HomeMy WebLinkAbout19551010_REGULAR30' ( I. .. .-._ -- Invocation vas given by the Rev. A. Eldon Pakquist of Edina Covenant Church. Hembers answering Rollcall were Bredesen, Danens, Fronk, Tupa and Erickson. . Danenst motion, approving Xinutes of Neeting of September 26 as suktted, vras seconded by Fronk and carried. -I PUBLIC €B.KfUXG OE €3TTJ-'IOE TO FACE 0~'Ffi~I~Y DTBLLING ON LCE 1, RAETHEX'S ADDN. ON. xEBXi3S ,A9XXUE B&'i%?,R THAN OX~ll.60TH ST, .was .conducted. -1.b~. Sanders, ..petitioner, preserrted plan showing proposed set-back, from 1~60th St.; which lined up WLth the newer houses on the street, although it is ahead of the old farm house nexb door. There were no objections filed pursuant to mailed notice of hearing by Clerk, 2nd no objections were made from the floor. was seconded by Danms and wried. Bredesents motion that request be approved -. the Village PXan&ng Commission, at a special meeting held-Saturday, October SJ had reconmended against this construction. Kr. Hyde presented petition in opposition to double bungalows, sigped by some eight families-in the immediate neighborhood, Fronkts notion, that ptition be denied', was seconded by Bredesen ad carried,, I I) FU13zI.C I-EABDlG OIJ PROPOSED SAil!3!i!i?Rp SEI.ER EXi!XXSIOY ItT BETON AVEXUZ IMT OF CODE Av"?Tjj 3'03 @PEOX.. 16p-170 XI!. .came next; before-the Council. kffidmit of- Serv5ce 03 Wotice of Hearing on Proposed Sanitazy Sewer linprovaent, If Clerk pqesented- . . _. dG.ch was approved as to,form and ordered-placgd on file. Eng&er Zika~~s Estimte of Cost was $870.37, for $3.50 per front foot. at the Hearing, end no mitten objections had been filed prior to the Hewing. Bredesen offered the following Resolution and moved-its adoption: '*I' * There were no objections * FBSOLUTLON ORDER31.fG Il4FROVEXZ€~T Council!&eretofore caused notice of hearing to be duly served on the proposed @provemen% consisting of Construction of Sanitary Sewer Mension in Benton he., Vest of Code Ave, for Approx, 160-170 Ft., -and at the hearing held at the time ad glace specified in said notice the Council has duly considered the views of all persons int-erested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed w2tli the construction of said improvement in conjunckion xith and as an integral. part of Sanitary Sewer Improvement No. 88; that said improvement is hereby designated and shall be referred.to in all subdequent proceedings as Sanitary Sewer No. 88 Supplement; and the area to be specially assessed therefor shall be Lots 6 and 7, -Block 1, Code's Highview Park. $totion foi zcioption of Resolution was sec five ayes and no nays, as follows: Bredesen and Erickson, aye; and the Resolution i A k, znd on Rollcall there were TLR, EgOCH SKMa asked for permit to build on 66-foot lots on Eiking Averrue between tf.59th.and W,&h Sts., (rather than platting to 75-foot lots under zodg regulations) . He Dointed out that other lots in this area are all 66-foot lots, Hr. Sward vas asked $0 iubndt a'letter-to the Planning Commission setting forth the reasons for having &-foot lots, in order tht Commission might m&e recornendation to Counc5L 2.B. SXEtt then inquired about the possibility of bombining Lots 1,2,3,& in Lund-=use A@di%ion.into three lots, and also of using the 5-foot easement at the East- side. of Lot 1. but has Eot been used and that he would like easement revoked. Ik. Stiard was aslckd to present Preliminzry Re-Plat to Planning Cornmission for its consideration. DRADU@3 AT' 52s IEADOH RIkX NORTH, >Imager Hyde rezd recpest from Roy EmOlson foT,curb ad gutter, .iq order that drainage and washout difficulties might be solved. Xr. Zikan reported that curb and gutter is the only solution to the problem because of tQe grade. street from this residence, he would be agreeable to curb and gutter. that Wovaber l.4 be tentakively scheduled as date for Public Hearing on curb..and gutter for this area, vas seconded by Bredesen and carr5ed. He explained that easement vas granted some time azo for drainage purposes Nr. E.C.Stow stated that, as an owner of the property across the Fronkts motion, . 3 k- mw55 SEXBACK ON WOODDKl3 AT-. Nanager Hyde read I&. James 3;. Kamiskets rewest for -. relief from ordinance set-back. Xr. Kamiske wishes to extend his dvJell%g (4.~4 Judson Lane) to within 20 feet of Wooddale Avenue, xihereas a 45-foot setback is being observed by other homes on Wooddale. 6n this matter be held Iqonday, October 24, was-seconded by Fronk and carried. PEO"E3T ON fiS3SSliWT FOR TRUa SBBR NO, 69. 409 Blake Rosa, -owner of .a Eortion.-of Lot 10, +Block 12, I!iendelssohn-Additioion, read. meekin g . V'Y Vl3V ROAD BIGHT-OFSWAY, ing-"frag.flent to Oscar goberqs Co.. of $1,500.00 for "Parcel No. 5"-- The Easterly 45 feet-of the Norfih One-&&f of the Zast Three-fourth? of the South One-half of the Northeast Quarter (E 3/4 of S 1/2 iYE1/4) of Section 31, Topmship 2eJ, Eange 2l$' and for slope easement, was read; report also containing recomendations $or payments of $1.00 Each to Robert Carbon and Peter G. Swenson, for Parcels 20, 21 and 22. Nanager Hyde recommended papent in accordance r&th &. Loren-s1 report, and PE;1ITIOXS FOR XMF'II~~~TS: Bredesen moved,th& peti-tlons be accepted and hearings scheduled at the convenience of the engineering department. i Bredesenls motion, that Public Heahg Frotest of BG. Paul F. Richardson, It was refeqred to I%.nager Hyde-for investigation and report at $he next lk. Edward Re Lorexas' report of October 3, recommend- Bredesen - so moved. Hotion secoiided bx Tupa and carried.- t The following Xaprovement Petitions were recsiyed, Notion seconded by Danens and carried. ' 1. 2. 3. Sanitary Sewer to serve 5808 and 5816 Code-Avenue (as ap extension of l?ateqain in W. Side-of Hwy.#l69 from Lterlachen Blvd. to tT.52nd St., and in 33.1 Side of €i~y.#169 from Brookside Ave, to Summit Ave. sanitary Sewer in Brookview he. from IiJ.63rd St. to W.64th St, XDINA HOLfIING COB"YIS IJXCm of October 7, refusing the Viliagels recent ogfer of .parking. space providing. Cogpany-will pay cwtbing cost of approzknately &.OO per foot €or 300 feet, was reviewed. the Minnesota Highwsy Department has set forth. another idea but that the Village Engineering Department.has not yet had the to make sketch and plan, It was decidced to table the matter until the engineers have prepared the necessary- information for the Cougcil. B3QUZST' FOR REZONING ON HIG@UIIY NO, 169 FOE EZIOFFJNG C33NTm. kecornendasion -of .Octqper. !j ?as reviewed, ,.,Engipger Zikan then" explained that the-, Planning Gomdssion had inspected this property on the 8th, &t a special meeting; and that they have recornended against rezoning as per petition by Mr. George Lundblad, for the reasonsthat (1) sight distance along Highway No. 169 is very short at this point (2) because of good homes in immediate area it Ss felt that tus property will be yseable for home sites. recomenda$ions of Planning Commission and deny.request, was Seconded by &~desen and carried. I I the IT. 5P;L;h St. I4ain) , 1 - Nanager Hyde ewlained that EP. nett of Planning Commission's Danensf motion, that Council accept FINAL PUT OF I'DYL3?OOD ADDITXON, by John Bloomberg, was presented carrying Planning Comraissionrs .Octob-er- 5th zecoeendation Tor approval subject to an engineer-&ng check and proper,signatures. four 112-foot lots, rather thqn the thee larger lpts originally planned. Bredesen moved for approval in accordance with Comm5ssion's recomeridation. Motion seconded by Fronk and carried. - P€7ZXtmfART PUT OF "WUCW 03' LOT 3, NCCAmY €iBiGFiTS FIRST AIIDEIOU! by ?lr .- Maynard Hasselquist, _carried Plaxming. Commissiont s October 5t_h _aecommenda%ion for approval sub j ect to proyis ion.- f or proper drainag-e.- -Mr . Zikan explained that this is it subdivision of one very large platted lot into. smaJler 'ones; that I&. IEndhorst should be consulted concerning procedure. that he has already consulted with Mr. tfindhorst, who has. given his infoma1 approval. for proper drainage, and subject to approval by Pillage Attorney, was seconded by Danens and carried. TOtlrrJ Ii32XLTYtS EDl3,A TEREACE SZCOND ADDTTiON, a Preliminary Re-plat of Blocks 1 and 2,- .To~~Bea;L-E;yfs ,E@ina.,TeT+ce and portion of unplatted land %o the South, w&s approved, by motion Bredesen, seconded by Fronk and carr5.ed. Mr. Zikan explained that Nr. Bloomberg is now platting 5 .: .. W. Hasselquist explained Bredesen's motion for Izpproql of Prelhinary Plat, subject to provision 1% carried Plannkg Commission's October. 5th recommendation for 2pproval. - FliTIU; FLU! QF*I?J&NER aDDZI'iOX was approved by motion Bredesen, seconded by Tup and.ca@.ed, ~ 2% has PXaxmini Commission's recomenda$ion of October 5th, fop approval. .. E 10/10/55 PBTAL PUT OF LARE E!3IITA.ADDBION*came before the Council, with the Planning Comissionls .October 5th reconmend&ion for a discussion w2th the Coyncil on this plat because of difference in opinion on width of street, Engineer Zikan reported that the Corrrmission had inspecGed the property in the field on Saturday, October 8, ad had felt at that tine that if Nr. Stow is agreeabxe to a ten-foot boulevard on the South, a +foot traveled roadway, and a five-foot boulevard on the Norbh, mference might be worked out. Stow, protested this decision; and Xr* Gavin, property omer directly to the North of Ek. Stow, asked that developaent be kept entirely within Stow*s 20 acres, sta3ed that he does not intend to plat, does not wish to pay assessments for stom sewer for the Stow developaent;, that he definitely does not want soaething for nothing; th& he does not want the road abutting his propert$. He asked why I&. Stow did not back his lats up to the Gavlin properby; and lk. Stmr exrplxined that it was not practical to do so because of the 114'70-foot frontage*i. On question from the Council, 1-k~ Gavin e:qlained that Nr. Stow had not contacted him with reference to "dedication or" a five-foot strip nor a fifteen-foot strip,'[ although he had once contacted him with reference to purchase of three axes for $2,500 per acre plus $500 for a garage. The .discussion became heated; and Xayor Brickson asked that &, Stow's sttorney getr in touch with Nr. Gavin and that the Council confer with the Planning Comission, dl in an effort to reach a firm decision on this new plat._ Attorney Hosaner Brown, representing developer He €&PUT OF LOT8 SIX TK;'ZOIJGH TmEiTEEN, BLOCK SIX, BBCIQhV~~ HEZliTS SECOXD ADDITION, a F~JI~Y.. Flab by B.L. Har.Jtliirne, .came bef0T.e the Cougcfi! s- ,attention, with the., . Planing- Corrrmiss&on's reconmendation for approval subject to- Village Attorney' s gpproml in regard to insuring against liability of Village in any possible aGtion aising from3ocation of existing utilities or easements. approval. providing it- is determined- that VXLage is not liable for action arising from location of epsting utilities and easements, was secondep by Bredesen and carr-ied. R3ZOHING FOR E33IICBL CEI;pII%R. Gowcil faF.,discussion on proposed Ordinance Amending Zoning Ordinance as drafted by Village At-bomey Uhdhorst, vas reviewed. *&fro TTinQorsk* s letter was read by Xi-. Eyde. after some discussion, it was decided to-discuss this matter, together with others, at, a joint Planning Commission-Council Neeting to be held Honday, October 17. Fro& then moved that F'ublic Hearing on proposed re-zoning be scheduled tentatively, for Xonday, Movmber I.&. 1.iotion seconded by Tupa and carried. Frank's motion for Planning Commission1 s recommendation for lneeting with It contaiqed an opinion that Public Hearing imdd be necessary; and, ZOK&G Xi&?. Richols.--He stat& this map merely points up the need for master planning and obtaining zoning before driselxqg construction. Emager Hyde presented copy of Zoning Kap, as dralm by Korell & z PEOPCBZD l3EROVBS14T OF lT,66TH STRBX FRDN CHOIEW ATD3Nl.E TO XEEEES AI7EW. Bfle-Teported. Sou-Lhdale Center1 s. request- for Qn~rovement of TJ.66th Street Zrom kemnknation of -present hproveaent (1100 East of France Avenue) to Xerxes P-venue. He eqlained that because of drainage work necessary, and much-work to be done by %he Telephone Cozpany, the improvenent should be made now if it is to be hade at all. He stated that the actual- construction cost vAll be borne by the County and Southdale; but that the Village must acquire the right-of-way, zt an estimated cost of some $35,000. Oa question from the Council as to why this portion of the street was no% considered with the balance of the improvement now being constructed, @. Crear, representing Southdale, stated that there was no commitment from the .clomtp on this portion; that deFign had- not yet been coapleted. &.nager Hyde was instructed to contact Richfield and County representatives for a meeting on Xonday, Ockober 17, at--7:30 P.Z., to -discuss this matter. €BARitlGScAND BIBS: Cost ,on_several .pqo jects, reqGestirrg that Coupil conduct-Fublic Hearings. Bredesen offered the following Resolution arid moved its adoption: Hanager n Engi&eF.Zikan presented Preliminary Plans and Estimates of F@SOLUTXON PROVIDDJG ?BE PUBLIC €BXRmGS 1. ox, PROFOSED . mEJROrn-TS * c E3 E EiBOLJED by the CounciL-of. t@e ,Village of Edina: - .. le.- Thev?,?illage Engineer, havjng submitted to thg Council a prelimifnary report as to the feasibility-of the proposed Improvements described in the Form of lJotice of Bearing set forth below, and as to the estbated cost of such improvements, said report is hereby approved and directed to be placed on file in the officd of the Village Clerk. This Council'shall meet on I.ionday,, October 24, 1955, at 7:30 P.L, in the Tillage Hall, to consider in public hearings-the views of all persqns interested in said proposed improvments. The Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to cause notice or" the the, place and.purpose of said meeting to be published in the official newspaper once a r.reek for two successive weeks, the second of which publications is to be not less th three days from date of said meeting, which notice shall be fin substatially the follotring Torn: 2, 3. c -4 3J 10/10/55 NOTICE OF IBAmNG ON PROPOSD m~RommEs - . * I*. . SAiKLWBY SBER. ~~~ .3iATlBWCNS NOTXCE IS HRZBY GLITEN that. the Bding Village Coync&l will meet at the Village' Hall on.NondGy3 October 2.4, 1955, at 7:30 P.lT., to consider the follox&g pro- posed improvements, to be conshructed "der the authority granted by T-esota Laws of 1953, Chapter 398. by the Village %gineel" as set forth below: The approximate cost of such hprovements is esthated EST. COST $~,388.69 1, Construction of Sanitary hteral Sewer and Appurte- nances in Virginia Aye . ,If. 63rd St. to _W,6&th St 2. Construction of_Vill.age Watermain @%ension in Virghia be. ,1~63rd St. to 8.64th St,; Parnell he. ,X063rd St. to FJ.64thmSt .; W.63rd wd W.64.th Sss., Concord to Parnell Aves. $13,329.54 3,. Construction of SanAtary Zatersl Sewer and &ppurte- nzvlces in El Rancho Treil, Waterrnai to Interlachen, and in In'berlachen Road,El Rancho Trail to the .%est $14, L&O. 68 I&. Construction of &nitary Lateral Sewer and kppurte- 5. Construction of Village Ifatemain Mension 5n W.57th St#, Hwy.j$:lOO to NormandaLe Court I nances in W,57th StoHwyo#lOO to Normandale Court - $3,423.06 $2,57.4.45 The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of said proposed improvements is as follows: 2;o be @proved, Notion for adoption of the Resolution was were five ayes ad no nays, as follows: Bredes All lots and tracts of larid abutting the portion of the streets-pr9posed aye; axid Erickson, aye; and the €$esoluti L Nr. Zikan then presented plans and specifications for projects to be advertised for bids; and, after revi*w, I3redesen offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: 1 ~~LUTION JPFROVING PLANS m SPZCIFIGXTIONS FOR +PRQF@ED XM@?.O~+VI!S, - .@i QJXZRQG AD~TTSB.@~ I. * FOR BIDS . . B% IT RXSOLVED by- the Village Council o$v-the.yillage of Edina: , 1. -The plans a@ specifications for the proposed Inprovements set forth in the following Advertisement for Bids form, heretofore prepared by the Village agineer ad now on file in the office of the Village Clerk are hereby approved. 2. The Clerk shall cause to be published twice in the Idina-Norningside Courier and the Construction Elulletin the followjag notice for bids for said improvements : ADV3RTB~MT FOE BIDS GRp,TjE SC.GRAEXC:, BITljXlNOUS SWAGE . SAQSf&Y. gmR: w@m: NOTICE IS IBREBY GD%N that th~lnd~~-Vislage.Go~cil y.Ql_meet at the Edjna Village .Hall, 4801 .If. 50th Street, Honday, October 24, 1955, at 7:30 P.N. , and will at said time and place open and consider sealed bids for the fo&lovdng: 1. +Yi&ginia A.-e*,V,63rd* -~~...to.~~.612th_S~.;. Paynell Ave.,W.63rd, 3%. to - W.64th St.; W.63rd St., Concgrd Ave. to parnell Aveo;JL6.!&h_St.j + Concord Ave to Parnell &e. .. Bedford Ave., W.jij2nd St. *to Interlachen bvd.; Igi52nd st., GrAview, Lane to Bedford Ave. - -, CONSTR&TION OF VILLAGE IW33RXAITJ AND APPURWJNCES It$: m. 2. CONSTRUCTION. OF SPLUIT~~ARY mm ~b APPURTBJ~IES XN-Y BmU4mOUS *S&ACE: 1. -YiFginia Aye . ,IT. 63sd St... to,.W. 645h- .St . . . GP3ADIIfG kIKD GRAIELING ZN: . lo.- .Grove St., Tingdale .#-ve, to zode NoAh. 1, Parkwood Road, .Parkwood Lane'to North line of Parlarood Knolls 33.7 bddn. Work myst be' done as described-and specified in plans and specifications for said improvement on file in the office'of the Village Clerk and available upon papent of bid, deposit of $10.00. ment for tvoU;k., No bids will be considered unless sealed and filed with wder- signed before $&ne of said meetiag and accompanied by cash deposit, bid bond, or certified check pa2able to the Village Clerk in amouat of ten percent of amount of bid. BY ormm OF THE VILLAGE COITNCIL. 3. iach and all of the term of the foregoing adverkiseaen'c for ljids are hereby adopted as the terms and conditions of award of the contract for said improvement. &lotion for adoption of Resolution was seconded b were five ayes and no nays, as follows: Bids must be su$mitt,ed oa basis of cash pay- &.ETCfiEN S. ADEN, Clerk -I .-." I" VQlage o$ Edjna +-- - , and on RolZca11 there ; Danens, aye; Fgonk, aye; 5'% 10/10/55 ~~UiZFt TATSrn lhnager Hde presented a letter from Chicago Bridge & Iron Company, dated October 7, requesting a 171-day extension of time for comple-bion of water tank. material. about the middle of Novembep .I-&, Hyde recornended approval of request for ex-tension, and Bredesen so moved. ?.lotion seconded by Fro& ad carried. ktter stated that Company eqscts to start shipping the fabricated L -.. ??BEE FOR Llj3FURY-PABK P3OPKRTY. 1-hager Hyde asked Council's policy concerning erectiq of .the .fence. a$ Irest side of library-park, inasmuch..as the Council had agreed to erect a five-foot feQce for g portion of the length of the-property whereas therViliage has four-foot fence on hand. 3hager should plant alopg the l$ne,and then have-the four-foot fence eEecked. The matte: navy pder consideration was the cost of-a five-foot fence. HrE Zikan also reported that one portion of the ares is rugged and difficult to qahtain. It was decided tqat this area should be leveled off and put into grass 1 SUEGET FOR YEAR 1956. iIanager Hyde presented a forecast of the unappropriated . smplus in General and Liqyor Dispensary Funds as of December 31, 1955, showing an estimai+d General Fund Surplus of $54,943, and Liquor Surplus of $172,9r&7, Coupled with tMs ~ras-a statenent of possible funds necessary during 1955 and 1956. 3€r. Hyde asked that the Council keep these figures in mind in adopting the 1956 budget, making sure that some surplus be retained for uneqected ezpenditures. Trustee Bredesen objected to the recornended appropriation for eir conditioning of the Village Hall, and that $15,000 additional be transferred from the Jiiquor Surplus to the Geqeral Fund as w aid in keeping the mi31 rate down. Because a-firm agreement could nQt be reached on the ,detailed, itemized eqendi.-tures$ and because it was necessary to adopt a budget levy for %rmsmi-Gtal to the County Auditor this date, Fronk moved that Ehdget Levy be established at 28 1-ElI-q for the Estimated Assessed Valuation of $15,728,500, this being: CZXERkL FUND (Tote) $361,003 . 90 . It was decided that the Village t 3?m FLiND (2 sills) * 31,457.00 PIB&IGJffiXLTH lJUIZSPG (374 per Capita) 3,605.28 POB.FUND - 1- . 3,994.72 FigX.BV S ?- (3/10 -1;Iills) 4-3 71% 55 Fm PBOTZ~TION 4-, 718.55 Sqtm- qEBOEZn NO. 53-EKX$& AItID JTvmST 24,000 .OO 19~~.m501~-aa~ ma S~ICS 11 . . , 900 . 00 1951 D*@KNZLW\S FEST SE2Xi33 2 600 . 00 1952 D~~O~Ea~ FIRST S@ES !! 5, &OO a 00 ..' - - -. h ?r&O, 398.00 .* ad that itemized expenditures be set at a future mee"Lg.r Xotion seconded by Tupa and carried. - Ii-CmaS 3IJD BOiD CW: soae_$585,500 of Village-mds, and Fro& moved that recornendation for investneiits be approved. Xotion seconded by Bredesen and carried. 1.k. Eyde then suggested advance bond calls as follows: 12inager Hyde presented recornendation for investing BrnS - r. DIE : t CALL - JQJomE - P.I.R.Issue,Qo, 2 (1948) 24% 195- 1956 ''wL56 $29,000 1950-Xapr. 1st Ser. 1.7$ - 3/1/57 3/1/56 8,000 1950 hpr. 3rd Ser. 2.35 3/l/57 * lQ50 Iinpr. 2md-Ser. L6$ 3/1/57 3/L/56 - 1951- hp~. 1st Ser. 203% 3/1/57 3/1/56 7,000 * 15,000 6,000 19% Imp, 2nd Ser. 2.&$ 12/1/56 l2/1/55 50,000 1951 hpr. Ser.-2-A 2.9% 12/1/56 12/1/55 1953 Improvements . 2.9," 3/-1/57 3/1/56 t- and Bredesen moved thst advance bond cdls be made as recommended. seconded by Tupa and carried. Bredesen moved for payment of Village Pagroll, amount $l4,828.09, for period October 1 to 15, 1955, and for payment*.of the follotrhg Claims: General Fund - $6,036.49 Liquor Fund - $23,774.63 103,261.65 Garbagemd , 2,027.Eio Const. Fund 9/1/56 - * 1,000 5,090 20,000 - 1951 Iinpr. Ser. 1-B 3% = 3/1/57 3/1/56 ** $l41,000 Iktion * 3319 90 Sewer Rent. 775.54 PaksFund - %kt er Fund 972.59 POOP Fund - 233 a 23 Xotion seconded by Fronk and carried. .- c. G4mAGE COIJXCTIOIT: garbage collection, reading the EtaLouis Park Ordinance. ari ordinance trh5.ch would license--garbage collectors, reading from a draft prepared in accordance with previous direction by the Council. directed to confer with Village Attorney IEndhorst on this matter and to present draft of ordinance to Council for..consideration at the earliest possible time. I-hager Hyde reported at sone lengbh on the matter of He also talked of I. l-b. Hyde-was 10/10/55 35 Nqyor Erickson presented a letter asking Village cooperation in a National Survival Plan project which will be financed by the Federal Civil Defense Administr~tion. Bredesen offered the f oUowing Res-olution ad moved its adopt ion : RESOLUT IOIq FOR CCOERL~T XOlJ IN-CIiiIL D@ZIT,SE FlE3.S~ I-, if this country is. attacked, the .primary objective of the enemy will bcXude centers of industrial 'production, and concentrate on our civilian population; and WHEW, the capabilities of nuclear and other weapons are so great that an attack;-if successful, will result in'damge and casualties far beyond the resources of any comunity; and I-, the St .Paul-I@nneapolis IJietropolitan area is officially listed by the. Fedeqal Gciverqnent' as one of 76- "critical target areas ,in the Nqtion; %IHE?US, tlie Federal Civil Defense ~~ist~~ti'~n has invited the State of Ivtiqneso$a to participate in the Nstional S<rvi.val Plan project. NOW, TEEREFOFiE, 'be it r&solve8 that th^e-p&litica& subdivision of the Village..o~.Ed~a,-.State of MLimesota, will bboperate to the fuU eh-tent of our - capabilities with &he State-of Minnesota and the Federal Government in the study and developnent of civil defense measures designed io afford rnax5mu.m protect3on of life and property through participation' in the SumLval Plan pro ject financed entirely by the Federal Civil Defense A-stration. ~ Plotion for adoption of the Resolution was secon there were five ayes and no*wnays, as €0110 Fronk, aye; T~pa, aye; and Erickson, aye; ~ . and y FGonk, and on Rollcall e The following roster was presented, covering nominations for 2lection Boards for Village Election to be held November 8, snd Tupa moved for approval of Bomds &s nomin&ed. Witts . .- Cldrks, 3kes , Harry and-Howard 1;: Scott. Clerks, I4ines, Stanleg Buther, Henry C. Carlsen, Clerks: Ernes. Helen Pal+&, Xdith Vaste, Clerks: Ihes. Orville Hut%, Harry Hanson. Clerks: khes. Arthur K. ,Peterson, Gladys Cameron. Clerks: -%nes. SOW, Spencer, E, 5. Nodlin.. Clerks: Nmes. Gust Johngon, Goraon Holter. Cler?rs: . Ymes . , Ida B. Strong, David Pl-atter. Clerks: Mines. Herbert BTGd, M@y E. Chgey. Notion ?seconded by Fronk and carried. DBTRICT NO, 1, Judges: DISTRICT NO, 2, Judges: DISTRICT NO. 3, Judges: Di3TRICT HO, 4, Judges: DI3TilICT I$O, 5, Judges: $h&, D. 'tiT, nAmundson, Frmces Xood, G.T, k&ler. DSCSTRICT YE3. 6, Judges:. Pdrnes'. O.%r. Bye, Roy Hyhr,* Leix$ E, Jones. DISTRICT NO. 2,. -Judges: Nmes, lyellie Strate, Glenn'Hall, B. 'Sonnenberg. DISTRICT NO, 8, Judges: %meso Bertha NcCraney, Eha-8 .dbflg-Patricia Salisbury. DXSTRICT NO, 9, Judges: Ymes. .C&LJ.e Xor"u$r, &hql 3. Link, Alan Odeli, DI5XRICT NO. 10, Judges: DX3fRICT NO, 11, Judges: Nines. C. IT. Balfany, Hazel C, Swmson, 12; G, Bennett. DISTRICT BO. l.2. Judges: Ihes. 3kri.e G. Ilyregrov, *Edna C. Peterson, Seth Enes.cHarjorie S. Rissiter, Clarice A.., Hollh-~gsworth IGnes. Ida 1;. Smith, Ruth 3i. Zipoy, Euth Volk. Ymes. Florence Ballberg, Fr& Sweeney, Alice Twite. Pe$lich, Adelaide L, Qu&. - I - Ihgs. 3faI5eJ 14. 'willson, E&h C, Bailey; Har6ld - ' QuYSt. . CleTks: i:hesf P9ter Hknn-&ngsen, Betty Hess, - CleTks: .Mines. H. B. En@, Lamence Berglund, CleFks: Sehes; Hilda R. Sj-evertson, Xbigail Fischer. The matter 03 replacement for these-officials was discussed, with a list of alternates to be called in case of illness, and Tupa moved directing Village Clerk to We such replacements as me necesswy. from said list. by Fronk and carkied. There being no further busincess to come before this heeting, Fi-onk moved for IQnes. Eleanor Oren, Hildred L. Bagley,"Joyce Tiace. - - Notion seconded - < adjournment. Notion seconded by /- Village Clerk ._ I cc r c