HomeMy WebLinkAbout19550822_REGULARE'iINOTEs VZLA@ AT- I 7: 30 Invocation was given'by Xembers answering ROUCE&L were Bredese;, Danens, Fro&, Tupa and Erickson. Ihutes bf the ReGlar M'eeting oP August 8; 1955, were approved as submitted, by motion Danens, seconded by Fro& and carried. Pursuant to 8rA.DVBITISEMENT FOR BDS-SUEBY SBEB AND WATERMA3N,'I published in Edha-Morningside_Coqxi.er. and~"~onstrmction..Bul=letin AugF.zlst 11- and-18, 1955, Rayor Erickson called-for sealed bids on nine projects. Publication of said Advertisement, which were approved as to form and oraered placed on file; and Fronk moved for referral of bids to Village Engineer for public opening in his office, tabulation and report. Motion seconded by Danens and carried. Pfqyor Erickson'then announced th& Council would conduct 6ON'"UATTON OF JULY 25 STORE DISZtRICT z1311S 3,. 4, 5, 6, 9. 10, ll and 12, Block 4, TINC;DBEE BROS. BROOKSIDE. Redewing. $0~. the. audience the .former .Hearing, Mayor .Erickson asked %hat arguments be brief. P'Ir. Harlan Strong, representative for the Home Builders Association (the petitioner' stated that; to quiet questions raised by. the opponents as to possible future use,of the proposed office building, the Association has had restrLctions prepared which would lhi% the use of the building to its presently proposed useage. He stated %hat the Association is proud of its proposed building ana feels that it idll be a distinct asset to the VUage. EIr. Austin Norton, representing the home owners in the area opposing the rezoning, said that the property owners have some $950,000 invested in their homes, bringing the Village @17,000 in tkes per year; that most of these homes are in the $35,000 to $50,000. bracket and are especially vulnerable to property depreciation by encroachment of a commercial. * area; that proposed construction will decrease property values in area by an estitwted lo$, thus ko a large exbent offseting ahy tax hcrease"to be obtained from the proposed building. 21 addition to the above, Hr. Norton butlined the follotJing objections to the proposed rezoning: In 1952, the owhers of property in the area--concerned wtth the then considered over-all zoning in the area--sought and obtained what they took to be assurance that they need not fear any encroachment of commercial zoning in this area. 2. Additional commercial. traffic bill double the present traffic ioad into and out of this area (Edinbrook) - (a) creaking a fire protection problem by the possible crowding and crampingoof" the few entrances to the area; and (b) complicating the already acute school transportation problem. Mr. Norton-stated that, with regard to commercia3 rezomring, mahy citizens in this Village have heard the statements, "This is it. This is the buffer. This is where ire &op. We won't let it go any farther." He cited the matter of the rezoning of the Wallace property on 50th .+d Halifax as an example; stating that restrictions have-finally been secured which cannot be revoked without consent of neighboring property otvners. 'natural buffer' between coyoperciaf.'and residential areas. arguments Mr. NQrton stated that the owners he represents have agreed that the solution to the problem must+be constructive--not merely obstructive; that they have secured a commitment fromtwo reputable home bujlders to purchase the property (providing it is available at a reasonable pri'ke) and to build thereon four homes 3 $he coeined value-of which will be comparable to the value of the proposed office building, to within some ten or fifteen thousand dollars; thus generating good will instead of ill will. Other objections entered were, briefly, as follows: Mrs. J,M,Kellogg,500~ Edinbrook Lane - There are some fifteen to seven9een homes vitally.affected by the present proposition, which, if allowed, TJ~U only invite other requests. from heavy -traffic. Hwy.100 on East, Hw.16.9 on South, Railroad Tracks on West and Greek on East-- children are cpnfined to area and do play in.the streets. hcrease in traffic tmuld be hazardous to them. 5b. Soelberg, 305 &!+9th St. - Feels that Association has not shopped far enough$ for a suitable location--there are some three acres for sale farther south in a commercially zoned tract. Mr. DueZlman, 4908 E. Sunnyslope Rd. - On behalf of Sunnyslope Association wants to add.protest on Association to aq rezoning of area North of 50th Street; they feel that it yill increase traffic on PL5Oth St., as well as in bmeaate area. I&. Peter D. Burgess,4800 E. Sunnysloje Rd., First Vice President of Edina Ci6c and Improvement. Association, _- Association-wishes to pote_ct civic hprovemenk in Edina. areas. Clerk presented Affidavits of (See Minutes of later in Meethg, for award). PUBLIC HEPRING ON PXXE'ION TO REZONE FROM OFBN DEvELQpm DISmm TO COTNUNJTY 1. He named W.5Oth St. and the Railroad Tracks as constituting a In concluding his M2.E.L. Werner,4845 Mestbrook Lane - Has three children he wants to ,keep protected Mr. R.N.Benham, 4$01 kwtbrook-bne - Because of boundaries of Edinbrook area-- Commercial zoning is a blight which creeps, lot by lot, into residential. 274 8/22/55 I.k, C, SehUn, 4&1 IJestbrook Lane, stated that he believes that four homes can be buiQ on this proEerty without loss, and that We r.rill sbply go ahead and lfr, Harold Rosendahl, in an informall rebuttal fir the petitioner, stated thatt some of the 'factsf presented simply aren't so; that increase in traffic wi.U not be 100% as represented; that buildhg,trill not be a-bZjght on surrounding- build them". -. PropedY - Trustee Bredesen reviewed for the audience the matter of the rezoning on I;l,!Bth St, ani3 Halifax Avenue, and asked the €hdience to consider that the build&ng proposed.might be the least of several'evtls; that the matter of rezoning is Ukdy to coae before the Council every s3x months until the property is sone- how hproved; that,Councils change and that at some future time a proposition mc'a more objei=ti.onable to the residents might possibly be approved, that if lfr. SehUn I.rilz buUd four homes in this area he (Rr. Bredesen) will vote agest the proposed rezoninge He stated c 3&,* Strong told the Council that, at the time the proposition was first con- sidered by the Association it was the general ophion that this property is knf5.t Tor resid&Sal use; that if opponents can produce a builder who vu build hones on the property the Association vdll drop its option bneaately in favor of the builder. Trustee Fro& stated that if there can be some assurance that there are four homes going in he will vote against the present proposition, but that" he feels there should be some concrete evidence of this. At this time I&. Strong asked for postponement of Council action; and &e Fro& stated he believes matter should be postponed, to give builders time to scqube property; that he favors an appraisal by competent appraisers to determine sale value. 3ke Burgess spoke against Fstponement of action, suggestingthat Council is gttempting to shift its repponsibility to property owners. his argument by 14r, hellman, Nrs, Kellogg, 3Ir. 1-faynard Spaece,4833 17estbrook Lane, and others, . v \ Bredesen moved for Con%inuation of Public Heazing for 30 days, with request that interested parties report back to Council in order that Council may deternine whether homes can be built in the area. Motion seconded-by Tupa and carried, CUSACK & CmON'S REQUFST FOR REZON3NG IbT 51. AmSTORfS SUBDIVBIOE NOo 175 &332 Vernon. Ave, 1 -I.lanager .H@e &%ad. the Planrijng .Comyission! s August 17th zecomenbtion against said rezoning. Bredesen moved for acceptance of Connnission's recommendation and denial of petition to rezone. Motion seconded by Frodc and carried, CO~~ATIOli OF JUNE 27 PUBLIC HEARING ON PETITION TO VACATl3 N-S ALIZY l3EZ"m FRANCZ AWD EMXG .AVBYUSS AND. l3EWBB ?7.5'7TH- AI. 17.58TH STS . ~ An_ agreement. was presented, gqantring-to -lJr9 O.M. fiolt, ,5'l4D..Eybg.pVe., access -to his garage, Geement was reviewed and approved by Village Attorney 17jndhorst; and Fro& offered the foUowhg Resolution and moved its' adoption:-* .- - RESOLUTION VACATING ALIXY N=SAALTJ3Y €Ej3@E% FR&SCE Ah He was supported in X"G- AVES* . BIXB@EN Jly 57TH AND W058TH STmS I-, a majority of the ovmers. of-the .land abutting'on that North- South Alleg: between France and ErJing Avenues and between 1.I. 57th and IT, 58th Streets, as platted in Block Four of BrooMine First Mdttion, Block Four of Abercrombie's Addition,. and Blo'ck Four of Gouldsmi'ch's Mation, Hennepin County, Ibesota, have pekitioned for the-vacation of said alley; and IJHlZEAS, one week's published notice and posted notice of a hearhg to be had on said-petition on June 27, 1955, at 7:30 P.N., has been given and made, and a hearing has been had thereon by the Village Council: NOW, THEFEX)R?Z, BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village I of Eea, Herpepin County,. Efinneso$a, %Qat - -- . "That. certain alley runnrLng in a norbherly and southerly direction and lying between France Bnd Eihg Avenues and between lL57th and IJ.T&h Streets, in Black Four of Broolcline First Addition,:jn Block Four of . &ercrombie's Addition, and in BlockEour of Gouldsmitkrts Addition, as the same are recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Hennepin from this vacation proceedjngs and res-es unto itself and its assigrls &I easement for all. public utility purposes, including, vrithout limiting the general nature of said reservatiori, an easement for. electric, gas, . sewer, water, and telephone e@@ent on, over and under the cder ten - feet 3n width of the alley hereby vacatedolt - - County, Wesota, is hereby vacated; providedthat said Village excepts I\ * - 275 8/22/55 were' four ges &d no nays, as follows:. Tupa, absent; Erickson, aye; and the Motion for adoption of Besolution was se-conded by Bredesen; 'and on RoUdalll there Mayor Clerk submitted AffLdavits of Publicat?ion ?or publication in Edina-Horningside Courier August U. and 18,'1955* of 1tNob.ce of Hearing -Proposed Storm Sewer linprove- ments, affidavits were approved as to form and ordered placed on file. Pursuant to then, the' following public hearhgs were conducted and action taken: gnd llNotice of Qearhg-Propased Watermain Wension Improvement, 11 rM.ch 1, "PUBLIC €llURII\TG ON PRQPOSIB CONSTRUCTION OF V3cI;I;AGE STORM SEWER IN CODE A'EBUE F.ROKl?* 56TH. ST- 350 FT0 I NORE OR. llEss. SOWE. the we. . lilqmger: Hyde-read Engineer's .Estimate of Cost at_$4,039.20 as against 654,600 Assessable Square Feet, for $.00617 per Square Foot., Bk. Carl Malm, 5120 3Jindsor Avenue, protested being,included in the assessment district, saying he feels that the storm water from his lot drains into a sewer already constmc€ed. Mr. V.J. Schweiger, 5109 tL56th St., asked when work muld be completed, and was told the Engineer hopes it will be this fall. There were - no written objections filed with Clerk, and no objections from the,floor. . . (See Resolution Approdug). PUBLie HEARING ON PROPOSG CONSTRUGTION OF VIt;tAGE STORM SENEZ IN 'E?. 5bTH ST. - SnCEFi....Vu,Graph Slide was.-shQrm of Une- and-assessment -district. Manager. Hyde.:read Engineer's Estimate of Cost at $3,526.20, as against 36,000 Assess- able Sq. %, for g.098 per Square Foot. ,&. % K, Neman, 3529 3i.%th St., stated he feels that drainage problem was caused by change in grade; and that Village should pay pax% of the cost. One other owner, at corner of Chowen and 54th, stated he is not at all happy about paying for the stom sewer, but that he needs the improvement. There were no other objections from-the floor, and Vu-Gzaph Slme was, shown of 2. mo~, cmim. A~UE TO, BEARD AVENUE TO CO"XCT..K~TH EXISTING mmwmms. STORE no written objections had been filed with Clerk before meeting. (See - a- ' Resolution Apprbaing) . 3. hLIG WbG ON PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION OF VXLXkZ If- EXXkSION IN RYAN, AVENUE, FEOM VALz;EY VIEW ROAD TO + 600 EYT . , SOUTH. . VuzGraph . Slide. was ' show of,line apd assessment d&st:ict. . IQ. Hyde, read- Engineerfs Esthate of Cost at $3,257.28, as against 628.95 Assessable Feet, for $5.18 per Foot for the Lateral main, plus $&2 for connedior?. to Trunk bprovenent.No. 81, for a total of $5.60 per Assessable Foot Foot. . L. Nayor Erickson'was called 'from-meeting for a few minutes; and M2. Bredesen presided, Fro& offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION ORDERING IMl?RO"TS ST@-SE$m- Df!@J~@XITS_ NOS. 31 k-32: WA"UN IMPROVEEQlT NO.^ 9 BE IT RESOLVED by the C&mcil-.of tvhe.Vil19ge--of_Edina, &esota; that this Council heretofore-caused notices of hearings to be duly published on the following proposed improvement a: .- L. 1. Construction'of Village'Stomn Sewer and Appwtenances i.n Code Avenue from W.56th Street, 3.50 e., more or less, South. 2. Construction-of Village Storm Sewer and Appurtenances W.%%h Street from Chowen Ave. .to Beard Ave.-to connect with existing Minneapolis Storm-Sewer. 3. Construction of Village Watermain Extension and Appurtenances in Ryan he. from Valley View Road to 600. Ft . South and at the liearings held at the time and place specified in saLd notice4he Council has duly considered the views of all persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertbent facts does hereby determine to proceed tiith the construction of sa5d improvements; that said improvements be hereby designated and shall be referred to in aU subsequent proceedings as follows: . Construction of Village Storm Sewer and kppurtenances in Code Construction 'of Vdage S%o& Sewer and Appurtenances in I?: 54th St. from Chowen Ave. to Beard &e, to coEect with existing Construction of Village Wat ermain Extension and Appurtenances in Ryan Ave., frcg Valley: View Road to -600 Fb. Sputh and+'th.e ireas to be specially assessed therefor-shall be as follows: Avenue from W.56th St., 350 Ft., more or-less, South STOFN SEWER DE', NO, 31 n ~ ._e- Itinneapolis Storm SeGer - STORN SEVm TMPo NO0 32 L -. ~ - -- . WATE8" 1Mp. NO. 97 . .* 9 ..- * '. **d 2% ( m2/55 For STOBI SRZR I1PROVEZ-~ NO, 31 - All tracts of land irithin the following described boundaries: "Beginning at the NI.1 corner of Lot 10, Richmond HXLs Third Addition; th. song tk;e.*Sly I.iinneapo1i.s Northfield and Southern Railway R/V to its intersection with the center&ine of T'cest 56th Street; tho S@y to the NI.T corner of bt 2, Block 5, Helody Knolls Third Adation; tho -South to the ST corner of said Lot 2; tho East to the SE corner of Lot 1, Block 5, Nelody Knolls Third..Addn,; thm Southto the Sl1 corner of Lot 4, Bl, l,-Nelody Knolls Fifth Addn,; the E. to a pt. 110 Ft, E, of the .centerline . of Bernard Place; the. 9, to the centerline of tf*56th St,; tho ,E. on said centerline to a pt, 110 I?$, IT, of the centerkine of Code Ave,; th. Sm'lsO Ft,, more or less; th, E, to the centerwe of Code he,; th. N. 30 Ftm; tho El~r to the Stouz*s Pvonne Terrace; thm my to the NE corner of Lot 5, B1, 2,. Edina Park; tho E. to %he Si3 corner of Lot 7, Blm 2, Edina Park; tho N. to the NE corner of Lot 8, Blm 2, Edina Park; the 1.3; to the SE corner of Lpt 6, B1m 3, l'cestchester Knolls; thm Nm %O the PJE-Gorner of.-ht 7, 31, 2, tfestchester Knolls; tho* E, to the SE corner of Lot 4, B1. 3, Richmond-JKUs; thm Nly to Sly property line of Richmond Dr.; th, EIy dong %he S line of Richmond Dr, to the Nfl corner of ?ht 2, BS. 2, Richond H3.3.1~; th, Sly to the 5% corner of said Lot 2; the .Ely along the rear. lot lines of Lots 2 and 3, 31. 2,RLchmond Ilifls to the SE corner of Lot 3, BL 2, Richmond Ells; thm Nly to the St1 coqer of L0.f; 12, 31, 1, @chmond Hi33.s; tho my 35 @. along. the Illy me of Lot 12; Tny, parallel to the Nly .property. line of Richmond Drive, to the Vly line of Lot' 9, B1, 3.. Richmond Hills; th. Nly to the NE corner of Lot 8, B1, 1, Richqond Hills; tho V3.y to a pt. on %he W, line of Lot 7, B1m 1, Richmond HKLls, distant 45 feet North of the SI corner of said Lot; th. SLLy to. a pt. on the SWly line of Lot 6, BL 1, Richmond H.llsA.distant .B feet,NTlny of the SVT corner of said-Ipt; th. Sly-to the Nt? corner of Lot 4, B1, 1, Richmond Hills; tho MLx to the NTI corner of Lot 1, Blm 1, Richmond Hills, which point; is--on the Sly R/t7 of @nneapolis Northfield and Souqhern Raj3vmy; tho along said Sly R/lJ to the rJr.T -corner of *Lot 10, Richmond Ells Third Addn, T'lhich is the corner of Lot 12, " pt. 02 begitping... .. .. For STORH SFhlER ZPRUVEMEEC NO. 32 - All lots and tracts of land within the following desdgLbed bowdaries: me Rarriet; thm E.*to,-f;he NE corner of rplt 1, Blm l,..Imnda,le Park.Near Lake Harr2e.t;; th, S. 65 Ft,; th.-Wm to a pt, on the W. lot line of Lot 3, said-Bl. 1, distant 65 Ft.; S. of the Ei, propeey line of said Lot -3; thm N?ly to,a p%m in the 17, properky line. of at r,--saLd 31. 1, distant 40 Ft. S. of the sa property line of said ht 5; tho SVly to a pt. on the TF. lot line of Lot 7, said B1. 1, distant 65 Ft, Sm-Of N. property line of said Lot 7; th, I?, to a pt. on the 11, property line of Lot -4, B1. 2, lvandale Park Near Lake Harriet, -@stant 65 Ft, So of Nm property line of said Lot 4; thm S%ly to a pt. on the. property line of ,Lot. 5, said B1, 2, diBtat 100 Ftm- South' of N. . property lhe o< -said Lot 5;- th. IT, to a pt , on the 11, property line oS.Lot 6, said 31. 2, distant 100 Ftm,S, of the N. property line of--said bt 6; th, N, 60 Ftm; tho IT. 40 Ft.; th. N, 40 Ft. to the NP'c corner of Lot 7, Bl, 2,,vrhich is the pt. of For ?fATZFWUN X4PROVZb~ NO, 97 - Lots 3 to 6, Ettner's & I'ciagts Addnm, the North 233 Et, -of-the.S+ 623 I?$, of .the Em 272.5 Ftm of the B 33 Rods; and the NO 126 Ft. of the S 749 fim of the E. 272,T Ft. of the 11. 33 Rods;.-aU, @I Sec. 19, BJPm 28, E.24. Xoti& for -adoption of Resolution was se& and on Rollcall there were Four ayes and no nays, as follows: Danens, aye; and the Resolution was adopted,. *fBegFnning at the NP1 corner of Lot 7, B1, 2, Xvandale Park Near beghnbg. ? I. because it is .f;oo.-close to theb driveways and has been hit a nmber of thes. Bknager we expkdnedthat hydrant was installed many years ago; that there are a number of others in the Country Club which are equally troublesome; that the Water- works Fund does not have funds for moa and removal of hydrants; that, tr'ai2e this particular hydrant is not especially needed for fire proteckion, some of the others are needed. Two petitioners explaiaed that they have received a letter from the Village giving then three weeks to deteraxhe whether or not they?-ffsh remod-that they definitely want the hydrant removed but that they do not tmt to pay the estbted cost of $300 for removing the barrel and capping the line, After some rather heated arguments on the part of Nessrs. Walter Xain and NmLm Bosene, Nanager me recornended that the hydrant be removed, eth half the cost to be paid by the Vatemiorks Fund and the other half to be shared by the two properky ovmers. +so recommended that this policy be followed in the future, where hydrant may be removed without loss of fire protection, Nessrs. EEain and Rosene sign5fied "their v-gness to share half the actual cost of removal; and ??go& moved, for CouncU acceptance of &lanager &de's recommendations, both as to -present solution and as to future policy in hydrcmt removal. Notion seconded by Tupa and carried. He .. c 8/22/55 277 DtKfANHEAD CREST - DZDICATION OF LAKE, Dr, Strickler asked the Village to accept deacation o$ the Zake ,portion of-the plat (Outlot IrA~l), swing that his attorney ' has advised thet the developers may be liabPe in some,cases, if they keep the water portion, reason Council decided that dedication of lake would not be acceptable. Br. Strickler also asked for pmnissionto restrict his plat in such a way that future special assessments be levied on a per-lo% basis, rather than on a front-foot basis. It was decided that such restrictions were no responsibility of the Council; .that they would serve as a warning to ovmers that assessnents can be levied in this way; but that Council does not have the power to bind future Counclls to this assessment method, DEDICATION OF STm FOR WOODHX5;L ADDntIONm-/FEm .Roy-Peterson appeared, to appeal fol:. condemationh.of ..a .tqagt of. land -.on. the West side of Brittany Road; stating that he had once had a commitment from owner on giving this easement, butthat owner now wan%s $750 for this mall tract; that the road VU benefit the ownerts property by gaining access to the rear of his property, Manager Hyde recommended confiemation, at MY. Peterson's expense, in tJxis particular case only because the VUage is committed on a contract for Sanitary Sewer and "j8termain, Bredesen moved that Village proceed with oondemnation, Hqtion seconded by Fronk and carried. CONDEMNA'PrON FOR FUTURE SVBDIVISXOES. WS a part of Manager Hyde's'recommendation on the.qbove natter, he stateddthatt;,in his opinion the Village should agree to no more condemnations for subdividers; that the Village should be sure before a plat is approved that all street easements have been secwed by subdivider; that if he cannot secure rights of way from neighboring owners the developer should be required to either provide full right of way on his owll property or to make the property line the back &e of his +ots. No action taken. POLIm REPO2T FOR JULY was revLewed and ordered placed on file. TO. BQmm WFIC. ONLY, signed by. some- seventeen residents and. otmers .in Southdale First Ad@tion3. ,was filed, Mr. Paul Albrecht, representing Southdale Center, asked that Southdale's name be appqnded to the petition, inasmuch as this road is not needed nor planned for truck' traffic into the Center, 6613 Southdale Rd., sponsor of the petition, stated that they: w5sh to keep - truck traffic off the street. Village Attorney Windhorst stated it is his opinion that .Village *Ordinance is sufficiently broad so that adoption of a restrictive ordhance for this street is not necessary; that Council nay merely order road posted against trucks. Mr. Hyde recommended that petition be accepted with approval; that it is not. necessary to post immediately because road is under constructLon, Fronkfs motion, that petition be accepted with approval., wits seconded by Bredesen..and carried. TMpRoVEMEW &ITIONSl, as foliows, were filed; and Bredesen moved for acceptance ~d..sefe~r~.to.Eng~eer for the scheduling of PubUc Hemhgs. Danens and carried: . 1, Oiling - 3OO.Block on HarGison Ave, 2. Qiling - Vbdsor Ave.,. Mwy.169 to RoRm Tracks, 3. Storm Sev{er - Birchcrest 1,2,3 & &h--Adhsrn 4. Sanitary Sewer. - W.59th St. between Code and Tingddem 5. Sanitary Sewer - Cpde Ave,, Eenton Ave, to W.60th St. 6, Sanitary Sewer Hollyyood Rd., Rutledge to-Vandervork 7. Oiling .- t?.62nd S%m, Brookv&ew &em to fiance he. 8. Oiling - Parnell .Avem, Valley View Ed. to Wm6hd St. 1% was detedned that there is no access to the public, and for that CONDENNATTON Skk'i6~ 'Fk' RJBTRicTION OF VWY VIEk ROAD EXTENDED. =OM Wm66TH STo TO ltfo69TH STo as , Robert E. Carlson, Motion seconded by L -* . PZT'llTION DBAD-. Manager Hyde explained that many of'the surrounding codties ha.sra..found.it,nsc?essa~ to establish a much earlier petition deadline than we have here. This would give the Engineering Department ogportunityto have all preliminary work and, if possible, give him an answer.at the next meeting, ~m Hfle then explained that Engineers have-now prepared Estimate of Oost and plan for proposed SANITARY SFVJER IN WOODDAZE ATdENuE EGTlGEN LAGUNA DRIVE AND7WANE ROAI). He asked that Public Hearing .be -fomal.ly. scheduled for September 12. - Fronk offered the follow5ng. Resoluixlon and mved its adoption: He r&ommended a January 1 deadline, for work-to be done 5.n the current year, finished by spring, would and would give opportunity for better inspection his recommendation RESOLUTION PROtmlING FOR PUBLIC HEARING . . .l.. -Thq_Village Fngineer, having .submiliked to the Council a as to the. f easibilits of the proposed Sanitary Sewer Xmprovement preliminary report; described in the Fom of Notice of Hearing setrfoAh below, and as to the estimated cost of such improvement, said report is hereby approved and dfrectedto be placed on file in the office of the Village Clerk. TMs Council shall meet onNonday, September E, 1955, at 7:30 POX., in the Edina. Village Hall, to consider $n public hearings the views of all persons interested in said proposed improvements. 2. 8/2/55 3. The Clerk is hereby authorized and. directed to wse notice of the the, 278 1 place md.purIlose of said meeting to be published in the official newspaper once less than three days from date of said meeting, which notice shall be in sub- stantidy the Eollowing form: (, a week for tm successive weeks, the second of which publications is to be not - NOTICE OF €IEXXCNG ON &Jl_onJfonday, September 3.2, 1955, at 7:30 Pal$, to consider the follotring pro- posed improvement, to be constructed under the. authori.ty granted by Ninnesota his of 1953, Chapter 398, The approximite cost of such improvement is estimated by the Engineer as set forth, below: EST. COST Oo&tructiofi of Village Sanitky Setrer'in Wooddale Ave, . . . . between Laguna Drive and-Balfanz Rd. ... $3,665,86 - I r The area proposed to'be assessed for tge cost of said proposed &provemats includes all lots and tracts of land abutting the street proposed to be improved, Kokion for adoption G€@TCm 5. ADEN, Clerk .. ' IJfanager &de reported in detail, on sale of &50,000 Improvement Bonds, which vdll be on August 31. He stated that this date has been decided on after consultation v&th t&e fiscal agents of the Village and of the School Board; that the School Board .will sell a large issue on September 29, Tzystee Fro& offered the following Zesolution and moved its adoption;. BESOLUTXON mZOvll>DiG FOR PUkLC .- ._ SALE: OF * $750,000. INPROVEMEXP, BONDS. BE IT RESOLVED by the, Copcil .of -the ,?gage I of Edina, EEnnesota, as follows: . .." ___-. __. - 1; This Council shall-meet at the time Eand place specif&& in the form of notiae herein contained for the purpose of opening, receiving and considering sealed bids for and avardjng the sale of $750,000 Improvement Bonds of the VUge to be issued for the purpose of financing.water mains, sanitary and stomn sewer and blacktopping hprovements for ihich contracts have recently been awarded, pursuant to the provisions of Nbnesota Statutes, Chapter 4.29. 2, -The actgon of the-ViUage Sigager and Clerk 5n causing the following notice of said,meeting to be published in the offichl newspaper and in the Comereid- l;Iest, at 3Weapolis, IEnnesota, is hereby approved, ratified and eonfirme& ._ I -' NOTIGE OF SAI3 NUiXE IS &Y GIVENt that the .Count@ of the-vulage of Edina, $7!B,OOO cEME;RAL-O~G[rI@- DEBOVB~ BONDS '(?F-EDPJ& I - - - E!iinnesota, @I.l~meet at-fihe Village-Ndu in said Village on at 7:s orclock ?.If* to open, receive..agcj, consider sealed bids- for and award the sale .of $750,OOO.-negotiable coupon general obligation 3improvement Bonds to be issued pursuant to Chapter 429, Ekesota Statutes 1953, for the purpose of financing the constmctionaof mious water main, sanitary and storm sewer and black-toppbg improvements for which contracts have recently been awarded, in mticipation of the levy and collection of specfa3 assessments therefor, Sa;id bonds will. be dated as of September 1, 1955, rctU be issued in denomination of @l,OOO each, will bear interest at a rate or rates designated by the successful. bidder, to be expressed in integra multiples of 1/4 or 1/10 of 1% per annum, payable semiannually on BWch L and September 1 of each year, aud.wi33 mature serially b the amount of $75,000 on-fbfarch 1 in each of the years 1958 through 1967. of the Village, in orCaer of their serial numbers, at par and accrued interest on the first day of Harch or the first day of September immediately precedhg their respective stated..matwity dates. sdJ.3. be made payable at a state or national bank mu.t;u&ly satisfactory to the Council and the successful bidder. The Village r.riU. furnish and deliver to the purchaser without cost and within forty days after said date of sale, the printed and executed bonds and the unqualified approving legal opwon of lfessrs. Borsey, Colmaar,Barker,Scott & Barber, bf IlinneapoUs, IEnnesota, together with the. customary certificate as to absence of threatened or pending Etigation. or delivered to the undersigned Clerk +nd must be received at her office.prior to the the 02 said meeting. Each bid must be unconditional, and must be accompanied by a ashier's or certified check or bank draft payable to the MJGtJST 31, 2955, .- + Said bonds w3.U be each subject to redemption and prepayment at the option The principal of and interest on said bonds ' Sealed bids marked T3id for $7!jO,OOO Tmproveslent Bonds11 may be mailed ' . 8/22/55 279 Village Treasurer, in an mount not less than $15,000, to be retained by the Village as liquidated damages in the event that the bid is accepted and the bidder shall fail to comply therewith. interest cost computed to the stated maturity dates of the bonds, less the mount of any premium offered. interest will be considered, and the Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids, to waive any informality in any bid, and to adjoumz the sale if deemed expedient . t Bids will be compared according to the lowest net No oral bid and no bid of less than par and accrued BY ClRDER OF THE VIJXACE COm-CZ Gretchen S, Alden, -YiUage Clerk 4801 W050$h St., Edina, Rinn. 3. Each and all of the terms and Rrkisions of the foregoing form of notice are hereby adopted as the term and conditions of said bonds, as fully as though separately set forth and resolved herein. The motion for the adoption-of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Bredesen- 2, and on RoUcaU there were f nays, as follows: Bredesen, aye; Danens,..aye; Fronk, aye; and and the Resolution was adopted. . .. I fkSl3SSe FOR SANlZ&Y 'ERUNK SEwE;R NO. 69. Manager €i&e asked ,that Council now fOrn~CI.1~- schedulg .hblj.c. HezgLzg on Assessment for Santtaqy Sewer Improvement No. 69 for some time the early part of September. He pqesented it. written, report, supplemenking the report given on h'gus$ 8, and advocating method of assessment as foUo%s: FOR THE TRUMC SEXEX: l.Generall;lr, Platted bts..will beelassessed at the ;ate of $2.61 per front'foot. I 2.Platted Property which carries a deed restriction against subdidsion and which has a fron-b footage-of more than 1% feet, tdll be assessed at a 1%-foot maximum. 3,Platted hoperby which carkes no deed restriction against subdivision, and which is large: enough to be subdivided &to two. or more minimum requirement lots (75 Ft . Front, 9,000 Sq.Ft. Area-Each kit) wiU be assessed on its full front footage. .If this property-abuts two parallel qtreets, it foo€age on both streets. 4; Unplatted Froperby rvhich cannot be divided into two minimum requireme& lots (75 3%. Front,9,000 Sq.Ft. Area Each Lot) trill be assessed on front footage basis,-at $2.61 per front foot, to a 15O-foot maximum. 5.. Unplatted Property on which a Preliminary Plat has been filed in this office as of August 15, 195.5, trill be assessed on a front footage basis of $2.61 per front foot, as per said Preliahary Plat. 6. All the rem&ning..unplatted ppoperty wi.l.l be assessed at the rate of $150 per acre. Deductions in total acreage have been made for ponds as shown by aerial. survey., be assessed at the rate of $4.00 pes front foot for the full front footage of said lots for said Lateral Sewer. Seryice Connections. 2. kll Unplatted, Propertg: which -canqot be divided into two msnimUm requirement lots (75 3%. Front, 9,000 Sq.Ft. Area Each bt) will be assessed at $4.00 per front )I foot for-the full front footage o,f said tracts, for said &&era1 Sewer Service Connections. 3. All Unplatted Property on which a Preliminary Plat has been filed in this office as of August 15, 1955, will be -assessed on a front footage basis at the rate of $4.00 per front foot for the full front foptage per Prelhinary Plat. 4..Q reradning Unplatted Property having Lateral. Sewer Service Connections ~riU be assessed at the reate of $4.00 per front foot, for a 75-footage per connection. be assessed for full front FOR UTEXU SB&R SERVTGZ CONNECTIONS: 1, Flatted Lots ,hsing-h%e&@ Seweq Sepicp .Connections from %fie I'rmnk Sewer wi.U &, Hyde also reported that it. is the present plan to assess for the Trunk Sewer on a 20-year basis; for the lateral service connections on a lO=year basis. He.explained that much of the property which was unplatted at the time of the first Estimate or" Cost- on this project was made has now been developed; thus tending to equalbe the assessable cost per. foot even though the cost of the sewer is higher than estimated. .Iilr. Hyde called to Councilts attention the $150 per acre,assessment for unplatted tracts (as compared-xi.th Estimate of $llO)., He stated he believes this increase is justified because of the fact that some four ninimm-requirement lots may be platted from +n acre, which, assessed on a front footage basis, would total $783.00. Wber some discussion as to the gate of .heaxjng, Fro& offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: I 81221 5 5 280 RESOLUTION PIZOVIDING FOR SPECIAL ASSESSEE" HEARING - SANITARY SEZJEE i X*PROKE"T NO, 69 BE E RESOLVED BY THE COUIWS, OF the Village of Edina as follows: . .. -,-..e 10. .The Clerk-pndJbgineer having calculated the proper amount to be assessed for the improvement .set forth in the Notice of Hearing set forth below, and the amount proposedto be assessed against the respective lots, pieces and parcels of land wi.thi.n the district affected by said improvement, and said proposed assessnentshaving been filed with the Clerk, the same are hereby approved, and the Clerk shall keep the same on file ia his office and open to public inspection pend; hg hearing thereon as herein provided." 2. This Council shall meet at the time and place specified in the form of notice of hearing hereinafter containedto pass upon said proposed assessments, and the Clerk shall cause notice of the time, place and purpose of said meeting to be published in the official newspaper twice, in substantially the following fom: NOTICE OF ASmS*E:NT HEARING FOIL * SrnARY*~_Srnrn #69*BND LAW SANITmY S@&Ei SqV'?2E 'CO?INECTIONS _1 - . TO SAID TRUNK SBER .. NOTIGE IS HEREBP GI", that the Edina-Vilhge Council tZLl meet at the Village Hall pn.Hondq,. Sejkember -12, 1955, at 7:30 P.X., to -hear and pass upon all objections, if .any, to the following proposed asses-sments for improvement, which assessments are now on file in the office ofthe Village Clerk and open to public inspection: 1. SANITARY TRW SBm NO. 69 - Construction of: Sanitarg Trunk Sewer and appurte- nances be&&ng at_If..Qth-St. andValley Vievr Boad extended; tho "Ly Lri Valley View fioad extended to a pt. -approximately 400 F$. S of W.64th St.; gh. NI%LJI. along lake $0 a pt. 100 Ft. E. of Garrison Lane; tho ,VLLy-on Gtqrrison, Lane and Garrison Lane extended, to St.Johns Avenue; th. S on St.Johns Avenue to W.64th St.; tho W. in 1?.6kth St. to Parnell Avenue; tho No .in Parnell Avenue to K@rd St.; tho 1A.x in W.62rd St.-to Sheprood Avenue; tho No in Shemood Avenue to I?..- line of Lst 4, Block 5, Norng~~dale-lJddn.; th, 11, on said line to E. line of State Hr.ry.#lOO; th. If. on said line to I&- line of State Highway #loo; tho I?. 261 M;, more or less; tho NMly and XLy around and betwee= sloughs on GoPt. Lot 7, SI-?& ctf SIT& Sec. 33, !RQ. 117, Sly pt. of line betyeen rots 48 .+d 49, Warden Acres; th. N. to Bentdn Avenue; th, M.ny to pt. 160 Ft. E. of Tracy Avenue os S. lQe of Lot 46, Warden Acres; tho No to G-gve St.; tho %la on-Grove. St. to Tracy Avenue; tho N. on Tracy Avenue to pt. 160 Ft. No of grove St.; th. Illy 400 Ft. to Slf side of Hawkes Lake; tho my and Illy around, - said lake to Highway No. 169; -tho Nix-along P;lirror Lakes Drive and BError Lakes Drive extended, to Ay&hire Blvd,; th. Ely on Ayrshire Blvd. to Glengarry PkT.ry,; 5h. Illy on Glengarry Phg. to Ri.rror Lakes Drive qd Interlachen Blvd.; tho IKy on Interlachen B7_vdr-to E. Lot line of Lot .I, Auditor's Subdivision No. 248;. tho NI.ny across said Lot 1 to the,lL Lot line-of said Lot 1; tho t%l 32.5 Ft. to E. Lot me of Block 27,,Eendelssohn Addition; tho S, to Interlachen-Blvd.; -tho NlLly anong Sly and, Nly I;ine of lakes on &ot 28 and 29, -1blendelssohn Addition to approx, intersection of Watarman Avenue and Arthur Street; th, Nz%ly to tilley between Harrison Avenue and Tyler Avenue-at Ealoney_Avenue; th. my dong said alley to N. Corporate mts. . !@e area pr.ososed to be assessed for the cost of said improvment includes all c_ lots and tracts of land within the following described -boundaries: ltBeginning at the S1/4 cor of the N& of Secr30,Twp.28,R.~; tho??. on the centerline of_W066th St. to the 11,line of said Section; tho N. 56.7!.; th. W..pn the centerline - of 1;,66th St. to the Sly exbension of the I?. lot line of..Isot ~l2~. Block 17, Noman- dale Second Addi%ion;_th. N. to the centerline 'of IT.65th St.; tho If. along s&d cengegline to the Sly extension of the W. Lot line--of Lot 12, B1. a, Normandale Second Addn.; tho go to the centerline Rf W.64th St.; tho 'W along said centerline to the Sly extension of the 11. Lot l3ne of.-ht Wt B1. 6, Normandale Second Addn.; th. No +o the centerline of !;I.63rd St.; th,,lJ'. and lily on said centerme and the centerlke of Valley View Road to the Sly ex&ensionpf V. line of RIS No. 424; tho * mr along the !&ky line of said lUS No. -424 to the No me of Sec. Z9 _Twp. ll6, RO 21; th. lay along said section line-,to the Ely line of Valley Viet! Heights Addn.; tho Sly to the NE cor of Lot 11, 31. 5, Valley View Heights Addn.; tho Illy to the E'?. cor of- - I Lot 10, 31. 5, Valley View Heights hddn.; th. Sly along the Sls, -10% line ex@-ikd -02 Lot 7, B1, 5, V+.ley V%ew Heights Addn. to the centerline of Westridge Blvd.; Ch. Illy- along the centerline 0." Irestridge 31vd. to the exbnded Sly lot &e of- Lot.=, B1. 3, Valley V5ew Heights Addn..-;- +,h. lay to %he SI COP' of said L0.t; 12;- th, SlJP-and NI%L;v along %he rea lot +es-of B1. 3, Valley View Heights Addn, to the S. line of B1. 4, Country&ide Addn.; th. E. to. the S3T--cor of -Lot 2, Bl. 4, Countryside Addn,; th.. my along the exljended XLy lot fine og--said bt-2 to the centerline of Ridgeway Road; th. my to the Sly-extension of the E lot Une of Tot 6, BL 5, Countrygide Ad&.; th. my dlohg s+d E line to the NE cor of said Lot 6, BL 5; th. Wlybo the 31 cor of Lot 9, said B1. 5; th. my to the cor of Lot 13,. said B1. 5;. tho my to the SGJ cor of Lot 5, Bl, 6, Corntryside &&I.; th, r\ns to the Ns% cor of said Lot 5; tho-- =, to-the ME: cor of-said Lot 5;-th, Nly to the NE cor.of kt 1, said-BL 6; tho 11 to a pt. 35t3.78 Ft. more or less TJ. of the SE: cor of Lo% 15, Waxden Acres; tho No 30 the 5, line of Broadmore dddn.; tho 11. to the ST cor.Of Lot &, €31. 3, Broadmore Ad&,; th. N to the N& cor of the S3 of.Sec. 32, "JQ U'7, R-2; th, 11 to *he Cor of szid'seetion; th. W to the intersection. of ,t4e:W linq or" said seckion arid &he centerline of State Highway No. 169-2&25 th'.ST~.qlong saLd centerline a dist of 1.109 .FtO more or - less; th, WKLy-at 90 to said i *. r Highway centerline -1-i - 8 dist of 132 Ft, R. 21, to a pt. on MU3 Xiailway R/PT approx. 3% R. ,S, of I:[.- 8' 0th St.; tho Mf.f to . . * 1 L -1 .4 .. 1 0 381 8122/55 . , -.- more or less; tho on a curve to the right having a central angle of 45 and a readius'-' of 637.2 Ft, a dist of 242 R. more or less; tho NEly parallel to the centerline of State Highway No. 169-212 a-disk of 2311. Ft. more or less; tho Illy at a deflection angleoof 65 301 left a dist of 101 Ft. more or less; tho NEly at a deflection pgle of 20 30' right a dist of 160 3%. more or less; th. at a deflection qgle of 3 30' right a dist of Lk.0 Ft. more or less; tho a% a deflection angle of 5810' left a *, dist of 143 Ft. more-or less to a point on a curve to the right having adradius of 535 3%. and a .central angle of 42°B0' ; tho along said curve a dist of 115 Ft. more or less to the end of said curve; tho song a line tangent to said curve a-dist of 122 Ft, more or less to a pt. on a curve to the left having a radius of 470.53 Ft. and a central angle of 77°50r; tho a1ong said curve to the left a dist of 169 J?t. more or less; tho NEly at right angles to said curve a dist of 186 Ft. more orless; th. gt a deflection angle of 85' left a dist of 137 Ft.; tho at a deflection angle rif 8 45' left a dist of 248 Ft,; tho at a deflection-angle of 31°30f left a dist of 130 Ft.; th. Til. to the centerline of Schaefer Road; tho N on said centerline a dist of 130 Ft. moqe or less to the S line.ext;ended,-E of -Lot 12, B1.5, Parlarood Knolls; tho I?, NKLy and Say to and aroqnd Lot 13 said Bl, 5-to the SW cor of Lot 9, said B1, 2; th. Nly to. .the NW cor thereof; th Nay to the Nw cor of Lot I, said B1. 5; fh. NKLy to the centerl.@e of Parkwood Road; tho Wly on said centerline to %he Sly exbension of the W line of Lot-3, 31. 3, Parkwood~.Knolls; tho Nly along the rear lot lines of said Bl. 3 to the N line thereof; th.. E to a pt. on the Sly Line of Zot 16, Auditorts'Subdivision No. 325 which is 313.85 Ft. E of the Sf cor thereof; th my to a pt. ..on-the N line of Lot 12, Auditorls Sub&. No, 325 which is 319.125 Ft. from the NW cor thereof; th. I? to the-,Slf cor,.of Lot 5, Auditor's Subd. No, 325; th. N to the igtersection of Tyler and kkilo~ey Avenues; th. W to the B line of Sec. 31, Twp,ll'j', R 21; th. N,to the NLnl cor of said section; tho E to the NE cor of Sec.. 29,"wp,l17,R. 21; tho S to the extended centerline of tf.56th St.; tho E to the E R/W line of the 1NW R/R; _tho Sly to the Mw cor of Lot 2,. 31, 5, Helody Knolls Third Addn.; tho S. 150 Ft,; th. E 33.7. Ft.; th. S l49.27 Ft.; th. E to the." cor of kt-1, B1, 4, Melody-bolls Turd Addn,; th. S to the EN cor of Lot 7, B1. 3, Melody Knolls Third Ad&; tho E to the SE cor of Eot 8, Bl. 2,.Nelody Knolls Thjrd Addn.; th. N to the Nl3 cor of Lot 1, Ell. 1, Kelody Knolls Third Addn, ;- tho- 16 F$.; th. I\J 1&8.93 Ft.;hth. E tomthe centerline of Code Avenue; th. S along said centerline to the most Nly cor of Lot 2, R1ss. No. 180; th. Sly along the Nly. line pf said Lot 2 and dong the Sly lot Jiqeq-of Lots A, B, t: and D to the Fay line of Normandale Court; tho Sly along said Kty line to the S? cor.of said abd,; tho E to the E line-of Sec. 33, TTQ. 117, R. 21; tho S on said--section line and S on the E line-of Sec. 19, Tivp.28, R. 24 to -the NW cor-of Tnt 5, Jonas Addn.; tho E to NE cor of sed Lot; th. S to $he center1ine.pf W.62nd St.; th. E along the centerline of W062nd,St. to its intersection with the Sly extension of the 33 Lot line of Lot 6, .Bl. 2,-Vdiley View Slope Addn.; tho N to the centerline of Valley View Road; th. NEly to the SE -cor of Lot_$, B1, 1, Valley View Terrace Second Addn,; th. Nly to the NE cor thereof; th. N1y along. the W lhe of Valley View Terrace Third Ad&. to the cen$erline of W.6Oth St.; th. E 331.2 Ft,; th. Sly along the Ely line of Valley View Terrace Third A4dn. to-the SE cor of Lot 8, B1. 1, Valley View Terrace Third &dn,;. tho Sly. along-the E, line @ended of Lot 10, B1. 1, Valley View Terrace Third to the centerline of Valley View Road; th. SETy along the centerline of Ydlley View bad to W.62nd St .; th, E. on W.62~d St. to the Sly e&ension .of the centerlbe of Bl, 23, Fafrfax Addn,; th. .N on the centerline of Bls. 23 and 18, Fairfax Addn. to %he centerline of lJ.60th St,; tho E along said centerline to the Nly exbension of the centerline of B1.17, Fairfax Ad&.; tho S to the centerline of W.61st St.; th. E to the centerline of Park Place; th. S to-the Wly extension of N-line of Bl. 2, Lake Pamela Addn.; tho E along tf?e N line of said 331,- 2. to the NE cor thereof; %h. N to the S lhe of B1. 2, Two Oaks Addn,; tho W 108.91 Ft.; tho EJly along the W lhe of B1, 2, Tvro Oaks Addn. to, the_W cor thereof;.th. E along said B1. line and the N line of B1.-1, Tyo Oaks Addn. to the IE cor of Lot 1, B1. 1, Two Oaks Pddn.; th. E 90 Ft.; th. S 37.5 Ft.; tjh. E to the centerline-of Ewing Ave,; tho So along the centerline of &ing,Ave. to the Wly exbension of the S lot line of @t 9, B1, 3, Edba Bel Air Fifth pddn,; tho E. .to the G33 cor of said Lot 9; tho S-to the. centerline of TJ,B&th St. extended; th. W dong the centerline of tL64th St. and %fo64th St, ex- tended -. to the E line of the @ of Seco3O,%q.28,R.24; 'tho So to begh~ing.~~ annual installments extended over a per;iod of twenty years to be payable with taxes for the year 1955, collectible in 1956, with interest on the entire assessment at the rate of 5% per annum fram the date of the resolution le-g the assessment to December 31, 1956, To each subsequent j.nstaLlment rvill be added interest at the same rate for-one year on all unpaid inst&lments. of assessment vAthout interesk to the Village Treasurer, on or before October 10, 1955, and may thereafter make payment with accrued interest to the County Treasurer. 2, Sec. 4, Twp, 116, R. &---' Parcel #e522 1 8) Asses&nents for the above improvement; will payable _in twenty equal... consecutive The ovrner of any property assessed for the above improvement my pay the whole Si4NEARY mBR SmVICE COl$"TONS TO SANITARY TRUNK SZXER NO. 69 to serve Com-.at a pt in the E &e of Govt,. Lot. 1 dist 131 Ft, S from NE cor thereof; th If 258.14 Ft,; th S 90 Fk.; th %I 25 Ft.; th.S to S line of N$ of bt 1;,th E 293.U Ft. to E line thexeof; -th M to-beg ex rd. (Lots 2 and 3, B1. 1, Lots 1 and.2, Bl. 2, Maunds Addn. Prel-ary), the $oUgwi.ng, loCs ,and .trac$s.,qf -&a@:. -. . - . I I . ** *_. ' .. * . - -. asg 8/22/55 Jec.29,Ttm~U.7,R.21. Parcel u-0 - Nly 188 Ft. of E 150 Ft, of 17 380 Ft of IlarFi.of ,S@ ex rd I * #e30 - 17 90 Ft of that parti of the ,DE& of E@ lying N-of Nimor Wes in &40 - E l40 Ft of TI 230 Ft of that &rt of ;he Edina-ex road . Xirror Lakes .in Edina ex road a030 - Corn at a t in the ?I Exie of Wxror Lakes DrLve dis 188 F%m S of N line of 112 of mg of SE&; th 1.I.p~ with said N line 1% Em; th S - par with.!'f line -of Nl&_of Sa .to R3.y line of said Drive; -tho NElg of SE$$ lying" of - !? f * dong sa5d road line -to beg.. $3000 - E 10 Rods of N 12.64 Rods of HE$ of SI$$ ex road #5800 - Corn at a pt 330 Ftm E-from a pt-I.4.l. S &om the NV COT of SI$$ A of Si?,$ of NW&; thXEZy to NE cor thereof; th S 202.47 Ftm; th SEly to SL cor of-lot 36, Rowing Green; th S 33 I?$. to S line of Ilk$$; t~-~~-~e-~ee~~~e~*~€~-~~-~-~0~=~~~~=~-.i;k-$~~-ge th W to. .pt 330 Ft . E sf -the SJ cor thereof; th N ta beg. (Gilwood AdWm-Lats 3 to-6, Inc.-h.iKi.$@~~y) Sec 30 ,'Rm. 117 Jt.21 Parcel.#4800 - ? 115 ft of that part; 0; the SE$ of . of NE$ lying s of the N 293 ft thereof ex road #so00 - B 115 ft of N 293 ft of SE$ of SE% of.&$ #5200 - That part of 8% of SE$ of*NE$ l@ng E of the 11 115 ft thereof - and 11 of Auditor' s Subdm No. -248 ex road .. Se~.33,k~.ll7,R.21~ ParceI $3500 -0 Com.on 11 kne of- Go&. Lot 6 at a pt 267.9 ft S from iW cor of S& .- .-. of Lat 6; th E 32'7.9 ft-to a pt in ?T lhe of Bl. 4, Codes Highvier Park 267.74 ft S from N line of S$ of saLd Lab 6; th S- to S line L thereof; th IT to SI7 cor thereof;_th N to beg ex road I. .%OOO - Corn at a pt &n the-N line of Godm Lot; 7 dis 4sO ft E from the N-1 trQ cor thereof; th If l4.2.7 ft; th. S 200 ft par with the 17 line thereof; th E u3.03 2-b to a pt 210 ft S-from beg.; th N- 210 ft to beg ex rd SecmP0,fCwpo28,R.24. Farce1 $3620 --.Corn at NE cor of N@; th S to h cor thereof; th 11 SO ft; th N 400 f%; .. I-. th IT 150 ft; th N &o the N line-of of NIT&; th J2 160 ft; th N to N line of see; th E 90 ft to beg ex stq (Block-1, Lots 2 thru 7 Inc. and Block 2, Lots 5 thsu 10, Incl., 145.XLerfs prebfiaary plats.. #6010 - E 330 ft of S, lU+ ft- of N 552 .ft of that part;, of the NW$ of m$ lying c IJ of Peacedae Acres. ,#6020 - Corn 652 ft. S from NI.T cor of Peacedale Acres; th 'c7 330 ft; th S 86 ft; n th E 107.4 ft; th N 66 ft; th E 222.6 a; th N 20 ft to beg. &ZOO - Corn-at it pt 672 Ft S from NtJ cor of Peacedale Acres5 th W Z2.6 ft; th S 66 ft; th E-222.6 ft; th N 66 ft to beg. - g6700 - S 165.45 ft of E 330 i't of that part of N@ of Nl3$ lying 't.r of &015 - S 94.5 ft of B 832.5 ft of E 330 ft of that part of the N@ of E& R030 - N 90 ft of S 255.45 ft of E-330 ft of that part of Ill%> of-NE& I Peacedale Acres. - ** lw 11, of Peacedale Acres and the B 108 ft of E 330 ft of-S 65 ft of .. N 897.5 ft of that p& of NW$ of lying IT of Peacedale Acres. N 897.5 ft thereof and N of-S 255.f+5 Tp; thereof. lying 71 of Peacedale Acres. . &O&O - E 330 ft of--that part-of EJI.F& of NE$ 1ying.W of Peacedale Acres S of . $7600 - S 65 ft of N.-897.5 ft of E 222 ft; of that pa& of l%& of s. 1-J of Peacedale Acres. + s fl800 - Com 150 ft S and 168 ft E from NW cor of m&; th S par with S line.of. #$OOO - Corn at a pt dis 33.1, ft S from a pt in the N line.of m& dis 658.5 ft Peacedalg Acres;rth N 104 gt along said 17 line of Peacedale Acres; e dis 3OL.6 ft S from the Nkl corner of NE$ and l40.8 ft E of PI -L r fl@O - E 133 ft of I.! 658.5 ft of N 268 ft of Ivrf$ of E$ lying r , I$E$ 164.8 ft; th SFXy 75.2 ft to--a pt 321.2.ft S from N line of NE*; th-N 171.2 ft; th_kI 75 ft to beg ex rd * c from NtI cor thereof; th S lo4 fk; th E 287.3 i'b to TLline of $h 'I1 to beg.. ,I I a* thereof; th S fl8.4-ft; th E l40.8 ft; th N 561.7 ftt par v4th the W line thereof; th S pq with said W me 567.7-ft; th E par with N #szoO - Comat a pt in the IT line of #$403 - Corn at a p* 311.1 .i't S of N line of c line of I'X@;-th NKLy to beg-ex rd line of NV% of I@$ dis 115 ft; th.X par with IT line thereof 563.7 ft; th iWly 116.1 ft to beg e~ rd - s.405 - Con gt a pt in I1 line of Nke of NE$ dis 301.6 'ft S from Ntl cor thereof; *- th N la.6 ft; th E 168 ft;.. th S 164.8 ft; th $8407 - Corn at a pt 150 ft S from N line of NIT& of lE$ and 243 ft E of I? line - thereof; th S par path said 11 line l'&Z ft; th SEly to a pt 324.7 ft S of N line of said W& and 255.8 ft E of W line-thereof; th S par with wid line 563.7 ft;,th E 360.2 ft; th N 450 ft; th.V 90.5 ft; th N- 20 ft; th 3WL.y 126.3 ft;-to a pt 379.7 ft S of N line of "I:$ of NE$; th N 229.7 ft; th IT 162.5 f% to beg ex rd_ I to beg .ex rds, ". 8/22/ 5 5 2813 Parcel #8420 - Com at a pt 455.5 ft E from I? line of m$ and 395.66 ft S from N lff8130 - Com at a pt 455.5 ft.J from W line of NE$ and 395.66 ft S from N line thereof; th N 245.66 ft;, th 3 70 fi; th S par with W line thereof 26s ft; th NWly to beg ex rd line thereof; th N 245.66 Tt; th 11 50 ft; th S par w5th '6.T line thereof 229.7 ft; th Sly to beg. .ex rd 1 Ahnerts Addition hL4, Normandale Addition Bl. .4, .Lots .4.and 5 B1. 2, Lots 6 thru 10, hc, B1, 3, Lots 1 thn 5, Ijlce Bl. 2, Lots 1 thru 5, I~C, Birchcrest Second Addition , B1. 2, Lots 1 thru 6, Inc, Bl. 1, Lots 1 and 2 B1. 2, Lots 1 thru 4, Xnc, Code's Highview Park Bl, 1, Lot 12 {Lot 1, Brushls Addn) Bl. 1, Lo'c 13 __ B1. 4, Lot 6 Birchcrest Third Addition Countryside Addn. Bl, 6, Lot 13.. Blo 93 Lots 1, 2 and 3 J.M.Duees~ Sub.of Bl.31, Mendelssohn . .Lot 1. (Schwantes Addn., .Ut .9> . EL Rancho Addition - c 5 Rosendahl' s 'Edina Highlands Terry Knolls AdditLon . B1. 1, Lots 1, 2 .and 3 .Lots.l t;hru 11, kco, and lbts 233% and 25 Greenleaf Ifanor Lots 11, 12 and 13 B1, 2, Lots 1 thru 6, Inc. Valley View Ridge Addition . B1o 3, kt 1 B1. 4, Lots-1, 2 and 3 Valley View Ridge Second kddition .BL. 1, Lots 1, 2 and 3 B1, 2, hts 1, 2, 3 and 4 B1. 3, Lots 1 thru 8, Tne. Lots 18,19,40,41,~,46,47,48 and 49 Marden Acres %est Minneapolis Heights Yundts Addktion to Edina Highlands Blo 1, Lot 12 . B1, 1, Lots lth 11, &c. B1, 2, Lots 1 thmt 6, Inc. Griffis Sub. of Bl. 18,24endelssohn Lots Q,12,13,1h~ and 16 Efendelssohn .Addition Lots 27,28- and 29 The area proposed to be assessed for the cost oft Sanitary bteral Sewer Service Connections includes dl the above listed lots and tracts of land. over a period of ten years to be payable vrith taxes for the year 1955, collectible in 1956, with interest on the entirre assessment at the rate of 5% per annum from January 1, 1956 to December 31, 1956. at the -same,rate for one year on dl unpaid insta;llments. of assessment without interest to the Village Treasurer, on or before October 10, 1955, and may thereafter make payment yith accrued interest to the County Treasurer. Assessments will be payable in ten equal consecutive annual instatlments exbended To each subsequent installment,nill be added interest The owner of any property assessed for the above improvement may pay the whole GRETCHEN S. AIDEN Village Clerk-. Notion for adoption of Resolution was seconded by four ayes and no nays, as follows: Brede Fkickson, aye; and the Resolution-was ado on Rollcall there were ; Fronk, aye; and ATTEST: .. Village Clerk .. /z/r&z/!! u - ./; Manager Hyde reported that Village Treasurer Duggan is ill in the hospital; that there will. be no difficulty about his signing checks for this meeting, butthat Nr. Hyde feels it a- good idea for the Council to authorize a Deputy Treasurer to sign checks 2n &. Dugganls absence; that-he is appointing Et?. G. MaxZield Holde (now Asst. to >Imager .in charge 02 the accounting department). a Deputy Treasurer. He asked that I&. Hoxie be given authority, by Resolution,tosign checks in &. Duggan's absence. Fro& offeredthe following Resolution and moved its adoption: BE IT RESOLVSD, that the persDns~-holckhgtoffice as Mayor, Nayor Pro-Tem, Treasurer or Deputg-Treaswer, or Clerk or Deputy CLerk of this Village be, and they hereby are, authorized.to act for this Village in &he .transaction of any banking business with First Edina National Bank of Edina, Ehnesota, (hereinafter referred. to as the Bank), such author5ty fncludhg authority on behalf of,or =in the name of the Village from + time to tine and until vmitten notice to the contrary to the bank, to sign checks against said account, whish checks shdl be signed by the lfayor or &yor Pro-Tern, Village Clerk ox- Deputy Village Clerk,- and Village .Treasurer or Deputy Treasurer. The Bank-is shereby authoqized and directed to honor, and pa;y any check against such account which is signed as above authorized, whether or not said check is payable to the order of, or depositedto the credit of, any officer or officers of the Village, i-ncluding the signer or signers of the check, -. S1GN.UORY l$%OLUTIOlV F&T ED-INA NATIONAL -BANK . I 284 8/22/55 Notion for adoption of Resolutdon was Ericksoo, aye; and tbe Resolution ) four ayes and no nays, as follows: And Fro& offergd the following Resoluilon and moved its adoption: f.IzDLhD NATIONAL BANK .OF. lXINXEAP0LTs * BE ~ RESOLSED, that the persons. holding office as -Nayor, ?Iayor-Pro-Tem, Treasurer or Depuby..Treasurer or Clerk or Deputy Clerk of the Village be, and-they are. hereby, authorized to act for this Village iq the transaction of any banldng business trith I-Edlmd I?atior?al Bank of Hiqneapolis (bereinafter referred to as the bank), such. authority including authority on behalf of or in the nane.of the Village fron tine to time and until vmitten notice to the bank to the contrary, to sign checks against said account, which checks shall be signed by the Nayor or Hayor Pro-Tem, Village Clerk or Deputy Village Clerk, and Village Treasurer. The bank is hereby authorized and directed to honor and pay any checkIagai.net such account which is signed as above described, vihether or not said check is payable to the order of, or deposited to the credit of, any officer or officers ofthe Village, including the signer 01: signers ofthe ghecks. z SIGNATORY RESOLUTION . &tion for adoption of Resolution was seconded by were four ayes and no nays, as follows: Bredesen,. Zrickson, aye; and the Resolution iras adopted. .I -. Village Clerk Bredesen-moved for payment of Village Payroll, amount $15,078.07 for period August 16 %o 31, and for papent of the following Claims: General Fund - #5,3rn.u llaterworks Fund - $3,492077 Const. Fund 136,209. 54 Vquor Fund ~ 25,047 0 5 Parks Fund 270 32 Sewer Rental Fund 10.06 - &$ion seconded by Danens and carried. .* -). CONDBBiATION - OLIVER BAG PROPERTY. Village Attorneg, l&@horst repp*ed. that the Court has awarded damages in amount of $5m, and that there is also an appraisal fee-of $225 in the matter of the condemnation of the Oliver Bagg property abutting 'I.Joodhi33, Addition. He stated that I&. Scroegins has jnacated informally that the developers of IToodhill will pay the cost, but asked that Council approve award as made and authorize acquisition of property. Rredesen's motion, that Court award in matter of condemnation of Oliver Bagg property,.be approved, and that acquisition of property by Village-be authorized. Efotion seconded by Danens and carried. 1,J,69rH ST. AND SOUTH YORK PL! Fgineeq. Zkan presented. Detailed Plan entitled, W.69t;h St. and South York Avenue," and stanp& as having been received in this office.-August-16, 1955. Nr. Zikan stated that there has not been complete design for cjrainage, and asked if-there is any harm in accepting a road after it is completely built and vrithout drainage facilities. Nr. Gutfaan explashed that the property in the immediate area is owned by Southdale Center; that it is the plan to dedicate the road by easement after it is improved. Vue Attorney Tlindhorst stated that there is no legd problem in accepting the road as long as the property is under one ownership. advised that if the Council >&shes to approve the plan as presented, the proper motion would be fapprouing the plans presented, on condition that when roads are constructed pursuant to said plans Southdale v.ri31 convey by easement, and on condition that proper outfall is provided for drainage.' Bredesen so moved. Notion seconded by Fro& and carried. Nr. PTindhorst -. , ORFEI& &&eer Zika mesented Tabulation of Bids taken this evedim. as follows: IGEZ'ER D, Bk. -reported that uue. I& Total Big .is below Estimate; thaw this bidder estimate on all projects but,S&tary Sewer finprovement No. 89; that bid was taken on an all-or-none basis. Bredesen moved for award of bid on low total 8~&,06~27, to orfei and lkriani, subject to question on their one Ugh bLd. Notion seconded br Frorik and carried. below 8/22/ 5 5 p235 CONDE~JNATION OF “u FOR I3RITTANY ROAD (Roy He- Peterson request). of the land necessary+for. Brittany.-Qoad .right-of-way having been pepared, Bredesen offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: Village of EdQ-ia.lay out and estabfish a street for public road purposes, and an easement.for_street purposes in the foUowing described lands, namely: “That part of the South Three Hundred Twelve and Forty-eight Hundredths (312,48) feet of the North Twelve Hundred Forty-nine. and Ninety-two Hundredths (1249.92) feet- of the West Six Hundred Sixby (640) feet of the Sou€hwest Quarter (SWl/4) of Section Thirty (30) , Township Twenty-eight, (28) , Range Rrenty-four (24) , Heqepin County, Minnesota,,described as follows: Begha at the Northeast comer of said South Three Hundred Twelve and Forty-eight Hundredths (312.48) feet of the North Ttrelve Bundred Forty-nine and Ninety-two Hundredths (1249.92) feet of the West Six. Hundred Sixty (660) feet, which point is the begjnning of a cwve having a radius of. Eighty- three and Pour Tenths (83.4) feet; thence rurmhg Southwesterly along the arc of said curve to the right Thirty-sj.x ad Sixty-two Hundredths (36.62) feet to the end of said curve; thence continuing Southwesterly tangent with said curve Six and Fife Tenths (6,s) feet to the beginning of a curve to the left having a radius bf Two Hundred Three and Twenty-one Hundredths (203.a) feet; thence x=unmn g Southeasterly along the arce of said curve to. the left Eighty-nine and Thirty-five Hwxjredths (89.35) feet to the end of said curve, said end of curve being a point which is Thirty (3Q) feet West of the East line of the Nest Six Hundred Sixby (660) feet of said Southrest Quarter (swl/k); thence runnipg South parallel-with the West line of said Section Thirty (30) to-the North line of?Nomandale Terrace; theqce running East along the North line-of Nomandale Terrace Thirby (30). feet to the east line of the West Six Hundred SMy (660) feet of said Southwest Quarter (2XL/4); thence ~lllls~n * g North parallel-with the &st line of said Section Thirty (30) tR the point of beginning.’f and . -c * *‘That part of the Southwest Quarter (SWl/4) of Section Thirty (30) ,* Township Twenty-eight (28) , Range Twenty-four (24) ,J-Jennepin County, Einnesota, -described as follotrs: Commencing at a,point in the North line of said Southwest Quarter (@%l./4) Forty (40) rods East of the Northwest corner of said Southwest Quarter (Slil/4];, thence running South parallel. with the West line of said Section Thirty (30) to a poSnt Forty (40) rods North of the South lime of said Section Thirty (30); thence running West parallel with the South.4K.ine of said Section Thirty (30) One,Hundred Twenty (120) feet; thence running South at right angles Thirty (30) Seet; thence running South- easterly along the arc of a curve to the right having-a radius of Four Hundred Eleven and Eighty-nbe Hundredths (4ll,89) Zeet to a point which is Fo&y,(40) rods East of the West line of. said Section Thirty (30) and Forty-seven and-ELghty-one Hundredths (47.61) feet South of a point which is Fprty (40) rods North of the South line of: said Section Thirty (30), the actual point of beginning of the tract of land to be described; thence-mnniag Nor$hwesterly along the arc of said curve to a pint which is Thirty (30) feet West measured at right angles from a point in a line which is Forty. (40) rods East of the ”lest line of sa5d Section Thirty (30); thence running North parallel with the West line of said Section Thirty (30) to q mint which is Forty (40) rods North of $,he South line of said Section Thirtx (30); thence running-East parallel with the South line of said Sectlon Thirty (30) .Th=jrt;y (30) feet to a point which is Forty (40) rods East of the West line of said Section TMrty (30); thence runnslg South Porky-seven and Eightxyone Hundredths (47.81) feet to the actual point of beginning. I$’BRUS, the efforts of the Village of Eka to obtain such an easement fromthe above oyners have been unsuccessful; and- WEFiZAS, the Village is advised and believes that the most feasible location €or such a-gtreet is on. the land above described; and IWREAS, by reason of the failure of the Village to obtain such an easement, it has beqme-necessary to procure title to such land by right of eminent domain; NOW, TKEREFORE, BE 32 RESOLVED: That the Village of Edina proceed to procure an easement*,@ the.,above described_land.qnder its right of enjnent domain and that the Village Attorney be instructed and directed to file the necessary complaint therefor and to prosecute such action to a successful conclusion or until 5% is abandoned, dsmissed or terminated by the Village or by the court; that the Village Attorney, the Nayor and the Clerk 30 all things necessary to be dolire in the commencement, prosecution .and successful termination of such ackion. Notion for adoption of Resolution was seco four ayes and no nays, as follows: Bredesen, Erickson, aye; and the Resolution,was adopted, The Xegal descri ion REs0zsJT10x IJHEEBAS, It is necessar?, advisable and in the public interest that the MEEEX3, In order to accomplish such purpose, it is necessary to acquire n Rollcall there were ; Fronk, aye; and ATTESTt -./f J&&/ , &L.L&t$/- Village Clerk .. Elanager Hyde reported that a meeting of the Rural Hennepin County League trill be held on Thursday, the 27th. Bredesen’ s motion, aRpointing Manager Hyde, as Edina’ s representative at the meeting, was seconded by Fro& agd carried. -L 8/22/55 28%iyor Erickson reFortqd that E&. and lks. Fred Ifillson have recently celebrated their 9th TTedding Anniversary; that because of-the civic service of both Nr. and &so i;jillson lib .r.rbuld suggest a formal congratulatory message from the Village Council. RESOLUTION ON THE OCC&3~OIJ OF-THE FIF!CIETH Bredesen offeredthe follovdng Resolution and moved its adoption: ! . lmpING*&pim@Y OF . _j . . . f4R. AND.llRSo FElED Xo IEGISON I-, Nr. and.-Ers.. .Fred K..J!illson, .. 5ClU Richmond Drive, Edba, li2e NOX, I33 23 RESOLVED, by-the ViU8ge Coungil of the Village of Xdina, BE E FURTHER REsOLm tha$ this Council convey to MI?. and Bks. IJillson tke residepts-aqd public spirited cif;iz.ws of this copdty, have recently celebrated the occasion of their Fiftieth Ifedding Anniversary; BWesota, that. this Council.exbend to Re. and Z&s. %KLlson the felicitations. of this Council on this happy occasion. its sincere-~~shes.-for--~~- additional years of happiness. Notion for adoption of the Resolution was se were Tour ayes and no nays,-as follows: Bredesen, and Erickson, aye; and the Resolution yas adopted. I A"T"s;sT: L&dfi/&z:dA&T/J* Village Clerk - Discussion tyas had about the Edina American Legion Baseball Team's successful season, and Fro& offered the. f olloying Resolution and moved. its ,adoptLon: msoLuTIoN I-, the -EDQA; @.m&CAN, gGXON. B&EBaLL TI$AIf - . .. -_---. *- . - -~. .HpNEqOTA sr&E cHAImoIis an organization of V&ge young men, hag, pmpleted a season of outstanding athletic achievement; and has set an exemplary standard for other youth in this community by its industry, sportsmanship and teamwork; and, by its splendid play in the regional Edina, Bkesota, -that.this CouncQ_ convey to thq members of the Edina American Legion Baseball Team, to its Coach, its bianagement, and-its SponsorsJ the con- gratulations of this Council on the Teamars excellent performance during the 1955 Baseball Season. BE IT FU?TH€& RESOLVED that thi Council convey its hope that the Edina American &$on Baseba-&l!l'eq-+continue to naintain a high standard in the fitme. kotion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded were four ayes and no nays, .as follows: Bredesen, Erickson, aye; and the Resolution was adopted. tournament has brought honor to Edina, "' NOW, THEXEFOXE, EE IT RlBOfloED by the Village Council of the Village of .. and on Rollcall there &TEST: *,&&7&&dQ/&&/ Village Clerk Engineer-Wan and Iianager Hyde presented plans and estimates of cost on several proposed j?nprovemen$s, advising as to the feasibility of doing the work, and asking that Council schedule public heasings for September 12. ing Besolution and moved its adoption: EXE E REs0LV"rs by the Council of-she Vi&&agg,@ E.d&-g~:.- -. . - .; 12._ -The-Yillage Engineer, having .submitted to the Council a preliminazy report as to the.feasibility of the proposed improvements described in the Fora of Notice of Hearing set forth below, and as to the estimated cost of such improvements, sdd report is hereby approved and directed to be placed on file in the office of the Village Clerk. 2. This Council shall meet on Nonday, September 12, 3.955, at 7:30 P.&, in the Edina Tillage Hal, to consider jn public hearings the views of all persons interested in said proposed improvements. The Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to cause notice of the time, place and,purpose of said meeting to be published in the official newspaper once a week for two successive weeks, the second of which publications is to be not less than three days from date of said meeting, which notice shall be in substantially the following form: Bredesen offered the follow- -- RFSOLUTION PROVrrlING FOR PUBLIC HEARm&-moPosED. D-PROrnrnS 3. NOTICE OF HEARINGS-PROPOSED INPRDVEXENTS G€j.fDgG_& CZt@jE: Cmjk-. CXlT!E&. . BLACXTOPPDG: SANDARY EXEXEZi LIFT.STATION . . 1 .. 44.: ,..;-; ;<-.-:.; - . .I _. ^, . 2 . 3"T 8/22/55 NOTICE IS HE3XF.E GIVEK that the Edina Village Council wL11 meet at the Village -& 0 2, I LrJ Hall on.vonday3 September 12, 1955, at 230 P.H., to consider the foUowing proposed inprovqents, to be constructed-under the authority granted by Ebe- sota Zaws of 1953, Chapter 398. estimated by the Village Engineer. as set forth bellow: The approximate cost of such improvements is Est, Cost I. 2. Blackbopping of "Ewing Aveo,W.6Oth St. to I 3. Grading and Graveling of Grove St. between Tingdale and Code lives. $5,9OLU . ~~61st St., and of Dyew Axe. from No. 5925 grew kve. to w.6lst .St. Blacktopping of-Parkwood Road from P-akwood Lane to the No- Line of Parkwood Kgolls Construction of Concrete curb and butter in Construction of Saatary Setyer Tjft..Ststion at $4,881. 60 Fourth Addn. .. $3 , 439 80 School Road from Concord he. to Euth Drive $4,286 . 60 4. 5. W.62nd St. and Park Place - $16,500.00 The area prpposed to be assessed for the cost'of proposed improvements Nos. 1, 2 and 3, above, consbts of all lots and tracts of land abutting the podions of the streets proposed to be hproved. The area proposed to be assessed for the cos% of propo_sed- improvqent_ PQi 4, apo,ve, consists of Lots 1 to 7, incl., South Concord Second Addition. The area proposed to be assessed-for the cost Gf proposed improvement No. 5, above, consistsrof all lots and tracts of land within the following described boundaries: Worn. at a pt. on the centerline,of Park Place 233 Ft. N. of centerline of W.62nd at.; tho E. to a pt. 213 Ft. M. of the Cengerline of9rance Ave.; th. N. to a pt. 160 FL;. S. of the Centerline pf Halifax_Ave.; th. If. to the SE Cor. of 0txblo.t; A, Lake-Pamela &ddn.;-th. M. to the.NE Cor..of said,Ogtlot A; th. E. itlong the S, * iine of Halifax he. Addn. to the I?* .line of Lot 2, The Pines Addn,; tho N. to the Ntl Cor. of kt 2, The-Pines Addn.;-th; E.30 %he Cenkerlbe of .France Ave,; tho So to the S. line extended W. of Edina Bel Air 4th Div.; tho E. &eng So line of Edina Bel Air.4th Div, to the Centerline of Ei*ig Ave.; th. 3. to the Centerline of Ff.6lst St.; th. Xly dong centerljne of W,blst St,; to .the E, line extended Nly of Lot 11, -132, 3, Mina Bel Air 5th Addn.; th. Sly to the SE Cor. of Lot 11, €31, 3, gdina Bel Air 5th Add&; th, in a-SWly direction along the rS lines-of Lots. 10 and h, to. the-%? Cor.-of Lo% 10, Bl, 33h Edina Bel Air 5th Div.; th. S. to-the SI3 Cor. of Lot 1, -Bl, 3, Edina Bel Air 6th Div,; th, F3. to.a pt. 166-Ft. E. of-the Centerline of France Rve, ; th. 5. to the .Centerline of W.64th St. &ended; tho W. to the W. line extended of LQt 11, BL-2, Peacedale &res; &h. N. to the jnteresection of the Centerline of W.62nd St._and the W. l5ne of Lot 3, Bl, 2, Peacedale Acres extended; th* W, onathe Centerline of pl.62nd St. to the Center- line of Park Place; th. N. along the Centerline of Park P1ace.a distance of: 233 Ft.; which is-the point of beginningot! Notion for adoption of Resolution was secondid by Danens four wes and no nays, as follows: Erickson, aye; and the Resolution ,was adopted. ATTEST: Gfl@XHEN S, ALDEk, Village Clerk -_.-' ~ ~ -* on RoSJLcall there were j Fronk, aye; and Bredesen, ay r* *. , Village Clerk Er. Zikan then reported on several projects, on which he suggested Council t&e bids as soon as possible, in order that work might be completed before heavy freeze. Fronlc offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: * FQR-PROPQS@. ERCWB@nS, &BID Q-mCTING. . RTESOLUTION AppROVm-G PLANS AND SFECEICMIONS I . . iDVZRTXS~NT FOB BIBS . . .. BE TT RESOLXED by the .Villaggi! ,~ogaci& of ..the"Village of Ed.ina: . I 1, ~ _The_plans and specifications for the proposed Improvements set forth in the following Advertisement for Bids f om, heretofore prepared by the Village Engineer and now on file in the office of the Village Clerk are hereby approved. The Clerk shall cause to be published twice in the Edina-Norningside Courier and the Construction Bulletin the following notice for bids for said improvements: ADVZRTIS~ FOR BDS 2. emg .@. GUJER: BQ~TI!OPPDIGTJ\TG: SANlTBRY Sj3WE.R LET. STN, . NOT3333 IS HEREBY G1TVEN-that _the_E-apa.. Village Comc21 will meet at the Edina Village. Hall, _4801 .No 50th. Street, Nonday, September 12, 19 55, at 7: 30 P.140 and wi~lat said the and place open apd consider sealed bids for the follwing: 1. 2. 3, Construction of Concrete Curb and Gutter in School Road from Concord Avenue to Ruth Drive: Blacktopping of E@ng &e. between H.60th and v,61st Sts. and of Rrew he. from No. 5925 Drew to 3?*6lst St. Construction of Sanitary Sewer Lift-Station to be located at TL62nd St . and Pwk Place, I. 8/22/55 Bidder may bid on any or all projects, Plans and specifications for the above projects are available at the Edina village Hal1 upon deposit of $lO,OO each project, which deposits are refundable upon return of said plans and, specifications. Work must be done as described 5~ plans and specifications for said improvements on file in the office of the Village Clerk. Bids must be submitted on basis of cash payment for work. No bids t&ll be coGidered unless sealed and filed 76th undersigned before the of said meeting and accompanied by cash 'deposit; b2d bond, or certified check payable to the Village Clerk in amount of t& percent of amount of bict, 288 c f. BY ORDER OF THE VILLAGE CCXJNCZ. * -..e-.. c A*-- *--- ~ ._.._*.)- GRZTCHEN So ALDEN, VUage Clerk 3. Each a6d all of the terms of the foregoing advertisement for bids are hereby adopted as the terns and conditions of award of the contract for said improvements. HotLon for adoption of the Resolution was seconded there were four ayes and no-nays, as follows: Bre aye; and Erickson, aye; and the Resolution was ATW T: -. *-- -. . ., P s, 'and on Rollcall e; Danens, ,aye; Fronk, JL&&kdd&& Village Clerk DiXjICATION OF ROAD FOZ LAICE DINA ADDITION 1.E. GAVIN. I&. .Robe& $Ia Gavin,_@?f). 'C;I.7Oth_St,, . speke in-:obfection to any possible future condpmation of a portion of his property for the borderline road Ln Stowls We Ecjina Addition. He also objected to the Council*s deviating from the 50-fOot standag residentia street by allowing the developer to plat a 45foOt street. &, Gavin stated he wishes to go on rekord to the effect that he is not going to give any property for 1.b. Stow's road, iind that he will fight any condemnation, He stated that he is not objecting to &I??. Stow's develophent as long as it is kept within his ovm 20 acres; that Nr,. Stoq- has not spoken with him for some time about the matter of a road dedication; that 1.k. Stow has'not offered to purchase from him, EDBN ATEX& CUT-OF'F Aii PARKING FOR EDINA COUNTRY CLUB. Nr. Hyde asked irktat Coqnc$l ,wishes. %$kh regard+$o the ,proposed ,Telocatj.on of Eden Avenue at IT, 50th St, He presented preliminary plan, stating that i%*icill involve merely vride@ng of - street and the taking of some of the triangle; that Country Club TIXU pay the cosi but that title rKLl not pass. Xt was ipformall~ agreed that this plan is acceptable, athough Hr, Danens 'objected %h& the plan will add nothing to the safety of the crossing. % EDXN ASEii AND t.JII;TsON RDAD REPAIRS. Nr, Hyde then asked Councilts policy as -to_the. major repa@ on_these,t~,,streets. * It was suggested that t.tillson Road be widened some eight to ten feet in order that school children might have am- place to xilk and rids; that Village arrange to secure the proper dedication for widening from the Country Club and Halla Nursery; that because these streets are both thoroughfares _the abutting properties bear no assesment. Hanager me was instructed to secure estimates of co'st on both projects. There being no further business to come before this meeting, Fronkmoved for adjournment to Wednesday, August 31, at 7:30 P,IL and carried, I +. .. Hotion secanded by Bredesen Ib&eting adjourned at 10:20 Pelf -* ;&g4s&&dddzd&d Village Clerk ..