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...- - ..I '1 - -, 3. hvocation F~S given'bg' ne;. Ji L. Rmum of Shepherd of the Hills. Lutheran Church.
-. ...
yembers answering Rollcall were Bredesen, Daens, Fronk, Tupa and Erickson.
Minutes of Neetings of Au&st 22, August 31, and September 12, 1955, were approved
as submitted, by motion.Fronk, seconded by Bredesen and carried.
TAKIXG OF BIDS: ,Clerk read Affidavit of P&lication of .*rAdvertist&ent for Bids--
Sanitary Sewers, 'G1satcrmains, . Storm Sewers.-and Lift Station, If published in Edina-
lXorniq&.de Courier September ,15 and 22, avld in Construction Bulletin sane dates;
which publication was approved as to form and ordered placed on file. Advertise- ment covered. fourteen improvements.
pursua$ to advertisement be referred -to P$lla,ge Engineer for public opening,
tabulation and report. Notion seconded by Bredesen and carried. (See minutes of
later in meeting, .for award of bids).
Fronk' s motion, that sealed bids received
opened. by. Nayor-Erickson, with request .that both sides. be .brief in their. review.
Re. Harlan Strong, attorney for t%e petitioners, the Ninneapolis Home Builders
Asso.cizt5on, spoke briefly for the pro-ject. &. Carl If. Stumn, 5104 Millpond
Place, spoke for the opponents.
attempted to purchase the property in question; their plan being to construct
four homes there; %hat the prgsent owners are no% willing to accept-the offered
purchase price of &,OOO% for the property, and that they have set up restrictions
requiring dyellings to face W.5Oth St. or a Court, xihereas it has been the plan
of- the purchasers to face the dwll$ngs m W.49th Street.
because of additional sewer and water assesgments,.and the matter of improving
a Court, such a plan would involve too great an investnen-b for the purchasers;
that the present owners, I@O also have an interest in the Biltmore XI,, have
set up these restrictions because they do not wish to have their diners look
into- back yards. Kr. Stumn closed by saying he feels that Er. Sehlints offer
to bui3.d homes, and the ownersf negotiations for the purchase ofthe pzoperty ,.
has demonstrated their belief that homes can be.. built on this property; and they
feel that it should be reserved for home building. I!&, Harry Gustafsop, attorney
for the present owners of the property, explained the v5ews of the present owners,
both as to price and as to restrictions. He presented a plan for four homes
facjng a Cou~b; and Bk. Stumn presented plan showkg homes facing W.4qth St.
Trustee Fronk, explainiitng that he is a home builder in Edina and a member-of
the Einneapolis Home Builders Association, asked BIr. Windhorst's opinion on E?.
FronWs vote .on this issue.
for him to vote unless he is f&a*cially interested in the proposition, to, wh-ich
1%~. Fronk replied, t'I1 have no fiaancial interest in the pyoperty t&iatsoever.tl -
Nr. Fronk stated that, in looking at the proposition from the. stwdpoin% of the
entire Village, trhich means, also, the tax standpoint, he believe& the Council
should have it definitely determined that homes Will be built on this property,
and that there should be a performance bond as evidence . I&. Bredesen stated
he believes that the matter of 8 baclq-ard view for the Biltmore din&?; should not
even be considered inasmuch as many home djning rooms in Edina look out over
back yards.
owners; thak the Edinbrook .oma;rs do not have the money to put up performance
bonds; that they cannot fight through the courts nor spend large sums of money
for their project; that the Home Builders Association stU1 holds the option to,
the property and will continue to.hold it until homes are built to the restrictions
established by the present o~mers. lfr. Strong st;ated that if it is demonstrated
khat homes ciln be built on the property the Assmiation will withdraw its option
immediately; but that they.do not want to lose it if it is proven that homes cannot
be built on it and it T.till just sit until it is someday rezoned for someone else.
Fro& moved that petition for rezoning be daied, with the provision that homes are
going to be built in the area.
and, after some discussion, Fronk td-bhdrew his motion.
petition for rezoning be denied.
He explained that the property owners have
He explained that .
Mr. Windhorst replied thqt it is proper and legal.
Hr. Stumn stated that any delay works in favor of the .present
Bredesen asked,for clarification of the motion,
Tupa then moved that
Notion seconded by Bredesen and-carried..
Fdina-Morningside Courier September 15. and 22, 1955, entitled tlNotice of Hearings-
Proposed hprovements , Sanitary Sewers and Watermainsli was submitted by Clerk,
approved as to form and ordered placed on f-ile.
Heasings were conducted on Seven proposed japrovements, and action taken as
hereinafter recorded:
Affidavit of Publication made in
Pursuant to said Notice, Public
W.60th St. .to 1065.Ft. So.; -Zenith Ave0~,T.T.60th St. .to 985 ;rt. So.; York Ave.,
TI.60th St. to 610 3%. So. Estimate-of Cost was given as $19,321.58, for -$3.95 per Assessable Foot on 4,838 Assessable Feet; plus $.YO for Trunk
Sewer No. 35-a Total of $4.85 per Assessable Foot. There were no objections
from the floor, and no witten objections had been received prior to the Hearing.
(See Binutes of Later i,t~ Xeeting, for Resolution Approving) .
tJ.60th St, to IT .62nd St.; Zenith Ave.,T.J060th St. .to.W.62nd St,; York Ave.,~.60th st. to &prox. -900 Ft. So.; 'w.62nd St,, -Zenith*Ave. to Beard Ave. Estimate of Cost r.ms given as $2&,951.7&. .for $4.26 per Assessable Foot on .5,862.2 Assessable
Feet for the Laterals, plus s.72 per Assessable Foot for Trunk Watermain No. 39,
€or a Grand Total of $4.98 per Assessable Foot. There were no objections from the floor, and on mitten objqctions ha'd been received prior to the Hearing.
(See IEnutes of Later in Neeting for Resolution Approving) .
T;TO6lst St, to Approx. 600 Ft. South, l$ngineer1s.Estimate of ,Cost was given as
$3,52.4.04;Assessable Feet, as 929.48, for $3.81 per Assessable Foot for the
Laterals, plus $2.61 for Trunk Sewer linprovement for. a Grand Total of $6,112 per Assessable Foot. There were no objections from the floor, and no
urifiten objections had been received prior to the Hearing. (See Bbmtes of
Later in Xeeting, f$r Resolution Approving).
&.ve.,l1.60th.St. to. Approx. 660 Ftc .So.;, Chowen Curve,.Ewing-Ave. to 11. Line of
Edina-Bel-& 5th Addn. Estimate of Cost was given at $3,842.64, as against 929.48 Assessable Feet, for $4.13 per Assessable 5'00% for the Zaterals, plus
5.72 per Assessable Foot for-the Laterals, for $4.85 per Assessable Foot, Tokal.
There were no objections from the-floor, and no.r.rrritten objections had been
received prior to the Hearing.
Approving) ..
PmLIc HEiiizDG ON rnOP0Srn T.Jrn*%DI rnrni1ON AND APPrnrnAQCEs IN - Er.ring
(See IIinutes of Later in Neeting for Resolution
PuI3LX H"G OR l'EOFOSZD SBJnARY SE;TlER &El BPPUR~MJCES Dl - Tbgdale Ave., Y.60th St, to Valley yier.r.Rd,;. Clover &ne, Tingddb Ave. to .Valley View Rd.;
yalley View Rd., TTpan Ave. to Hwy.#lOO. Engineer's Estimste of Cost vas
given as $9,072.54, as against 2,420 Assessable Feet, for $3.75 per Assessable
Foot for Laterals; plus $2.61 for Trunk Sewer lilaprovement No. 69, for a Grand
Total of $6.36 per Assessable Foot. Therewere no objections from the floor,
and no- written- objections had been received prior to the Hearing.
of 'Later in Heeting for Resolution Approving).
#lOO, TL6Oth St. to Valley View Rd.; Tingdale Ave.,WO60th St, to Valley View
Ed.; C&over Lane, Tingdale Ave. to Valley View Rd. Engineerrs Estimate of Cost,
was given as-$10,450.62 as against 2,170 Assessable Feet, fop $4.82 per
Assessable Foot,
objections had been received prior to the Hearing. (See E.Iinutes of Later in
Xeeting for Resolution Approving)
&re. ,IJ. 5Znd St to Interlachen Blvd. ; TJ. 52nd. St., .Grandview he tp Beuord
Ave. jhgineerts Estimate of Cost was given as $15,366.24 as. agsinst 2,373
Assessable Feet for $6.48 per Assessable Foot with Blacktop Replacement, or $i3& per Assessable. Foot without Blacktop Replacement. I&. Ralph H.Goebe1,
5120 Bedford, asked thy sewer is not contemplated also, stating he does not
*rant to vote in favor of the water if it means that the street i.rill not be
blacktopped for a couple of years. Idb. Zikan eqlained that Village has had
some urgent reguests for the water because of some wells going bad; that there
2s considerable engineering work to do on the sewer inasmuch as it may have .to
be exbended in Hollywood Road,
neet- for a decision on the work, but Nr. Tupa brought out the point that the
water is urgently needed now, in some cases; that it w3Jl eventually go in
anymy. - Kr. lh, Duggan explained that his well is gone; that if water is to come at all, he vrants it now. 3k. Hyde explained that evemhing possible
would be done to have the sewer in just as soon as possible.
(See Enutes
There vmre no objections from $he floor, an.d.no mitten
Some discussion TBS had about a neighborhood I
Fronk ogfered the following Resolution and moved Vis adopbrion: .
'I IlESOLuTION 0mERING Icn?Rom*mpPs -3
SANaARY,SE%jB ~J?RO~~~S i'JcXS. 95,96 Aj?JD 97;
Tlm.iiN l3rnOrniENTS NOS. 98, 99, 100 m 101
BZ IT FUS!5sOLJBD by the CounciLof the Village of Edina, E2innesota, that this Council
heretofore. caused notices of hearings to be drily published on the fol.lovrbe, proposed
9/26/55 \ r-
1. - Construction of Sanitary Sewer and hppurtenances in Abbott Ave0,W.60th Str
to 1065 Ft. So.; Zenith Ave.,W060.t;h St. to 985 F$. So.; York Ave.,?f.60th St.
to 610 Ft. So.
2. - ConstructSon of -Sanitary Sewer and'Appurtenances in Zwhk Ave.,l"J;Glst St.
to Approx. 600 Ft. -30, 3. - Construction of Sanitgry k;ewer and Appurtenances in Tingdale' Ave.,lf.60th St. to Valley View Rd.; Clover Lane, Tingdale Ave, to Valley View Rd.; Valley View
Rd., Wykan Ave. to Hwy. 100. 4. - Construction of Watermin Exbension and Appurtenances in Abbdtt Ave.,1Tlr,60th
St. to W.62nd St.; Zenith Bve.,?d.60th St. to W.62nd St.; York &ve.,W060th St..
to 900 Ft. So.; W.62nd St., Zenith Avel to Beard Ave.- 5, - Construction of Watergain J$&ension and Appurterances
St. to Approx. 660 -I%. Sb.; Chowen Curve, Eidng Ave.to W.Line of Edina-Bel-
&r 5th Addn. 6. -"Constmction of Watermain Extension and Appurtenances in Hwy.#lOO, W.6Oth
St . to Valley Vietj .Ed. ; Tingdale Ave. ,W. 60th St . to Valley View-Ed. ; Clover
Lane, Thgdale he. to Valley View Rd.."
St. to Tnterlachen -Blvd.; W.52nd St.,Grandview -&me to Bedford Ave.
Ewing Ave0,W.60th
-. Construction of Wat ermain Extension and Appurtenances in Bedf ord Ave . ,If. 52nd
and at the. hearings held at the time aid place specified in said notice the*-
Council has duly considered the views of all persons interested, and being fuliy
advised of the pertinent facts does hereby dktermine to proceed with the con:
strmction of said improvements; that said inprovenents are hereby designated and
shaqlbe referred to in all subsequent proceed-ings as follows:.
N&b& OF D4FROlE"T:
NO. I, Above S&iTTWzY mm DrnOWEhJT UO. .95
. NO. 96 2, I'
3, 9 I\TO* 97
5, !! ..-* -. - * - . . NO; 99:
* 7, I' NQ.101
. -. -._ ..
4.9" !! lV&mW BYI?RUWJ~~I'.P NO. 98
6, '?. NO.100
and the areas to be specially asgessed therefor shall be as follows:
!OS, .98,. 9.9 aid- -100. --. Q1. lots and. tracts of lad abuttigg the portions. of *the .
streets above described proposed t& be improved.
FOR IJATBRXAICJ IMPRO~JIB~ QO. 301 - PJl lots and tracts of land abutting Bedford
Avenue. from.W. 52gd Street to kterlaqhen Blvd,
Iiotion for adoption of 6he Resolution was seconded by Tupa, and on Rollcall there *
five ayes and no nays, .as follows: Bred
aye; and Erickson, aye; and the Resolut
Danens, aye; Fronk, aye; I
KLTH I ZONING. ORDlX~-CE.. ,&&yor Erickson.. called 'Hearing px=sl;zqt. to Notice of HeaTiQg
gailed-to owners of property within 500 feet of proposed plat; property being at
W.64th St. and Brookview Ave.
are some 89 feet and '73 feet &.width.
Tupa movedthat petition for plat be granted.
NR. FOLKE VICTORSEN - SEt.JER AND WATXFL Re. Victorsen asked about the possibility
of securing. San&$ary 3ewer--and .l@teGain service for the North side 6f Normandale
Court at once, :He was told thag there are my petitions ahead of his; that we
should'process them in ord& of date received.
to have this work-done himself, stating Chat it is only about 300 os 350 feet.
Attorney Windhorst gave his opinion that this could be done providing the property
is not to.,be assessed; that developer Will pay cost,
that he must have the preliminary work done; that specifications must be satisfactory
to Village Engineering Department; that Village Engineers Will inspect the work and
change him for inspection; that he must pay the contractor directly,
It was brought out that that the proposed two lots
There were no objections to %lie plat from
% the floor, and no written objection's had, been received prior to the "Hearing.
Notion seconded by Brsdesen and
I&, Victorsen then asked permission
E?. Victorsen was informed
Fronkts motion
9 that permission be grqted was seconded by Tupa and carried.
HR, POWE VICTORSZH - Ii%PhIFt OF ROAD AFER SE%ER - Mr. Victorsen inquired as to the liability of the sewer ,contractor f0r.xepai.T of--streets. He was informed that the
roads must settle pefore surfacing is done; that it takes some the for settling; ~
that repair of streets has bee? asseised, and that Village t&U do the work just as
soon as it is prac-ticable to do SO.
tf.bOTH STREEX 3I&?*m PtzTzNE;LL A=. AND NOItl-WaD IXXD. age establish -grade, gravel street and either cut .a
street ;to the top -of the manhole. He mlained that he
&e. Xmanuelsog asked that
manhole or gravel the
had received grades from
.. surveyor Cardereile, which were checked by the Village and fount3 to be all right;
that a@er grading had been completed the sewer was put in the street, and a
manhole wzs left sticking about four feet above grade; that it i's a hazard,
I&. Hyde explained that NP. Xmanuelson has been contacted cmcerning the payment,
of sDme $50.00 toward the graveling of the street; but Re. Emanuelson stated he
feels that he has paid enough toward the 5mprovemen-L- and does not" wish toL pay -
again, 3fr. Hyde asked if &,- Zmanuelson had yet platted" and was' infomeii that
he had not yet done so but r.rould as soon as possible. Ur, zikan then esplained
that the street grade is
'I.lbhlrabe hired tvo surveyors, who have presented different grades to the Village.
3w. Emanuelsomthen- told the Council that the Gas Company wants an escrow papent
to bring gas through the street; that as it am stands, motokists are driving
over curb boxes; that there are no warn5ng lights of any kind to prevent accidents,
Tups's mot5on that the problem be referred to the Engineerizlg Department for
action was seconded by Danens and carried.
and Er, Bora of Bora Builders, Inc, have committed- themselves to bring the street
to grade with fill from Josephine Avenue.
question because of the tJohbabe*plat; that I4rs,
Et% Roy Pe%erson then stated that he
Hatter left with Hessrs, zi_Zran and
~CDION FOR BUT[;DING - LOT 3, BLOCK 1, ~m.mvs SO~HVIEIT. 1.b. Eodney IT. ~iihts
petition for permit to face house-Long my of,lot, on Lot 3, Block 1, lT@ants
Southview Addition, TELS reviewed by the Council. Attorney Ifindhorst stated ,that
in his opinion the Council might well consider amending the .Zoning Ordinance to
(1) E?ate Front-Facing Restrictions entirely, or (2) Clarify the Ordinance
to-nake it clear that front-facing restrictions apply to corner lots only.
Bredesen moved that permit be granted and thzt Ordbmce be amended in accord
xtth E%.. lEndhorst!s second suggestion. Notion seconded by Danens and carried,
pe%ition was read; and Bredesen moved that petition. be referred to the-Plannjng - Commission for their meeting in October, andtha,t*hblic Hearing be held on
October 10, Uotion seconded by Danens and carried..
Sanders' petition.to. face dweug on Ut 1, ,Raether! s Addition (at. comer of W.6Oth
St. and,Xerxes Avenue) facing Xerxes rather than on Y.60th St., was reviewed, .
Bredesen1.s motion, that hblic Hearing be set for October 10, was seconded by
Fronk'and carried,
EX-IOHS TO A33EssT~fl FOR SANLTNlY Sl3m NO. 69. lbager Hyde read letters
from,the following: - __ -. ** .I . --.. ._ - 1. Xmanuel Holm, owner of Parcels 1610 and 1650, Plat 73729 (Sec,29,Trvp,ll7,
Range 21
2, Robert E. Conn, Jr,, owner of the North Part of Block 28,-ilendelsSohn Addn,
objectipg to %he rnethod of assessment for Sa,ni$dry S&er No, 69--Hr. Holm because
his property is under water; l%ei Corn because he does not propose to plat and
thus feels he should be assessed on an acre-age basis rather than on "platted
property" basis. Objections referred to Hanager Hyde fof investigation and'
report to Council, 1' - -z r- -
Golmnittee on Dog. Control was reviewed and discussed at some lengLh.
The September 15t'n report of the
It advo at ed
that the matter-of a leashing ordinance be submitted to the voters at.the coming
Tiillage election. Attorney TIindhorst advised tEat the statu€es provide no means
of financing a 11Special Election*t on a question of this kind; that a vote trould
be merely advisory and would not ,be binding on the Council. Bredesen' s motion,
that an 1?8dvismy Referendum" on the matter of leashing dogs between April 30 and September-30 each gear, be conducted with the next VUage Election. -3fotion
seconded by Fro& and carried.
PuE3LIC I-W-ECH NURSDJGmORT FOR AUGUST, 1955 was submitted and ordered placed on
file, f" ..
$0 the-Village.&gineering .Department for hpdling in the regular course of
Village business, by motion.Bredesen, seconded by Fro& and carried:
1, Extension of t?atermain in Benton Ave., Vest of Code Ave,
2. Mension of Sanitary Sewer in Benton Aye., Tfest of Code Ave.
3. Oiling, W. 58th St,, Fairfax Ave, to St 4 Johns- Ave.
The following Petitions were filed, and vere referred
De(ve1oper Stow at the .last. regular meeting, and approved by the Fost Office
Department, were .discussed.
r!Abercrombie Driveit. After some discussion, Tupa offered the following
Ordinance and-moved its adoption; and waiver a€ second reading:
Street name chwges advocated by
Clerk reported a t elephoqed complaint again&
ORD~AXCZ ItO. 164-6
164 j@JTXT!m '!AN U~li'J~(=E~ND~G AND R3XA"G CEETAIN
Section- 1.
Section 18 ihe followring:
Ordinance JUo. 164- of the .Village is herebr amended by. adding after
%ection 19
(a) Danens Drive So, is hereby renamed Abercrombie Drive.
(b) Headow Ridge 90. is hereby renamed Tifton Drive.
cc) Danens Drive No. is hereby revlamed Danens RrAve,
(d) Eeadow Ridge No. is hereby renaed Headow Ilidge.1'
Section 2.. ,This Ord%anfce shall be in effect from and arter its passage and
publication. according to law,
Motion for adoption of Ordinance as read, and waiver of second reamg, was
secon*d by Fronk, and on Rollcall there were five ayes and no nays, as follows:
Bredesefi, aye; Fro&, aye;. .Danens, are; Tupa d Erickson, aye; anc! the .
ce was adopted.
Resolution for designation of Xerxgs Ayenue as.S$ate Aid Road.
the following Resolution and moved its adoption;
Manager Hyde-presented fiom 09
Bredesen offered
Arm. AS STAG ,m.&o .NO* 31
Pm, the Couqty.Board or-the;Count~,of.Henngpin did adopt a
resolution .desigrja;ting the exrhension of Stage Aid Road No. 31, within the
corporate limits of the Village of Edina.as follows:
of Richfield and +the,Village aL" 'Ed-ina Tram !?est 66th Street to Nest 76th Street
be and hereby is designated as an exbension 30 State kid Road NO. 31.
BE IT KESOLv"rJ), That Xerxes Avenue on the -line between the Village
report of sdptember 21, cogcern&g ,slope.e$sepents ,for the Valley View Road
Right of Way Project, was -read, and approved; -and Fronk offered the %allowing
Resolution and moved its adoption:
ITHERZAS, It is necessary, Icjc&isable and in the public interest that
the Village of: Edina lay out and widen a street for public road purposes; and
'ti=&, k order to accomplish such purpose, it is necessary to
acquire cerkain easemenks for street purposes and certain temporary jlope
easements in property located in the Village of Edina, the descripti ns of'
wkich are hereinafter set out.by Parcel Number; and
ments fromthe property owners have been unsuccessful; and
location for such a street and widening of street is on the land hereinafter
described; and
ments, it has become necessary to procure title to such Ian& by,right of - eminent
procure the easements in the hereQafker described land under its right of
eminent domain, and that the Village Attorney be instructed and directed to
file the necessary complaint therefor-and to prosecuie such action to a
successful conclusion or unti1,it is abandoned, dismissed or temninated by the
Village or by the Cob; that the Village Attorney, the lfayor and the Clerk do
all thinas necessary to be done 5.n the cornencement, prosecu'cion and successful
9llIE%ASy The efforts of-the Village of Edina to obtain such ease-
I-, the Village is advised and bezeves that the most feasible
F-, By reason of the failure ofthe Village to obtain such ease-
NOW, THEEBFORE, E3 EESOLvEj3 That the Village of Edina proceed to
termination of suck action: Parcel No. 5 - Carl W. Xoline - NZly 20 Ft. of Lot 11, 131. &,Southdale First 11 Addn. It
Parcel No, 6 - Carl Noline - NEly 20 Ft. of Lot 10, 81. 4, _. f1
'. Parcel No. 7 - Carl Noline - EXLy 20 Et. of Lot 9, B1. 4, !!
I! ?t
912615 5 14otion for adoption of the Resolution was
there were Sive ayes and no nays, as follows:
aye; Tupa, aye; and Wickson, aye; and the Re
2 0:-
PETltlfIOE CUT-OFF, Hanager Hyde asked Council for a Januq 1, 1956 cut-off date
for.petitions for improvement work for 1956, He stated that considerable money
can be saved by using our present crews as inspectors dwkg the summerJ rather
than having them in the office on estimates and plans, Fronk*s motion, setting
3anuary 1, 1956 as the petition deadline for work to be done in 1956, was
seconded by Tupa and carried,
REKCUS FQB BRXJOXE .J". Trustee Bredesen brought to Councills attention the
$act that the .Bilkmore Inn is offering rental space iyl its lower storey, whereas
plan presented vas for Eestaurant only, to best of Councilts recollection,
was asked to check Enutes before meeting of October 10, on this matter,
BEER LICENSE FO3 Bmbi&a IiW. The matter, of an application for an On-sale Beer
License. for Biltmore 3x1 was brought before the Council, Discus&on vas had,
during which a neighborhood resident b-rough-b to Council's atteption the kp*s
location on a trunk highway, stzting that in her opinion allowing sdLe of beer
at this particular place would be disastrous from a safety point of View.
some r"urther discussion Bredesen moved that application be denied.
seconded by Danens and carried,
COHTRACT FOR POLICE PROEXX'ION FOR 1RX"GSIDE. 3ianager Hyde presented a contract
for. Edina?s furnishing I-Iorningside vith.Police protection, for the sum of $5,000
per year, ,payable quarterly in advance. ~ He stated that for this amount Edina
isill agree to patrol 14orningside six tines dairy, will give radar checks; vKI.3.
answer police calls and traffic accidents and crimes; r.rill take cases to
Justice Court; that 14omzingside trill. appoint our officers as 3-10rningsi.de officers;
tbt we r.&U. charge Korningside $1.50 per %-hour or less period <for use or" our
jail; that we will charge them for drunkometer tests and for vritnesses,
stated that this contract has been worked out on an approximate per-capita basis,
comparing our present population with that of Eorningside,. and the cost of
police protection to Edjna residents.
trill be carefully watched, said that he could see no reason why Edina residents
should suffer by this arrangement. Tupa's motion, that Village officials be
atrlhoriaed and direcked to enter into recommended contract with Norningside,
request of contr.mtors, Phelps-Drake Co, ,. for.-= extnsion of completion time
beyond October 1 on two portions of their Hay 9th contract-- (1) ITatemah in
W,7Oth St, from Highway No, 100 East, for the reason that sanitary sewer is now
being inytalled in this street and it is not feasible to install watermain until
sewer is in, and (2) ITatemin in Highway #loo, from W.70th St., South, for reason that Village-ms not yet obtained required easements. Bredesents motion
that request be granted was seconded by Tupa and carried,
lira Hyde, ialsta-g that eqenditures
was secondea by Danens -and carried; e
5~r"ormal approval has been obtained from the Highway Department Zor a change
in the intersection as follows:
Corner, will cut bank back to give better visibility; r.Zill allow moderate curve
for Northbound trsffic; signal trill be in an island.
no action taken,
Hanager Hyde reported that
Village r.riIL piiden intersection at Southeast
Plan generally approved but
comtxuction. of tank was discussed, i&th Village Attorney IJindhorst reporting
The matter of Chicago Bridge and Iron Company' s delay in
th2t the Council may do either one-of two things: (1) Adv&se the Coinpay that
they mist keep their schedule (which means that they should have the tank
coBple%ed by February 1) and that if Village is damaged by delay it will claim
damages; or (2) -Breach the contract, in which case the Village i&ll be sued for
contractor that no..extension of completion be given ad that Village vrill
discuss question of damages after tank is completed, was seconded by Tupa and
Bredesents motion, that Village Attorney be directedto advise
Wptional Plq B1l,. checks should be' signed; by Nayor, &,nager and Treasurer; and
Tupa offered the,follor.ring Resolution an& moved its adoption:
It was explained that, in accordance v&%h provisions of
BE E RESOLVED, that the +persons. holding. office as Xaxor, -Playor Pro-Tern, I%nageri
Treasurer or Deputy Treasurer of this Village be, and they hereby are, authorized
to act for this VjLlsge in the transaction of any banking business with Sfidland
National Bank of Ninneapolis, Ninnesota (herehafter referred to as the Bank),
such authority including authority on behalf of or in the name of the Village
from time to the snd until written notice to the contrary to the bank, to sign
checks against said account, which checks shall be signed by the Nayor or Kayor
Pro-Tea, Village lilanager, anci, Village Treasurer or Deputy Village Treasurer
The Bank is hereby authorized and directed to honor .and pzy an5 check against
suc~ account which is signed ans above authorized, whether or not said check is
payable to the order of, or deposited to the credit of, any officer or officers
of the Village, including the signer or signers of the check,
Hotion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Fronk, and on Rollcall there
e; Danens, aye;--Fronk, aye;
Tupa then offered :he following Resolution- and'noved its adoption:
FIRS? EDrnA IfATICWAL ., BANK BZ Ifp kESOLmD, that the persogs. hplding office- as .Thyor, Mayor Pro-Tem, Xanager,
Treasuger or Deputy Treasurer ofttiis Village be, and they hereby are, authorized
to act for'this Village in %he transaction of any bpking business with First
Edina Fatiqnal Bank of .Edina, Einnesota, (here$nafter referred to as the Bank),
such authosity including authority on behalf o$ or-in the name of the Village.
from %@ne to the qnd until writter;l notice-to the contrary to the bank, to sign
cheeks,aga$xt said acvount, wbich,checks shall be signed by the Nayor or Mayor Pro-ym, Village Iknager, and Village Treasure? or Deputy Village Treasurer.
The Bank is hereby,authod,zed and directed.to honor.and pay any check against
such accou&t which is signed as above authorized, whether or not s&d check is
payable to the order of, 0.r deposiked to the credit of, any officer or officers
of the Village, including the signer orsigners of .the check,
Mokion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Fronk, and on Rollcall there
CANCELLATION OF AD VALOREM TAXES. bknager Hyde presented form of resolution for
cancellation of ad vslorem kqes paxible in 1956 for P.1.R. Fund,
the following Remlution ,and moved its adoption:
Bredesen offered
R%SOT;UTION C$8CrnZ"G Pmm' IiPii06m .
-?%LTH 1955 G3YERAL pp2opETY TA223S . . I
IE@DJ%S, %he 'Village Cpuncil 0% .the .Vill$ge_of. Ediga has, by Resolution
adopted" Noveanber 6, 1947,- levied a special ad valorem tax for the Eayment of
principal and interest of its Pennment Improvement Revolving Fund Bond Tssue
Series December, 1947; said ad. valocem tix in the amount of $22,210. being -
collectible with and as a part of other general taxes for the year 1955; and
l?H@W, the Village Council of ,the Village of Edina has, by Resolution
adopted August 9, 194$, lexded a special ad valorem tax for the papnent of
principal and interest of its FemnanentImprovementiRevo1ving.FundBond Issue
of 9948; ssid ad valorem tax & the amount of $l'l,OOO.OO being collectible with
and as a part of the general property taxes in,said Village fbr the year 1955;
adopted June 27, 1949, levied a special ad valorem tax for the papgent of
principal and interest of its Permanent Euprovement Revolving Fund Bond Issue
of 1949, said ad valorem tax in the am0t.int of $b;SOO,OO being collectible with
and as a part of other general property taxes in said Village for the year 1955;
said leees proxidingponeys we on haqd.for payment of principal and interest
for said bond issues; and it h'as been determined by this Council %-hat the
required moneys are on hand $or tne paplent of said principal sad interest.
'GJKFrEzEAs, the Village. Co*&cil of the .Village- of Edina has, by iesolution
WHEKW3, M%meso$a Stritutes, Section 475.26, permits the cancellation of
9/26/55 22
that those ad valorem tax levies made by Resolutions of this Village Council. 1 adopted Movember 6, 1947, August 9, 1948,..and June 27, 1949, in the amounts of
$22,210.00, $17,000.00, and .$6,800.00 respectively, and collectible wkth and as a
part of other general property taxes in said Village for the year 1955? be and
hereby are cancelled.
be authorized. and directed-to wcel the above described ad viLorem tax levies
and to delete said levies from. taxes to be spread for the year 1955.
Hotion- for adoption of Resolution was seconded by Fronk, and. on Rollcall there were
NOW, THZEEZO&, BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina,
BF; FIlEi'm 3ESOLvED that the County Auditor of Hennepin County, 12i.nnesota,'
s, aye; Fronk, aye; Tupa, .
AITARD OF l3DS TAKB THIS.HEETI3G: Engineer Zikan presented Tabulation of Bids taken
t&Ls.evening, bids being as followsr - PHEXPS- OrnEI & lL.&-rnI
DRAKE, co.
$3,004.45 .2;269.40
. Zenith,. York 17,Wo98 18,197050 16,1UoO9 23,603000
I:JllTE@X:~-MO* 93.- Shemood , 3,304.07 3,360020 3,769030 3,681075 %Jmd*m NO, 97 - Ityan 2,676060 2,760050 3,209.50 3,004.00
S~J?IT-&EtY SBZR NO. 96 - Erring 3,106.00 3,025.00 3,~02.00 3,995.00
l@T@RAIN NO. 98 - Abbott, Zenith,
York ~ 21,606.82 22,100.20 22,598.80 &,046.50 NO. - Bwing, Chowen Grve. 3,24lr64 3,435.00 3,700,70 3,607.50
5hXEU SBBR NO, 32 - lJO5&h St, 2,721230 2,7t32.60 3,288.00 2,510.00
ik. Zikan explained that Village did .not tzke bids on two projects advertised for,
becaqse FhaZ Plats had not been filed. He recommended award of bids on the above
naed projedts, to Phelps-rDrake Coo, low bidder, subject to approval of the State
Board of Health, Fro& so moved. Xotion seconded by Danens and carried.
Er. Zikan' then presented kmlation of bids taken on
1403 IS-1, at lT.62nd St. and Park Place, bkds being as-followsn.
STORH SBBR NO. 31 - Code Jive. 49 803 010 49 438.47 49 862.46 4, 231. 90
SWJl SI6-m ROO 29 - Ifalifax.Eane 7,109.lkO 6,959.51 6,873.17 7 t 700 75 71,2 5 5 0 26 83 4%. u& 72, 832 80 73 3 3 63 08
1. ZTsing.S@th and Loveless hunps $25,031.00 $26,013.00
It was noted that bid of low bidder vas far above Engineer's lilsthate of Cost; and
Ik. Zikan estinated that acceptance of
loti bid would raise assessment -per front foot from the $1.75 given at the Public
Hearing to $2.50 or more. Er. Roy Peterson pleaded for.avrard in order that omers
in the area,might be given relief from a bad cesspool situation. He stated that
some owners are now having cesspools pumped twice a week, at $20.00 per pmping.
After some little discussion, during which it was brought' out,that Village has
very little, if any, chance of securing a better bid because of bad soil condi'cion,
ad that any delay means additional expense to property omers, Fronkmoved for
award of bid to low bidder, Phelps-Drake CO., subject to approval by State Board
of Health. Iilotion seconded by Danens and carried,
yiUSB.mflS OiJ IEST SERVIc;E DRM3 STATE HIGHI.ikY NO. 100. Engineer Zikan reported that *
Ur. &ex Creighton, who has been .working on-Highway Easements for -the Service Drive
Vest of Highmy No. 100, between W.66th and N.70tn St., has been unable to secure
five of these easements to date.- 3lr. Zikan stated he is afraid that if property
is not secured xrithin a very short tine the State i.rill withdraw its offer to share
in a curb ad gutter and stom sewer project-in this area.
condemnation of the property is proper. Fronk offered the fo3lot.ring Resolution and
moved its adoption:
1-3, It is necessary ta the. public interest for the Village of mina
to actjjxire ,certain easements for street purposes, including the right to construct
slopes, in propertr located in the Village of Edina, the descriptions of ~~hich
2, Usbg Chicago Pumps $26,438.00 .27,634.00
.that Ps asks la days to complete project.
I He stated he feels that
property we hereinar"ter set out: .I
(CarlsoD) The EQ FLve Feet of Lot 35, Block 1, l3rooh+ew Heights First
(Bell) The Ely Five Feet of themSouth 150 Feet of the North 5W Feet of
- the-East 867 Feet of Government Lot 3, Section 4, To~glship 116, Range 21,
(Sears) The Ely Five Feet of the South 300 Feet of the North 880.Feck of
-the East 98'7 Feet of Government .Lot 3> Section 4, To~mship 116, Range 21,
except the East 117 Feet thereof.
except the East 117 Fekt thereof.
9/26/55 4. (Strand) The Ely Five Feet of that part of Governen% Sot 3, Section 4,
Tovmship 116, Range 21, described as follows: Beginning at a point
230 Feet South-of the North Line and 117 Feet West of the East Line
of said Gqvement Lot 3 but-in the West Line of State Trunk Highway
No. 100; tho South parallel with the $ast..Line of said Section 4
a distance of 200 Feet; th. West parallel with the North Line of said
Government Lot 3 a distance of 450 Feet; th. North parallelvdth the
East line of Section 4 a distance of 200 Feet; th. 450 Feet to point
of beginning.
(Ihrphy) The Ely Five Feet of the North 230 Feet of the East 567 Feet . of Government Lot 3, Section 4, To.wnship 116, Eange 21, exc. the
East 117 Ft. thereof and exc. the North 30 Fee: thereof t-, The efforts of the Village of Edina.to obtain such easements
IJHEREAS, the Village is advised and believes that the most feasible
FmB, By reason of the failure of the Village to obtain such ease-
fromthe property owners have been unsuccessful; and
location for such w5denhg of street is on the land hereinafter described; and
ments, it has .become necessary to procure title to such land by right of eminent
Na?, T?JEXZFORE, BE IT RE5gL That the Village of Edina proceed to
procure the easements.in the hereine 2Pe e?? described land under its right of
eminent domain, and that the Village Attorney be instructed and directed to
file the necessary complaint therefor-and to prosecute such action to a
successful conclusion or until it is abandoned, dismissed or terminated by the
Village or by the Court;; that the Village Attorney, the Nayor and the Clerk do
all things necessary to be done in the cowencement, prosecution and successful
termination of such action,
Motion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Bredesen, and on Rollcall
there were five ayes and no .nsys, as follows:
Tupa, aye; and Erickson, aye; and the Re
Clerk Alden reported that the Shepherd of the Hills Church, at the corner of
Blake Road and Naloney Avenue is available as an Election Polling Place for
District No, 6; that it-wiU be impossible to use the old Bobinson-House as a
Polling Place for Election District No, I2 but that there As a suitable place
at 3600 W.66th St., which the Dayton Company has offered for use.
offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption:
.TlELXG . . .
BF: IT RXSOLVED by the Village Council of-the Village of Edina, that:
is, established as the Polling Place for %Village Voting District No. 6;
for Village Voting District No. 32,
hginning with the Village Election to be conducted November 8, 1955, and for
,Kl. future elections until notice to the contrary.
. 1. .Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church, 500 Blake Road, be, .and hereby
2. 3600 W,66th Street be,.-and hereby is, established as the Polling Place L
IIotion for adoption of Resolution was seconded by Fronk, and on Rollcall there
ifere five ayes and no nays, as folloi~s:
l'upa, aye; and Erickson, aye; and the Resolutio
Nayor . .
qillage Clerk
C:!ork reported briefly on Assessment Bolls ready for hearings; and Bredesen offered
the following Resolution and moved its adoption:
EX: IT R.E3OLAED by the Council of the.Village of Edha as' foll&rs:
specially assessed for Sanitary Sewer Improvements Nos. 70,71,72,76,79,~1,82,83,
84. and 90; TTatermain Tmprovements Nos. .70,83,85,90 and 92, and Storm Sewer Improve- ment No, 30,. against the respective lots, pieces and parcels of land within.the
district affected by said improvements, and said proposed assessments having been
fLLed with the Clerk, the same are hereby approved, and the Clerk shall keep the
sane on file in her office and open Lo public inspection pending hearing thereon as
herein provided,
I!. This Council shall meet at the the and place specified in the forms of
notice hereinafter contained to pass upon said proposed assessments, and the Clerk is
hereby directed La cause notices .Qf the.time, place and purpose of said meetings to
be published in the official newspaper at least 30 days prior to said meetings,
which notices shall be in substantially the follorbg form:
1. .The Clerk and Ihgineer having calculated-the proper amoun"c Lo be
.. I. .* ?
-- ~ . -- . _(i
79, 81, 82, 83, 84 and 90
WATERi4XIH IHE%OWENTS NO. 70, 83, 90 and 92
NOTIE, IS HEXZBY GIVEN, that the Council of the Village of Edina will my
the Village Hall on Nonday, October 24, S955, at 7:30 otclock PcMc, to hear a
pass upon all objections, if anrE to the foLLotfing F?OpoSGd assessments, whi(
assessments are now on file in the office of the ViEage Clerk and open to p
inspection : 1
SAlZITARY SEWER NO, 73 - construction of Sanitary Sewer and appurtenances
Halifax Avenue fzm lil.ance Avenue to Approxc 250 ft S of WG 60th Stre
in France Avenue from Halifax J-vcnue to W, 62nd St,; in Wo 62nd St, f
France Avenue to Park Place; and in IT. 62nd Sta from Park Place to Br/
The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of Sanitary Sewer includes,
lots in "Two Oaks" facing Halifax .!..venue, all lots and tracts of land fa1
France Averrue betireen Halifax Avcnuc and I?, 62nd St., and a11 lots and ti
of land abutting i-Jo 62nd St, betpreen France hvenue and Brookview Avenue.
sIzNI?XRY SEVER FO, 72 - construction of Sanitary Sewer and appurtenances
St, Johns Avenuc betmen 1J. 60th and W. 64th Streets; I?, 62nd Street
bctxeen Concord Avenue and St. Johns Avenue; $1, 63rd Street between A
Avenue and Concord Avenue; Ashcroft Avenue between St, Johns Avenue a,
The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of said improvement Znclud
lots and tracts of land facing St. Johns &venue between Wa 60th and I&, 6,
facing Ashcroft Avenue from St, Johns Avenue to W, 64th St,; facing Conc
Avenue from FJ, 62nd to I?, 64th Sts,; facing W. 63rd St. between Concord
l and Ashcroft Avenue.
SANITARY SmmR fJ0, 75 - construction of Sanitary Sewer and appurtenance?
w, 64th st. 1
West 61st Street .I Chowen Avenue to France Avenue;
France :Zvsnue - :.-Test 61st Street to Ealifax Avenue;
Chowen :ivcnue - Vest OLst Street to Irest 62nd Street;
Chowen Place - &own Avenue to 265 ft ilfest t The area to be assessed for cost of said improvement includes all lots a:
tracts of land as follow: Lots 13 thru 23, In&, Block 2; Lots 1 thru,
Lrlcl,, Block 3; and Lots 1 thru 4, Bel,, Block 4, all in Edina Bel iiir 1
S:2?IT&RP SIWER NO. 79 - construction of L&nitary Sewer and appurtenancesi
The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of said improvement includi
! lots and tracts of land as follows:
Lots 1, 2 and 3, Block 4; and Lots I, 2 and 3, Block 5 in Normandale kddi
S+U?ITARY SEG.JER NO, 81 - construction of Sanitzry Sewer and appurtenances
The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of said improvement include
follorJing lots:
Lob 13 thru 24, Block 1; Lots 1 thru 12, Block 2; Lots 1 thru 9, Block 7
and Lots 15 thru 23, Block 8, all in Harriet Nanor Second Addition,
SiUITXRY SmER NO, 82 - construction of Sanitary Sewer and appurtenances
The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of said improvement include
lots and tracts of land as follows:
LOLs 1 thru 5, Incl. in Roy Petersonls Suond hddition; and Lot 16, Block:
in Peacedale Acres,
SANITARY S%ER NO, 83 - construction of Sanitary Sewer and appurtenances
The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of said improvement include
lots and trzcts of land as follows:
Lots 10 thru 16, Block 21 in Faisfax Addition and Lot 11, Block 1, in Va
View Terrace Third Additione
SANITARY SEWER NO, 84 - construction of Sanitary Sewer and appurtenances i
, I
Shenrood Avenue from West 62nd Street to 363,99 ft Southo
York Lvenue from West 58th Street to West 60th Street,,
Halifax Avenue from??cst 62nd Street to 430 feet South,.
4 I
Wooddale Lvenue from Kest 61st Street to West 62nd Street.
1 I The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of iaid improvement includes 4
lots and tracts of land abutting the above named streets, except Lots 7 to 1,
Incl., Block 1; Lots 6 to 10, In&, Block 2; and Lots 1 -to_5, Incl,, Black
in2Birchcrest' fidditi-on, -
Birchcrast Drive from Eanson Road to %st 60th Street;
West 61st Street from Hanson Road to Code Avenue;
Forslin Drive from Hanson Road to West 6lst Street;
Porter Ldne from West 60th Street to Code Lvenue;
Code !,venue from Birchcrest Drive to Porter;
Valley View Road from Trunk M.Ho#& to Rolf Avenue; I
Hanson Road fromForslin Drive to Birchcrest Drive.
* . 25
r- -
9. SANITARY SEVER NO, 90 .- construction of Sanitary Sewer and appurtenances in -_. ~
.I 1, Streets rlA1l to ItFlt, inclusive in ffl4oodhill Additiont1 as per J preliminary plat approved by Village Council, May 9, 1955,
Brittany Road from Wo 66th Street to Wo 69th Streeta
Creston Road from W. 70th Street to a pt 1075 Ft., more or less
North of W, 70th Strcet,
Laguna Drive from Street *lBfl in "Woodhill Addition" to a point 165 ft
more or less E of Wooddale Avenue; th, on a meandering Course through
private easement to Cornelia Drive, to connecting with existing Sanitary
Sewer. 5. W. 66th Street from Brittany Road to Street llB11 in itWoodhill Addition1Ir
The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of said improvement includes all
lots and tracts of land hereinafter described:
(A) That part of the m.2 of Sec 30, Th7-p. 28, R. 24, Comm 40 rods E of NW Cor of
2. 3.
said SW$; th S 2129,8 ft; th SEly to a pt on-the S line of said Sec, 1221
Ft. E of the SW Cor of said Sec,; th E along the S line of said Sec. to a
pt 2155.7 ft E of the SIT Cor of said See.; th N to the N line of said
SW$ of said Sec. 30; th W to pt of beginning,
(B) Lot 1, Block 2; Lots 4,s and 6, Block 4; Lots 6 to 12, Incl,, Block 6; Lots
3. to 6, Incl., Block 7; Lots 3 and 4, Block 5, and all of Block 8 in
Creston $Ellso
(C) That part of the S 3/4 of the I& of thc SE$ of Sec. 30, !hp, 28, Re 24,
abutting on W, 70th Street and in Lake Cornelia, except that part'platted
as Southdale First Addit ion
(D) Lot I to 4, In&, Normandale Terrace; Lots Cy D & E, Registered Land
Survey ff3; and all that part of the Tni 40 rods of the N* of the SW$ of Sec. 30, Twp. 28, R. 24 not included in the plats of said Normandale Terrace or
Registered Land Survey #3 abutting on. Brittany Road as extended.
20 Acres of the W$ of NW& sec. 31, Twp, 28, R+. 2k., abutting on W, 70th .
10. WATERNUN IMPKIVBEXT NO, 70 -. construction of Village Watermain extension in
(E) That part of the llE$ of the N!d% and of the IVdi of the NE$, and of the E
Halifax AGenue from PranGe Avenue to a pt 16.5' ft South of IJ, 60th Street;
France Avenue frOlh We 60th Street to Vest 62nd Street, .
Vest 62nd Street from France Avenue to a pt 40 ft E of Valley View Road. '
The area proposed to be assessed forthe cost of said improvement includes
all lots and tracts of land abutting Ealifax Lvonue from It Line of "The Oakst1
Subdivision to France iivenue; and all lots and tracts of land abutting France
Avenue from We 60th to W. 62nd St,; all lots and tracts of land abutting the
Nortb Side of W, 62nd Street between France Lvcnue and Park Place; and all lots
and tracts of land abutting South Side of Id, 62nd Strcet froin France livenue to
Oaklam Avenue except Lo% I, Peterson's Second Additiono
11, WATER" IMPROVE!BNT NO, 83 - construction of Village Watermain extension in
YI Wooddale Avenue from Fairfax Avenue to Vsllcy View Road,
The area proposed to be assessed for the cost 02 said improvement includes all
lob and tracts of land as follows:
Lots 10 thru 16, Block 21, Fairfax Addition.
Lot 11, Block 1, Valley View Terrace Third Addition.
12, WATI?RI!GIN IMPROENECKT _I- RO, 90 LI construction of Village Vatermain extension in \Jest 60th Street from Ewy, #lo0 to Birchcrest; and Josephine Avenue from
Benton Avenue to Wesb 60th Street,
The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of said improvement includes all
lots and tracts of land as follows:
Lot 19% Block 1 and Lot 1, Block 3 of Clover Lane preliminary platr
Lots 4 thru 14, Incl. in agar Square preliminary plat,
Lots 12, 13 and 14, Block 2; Lots 4, 5 and 6, Block 3$ Benton Park
Lots I, 2 and 3, Clover Lane Addition
Lot 1, Block lj and Lots 1, 2 and 3, Block 2, Clover Lane Second Addition 3.3, WATERNAIN IMPROVEMENT NO, 92 - construction of Village Watermain extension in
4. 5,
Streets IrAt1 to llFltJ inclusive in ''Woodhill
plat approved by Village Council,
Brittany Road from W, 66th Street to We 69th Streeto
Creston Road from W. 70th Stmet to a pt 1075 ft more or less N of W, 70th Street.
W. 66th. Street from Brittany Road to Street *?B" in 1Woodhill Additiont1,
Ealfanz Road from Street lrBrr in llTIJoodhill Additiont1 to a pt 150 r"t
more or less E of said Street lrBrl.
The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of said improvement includes all
lots and tracts of land hereinafter described:
(A) That part of the S@ of Sec. 30, Twpr 28, R, 24, corn 40 rods E of the NW
cor of said EM+; th S 2129 ft; th SEZy to a pt on the S line of said See,
1221 ft E of the STnT Cor OF said Sec,; th E along the S line of said Sec.
to a pt 2155,7 ft E of the SW Cor of said Sec,; th N to the 11 line of said
(B') Lots 3 and bs Bhck 5; and Lots 6 to 12, Inclo, Block 6, Creston Hills;
Lots 1 to by 3j=cJo, Normadale Terrace; Lots Cy D & E, Registcred Land
as per preliminary
9, 1955,
- - ~ l_.
\ SI?& or said S5ci 30; %Ti I? to ST 6.E@ilBTiigo-- ,
- 26 -. ?I<
Survey #3; and all. that p8rt of the IT 40 rods of the @ of the EX$, See. 30, & Twp, 28, R. 2ks not included in the plats of said Iqomanda3.e Terrace or
Registered Land .Sumroy #3 abutting on Brittargv Read, as extendek hi. STOBI SFMER NO, 30 L- canstructim of Village %arm Sewer and appurtenances,
Corn in NE GoF'of Block k2 WoodnWl. Additj.on!l,; th W 5.n Balfanz Road
to Street rtBll in Woodhill kdc!iticnt1; th N in Street- IlBIl to Laguna Drive;
th E in Laguna Drive 230 ft more Gr less; th N to L2ke Corneliao
The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of said improvement includes all
Lots in a'Gjoodhill Addition11 as per preliminary plat +proved by Village Council,
Assessments for Storm Sewer, Vatermains and Sanitary Sewers will be payable in
ten equal consecukFye annual installments extended over a period of ten years to be
payable with taxes for the 7.955, collectible in 1956, with interest on the entire
assessment at the rate of 5s per annum from the date of the resolution levying the
assessment to December 31, 3.955,
interest at the same rate for one year on all unpaid installments.
May 9, 1955.
I To each subsequent installment rJill be added
The owner of any property assessed for any of the above improvements may pay
the whole of assessment without interest to the VSUge Treasurer, on or before
December 31, 1955, and may thereafter make payment with accrued interest to the
County Treasurer.
Dated October 3, 1955
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Council of the Village of Edina will meet at
the Village Hall on Monday, October 24, 1955, at 7:30 01clock F.lIe9 to hear and
pass upon all objections, if any to the proposed assessment for Sulitary Lateral
Sever iapxwement No. 70, which assessments are now on file in the office of the
Village Clerk and open to public inspection.
SANITARY SE$ER IMPROVBIENT NO. 70 - Construction of Lateral Sanitary Sewer and
appurtenances in:
Adams Avenue from Yaloney Avenue to Nelson Avenue;
Jefferson Avenue from Xaloney Avenue to Nelson Avenue;
Nadison Avenue from Yaloney Avenue to Xelson Avenue;
Ifonroe Avenue from Naloney Avenue to Nelson Avenue;
Jackson Avenue from Naloney Avenue to Belmore Lane;
Van Buren Avenue from Naloney Avenue to Nelson Avenue;
Harrison Avenue from Ealoney Avenue to kelson Avenue;
Tyler Avenue from tfaloney Avenue to Belnore Lane;
Nelson Avenue from Honroe Avenue to Adams Avenue
lilaloney Avenue from proposed Lift Station to that
North=South Alley between Harrison and Tyler Avenues.
"' i ..
The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of said proposed improvement is
as follows:
All lots and tracts of land within the following described boundaries:
"Beginning at the NitJ Cor of Lot 1, Block 8, West linneapolis Heights; th South to
the centerline of Maloney Avenue; th East along the centerline of Naloney Avenue
to the Southerly extension of the East Lot Line of Lot 5, Steiner & Xoppelman's
First Addition; th North to the Centerline of Belmore Lane; th West on the center-
lhe of Belmore Lane to the Southerb extension of the East line of Lot a, Black 1,
Vest lfinneapolis Heights; th North to the NE Cor of Lot 25, Block 1, West
Minneapolis Heights; th West to the NE Cor of Lot 25, Block 3, said Vest Ninneapolis
Heights; th South to the SE Cor of Lot 14, Block 3, West Ninneapolis Heights; th
Vest to the Sg Cor of Lot 13, Block 4, West 1:inneapolis.Heights; th Xorth to the
NW Cor of Lot 2, Block 4, Te7es-b Hjnneapolis Heights; th Wly to the hrE Cor of Lot 1,
Block 8, $Jest Ninneapolis Heights; th Vest to beginning,*!
Assessments for Sanitary Lateral Sewer Eo, 70 will be payable in twenty equal
consecutive annual installments extended over a period of twenty years to be
payable with taxes for the year 1955, collectible in 1956, with interest on the
entire assessment at the rate of 5% per arnum from the date of the resolution
levying the assessment to December 31, 1956.
be added interest at the same rate for one year on all unpaid installments. To each subseauent instafh.ent F.Jill
The owner of any property assessed for the above improvement may pay the
whole of assessment without interest to the Village Treasurer, on or before
1 December 31, 1955, and may thereafter make payment with accrued interest to the ' P 11 v
- I_- . -
NOTICE IS KEREBY GIVEN, that the Council of the Village of Eclina will meet at
the Village I-Iall on Monday, October 24, 1955, at 7:30 o’clock P.Mp, to hear and
pass upon all objections, if any, to the following proposed assessments for
fnprovement, which assessments are now on file in the office of the Village Clerk
axd open to public inspection:
1, TRUNK WATFRIUIN NO, 85 c Cmstru.c-tion of 12” Trunk Watermain, IIBeginning at the
intersection of Sherwood Road and Hwy-. 169-212; th Southwesterly along Hwy,169-
212 to Hanson Road; th South on Ranson Road to West 62nd St,; th East on West
62nd St, to Wpan Avenue; th South on Wyman Avenue to Valley Via7 Road; th
East to Warren Avenue; th South on Varron Avenue to West 56th St,; and
Beginning at Hwy. 100-and Valley View Road; th Southwesterly on Valley View
Road to Warren Avenue.I1
The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of said proposed improvement
is as follows: and includes all Lots and Tracts of land wikhin the following
described boundaries:
S to SE Cor of said Lot 1; th W to E R/W line of U, S. Eiwy. 169-212; th Swly
along said E R/W line to its intersection with E line of Hanson Road; ‘ch W
to NliJ Cor of Lot 8, Block 7, Westchester Knolls; th E to NE Cor of said Lot 8;
th S to SE Cor of Lot 7, Block 7, Westcliester Imolls; th E to W3 Cor of Lot 16,
Richmond Hills 3rd Addition; th Swly along Ely lot lines of Lots 16,15,l4 and 13, Richmond Hills 3rd Addition to SE Cor of said Lot 13; th SEW to NW cor of
Lot 2, Block 5, Melody Knolls 3rd Addition; th S to SW Cor of said Lot 2; th
E 33.7 ft; th S 1@,27 ft; th E 100 ft; th S to a pt on centerline of W, 60th
St, which is 490 ft E of EW Cor of Govt, Lot 7, 3ecr 33, Twp. 117, R.21; th E
to the W R/W line of State Hwy. 100; th S to the centerline of W. 63rd Stc; th W along %he centerline of W, 63rd Stq to an extension of E line of Lot 30,
Block h., Normandale 2nd Addj-tion; th S to centerline of W. 66th St,; th TrJ to
Ely R/I$ line of Mplsb, Northfield & Southern Railroad; th Nly along said Ely,
R/W line to its intersection with S line of Lot 7, Garden Park; th E to E line
of sdd Lot 7; th W along the E lines of Lots 7, 8 et 9, Garden Park to the S
R/W line of State M;ly, 169-212; th I\sEly along said R/W to the NE Cor of Lot 1,
Block 3, Fdenmoor, which is the point of beginningell
ltComm. at the NE Cor of Lot 1, Block 3, Edenmoor; th
To serve the following lots and tracts. of land:
Sec. 4, Twp. 116, R, 21
Parcel #7OOO - Corn at a pt 286.8 ft S of a pt 746.25 ft E from NfiT Cor of Lot 1;
Sec, 32, Twp. 117, R, 21
Parcel #a200 - Tha% part of S$ of SE$ lying E of itR R/V ( Lot 1 thru 12, Incl.,
Parcel #2200 - S 219 ft of that part of &?E$ of SES lying E of RFi R/w ex road.
Parcel #2&0 .- That part of the S 20 rods of NE% of SE-$ Iying E of RR R/W and
Sec. 33, Twp. 117, R.-’
Parcel #2100 - Lot 3 N of Nplse,Morthfield & Southern €?y R/FT as widened.
Parcel #2860 - The S 199&8 ft of the Id 327.5’5 ft of Govt Lot 3, rd roads
(Lots 5 and 6, Town’s First Eciina, preliminary plat,)
Parcel #2882 - Corn at a pt in the TnT line of Govt, Lot 3, dis 199.48 ft N from the
Sld Cor thereof; th N 132.97 ft along said W line; th E 327.63 ft
par with the S line thereof; th Sly 132.97 ft to a pt dis 327.6 ft
E from Beg.; th W to beg. ex road.(Lot 7 & 8, Town~s First Edina
preliminary plat. )
lying InT of the E 30 ft thereof ex rd.
thereof dis 30 rods E fr the NW cor thereof; th E to the SE cor
thereof; th N to NE cor thereof; th E to NE cor of Govt Lot 8, th
S to ctr line of rd; th SmJljj along rd to S line of Lot 8; th W
to beg ex rds & State Hwy, (Lot LO & 11, Block 1; Lots 5 thru 10,
Incl., Block 2; Lots 10, 11 & 12, Block 3, Clover Lane prelimin-
ary plat.)
Parcel #3400 - Corn at the Nw Cor of S$ of Govt Lot 6; th E 327.9 ft to W line’of
Block 4 Codes Highview Park; th S a3.87 ft; Yn W 327.9 ft; th’N l.43.95 ft to beg ex rds.
Parcel #3500 - Corn on W line of Govt Lot 6 at a pt 267.9 ft S from NFJ Cor of b$
view Park 267.74 ft S from N line of S$ of said Lot 6; th S to S
line thereof; th W to SW Cor thereof; th N to beg ex rd,
Birchcrest .Sth peliminary plat.) - .
th S 184 ft; th W 236 ft; th NEly 297 ft to beg ex road.
Birchcrest 4th kddn. and residue, preliminary pl-at)
N of the S 219 ft thereof ex road.
Parcel #2883 - N 240 ft of S 813.45 ft of that part of the Wi of Govt. Lot 3,
Parcel #3260 - Corn 30 rods E from SW Cor of Lot 8; th Nly to a pt in the N line
of Lot 6; th E 327.9 ft to a pt in TnT line of Block 4 Codes High- ,I
Parcel #3800 - S 310 ft of W 708 ft of Govt Lot 7 (Lots 9 thru 15, Incl.,
. .- . I . . 1 . c. :. , e-
Parcel #4700 - Corn OR W line of Govt, Lot 6 at a pt l43=95 ft S from the NW cor
of S$ of Lot 6; th E 327,9 ft to a pt .Kn the W line of E1-ot.k 4,
Codes Highsdew Park dis 143.,87 ft S r'rom the N line of S$ of
Govt, Lot 6; th S along said W line of said Block 4, a 65s of 123,87 ft; th W 327,9 ft to a pt in the W line of Lot 6 dis
12385 ft S from beg; th N to beg ex rd,
Parcel #4810 - Cam 283,111 ft W of SE Cor of Lot 8; th M 575@83 ft; th W 100 ft;
th N to ctr line of road; th SMLy along road line to intersectisn
with a line par with and 30 rods E of W line of Lot 8; th S to S
line of Lot 8; th E to beg ex rd, (Lot 1, 31ock 1; Lots 1 thrn 8,
In&, Block 2, Plikulayrs preliminary plat,)
Farce1 #4E20 - Com at a pt 283,14 ft W of the E line and !?i'5c83 ft N of S line
of Lot 8; th W 100 ft; th N to ctr line of road; th E 112,74 ft
along said ctr line of road; th S to beg ex rd,
Birchcrest Addition
Lots 17, 18 & 19, Block 1
Birchcrest Third Akdition
Lots 1, 2, 3 & 4, Bloclc 2
Code I s Highvier Park
Lots 7 thru 2.2, Incl., Block 3
Edcnmoor Addition
Lot 1, Rloclc~
Garden Park
That part of So 16 rods of Lot 6 lying E of RR R/M
That part of Lot 7 and of the N 202,7-ft of Lot 6 lying E of RR R/W ex rd
Lots 25 thru 26, Incl,, Block 6
Lots 1 thru 111, lnclo, Block 7
Lots 1 thru 12, &cL, Block 8
Lots 13 thru 24, block 9
Lots 13 thru 24, Incl,, Block 20
Lots 1 tkru 32, Inclc, Flock 21
Normandale Second I
Registered Land &mey #180
Uots B and K
Registered Land Swvey - #327
Registered Land Survey #!& Lot c
Tract 3 (Lots TthruTIncl,, Block 1; Lots 1,2 eC 3, Block 2, preliminary
Tract A (Lots 1, 2 and 3, Block 1, preliminary plat of Kymants Southview 2nd)
Sots 13 thru 15, Incl,,
Lots 5 thru e: Incl,, Block 3;
Lots 1 znd 3, Elock 6;
Lots 5 and 6, Block 8
Lots 26, 27 and 34
Lots 7 and 8, Block 7
plat of WIan 1 s Southview)
Richmoiid EIills Third
James A, Roberts Sstate
-- .-
Lots 4 thru 9$ Block 7; ..
Warden Acres
West chest er Knolls
Assessments for the abotve kprovements will be payable in ten equal consecutive
annual installments extended over a period of ten years to be payable with taxes for
the year 1955, collectible in 1956, with interest on the entire assessment at the
rate of 5% per annum from the date of the resolution levying the assessment to
December 31, 1956,
same rate for one year on all unpaid installments.
whole of assessment without interest to the Village Treasurer, on or Sefore
December 31, 1955, and may thereafter make pqment with accrued interest to the
County Treasurera
TQ each subsequent instal-lmcnt will be added interest at the
The mmer of any property assessed for the above improvements may may the
Dated October 3, 1955
.- . . /
Notion for adoption of Resolution was seconded by Fronk, and on Rollcall there
were five ayes md,no nays, as follows:
Tupa,Aaye; and Erickson, aye; qd the aye; Fronk, aye; . -- -..
Bredesen's motion for approval of Village Payroll, mount $14,833.52 for period
September 16 to 30,hc~usive, and for approval of the following Claims,l was
seconded by Pronk and carried:
General Fund - $15, 790.69 Waterworks &d - #4;191.87
Construction ,99,496.23 -_ Liquor Fund .. .9,630.02 Parks Fund *, 13092.97 Sewer Rent a1 7.90 P.I.R. Eund lO~~U.00 C-
EXlDG&C FOZ -X&& 1956. Manager Hyde presented Revised Budget, which would make
the Nil1 Rate-29.389.
Civil Defense and Garbage Collection, which would require more study.
connection idth the budget, I&. McClellan, representative for the Union, spoke
€or increases for equipment operators and mechanic, stating he €eels that they
have not been treated 2s €a%y as other employees. He was told that Council
will, give consideration to this matter at a later date. With regard to Garbage Collection, I&. Hyde offered the Council three alternatives - 1.
To go bn as we are now doing. To have-only one service and to assess
all improved properties fo% it. 3.. To '!get out of the garbage business entirely, letting residents arrange foretheir own collection. He was. asked 1
to get further information on St.Louis Parkrs method of assessment, etcr
Trustee Bredesen objected to the appropriatioc for ah-conditioning the
Village Hall, in view of the fact that Village and School mill. rates rvill both
be increasing.
';;;l5,OOO from the'Liquor Fundpto the Generd Fund.
for meeting or" October 10.
of .Ernst and Ernst .as ,Auditoxy for .the Village Records €or the Year 1955.
Bredesen so moved.
He stated, though, that \there were some items, such as
He also stated he believes we should transfer an additional
Matter of budget was left - r
Manager Hyde recommended the re-employment
Notion seconded by-Tupa and., carried.
"I!DIG OCTOBER 13, CALHOUN ESACH HWi. Nayor Erickson reported Hayor Hoyer's
b@tation. to geeting*Ockoober -13. at -Calhound Beach Hotel, at 6:30 P.N., asking
There being no further business to coae before this meeting, Tupa moved for
ad jourment . Notion seconded by Brede moo P.N.
Manager Hyde to make reservations for three, grom Edina. - ..
c c