HomeMy WebLinkAbout19550912_REGULAR9/12/55 , -- .- I(. ~ I ...I INVOCATION was given by the Rev;'Harold Schtreigert of St.Peter's Lutheran c.hurch. - .-. * ... Members answering Rollcall were Bredesen; Danens, Fronk, Tupa and Erickson. Nrs. Ruth Hermanson acted as Clerk until arrival of the-Clerk.. affidavits of Publication in Edina-Norningside Courier and Construction 13ulletin Septanb-er 1 -and 8, 1955, of llAdvel.i;isement for Bids--Curb qd Gutter: Blacktopping: Sdtary Sewer Lift Station,!! were presented, approved as to fom and ordered placed on file.- It vas announced that bids for the Lift Station muld not be taken this evening because plans and specifications kherefor had not been completed, Bredesen moved for postponement of thetakhg of these bids to Monday, September 26, and authorizing advertisement for bids for said date. jfotion seconded by Fro& and carried. Bredesen then moved for referral of sealed bids to the Village Engineer's ofxfice for tabulation and report. Notion seconded by Tupa and-carried. -3 +t $6 35 -3 Later in the meeting, after Public Hearings had. been held, Engineer Bkan presented Tabulations of Bids received in accordance with Advertiseken&; said bids being as follows: . .. JAY W. BUCK!I'OP ZlRL A. . VICTQR C(fta19 CO, SERV.. CO, SEwIIlJ; CARISON -4.. BLACKTOPPING - &ing Ave.,Wo60th' ...- - . - ._ . -St,, to.-%J06lst -St., and Dxew Ave., CURB AND G€kTER - School goad from' Engineer Z&an re&mmmded award of Blacktopping bid to low bidder, Jay 131. Craig Company, gnd Bredesen so moved. Motion seconded by Tupa and carried. __ . No.5925-Drew to W.61st St. $4,0350 50 4,350000 5,ZO.OO . Concord -. Ave.-:to +th Dr&ve $4,3644 50 Mr. Zikan pointed'out that the bid of the only bidder on ths curb and gubter project is slightly higher than the Engineer's EstimaAe, but not substanti&ly so. Danens moved for award of bid to Vic.l;os Carlgon & Sons. z-Notion seconded by Bredesen arid carried. J PUBLIC HEARII'?G ON PROPOSED A5mSW FOE S&qIT&Y Sli3JE.R DIP€OVE%EXT NO, 69-mum AND- LATERALS t~as,.then.-~ounced_by-~JIaya$~.~~~~son, yho .also. told the audience, .that pmceedhgs umuld be recorded by tape recorder, Manager Hyde presented Affidavit of Publication for "Notice of Assessment Eearing for Sanitary Trunk. Sewer No, 69 and. Lateral Sanitary Sewer Service Connections to said Trunk Sewer,ll*published in Edina-Nomingside Couyier Awst 25*and September 1, which Notice was approved as to form and ordered placed-on file. 3ilanager Hyde read, in detail, the costs of the project, the grand total of the assesszble cost being $862,709.25, which is proposed to be assessed as follows: -20,517.91 Ft, where property #m.ts trunk sewer - 0 $&LOO $82,071.6& + Total 39862,713 67 Et?. Hyde statedthat'the amount pGyable to Contractor uft.11 be some $30,817 less than the amount of the contract because 3ngbeering Department was able to specify a lep expensive type of construction in one wet area than was originally planned when contract was awarded. Special Policies for the proposed assessments were read in detail. M[r, Hyde then read two wrltten protests against the method of assessment on certain specific properties: Frotest oE Albert 0, hrson, owner gf certain properties in Garden Park, yhich were assessed for front footage on Garden Avenue, whereas Garden Avenue has been vacated; also asking for deduction in assessment because of water area on property, Iknager Hyde recommended adjustment of assessment in accor$ance with objections, and Fronkrs motion, for Protest of Eale A. Otto, owner.of two tracts of unplatted property abutting Brookxieyr Avenue, which, combined into one -ovmership, should be assessed on an acreage basis, rather than on a front footage basis as presently assessed. (Parcels 7030 and 7040). Nanager Hyde recommended adjustment of assessment and Bredesen so moved. Motion seconded by Fronk and carried, unanimously, - a 396.66 Acres @ $150.00 -59,499.00 276,300.01 Ft;. assessed at $2.61 per foot 1, -1721 1 U3 03 1. adjustment of assessment, was seconded ,by =pa and carried, unanimouslyb 40 2, I .- iiayor Erickson then asked for cpestions and comments from the floor, and the following were received: to be received by properbies. la half-mile ffom the sewert* Nanager Hyde exylained that all property within the district is benefited; that..proprty owners may now petition for lateral sewer service, his property, stating there is water area.on it for which he has not been credited. Mznager Hyde asked that he see the Specid Assessment Clerk this evening in order that an"-adjustment might be made. is low. 1. I&. BLE. Hansen,5L&9 Interlachen Blvd., inquired as to the benefit &'ire J.B. Noore protested the method of assessing p, Hess_complained that the acreage assessment 9/12/55 -I 1-k. Hess was Wormed that the acreage assessment has been raised $40 per acreato equalize the assessment. lfr. Kloudt, owner of property in the path of the proposed cross-town highww, stated this assessment will be a hardship on him inasmuch as it is Uficult to sell lots in the area, He was Wormed that assessment must be made, now; t’nat if property is acquired for highway, assessment r.rjU. be part of acquisition costs. %Po Ronnei, 623.7 Behore Lane, asked for adjustment because of pond on propertx. l.&uager Hyde asked l-b.-Ronnei for specific stateneat in order that adjuFtment -can be made. ment, whereas interest on-bonds is lmrer than %hLs flare. .He was infomed that the Village has pledged its full faith and credit for paynen-b of the bonds and bterest; that the difference Sn interest rate provides a cuslion for delhquences; that anyone wishing to do SO may pay assessment in full, without interest. E&, Lloyd Smith asked why the lateral assessment is not being credited to lateral services in the area, rather than to the trunk sewer. Nanager Hyde explained that the laterdl services we a part of the entire improvemept and that, consequently, they must be credited against the improvement. There were no other objections from the floor, ,and no other written ob Sections had been received prior to the Hearing. Fro& offered the follor.riag Resolution and moved its adopbion: TRUDTK SEWB AND .I WTERBZl SERVICE t One gcentlemen Lnquired about the !$$ interest on the assess- RESOLUTION IIDOFT3NG AND CONFmmG ~SESsI.IENTS .. --- S@&”@YLS%~~ IXP@WXIJJ@JT NO? -69- . . - SE 33 BESOLTIED by the Village Cogncil_of,the Yillage-of .E@na, Elbnesota, as follovmr: 1, . It-,,is -hereby found, dete-ed and declared that the proposed assessments for . S4”ARY SEi’lER TI?IPROVE3EXI! NO. 69 - Tmnk Sewer and Later& Service - and each af 3h.s _have.been.pgper&y &cula%ed in accqrdance with theeppovisions of-ltixmesota Statutes Section 412.44-l; that notice has been dulytpublished as reqired by law, - that this Ccnzncil muld meet to hear and pass -upon all objections, -if any, to mead said proposed assessments as might be necessary, and to adopt the same by resolution; that said proposed assessments have at all times since their filing been open for public inspection, and opporhmi.ty has been given to all interested persons to present their objections; and %hat each of the lots, pieces and parcels of land enmerated in the respective assessments was and is specially benefited by the construction of the improvement for which such assessment is levied 5n the mount set opposite the description of each such lot, piece and parcel of land, respectively. 2. The Unouts so set out are hereby le~ed against the respective lots, pieces and parc+s of land described in said respecti’ve assessments$ and said proposed assess- mats are hereby adopted and confirmed as the proper special assessments for said hprovement. The assessment against each lot, tract or parcel, together tdth the interest accruing on the full amount thereof from time to time unpaid, at the rate of five percent per annum from the date of this resolution, shall be a lien concurrent with general taxes upon the pmperty described therein and all thereof. NO. 69, “K SBBR, shall be payable in equal annual inF;ta7.7ments.e$en@g over a period of-&wqntxygars, the first of said instaUments, together trith interest on the entire assessment from January I, 1956 to Decanber 31, 1956, to be payable with the general taxes for the. year 1955,. and one of the remaining inst-ents, 16th one ’gear’s interest on that and all. subsequent insi;allmen’i;s, to be pc”;sTabXe r.rfth-general taxes for the years 1956 through 1974, collectible in the respective ensuing years, - The total aaount of each such assessment for SAlWARY SEXEiR~DlPRO~~tT NO. 69, 1;ATERAI; SERVIa, shall be psyable in equal annu@. ins$allqen$s. e&ending. over a perioc o<-tgn.zeas, the first of said insballments, together with interest on’the enkire assessment from January 1, 19% to Decanber 31, 1956, to be pqyable with the genera1.t-s for the.year 1955, and one.of the remaining installments, with one year’s interest on that and all subsequent installments, to be payable r&h general. taxes for the years 1956 through 1964, collectible in the respective ensuing years, 3. hior to certification of the assessment to the County Auditor, the opmer of any fot,.giece or parcel of land assessed hereby my pqy-the whole of such assessment or any installment thereof without interest to the Village Treasurer and thereafter such pagment mgy be made wi%h accrued interest, to the County.Treasurer; provided that if any assessments or instalbents thereof be prepaid-to the Village Treasurer, they shall be cancelled on the books of the Village Treasurer, and he shall promptly notiLfy the Village Clerk and County Auditor, and the assessment or installment so prepsd shaf, be -celled on’the books of the Counky Auditor, certificate duplic&e of each of said assessments, entitled lfbsessmnt Roll for Sanitary Sewer h.ovement No. 69, Trunk sewer hpqovement No. 69, hterdl Service,” with each-then unpaid..instaUent and interest set forth separately, to be extended upon the proper %ax lists of +he County, and the County Aud5tor shall thereafter cause said assessments to be collected in the nanner-provided by lav. All amoun&s collected in respect of the assessments thereia contained shall be similarly designated by the County Treasurer azd remitted to the Village Treasurer, and by him credited to the SWg Fund Account of the 1955 hprovemqnt Fund.First Series Fund. ’ The total. amount of each such assessment for SAIKCMRY SB4EEi IWROVENENT . 4. The Clerk shall, as soon as may be, prepare-ad transmit to the County Auditor a I land IIAssessxuent Roll for Sanitary - Motion for adoption of Resolution pas second five :ayes and no nays, gs follows: on Rollcall there were Fro&, we; Tupa, aye; Bredesen, aye;. D chon, aye; and ‘the Resolu+ion was adopted ge Clerk 9/12/55 PUBLIC HEARINGS ON PROPOSED 3%€%DVWTS were next oh the agenda, and Manager Hyde Presented-&fidavitsm-of -mblic&ion of, ttNotices of Hearhgs, 1955, which notices were- approved as tomform and ordered placed on Tile, Hearings were mnducted. and action taken, as recorded below: 3 September 1 and g, 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. HEARING OX‘PRQPOSED SANlTARY~UTEEUL SEWER IN WOODDAXE AVENUE I3i3l.7- LAGUNA DBXIU3 AND BADANZ WAD,, . Costlw~s.read~at-.~3,665.$6, -as-agains% 625 Assessable Reet, for $5.87 Eer Assessable Foot; this hprovment to be an integral part of tQe Woodhill Sanitary Sewer fmprovenent (No. 90). There were no objecJcions or coments fromathe floor, and.no written objeckions had been received p&or to the Hearing. (See Enutes of Later in Meeting, for Resolution kpproving,) HEARXNG ON PROPOSBI GRADING 4ND GkVELTNG OF GEOVfi STmT B33lM&H TINGDAIB AND .CODE AVEJSJ333, .Estinate of .Cos.t was .given as $5,901.12, as against 1,618.26 Assqssqble -Feet, fos $3.65 per Assessable Foot , I&. Hoore inqui5ed as to whether this cast will include a s$om sewer; .he has trouble with water running down his driveway, included, but that grading will take cue of the natural drainage. I&. Zikan stated that this cost idll include a dust coat of oil aftep project is finished, (See Wutes of Later in geeting, for Resolution Approving,) - He was Womned that a stom drain is not Foot. objectkons had been received prior to the Hearing. Heeting, for Resolution Approving.) .. LINE. OF P~~OOD IZNOLXS FOURTH #DITIO% ._Estiq.te -of Uost. 19s .@yen as ~~,439.~~,.:a.s-againstl l,S51..,55 hssessable Feet, for $1.86 per Assessable Foot. Qbjections had been received prior to the Ijearing. Heeting, %or Resolution Apgroving.) , BARIIb ON PR6POsED CUBB’AND GUrrEfi IN SCHOOL €DAD; CONCORD AVBVUE: TO SBJTH DRIVX. Estjmate _of Cosfi was giqq-.as &,Z86,OQ, as agahst 584.65 Assessable Beet, for $7.32 per Assessable Foot, to be assessed against Lots T to 7, inc., South Coneprd Second- Addition. .Mr. Zikan explained that the- ‘itillage wishes to construct curb dong this street 30 tf.6Oth St., but-khat it cannot be installed uqtil such time as Final. Plat of Warion Gardens!! is on file. I&. Iqindhorst reminded the Council of a< agieement signed by the owners of %arion Gardens’! (&so Wohlrabe) , 1Y3chool &nor Addition” (Mr. Boy H. Peterson) and ‘kouth ConcQrd Second Addition!! (Mr. K,enheth. Sundipis%) agreehg to assume, jointly, the cost of curb and gntter, blai$&opping, sanitary sew& and water improvements, XP. Roy Peterson concurred in &fro FTindhorstrs opinion that; assessment for_this-.pro ject should be considered yhen the other hprovements are constructed; stating he feels Hr. Sundquist should not be penalized by a high assessment at this time in yiew_of the fact that the hpmvaents were originally interided to be constructed as one and assessed as one. (See Nbutes of hter in Meeting, for Resolution Approvtng and citing method of Assessment). - HEAhG ON PR61?OSEDoLI.FT STATiON AT W.62ND S’s. AND PfLEIC PLACE, ‘Esthate 09 Cost ,was .giyenLaq r$16,500,. for -$1.74w .per ,AssessabZe..Fqot“.oves an area described by the notice. There were no objections nor comments and no dtten objections There were no objections nor comments from the floor; and no witten (see 3Enutes of Later in HEARING ON FBGPUEZD BLACI~POPETNG 02 P~~OD ROAD FEON PAF~K~J~D LANE TO NORTH ~ -.. There were no objections-nor coments from the floor, and no wrikten (See EnUtes of Later in had been received prior to the Hearing. (See Resolution Appoving). - Fro& then offered the following Resolution &d moGed its adoition: EESOLUTXON ORDE2.RXNG IMPROVEDENTS . SANI’I’,&RY S&@ pP€U)aElQ .NO. 90. {S3PPmmT) : STREET - jXF?ROvE- BE IT RZS6LVED.by the Council of the,Village of Edina, Ennesota, that this heretofore- caused notices of hearings -to be duly published on the following WS .ljOS, *c-69, &-78 A’ND, A-‘79, B.33; ~ LIFT *STATION I@’J$QR- m$NT NO. Ts-1 I -.-. . ,. improvements: -1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 5;. Construction of Sanitary Latera;L”Sewer and Appurtenances 5n Wooddale live. between-Laguna Qrive and Balfanz Rd. Graang and Graveling of Grove St, between TingdaZe. and Code Avenues. Blacktopping of &ring Ave., W.66th St. to W,61st St., and of Drew hve. from No. 5925 Drew Ave. to W.6lst St. .. Blacktopping of Parbsod Road from Parbod .&e of Parkwood Knolls Fourth &dam Constmctgon of Concrete Curb and Gutter in from Concord Ave. to Euth Drive. Construction of Sanitary Sewer Lift Station .and Park Place. .. Lane-to the N. School Road at W.6&d St. .. councu proposed 9/32/55 and a;ts the hearings held at the the and place specified in said notices the Council has dCLy considered the views of all persons interested, and being fully advised 02 the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed rdth the construction of szid improvments; that said improvements are hereby designated.and shall be referred to in all subseqyent procee$ings as follows: * Nom 1 Above his iinprovkent be considered an - Nom 2 Above Nom 3 Abve No. 4 Above No. 5 Above i3om 6 -Above and tfie areas to - (Supplement) to be assesged as part of Sani&ry Sewer,Sm,Dravement integral part of said improvement. Street Improvement Nom Skeet Improvement Nom Street hprovanent No. Street Improvement Nom Nom 90, and to C-69 A-78 = A-79 3-33 Lift Station Improvement NO. IS-1 be specially assessed thereCor:shal.& be as f ollotrs:. For Sanitary Sewer Improvement No, 90 (Supplement), Street Improvem&ix NOS, C-69, A-78-and A-79-- &l.lots and tracts of, land front&ng_and abutting the portions of the stree3s proposed to be improved. For Street Improvement Nom B-33 - Lots 1 to 7, inclusive, South Concord Second Ad~tion; except that the assessment on this project shall-be adjusted in order that the properbies in llSoutih Concord Second Addition," 1"&50n Gardens Additionfl ad Wchool &nor Additionf1 shall. pay eqpally-for the cosstruction of curb and - gutter along School Road from Concord Avenue to 1~60th Street, in accordance with joint agreement,-simed by -or.mers of said prosertieg . For Elf% Station Imprwanent Horn IS-1 - aU lots and tracts of land trithin the following-described boundaries: 233 Ft. Iqm of centerline of ITm62nCa St.; th. E. to a pt. 213 Ft. If. of the Cqterline of France Ape.; th. 14. to a st. 16oyt. S. of the centerline-of Halifax Ave.; th. M. to the $33 Cor. of Outlot- A, Lake Pamela Addn.; th. N. to the NE Cor. of said Qutlot A; $h. *Em along the S. line of Halifax Ave. Addn. to the W. line of Lot 2, I"ne"Pines'Addn.; the N. to the NW Cor. of Lot"?, The Pines; th. E. to the center- he-of Frpce Ave.; th. s. to the-s. line, &ended-W,. of Edina Bel Air 4th Div.; th. E. along S._line of E@a Bel A+r 4tB Div. to th-q Centerline of Xwing live,; th. $. to %e-centerline of W.blst_St.; th, Ely along centerline of t.r,blst-st. to the SE Cor. of Lot 11, B& 3, Eqna Bel Air 5th Addnm; th. in a qpy direction dong -tqe S lines of Lots 10 and 11, to the-SC.T Cor..of Lot 10, B1. 3>, Edina Bel Aik 5th Diym; %ha S. to the SE Cor. of Lot lAa,Bl. 3, Edina Bel Air 6th Diva; th. 1:J. to-a ptm 166 Ft. E.,of the-Cgnterline of France Ave,; the S._to the center- line of 1~64th St. extended; th. Peacedale Acres; th. N. to the ir$.ersection.pf the centerline of 11,62nb Stm and the - 11. ljne of Lot 3, B1. 2, Peacedale Acres-extended; tho TI. on $he centerline of Wm62nd St. to the centerline of Park-Place; th. N. along the centerline of ParkPlace-A distance of 233 Ft.; t@ich &s the point of gotion for adoption of the Resolution vas seconded by Danens, and on Rollcall there were five ayes and no nays, .as follows: Tupa, aye; and Eridsson, aye; and the Resolution wq&opted. - c * !ICom. at a pt. on the centerkine of Park Place to the TT, line @ended of Zot 11, B1. 2, 1 Bredesen, r J'Danens, aye; Fronk, aye; y#~L-?,~ r- I /,A <>, / .;I L,,. rx \ &$or CLAIM FOR DAMAGES - MRS. PETER FARNAXIS The matter of Iks. Peter Farnakis' clabii for appro-tely $30.00 for damges suffered when her automobile hit a mahole bn a street under construction came before the Council, with lfr. Ifindhorst1s opinion that the*Village is not liable. Bredesen moved that request be denied., Hotion seconded by Tupa and carried, Later in the evening Iksm Farnakis appared before the Council, stating she feels she has a claim because the particular nranhole she hit vas covered by weeds and could not be seen. A friend of &&so Farnes supported her claim by saying that she, too, had hit this manhole; that she had cdledthe Village Hal1 about it. Ik, Whdhorst steted that the Village is not liable because the condition of the street was apparent to anyone driving on it. TXLhge would be setting a precedence in paying any cl%im for which it was not legally liable;. -and pre6ous motion stbod." Request denied. Drm Paul, Carson's reqges-b for prmit to construct (excavate) a pond onbt 3, B1. 1, Czrson's Hill, yfas rezd. propxjiy; that it is neither black dirt or gravel property. that Dr. Carson furnish a sketch of the proposed excava%ion, together with information' as to whether it will be a pond or a swjmming pool; tiat Dr* Carson be Momed that excavation might be a health hazard if children can get Lo 5km I I'km Bredesen's opinion ~ras that the POND EXCAVA!ITON DR. PAUL CAF@OB . Attorney Windhorst stated that he-is familia.r-with the It was suggested 5 9/12/55 $ *1 GUNNAR JOHNSOU - REQIIEST FOR f'WKE" EXCAVATION, Mk. Gunnm Johnson's request to-.excav@e &.!'lakeff in the rear of the five lots in his Frelbrinary,Plat (and adjoining other lots) cane before the Council, having been approved by the Planning Commission. -Bredesents motion, .thak.permit be granted providing HI-. Johpson ~dll provide drairlage easernents to it, was seconded by Tupa and carried. STREET Nh CMGE3 - BliDOKVIEW EIGHTS '&e Stow Company* s _let.teF! of. Sep%ember,7, citing approval of the Post Office Department for tbe following Street Name Ghanges, was revbwed: __ Danens Drive South to .tlAbercrombie Drive" Meadow Ridge South to !!Tifton Drim?! A Danens Drive North to CDanens Drive!! Neadow Ridge North to ?'Meadow Bidge!. a Fro& moved approving changes apd directing,Village Attorney Windhorst to prepare ordinance changing street names for presentatim at next regu&ar deeting. Notion seconded by Bredesen and carried. 1 PUBLIC HEARING ON BOURmOIS FINAL PLAT. It was explained that the.Bourgeois-Final Plat cannot be acted upon until after a Public Hearing on the area of the lots; .grid Bredesen moved, scheduling Public Hearing for Monday, September 26. Notion seconded by Tupa and carried, PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT GIIEENHOUSE - FO-kZIN. The request of. Mr, . Oscar Forslin, .6O(?O.Hansen Road, for pemit to construct; a greenhduse, was considered. Village At.torney Windhprst stated that greenhouses; maybe constructed in the open development district under the ordinance, but that large retailing on connectlon with them is the problem. Mr, Forslin stated, "There will be no re'taZlingll, E;. Forslh presented letters from his neighbors, approving the greenhouse. Bredesen's motion, approving request for permit, was seconded by Fronk and carried. . . f - I EWT TO CONSTRUCT GARAGE - SOEXBERG. Mr. Robert Soelbe~grs.req~st~~or. permit to construct an adjoining garage at 5105 FI.49th St.--sdd garage to protrude beyond the front-yard sekback set up by the Zoning Ordinance, was discussed. plr, Soelberg's request pointed out that, bemuse of the Minnesota Highway Department's purchase,.of the access to his property fqom %he South, he has. no choice but this insofar as lobation of his gakage is concerned. It was consensus of opinion that this is a hardship case, and, as such, permit may be granted, carried. MlXXGAY*S FTN& PLAT of property South of Valley VLew Road and West of Highway #lo0 was approved br motion Bredesen, seconded by Fro&- and *carried;. said plat having received Planning Commissiont s September 7th recommendation f or approval. Notion by "up for approval of request was seconded by Bredesen aqd PAUL E. OLSON'S l?Ii?hL PLAT OF L6" 1, BLOCK I, BROOKSIDE TEWCE was approved subject to Engineering Check, b;accard+ce with .Planning -Co~ssionfs,rec~ndation of September 7. Motion by Bredesen, secaaded by Fro% and carried. Wm CCXE?AbJYlS PRELeE PLAT OF LOTS I, 2-AND 3, EDJ3"OOR, located Nest of 1 $he existing Wanner "Buil-g, .--s appry9d by motLon Bredesen, seconded by Tupa . and carried. .It had received Planning Commission f s September 7th recommendation for approval, .Several objections were received after .approving motion-ob jectors II wished to be suTe thash Edemoor S%reet would not be used for truck traffic.. Objectors were informed-by Manager Hyde that street can be posted against heavy I *. ... .I .. 1 loads PRELI"ARY REPIAT OF LOTS 1, 2 AND 3, BLOCK 3, IDYLWOOD SECOND ADDITION, br John' Bloomberg, was-. approxed, . by motion +B.reckseg, secanded-br &g&,and - caryied. Commission had recommended approvalas of September 7. Pbmbg - J.A. FROST'S REQUEST FOR PERMIT TO ADD FIV~ FEET OF-LOT 34, BLOCK 1, FK)ODHIU TO PEELBEIURY PLAT OF WXMAN~S SOUTHVIEW SECOMD ADDITION, ljy RO;~ H, Peterson, was LOT 1, WOODHITJ.i, and the 'f?Lapaing-Cormis.sion! s $epte@er 7th rec,omendation, that request be .allowed without f ormali$y of rep&t3 --were reported, No action necessary.. ' considered. 7, that plat be approvei. Mr. Hxde ..- repprted ihe-. P-&ging .Codss$on' s rFcomendation of Septefier Motion secanded by Bredesen and-carried, I Fro& so-_moved. ..- .. FINAL PL4T OF MELODY KNOUS FOURTH ADDITION,-by Ernest and Harry Hanson, :was. approved sbbject- to an -mg@e.ering Check, ,by mot&on Fronk, seconded by Bredesen and aarried. This in accordance wi&h ?lanning Commission recommendations of September 7, . L - .. 9/12/55 -, - - REQUEST FOR E3R-II.T TO EtPL4T LOTS 18 AND 19, BLOCK 6, SUNPImLOPE tms approved provding -Vpge .is furnisheda. copx of .deed transfer@ng no% more than 25 feet of property, by motion Tu@, seconded.by Bredesen and carried; this motion being in accord with .Planning. Commission: s September 7th recommendafsion, -. - *TO ILEQUEST BY MR, IwRFlll GUSTAFSON FOR PEEKIT TO NOVE HOUSE RQI! LOT 5, BLOCK 6& was bmught-to CounciL1s. attention with Planning Commission's. favoraBle. . . TINGDALE. BROTHERS BHIOKSIDE FRON LOT 5, .BLOCK 6, TINGDAIE BROTHERS BEOOKSIDE, .. .- recommendation of September 7; recomtnendgbion being qualified by stipulation that house must face same way as house on adjoining lot, for approval of reqwst in accordance with Commission's recommendations, was seconded by Fronk and carried, Tupa's motion, + PI?ELBmARY PLAT OF DAD1 JOHCJ'S ADDITION, by H.&tthev Johnson, .Qzs considered, Planning Commission? s recommendations - of September 7th were for approval subject to State Highway pennission, submission of topography and street grades, and proyision for proper drabage. Commission recommendations, ires seconded by Danens and c arrLed, ~WAD0I.T €ZDGEt*, A €EPlAT .OF LOB 6 TO 13, IN6LUSIuE, BLOCK 6, BRIOKVIEW MEIGHTS SECOND ADDITION, by R. L. Hawthorne, vas presented, together with E'lanning Commissionts September 7th recomnendation for approval subject to the under- standing that there be no liability on the part of the. Village as to location of gate valves, hydrants or house shut-offs due to the change of lot, sizes by the developer, recomendations, was seconded by Fronk and carried. Tupa's motion for approval in accordance tcith Notion by Bredesen, for approval in accordance with Comission?~ ... REE'MT OF LOT 61, RUUING =GFEXN, by Gunnar Johnson. Plannsg CQmmission*s receipt of1et;ter approving cepkt providing no more than five dweurings are bat thereon was reported by %amger Hyde, G IZEXkAL CENTER IN S0UTHDAI;E. corner.. of Sixty-Sixth and- France, as presented to the Planning Commission on Southdale's plan for a medical center on the Northeast September 7, I& reviewed, -it being, in outline, as follows: Amedical center, housing approximately 50 doctors, A children's hospital, with about 100 beds at present, to increase later Council revieired Planning Commission's request to the Dayton Company for a 'state- ment that no further rezoning would be requested between Xerxes ad France; and the ilan was referred to Village Attorney Windhorst for investigation as to the A 35-acre tract for use as - 1. 2. 3. A general hospital to 150 beds. . provision of the Zoning OrcEnance, Bredesen presided until Dr, Ericksont s return. .. * I Iwor Erickson was called from the meeting at this time, and &yor Pro Tern '& I I The following Improvement Petitions were filed: 1, Sanitary Sewer - Tracy Ave. and Arbour we in Countryside AdditLon. 2, Waternab - Tracy Ave,,Arbour Lane and Grescent Drive in Coyntryside. 3. Sanitary Sewer - Tingdale Ave,,"I,60th St, to Valley View Rd.; Clover Lane, 4. $latemain - Same as above. 5. sanitary Sever - streets in Clover we 3rd unit. 6. Ifatemain - All streets in Clover Lane 3rd Unit, 7. Platermain - VUam A-ve,, T'l,5Oth to TIJ,!XLst St. 8. Sanitary Sewer and Vatexma@ for Lot -6, Block 1, Code's Highview Park; thh -last with the understanding that, this petition is. simply for the. extension of the mains on Benton Ave,, which .end across the street from this lot. With Valley View Rd, to Tingdale 'Aye. Fro& moved that Petitions be accepted and referred to the Village Engineer for the scheduling of public hearings. is made in the fashion requested, the petitioner cannot be assessed at the time the utilities are run iuto his street--w!aich w3.U increase the cost to the other residents on that street. 3ke Hyde directed to consult with Petitioner Johnson WC€E3MK IN SOUTHDALE, 1.hnager Hyde reported that contractor, Chicago Bridge and . * possibklity 02 cancelling the contract; and review made of previous discussions had, in which Company professed to have fabfication well under Way, Fronkls motion, that matter be referred to Village AttorneyT'Tindhorst as to lkbqity of Company and their Bonding Company to complete contract, vas seconded by +pa and carried. Notion seconded by Tupa and carried. I regard to Petition No, 8, Kr* Windhorst reminded the Council that if a hoolpp to find'some equitable solution, I .. I . Iron 7- Cppany, -qill .not install, new mte~tank this faU. Discussion was had on the I -. 9/12/L5-5- -- VALLEY VIEW RQAD RIGHT-OF WAY. Appraiser Edward B, Lorenst communications of September 6 and Septelribert 12, setting forth appraisals as follow for the Valley t, View' Road right-of-way, as follows, were reviewed: 5 --. Parcel Appraisals -1 NO. 23 24' 25 26 27 28 29 . 30 31 32 " 34 . Name P.H. Dahlgren Lyle E. Howe Oscar _.Hob son Clifford J. BFwne Wilbur A. .Bing 9. A. LjnneU. G. F, Pfaff N. Bo Dunham EImil Erhardt L. S. Kommers A., E. Ahnert Original $2470 000 . 160.00 160.0'0 1770.00 uo.00 240.00 . 50QoOO 850 .OO ~70.00 240 000 100.00 $0'70.00 Revised $2480.00 , 275.00 240.00 1780 . 00 84.0.00 . 610.00 1350.00 1000.00 24-90 000 160.80 275.00 240 . 00 760.00 550oOO 1350 m00 1000.00 ., 2500,OO -- 150.00 -- 100.00 togethe-r with options therefor, Village Attorney Flindhorst then preserhed two deeds rmbg from the Village of Edina -to two different -owners along the proposed right- of-way, advocating that the Village sign the cleeds to clear title, follows: They are as 1. From Village of Edina to James J. Shuldhiess and Kathleen L. Shuldhiess, for the -following described property: . Vhe Southwesterly Firteen (15) feet of the Northeasterly kirty-three (33) feet of that ;pl.rt of the Northeast Quarter of Section. Thirty (3), Township Twenty-eight (28) North, Range Twenty-four- (2.4) West ,and .the, Southeast Quarter of Section Nine teen (ly), Township- Twenty:eight (28), said Section Thirty (3O), 550 feet East of the Northwest comer thereof; I tbence in a Northwesterly direction along the center line (so-called) of a public road (said center line intersecting a point on the West line of the Southeast Quarter of said Section Nineteen (19), 277 feet North of the Southwest corner of said Southeast Quarter)-a distance of 100 feet; on the North line of said Northeast Quarter distant 450.5 feet East of the Northwest comer of said Northeast Quarter; thence South and parallel with the West line of said Northeast Quarter 150 feet; thence East 75 feet; thence North 150 feet to the North line of said Northepast Quarter;. thence East 24.5 feet, more or less, to the place of beginning.' From the Village of Edh to Simen Strand, for the foUow5.pg described . V!he Southwesterly 15 feet of &e No&hea*sterly 33 feet of that part of the Northeast Quarter of Section Thirty (SO), Township Twenty-eight (28), North, Range Twenty-four 124) West and the Southeast Quarter of Section, Nineteen (19), Township Twen$y:eight- (28), North Range Twenty-four (24) 'Beginning at a point of the North line of the Northeast Quarter (NE$) of said Section 30, 550 feet East of the Northwest corner thereof,, 9.- thence in a Northwesterly direction along the center'line (so-called) of a public road (said "center line1# in+te.rsecting a point on the West line of the Southeast Quarter (SE$),of said Section 19,277 feet North of the Southwest corner thereof) a,distance of 100 feet to the ppint of beginning- of the tract of lapd to be described; thence in a South- westerly direction 46 feet, more or less, to a point in the North line of the Northeast Quarter (NE$) of said Section 30, 420e5 fee$ Ea-st of the Northwest corner thereof3 ,thence South and paraael with $he. West line of .said Northeast Quarter (NE@) 150 fegt; thence West 125 fee$; thence North 150 feet to, the North-line of said Northeast quarter (NE$); thence Northeasterly 104 feet, more *or less, to- a poht in the abov,e mentioned 1tcenGer line" distant 125 feet Northwesterly from said point of beginning of the tract ,of land to be described measured along said "center line"; thence Southeasterly 125 fee$ io the pch.116 of beginning of: the tract of land described,! Range Twenty-four (24) West, described,as,follows: . -c (Beginning at a poh$ on the North line of the Northeast Quarter of I thence in a Southeasterly direction 46 feet, mpre or less, to a point . 2, property: ~ West, described. as follows: re -c . ' , Fronkls motion, authorizing and directing Mayor and TThlage Manager to execute deeds to James J. Shuldhiess and Kathleen L, Shul@iess aqd to Simen Strand, and authoris- ing .acceptance of options as presented by l4~. Loren?, and:directifig %he VUhge to enter into deeds for the properties involved, wa? seconded by rUpd dd .* carrZe3; TRAFFIC OH W.495 STBEET. JyithB. Ed .Stow to secure, dedication oi 7& fee$ for right-of-lmy at corner of France Avenue and W.499 Street; that parking be abolished from 4:06 6:OO Po?,$, from bus -stop to corner; that Bus Conpny be nbtified they_cannot use street for turn-around; and that only two cabs be parked on France Avenue at any one tine. Mr, Tupa's motion directing Village Manager to notify the bus company of this action was seconded by Danens and carried, .' Trustee rUpa recdmmended that %he Village g4t togetkr * to Council concurred generally with Mr, Tup's snggestions; and - 9/12/55 1 ACGESSORY BUILDING, @lo HILL!Di?'I&NE. Dr, Robert PT Jeub, @lo Hilltop he, .- for prmit to build-a-detached garage, with dwelling:abo7?e it for a member of the fam5l.y; dwelling to use common heating system, and lighting system, and with sewer and water systems to be tied in .to kin dwelling. future the he exjycts.to construct a breezeway between the tmtbuildings. Village Attorney.WLndhorst ruled that this structure could be termed*= "accessory building" under the -canditions set forth by Dr, Jeub; and Bredesen moved fclr the granting ~ of the permit on the basis outlined bytthe Village Attorney. PIotion seconded by Fro& and carried. PAYROILSAND CLADS: Bredesents motion, for approval of Village Payroll, amount $15,352.60, .for period.Sephember 1 to 15, 1955, and for paymen% oft he followhg Claims, vas seconded by Tupa and carried: He stated that, at some .. General Fund - $6,622,@ . Liquor Fund- &2;935*50 Constructipn - €35,378.82 ,. + . Garbage-Fund 1/775*20 Parks Fund 46604.8 Improvements 10.80 Water Fund . 5 , 133 81 Poor Fund a 101.68 - IED~G'OF DEN AQEWE &JD WILLSON ROAD, the xidenkg proposed. a real hskzard to the .safety of school ch3d,ren, 1-k. H@e presented an Estimate of - $6,000 for the repairing of Willson and Eden, pzith .good blacktop to a width of 24n. Nr, Hyde asked Council*s disposition on these matters and Fro& moved directing - Village Manager to go ahead with planned repairs with all sped, Notion seconded IE.IPRO9IiNEHT HEARINS. Village Engineer Zikan presented Preliminary Plans and Specifications for several proposed improvements, which he asked that Council expedite. adoption:. . Trustee Danens asked that Council expedite He.sta%ed.he feels that the.present narrow roadways constitube by Tup= and carried, I f < ' After review, Bredesen offered the following Resolution and moved its. RESOLUTION PEIOVJDING FOR PUBLIC HEUUNGS. - I - ~PIIomm.D~PmmmTs i BE IT IlESOUI3ZD by the Council of the.-ViUage-of Edina: . ..- . -1. The Tillage Engineer, having submitted to the CounciJ, it preliminary report as to the.feasibility of the proposed Improvements described in the Form of Notice of Hearing set forth below, and as to the estimated cost of such improvements, said report is hereby approved and directed to be placed on file in the office of the Village Clerk, 2. This Council shall meet on Nonday, September 26, J-955, at 7:30 P.M., in the E$ina.Village Hall, to consider in public hearings the views of @l persons interested-in said proposed impmvemnts. 3, The Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to cause notice of the time, place an&.. purpose of said meeting to be published in the official newspaper once a week for two successive weeks, the second of &ich publications is to be not less than three days from date of said meeting, which notice shall be in substantially the following form: NOTICE OF €IF&UNGs PROPOSED lm?Fiom-mTs SANITARY SEX&W AND WATEXJNmS NOTICE IS HEFOBY GIVEN that the, Edina-Village .Co-uncil.wiU, meet at the Village Hall on Eonday, September 26, 1955s at 7:30 P.I.T., to consider the followbg pmposed improvements to be construated under the authority granted byIEtmesota Laws of 1953, Chapter 398, Village Engineer as set forth below: 1 . The approximate cost of such bprovements is estimated by the EST. COST 1, Construction of Sanitary Sewer and Appurtenances 3n Abbott Ave,,l.f,60th St, to 1065 Ft.-South Zenith Ave,,8,60th St. to 985 Ft, South York A$e.,V.@th St, to 610 Ft, South $199121. 58 2, Construction of Sanitary Sewer and Appurtenances in 3, Construction of Sanitary Sewer and Appurtenar.lces in &&ng Ave,,i.J,6lst St, to-Approx. 600 Et, South Valley Yiew Rd, ,T'fyman Ave. to Hv~$~l#l.OOo 8 3,524.04 Tingdale Ave, ,1~60th St , to Valley- View Rd. Glover Lule, Tingdale Ave. to VaJley View Road I 8 9,072.5k 4.. Construction of IJatermain Extension and Appurtenances in Abbott Ave.,If.6qth St. to-W.62nd St, . Zenith Ave , ,If, 60th St , to TIJ. 62nd Sb, York Ave, ,8,60th St , to 900 Ft . South 11,62nd St,, Zenith Ave. to Beard-Ave. 5. kgnstmction of 1htermxi-n IkLension and Appurtenances in* . .Er.ring rlve.,Tf.Qs&-SiS to Appr~~. 660 Ft, South Cho~~n-C~ve,E,Ave, to W,Line of Edina Bel-fir 5th $24,951.78 8 3,8u*64 L. I. 1 I V/&2f!~ i" 6. Construction of Watermain Edcedsion and Appurtenances in Highway #loo, W,6Oth St. to YaUey -View Rd, Clover &we, TQgdale-Ave, to Valley View Rd.. Ir $10,450.62 .Bedford Ave, ,W.j.lJld St . to Interlachen Blvd. !Engdale-Ave.,l~.60th St, to Valley View Rd. -* 7. Construction pf Wate-in Extension apd Appurtenances *in ~ W.52nd St. ,Grqndview-Ikne to Bedford Ave, $15,366*24. The area proposed to be assessed for the cqt of said proposed improvenmts is as follows: For Items #1,2,3,4,5 and 6 - All loti abutting the portion of the streets above described where the sewer and water are to be installed. For Item fl - All lots abutting Bedford Avenue from W.52nd St, to Interlachen Blvd, " GRETCHEN s. m~ Village Clerk- - I. Village of Edina Motion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Fro&, and on Rollc*all there were five ayes and no nays, as follows: Tupa,. aye; and Erickson, aye; $id the Resol C'oq,litras adopted, Bredese?,#aye; Danens, aye; Fronk, aye; 7'- B. I .I ,,d ,- /& ," 4 "I 'LL, - / - &$-or Xngineer Zikan then presented several plans, requesting that Council schedule bids. Bredesen offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION ,!PROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS 'FQR PROPOSEDa ~~@"TS-.$I\TD -DJRZTjNG .ADVERTISmNT . .. FOR BIDS.. .. .. . BE IT RESOLVED by the Village C'ouncil of. the Village of Edina: The plans and specifications for the proposed Iniprovements set forth in the following Adyertisement for Bids f om, heretofore prepared by the Village Ehgineer and now on file 5x1 the office of the Village Clerk are hereby approved, 2, The GLerIc shall. cause to be published twice in the Edina-Homingside Courier and the Construction Bulletin the following notice for bids for said improvements : 1, ADVERTISmIT FOR BIDS SANITARY SEIdEZS, WATEl?"S, STORM ,%"Em &JD LIFT 5TATION . NOTICE IS J3BEBY Hall,lbEJOl West 50th Street, Nand-ay, September 26, 195.5, at 7:30 P,N., and will dh said time a.pd place open and consider sealed bids for the fo'l,lowa: that-5he Edina Village Council.will meet at the Edina Village 1. 2. 3- 4. 5. 60 STORM SE'G9TEEz INPROVH4EET NO. 31 - Construction of Storm Sever ayld Appurtenances jn West 56th Street and Code Area. STOW SEI633 IMPROVBEXT NO. 32 - Construction of Stom Sewer and Appurtenances in West 54th Street and Chowen Area. $TOR@ SEWER I@'ROVEMIBT NO. 29 -.Construction of Storm Sewer and Appurtenances in the Halif- Lane Area. SANITARY SEWER D?PRO?@MJZNT NO. 94 - Construction gf SaGtary SeweE and Appurte- nances in Ryan.Aye., Valley View Road to 565 feet South, &lNTTARY SEIER T$FIIL)VEHENT NO, 92 - Construction of _Sanitary sewer and AppurteF names 9 Shemood Aye,,West 63rd S%reet to West 64th Street, SAiUrrSW SF;$ER INPEi3~4ENT - ConstKction of S;wiitary Sewer and Appurtenances in .Abbott Avenue, West _. 60th Street to 1065 feet Souti?; Zenith ATe. ,W,6Oth St, to 985 feet South;-.York Avenue, West 60th Street-to 610 feet South, &.EFring Avenue, West 61st Street to Appmx. -600 feet .South. in. Tingdale Ave, ,W.bOth Street to Valley View Road; Clover Lane, Tjngdale Ave. to Valley View Road; Valley View Road, Wp Ave. to .Highway #loo. 9. WATEZWIN IMFmmBNT NO. 97 - Construction of Village. Watermzin Extension and .Appurtenances in Ryan Avenue? valley View Road to North line of Oak View Addn. 10, IfATE€lI!NIN DIPIIL)llBfE3JT NO, 93 - Construction of Village Watermain Extension and .-Appurtenances in Shemmod Avenue, West 63rd Street to ttest 64th Street, 11, WATEW4IN LMpRo~~ - Construction of Village Watermaw &tension and Rpp&e- 7.. SANITARL SENER IMPROVZMEN T - Cons&mction of Sanitary Sewer and Appurtenances ~ 8, &YNITARu Smm DP-~VEkENT - ,Construction of Sanitary Sewer and Appurtenances names .in.Abbott Ave. ,W,6Oth Street to West 62nd Street; Zenith Ave., West 60th Street to West 6ad Street; York Aye.,W,60th_St, to 900 feet South; West 62.nd Street, Zenith &e, to Beard-Ave. WATER" IkjPROIEKENT - Constmc'cion of Village Watemain Extension and Appurte- nances .in.E.I.Jing Ave. ,TiiTestbOth Street to Approx.--660 feet South; and Chowen Curve, Ewkg Ave. to tfestj line-of Edina Bel-Air 5th Addition. 13, WATEEWLIN IMPRQVJDENT 7 Construction of Village Watermain Extension and Appurte- nances. in-Highway- #lOO-l!lest 60th St, to Valley View Road; -Tingdale, l?es$ 60th Street to Valley View RoBd; Clover Lane, Tingdale Ave. to Valley View Rd, LIFT STATION - Construction of Sanitary Sewer Lift Station 'to be located at 12, 3-4.. - ,West-6@daStreet and .. Park Place. '. Plans and Specifications for the above projects are available at %he Edina Village Hall upon deposit of $XO.OO, which 6eposits are refundable upon return of said plans ad specifications. Wo& must be done as described and specffied in plans and specifications for said-impmvements on fife in the office of the Village Clerk. Bids must be submitted on basis of .cash payment for work. No bids ?CL& be con- , sidered -unless sealed and filed with undersigned before time of sai&. meeting and accompanied by cash deposit, bid bond, or cestified check payable to the VUage Clez3-l- in amount of ten percent of amount of bid, BY ORDER OF THE VILI;AGEl COUIJCIL. I .. ..." ." t GrnTCHEN s. mEN .- - 1- Village Clerk,, _. Village of Edina 3. hereby adopted as the terms and conditions of award of the contract for said improvement. Ezch and all of $he terns of the foregoing advertisement for bids are Notion for adoption of the Resolutibn was seconded by Fro&, and on Rollcall., there were five ayes and no nays, as follows: Bredesen aye;, Danens, aye; Bonk, aye;: %pa, aye; and Erickson, aye; and the @esolutid adopted. ,I 14ayor Proposed Ordinance No. 13, entitled !!An Ordinance Establishing the Improvement Bond Redemption read. mtion was duly seconded by Fmnk, and on rollca, there were five ayes and no nays, as follows: aye; rJfiereupon said ordinance was declared duly-passed and adopted and tms presented to and signed by the Bkyor, which was attested by the Village Clerk. was placed upon its -second reading and was fully and distinctly Bredesen then moved the final passage and adoption of saAd ordinance, which Bredesen, -aye; Danms, aye; Fronk, aye; Tup, aye; and Erickson Bredesen then introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: FESOLUTION DIRECTING CONSOLIDATION OF THE 1955 FIRST s~s, DPFOVEI.~T.FOND m.wp THE IWROVEI-ENT mivb RTIQN-FUND . . BE IT RESOLVED by the..CouncS1. of the Village. of ,Edina, Einnesota that pursuant to authority reserved 5.q paragraph 2 of %he. resolution adopted Karch 28, 1955, entitled WE5OLUlTON CREATING 1955 FIRST SEB.IE3 IpPFOl7E2~~ BOND FUND, PBGE .THERM)F, - ABD. D-TIQG. IS~~CE-~F_~~R~~~T,BONDS,'l_the -special debt redenp%ion fund- created by said resolu$ibn and.:de&pated-as the ft1955 First Series Improvemen0 Bond Fund" is hereby consolidated with the Improvement Bond Redaption Fund created by Ordinance No, 13, adopted this date, and the special - assesmats ,appropriated to .said 1955 Erst Series hprovement Bond Rmd sha3.2 be credited when received to said Improvement Bod Redemption Fund, and-the Improve- ment Bonds of 1955, fist Series, authorized by said-resoluliion of Ebrch 28, '1955, together with interest to accrue thereon, shall hereafter be paid from said P€?.OmmG FOR AI!@ EF'ROP€jIAT@G. SPEGW ASSESSXQJTS FOB SUPPORT- AND IIAINTE c Impmvement Bond Redekption Fund. r. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that all 02 the'remaining terms and provisions of said resobz%ihri of 3krchUZ$, -1955 shall be and arethereby approved, ratified pd confirmed. .. The motion'for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Fro&, and on rollcall, there were five ayes aye; Banens, aye;-Fronk, aye; Tup&, aye; and Eri ,resolution was declared duly passed and adopted. Bredeskn 'then introduced the followklg resolution and moved its adoption: RESOiX!PION AUTHOXECNG THE ISSUANCE OF follotrs: . . . . - . ...L 1. It is hereby found; determined and declared. ihat the Village has .* , heretofore orderkd, in ac"cordanc;! dth the provisions of Xirmesota Statutes, Chapter 429 and after public hearing as required by law, the construction of . varipus sdtary sewer, water main, storm. sewer and blacktopping impmvements as more fully described'below, and has du3.X o?&ered, received and approved plans and specifications and entered into contracts forthe construction of said improvement= after proper. advertisement for bids; that the total benefits resulting from each of said improvements to the properties within the area I 11 9/12/55 proposed to be assessed therefor, as heretofore defined, will be not less -than bhe cost of such. improvement; that it is' contemplated that the total amount of said cost will be assessed against those lots and tracts special* benefited by siad improvements, and that such assessments will be made payablesin ten (10) equal annual installments, except that the, assessments for the blacktopping. improvements will be made payable in five (5) equal annual installments, and that said installments, together with integest at the rate of five per cent (5%) per annum on the balance of the assessments remaining unpaid from time J;o $%ne., will be spread upon the tax rolls of the Village for the consecutive years commencing in 1956 and will be collected in the respective succeeding years.; that the Village now owns easements and rights-of-way over all streets and other properties required for the construction of said improvements; that the designation of each of- said improvements and the estimated cost thereof is as follows: Improvement s Estimated Cost Improvements- Estimated Cost - Sanitary Sewer Water &in - 70 $93,526.00' __ <. 82 $ 2,520.00 80 .12,688.00 83 . 2,800.00 L 85 . 14?,697.00 86 6,308 .oo 90 8,210.00 I 84 18,995 00 82 2,745 a00 83 2,036~00 86 89,?27 000 85 21,525.00 88 - 23,985.00 90 96,043 000 . <. . 91 249 617 .OO 81 8,854.00 84 31,185 00 @7 .- 4,4, 968,oo Blacktopping - . 92 76; 997.00 A-74 . . 1,385.00 " - 30 . - U-,94OoOO A-73 915.00 Storm Sewer 4-75 - 3,775.00 4-77 139 559.00 Total Cost $i"i'O,OOO.OO that it is-necessary and expedient for the Village to borrow'at this time the Sum@ of @759,000, for the purpose of paying.-eqenses incurred and to b,e incurred in connection with said jmprovement, by the isswnce of general obligation improvemnt bonds to be designated as the Improvement Bonds of 1955, Second Series, in accordance with the provisions of said Chapker 429 and of Ordinance 30. 13 of the Village of Edina, adopted September 12, 1955, and to ma&e the same payable from the Improvement Bond Redemption Fund created by said ordinance; that said bonds have been duly adyertised and sold,at public sale; and that aJ3 acts, conditions and things required by the Constitution and laws of the State of Elllinnesota to be done, to ex&&, to happen-and to be performed preliminary to the issuance of said bonds have been done, do exist, have happened and have been performed in due form, time and manner. 2. There is hereby created a separate improvement fmd for each of &e improvements above listed which are to be financed by the issue of bonds herein authorized. shall be credited to said respective improvement funds in amounts equal to the cost of each of said jmpovements as Listed in paragraph 1 hereof, and the fund of each improvement shall be used for no purpose other than the payment of costs and expnses of the making thereof, as such expenses are incurred and allowed, provided that (1) there shalrl be transferred from %ke-V&&&ge-zm the fund of each imprpvwent to the Improvement Bond Redemption Fund of the Village an amount equal to interest computed at five per cent (5%) per annum on the cost of such bprovement from the &%e of issue of the bosds- herein authorized to the date upon which the assessment roll for such in- provement shall be finally confirmed, (2) upon completion on each of said improvements any unexpended balance in,tQe fund'thereof may be transferred to the fund of any other improvement financed by bonds issued hereunder, and (3) upon completion of all of said improvements any wedupended balance-in the fwids thereof shall bi! $ransferred to the Improvement Bond Redemption Fund. perform, as soon as may be upon completion of each of the improvements financed by- this issue, all acts and things necessarg for the final ad valid levy of special assessments upon properties taithin the area heretofore desig- nated to'be assessed for such improvement, in an aggregate amount equal to the total cost *of such improvement as the same shall finally be ascertained, less such portion, if any, as the Council shall hereafter direct to be paid by the levy of ad valorem taxes, -In-the event that any such assessment. shall be, at any time held invalid in respect to any lot or tract of land, due to my emor, defect or irregularity in any action or proceeding taken or to be taken by the Village -or this Council. or any of the Villagers officers of employees, in the making nf such assessment or in the performance of any condition precedmt thereto, the Village also covenants and agrees that it wiU forthwith do all such further acts and take all such further proceedings as shall be required- by law to make such assessment a valid and binding lien upon said pmpeAy. It is estjmatedthat the collections of said special assessments, together with the capitalized interest appropriated fromthe funds of said improvements ' The proceeds of sale of said bonds, when received, 3. The Village hereby covenants,and agrees that it will do and 9/12/55 1-2 paragraph 2 hereof, will produce sums not less than five per of the amounts needed to pay the principal and interest Then herein authorized, The full faith and credit of the Village cent (5) in excess due og the bonds shall be and is I hereby'irrevocably pledged for the prompt and full paymen$-of said principal ad interest, and if the moneys in said Impmvement Bond Redemption Fund should at any time be insufficient to pay the same when due, the Village further covenants: and agrees to provide sufficient moneys to restore suchdeficiency as provided in said Ordinance No, 13. anticipation of the collection of s+id special assessments, the Village shall forthwith issue its negotiable coupon general obligation Improvement Bonds of ' 1955, Second Series, to be dated as bf September 1, 1955., Said bonds. shall be 750 in-number-and numbered from 1 to 750, inclusive, each in the denomination of $l,OOO, shall bear interest at the basic rate of 2.80% per annum, payable semiannually on Narch 1 and Septenber 1 of each year cconmencing March 1, 1956, and shall mature serially in-the amourit of $75,000 on Ekrch 1 in. each of the years 1958 through,1967; provided that each.of said bop$ shall be subject to redemption and.prepapent at %he option of the Village,,at par and accrued interest and in order af their serial numbers, on the f@st,*day of Narch or the first day of September inmediately preceding their resppctive stated maturity dates. Not less than thirty days prior to the date specified for the redemption of any of said.bonds the Village Treasurer shall mail nptice of the call thereof to the holder,-if knmm, and to the bank at which princ&pal and interest are then payable, and said Treasurer shall maintain a recoql of the names and addresses and-serizl nders of holders of prepayable bpnds, so far as such infomation is-made available to him, for the purpose of mailing such notices. Each and a31 of said bonds shall bear additional intereFt at the rate of 1.20% per annm from.3IarGh 1, 1956 to Se$ ember 1, 1956, to bp esdenced by a-separate coupon designated as coupon No. B-1, payable Se$ember $, 1y56. and interest' shall. be payable at the mirr office of the. First National Bank of Enneapolis, in 14inneapolis, Ziinnesota, and the Village hereby agrees to pay the reasonable and customaw charges of said paag agen't for the receipt and disburse- .merit thereof. shall be in substantially the following form: 4. For the purpose of paying the cost of said improvements and & . Both principal 5. Said improvement bonds and the interest coupons appurtenant thereto UNITEXI STATES OF &*EFUCA I STATE, OF 2:mOTA. . COWTY QF EEX"J$ c .- DPRO@&NT BOND OF 1955 I.. SECONB SEmS NO, $1,000 KXOY ALL ?4EX BY THESE PRESEXTS chat the Vklage of Edina, a duly org.mized and e*sting nunicip+l- corporation of the County of Hennepin, State of EEaneso-La, acknowledges ikself to be indebted and-for value re- ceived promised to pay to bearer the sum of OXE THOUSMD Ix)W on the 1st dar of Narch,- or on a date prior thereto on which this hond shall have been duly called for redemption as noted belov, and to pay interest thereon at the rate of two and eighty hundredths per cent (2.$0$) per annum fra the date hereof until said principal sum be paid, or until this bond has been duly called for redemption, payable semiannually on the 1st day of Xarch and the 1st day of September in each year commencing Narch 1, 1956, such intepest to maturity being represented by and payable in accordance v&th and upon presentation and surrender of the interest coupons appurtenant hereto, and to par additional interest on'said principal sum at the rate of one and twenty hundredths per cent (1.20%) per annm from Harch 1, 1956 to September 1, 1956, in accordance with and-upon .presentation and surrender of the sewate coupon appurtenant hereto designated as No, B-1, Both principal and interest are payable at the main office of the First National Bank of Ninneapolis, in Eimeapolis, I.linnesota, in any coin-or currency of the'United States'of America Which on -the respective dates of payment is legal tender for public-and private debts. principal and interest as the same respectively become due the full faith, credit and. taxing powers of the Village are hereby irrevocably pledged. $'j'50,000, all of like date and tenor except as to serial number, interest rate andmaturity, all issued for the purpose of defraM expenses incurred and to be incurred in constructing necessary local improverrents heretofore duly ordered and ccntracted to be made in accordance with the provisions of Einnesota Statutes, Chapbr 429, and is issued pursuant to and in full con- formity xith the Constitution and laws of the State of Einnesota thereunto enabling, and purguant to resolutions dully adopted by the Village CounciLi This bond is payable primarily from the Impmvement Bond Redemption-Fund of said Village, to -which fund tk re have been irrevocably appropriated ,the special assessments to be levied in respect of the improvemFnts financed by said issue, but the Village Council is rewred to pay the same out of For the prompt and full payment of such This bond is one of an issue in the aggregate principal amount of - 1.3 9/12/55 '* - fund of the Village in the event that the assessments collected at any time are insufSicient to meet the -payment of maturing principal and interest. The' bonds 'of this issue are each ,subject to redemption and prepay- ment at the option of the Village, at par and accrued interest and in order of their serial numbers, on the 1st day of March or the 1st day of September immediately preceding their respective statedmaturity dates. Not less than thirty days prior to the date specified for redemption of any of said bonds the Village will mil hotice of the call thereof to the holder, if knovm, and to the bank at which principal and interest are then payable. of prepayable bonds desiring to receive such notice may register their names and addresses and the serial numbers of their bonds with the Village Treasurer. acts, condikions. and,th$ngs. reqgired- by_ the- Constitution .aqd laws of the. State of Mbnesota to be done, to exist., to happen and .to 6e perfomed pre- wary to and in the issuance of this bond in order to make it a valid and binding general obligat2on of said ViXlage according to its terms have been done, do exist, have happened-and have been performed as so required; . - that the estimated collections of said special'assesments will be in the years and amounts required to produce subs not less than five per cent (5%) in excess of the amounts required for papent when due of the principal,-and interest on all bonds -of this issue; that ad valorem taxes, if needed for the payment of such prhcipal and interest may be levied upon all taxable pmperty in the Village .without limitation as to rate or amount;*.and that the issuance of this bond did not cause the hdebtedness of said Village to exceed any constitutiohd or statutory limitation, by its ViWage.C'ounci1, has-caused this bond to be executed @ its behalf by the facsimile signature of its Mayor and the manual: signature of its Village mg'eT,and sealed with its official seal, and the interest coupons appurte nant hereto to be executed and authenticated by the facsimiLe signatures of said officers, and.has caused this bond to be dated as of September 1, 1955. *. { Holders IT IS HE€LTBY CERTIFIED, AE~~CIED, COVE;"TED AND BGWD that, all 3N WXTNESS VIHEXEDF the Village- of Edina, Hennepin County, Bkinnesota, t : ., ~ (Facsbnile -Signature) Countersigned: - -I c- ' Mayor .P .. .+' ,. . , Village Manager (Seal) NO e -- .- tb .. c (F0i.m of Coupon) On the 1st of March (September), 19-, the ViUage of Edina, Hennepin County, MinnesoJa, Will, pay to bearer at 9 the sum of DOLLARS lawful money of t$e United States of America for interest then due,og its kprovement Bond o€ 1955, Second Series, dated September I, 1955, No. . (Facsimile Signature) - Village Manager ,. Clerk and (Facsimile Signature) -, - Masor r (The last two coupons appurtenant to each bond shall also include the phrase: Wnless the bond described below is called for earlier redemption1' .) IC 6, shall be executed on behalf of the Village by the signature of the Said bonds shall be prepared under tk direction of the ViLlage Mayor, countersised by the Village Manager, and the corporate-seal shall be affixed threto, and the interest coupons shall be executed and authenticated by the printed, engraved or lithographed facsimile signatures of said Mayor and Village Manager. When said bonds have been so executed and authenticated they shall be delivered by the Treasurer to the purchaser thereof upon pay- ment of the purchase price heretofore agreed upon, and said purchaser shall not be obliged to see to the application of the purchase price, The Village Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to transmit a certjfied copy of this resolution to the County Auditor of Hennepin County for certification that the bonds herein arcthorized- have been duly registered. The officers of the Village and the County Auditor of Hennepin County are hereby authorized and disectedto prepare and furnish to the pur- chaser of said bonds and to the attorneys appmhg the legality of the is- suance tkreof certified copies of all proceedings relating to saidbonds and to the financial affairs of the Village, and such other affidavits, certi- ficates and information as may be required to show the facts relating to the legality and marketability of said bonds as the same appear fmm the books and records under their custody and control or as otherwise known to them, and all such certified copies, certificates and affidavits, including any heretorore furnished, shall be deemed representations of the Viflage as to the facts recited thenin. 7. 8. Xo%ion for adoflion of the foregoing Rollcall-there were five aps and no Frank, aye; Tupa, aye; and Erickson, passed and adopted, A. 9/12/55 resolution was duly seconded by Frdnk, and on nays, as follows: Bredesen, aye; Da~ens, aye; aye; and the Resqh$$on was declared duly Cj2G3.KLmuRE. lhnager Hyde recomended combining the positions of Village Clerk and Yillage Treasurer into one llClerk-Treasurerll position; the Treasurer*s duties to be ministerial only. He read an opinion from the Village Attorney setting forth procedure for appointment, stating that an O&inance will be necessary for said appointment. Re. Hyde recornended that lks. Gretchen Alden be appointed Clerk- Treasurer., Bredesen moved that Council accept the recommendation of the VQlage Xanager and concur in the appointmat; that the Village Attorney be directed to draft the necessary ordinance. Notion was seconded by Fronk, and on Xollcall there were five ayes and no nays, as follows: aye; and Zrickson, aye; qd the motion was unanimously carried, BUDGET FOk YEAR 1956. Wger Hyde presented detailed budget for the ye= 1956, in.the l!GTand-Total” amount of $521,252.00, whi.ch wi.ll mean a &E11 Levy of some 33.Q &Ells. This total included an llAdditional Firemen*s Relief bvy of 9/10 Kill, yd a Levy of 5/10 l-fi13. fir a twq-umy radio .system, IIr, Hyde asked that the Council meet as Committee of the Whole for review of this budget, and Thursday, September 22, at 7:15 P.N. ps the date and time set for this meeting. I . Rredesen, aye; Danens, aye; Fronk, VWY vIEs;J AND E”cE Am, COITDE2*N&ION - GLACIER SAW AND GRAVEL, We Ed1-d hrenz regortedthat the matter.of damages to-be_awarded.to Glacier Sand and Gravel Company concerns, to certain exbent, their concern as to how long they will be able to continue to operate as a gravel pit. It seemed to be agreeable with the Council that the pit be allowed to operate for a period of from three to five years; with a second premise that the Company must limit its operations to a certain elevation which r.Jillmake the area platable at thesscessation of operations. There being no further business to come before this meeting, Fro& moved for adjournment. Notion seconded by Bredesen and carried. Neeting adjourned at ~ 10:25 P.X. I I. Village Clerk 1.