ts HEREElY Gm.mt-lat ,th.e,Ed~a,V~~ge-Co~c~-r~~.meet at the Village
H@lon.$bndx3 Augpt 22, 1955, at 7:30 POI%, .to consider the follor.ring proposed
improvenent, to be constructed under $he .authority granted by BEmesota Laws of
1953, Chapter 398.
Village Engineer as set forth below:
The approhate cost of such improvement 5s estimated by the
l3STDW COST Construction of Village 7TatenqI.n Wension and ...,. *.. , .. .
4ppuzltenances on Ryan Avenue, Valley View Boad to
- 600 feet South - *- -c $3,257.28
The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of said proposed hprownent is as
f 0?3,0PR3 t
hts 3 to 6, Ettner's and Wingts Addition;
The North 233 Ft, of the Sguth,623 Ft, of the E, 272.5
FQ, of the W. 33 Bods; Se_ction 19, Torwhip 28, Range 24;
Ft. of the W. 33 mds; Sediog 19, Township 28, Range 24. .. and the No@,h s26--Ft, of the South 749 2%. of the E. 272.5
-. 1. - GWGHEM,So AXDEN _.
VGlag9 Clerk- . .I Village of Edina \
Motion for adoption of the Resolution was secoked by Fro&, and on Rollcall there '
yere f2ve ayes and no n.ays,--as follows: Brede
Tupa, aye; andxrickson, aye; and the Resoluti
. .. %Slage . Clerk t'
Xauiger 6yde'reported that Lt .1.riXl soon be necessary to sell $750,000 of =prove-
Bent Bonds to finance recen% projecbs on wxch contracts have,been awazded; and
5.t vas decided that &. we should report further p&lculars at the next regular
There bebg no Zurbher business to come before'this meeting Bredesen moved for
adjournment. Ebtion seconded by Tupa and Carrie Neeting adjourned at lor05 Po& ,&gzz&J.dd&2u
Village Clerk -h