HomeMy WebLinkAbout19551024_REGULAR38' .. -. - .I-- _I Invocation was given by the-Rev. David Archie of Calvary Lutheran Church. iI&ers answering Rollcall &&e BredesG, -panens, Fro&, Tupa and EricEson. TAIIIEG OF BIDS: Construction-Bulletin on October 13 and 20, 1955, were presented by Clerk, setting forth this date for the acceptance of bids on the following projects. Bffidatits piere approved as to form and ordered placed on file, Affidavits of Publication in Edh-Horningside Courier and 1. WATEi33uN - Virginia and Parnell Aves., lf.63rd to 11.64tfi St.; V.63rd 2, W!!!I~~N - Bedford Aver, W052nd St. to hterlachen Blvd.; W.52nd St., 3 %AiiiBY SEER - Virginia Ave., IL63rd St. to W064th St . 4. @ADI"G AND GRAV3LXT;IG - Grove Sto, Tingdale Ave. to Code he. North.' 5. B&MXTOPPING - Parhmod Road, Parktood Lane to North line- of Parktmod ~ Knolls Fourth &ddn. . Five sealed bids were received, three' being for Sanitary Sever and Tktemain, one for Grading and Graveling and one for Blacktopping. of bids to Viaage Zngineer for public open-, tabulation and report. Notion seconded by Tupa and carried. 1.linu"tes of'the Heeting of October 10, 1955, were approved as submitted, by Notion Fro&, seconded by Tupa and carried. PUBLIC AE3ARIlJGS: Oc%aber 13 and 23, 1955, were presented by Clerk, Zor Wotices of Hearings on Proposed Iinprovmnts.f! Affidavits were approved as to form and ordered placed on file. taken as recorded below: 1. and W.64th Sts., Concord. to Parnell. Gredview Lane to Bedf ord &e . '. Fro& moved for referral (See, later in Meeting, for action on award) - Affidavits of Publication in Zdina-Horningside Courier on Public Hewings were held pursuant to said Hotices, and action >ras ON SAKITkRY SBEX AND APPLEIZNAIVCB in Virginia Avenue from T.J.63rd St. to W.64th St. Vu-Graph Slide was shown aad Engineer's EstjmaCe of Cost was read by I.Iznager at -(&,388.69, as against 1,209.95 Assessable Fe&, for &;63 per Assessable Foot, plus $2.61 par Assessable for TrLink IZah already assessed, for $6;24 Total. no written objections had been recegved prior to the Hearing. ]-mutes of kter in meeting; for Resolutioa Appro.Tiing). 2. .ON lfmam A$D ISPURTBJ&JCI% in Virginia and Parnell AvenueE: betveen ?fa63rd -ad V.64th Sts.; and in TL63rd and S.J.64th Sts. between Concord and Parnell "Avenues. 'Vu-Graph Slide was shown. -arid Zngineer' s Estimate of Cost %?as read by Xanager at $13,295.34, as against 2,724.85 Assessable Feet, for $&m€% per Assessable Foot. no written objections had been received $rior to the Hearingo i-rinutes of later in aeethg, for Resolution ilpprovi'ng) There were no objections from the floor, and (See' .(. There were no obje'ctions from the floor; znd (See * 3. OX SfiTEiaY SEm Aim AP?URTGT&ICES in El. Rancho Trail, fron 71aixmnan Ave. to kterlackn; and in Interlzchen RG., El Rancho td the Vest. Slide 1r2s shom, and Engineer's Estete of .Cost was read by Nanzger at $U,440.68, as against 1,840 Assessable Feet; for $7.85 par Assessable Feet. A 1J.r. Conover inqegd about sewer serv5ce to Lot's 3 and 4, Harold Itoods Addn., stating %I&& his mm property irXL be served but that he knows the geople KO tki-e East or" hiin are very a'iz;;ious to secure s-ervice. Engineer Zikan eqhined t'st, because of a break in the grgde, an eaxtension to the East hi72 We the proj'ect a great deal. molge exTensive (some $17.50 'per foot, estf~ukted'). Bredesen asked whether the lots along Shaefer Road could be included, and Er. Z&an eqd.ai.ned that %he problem depends upon the securing of easements for gunning a line Norbh at a point East of the presently planned juncture with the trunk sewer. * Some little dis cussion was had on this problem, and Kanager Hyde recornended that the Village Zngineer be directed to draft plans for service to a larger district, includ5,ng Lots 3 and 4, and Shaefer Road if possible; that the Council schedule a Public Hearing on this project for IQovder 10; that the Village t&e bids on the originall7 outlined pr'oject se Y onded by Fro& and uwninously carried. Vu-Graph Trustee d on the aternate plan, also on November 10, Bredesen so moved. I-Iotion &. OIJ SE$Ti!.iiY SEXZR iZD APPIJBTZXfM4C~ in UO57th St., Highway #lo0 to Xomdzle Court. -$b-ager Hyde read Engineer's Estjmzte at 53,423.06 as agzins'c 466.24 Assessable Feet, for ;j7.3& per Assessable Foot for the kterals, plus $1.09 per Assessable Foot. for Cormec'cion to Trunk &in #37. from the floor, and no written objections had been made prior to the Hearing. (See Xinutes of later in meeting, for Besohtion Approving). There were no objections . ,-. 10/24/55 3.7 5. QN $?Am?&IN hW ~PURTE?TAN’CIB i33 W.57th St., Eighway #lo0 to Normndzde There were no objections - Court . ~ .%,gager -Hyde ..read, Engineer‘ s Estimate at $2,574.45 as against 466.7k Assessable -Feet, for $5.52 per ibssssable Foot. from the flaor, snd no written objections had been received prior to the i‘ Hearing. +- Fronk then offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: - BOLUTi@ QRDEBDTG j3il3,OVBWS - ,- SANpBY ,sn:@@ -UOS.. qg&D 99: - - - VJmUIItS NOS*. 102 AKJD 103 BE 111: Rz25OLKGD by the Counc&l. of the .Village of -Edka, Minnesota, that this Counc&l.heretofore caused notices of hearings to be d.uLy published on the following proposed improvements: ,. 1. 2. Construction of ,V%llag.% V’atemain Extension and Appurtenances in - Construction of Sanitary kteral Sewer and Appurtenances in Virginia Ave. from I$. 63rd St. to I$. 64th St. Virginia Ave6 frctm 2L63rd S&. to IT. 64th St.; in Parnell bve., from If. 63rd St. to W.64Gh St.; -in B.62rd St. and 5x1 M.64tQ St., from Goncord Ave. to-Parnell Ave, Construction pf -Sanitary hxerd. Sewer and kppurtenances in 11.57th St. from Highway No. 100 to Normzndale Court. Gonstruction of Village %latermain. Exbension in W. 57th St . from Highww No. 100 -to &ormandale Court. n 3. 4.. and at the hearings held at the time-and place specified-in said notices the- Council has dully considered the -views of all persons interested, and .being f’ully adv’ised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with the construction of said improvements; that said improvements are hereby dasigna-bed and shall be referred to in all subsequent proceedings as follows: -No. 3. c 1 ..A‘ . - * 1 .,- and the areas to be specially assessed for the cost of each of said &provemeats kclzldes dl lots and-tlaGts of land abutting the portions of the streets - proposed to be improved. f c Notion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded-by Danens, and on Rollcall there were four ayes and no-_nays, as folhws: = aye; Danens, ,aye; Fronk, Tupa, aye; and the Resolution wiis ayor Brickson had been o the telephone and did not vote. ’Village Clerk 9 ”. 4424. JUDSON. LAN3, IhT. %DN+~COXFOR1CsitZc’.S%E WITH . ZONING ORDiIt&ICi3 was conduc%ed in. . accordace idth ~~ailed-Noti,~e_d.ated -0-qtobeg _18, read .by Clerk, approved as _to form and opdered placed on file. Petitioner James L. Kwiske, in explaining his plan to the Council, stated he.*had talked .vith everyone he could reach and that, insofar as he knew, there were no objections to ,his constructingethi? addition to idthin twenty feet of Wooddale Avenue (even though setback on Wooddale in this block is about 45. -feet). 3k. Bredesen stzted he had .received ppd from Xr. Kamiske’s neighbors, saybg they had no objection, that pesmit be. granted was seconded by Bredesen and carried. PUBUC €iE&BgGS ON i?BOPCEXD ABSE;s;ImXS: Homhgside Coyrier- of-three.1!got&ces. ox Bqsessment Hearings” .published. in Edina Courier October 6 and 13, 19551 were submitted, approved as to form and ordered placed on file; and, pursuant to said notices,-the followhg Special Assessme?% Hearings were conducted and action taken: PN SmITw1Y SENEFi X4PEOVE”T NO. 70 (WLthout Lift St&ion)--In”West 14inneapolis Hciats &ea. . TabqXation-of Assessment was given &it -$88,662.87 as against l6,3OLO8 AssesssibLe Feet, for $5.43 per Bssessz;ble Foot--the, . Estiimted Cost having been $6.29. There were no objections at the,Hearing, and no written objections had been filed prior thereto. One owner asked as Lo vhen .the Lift Station would be in operation and was informed that Village would take bids-as soon as State Board of Heabth approvsl couzd be ob”ced. 150 Ft . *Sonth of FJa6Qth. St. j France kve. ,&om Haliga fkve, to,’V,6ad St . ; IT. 62nd St. from France Ayenue to Park Place5 IL62nd 3%. from Park Place to Brookvjlew kve, Tabulation of Assessment was given as @23,476.11 as against 4,501.46 Assessable Feet, for $5.21, per hssessable Foot--the Estimated Cost having been $5.63. were no objections registered at the Hearing, and no written objections had bsen received prior thereto. Tupa’s motion kfidadts of F’ubljcai;ion in $di.na-* 1. . c SmITm SEUER DPR(lYE3W NQ. 71 - Halifax Ave., from France to ilpprox. 2. There (See Eesolution Approving,, later in >Ieet&g). *_ *c 10/24/5-5 3. .SAHITARY SBER II.JPiic)TELBIT 550- 72 - St.J.ohns Ave. from 1~60th St. to ?7.6&t,h St.; .11,62nd St., from Concqrd live. to St.Jok he.; 11.63rd St. from dshcrofl; kve. t.0 Concord Ave.; i"khcroft.Ave. from St.Johns he. .to Fi.64th St. .Tabulation of Assessment was given as $25,779.95, as against 8,U3.34 Assesszble Feet, .for $3.16 per Assessable Foot--Estimated Cost having been $4.15, There were no objections from the floor, and no witten objections had been received prior to the fiearing. (See Besolution Approving, later in Xeeting) . he,; Frsnce Ave. from.?!.61st St. to Hdifzq &e,; Chowen Axe., 11.61st S-i;. to 3 s.J.62nd St.; Choiren Place from Chorjen Ave. to 265 Ft. Vest. Assessment was given at $12,338.66 as .against 2,489.63 Assessable Feet, for $4.05 per Assessable Foot for Laterals and s.90 for Corqection to Td Sewer No. 35-a Total of $4.95 per Assessable Foot conpared with Estimate of $6.00. There r.rere.i?o objectims registered at the Hearing, and no mitten objectioqs had been received prior tnereto. 363.99 I%. .South. -T&bulation of Assessment -was ,given as $2,063.19 as-against 727.98 Assessable ,Feet, foc $2.83. per Assessable Foat as conpared .with Estimate of Cost in amount of $3.91. ,There were no objections from the Zloor, and no mitten objections had been receiv& prior to the Hearing. (See Resolution. -' . SBJ3T.iRy SEZR IiEFtOVZiGN! NO. 81 - York Avenue from IT: 5&h-SLreet tQ iL6Mlh Street. Tabulation 02 Assessment *was given as $7,472...65 as against 2,093.16 Assessable Feet, for $3.56 per Assessable Foot, conpared with Estimate of $4.68, 1.k. E. €3. -Finkenhauer, -5900 York Avenue, -complained that the street has,mt been repaired; that trees on both sides of the street have been damzged by the shovel contractor used. project has been Tully completed. Hyde and 1Ze. Z&an ewlrained that the street cannot be put back to its orQinal condition until some time elapses after construction; that the ground must be aXLoved=to settle. I&?. Hyde stated that the trees would be trimmed. ,Ik=. French of the Village Park Department explained that trees in this area have been blighted, but %he. conplainant and another owner stated flatly that their trees are not suffering from blight; that they have been broken off by the contractor's eqyipment. - 430 Ft. -South. Assessabke Feet, for $&.54 per Assessable Feet, conpared with Esthate of $5.32. 38. 4* S&KI!TARY SEBR B+P20~1EII]T NO. 76 - W,6lst St. from Chowen he, to France Tabulation of I (See Resolution Approving, later in I-Ieeting) . 5. SPiKEVRY SEbB IL2avzliENT 140. 79 - Shertrood Ave. from 'tll.62nd St. to Appoving, later in Ueetiag). 6, He asked if assessment could be levied before He vas answered in the affirmat,ive. Xr4 (See Resolution Approving Assessment, laker in Xeeting) . Tabulzbion of Assessment >as given as $2,591.Ejo -2s against 570'.22 7. SfliUi!lBY ~~~ EXPZOV'EZRT NO. 82 - Halifax Avenue from IJ.62nd St. to I There were no objections registered at the -Hearing, and no irittefi objections hzd bee3 received prior thereto. S&iJT&Y W;JZR DaP3m3fl NO. S2 - Wooddale Avenue from IT.61st St. to 'ij.62nd St...Tabulation of Assessment was gixen as @2,038.38 as against 635.90 hsessable Feet, for $3.20 per Assessable ,Foot compared T&th Estimate of 33.33. There were nokobjectiorsfrom the floor, and no written objections had been received prior to the Hearing, (See Resolution Approving, later in Neeting) . DrLve; 3orter .h-e;. Code, Ave,; V'lley View Road, and Hanson Eqad. Assessment was- given at $29,469.15 as again& 9,378.71 Assessable Feet,, for $3.34 per Assessable Foot, comptred with $4.30 'Estimated. regbtered at the Hearing, and no mitten objections had been received prior thereto. 10, BrittanJr-Road; Cres'con .Road; Laguna Drive. , Tabulation of Assessment tJas given as $159,602.62 as against 25,130.30 Assessable Feet, for $4.89 per Ifssesszble Fook for the Laterals and $1.50 per Assessable Foot Zor Co-mection to Tmrnlc Sewer No. 65.- There were no objections filed at th Hearing, snd no tcitten objections fiad been filed prior thereto-. (See Besolution Approving, later in Heeting) . * South of W.6Oth.St.; France kve. from W.6Oth St. to W.62nd St.; 3.62nd St, from France Ave. to 40 Ft. %as% of Valley Vier Road, TabQation-of Pssessmegb was given as $29,366.15 as against 4, 849.t36 Assessable Feet, for 86.05 perdlssessable Foot, cornsred with $6.30 Estimated. There were no .objections from the-floor and no written objec-bions had been filed prior to the Hearing. (See Besolution Approving, later in Reeting) . T?mm.UlJ J3P20lGXZU2 NO, $3 - Wooddale he. from Fairfax he.. to Valley View Zoqd. Assessable Feet, for $2.81 per Assessable Foot, compared w2th Estimate of $3.17. There had been no written objections fUed-prior to the Hearing, and no objections were made from the floor. 13. tT.Gi3N XEPROK3iGlJE NO. 90 - W.6ath St, from Highway No. LOO to Birch- crest; apd Josephine he, fromeBenton &vee to ~~60th St. Tabulation of kssess- ment ms given as $7,875.95 as against 2,386.65 Assessable Feet, for $3.30 per" Assessable Foot conpared with Xstimated $3a54, There >rere no objections filed at the Hearing, and go mitten objecbionp had been received prior thereto. (See Besolution Approving, later in Iieeting) . f;.qm$ DPam-EljT BO. 92 -,tJoodhiU, Addition; Brittany Bo&; Creston Road; ~~~66th St .; .Balfam.Road.. Tabuk&ion of Assessment ~rgts given as $75,614491 as against 19,636.86 Assessable Feet, for $3.85 per Assessable Foot compared r.xith- $3.99 Estimated. (See Besolution Approving, later in Heeting) . I 8. 9. SlllrSlTiW SB33 B-iPFtOVl2Ki3j"I' NO. S4 - Birchcrest Drive; t.T,61st St.; Forslin Tabulation of There were no objections (See Resolution Approvhg, later in Ivieekjng) . SRW!ARY SE'tJl33 E-ZBOVElB?T NO. 90 - IfoodhilJ. Addition; Tl.66th St.; 11. TIL!?.aITJ IKPZOWZGT NO. 70 - Ha&& .4Ge. from Fr&e hve, to 165 Ft. 12. Tabulation of Assessment vas given as $1,790.38 as against 635.90 (See Resolution Approving, later in Xeeting). l.4. There were no objections. fLled. (See Resolutiw Appro*g) 10/24/55 39 15. 'STOR34 SE%BR DPBm)mfl BO* 30 - Voodhill Addition Only. Tabulation of Assessment was aven at $16,269052 as against 2,652,790 Assessable Square Feeti-, for #.00061 per AssessabLe Square Foot. There were no oQjections registered at the Nearihg, and.no Gritten objections had been received pqor thereto. (See Resolution Approving, later -in Heeting) . TRUK AP'iD UTERLL WA%!ERNAIN IJvipIc~ TJO. 85 - Beginning at Shemmod Road and Hw.169; -th.-.$ou&hwest .aloag-Highwq. Bo, 169 to Hanson Road; .tho South on Hanson Road to lL6+d St,; th, East. on %.62nd St. to lT$nan Ave.; th. South on ttJyman Aye. to Vglley View Road; th. EasA to Warren Avg.; th. South on-arren Ave, to W.66th St.; and Beginqing at Highway No-.- 100 and VaIley View Road.;- th. Soukhwesterly on Valley View Road to Warren Ave. Tabulation of Assessment was given at $54,447.23, for $,86--per_ frozt foot ,.,on Platted Properby- and $270.90, per Acre on Unplatted Property for the Trunk Sew? Water@; .$89,337.59 as against 14,939.43 Assessable Front Feet, for $15.98- -per Asszssable Front Po&- for the Lateral Connections, ..No written objeptiops had_been received prior to the Hearing. 3ks. Hayden, 5317 Benton Avenue, owner of a tcorner acrefr at the Wersection of Hanson Road and Ben.on Aveque, prptested ,being assessed for Lateral Service,. clahing 'cizat her dwelling,is 200 feet. from the connection and, therefore, cannot be served by it. Attorney Vindhorst explahed that the connection is made to serve the land, not-the dvTeuing; that park of, her land is very close to the connection; that, should the property be platte'd it t~ould get free water service without such an assessiaent, ICs, Hwden asked if her property would be liable for anogher assessmenta should, "Dale Drive" be put in, and she was told that it could be assessed for water seryice from this new street. Bredesen offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: < 16. - I BE3OLvT~ON ADOEJX5'JG &.I CaWmlmG .&3SESSTvm\nS FOR 83.85,90, ALL 92; STOPX $E$E23 2PEOmmE I@, 30. ~A~I~~Y_S~~.-~~~~O~~~ .J@*. 70,'7&>22,76,J9,81, tg,e3, g4, -&> -90; -1fATqg.u.m q~~om~~ms NOS * 70, e- BZ IT RX-SOLIXD by .the Village ,Cbuncil,of $hg-Vil&age-of -Edina, Hennepin County, Xinnesota, - as .follows: 1. 1% is hereby found, determined and declared that the proposed assess&en<s for KZNT§A~OSy ~O,83,@5,9OS_&$Ij 92; and ST@&% SW@ DJ.€WVB~fl IfO* 30, and-each of $hem, have +been properly calculated in accordgncg-~v&th.$he~proy5sions of Einnepota Statutes Section 4l2:44l.; that notlce has been- duly published as Fequired by .law, that-.this Council would meet to hear and pass upon all objections, if any,_to amend said pro- posed assessments as might be necessary, and to adopt the sane by resolution; that said proposed assessments have at all times since their filing been open for public inspection, and opportunity has been given to all interested persons to present their objections; and that each of the lots, pieces and parcels of land enumerated in the respective assessments was -and. is specially benefited by the construction of the improvements for .t.rhich such assessment is levied in the amount set opposite the description of each such lot, piece and parcel of land respectively. 2. The amounts so set out are hereby levied against the respechive lots, pieces ajld parcels of land described in said respective assessments shall be payable in equal annual installments extending over a period of ten years, the first of said install- mentsj together tri"\;h interest on the entire assessment fronr the date of December 31, 1955, to December 31, -1956, to be payable with the general taxes for the.year 1955, and one of {the remaining installments, with one year's interest on that and all subsequent installments, to be payable with general %axes for the years 1956 through 196L,, collectible in the respective ensubg years. 3. Prior to certification of the assessments to the Countykuditor, the owner of any lot,*piece or parcel of land assesseq hereby may pay %he whole of such assessment or any instaLlment thereof without interest to the Village Treasurer and thereafter such payment may be made with accrued interest, to the County Treasurer; provided thak if any assessmen$s or installments thereof be prepai.d_to the.Village Treasurer, they shall be cancelled on the books of the Village Treasurer, and he-shall promptly notify the Village Clerk and Coun-bychditor, -and the.assessment or instdbent so prepaid shall be cancelled on the books-of the Countykuditor. 4. The Clerk shall, as,soon as may be, prepare and trms&t to the County Auditor a certified duplicate of said assessments, with each then unpaid insta&hent md interest set forth separately, to be extended upon the proper tax lists of the County, and the County Auditor shdl thereafter cause said assessments to be collected in the manner provided by law. Roll for Sanitary Sewer Iqrovements NOS. 70,7L,72,76,79,~lY82,83,$4 md 90; Watemnain &inproveraenks Nos. 70,83,85,90 and 92; Stom Sewer hprovement No. 30; aid a11 .mounts collected in respect of the assessraents thereirj contained shall be similarly designated by the County Treasurer and remitted to the Village Treasurer, and by him credited to Sinking -Fund Accounts as follows z From Sanitary Sewer hprovemeyits Nos. 70,71,76 and 79, and from^?$aternrain Improve- ment No. 70 - to the Sj&cing Fund Acco+t of the 1954 Improvement Fgnd Second.Series. From Sanitary Sewer Jmprovements Nos. 72,81,82,83,8& and 90, and fro? Watermain Improvements NOS. ,83,90,92 and 85; and from Storm Sewer bprovement Xo. 30 - to the SAiKti'ARY SZkER I~vPROW*XNTS NOS, 70,7s, 72,76,79, $1, 82, 63, 84. AND 90 j WIX%*WX3 EPROTB- Said duplicate assessment roll shall be designated as Assessment Debt Redemption Fund Sinking Fund Account. - .. -1 - -, T 1- I - I-lotiQn 2or adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Tupa, and on Rollcall there were five ayes and no nays, as follows: Bred Tupa, aye; and Erickson, aye; and the Reso aye; Danens, aye; Fro&, a$e; ZUBZXG E&i,T!H NURSING REPOET for September Qas submitted and ordered placed on file. %I?IOYS-E'OR %.~OVEiGitTS, as follows, were filed. pstitiqns qd s.che+uling.pUblic Hearings thereon at the discretion of the Village Engineer. 1 -. - .-. ..a 1 * ..* - . Brectesen moved acdepting L q . Circle,' S _- I 1. Blackbopping - Cheyenne Trail, kdian Hills to Valley View Road, and Cheyenne 2. Grading-Beard he., Sf.60th St. to ~.61st St. 30 Oiling-NornandGle Cow, Lots 1 tos,6. 4. Sanitary Sewer andJfatemains - For the QkL/4 of S=/4 of "l%l-/4 of SEl/h of -Section 5, TomshiR 116 N, Range 21 (Valley View Stable Progerty). -1 €"I61?S FOR lBT.kHSIOZS TO EU?iiOkEHE3$TS - Sanitary Sewer and ~TaterMag Lateral Conne&ions - to his home -on -1J.7Oth St., . by oyner R.V. _Dreher - >{ere accompanied by a~ exphnatory letter citing his desire to have thgse.connections, whereas there has been no provision for them in the improvements vhich come as far as his property. Ut-. Zikan explained that some engineering will be needed to determine whether I&. Dreherls property can be connected to the sewer; that public hearings will be needed i.f the properby &s to be assessed. mtter, Fronk moved, directing Village Engineer Zikan to prepare plans and estimates; scheduling Public Hewing on project for November l.4, and authorizing the taking of bids that s_me evening if necessary. carried. .- After sone discussion on the Hotion seconded by Bredesen and unanimously - ~*fDE?TEEOzIs GAS CCXZANY'S I\JOTIFICATIOH OF 604. pE;R KOIJTH PBi UNIT I€?WE P~S i ~scussed,r.r;-th_in~erest +nd-at -length. *&tters -concerning .deposits:reqgired of contractors, difficulties with regard to. installation of mains pending actual establishment of grade, e%c., were pointed out. to confer with other metropolitan municipaXities about their reaction to the rate increase and the other matters of some concern to the municipalities. -- a correction-of legal terminology for the Resolution adopted October 25, 1954 after a Public Hearing at which no objectigns were voiced. following Resolution and moved its adoption: Council directed 3hnager Hyde -RESOLUTION VACATDJG Sm was presented by Clerk for adoption; this being merely Bredesen offered the l?E3OLUTION VACAIJ!ING JOHN SEEEX! I-, Petition of a,= jority of .%he .owneTs of real property abutting that portign or"_Jobp Street lying between the Turn-around over a part of Lot Three (3), Block .Eleven (ll), and Lot Ten (LO), Block Twelve (12) , Nendelssohn's Addition, as dedicated by deeds recorded ia bok 1950 of Deeds, 'Fages 399, 400, * and Seth Avenue, now hovin as Belnore Lane, all as platted 5n Eendelssohnts Addi.ion, -accordbg to the plat on file in the office of the Regisher or" Deeds of Hennepin County, I-Iimesota, has-been duly filed with the VQlzge Council; and said Council hasmet at the time and place specified in a notice duly published and posted and has heard all interested persons, and it appears in the interest 1 of the public that said portion of said street be vacated, nov threfore: IT i?.BOm by the Village Council of the Village of Edha that that portion of. John street hereinbefore described be and is hereby vacated. - Hotion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded wsre r"ive ayes and no nays, as follows: Tupa, aye; and Zrickson, aye; and the Fesoluti &=p T: Village _.. &ddQ/& . Clerk onk, and on Rollcall there Br Nayor NATICNAL-SAFETY COUMXCZ AUil nT.iEF1ICAR AUTOXOBILIE: ASSOCIATION AIfXRDS for the year 1954 ?rere- q~n5unced by-lJayor .Eric&sont., Bredesent s notion, t@t police Department be commended for its efforts in establishing these fine records,_was seconded by Fro& and carried, -&OSSTOEN H1WI.E PPaZmJ&Y SUEVEY. lGnneap@is. has.now ordered .Lts :final.air-flight survey which will now provide a recorded center line for the crosstown route fromthe airport west and generdly on 62nd Si;reet to Xerxes Avenue. He submitited the offer of Southdale Center, kce for contribution or" the registered engineering services rewired to find .and record the center line Tor %he proposed crosstown route through Edina from Xerxes Avenue to Highway KO. 100. order that more complete details may become known at %he earliest possible time. - cc - I-fanager Hyde reported that the City of Ihnager Hyde recommended Council's accepting this offer, 10/24/55 Bredesen offered the following Xesolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION kCCQTmG OFEB, OF - FELa4INmY ENGI"G FOB CROSSTWN HiG€$LAY b -. . E3Z IT RESOLVZD by the Council of &be Village of Edina that the offer of Southdale Center, Gc. for preliminary survey to dete-e the centerline of the proposed Crosstovm Highway be accepted. Notion for. adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Tupa, and on Rollcall there bere five ayes and no..nays, as Fronlc, aye; Tupe, aye; and Erickson, aye; for contribution of registered engineering services €33 Q Wm66TH STREET DfPEOVELEISTT, Bm'm APPIZOimmELY CHOVmV AIiIW AND A1Xi'U.E. Manager. Iiyde presented ResoJ.u$&o-n for- the. qcguisition of ,sight-of- wag for W.66th Street properties, eqlaining that this improvement ~611 be done on the same basis as the France Avenue-Valley View Road project, uJith the Village bearing only the cost of the land acquisition. the following Eesolution and moved its adoption: .Ci&&, It is. necessqry, adyisable- end .in the public interest that the Villagg of Edina lay out and establish a street for public road purposes, and lEIEFtEB, k order to accomplish such purpose, it is necessary to acquire an ,easement.for street purposes in the following described land, namely: Parcel w3. The followiag tract of land for public street right of way easement: Bredesen offered RE3OLUTIOX FOR iFCQUl3D!IOlJ OF ,BIGHT-OF-TIAY The Northerly 40 feet of the Northeast Quarter of the Nor'chwest Quarter (NE& I@@) of Section 32, Township 28 North, Range 24 West, excepk the easterlyfl.65 feet of the Northerly 5-30 feet thereof , together with a temporay easement for embankments or slopes over, under and across a strip of land 75 feet in width adjacent to and southerly of the above described strip of right of way easement, and the Southerly '75 feet of the Norbherly 115 feet of the Eas'c one-half of the Northwest Quarter of the North- west Quarter (& NIT& "@) of Section 32, Township 28 Eorth, Range 24 West, said temporary easement.lo autamatics,lly cease and t emninate -upon completion of the pending grading contract/fh later than December 1, 1956. Parcel 41 The following 'cract of land for public street right of way easement: That part of the Lot Four (4), Cassints Gutlots, Hennepin. County, described. as follows; Commencing at -the Southwes-i; corner of Lot Four (4); thence NorLh a distance of 333 feet; South and paralldl with the West line of Lot Four (4), 333 feet ,to the South ,line of Lot Four (4); thence West to the point of begeing, which 1iesSoutherly of a lQe drawn parallel idth and distm'c 65' Xi\Tortherly 03 the South line of the Northwest Quarter of Section 29, Township 28, Range 24, together with a temporary easement for. embankments. or slopes over, under and across a strip of land LO feet in width adjacent to and northerly of the above described strip of right of way easement, said temporary easement to automatically cease and terminate upon completion of the pending grading c0ntly.ac.t or not later than December 1, 1956. Parcel 4.4 The following tract of land for public stree-t right of way easement: - thence at right angles Eask, a distance of 98 feet; thence t ~ That part of Lot Five (5), Cassin's Outlets, Kennepin Couqty, Minne- sota, except that part,of Lot Five (5) lying East of a-lhe dratm from a point in the North line of said lot, 221.1 feet Vest of the Northeast corner of said lot to a point in the South line of said lot, 219.1 feet West of the Southeast corner of said lot, descrLbed as follows: Beginning at the Southwest corner or" s&id kt Five (5), being a point on the South line of the Northwest-Quarter of,Section 29, Township 28 North, Range 24Uest; thence North along the Vest line of said Lot Five (5) a distance of 65 feet; thence Easterly a distance of-33.01 feet along e line parallel to the South line of said Northwest Quarter of Section 29 and distant 65 feet Northerly thereof; thence Northeasterly at an angle of 10 degrees 40 $Enutes to the left a distance of l08.01 feet to the point,.of beghGg of a curve having a radius of 188 feet; thence along the arc of sixid curve to the left a distance 02 152.43 feet to the end of said curve; thence Northeasterly along the tangent to said curve a distance of 415.68 feet, C . 10/24/55 more or less, to a point on the East line of the above described tract distant 516.8 feet North of the South line of said Iforth- west Quarter of Section 29; thence to the right 146 Degrees 37 Enutes 19 Seconds along the East line of the above described tract a distmce of 275.9 feet to the point 240.9 feet North of the South line of said Northwest Quarter of Section 29; thence Southeasterly at an angle of 47 Degrees 29 PEnutes 35 Seconds to the right a distance of 158.92 feet to the point of .begin- ning of a curve having a radius of 255 feet; thence Southwest- Brly along the arc of said curve to the left a distGce of 47.8 feet to the point of beginning of a curve having a radius of 20 feet; thence Southeasterly along the arc of said curve to the left to a point 133.32 feet Vest of the East line of the above described tract and 65 feet North of the Sou-bh line of said Northwest Quarber of Section 29; thence Easterly 133.32 feet along a line parallel-with and distant 65 feet Northerly of the South line of said Northwest Quarter of Section 29 to the East line of the above. described trect; thence Southerly stlong the Bast line of said tract a distance of 65 2eet to the South like of said Northwest Quarter of Section 29; thence 1Tes-t along the South line of said Northwest Quarter of Section 29; to ihe poht of beginning; excepting therefrom the right of my of existing public street being the Southerly 33 feet of the above described tract, 42 *{ - . together with a twporary easement r"or embankments or slopes over, under and across a strip of land 40 feet in width adjacent to and Northwesterly of the tra6t of right of way easment as above described, said temporary easement to automtically cease andtemninate upon completion ofthe pending grading contract,- or not later than December 1, 1956. - *: . Parcel ~+3 The I"ollow%g tract of land for public street right of ivzy easenen-b: That part of Lot Four (4), Cassinrs Outlots, Hennepin County, described as follam: .The South 3S3-feet as measured along the East and Irest lines of %he following described tract: 7.952 acres of Lot Four (4), Cassin's Outlots, lying East of be XI, said Line XY being described as follows: a point in the-South boundary line of Lot Four (b), which point is distant 294.39 feet East from the Southwest corner of Iot Fow-(.&) and 294.48 feet Vest from the Southeast corner of Lot Four (4); thence running North to a point in the North boundary fie 9f-Lo-b Four (4), which point is 294.39 feet East fron the Rorthr;res% corner of ..kh Four (4) and 29r&.48 feet Vest from the Northeast corner of Lot Four (41, the North-boundqy line of the tract being a straight line, commencing at a point in the East . boundary line of Lot Four (4), which point is 1176,274 feet North from %hs Southeast corn& ofcLot Four (4) and 804.366 feet South from the Northeast corner of Lot Four (4); thence running Vest parallel with the South boundary line of-lot Four (4) to Line M, except from the South 383 feet the South 33 feet, which lies South- erly of .a line drawn parme1 and distant 65t Norkherly of the South line of the 1)Torthtest Quarter of Section 29,,.Totmship 28, Range-24, together with a tesporzqy easenent for embankments OF slopes over, under and across a strip of land 25 feet in width adjacent, to and northerly ofthe above described .strip of right of way easement, said temporary easement to au-bo- matically cease and terminate upon coapletion of the pending grading contract or not later than Decaber 1, 1956. The South Commencing at - %-, the efforts of the Village of Edina to obtain such zn easement fron! the oymeqs-of the above described parceXs of land have been unsuccessful, and T-3, the Village is advised and believes %hat the most feasible location for such a street is on the land above described, and ITi, by reason of the fallure of the Village to obtain such an easement, it has-become necessary to procure title t.0 such land by right of eminent domain, ROX, TiWWa, BZ IT RZSOLTED, ThGt the Village of Bdina proceed to procure an e.+ement in the above .described land under its right= of eminent dom2i.n 2nd that the Village Attorney be instructed and directed to file the necessary complaint therefor .and to prosecute such action to a successful conclusion or until it is abandoned, dismissed or temninated by the Village or by the court; that the Vjllage.Attorney, the President and the Clerk do zllthings necessary to be done in-the commencement, prosecution and successful tem&nztion of such action. = Notion for adoption of Resolution -vas sec were five ayes and..no nays, as follows: B Tupa, aye; and Erickson, aye; and the Reso , aye; Fronk, aye; I 10/24/55 Clerk Alden presented Form of Resolution for the Cerbification to .the Land Codssionerts Office af an assessment against Tax Delinquent Land. offered the €ollowirig Resolution and moved its adoption: D~~~VING TOU& BfOmS THAT PfOULD HA'VE EEii ASSESSD AGAXNST CERTmJ FJBCm Tqoa E@3OLUTION OF TAXF'ORFIXTED- IF SUCH PROPERTIES FUD STJEJZCT TO ASSZSI~~IJT. AT m DEECTIXG TW vigxgz czm~ TQ . p gt$ ABSTUCT SH~~E, THE-DESCRETIOH THE TI33 02 T)Em4IN&ION BY T@--v&@4GE-COU"jTL OF TI33 FQLi(IIJIIVG-SCHD~ OF EACH PARCZL. OF LaoTD-FORFEQm. TO-x@m3TAv FOG. i$OiV-P&7pIpP OF. TAX@ &D. THE TWAL AN@" THAT IJOUD HG$b3. BZ3R &SBS@_$-G~LD!ST ?LEY- E'AECZL IF IT HAD Bm SVsJX$! TO SSESSlM: .A6 D-CTIgG-SAU) .TpMa Cm TO CZiBTEY:T& .S&*% TO TKE COUNTY AWrr;OR PUBSUhi TO .T% PrZaVrSIONS OF- CH;m 394,LAIS OF EdmESWA -r -.*- - ._ - - -.___ f _1 e - . - I. - . - _.l. - ' BZ JT-RZbXI3D by the Village Council of the Village oP-Ed&a, Einnesota: of Ed%a of-the total amounts of money to be assessed in the proceedings of the improvements listed below, certain parcela of land had been forzeited to the State and were therefore not subject to assessment: CoLmcil. does -hereby determine %ha$ each of the-parcels of lad hereinafter described would have been assessed the movn$s set opposite each such described parcel, if such parcel had not been tax-forfeited lands and therefore not subject to assessment, and the Village Council does hereby determine that each of said parcels has been benefited in zf~? amount equal to and in excess ofthe amount set opposite each of said parcels: . lII@€j.ZB, .at the time of the determination by the Village Council of .the Village Naf, Tl33RXFOm, Pursuant to Chzpter 394-, Laws of EBanesota 1941, the Village HIS^;I;DkLE: (Flat >To. 75820) ._.- .-- Lot C (Parcel No. 600) $38&.00 The Village CleGk-is hergby directed to make an abstract showing the . description of each parcel of lad forfeited to the state for non-payment of taxes at the the of the determination by the Village Council of the amounts to be assessed in these proceedings, and ;showing,. in accordance with this resolution, the total amount that would have.been assessed against each such parcel of land if it had been subject to assessment. abstract to the County Auditor of Hennepin Cog~ty for presentation f;o the Board 0% County Commissioners-of Hennepip County..* Notion for adoption of the Resolutioi was seconded by Danens, and on,Rollcallj The said Tillage Clerk shall certify such -- - there were five ayes anc L no- nays, as €0 anens, ..aye; Fro&, aye; Tupa,'aye; and %rickson, aye; and Nanrzger Hyde presented "Ordinance No. 211-1," an amendnent to the Village Garbage Collection Ordinance. follo~vs: t Ordipance was reFewed and discussed, and was read as *- OFDIIWtCE NO. 211-1 An Ordinance amenbg Ordinance No. 211 of the Village Relating to the Reqlar Collection of Garbage or Refuse -t TNE VTw;AG% COUIU'CIL .OF TIE VILLAGE .OF ,EDINA, MIICNESGTA, DOE3 ORDAIN .. AS FOLLONS: *---I . -? I. r . _fL I --_- -__.--_ *_ ---- -__-. .-- ~ .- - .- Section 1, 6rdinance N0,'211 is hereby amended by adding after Section 7 the following : Section 8. Garbage Can Required. 3very householder or occupant of any divell&ng house, or any place Qf business, having garbage to dispose of, who does not otherwise provide for the disposal of such garbage in a sanitary manner, shall provide hhself with one or more fly-tight metal cans sufficient to receive all garbage which may accmulate between the times of collec-%ion. Each can shall have a capacity of not to exceed 30 gallons and shall be proviqed with a tight-fi'crting cover. Section 9. Separation of Refuse. Rubbish, consisting of inorganic matter, such as tin cans, glass, paper,-.ashes, qd similar matter shall be kept in other containers separate from garbage which consists of okgaic refuse resultkg from the preparation of-food and decayed and spoiled food from any source.. rubbish, gabage, or other refuse, shall haul tne sane in vehicles equipped T.rith steel bodies "designed rand constructed specifically for garbage and rubbish haul- ing. sliding or hinged doors on each side. discharge of the contents when .unloading. owner of each vehicl? shall be clearly and legibly painted on both sides of each venicle. Section 10. Vehicles Hauling Garbage. dll persons hauling or convey-ing The sides, ends, and top shall be completely and securily enclosed with The name and street address .of the The rear endmm open so as to perdt 1 --_ 10/24/55 Section ll. License Required for Garbage Hauling. No person shql engage $in hzwg or conveeg rubbish, garbage 01: other refuse material in the Village unless he shall pay the license fee herein prescribed and secure a license so as to do in accordance v6th the provisions of this ordinance. No such license shall be issued until the applicant shall file with %he Village Clerk a good and sufficient policy of insurance whereby each vehicle for collecting .and hauling shall be covered against loss or injury to persons in the following mounts: Each person injured, at least Fifty Thousand($50,000) Dollars with a maximum coverage for each accident of at least One Hundred Thousand ($LOO,OOO.OO) Dollws, and also against loss or damage to property in %he amount of Five Thousand ($5!@00.00) Dollars. of insurance shall provide for the giving of ten (LO) days prior notice to the Village of the termination or cancellation or" said palicy of insurance znd every license issued hereunder shall terminate upon the termination of said policy of insuranceo Applications for such license to haul or to-convey rubbish, garbage or other refuse miterial in the Village shall be in miting and shall be filed w3th the Village Clerk and shall state the types and makes of motor vehicles proposed to be used, -the name of the owner, a schedule 09 chmges which .will be made for the hauling of such matter, the frequency of services poposed to be given to custoners, ad full infornation as to where and how such material trill be disposed of, The amual license fee for such .license is hereby fixed at $25.00 per year for the first vehicle and $10.00 per year for each additional vehicle used in hauling and conveying garbage or rubbish. License term shall be from July 1 to June 30, excep$ thzt first licenses shall expire June 30, 1956, and first fees paid shdl be on a pro rata basis. be issued by the Villzge Kanzger. be revoked at a-q tine b;t' the Village Xanager upon a hearing provided that the licensee shall be given at least five 15) days mitten notice of such hearing shall hzve an opportunity to appear in person or by agent or attorney and present evidence relztive -to the matter under consideration, This ordinance shall take effect and be in force-from itnd after its passage and publication, Frorrk*s motion, that Council dispense with second reading and adopt Ordinance as read was seconded by Tupa. follows: and tine *Ordinance was adopted, 44- 1 Such policy Section 12, Amlication for License. Section 3.3. Ucense Fee. Section U. Term of License. Section 15* Issuance and Revocation of Licenses. Licenses hereunder shall Licenses shall not be transferrable, and may Section 16, Effective Date. c On Rollcall there we Bredesen, aye; Dm-ens, aye; Fronk, a _. . , THGIAS 3, COOZEY VS, VIZLAGZ was discussed, with Attorney IJindhorst reporting %hat the Contractor s insurance COMP~~Y has denied ~ lizbilitx; %hat the At-bo:mey feels prhryliability is on the contractor and on his insurance carrier, Report TBS mde tkt Summons and Corn@.int has now been served on the Village, amount of $3,050. This yas referred to Rllage Attorney I~indhorst. > FIU& PL4T OF rUX!3 EDDJA1l ADDlfpION. que&igmg concerning this-plat .have now been resolved--property to the East is defbitely under contract for purchase; Southeast corner 10% has now been -chznged to provide 60 feet, without going onto land in another subdivision; street on North is to be 45 feet, and if and when property fio North is ever subdivided an additional 15 feet VU be asked fron that development; strip of 15 feet on the Vest edge r.rill be shown as Outlots, ad State will give assurance that there vLLL be .service drive there; there-wkU be no assessments for lateral watermain against properky .on the North, but trunk mah r.rill be assessed agzinst all benefited properties. moved that plat be accepted. XASE4l%'?! FOB W.49$ STRGT ElSW-OF-IfD. I&, .Ed. Sto!; +is afternoon, at which Nre. Stow had offered to sell feet of his properby at U.492 Street and France Avenue for the sum of &,OOO. lib?, Stow pointed out t'nat he has been pamg taxes and special assessments on this property for it nuILiber of years and, therefore, cannot afford to dedicate it to the Village xithout reimbursement, jag adamant in his price. Eredesenfs motion, directing Village Attorney-to prepare papers for the initiation of condemnation proceedhgs for a tract of land up to 76 feet wide, with the clear understanding that there is no possibility of the tract's incluhg the house, was seconded by Fro& and carried, Sf.&BX AT 50TH Sm AlD I.IOOi)DAIX Am. - Ransger Hyde reviewed for the Council actiqn-taken sone time ago to--adverbise this tank for sale, at which time no bids had been received. tank at no cost to the Village, for the salvage. Clubs be approached in an effort to ascertain if they can use the tank and will give us the same proposal. Uotion seconded by Danens and carried, knager &de repor-bed that all of the Bredesen Xotion seconded by Danens and carried, Hanager Hyde reported his conference with I Considerable discussion was had on the matter, uith UP, %ow remain- He stated that a wrecking company IKU. demolish and remove the Bredesen moved that both Country 45 30/24./55 PARK PROPBTY ACQUISEION. Ifre Clifton French, Parks and Recreation Director, presepged a maby shawhg recommendations for acquisition of some thirty-fiye lots in the area immediately %?est of Lake Pamela. oms iome eighty-one lots in this vicNity; that this area represents the mly area {uffikiently large forr ball diamonds, etc. Roy Peterson be asked to proceed in obtaining options on this property and. report; to &he Council, was seconded by Tupa and carried. ZONING fi.B~~T WmIfG: Hanager Hyde reported that, because ,of an error . made in_ the .legal. description stated for the property rezoned for Northern States. Poweq, it will be necessary to amend the Ordinance; and that a Public Hezring-should be held on this proposed amendment on November J-4, if ppssible. Fronkts motion, scheduling Public Hearkg on Zoning Ordinance hendment for %onday, Ngvember l4, 1955, at 7:30 P.M., was seconded by Bredesen and carried. He explained that the Village now Bredesenrs motion, that 3fr. - Council discussed Zoning OrdinGce knendment No. 261-17, drafted by Attornex kfhdhorst at request of Council. -* ORDINANCE 80, 261-17 Ordinance was presented* and read, as follows: -.&N ORD@A6C$ &$EBDING THE ZOITING PSWINq-TQ e-. EOhIAGE OF BUILD@GS .. _. r . .ON. COWR, XYTS, . , . , c- I I oRDgm@ ill pi@ 7;TIam-oF-EDmA TH% VILU4GZ COUNCIL' OF THE VIUGE_OF .gDINA, ,T$I.ljiESOTfL, ORDAIE!: the Revised Ordinances -of the Villige- of Ed-ina is hereby-amended to read: 115. Frontage 03 Buildings on Streets. Every build- - - . Section.1.. -Section- 9. (5) (Itdministration) Qf Ogciinance NO. 261 of ing on a lot wMch.sbuts on two or nore streets or , alleys shall front, on such street as provided by the original plat, and irthe absence of evidence to the contrary, it shdl be presumed that a building shall front on that street on which the lot on which it stands has-the least number of front feet. cation a special permit may be issued by a vote of a majority of the members of the council, permitting alteration of an existing building or construction of a new building on such lot so as to front on a different street or alley, on the sae notice and hearing as set forth in Section 3, paragraph 2 (a) of this ordinance for pepits to erect two-3amily.or multi-f amily dwellings . 11 passage and publication according to law. On appli- Section 2. This ordance shall be in effect from and after its, R fronkfs motion, that Comcil waive Second keading and adopt Brdinance as read, was seconded by Danens, and on Rollcall there were five ayes-and no nays, as he-ordinance was adopted. Itngineer'Zikan- presented preliminary plans and estbtes of cosk for sevefal pro jectx, .ti.'.i,ch were reviewed by the ,Council. Bredesen offered thce follot.riUg Resolution and moved its adoption: RBSOLUTTcIN PFLOVLQD~~G-FOR FUBLIG I?.E&INGS OIT I" ,. RQPO$ED WROl?EMEXTS. ,,. €21 IT RESOLvFl) by the Council-.o$--i;he Village of.Ed%a: . . l.,, -The Village kgineer, haag _submitted to the Council a prelkinary report as to the feasibility ofthe proposed Improvements described iri the Form of IiSotice of Hearing set forth below, and as to the estimated cogt of such improvements, said report is hereby approved ,and directed to 'be placed on file in the office of the Village Clerk, in the3dina Village Hall, to consider in public hearings the views-of all persons interested in said proposed improvementsb time, place and purpose of said meeting to be published in the official news- paper Once a week for two successive weeks, -the second of which publications is to be not less than three days from date of said neeting, which notice shall be in substantially the ;following fom: x - *. 2. This Council shall meet on Monday, November l&, 1955, at 7:30 PeivL, - 3* The Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to cause notice of the I ITOTTCX OF HZfBTrTGS ON PRQPOS%D. ~~I.PROIBJ~JTS NOTTCli: IS HEREBY GIVBN that $he_Edina,VQlage Coqncil will meet at the Village Hall on.%onday, Noveaber 1.4, 1955, at 7:30 P.K, to consider the folloi&g proposed improvements, to be constructed under the authority granted by 3finnesota Laws of 1953, Chapter 398. ments is estimated by the Village Engineer as set forth below: The approxinate cost of such bpTove- A. .Xezdow-Tiidge .from*?uggan- Plaza, to Ridgeyiew. Driye. $13,l32.80 Thearea proposqd to be assessed for the cost of said proposed inprovezentq is as fo22ot-s: - For aprovment No. 1-A - Blocks 28,29 and 32, Hendelssohn; Lots 1, 10, 27 and 28, Auditor's Subdivision No. 325; Lots I, 2, 3 and 4, Block I, Harold Woods For hprovenerk 30. 1-B - Lots 1,2,3,4,7,8 and 9, El Xancho Lddikion. For hprovenent No. 1-C - hts 2 to 7, incl., .Ad&. . __ Block -2, Nendelssohn Heights Addition, . For Improvement No. 1-D 7 Lots 1 to 6, incl., of Lots $.to 23 Villardls Subdiuision of Block 17, - For Zuprovqqent Uo, 2+ - All lots and tracts of the street proposed to be hpoved. For hprovemnt No. 3-.G - All lots and tracts or" the street proposed to be improved. Block 1; Lots 1 'i;o 10, inel., Block 1, Lampeta Subdivision Kendelssohn. .. of land abutting $he portion of lad abutting the portion 1, Gfi.Ei!CmJ S. ALDZX, Village Clerk - Ko-bion for ado,dion of the Resolution vas seconded by Fro&, ad on Rollc&€.l there were five ayes and no nzys, as follows: Bredes Danens, aye; Fronk, aye; we; and Ericksom, aye; znd the flesolut -. ?.ke Zikan then presented plans for severs1 projects on which he advocated taking bids. Bredesen offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: FZSOLJ.ITfO21 APP20tTIIIJG PUNS JdD SPZGIFICATIoiTS 702- P?~OPW3ll- E@itOVZ~TSa Rim D-jBX'KIXG . . BDv"TBB~~2 FOX BIDS ~ B3 IT RESOLED by the Village Council. of the -Village .of .Edina: . .le. _The plans and specifications for the proposed Improvenen-bs set forth in the folloi~g Advertisenent for Bids form, heretofore prepared by the Villzge 3ngineer md notr on file in the office of the Village Clerk are hereby approved. 2. The Clerk shall cause to be published twice in the Edina-TIorningsi&e Courier and the Construction I3iLleti.n the follor.ring notice of bids for said hirovebent s : L AD~T~~*~~ FOZ BIDS S~IlfltABY SET%R TlAmIS NCEICX IS I3ERZBY G33ZX-%ha%*the-%diqa Village Council will meet zt the &dins Village .Ball, &e01 X. 50th Street, Zionday, November Ut 1955, at 7:30 P.X., a-d will. ai; said the and place open and consider sealed bids for the following: 1, CO2ISucTIOIT OF 'JmG If~~~U~ AID @'FW.mJfdTC= IN: A. -11. 57th St b etr.reen -Highway_ Uo. 100- and Xomandzle Court . Be C@lS!EKJCTIObJ OF SNJITLRY L4= SF;IER AND. icgpUEtTZJ&JCXS E(: A. i3. El Rancho Trail.. C. D. T&ternan Circle, E. Tfel,70th St. beheen Cornelia DrLve and Trunk Highway No, 100. Interlachen Road fromEiristing Trunk Sewer to W. &d of lhterlachen "noad. -. I-Iendelssohn Lane from Ekdoney he. to Blake Bd. tf.57th St. from Highway No. 100 to Wormandale Court. 2. Work nus< be done as described and specified in plans and specifications for said improvments on file in the office of %he Village Clerk and avzilable upon depo3Zt'of $25.00; rhich deposit is refundable upon return of snid plms and specificatiom. bids will be considered unless sealed and filed tdth undersigned before time of said meting znd accompanied by cash deposit, bid bond, or certified check pay- ablk to the Village Clerk in amount of ten percent of amount of bid. Bids must be submitted on basis of cash pyment for rrork. 130 BY OFtDZX OF TEE Vmm COUNCIL .-A_ . - t33,IiXCm S. RUX3€i, Village Clerk 3. Zzch ad d1 of the terms of the foregoing advertisement for bids are hereby adopted as the te-m and conditions of ward of the contract for sed hproverilent . 1 Ibiotion for adoption of the Resolukion was were _five ayes and no nzp, as follows: B Tupa, aye; and Erickson, aye; and the Reso d&;lVjSLage Clerk aye; Fro&, sye; .* lo/.%/ 55 2 7.'" ZIGWING OF PILLARS-RCKlXCNG GIUEN, Zngineer ZikaQ-asked _- .. Cpwcil policy concerning the Lighting of the pillars at the entrake to Rolling Green. 'He explained that resideats have been calling, . asking that the pilgars be lighted;.but that-the pillars are partially hidden by large evergyeens and furnish very little light to the intersection, He stated that Xorthern States Power Company has plans to install a light a% the Wier- section--which, in his opinion, is preferable to the other lights. Bredesents motion, that Northern States Power be permitted to install light at the inter- section of Byicrood Xest -arid Interlaqhen Blvd., in pYgerence to lighting the pillars, was seconded by Danens and carried. hequest by St. SteFheng Church, for permission to install a carillon in their new tower, and to have it played before each church service and at six o'clock each evening, was reviewed. ITuisence" Orilinance prodsiohs; aqd- Bredesen moved that permit be issued to St. Stephens" Church for the carillon in accordance with terns specified in their request . Ifotion seconded by Fronk and ^carried, Pmom-cunB: n Bredesw's i-ytion, approving Village Payroll in amount of $2.4,&02.19, for period October'lb to 31, and allowing the fopowing Claims, was seconded by Tupa and carried: General Fund - $7,724.70 Liquor Fund - $21,106.24 Const. Fund 193 880 37 Sewer Rental ' 9.81 - CmILLON - ST STamUS CHURCH, - fQxlhop,t appraised Council of the "Noise - Parks Fund 1yO 55 76 ?later Fund 4,284.65 OFF-SAXE BZSR - JII\TCWE IN LiCENSE FEES. Nwor -33rickson called-Council? s a$tent+on to a new state statute which increases Off-sale Beer Licerise fees t0,$15.00, asking that this be considered for an amend- ment to the Village Liquor Ordinance. Discussion rgs,.ha~.@-Lh regard to traffic congestion in the 50th and France area, with lb. %pa advocating that police department be directed to enforce ordinance against double parking-which occurs principally at the laundry and dry-cleaning establishments on V-..49& Street; and that W.49$ Street be white-lined dotm the 50~~ ST.PGXEA TRUFIC, center .. ^. W"mG OF W.50TH ST. of .the opini.on that .3.50th St. .should be widened on the South side, *from France back to the Nest side of the theatre. Theatre owneys with regard to their cutting back their canopy so khat street could be made a uniform w5dth. As a supplement to the traffic discussion, Council was NanEger Hyde was asked to consult with I BIDS TAKEN THIS STTENmG. Labuhte the bids taken this evening. Danens moved for adjournaent of meeting to 4:30 P.lL, Wednesdzy, October 26. Notion seconded by Bredesen, and carr Ellgineer Zikan reported that it has been impossible to He asked that Council meet on Wednesday, the 26th, at 4:30 P.lbf., to take action on bids. ._ N- OF THE ADJOUEUD PORTLOR OF TEE VIL&A@ COUNCIL, -m&D .wEDp?E;SDAIrf, OCTOBa 26, 1955, ATT_4;30.B.M.-AT ?$E ZIjI$% -V'I-G&GE HAI;r, ocToj3m 24, * a955 -WTIIg OFJW EDmA .. .-- . -- -. _I I. Pkmbers present were Fronk, " Tupa and Erickson. Xanager Hyde presented Tabulations of Bids taken October 24, as follows: STREET ~~PROlIZXi3lT NO. b-69 -Gxading & Gravelling of Grove St. between Tingdale and Code Avenues $+jY.3l&;i6- ' I&. Hyde recommended award of bid to only bidder, inasmuch as bid was com- parative with esthte. seconded by Tupa and carried. 'Imp BROS. M. Fronk moved for award to Terry Bros., Inc. Xotion I' STREZX BJPRGVX~~ IifO, A-79 JAY If. CRAIG CO. . Blacktopping of. Pqkwood .Rosd from Parkwood be to iiTor4;h I -. Line of Parkwood.Ilnol1s 4th Ad&. - * $4, L&$* 7. Nr, Eyde recommended %hat this .bid be rejected, inasmuch as I 5% is way over estimate. carried. Fronk's motion that bid be rejected was seconded by Tupa and