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knutes of Xeetin& of October Zr: ad 26, 1955, were appoyed as suhitted, by Xotion
'3redesen, seconded b;r DGnms ad carried, t
side Courier .aqd Const%uction Bplletin Novmiber 3 andLIO, 1955, foc Illidvertisement
for Bids-Sanitzry Sever and T;Tatemains, 11 which &f fidavits were appraved as to
€om and ordered placed on fqe.
%&en on the foUor.rirlg projects:
Clerk lilden presented. Affidavits of Publication in E&b~a-ZIornih.g
Pursuank to said Advertisenent sealed bids mre
A, W,S$%h St, betireen €iighway No. 100'Ad B&nandale Court.
B;' W.7Oth St. between Cornelia Drive and Trunk Highpzq Bo, 100.
2. CbJ$&UCTicjg ._ 02 SAIJITZtY LA- .SEER &El, MP-UREXMlC%S IN:
A, -&%erlgchcn Boad, from,B5sting-Tqr@ Sever to TIo Gnd of.
B: XL Xancho Trail,
C. llendelssohn Lane from Isialoney he. to Blake Rd.
Do T3teman Circle,
E, V.57th St, from Highmy No. 100 to Nomnandale Court.
Eredesents*m$ion, teat bids be accepted and referred to the Village Engineer for
public ope&g in his office, tabulation and report, ~ras seconded by Tupa and
c-_ -- ...... - .-*_ g:-. ,.
Interlachen Goad. - ..
PUBLIC i5XRDIG OX PFWOSSD ORilIi%ZCE IISO. 26k-18 vas then conducted, pursuant Lo
.... !%okice. of--Eez@ng qn. Petit ion. for Rezqning" published in Edina-Xomingside Courier
Bovenber 3.and 10, 195.5, and posted-.on offil=ial bulletin boards on November 3, as
substantia'ced by affi&vits of publication and posting presented by Clerk,
Affidavits were approved as to fom and ordered placed on Zile.
read the proposed Ordinance, explaining that it corrects an error in description-
of property rezoned in hmdtnent Eo. 261-16,
Orhance, moving that Council waive second reading and adopt Ordinmce as read:
$Ianager Eyde
Bredesen offered the following
*-7. .- - .-._ - *. .I -__e -
Section 1. Gubparagkiph (f) of paragraph i 02 Section b-(Cokzrcial DistrLci) of
Ordiaance No, 261 of the Village, 2s amended, is hereby flzrt;her anended to reWd as
I "(f) South 02 Road and Bast of Railroad Bi&t-of-?iay, and thzt part of
the Southm510 ilcres of K31/4 of IJ"r/4 lying East of milroad Eight-
of-TTay, all in Section 8, Tovmship 1161~ Range 21," --
Thzt part of the UorLh 60 Rods of the NZ1/4 of "Xl/& lying
Section 2. Tks ordinance shall be in effect from-and zfke; its passage and publi-
czkion accord- to lzw, -
3otion for waiver of secoad reading and adoption of Ordinance as read was seconded
by Tupa, a,nd on Rollcall there were four ayes a
aye; Danens, aye; %pa, aye; and Brickson, ay
PUjLIC &DJG OX P2OFOSED CRDZiIldiCZ NO, 261,19 was then called; this Ordlinance
gnendbg .$he 20-g Qdinmce .by mlcing provision therein for a Regional Kedicd
District and GeEining the Boundaries Thereof, Clerk presented &:Tidavit af Posting
on PJovember 9, ad M2idavi.t of Publication on Hovaber LO, 1955 of *fI$otice of
HeGing on Edina Zoging 0rdj.rlance hendement, which affidavits were. approved as
to form and ordered placed on file. lbneger Hyde read proposed Ordbace >Too 261-
19, eqlairming its provisions in detail; and Er. Tlillim Crear of Southdzle presexted
a plat showhg the proposed district, T.ri?ich comprises some 35 acres between Frame
Avenue and Chowen Avenue exbended norbh, and between 1?.66th and W,b4%h Streets.
kfter some'discussion, during which E?. Crear stated Ahat if the-proprcty is rezoned
Southdale expects to consti-uct a medical building thereon, and thzt it 5s hoped the
a hospital ~Lll someday cone into the area; but that Southdale has not planned for
futwe use of the property if a hospital should not be built on it, Bredesen noved
that Council accept Kr. Hxdets reading of I~OXDIXIXCE NO, 261-19; AX JI?aIiZJ5JCS
FOR &.?ZI@:-q 1DIC;L .Dw!aIC;T BUl DaIljpTG-*T€iIi ~l,ph!RES. TI-EE:OF,!I as tbe First
<, . I1 ..... I. .. ..
51 lly14/55 Read-ing of the Ordinagce, ad-that the Second PLead-ing thereof be scheduled for
the firs6 reg&= Council Neetjng Zn December (Decerher 12).
seconded by Tupa, and on Rollcall vote, Bredesen, Danens, Tupa and Erickson
'voted ay6, and the mo+ion&f%nimously aarried.
PRELDU2b%tY PUT OF rrRXGN PARK S&CGPSD hDD2TIOW (old Street car right-of-xmy
betxeen Wood&le &venue ,and-&? ?$N& Ralwaya tracks) FEJS presented for Council
consideration, pursua,nt to Plan.n.ipg_Cgrimissionl s' November 2nd recommendation -
for approva?_ . Hanager Hyde.. eAxplained that the,developer has complied with
%he Planning Commission's many suggestbns, in plat4$hg this property; and
3k. Jasnes Resop of Resop Realty spoke at some length, exp&ini.ng the plans -
for the deyelopaent,
constructed in the area; that the planed setback frorn-the fgont lot line
is f@teen feet, in order to +ford as large back yards as possible. Xr.
Lourell, DeXarais, 4394 Eackey Ave., Dr. E., Ae Ulvestad, UOO Smyside Road,
and i&s. iP,. Ne Brion, ~706 Suqnysi.de Road,. e,qressed theaselves in favor of
the proposed plat, Pk, Dd4arais statipg that neig'gbors are very much interested -
in seeing the property platted, inasmuch as it is now-developing into a
dunp for all rubbish that people want to get rid of in a hurry. Ne. Louis
J. Crosby, 4700 Sumyside Road, asked that some consideration be given to
the +width of We44th Street-Vest of Bror.sL?dale Avenue. 4504 t.r'.&l&h Street, stated &hat,he does not object to having homes-at this
locat&on but-that he wishes to be sure everything is in order beforre plat
is appgoved. He reminded the Council that the proper%y on the North side
of We4&-bh Streat Qave paid for-the fimprovements now in the street, and asked
whegler sogething could be worked out whereby the prcperty now to be platted
can pay its share on tbese improvements. He also asked whether the Council
does not hzve to have a public hearing before it may legally dispose-of the
&foot park strip lying between Y0&4th Street and the proposed plat.
Wndhorst advised Nr. Ode11 th8.i; trhe Council has the power to sell this-proprty
F@.thout holding public hearing,
for widening 44th Street?"
position of. the ttr;.aveLed .roadwayt in relation t~ the t dedicated right-of-way'
of ";.&th Street, and 142. Ode11 asked to see engineerbg data on this before ..
appvva$ ox plat.
full infomation a.TT.44th Street and to present it at a public hearing
November 28, Xotion- seconded by Bredesen.
aslrod for consideration of a thir$y-foot setback from front lot line, inas-
much as hones across Trf.4.4th S'creet are se'c back 60 feet.
to developers.
then moved that Plat be accepted as Preliminay Plat.
Tup, ad carried,
area required by Zoning Ordinance, the depths of the lots do-not conform
wi%h minhum rec&remen%gs; and Bredesen moved. that Public Heaing be
scheduled,for November 28, on proposed lot sizes.
and carried. **
Motion was {
He stated that $30,000 to $&O,OOO hones would be -
lilr. Leonard Odell,
Nr . Ode11 then asked, Who - is going to pay
Comiderable discussion was' .-bhFn had as -to -the '
Tupa moyed that Engineerkg Deparkment be asked to get
Before vote on mokion, I&. Odell
This was agreeable
%pa yithdrew his motion, with consent of Bredesen. Bredesen
It was rioted that, thought the platted lots are of a total
Notion seconded by
?lotion seconded by Tupa
L4% this point Trustee Bredesen was emused because OS illness, and for the
balance of the. meeting. there were three members present
Publicaiiioq . of - *'B&~~,~",-o.f, Hea@.ng.s, !! ,puk&ished in Edina-Xoriiingside Courier
Nove&er 3, and-10, 1555, wqch affidavit was approved as to form and ordered
Clerk przesented Affidavit of
placed on file. conduct-ed, and action t &en: -
TR@L . &&teer Zik.w =how.ed..a, yuzGTaph Slide ,of .$he _route-of the .sewer.. slnd the
area-proposed to be assessed, gi-ying as his Estimate or" Cos-i; $21,819,s.J, for the
sever on Interlachen, as agdnst 2,400 Assessabla Feet, for 67-09 per Assessable
Foot; and $5,994.87 for the El Rancho sewer, as against, 691, Assessable-Feet, for
$8.64 per gssessable Foot,
Interlachen because some & 3he abutting propert5es rdll derive service from
other streets. When zsked concerning the possibility of serving only 31 Elancho
Trail, and Lots 2,3 and 4, Harold Voods Addition, &k, Zikan stated that because
of the break in the grade this pla-q would rdsq the assessment to around $17.00
per front r^oot, Trustee Danens spoke on behalf of I&. FLoback, owner of sot 8,
Harold Voods, who, has urgently requested -the sewer for his new home; and 32%
Zikan rcas questioned at length about possibiEty of servjng this lot.
be does, not believe it possible from the 31 Rancho line because of grade break,
except by considerable additional expense, Dr. Ttalph Boos, owner of Lot 28,
Aud.Subd.fb. 325, objected to the Interlachen sei!er, on the grounds that the
high assessment qmmts -Lo a .confiscata;ry one; a?nd Charles V. kufek, owner of
Lot 1, Aud.Subd.No. 325, stated- he has no need for the sewer, stating that the proposed assessment is 'ridicu1ou.s' on the amount of property he controls. 1% I
was brought out in discussion that31 Rmcho Trail owners, the owners of Lots 2.
and 2, Harold Woods Ad-d-ition, and the owner of Lot 10, Aud.Subd.No. 325, all
'desire the seyqr.
which, he stated, are higher than the estimates; ana lk. Wndhprst sta;t;ed-'that
reduc'i;hm fn -*Eha.' cgri%x%c-k $~DEI ?&&.&ed&&cd%2oris upon -which contmc'cor bZ8 cduld
hrsuant to said Hotice, the following Public Hearings were -
lk.-.Zikan explained thzt the Assessment is high on
He stated
At this the Engineer Zikm presented bids taken this evening,
&f"co&se,be made onli with consent of-the cmtractor; thzt as*h,n&exmk should . 6e mde v5kh contracbr befoge ailard of bid .is considered;;':.
tEs project be constructed to include El &ancho Trail 2nd Iots 1, aid 2, Block 1,
Harold IIoods Addition, aad Fot 10, Auditor!,s Subdivision No. 325; and that
conference be- held with contractors concerning construction bids, before award
is =de. - lbtion seconded by Danens and cilrried.
w g2
Tup3 moved that i
assesspent- district .T;ras shot%. an&l$ng&eer 2- gave as his Estimate of Cost, $6,&94,40, as against 1,530 Assessable Foot.- He then added that bids received e
this evening =e hisher than- estimate; especially for vinter mrk.
I~ks. Hollander ad 13. Peterson were present, and after some considera-Lion,
stated %hat, beczuse sale on" lots is awaiting sewer, they will. approve winter
work, epn at the ex3xa expepse involved.. Hrs. Hollander suggested that rrork
begin as soon BS possible. I&. Zikan explained %hat, because bids for -all-
projects taken this evening are tied, it vrill be necessary to consult with
bidders before awardhg bids e
Vu-Gmph Slide-of route - of sewer. and- -
C3XCIX. Vu-Graph Slide of-rou%e of seyer ~d-assessment-.district vas. shotm,
and.&giraeer Zikan_gave as his Estimate of Cost $3,&74,72 as against 436.68-
Assesszble Feet, for $7.96 par &.ssessable Foot. , Once again 1.ir. Zihn e:plained
that cost r"ar winter work will be considerably higher than estate; and 3ira
Lampe, developertor" the area, stated he would prefer summer trork. Because -
award of bids depends upon acceptance by lot: bidder or" this arrangement,
matter was deferred until after such acceptance is receivede
infomed. that this is for a'tlhteral Connection" 'only; that Hewihg has
aLready been had on the Trunk.1ki.n; that it may-be possible that he trill be
assessed on the basis of one 7Ffoot connection for his unplatted-proper-i;y,
but that Council has not yet determined method of assessment.
3k. Gavin, who tss present, asked for an explanztion and was
5. oa W~~~~u&ioi~ OF ST;~HD~ OTDGE CW-IU~ GW~ LT :-=OH RW ma.1
DT3CGAN PMZA3.0 Tz33EEV~I DIZl?Li3. ~ Engiqeer Z@aq ex-plained,%hat _the adve&ige-
ment,fo~,&~inlg~was. in -emor; that it shqGd have read -llin Ridgeview Drive
from Dwens Drive TJ to 1hado-C.r FLidge'l.
be scheduled .for lionday3 Noveaher 28, 1955, and Tupa so moved. -I.To.i;ion seconded
He advocated that-a new Public Beraring
by Danens and carried. .t
Tupa moved for Continuation of Public Hearings on hprovments to l-Tol?day,
iTov&er 28. Kokion seconded by Danens and carriedo e
53' wu/55
i HALL4 ImSmY - REQUESTS, Nanager Hyde reported letter dated November 11, from
Halla Nu~sery - (I) Billing. Village for $.!&LOO r"05 Fill; (2) Asking removal of
pillars Prom Grazlge;" (3) Asking the flaring of entrance on Zden Avenue and
Highway Uo. 100; (4) Asking removal of large boulders in @rage Property, at
Eden Avenue; (5) Asking the placement of hydrants within 500. feet of the
Hdla buildinge-, @xiager Hyde was directed 'GO investigate the amount of the bill,
and to inform Halla I\Tursery that the Council will take no action to have either
pillars or boulders removed fromthe Grange; that hydrats cannot be installed
without watermains; that petition for watermains must be received before action is
taken on such irlstdlation; that the entrance at Xden Avenue m-d Eghway No, 100
trill be flared.
FINAL PL4T OF "LUG3 ZDDLlitt. Nanager Eyde presented Final Plat, and two deeds
received this wening .by_the Skew CODganya
of November 2, 1955, for approval subj ect €owengineering check, ,.was reviewed.
Dk. Gavin was present and saw the proposed Fihal Plat,.
Notion seconded - by Danens and carried. -
favorable recogendation of November &ci-t{%s ,refiewed; and Tupa moved, schedgling
Public Hearing foe Xonday, Bovemher 28, on petition of Nr. XJ. Bolduc for
permit to have Lhis prope&y rezoned from Open Development to .Community Store
District; the purpose of such rezoning being for construction and operation of
rootbeer stand.
PIEX,Tti~&Y PL4T OF LOT 26, lJARDB\T h&BS (at corner of Hansen Road and Grove St.)
was- presented,. carrmg Plaqkg Co@ssion's IiJovembeG 2ndrrecommezldation Tor .
Danens and carried.'
Find P1a-L- by i1.B. - Johnson, igas approyed, _by ?lotion. Tupa, _seconded by-ganeqs and
carried. Planning Commission's recoi&endation of ifovember 2nd was for. approval.
Planning .Commission' s recommendation
Tupa moved for approval,
- Hotion seconded by Danens and carried. -
approval, Tupa moved for approval of prel-ary plat. IIotion-seconaed by t
?JBDn;l.sION ~~12--~~~p~~~~..be~~~~en~~* 59th. and V,bOth_sts . on Eviing Aweque--
by. &ock..Sward, was reviewed, together with Plsnning Commission' s recommendation
for approval subject to Public Hearing on less than minimum width lots. Tupats
motion, that Public Heseng on proposed plat be scheduled for Hondqy, Novembes: 28.
Notion seconded by Danens ahd carried.
ad East Fr" Ni@wqy No. 100) wqs appqped bg.motGn Tupa, seconded by Danens and
AT- ADDITTOR (South of Valley View Goad
It had received Planning Conmission's Novbber 2nd recommendation fog
C' C approval,. . 1-
Tfest, or" Highivay No, 100, qaT*ed Elanning Comissiont s recoqendation for approvd
subject to cpproval of Stzte Higikmy Department; uld,.Tupa moved for spplfoval OF *
pr.elimimry plat in accordarb "tdth Commis&iont s rec&mendations. itlotion seconded
by Dznens and carried.
5T,Pd2i'SrLUX~U CI-XlECH*S ?ROPOSAZ, for the building of a new church, havini-a
se-Lbacli..of ten feet on ~rance+Avgy+and fifteen feet on filleb Street, as presented
to the Planning Commi&ion on Vovember 2116, and approve6 by the Commission with the
understandini Lhai new church v&ld have adeq6ate parking -facilities, was consideged
by the Council,
to relax setback regulation of Zon.Mg Ordinance :.sithout a Public Hearing, bd
Danens moved "chat ChGEhts request be -I granted.
FIi$& PUT OF CLOVZB &INE I11 kDDTTION, carrying Plan-ning Conmission's Novdber 2nd
recomrnew.jation _for appoval I subj ect .Lo State Highyay Department apprgval and'hearing
on lot sizes, was reviewed.
mbiaun depth lots be scheduled fw Movember 28. -Notion seconded by D&zms and
being pro2erty between K.60th and Gro+e Sts.
Village"A6torney Whdhorst Stated that the Council has the power
Biotion seconded by Tupa and
t c -
Tupa's motion, that Public Hearing on less than
Carrie de 1 c 1
RjUEi?&f~.Z~ OF LOT-61, ROUDG Gm, a Final Plat by Gma Johnson, carried
Planning Commission! s recoguendatios-$or
gind drainage easeiaepb of at least fifteen feet,
accordance pkth Comissiont s recomend&ions, was. seconded by l$mens and camied.
appro-e1 subject to engineering check
Tupa's motion, for approval in
FIIJLXL PUT OF IQlRIOiq GARD&S was appro-6ed subject to engineer& check, in accord
txtth- Planning Cogmission! s November 2nd recomendation, by motion Danens, seconded
by Tup, ad caqried,
FIOP&GL & bT!TICiiOIS CLIDi IN OUTIT IT OF $186.00, for services Lo Planning Gmnission
2or .through Oc%ober, .L955, .was appxoved by notion Tupa, seconded by Dmens aid carried.
54 11/14/55 I'
PL4JlJEG S"r-mB3. l4aager Eyde reporbed the Plmning Colnissionrs decision to
gnploy a ?laming Consulsl;ant, Xy. Blucher,-Tor vrork with lk. Lm, Co;iti;lission en& -
that Comdssion has asked 2.2. LELT'I to mke a study OF the undeveloped lad in
tfie South md IJes-L section of the Tillage.
flAYSLCOi'i'i3!Aa 20Ii G&IVXL. lbnager Hyde reported thzt ia. Nzys has s6rved notice
th~t-lae.is"cancelling.lease for gtzvel at l& per cubic yard, in accordance with
Section 9 or" th agpeenent of December 30, 1954; that, if it is agreeable with
Council, Village rrill par ik. I-fays 25Q per cubic yard--whi.ch is still a good
berg- Damns' motion that %lie new pfice be accepted vas seconded by Tupa
and carried.
< Council fpr some three days in Jxnuary"at rate 02 0150 per day, He zlso reporbed
SIIT0T.T PXZUXG Pa3 SCXGOZ3. lhnriger Hyde re,porked that tiat& she. JTilla&e-snmr-plor.r crews be, 2nstriicted to consider, the service drives at
ths school as regula2' Villlage streets, and that these drives be plowed accord-
i@y; that it Trill be satisfactory to leave school parking lots until after
streets are plowed, ad ~riI-1 also be aatisfactary to make some nomhal &age
for tbqs latter work.
IhIihan has requested
Council in agreement with this plane
that the @2iool-Boarii 9s &&ous.$o have, $he,Sdr&nage .ditcheon the IIest side of
Concord from X.55th Street to School Road (left -I;here-a% the requess of the
Village) fil&d, and a sewer pipe ins$aUe@; that the area has been checked
and tkrs is sone pmperty wijich has, never been assessed for storm sever aid
i;.hich rrould benefit by this instdlation and by exbending the pipe to Ashcroft
Avenue and Y.59th Street. I&. Zikan stqted such an inst&Llation T;ould cost some
$17,006, or*fioOs par Square Foot for the property assessable.
at high assessment and askedliir. Zilcan if it would be possible to fill the'ditch
to a certain exLent ad still draN Vrie property by grcvity. 1%; Zilm stzted
that sone 2i.U is poss+Iile, but -that this, of course, rrill not reqdy the 59th
md AShcroft problen.
the school Board to see whht can be worked'out.
1-k. Zikan reported
Council demurred
Xanzger Hyde suggested that he be auynorized to meet 15th
This,ms agreeable'to Council.
S&IT?l;RP ,SZ,Si 150, 69 iiDJUSESES-!SSSS,aXS. iknager Hyde reported Ynxt the
Teques5s fQ? adjustmn-bs on asseqaents €or +uxL$qy Sewr No. 69 (i:; Diagoml
Tiuk, ad Laherd CorniectTons) have now been investigated; -bifizt Vne- y&ers of
the requests have baen notifLed that i&. Hyde vrill nake his recomendatiions to
tne Council -?Ais et-eTling; that said recornendations are as follo~rs:
prope@y TZS originally assessed on the basis-of front footage along !Garden
GardenAvenue ms vacated; th& there is no -access .t 0, his Froperby dong this
vacaked-street; that, %herefore, assessnent should be along HTT* 169 only,
Hyde's recomendation was that the assessment levied against this property Be
reduced from $&,3?&,62 (1676,lFk. Q $2.61) to $2,165.26 (629.6 F-L. 0 $2.61).
Also, on,-Lne above-naned prop&y, that the Assessment for Sanitary Sever
130. 53 (Richfidd-ZcEna InkercTptor Sewer) be redpced fro3 @007;0o:to $-j95:&3*
2, "Lot 10, Block 12, Eendelssohn hddition.11 This pmper%y was-originally ,
assessed for Sanitary Sewer Ho. 69 amount,of. $261.00, representing 100 Front
Feet on John Street, but there is no zcbual access from John Street because of
a 65-r"oot strip betwesn turn-around and balance of lot, which is owned by anobher
OI-M~P. 1lr. Hyde recomaded %ha% assessment against Zot ,I& be cancelled, vrith the mderstmding that it be re-assessed at such time-as access is provided to *
the John Street Turn-around. &mer is Er. Paul F. Richardson. 3. flPaf?cels 1610 and 1650, Plat 73729,tt mmed by3k.. F4lanuel Kolm. i.2, Holm
has-pked for &n adjustnent- of five .acres at &50 per acre, &aiming swap
praperky. Er. Hyde recornended this adjustment, inasmuch as this pmperLy is
located on%k edge of lll?leado.c.rbrook swampr1 and is under wa$er.
would reduce assessment-from $909.00 4% !)159.00,
4. ItNorth part of Block 26, llendelssohn. Addi.%ion,!l omed by 12. Tlobert E, Corm,
Jr, ,I+b. Cow Qad asked -tht assessment be made on,= lknplatted proprtpt basis,
but I.$. Hsde recornended jllowing assessmenf;%o stand as origrindly levied,
eqlginihg that the only adjustment made to %npl+ttedll basis in Nendelssohn
tias on that property over w'hich easemerrtS had been grated.
Dznensr motion, thst Ihnager HydeIs recornadations be accepted, and that assess-
nent adjustments be made in accordance with these recomiendations, was seconded
1. -1fPart of Zot 2, Pax% of Wi 6, and bts 7, 8 and 9, Garden Park." This'
Sbce assessnent vas made, omer Albert 0. -mson has proved %kt
This adjustment
by %pa and carried. I
LiGBT POD3 OR S.3uPiWIZf LW3. Iknager Hyde was directed to investigate Northern
line with wiidom at ,56U:. St . Andrevs Avenue.
Coqmyts. -action 5n installing a light pole on Southview Lane in
11/14/55 -
'?$-FOOT STRLP ON W.495 STREET. Hanager Hyde reported he feels that 49 feet of
the property. aimed by S$jow_Cornpagy on 1f849& street will be sufficient to give
thz Village the right-of-way it needs;-that he has discussed price with people
acquainted with values in this area; that it seems to be consensus of opinion'
that 8333 per front foot is-a fair price. Et?. Hyde recornended purchase of 42
feet at $1,500, stating this will make it possible to even curb line of street
to that of the Hartzell property; will eliminate nego'ciations concerning that
part of the property which contains the building. I&-. Stow asked concerning the,retaining wall, and was told that the Village would-not be liable for
very much, if any, additional work here; that there would be a curb and that
land wmld be sloped. Tu-pa noved for approval of purchase as recommended. Notion
seconded by Danens and. carried.
STORK SZ@B FOR BUSLmSS AREA-502X &ID l?R.4HCE, In connection with the above
transaction, J@.- Stow .asked ,concern@g a..stcyn sewer.
impossible for people to step off the sidewalk during heavy rains because of
the lake at 49& and France.
made of the situation; that Councjl should install an adequate storm sewer,
sending the water to the Cre?k if necessary, and assess a11 the benefited
pr operty .
W.5OTH ST~'T' BUS E3X3NSiON. Nanager Hyde reported letter received from Twin
City. EapiC; ,'&hnsit Gompany2 .de.clhkg $0 consider an extension until such. time, as the Coapanyts repest for rate adjustment is resolved. Trustee Tupa asked
that Hanager HJrde suggest to T.Tr. Ossanna an extension temporarily-, as a test.
He stated that it is
I&. Stow said he feels that a study should be I
BROBIGsiDE BRZbGE. E?, &?herson 6f liiinneaplis, Uorthfield and Southern
Bailway, Conpyhy .talked wi$h the Council concerning the Railway Companyt s -
negotiation with- 'I%rin City Rapid-Trz-sit Company on the--Brookside Bridge,
was asked to keep.the Council informed,
ks. ready.tq_s.i;arfj ..on this project; that peak h&s been encountered in this
location; thztt contractor will go South fr0mTi~70th S-breet as l"m as the first
road in the Chapman Plat; that, in-tne meantQe, Village Engineers will consid-er
possibility of anothgr route down Highway #lOO--e&ther m0-g farther west, or
even moving across highway. '7
liiianager Hyde reported that the contractor
.Wgs-,on * the &rsposed Lake Edina _lTakermaw project . .
public hearing and schedule bids_for this project as. of Novmber 28. He reminded
Council that his plat hastbeen delayed for many months pending final approval of -
road situation6 -IZr, Stow promised to have Estjmates of Cost, plans, etc,, ready
for Village Zngin.eer Zikan's review by November 15.
tentatively scheduled-Tor lTovember 28, pending approval by-%&-. Zikan of plans.
LPT STnTIOIiJ ?FtOPZRTY-lJMHINGTON lif?WIEY. Engineer Zikan reported that
because.of- ney-.plms for .the !rNi.ne-lEle- Creek Trunk SeweT1t, it may be possible
Lo dispense with a permanent lift station at Washin&on and Naloney Avenues; that
5% will, however, be necessary to install a t-gnporary lift to serve the properties
in Sanitary Sewer No. 70 area, until such time as the proposed new trunk is put
into operation. He stated that owner Lindbery is willing to either sell or lease
property at %lashingLon and Ealoney Avenues--sale being on condition that property
vS.11 not be used for other khan 1st station purposes and on condition th& 1&8
Llindbery may re-purchase from the Village at any time that lift station is no
longer necessary,
3Sr. Stow pleaded for initiations of proceed-
He asked that Council hold
Both Hearing' and Bids were
Hessrs. Zikan and Ifindhorst asked to work out plan best for
Village. n ..
plalns and specifieatioras SOT, this.proJect, -asking-that Council adverkise for bids
to be taken November 28,
adoption: ,
Engineer Zikan presented
Tupa offered the following Resolution and moved its
€E?, IT ~OL~D by the Village CQunc&l, @..the Village,. of Pd' ma:
the following Advertisement for Bids form, heretofore prepared by the Village
Engineer and now on file in the office of the Village Clerk are hereby appyoved.
2. the Edina-Norningside
Courier and the Construction Bulletin the following notice for bids for said
jmprovenrent :
. I, -The plans and-specifications for the proposed Bprovement set forth in
The Clerk shall cause to be published twice
ITOTICE IS I-EBaBY GISBiTathat the Ediga-Village Council will meet at the
Edina Village, Hall, 48qX tf. 50th ,Street, Honday, Rovember *28, at 7:30 ?.I% , and
trill at said time and place open and consider seabd bids for the+folloFvhg:
(31-RADIKG liilJi3 GRAV3LZVG - Doncaster Way from iiyrshire 3lvd. to
l&Xl.Ft., mor? or..less, North thereof; and Croyden Lane from
Doncaster Iksy to 200 Ft., more or less, East thereof,
-- I aork must be done as described an@ specified in plans and specifications
for said irqrovenents on file in the office of the Village Clerk u@on deposit of
$10.00, which deposit will be re2undable upon return of ssid plans and specifications,
Bids must be subzitted on basis of cash payment for vork.
unless sealed and filed T.ri-th undersigned before time of said meeting and accompanied
by cash deposit, bid bond, or certified check payable to the Village Clerk in amount
of ten percent of mount of bid.
No bids will be considered
BY oam OF TE v3XTJ!!m COUi~CIL, c
1 I- .-- .-.. - (3€tiSGmJ S. iLiE3 - - .~.
ViJlage CJ,erk. 3. Each and all of the terns of the foregoing a4vertisernent Tor bids are hereby
adopted as the terns and conditions 02 award of the contract for said improveaent.
Kotion for adoption 02 Resolution was second
three ayes and no nzys,.as follovrs: Danens, , aye; and Zriclcson, asre; and solution was adopted.
Danens' notion, authorizing :boo, 000 Advance on Bovaber Tax Settlement, was seconded
by Tqa gad carried,
Danens then moved, approving Village Payroll, amount &j3 273,ll, Election Fayroll,
aount $7&4,38b ad the folloirhg Clahs:
Geperd. Fund - &,031,46 Fwd - $37,992.89
Const. Fmd 65,23L:..31 Garbage .Fund 1,816.SO Parks Fund 3,336.96 Ihprove,Funds 61,053.66
Iiater Fund 2, OL,~. 69 Poor hd 206.13 Zo-bion seconded by Tup2 and carried,
ponds. acd-pa;tyxl skczting rWs have_-"Thin Ice Signs" placed on them prior to safe
sl;z'cbg weather. * - -
Council asked tii& Parks Director French see -bo it thzt all
Sf0;i' PW??TGe
one7nw-2rews; -and that an economicgl sand spreader is being purchased,
There being no further business to come before this meting, Tupa moved for adjourment,
1.%rzger Hyde reprted that sno:.r.plow$ng is being organized xith
ihti.On seco$ed by Daen;; wd carried.
Village Clerk