HomeMy WebLinkAbout19551128_REGULARI. .. .-- -- IIembers answering Rollcall were Bredesen, Danens, Fronk and Tupa. Bredesen presided _in Hayor %rickson's absence. I4ayor Pro Tem Wnutes of the meetkg of Movmber 14, 1955, were approved as submitted, by motion Dane~s, seconded by Tupa and carried. Clerk read Affidavib of Publication for lfAdvertisement for Bids-Grading ad Graveling: Ifat ermin kp~ovement, in Edina-Norningside Courier axd Construction I3ulleLin Noveniber 17 and 2&, 1955, sdlich affidpits were approved as to form and ordered placed on file. accepted on Pursuant to said Adver$isement, sezled bids were 1. GROIXG JJD CZ?A!lX4hGp - Doncaster-ixday from Ayrshire Blv$ to 1270 3%. , 2, WATERd~iAfN ZmmSION AND APPURTXNAi~CEf3 - Lo serve-all lots in Lake Edina more or-less, North thereof; and croyden &ne From Doncas-ter ?@y to 200 Ft., more or less,.East thereof. Addition. , '.. 3 .. 3 Dmms' motion, that bids-be referre4 to Tillage Engineer for pub@ opening, tabulation a$ report, was seconded by TuEa and carrisd. DFuaq -Eo* OWE1 & 1L!UiJI jXiE!ki!I CQNsT Sqmmer-~Jork Winter . Bmer Summer. Work Only Xork Work Only sl&%ITBY - W.57th st8, Hwy.100 to Nomandale Court 8 3,388.90 8 4,205.45 $ 2,933.05 $'2,756.40 ( 4, $33. OZjTfinter) ._ S~XTi'ARX 3ETIZE - T&ndelssohn & Lme from Ihloney he. to Blake Road $ 6,234,05 8 7,911.32h$ 5,405.12 8 5,725.43 Rd, from Existing Trunk Sewer' to W. end of Interlachen .Rd, $20,256.48 $29,437.74 $21,754.19 &4,386.?3 ... . _. Trail $ 5,726,85 $ 8,35.L92 $-6,352857 $ 6,12$.33 (8,588.19Jinter) SINITlXtY SZZR - Interlachen (36,530 ,, ZO'CJint er) . (9,182.00~inter) , (4,613.57W-her) - , (4,134.60lJinter) (67, 9 51. 46Yinter) SL?IiTLRY SEER - El Racho I SnE\IEABY SBLB - ?ki,terma,n - Il~lT2ZUIN - 7.57t h St ., Hive . Circle 8 3,153.30 $ 4,155.20~\ $-3,248,60 $~3,075.11~ -100 to. Nomgndale Court 3 3,001.00 $ L,,195.70 8 2,515.30 $ 2,756.4Q TOTAL - $41,760.58 :$58,320.33 $42,268,€3 $45,300.96 Engineer Zihn e=l$ned that Gouncil-a_ction pn these various projects had been held over from-last meting, pefiding ownerst preference as to swier tmrk vs tinter work; that the oTmers of tlendelssohn Lane (Hollander-Peterson) and of $&terman Circle (Lampe) have stated tpir preference for winter1 work, whereas ouners of the properties, to- be assessed for the other pro jects have stated their preference for summer work; that the low bidder on winter work, Orfei and Tiariami., has stated that even though bids were tied, company willtaccopt contracts for the Iiiendelssohn &ne and Katerman Circle projects only, at pricestbid for winpr work. awaxded on winter work basis to Orfei pd Nariani on the iCendelssohn Lane project, at $7,911832, and on the ITatemW Circle project, at $4,155.20; that bids ob the other projects be rejected, with the understanding that these projecks will be grouped with other projects 'co be bid in the spring. in accordance with 33'3'. Zikan's recommendation, subject to letter from owners statkg their acceptance of winter mrk basis, and that balance of bids be rejedted, wits seconded by Danens and carriedo Nr. Zikan recommended that bids be Fronk's motion, that bids be awarded I Nayor Bredesen then called for continua$ion-of Public Hearings of November 14, an8 action was taken as follows: S&fiTAXY Sam I3 IHTI%@LACmN ROAD-FE@I SXk3?!kNG TRUIE SEZR YO TI53 7EST OF IUT~-L.&C~I BON, &i?D 23L ~?A%XHO T&aLm . 1% _Tqas explained that at the Het;rb& of . - Novenber U:,.,Council .had Wcen-t ep$at ive I action to reduce the scope of this pro j ect, routing the sewer ''to serve El Rancho Trail, kt 10, Auditor's Subd, $To* 325, and Lots 1 and 2, Blockcl, Harold ?oods Addn.; that there had been considerable dis- cussion on the possibility of serving the Floback residence on Lot 31 Block 1, Harold lloods Addition; that the engineers find that, with sone e,utra depth in the line, it will be possible to serve said Lot 3; that it is planned, now, to run the' line just to the corner of Lot 3, w'nich should mean only a small additional cost. Fronk offered the following- Resolution and moved. its adoption: 1, 1 c- Sfi-iniBY SETTER IXPROVEX@~ 110. 100 BE: IY EiEOL?DD by the Council of the..Village of Bdjna, l.iirmesota, that this Comcil heretofore caused notice of hearings to be duly published on the follovr- ing proposed improvements: C CG4SmETIOl.j OF SAIWARY LU~AL .SE;CBR AUD 'APPURTEBAMXS m: A. Interlachen Eoad. fron &&sting -Tqmk-SetrgF to the Irest .End of Interlachen Road. B. .El Rancho Trail and at tb h+rings held at the time and place specified in said notice the Council has duly considered the views of all persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed tilth the construction of said hprovment s, combining and decreasing the- scope of said hproveEents to read ast follows:- Construction of Smitary Latere Sewer and Appurtenances to serve EL-kcho Trail, Lot 10, Auditor's Subdivision 1Jo. 325, and Lots 1, that s&d 5npmvaent is hereby: designated and shall be referred to in aXL subsequent proceedbgs as S?GIC€WY SXGR lXl?ZOEZI;T HO. 100, md the area to- r be specially assessed therefor. shall bed.lrAll .lots and tracts 03 land 5a Wl Rmcho*lcand I;ot XI, Auditorts Subdivision iJo. 325, and Lots 1, 2 and 5, - Ijlock 1, Harold fToods Addition. I .. - 2 Gd 3, Block l,,Hmld Voods Addition c"- Xotion for adoptioc of tke Resolution was seconded by Tupa, and on Rollcall there were Zour zyes, as follor.rs: Bredesen, we; and the Besolution was U' c- <- P. c "C "C *c *. Therevrere no objections to Sanitary Sewer hprovements for either Nendelssohn he or Tjatermzn Circle, and-Tup3, offqed the following Resolution and moved its adoption:. .. - rnOitbTXO€J OPaanG IEPRrn-3JTS SBJlTLTl SESR iKF2OVZXi!$ XOe 101 iZD 102 E3 IT RBOLABD by the ~Comcil of- the .Village of -Edina, I.llinnes ota, that this CouncQ heretofore caused notices of hearings to be duly published on the follow c - I ing pmGosed hprovments: -c emmucrm 02 S~I~RJ u-mm m;,m JJD APPURTWGGIB m: e, 23atermn Circle, *c " .c A. _Kende?-sso$n Lane fqm..+C!.qn.ey.2.~eo~ to.Blake .Eoad. . . . - ad a% the heajngs held at the time an5 place specified in said notice the Council has dd-y considered the views of all persons interested, and- being fu3.l~advised of ti-!! perthent-facts does hereby. determine to proceed with the construction oT said hprovenen-bs; that said improvements are hereby desig- nated and shall be referred to in all subsequent, proceeclings as follom: - - c -z "C c IUJZ OF X-iPitOYZiiZJT: Sanitzry Sevm in IIerdelssohn kne from Xaloney Sanitary Sewer int ITatein Circle - c Sanitwy Sewer Xo. 102 For Sanitary Sever hprovezmt No. 101 - Lots 1 to 7, hcl., Block 1; For-Sanitary Sewer Tmprovenent 210; 102 - Lots-1 to 6, incl., Block I, he. to Blake Rd, .% Sanitary Sewer Bo, 101 - and the areas to be spzcially assessed therefor shall-be as fo&l.otrs: kts L-to LO, incl., Block 2, Xendelssohn Heikhks Addition, . Lrape!s Subdivision of Zobs 8 to 23, lIi3lard*s,Subdivision of Block-17, Zende3,ss oh. Zotion for adoption of the Eesolution was seconded by Druneas, and on EollcCLl tlere were four ayes and no nap; as folLor;ss:* Danens . -c a e; Fronk, qj; Tupaj aye; and * Bredesen, aye; and tb Resolution was adopted P &&/L&dJ- c d--Q&& rc?8.d I IIayor / (- E /2/&P-u mz J .* Pillage Clerk Council pias k"omed %hat there had been no objections at the liZe&ing of loveinber l.4, to the proposed construction of hteral Connections to Vatemin in TT.70th Street: bet7reen Cornelia Drive and Highway No. lOO--th& 15.'. -Gad had asked anb received a report on this project. There were no objections registered from the floor, and no written objections. had been received by the Clerk prior to this Kerning. Tup offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: C - t n l?,ESOLUTION ORDIBIIJG DPEKVE-siJT * c* BZ 32 %,XSOLV..Z€l by the Couqcil of .the Village of Ediaa, I.finaeso$a, 'chat $his ing proposed hpmvexent: t 5- t&TZK&EJ DJPX)~JT XO. 86 SUPPXE3232JT - 1 t I ComcB heretoi'ure caused notice of hearing to be &ly pblished on the follow- ~~~j~~~U~~~~J 02 VijJ&GE ~~~~.Q\Il$ EXTZFI 103 fitn &?P~?~~&c~ ni W.?@h S-L, Zron Cornelia Jriye-to Trrwlk-kIighzK KO.. 100 - ~ . said construction behg tl-e house connections fmm the trunk nrin U/28/55 and at the hwrings held at the time-and place specified in said noLice %he Council has duly cmsidered the View 02 all persons interested, and being fully advis ed of the pertinent facts does hereby determine -to proceed with the cons-bruction of said improvement;- that said improvement is hereby desig- nated znd shall be referred %o in all s&sequen'c proceedings as fo-llows: lL\T~~~iJ ii,Z5WZLZI~E 110, 86 SIJP?~~EIE, and the area to be qoecially assessed therefor includes all lots and tFac$s of land abutting the portion of the street proposed to be improved. , I - Notion for adoption ofc Resolution was se were four &yes ad no' mys, as follows: and Bredesen, aye; and Yhe Resolution yyas PUBLIC I-EfLW~JGS OF NOV3BER 28. Edba-Homirmgside .Courier i!ovembey -17 and 24, 1955 for l*I\Totice. of Heayings on proposed hprovementsrre. Affidavit was approved as to form and ordered placed on file, and, pursuant to-said notice the follow5ng Public Hewings were held and action taken: >a Clerk submitted Affidavit of Publication1 in 1, 2. PUBLIC E%WNG ON cojqsTi-iuCTiOx OF VEIJXGX ~TATZ~ILX~N LZXKXSION am c&F€'mm&$CEs to serve all. l@x, in Lake Zana Addition. Zngineer ..ZUcan showed a.Vu-Graph Slride of proposed- constmctQn and area to be assessedo He explained that original estimate, as prepared br Developer's engineer in amoun-b of $L6,500, has been comected to $21,180.00, which .i.Jill be an estimated increase from $3.06 to $3.93- per assessable foot oi? 5,389 assessable feet. This correction is, to include house connections from the nains -to a point two feet behind the curb line. Stow demuizred at the additional cost, but stated that .he does want the improvement, and just as soon as possibles There were no objections registered, and no mitten objecticms ha,d been received prior to the Hearing. (See Resolution Orderjng Jinprovenent) e I Devdoper E.C. - Pmm .IELAR&VG ON CaarnucTro~J OF sTimli~w mhm cmS im ~u~m 03 7BlBGZVBlf DRrV33 FRO24 D&t@iB DEI33 TQ,IEADOW-RIDGE. . Vu-Graph Slide of proposed. -improvemen$ and assessment -district was qhom, and Ere Zikan's es'cirfiate was read at $2,929.76 as dgains'c 845.4 Assessable Feet,,for $3.46 per iissessablp Foot, from the floor, and none had been received prior to the Hearing. Developer S~OT'T, owner of all benefited lots but ope, stated he is in favor of the irmrovemen-b There were no objections made Fronl;: offered the i'oliot.sing Besolution and moved its adoption: _. €?,3SOLWX!&I QBDZ3ING EPEOV2?3iflS. 5, rn-- ,J@.hdWi$ ~13Q-EZiZi!JTu NS>, 10.4.; 1 *, ST3T iXP3CiVHZ3IE! BiO. B-34 I EG IT B%sOLSBD by the Council of ,th-e Tlillage-_gf.Edina, TIinnesota, that this Council heretofoqe- caused" notices of hearing to be duly published on the following proposed irnpm vem nt s : J. Congtruction of Village%Tatermin Mension and Appurtenances to serve all lots in Lake i!@-na Addition, 2, Construction of Standard Tillage Curb ad Gutter'in Ridge:$iew - Drive from Danens Drive to Xeadow .Ridge and at 'che hearings held at .the time. and p$ce specified,in said notice the Council has duly consid'ered the hews of- all persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceesl with the construction of said impmvenents; that said improvements are hereby designated a%d shall be referred .to in all subsequent proceedings as follows: - NANE OF zIiE'?OmBfl: Ro. 1 Above ITatermin improvment iqo . lQ4- - No. 2 Rive - gtreet hproveqent No, %34 For Ifatemin Improvement No. 104 - A11 lots and tracts of land in Lake and the areas to be specially assessed therefor shctll be as follows:- %dha J~ddftion. 1 For Street Improvment No. B-34 - Lois 1 and 4.4, r310ck 4.; "Lots 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, and Nl$ 10 Ft. of Lot 10, Block 8, Brookview Heights First Addition, **. Hotion for adoption of the Resolution was secgnded by Tupa, and'on Bollcall there were four aJTes and no nays, as follows: Dan?&$, aye; Frorak, aye; Tupaj aye; and Bredesen, aie; and the Resolution was +do -12age Clerk I. V .- 1 I glming. Comission has recornended approval of Iir. Str$d!s petition because of Vne fact that mnx of the other lots in this area are ofly 66 feet in Zronkge. 1.k. Charles So Corchran, 5917 &zing Avenue, pi-esezted a ptition in opposition to plan, signed by owners of SOM~ ten lots in the inmediate nei&lm rhood. lots subdivided into 66-foot Bntage, lots have been re-subdivided, and aost of the owners have 2% least 70 feet; sow of them hawig more than 75 feet, Fzonkrs notion, that plat be divided in sccorda;n.ce with Village Zoning Ordinace, vas seconded by Tupa and carried. Thyor Erefiesen announced &o audience thzt this action denies Ik, Sward's petition, 21i0 HBFXHG OX ETITICiLz OF V.T. EG!3CK FOX YZ%.iE TO PIAT Om Y~.RuLC& EIGhT 03' FAY1* EZLZZiI TzmDDiiI&iLV.iuW AID IX&S WLIZ~JAS ET0 25 LOTS, U@. LOT €GQJEJG Ih DZ€TH OF .IE3S,.BIAE 120 .FZEX. +-A ,delegGtion of. sone He explained that while plat shows neighboring L-rl &en parsons asked to - see. plat; ad -1.k . konasd OdeU, 4.504 ??.&th St . , aslced that '(1) Council be sure that S,idewal.k end Curb and Gutter zre provided imzediately-rxiiqther or not property is fully Pproved. (2) 'ithi3 develqpsr be required to pay for additional ten feet of the s%reet--YIat peopls on hrth side of street be ekcused from-this asseqsment. (3) That set-bxk froa V.L&Lii Street be estsblished at 30 feet. Xessrs. Weck ad Besop ststgd t'mt a 25-200t setkack would make a better bdmce izl the qphion of eqoerts, and that provide a bigger back Tmd and prsvent crowding of Sunn;.si.de properties. cozzcurred in-the opinion tal" the developers, zslhg for t. 25-foo-b *se-YIack to keep fu'.l&&h S-i;reet properties from llborrouring our back yards". Developr slzted that he is unwillhg to pay the cost of sidevralk, curb ad gutter; ad it was pointed out tlxb he could pelition Tor same, vith cost to be assessed, or that Council could order xork in if it deexed it necessmr so to-do. Fronk's motion, $ha,% lots as shoum on P-felhfinary Plat of "AEden Pzrk Second kdditionll--T.Ji?ich do conforn to Zg-g Ordinance Becpirments as-to area and-frontage, but which do not cor;t.$om in d&pth-- be qproved as to size, 12. Gdi. So-mesyn, &SO6 Sypide, . Xotion rvas seconded by Tupa and ynanlhously carried: *' 2B. SAXE OF BLOCK I,&, €EO?ZD~ PAFX. IJanager Hyde reported that the developer or" IfArden Park .Second Acidi%ionll has acquired the reversionw'y rightst to this parcel of ground-a narrw strip lying between Y.Uth Sreet.,md the old Streetcar R/W, from Br0r;lldd.e henue, Zast; tht the entire psrcel con%ains slightly -over 10,000 square feet . recomended that the Village sell its right to the propr*-ty for i,i500, this representing %he difference between an appraisal of 2% per sqare foot, or $2,500 ad the cost tonthe developzr of the 'reversionary right1, 52,000. of the ri.&t TBS considerzbly more than $2,000. 7ras had, during which Iir* Ilindhors'c's opinion %o effect tha;t Counca has popier to sell without public hearing rras read. Fronk1s notion, Ynat the offer of $250 for Blodc a, Bromdale Park be accepted. Xk Hrde I&, aesop offered $29 for the tract, stating that the ZX~W~ Cost Some considerable discussion I4otion seconded by TU~Z and cmhdo t C PUBLIC ~WXG ON PaniOg OF V,J. EOIDUC~FOB ~ZO~EG TO COZDTI~Y STOB DIS!BiCT, "WE3 18 @El, 19, BLOCK 1, ~OOE~~E €EIGHTS (5x30 .& 5124 Highmy jFl.69) was. +n.&ti&ed -by Clerk's presentation-of. Zfidavits pr" Publicat ion wlcl Posting, in E&a-lIorningside Courier 1Sovder 17 and 24, and'oq three officia bU&in boards Hovember 17, of Votice of Ilearing on Petition -For Rezoning't. ?dfidavi'cs . were approved as to forriz and ordered @,aced on, r"i1e. Xmager Hyde-reported %he Plming Commission's recommendation 3n favor of rezoning, 15'. Bolduc presented pkn for @ive-in restaurmt for proprty, e:lplaining that Hi&.tsy Departmcnt 'hss taken part of these lots and that they are now too mall 30% residential purpses. 1.k. Bolduc's plan Met rii"ch the strenuous objection of the omers of . properties at 5028,5032,50~,50r&~,5049 Hankerson and 5116 and 5133 IJillim liveme, &l of r.rhom declared traffic on Hanlcerson would be increased. Danens' motion that petition be denied vas seconded by'Tupa and czrried. I' $lL' 11/28/,55 ' PROTEE ON IJlffBR BILL - EEGN W. &I.NSOrS, 4505 W. IfOODW ROAD. to the CounqiJ. a prokest mge previously to Nsager Hyde concerning a $66.32 water bill for the months July, August and Septmber. that his faily was way for 21. days of this time, md that alternate-day sprinkling restrictions were observed during the time the fanily was at home. &e. Egnson brou.&t two nei&bors to corroborate his statements, to the e2fect that there were no leaky plumbing fixtures during the time he was away. that the Village receives complaints occasionally on meters; that Er, Hansont s meter uas -checked at St .Louis. Park in the presence of a factory representatixre aid showed no defect; that Village Ihnager has no authority to make any adjust- ment under $he circwstmces. meter tested satisfactorily on the bench it caul@ have slipped a, digit or two during operation. hood for the sane period was $23.00. to Re, H.znson,' stated that the Council. in no wqy doubts his honesty but that a decision uil7, establish a precedent for other complaints. decision be delayed for further investigation, and this suggestion me% with Council1s approval, lbk. Hanson had tendered Cj25.00 in full papaen'6 of this bill, and IQr,,,Hyde_had eccepted check in part papevt. Nr. Hanson reiterate i- He based his complaint on the fact I&. Hyde emlained It was Ee. Hanson's contention that, although the Nr. Hanson stated that the ne& largest bill in his neighbor- , Trustee Fronk, in explaining Village poficy He suggesbed tkat P33iIT TO SiGL CHRISTILS TEEES. 30 -sell. Cl@.stnas..Tyees, .lifter some discussion, Danens mov9d that reGuest be granted, I4otibn seconded by Fronk and carried, I >be Kyle, 7130 Bornandale Road, requested pennit -_ PUBLIC HSmK iiJUPLSDIG TG?,FO?E FCFz OCTOTGR was revie1;red and ordered placed on file. .. .^ ..... .. ._. __. -.. . - I . -~ -. -. 'Z &XNJEJ'G PXlTTIOi, Petition for Rezoning to ~~Comerkial District"-Lots 1,2,3, Block.1, Grandviea HFights; Lots i3,9,10,11, 3Lock 7, Tingdale Bros._Brookside, and Lot,A, Registered La-ncl Survey No. 7, was. filed, be referred..to Plmirig Coqission. for recommend'ation, was ..seconded by Danens and carri. cd, Frohk's motion, that petition LZBOVZZST PXI~OIJS, movhg that $hey, be accepted and referred to Village Engqeer for scheclu-ling af hearings : The following jmprovement petitions TTere filed, yrith Fro& Ifatemain - Bernard Place &ora Benton Avenue to t.J.6Oth Street qanitary Server - BerFard Place from Bqton Avenye to ~.6Oth Street. Fronkf s mo-Lion was seconded by Tgpa and cayried,, ~ PAEK PEOPXRTP Pu"Ci3.4SB: Coqcil1 .s consideration the, following PwchGse Agreements, for properby in the Lake Whur C. Cam and dnn J, 6oAa Carr - Lots 16 &d 17, Block 18, Leon F, Nourse - Lot. 21, Block 16, Fairfa Addition - Barrette 7.1'. Baker - Lots 22, 23 .and 24, Block 16, Fairfax Addition - C IvIamger, Hyde and Parks-Direckor French presented for Pamela area: c 1. 2. 3. Fairfax Addition - $2,543.00, Sale Price. _1 $ 825,00, Sale Price. $2, &O *OO, Bale Price all due-'and payzble December 15, 1955 $800.00 to be paid.December 15, 1955; and $2,800 to be on contract' Tor deed, at 5% lhterest, pzyable $700'.00 plus interest December 15, 1956, 1957, 1958.and 1959 . 4. Sophia E. Stenson - h%s 8,9,10,11,12,-Block, 18, Fairfax Addition - $3,600.00, Sale Price Fronkts motion, that Council approve purchase agreements as presented, was seconded by Tupa and carried. - llOEL&D&Z COX%WnT SIBVICE COUNCIL C&lTRD3lTION. Contribution of $250 .OO by Bormaidjle Community Service Council to the ?ark Board to be used in, amount of $120 for park land acquisition and in amount. of $130 for 1ToqnandaJ.e park program, was repoxbd. leiter be mitten exgressiag Comcill s appreciation, was seconded by Tupa and carried. Il,66TH i3TiiZB RIG€E-OF-I&IY ACQUISEION. Nr. Edward E, Zoqens' report of November 23, containing tIro..opbions gor rightzof~way was read and?.discussed in some detail; said options being as follows: Czssa's Gutlots, Hennepin County, described, as follows: west corner of kt Four (4); thence Horth a distance of ,333 feet; thence at right angles Zast, a distance of-98 feet; thence Souta and parallel -r.ri-Lh the Vest line of ikt Four (4) , 333 feet to the South line -02 kt Four (4) ; thence Test to the point of begini$ng, which lies Southerly of .a line drawn pardlel i&h and distant 65 feet Northerly of %le South line of the Northwest Quarter of Section 29, Tovm- ship 28 North, Range 2L, ;Jest" - Loge-bher with temporary slope easement - Ovmers, Bertram Pi. Bourne and Za+ona,K. Bourne, I Fronkts motion, that the contribution be accepted 16th thanks and that , PBCZL XO, 41 - Option to purchase for $3,500 - "That part of kt Four (4)> (Commencing at the South- - "*L E 11/28/55 - 323CZL 110. 43 - *Opbion to purchase for $9,850,00 - "That park of ht Four 62 ) (&I, Cassin*s.Gutlots, Hemepin Couxtty, described as I"0llor.r~: *The south 363 feet as lneasured dong the East and Vest lines of %he ilollot@ng,described tract:' The 3outh 7.952 acres of Lot Four (k), Gassin's Outlots, lying Zast of f;Lne XY, said &e XY being described as follom: ..Commencing at a point in the-South boudzrg line of lkt Four (4), r;'nich pain: is distant 294.39 feet East from the Southwest corner of Lot Pour (k) and 294,4S feet ?jest from the Southeabt corner of Lot Four (4); thence ruming North to a east boundary line of Loti Four (4), which point is 294,39 feet, from the Ror-Lh- west corner of Lot Four (4) ad_29&04G feet IJest from the Uortheast corner of Lot Four (4), the.iTorth boundary lihe of the--tract being a straight line, comencing st a pint 5x1 the Zast boundary line of Lot Four (4), which point is U76.27& feet iJos%h fmm the Southeast corner of.Lot Four (4) and $04,366 feet South from the Ijor-bheast corner of Lot Four- (4); thence running Irest parallel with South Eoundarj be of bt.Four (4) 'f;Q -&le Z, except from 3-15 South 383 feet the South 33 feet,,whi.ch lies,Soutberly of a fie dravm parallel ui-bh and distant, 65 feet Northerly of the South line of the IJortn- west, ("u&er of Section 29, To~mship 28 Storth, Range 24 Si'estI* - together vith tmporary slops easements - Qaers, Fritz 8. Benson and @ice E. Eenson. Fro&' s motion that options be exercised I&S seconded-by Tupa and czrried. In connection with ~.6&1 Street righk-of-way acquisition, IIr, Lorens' report on the claim 02 Xic+ael Posingies, 3500 lJ.66th Street, for crop.loss in amount of $395.86, vas reviemd. seconded by Tupa and carried. ,SCJ3SITiCX OF T,ZX-DEI&~.~UZKT l;rL.P F0J PL2&3. PGrk Director French' s request, for '(@llage *accj_ll.i,:itiun ow" stateeloimed lads -. Tor park pwrposes PES ,dis cussed, and Fro& o2fered the 2oUo16ng Besolution and moved i%s adoption: in the Uorth- K Fronkfs notion approying pqme~t of clah .r;.as .. c I c RSOLUTIOX FOZ &xprsmici$ OF I Hei-epin County, 'I.Thesota, make application to the State of i&nesota for acqyisition of the following properLy, -to be used by th3s TJil3age for public park ad playground prposes:- e -Lot 16, Bloc!r 15, Fsirhx &.&itton . Percel iTo, 3520, Plat 110. 75330 I - 'I Fat. LO, Block 2&, F+fa Addition . Pcrcel KO. 55.40, Plat i3o. -75330 Ifotion for sdoption of aesolution vas secmded by Danens, &d on Elollcd-1 %h&e were four syes and no nzp, as follows: aredesen, are; and tile Besolution was a c I r -- bagger Brde ppesented recomaendation for Advznce BO~@ Calls .. Fronkt 3 motion, %hat bonds be cslled in accordance with ik. Hyde' s recornendation, IT^ seconded. by Daaens and carried. Damns' motion, for approvaL of Village ~~lyroll, amount $~.,~1,,4.82 for period IJovember 16 to 30, and for approval of the following Claims, was seconded by . TUP~ and camied: -- General Fund - $7,050 52 Garbage Fund - $1,515.04 Const;, Fund 275,482*19 Sewer Rectal - 10,210a35 7ka-b er Fund 203,U4.. 95 3nprove.Funds- 469,200.77 Poor..Fund - 3,030.08 Parks Fund 50. €3 Spec.Assesse - l4,,02.4.08 r Liquor A%nd 9,926 . 16 PoIoBe Fund - 9,935.40 BIDS 'L'AIGbJ IISOVZibi33Fi 28. Zn$neer Zihn presented report on bids taken this evening, which were as follovrs: TEREtY BBOS., IXC. St .Louis. Park, IJiinna GiUDIiIG Aim GMmLIiqG - Doncaster ?Say from _LI u- A,;~shtre Slvd, to-1270 I%., .more or less, North thereof; aid Croydon Lane from Dancaster Tky to ZOO.Ft,., more or . 1csi*c, East -iAereof. I. $6,71SeOO lk. Zikan suggested tht award of bid be made subject to approvsl by 1-k. Harold Eoszndahl, vtno vdll be paying helf the cost. Tupa so moved, I4otion seconded by Pronlc and carried. L PET38 PNiIFS- O?*l31 & On these bids ?.be Zikan asked that award of bid be delayed until bids are thoroughly checked, He explained that bids give delayed beginning date; and thst immediate a~mrd is not necessary. No action taken. C~JCXULTZO~C~ AWl IIFUNDS ON SECIAL ASSESSBEgTS . 14anager Hyde presented written recornendation of &-dministrative Assistant JON, Dalen, for cancellations and rofunde on several Special lissessment and. PaTeRo Fund improvement pro jsts, where the mount assessed has exceed the construction cost, Report is attached and mzde ,a part of these Ikinutes. Fronlrts motion, _thzt Cancqllations _. and Refunds I ---- be +--- u:,6.c in xccord2i@c! Lith i?CCQnirber~6&%iO~is, 2nd ti~t rscomendcd Clericd. C13r:"3E XOr ~ ---- a, 0 4 %: 2CQ CQ W ..I